to AHA DAILY BEE SATURDAY , AUGUST < i 1881 , _ _ -THE g BEST TONIC. 3 . This medicine , combining Iron with pure TCRctsWo tonic * , nulrkly nnil rownuicly I.'itrrs llTHpppHln , ImllKrullmi , Ufnl < nrn' < IinpurolllnnilIIInnrlnCbllliiniiiU'crrrii , nnil NrnrnlBln. Hlsnn unfalllne romcdy for Diseases of tlio Klilncy * nnil I.lrrr. 11 Is Invaluable for rtlicn-cs Kculmr to TVonicn , nnd nil who lend KMlciilary Jl cc. lti1oc4iiolliOurotliotcctlicnu < ohcnilACho.or produce constlpAtlon oiArr/ran mtatanrf tin. Itcnrlclicsftuil purifies thoMood.MlmulntPi Ihonppctllc.nlilj Iho * Imllnllon of food , re lieves Hcarthurn mid llclrhltie ; , mid strength ens tlio muscles nnd nerves. , , . , . , Tor Intermittent Kovcr * . Lassitude , IACK of Energy , Ac. , It has no cqunl. i. OSTlie ccnnlno lins nlio\olrni1crnnrk nnil orosf cil if A lines on wrapper. Tnlc tie oilier. K < 4e utj imcmjstiir.iim > . , nmixor.r , no , af the , rurht , commercial travticrnndnowiict ? tltr , Ilostcttcr'eSti. irach Hitters bj ecu- llaih nditptuJ , ilnco It tdninKtheru ! the illfrotlioorK i ] * , tn < l liruo the | .hplMl s.- , energies to unlicnltll " ful li.flucnco * . It re. mum and proteiitt malarlil fo\cr , con * ' ( pepsin , htultlifuily ntlmii. Itlesthekldncjianil liUddcruiilenilcbM m \ \ til a l.nrlllcs the Mood , When o\cr- e u iu o l.y fatlquo , whether incnUl or t.Iije , the enry nnd debllltiteil find a rclliblonourfo ol rcnowoJ rlrenpili nnd comfort , I'or ( ntlclinoM. In nil caiice li\ \ ) nit-ry nr bowtl i ) iinlalnts. Hldga'a f cil clicnM ho ailoi I- j I e thi dietetic. It U .utrnl In Its actlou pen tlio IIOHC'II nnd 1 ciplly KMlmllattd. r < rcoter , It nlll1 > o ro * sJned where > ery iln ? elsj falK Klilzu'fl _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ oed Is undoubtedly the iikhcmin ell clement * -trcnKth nnd lit-lnga tnormixhly Mcatn-co.'Vcil ( on I. ' Mny " ' digestion. for tali li > PrujgUV. ; WOOl/UOII fc CO ; , on label. I IOUM * an mr * . oo lt CITUU Ajtocr. At cmlUsI pttlilft to&lo cfiiittirtl.cmr , rnvtuwi everts * i * n. vrurrzz'-iAVi' , CCLS . si. auo < ii > iiur. y. r. BED STAR LINS Bojrul and IT. 8 , Mnll Stoaraorfl SAILING EVEEIY SATURDAY , BETWKEN NEW YORK AND ANTWERP The Rhine , ( Sfninany , Italy , ITollanil and France 8l M eo OutwarJ.CW ; Prepaid from Antwerp , fig ; f.icuralon , gifl , InoludtngliiHldlnK , eto , U Cabin , ? 10 ; ( taund Trip , 990.00 ; Exeurilon , $100 ; Saloon fcom % lt to 170 ; Excursion 110 to (190. ttfTeter Wright & Sons , GOD , Agonta. EG CroaJ. wnyll. Y. f Cildwcll. Hamilton & Co. , Omaha. P. K. GIoi ) man & Co. , MS N. IBtb Street , Cmaha ; D. K. Kim ill , OmahiApeoU. _ t . IU * "JHU , | ( AKlKlL. ) . . iJlUVno-VOLTAIC niIT end othfr Ki-Kcmio ; ArruAKCiH nro sent im 0) Dajs' Trial TO V.IiN ONLY. .OUNO OU OLD , who nro aufffr. ( UK frum HtKTons WKnartT ; Lour vmuTr. iviirmoVR iunR3iui , nnd all tno o dlxfuur * of a J'uiisojijii. NATUnu. irsiilUntr from AHDBCII nd Clllin OADSKSUpeeily rullot and rnmploto rMtorntlon tc ilriLTn. VIOOB nnd MANUOOD UAiuMTirrn. Bend at once for IlliuUt il I'mnpUlctfri-e. Adnix-m " OiiTJO. : . , niumhnll. mieb. Health is Wealth ! 1 . K. u WRIT'S NMWH ANB DRAIN TRKArvrsT , a isuaunued iH-cUo for Hinteria , DIKIUOM. , Couful. loiif , HU , NenouiNouraKlo , Htadaoho , Nerviius I''o iraUuiua'iiMlbytliouaiofalcoiol or toliaoco , WakdulnrtH , Jltal , diriB | loii , Holtcnlnjf of llio liraln rniltlnff In lojinitv and leading to inljory , Un y anil deatb , I'rnnatura Old Aue , llo-ronou IOM fl'u uf u citburiix , Involuntary Lon and Boor- matiirh r rauned lij oicr exertion of th i luaiii. d ( . abiieoi or o > er indulE-ncc Kach box iwiUflinnnu inontlia ticatruuit SI 00 a box or l lioxca for fo.OO , lent by null iirepald on receipt of price. VtK QUAIUMKK BIX DOXKd To curn any cue. With eich ord r roielvo'l by ui rorilx hi > xei accompaulod Iih 100 , no | | | wnd 'tlio imtcliiatr our iltlcn iruarauteo to refund the .money If the treatment doc not effoet a euro. Uuir- xuitns Iitueit enl > by JOHN C. WEoT & CO . > t o-ly 802 Uidlton bt , , Chicago , lit HAS NO UPERIOR. The Steck is a Durable Piano. TUB BTECK Ilia 8INOWO. ( JUAUTY 0V TONS FOUND NO OTIIICIl 1'IANO. BOLD NLY BY WOODBRIDGE BROS , , 215' ' OUAUA NEB. Chartered by UwButeof Illi. noli for thcexprcaipurpoM of Elvlnglmmedlate rclfcllc , U cliroiilc , urinary and pri vate dlseuei. Oonorthcra , 0 Ice t nd ! > yphil ! in all their complicated forms/ alto ! ' dUc ( c * of the tskln ana Ulood promptly rtllevcd and ptrmanenllycurcd by rcme. . , bpttlall'raettrf. Btmlnal _ I if lit ] x > ucby Dreams , l'imptc ou e.lXAt M ntipoJt'ojrtenrol ( rtu { Hiitel > rri > itr > ilitifi , Thi ppropil te < . . . . , , used in CKclicjuc. ConiulUuoni.per. unal or by tetter , cacredly confidential , tied. aon cnt by Mull id txpren. Ho marki on pZtjiiKt to Indicate conteau ur leader. Adareti o. 20Wajhlnoton 6l.ChIt jollL HOME , SWEET HOME , The Eectpllon of the Greoly Parl ] aiiUKscnnrsatPorlsinonlli , l I HKHcnncBlJntveontliollCHCUCt niul tliclr