Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 02, 1884, Page 5, Image 5

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    , T wiy-Mt
All contestants tot the 25 premiums aggregat.
Ing above amountoffered by BUckwcirilVar *
ham Tobacco Co. , must observe the following
condltloni on which the premiums are to bo
awarded : All bap must bcftr our original
Bull Durham label , U. B , Revenue Stomp , and
Caution Notico. The Iwgs must bo done up
securely In a package with rwmo and address
Wsonder.ond number of bags contained plain
ly marked on the ontaldo. Charges must bo
prepaid. OmtettetosctJi'orembtrSOih. All pack
ages should bo forwarded December l t , and
must reach us at Durham not later than Dtcen-
tcrltlh. No matter whcro you reside , Bond
your package , advteo us by mall that you have
done BO , and state the number of bags sent.
Names of successful contestant * , with nnmbcr
of bags returned , will bo published , Dec. 22 , In
noston./ftroMj Now York. Herald ; rhlladcl-
phlo , Tfmu : Dnrham , N. C. , Tobacco rtant :
New Orleans. Tlmti-Democrat : Cincinnati. >
QHfrer : Chicago , ttifty Xcut ; Ban I'tiaclsco ,
Oirrmtcte. Addrow.
IILACKWKI.I.'S DnnnAH TonArco Co. ,
Every Ronulne pnckago has picture of Hull.
,1)3-See our next announccmctit. Cti
\VlIlnnrlfyUio BLOOO.Tcjra.
nnd llitHTOiii : TIIK 1LUAX.TII
iictxln , WantofAppctlto , In-
L UlKostlon , I.ack of Btrcnfth ,
and Tired Feeling absolutely
cured , nones , muscles mm
ncrvci receive ncwforco.
Jlnllvons tlio mind and
_ i _ _ _ _ _ - nupnlles Jlraln Tower.
D A 1 % I ET Q BniTcrlngfroni complaints
Lmf UtSm noenllnrto their sex will
Hud la DR. HAHTKR-QIBON TON1O a pals and
f needy cure. Glrcs a clear , licaltlir complexion.
Frcqncnt attempts at countcrfultliiB only add
to the popularity of the orlplnnl. lo not eiporl-
meiit getthp OniotNAi-Aim 11K8T.
The tteanuhlpt ol this well-known line are bnllt of
Iron , In .water-tight compartments , and are furnish-
d with erery requisite to mike the passtgo both
eafe and afroc llo. Thiv carry the United Suites
\ and European m IIa , and l .yo Now Yorkg Tliura-
iUr > nd Saturdays for Plymouth ( LONDON ) Cher
bourg , ( PAK13) ) and HAUBUIIQ.
Kites : First Cabin , $55 , 885 and S76. 8teerage$20
Henry Pundt , Mark Hanson , F .E. Toft ,
ocentaln Omaha , Qronewlnr&Schocntgen , agents in
Council Bluffs. 0. BBI011AK9 &CO. , Don. Pass
Ats , 01 Broidway , N. Y. Cbas. Kozmlnski & Co-
General WuaUua Anta , 107 Waablogtoo St. . Chloa
K0.1II. _ ' _
Will cnro Ncroi5iio ? .
Linn IjaerdtHhrunmtl m , 1'ar
nUi-lf , .NeinnlEli. , hclatlca.
Kidney. Splnu nnl I.lver
tlUrAKi , Oout.AKtlmiallcart
diM - , DJVI cp lft , Oonn-l-
imtton. Erivfijelatt , Catarih ,
rilenpllcpsT , Impotcncy ,
lJumh Acuc. riolnpsus Uteri , etc. Only clentlfleW
-.rielMtln Alncrlm that eendu the El frlclty and mat ? .
cettem throiifrh tlic- body , and can be recharged In an In-
runt by the patient.
8I.OOO Would Not Buv It.
HDa. HORXB I WM afflicted with rheumatism and
by nslng a belt To any one afflicted with
" , I would say , buy Dome's Elootrlo Belt ,
can confer with mo by writing calling
1 I my e tore , 1120 Douglas street , Omaha , Neb.
HADf OFFICE 1422 Douglas Street ,
gftoi sale at O. F. Ooodman'i Drug Store' 1110
araam lit , Omaha.
f Orders filled O. O 'D
Ibooi 1,603 head , mostly one and two yeara old
Will be at Ogalalla about August EOth. In
quire ol er address
Jj34mStt 1m Ogalalla , Neb
unfailing cure for
Seminal Weak-
box , , Impptenoy ,
and all DlseaBea
that fohow aa
sequence of Self
- i 3RETAK ! Q. aiLr Ttndo.Pain AFTER
in the Back , Dlmn is ' . Vision , Prem i
ind many other diseases that lead to
tumptlon nnd a Premature Grave.
BBWABB of ndTortipeuionts to refund miney , whi-o
TuirirletH from when the medlctno Is bou ilo nl
ifund , but refer you to the manufacturers , nnd the
Muirementa are auoh that they are seldom , if c * T
implied with. Heo thelrwrlttcn guaranty A tU
I one single paokago of Oray'B SpcclCc will oonvjje
ke most sUeptlcal of its real merit ? .
On account o oountoj/eiW-i , nc have adopted the
illow Wrapptir ; the only centime.
jarFull rartlculcTB In OUT pumphlet , wbloh voie
* e to send free by mall to every ono. tSTTho Si o
cloMcdl lee i sold by all druggists atijl ptrp-ck
am , or sir packages for JS , or will bo noot free by
rail on the receipt of the money , by addressuic
THE OBAY 1IBDICINBCO. , liuffalo , N. Y.
