Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 02, 1884, Image 4

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Omfthn Offloo , No. 010 F rn m Be.
O uncllTJlnfr ; oraooNo. 7 Pour ! 81
Now YorkQOfllco , Boom O5 Trltmn
rnbllXhed er T7 ircmlng , except BtuxUjI 71
ol ) Monday morning dally.
On * Teat . 110.00 I Three Months . t& <
BlxMonUM . B.OO | One Month . L <
Pet Week , u Cents.
rni wintT MI , rvtuimro imt ; witratur.
< jnsYe t . tZOO I Three Months. i . | I
Blx Months. . LOO | One Month. , , , . . . . . . 1
American New * Company , Bols.AgenU , N wdei
n In the United SUtea-J
A lljoramnnlmllons relating to Mem and Editor !
natter * theuld be addressed. to the KOTOR or Tt
All Bnslnew Letter * and Remittance * shonld'l
Addressed to TniBn PmusrnNO OoMrurr , QMln
Drafts , Checks and Pootoffioe order * to bo made pa
bit to the order o ( the oompiny. ffl
H. noSKWATBR. Editor.
A. II. Fitch. Manager Dally Circulation , P. 0. Bo
, Neb.
B. Anthony have openly declared for th
"Plumed Knight. " Mr. Blaino'a pei
conal magnetism is beginning to toll.
Now that Director Smith has annexe
en organ and a monkey to the ffi'00 ' clu'
wo bespeak a kind word for the oombi
nation. Pass around the hat and thi
Br.r will drop in a nickel.
Pnor. LANK now bobs up serenely an i
candidate foratatosuperintondont of publi
instruction. There is no doubt that Mi
Lane has qualifications for the poaitio :
and would make a good state auporintcn
WHEX the irregularities of State Audi
tor Loldtko were discovered , Govornoi
Nance at once called him to account , bul
Glenn Kendall and hia ring of land sharpi
have been allowed to operate at the capitol -
tel unmolested.
WASHINOTON' county republicans , with
eonio reason of justice , claim that they
ore entitled to the district attornoyship ,
but wo presume that chairman Eitabrook
does not share their views in this re
gard. r
THE Chicago Tribune is a good news
paper property , and BO ia the Omaha BEE ,
According to the Omaha Jtcpublia i thoj
are owned by the Bomo parties. We
are not ashamed of the 'joint ownership
aa long as our editorials appear in botb
papers. ;
Mil. CLEVELAND and Mr. Hondricki
mot by chanoo and embraced. That em-
Tjraco must have boon very cordial and
eincero , especially when It ia borne in
mind that Hondricks , on the night bo-
for Cleveland was nominated , entered
'nto a plot with Bosa Kelly and Boi
Butler to boat Cleveland and have hinv
eelf nominated.
IT was during the heat of the contest
of 1882 , that the editor of the Jtcjntbll.
can , according to hia own statement ,
conceived the idea that a male quartette
of good elngera would , add enthusiasm to
the cause of republicanism in the Third
district This is the first time that wo
over hoard of hia conceiving an idea ,
and aa wo have only hia w'ord for it , wo
.rather believe that the idea waa con
ceived by the same party who sent him to
Kearney to clap a mortgage on nn organ
that waa to grind out oweot musio foi
Union Pacific candidates as an accom
paniment to the Valentino quartette.
Tin : personal dislike of the Bins ogainnl
Mr. Valentino ia not ouch that will com
pel it to support men who wear the brani
collar aa much as ho docs , and are up k
their nocks in jobbery. Aabotweon Val
entino and small-boro corporation hench
men wo prefer Valentino , whoso oxpori <
ouco in Congress is at least worth some
thing to the Btato. If n change ia to bo
made in the Third district it must bo an
improvement on the present 'incumbent
in point of character and ability. In
other words give the people a bolter man
than Valentino , or take the chance of
defeat at the hands of a bettor man from
the other party. The Third dntrlct line
eomo able republicans whoso record anil
character are unassailable , and whowoula
rank with congressmen from Uio oluoi
WE have known all along that Con
greuman Weaver's fences yroro badly
out of order , but now wo know that he
ia a doomed man. The Roman's TH
butic , edited by Clara Bewick Colby , hat
opened its batteries upon the Nobraakt
Ajax , and ho will have to capitulate un
conditionally. Mra. Clara Bowfcl
Colby arraigns him aa a traitor to the
high trust which was reposed in him ,
She declares that "ho , has dliregardod
the prayer and the rights pf those who
could render him no service ; of the
weak and unrepresented , whpso interests
flhould for that reason have boon sacred
to him. Having plainly eta ted to hia
Buffrago friends during the campaign in
.Nebraska , that he favored the amend
ment , yet being a candidate for congress
ho had his old record of opposition
to woman suffrage in the constitutional
convention hunted out fruin the dusty
garret of the atato house , translated into
German and distributed by the thousands
"by all his campaign speakers in the Ger
man districts. Having entered upon his
congressional duties , ouo of his first acta
vas to oppose and veto against Hon
Keifer'a resolution to appoint a commit
tee on wow&n'a claims , " Unices Weaver
begs for quarters and can make terras be
tween now and the 20th of August with
Mrs. Colby'fl husband , the valiant col-
-Otu > \ of the Nebraska militia , ho may as
* jrcJ ) take to the vcodn.
