Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 04, 1884, Image 1

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The Two Statesmen Now Sel np Fo
Cleveland's ' Alleged Victim Com
ing to His Defense ,
Boeolior Writing Letters That H
Oannot Support Gov , Grover ,
Harpers' ' Opposition toBlaino Ex
plained in a Novel Way ,
How the Great Publishing House
Begged tj Publish His Book ,
The 1'nslon In ; Wet Virginia Vnr
limn Political Matters ut Im
Mi'V.s no OK.
sow HAiirsiM oor now * ON THBIU
Social Dispatch ti Tliu IKE. !
WAHIUKUTON , Aujunt 8.As the Iwttoin
facti nro ro > boil , it appears Unt Harper &
Brothers have a private and i orsonal gtudge
xisjninst Blain because bo would not give to
thorn thi pnblijii'.ion of his b.iok , " 'L'xx nty
Yearn of Congios . " If U'a ' no hud omi.lo > ed
thorn _ HB his publishers , It in pi nimble , if not
citctain , the lla par establishment , including
CuittH , would to-day bn < rnrstly pupii'trting
the republican licket On the l th of March ,
1883 , . .1.V. . Harper , .fr. , the head of the tirm ,
wrote to a gnntl man in thus city request ng
him ti Reo iiuvna on t in Hobjoct of p ibli hing
the book , atumingbim thai ' 'tlaxH ] > r < fc Bros ,
would bo glad lo be consi < io ed in tlia matter. "
Harper nddid the following xvonl" : "VVilh
the instinc' of a punlieher Hccuatonuxl to d al
wllh the people rather tlnn with privileged
class'H , [ rojognizo tlio fact that there Is no
man living moro clo ly in HJ input by xvith the
] > 0uplt ) than lilaitic. 1 keep n not uulrtined
linger nn the popular puls , which in
our vigorous American llfo ia gener
ally l.iulthy , and _ I um iuro _ 11
bo.ilH filrongly in udmi ration and ulffotion
forltheman xvho baa been absolutely
in his patriotism. Woo i's rdminiKCencoa will
IHI interouting no n record of nuncuto observer ,
but I am ftiro Claino't ) uarr.'tttyit xvill bold thn
American poop e bo uii-o it will be a human ,
real flcnh-anil blood record , not of n Ma hia-
velllan observer , but of un iic'.ixu patticipa
tor , n bravo lulilor and n gallant jeatlar in the
moat critical nvmits of our nution'.s history.
So when it comia quito convenient lo you , I
wish you would give Jilr.ino to understand
that xvhilo Ihn doom of Franklin Squ.'irt ; al
wav stand xvlda open to 'them literary fellers , '
uuch asBchol.ini and pools a d noyolitU and
vari9e'ii't3 ; an I travn OM , t'l" proprio orn gen
fral y go dent > the. hide .ilk to welcoim
tlio histor'mi of his o-xm limi-n. and with un-
cox-crod head' ) rev routly hIi > him unload the
mn'iU'cript from liirt trium hit e..r on Iho le-
vat'd rjllroid 1'le.inu inti ate all this to
Blainn. You know boxv to do it gracefully
fcud eu"txti\ely. ; "
SAO HAUBOB , August I ! Hlnlnn fairn to
laoiriixv fur Augusta , llo lias no.ytft defin
itely decided about : iUnndin thn ct > niitinii
at .Marnna < ick or the reunion i.t Olrt Orflmrd.
PoB"l.AKr , Mo. , Aug.'pcS.
At n making for n. recnpti > n to Tlhmie i-y the
innruh tntB nnd m nufacturcra of Portland on
twdity evouiug.
DORCHGSTBII , August I ! The bjotninj o
I'unnou and military mueis ou Snturdav night
told UH that the rojiubhcand were to huvo a
grand rally ; u d i-uru inongh it wan a rally ,
tuchaonoai Dirohont.T nov.r wK ed-o-1 IKJ-
fpre. Early in tin ovenm ? the hall iu Ohcr-
lio'rt blozk xvui jam mid full , nud many w < uo
obliged to rmnam outride. A. Moltitt , , M > i
unit of thn Hla'un ami Lo nn ciiib ,
cnl'ed the meeting to order ana
introduced Mr. Jb'iank 15. StoveiH
of Creti * , who gave a Kliort hut interesting
( | KTI | o i th" palit rjil JUIUIM of thn d-iy. HH
wiwt loudly niiplauditd. After mu ic by the
band , tli Ilnnorab o Charles H. Tiuinor , uf
Ha tingH , m.vio a glowing hpeech , anil WHH
numerously 11 ppl.udml. lloxiid the dimo-
critic p rty rf < mindil him of ton Ir nhmaii
who went to a doctor for mnlii iuu und when
tlie doctor xv H in anothur room 1'addy w a
prying around and opitaed a clo et door
whtro thorn wsrt lilito : ; i which foirexl the
poor follow half out < f hi < Ki.'nrtss. When
thojdoctor rtturneil 1'uddy had lied vlth vho
oxclamntlon "yimrthu sumeold dexll I eaxv
in there only you'vn got s , new drean on "
Tlie moctiug wanonuof euthuc-iiHuitliroiuli-
uut , nnd tbruo choorj wor.f givun for Ulafnu
and I/o/an , our next prnn'dent and vice presi
dent. dalluo county xvill give ilu ropublicju
Uckut a roiipi g innjorl y in November.
Hpexjial II patchclo TdS HER.
NuAiiASKACur , Neb.Augij'tiJ. A Bmlno
and Logan club was mgtnized hero to-ulht.
There wan gre t oiuhmhism. Two buudrol
nucl twenty nani 01 werd eurolle'l. ' lion H.
A. hfewraan w t elocle/1 prea dent , C ) . W.
L. Wilacn , vica-p evident ; Capt. lidwin J.
lurfin , fnortUry. Kxecutivo commitleu , lion
H. F. Cody , lion F. T. KauEotn , U. H.
"J'orfH , Capt. I. L. Mitchill. C. W. S.ymour ,
IT. 1'oAtenau unil Hon. M. L. Hayxvard. A
rrauil r.itiGoHlou innating will b held next
J.huruUy nvoutug.
DKKR TAKE , Md. , Aug. About thirty
prominent repub'icanH and groenbackurs of
Wtml Virginia mot hero to-day , it in iuld , lit
the Inctancn of Stephen I' . Klkto ? , of the re
publican national co . mitteo , and ho'il u eon-
I furimco with doiin o.liw.ij . , lasting tlireo hou H
'Among thono prenout wo o lllkinu , who pio-
"idi < dj Uorgrotwm iu GotT , Afuxxxnll , th fiwlon
! utndidate lor g nr nior , und Fii'ik , candid ito
fur attorney geimr 4 ! . A plan of eojdttct fur
the oamptlgu wax do idnd on , The vlown of
the Kjuoubaikfra xvf ro freely givou and in
porno iudtanciM combattu I by the republican * ,
> ovural of whom were iini'iDg thoei * who were
in tlio vtato couvontlon o , pudud to ( union ,
however , throughout nnd much
> d fe liug WAa innnifeittt-d oior the preBp'ct
of liberal cuntMbutloim f .om the national com-
mittuo U > 'd in ttio ca'tip lgn as ic pr ' ( J'TI-HSI-H.