Bed n Omaha I "
DMT w m * Wotu > . ts.i * :
y > * from the Mailmom-Mlncral Kountala of Pira
irlngs , and U the vpulon of the most eminent
men Nature's Sovereign Oure for Oonntl-
n , DUpepsla , Torpid Liver , Inactive
0a * ltloiiB of the Kidneys , aod a moat salutary
' . * e In Bcrofuloa * affections , With ( adieu , Ke"-
boa vlvinU even-where It has ho-ome
'jKilanl or dietary expedleoU , fortl'ylnf ' ( tha
fiie functions and eoaMIng fioo-'Ivern Mlmlu'Ka '
_ - , loipurlty at tablo. Tha world of wealth , Intfl
, . ' ; enc and reflnemcnt tosttUea to ltd vpirkllnir , nat-
.ru'ly ' purs , and delightful quintltles as he beverage
-.ncotnpaiable , and accredit it with Mn the nur-st
"and pioedlcst source of dear complexion- , health
> ud exuberant rplrlti. HitUoru Epring Water
( H "Old In glais bottles ; fmr dozen pli.Uare | cl d
> lnaca , Iticay be oU.lnul at all hotels , nd o
' dr ugirliU , lne mor taite , aM rcrers ever wher
r A Tlctlm ot eirlj imcruuence ,
ttUllt7. premature dtx-.y , etc. , h&nnir \o \
ln known remedy , bu dl coTer l a > nm'ff9 '
Mluuru. . valeh be will s s < l 1'llIU. Ifl
Characteristics of thB PollsWcwish Set-
A MArrlngo Ccromony nnil the 1)1(11- (
cultlca of Divorce.
Now York Herald ,
Of nil the various colonies which have
settled in cosmopolitan .Now York there
is perhaps none which displays more
strongly marked individual characteristics
than the Jewish colony which has planted
itself in various thoroughfares bordering
on Chatham square notably in certain
parta of Division , Pearl , Chatham , Chrys-
tic , Monroe and Grand streets. This
colony is mainly composed of Jews from
Poland , many of whom are the descend
ants of those who fought for their native
land under the heroic leadership of
Kosciusko. The salient characteristics
of the members of this colony are dili
gence , thrift and shrewdness in trade , a
certain rough good humor and rude
joviality , a plainly perceptible disincli
nation for any cxtonsivo efforts in the di
rection of house-cleaning , and a very de
cided penchant for largo families.
But , in spite of his lack of that virtue
which is described as most closely akin to
godliness and his aomowhat too preeminent
nent reputation of skill in driving n close
bargain , the characteristic more strongly
marked than any other in the Polish Jew
in his religious fervor and stanch ortho
doxy. In fact , nmong the dingy shops
and unpretentious and not ovorcloan
dwellings of the Polish Jew colony in
this city is to bo found a class which is
more strictly orthodox than any other of
the race in this country. So far , at least
as outward observance is cancornod the
mombora. of the colony adhere to the
tenets of their religion with unswerving
fidelity and boar out the traditions of the
Jewish faith with an exactness which is
nowhere to bo found surpassed. The
women , it will bo found , buy their meat
only at the Jewish butcher shops in order
to insure compliance with the Mosaic
law , which is very strict and explicit as
to the manner in which animals shall bo
slaughtered. This law enacts the com
plete removal of the blood , and directs
that the flesh of no animals shall bo
oaten which has not split .hoofs or does
not chow the cud.
In'order to comply with this law when
animals are slaughtered in Jewish
slaughter houses their throats are cut
and the veins are removed. After moat
lias been purchased it is taken homo 'in
water. It is then covered with salt for
an hour and afterwards washed again , so
is to insure the complete removal of the
blood. The consumption of a dish of
oysters or of eels is a forbidden luxury to
the orthodox Polish Jew , for the law in
relation to the eating of fish enacts that
all fish placed before him shall have
scales or fins.
The strong religious fervor of the
Polish Jew is still further indicated by
the number ot places of religious worship
scattered through those sections of the
city which are thickly inhabited by the
jolony _ . At' repeated intervals , some
times in several places on the sameblock ,
the "Both Hamedrasch , " or "House of
Interpretation , " is to be met with , the
Beth Hamedrasch being a building or
apartment where religious worship is
liold thrice daily. The passer-by through
the streets inhabited by the colony will at
all hours of the day BOO swarthy-faced
men Intently engaged in reading the
Talmud , for it is hold that the
reading of a passage from
the Talmud each day for the benefit of
the soul of a departed relative will acsist
that soul in its passage through the
tioavenly gates. In this connection it
frequently happens that "sums of money
are loft to bo 'exp'endod in engaging per
sons to | read passages from the Talmud
For the benefit of the testator's soul. On
the day when a parent dies the children
fast and burn a light in the house. The
custom of fasting on such an occasion
was first established after the return
From Babylon , and drew its origin from
the fad that David fasted on that day
that Saul died. The burning light is in
tended as a symbol of brightness in the
departed soul.
The loading place of religious worship
of the Polish Jewish colony in this city
is the Both Ilamcdrasch Hagodol at No.
09 Ludlow street. The rabbi of this
church is frequently called upon to act
as a epecicB of magistrate among the
members of the colony , for , although
they concede obedience to the laws of
the nation in which they live , they preFer -
Fer , in many instances , to settle the dif
ficulty among themselves by appeal to the
The books of Jewish law are the Tal
mud , relating to religious matters ; Ches-
chanmeachpot , relating to matters of
property ; Aban Azar , relating to the
killing of animals , food to ba eaten , Ac ,
and the Megen Abram , relating to feasts
and holidays. The Jewish courts are
divided into four classes The Sanhedrim
( or jury ) of three , in cases appertaining
to matters of property ; the Sanhedrim of
thirteen , in cases of divorce ; the Sanhed
rim of thirty-two , in criminal cases , and
the Sanhedrim of seventy-throe in cases
of murder. The last two courts are ,
of course , never convened in this coun
While a dispute relative to a matter of
property is referred to the rabbi to bo
tried before a Sanhedrim of three , ho
selects one member of the court to act as
council for the plainfifT , one as council
for the defendant and one to servo as ad
visor to the rabbi who acts as judge. In
cases in which the plaintiQ finds it impos
sible to obtain the evidence necessary to
establish his claim , he can exact that defendant -
fondant take an oath that he is not in
debted as charged , This oath Is adminis
tered in the synagogue on the tables of
the law. It is of a most solemn nature ,
and the defendant taking in the case is
at once adjudicated in his favor. Rare
indeed is it that a filso oath is taken in
this manner.
