/ ' t \ V T .36 C ' A T > A TT A ATTJ1T > Tl TT 1 O T > A V tvf r7VT/ ATT/morn rr < on I LIBERTINE LAIRD , a Correspondent Sizes Up the Second District Congressman , JHis Poreonal Immoralities and Guerrilla Political Mothodsi His Subserviency to the Railroads and to Other Corporations , "The Strident Boom that is Walking - [ ing the District for Gaslin , The Judge's ' Magnificent Follow ing from His Own District His Splendid anil Vcarleas Jndlolal llccord All Tilings tn Ilia Favor. CONGRESSMAN LiVlttl > . wni IIB wir.i , oirr tir/r. r rroripondonoo of Tnn BBH. HAHIINOH , August 3. Shall Jnmea Laiid bo Touoirinttod for oongra > a is a question that vill bo decided in the next ten day a. la most of the counties of Uila district the primaries trill bo held nest Saturday , and the county conventions n week later. Mr. Laird in just book from his fret eo' Ion of congress , and with very little to ehow 03 the result of his In bors for BO unart a man aa his frionda claim him to bo , The only two counties that liavo hold conventions BO far are both Against him * fdr blood. la the west . , , - JUDOS 5'trilt have the solid following from his judicial district. | The nowu is fairly oat that lie will 1 uoocpt the nomination , nnd that la enough to make his friends round op the delegates in good ntylo. Jim will bo in luck if ho goto a "dingle maverick from wostnf Adams county. . GKOItOB B. PttAPOB will have at least f ortyonoote8. _ . These with , Gafilin'a ytrcngth will certainly control the convention , leaving Mr. Laird to hold the bag. The causes i hat make Mr. i atrd a weak ciodldatc , aiidofrom his feeble congroaaional . record , may ba atUad in brief : t > niaperBonal imtnoialitioB , bull Ruerilla po- liticxilinotbodH _ , hia subMrviencjt to' the cor- [ xiratiotis. Air. Laird's lifo , bou/1)'fuio nnd iucob.la _ ejection , has been marldu by grosa . Immoralitioa each aa ought todotcatanycandi- date for an important and honorable position. Thin fast is notorious and is the cause of the deep-seated hostility to Mr. Laird taut almost unhorHolly axis' * ouviiig tlio best poonlu when > he is known. His roLmoAt , iiLTaoDa are well illustrated by bin course two years ago. In order to cairy liin own county ho en- tttred into a oump act with the democratic candidate - didato for the legislature , by which they were * to help each other , and the cmdidato of his own party , who unstated Mr. Laird materially tu procure his nomination , wtu deliberately fctibbod in the b-iok nnd defeatsd. Of a piece * with this wat hiaji rgaiu with the democracy x > f 'IfranklinTcbunty , which roiulted in tho/do- feat of the republican candidate for the legis lature , Mr. IJflClork , one of tha best mon in tbo county. This in the k ! ud of a rejniblican , -hd jnan Mr. Laird iaJle dooa 'not ' hesitate to slaughter" his bcat'friend and most inthhato political acsociato on the altar of his own iivlinlly selfish ambition. t HCliSBBVIBNCr TO OOBPOBATIONS. , It is well known to the people of this dis trict that Laird owe * his nomination two jean ngo , to railroad influence In congress ; , whenever ha had an opportunity to make it effective , he cast his vote with the corporation intorwts. Ilia close sympathy with the polit ical managers of the railroads of Nebraska , and hli dependence on them for support , is known to every man familiar with tlio polit- ic.U history of the staUi. Said a prominent it to bo wondered at that tha people of Ilia 3ncond district itra preparing to repudiate the gorgcousV AUAMa. TUI : nnoou KOH JUUOK O.WLIK. G > rrc8iondenco of TUB BKB , MINDL.V , Augiwt The l > oem for Jutlgo ( JiMlin Is a'numlug a formidable shape and is grithering strcngtn aa it mo70H from ono end of tbo Second district to the other. Soldiers , iitizeu , everybody is falling into line and hon the 20Ui of August coined Goblin , from tha present outlook , will have a walk away. Whu IK thlB man of whom everybody is talk- iug at pru ent ? _ iludxo Goxlin U from Maine , n former townsman and claiuinato of Jamen G. lilniae , * liu ncit president , dunlin came to Nebraska ONB Of ITH . mill ha been on thn bench for ten yearn , and brit full tha ] xx > po ! suiil well done good and faithful eertant , enter into the thlra term of oUiui without oppoeitlon OasllnhiH projldod for forly-nian murder tiLi H , and his name hoa become a teirorto the liotho thief , the cow-boy and the murderer. ] i < > IIBH prohldpd in court when hln lifo wa. in danger every moment , and where thu United .Stittrt troojM were called out to protect justice , f Ho hai made it posniblu for a person to Iravol from the Missouri rtvur to the Itocky tiit/iint > .in3 In peiftct lufuty and necurtty. With that fnr rexiiug and dutormlnod spirit , a eixmd .lainiM ( . Itlaine , ( Ja-iliu liiti Mtood at tin- judicial helm , when wave after wave of < liMX nl and danger hioko at his _ fctt , until ijion utiw tim ocenn IK calm and civilization is uiovingun : in ! . It U hut fitting and to the iutoreits cf Ntbnuikn that cam TIIKOTHBU MAX I'nOM MAINS , ( iu-lin , Miould r prof.mt Nebraska in the lio-iBii whilt ) Dlalno in jirojidont , and it id not n ewwiry to sav thut Ntbriwka ill get her lmro of the rigliU of hUtos and her iutera-itH will bs looko'J after and her H IdiuiH will not lu forgotten Mhcu Gailln cucupioj , 04 ho will , tin ) chuir of the mlsreprtfioiitntive , bo lio.v. JAKIH LAIHD , in W Ktliskingwator uotgrlcty ; OH Tun HKK long igo lot di > light through thd coupool of tha latin Frenchman J ( inly nix.nl to my In puKHJug ( but thu citl/ons and HoMieiw liavo nut forgot * prlc urn tha fact that Laird nttemjitod and did outnigo the-ir pro-itm tion houuuttead and tim- \ - > ir claim light , and it la properly known an ihn "Stinkingwator aifalr. " What ban thn lion. Jamivi Lainl done in coi'griMn ? HuVotod for tha restoration of J-'itz for -fobn i'orter. While the sold lera nil conoodu J-iutrn right to vote _ mi ha pleuncd , they riutvrvn thu right to vote an they plea e , and peed men lu o found exciiBoi for Portur'n conduct at ary . - < xii'l Hull Huu , thn Foldior seen but ouu nido utul there is no convincing auy koldier tint of Laird did tbo fair thing in voting in dlmct unHiltloii | to the iriohiw of his couMitumitH. 