Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 02, 1884, Page 8, Image 8

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Saturday Mornms , August 2 ,
Five disturbers of the peace wcro find
CAch and co U in police court yesterday.
The difficulty between the firemen ha
licon ndJutUd and Secretary 1'entrol to d j
drew the orders to p y the pwos.
An old man WM arrwtod ywtorda ;
for making an Indecent exposure ot hi ) per
on. 1 lo WM not wearing Mother Hiibban
Jamoft Murphr was again arrested yosler
dny. This tlma It WM upon n warrant anc
charged with threatening the lifo of Xacl
Adams and other * .
The Capitol a * enuo [ Teller Mealing rlnl
IwBptiwed Into the hand * of W. II. Shield * ,
who proposes to make It n moro popular roaorl
Clarence II. Sobatker , of Omaha , and
Mtlllo 1J. Dox , of Chicago , cro married al
Jirnt M. K. church In this dty on Thuntdny
evening , July 31 t , by Ltho Rev. Chnrloi W.
The fan festival given by the Indies of the
First Presbyterian church Thursday otoninfl
WM a very sucownlul afTatr , both In a social
and financial point of vlow.
An o flicor brought In an old woman this
afternoon. She win In a beastly atato of In *
toxlcatlon and waa followed by a crowd of
lioj-8 who think It sinnrt to lawh nt the inU-
fortunes of an old and unfortunate woman ,
Oeorgo Whkting was yesterday
l jr Officer O'Donaltuo on n wan-nut intucd on
ik complaint Nwom out by JC.ich Adnm ? , iliarg'
ing him with threatening U ) taKu thu lifeol
Mrs. Margaret Dillon jostordny ob >
tnlnodaVeaich warrant to ncnrch thn prcmloce
of George \VitUng , now in jail. She claims
that Witting and his wife stole a shawl from
her .ind that It wan'worth SIC.
In district court before Judge Novllloyea
terday , the case of the State \ . Major
Newell was continued until the next term
The court announced that all criminal case * ,
not tried , would go on ,
Sunday morning the Torments and Un
ions will piny boso ball At the Sherman nvcnno
park. In the afternoon the Jtods nud Torments
monts will contest and after the game the 120
yardfl handicap will bo run.
Officer Wm. Flynn , of tbo police court ,
who has been laid up by slcknotm for nearly
n month , is again able to bo on duty and his
many friends rcjolco at the eight of hla face in
Hi accuntomod place.
Everybody \ now anklnf the question ,
"when la the pavement on the [ south hide of
Farnam to bo CnUhwl.up to Fifteenth etroot
and thiiB do away wiili that ttudholo ? " It U
a hard ono to answer and o\crybqdy In obliged
to giro it up.
Mr. M. Stalker , professor' veteibiary
Hcienco in the agricultural college at Amos ,
Jowa , camcjto this city yesterday to look Into
the cattlu fever reported west of bore. Ho
w ill look the matter up thoroughly and aluo
pxamlno Into Homo other' matters bcforo re
"Now , boy , all together II voly ; rush It
ilown us If you were covering up democrats , "
Hhouted the foreman of the sewer builders on
nouth Seventeenth atroot yi'Htcrday. "Tbo
dlvil a job will you have thin fall , thin , for
the republicans never 'ro-troiich , d'yo molnd , "
'retorted O'Jtollly , n ho B topped to grease his
palms with gum Julco.
The rattle disease , which JIM occamonod
no much ularm , la rapidly abating. The di-
HOttflowna very virulent while It lasted , but
wore itoelf out In the vicinity of Dracl ? Island
nud MaxwelL Stockmen will use all euro
until frost cornea and will keep tholr cattle
nut of the infected districts until that tlmo.
Koporta from the Union Stock Yards , nt
Chicago , nay that the yards are quarantined
and nil stock in the yarda Is healthy.
The Item In yesterday's BKK Intimating
tliat the here put up nt tbo1" KIkhorn valley
house stable by a man from Springfield , .Nob. ,
bad boon stolen , owing to the low prlco naked
for the animal , waa'foundcd on thu Husplo-
IODH of n polloo officer , and was an Injustice to
the owner of the horse , who boa boon n roni-
clout of the ntnto for n number of years and
lives now In Omaha. The horse waa purchased
by Win pub'Icly and wu offered for sale by
him In the name public manner.
