Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 04, 1884, Page 7, Image 7

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017 St. Clinrlco SI. , St. LonN , Mo.
A Ji rr < nlitr gffldoatcof to Mettle * ) O1lrMhM 1 erti lot per
* ficftpi'lin ' the pfelnUrcaln H' of Connate M v6t ,8Kt
on.1 io liMttiLQthin hot othtr rhjikUnin Bi. IxolJ ,
* i f Itj t V < " " > how itnil nil oM rnMf QI * kn ,
Nervous Prostration. Debility , Mental nnd
\ Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and other AHec *
lions of Throat , Skin or Bones , Blood Poisoning *
old Sores nnd Ulcers , * m trrtint with onrimiicicJ
< itw f , on iftiMttrltntina | irlnelilM. Pt'clr Prhftttl ; *
Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , Excess *
Exposure or Indulgence , * Meh proJne * * iin of th
itllovlnn cffifii titrtonincK , UtHlitr , 4Imnt * of ilftht
nnd deCrctht * inemorj , ilfuplrt cm the uf * , | hy l ldecmj- ,
f vcrJlcnto tbf noelttf of fttr1fi , cotitVUi i ( ldfa § , ctau ,
rendering Marrlnrro Improper or unhappy , ra
ixrmantilireurol. r mphltt(3A ( [ tfM > f ft the ln * . * eut
fnteilftl entrlflfto , free to tnr Jflrc n , CotitutUtion tt of *
tleo or b/ tat 1 1 free , and Invited Writ * for ueiUoni.
A Positive Written Guarantee
clrci In nil comMo f MM. VrJlclnii c l tnr1im. .
rninphlrti , EnBllih or Oerrnin , 04 pnge . d *
orlblhff above diseases , In mAle or fomalti i'lU2
J60 pnjfM , tine flMt . IllnilrilM In ttoth anJ ( III binding ,
&V , monej or | > o ln I tu , 1 n | > * r eoff. 2J . Tbli L ok
couulni II tbo turloni , douMtuI or Unol.Ult net la
know , A bt * It of ftrcAl Inter ? tt to All * lUUh , BMOLT *
The Echolwtloycar commcucca on the
First Wnfisflay in September ,
The courto cf Instruction rmliraciH nil the I'-Iemcn
tar ) and higher litan lici nf n llnlnlioil education
Dmcroncu of Kellglou la no ol > sta lo to the ntlmts
fllon o ( y inn ; ladles. I'lijillj arc rccoUod nt any
time of the year.
lnc.lii'1'tig ' ' llnnnlV6shltij * . Tuition In English aud
Krcncli , use of books. 1'bno , | > cr cisloii of
Five Mouths , § 150.00
K.Yl'HA CHAUfSnSnrwtnii , I'V.r.tlutt. Clcrm %
Harp , Violin , liiitt-.r anil Vouil Music. |
Hc'i runecH aiu required fro'ii nil pcr'oiis unknowa
to the Institution. For futther Information apply
the '
Jv ll.tniu
Royal Havana Lottery !
Drawn at ilavann , pulii ) , Every 12
to 14 : Days.
TICKLTS.S2.00 , \LVES. . 81.00.
-ufcJSL-t to no manipulation , not controlled hy the
p&rtu 4ln Interest. It li the lalrcbt thin ? In the
i.aturoof in ex'btcnca.
For Information and uartlculars apply toSHIFSEY
CO.Gcn. Autnts , ml' ! ilroaimai , N V. city.
K. KAUI1 i ; CO. , 417 Walnut struct St. Louis , JIo.
or Vr&nk Lobrano , L.D. , 20 WjaiiJottc , Kan.
jy mi.o.Vwly.
SoiencB ot Lite , Only SI,00
l Vitality , Nervous nd PhTBicat Debility
Pr. > mr.turo Decline In M&n , Eirora o ! Youth , aa the
untold raliorlcfl eeultlng from Indiscretions or ex
co' es. A book ( or every man , youn ? , middle aged ,
anil od. ! It contains 125 picacrlptloci for oil tcate
aad chronic dlaeues caohona of which la Invaluable
I'o ( onnd by ths Author , whoco ciperlenco for S3
yiira It such aj probably never before ( ell to tbo let
' at any physic an SOB pages , hound In bo atlfo
French muslin m Ms doovere , lull gllt.junrr.ntofv'l
13 ba a dnssr wotk n every sense , mechanical , lit-
r ry and professional , than any ether work Hold In
thli country ( or J2.80 , or the money will bo refunded
lu every Instance. Prlco only f I.CO by mall , pof t-
paid. Illustrative mmple B cents. Send nnw. Gold
tuedal awarded the author by the National Uedlcal
Asjocbtlon , to the officers of which he refers.