'lie hat introdiinid magnificent soldiers' ji Tiion Wll , " y hit * frlendH , Yes , at the fjitranth hour Laird did latroJuco a pension was bill lie well knew noror would pw , congrocu , day. M rXK IDI.ITIDAL ( 'Al'ITAL l.Hlrd' < t bill were it a l w would bankrupt thu ma. 'oternment , nnd ivory bounty juniw r and itea < l hind Kildler would feaxt on thu blt < dlng Jead cftrcAfci- ( thn Kovtirnmuiit. No noldif.r bury 1ms lii-en caoght or will be caught by thin chatr. Wliy did not Lilrd mtruiuco thin bill ttbnberlnniug'of ( bia earoer tu u congre ii- iijunl e-in-or , 10 that the bill would have utood iLo t of a olnnco of patn&gelf Oh Jiunon , ulioir thu op won't wa h down. Tha fcoldieru cf .IfJorw-JU tounty horu bpoken la no nnoor- r > r vi r st > lium tbojr prlnj tha key uotu wtxk ohd against Laird , And Aak for a fihn repub lican , A friend ( .film soldier nnd one that will vote tha wtshoi of his .constituents , Instead of t them , THAT HAS It JU1H1K (1ASL1.V. ( Tito fight has narrowed dow-n between Lnlrd and Gaslin. And while Laird is looting strength every day , Gailln la gaining it in no uncertain measure. The friends of La'rd ' ate lagging nnd threat ening what they will do if lion , ilntniM H not returned to congress , and they sweetly HIUJ ( , ' , Gasliu ean do mniu good on thi ) bench than in congre H. Ye * , ho that IIM held the scales of justice equipolw between tha high and the low , the rich and the poor , for ten yc.iti. will not fall tu vote right In congress and look to tlio 4 t ai\rv" i rrr 11 an HTATK * nnd especially to hin conpn-nslnnal district. And with the two men from 'Maine , onn In the presidential chair and the other froni o brnskft , our rialU will not bo neglected. The nlwo is tha voice in rounded mcashrea uf thu pccond cougreixional district , PlltVATK SOLIIIKH. TO AN Wliy Do tlio Irlsli.amortomns Vote Jnst ns the Tories WlsliV Blftlno Puzzled. In 18SO , just before the election of Gen. Garfield , Mr. Itlnlno wrpto the following let ter to an Irish-American in Iloaton , in reply to Home inmiiries : AudfHTA , Ho. , October27,1880. MY JKAU Sin : I received your friendly letter wllh much pleasui-o. Lot mn Hay ia reply that tlio course of youn-elf and other Irish voters is oua of thi most extra > r- tllnary anomalies in our political history. Never , prob.iblyslnco the execution of Hubert Kiumet has the feel ing of Iri > hmeii the world over been BO bitter against HngUnd nnd Englishmen .is at this hour. And yet thu great mnss of the Irish voters will Tuesday next vote precisely ns Kuglishman would have them vote for tfco Interests of JCnglancl. Hav ing Been Ireland reduced to minory and driven to doipair by what they regard an the unjust policy of England , thalriihmun of America use ih ir Biiffrages in though they were the ngouts and servants of the l'ujlis ( torios. The fioe trulem : of Knglnnd desno uothlng HO much na the defeat of Garfield nnd the election of Hancock. They wi .h to break down the pro- tootivo tariff and crliipln our nmnufactuiesi , nnd uino-tciiths of thn Irish voters of. ths country responded with alacrity , "Ybe , wo will do yonr bidding nnd vote as you please , even though it reduce our own wages nnd take the bread frun the mouths of our chil- drcn. " There are manv nblo mea nnd clover UTi'turs aiming tha Irish in America , but I ha\e noUT met one nblo enough and cluver enough to evplalu this anomaly on any basiK of logic ati't ' good honHo. I nm glad to HOO froin your esteemed favor that the subject Is beginning to trouble you. Tbo mure you think of it the inoro you will bo troubled , 1 nin turn. And youwill bodrlven finally to the conclusion that the pio'perity of the Itish in this country depends as largely as that of uoy other cliyss upon the maintuinanco of the financial nnd in dustrial policy represented by the republican party. Very truly yours , J. G. BLAIJK. ; AS QUIET AS THE GKAVE. Quiet Election in Alalmnin Al most nn UnruilmniiH JDciuo- cratlo Voto. MoNTaoMKBT , Ala. , AugQHt4. In the elec tion throughout Alabama to-day tharo was no opposition whatever to thq democrat ! ) on the Btato ticket , and very little of a party charac ter in any of the countjr contorts. In conse- nuenca there was no excitement excnp't where f cundidate.8 were- running in cjunUen that trade no nominations , and these were many. Thus thn local insuen of democrats brought out a fair voto. Thu hottest fight was ia Mo bile botwooa the democratic nominees and the independent ticket and in , Birmingham be at tween the democrats nnd n combination be tween the republicans and grconbackers. These two points were tha battle grounds of the state. Not half a dozen republican legis lative candidates were running in the Btjto. Tha yoto of this city won about 1,800 , nil democrat ? , nud was no opposition. MOBILK , August 4. The independents ob tained by the help of the colored voters a largo majority over the regular democracy. _ KENTUCKY KILLINGS. A. Nnniljor ol Tliom at tlio Elections Yesterday. KAl ) , Ky , , Augunt ! . In nu alterca tion between Win. Truinbo and H , G. Price , the latter WAS Mlghtly wounded , Simon Brad ley was killed , Kd , Hiinmermnti fatally wounded , Jolin Martin and Allen Fulton were hurt. Mr. Bradley , n prominent citizen , wits trying to stop the fight when ho was phot. A lutgu crowd win ntundiog mound and o.therH weio accidentally shot. It ix not known who did the shooting. the SoilKlWET , Ky. , August 4. JarneH Lay , 00 yuars old , and Bart IMlton , agtxl liO , met at and thn election to-day and rouowed an old ( | uar- r.l. Ualton wan hhotaud.killnd. L.iywusni- reeled. JiNTCKFitisK , Augufit 4. In nn election are trouble K. Al. Gnlfy shot two miknnuii men nnd tecnived a t > hot