William Wilson nod Jamon Walker
Thursday night wont into KuhlmanV dnig
toro , oornorof Tenth and Douglan ntroetb
bouglit some medlclno and tendered n 85 bill
payment ( for tbo namo. Knhlman thought
the bill waa counterfeit and had
tha | mon arrostod. ThU morning
the ' tailors in four different banks
pronounced it genuine and offered another in
exchange. The men wcro discharged ,
Thursday nfteuiooii at the Athletic park
the race between McComb , of Council Bluffs ,
and.CampboU , of this city , distance seventy *
five yarde , was won by the foruu In 7 1-5
hooonda. Campbnll led for tixty yards , wheu
ho WM pawwd by HcComb , who boat him to
the finish by two feet , The race nt the fair
grounds this afternoon , between Duffy ,
of this city , and Olack , of Missouri , is for
blood and will bo a very exciting uront. The
vtakea are $000 and botn men nro uf tor the
money. It ia rumored that Clack ii n awlft
ono but the "boya" are btlll staying by Dully
with tholr money.
/3TWoll DroBHOd t'ooplo don't wear
dingy or faded thlngawhen the lOo. and guar
anteed Diamond Djo will make them good as
new. They are perfect. ( iet nt drugglsU and
bo economical.Volls , llichardson & Co. ,
TiurHLgton , Vt.
A Card of Tliank ,
Mr. 0 , l\r. \ Leighton would hereby extend -
tend thanks to the members of the fire
deportment and ; ill police and citizens
who assisted at the fire yesterday mom-
ing. _ _ _ _ _
Ladies should rolled before using any
sprop ratlou that iaappliod to so delicate
t-urface as the akin. Any coamotio that
kt first impart a beautify ing effect and not
pparontly injure the akin , but ia a very
i hort time little blotches and discoloso
tions appear on iho fuco which ccnclu
tively how the poisonous drugs in that
composition. It can bo safely said the
more than two-third * of the face powder
contain those injurious in rodionts. 1'uz
zoni's medicated complexion power is not
nly absolutely free from all dojotoriour
matter , but Itoprlnotpal inprediont ; is an
active curative for all diseases of the
akin. It has stood the ttat of years. Sold
by all drtlggUts. mo-codyl
y tobdiasuotl in July , 1881
price $4.CO. J. M. WOLVE , publisher ,
10 , B. 14th St. Omaha.
Special prices for ai ityt on dinner ,
tea nd toilet seis at 13urtV china etoro.
A Colored Man In a Fit of
Stools His Wife Three Times ,
Ho Then Attempts His Own Lift
Aided By His Own Eovolver ,
llotli Now in a Critical Condition
The people living in the vicinity of 51 ]
Pleasant street , nt about 7 o'clock l&sl
evening , were atartlod by tbo report ol
three pi M shots fired In quick succession
sion , and in a moment or two afterward )
followed by two others a short distance
apart. Within a very short tlmo after ,
ward Air. Iluntoon , who lives almost op
poaito the above number wan beckoned
to come across the street by a young colored
orod woman who was loaning against the
front yard fence of Mr. Tom Orr'a real
donee. On going over
streaming down the woman's neck who
said , "My husband shot mo because 1
would not go to " and was stopped
in her attempt to toll the cause of hoi
wounds by the blood in her throat.
Upon being aakod wnoro ho was replied
that ho waa in the kitchen. The wound
ed woman was taken back to the house
by Mr. Iluntoon and Mr. McClure , who
had boon attracted to the flcono. Upon
going to the kitchen the prostrate
form of a man was found lying in one
corner , partially doubled up in a pool of
blood , with a Cvo chambered ,
The wounded man when found was in
an inaonsiblo condition and when last
he rd from had not recovered conscious-
ness. A physician was telephoned for
and in a few moments Drs. Hart and
Hanchott arrived. Upon examination
the woman was found to have received
three shots. Ono pistol ball had entered
the mastoid process just behind the loft
oar , the second had penetrated the loft
lido of the nock below the angle of the
| aw and was presumed by the surgeons
to have lodged against the inferior
maxillary on the right aide , while
the third ball had nearly torn off the indoz
Gngor oftho loft hand. The manwas
found to havo.
the ball entering the mastoid process of
the right temporal bono , and penetrating
the skull about a half an inch. The sur
geons sot about probing and succeeded in
extricating the ball from his wound and
also from the ono in the woman's head
Ho waa then placed in a carriage and it
is said was taken to St. Joseph's hospital.