Moro than 2,000,000 acres of lam
were given by the national gorornmon
to Nebraska upon her admission into th
union as an endowment for publli
schools , colleges and universities. Thi
princely patrimony was sot apart by th
framers of our constitution as a pormi
nont source of revenue for educating th
people , and Uio legislature waa forovo
prohibited from alienating any par
thereof. To guard against any potsibl
abuse of the power vested in the state ol
fleers , charged with the management o
our school lands and school fundi
the constitution expressly provides tha
all funds belonging to the slat
for educational purposes , the interest an <
income whereof only are to bo used , slml
bo deemed aa tnist funda held by th
state and the state shall supply all losso
thereof that mny in any way accrue , B
that the same shall remain inviolate an
undlmininhod. * * * Such Bums , wit
the interest and income thereof , are BC
lomnly plodfrw ? for the purpose
for which they are granted an
sot opart , and shall not bo tram
ferrod to any other fund for other unca.
It ia a matter of history that the fin
governor of this state was impeachoc
convicted and removed from ol
fico for tampering with the schoc
sum collected from the general govern
inont for the achool fund. Since thoi
stringent provisions have boon cngraftei
upon our constitution and placed upoi
the Btotuto books to guard against thi
improvident or dishonest disposal of oui
school lands , and misappropriation of oui
Bchool funds. But alt these safeguard ;
have proven unavailing.
When A. G. Kendall waa nominated
commissioner of public lands and
buildings four years ago TIIK BER entered
ita earnest protest against this choice and
expressed ita conviction without reserve
.hat ho was a very dangerous man to be
entrusted with the management of the
state lands. Wo then called attention
o the fact that Kendall had notoriously
> eon connected with an infamous gang
of landaharka who trained with Boat
Cunningham and the surveyor-general's
ing that .had perpetrated whole
sale frauds in the survey ol
lublio lands. During the campaign
, wo years ago the BEK publicly charged
his kman Kendall with being the
load and front of a gang of speculator !
that was carrying on a ( swindle
n the purchase , sale and leas <
ng of school lands. Like all
jrazon public plundororn , Kendall rushed
into print to denounce the pafty thai
made this charge , aa irresponsible ,
and hia fool frionda of the
Lincoln Journal wont ao fai
as to demand of THE BICE the name of itc
nformant ; and when Tin ; BF.B referred
thoao acoundrola to Hon. Loandor Gerard ,
of Columbus , they subsided.
Kendall waa nevertheless re-elected
and in the excitement of the sanatoria !
campaign that followed the state election
the school land swindle was entirely for
jotton. During the early part of the
egialativo session a long-winded bill reg
ulating the aalo and leasing of school
ands , Tras introduced by Grimes , if wo
mlttako not , aa prepared and recommend
ed by the commissioner of public landa
and buildings. Grimes , who IB now rog-
stor of the land office at North Platte ,
was just the man to servo the purposes of
Glenn Kendall and the school land ring ,
[ ho bill waa ao ingeniously drawn , and
ta provisions were BO complicated that
ho committees , If they had not been
lacked in Iho interest of the ring , failed
a note any improper scheme. The bill
massed through both houses by alargoma-
iority and was approved by the governor.
It wont into effect in Juno of last yearand
: ho land sharks began their work in dead
earnest. The manner and methods , ol
, heir racally operations wcro exposed
months ago by our Lincoln correspondent ,
and although Glenn Kendall squirmed nnd
orgod all sorts of excuses and
explanation ) , the case made out agniiml
litn waa clear and convincing. It wai
an open secret at the Btato capital that
lundrcda of thousands of noros of land
md boon leased to Peter Funka , whc
tad no innncy to invent in lands nor im-
irovomcnta to make , and whoso'only ob-
oct waa to "turn on honest penny" by
lisroputablo and dishonest practices.
And now comes the Keith conn-
y injunction suit to prevent
county officials , who are allowed to hare
) eon corruptly influenced in school ap-
iralsomonts and through whom the laud
robbers were to obtain vast tracts of
ands , including over 100,000 acres , at
nominal figures in defiance of law. This
stupendous fraud in Keith county is hut
ho natural sequence of an organized effort
on the part of the land commissioner and
ils pals to line their pockets at the ex
pense not only of the taxpayers but
of the achool children of thom
m > sent and coming generation. Whore
was Governor Dawcs all this time ? Why
IBS ho connived at these frauds , or at
east failed to put a atop to this crooked
work which it ia hia sworn duty to pre
vent ? In the first place as govornoi ho
a guardian not only of the publio wol-
are but of tb-9 publio property. Aa a
member of the publio board of lands and
luildings ho ia , under the constitution ,
hargod with the care of the
ducational lands and educational funds ,
t will not do to plead the baby act at
his timoond claim that ho was not aware
f the improper disposal by leave or Bale
f the publio school landa. These mat
ers have been brought to his attention
iirough Uio BEK and through pa-
on of less noto. They were
u open ecandal upon hia administration.
Vo cannot comprehend why no notion
vaa taken by the executive.
TIIEIIE ara eomo aspirant * who Book to
upplant Isaac Power * , Jr. , as attorney
oneral , claiming that .during hU in
cumbency the office ha * boon practical ) ;
vacant. Thoao who are in a position h
know best what service Mr. Power
has rendered the stale will take no stocl
In this aonsolots twaddle. The judges o
the supreme court Bay that at no time ha
the business of the attorney genera
come before them in better ahapo thai
it was during tno term of the present in
cumbont. Frcmonl Trlb\tne.
