I to AHA DAILY BEE-SATURDAY , AUGUST 2 , 1884 ; . , . J < P > * rf lTw ; IT CUUE9 setlen. It If AUt > OTHEB ITEDI. and spwdy cur * cnnsa rAn. , u it And hun net * DIBEOTLT dred * have ndAT ONOH on been eunsl IheKIDNSYfl , It when UVZn tmd BOW- phytloiani and JOB , restoring friend had tb-oa to ft healthy thmnnp 10 die. IT IS BOTH A "SAFE CURE" and a "SPECIFIC. " I It COTlItHiilinisfaRe-iort.be Kidney * , J.lrcr , Illnddrr and Urinnry Organs * , Jlropsy , rn.Tel , Dlnbetr * . flrl-thl' * Dlntmio , i'nlna In tus > Hark , I < oln-t or Hlilr , llc'cntlon or Non-ltc- | Icntlon of Urlnr , Ntrroun II/irn > rVrmalo Wrtiknrsiiei I'.xrrn-JCi , Jnumllrr , lllllou-mriwt , . Hcnilnchc , HoarHtomach. JUjKprp- I la , Oonitlpntlon and Plica. Il.tS AT JKTTAKE NO OTHER.to Bend tar lllnrtrstod Pamphlet of Bolld Tex- , tlmonlali of AbMluto Ourcc. HUNT'S IUUIIDY CO. , Providence , It. I. THE MILD POWER CURES. UN1PHREYS' H OMBOPATHIC - ' SPECIFICS. In u o 31 yews. Ench number the tpeclnl pro scription of nn eminent pliyslclun , Tlin only Hlmplr. H fonndHuroJleUlclnciforthop-oplo taz nuttciiMi. ro . CUBKI. i we * . 1. I' Ycr , Congestion. Infliimstlon * . . 25 2. Wornu. Worm toror. Worm Colic. . . .2J . llrylni Cnllc , orlcctblnifof ) nf nl . . . lilnrrhen or Children or Adults. . as n. llmtnln rv. Griping. lllllou , ollc , . . ( OS fl. : iiorr | Mprbii . Vomiting , 3 7. Conihi. UoM. UronehUti . . . . H. fteurnlgli. Trwthnche. KBCcacho. . . . . .35 9. IIiUKlficlics , Kick HoadnchM.ertlgo .35 10. Dy.pepiln. Ulllloiii htomnch. . . . 3.J * I. Hiinurewrd or I'nlnful Prrlod . 35 12.hllF4. . too Prnfiwo rerlodi. . . . . 35 1 I. llrniin , CoURh , Dlnioult llrrathlnR . 35 14. Hull llhriiiii , rmlpelAi. Knilitloni , .35 1 5. llheitninfl-.ni. Jlfieumntlo rains . 35 111. Prrerinid ABIIO. Chill , Fcrer , Agues .50 17. I'llei. llllndorlJlWKllnir , . . . . . .Bj { .1 ! ) . Cnmrrh. aouto or chronic : Infuirnu AO I > . Wlmoplnc Cough. Tlolf nt cough * . , .no 21. t > nernl Debility. Physical Weakness. ( Ml 7. Kidney l > l.en.- > . .50 at. Nervous llrMlllv. . . . , . l.OIJ no. IJ-lnnrv Wrnhnr i , WrttlnRthobed .5(1 33. lllioniooriliBllenrt. 1'iUpliatlon. l.OU tolil by ( lruBgi < w. or neat by tlio Oano , Or sin- clo Vial , fre of chnrRO , on rrcolnl of price. Kenfl forllr.llnmnlircv" Poiikon iMn-jt'oGti ( I4lrineo > .l , n ! o lllntlrntr < l Cntnlnune FHI.H. Addro-js Humphrey * ' lloniaonntlilc Alee * * < > 4tnnpnlinn Htrrel IVrw Vork MJlett andbyphills la all their 'complicated forms , also all dlsentea of the Skin and Blood promptly relieved nnd pcrmnnentlycured by rcmo- , dies.testedln al'orti/l'titrt JApec/all'racilc * . Seminal Weakness. NlRlil Losses by Dreams , Pimples on the FaceLoit Manhood- IHt > ft/cured. T7iere iatiurjcprrlmmtlntt * The appropriate re.T.cdy u fit once uncdln each case. Consultations , per- eonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med. ! clnes sent by Mall and Express. No mark * on package to Indicate conteoU or sender. Address ) iiri.MMES.Ho. 204Waihlngton SI.ChicaBQ.IjL. WIde-Awake Agents Wanted Every where for NOTED WOMEN liy James Psrton , the ( etrit hlofrrarher of the a ; An cleirant volume or 6W pit Kf * . < 4 run p Krlllnitratlo . _ _ _ 1-rlcoonlytUO UfK-rilx-iM - - n. A hook forOTI woauuu J.lC.UaHKlbrrry.9 RURAL NEBRASKA ! Tbe Loading Agricultural and UTO Stock Journal of the West. . S. SMITH & CO. , ) AND ItlDUBIIBRS. DON. HOI1T. W. FUIINAH. Hccrrtary State Hoard of Agriculture , Aiioclata Kdltor. BUBbCUIlTION ,1'UICK , Jl.OO per year In advance. jtiTAOENTO WAN1KDJHT 108 and 103 B. Hth aticol. - OMAHA , NKH Jy 2 m&o If Notion to Contractors and Biillclorn Scaled propoaaU will bu reoelred up to August 11 , t U o'clock m. , ( or btiUdlng and completing ready for occupancy , a brick sunuol houio , atiovo tno Joun- datlun , lu Hfitlnxneld , Uarpy oouiuy , Nolrmk * . uo- to plan * and tnodllottloai of Clevct arcllucti , Om li , Ncl"Tho brick and cut ttono ivlll l > o furnished on the ground by the building com inlttco. All other maUrlil to bo furnUbcd by eon traitor. 1'lana and ipoclflcatloni otn Lo eien at J 1) . flpcarraan'a store , IntJnrlnKllold , Neb. , orat Cloven ; to to conipleUU on or botcri the It ill day ol Novomber. 