From the little that could bo learned
concerning the affair , it appears that the
woman whoso name is Mary Fields , went
to work for Mr. Orr as a domestic a week
igo last Wednesday and has continued
in his employ over since. Shortly after
> ho began in her now place the wounded
nan whoso narao is Elijah Fields came
ind did not return again until yesterday
'oronoon. At thtatimo ho came and gave
icr some money and asked her to go and
live with him. She refused , and in thu
if tornoon ho came again and asked her to
return the money ho had given Jior. After
tie had cone the second tlmo Mrs. Field ,
who had novorbcforo said arty thing about
her marriage relations , ' told the people
with whom aho lived that the man who
liad coaio to see her
[ n the evening while Mr. Orr and his
'amily were out riding , ho appeared for
; ho third time yesterday , and the result
> f the mooting was what has boon stated
On the Itoor of the kitchen was found
i note written in his own hand stating ho
ia.s going to die and that ho and his
vifo would bo buried in > ono grave. It
ilao gave the address , 005 Baltimore
itroot , KansasCityas the place where his
Brother is at work.
It appears that Field was a worthloas
iporting follow , and was considerably
iddictod to drink , on account of which
iho determined
Several colored men who know him in
Kansas Oily say ho was a porter in a
saloon there and spent his money in
gambling and drink. But little could bo
learned of his wife , who is about 22 years
old , She had boon but a short time at
Mr. Orr's , but was lonkod upon by the
Family as a most honest and industrious
woman. She trill remain with them ,
where aho will receive the boat of care
ind treatment at their hands , The phy-
licians say it is extremely probable that
Field will die of his wound , but they
ihlnk his wife will recover.
U. P. Tram Mon Charged With
James Zibboll , sheriff of Nance coun
.y , has boon in the olty for two days past
irith warrants for the arrest of five men
n the employ of the Union Pacific rail
road company. The men were charged
irith assault. It appears freight train
; oing north on the Albion branch of tha
U. P. waa compelled to wait some time
near the Loup river which meanders
gently by the quaint old Indian town of
Qonoa. At this place ia a largo school
sustained by the United States govern
ment and attended by the olfspringa of
both aezoa , of the Pawnee
braves. The female students
of thia institution , unluckily , when the
train stopped were bathing in the placid
waters of the Loup , and the train men
sit down upon the banks to await for
tholr appearance upon the shore , | ft ia
said ono of the duaky maidens was caught
and brutally treated , from which aho
swooned and may not recover.
Measures are being taken to quiet the
matter , and on Thursday S. F. Tappau
superintendent of the school was sent for
and came down yesterday , it is aaid , to
settle the matter without making the ar
A Hull For
Mr. George Oroighton , of the Bluffs ,
who at ho says waa enticed to this aide
} f the rivdr by inducements held out to
liim by officials of the Union Pacific Ex.
press company , and then placed in jail
jn the charge of being a auspicious char *
icier , instituted suit ID the circuit court
it Council Bluffs yesterday , to recover
the sum of $1,600 damages sustained by
ila ftlso imprisonment and malicious
prosecution. It is said the company hac
lost A $1,000 money package ahortly before
fore hia arrest , and these methods wor
resorted to to hold him for proof whic !
was thought could bo obtained agalna
him , but never camo. Jndgo Savage , o
thia city U hia counsel.
Ho U Arrested ntl'uoblonntlllrouKh
Unck to Tills City Iiaat Evonlnp ,
J. J. Noligh , of this city , returned las
evening from Denver bringing back wit !