In cases in which application for di
vorce is made before the rabbi the appli
cant must produce proof that a decree
has been iuoued by the state courts be
fore the rnattor con be adjudicated from
a religious standpoint. But oven though
the courts had granted a decree , the
judgment would not bo valid according to
the Jdwiah religion unless a decree could
also bo obtained before the rabbi. The
decree from the state courts having been
obtained and the having been
brought before the rabbi , ho summons a
Sanhedrim of thirteen and the matter
comes to a trill. Should the wife , as
frequently occurs , bo living in Kurope ,
the subbi hero communicates with the
rabbi of the district in which the wife is
living The latter also calls together n
Sanhedrim of thirteen and the two courts
hold CTEinunirgUoji ns Uiecnjc
It Trill readily bo conceived that cases
conducted in this manner , especially , in
view of the faot that very strong and
clear proof is exacted , Are likely to drag
on to tedious length and that decrees are
not very readily or quickly procurable.
Should , however , a ilocisisn severing the
marriage tics bo finally obtained , it is
then necessary that the decree should bo
written on parchment , at are the books
of the law , and that no blot or atatn
should appear upon the scroll. The ut
most care must bo exorcised by wit *
nesses in signing their names , for should
an unlucky slip of the pen deposit a blot
upon the page the document would beheld
hold valueless and would have to bo re
A MAItniAOK Cr.lir.MONY ,
A marriage in the Polish Jewish
colony is attended with much ceremonial.
The high contracting parties are required
to fast from the evening preceding the
wedding until after the ceremonies ,
When the bridal party Assembles in the
church the bride nnd the bridegroom are
liberally sprinkled by their friends with
grain , which is intended to bo expressive
of the hopu that their union may bo fruit
ful. The bridegroom is then led by his
parents before the rabbi , or , in their ab
sence , by his nearest of kin. The bride
is brought forward in the same manner.
The bridal party two placed beneath
a canopy of scarlet and gold , called
the ' "suppa , " which Is uphold by
four persons , generally young men or
ladici.who are near friends of the bride or
groom. A largo mantle , known as the
"talith , " or prayer mantle , is then enfolded -
folded arouuy the couple , and the rabbi
blesses the wine. The wedding ring is
next hold aloft by the rabbi , who very
pertinently asks , in a lend voice , whether
it has boon pnid for. This inquiry is an
indirect but doubtless highly judicious
hint against any ono entering the marriage
riago utato in dobt. The salutary warn
ing having boon uttered the rabbi hands
the ring to the bridegroom , who presses
it on the finger of the bride , saying ,
"Thus shall though bo hallowed unto mo
according to the laws of Moses and Is
raeli" A marriage contract in which the
bridegroom agrees to toke this woman as
his wife and with all his earthly goods to
endow her is road by the rabbi nnd closes
the coromony.
A somewhat poetic feature in connec
tion with the wedding is that the wife
throughout her lifo carefully preserves
her wedding dross , which is evnntually
to bo used aa bor shroud. Within n
twolromonth after the marriavo the hus
band is presented with a shroud by his
wifo. The garment ho Is required ( eden
don once every year , on Atonement day.
When n man dies the strict interpreta
tion of the Jewish law requires that his
brother shall marry the widow and care for
the children. If the brother be al
ready married or if neither of t ]
parties cares to enter into such
the widow and the brother who :
it is to marry her go noforo the
the synagogue. The widow.
moves a light sandal from thy '
foot , thereby signifying thaj - ,
him from his engagement ar > 5 Bt . ; .
forever a release. WhoX'4lBr.ataJ1l.
live at a distance from ef\ tno .Pr
ceremony is of ten perfo * "
Agent McGilcuddy , rf . to pinQ R-dgo
agency , has had some
whh hia
nanwars.cause B6vond dosgnin ! ,
white mens onaccluuof which ho hag
issued the followint er. . , ThJ follow
ing named persona Brertanovoa f rcm i6
reservation in awxCj with the law
as provided in seot0 | { , 9.147 anj ( 0,149.
Be vised U. S.
Bwfetos : , H. ( VOlifford ,
equawman.PinetiUclgt ogenoy , Dak. ;
T. A. Bland , 'Dh anthropl > t , ' Washing
ton , D. 0. ; Todd ft n < 3 < ul , squaw man ,
Pine Ridge agency , XMk. Residents of
either the Nebraska or Dakota portion
of the Fine Ridge reserve , other than
Indians , harboring any of the above par
ties , subject themselves to removal
also. "
A CARD , To nil who are suffering trim erron
and Indiscretions of youth , nervous weakness , carl ;
decay , losa ot manhood , etc , I will tend a recipe
that will euro you , KUEfi OF OflARQfi. This great
remedy aa dUoorered by a mlMlonery In South
America. Send jelf-addreosed envelope to hay. Jo-
8KTII T. INMAX , Station D , New York.
GIlKKN-In this city , July 3LU , at 9:45 : p. m.
Orville Mam ice , son of Mr. John and May
Groon. Aged 4 years.
Funeral notice horoafter.
CONSENTJNS At hU rosldenco 1312
Jones direct , George J. W. Consenting.
Agon 32 years ,
Ho loavofl n wife and two children. Funer
al notice horoaftor.
GR011KOKKU L-oute , son of Eilma and
Louli Urobecker , July 'II et. Aged 4
months ,
Funeral will take place August Snd ! , at 2
p in. , f rent Twentieth and Harney atrcots.
Fiiecdri are Invited.