Thn belief pruvoJM ji' ' tin geutlumeu in
utt'JudanrH at tlm ; rtnu ) thi.t Uutl will
ivithdraw hii objo tion to bocomioir a candlt
date to fuaoexyl him n f in ctmgteM , nnd that
ho will run , u clrcunuiU'iDco u hlch they think
xvill ntrenrih"ii Um republicau Lntiou * ! and
ii liux
j'juiumnt ' ICIkinfl uterlaiin < I the whulo parly
at the Ir , > r I'.irk htel , wlioroun o egnnt din
ner wa < < verve I , after which o im.j another m < 4-
i nion and uU < ( | uejitly n diviiiiou into vuia'hr '
IKK lien und a go.ti'r.t ! turfed of caucu ex. There
/ won a decided ttuiiloiicy to nccr cy us to every *
thiu < txcept entlniiii win nt the | > roii ] > cctof
vluch is open and Ifr. lllaln'i Iiu
exp ot < > il at KlUna1 cotta u t Di or l' < rk dur
ing the month , x hero ho xvill p-obahly meet
frjvenl of thoxi who ittrticipatod In to-day'a
ooufert-nce. 1'iominent d < ) ncM'ratn arnoog the
( fUiiHto ( < * Peer 1'urk p of m no uno iuneii <
orer the aw < ertion of tl n Jllinoo tnAnageratlltt
they will capture tlio ut iiud Inilti tint all
the momy tpant bKlkius , Joucn and others
Iu Wwt Virginia will leave so much lento
oirobit in otb > r and really doubtfol ttattta.
2'on.touurtar U neral Or ( ) niu arrirtd from
Ui west thi < at ternoim anil will upend Sundaj
with bin family , xxho are nt the hotel h > < re.
Hx | > chil Dispatch to TIIR HEK.
TOPKKA , KM. , August 3. A prominent'iwl'
iticlan of thin city hfix received A private lettei
from lU'V. Henry Ward Beocher , in which he
Intliuntei that ho ban abont concluded to op
IHWO Cleveland. The iKirtlon referring tt
Clevelnnili ; n/i lollovxst "I foarl | will have ti
give up CleveUnd. r.wtors nro making R'icli
> lgoro K attaclu upon his moral character , nnil
with such np | iront truth untl jtMlicr- can
not conilnieniiy IndorBO hl candid .cy. I rnc
gros ouch dovelopnn ° nU have come to light ,
for I felt amurro 1 th&t In was the proper man
for the place , and that his election would giy <
us n bettor mlmitmt ration than Blnlne'awtiuhl
In. Tnero i < nu cknowln'lpd demand forlip' '
fonn , which I bolle\cd CluveUnd'n election
fully promised , but the counlrj IH no big nnil
it can mutaln no injury from
i ction to the presidency. I m vv
i ng the subject th most careful coimldoratioti
and will net oa my bo.-it judgmi-nt dictotrvi.
TIlV HOANIIAt , TO 1IK nKrUT l ) .
Speclnl Dispatch to TUB BKB.
NKW YORK , August ; i.-S.iyj tin Star : "It
wasBtntadyestorJayou thcauthotityof promi-
mint city ofllcialn , that Mari Hnlpln , the
woman mentioueJ In the Buffalo B andal ciee ,
now stopping urlvatoly with a friend in
NBXV H chelln and thai nho has ooiHentetl to
nuke jn iilli lavit reftttinir thu Hto y of the
liulfnlo Telegraph ntvxory t ential point. "
10 TAKI. 10 Tiir.wooiw.
Dispatch to TJIK UKK.
ALIIANV , Angtmt 3. Cleveland will etart for
the Nnrlh Woods nevt Sutnrday or tun follow
ing Mend iy , Ho o pct to takit vacation
uf b it two xx-Vj ( < , His lettoof necept iiioo
xx'ill p.obnbly IMS complete I befo'e he leaves
the citv. If 'hi ; ghould ho un .ble to tini-li the
I cumnnt next wo'k , the P.IIKT xvill bn HOU
s tut forth f out bin cunp. Ici bpliovni , hoxv-
exvr , that it will bo roidy for publication next
Saturday or Sunday.
Huutlay New Castlu Grroly tlio Hero
or the Honr To-tliy's Pro
gramme Additional
Details of tlio Ex
NKXV CASTLE , N. II. , August 3. "I have
not had bo nounil and refreshing a uifiht'a rest
'nrovor three yint , " Haid Atajor Gieely to
'aentenaut 1'oxviee , of the Signal service corpn
and General Haziu'rf aid , as the latter greeted
ho explorer in front of Admiral Lucas'
residence this morning. . "It makes mo fee
hit 1 could almost forget my weakness. "
At about 10 o'clock tins morning the mayor
ml M > . Urti-ly and Adtnir.l and Mrs. Wells
Iroxo thioutih the navy ya d anil around In
Citt jry Point thtoitgh the citv of I'oitiiuou h
0 look at the dtcoiatioin xx-hlch ex-erywhera
iboitnded , Greely xx-n looking better than
10 lus at any ti no WHOP the icucue. The dn-
inguished party xxvro tocit. nized by but afexx'
itisom on the street" , and the CirrUpe le-
utned teen to thu navy yard xvithout stopping
vho stood on Kittery bridge , alone recognized
Iteely , nnd , taking elf _ hts lough cap , gave
hteo It-arty eh P.\V , xvhich no onn heard except
cept the distingui i-il paity thomselxtjH ,
jreely iu tecognit' . n jMilttely lifted hia hat ,
fho diywan p'uer fly i ciit very ( piletly
. A poopln vi-iti-d the
1 irn. great many navy
y.u'd J.IHJ about nvii ybody triad to gqt a
' < iuipn : rf Crewly , ? n-t na oiiB g. t near i than
iho picket rai/iug / b eh enclosei the ground
ariiuud tao odmiral' if-Hideiino The entlo ur. )
wai constantly wirroutulpd xvith | ) < iple xvho
toco 1 conttnt xvith gip'tigac the Iu ro iu > ho
t ou the lawn uniiir the lives xxith bw family
and close friends around him. Kv.r RUICO
arly morn ng all c rti of w t-rc'uft hix-o
ilivd between the city und loxxer haibor , Iu ien
vth visitors to the war vscfeU at anchor.
'he into t t , of eourfe. cento eiljfin the Arc-
ic fleel , and it is estimated 6k,0 ( or 9.UOO i > co-
ilo insjiect d the Uenr , Thetis nnd Alert to
ay. ' 1'hoo hsi' Pinvivors walkml about th
avy y.'iul iu the cool of the morning , and
u nig moBt uf tin clay lounged idly about
Iiu deck of tlia old Con titutiou. The sur-
feon have decided to
mi bis litllo puty o p.irtlcijiato in ( o-inor
xv's ilemonstrilions. They xvill leave the
dujirairt reiidcnco iv. 10 p. in. and Ixi taken
0 IVrtnui u h niulHrixcidticB of L. C. Poxvoll ,
\t I'liicsino'ith wliurf General Hazen n'id ' tin
ur < cmxx ill meel ilintu witli a largo tullo-ho
or > ci. Thty will tli-n bid iven to the larxo
lenker'n btniul that has bsen elected in the > , wlmiii tltoy will remain seated
oriug thi ) pani'Ie. The eur. cons willb con-
antly In attrndunce , uud the fninti-t Hign
1 xvea iness obserxeil among the Mirvivm-H
10 p ity xvill ba condm ted mmediiit'Iy back
o navy vaiii. To-night Iho entire party are
ppatx-ntly well anil in the best ot spirit * .
ho rity w absolutely pack- xx-iih Htrnngers.
'ho ho i'l.H have moro nppli a'luns ' for rooms
, han they can po < ilil'i fill. Nrnrly nil of tlio
are hand nmo'y ' dnoral'id , and it is
xpectf-d to morroxx-'y display > * ill 1m tlio most
magiiificciiCin tin hiatory of Portsmouth.
r the ex)6ilition | xvoro exhibited on the dock
F ths Them to day nnil vlcxveil by hundrois
[ visilnrn. At the ute n of the Tnotis ww ; a
w. eden polo tin * Ihlckne-H i f an oar on which
were nailml tlirno piec < M of cloth -ono n col-
r d handkerch ( if , another a pi-co of ciljco
nil another remnant of a wuolon uliiit.