18SI. llio committee ro ecriothe tight to reject any or all bldi. Addrcis tlulldlna : committee , fiprlugflold , Nob. Jly ya-ioke lot Science of Life , Only $1,00 BY MATT. POSTPAID. KHOW THYSELF , A GHBAT HBDIC/UJ wona ON MANHOOD f ± rb u teJ VlUllty , Nervous and r'nvulnU Doullltj rrotntitnra Decline In Il&n , Eirors ol Youth , aa th cntold mlwrles ejultlng Irora Indiscretions or ox cetsM A book ( or over ; m n , younj , mJdlej ! ( < l and old. ItoonUlnilSSprMcrlptlons lor ill actili and cUronlo diseases each on * of which ls lovaluablo Bo found by tha Author , whoso experience lot & r * ra Is ( neb M probably never belor * fell to tba It of any phytlean BOO ptgec , bound In beautlti Trench nrailla moosMdoOTers , full gilt.rnanml-wi ( ) to bo a finer work n every sense , mechanical , lit- rary and profoselooal , than any otber work sold In Ibis country lor HKO , or the money will tx refond > < InererylnjUnoe. PrlMonlf fl.W by mall , pot paid , blutrativ * tampU I oeota. BMdnow. Oel Dedal awarded the anther by th * National Ifedlca AMooUUon , to th * officer * ol wbloh be refer * . The BoleoK of Lite should be readbr tee yotug InsiroeUoa. and by the afflicted lor relief. wU beotrfl * all London Lanoet , There U no member of society to whom The Sel ect * of Llla trtll not be useful , whether youth , par- enl.ruudUo , uutrnotoror olorgrman. Argonaut. Address tba Peabody Ifedloal bstllote , or Dr. W tt Parker , No. 4 Balflncb Street , Boston Uass. . whc soar be ooosolted on all diseases reoulr'-jg skill and ejxperUnoe. CnronloandobrtlnatedUea * , that hav baffled the sill ) ot all otber pbvt-UCsM dam epeotaliji Bach tieated SDtwees-nCflL roll ] ttt-rat ao lottMic * CaUore. TUVCCI C I l-r * . ORIGINAL . i 1 I TTu HAVANA M P QOUUO fit CD'S lf V is DECWKD nr Royal Havana Lottery I KAGOVEKNMENT iNsrnuTioN. ) Dravra at Havana , Hubn , Kvcrj12 to 14 Days. TJCKCTS.n.00 , . . . HAI.VKS. 11.00. HutjeJt t ) uo inanli/ulatlon , not controlled hy the tpartiMln Interett. It U Uiu falrcut thUiK 111 thr . > "crlntcrti Uon nd ptrtloajan kpnlr toBHIIUKy O0..tieo. AKcoU , VIM Mroao r. N V. city. H KAUU ft CO. . slT VTsJnut ctrect.ht. Louli. Mo- ft Vito\i \ Lobrtno. L.p. , M Wrandcttt , Ktn. ifui&o i wly. Bold Bon'n Hy hot > ( of Iho White IIouso b v iwrished- Anotber Y\M \ c ptur l th t boon } Some n y th t the fond hopon I chorulied Are dumped throUKh the theft of * peen ; While other * roUlI the bas sUnder Th t y boom WM blown op to the sky , tcnuKO of my muTelloni candor , And the fuel that I port ft cock-eye. . thought that some friends In convention Of my frMikncm would prnlncdly po k , Jut , mlfiUklnu my honodtMntention , They cruellv cbiUtoncd It "cheek. " for my eye , why , I think 'tin conceded By o'en the most coniumato dunce Tli t I'd keep It-ln Mich It Bore nocilod On lilnmarck and f > ltid tone at once. four yws though will nuio.kly PM o\er , And I'll ho patient till then } [ Jut I ppm.inn the o now in Iho elm or That tlipy ftlnt f oen the Ut of old Hen. Uoanwhiln I'll take ca t for n "llRhlhowo , And rollnqulnh my pM lon fnr jaw , f I cannot go into the Wlilto Huiiio , I'll try to crow over the caw. HONEY FOIIIHK IJADIES. Ulack walnut fit air rods IIMOM placed brasi. Persian dcalRn * nro tupemedlng the Japan- MO. Iron candlesticks now decorate parlor man- l . Lima lace paraiol covers fell from S3 to f 7 ach. Capototui are made of dnll jet In skeleton ( feet. Dirntd not car tains are i > tetty for bed x > m . 7 ho no west table mati aru of embroidered ntlior. Diimatk luathor paper for walls Is a recent Ublna plates look ptclty on litllo green lolvcs. Brooklyn girls csrry whistles with which to jnal the ttreet cars. Titlifn nrn now made in tlio scarf form In- lead of boingnquaio. A bigs * bedstead forms a mrst effective contrr-pleco to n lady's apartment. Largo .Tnpam-sn fani are now mounted as crrom , with lacquered stands. Whitfl globes are no longer tifod on chando- lors , bolng replaced by colored. Velvet accessories to wa h fabrics nro very npularj collar , culfn , buttons , nnd vest. Tlio lottst crnza in fashionable society Is ex- > cnsivo smelling bottles , some costing S100. A twelve year old girl has opened a. shooi ng gallery In Nevada. She is nn expert shot. The woman market is down 'now In Tunis , Urica. Wires only bring ? 20 to $120 a end. Among mantel novelties are mlniaturo ca- lodrals in fincy wood , with o clock In the .ooplo. Light feather trimming and groups of fealh- rs are used upon dremais of tulle or equally iln tissues. Itisthoyountrman whopopi tV > o question y mall who imwt anxiously nwaitn n letter of acceptance. The "mannish" woman of the period np- warIn walttfoat and dickey , a cadet cap and auntlet phnoa , Among tbo dainty handkorchio In are these f the sheerest cambrto with a narrow tinted iordor of the faintest blue , pink , or red. 'Tis nwcot to dlo for one's country , " as tbo Irooltlyn girl said to her 'lover when she acklod the fifth plato of rcttiurantico cream , Tlio young ladles of H town near Ibis city _ _ nvo resolved to boycott any young niun who goes out between the nets at the tbo- tro. tro.Whito White pineapple silk-kerchiefs , embroidered n gold , and edged with yellow lixco , arc raped over oorsagos of inurbn , batiste , nnd awn. The newest black lace drexso * are liberally supplied with pendants of jet thrown in mong tbo flounccH and drajtcrie-t. This is a rent Improvement. The dainty llttlo flower-pouches now in oguo nro seen upon every evening nnd garden .mrty toilet whore natural or artificial ilowers ate used an garniture. A woman of Greenwood , Mo. , Is reported to bo cutting bor fourtli set of te.th. There's a woman In .Rochester who I * expecting her fifth set from Philadelphia. A Macon woman was lately fined $2 35 for trlltlng bor husband on the bead with a bed lat In a quarrel about blackberry pie. Tlio text day she stole all his money , ? 