COLO UN In this city , Ancnistlut at ono
o'clock a. in. , Kate K. , daughter of Jllcliuid
imd Mary Colgen , aged 14 yoaro.
Notice of funeral hereafter ,
IVlicn Doctors Disagree
it will bo time enough to doubt the re
liability of Kidnoy-Wort Doctors all
agree that it is a most valuable medicine
In all disorders of the Liver , KiJnoys
and Bowels , and frequently prescribe ft.
Dr. P. 0. Ballou of Monkton , says :
"Tho post year J have used it more than
over , and with the best results. It is
the most successful remedy I have over
used. " Such a recommendation speaks
for itself. Sold by all druggists. 800
First "Ward lllnlno and Iiognit Club ,
A business mooting of the first ward
Blaine and Logan club will bo hold at A.
Granbocko & Go's , store , corner of Sixth
and Pierce streets , on this evening ,
August 2d , at 8 o'clock sharp. All mem
bers are requested to bo present. Per
sons wishing * to become members are
respectfully requested to attend and sign
the roll. K. G. JINKINKO.V , Prcs.
E. H , Stenberg , Secretary.
Heal Estate Transfers.
The following transfers wore filed for
record in the ofllco of the county clerk ,
July 31 , 1881 , and reported for THE BEK
by the Amos' real estate agency :
P. Peterson to J. n. Levy , part BOO.
15-10-11 , wd , 8500.
B. Reed to P. Peterson part see 16-10-
11. nod , 81.
W. 0. Stevens to P. Peterson part ace
15-10-11 , qed , &J32.
D. G Humphreys to P. Peterson part
see 15.10 11 , qcd , $90.
M. Iluf to 0. and G. Huf part lot 1 ,
block 8. w d , 81.
W. V. Morse and wife to E. II. Drew
part lot 3 , block 104 , w d , $5000.
A. L Hart and wife to Eighteenth
street M. E. church part sco 15-15 13.
w d , 81.600.
The combination , proportion , and pro.
cess in preparing Hood's Saraaparilla , are
peculiar to this medicine , and unknown
tc u'h'Ji ,
Mooting of the Colored Blftlno nnrt
Clul ) Thttttulny Kronlnj ; , Q
The colored Blaine and Logan club hold
a very satisfactory mooting last night In
Lytlo's hall. There wns a good attendance -
anco and a number of speakers , nearly
all of whom wore young men , discussed ,
in a very intelligent manner , several of
the most prominent nnd important poli
tical questions of the day. The addresses
were carefully delivered and attentively
listened to by the audience , of whom by
far the greater number had assembled to
consider the duties of colored republicans
in the present campaign.
The following constitution was adopted
by the club :
Growth nnd development of mind being -
ing the result of investigation nnd free
discussion , n free press , and frco ballot ,
the fundamental basis of human liberty
and equality , the undersigned agree to
form n political club , and for its govern
ment do hereby adopt the following con
stitution :
Article 1st. The nnmo and title of thin
organisation shall bo The Omaha Colored
American Republican Blaine and Logan
Campaign Club.
Article 2d. Its object shall bo to in-
vcstigato , ndvocato nnd maintain the
principles of republicanism , as sot forth
in the preamble ; free speech , free press
and a free ballot. Insisting that the executive
ocutivo , legislative nnd judicial departments
monts of the national government , shall
bo executed in the spirit , nnd in accordance -
anco with the principles heroin an
Article 3d. To nid and support In the
elevation of the candidates " , who head the
national republican ticket the Hon.
James G. Blaine , of Maine , for presi
dent , and Hon. John A. Logan , of Illi
nois for vico-prcsidont , of the United
States. )
The ofilcoraof the club shall consist of
a'president , secretary , assistant secre
tary , , treasurer , marshal and .standard
boater ,
and we might also e'ay time and pain as
well , is bur ftdvico to good house keepers
and India * generally. The great necessity
existing nlway * to have n perfectly safe
remedy convenient for the relief and
prompt cure of the nilmonts peculiar to
woman functional irregularity , constant
paina , and all the 'symptoms attendant
' disorders induces us to
. and unqualifiedly
io Prescription"
It will eave money.
to tho-'botfWSttuVdress.
ing troubTo.and look des
these follows oxposin
than' any of the ladms
j LqvEns or FAIR
' - V < - - v-
' .Air. Ford aniVUio JUtother Hubbard ,
0 , the Editor of inKBKKl " " \
In wedaeHay iiighfa paper F notice '
piece concerning the Mother Hubbard I
dressln whichrMr ; FortP'think's i *
it hiaMa'dy to enforboTlaw ( Hat liCUiM
found wearing them bo lodged in jail
let Mr. Ford make such Inw in his - own
house before dictating to the laidies of
the city * of omahn wo have yet to so what
right Mr. Ford has to what dress a lady
should wcat'or where , she should wear
it the stiles oomo from parisand not from
Mr. Ford as a lady I say it is not proper
to wear such a dross on , the
street although I cannot BOO
that Councilman Ford or any other man
what dress she should wear as for Ford
it is well know by some of the people of
Omaha how ho has bcon acusod of
bribery and falsehoods and only part of
his vailing is known it is not so very long
souco ho caused trouble between a young
man and woman through bribery and
lies also it is moro decent for a lady to go
on the st with a mother hubbar than it is
for paddy Ford to insult both young and
married women on the at first lot him
learn what decency is nnd then teach
others my opinion and others is that
paddy Ford is nothing but a walking keg
of beer and any honorable lady or gentle
man would scorn to pay any attention to
what hia opinion is on the mother hub-
bard oflunded laidics
of Omaha
SITTING ) Bull is said to bo an in tolli
gent and educated man ; ho instructs his
young braves how to preserve good
health by teaching them the principles of
hygiene which are so ably sot forth in
"Tho Science of Lifo , or , Self Preserva
tion. " Published by thn Peabocly Medi
cal Institute , Boston , advertised in this
paper ,
That Reported Case of Inhuman
Treatment at Fort Omaha.