'nin was tlio ijintrom Rignal of thi > nucuixl
ii'ii. Their Mr dgov as a so shown. It was
ompoxil of two r ugh piooeH of pl'tik , bhod
ith rough pieces of iron lOBombling hoop
mi , and j micd by clumsy croai-bnr-i. An
llierobjo t xiowi l xvith gi eat Interest was n
jag of leiudtemkins UMM ! by 0113 of the putty
0 aloep in ,
( Jtxoly w H on duck for two houw ptnoking ,
ml was introdnotil to many visitor * . Ho ; ii-
ariil weak and hivlUted a little in hi <
4M > h as if from HUSH iJurintr tint font.
eon the forwatd hatch of th Thetis was
raJed nnd metal fiirroplmgi xyrro rcxealnl ; oir
ich , about in thu tiiiddl" , is a pluee fur thn
lamoof the d'i.iuHed , and near the ton a
xiiiitiful Arctic 8c iio on u pinto of buniiuhod
Ixer , la t o tank of ino It nr nra I ho bodica
f tha bi-ccifv , but no one is a'lowod ' to xiow
u ) rtmuiiii' . Kioiiionii of the crow uf the
'holla xx an receixi d
t thn expedition yet iinpubliohwlp Ilo'fiaid '
ley encountoriil the tiritticu b/txxeni Dimto
nd Ltttlel n ! 1 md. bill that the thickest
van found in Mnlxillo b.iy , wtuitu it uxcraged
en feet. At Mulvillo b y the tirut real ufm-
ully wfts'oxparleno-d and IWMIKO xyu-i tua , le
f thfl toipexlixii and Jynami o , Xolthor
ern found to xvorl. xv ll , und lamming the iuo
I'uduco'l thi b' t roiultH Uackingtho | Th ti <
1 good dlst .nee , nnil puttin * on a full head of
Uunilin would biuk i.tto the Ice , ilin shook
: iuking her from Htom to sUiru nud rocking
ler inbbts like little tteo b lugln .Sometimes
; Bneuiod an if the mitits would cumo out.
yiion all other mians fjilul huge ien PUXVK
ighton fimt lonjf , with toetli three inches
eng , xv ro u ( vlIt w rivged the winch
nrwHtil nnd driven by steam , making three
eet ho id way p ° r hour. The ien at Melvilht
i.iy wn mafclly brok-n by ramuiine afU'r it
lad checked their eonrm fur ten day * , High
t the mln of muli vessel in
TIIK ' ciio W'H-.V KMT"
where tlio lookout wan kojit , Commander
chely ( Tilii1 Ji OK-MII'M ' ] that on tlia Thotm
ngt * r tbiiu > iy othur man , bin uu al i l > iuK
( ten served th re. uiiioati , the Ice pilot ,
'tut ' alsj u frequent oocupant. Two bourn in
: ic nest wiuitt watch. At tha great altltudn
lUovti th deck , it wet Bomrtiuiea terribly o < ld
n the tentry box. After unti-rin ? the region
hurnltwaa mipnoned Grwly might Ix ) , the
taavy bass xrhirtth-d wore o mtlnnnfly | jnwing
ad m tha clotr Arctic uir Uio UiUDilnrou *
Round WM ver > ' weird. On the night of thu rf > s-
ouo a teniBo KaloHwept tha Arctic ocean , awl
tin TTu'tie kwled OTCT again and ugaln U-foto
tic Vwo'pest.
A uorun HOUUOH.
Ck > ll pf)0 nl tliu HoarV\'nUn | of the
United States Hotel nt
InRtnn Seven PornonH
Hurled In thn
Itulnp ,
WASMINOTOK , Augint 3. The bnek part of
the United States hotel building , situated on
Pennsylvania a\enue , n xhort dli > tanco xxcst of
the cnpltil , foil In xvithout xvanilng thin nvcn-
ing and buried in the ruins a nutnlver of ( ifo
pic , varion ly e-thnatod at from MIX en t.i
thiitv , Iho details of the dUanter are not
obtainable. The building has n frontnpo of
12. ) f ot on the axcnuD anil a depth of IS5 feet ,
the rear end opening upon tin ulley lutding
f i oin Third ti Four atul n Half street. A
fitual' ' pottion of the rear xvall xvni tha fir. t to
give xvay , tind a genetnl collnifciof the
xvhnlo rear portion tmuatliately f llowed ,
sending up n givat cloud < f dn t , The gen-
oial firn n'arm ' xxas Hounded , which brought
11 tin' tcen of th i d SIM er n number of lira
engines a. d hook and ladder companies and
n force i f po ip. i . Cries nnd gr nttii could lie
hen'd'rom the ruins , phoning that nil xvho
xvern there imprisoniul w io n 'I dead.
A Inrge forca of men went to work at once ,
nnd in the coureo i f nn hour Kriient SnookK ,
n boy 11 yoitra f jgi' iuid Annie Dicii on , cole -
o < M ! chainU * maid , were Uken out , both
alive IIIK bully tiruimil. In the momitime it
wa.4 aic'rfcjiucd that tin nlinibir of pers mn
burned In tlio luiiHiliJ n it probably exceed
BOX en , vi ? . :
Allis. HKLIIKK , xxlfaof the proprietor. .
KltNDsr H.vooKs , lioy 11 year * of age , non
of the restaurant kttupor next door.
Ad five iiilor < 1 snr\an'8.
It is feared that th so xvho bavA not yet
b"tn ro > cii d nro d'ad The put of the bul'd- '
ilu pprou.iat > . > d to tlio uue of the tnipluyfrt of
the hot * ! nnd it Is believed Unit noin i f tbo
iOBts htv > Ixeimltlier kill d or Injttrod.
The Unil-'d rftate hotel is ono of ihi oMost
ructuie in the city , anil is uni'l ' to have been
for a lung time in nn unsnfn condition. Tlio
b.irkeep r ! H rnporlcd to huvo in ido compHint
to th nmuictor of the building souiu dayn/ /
ago xxith regai-d to its coin ! on.
Mrs. Holding , wife of tho'proprictor of Ihe
hotel , xx as readied alive nt half-pant 11
o'clock , after having been imprisone < l four
hours. Bhii was on the first floor of thn ba k '
building and xvai caught in n narrow V- '
hhapped ipuce , for , , ed _ by pait of
the 81-coiul Moor resting in n planting
position against the n'd ' < wall. After the Urn-
mun nnd voluntcom had w rkcd txvn houifi
digging iliuvn into the debris from 111'Furfacn ,
a lorconf firemtu tinder CnjiU nCroninen- _ _
t red from tlio fn < nt of the buildinsr , again t
back of xvhicli the timbers and bricks bad
partly lodgixl , and hearing Rrcanw , worked
tln-ir way luck bv removing timbers and Hup-
porting olheis. They finally got no. r enough
lo tteo MW. Belding ntidiolk xvilh her , und
evcntntilly ttt hand her seine water nnd
whisky. She was not crushed , but
held down by h r clothes nnd
pennml in by fallen timbers ,
jackti wen * brought , und the xv ight held up
while eaxx'H und nx H xx'ero intd to cut a wny
t > her. At lest the re < cner.s pot close enough
t'iciit her clothes loose , wnen they xvero en-
nblml lo exlriculo her. Shu xvort apparent y
not sex-eivly Injured , but very much tr-
haunted , and fainted as ho was carried out.
How the Master of tlio Ijyilln.ii
arch Ventiii-cd Ijlves Kntlicr
' Than I'ny
QUHUNSTOXXN , August's. Sencord ,
brrp , 111. , a pis < cngrof Iho LydianMonarcli ,
and xxho boarded the Bl'amsb'ii AuHtral , fays :
After leaving London tha Lilian Monarch
( iipeilcncoil ; tame rather sevcrtn6athor. . Kv-
01 ything went along very xvell ( however , Vnlll
0 o'clock of the oveuing of July 25. At that
lime , xx hm th * sal'ion patt'eiigprd were nt din- quick rixpl'ji.iiii ! xyna beard , teiri-
f.VMUj the und Hi'aling the steamer
violent y SH though xlio had ntruck a rock.