him , on a requisition , Joseph Wyngart
the tailor , who it will bo remembered L
charged with stealing $700 , from hi
wife in this city about two weeks ago. Th
following is what a Denver paper of Julj
30 , says about the case which present
some interesting features :
John A. Dowooso , a lawyer , yosterdaj
filed a petition in the superior court , ask
ing for the release on a writ of habooi
corpus of J. M Wyngart , arrested b ;
Dotcctivo Bull , of Fuoblo , for an omboz
Moment of $700 in Omaha. The case it
brought in the name of the People ox
rol. vs. D. J. Cook ot al. Detective J
S. Neligh , of Omaha , is hero with the
necessary warrant and requisition , nm
will arrest Wyngart to-day , lot the judg
mcnt of the court bo what it may. The
prisoner may bo able to regain his liberty
from Dave Cook's men , but it is hardli
probable that ho will escape from Dotoo
tivo Noligh , who has taken all the necessary
sary precautions to arm himself with al
the authority that ho needs to claim the
prisoner , and who scorns from his argu
ment to bo well posted on
disposing of writs of this kind. lie
claims that the atato court has no juris
diction in the matter and that ho wil
respectfully decline to produce the body
of the prisoner. A very prominent
lawyer to-day observed that ho woult
like to see the case tostnd and expressed
the opinion that Dotoctlvo Noligh a stand
was a bravo ono and well taken. Gen.
Cook , superintendent of the Rocky
Mountain Dotcctivo agency , and Detec
tive Noligh spent yesterday in viewing
the city and oxohanping "pointers. "
Wyngart's examination on the charge
of grand larceny will bo hold to-day ,
when it is expected there will bo some
interesting developments.
riio nooks ntul Ladders Conclude
to Withdraw from Active
Service ,
The board of trustees of the Pioneer
[ look and Ladder company hold a moot
ing last evening , presided over by "W. J.
Kennedy , its chairman , in 'Fireman's
dall. The mooting was largely attended
ind a nearly full board was present.
\ftcr the object of the mooting waa
itatod , that it had convened to discuia
the question of the company'ojturning its
property ever to the city and going out
} f active service , several of these
present oxprcaaed their views
ipon the matter. It waa finally
iooidcd to hand in a communication
to the council at its next
mooting offering to dispose of its property
to the city for $2,000. This property
includes the team , cart , harness , pom- _
pier apparatus , etc. It was determined
to retire from active service but not dis
band , the old members holding thom-
jolvos always in readiness to do duty
nrhpn requested to by the chief. This
ictjoii of the Hooks and Ladders , it is
thought , will ccmpol the city to place
lovoral moro upon the list of paid kro
nen. The Pompier corps however will
lot disband but will continue to' run to
Ires as of old.
"Flro Him Out. " ' * \
* t
This la a common remark when roughs and
owdys Insult public decency by their unworn-
y ways. Dyapepaia Ii a horrid boro. Piro .it
lutwith ItiH-JocknioodJiitttn , Ton can do
Mr. Tom Mulvihlll has returned from Obi-
General Cowin haa returned from Spirit
Mr. S , Il.II.Clnrk returned from Denver last
( > . S , Carncfi , of Chicago , is nt the Motro-
0. IT. Weston , of Xebra-dca City , U at th
tli trupolitnn ,
0 , It. Pratt , of Broken Bow , la qtmitcml At
ho Metni | > olitnii ,
0. W. Wllsan. of David City Is stopping at
.ho Metropolitan ,
J , 11 , Preston , of Lincoln , In rcgls torcd at
lie Metropolitnn ,
I'ostmaHtur Cnutant returned from a visit
; o Salt Lake City j esturday.
J. A. Florcu , of Alhinu , is In the city
[ uurtt'nxl lit the Mutropolitan.
A. II. Lnns and wife , of I'lano , 111are
itoppinf ; nt the Motropolltan.
J. W. Wagoner und wife , of Knlghbtown ,
I V. , arostopping at the Metropolitan ,
Mrs , 8. D. DarVnlow Is entertaining Misses
Belle and Josslo Taylor , of Brooklyn , N. Y.
Mr. and Mrn , Wm. Mack and Joaephino
reis have gone gn n trip to 1'uropo and will
jo absent uomo timo.
J. L. McV y , I'Uttsinouthj It. D.
foncs and Daniel McNcny , Itod Oloud ,
md Henry Oliver , Lincoln , were guoats at
ho Millaid ycstot-day.
W. If. McCuuicran , IndUnoldj 0. 1' , Dnr-
und , Norkfolk ; Henry N , Blnkoaiul wife ,
iteatrico ; John Broun , Sow rd : UoofRoW.
Jurton , Orleiuii ; M. IS. Thompson , Albion ;
3 , 0. Hickinan , Tocunucli ; J , W. Harding
, nd Indy , Hed Cloud ; Frank Dodton , Lincolu ;
1. M. WiUroy , Blair ; W. F. lUiudal Gnluin-
tud , and Da > ldltutler , I'awnwj City , were
egiatercd at the Paxton yesterday.