There appeared in the BEE of a recent
dote a letter , signed "Humanity ; " which
stated that a prisoner at Fort Omaha was
being inhumanly treated by being com
pelled to wear a ball and chain , which
had worn through his ankles. The 1m-
proision convoyed by the communication
was ; that the prisoner had boon confined
at Fort Omaha for two or three years ,
that ho had several years moro to serve ,
and that ho was being crually treated.
Col. Oarlin , post commander , upon
reading this communication , at once in
vestigated the case and found
the facts to be as follows :
The prisoner was a professional deserter ,
having half a dozen different names.
Ho was in the habit ot enlisting in ono
regiment and deserting and enlisting in
another. He had done this several
times and was finally caught , convictoa
and sentenced to the military prison at
Fort Lsavonworth. Ho was brought to
Fort Douglasand was hero from the lOlh
to the 10th of July , when he was sent
with other prisoners to Leavonworth.
The prisoner was a hard case , and was
shackled with a chain woiuhing only
eight pounds , for wifely in trav-
oliniOn Iiis trrival here ,
the soldiers in charge reported
that ho had attempted to escape and was
a dangerous man. The shackles were
accordingly left on him until ho was sent
to Fort Jvoavcnworth. The prisoner *
at Tjrl OKula are r.iver
ironed except when they are dangerous
and troublesome men and have attempt
ed to oscApo. P" t Surgeon Bill and
Major Noid , oflicors of the day , under
direction of Col. C/vrlin / , examined the
man on the same day that the artiolo ap
peared in the HRK and found the charge
of inhuman treatment to bo wholly
groundless. Dr. Bill reported that there
was nothing in the case ho having made
a careful Investigation to excite com
miseration or to justify any comment.
How Uitttor Got HICo. \ .
"Why , when the old Enquirer ofllco
was ii the northeast cornnr of Third and
Sycamore streets , along in 1344 C , Dandy
Foster , n local celebrity of these days ,
and Chippendale nttod up the old Na
tional , repainted it , and made prepara
tions for n gay season , " said Mr. II. U ,
Robinson , yesterday. "Whon the season
opened they had secured for leading lady
a Miss Ilildroth , n daughter of an Episco
pal clergyman , who was beautifully edu
cated but had become stage struck. She
opened up to a fine business
when along oamo Bon Butler , who
called on us to BOO the Boston
papers. Ho was stopping at the llonrio
house , and was a young and dashing
democrat. Ho wont to the theatre ev
ery niqht , and in about two weeks Miss
Dildifctt ilisappcarod and at the same
time Bon U'lllor ' didn't come round to
look at the exchanges. The next thing
wo know Bon had married her. Of
couso Chippendale wva all broken up , as
she cancelled liar engagement and loft
him in the lurch. She was the mother
of Mils Blanchn Butler , who married
Senator Adorbort Amos , of Mississippi ,
ana of two sons , Paul , who 1ms charge of
his fathrYs bunting factory , and a
younger boy. "
Mrs. Butler died of cancer several
years ago in the Massachusetts general
hospital , where the general fitted up pa
latial quarters for her. The best aur-
goons and physicians in the United
Statot were secured , and she was operat
ed on for the cancer , but death ensued ,
being the bitterest blow the general over
TSET ) .
Tnnllln.I-rmon.Orniize , cto.flnvor Cnkei ,
CroaraiIudilliiBt.fcc..ii > ilellcntclr nnd uut-
nrallyul the fruit from which they lire raudc.
> rtirtHto BY THI
VPrlce Baking Powder Co. ,
Chicago , III. 8t. Loula , Mo.
f utKtitt or
Of * Price's Cream Baking Powder
Dr. Price's Lnpuliu Ycnst Gems ,
, f llait Dry Ho | > Ycu.t.
O.A T.T3 Z3 S
' nailut . . . clijelfi male
Itldei aa aiy th ono per-
onaawltbtwo - . TboBrrfnci
lencUieD nndahorteiiBerordln
carry. Equally vroll d tea to roujh count.
road > nndtlnodrlv 90fcltle > i. Alaniiraetarrdna't
oldby UlbolrnllncCarrUce Unllilera \ UrA-
lrr . Il mry Tlmhrn. rut- trg. St.
Ilflert i fflffi7 ABBOTT BUGGY CO ,
. , - - - .
"Reml for Circulars "
Uuitod States Depository
Gor. 18th and Farnam Stn
The Oldest Banking Establishment
in Omaha ,
orcanlBed in 1888.
OrganJxod aa National Bank In
naata Kouira , Preoldent.
JOIM A. Osiionros , Vice President
A BDITUI KOVXTU , 24 Vice Freildsnl.
A. t , Porrurroi ,
W H. ' KMton. A-Irtar . OashTe , " '
TranMda a Ktnoral b > nklnK bnalnesa.
Mrtifloatei bearing Interest Drawi drafts o
Vrandaoo aod tirlnoli > a ] oltloi la the United
. Uo London. Dukllo , Kdluburgh ted I ) , ! n (
* tp
M > ftbU continent anil nut
I ndon,0aah
, .
MtcJietter.N , Y. , Capital OOO.OCO.O
ia < i ilerobaota , ol Nefwk.N , J. , Capital lt7B,000.0 <
OlrardrUe.l'hlladeUhla 1,500,000.01
riremtn'i rand Cii.ii ] , . 1.U8.J16.
lauooKaaoiia TO JOHN a , JACOBS )
t U-rlil t tjil 1417 f rri > n tnt OnJtrf oy
Ikyu wl
jtrspeolali will Poslttrelrnot balni rt a
unless p .ld in advance ,
TO LOAN-Uontv.
MONF.VTOt.OAN on real Mtato by Ballon llrov ,
817 Houlh ISth Street. 918 2
MONKY TO LOAN In turns ol WOO. nd onward
O. F. Datls nJ Co. , ItMl KoUto and Ix > n
not * . 1MB Farnam HI. SSMf.