The chief eogineor ruUnd to thn muiut , mom ,
the pa sengerw hastily folluxving. Tno'o
was con lc'er < ble excitement until II w H
discovered the dutnnpo XV.IH conlini'd U ) tht ;
hursted cylinder. All efforts to repair thi
ilunago fuili * > , na well an an ntteuijlt t < > _ xx-orli
the lo * Jiresuio engii.e. Xotxx'itlwtnnding all
ax'nilable sail WJB > et tin htoamer made very
little hotilxx'.iy , oxx-Iug to tin long pievaluieo
of the noithweft wiii'1 , and for six days the
Lydian monarch niifled hi'lph-HHiy m the
tiouL'li ol the lisa. Tliu BiUy , the Slnt of July ,
tholJiitihh Hlrtiuier , lown , from Liv-rpool ,
, lulv23il , for Bosl n , xxn < a'ghlcd. ' Signals
of di trixK xvero il. ] ilayfd nnd tlio lown. uima
xx ilhin hailing distance. Tlio cnpbiin of Ilio
ili-nbled stenner Iwiarded the I > wa t > or
ranp fir havi. g that tto iuiar tow Iho Lyd-
Inn Alonaich. To the great di appointment
[ if the l.yilian Monarch H pae-cngcin , thocip
tinn inform d llio-n when ho ruturoed ihat
dcinandivl the loxx'a for -
tin sum by pel-form-
Ing the nervico requited xvas f .buloun , und tha
Lydian Monarch was unublo to dream of con
senting to bucb towugi raU-B. At
noon of the Hamo day the Au-lral
lioxe in sight nd was ppok'n Thn
c.ptiin of the l/yiliin Monarch nnd S < 'icoid
both bnar'cd ' the vessel , but again no ar-
rangementa for tjwlng the Momnch xviu ef
fected. Hwvorii av M tli.itho was un-nvnio
[ if tin rivnom why no arm > goment xx at mndi
Llo decided to remain on bo ird the
W lion hint HO n the Lyd'au ' Ifonnrdt xvas
rirlftmg Houth. Seacord oxjiro sestho fmr that
li r mpply of provisio M xvill
to hold out until elm mw * xvith auoth' r v 4-
sol. us ubfilH far out < if the regular of
Ati.uitlc veasels. All .t'oinplH to dlKrou-
at t tlio projKillerfailed. Seacuixl adds : "Jim
ptnu ! of the Lydian Mou uth njiprurcd nd-
i-iiMa to my coming on n vlnlt to ilio Austin ) ,
iiointlng out that the ho vy 8-n then running
IV H dnngoroiiH ; but I replied I would take fie
risk. I Imil d ub'n nbout tba Hinterity of the
; jiUiu'ri ilffini lo bn taken in toxv ; HO I clam-
> jr-il over tlM Hida Into the llfolwut , and not-
wilbslantllDg the lieavy gjlu bloxxlng , wo
roaehed thn Austral In Faftjiy. "
Qu KNHTOWN , Augusts. His now lenrnod
.liocaptiln of the LydUn Monaich refu'nd
ho nH iHtunoo of the Auitral berausn ho ex-
reeled to meet his own company's botH. Af-
.er the dixaHter the paB ongerH arranged con-
xrtrf : to prnrf awuy tbo time. Heitcordt part
leriHonbjaid tbo Lydian Mun roll , xvith-
xn Is'ormanda bet > os x'nlund at $ ' 'i,000. It
H feared thai they will pe.ri h for lack of
'odder. '
[ V New Device to Defraud Invented
ty < by nn Kinplojoo.
jpnolal DUpatch to TUB IKE. !
PHILAIJKI niiA , Augunt 3 , The Union In
iiuntiuo Co. , of I'hihulplphla , has juit arrested
Lioroaro Demickof liuffalo , on ton criminal in
HctmtnU for fraud , Imil iu which xvus tlxed
ttf8A7COO. Demlck was thu uiarino ioritir
nco ngcnt nt llulfalo , und it appear * hud nx
, 'a facilities for Irurnlng the ufo anlvnl of
.o.Hiiitand of ilii < a.sti-i- < . It upjx'ar * that
. .vliinveHsels urrivtd Hafily in jxirt , It was Lid
inhitlolu'er the iiiinmut of iiinuranco on
.ho Ixioka and [ nickel the tlifferoiicn of protpi *
JIIIH. Anntlier lilau WUH to make fictitious in-
uirnn it nn xvrecknd v noV. The Union ? < un
> auv ulaimK to have been defrauded of uUitit
< C 1,000.
Tlio utioler * .
TcuiK , August - ' . Six caneH of cholurn at
[ lorfngula , four fatal , and 'Jl ca M ut 1'ou-
, 8 fatal ,
MAUHEH.LKH , Anoint 2. Klght death * from
cholera b re lutt nlgbt , 2 at Toulon , Tha re-
UloaU continun to return.
FB , N , M. , Augtwt 2. Hteiihen U.
KlUni , meinlxr of Uis republican national
Dommlttoa , ban resigned < ae pre lduncy of thn
Fir t National hank , of thii city , which bo ban
held for thirteen year * , in order to give more
tliuti to the duties of Uis ouopalfu. (
Vautorliilt's ' Lillle Mare Still Remains
of ite Turf ,
Allowing Jay-Eyo-Seo Only 24
Hours on His Honors.
Beating His Beoord by a Full
Quarter of a Soo6nd ,
The Event Takes Placd in Cleve
land Saturday Afternoon ,
Toomer Also Lowers all Previous
BeoordsWith the Oar ,
liontlngVallnco KOHB , ami
Four Billon In SU&O-Olhor
Bporta ,
Mtiutl 3. '
CLEVELAND , August 2. ThU jua been a
great day at thodiiving parlc on account of
the rain iutcrfat ring wiihihaprogt/uninoofitho
xveolc. Tha sport commenced at Aorea o'clock
this morniug mid continued without inter.up-
tion until five u'cluck. The race * we ro iluishod
and iho nttendanco xvaa largo. 'JChu weather
xxa > plea > nnt except a tlioit shatter at one
o'clock. The trnck was good. At lulf past
four , belxwcn the Rocond and Uiird boils of
tin pacing race , Stiud S. w u brought on the
tra-k , and after a little warming top , her driVer -
er VTin. IJlalr , nodded for the start and gave
tbo mate her head. She ftarttd off In , the
smoothest conceivable mnnner , unattended by
any honto to urge her alou ? , and viatic the en
tire circuit like n perfect xvorkinjj.machine ,
winiotT A HJcrr , \
jvut tbo firnt quarter post in thirty-two
seconds , half milo in ono mitiuto and four
seconds and ono quarter. Three quarter
] xi t in one ininuto and thirty1 nix Reoouds
and ono quarter , nnd tlio full mite time was
gix'en at two tuinules , nine 8ec.inds and Ihrro
quartorM. Three gcnth men timnd b r iu th
jtidg B' stand. David Bonuer , of New York
inado tliH tiino Ixxo minutes , uiua i > ocondg atu
three-quartern ! . B. Taslg , Beoietary of the
Cleveland driving park , two luitmtce ,
announced tbnt Ihn tiino wua } u > t record ,
much UH a wager of 810 i wa < made on tbx"
triij , IX II. Lauderbnch , of Chicago , putting
uj ) $100 dollars with Captain fjtarga M.