\Voll HH KVOP.
Ix > Ue ! Howard writes from Buffalo , N , Y , .
'M y system bocamu greatly debilitated
hrough arduous professional dutlw Sulferod
rom irnmcn , sick headache , and billlousncm.
Tried llviitotl JilooJ litlfr ! $ with tbo most ben.
tidal etfuct Am well as uer. .
Nebraska JFuel Co.
The Omaha Katatorlum , corner Ninth
md Farnam , has had a thorough cleaning
ind every thing is in proper shape. The
iropriotor , Mr. Julius Thielo , invites
ill his subscribers and ticket holders gen *
irally for an inspoutlon. A clean , good
Swimming , Shower or Shallow bath ,
Auk your /orllAJunniaEnaoap. .
Lcighlon & Clara's ' Mi Store Des
IroyeOy Fire This MorniDjr ,
The Department Boys OalledFron
their Beds to Battle With a
Fierce Blaze ,
The IxB CH 'Will Touch tbo $ tOOOO4
Blnrk Mlth an Insurance ol
At five o'clock yesterday morning Ih
warnln 'notoiof the fito boll rangoullouc
and clear upon the morning air and people
plo living in the vicinity of the cngin
house either arose or turned in bed am
listened. The alarm sounded box 42
Thirteenth and Douglas , and only strucl
onco. In a few minutes an alarm wo.
turned in from box 43 , Tenth atroot engine
gino house , and at this these who hac
hoard the first alarm and had turnoc
ever ) for another snooze , sprang
from tholr beds and rushed into tin
It-\jas a laughable sight to BOO the res
idonta emerge from their various dwell
ings. Some
and others were oven loss dressed that
that , but all were bound in ono dirootior
lower Harnoy street.
Before the place wan reached groal
volumes of black smoke could bo aeon
pouring forth from the cupalo of the foui
atory building o'n Harnoy street , botwcer
Eleventh and Twelfth streets , occupied
i > y Leighton & Olarko , wholesale drug-
; ista. The ontirofiro department was
soon upon the ground but the interior
at the time of turning in the first alarm.
The fourth story was filled with flamoa
and smoke before a steam of water could
bo gotten into it.
' \7hon the hoao was laid and the water
turned on , the flames had broken through
.ho cupalo and other portions of thereof
roof and were leaping high in the air aa
f defying the power of the firemen or
the water which they endeavored'to throw
nto the building.
At the front of the building a long
adder was put up to the fourth atory
window and Officer Ituano seized the
notelo of the hose and hastily mounted to
, ho top. The thick smoke rolled forth
from the -windowd as if to stay him in hia
course and drive him back Tthonco ho
samo. This , however , had no effect upon
lira , and ho
until the water was turned on and ho
was able to turn into the building a well
directed and effective stream.
In the roar of the building two streams
voro being thrown up against and into
ho building , but the men who hold the
nozzles were upon the ground and it was
a hard task to otand upon the ground
and throw water with any certainty into
a small window foir ; stories abovo. In
consoquouco of this inconvenience much
of the water waa thrown against the
brick wall , with no other effect than to
plash back into the fasca and eyes of the
iromon and that of the crowd gathered
near and ran away down the alloy ,
A hose was carried up.- through Ilor's
iquor Btora.onto.tho roof and the stream
was thrown upon tbo'roof of the burning
building , but
Soon the boys got tholr bearings right
and landed water into the fourth story
window in good shape. This , with the
troam from the front was beginning to
ell and the flames began to succumb.
It was now thought that the fire was
under control and the firemen and spec-
ators breothdd moro caey , when ono of
hose unavoidable accidents occurred.
The hose which was doing such good
work from the rear
nd the water flow ever against the walls
f the building on the opposite eido of
ha alloy. The order waa given to shut
ho water off at the hydrant but not a
wrench could bo found , and for fully five
minutes men were running hither and
'on looking for a wrench , while some
of the excitable ones were vainly on-
savoring to unscrew the hoao frcm the
lydrant ,
During all Una delay the
nd by the tlmo another stream replaced
ho ono shut off , all that had boon gained
> y the firemen was lost and the odds
voro turned the other way. The flames
md worked farther forward in the
milding and were rapidly approaching
ho front.