Wonrcnt Kin , PORTSMOUTH , August 1. Al just abon sunrise tin's morning , llio UniteJ Htixto stoAincr "Alllnnca , " which liai been Htallouoi oulnlda tlin h bur In expectancy of this nnlv al of the Arctic flcoi , discovered n double lln of smoke nnd , atonmlng out , soon becnm ntvnro of the Urcoly Arctic relief expedition The urtnntnont of the "Alliance" WM broiled Into piny nnd mia nftor gun thundered fort ) peals of welcome , to .which the cannon of the drool } ' boats responded , doubtless in grntofu rccognlUon , Shortly nftor the "Allinnco1 came within hailing dlitinco of the npproixch ng ttonmora nnd , with bolls ringing am whittles thrtcklng , the "Alllnnco" hntlcd the "" " and "ThotlK. " Shortly nftcr stinrlso the "Boixr , " "Thetis" nnd "Alliance" stoamm ; in t10'"t ' off tholslo of Hhoals , whcro the firs tiRuof the homuwatd voy Ko of the GreeJy ollof expedition wan finished. Graceful ) ; hty came into the hntbor , with yards nquatut mil etn'kR pouting foiuth clouds of nnulcc , ully twonty-lour hours before the licet WM cximctod , When It had bncomo known that the Arctic quftdron hod Arrived ontaldo the haibor , the xcitcmcnt on board tlio men-of > wnr nt nn- lior was intense. Shortly fter 8 ti'cluuk thu wolcomu tiows of tin fnfn nrrlval of the ( Jrcoly oet inroad thiotiRh the city , nnd when tbo JJenr' ' nud "Thctl V had nrrlvod off Now : nstc ! , Secretary Chandjor dlnii\tchod | n Btrntn aunth to Cumiimndor Hihloy with oiUurn thnt ho "JJenr" nud "ThotlB" Hhoulil romuln in the HiiiR until preparation ) ) fur their reception lould bo completed. The fpcretary of the avy then proicedcd to the ' Tillapoosa" and rders wuro pi veil nt once for thu L-nttra piiiud- | in of war vcinola In the harbor to prepntu for it reception of the Arctlo heroes. All the aval % cs els were decorated with Atnuricnn IRI at the lop of the matin. A the "Hoy- on" Htoatncd down the river , tlio men on > onrd the old nhip 'Ccnslltutlun" ran up the iroiul' , lifted hntH nnd wuvud nnd uhoutod u ndisl holute. The other voxels In the lower mrbor wvro decked in the gayest colors. The iigship "Ttnnorsco" displnycd the acting idmlrnl'H broad ponnnnt nc the mlzzcnmnat. 'lio "TnllnponaVgiivo to tlio broczo the colors [ the Bocrotryof the navy. The ships roou ; ot under way nnd stenmcd down the river , .t neon thu preparations fur the reception ol 10 Arcticlleot wcrn co ntilotcd. A great many Invited gucsta , inclndlncr mnuy dixtlnguUhed paraoUH and families of nvnl ollicers , were carried by the imval , uam launche.i to the fbnlilp "Tennosseo,1 n tlio quarter dock of which itho chief corn- conlcn were hold. At 2 o'clock the "Alii- nco rounded thofoot of the point nnd came , o niichor Komii dlstnncu nstorn llio "Tenum- oo. " The "ThotU" fullowod lilteen njinut s ator nnd anchored nbrcast the "Alliance. " As 10 "Thetis' " Biicaors wont overboard the arils of nil the Mil pa In the hatbor were nnnned , ( lags run to the mastheads , nnd ireo rousing cheers given. It was nn nffect- ngscone , and many htnrdy nud 'bronzed HOIIH ; tar * were seen to brush tears nwnv. wltli heir Bloovoii. . Ten minutw after tl o "Thetis" mil anchored the "Ucnr' rounded thu point : nl BOOH came to anchor in the waUo of the Thotls. " Again the vnrda were ninnuod nnd 10 gallant peatimn gave thrca routing checrn. hlcli were repeated when the "Alert" .eaicod sluwly nround nnd dropped anchor breast of the "Bonr. " To avoid | ) nhllclty iut inch as poBniblo Secrvtiry Chandler nrrauged .o receive tli3 co'nuwndcni ol the rellof ship * n the nft cabin. Acting Admiral Luca en- nrtud thtiu to the presence of the secretary if tlio navy. As Commander Schloy sU'ppml nto the cabin ho wni greotnd by tha secretnry who clniped bis hand with fervor , nnd pusing no nrm over his rhonldor , said tn a voice mothered with emotion , "I am ulnd toel oiiia you homu. " Commander Collln of the 'Alert , " was next introduced and in nmucr n tha query of i Secretary Chandler said : "I VM noxor bettor iu heulth In my life. It eem to liavo agreed with us. " UUSDANI ) ANI ) WIFB. Afrfl. Tiioutpuant firdxlynriivodat noon nnd was conveyed to the ' Thetis" wbcro her Ims. mnd was. As thu lady passed down the com panion way to the barge t > hu walked with it rm tread and showed no other liigus of umo- onthan hitlug her llpn and tightly clutching icr banilH. Lieutenant Urcoly had not been nformod that his wlfo was ubout to go on > oard thu "Thotia" nnd a few mlnntoa before ler arrival wat in conversation with thu com- nandor. Ho said he did not expect to nee her o-day , no ulio had not been able to roach there o soon. When thu mcrotary's bargu was eon to lea vu the "Tonnosjco" with Mm. hoely mid her two brotherx , G. O , nnd C. A. icamuth , Hitting in the utiirn oheutH , tha uom- lander said to Lieutenant Grcoly : "Livuton * ut , I would liUu to BOO you In my cnbiu for a few minutes. " Commander Schloy onter- aincd Lloutonant Urooly In conversation un- 11 n peculiar signal won given by boatswain a indicate Unit Mrs. uruoly