.Stone , manager of Maud * . , Out nho would
tmt b ttur than ; iU-J. Thu track in estim-
utitl iw a Hi'cond and a li .If to two toeoudg
nlowurto-dny tlmu the Providence track. lh
groit crowdjOtVpectalorx went
WILD WITH ENTntTflr.X. ' *
whin Uio rnnjrji .croswl tint rc-f "Lint " ! rgal
whuilhe Uino-Wiis bulletined , ' ( .h nrlngnil
proxinusro o'rd * Itoatcn and that the hand-
Home mar- had made. the fattest nillo uvor
tatted. SUB exhibits 1 in > sign of distresiB
after hi r unparalleled purimuiied md was
lid t ) hnrauiblo amid excited ehli'iitig , fol
low c I by a crowd of jubilant ndmiicrg. She
bed donn no work for ten day . Capt in
Stone is confident tint she could uisily trot
uii the same track on Monday in txvo eight or
tx'ttcr. And m ninrn than ex or cunndeut
tlutt cho in the faeu'st troltur in tlii ) world.
Edwards telegraphed W.
Vun 'm hilt as follows :
_ "Allow nui to coogratula'o you. Maud 8.
Hl rfigiiK fcupreme. Her iword i 2:09 ? on n
ilow track. JUcfoio ordering her bonic , couio
mtl Reo her trot in two tt-\cn or * ( two eight.
iVc kro all happy. "
CLEVEMKU O. , Auguxt : i.- Watt H. Vnn-
lorbilt han tolepnipleU 1'resldent JMw irdK , of
.ha dilviug park association , thanking him for
lie coi'fr ' ituliuiou.s on the wonderful perform-
; uco of Alaud S. ye orday , and for the otton-
ion i > a'd ' her h'oic. Shu will probably bo
hipped home at Saratoga to-moirotv.
Clo-SK 2:33-lfarry : Wilki won , A. V. Pact-
aud 2 < L , Wnlnut 3d , King Wiiknn 4th.
ClasB L':17 1'lnl Thompson wpu , Edv.iii
fh nni 2d , I'hylliK 3d. ( Jlennui Q. 4tlu
rree-for-nll puxi ; Jlidiball won. Billy 8. 2d ,
fulUr S I , .loa JJ < mtr Jthj bc-t tiwo , 'Jsirii1.
Class 2'J7 StalUiim won , IfJaflb 2d , Tbotn-
iuu Md , Tom ( JanifionIthj boat time , 2iUJ. :
CIan2lD Mnud Mesa ugor Wou , CatcL
fly 2d , Ui.-k Wught ad , Ikfio KehoUh , btt
iuie , 2:10. :
CHICAGO , Augiint S. Mila and n quarter ,
II agiiH AuHtralian woo , Davin 2J. Manitou
d ; time 2:1/1 j.
fllilo ho.trt 1'or all ajen [ Long Kniglit
/on , Hard Time * 2 < 1 , Jiello Leo d ; tlmo , Cl
lluullo . Imndicaj ) Milo hc.itiC'licrooti
on , AtheUtonu 2d ; be t t'mo ' , IM\ ,
Cup j.urho Half mile- Dudley Oakn won ,
tluo Bird 2d , Nora M. 3d ; time , 0 xccumlrt ,
HAIIATOOA , Aii | Ui < t 2 Thrco qrwrUini of a
illu-.liin lt * Hwick won ; Jolm vlienry 2dj
, ad.vLon2d ! Tiino , tlOi. :
Milo and tivo-tightlw Thnx ) year ohln
Todeuty won : JiUrt " 2d : finiuia 3d Tiino
* 0.
1'roo handicap nweo.wtaki ] > n Ono mile
tob Cook won ; MMnonitt 2dBaron ; ! ! d
Mm. : M4J. I . * *
Mjitcli racfl Onu mild Uctwon Wall
' 'lower ami Kulogy The for cKrt'on Tlmo
Krtxt handicup nt < H > | > Io-chaiio Mlto und u
lalf Kitniii won ; Uiuturbunco 2dt lloeo 3d
, ' knt '
BKAUII , August 2.-rJtJMonn , all
tcrf , turiw-qu .rtorii of aiullo Theodorttrn'on ,
lloroncu M. 20 ; lionnio loucio ! | 3d ; tun ,
.iliQ.MaiilonH -all -thrre-quftrtc'rK of n iniln
-rTttllyiund won , llliz/Jitd 2Jj 1'Orloru 3d ;
ime , 1 : 0 , '
One- milo -CijArlcy \\on.CWri6 Hliiwart
Id : Uldotriflod 3d ; limo 1:174. :
Handicap nil agus-milu and ono-eightli
tarliu won , Miw JlniWHUr 2d , Wpodcraf 1 3d ,
lu.o ,
Non-xx'inneri' of 1881-mnen-eIghthn of amllo
- HenVofliy won. Australian 2d. Joe Wit
h ii ads liiiie , iasi.
Ono milo nil ndou Arnoul won , 1x3wjj M.
iulxotja < li tiujo , 1:50. :
ATyOMMOUTIt 1'Altk' .
lo.NuorT/i / I'AIIK , Augunt L' . I'uivo of
TiOO for two ynar-ol < lH thrixi-quart/irH of a
riito 1'ruHcott u oi , Hurtsox ill , /idon'n 3d )
I'lilirodo rac i fortlirtxi-yoar-olds milo aud
. fttiKngMi Mi cult , won , Water Lily 2d ,
'ieil.v Sil ; tiuio , 2W. :
Krct < handicap HWimtntdken idl ugr * milo
, nd it half furlong 1/lzzio Mao won , Cbiuk-
d r iid. Duplex 8dj time , 1:61 ,
Flint lianuic > p mvit'piiUikffl inllo and half
-Hiiel aod 'oo won , Draku Carter iid , Tta-
algarSd ; tune , 11 ! ; j.
Handicap-five fuiloogt Kinulatlou won ,
lalldomi M , Ito-bni 3d , tini ( > 1 ! .
Tdnm-yeAr-oldii nnd upwonli * thrquur -
on ol a wlli ( JuK-ri Ktthnr wtfn , CUuft Jl ,
! d , Allanok8dtu ; [ > e , 1:174.
jluudicap tU'eiilc-cb o-oror fall
Trombone * won , CitpUin Curry 2d , Woostot
S.I ; tiino , 5:22. :
Tlio Onr.
NKW YOIIK , Augunt 2. Wallace llo n of
St. .lohiH , N. IJ , nnd % lolm TCCIIMT of Me-
K eK | > rt , IVunnylviinla. rowed at Oak Point
t -day what WAS iirohMuy the niott Ir.tcwnt-
Ing sculling tnnt h that uxcr to k pin non thin
cont'lU'tit. HOM wn Ilio leader for tint Hint
half of thocoiinnnnd IVemcr wai the Imrtvr
during the \ntl \ half. The vlct < ry waK won by
Teem r in hii w. nderful turning of tlui ptako
IKI I. To tner was fitted out , np earing in n
ro t nhirt nnd navy bine lirvrcnc * . ' 1 hero
proKibly 2,00 1 p-monx proem when the into
began , 1 ho co'il-xu wai two mile , out , to
Koxvory llay , where thn ittnkc biiftt * we > c ( in-
rhonil. llom won the low for poUou ! and
took thonoithnni liii' , hut rtially lli < > ro\viu nn
choice. When Hjtnoy Higlitv kd "Aro you
ronlvJ" nl then unonUxiJo. . " Teenier
raugnt the water llrtt with I'lturttliing of it
lasti , atulen * nit feet ahead f Inn OPJKX
iif. Ho lo t that ninall lead ulnunt imme *
dlntnly , howdver , fur
noa HcrrtRi' IKIWN nravtiv AKD rowciiFurj
to IIB ull known lr > Vo and forged
ahead in i 10 of six length" . It wan
lii that rarh nmn had tari > d _ in
'in , 'IVcmer nX ( > n got inti n nwinping.