1U , and left or parts unknown. Whlto diamonds are so common and the mltatlons eo good that they hnvo ooasod to bo eslrablo as a mark of distinction. Ladles nro low beginning to look for the real yellow dia- nonds , which are much moro rare and moro beautiful in themselves. A pretty fichu called the Marie Antoinette , i covered with lace rufilea made over a double 'loco ' of tulle or gnu70 , nnd cut bias and minded. Thqsa are made both In whlto nnd ilack laco. lrichus fnr evening wear are flat , orming a kind of pointed collar , of old gui- > uro or other rich laces. Pressing iiacliH ore very pretty made In Mother llubbard tityln ; a plain yoke with the required fullnofn sbiirod on , leaving a little uillo at the top. Tim slcovrs are cut very nuch llko n shirt Blouvo and gathered In tround the hand with n narrow iiilllo , The y ko may ba trimmsd with narrow velvet Ibbon or braid , and largo ribbon hews fasten hem together in front. The dollcito French 1 innrU In plaids or stripes nro lovely for thaso Upon some of the latest 1'rench bonnets and round hati ( or mldsummar wear , and made of cool-looking nuhoi loosely plalto'1 ' , are vprnys of hawthorn , rngand siilnrs , hnrobol'H ' , fnur-o'- clocki , thlstlo blooms , whlto clover , elderberry blofHoms , mid senwoiid or wood IUDSSOH , with ntratuo looking limed * , brlsht colored , wnn- dcrlng in and out ami t the ftowors , moss , anil grai-sos. Snails , 'rwdlslion , munhrooms , nents ofinlco , and tomntnrH green nnJ red- have ft'no their place t > n the top of my lady'u fanny garden hat. Very useful to tnlto the place of rambrta and other wooh ( IroaeCB are those of ttiesnro thcHoboinfcxco'Iont for wear in every fonse , cool , nntoHnlly soiled. woBliing well and most enduring. The nhwlo of the unpatteriiud usioru In not nlwa ) s bocninlng , nnd to obviate .Ills Ilowers and tiny palms or geometrical fig- urei nro worked in colored atlks on Iho tirfoco. This rullevos thu monotonous huu of .ho inntoriul nnd silk or velvet of one plain mlnr may bo introduced ns n trimming If ilcsirod There pro few tunning pattern * to bo teen , The most uro email and Isolated. Bho Can Lift It. The ulectrio girl in various ways The most astounding strength displays ; There's ono tiling uha won't lift , wo know A hunvy mortyago vvhirh I owe. owe.Poor DIclc. 1'KI'l'KllEMlNT DROPS. A mun in Detroit pulls tooth to slow musio. He Is a good btump orator , A colt without eyei- , toil or ears has been exhibited to a favored few in Hiiupon county , Ky , It Is on a fat woman's leg. Tight panti are going out of fashion. The number of tight men in panta will probably al ways remain just tlio name , however. Do not tell a man he Ilia. It li vulgar Bay that hi * conversation suggests to yout mind a patent-medicine advertisement. There are fashions llj , t never change , and as usual , a hen anything under eveiity-fiv < years of age PUHI < as a spring chlckeu nt al seaside resort * . ' 'What's that thing ! " ask'd a man who WAS inspecting n violin st-re. "That ? Oh , that' u fd on violins. Wo call It a chin rent.1 'Glmmu one1 ! exclabmd the visitor. "S'pos It would work on my wlfot" The youiuc man from the country snd hi plrl WAS drlftlne rlowly into an lce-cr sm stlnnii , when the following mot his eye : "Va nilla , Chocolate , Louion und Btrawbcrry ice uuam , $1.50 par CU1 , " Ha turned ami fled , A Georgia wonder such ns showmen call an electr'o ' girl , U simply a woman who can wrench broomitick from the hands of a ma or throw a strong man fiom clmir If heal tempts to sit down before the chorco nre done A man In Norriilowu has been fnnlod t often that bo wouldn't read Dlahio'a letter un til ho looked at tht bottom to ivcceitnln If I contained the rldur , "l ) > o Jouoi' Ciwt.Imi Bltt rs Fur ale by all drugglsU"Nonls [ town Herald , Mr. KvwU , isys tbo New York Tribune pan being remonstrated with on account of Is long sentence * , replied. "Hay what you /ill , there is only ona claw of the people real- r opponod to long sentence and that is the Imlnal clana. " In ono respect this season has lx > en the most ackwnrd for twenty yoirs. The summer is lalf gons anst no bugologlst hni discovered a ow brand of Inocct that eats half an ncro of /boat nt each meal. It Is pretty tough on the armor when ho Is obliged to