was nbnard and ready to meet her husband , The lady remblod very much nnd her breath cnmo in rasps , nnd her whola frame shook with cino. ion. With fultmiug Htopiifiliu went to the nbln dour. Ju t ul the innUtit fho ontorrd /oinmandor Hchloy left tlm room , Innvlng thu eng nepuratpd coiiplo nlone. Lientununt ireclv was Hitting with bin buck to the door , iut whou C'liiinunilcr Scliloy l"ft him , ha timed nnd ut tha mime ItMtant saw his wlfo ntor. Witii a loud cry that wan moru like a ligmtlo neb , half suiolhored , Lieutenant Grcely bounded from thn chair with oyfw [ loitinlni' with joy at the night that Klnddunod hum , Mrs , ( ireely tnll , dark and ftutely - [ rang forward t > ineut h r husband , crying "A11T11UII , AltTHUII , 1IOMK " After Mr. mid Mrs. ( ! r ely had been nloni ; nr twenty minutes , her brnthors were called n and cordially and tearfully grcuted < olr btothar-luOnw. AYhen'MrH. ( iteoly mtorud the cuhlu where her luia- jutul was , it was iiotlreublo on board in "Thotlg , " that ever > bndv shed tuurs. .ator in the uvuningthn mother of Lieutenant iraoly came from Kowburyport and was ikcn at once on board thu "TotmiHsoo , " liortly afterward vhn wax put in a barge and .ukon itboard tha "Thetlo. " Whan she arrived leroMr. nud [ Mrn. Groely and the lattor'a irothur were seated ( In Comiritnder Schloy'n abln , oltonmtoly crying and laughing end mbruciiig. An Instant before the lloutonma's lothar rntorod the cabin , Commander Schloy topped tn thu door nnd mid : "Lieutenant , rnur mother is here. " Mrs. Greely then en- ornd nnd threw her arms around her sou's eck , saying only MY BON , S1V HON , " Lieutenant ( , rroly * poke no words save mother , " hut In bin tonu and expression thcro vai a world of tomieriiMS. Fearing that the ixcltomont would be too much for the Lieu- . limit's shattered condition Commander chloy entered mid wisely directed the con- orsHtlon Into Jens emotional chaunols. About o'clock Secretary Chandler entered his barge nil was rowed to tbo "Thetis. " Tbo secretary went at once to i loutonant Groely and alToc- Innately took the gallant explorer In his arms u the fervor of his erootiocr. " (1011 lIUtNH OU , 001) lILKMa IOU , " aid the secretary , "You have comeback to me almost fri-m the grave , I hope your fu- tire happlncsi mav riiward you for the trouble 'ou ' have had , " The lieutenant responded eellngly , thanking Mr. Chandler for thwoex- irCHtiuDS. The writer wan Introduced to Mr , Jrecly by Bectetary Chandler and the former t once said he deslrod tu thank tha newspa- ) or of tha country for thounlvemul kind man. ler In which ho nad been trentad by them fu could v but llttlo at pre out uoncorning ila expedition , but the public would noon bo Riven the outlri ) details through his nllicUl report - port When atked oa to hU hoaltb , Greelv itatud that bo felt oomparativelv wull In nil I It ) stated that ho bud gnlned rup Idly In ileih slnco bis rescue , but much of it wan soft and mora Injurious than benellclal , To-day he laid WM the b ppli' V of hit life ; that in onu day ovtrythlug on earth wai t' ) him for which wan could with- - HOMK , HOrllEII , NMKH ASI ) JIONOII In one dsy given to a man who a few days ago wu ou HIM brink of the ur ve is ui umch in inoital could desire. Tin llrutenant looked very happy Indeed , He sat with bis wlfo on oue ldo and hu mother on tha otiier. Ills chu ki ore' taking en a hoallhy color nnd 1m Btniidn on erect ui ever , but is not allowed to renndn nn hit feat long ot a time After his brlof Ulk with Lleutoniut Greely , Secretary Chandler win conducted to the deck , wher the crow of the "Thetis" wn drawn ttj ) I line , and n hardy net of men they were rough and bravo looking , flllKKi.V MEETS tilt MTTt.r. fi.NESi ronrsMorrtt , Atign't 2 Knrly thj < morn ing Mrs. Octcly came o\er t'j the city froi Admiral Well * ' ttsideneo. tnd then took lit tno little ll.iughtfr , who had rtlnft'iitd ' durin the night with thi-ir grandmother nt Ilotkinf at Kockinghnm home , over to the iidmiral tn see their ffttbcr. Afnlor Greely wnsovn come with eiiinlioii nt fight uf hi < littln nnr ? At iifKin Buw-oni Unniiell nml Hinilisiti' the "Coimtltutinn" to examine into thiphy cat mud it ion of thoturtivoifiof the ( irrely ex ( Sn-ely * * t under the treri on the lawn fi nn hour this afternoon with his wife , mothi and childrrn nronnd him , uhilo he CMinciTe with ' moral Hnrcn , Hunnn gnztilntwit Rrpnt iiitrrcitt by n vnit crowd nnmnd th linti i % To a retiortcr Grerly staled that h wi fooling Ix-tti-r thnn nt any tlmo olnco th rc'scitc nnil , said he. "I nm jiMt nlxnit in hnpp IIM n > y mnii could jioMtbly bo. Tlio enl drawback being tlio memory of the Betenli e who nro not hem to enjoy the fniitfl of tliei cour g4 nnd devotion. " Sorgcnnt Itraiimrd , In conxorsntlon with th rrjiortir , x.ild the party did not suffer muc ou the journey down from Lnhy KrnnUl bay , th'it ) Imping Ix.