The supreme court ia not in a positioi
to know all about Mr. Powers' services
It is not so much for what ho has done
as for what ho haa failed to do that th
basswood attorney general ia to bo ro
tired. If wo remember right ho ha
boon a very useful man to the rings au
land sharks at Lincoln , by failing to prc
toot the interests of the state where i
was within hia province to do BO. Mr
Powers may not bo an absolutely dithon
cat man , but ho ia inoificiont and wink
at disl nosty and jobbery , unions ho i
driven to do hia dnt
The deadlock in parliament over th
franchise extension bill continues. Th
British lords obstinately refuse to bac
down from their position and Mr. Glad
stone maintains a firm front that inspire
his followers with confidence in the !
final success. The irrepressible con flic
will have to bo fought out.
There ia and can bo no other issue bo
tvroon parties in England until this matter
tor of franchise extension has boon dolin
itoly settled. To imagine that it can b <
settled in any other than a single way
and that way the granting of what thi
very agitation has taught the multitudi
to bollovo already a right denied thnm , ii
.0 bollovo that time can bo act backward
and the great current of an asaumptini
of power by the people , of the democrat
zation of all governments , bo turnet
upon Itself before it has reached its flood
Fho solo remaining question of intores
touches the moana that are to bo em
> loyod to win the triumph of liberalism
and the amunt of loss which conserve
attain will agree to suffer before it realize !
and submits to the inevitable. ' '
fSho chief doubt now ia whether par-
lament will bo prorogued * or dissolved ,
rith the probabilities in favor of the
ormor. Mr. Gladstone dooa not wish
o make an appeal to the country until
hose 2,000,000 men whoso battles ho
laa boon fighting shall have a voice in
ho Bolcctioniof a successor to thia par-
iamont , If the ministry shall adhere
o that resolution , then there are but
iwo ways out of the present difficulty.
The franchise bill will bo again presen
ted to the lords. If , satisfied witfi their
ihow of power , they surrender , wo shal
iear no more of the matter. If they
) orsist , there will bo no escape from the
ireation of a sufficient number of peers
o give the liberals a majority. Probably
ho more throat of thia would be enough ,
ta it waa fifty years ago , to make the upper
louse lay down ita arras , .In any case ,
.wo things may bo counted on : The
ranchiso bill will become law , because it
s in line with British progress , and tha
> ooplo are fighting on ita aide. The
uonacoa against the house of lords will
jeer no other fruit than words. The
English people have no appetite for rovo-
utioiia , and are adverse to sudden anc
rapid changca. They will got what they
want. The end of the agitation in Eng-
and is not difficult to foresee. In the
methods by which it in to bo reached lies
ho only present uncertainty. It ia safe
o say that thoao methods will bo the
east violent that will give the people
what they ask.
England haa failed in ita attempt ta so-
uro from the European conference con
sent to the reduction of the burdens of
Egypt in debt and interest needed to
prevent annual bankruptcy , and the first
top taken by the English administration
a tp throw Egyptian industry into con-
usion by insisting on back taxea. This
ngonious device will probably do little
owarda mooting the claims of bondhold
ers , but it may do a good deal towards por-
uading the conference to agree to scale
ho interest on the Egyptian consolidated
lebt when it moots next October , Franco
ma given England a severe chock in pre
senting Mr. Gladstone's propositions
from being accepted , but the result will
nrobably improve the position of the
iboral ministry in parliament , whore the
> pinion steadily grows that E ypt must
io held aud made self-supporting.
So vague and contradictory are the re
ports which reach us concerning the state
if 'things in the Soudan that it ia hard to
onn any very nettled ideas as to what I'D
really occurring thero. In one ( olcgram
wo road that the Mohdi is carrying all
Hjforo him , ia another that the governor
of Dongolu has signally worsted him in
9peu light. Close on the heels of this
19170 cornea a statement that letters have
> eou received from General Gordon of a
lopeful character ; but this ansuranco as
o the safety of ono whoso fate so many
are watching with keenness and dread is
again doomed to sudden denial in the re-
> ort that Khartoum haa turron-
lorod with all ita garrison to ita bo-
eaftuorint ; fanatical hordes. What
a to bcconio of the unfortunate Egyptian
lationt when her doctors disagree thus ?
Throughout all the confusion flickers up
once and awhile mention of some fresh
top made towards fulfilling the promise
hat at some remote period an expedition
or the relief of General Gordon will bo
ispatchod. But oven thia much-mooted
vent ia seemingly liable to suffer from
ho ups and downs of England's political
roathor , and the date aa originally fixed
IBS already undergone severe relapses.
first Juno waa named , then July , aud
ow wo loam that it haa boon finally ar-
ingod that September ahall see the act
ing forth of thia tardy expedition for
which all aoiiso of national duty has cried
o long.
lUmadan , thojforty daya' faat kept by
ovout Moslems , closoa this week , and ,
ocording to past precedent , the Mahdi
uay be expected to uao hia utmost
troDgth in the capture of Khartoum , the
solation of Suakin and the march north
ward on Wady Haifa and Assouan. But
or the unexpected vigor with which
'olonol ' Gordon haa been conducting
porations , it ia altoeothor probable that
ho push down the Nile valley would bo
nado with a force largo enough to make
ta way over a part of the 700 miles which
oparatea the Mahdi's advance from
3airo. Over all , or half this distance , it
s uttnrly improbable that ho will past.
'ho Mahdi is aa remarkable a prophet aa
slam lias produced , but the sacred green
acinga on the uniforms of his fanatical
ollowera are no protection against the
rtioohloador , which in these days out-
alka prophecy.