otilf 8 r > kn , eay mid cli an. Itwosnt iitriiigtil
up an I * h'n wont , und dug hi imm ii to the
\y. tor with to lingflTict. KHRH led for the
tir t mil ntul 11 ( piitrter at il tanoearying
f om on i length u > tu'o lonpi.liH. , lunt HbniiAc
Of ilio north o d of North Urnthcrx ifland a
ui'liintul ' i quarter out , Tremor Iwaumo K lit-
tlnragg d in hii n'tokn , but in nnnlhor mlmita
ha brnco I up nnd put in HnniHgoodom ? , which
dent 'In p o\V of litt boat n IK ) lit II vo f etnlie id
of his ml ci-inryV. llnM did not liku thla nnd
ncntliin st'okn npto thlity-lw'o nndiignin wnt
ah' ail. Doth mun moved well up to tuulurn ,
which H' M ra rhed half a Ivugthahond , Herd
the literal turning jw'nt ' wiv.trcai.hiO , } lo s
iccmfd to luve forgottoa Luir to go uroiir d
ho ntftko lion' . Havmit a * ivy b'yond it nnd
n de IIIK eirulo by a loig cntvo that mndo it
anpoir that ha had notiDJch-dtlm pt.iko loit
When the PitUburg nmn wmihalf-wny aiouud ,
nndn n boiutlful line for thn ttnkn boat , llo
hiul hardily gotten thrto feet boy.'iid it , when
ho buried h left oar in thu depth * nontr-ig it
ax a corn Kiulk , nnd pulled Mom \ \ \ around
with h H light , iu < though Inn craft wera hung
on a pivot , Such n clever manonvro haH r i u-
ly been feen 011 wjtnr. HI'R b At apiH > ait l th
'oiiui to a Ktaudxtill at the will of ibo tower ,
m\d to turn nvout ni though nho wern a ( by in
lurowner'n hindn. This picon of oxtrao dl
nity killgn\oT Tinortlui lu-id of fully Ihnx
fngtlm of cliur water , nnd vutually won ti
C4. Thn return was voiy exciting , hoAOver
'or IloHH did his bent Vo recover the gni tt lot :
he had nutTero I , and put In tome of tlui haid
rat rowinft ono could want to BCU Ho ftll
Roomi-d to think ho had the race and couli
pick up hU It BH on the last mile. When tin
north pont of Ihoinl mil won lea-hotl , whic
w s noout a uiilo fnnn home , WalUco big
toKHihoh d nman Inntntd of a , boy to tow
against. Toomer had boon on the tirat ini
of the return rowing rather quickly nnd no
t < hieuy. \ . Oue ho put hi right h ml on
into tlio river for * atcr to bathe liln honil , bi
nt thin point KO-H increaee 1 hia stmku from 28
to 21 to the miuuto , und Tecmer Ht lyod at " 0 ,
lioM was enoo raed ( ; > < y the nhuuti "from hi
fricnda on tin ] iul0'o'rf Bttuncr , HIU | r iw.'d fo
nit ho WAH worth.At thro milra and tlirea
quartrn h bit as high an thiity-ihreo atroke
to the miuutCH.
at thin Btago alao and went up to thirty-four ,
but d'd not H ay the u more thin n dnzn
length * HOM kept up bin Riant trol < ehut h
wo * too late , llo cent lined to clltnin h bin
otrolo e ndn lly , but ho had not thu dint > c
L > i which tj go to the front own j ( b ha
been ablo. Unthniirst of ihn hit quartet
T < tj ner v > a.t pl iily | npt d iiig hi I bul
wiJeil wlthiu 2 < X > ya d of nom ha put in li
rpur' ' . UOH continual in owp ui > , Iioxv'r v r ,
and when tbo line WJH oiossecl III'H pniw
hipiiod Teomer'a H'o-n. Toeii'er UIIIM on by
a Mioit length. JJolh men were pretty tiled
wlen they rctiimod to thn Ixmt hou u HOSM
WIIK ere > B and Tnemor wild inbi n t nnd he hail
n r ght to Ixin both in Iwatiiiir Itu n ml
making the > Kt time on rwM'd. liarney
ISigl n made thu tiino iwcnty-i > ix minntei and
twenty Beconds , the Iwrtt prexiouH timu for a
four milo c.iureo luving been made by Ifan-
Ian iu hh moo witli KOHI at Ogden buigH , in
July lost , when hn ac'omplinh 'd ' tin dint < no *
in txx'cnty-Koveu minutuu uiul tifty. u Kect/ti
I\KHO Hall.
At Ohicnpo Chicsgo'd 8 , Clovrtland'n 10.
At Fort Wnyno l''ort Waynu 0 , Uruud
Rapids t.
At Wnslilngton Nationals 3 , Ualtimoro
Union's 4.
At W a.hington Itotropolltan'H 3 , Wunh
Irgton D
At rittsbuigAllegheny 2 , Athletio 7.
At KV okuk ICcokuk 3 , Carson & lluudu 2.
Eleven luulngx ,
At ludianujxjlla Indiiui.'ipolix 2 , Columbim
At Now York Nnw Ycrk 1 , JJoston 2.
At DetroitIJulfalo 2 , Detroit II.
At New York lirooklyn U Baltlmoni 7.
AtOuii'cy , 111 , Qnlitcy 8 , Mhinfaixliii ) 0.
' . 2 I'rovi-
At rhiladeJjhla ) 1'li.ladolphia , -
denco 9.
At Mlhviukou M iJwJukeop , Ktillwuter 1 ,
At St. LyuU St. Ixiulu Union 10 , KuiiKnii
Oily 0.
At Louiiwillo Tjoulnvillu J > , St. Lonii C.
At JCvanivillii , Indinua Kvuiiivil u 2 , &tua- 1 ,
M I'hilAdelpluft-UoUon Unions 3 , Key.
item 41. .
At Cincinnati , Ohio -Toledo o , Cincin-
lati 12.
At Wathlngton , D 0. Tlui WaHhington
lane hall chili , Iwlongirg to the American
LfKOcUt'on , ilinb.ui'h > d Saturday night bocnni > n
if finuncial diflicullieB.
At Cincinnati Cincinnati , 0 : Tolii'lo. ' 3.
jVt lndIauai > -Indiannpolls , C ; Colum-
jus , 0.
At Kxannvlllo-Evanaville , [ Sj JMuikegoi
'At IxuUvlllo Ixmiavilhi. 1 ; St. LonlnI. , .
At Chicago Union * . Chicago , 1 ; CincinJ
lati , 8 , _ _ _
TODLOK , Aupimt 3. An American frigate ,
jollox'fd lo.po thu Lnncaxtitr , ! H arhoro Month-
ivc > t of Mingle bank off Hurtl Uimtlo.
LOauscs Uslctlms to bo miserable , hopeless ,
confuted , and depresscU In inllut , very Irrita
ble , languid , and drowsy , It H a dUoaso
vhleh does not get well of Itself. H requires
careful , pcinlstcnt attention , and a remedy to
throxv oil tlio causes and tone up the diges
tive orgaus Ull they perform tliclr diitli-H
willingly. Hood's Hargaparllla has proven
Just Uio required remedy ui UuntlrcUii of cases.
" I liavo taken Hood's Barwparllla for dys-
pepula , frpm which 1 have suffered two yearn.
1 tried many other mcdlclnert , tut none proved
to Kitlsfcictory nti Hoe l's Barfcajmllla. "
U'/iosiAu COOK , BnwU Kloctrlo Wulit Co. ,
hciv York City.
Sick Headache
"I'or the past two years I liavo been
afllktcil with fccvero | tea laclics and U > 'BIIC | > -
la. I was liuluced to try Hood's Bargajia-
illla , and have found great relief. 1 cheer
fully recommend U to alt.1' Una. K. V.