-en hut littluinconvctilonc fiom thn cold. "It wo.1 when uo Ix'Znn U starvoxvo began tnRtifTrr/'lio luxtil. When th rnpoiter asked if the Greely patty could hav gene HTII.I , FUntllKROIITII , than they did , ho replied it would haio beej very ililliciilU ' 'A nhiii , " h said "could no h > VH g nn further nortli. Thu iciiwould opei ii lid clo"u no rnpidly tint thn M'svil Wouli nuti'lybo nipped nnd cnixhed if npnxsngo fur llier north had IK en atlumplei ) . Thu unin icu coiiditlini ! ! , " hu xnid , "would | iie\en nk'dging 1101 thu atd , lieeau-o wheru ieu wn ) [ iui itigtoiiflen it would IMVO Ix'eti of ( jiea 1 nger tn life. " When nuked as to Inn oimiioi whether future Arctic expedltiniis would HIIU reud in liinling tlm north pole , Sergcan 'ir.iimuil ' mid ho did not boliexo thlx would IK ueompliiihcd , "i or do 1 bvliuvn , " lie Bi'id "that any explorer will over roicli a higho atitiidn tlmii the Glfcly exiu'dllinn did. " tier fuiht Ilrninn d nisi ) stated that the cicw wuit : oii'fortubly sinutud while nt Lady Kninklii my. Thoio was jileuty of provisions coa uid uvury thing olru th < t thura was needed , \Vhui ntlcud iftho entito party \VOUU ) HAVB 1IKAUIIK1) 11OMB infejy if provinioni had1)cen landed nt Caiie Jabiuu by ono of the former rescuing oxpeili * rioiK , ho lenlied Htnilingly : "Well , if the nen who died had had enough to eat they vould not havn starved to death. The great ; ujt loin to the rxpcdition wai when the lisniiiiiinu died , lip wai ablu to get game IKH ( for us th.kt wo had not the strength or ctiowledgu to get for ouri C'Ives. " Wln-n the t-porter aHlied thuBUivivors if they beliuMnl hat other expeditious would bo n'lit to the Arctic , ono nnd all leplied : "Yes , and wo are all i-eady tope with them , nnd could stait to- norrow if necessary. " All of them looked ti eng and healthy , ORIGIN O ABISIONIA. Ammonia is obtained in largo quantities by ho putrnfactlon of the uiino of nnimala. n- ycJi > l > c < liti Hritanniat. Kvcry hnusckoopar can test baking po\ydors ontniuing this disgusting dnig by placing a an ol the "Royal" or "Androwa1 Pearl" top own on a In t steve until heated , then romovs ha cover and smell. Dr Price'd Cream Baking Powder does nol outnin Ainmonii , Alum , Mine , Potash , liano 'liosplmtts , ( provo it by tlio above test ) . It * tirepared by n Physician and Chemist with pticiid regard to doauliness nnd healthful- loss , m-o-w-2ra by a Spider , 'lie Gentleman's Magazine. Thu king of the spiders on the pampas a not n Mygalo , but a Lycosa of extra ordinary si 7.0 , light gray in color , with a > lack ring nrouug its middle. It ia ac- ivu and swift , and irritable to such a de- irco that ono can ucarculy help thinking hat in this species nature has overshot icr mark. When a person passes near jay within three or four yards of it urking-plucn it starts up and gives cbaso , and will often tullow for a distance of 30 or 40 yarda. I came once very nearly being luttou by ono of iheso savage creatures. Hiding at an easy trot over ho dry grass , I suddenly observed a pider porauing mo , leaping swiftly along nd keeping up with my boast. 1 aimed a blow with my wnip , and the point of ho lash struck the ground close to it , when it instantly leaped upon and ran up ho lash , and was actually within throe or four inches of my hand when I flung ho whip from mo. The gaushos have u ery quaint ballad which tolls that the ity 01 Cordova was ohcn invaded by on rmy of monstrous spiders , and that the ownpeoplo wont out , with boating drums nd flags flying , to repel the invasion , nd that after firing , several volleys they were forced to turn and tly for their LVC8 , I have no doubt that a sudden ; rcat iiicroasa of the man chasing spiders , n a year exceptionally favorublu to hem , suggested this fable to sumo rhym- ng satirist of the town. EMINENT MEDlOAb TESTIMONY. IS ) EAST J2l } > STUKKT , NEW YOUK , March 15th , 1883. I have uood ALI.COUK'H Poitous PL.IN- rr.UH in my practice with remnrkablu sue- us3 , und found them peculiarly cfliciont vhon nppliod to the back ior Weak Spine nnd Nervous Exhaustion ; they nll'.inl nl- nest inatnnt ruliuf in Coughs , Colds and jivor Complaint. 1 cordially recommend hem as tin * best and safest plaster over nndo , and would caution the public against the numerous other so-called Po- ous Ploatora that am sought to bit palmed ilf on a credulous public ; they are worth * oss and oftentimes dangerous. IOBEIIT S. NEWTON , M. D. , L. II. C. 8. Late Oliuf do Clinujuo Hospital for Disoasps of the Throat and Oheut , Medial - al Ollicor to the London Hospital , Clini- al Assistant lloyal London Opthalmio lospitul , Assistant to th ? Hospital for ) iaoasea of the Skin. London. 'hyeician and Burgeon , Why Ho Left. 