Cable advicca from China indicate that
, var with Franco ia now inevitable unless
the French government modifies ita do
manda. Great alarm prevails in Chinos
ports and many foreigners but moro ca
pccially french subjects are eoekingsafct ]
on ships of war , or appoalin
for protcciou to Britia
and American authorities. It wa
on May 11 that that wise and caution
diplomatist , Li Hung Chang , on bohal
of China , signed the preliminary treat
of Tientsin. Ita second article provide
for the "immediate" ovacuatlon of certain
tain territories and fortrosaot , Incluc
ing Langson. Six weeks later 70
of General Millot'a forces are sai
to have boon attacked by 400
Chinese regulars at Laugson and drive
back with heavy loss This was the caus
of the complications out of which W
Ferry has made hia escape by China'
paying the heavy indemnity. Doapiti
the drift of recent despatches from Chin
and from Paris , it haa boon evident tlu
the situation in the east was very criti
The chief political issue in the ap
preaching ejection of members of th
Gorman Reichstag ia the colonial and in
Buranco policy of the government. Th
conservatives wish to push colonial extensions
tensions , and to form national fire an
lifo insurance companies. The liberal
oppose these auccessivo efforts to con
trallza business affairs Under imporia
Buporviaion. The campaign ia being ncn
conducted on theao linoa , although th
day of the election haa not yet boot
fixed. Prince Bismarck in a rccen
speech rather discouraged colonial acqul
attion , but advocated a policy of stric
protection of colonial interests. Thor
Bcoma o bo a kind of jinco ; tidal wav
rasing over the world thia year. Franc
haa got as many fingers as she has got in
foreign pics ; Germany is struggling for
vigorouscolonlalpolicy. England is addin
to her foreign responsibility in spite o
her liberal government and Russia ii on
a still hunt in Asia.
The annual monomvroa of the Gcrmar
fleet , which have recently taken place a
Kiel , it seems were far from creditabl
aa a display of seamanship. The mos
trusted observers of the Gorman govern
inont have now reported to Prince Bis
marck that the fleet made a miserable
exeibition of itself. Tnls indeed mus
bo quito galling to the pride of tha
statesman , whoso lively ambition it haa
long been to make the position of the
empire relatively aa strong with ita
naval force aa with ita army.
But really the chancolior has only him
self to blame for the shortcomings of his
fleet. Since the establishment of the
Gentian navy only a few years ago , ho
has blindly acted upon the strange theory
that a Prussian general is capable of do
ing all things , and experience to the con
trary does not servo to take the baudapes
from his cyea A few ycara ago , when
General Von Stosch was in command ol
the fleet , the Croat ironclad fiigato Kur-
furrst was sunk in the English Channo
by a sister ship through careless manoeu-
voring on both bides , and there waa a
dreadful losa of lifo aa well as property.
This disaster eventually cost Genera'
Von Stosch , who had suddenly boenmado
an anmiral , hia position , although noth
ing else might reasonably have boon ex
pected from the custom of wearing spurs
on a quarter dock. The present high ad
miral of the Gorman navy , General Von
Dapriva , also wears spurs ; and , as
the natural consequence , there is nol
that progress made in the efficiency ol
the fleet which would doubtless bo wit
nessed if a trained sea-dog , who knows
marling-spikoa rather than spurs , were
ita con trollingspirit. Unfortunately for
Germany , her navy is so young thai
many years must pass before it is likely
to produce great'officera of true and ap
proved sea training. Until thia ia done
Prince Bismarck ought really to borrow
i few capable men for the higher posts
in thia branch of hia forcea from Eng
land , perhaps , or from Holland orRussia ,
Franco being out of { ha q'aeatlon. > t
The lamentable condition of Cuba ap
pears to have forced the Spanish govorn-
nent to seriously consider a comprehon-
live plan of relief. Trustworthy reports
rom Madrid ahow that the committee on
oforma ia endeavoring to lighten the
jurdon of taxation in many ways. It is
iroposod that a part of the diplomatic
ixpunsca heretofore paid out of Cuban
rovonuoa shall hereafter bo paid out of
ho homo government ; that the island
shall in future pay only ita fair sharp of
nail subsidies ; that it shall not continue
: o pay expenses that should bo charged
.o Porto Rico ; that duties on ox
lorta shall bo reduced , and tha-
; hocolonial tariffs which opprost
the Cuban producer shall bo cut
down or suppressed. It is also suggested
.hat a part of the taxes due shall bo re-
eased , and thatthn burden of debt shall
} Q decreased ! by conversion and
) y making now arrangements
vith creditors. The government
iaa at last discovered that nothing but a
onerous and lenient policy can prevent
inivoreal bankruptcy and ruin in Cuba ,
f the island is to bo of any value to
Spain in the future the exactions of the
est few years must bo discontinued.
The problem which confronts the Madrid
, 'ovcrnniont is a dHlicult ono , however ,
ind it ia by no moans certain that a sat-
sfaotory solution will bo found or that
ho proper remedy will bo applied.