The Bc'.ento of Llfo should be read by the yonng
Instrup'lon , and by the afnioted for relief ,
will hcncfl all London Lancet.
There is no meiabor of society to whom The Sol-
enco of Llfo will not bo useful.whether youth , par
ant , guardian , Instrurtornr olergvman. Argonaut.
Addresi the PenboJy Modlc&I Institute , or Dr. W
IL Farhcr , Ko. 4 BulOnch Street , Itonton Ma s.whc
may bo conanltoJ on all dUoases roqulr'is rklll and
erporlenrvt. Onronloandnbetlnatodlsoak < sthathave
baffled the ( 111 of all ether phJR. M r A I cUnr
a tpeclalty. Buob Iroitod UOOOOSF ' m. full )
without m tn lao > o failure. TUV FIP
Tlie Leading Agricultural and Llvo Stock
Journal of the West.
20 Paps { nrrEENTmKAK. ( go columns
H. S. SMITH & CO. ,
rnilORS AND ITllLlrilinitH.
HOV.KOHT. W FUUNAS , decri-tary State lloird
til AKrljiiHuic , An clato rditor.
SrUiCUU'TION' I'llI B , * 10i > porjo riaadvunco.
100 jxnd 10SS l.lliSticjt - OMAHA , NEB
Jy i2-
Notion to Cnntrncftirh ami UulKlorN.
Healed iiroporalb il Iw rucelvcd up to AuijiHt 11 ,
at Itf o'uujc in. , for bu ! dlii < fid on nplutl'i ' ready
/or otcimanry , a brick ao i 01 an'm' ' , aluvu trofouu-
datlon , in S.uiiuflcld , 'arpy ro'in y , Xcbr.i-k i , ao-
ciriliii ; t ) ] > latir > and pOLilln tio.ixul tlevcs Grot. ,
arc ! llicU , I niobt. , Neb Tbo titlcli mid cut ttuno
will bcdirniabud on thu prounu by Ilio building com-
inlltco. A I other mUi-rl' ) inb furnlnhcd by con
tractor i'iana a U epefitic'ilom OKI to neon c' T.
D Spcarmau' * bt'iro. 'iiSprin ' lil'l , .V l > , or at Cloves
llron. , ( iinilia. IlulldliiK ' " 1" > < cinp't-trd on tr be ( ru
the Ifi'li day ol No > ember , ISd llir couimittco ro-
nenotlio , | ght to reject any u > nil bull
lluildlni ; coitin.ltti'O , opun llcld , Nob.
. . ,
.4k V p lftM V k .MMV
' Food " wrlto hundreds of
thriTeg on Horllck' * ,
m-ateful mother * . Motliti1 * milk contains no
UrcU. An artiflcUl looa for lufanU nhould
ronUln no eUrcn. Tlio Uat nnd inoet nutritious
food In health B 99 "
> r nlclineBS for
th t - t diet for
1IWI nwHrn.
utarch mill renulrcs no copklnif.
H.-TOinuicndPU by PhyijIUanii.
lllulily liciicliclal to Munlne
Mntbrre OH a drink. 1'riculO
n I I B
FJ iJW.Wmun.-irfnt * . IJyal rinwlfU.
Send lor Doolc on the Treatment of CblUlren , trco.
"K.illf dlieited ud nulrllloul.O.lf , BMtll ,
If , It. , aiuaier/ .
" rial U ll Ibn could H iltilrel-K.IT. KtlJ ,
Stiffen , Kaniaf ,
"No fccilttner la pronoubdar It oprrlor to Bur *
Ihlni ciluit. ' It. a. tVikurn , M , II. , Tm. K , T ,
Will In Rent l > r mall on receipt of tirtce In nUmpa.
IIOULKJK'M FOOD t'O.t Itnrlne. WU.
' ! . un t ip ' n " TIUPT or MiLT'u *
Wide-Awake Agents Wanted Every where ror
hy Jnint'H rftrtnn , tlin jTrentcrt ljIotrrapIu or the otr *
t'ii. SI fu *
I'rliv uuly 8 W. IM'KTiU'n&OcIminetiTii. A tHiokfnrivtrry
woman. J , JL CiaMll > iTU',3i it SO ilaUibOutit.Clikatfo <
s , H ATWOOD ;
Plattainouth , - . . . Neb
faxioaior moiouauBKi'j AND man OKIDI
An ctJRCfo OB 1111 no twin
ale. Oorriipondnnn * loll ed
A Vcw llcmarkfl niul
IlCKnfilltiK the Saino by
Olio Who KttouM ,
To the Kditor of THE BKB.