'ox as Klftiugs. "Undo Pete , ware you present at the ocont alTrayl" naked the justice of the ) oaco. , I war , Jodgo. Dat Is to say , not .sickly present , but kinder oonspi'us roun do Bowbowbs ob'do crowd. " "How do you know there was a fight ; oin onl" "AY'y w'ondo crowd eommoncod to run obor mo , an' do pistils began to crnctc iglit liboly , an' do bullitu war a-ilyin' nonsus thick 'roun' my _ baby corpus , I ow 'oludod they war gitin1 agitated , so I otUhed to do saddlo-snop. " "Did you remain iu the shop ? " "Not berry long , Jedge , Artor nrrov- n1 d r , I dun look out do windar , an' 17'on I soon free inon shot , an * a bullit : oiuo in an * gr z ) do side ob my head , 1 spooled dar war gwyno 19 bo u furse ; so kinder sauntered out do back way , an' vent to tend to soiuu b'/.uuas ' in do coun > ry. " Hcrvnntb of tlio Htuiuaoli , The now ( lovcrnor Goncrhl of Canada > rought with him thirlyniuo nervanta 'lint Beoma a good many. But every tomaoh has more servants rhan that , jungs , liver , heart.artorios , veins , csuph- gus , kidneys and a\\ , \ \ the rust of thu larty must be | cupt in 'primo order if first- IMB uurvico is expected , Brimn'a Iron Httor'i ) is the great regulator for all these , t quiets them whou in robullion , and cerps them to their work when they are ory. PilOl'EUTY ON BKOAttWAY N Y , , Kfltuto Outlo lttcs The Million nlrcsVlio Bi > cnd llio KatnliiEB of tlio Grcnt 'I'linroiiRlilnro , Corrtspondcnco Hartford Tlmo ? , It has now boon decided that Brand way is to hixvo a surface railroad , cithc by horao or cable Unction , buforo nnotho year. A coinmitteo was appointed las week to hoar the final oujuuiions to tin cchome. As the Asturs , Lorillards QoolotA nnd several other owners o largo blocks of Broadway property hayi at last given their consent to the rail road there Is no doubt about its rap't completion , and a company of rich mot has boon formed to do the work. Thi elevated roads have worked the chaufti In the feelings of the Broadway mag nates. Until within the last few yuan thu Asters have fought all such schemes and succeeded. Years ago Broadway was tha main thoroughfato _ for the merchant chant , to go down town in the morn inu , and up town in the afternoon Some 'went by stage and. sonio ot foot. For several hours n day ii was crowded by the men whoso custotr was valuable to fashionable tailors , jew clors , booksellers , upholsterers , etc But iwhon the elevated roads came Uroadway fell between two stools , so tc speak. Thu solid business men who hat boon the patrons of the shops botweei Tenth street and the city hall , wanting t ( fiavo time , took the elevated ruad up town near their homos and were whisked down to their business. They wore seen no moro on Broadway. The eil'ecl was visible at onco. Tailors and jewel era moved either far up-town and fai down , following their customers , nnti Broadway ohoim ulong the two milca between twoen Tenth street nud the city hail fell t > if decidedly in rentals. People oven noosed to ride in Broadway stages they wore so slow compared to the elevated roads. So at last the property owners who opposed all change of any kind whatsoever because their property urns a perfect gold mine , now welcome n rail road in th6 hope that nomu of the retail irado may bo recovered. There nro 850 separate pieces of prop erty on Broadway from Union tquaro down to the battery. The whole is valued nt nbout $85,000,000 and is owned ) y ono thousand persons. An oxatnintt- -ion of the list hus shown that not moro han ouo-third of the number live in Now York. A great many valuable buildings are owned and managed by trustees ior .ho benefit of heirs ; other people who receive coivo millions every year for their Broad way properties have not boon in this country for yoara. The Boreol building , or instance , on Broadway near Trinity church , returns an Income of half n mil- ion nnd is owned by Mmr. Boreel , n rand daughter of John Jacob Astor , fho has not boon in America for twenty 'ears living entirely in Paris and bring- ng up her children as Parisians. Tlio Vstois nnd Goelots of the present genera- ion nro thoroughly identified nith Ntm Lork , and once or twice n week I meet ho portly John Jacob , thu grandson of the original , and the father of our ircaont minister to Homo , walking down Jroadway surveying complacently the iig buildings which help to swell his in come to about fnur millions a year. The lay that Seney's bank , the Metropolitan , closed its doors , I saw John Jacob amonc' ho crowd of curious people who stood on he sidewalk and watched the porter put- ing up the iron shutters. The big , port- y , rod-faced man who would bo taken anywhato for a typical Englishmancould afford to look on at otnors' financial roubles without anxiety. Some of the nest valuable property along Broadway s owned by minors , all that belonging to bo Clark estate , being hold in trust for a boy now five years old , and the Garner iroporty for three young girls whoso pa- onts were drowned in the yacht Mon- auk some years ago. SOME LUCKY PEOPLE. Several hundred persons derive their ole income from blocks of Broadway iroporty and live a life of luxurious idle- ess upon it. Sixty-five years ago a hrifty French confectioner named Con- oit bought half an ncro on Broadway near what is now the Metropolitan hotel nd established an