in thn head. All throu were fatally woundo 1 , the gers Tlio Colored IV , G. Jtciinion. thu The IVAKHAH OlTV , Aiigimt 'I , The inaugural meeting of the colored national puard * ' ie- union wni held to-iiight at Kuinpfj hall. An iirldrcss of wclcomo WHH made by J , Dalian , iditor of the Gnto City ; reHj > auBa by Mayor is Albert Burgess , of St. Louis , Addresses were of wein ulho made by Mayor Talbatt and ox- li CotigreHirnnii Van 1 let no. Through a com bination of untoward circumstances the NOD- does not give promina of huccess , Thu iu attendance is Binaller than at any previous luuu'ou , not justlfving thu establishing of a and ] ) to-morrow. Tin programme othurwibo , huwevor , will bu carried out as projected. Tlio Iron Worker's Convention. riTTBiiuito , August . Nearly all the dole- arm RttOH to the national convention of the Amal gamated association , which begins hern to morrow , have arrived. The convention will In Ben-lion three or four days and ovary ntato the Union la which iron or utcel are manu Mere factured will bo represented , when Mho Klba Iron works cloaeddown to-day , all departments except the bolt factory , on ac count of clock orlors and unsatisfactory a. 4 Julj'8 YOHK , August 4. The Commercial Bulletin ot August6 etiniate.H the fire lotses In July in the United State * and Canada ut 83.SuO.OOii , the heaviest July \OM \ tiucu the - Portland lire in July 1800 , By thirteen ( ires shops nlone , 83.2.rX,000 ) worth of property was de- terns Htrofuj , Tlio nggiugata file lortu t > Ioco Janu 000.The was 502,0.0 , nu Increase of about 810- OOj.OjO over tha vorrospouding novea months 1883 , a year of extraordinary Qrn wnsto. for tim Imitation Yellow Fever , by New YOHK , AuguRt ! . A caw of midilei , death from u dl oaiia resembling'ynllnw fuvnr Investigated by the lienlth nfh'ci'vlit Batui- . Thn victim un < u mi lor ou the etpamer Acipulco , which had coiiuulii ct fiom I'ana- . Aflor a Uiorouuli luxHtigiition , the ( liDilth authuiltii-H nay tha C > M > uan ono of ohagrem fever. Orders liavu ifi > imnto \ Uu < body nt unco. con Uken Tlio Clourlnjj Hounea , IkWOK , August 4. UUnatchm from tb ' leading clearing houses of tha UniUvl Stat 4 H tuat tbo rJoarancx-rt for the wuek miding mltteo Augut 2 were 8744.032-19 , wdocreoM of fi.l to-day cent. oouipaitKl with tUu corrosi ndliig j for u year PIO. ? I Scei FLAMING FERRY-SLIPS. SwecpiDg Fire in Jersey Oily Depis and Fcrry-Honses. The Damaged Property that of the Pennsylvania Oontrnli " A Number of Piers Destroyed Tomul gother With Much Freight , , The Disastrous Blaze Oausod By an Explosion of Gas , Tlio Fire Department Unable to Successfully Fight the Fire ; Tlio F.'iniCH Under Control i nt u Unto Hour Tills Morning. A DISASTROUS BLAKE. AT THE JEllSKV KKuKT HLlf.M. NKVV YottK , August ! . The Pennsylvania Central railroad depot at Jersey City Is ablaze , and.just now twins doomed. KKW YortK , August ! . 11:45 : p. M. Thu firoat tha Pennsylvania railroad depot in Jersey City is spreading , and the heat in M grout that the fitomen and employes are pro- ventixl from saving anything on uhoro while tug boats cannot gut uoar enough to tow out tlio ferryboats and freight boats , and tboie must go iu" the general dostiuctldn of tha depot - pot , The piers are also burning , and thi ? In volves tlio loss of nil the freight mid earn upon them. Tlio wind if ) light , but sufficient to glvo the fire a northerly direction , The laid will bo very heavy , THE DKTOT AND KHI1UY 110VJHK DIHTltOrKD. NEW-YORK , August 5. 1 :30 : A. M.-Tha Pennsylvania railroad ( If | > ot and furry houses nro destroyed. The llainm , however , bum fu riously yet , and liavo attacked the Adams express - press , pier. That portion uoarrwtlhu shore is on fire. The firemen nro laboring hard to nave it , but fear the shod whldi covers it 'will ' car ry tha tUmos throughout Its length and breadth. The entire fire department of Jersey City is at work iwuring water upon the tinmen while the river boats are contributing a num ber of heavy streams. The Pennsylvania rail way depot and ferry house lielng of wood and stocked with overj' sort of combustible mate rial , the flames made run ) nnd rapid work , mocking tha company' * lira detriment , an organ i7.itlouof _ employes , and defying tin ; la bors of thu city fire ( lep.irlniPiit , while there wnh a stick of wood to feed the flame * . CAUSED 11V AN EM'LOSIOK. 1 A. M , The fire was canted by an explosion - plosion of gas In tbu ferry entranco. The names spread rapidly to the ferry slips nnd the rnih o.itl depot. Taylor's ( hotel is saved thus far by tbo favoring wiud. The Brook lyn annex slips nnd four ferry slips of the railroad and ferry oflicos , with tlio wait ing idams , weroburned. . The flamej nro advancing upntho ( , main dcjxit.- Theexplof ion of gas is said to liavo been canted by a leaky main. It blew up thu floor ing and overthrow the ticket boxes by thu en trance to the Pennsylvania ferry IIOUHO , at thu foot of L'xchango pluce , Jenoy City. illobeit M. Jones' , night ticket ( taker nnd vV m , C. Backus were selling nnd receiving tickets nt the time ; both were BLOWN OCT OP T11EIH POSITIONS and slightly hint. An unknown lady nud gentleman were pasting through the entrance the timo. The woman "was'jinned down by on overtuniod box and badly burned be fore being rescued and taken charge uf by friends. ' _ Tbo force of the explosion was such at to blow the plass from the roof and sides of n 00.x 100 waiting-room beyond tn entrance , The llamoi shot up in all directions. 