raise crops to oed the same old bug or worm year after year There are honot ( formans In Now York , ho , when their countrymen land In CoAllo arden on their way to the great west , toll bom that the train docs not stop anywhere jcfore rsachlng Chicago ; and then the sellooch mmterant six yards of saussgo , KO that he nay hnvn something to cat ou the road , Louisvilla Courlcr-Jotitnal. "How do you like the miach pie , Alfrodf iked a young wife of her husband a few days ( tor marriage. "Well. It Is pretty good. iut " "But what ? I mpposo you started to say that It Isn't ILK good as that which your mother makes. " "Well , yes , I did Intend to that but " "Well Alfred ay , , your motl'sr mido that very pie And sent It to mo. " fall AiierlltraM. A man at Snow Hill , Mil. , noticed some ices posting in and out of n rmall hole tinder ha eaves of his bouse and told n carpenter hat if ho w. uld remove the boxing ho could lave all the honey stored there. The man U tow going around hrgglng people to kick him , Hid when they decline be kicks himself. The : nrpcntor found ICO pounds of nice honey stored fimgly away , and calmly took It home with him , On tlui bCiunp. Now the raave and blithe stump-speaker , Mounts the ro trum , nil aflame With ambition like a seeker After never-ending fame. OJKH ho wide h s thorax throttle , P ends he fur each hearer's vote ; Then ho pulls n mii H block bottle I'nitn the p'icket of his coat. Without oven saying , "What'll You lale ? " A French woman who has been a widow for Inoty-clx years Is still living at Auberlnc , 'iho claims to bo 123 yours old , A black porch of extraordinary size wai ituctht the "thor day out of Polecat crock. Randolph county , N. C. Its weight was II j HXinds ; its length 32 inches and elzo of the ead around tlio gills 1C inches. Another "blue grotto" or rather series of ! iroe largo grottoog eighty-seven metres in ength , has been discovered on the Dalmatian Bland of Buoi , lying to the southwest of Lis- a. The cave Is doncrllwd by Its discoverer , Inron Kamsonnot , Htutrlan secretary of lega- lull , aa surpassing the famous Oapri Grotto. Twenty-throe porpoises were recently caught In ono haul at Capo May by the oata of the Capo May Porpolso fishing com * > any. Ono tug and throe boatu surrounded iio school not moro than 100 yards from the bnro , about half n mile abovn tbo Stockton otol. Fully -1,000 peoplu were on the beach t the tlmo , watchlnir the exciting sport , . 'hroo sharks , ono measuring thirteen feet in ength , wore captured at the tlmo. Sir John Lubbock hia taught his do ? to oad , n French savant is trying the fame ox- crltnont with n cockatoo , nn Americnn reptile ollector has a number of lizards whom ho In. tructa in music , a Germnnprofotsor taught n rane to do everything but talk , a Boston lady ' plvlngnhlgh'ar education to a number of pideis caught nnd tamed by herself , nnd ihyslilologlsta and vivlxectionists purpose the raining of two or throo'gcneratlons of doga In rdcr to make their descendants produce ar- Iculato sounds , "Bowaor" Witt , n colored boy of Greenville , fa. , died nthort tlmo ago , need 1C years , 'on months after birth his flesh commenced wasting awny , nnd though hn inhroa cd In Inturo it was in the bones i nly. lie grow to ivo feet In height , with a well developed head ml nock , but the rest of hl body was strictly kin and bono. When hold in front of a trong light the process of digestion could bo ibeorvod In his body. Ho had never walked or talked. This cose of atrophy elUted nuch Interest among the medical men , The King of Prussia recently \lsited leedlo mnuufnctory In bis kingdom In order to ice what machinery , combined with the lumim hand , could produce. lie won shown a number of superfine noodles , thousands ol which , together , did not weigh half an ounce , tnd marvelled haw such mlnu'o objects could > o pierced with an eye. Hut ho was to nee that in this respect even something still finer and more perfect could bo created. I ho borer that is , the working-man whose business It s to bore these eyes In these noodles asked or a hair from the monarch's head. It was oadiiy given and with n smile , tie placed It U once under the boring machine , made a lolo In It with the greatest care , furnished it with n thread nnd then handed the singular noodle to the astonished king. The Kansas City Journal tells this story : A singular occurrence took place yesterday on the county bridge at Argentine. Kas. , which was watched with great interest by many. A urge number of swallows congregated togeth er , ns if holdlntr n convention , most likely on ho condition of the bridge , ns a number have milt tholr nonts i mong the unsafe timbers. Bo that ns it may , a dtsputa eemnod to arieo , is suddenly two of the largest birds , ono from