I see by the Nonpareil of Fritlny that
the congressional contest in this district
is not only nesutuing aomowhnt extensive ,
but decidedly interesting proportions.
TITO > go , when CoiiRrosaman Pueoy
dofontod Major A. It. Anderson , Co ) ,
Chapman's candidntu , tlioro wns n de
cided dissention from the republican
ranks in this county. lion. Jno , S.
Baldwin , for years a whccl-horao in the
republican party ; C. H. Scott , the back-
action , reversible nnd uncertain
republican ; Col. W. F. Sipp , who was
sent to congress twice by the help of J.
W. Chapman , but who now repudiates
and oven cursca hii political parent , who
brought him Into prominence , and Geo.
F. Wright , now n quiet candidate for
congress , all not only voted against Ma
jor Anderson , but openly fought him ,
the result of which was the election ,
from tlio now Ninth distHot , of a demo
crat , W. if. M. Pursoy , to congress.
At Atlantic , on the 13th inat. ,
tlioro is to bo a republican can
didate for congress selected. It
is universally conceded that for auccosi
it must bo n Council LUulla man , and at
the same time ono who can combine nil
factions nnd ono who has not in tlio past
figured : n any shape or form in previous
local fights and contentions. With thin
fact apparent , it bocome.i a question us to
who really ia entirely out of thb family
quarrel. To caat the eagle eye of invoa-
ticration nbout us , it would appear to thu
nptico of the observing that Gov. 0. U.
M inning is the only uandiduto spoken of
but took part in thojo unfortunate
and really potty wrangloo , nnd all that
can bo said against his candidacy is that
ho ia a "carpet bagger. " In the name of
hig'i ' heaven who , in this western coun
try , in nny business or profession , is not
really a carpet baggo - ' Thorn are car
pet baggora in every avocation of lifo in
the grand west , but they all think just
as much of their homea , families and
( states na thpuch they had lived in the
land of their nativity.
Whatever may bo the feeling , personal
ly or politically against Gov. Manning ,
no , ono , with reason or justice can defeat
him purely upon the grounds of carpet
baqiam , as any man w'tti ordinary intel-
ligcnso will admit. If ho is not the man
wanted let the republicans of this city ,
county and district say BO , but don't lot
them down him because ho has not been
a resident of Council Bluffs for the past
seventy-five years.
Feeble ladies grow strong and happy
at Siloatn springs Bead analysis and
bo convinced of there healing and tonic
They Ol > jcct to BcliiK Cut Down One-
Four ! b.
The city council has decided to pay
the policemen for July in general fund
warrants instead of warrants on the po
lice funds. In other words the city pro
poses to pay the policemen in warrants
which they claim they can not sell
for more than seventy-five cents on the
dollar , cash , instead of receiving orders
on a fund which makes them equivalent
to cash. This action has aroused much
indignation on the part of the police ,
and on Saturday they refused to accept
such general fund warrants , some of the
force openly declaring they would re
sign first. The licenses , fines , etc. , go
into the police fund , and as much of the
receipts ia duo to the exertions nf the
policemen , they naturally feel that their
piy should cuino nut of this cash. Ono
of the feature ! ) of the situation
which makes them especially wroth.
is that the council nt a
recent meeting tr.maforn d $15.000 of the
cash from the police fund into the general
fund , to take up somu olil , outstanding
general fund warrants , which had f.itlmi
into the hands of speculators , who hud
bought them at u discount , and boon
drawing interest on them besides Thu
policemen felt that it would have been
more equaro to pav them their salaries
out of the cash. Thn policemen only get
$05 a month , and if thny are to take gen
eral fund warrants , and then bo com-
j.oiled to sell them nt seventy five cents
on a dollar , they would got but nbout $ 15
cash Th TO may be no reason why gen
eral fund warrants should bo so loiv in
view of the fact as vouched for by Alder
man S.uiiuntopf that thu city finances
were never in a bettor condition , butt f
these who have ready money will not pay
iroro than ueventy-hvo cents on a dollar
it ia hard to BOO how the council can
compel thorn to do BO. Itmightpa > sanother
ordinance like that ono which it passed
in regard to contractors and which it
was ashamed to publish , requiring con
tractor to make a statement under oath
that they had not ogreod to disnoso of
the certificates for Ices than face value.
Perhaps the council can compel the po
licemen to take general fund warrants ,
and swear that they will not sell them at
less than par. A policeman who faith
fully performs his duty gets little enough
pay at the best , and one that does not
thus perform his duty ought not to bo
on tbo force.
All forms of blood diseases cured at
Siloatn Springs , Ho. Kidney ana liver
diseases speedily relieved and cured.
Address : IIov. M M The Jipsnn , mana
ger , Albany , Siloam Springs , Mo.