ice-croam garden. Ho paid $12,000 for the property , then urrounded byfields and detached houses. Vn old gentleman , who recently died at ho ago ot 83 , frequently told mo that when ho .was a young m n it was a favor- Lo drive up to Contoit's garden. On umnier evenings the young bucks of the : ity would drive up there with their Jellen nnd havn ice cream in Contoit's rbors. The old Frenchman prospered , nd when ho died , in 1812 , his half aero vus already considered too valuable for a ummer garden. Stores were .built on it y his son , and ton years ago these old tores were torn down by his grandson. ! iu present owner , nnd big iron build- jgs erected. The property is now worth ot less than two millions. Mr. nud Irs Contoit are prominent opera-goers , lie beauty of Mrs. Contoit'a Paris rosBos and the brilliancy of the dia- lands making her an object of envy and lark. They have their yacht , their lorses , nnd their apartments in Paris and low York , all because old Francois Con- oit , the pastry cook's apprentice of 1800 , nvcstod his earnings in half an ncro ou ( roadway. The Contoit family is only no ot n score of Broadway owners where ro enabled to live like n lord is supposed o live upon the income from a few foot routage on that valuable thoroughfare. All these people having found their in- omo decreasing have looked nbout for lie cause nnd the want of n street rail way has become nppwent. A IIBOADWAY I'DZXLK. There is ono man to whom a Broad way railroad seems to bo n matter of com- loto indifference , although ho is a largo wnor of Broadway property. On the west side of Broadway below Houston , re two capacious live story buildings iat have stead empty for twenty years , bo wonder of the curious and tha detest- tion of adjoining merchants , who del - l ro that these buildings give a desolate ir to that part of the street. Mr. S a- > ury Browstor , the owner , has an office n the second story of ono of the build- ugs. In 1830 ho came to Now York and ssuinod the secretaryship of the Mary and Mining company , lie WHS thunono f the handsomest men in the city , but , Ithough fond of society , remained n uoholor. Ho invested his money in milding the two stores at Nos. 027-029 iroadway , For some years they were entod and paid a good inccmn Tnen , t thn beginning of the war , Mr. lirewttor who raised the rout quarrelled with his cnant * . They moved out and sinoo then 10 houses have b * en empty. TJo has > < ! en repeatedly offered $ KD,000 n year or each ono , but has steadily refused , iving no reasons , Years ago real estate gentu rcw tired of trying to induce old Iruwster tn accept n tenant. Binco 1858 10 has Jived nt tlio New York hotel re- aining the satne place at the inmo table , lo was called upon recently by the build- ig department to inbko some repairs as lie rats had rendered ono of his' buildings dangerous to passors. Ho spon $15,000 making the repairs , but goes 01 "fusing ? SO,000 n your all the same Why ho is so persistent nobody knows and possibly no ono will over know. Thi old gentleman is now nearly 80 years old Once n week ho goes to Coney island A friend of mine who once mot him com ing back from the island got the follow ing lecture from him : "If you want to have a good time int not waato money , you go down to thi island by boat and take a walk. Or your way back stop nt ( naming the place nnd get n cup of cofToo. Stop there , because cause the ptico is only seven cents ; elsewhere whore it is ten. Don't buy an oxcursioi ticket on the boat , but como back on thi cars. In that way you will save throi cants. " As to the much-talked of undorgrounc road , wo hear IOJB about it , and the enl ; piece of tunnel over built , that dug aloni Broadway opposite the city hall , in 1870 is now used as a ohooting gallery. ii. n. n. Angostura Hitters do not only tlisttn ilfh tlioinsolvcs by their flavor and nromntli odor nbovo all others generally used , but tliei nro nleo n mire preventive for all diseases orl limtliiK from the digestive organs , liawnro o counterfcita. Ask yotir ( ? r for r druggist fu the genuine article , manufactured by Dr. > F 11. SolRcrt & Sunn. President. Urovy , President Grovy's manner of living n the Elysoo , says the IVris corrcspondcn of the Boston Transcript , is dignilicc without ostentntion. His servants do noi wnar grny nnd scarlet liveries , but the arrangements of his household nro mort orderly than thoao of Thiers or Mahou. His strvnnts in black know how to keep intruders nt a distance. No mobof jour nalists , inventors acd plnco-huuters call to see M. Grovy in the morning. On the other hand , three or four times n week n great number of deputies , artists , jour nalists and officers may bo seen 01113 into the Klyseo ns if they were entering u club. They do not ask to BOO the pres ident or the lattor's secretary , M. Fourn- erot , but they make straight for a mag nificent room on the around floor over looking the garden , which has been con verted into n fencing silnon , and there