. /UjfAiius / , New Haven , Comu ,
lira , llary 0. BtnJtli , CambrUcciwrt , Itafll. ,
and kick bead-
was ft iuffcrcr froia tiyepepela
ncUu. Bho took Hood's BarsaparUla ftud
found It th beet remedy the ever used.
. Hood'8 * . Sarsaparilla
Bold by all dniRgUU. i ; tU for < B , Moda
only l > r C. I. HOOD ti CO. , LowtJI , Mass. ,
It Culminate * In a Bhontlnc AlTnlr-
Anil Uio BhootlnR Knds In
a Iiynohtiiff.
Rr. LOVIH , August 8. During n negro nic'
nic nrwr Qln goxr , Mo. , ymtcrti y , two men
from Jifobcrly pot inJo a qimrrol , and when
two olDen * I terfertd to preserve Iho ponce.
Mto of Uipni , Tom Sapwy , WM abut and Ml'od
by Htxr.ii. u Mickey , ono Of thoftloborly men.
Tlia latter , WAS ariiitM neil n mob at'cmpted
1 1 inch ) him , but wera pr v < nt l by the rlrm
ne < of tb wo h vlnj the prlionrr In chargo.
AH the p rif3concenioil were collared.
Hr. l/ofw , Augu I . - A dispatch from
Glaigoxv ( o-irght ny * ( Ksvcnty-livo to n , liun-
dred luproo * w , nt to tin jml between ono and
txvooelok thU morning ami demanded Urn
k-ynt-f thrt jMler , nnd when Oioy were lefmod
by that otll lal tbo Oiwr f the jail was broken
In by < ho innh wul Harrison MlcVoy taken
ou ami b nged to n tro juit outs do
of town. Ilofon' lwi"R.strung up
iMick ywMO k dif ho wi h l to pay. or
whothaf he ( Todrod ti uiako any ( ta'cntent.
lla auaxxvro t no , thithn xvas not praying
niftii , mid told tlio oioxvd if they intituled to
hing him to do It cpiioUly. H. was thou
ho'wted xi ) ! and Ii ft to tnvtiglo to dixath.
' 1 bo nil > ir WM tondtictoil nuicklv. and very
few i > rmm outa do of the mob know of ft
until th'i Ixtdy of the ileiiil nrgio was discov
ered hnnging lo a tree thin inoiniug. Sowojr | ,
thn man miolliy Mlckoy , 'xx\n A wall-kuoxvu
nnd highly 1'Hpcctail
Viicntlnii Olor ymott Ortlcrcil Home
Jt'rtuu Itouic Rutidny'H Dentil
HOME , August -Tho pope ban directed
fie aril nils nndblnhopH vncnling here to re
turn to IheirdiocctscH loprvp.iro for n vtaltrt-
tion of tin cholera.
MAiWKiu.te4. Aunti t 3. In the twenty-
fiiitr hount iin.'mir nt nlno o'clock this morning -
ing , OIPVO weto liflocu deathii by cholera In
this i ily.
TOULOK , August 3.No doatliii by rholorn
h ro l > day ; thirty cases xxero taken to the
ItOXIi : , August 3. Several canes of cholera
nhx n'lWrlfl l'to-day In various parts uf Italy.
Thcro have Le'iin mnny disonlen * at logo !
Ha dalmaz20 , the inh bttanta believing the
doctors and cbonasts poinoned n girl who died
thnro from cholera.
WA UlNOTOf. August 3. - In consequence
of moro f iVoinblo rtMrts | fiom tin dis-
t'icti in Kurop , the proposed nnlloual conference -
feronco ef the lin IUi boards , which xviia to
take p'aco ' in W hinct'in Thur > dny. next , h.ii
beou pontpoaul to a later day not jot
WAI : .
Tlie AVoatcrn Union UHCH ItH tioft
Ilrxatl to Hnbo n. Decided
Out in Kntce.
Spaclixl Dinpitch to THE BEE.
CHICAGO , August 3 , A largo nuinlier of
drculani were distributed ab nit the city yes
terday by the Union tjlpgraph com
pany , which u owinij bv the Wcstoin Union ,
Btntlng that n Rtirtling reduction in rati-M hid
tukon plnoo , ntul llnxt il.iy mcflHaBOS would bo
recuivod ut tin nutoniiblngly lnw rate of
twenty rents fur ton xv.inU and ono coat for
Oichailditionnlwoid l ! txvetU ) such points as
whluigoaud HulTiilo , Chlcng'i and Now York ,
liiltiruiir.- l k ndophia , MilwauVen , OUlvo
l.icd. PiUtbuig , ColtmilK'H , ICanean City and
ts ? , I nuli. Tt.oxvlroiof Iho Mutual Uulun
ar cmtrollrd by thn Wu4teni Union , andiit
may LK ) gnoa-atl tlut tha telegraph war lus
now priuJv.illy begun.
NK\V YullK I'D JI3.\VKK.
Contrntllctlini or ttio Through Trip
C < initlnution.
Special IDIoptitcli to THE UKU
| ICllR'AdO , AuRiiat3. A homuxvlut ntartllng
utory xvaa tolegruphed from Nexv York n day
or two ao , xnying that the IVntisylvaniu unil
Chicugo , IJurliugton k Qulncy roads had
formed a coinb'ualinn tr > run through piBsen-
pertraliiK troniNuxv Yiuk to Denx'er. Jutceri
K.VIXKI , general pansengor n. iinl of thol'enu-
Kylvania road , la in the city and denies the
story in toln. lloHnys any tuch combination
would bo n lonlng venture nit thine am fcv
| K.TfoiiH who Wont to jnalio u continuous trip.
Tlio Groely Itcllefriunilr | il.
1'ourHMOtrni , N. II. , August i ! The ( Iron-
ly rnllcf squadron leave for Now York Ttios-
lay night. The Bear U ordered to Governor's
l l.Ud , where i\\i \ bodiiw of tbo xlctlnm of
thoGrooly expoditioti will bo turned over to
funeral Ifnncock This itftoruoon , the HUivi-
rorH of the expedition will ho put unilor tbo
urooftho war department , rcpreeented by
? .miQi < il II U7.0H Thoriirvlvors will rent quiet
ly hero to-cluy and to-morrow. On M outlay n
; rrn * demonstration In honor of the raturn of
[ Jreoly will bo hold. Tha orfaiilznllon ; of the
nnvnl division , which will bo lauded to par-
ticlpato In the ceremonies U completed , The
aavnl divisions of the parade will conntst of
six tub-dlvUionH , couipriHing naval cudtits , na-
pnl appiontloes , marlnei * , and n brigade from
tha i.ortli Atlantic tlrtet. Bwidcu then-a dlvi-
iloi H the pjrudo will cornpriio mlliUry nnd
3tvil org mr. tions , fire companies , municipal
l'ort"inouth and Noxvunry
\Kitt \ , and ftato aulhorhion ifonday evening
i ooDtrratulatory mooting will bo held nt Mu-
lie hall , nt ; which KouroUry Chandler is ex
pected to preside.
[ udlariH unil Cowboys lit' Montana
Canadian Oattlo.
3j > odal Dispatch to TJIK BEK.
OTTAWA , Out. , August I ) , It ii * represented
< > the authorities hero that au organUdd gang
if Ameriean Indlinn and cnwx > yn have
from Montana into thu Uanadi'in
S'oithwent for the purpoKe uf raiding u.ontlio |
noMiily | of fcottlorn b < 'txvixn ! th Cypress hilli
mil tbo Turtht mountalun. They have on
iivcrnl ( K-x-union. como in contact with the
nounted police , xvhom they rut nt dullanM ,
soriying off calllo and horn * , It IB not Im-
.noUtbio thattho inutUr will bj made Iho
ubl < H.t of olllcul correeitondcnco with the
Luthoritifs nt WaHhington ,
That Oliolcra Hcnro In New Torlr.
liocal | ! DispAtch to TUB UEB , .