The latest information about the plans
> f the Irish nationalists indicates that
hey are all at sea on the fubjeotof the
riah-Amorican national league conven-
ion to bo hold at Boston. Mr. Parnoll ,
tvho had announced his intention of ba
ng present , now says that ho ia not
strong enough to stand the fatigues of an
ocean voyage , and almost immediately
iftorwnrd at Uio Boston demonstration ,
Messrs. Thomas Sexton , M. P. for Sligo
oonnty , and William Redmond , M. P.
or Woxford , will therefore bo depu-
cd to represent the national
mrty , Mr , Sexton ottered to at.
cud the Boston convention on hia way
to Australia , and ia intrusted with a
special message from the London leaders
af the party. Ho will also address meet-
uga of the local branches of the Irish
lational league in America on Ills way
rom Now York to San Francisco , and
will spend several months in Australia ,
isiting all the coloniea , Mr. Redmond
> nly goes to America to attend the con-
ontion , and will return immediately to
The recent announcement by cable that
tie committee of the British house of
ominous on the India railways have
greed to recommend a loan of $140,000- ,
00 to the government of India for the
urposo of extending the railway system
f that country , is of some interest to
Americans , aud especially to American
armors. It is true that the principal
vowed object of extending the ejstom is
p make provision for the dls-
rlbutlon of food in famine years.
True , the recommendation of the com-
iitt o is based upon the report of
lie famine oommisaiouora of 1873 ,
liat it would bo necessary to construct
> , COO mile * of railroad in order to pro-
vent the recurrence of famine. Bn
while thia is all true , it can not t
doubted that _ ono motive , and not th
least , ia a desire to develop India aa
source of wheat supply. By the propose
extension of _ the system a very larc
wheat-producing area would bo brougr
into communication commercially wit
the markoU of the world , and the oflei
upon American farmers might provo t
bo somewhat serious.
Her Prolific Fruit Trees Iluslncs
1'olltlcnl and Oilier Items ot
n Varied Character ,
Special correspondence of TIIK BEI.
NEBUABRA. OITV , July 31. Not cor
tent with being surrounded by the fines
apple orchards Old , Sol over shone upor
our city must needs hump itself and bo :
all former records. An apple tree in th
western part of the city ia now in bloor
for the second time thia year , it bavin
already turned off ono crop. An orchar
of such trees would proro more romunoi
utivo than bank cashiorshipa are tc
Hoi weather acorns to bo having a ba
clToot on the matrimonial market , or ols
cupid has hied himself away to some o
the northern resorts for the aoasou. An ;
wny , marriages ore "doosid scnwco , " a
our dry goods dude says.
Judge JohnF. Kinney and family am
StoptooKinnoy and family loft ycstorda ;
for Yankton where they will take charg
of the Indian agency at that place. Th
judge aold hio elegant residence in th
city to Hon. S. H. Calhoun.
The fire boys came back from the tour
natnont stepping as high as a blind horn
all because they wpro the lucky rccipi
enta of the second prize in the runninj
race by the hose teams.
A. Boos , the brewer , is laying thi
foundation lor a now and elegant bust
ness house next to the Farmer's banl
Brick laying has also been commence !
on the Wymond building , corner o :
Eighth and Main atroots. This blool
when completed will bo ono of the fines
in the city.
The democrats hayo organized a largi
Cleveland and Hondrick's club , composot
of our best citizens , which is incroasinf
in numbers almost daily. A Glee clul
in connection with the above has olsc
started. Republicans nro hard to find ,
very scarce , hko unto tooth of the female
persuasion no Blaine and Logan club ,
no cleo club , no enthusiasm , no noth.
Messra. Shuman & Davis have started
a now drug store in the city , making oui
Circus day ( the 26th ) drew the largest
: rowd that was over soon in thu city
fully 15,000 people it ia estimated , were
liere. Several carloads of lowana came
iver partly to go to the circus but mainly
; o get a good square drink for a change.
The now barb wire factory building ia
completed and as soon as the machinery
is put in place will be started. It will
; ivo employment to about twenty-five
men and will prove valuable addition
; o the city's manufacturing interests ,
[ /has. Kriaon , the west end plow manu
facturer is building a brick addition to
Ilia factory , size 24 by 100 fent , two
itories , to accommodate his increasing
manufacturing business.
The Young Man's Christian associa
tion has rented a suit of rooms in llott-
maun's block and have furnished the
lame and will hold all meetings therein
loroafter. A
Bicycling is getting to ba a favorite
sastimo with a number ot our business ,
men. Several fine wheels are now in
uscTin the city and it ia probable that a
jycling club will soon be organized.
Vfm. Bischof , Jr. , left yesterday for
Annapolis , Md. , where ho will enter oa a
: odot in the naval school.
The Catholica of the city have pur-
: hnsod the Judge Minor pronerty in the
leart of the city , and in connection with
heir other property contiguous to this ,
rill open a school.
At a mooting of the trustees of Nobras-
; a college held 'Wednesday at Lincoln to
ionsidor the advisability of removing the
pi lego from hero to Lincoln , it was do-
idod to lot it remain whore it is.
Crops of all sorts are reported an look-
ng fine in this section of the country
ind if present indications hold out an
nnrmous harvest will bo reaped.
Moro anon. "Eve SEE"
Harbor's Timely Observations on
Imto Styles ot Hair Cutting.
"Yes , I think Iho men are getting a
ittlo moro sunsiblo in having their hair
; ut , " said a-vrcll-kiuwn tonsorial artist
o-'lay , no ho rubbed the last flake of
athor from hia customer's face , and
ilozod his razor with a snap.
' What is the style of hair-cutting
.hia year)1' ) arkod a reporter.