The teams and carta were aont flying
or moro hose and several trips were
made hi various directions until all the
ivailablo hose in tbo city was in uao. The
look and ladder boys , with ladders upon
heir shoulders , ran around into the alloy
nd soon had a narrow stairway upon to
ho top of llcr'fl building. Up this a line
f hoao was dragged and in a few mo
menta a second stream wan playing from
ao top of llcr'a building on to the burn-
ug block ,
The flamca worked rapidly to the front
nd leaped from the windows into the
who received the order to come down
which they did. As the fiery , and forked
tongues leaped out of the windows they
cached around on all sides as if in search
f something to dovour. They darted
upward and with their ravenous jaws ,
appod around the heavy galvanized iron
ornico , which gave away like paper and
netted and dropped upon the sidewalk
In a few moments after the flamoa
> roko through the front windows
nd following this came the sharp report
f exploding chemicals , like the reports
t pistols.
As the chemicals began to explode the
rowd of spectators began to draw back
as if expecting a larger and moro serious
xploaion , but it did not come for it v M
now evident that the fire men had the
nd it would bo but a matter of a few
moments before nothing but blackened
nd charred ruins would bo soon. This
troved true , The fury of the fieroo
lames waa spent The demon had been
battled and , after a soveroetrugglo beaten ,
and all that remained waa to wet down
tuoh places a might help to ciuso it t <
break put nnow ,
During the progress of the fire thi
smoke had worked into llcr'a liquor stori
and waa issuing from the windows anc
doors and it was thought for a tlmo tha
the flames had found their way in amonj
the liquors. This thought waa followei
by the recollection of the burning o
Ifer'a liquor atoro some tlmo ainco anc
caused no little worry among these whc
are interested in the city's welfare
Luckily the smoke waa all that found iti
way into the store of Mr. Her and did nc
particular damage.
After the flames were subdued thoqucs
tlon naturaly waa
but to this there was no answer. Nobod ]
seemed to know. Those who claimed U
have soon it first , say that it started
in the basement and ran up the
elevator abaft into the fourth atory and
thence to the cupalo , where the flamci
first made their appearance.
The next question aakod waa :
but to this question the same answer wat
given aa to the former and no ono wat
found who could satisfactorily answer it ,
It certainly was a mysterious fire and
many claim it was caused by spontaneous
combustion , but whether this is so or no )
is not known.
The firm stated that their stock ol
gooda invoiced 8125,000. They had
upon the stock $84,000 insurance and
upon fixtures $1,200 , making iv total
insurance of § 85,200. The stock ia almost
entirely lost. What waa not burned ia
ao damaged by water aa to bo almost
worthless. The insurance IB in the follow
ing companies :
National S 2 500
Merchants a 500
Scottish Union 2500
Wofltchostor ' 'COO
Orient 2500
Homo 2500
Insurance North America . . , , . . 2 500
Gorman American , . , 2 500
City of London 1 000
Niagara ' , 1 000
Germanlti 2 500
Union i 2 500
National 2 500
Lancashire 2 500
Springfield 2 500
American Fire , 5 000
Washington . ' 5 000
/Etna . - . . . ; 5 000
Underwriters 5 000
Gorman Fire , 2 000
[ mperial , 2 fOO
jorinan American 2 500
Pennsylvania Tire 2 500
Northern 2 500
Firemen's Fund 2 500
fire Association Philadelphia 2 500
Hartford 10 000
1'hcrnlx k , 2 500
California Fire ' ! 000
Amazon ( on fixtures ) 1 200
The building , which ia owned by Kon-
lard Bros , is damaged about $3,000 and
a insured for $9,000 in the following
companioa : . '
4 (
Now York Underwriters . .SOO ,
Norwich Union 52,500 *
Other companioa $4,000' '
The flrci will resume business ag' ap'on
us possible. Yeatorday they had , pps-
al carda printed one of which will. , 'be
mailed to each of their customers,1 bcg-
; ing their indulgence and askingthem ] to
lend their orders to the honao in Lincoln
until the business here can bo re
Mr. Leightou , who resides in Lincoln ,
> ut happened to bo in this city at the
imo of the fire , is very unfortunate. It
s little moro than n year ainco ho was
mrned out at Lincoln , when nearly all
of hia stock waa a total loss.