each party , singled thomseiveti out from the ithora , and regular combat eiiiued over the r ging Kaw liver. Finally one of the birds received a wound on the wlnjr , causing It to all Into the river , whore it struggled for romn .lino. At lost n number of its comptmonn cmno to the rescue , mid by their nisUtunco it nt xnfoly to terra linna , nnd drying itn ronthors coon winged Ita way south , A Btolmi Kins. nm KXCUHI : . As I budo her good-night , Could I help just niio stealing ? The HIOOII'H mellow light , AH I hula her good-night , On bar face slionu BO bright , ThoKo rod lipi rovealinif As I budn her good-night Could I help juit DUO stealing ? IIRll IDEA. To take only one And . " " tlune.iy "Good-nlghtl" ( How quickly 'twas ' done ! ) To take only ouul Next tlmoha'il got none : Korl don't like it quite , To take only ono And then " " sny "Good-nightl" UIOLiIGIOUH. Sunkcy will sing after proper ° est. est.A A Ohtiitman was baptised into tha Motho- littchuith at AVhito Plains , N. Y. , re contly. Since the war th * colored Baptists In Texas bave grown from nothing to over ( XX churches. General Booth of the Salvation army in tends entering London at the close of his pro vlncial tour at the head of 100 brura There are nevonty Congregational churches In the whole Washington Territory and the Btato of Oregon. Twenty-one f these are In Oregon. There are in all thirty-eight mis slouarles ; eighteen have been added doting the T oar. Twelve of these missionaries are u work in Oregon. There Is n now guild now connected with St , 1'aul'a Kplscopal church at Sacr rnento organized bv twenty-soven of the lounge gliu of the church. It Is known as tltgulh of r-t Margaret. The work nt present U can fined to sowing. Iios Angeles has made tl e following In- i ejtmenU within the past t > -cart : Jifotho- dlst } J30OOn- . K. Cliurch 8 utti , $25 000 : Baptist , $25.000.1' K. Chunb , 934,000 : dm- grtgatlonollsts , 830,000PrnbyttirUni , BIO. . UHj Lutherans , * 1,000. Total § 168,000. Tbo largest orzan In the world has juit boon completed by Wulok of Ludwlireburg , ami placed In tbo cathvdral church of Hlga , Tno mstrumont monMiroi thlrty-Mz feet lu widt'i , thirty-two foot from back to front , and sixty * fifret high. It cuutalus no IMS than GSM pipes , dlstrlluted auioug 121 Bounding stop- . stopA A religious orgtniiallon , ( ailed "Tho Hol | . nan Band , " has taken a new tlaparluro In tha way of iKlvfttton methods on the Pacific coast. It has boon In uxlntauco only about a year , and 1U olflcws now claim for It memburthlp of wwiy thousand * , It wu fuuudod by Ituv , teorge Newton , formerly a Methodist preach- r , and more lately of the Salvation army. Hattlk SnMI , n 13-rear-old girl living In St. ohnsvlllc , N. Y. , is the originator of an in- Arestlng schema to build a church. The Episcopal society were attempting to ralsi money to build n new church , and Hattietook t great interest In the new church. She con- oivod the plan of obtaining aid from the talesmen nt Washington , and she wrote lot- ers to nearly everybody whoso name appears n the Congressional Directory , asking each to ontribtita n fo\v bricks. Her plan was so novel and herletters were written in such hlldish ingenlousnes * that the responses wcro arge. Among the contributors were Presi dent Arthur , all the mernhsrs of the cablnot , Jon. Shnridan , Vlce-Prmldent Edmunds , Jpenker Carlisle , many of the senators , and a nrge number of congressmen. Now she pro- ioes to nell the nntographi which accompan- od the contributions , nnd will bo able thornby to mro than dupllcato the sum she received. In ami One of tlio Hammock , A beautiful maiden Is beaming In a hammock beneath the trees , Like jewel In filigree cot ; As she sways In the summer brcezo , Her gossamer garments are gloaming With the skirrmer of goldnn fleece , Like a butterfly caught In a not , Her sweetheart Is standing beside her , While Cupid Is near with his darts O , tlio frollsomo , rollcking pott And who could resist the sweet arU Of beauty , and would dare chldo her For snaring susceptible hearts By moana ot tbat ravising not ? His hands on the hammock are resting , For dear Is the burden It bnars ; Though perhaps eho'it a fickle couelto Who thinks of the hearts she ensnares As merely the moans of divesting Her mind of the many small cures Which 'round her are weaving a not Ho bent to bestow sweet caresses , But twisted the rope up above ; The treacherous hammock upset And rumpled the maid like n dove. No moro will that youth pay addresses , Or'ovor attempt to make lovn To a girl when she swings in n not. Her doyo-ltka fluttering cntrallcd him , But she withered htm with her glance A look that ho'Jl iixvcr forgot , Buttlmt _ which most madly appaicd him Was the sight of his white duck panto Tattered