NJJW YOIIK , August 3. A teamster fell
rom hie Wagon nn Bedford otrt-et yesterday
. ( Uruooii and a panic was created by the mi-
lotniceiiintit of a paualug phyniciaii that If
vd-vclioUia. Ilu xvm taken- the
xheio It wan Htutud to bn nuly a fjvcio fimn
if choU-iu moilniH ,
Tlio 'I oxun CropH.
O.M.VDirXiy , Atigusl 'I. The N'nxvs to-
narrow will my : ' Itopart * from the groxving
? oH in Texas are by no moaiiH fitvorablc ,
vlnlo in potnn portions of north nud euot Texas
luring thn past week rain ban f jlleti iu re-
Veching < iuuliliiy. Still , tha griutcr portion
if thn cotton pioxxing district t is lutfeilog
'rom continued drouth. In central Texas
bin tppoclaljy in the co e , and units * rainfalls
nthUolHtrict within the coining wtol , the
lotion ciop will bo cut liadly.
Hank Ht tomcjit ,
Nuw YOUK , August i Tbo weekly bunk
itatoment ihowi : I/oon decrease 9400,400 ,
ipecles docreoso fiW.tXX ) , nrsorvo decrease
8lWa,22& ( . Tha lianVa now bold
| ti exctM of legal r < jnircu > ei > tt ,
A Snnilay SnmmiDtt-nponiic JoysaDd
Jangles of Europe ,
ThoBatthfor the Frnnohiso in
England Growing Warmer ,
An Increasing Fooling that the
Honse of Lordo Must Qo ,
A Saspioion that Many Oholera ,
Oaaos are in Ital * . .
fe : ' * *
The Sixteen Morganaii 3 far-
riagoa of HOBBO'S ' Boyal g.,80 ,
Txvo CoutlncntH LlaJIo to
All Torinip Over the Tl
Clnlmnnt ,
Dispatch to THR BKB.
NEW YOUK , Augusta.Sonlloj' * London
cnhlo atatca tluxt there his baeu conUnnod
ngitution during the xvook for and against the
lofonn bill , l th pirties holdltift mootingn of
the highest impoitntoo. Tlw Mouohoitor
iiuting Innt S iturdty tufllcicntly ehoxTod tlio
jiraclihility of continuing the , agitation on
two pantile ! lituvi ; Jx > rd Hartinglon , while
IterxMtingnpon the absolute nroonaity of Uio
'ranobiito bill , connwling moiicr.tion toward
: h ) boitsoof ( lorxN , and Blight , douiandiag
.ho country should
An ntwembly , 2tOO strong , rccolx-od , .anil
wild u ern , that the nxlHteuco of the hoimo
of | OKH ! wait iutolnrablo auoma'y. The in-
crea iug gravity and ixjril of the situation
hivotioborixlcvon Lord Salisbury , but thn
most utrikiug ovldenco of the alarm of the
toriia U found in the fro. b rtxvnclliatlon of
Ixinl Bnlisbury and Ix > rd ChurchlU'd cpiarrds ,
touching the tory org < iuuaUoii. All the i
are hixilod for tbo moment.
It h bolicvoil In MarscUUu that numerous
pl o * m Italy nro infrctod with cholera , but
ihsltollana uunocal tha factp. though.It IH
known that cccimi iial OISOA of chuleta hftvo
bocti fatal. At Moucalier Uio epidemic in
raging. Affaim are also bad nt Garfikgiian .
The opldnmlc luut nppinrod in as much at
thirty vilhijtM in the toutb of Franc.- .
But M far them nra no
BlgtiH of general Infrctlou. The bet crcdlUil
opinion id tliat the cpldomio will iiscillnto
with n vuryiig rtonth ra-to until 'cptomber ,
when the HI Idi n hiMhlllng together of return
ing rolugfCH might produce n temporary iu-
ctea o. It is Ml veil , then , th&t MnturiilcH
h H mitrered frnfn the maximnm cffecttt of the
( eour p. The iuilutitrxH of the m'mtril , it it
RuppoRoil , will bi ngixlu beneficial later on In
tin HWVOII. A ( Icnso , heavy fog IK still
uprcad over the whola eoatit , sooompanitd by
great h it.v3NHUi
< v3NHUi , Muniirrr'H AOTIVITT. . . .
Ono of tht ) Imsirst tmitl in Londot > 'juHt uow
In ( iiiiu'rnl li. A. Merrill , the American con-
Biil-L'eneial , xx-ho IB n-tivoly oxcrting nil thu
machinery of IUH olllco to keep lint cholem out
of America. Ho is greatly grutilicd nt thii
i-nceetii which nttoadoil the pntcautioim token
by thaconBiilntniifr innt the du < Heitiination of
the ( lieea i- . It hoi not yet booumc necp nary
to top any p'r on'on any \twsol Htarting fium
Grout Hiiuuii for Ampr.c
the neeomnlico of SU'llmacher iu tlio
mmxler of liiukfr Txiinhurt , at StmUburg ,
nnd the broker KiHort nt Stuttgart , IH iinpilH-
onod In Kudo'ph barrack * , Viu .ni . , ami It to
bo executed the Inttor iiart of thq month. Art
Iu the u no of Httillmaclier , the niithotities ro-
fuxo to onnounco the exact date of 1C minor-
er'g execution , fearing that if tbo data xvni
known bin comrades , yet at liberty , would organize -
ganizo and attempt a riiicuo. .
llCHHB'ri DUm > nUKK.
It in understood now that Leningrand dukn
of IltPHC , xvUl POOH nbdicnto in favor of his Mm
Krneut. He U in very bad favor among biri
| i < * opK < , liaving beoome n laughing Block MUCH
hin morgiuinllo trarrtagu with the adventure -
venture * Jlmo. Kolnmlnia. Within the
pwHiHit cwnturj thnro have boon sixteen similar
unlonH in the two Hen-inn rojnl houses.
The revival of the Tichlxinie cwcn HCornw
now jiroiniHcd if not axHarod H in b HuvcJ
rerioim ili'munstratioim have already lieen nr-
raugeil t'l folliw th reloino if the claimant
ou the 23th of October. Tlio government has
allowed tbn lunatlo in the Atmtmliao anylum ,
roncRrning xvhtmi Kilinnnd uud Churl EH Urtou
have Hxyoin ho if > thtir bra her Arthur , to bo
brought to Itnglnnd. Thin will iirobulily ro-
cpon tboxvbolocftRP , M the ohUmant he B JH
will not H'umbf ' r when ho oucii getx out , lie
ii naiil t < i huvo ohiveu member H of iparllauicnt
nt h'e bnck. '
A btiBjinnslon at BiiapoiiBlou BrldKO.
BUFFALO , N. Y. , August 3. The following
notice apfiiiarK on the door of Wilmor Jlros. '
bauk at riiN [ > cnxloii Uriilgc : "Wihnrr liroj ,
huvo tnado u gtn > > ral n Hlgnmrnt , for the bf un
lit of creditnrH. to V. Spiiddinir , Niagitra
1'nllH , " A. M. Wilnier neriouHly mek at bis
rn.iilcnco. It Si cxpocted the dopi item uill
\m pukl in full.
Urn. Ijanutry.
Ixorooff , August 3. Mnt. Langtr > ilfi.Iurs
cho Li thoroughly nKi.i 'd with her xihit U )
Amerioj. Bho will proUibly nuiirn in thn
autuinu , but S'iyH thi hw : no iilni of building
a thcatro in Ntw York , n hits been man- :
S1QOO. Given
nrunyInjurious LUtwtanix cun t
ton : it. Dtfiafontataq. of Chicago ; and
Ikxie , JllhTuukiv Never eolil In btilt.