'J he alarm was promptly respondedto by the city fire derailment and the file-boats of New York City and the Pennsylvania railroad , A strong southerly wind was blowm 'at the timu and u-irried the fire to all portions of thejwaitiug room , and the five slips of tha ferry and tn immunao railroad waiting room. Thu entiiostiuctuiu was frame , single story , with the exception of n few office * above the ferry entrance. The steamboats Hlchnrd Stockton , the Pennsylvania railroad Nuwburg excursion htuanier , snd the Thomas P. Way , of Stool & Comlit'd l ! < ty Jtldge line , were lying ut the dock adjoining the most southerly of the livu nlips , with two ferry bints laid up for the night. They wore pulled into tbu strwuu by tugs uninjured. Thocaisintho depot and on tlio Adams express pier north of the ferry ihpa worn pinled out of danger. The lire has now consumed five slips nud tlieds connecting them , thu ferry and rail road oflicos mid thn waiting rooms with their contents. Thu main de ] > ot has brick walls ii on and glass roof and will probably bo saved. 1LMI.UO.MI rAHIKNUinttt landed at Washington street , lliren blocks west of the ferry , arid trains will start from the imno point. It U underload tint ferry boats will land nud rccelvo paxson- nt llaiminui Cove freight yard , vhuro company have several lloatiut' bridges. toaroH can bo transported until the ferry rebuilt , UlTKHT. The fire will bo confined to the present limit * . Tlin nhcxl on the Adams ICxpreis dock slightly damaged. About ono hundred feet tha main depot is destroyed ; the lemuiodor intact. Dr. U. II. Velnlango. of No. 313 , l.Vt Kighth street , Now York , is the man who WHS the ferry entrance when the explosion oc curred , Ho was htruck by timberri and glass badly injured , llix lady friend WUH Mjri- oiio lounly burned. They ere tal.ou to Cliriat'rf hiHintal. Henry Thorpa of Marlon , emjiloypd on the but Brooklyn annex , had nn mtery of thu right uoverod by the breaking glass. So far as ly known Kevei al hundred guetiU of Taylor's hotnl greatly alarmed , but wore ( piloted down ubuwn there wau no danger , The occupants of the email ( .tore * of Kx- chougo 1'laco moved 'their olfi-cU into the titiuet. and are now letuiniiig. Garden ing truckmen and abattoir ) mte.h iii are ming tip ; Chumberi ) street ferry , Kllltl ) IIY M01I1NI.VO. PIIILADKI.WIIA , August . A fire broke out the engine room of the lialdulu locoiuo * inotiyiworkf , Broad nud Hamilton Hireots. to-night and destroyed the uiachiun aud tool nnd a largo number uf valuable pat , The total lo.i is intimated at SlfX- ) . The fire is * uppn ed to bavo boon cauiod by lightning' the uogines had been shut down win Eorne time before the discovery , Part of lioiler huiiMi was bul equently dittrnytd falling wall * , this Hey ton's Holdlcrs' Homo , tad ( ) , , August i , Tha congressional Investigation of tha Soldiers' homo Is now in progress here , The committea conuMs of ieiurulu Koinorana and Blocuin and Hi-pre- Htutntivis Murray , Steele and Cutchen. A ntmib'Tof witnoiHCD have been examined and > lder bn ! important tf.itimony huK luon up. thi GrocnlmukcrH , BOSTON August 4 , Tim oxecutlvnm. . of tha f Utn gre'inback committee met ro\ and decided to call a htuto convention ly September4th , at 11 o'clock , at Melnoin , ou' .Secretary HutcUo oa aI4 tkit Uetwral ButIU ler had told the committee who apprised htm of hi < liomlnatlon , that ho accepted the tmtixi. Thn pef plo might put nny construction they pletned on the gclie-rfcl letter of accoptinco , and tiultiM ho dlrd b fern electioo , tlnj nntlrii' Alt party would put In nomination n straight ticket of electors. Tlio JttnKnlfloont Demonstration nt FortHinouUi In Honor of tlio Koturneil Arctics , PoiiTswiiTli , Auguti-l. Tha city is thronged mul public and priyntj buildingi ore decorated and "Welcome to ourjArctic Heroes , " plac- ardixl on bunting everywhere. The harbor is filled w ith crnfn lad n with people. At lli0 : ! amid considerable > nthu iniui Comrantder Hchley , LUutonnnt Emery and Commander Colllti disembarked , > W following thesn worn other uilioors of thoJGreely expedition and pallor * of thoThotlBonriiud Alert. They were entluwiaalically.greeted as they landed. The crowd pressed forward to ylmko hands nndn roarof vvolcomKwent up when nt 11 o'clock , Oreely wa discovered with comrade * iming to ward thelniVdngintueadminil' ! bi > rve Greuly was clothed lu , whitii with slouched tint ami wearing spectacles. As ho and com- mtiioiH alighted , nil crowded to welcome him. -Sroelv loaned upon Lioutonaut Powell and languidly lifted lilt bat. Ills every move ment indicated woakncffl. His comnvdes re ceived much attention. All ware placed iu coachei and driven tp the Itockiugliam houso. it ! having been decided they should not ap pear In the prucetalon. At the hot 1 crowds gathered to c.itchiX'ftlimpio of them. Lion- tenant Greely laid to the associated picus rep resentatives that ho fqlt very well this morning and ho look , d It. , He expres ed himself muchmnvod by tll , cordiality of the recep tion. Mrs. Greelyjuiuetl her Imsbund nt the hotel. At 12:20 the procession began to march. Applause i doted the sailors of the relief squadron. Au ovation continued through thu unurn , route. Commander Schley , Lieutenant" Greely nnd Commaiidor Cotlin were rcceiVM with tremendous ap plause. Ho were Secretary Chandler , General Hazen , Commodore \Vollg , noting Admlnd Luce. As the bead of the procession neared Hockiiiglmm house , whcro Greely nnd tlio survivors wero' vailing to rdvlow , the promuro of the crowd bccnino < o great tbat tbo "column was delayed several luinnteH. Lieut. Grecley and comrades were sotted on a baloony. Cheer after cheer greeted him. An tli.i crews of ThctLs , Bear nnd Alert passed , Orceloy bowud nud seemed to look his gratitude-to the mon who BO re cently rescued him fipm an Arctic grave. The ttueno was affecting. Commanders Schloy.jBiid Coffin and Lieutenant - tenant Kiuory raised ilToir hats 09 they pascod the hero. Aftyr 'thu procession Greeley and party werp driven to tba grind eland , wlicre they again reviewer ! the procession nnd re ce'n od tup plaudits of the multitude. Among the prominent men ca the ttand were Secre tary Chandler , General Union , Governor Hole , Mayor Lathrcp , of Dover , the uuyor of Ncwuuryport , Samuel < T llandall , Congress man KobliiHon of iJConr York , the oillccrs of the relief oxKxlille.u | and North Atlautiu squadron , and niom.bera of the city eovcin- ments of many Novv. Knglaml cities. Thii JITOter co-hion Mas dicinlbstkl at 2o'clock. Shortly after , the invited RUOsts were enteitalued at dinner by the city of Portsmouth. PoitTWMOUTJi , August ! . The meeting cf citi/ens this oveniocr to e\tcnd an ollicial wel ( come to Greoly iiDd.MH companions was la ge ly ntteiidixl ni.d enthusiastic. Un thn xtage. were the officer * of 'the North Atlantic squad ' ron Arctic relief fleet ; in thu front tiuta i.at thu crews of tha Thetis , Hoar and Alert. Tlio sailors , were nithuaHBtically received while entering the liall , rlso the oQlccrs who fol lowed. Secretiuv- Chandler , Gonornl Hazen , Admiral Luce , Gen ral Butler , Congressmen Kaudall nnd lioV-idiiiti , aiid'Govornor Hale , oj New Ilamushirt' , ' smd Senator" Halo , nf Elaine , 'oj--upJod. 