nnd torn like the net. As the joke won aa weak ; ni the coffee there were no grounds for hilarity. "Because It wag shorn of its hair after it fell nto the bands of the Philistines. Votes on railroad trains are no Indications of which man will bo elected president ; but it makes a difference whether the train Is golntr to n prlzo fight or a camp meeting. Why U this butter like Samson ? " nskod , ho young man at the foot of the table. Bverybodv except the landlady woa about to say something concerning its strength when iho propounder of the conundrum , who taught a class in Sunday-school , gleefully rem - m rkod : The Gonnnn religious rcct known M the Dunkards ro sure not to pnt in the letter "r" is adding to its numbers in some of the western itntos. At n recent camp-meeting of the denomination , held nt Dayton , O. , those good people consumed sixty fat cattle , n ton of bread , COOO pounds ot butter , nnd 100J pouniU 6f coffee every day. Religion and the "flesh-pot * of Egypt" are , however , not always irreconcilable. "Thatsnttlo it , ' , said Sam ChniHn , nn Aus . 'on of our having boor for dinner on Sundays. Wo can alford to have U from now on. Heron n this paper I read tbat the clergy are filled with alarm because libernlum is creeping into the churches That dime I've been cut ting on the plato every Snnday goes for beer from now on. If the preachers are kicking about liberalism I'll quit being liberal. Texas Slftlugs. The entire Srlvatlon Army of Rochester was captured bv the police of that ilty last . The " " and " Sunday. "hallelujah lasses" "shout ing Tommies" were engaged at the time in making a public nuisance of themselves by beating tambourines and indulging in similar devotional oxerclies. The army had formed In "holler" square with a view to receiving cavalry in front of the court house. When the enemy's skirmishers were teen advancing under cover of clubs. In a very few moments tbo entire Army , consisting of eighteen war- tors , male and female , nlt r tholr kind , bad aid down their arms and delivered themselves up as prisoners of war. The police , unable to mderstand the essential difference between n ilaln , nocnlar disturbance created in the name > f religion , "ran in" tbo "Tommies" nnd .ho IASJOS , One of our divines has not been preaching politics in vnln. Ho visited the Sunday-school econtly and ( poke upon the lesson nt eomt ongth. Then ho sumnad it up rupldly , nnd when he had explained tbo characters of various men , some good and ttome bad , ho naked : "What were the bad men called ? " Nobody auHWorcd , the scholars all open Ing tholr months and looking blankly nt him. him."Corao "Corao , now , " enid ho , impatieitly , "what vect , clas , or party was it that I have been telling you about ? Don't you rememcor the sentence beginning 'Woe unto you ? ' Now what were these men culled ? " A little fullow un thu back scat rniflod bis baud and the leather smiled ou bun. "That's u nice boy. Now tell us what they were called. " 'Democrats " ho and the ! yelled , speaker said ' Lot us now eing No. 47fi. " Bill Illinium , RI IX ( Whiehu Mule Drirtr. ) Hitch up the old stugo-CLuel ) , you boys , Dun Miimilng talio the whip : Geoigo Williams , you get up behind , Thvio'jl bo jolting sure thu trip. Tom Nast , you paint the harness up And give friend Puck the tip ; Wu'ilcitll It Independent conch John Kelly , none of your lipl It's tha same old Democratic hack , But no piu'sougeru we'll git [ f they sea the sumo old vehicle In which old Tilden sit. 3o rive her a touch of Reformers , point , Supplied by the Cobden Club , When wo ot thor shell have a load That will sink her to the hub. CltiveUnd's hlmiolf a heavy load , With his vetoed bills and elch , Making of law the i > oor man'a goad Andcrlngin * to tno rich. Then Hendrick * , he's no slouch for weight , Now he's oil the fence. He hat brought bis old Peace speeches along ( I wish bound some sense. ) But cheer up boys , I'll bring you through , And get to thu Whlto House yet ; Bill Barnum's driving these hero mules , And he means biz , you bett Q. N. m MUSICAL , AND DRAMATIC. Marie Roze will not appear upon the stage thin saason. Theodore Thomas's orchestra at Long Beach U proving u great H'lcceaa. Lilly Langtrysailod for England on boarc tbo Arizona ou Saturday morning last. It is announced that Jouetfy , the pianist , will appear lu concerts in Chicago next sea sen , German opera In London , under tha direc tion of Herman lllchtcr , has been a financla failure. Mme. Theo will arrive about August 25 to bogiii ruhoartals of "Madame Bcnifucu" at Wallocks. Mr , Lewis Morrison and company are trav ellug through the noith-wcut pre-cntlug "A Celebrated OM" nnd "Tho Duke'n Motto. " Thu Sltml and Limpaoj opera troupe , fron Mexion , numbering sixty pop