17.ANTF.D-A ( titI for ( retieral houto-work. Mr * .
> \ \ m. Uncoil , 2119 Farnam 027-2
AA'ANTKl ) OoodKltltowadulldiosat Poiimllna
\laniloUllHhSt , 833-Ip
WANTK1) ImtncJlutolj , from ! catnricton t gli
fjr Central h u e vrotk , jl4 Uouitlivs Bt.D32U
[ \7ANTKD-A im * ! ! let ot boo Into kwp runlitfri.
Vl by eipert book kre | > r. AddrtM "it. V. W. "
Hc office , OM-4p
[ \rANTKD-Oltl to ilo cooMnr , WMhlng km ) Iron-
Ing. A | r.1) HltcIioocX , corner tOth
ml ! > ( HlR .Si. B < 3 U
WANTKl ) A cool woman cook anil gltl for
kitchen wrrk , at T. O. Mrlum'l restaurant , 120
North ICtli ttrcct. 034-Sp ,
V\f ANTKtt ( llrl that okn do ccnerd homework.
> I Stint tpeik Ovtnun. Inquire at No. lISOMUth
Bthitrrtt. C.F. hliiuu . -
\rANlKl L > An exioilencttl cook at llMton lien
> > Uuitttit , 1414 Uouglka St. 010 Cp
" \\TANTKD A Kill In * family ol two. Inquire flrst
\ > door went ot meat mukot ou 13th anil Jonra
troolx , F.V LT\ . Oil lp
\\fANTKI ) I.alhcn , enquire Of Cbai Palgh at
\ > bullaliiir , on South IStn and l/ea\cnnorsh et * .
ATANTKl ) A iww'ry ' ox-k , ncoonil cook ami lint
TV cln a nulteu attliuSt. Julian rcttnuraat.
\\7AN1KP-Ooo < l Rlrl ImmoilUtuly At the Carey
\ i Mouse , X. W , cor. Hthaiul la > curioit strcott.
mo ti
I'AN'lKD-Cookan.l dining room gill , 2410 Cum/
? IIIR trcet. 000-lp
Vl ANlED Thhtccn ncreons to Itarn book-koon-
ii me , Hltuitlongwllhlii80 < Uor no uay. J.
U. Smith , hxpttt Hook-keeper , 1H18 Douglai BtrecL
! KO-4p
T\rAVTKl > A girl tor gentral homo work. A
VY good itciuly situation to ono who It a good
cookeher and liontr. lire. A. Sorenion , 1918
Capitol a o. , between 10th and SOtli. fc7tf
ANTKD-A bather 704South 10th St
872 4p
WANTCD Olrl or womnn to work In kitchen ,
1016 Harney. 8KS-t !
or country , to taks nloe , light and pleantnt
work at their onn homos ; 12 to $3 a day easily and
quietly made ; work twut by mall ; no oinvaralng ; no
stamp for reply Please addrcu Reliable Munl'g Co. ,
Philadelphia , Pa. 817-lm
ED-Girl to wait on table tor her board at
Emmet Houno 82'J-lp
WANTKD-OIrl In family of two. Good place for
a good girl. Inquire at U. J. Canan ft Co' * .
WAJITKI * Sltuitlon as house keeper In a flr.
cU'shotclbr a thorou blv rxpcrlonccd l.vlr
with the bc t of city reference , 217 N. 10th St.
IJirANTKn-Sltiulloti to Uku cbarRO of nhon liy a
HtBt-claan baker. Goml ixtcrcnoeg , 217 N. lUth
Ht. B40 lp
WA.NTK.P-SIUmtlon In store , or n < traveling
Halcmimn , by an oniicrlencod young m n. 21'
N 10th SL OI7.4p
W'/iXThD Dy a jounft married man , a position
as book-keeper , collector or corrosponJcct
with an Omaha llrm. Address Dou liu ) Line , No. 73
Went P fasintSt. , SprlngOgld , Ohio. Ufl-2p
WANTKU A JOUTIK man ol education , cxpcrlcnr
anil ttoml Imblta dc.ltcn a ixmtlon an book-
kccjHTor ulinllar oroilojtnant Ucnt ol rulcroncoa
Kl e . AddrcBS "F. II. O. " Omaha Neb. 020 S | >
WANTKU Piwltlon as riurte , Rsfor.nocs glvei
lr . J. N. Rlllngwocd. 1120 tt. 17th Ht , 021
"ll7"ANTltI ) Eniilo ] > m iit of any kind by on ox
TT perlenccd stenographer. Address "P. H."IIc
olllco. , D09-2p
A Young attorney , a graduate and admitted t
Supreme Court 1ml , la went , and dtxUcH to
form as partnership with snmo goon attorney In city
or good Nebraska town. Good reference. Address
"U ? ' Bee olllce. B17-2u
WANT'D A lik'hly rorpoctcd young lady , o
good reference , Mi's a situation an governes
or Lady's companion. Accomplished In Music , Art
French and Gorman. Adilrcsa "II. S. " Bee olllce
\T7ANTED Situation by a younp German girl to
YT ilohousowork In an American family , Inquire
at 102 South loth sUeet. HSO.i'p
WANTED A situation an drug clerk by a man
with 4 voamexptrlence. AddiCDS Ernest Lee
Wataga , Knox Co. 111. 7BO.Cp
WANTED A position by a flrflt-cJaM lal" book
keeper. AJdreis "BS/ ' Boo olllce. 745 tl
AYoungmanlodmanwanta situation as book
keeper , In wholesale establishment In Omaha
Address " 0. " care Ueo. SOfl-tf
WANTbD TQ rent , a small ronin by laborln
man , ( Jciman. ) AiUlms HUJO Wyclsk , car
Daily Ben. ' 5 0 < 5-Ip
WAMTH To buy , a Irenh milch cow. Apply a
21RH I4tn street , tup stair- ) l)
One or two furnished rooms for man
and v > lfe wlihor wtlhout use of p'ano ' In th
vlclnlli nf hcrmau avo. . or IStli tit State tornn Xt
B. lotk box 102. BfO lp
To borrow SIOOO on Improuxl city
WANTED . Atliltutt "Loan" IJeo ollko. 871 4
\I7ANTKD-ti.OOO on QriUlasi clt securlty.for
' * } inrn , at 0 per cent. Addrcua liox 0 0 Peat
ollloo. 708 tf
FOR KEZiT nonacB end Lots ,
FOR HUNT A now store , gnu\ \ cellar , and B larg
rooms over store , In iood location , 17th an
Nicholas atruetB , ueir Oil VVurlu. Iii'iulro onurcm
MS. 040 2l
OK HKN r--Nlceh lurulshwl fnintrooni , No lU
1 Dodza trtet. l)38-2p )
T7IOH IlENT Furnished rooma Iflil Capitol avf.