A Monument to uo Erected to the
Memory of tbo Iiato Bishop
- " _ J Clarkson.
The following circular has been sent
out by the council of the Episcopal church
Which explains itself :
OMAHA , Nob. , July 23,1884.
Rev , and Dear Brother :
By resolution of the late annual coun
cil , a committee , consisting of the Rec-
tora and Senior Wardens of the Omaha
parishes , waa appointed to take into con
sideration the matter of erecting a fitting
monument to the memory of our lute
honored and well beloved diocesan. The
committee has placed upon me the duty
of communicating with the clergy , ves
tries , and congregations of the diocese ,
upon tha subject. Subject , of course-to
any necessary modification , our
plan is this : To erect a
monument similar in every respect
to those sot ever the last resting places
of Koblo and DoKoven. The coat will
bo about $1,000. It is thought desir
able that no ono without the dlocoso
should bo aaked to contribute to the fund
for thia object , unices the clergy and
people of Dakota should deslro , of their
own accord , to unite with us in render
ing this loving tribute of grateful memory
to their father and ours. It ia especially
moot and fitting for us while wo are look
ing hopefully forward to welcome him
whom God shall choose and act ever ua ,
that wo should look lovingly backward
to the memory of him who
loved us , but whom God took from our
heads. To preserve his memory in en
during atone , ao that the coming gener
ations may road , and emulate hia holy
lifo is , or should bo , the grateful duty
of the present. Bo kind enough to com
municate with your vestry and congre
gation , and return mo answer as to what
you can do * toward this object.
Absolutely Pure.
I nu ix > wdt > r nertr vrie * . A mure ) ol rmrtncu
< r Dztrt nJ wholoeomeocM. lloio eoooomloal than
thanrdliury klnd > , tDdouinotb luU In competition
with the multitude ol lair hat , ibort weight alum or
i > bon > hate powUert. Sold.onlr lolcau fJUOITAL
UAKINQ I'OWDER 00 J ,7it..i' ICH3 _ . C&S
Practical Painters & Decorators ,
1515 Donlas Street , Omaba ,
Are prepared to do work
In any branch ,
On Short Notice
The Largest Stock in Omaha * and/iMakes / the lowest Prices ?
, , ro ° 5Ivedxan assortment for surpassing anything in thla market , comprislnf
the latest and most tasty designs manufactured for this sprinc'd trade and covering
a range of prices from the Cheapest to the moat Expensive.
Parlor Goods Draperies.
Now ready for the inspection of cus Complete stock of all the lafces
tomers , the newest noveltif B in styles in Turcoman , Madras and
Suits and Odd Pieces. Lace Curtains , Etc. , Etc.
Elegant Passenger Elevator to all Floors.
ISOG , 1308 and 1210 Farnam Street , - - - . - OMAHA NEB *
JjJjJ a4gggj.5.UMj.S.E
'U19 and I3CO Uarnay Street and 103 < > . Uih StlMt ,
D uoaa .application.
1UJ UKADY ST. , DAVENPORT , IOWA , U. S. A. Established 1878 Catarr ,
Deafness , Lung and NOTVOUH Diseases Speedily and Permanently Cured. Pationti
Cured at Homo. Writo'for "THE MEDICAL-MISSIONARY , " for the Pooplo.
Oonaultationand Correspondence Gratia. P. O. Box 292. Telephone No. 26.
HON. EDWARD RUSSELL , Poatmoater , Davenport , aava : " Phyaician of
rleu Ability ana Marked Suocesa. " CONGRESSMAN MURPHY , Davenport ,
ttfia ; "Anxionorahln Man. Flno Suceepa. Wonderful Ourea. " Hours 8 io 6J
I409andy4ll Dodee St. , { } (0maha ( Neb
W . L. "W'ZRIGKHIT , ,
, - - -
termer Windows , Flulalt , Window Capo , Iron Creation , MoUllI Ekv-llxhta , &o. Tin , Iron and State Root ]
era. 310 South Itth btrout , Chnitu , Nebraska.
Wo have the largeat and boat atock of Sheet Mualo in the city , comprising Ber-
in , Vienna , Peters' rtLclpag" Cheap Edition , Brealau , Mayenco editions.
small Goods and Gemivd Music Merchandise of all Kinds ,