'U.'jo tlie'plalfonn. The meetliig 'vV > ca'lSis * order by JR v'V. . A. ArdtJitetry. Ituy. WVlT , Alder m.ide pnvyer , followc-l by nn address of welcome by the mayor of the city uf Portsmouth , Secretary Ghaudlpr was madu chairman. Coming forwardhewan warmly auplau ed , > and when ho icferred to tliu ( ilforts oE Handull in the house of iepr > * ( entativcs and Senator Halu in buhalf of the Greely relief bill , as wiill an the iiohle work of Commanders Schley mid Coflin and Lieutenant Kmery , the au'dicuca liocnmo almost wild with antliusiaxm. Chand ler told the ttory of thn organization and ob ject of the Greely expedition. Chandler then related thu history of the Bucceenful effort of Commander Scu'ev and comrades to itMClie Greely , nnd paid n deserved - served tribute to nil concerned , dwelling Sd ; ; mournfully on the suffering nnd foititu Jo of those who jie/Iilicd , and oxpiessing the satis- . faction of thn nation iu the Hiirpaxsing sucoeKS " . of Greely nud his rescuedcomradeH. * " Tim governor. Senafor Halo and Congressjjuy an Kandnll follpwtd with nhort addrecsen. Secretaiy Chandler hero announced that It WIIH impoBxiblo for Lieutenant Greely anu party to bo preoout cwing to thu fatigue inci dent to to-day's cvremontes. Hn then iotro- ducixl G. A. Nesmitb , brotbur of Mrd. Greoly , who with much cinotioii thanked Secreta-y - Clinudler and CmnmanilnrN Hclilcy and Collin and Lieutenant Kmtry for their work of the runctie. General Butler tvaji Introduced iimld tro- meudous upjiliuitu. llo nrxiko feelingly of his arly acquaintance with Grecly , wlium he described - scribed H neod'ijycd Htudeut of exploration and travel , llo mln thn tluiikh of llio nation got were duo to Qtionnristoi in for thn gift of the Alert. AH to I'cilur explorations , General Butler paid hn thought Americans would nfl\er rent until the , north pulu was n > ached. thought a party ought to bo xont tlio Arctic to ntay , nnd ndvauoo nlowly , ectablishlrii/ supply depots as they HanT moved. Tlio north poln Ixilonged to the Unltud HUti-M. He wild , and ho pri < dlcted : their territory would 1-0011 embrace the en- 1:21C ' tlio wctti ; n hemle'pliero poles and all , In Cim cloning ho caldnll Americans needed to enable 'M them to renl(7i ( nil their possibilities was a thorough kuowloJgo of the principle ) " of their stri governmont. 1:03 The meeting cloned about midnight. 1:03A : Krfl TlioTmnHlcdirotol. WASHINGTON , Aiigmt 4 The dead lx ly of Addlu Klotclior , colored , head chambermaid , was lecavvrttl from the lulus of the Unitcul States hotel thin rmrniing , It is bollovnil but victim remains to In found. This Is Henry Holt , colored. The main part of the hotel , that fronting on tint nvonuo , Is intact , under guardianship tf the juo ! ! . As largo a force of laborers can bu advantageous employed mo ut wifrk removing tbo ucbris. 2. Thn large crocks in the rear walls uf that per tion of the bulldjng'which remains Htanding makes tlio work of thn laborers one uf 1 ' TvvoDontlm attlio Koiituclcy Pollfl , LIIMKOTON' , Ky.j Augimt 0 At OKI court Jiousn to-day , vvhiln Uie cluction wni < progrcxs- 0. ndli'putu Ixitwren ( longo towait , dojn- ocrnt and J. Open , republican , resulted In Gnois fhoPtinjr fttewarc through thu head , killing him limtautly. Another row occurred between Jack C/e. / ry aud Dick Murphy. Clcary wuxdUmnboweu d , nnd has since iliod. Clnarv and ilurphj4 had nu old grndgo nud were Itoth drunk , _ Tlio Clioltru'M Course. * TMO Torixjh" , Atifciint'4 , 0W : ! p. HI. No deaths from cholera hi ru to-day. Total nutul r uf ciiHi'ri iow under troatniunt , 10 ! ) . There one de.ith to-day fct Leiioyiio , and two at Montfort-sur-nrKuo/ . MAIIKKIM.KM , Augudt- ) p. in. There have in beousovon ditatliH fiom chr > ler slnco eleven wlin morning. Only throe cased were udiuit- art into the J'haro' hospital to-day , Sixty being treated thnio now ; tou to-duy. tale. Ilullan Ctieap Labor. wai UOHTOK , August --Thirteen J.Mtero left Walker , HCiong k Carroll's factory , at 1' ist AVuymoutb , this moniinr , rofunlug to loot shoes for lUdiaus who had beeu noouruU to fill > plociM of utriklnir stitchers , "I''lri ' ) Jllui Out. " to - ThU Is a common remark whim roualiw and cf rowdya Insult pubJIo daconcy by tbtir nnneerc. vs , Uynporwiia U u horrid l ofo , P Ira It ry. ' nrlUi Dnrdvti til > sl JUtltrt , You * ua Af in jiokl JABBERING JOHNNIES. Johnny Boll and JotaCrapcan Now Doing Consitoablc Talking And Which May Eventually Ro- Eult in a Clash of Arms , Paris Papers Especially Warm ing Up Against England "England Has .Not Yet Evicted Enropo from Egypti" French Constitutional Convention Opens Lively at Versailles Gladstone Moving to Rolloro Gordon IIOO.OOO Reformer * ABRomblo In London , FOREIGN AlW.lfKS. Franco nnd KiiKlnntI Warming Up. PAIUB , August ! , Ou Hoctlon of thu press oiuBuds thu tocull of W ddlngton , the L'ronch ambassador at London , ax thu author of tlio Anglo-French agreement which WM defeated in thu ICgjptlnn conference. It in ruiwrted Waddington olfen to re"ign. The 'aro , referring to thu subject , B VJVml : - dlngton'a