Tj > OIl KENT So crl lorgo unfurnished front room
JL' or entire house now , at oor. 12th and Williams
bt. 019 3p
UKNT Two unfurnUhed roomu oultablo Jor
FOIl houso-koepln ) , ' . Inipilro at No. 034 Mouth
17th Ht. , between Jackton anil Leaxenworth.
7011 UKNT Klvo roomed house , ( IB Ten roomed
] 1 houw , f IB. Jiallou Ur 8 , , 317 H. 13th street.
HUNT A new homo of 8 rnomt , 2 do et
FOIl cu'lar , with stable for two hones. Inqulr
on premises , oor. 4th and Walnut ttreot. or at I Neb
Ilrnom Faitory , Chicago street. Aug. llandow.
HKNT-A p'uuant fumlaboj room at 2103
FOlt street. 050-6
rpo HENT A desirable ootUgo I rooms good d
JL tern and water woika Vih and Illckory. Appl
at Ilell'i drug store. 810 ! 4 >
HUNT Front ] parlor with board to two gen
tl man At 1021 Douglas bt. 897-111
UKNT. TV o nlcdy ( uintehed rooms ; one
FOH and cue back. No. 1714 California mruet.
' ' . '
Ol'i-'j )
riOK ItKST Kurulnliwl rcouii with board , 181
I Dodge. 016-lmp
UKNT FurnlahoJ room ! * gultab'e for gentle
men , 1019 Farntm Ht. 8U-2p
UKNT Kurnlnho.1 froot roomu mltallo for
twoKuiitlomon , 1417 Howard Ht. 91312p
HKNT Ono Flat In LortmzMt's Block , 13th
FOR Howard streetmodern liniiroieiuunts Apply
1418 Farnam struct. 911 tf
171011 IlKNT A five room cottage northwmt cor
J1 C pliul avuuuo and 20th His ; city water. Inqul'o
at 211S Cpltol avouuo 771-tp
UKNT Houth front rooui , nlctly . ,
FOK Farnam itrett. f-Ot-lp
7VDH IUNT Huiuo tlitio litige roornni hard am
1 Bcjltwuter , (11210 ( per uiunth. H. E. Utptou , Uth
nd I'MfUlc. 002 I
FUll HhNT ritk&iitjfarulsiicd room , ,17ul Vsuu
IUNT .SUio with living rooiGn , tor. 10th
1 ll > v rl ' li'rmi v , 'lot ' rU' * < 'H'K
FOIl HKNT Two flurnlshcd south front rooms
IMN. IQthSt. 87HI
FOR 11KNT 4 convenient chamber * for houte.
keeping to ftintn and wife wtthant children , 3
blocks from Post office , 31Q north 17th street.
* 887-tl
FOKIlKXT Nicely furnished room * without
board 1814 tMrenport St. \91-4p
I poll IlKNT Furnish * ! roams at 1211 DavenMrt
1 St. near 13th Bt. goi.2
FOR UKNT Kurnkhed rooms 1810 Dodge Street.
FOIl IlKNT Nlcoly f nrnhhed rooms at 828 nouth
20th fttrtot , hall block from St. llary'a ftvenue ,
IriOR UKNT A Uire , corner ot travcnwnrlh n.l
1 10th fttrcet. Apply not iloor. 8i4-tt
poll ltiNT A furnished room niltaMa for two
I 1 ( entlemon. Inquire 2209 IX > Jra | BL 821-1 p
„ nil UKNT hlx room oottace ; , Una location , by B.
JL1 T. IVUrwn , 8. K. oor. 15th and DouRlaik 617-tl
"IJMJIl HUNT Two nrw 0 mom liounod , very com-
Jc pic to ono block from 1'ark are. cars , AMBH ,
1(07 Farnam , tet-U
Il 3iT llooms In Crounm' Block. 0. U.
Hitchcock. 613-tt
UKNT Furnl&hod room * at S227 Dodro | 81.
407-lmp _ ,
; T\OIl ttRNT One grand iiquare piano. Inqulra
I ol Kdholmand Kiloksoo. ( fft 440-tt
[ 7 011 IIRNT Ono good six io m house J26. per mo.
laU.Illtchooek. SSS-tf '
FOIt UKNT HOUM S rooms peed repair. Nloa ] \
yard , cintcra water. lUntSIb per month 1411
ark Wlldo aye. Apply to Jno. W. Ikll , DruegUrt ,
OthBL 185-tf
I7UH UKNT-Uoonu In Ncbruka National IUnk
L1 HulMltiK , Most doslratilo offices In the city
upplletl n Ith hydraullo elevator and boated by gleam
Ipply at Hank. r20-tt
JUU SAtK A gelid slda bar top buggy cheap ,
? 17 Uoulh 18th. 030-tt
[ 71011 HAMv II. K Iturkctt. umlcrttker , 111 N.
L1 loth strrot , haan new spring wtgon for tale , tult-
bio for light driytgo or oiprens. OI1.4
J10U BALK llio Star laundry , 71B south ( Kh St.