"It is called the Pompadour by the
nosBCB , but the barbers know it as the
iylo that was all Uio rage when Jackson
vna president and which was called 'Old
Itckory' cnt. It consists in
laving the hair cut so that it
rill be longer in front aud grad-
tally dccrcaaom length toward tha back ,
rhich causes it to atand up and requires
io parting , Jackson used to wear his
lair combed back in th&t way , and for
, bout ton years during his tjmo it was all
ho rage , and then fell into disfavor ,
Phon when Grand Duke Alexis came
ivor wearing hia head piece in that man-
ier , the bloods all took it again , naming
t after him , and the "Alexius" had
[ Uitoarun. A short time after they
; ot tired of that , clippers came into use ,
nd over since young men and old have
osortod to it in summer in the mistaken
ilea that it waa healthy for the hair and
saentially cooling , both of which con
tusions are erroneous. "
"Why ? "
"In the ( lost place , these who have
nado the covering o ( the scalp a
tudy are by , uo mentis
greed that frequent cutting is
icnoficial , and , in fact , the impression is
aining strength right along that the hair
f the hsad can got along without so
luch short clipping , just aa the beard
ocs. When Iho razor is agplled too fro-
uently to the face , the sources of the
air's nutrition are weakened , the hair
rows out a certain length and splits , and
i nine cases gut of ten the beard is
uinod. Moro than ono fine face orna-
lent has boon spoiled by indulging in
uch foolishness , aud I can t BOO why the
wno Uws don't govern the top of th o
ead , "
' It IB certainly moro cooling to bo
lose-croppod , "
"It doesn't necessarily follow , Nov
body will say that the hone standing ot
in the aun would bo cooler if ho had a
hia coat clipped oil and the sun wet
allowed to strike hia unprotected float
His hair is as much a protection again ;
the heat aa against the cold , and in a coi
tain sense the case ia similar to mac
IIo , too , should hare a medium thio
layer of hair , as it tend * to maintain a :
equable temperature of the scalp an
acts as a shield against the glare of th
sun. Besides , there is nothing more prc
ductivo of catarrh , colds , headaches , an
other head troubles that surprise peopl
when the weather is hot than the Sin
Sing cut. One with such short hair cai
not take hia hat off ont-doors withou
rnnnintc the risk of catching a bad cold
and the quick evaporation of porspiratio :
from the scalp invariably is fraught wit !
evil results. "
"Ia the nape of the nock shaved a
formerly ? "
'Oh , no , that is the old Gorman style
It used to bo the custon to shave the hai
in a circle at the nnpo , but is now simpl ;
an evidence of cheap work , and in don
only by the barbers who don't core
to stop and do it properly. A con pi
of strokes of the razor and the customo
is polished oft" by the old way , but by th
prevailing mode a barber shingles th
hair aa it grows naturally , and applies m
razor except at the sides. This ia i
tndious , difficult tank , and requires a
much work almost aa cutting the hair. I
looks specially becoming on people witl
long necks , aa it tends to conceal tin
prominence. "
"Docs the Pompadour style incroasi
your business ? "
"I am glad to say that it does very nn
torially , and I am glad to see that thi
clipping craze is dying out. Customer )
who used to gor clipped in the spring one
not got their head touched ngain till fal
are compelled to cotno in twice a montt
to have their hair 'graduated , ' and semi
of my most finical patrons got their hail
trimmed once or twice a week. Yes , it it
a decided improvement for both the treated
od and the trcator.
"I have boon dreadfully troubled witl
disease of the kidnoya and liver during
the past six months. HUNT'S [ Kidnoj
and Liver ] REMEDY has mode mo a non
man. " Isaao/W. Foirbrothor , Provl
donee , IL1.
Shoring tbo Queer la 'Frisco.
Ban Francisco Pont.
_ There is a cheap clothing dealer on
Koarny , near California , whoso confi
dence in mankind boa received a severe
setback. The other day an honest-look-
ing countryman walked into hia store and
said :
"You remember that second-hand over
coat I bought hero for $8 yesterday ? "
"Neverdakos pact anything von
vouco solt my front , " said the hand-mo-
"Ohl that's all right. I just wanted
to say that I found this $500 bill sowed
in the lining. 1'erhnpo the owner may
call for it. "
"Of gorao ho vill ho has call already ,
my tear front , " exclaimed the dealer ,
eagerly capturing the money. "You ish
von honish man , Here , I gif you feofty
tollar aa ash a reword. Det vill po all
right. "
When the honest customer got around
the corner ho murmured softly : "I guess
I'd bettor take this fifty and skip up to
Portland before that Sheony tumbles to
that counterfeit. Its getting mighty hard
to above the 'queer' round these parts and
that's a fact. "
Servants of the Stomach.
The now Governor General of Canada
brought with him thirty-nine servants.
That seems a good many. But every
stomach haa more servants than that.
Lungs , liver , heartarteries , veins , esoph
agus , kidneys and all the rest of the
party must bo kept in prime order if first-
class service is expected. Brown's Iron
Bitters Is the great regulator for all those.
It quiets them when in rebellion , and
keeps them to their work when they are
INDIANAPOLIS. Ind. , July 30. A reduction
Df the bond of § 60,000 on Ex-Banker Harri
son's appearance baa been refused. The police
) U11 guard Harrison at his house.
Franco and. China.
LONDON , August 1. The Times' dispatch
from Voo Chow , July 31st , says : ' 'China has
efuaod to pay the indemnity demanded by
Vranee. The time granted China by Franco
; o decide upon the matter was not prolonged
xiyond August 1st. A secret edict ban been
ssued ordering Chinese not to molest foreign-
srs. The French civilians and mandarins ,
lowover , assert that the lives of foreigners
ire not safe. The English flagahlp
a lauding sailors to act in
Memo of foreigners In Fee Chow. The
Dlunoso merchant floc-t haa been Hold f nn
Vmericau frr 6,250,000 taeU , nearly 57,300-
tOO. War Is to nil appearances Imminent.