I'ropnrliiK tar n Pair.
To the wives and daughters of Abe
Lincoln poet No. 20 and all other patri
otic ladies of Council Bluffo :
Arrangomontsaro now being perfected
to hold a grand army fair at Bloom A
Nixon's ball to bpgin on Monday , 8ep
tomber 22nd , 1881 , and continue four
day * .
The object of this fair will bo to raino
means for the benefit of the Relief Fund
of Abe Lincoln pent.
Wo invite you to moot with the execu
live committee on Thuisday , August Gib ,
at 2 o'clock p. in , , at Grand Army Hall , ,
in Kvorett's block , to a eiat in organizing i
committees to aid UH in making the fnir
a RUccess Bring your lady friends and
assist us in the worl : of preparati n and
wo will give the grandest entertainment
over hold in the city.
A. J. Conic , M. D. ,
J. W. Kimoiu : ,
V. L. KKU.OH ,
Executive Committee.
K. M. llarkiie-n Imtetnnied fnnn hi west
cm tiip.
Mr * . Walter Socloy hat relnrncd from nn
extended vilit ( M"t ,
. CniicVlfnuf .lack CtnicV , the e.v
policeman , Is still quite ln\\ .
A. V. Nixon , a Chicago trimming man ,
pent Siindny nt tin1Pacific.
Miss Kittlo William * , of Cedar Kails , [ s n
[ iiest of the family of W. W. Wnllnco.
W. K. Axlinei , who ifpre < cMts Hnilp ,
Haas & C" . on tin- road , * | H'iit Sunday heiv.
Iteiity Knul nndvlfo ceklirnted thru
'vetith ' mania o ntmiu'Mitry S.itur
Miss Yiol.iSc.trs luisrttuinril from Xilw ,
h Ini IKX'IInltiiiK frietiilH for M-\onil
Mr. 1'Vi'iich , nf C.i.uly , Kiotich > t Oictitt.
i'\ifclx [ to itart thii MvcK nti an extended
tiip iMitwnnl.
David Urnilloy , of Chiajgo , IIOHO imino i-i
so f.tinihrly knonn in I'uiitio.tiiniith ng
cultural nin.liinory , is In tlm city.
Daxy Liytnii , poncrU npiot for VaiilnnVs
cxlc * , \\-ia tnkitn III at the I'nclliu linitio Snt
urdty , and was sunt to hit hoinii nt liuilin -
tou Junction.
Knv. Mr. IJati's nf tlui I'n'-tliyti'
: liurclili'i\o-i thin ovtiiinj ? for Chic.\fi ) and
rt'i-ujiiiin , i'\n'clinjfti | > join hii family anil
, ikc a v.iu.tlion of a month orsi' .
J. T. Clailc , ( .1'iic'ial ni.tnn cr of the
J. , St. 1' . , M. tt O , mmnl in this city
roiu the oa t S.ituidayo\i > niiirand procctiUtl
.vitli a jiarty of gentlemen to Omaha ,
A. U. HotiRliton , ono of the licit of Iowa's
salesmen , ppetit Sunday with hit family hero ,
nnd it is intimated that lie may MUIH change
tin Ini ini'si fureiiu wliicli will iinuo closely
connect him uith Council lilulFa ,
Charles Haiinon , who tiau-U for David
Uradley it C ) . , got in S itmd.ty nij-ht , a hap
py i etui n for him at this \vns tha fiixt tup
jnadeliy him since ( jetting married , anil out
on the road for nix weeks or so alone is n tedi
ous sot t of a honey-moon.
Hundreds of gratulul puoplo who Imvo
boon cured of rhouniatis'n ' nay Silnain
springs ia uhoad us n specific for tint dis
c-in e. Sco ndvurtiaumuiit in another
Prltniirj CUIICUSOH ,
The republicans of Kino township will
moot in primary convention on Monday
evening , August ft , for the purpose of
choslng delegates to the county conven
tion , to bo held at the court house nt 2
p. in , August 8 , 1881.
The iirnt ward will moot nt the store
of Wies & Clausen and select five dele
gates ; the second ward at the city build
ing and select nine delegates ; the third
ward at thenflico of Justice Abbott and
select six delegates ; nnd the f inrth ward
at the court houao and select nine dele
Meetings will bo ctllcd at 8 o'clock p.
ra. By order of E B. OAHDINKK.
A. S , HAIIT ,
Township Com.
IVaroroonia In Nv YorJc.