find M. Dtniol Wilson lo fila do maiaon. All these habitues , who form the court of the third republic , knop their masks , foils nnd flannels ut the Elyseo , nnd sot to work fencing with each other as if they were at Gutchnir's. Presently n door opens nnd the president walks in. For n moment the fencing stops , the combatants nil turn nnd salute with their foils , while the ether visitors stand up. But , with n pleasant smile mm a wnvo of the hand 31. Grovy bids the jousters go on , nnd walks round the room , saying something to every lady , nnd inviting nbout a half dozen of the guests to stay with him nt breakfast. Nervousness , .Nervous Debility , Neuralgia Nervous Shock , St. Vitus Diinco , 1'rostration , anil oil diseases of Nerve , Generative Organs , and all permanently und radically cured by Allen's Brain Food , the great botanical rein < ly. SI pkp. , G for $ . . At druggists , Spontaneous Combustion. Lowell ( Muss. ) Cornier. A curious incident happened in the yard of the Merrimack manufacturing company yesterday. It was a case of spontaneous combustion. No damage vras done , and the occurrence would not be especially noteworthy but for the pe culiar circumstances under which it took plice. An old logrollor used in a wash- lug machine in the dye house had boon condemned beciuao it was worn from ago. The iron rod running through the centre of the log , by moans of which the roller revolved upon its bearing ! ! , was surround ed by sulphur , to prevent the wood from rotting quickly by the ready con tact with water which the iron rod nlono would allow , and also to make the parts of the roller hold firmly together. When the roller was condemned it was taken out in the ynrd ana split open , to sep arate the wood from the iron. The parts were not removed , but were left iu the sun. Some chips nmong the refuse were were discovered burning about an hour afterward. It created no little surprise nt first that wood should take fire by simply being exposed to the sun. An ex planation was subsequently arrived at. In splitting the log pieces of sulphur were also broken from the rod. A chem ical action , made easy by the long nnd iudmnte connection of the sulphur with the iron rod , ( the latter had rusted con siderably , ) had been partially completed , nud needed only the burning rays of the sun to produce perfect combustion. Thu contact of the sulphur with the oxidiziti" in n formt-d sulphide of iron , afterward changing to sulphate , which is very sen sitive to igniting agents. SITTING Bull is suid to be an in tolli gent and educated man ; ho instructs hia young braves how to preserve good health by teaching them the principles of hygiene which nro so nbly sot forth in " 1'liH Science of Lifo , or , Self Preserva tion. " Published by thu Peabody Medi ci : ! Institute , Bosurn , advertised in this paper , HlmitiH Kvon on Olio's Dying IMllow. Puniln Journal. Orttgut is made from the ontrals of allot' } ) . Cuttle bone is not bone , hue n kind of chalk once enclosed in the fossil remains of extinct specimens of cuttle fish. Gorman silver wis not invented in Germany , and does not contain n particle of silver. Cleopatra's needle was not erected by the Egyptian queen nor in her honor. Pompoy's pillar had no his torical connection with Pompoy in any way. Sealing wax does not contain n particle of wax , bufc is composed of Ye- nio turpentine , shellac and cinabar. The tube rose is no rose , but a species of polunth. Whalebone is not bnno and is said not to possess a single property of bone. A CARD. To ill who tru tutlerlng from uid ludltcrctlont ol youth , nervous wtaknow , early Jeroy , lorn ol numlixo-i , eta. I will tend a recipe that will cure you , FllKK OP OH AHQE. Thli great reir- tdy was < u cmero < l by a u , | . > lonery In South Aroeri. 3ft. Send eelf addrew d envelupt to Hev Josiril T , N. Station D. New York. dy e m & eod A Party uv Himself , from tlio Chicago News. "Pardon me , sir , but you did not : heor ns the procession passed ; you are not a Blnino man)1' ) 'No , I nm not. " 4 You think then that Cleveland should " "You mistake me , sir ; I am not for Cleveland , " "Thon it is Butler whom you " 'Wrong ogain , sirj I could not consistently - sistontly vote forfiuilar , " "What ! not tor J li ino , nor for Cleveland - land , nor Butler ? You-must be n pror hibitionist thon. You'r tha first St. John man I've root this year ! " "I am sorry to hear you say that ; I'm Bt , John myself. " The finest m&yonaieo dressing for all kinds of salads , cold meats , raw tomatoes , pickled iwlmon , cabbage , etc , is Durkro'a Salad pressing , It 10 , besides , moro economical than home-made. Advertising Chentslll "It has become so common to begin nn nn elegant , interesting stylo. "Thon run it into some advertisement that wo avoid all such , "And simply call attention to the mer its of Hop Bitters in as plain , honest terms ns possible , "To induce people "To give them ono trial , which so proves their valuothat they will never