pueccPHor nuiiit dl'pluy greater energy agninit the spread of Knglieli povvar ; French and Knglixh lnterr tH are now com- | > 1etely unposed nnd a conflict i-t i editable in the near future " The mptura of tin confer- suee , thu | iner Bays , Is n gmvti enough ijvpnt. but IthopeH It will iiut ha\o to mmounco that tliu latent conflict Ins jwssoJ into oiton hottil- La Uenublltjuo IVflticaiso maintains that nl- though the agreement has elapfccd , Knglaud lias admitted the claluin of Franco. " .Franca , " the paper nay , "must vindicate her rights , Kngland has not yet ovlctad Kuropo from t. Kiujland's axciirted freedom and powav er of notion are a ilelniinn . " Rovletnc tlio French GonKtlltitloii. PAIUB , August 4. The opening Hussion of the cougro's eomixiiod of the two IIOIWH of uarliament which iiKHomhlud t Vewaijles to- lay to uudertnku a revision of the constitution fiat cxonediugly uprcarious , and hioktiupin ? reat di-order. After n stormy tumult , Le- roycrs * jro | osal tn adopt the standing orders of the n 'oraby ] of 1871 was ngrced to. Both right nnd left took pm t in thu interruptions. As soon ns this matter was dispo'ed of Minis ter Kerry ascended thu tributin to Introduce tlie bchom < ! uf revision. Andrioux and others at moo protested that ] i"orry was out of order. It was coutcuded tlio evmmlttue ought to bo . looted first. As Andrieux wiei RKcen < ling the tribune the members formed n rcmi-cirelu around him nud n Kci'ne of thu wildest oxcito- inent eiisund. Mho prenklunt thereupon put his hat ! on uml tiuspeiulud the Hitting , Gordon. LOSDOK , Auguut . Cilnd tone atatad in the coi&nionH to-day that ho would ask. the houu > to-morrow for a vote of credit for an expedition to relieve General Gordon. | Ie will at tlm cainn time lonko a etufement of tha steps the govern. input prop-wen to tikko'Iu ' coilnpuoiice ] of tLd fniluro of thu Egyptian conference. L'OO.OOO Kn lHU Itcformcrs' LONDON' , April-I. Two hundred thousand > oplo assembled to-day on tha grounds when the reform demonstration took place. Thu meeting comprised nine divisions. Tliero was excellent order. Weather line , BUAIAIEU SPOUTS. ! Saddlebags nnd Bulky AT 8AKATOOA. * SAriATOrtA , August , Milo and a furlong Albia ] | , , 1st , Nettle 2d , Cardinal McClonkoy j. : timu 1:674. : Mlle | and half and furlong-W. H. Woodward - ward , won , Powbattan "d , Manitoba ltd ; time 62J. Tliroo-quorter mlle Galaxy won , MB * lo aj-Buro ad , Mlnnio Melon 8d ; time lliL ? T. " "itoeploch'so nil ages ; over , a frAtnonnl run Kickott won , Miss Mwilsoy 'dl Abra- liain M ; time 4t4. : : AT UHIOAOO. CnioAno , August . Thiec-fourthi miln 4-year nldn Wliispurine won , Actor 2(1 ( , Mn- ria2d ; time , 1:111 } . I'lvo-eighU mileheah 2-war oldn-Gor- innnla woi , Lady Ciaft 2d , YnultorSdj bent > Mill ! nnd n iuailer | All nges-Cetitrnvlllo won , Sidllvnii ad , Chintll'y ' iij llino , 8:111. : Mlle and sixteenth selling all ages Kr- wou , Manitou iid St'irtlo 3d ; timu , 1:51 : . : Tin eo-fourths milo 3-jejrolds Avorywoii , Sawyer'2d , ConkllngSdj timu. 1:161. : AT union JON. _ . _ . , Auguut-I. Tiikck heavy. Three-fouiHis milo - noil-winners Aiiuliii- I Han won , Medusa 2d , Itetert lid ; timu , l2'.l\ \ Tliree-fourthi mlle non-winners Tony ister won , HoHtagu "d , Columbia 3d ; time , 1:21 1:21.Culver Culver railroad rtakoH mlln and a half Clmilio B won , Dizzy Blonde 2d. Brunswick Sdtime ; , aIOJ. : Mlle and furlong celling allowances Ten strike : won , Kiln Burk 'M , Ghost M ; time , ) . A All DRCH inilu and a furlong Arneiilc won , Frank ft 2dcna ] Ud ; time , 2:011 : ' M'aldniiH doven furlorgs Cnrllulo won , Will Dulu 2d , Florence J UJ ; time 1:311' . M caii llano Kail. UAUCd IKHTKIIDAY , At Cliicogo Chlc go , V ; Clovulnndn , 2. At PltUburg Alleglicnya , 2 ; Bropklynn . At Wnfhlugton Unloui * , Baltimore , 7 ; At Milwaukee MilwaukiiM , 10 : Still watem , to 2.At Kvansvlllo-Kvnusvillo , 4 ; alii ICe 'At Philadelphia No gamej ruin. K ti'in At Inulonupullft-JadiaiuipolfB , ' 7 ; Tolodn , At Tejro Haute SiiginiiWii , 6j Turro I finite , 0.At At Qiiincy Quinvy , 12 ; Mlimc-apoli * , la. Dutiiiit Detroit , V , Buffalo , IH. A. The Oar , at i TSKtlKIl AND I10HH 1IAT011KI ) AUAIN , . BoriioN , August . A livu mlle sculling match for 51,000 a sidii him bscii Arranged lui- nitHt tweeii Fcomurimd KOHU , Thu ( imu uf tun in yet In abaynuci > . Alor , T. Hiownrt , Jr , NKW YOJIK , Aunuit 4. Judge Jfilton ocutor uf thu A. T , btowart citttto , filed in thu Unlti-d KtilfH circuit court today au aiiNwor The the suit cf Alex , T. Stawart , nt Vermont , Tlio claims tu Uj ilia legal heir of A , T. Blew * , ami who eluii-joM tuut lii'ton , taking ad- vantogo of his linlx'oillty , billud him toHign a ly roleaMi from niiyclaim ho might have to 114 . Judgu Hilton KHHcrts tiiut thu claimant | > erfectly rivfpomiblu when lit signed thi rtilciibi' , and reei'lved ' ' ! OUO for * - * i > lining , am that If tim 821,000 ba paid back by thn clalmuut he will regard the rcleann M no1 but having Ixion Huutliwi'Nlorn HIII\I.IA : , Mo. , Augnnt I.- The UaziM > to-iiioriow publUh fircfully iirep.-trr.d reputt thu gmlu croiu in tlis stales uf Mis oviii KuusaM , Nobroitk/i. / TOIJW nnd Indian Terrilu Tin ) ii'lorU iihovr nu Jucmuo ( if ucrmigt Miuouri of 20 per wjit , and nu InrM.un u to , lu iMt civj/j , oi V ) p r c ut | HTU HVl , 21 per will. Kantn , Ineren'o nf crungc. l ! < per cent ! yiild , 12nr \ cent ; lock , 25 | * rrent , Telncrfa e of ivcteago , 0 per cent : yield , U per cent ; live ktock , SJ ierceit. ) f\elirakn , Incrcn'o of acreage , 14 > or cent ; yield , 30 p r cent'i \ io utock , 10 tier ent Indian Territoiy , 10 IM.T cent IP < H kciviigo nnd yield ; live stock , f > 0 per cent in- Tenie. In Kaunas , AIi , < ourt , mul MIIIO liarts if Texai the cropi have ln > n injunxl by leavy rains , while in the territory nnd part > f To < n , the ilnmylit hm provitn ilotrlinen- al , but i ho ptomidoU altogether for the lar- ; eit yield ever recorded. UIVKUB AND HAUliOHS. Jln.for Ilcnynril'H Annual ltcl > ort Upon tlio AVorfclmltl Out , WAttlllNoni.v , Augiut . Major Betivard , n clnrgo of the river and harbor Improve ment ! nt Chicago h , made his annual re | > ort ip < ntlio \ wprk ns follows ! tllrvny Hennepiii .uul enlargement Illinois > "d MlchfgAit cnnnU : amount available , llllpi'is river improvement : amount availAble - Able , 31(0,135 ( ; amount n-lml , .Wll,000. Chicago harbor Foim tlon harlnir : amo\int vailabli ) , ? 