"Mr. Win. D. Dutton has assumed
direction of the Now York warerooms of
the Ilardman piano , with which ho is
having such great success in his Phila
delphia business. The extraordinary
rapidity with which the now Hardman
upright and grand pianos have advanced
to the high position which they now oc
cupy has boon owing to three facts :
"Thoy arn faultless instruments. They
POBBOSS phenomenal durability. And
they are sold at modest prices. " [ Ameri
can Art Journal.
J. Mueller , general agent for the west.
Depot , Couucil BluffH , Iowa.
The oflico of Council Bluffs steam dye
and cleaning works has removed to No.
31 Main street , in B. S. Torwilligor'a
paper storo.
Tli Armlicim Oatrlcli Farm ,
Anaheim Gazette ,
Thn failurn nnd nbondnnmont nf the
Florida ostrich farm , which has just taken
placu , had led in.iny to predict uio uuur
tailuro of the Anaheim experiment , ana
the long deferred production nf n new
gcncr.ttion gave oomo color to thi < gloomy
forebodings. But ns was predicted in
these columns so mo weeks a o , there are
at the ostrich farm Btruttii g proofs of thu
glorious climate of California and , it
may bo added , of ita superiority over
Florida. The chicks are healthy and
vigorous and give promieo of a long and
prosperous career. Tlio eggs were
hatched in the incubator , and it may
reasonably bo expected that from this
tune henceforth thu crncklo of the eggs
ami the salutatory cackle of the chicks
will bo of almost daily occurrence ,
Ono of the femalb ostriches is hatching
a nest of eggs in the good old-fashioned
way. In the contest between nature and
art the latter has proven the victor ; but
the natural process of incubation being
slower , it is too early yet to predict a
failure. The reasons for the failure to
bring forth chicks last year ore well un
derstood. The birds were too young to
produce fertile eggs , a fact of which the
superintendent and other stockholders
were unawarn , they being the victims of
a misplaced confidence in the importer of
the birds. They arc now old enough to
retrieve thenuolves , however , nnd tlioro
is every reason to believe that the com
pany will soon bo able to fill orders for
your ostrichps "with promptness and
despatch. " Visitors to the farm will not
bo permitted to BOO the chicks for several
A Little Too BnHtifuI.
Robert , n bashful young student of
Cupid , recently eummoned up onoii h
courage to escort a young lady home ,
says the Albany Journal. At the break
fast table next morning Ilia father etiid :
"Well , my son , did you go homo with
any of the girls last night ? "
"Yes , " said Bob.
"Who was ho ? "
Hubert hesitated , but finally blurted
out :
"i thought it was Annie Warren , but
when to the turn of tbo road she
went into Ella Flam'u houso. "
"But I should think you might have
told by tbo sound of her voice , " eaid his
father ,
"Neither of us said a word"said Deb ,
blushing and stammering.
LoNT-os' , Aneiut 2. Minister Lowell taken
a furlough during August.
Without tlio Aid or Art.
Now York Morning Journal
As n woman can not bo beautiful without -
out ha\ing n good completion , and as
many women nro decidedly ignorant of
even the simplest rules for keeping the
complexion in a good condition , Tlio
Journal reporter obtained the following
hints an nids to the complexion. Some
women nro born with beautiful skins ,
clear , soft nnd poach-like , but there nro
very few women in this climate who own
keep their complexions nnd tinnd-
gome without considerable rare. There
ia something in the Now York air , its
harshness or saltnois most probably , that
tends to coarsen and roughen the skin.
Nowhere will ono BOO sucli b.vl complex
ions among the general run of women na
iu Now York.In Philadelphia nud
Boston , in Washington , Chicago , oven
in grimy Cincinnati , the complexions o'
the girls nnd women have n freshness , r
soft color , which these of Now York girls
and women lack. Of course there nro
number of exceptions to this rule ,
Tlioro nro both women nnd girls in Now
York whoso complexions nro oxquisito.
The first thing that n woman should
remember when she wauls to improve
her complexion la that nothing rubbed on
the akin is going to help it very mater
ially. The lotions nnd "creams" nnd
preparations of ono kind and another
which nro prepared by quacks for "beau
tifying" the skin are all Imm'nigs ' , and no
sensible woman should bu led into buy-
tug them. To obtain n bonutitul skin
ono must began t.nd diet properly. But
ter , motif , and greasy f'ioil ' cf uvory
kind must not bo eaten , C. IVou and tea
must bj given up , BO must claret nud all
kinda of irino and milk or lumonndu sub
stituted , Frulta nnd vegotablns should
bo eaten la abundance , nch pien nnd
c.xkvs avoided , pie never should bo touch
ed nud pickles nnd ncid food generally
should bo dispensed with. A woman
who fallows tno nbavo nil03 will find that
her akin will become clour after several
months Imvo pasted. Of courau the
dieting must bo thorough nnd cartful.