use anything elso. " . The remedy so favorable noticed In nil the p.v pers ; IWIglmn nnd sectiliar U "Hnvlne ft largo tale , nnd is supplanting nl ! othrr nifdicinos. "Thero H no ilonying llio virtue * nf thn lloj plnnt , nnd thp proprietors nf Hop hitter * hau nhmvn great utiruudncMnntJ nbilttv * "In cinnnonniliiig a mutlicino vhoiii virtue- are n > i > nli > nl lo to every one's ill ixntitm. " Did She Die ? "No ! "Sho lingered and suffered along , pin ing away nil the time for years , " "Tho doctors doing homo goods" "And nt last waa cured by this Hop Bitters the papers say so much about. " "IndeedIndccdl" ! "How thankful wo should bo for that medicine. " A Daughter's ' Misery "Eleven ycnra our daughter suffered on n bed of misery , "From n complication of kidney , liver , rhcumtktio trouble and Nervous debility , "Under the care of the best physicians , "Who giivo nor diacaso various names , "But no relief , "And now she is restored to UBO in good health by ns simple n remedy as Hop Bitters , that wo had shunned foryoars be fore using it. " TUB PAHBNTH. Father Is dotting \7oll. "My daughter says : "How much bjitur father is since ho uaod Hop Bitters. " "Ho is getting well nftor his long suf fering from n disease declared incurable. " "And wo are so glnd thut ho used your Bitters " A Lvov of Utica , N. Y. MTNono ( 'enulnouthout n btinrli nf K'rcun Hop * rn the whllu Intel Minn nil the Ulc.iiolaouousstuK ttlth "Hop' or' lloni' ' In their namo. \Vlllrmrliyilin BLOOD.Tepi. l.itu tlic LIVCR unil KIDNEYS , uml ) tisroiii2 : Tine HEAi/ril nnd VIGOR of YOUTH. Uy popslaMntorAiipctlte , m- Lack ol StruiiRtli , lKc'clliiRnlisolniclT cured. Hones , muscles im ncrvi-i rctxlvo nowlorco. JiillM'ng Ihu mlml und futilities "rain 1'mvrr. Snllurliixlrom complaints _ f peculiar tu Iliclr Eex Mill dnil In DR. HARTEK'SIIIOK TONIO n into find tji.-edy cure , ( lives ucltar , licaltliy complexion. 1 rcqncnt attempts nt ciMniUrlVUiiiK only add to IliopopiiUrlt/ul'lliu i > o not espurl- ment Kotthu Or.idivAi , JVNUIIKST. /f Pond yournddrt'SfltoThoDr. HnrtnrM d.Co.V HSt.Jxiulf , Mo. for our "DREAM BOOK.-R 'QUinllot ttrnpgi ] ' . .a J uootal Information. f roo. X . EAMBURG-AMEKIOAJS DIRECT LINE FOR ENOLAND , FRAKCK AKD ' The stoaraihlpn of thli noil-known line are built ol Iron , In wat r-tiiht compartments , and are furnish edwltti every rciiinaito to mike t'jo paaao o both eato and a ccabla. lliov carry the United Stated rnd European malls , ami It-avo Now Yorlcg Thurs da > s and Saturdays for Plymouth ( LONDON ) Cher bourR. ( IA HIS ) and IIAMUUMQ lUtes : First Cabin , $ * > 5 , $65 and 875. Steerage , ? 2 Uenry Pundt , Mark llaneen , F .U. Monro9M , Tolt , Mentaln Omaha , G ton owlet ? ft. SchoentRcn , agents lu Council Bluffs. C. B : UlCilAliD S CO. , Oon. Pass At8 , fil Brondway , N. Y. Cbas. Kozminsl.1 & Co- Oeneral Wcstoja Aemta , 107 Washington St. . Chlca . , nlr l , rllralRU , Sciatica Kidney , Bnlnu nn1 I.Uer UI ca > 8Oout.Afthrattlleart ' ' > ytlP lii. Cona'l- - iiitlon. Krjripelu. Catonn , V/tt 1'llei. E | > iup8T , Imiiolcncy , c. rrolapma Uteri.etc. Only wit nil He El ie- Inclleltln Anitrlc/ithnt endstheKlectriclty anil mup- ( nc'tlHMi through Hie body.aJid can bo recharged In onln- Gtont br thu imtlent. SI.OOO Would Not Bu It. DR. HORMB I was afflicted with rheumatism and jored by using a belt. To any one afflicted \dth ihat disease , I would eay , buy Ilorno's Kleotrlo Dc't , Any one can confer with me by writing calling k I my store , 1120 Douglas street. Omaha , Neb. WILLIAM LYO a MAIN OFF1CK-1422 Dnuglos Street. CTFor stle at O. F. Qooamtn'i tirug Store' 1110 arnam Bt , Omaha Onlpin filled O. O O Of the Northwest , Detroit , Minn. \countrv of WOODS AND LAKKH.iOO mlUn neat > f St. 1'auL Tarcu trains dally on the K I' . It. K. , lth80 Day Excursion. Tickets at about one-half atcs , HOTEL MINNESOTA , VH clcfant house with awnmmoiUtlons foi 200 lueatH. R. R. COLBURN , Pro jtJTHKVD rilR CiaCULAKSnlVIMI XULL rAR IN BOTTLES. . Erlangnr , Utwaria JuliuLacher , Bavana Pilauer Bobomiaij , KsiiHor Bremen , DOMESTIC. Badwoiser St , Louis inlmiiBor St. Louis Beso a Milwaukee clilita-Pilsnor Milwaukee Kr uc'a Omaha Ale , Porter , Domestic and Rhine ED. MAUUER 1818 VarnomSi n-.XAS . TRAIL CATTLE , About 2,601 henlmostly one and twoeua old teers. Will bo at Ogalalla about Augiut 2Uth. In. [ ulre of er addreu D. U. nillilES , Jy 80-inlo lui Ogalilla , Neb D. A.WILSONM.D. ( Faculty Prize , Medical Colltge of Ohio. Sl-ECIALTY PILES , FISTULA , And other Diseases of tha Anus and Rectum. ) ov 's ' Opera Honse. ere ed ami tf C. A. POTTER , LAW REPORTER ! Omaha , Neb. 4TUcx > iitIon Dictations , Eta , promptly tteautJ Ii Owing to the increase in our business we've admitted to the firm Mr Edwin Davis , who is well and favorably known in Omaha.Tkis will enable us to han dle an increased list \ . { of property. We ask those who1 have desirable - / rable property for / saleto place the same wtth us. The new firm will be HEAL ESTATE BROKERS. South 14th St ,