107,10lnmoiintnRkoil ; , 5' ! r > ,000. Culumot liarlxir Provide en trance to Calu- nut I liver and port of Mouti ! Chicago : amount avnlhblo , Jj2000 ( : amount alkod , $21,10t > . Cnlumiitrivor l > rcdging : amount available 860.000 ; amoiltit asked , 31Ui > , OOl\ , The projectnow In tlio coiir n of execution 'nr thn iuiprovniicnt of thu Illinois river , Benyard tayK coiitomplntcs the construction if fn luck nnd ( lain nt cjich of Hut sltm select- d , LngraiiL'e and KauipHvllle , and tlio It-edging \ of thu i'haimel from thn ttatn lock at 'nppircrrekto ! thn mouth of the river , llo nrther sayn that ni thn niinmnt nppmpiiated Inly I Tith will , bu Insullicieut to uontiuun the vork nt lutli points , it in pixiponed to discou- .unto the work for a KC.IHOII nt ICnmpivilln to lliiw the colfeiduiii at that point to remain looded , and roiieentrnto the force nt La- rrAtigr. Tin fumlx will IHI npjilicd to raising , hoMr luck , vtnlls to thalr rnquirvd height and iu mrcha itig matt rial for and constiuctinir gatu , vnlviM nnd oilier fixtures. Tha funds now avnilablu will eompleto the wnlN mid g.itts of the Livgrniifo lock , and bo oxhauntcd at thncloioof thoprcxeut isc.il year Should additional appropriations lonmde. ' ' the plant will be transferred to * ivumpsvlllu ] for operation at that | toint. J3uf- icicnt fundi xhould I o appropriated , Bcuynrd 2ontiniiei4 , K > there whall bo nu delay In com peting the wnrk in order to open the river to invigatinn > throughout the boating Bewont : Btonn and other matt ri < tl miulrod liavo to In ) > btained ; a neanon in advnueo , and duo provi- on should bo made there for ; otherwiao delay only ' add to tbn oxpcnsu of the nuik , HEUNIOX. IntcriistliiK Gntherlnff of VotnrniiH to Tnko I'lnoo nt dr. Imln. lloba Democint. Tlio fourth annual reunion of nld-tlme tel- 'grnphers ' and the United Stalls telegraph COI-IIN , which taken pluco In this city August ! 0 umlUl , will bring togethrr omo of thu test known telegrapher * in thu country. lx t- .erajinvo . been received fiom vnteratiH iu thn ervicu from nil nectinns stating tlmt heir : prcseiico might INcoimtod up- in.tor Mr. O. ( J. Hine , now ril- itpr of thu Insurance Monitor , New , , ity , writes : l'I Imd clnrguof the ( list instru ment : in St. LouU when t ere was only 0110 wire batwoen 'that oily and theeat , the 'O'Ueilly lino. ' nnd atslHted In laying thn firtt cable that wns put ncioHthn Mwistilppi. 1 opaced ' tho'tlrst efflcu lu I'cm , Ottawa am' jomo'of the small towiw between Chicago pud Ht. Louis T think 1 wrote th first aiticlo calling attPiitlon to tlio dinturliaiieo of toleg- roliy | ) by the aurora borealic , and publithed t in t IjoulH iu 1818. I ham in my iiina _ picturn ( .f tlio oritflii.il cinpi of . r > ouis iiilice , iw it was constituted in 181 ! * , only ono ui'inbvr of which sttrvivr s In St. f i.ut , P. Af. Colburn , ticket ngeit of tlie Vnndnliu railroad. " 'Ilia above is only ono of many winiilar lot- iH and gives au iuea of what material the ru- mien will be ( niii | > osed. The two nocictiex ivill unlto in au excursion on the river August 0 , nfler Ilia adjournment of the Old Timem' lusInoHH meeting. Th > LncIedo Intel will bo he lifndqimrtci-H of the members. The ofli- oars for I8SI of thn Old Timers' nsHoclation are president , Guorgo M , Dtigan , of Jack on , Tennessee ; vlco president , K , Itosowater , ) mnlia , Nebraska ; si > cictarvand treasurer , 8. i. Fuitx-hild , St. Louin , Sliasouri. United Uates military telegraph corps : President. Y. K. Plum , C'hlcnRo ; vico- president , Ociiorul . U. Gllmoro. New York ; Bocratary and leasurer , J. K. Pettlll. Chicago Tlio Tliuinos ImnHt r. LOKHO.V , August 1. - Particulars of thouol- Islon and sinking of the steamer Dlono , In the mmes Saturday night , state chat them wore great many pleasure passengcrx on board. t was , a clear moonlight n h' . Thu collitioii ccurrcd nliout midnight with the large Iron Hteamor Cnmdfln , just oh Gravesend. The Dlonoa port sldu was Ktovo In , the vessel keel il over and sunk ia two inliiutex. 'J'linnoBavod rushed on dock , jumMid [ over ialf dreKSud ; inil worn rescued by tups. Thn Kconoi vvoru hcartrundlng. Ladles implored mi'ii to savi ) their clilldren. Many women voro carrying infants. Ouo mother placnd lor Infant on a lloatlnj ; crate. Tht crate loutul elf , but was found later off Thamex fayqu , the | nfant aliva The captain of the ; LHytio VIM saved , but was badly hurt. , lenth nf n riitHliir Vntvrnn , PITTHJIUIIO , August I.Lowls Pi 'otorseniSr. ' , ono of Pittsburgh earliest and mist promi- niint Imslne/ui men , died this morning in liin i nlnety-thlnl y ar. M r. I'etorscn was ono of tin' proprietors nf thn Ponnsylvaiiin Dally Ad oca to , tha first daily published huro. IIu Termed ; thu first board of trade , innuufacturod the lirtt cotton , and was laigoly interested in the Iron Industry of this city , llo joined the MaHcuilo order In Phlladuljihln iu 1812 , and came to Pittsburg tlio year following. Atl'uh-H In Kij > pt. T-omiO.v , August . According to thu lutiwt advlceMthoAfahdi IH now fightiug the nogru trlU a iiroimil Ueb Kl Uadir who rofiiHod to uin him , ft In asicrlod ho dinpatchod n force Khurtonm under ordoiH to take Cordon allvoordoad , llo orderixl thu wells betvveer ICoBoko and liorbur filled up. The Bultaa ol nzibiir Kent u mivtuago tu Gordon Invitiuf liim to Xiu/.lbur : , Gnneral lutuaii In Now Yorlt. 