No improvement can bomado unices it is ,
A tnblespoonful cf sulphur taken every
other morning fur n week , nnd then not
taken again for thrtio days , and then ta
ken every other morning for another
week , is ono of the beat things to clear
thu complexion. It acts like magic. It
should always bo mixed with inolrtases or
something "thut \ > ill clear it from thu
S lt a tablespoonfdl dissolved inn
goblnc of milk is nn old-fasnionod re
cipe for beautifying the complexion. It
certainly is a simple remedy , and if it
does not help the complexion it will
strengthen the system. A great deal
depends upon the constitution of the per
son nnd the kind of complexion she has.
Wlmt'will help ono woman wonderfully
will IIAVO no ell'eet whatever on others.
Ono thing Is certain , however , milk is al
ways conducive to softening and whiten
ing the 8.C1D , nnd it ia n noticeable fact
that girla who have never boon allowed
to drink tea or coffee , and who have
drank quantities of milk , have generally ,
when tnuy roach thn ngoof L'O , very beau
tiful complexions.
Boiling water ia alao ono of the best
things with which to keep the complex
ion in order. A tumblorfull should bo
drank ono hour before every meal. If it
is disagreeable by itself thu juice of half
a lemon should be added. Sugar should
not bo used. Most women in summer
time are too careless of their complex
ions and when winter comes and they go
out to balls and parties they regret it.
The sun is excellent for the complexion
if it docs'iiot get too much of it. A lit
tle browning nnd freckling is oftimes
very beneficial , but when the face is < x-
poaod to too great n measure of the sun's
rays the skin is apt to become coarse.
Veils very thin ones should bo al
ways worn at a seaside resort , unless
parasols are carried. The salt air and
the sun together are bad for the com
plexion , though excellent for the general
Fashionable women and girls in New
York nlways have their arms and nocks
"polished" before going to a ball or
other entertainment where they appear
with very decollete drosses. "The "po
lishing" greatly beautifea the skin. First
the arms and nock are rubbed very thor
oughly with glycerine and roso-wator.
After this has been rubbed oil' the arms
and shoulders are covered with cold
cream , which ia allowed to remain on
fifteen minutes. This ia then rubbed oil
with n piece of line soft wliitu iUnnol ,
and the arms and shoulders are covered
with "baby" ponder nnd rubbed very
thoroughly. This finishes tbo operation.
When this is completed they look liku
polbhed marble , and thn akin Booms to
take on a wonderfully fine und beautiful
tcxturo. S imu ono has nuggostod tht >
the face might bo treated in the sixmo
wuy with good ill'ect , but this would bo
nnxt to impossible , us thu texture of the
akin on the arms und shonldora ia nlways
diflurunt from that of the faco. The face
should always bo washed in water that
has thu dull taken off it. Warm water ia
not good for the complexion , dcapito
all that haa boon said to thu contrary ;
neither is real cold water. The ono
inihuti the okiu iUuby , und in timu
wrinkles it ; the other roughens it. Cos
metics of every kind ahould bo avoided.
Thi-y re alway * dinquititig nnd oven a
little powder put on on a warm day , to
"UHu the muiio oil" is objectionable.
Powder t'ond paint always stamp n
woman at once as common , no matter
liow small a qoantity may bo used. Oit-
meal and Indian monl water are both ex
cellent for washing the face and hands ,
in. The meal softens thu skin and gives
to it a dolioateflusli which ia very becom
ing. The majority of women will also
find that salt water will help their com-
plosions. Got 10 cents worth of rock
salt every month nnd wash in a basin
into which a good lump of it has been
placed. Rain water ia an excellent
thing for the skin , and there is as much
truth as poetry in the 'saying that the
" early dow of the morning will make
like the face of an angel the woman who
bathos in it. "
French Grape Brandy , distilled Ex
tract of Water Popper or Smart-Weed ,
Jamaica Ginger and Camphor Water as
combined in Dr , Piorco's Compound Ei-
tract of Smart-NVoed , is the beat possible
remedy for colic , cholo.'a morbua , dia
rrhoea , dysentery < r bloody flux ; also to
break up colds , fevers , ana inflammatory
attacks. 50 cents. Keep it on hnud.
Good for man or boast. MonThurs
Uon VVuloH JiiiiiiUHtcncl
Is in Jefferson street within n stono's
throw of court house equaro. The res
idence , which was remodeled several
years before the senator's death , is a
largo frame , with a mansard roof , and is
a typical country homo. The oflico , like
that of Giddtngs , is cloao to the street
within easy hailing distance of the houso.