J OW.lp
F 1011 SALE-Cheap , a gtrull new drujfstoolf. AJ-
dross "DrU5gUt-oaroof Doe. 8995
oa , Pure Uye Broad , all kiddiof Whlto Uroad ,
JUlolU and Cakes , at the Uohtmlan Bakery. 13tli
0(1 Williams street * . 835-5
irtOll MALt Loadnf on account of 111 health ,
I1 houno , barn , low.erlcs and 1 lot * . Also two Koc-l
rcsUUnce lots. Apply T. E. Parfltt , OJB olDoo , 13th
nd Farnam. 840.1m
OK'SALK-40 desirable bulldlne lots , lor trade
F or cash. Callat A. llcope's 1519 Dodge St
FOlt BALR-Gndcd Durham Cattlo-7 Jcarilng
lielfem ; CO two year old heifers ; 61 three year nM
cons ; 4 four year old cown ; xpedigreed Durham bulls ,
i ml 4 ono 13 a thow animal ; 2 oven-olghtlis Dnr-
iam bulls , 2 je.irs old. Above except a tew are gra-
lo i stork and enow their breeding plainly 20 c lvo
> y cald built , out ol above cows , as are the yrarllngt ;
1 yearling ticcre ; 17 two j car old steers and 78 three
ear old steers. It. P. BTtCIN , lllndcn , Nob.
! 02-lmp
TTMllttiALK Hcstaurautlna good looatbti , lro-
JL' rrletor wishes to go Into another buslnrM. Ail-
diCM"P. 0."Utoomcc. ' 7Dl-3p
FOR SALE At a gro t bargain , the Hcott real-
denoe property. Ju.l tail ot Tratt'H In llnnscom
Place , Thl Isn\crv > leslrablo7 room rotta 'O and
will bo sold at a taciiaco. nAItKKR & MA.YNK.
712-tf 13th iind Farnam.l
HAI.K OU T11AHK A 6 yuir old Kentucky
1 liorso 16i haciln h < Kh , ientlo and kind , trots In
3 minute * untrained , alto a Dew Una gldo tar top car-
rligo. U. J. Uauan. 781-lmo
FOIl SALB Grocery business In ( rood locality
piylnij well. Will roqti'ro ' rapltal ol B bout 43,000
For particulars ad.lrosH . "W. W , " thlsolllco. 090-lm
[ 70HH tB T rn full lotn , Hh three first clans
I1 hoUHca In Kx' rojuilr , on B W. err. 18th and
Cariltol luenne , Kent * lor $2roo per jcar
T7\OHHAL1C A choice dairy and stock farm ot 800
1 acres , 0 > aarcs umlar cultivation , 1 } miles from
Nlhcr Creek , NoK , on U. P. Hallway. Good house ,
ncaniand liwhnuraabamscorrals , cto.'or dairyIng -
Ing and stock rolxfng Land la well watered and all
choice graaa ami grazlni ; Iind , nlth plenty of range
adjoining. I'or ualo clieup. I'otter & Gobi ) , 161C
Farnam ; trtet. C71-tf
FOR S ALK-Knglncs now and second hand 10 h p.
15 h , p. and 0 h. p. portahlo and itatlonary ; also
boilers ol any size and stylo. Richard & Clarke , U , I *
R. Y. bct/17th and 18th titi. Omaha. W9-tf
TTtOR BALK A vilctlng ofllro sultablo loraBDiall
J * newspaper or Job ollloo. Will sell for cash or exchange
change for Omaha City property , Addreas'X.Z.Q"
Bee otiloo. 488 tf
T7IOU 8ALK A low oholoo young buggy anil worK
JL' here * . Majne & Darner , tit. Mar > 's * avenno
barn. 468-tf
BALK Largo tot on Park avenue. Also house
FOR lot near bt Mary's avenue. Inquire 422 Con
vent street. 437-lmp
poll HALE Three of the bent lot * In Harucom
I 1 place at a bargain If sold eoou. 1'ottor & Oobb ,
1615 Farnam. 031-U
TOll 8ALB Cheap lota In Shlnn's Zd addition ,
JL1 Klrkwood and Plalnriow. 1'ottor & Oobb , 1616
faniarniitredt. . 42841
SALE Two sooond hand pKnoa , at Edholm
FOR ilu lo Htoro on 10th Bd. BOO-tt
SALB Two open sooond-nand buggies and
FOR dollverv wagon , cheap , at 1319 Harney HI.
T7 S TRAY NOriOB-Ono Fiari of small dark brown
I'j iniilej wlih hnriion , the property oltho Hiibeeil.
bcr , tint Heeler b > returning in mo to 2409 Cuiulng St
will be liberally rewarJuJ. Harry IX-lincy.
- A doclorwhhod the acoualnUnco of
IJKHHONA1- travel cott. Please addrcua
"Oerman , " this olllce. 948 2p
T HURRAY luu guod paattmng. Bpring water.
rTHKEN UP-Lout April , red and whlto jcarllng
J heifer. Owner can luvo lame by calling at M.
Melhaus , cor. 21th and Uaeon , and paying chaigca.
- ,
1111 DougUt Bt Omaha , Neb.
* * l '
Balvanizea Iron Cornices *
jtarDorrocr Windows , Flntali , Tin , Iron and DIata
KoollDg , Bnecht'J Patent Metallic Hkyllght , 1 atent
adjusted Hatchet Bar and Uracktt hheltlng. I am
the general agent for the above line of goods. Ire
Crestlngs , fencing , lialuttradet , Vurandaa , Iron Bk
Until olBocs are repaired from result ol flre , offl
tilth Di. Parker , lloom B , Orelghtoa Block llth
anil Dilg i tr eet >
( Faculty lrUe , Ifudlcal College of Ohio.
Ami other DUeaioa of the A HUB and Rectum.
' House.t
Boyd's Opera .
eve ed and wtf
, .