4NmYOHK. . Augint-1. fJeneral Logan iir rived in ftnw Yoik to-day in oumpauy witli . IJ , Hill , IIH ! piivatontcrfltary , and \V. 1J , CrooliH , < > l I'hlladnlphlii , llo Imu taken rconn the Fifth Avenue lintel , and refuct-H to tall > withrejiresoutathoi oftheprew , KCHUJ-H In email to the city entirely UJKIII privuto liiwl , nml that thu vinit him nu political xlgai ficunce. NKW YOHK , August"A ! Htwclnl reports thu lynching nf'tou negrus iu Nort hampton county , A'a. , by a g.uig of Italian * . story is linprolublo and unconfirmed , pinto U remote from talon raph. llAi/iiiipm : August M , Tlie dory uf tha lynching in Nottliampton county in nlwolut false. Tniioinitiit li'lro' YOHK , AugiiHi ! . Twenty-thrna us- ciip.uit/i uf a ti-nvmi'iit hoiiHo on Charltou Htnct were oiidangeieil by lira this morning , irtrrowly i oiH l in thmr night cluthert b ; ladders from thontrnet and by floulnK tii tha rtuif. Ni'iiriy allweio slightly burned , but no livid wcio lout. It Tliroo . In ' Cy.nw n BIllo. Hr , PAUL , August . Tlio Oumhn rood ha luued n circuluc ntutiug that the i rutex OUT itit ruid in luwa lr vb been thrvii coiih \ : t uillo , to cuuforiu to tbu , VALUES VS , VERTEBR/E. Very Ltttlo Slrength stiowu in tk Chicago Markets Yesterday , Oattlo Plentj - - ' Compar atively Cheaper T1 J 'atives , logs Drop 10 to 201 j = arSomo- What Heavy ) | " pts , Only a Fair Degree ; jtivity in Grain Ma'f ' Although Wheat Makes a Gain of Ono-Fourth of a dent , CoruOnliiH an KlKlitli Oatn Qnlct Tork Nominal Imnl Kaslor. OIIIOAGO MAUKKTB. OATTLB. Special Dispatch to Tim DIR. CIIICAIIO , August I. Tliorii wai . fair de mand for fiit iKxtlvoi , nucli M would suit the or tha ( hipping export triule , : nd on these sort * , HO long n < < thu deniMid asted , tveru fully -w strong rw on Saturday , invaril the close , and after urgunt orders hod ecu filled , there Waa an onsicr fcellrg. ho bait madti C CO to 0 70 ; nnd second cluu 60 to tl : )0 ) ; nnd other wiria of native steun * rum thcwo tignrcH to 4 00 to 5 t5. ! The pnpply coinnnn na tiveo , including cow nnd bulk van ratlior light , nnd there was ban-ly sulfi. , ient biiblncM to make A market. Then ) wo.4 ut a ( light show , however , for thcso aortn t < > lake any better jriccn than formorly. for Vxanti are plenly nnd yet comparatively honper than foinimin nntivrw. Them were bout 2.01H ) Tu.xan" , nnd thAy nold a Miadu lialior at It COS1V'About all the Texans vero cold. Good to cqmmnn ihipplng ; 1200 to 3100 poundi , 000@0 SO ; common to medium , 1000 to I'-'OO ' pounds , < 1 0 5 tiO ; r ngo cuttle , 525o higher ; grals Te in , -00 to 800 pound * , II 20@3 75 ; Toxanr , ! K)0 ) to 1000 pound , U c.Kal ( ) 40 ; corn fed , 5 00@5 70. ItOO-4 , , . Under the pomowhatmoxi > oct i J heavy ecciptH , prices drupiied 10t < tl0e ! , nn'iueingo > fi n strong IDc on nil sorts ; bat ntjdeclino .hero ' wnt itnnctivu demaud , thn idea gaining1 livlmil thnt tin ) i ig run of the week woitld IHI o-iluy ! , SalOH worn at Ti 00 to f 80 for assorted fght , aril ( i 00 to5 S3 for : utHoitodhe.ivy , < thu ni Ik of tha ] ackorn' hogs felling at iibnut ! i ( JTi , u D 70 ; light , IfiO to 200 [ xiundi , C SO to 5 90. UIIAIN. - < Tnidingwnn areompaniod by only a fair de- ; ro of activity tij-day , but values we.ro gen- rally firm. Wheat wan quiet butstpady ; iut ! < lo ordora worn few nd fliicUistiiins'too imiti'd to fitlmulato loenl trading , The mnr- iiit opened Htf.'uly , declined about 3o , ensed ilT je , then became rtrocgur nnd clpneil on ho ifgular boiird Jo h'gher tbixn Hatuiday. 3n 'tho afttruoon Iwaul prlciM were ( igtvlii inn , August clnBlrj ; ut ' H.'lr , Heptuinbor at H.lio , October nt&IJe. - - - * A modei-atii ImuincHM WJH trituneti il In com. The opening wn linn , but' pricen reiedivl Ac. .ater , uiiilor n good hpeeulativu demand , . tliB _ narket breami * etrouirer , price.s ailvinciiig'j t < ic , nnd clos' d 1J hiclior for August , . ' , ' 3 higher or Siptcuibor , nd Jo higher 'or October than juturuay , On thn afU-i noon board the mar- .11 ogam IKJUUMO rtiimger , August cluxi ing tOT , Si'pteml > cr nt 6IJc , and Uctolxii aU Itje.OiitH OiitH Mere igiitet and etfulj'Augmt : elcning , t a'n'u ' ! > d September : it JMc. riiovimoss. Pork nomliKil. lifttil u ( hnilc eiuii > r , closing ut 110 fur Auguht , 7W for HeptenuVr , 7 07J for _ Octo ber. ' . > BUTTHIl AND OnnESK. AT 1UIIN. . , N , August 1Hut nr higher ; regular 41,2 ( > 0 iwundH , nt 23g23Jc , clo Ing voiy inn. The supply i * nhort of the demand , hoe so unchanged ; no regular sales. IVivato Hiili'H : 12 ,010 jioundH of butt r , 3,300 bo\e if che < f e. Tlio Weather To-day. O.V , Augiiht fi. For the npin-r vullev : Generally fair , north easterly uindri Incoming variable , nlight hangeH in U'tnjx'ratiiro ' cml lower liarcmetcr. [ ' 'or thn MHioiiri vnlley : Slightly wanner. 'air , MtriablunlmU generally from tlm sautli , mil lower barometer. Alllnlno Koy'H Skull Fractured. CiNt'iiiSATf , AugiiDt 1.Wm , Holiiiec , a Kiy IU yeain old , wna beaten < m thu head tn- night nt the Vine utroct ojiom homo fi r chout- ng frr Jllnino during the performance. JIi < skull wart fiactnrod and it is thought the lxiy will die. I'rivato Wutcliinaii Young , who di < l ho Ixatingva orrdsted , Tlio Cotton Crop. Niw OIII.HANH , August ! . The National Cotton exehango report * July mom favorubla for the cotton crop , wlijeh han improved ibinit ton | HintH , bringing it up to tf7 , ugaiiHt ! > fur June and ill for May. Bouthoi-n Goal , , AugtiBt ) . Thn leading coal iin luceis of Kentucky , TOIIIHISMHJ and Alii- iiamn met heie to-day. The meeting an lareo ; forty eompnnleH uero reprexcnted . Tlio object U to form a. gouthera cnil : iis pciitiin. ; Duly preliminary himlneita to-day. Ulalno In , Me , August J. Bla'na ' in-rival to-night. EARLQAKIflOPQWOEr * TAMBOUHDTOI1ISC Ifntum oruiH-TiiJiirlomiiibsUuii.vjiriin l > Aiulrowa' PenrlJlaklnB Porw ler. . 1 , i iinl irom nueli clieuilKU'vaH. Daim ll y , Ho * . ton : > I. IH'l.ifouijilius of I'.ileti/o ; uiul uanutvim Ikxic , ilUwuiikee. Nevt'