It i * a small affair , and contains the
books and papers of the dead lawmaker ,
which have not boon disturbed since his
death. Mrs , Wade is still living , but Is
very feeble , She U a relative of the wifa
of us Vice President Colfax , and also of
General Koiocrauc. She married
Wade when ho was forty , and
had n great Uonl to do
with the success lie met in later
yonrj. Shu is a woman of rn fined tastes
nnd ia venerated by all who know her.
Henry P. Wndo , ono of the sonx , lives
on the homestead , and makes the breed-
ingof line horso-llnh hii business. Ho
owns the Maple Wood Stock Fnrm , and
has several trotters that have in rule good
records on ths turf. Previous to 1870 ho
wns n captain in the eight cavalry , and
served during the war among the regu
lars. James franklin Wade , the other
son , ia a major in the nrmy. The Wade
family is hold in very high esteem by
the penplo of JeH'ornon. The old homo
is richly furnished , and is filled with in-
toroatijg articles of virtu. The mother
and eons nro elegant nnd hospitable
people. Mrs. Wncio haa nlways boon a
professing Christian , and ia noted for her
works of charity. The Senator , on the
other hniul , was unbeliever until n
short time before his depth , when bo de
clared in favor of spiritualism. It ia
said tiiit ho often skookcd the members
of the Biptist church , whoso IIOIIAO of
worship was nearly opposite the Wndo
homestead , by hoini ; in his garden on
Sunday morning. Ho gave his onion
buds nnd'cnbbagoa n rrido berth six dnjs
in the week , bit took oipecml delight in
pulling woods , turning over fresh earth ,
botwo.-.i tlio hours of 10 and 11 each
Sunday mnrning from May till Septem
The village cotnotery has n wooded
ravine on ono aide , nnd n winding crook
on another. On n grnsiy knoll overlook
ing wliitu cottigoa and long lines of
maple trooa which shade the well kept
streets of the town , nro the family lots of
the tivo dead statesmen close together.
U ado's monument is of polished granite ,
tun foot high , live foot square ntthu hist ? ,
nbout two feet eqturo nt the top , nnd Is
tiurmountod by n plain entablature. The
stone ia inscribed :
Oct. ' . ' 7 , 1S7S.
Miir. 2 , 1HSO.
At the biso the name Wade ia cut in
long , deep nnd heavy letters.
AVeuU. linden.
Old chair backs nro now rejuvenated
with pretty bits Of fancy colored satin nnd
silk in curious shapes. Folks who Imvo
weak backs nnd nru otherwise debilitntod ,
Hud strength nnd comfort in Brown'u
Iron Bitter ? , which makes them good as
now. This famous iron medicine hna
worked wonders for the weak nnd weary.
Mrs K 11. Smith , Whitehall , Mich ,
says : " 1 used it with great benefit for
stomach nnd liver complaint and general
weakness. "
Piles are frequently preceded by n ponno of
Weight Int ho back. loins nnd lower part of the
[ xbilomon , cruisin the nnttont to Bupixuo ho has
eoino niroctliin of the kidneys or iiolghboriug
organ * . At tl lmos , eym tonia of Indlgo'itluu
are preaont , as ilatucncy , of tlio
stomach , etc. A molstcro Hko pornpirntton ,
producing n Aory dlsngroonblo Itching particu
larly nt night after cotting wnrm in bed , Its
very common attendant. Internal , External
nnd Itching 1'lles yield at once to the applica
tion of Dr. Boaanko'a 1'ilo llomody , which ucta
directly ur-u the parts affected , absorbing the
tumors , nlluylng the intense Itching , nnd ef
fecting n permanent euro \vhoro otlior reme
dies have failed. Do not delay until the drain
011 the system producou permanent disability ,
but trv It nnd ho cured. Schrotor & Bockt/J
"Trado Huinillsd bv C ! . P Goodman. "
Tlio roiiHolliiK I'art of It.
Detroit Test : "Papa , you will have
to buy mo a now silk dress BOOH. "
"Why , it's not long ago that I bought
you a now silk dress. What's the matter
with that onu , my dear ? "
"It's badly worn about tbo waist. It
doesn't look lit to bo aeon.
"ll'm. Isn't this tno second drees
that young Mr. Foathorly has worn out
for you about the waist ? "
"I I am afraid it ia papa , " replied
the blushing girl , "but wo have ono con
solation , you and I. It must coat him a
great deal for coat sleeves. "
'onnectlng In Union DopoU tit KmixunChy ,
Onmliunml Denver wllh tliiongh tmiim lor
Anil nil points In thu Gicnt Wont
Connecting In ( iiimil Union I Input nt Ghlrugo
wltli through tiulii.s Tor
And till Kusturn OIlliv ) .