o , opened li San Francisco last WeJnotdny In "Aida. " Mist Hecklu , the toprano singer , will fulfil an engagement at Cincinnati at the sutnuie concerts during her vacation visit to tha city , ( lllmorn'a band and the Seventh Regiment Band , of New Yuik , will elvo ooacerU daily .t . the second annnal Southern Exposition , to pen at LuoUville in Angnst. A oomody drama , successful In the south entitled "Our Colored Friond" will be pw luced at Tony Pastor' * theatre August 11. larry Myers is the colored friend. There are now over thirty light opera com- > anos ! sincingnll over the country , nnd as yet ho season b.is not commenced. To what ox- ont they can multiply In numbers and still ; ain supK | > rt for each troupe is one of the iroblcms in musical management. Tha latest fashionable affectation In London s to have negro minstrels , who hnvo for years jocn confined to the the variety shows of the metropolis , appear at select parties In Eolcrxvo where the banjo and the bon o are moro In 'nvorthan the violin or piano. Mr. Gyo announces that ho has pccurod the 'ollowlng ' aitlsts for his season of Italian op * jra In the United States next season : Mmo. AlbnnI , Mme. Fursch-Madi. Mile. Tromolli , iignorl Galossi , Moil I , nd the French singer M. Castclmary. Ho Is trying tn obtnn th * service * of Mme. Nllsson , but the wants 3,000 in ovoninc , which is rather moro than lie desires to pay , The William Theatre , Berlin , N built on part of a garden. At th did of each act the ludlenco go out into a garden until a boll rings to glvo notice of the next , Tlio second act of "Trovatoro'1 is compressed into twelve minutes , and a recent visitor says that the audience evidently expected moro of it , for no one stirred. A notice , ' 'End of the Act , " roeo out of the stage , and In two minutes the exodus was complete. Each tlmo the entire audience wont out in loss than two minutes nnd refilled th house In less than three. The eating and drinking was not done hastily at the bar , but leisurely at tables. The waiter in a few econds would cover a table with a cloth , knives and forks , plates , etc. , nnd people had n series of llttlo meals between the nets , while the others wnlked about until the bell rang. "Why Doth He ? Why doth the little country boy Tear madly at his pants ? Unthinkingly ho sat him down Upon a crowd of ants. The Hutchot. CONNUniAtilTIES. The fashion for wedding presents among the truly tony is changing nnd the demand is now for rare novelties In beaten brass and copper , parlor ornaments and clocks ; und antique sil verware modeledjofter ancient patterns and oxidized. Franklin was muried at twenty-one. Mo zart at twenty-five. Byron , Wahington , We lington and Bonapart at twenty-seven. Pool at thirty-two. Wadsworth at thirty * three. Wllberforce at thirty-eight. Luther nt forty-two. Addison at at forty-four. And old Parr , for the third time , at,102. One of the latest applications for a wife which has found its way into print is from nn Idaho hotel keeper , who wants "a good , honest woman" tw a wife , and offers a good , comfort able homo for such a ono. Ho describes him- ( elf as a bachelor of 32 , and the owner of n aotel , stables and n ranch on ono of the few routes to the Coourd'Ale no gold fields. Ho says ho Is doing n fair butlneis nnd wants to ; ot married , but cannot find a girl of any nso within n radlui of three hundred miles ; to he wrote to the commissioner of immigration in Vow York City to procure ono at Cattle Gar den. r. Jay Bush , of Eastan , Md. , fell from a julldlng several weeks ago nnd was severely ujured. Ho has not been nblo to leave his jed since. Mr. Bush nt ths time he was hurt was engaged to bo married to Miss Julia Booth , of Monroe county. Now York , and the wedding day was fixed. Miss Booth , ac companied by the brother of the injured man , went to Enstoii to see him about a weelc ago. After her arrival it wns determined that the marrlagn should take place in order that the lady might properly remain nnd nurse Mr. Bush , and on Monday lost they wore married by Bav. Mr. Little. Mr. Bush waff obliged to remain in bed during the marriage cere mony. Among the exiles In the Island of Sagha- lion , Eastern Siberia , the following custom prevails : If n man winhcs to got married he applies to the governor who forthwith selects ono of the female prisoners whom tlio candi date for holy matrimony is expected to "keep comp ny" for two or three days. If nt the concuslon of this term the male party de clares to the governor that the lady selected it not to his 'mind , he receives twenty-five blows with unstick and another bride is cho sen for him and so on. The same course is adopted with the female prisoners who are In search of husbands. These matches nro term ed "official mnrrlageB , " or the "governor's marriages. " They nre without religious cer emony , It la announced that Mias Kate Sutro , the daughter of the builder of the Sutro tunnel , who is now In Europe , is engaged to be mar ried to a German professor at Borlin. "It seems , " says the Virginia City Enterprise , "the professor saw a photograph of the young lady , and although he bad never soon the orig inal , he fell in love with the picture. Iio wrote several letters , none of which were answered. At last Miss Sutro became so an noyed that f ho mode a largo package of the letters , not one of which had boon answered , and sent them to her father , who was lu Spain. When Mr. Sutro went to Berlin he saw the professor and was so agreeably impressed with him that headlined his daughter to answer. A correspondence was then opened iwhlch ro suited ns announced. CONVINCING , Iho proof at the pudding Ils not In chewing the string , but In having nn opportunity to test the article direct. Schrotor a , Becht , the Druggists , have n free trial bottle of Dr. Bo- snnko a Cough nnd Lung Syrup for each nnd every ono who is nfllictod with Coughs , Colds , Asthma Consumption or nny Lung Aifoction. Tlio Olilof Mourners. NEW YOIIK , August 1. The democratic national executive commltten to-day decided to Icnso the hoiii" No 11 , West 21th street , for headquarters. During the meeting iv gen * oral discussion on thn plan of the campaign took pluco , nnd the following advisory cam paign committee to the executive committee was appointed : Senators A. P. Gorhnm ( Md.M.W. ) Ransom ( N.O. ) , B F. Jonns ( Tin , ) , , T. 8. Burbour ( Vu ) , Hubert O. Thompson ( N. Y. ) , A. A. Browne ( Ind. ) Hereford's A old I'Jiosplmto. BEWAUK OK IMITATJO.VS. Imitations and counterfoils hnvo ngain apeared. Bo euro that the word IoRHFoiio's" ia on tlio wrapper. None are genuine without it. The Oliolorn. LONIIOH , August 1. The report comes Irom Cardllf that a man died of cholera on tbo French steamer Graville. from Marseilles , at anchor in Peuarth roads. The body wad thrown overboard. Another man on board Is very ill. MAIIBKILLIH , August 1. Eleven deaths from cholera here last night , two at Toulon , Fugitives are returning In Increased num bers. The city Is.becoming more animated anc shops . toopomng. x KXO1TKBIENT. "What causes the great rush nt Schroter & Becht's Store'r ? ' The free distribution Drug i . _ t TT11 ! - _ _ . 1 t _ _ . _ , ! now on'the market Hogular elzo 50 cenU anc 8.00 "Ho Blio\vcd JIliiiBoll a Coward. " From the Kentucky Btato Journal. "Lizo , why didn't yor lot Bill Thomp son take yer homo from the ball las nightl" "Kase Moll ho done ' ' , , gene nn' awow'c hUo'f a coward , that'a why. " An' how did ho do dot , LIze ! " "Why ho had two razors in his pock etc , an' 1 says ant ouny foiler whut carries rios inor'u one razor to a ball wid him am a coward an' ain't no gon'Jomau , I does Flr-Ht OlubH InBiirniicc. lunura with the Jliomai' f.ltttrie ( hi. It the ihea [ e t uiul bust method of luauranro we know of , liy its u o you are euro to e8C l > o many grovlous nchfs niul Jiatna. I'ollcleu nre obtainable i f all dxugghtii In tbo form of bottle tle * at 5J cenU and 1 each. G. A. LI NB QUEST & CO. , TAILORS 9 1206 Farnam Street , Omaha , Neb. NEW WOOLENS ! FOR PANTS AT FROM $8.00 AND UPWARDS. ALSO Stylish Suitings in florksorews , Worsteds and Cheviots LATEST STYLES I LOWEST PRICES ! B3i9 Aii inspection of our Goods and Prices , tells the story. RICHARDS & CLARKE , W. A. CLARKK , Propriotora. Suporinnndont Omaha Iron Works U. P. RAILWAY , 17TH & 18TH STREETS MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS , IN1 WATER WHEELS. ROLLER MILLS , Ml and Grain Elevator Machinery MILL FURNISHINGS OF ALL KINDS , INCLUDING THE Celebrated Anchor Brand Dufour Bolting Clotb STEAM PUMPS STEAM" WATER AND GAS PIPE. BRASS GOODS AND PIPE FITTINGS ARCHITECTURAL AJID BRIDGE IRON. I § \Vo nro prepared to furnish plans and estimates , und will contract for the erection of Flouring Mills and Grain Elevators , or for changing Flourinc Mills , from Stein to the Roller Syotem. UST'Egpecial attention given to furnishing Powder Plmt3 for anj- purpose - pose , and estimates made for seine General machinery repairs attended f promptly. Andres EIUHAED & CLAUKE , Omaha , Neb , IMPORTERS OF HAVANA CIGARS ! AND JOBBERS OF DOMESTIC 3IBASS.TOBACCOS PIPISs.SIOKEES1 MTICIES . , . , PROPRIETORS OF THK FOLLOWINO CELEBRATED BRANDS : Reina Victorias , Especiales , Roses in 7 Sizes from $ to $120 per 1000 , AND fHB FOLLOWING LEADING FIVE CENT OIGARSs Grapes , Thistle , Lawrence Barrett , Caramels. New Stan dard , Good Advice , New Brick. WE DUPLICATE EASTERN PBIOE8 ] SEND FOR PRICE LIST AND SABIPLES. C/2 C2UO _ * t2 TO cn o s tn < n3 5 P 2 2 a PM t = 3 OTJMIKQSAND20THSTOMAHA.NII'B > "