A dispatch from Koo Chow to-day ttatos
hero la a great panic there. Forcignera are
inning for defense. Ladles are leaving and
French Consul is preparing to go aboard a
; unboat
A dispatch to-day from Fee Chow to lieu-
er , asserta tha general Impression in that
: ity la that war between France and China la
nevitablo. Both nathex and foreign-M
ire leaving Uio city. Tno marines landed
rom the liritleh corvette cbamptun , assisted
> y the pua-bont Merlin , nro guarding the
orelgn uettlomenta.
Xnd Every Spoclos of Itching and
Burning Diseases Positively
ECZEMA , or Bait Kheum , vIth It agonizing Itch.
Ing , and burning Instantly idleied by an arm
* th with Cutlcuraboip , and a single application of
lutlcura , the great Hkln Cure. Thia repeated dally ,
rlthtwoor three doset of Cutlcuia Resolvent , the
few Blood Purlller , to keep the blood cool , the per.
niratlon pure and unlrrttatlng , the ) bowels oren. the
ver and kidnrya aoth e , will > p edllvcure Eczema ,
etter. Hlnyworm. Paorluls , Llohen Piurltus , bcalled
lead Dandruff , and ever ? species of Itching , Scaly ,
" < Wniply Humors ol thol8c ! p and Skin , when the
stphslJanaandall ( kncwn remedies ( all.
Will McDonald , SM2 Dearborn Street , Chicago ,
ratcfully acknowledges a cure , ol Eczema , or Half
Lheum , on head lace neck , arms and legs for tei en.
een J ears- not able to mo\ , except hands and knees
or one jsar ; not able to help mjkell for eight yoora ;
ried hundreds ol remedies ; doctors nronounowl hit
* 'l/Sf ' * ? nn n < > nUy , ° u d " 7 the Outloura
lesolvent ( bloid punfler ) Internally , and Cullcitra
nd Cutlcura Bo p ( the grand skin cures ) externally ,
Chas. Houghton , Esq. , lawyerS3 State stro tt Bos
on , report * a cose of Salt Hheum under Ma obaer.
aUoufor ten years , which co\ered the patient's
ody and limbs , and to which all known methods of
reatment had been applied without beneflt , which
; as completely cured solely by the Cutlcura Kerne-
les , leaving a clean and healthy skin ,
F. H. Drake , Esq. , Detroit Mich.suffered untold
arturts from a Halt Hheum which appeared ot hit
snds , head and face , a > d nearly destroyed Ills ryes.
Her the moot careful doctoring and a consultation
f physician * failed to relieve mm , he used the Cu
Icura llemodlej , and. waa ouied , and has remained
a to date.
Mr , John Thlel , vVllkenbenre , Pa. , r > tcIbuvu
iflered Irom Bait llbnutn lor inur eghl , at
tins , so tint I coul 1 not atfend 10 mv business for
'eel ' * a * a time. Three boxes of Cutlcura and tone
cults llewhent , bave entirely ciuej me for this
leidlul dlsoaiv.
Bold by all ilrnggUts. Cutlcura. 60 cents ; sol
cut , 81 ; Soap , ZicenU * Ponu Daua AMD Cuxxi
Italian I
Send for 'Hair ta Cars Skin Dlieist * .
3UTI rU B0r-
' U * *
There is no medium throngh
which disease so often nttncka the
system ns by Constipntion , arid there /
ia on oilier ill flesh is heir to nior /
npt to be neglected , from the fnc , r
material iuconTonionco mny boim-
medintcly felt from irregular notion
of the bowels. When there in
not regular notion the reten
tion of decayed nnd effete mat
ter , with its poisonous gases ,
soon poisons the whole system by
being absorbed into it , causing piles ,
fistam. hcndnchc , impure blood nnd
many other serious atlections. BUft-
mediaiely relieve , and one bottle
positively cure or relieve any case of
r t
"Was troubled for n year -with
torpid liver nnd indigestion , nnd ni
ter trying everything imaginable
TERS. 1 ho first bottle revived me
and the second cured no entirely. "
J. S. Williamson , Rochester , K.
Health is Wealth !
guaranteed stwclJo for llyster a , U ulno ji , Oonrul
Moos , Fits , Keivou * Ncura da , lliadaohe. Nervous
1'rooiration tanscdby the ugi of ulcoHil or tobacco ,
WikkcIulneFS , Mental d > prtpslon , Softening of the
briln resulting In Insanity nnd leading to misery ,
decay and death , 1'ren aturo Old Age , tla > rene > s. low
ofPonor ncithcrstx , Imoluntaty Lo-ees undSpcr-
inatorh ra caused by oter exertion of thi bialn , sell-
abuse or o\or indulg nco Each box contains one
month's treatment tl ro a box or six boxes for
$5.00 , seutby mall prepaid on icoelpt of pr on.