At I'porl'i with lliionidi iniliiH lor Imlliump-
oils , CliK'liumtl , ColnmlniH , nnd nil jxilnls In
llmhoiitli-Kast. At tit. I.oula with tliiuiih | ;
tmlim lor nil point * Hoiith.
t Day Couches , I'm lor ( . 'urn , with lie-
diningC/lmlrtHcatH ) ( Ireii ) , Smoking Ciirn ullh
Kovolvlni ; Ulmli.H , I'nllnmn riiluro Sluciilnu
fiun and the turnout ! U. K. &Q. Dining CIIIM
run dally toandfi om Olilciigo nnd KiinnnnOll.y ,
Ulilcagonnd Council Hindu- Chicago nnd lies
MoincH , Uhlnigo , HI. Joseph , AtehlHon nnd
Tojiului without chiiiigo. Only thioiinh llni
running thul- : own tmliiH Iji-twroii L'hlcngo ,
Lincoln unit Ilonver , anil Chicago , Knunus
City nnd Donvtir. Tlnoiiffli can histwnon
IndlamipoIU and Council HUiiru , via 1'uorlu.
Solid TnilnH ol' jiu ; unt Day Couchi'H nnd
I'nllnnin 1'nlucoStooping Carn uio rim dally to
nnd fiom ill. I.onln ; via Hannibal ; Qnlncy ,
Ki'oltulc , llmllnuton , Ccdnr lliqildH nnd Allieit
I.eutoKt. I'aul nnd MlnnciijMilht ; I'mlorCma
with Itmlnlng Chali-H to mid riorn HI. IOIIH |
nd I'corlu. ( ) nly ono cliango of nun beiwrcn
St. r.onlsmid UCM Molmn , Iowa , Lincoln , Nu.
hiiiNkn , mid Denver , ( 'olomdn.
It lu also thu only TlnungliMiio between
ItlH known nx the unmt 'rilUOlKill OAK
T.IN10 ( if Ainurlcu , nnd Iti imlveiwilly iidinlt
'I'll III lit ) UlU
Finest Equipped Railroad in the World for
all classy of Travel.
Through Tlckr-in via this line lor wiln at Bi
ll. It.conixiu ticket olllcca In the UiiKudtitutcb
'liUtn. Mtntrcr O o ftll.
Jf ,
a 1.0 latix tx-oot ,
Ono of the Host and largest Stocks in the United State ?
to select from.
Ian Enjoy Pure Air & Water !
And nil of the good nnd plcnsnub things that go to make up a com
plete nnd happy existence.
The town o South Omnlm ia situated south of the city of Omaha
on the line of the U. P. Railway , nnd it is less than SJi miles from the
Omitlui post ollico to the north line of the town site.
South Oiniihu is nearly 1 miles north nnd south by 2 1 enatand
west , nud covers un nron of nenrly four square uiilea ,
The stock yards are nt the extreme southern limit.
Nearly IfiO lots have heon Hold And the domiiud is on the ] increase
The yards are being rapidly pushed to completion.
The 00,000 beef packing house is progressing finely.
The $90,000 Wntor Works are keeping pace with the other ira
proveiueiitn , nud the Hotel nud Exchange Building will be erected at ouco
The 13. & M. and Belt Line Rnilwnys Imvo a large force of men nt
work nnd will , in connect ion with the U. P. Railway , have a union depot
near the park at the luwthcnd of the town. Suitable grounds will be
furnished for Church and School purposes.
Now is the time to buy lots in this growing city. They will never
bo cheaper than they are to-day.
§ 5 ? " Apply ntttio Company's office , cor. of Uith and Douglas Jstreeta
over the Omul.njSaving'a Bank.
Assistant Secretary ,
North-Western Electric Light Go.
'in Arn
lb Alb
Adopted by the U. S. Government and raont of the loading atoamahip companies
nnd Qotola. Regard fd an the
For Rates Inquire at ollictt , N. W Cor. Fifteenth and Farnam Streets
J. fl. MILLARD , President. WM. WALLACE Cashier.
Capital and Surplus. S5OO.OOO.
Pirn and Durtrlar Proof Safoa for Rent at from 85 to 350pf > r annum.
Wholesale Druggist ,
Double and Single Acting Power ana Hand
Engine Trimming * , Mining Machinery , Bolting , Hose , Brass and Iron Fittings ,
nt wholoealo nnd retail. HALLADAY WIND-MILLS , CHURCH
Corner 10th Farnam St. , Omaha Neb.
The Palace Hotel of Denver.
Cor , Seventeenth and Lawrence Sts
HOOIDI 7Ca to 82.00 | > cr day. SpecUl RaUi by Uio Month.
Conducted on the American nnd European Plane.
Board 97 per week.