To cure any case. With each order received by ui
forslx boxes , accompanied wlih 7100 , wo will wml
the purchaser our mitten guarantee to refund the
moneylf the treatment dots not rffeetacuro. Guar
antees Issued only by JOUN a WE T & CO ,
Jr2S > Se-ly SflJMautaonni , , Chicago , ID.
ra Summer Resort
Of the Northwest , Detroit , Minn. >
A country Of WOODS AND LAKES , 00 railed west
of St. Paul Toreo trains dally on the N. P. H. R. ,
with 0 Day Excursion. Tlcketa at about one-half
An elegant house with accommodations for SOO
gucsta. R. R. COLBURN , Proprietor.
X5"8itTO roe. CIROOLARHUIVINU run. rAnnoutAna.
Erlanger , Bavaria.
Uulmbacher , .T3a > ona.
Pilsner Bohemian.
Kaiser - > . .Bromcn-
Budweiser St. Louis.
Anhauser . .St. Louis-
Besb s. . . . Milwaukee. .
Schlitz-Pilsner Milwaukee.
Urue's Omaha.
Ale , Porter , Domestic and Rhine
Wine. > , ED. MAUltER ,
1213 1'arnam St.
VTAY men "Polaoned with Potash. " This la th *
L.U. cue with hundreds who bara been uawfee
mough to take S&rsaparillM , Polish mixture * , etc. ,
mtlldigestion la almost fatally Swifts
Ipedflo Is \sociable remedy , and restoroa the BJ -
em to health and buIMa up the wit made by thoa *
"I wta Bufferim ; with BHod Poison" , and treated
ereral months with Mercury and Potaah , only to
oako me worse. The Potaih took away my appotlt
nd gava mo dysper > s' ' , and both cave me rheums-
lam. I then took Busiparllla , eta. All them made
le still worse , as It drove the poison farther Into mj
frtem. A friend Insisted I nhoold Uke Bwift'i Spec !
c , and It cured mo ol the Blood Poison , drove the
[ orcury and Potash out of my system , and to day I
maaweUaalererwaa. " GEO.O.WELUlAN.Jr ,
Salem , Mas * .
John A. Smith , the largest merchant In QilncsviUe
ia. , ears : " 1 stHerod for yoarafrom the combined
Sects of Erj elptlas anJ Eczema. I continued to
tow v. one under medical treatment and by taking
icdiclne containing Potash. 8. S 8. cured me thor-
ughly and absolutely. My appetite ttrength and
eeh returned aa I was cured with it. "
3ur Treatise on Blood and Bkln Diseases mailed b
> applicants.
Drawer 3 , Atlanta , On. y
. . V. Office , 109 W. 22d 6t , between fl.h and Tib ,
: n ues. Philadebhia offleo 104 Chestnut St. ,
Classical , Scientific , Oommerc'aJ and Art Depart
ents. a > th Bcxea lulmittut Tuition low ,
K cheap , best of eoclotv Pull ? equipped < acnlt > 1
tfiTAddreim for particulars , Ilnv. W. W. Ilorihu
. U President , or I'nt. O M. Itos J&lota , BeorcUrr
th Faculty , liellor o , Nob. , jy uiu2E
The nto of the term " fiber
Line" to connection withth *
corporate name of a great road ,
convoys an Idea of ust what
required by the traveling pub'
I I M IU Uo-a Short Line , Quick ftm
_ I r _ and the beet of accommoift *
IV Bal lions-all of which are lam
ed by the greatest lallway io America.
And St. Paul.
It owns and operates over , SOO miles ot
irthorn nilnola , Wisconsin , Minnesota , low *
Lketa ; and as ts main lines , branches and ooon <
> ns reach all the great business centres of the
> rthw st and Far West , U naturally answer * th *
sorlptlon o ( Short Line , and Best Route between
Chicago , Milwaukee , St. Paul and Minneapolis.
Chicago , Milwaukee , La Qroeae and Wlnono.
Uhloago , Milwaukee , Aberdeen and EUendal *
Chicago , Milwaukee , Kau Clalroand BUIlwatef
Chicago , Milwaukee , Wausaa and MerrUl.
Chicago , Milwaukee , Beavet Dam and Oshkoah.
Chicago , Milwaukee , Waukesha and Oconomowoo.
Chicago , Milwaukee , Madison and Prairiedu Oblcn.
Chicago , Milwaukee , Owatonna and Fatrlbauli.
Chicago , Bololt JanesvlUe aud Mineral Point.
Chicago , Elgin , Uocklord and Dubuque.
Chicago , Clinton , Hock Island aud Cedar Eaplda.
Chicago , Council Bluffs and Omaha.
Chicago , Sioux Cltr , Sioux Falls and Tanktoa '
Chlcuo , Itllwaukee , Mitchell and ChamberUln.
Rook Island , Dubuqus , St. Paul and Jllnntspolli. '
Davenport , Calmar , St. Paul and Minneapolis.
Pullman 8 eepers and the Finest Dtnjn ? Cars ID i.
e v. , rid are run on the main lines ol the CHICAGO , t4f >
ILWAVKEE AND ST. PAUJ , 11A1LWAV , ondevery V. .
Mention is paid to passengers br courteous cmploj cv
the Company ,
a MKIIUILL. Qenl Manager.
A. V II CARPKMTBlt , Oca' 1'ass. Agt
T. CLARK , aenl Sapt.
GEO. II. lIEAFrORD , AJkrt. Otm'I. Pa I Airt.
o Cow * and elfers. oa Ons-year Steers ,
rbe above described eatU * are all w U bred , o -
a Neoruka and Iowa
Ruse cattle will be oU ia Ma ta init purchaser.
7 funnel partioulan cal on 01 addiw ,
L. W , PkAN
_ „ Albion , Neb ,