v vwnHB ti THE DAILY BEJU COUNCIL BLUF.FS , FEIDAY , AUGUST I , 1884 , THE DAILY BEE COUNCIL BLUFFS Thursday Morning. July 31 , rsunscRirrioN RATE ? . Hy Carrier - - - - - - - 20 oonti per w V By Mall - - - - . - 110.00 | * > r > ca OFFICE : No. 7 Pearl Btroot , Near Broadway. _ _ MINOR MENTION , See J. Roitor'fl aummor styles. The circuit court opens here Au gust 18. The alderman at largo of the Fourth ward IB still at largo. T. J , Evans has lost ono of his fine horacs , it having died of colic. Tom Riley , for being drunk , and Peter Hublng and J. H. West , for disturbing the pnace , were fined yesterday in police court. There has already boon contributed $150 toward the entertaining of the com mercial travelling men who are to bo here iu September. Master Eddie nnd Alias Ida , eon ant daughter of Mayor Vaughan , entertained about thirty of their little frionda yesterday day afternoon. It was a happy gathering of Httlo folks. Mr. Cooke , of Cooko& Morgan , says . that Mr. J. "W. Liing is to become a member of that firm is without founda tion , despite the fact chat the rumor has become quito general. Andrew Busck while standing on a ladder painting A house on Main street yesterday lost his balance and fell back wards striking on his head. Nothing se rious anticipated from the fall. A map of the city is being made for the purpose of indicating the best places to establish eloctrio lights for lighting the streets , a proposal fordoing which will bo bo submitted to the council at an early date. date.Tho The mayor yesterday received a letter from Charles M. Kinney , of Bradshaw , York county , Nob. , asking about the irork being done by the Homo of the Friendlcts here , the interest in which aooms tobo spreading. A pleasant little wedding took place at the parlors of the Crostou houao yester day , the parties being Albert Harnur and Miss Nancy Jane Ohippo , both of Car son. Justice Schurofliciatcd in his usually happy way. Permits to wed were yesterday given to Ivan T. Simons and Mary B. McMil lan , of Noola ; also to W. H. Mullin and Mrs. A. E. Mansfield , both of this city , and to Frank Miller and Adalino Foster , also of this city. The paving on Main street having been completed attention is now turned to the paving of Broadway. The work of excavation has commenced at Broad way M. E , church , and the laying of atone will soon follow. George Oroighton has commenced suit against the Pacific Express company claiming 8-1,500 damages , on Iho claim > thai the latter had him arrested as a suspicious character , when in fact ho was a good honest farmer. mia > Anna Maria Hernia Agnes Sivors has commenced divorce proceedings against Glaus Johroiu Sivors , claiming that ho hi has treated her cruelly by hitting her hiil with his (1st ( , pouring pailsful of cold an water over her , and threatening to take her lifo. be The resignation of John Allen having boon accepted Mr. Allen to-day retires as an cook ou the dining cars of the UQ" road anI and takes his place at the head of the firm of Allen & Rapp , who have pur chased Chris. Schwongor'a old stand , 103 Main atreot. Iho funeral services of Mrs. Stiles were hold yesterday afternoon at the residence - donco of Judge 0. A. Robinson , Rev. of Mr. Mackay ofliciating. The remains were tlum taken to the depot , and will bo carried to her old homo at Dixon , 111. , for burial. an The colored voters have organized a Bl&ino and Logan club , with F. Finloy , to president ; W. Thomas , secretary ; H. Campbell , treasurer. A committee , con- suiting of B. Oar cms , II. Campbell , W. Maxoy and 0. H. Warner , has boon appointed to draw up a constitution nnd by-lawB and solicit now members. The next mooting will ba hold on Wednesday evening. The Marahalltowa olliccra on getting the roan Reynolds to that place , found him to bo the man wanted , McOord iden tifying him fully. It aooms that the matter of a reward is still in dispute ; the railway fellows who gave the Council Bluffs Ofllcers the pointers have served .notice of their claims and it is said that the $1,000 reward will now bo paid Into court and that there It will bo .distrib uted as the court eoes best after hearing all sides. A small boy mot with a painful acci dent at the depot , Thursday. Ills homo is at Clarinda , and ho had started out to neo something of the world , but upon reaching BIoux City ho concluded ho had seen enough and started homo again. Being - . ' ing out of money ho was compelled to "beat" hi ) way , and this U what got him Into trouble. Ho had ridden between two freight curs to this place , and upon the arrival of the train hero the cars were HA itched out and the lad in some manner got his foot caught between the lumpers and had two toes bad ) ; crushed. Dr. Slrlcklerdremd hi * woundr , and the bm chipped in euUicient cash to pay > hit f ire to CUrindu , - Jiaatlnga A'cu-a. h tl The worklnymen are expressing them , selves us believing that they shall havou ut representation on the republican ticket , oil < iwi are planning to proas upon the coun-Joli ty convention the name of J , K. B Coggshall for county recorder. Ho hai been prominently and actively identified with Iho labor interests , oven at a per sonal sacrifice , and hence the working men doom him entitled to their support while his claims upon the republican party are baaed upon the fact of hii having been a lifo-long member of tha party. Ho is a veteran with scars , am as for his experience and ability for the position for which his friends are push ing him , ho. has served two terms In th logislautro of another state , and boon in other positions of trust. A STEANGE WEDDING , AUmiulwny Hotel Stirred Up Consld crnlily Over It. The boarders and attaches of a hole on Broadway have boon keeping the ! tongues wagging Hroly of late about the marriage cf ono of the females employed nt the hotel. Sometime ago Iho gir married ono of Iho boarders , a carpenter and although this fact was known to thoao about the house , atill the man ant woman never acted na though that inti macy existed between them , which is supposed to ho between husband and wifo. They continued to occupy separate rooms , nnd they continued to act in all respects aa before they were married. There have boon many conjectures ns to what was the cauao of this strange procedure - ceduro by which whllo being man nnd wife , th < y still Doomed not to bo man nnd wifo. The man had occasion to go over to Omaha for n few days , and on returning ho " chanced to BOO her out riding with Another young man , nnd this so nrouaod him that ho flow into a passion and said the marriage certificate might as well bo torn up , for ho was not being allowed any of the privileges of n husband. Then it leaked out that though married , she kept him con tinually at n cold distance from her. A day or two ngo she left the hotel , claiming that she "was Roing to visit aoino relatives ! east. The secret of her strange action is now told , it being in effect that aho hau already a husband in the east , [ but that being rather charmed with this if young man , slio consoled horaolf in his company , while ho became so infatuated with i her that ho urged nnd urged again that she marry him , ho supposing that aho was n maiden all forlorn. , In a sud den impulse , ns aho describes it , she con sented , aup nftor the ceremony was per formed ! she came to a realization uf what hWl had done , and she resolved that she would pursue the forbidden path no further , nnd hence slio sot her face against him , barring him from all undue intimacy. She has gene eastward again , W but it doubtful whether aho will join her Grat husband , they haying separated on account of incompatibility , but it is pre sumed that her intention is to stay nway until 1r 1 the can legally roloaao from her first husband , and then she will probably ) ratify the marriage with the carpenter by taking him an her husband in full. THE FAREWELL RECEPTION o Tendered Ilov. CJTUB Hanillu liy Ills Friends At the residence of Mr. W. W. Wai- lace last evening , a faiowcll reception was aii given i Ilov. Cyrus ETnmlin , who lately re signed { the paatorato of the Congregational church of this city. A largo number of his i : frionda improved this opportunity to moot him again oocially before his de parture. The gathering was by no means confined to thoao of his church and con gregation , for Mr. Hamlin has , during his seven years residence hero , been n citizen na well as n pastor , nnd has taken r aotivo interest in all movements tending to the bettering of the heads nnd hearts of the i community. No man has built up here n backing for his pulpit teachings a stronger public confidence in the per sonal integrity and loyalty to hi * a 011- victions of truth than he , whllo in intel lectual ability nnd scholarly attainments ho cannot but take high rank wherever ho may bo. The tnrovroll reception thus tondornd him was not n moro formality 2 forced by custom , by the honest tribute a church nnd a community which feel that his going is a lom to both. Ono of the pleasant features of the evening was the presentation to Mr. flpmlin of elegant gold wntch , which will servo UD dim as n happy reminder of his Council ap Ltlulla friends , although ho hardly needs ir bo reminded that ho has nnd always will hnvo many friends horu. Ho expects to'start nway the early part of next wook. Ken ! Kstuto TrniiBforH. ' The following transfers were Illod in | n the county clerk's oflloo yesterday and rai reported for TUB BUB by 1' . J. Mo- and Mahon : " ' Julia A. Spoor to F. W. Spetmnn & Bro. , lota ? , 8 and ( ) , block 4 , Street's add. , 81,000. 0. , B. & Q. R. R. Co. to Edgar 1 Floury , Be } 7 , 74 , 40 , 82,040. 0. , B. A : ( i. R. It. Co. to Edgar Floury , n ) , awj 7 , 74 , 40 , § 1(10,42. ( John McCoy to Ernest 10. Hart , lot 4 , block 15. Howard's add. , $50. \ U. 11. D y to P. 0. Nollson , lots 0 T and 0 , block U , Meredith's add. to Avoca , 8200. Ella W. Alexander to Charles 1 ? . ilnyuoa , lot ( t , block 10 , Macedonia , S850. i James P. Guuldcn to P. Sorcnsen , t 17 and 18 , block 10 , Turloy'a ' udd. , U07. Total sales , § 5,808 42. Any and Tlio UritlilM. The Grand Grove of Druida of the United Statt'B mcoU in St. Louis August 'i , The grand secretary of the Missouri edge writes asllng how many of the Druids of this city will attend , and whuUiur they will bo accompanied by adifB , as ho wants to nmlu arrangomcnlt or them. The delegates for the Iowa rand lodge are W. H , Vaughan , cf thia ily , U Uowijf , of Iturliugton , and Judge Crjimtr , of Davenport. The Iowa delo. itcB , in acootdanco with the action of Im taut aiBiion of the grand led o uf thin tatu. will endeavor to iccuro the next lecting of the United States grand lodge DCS Moinea. Afayor Cary , of that y , will bo prosuuc and nrcsunt the claims of that cuy. PKUSONAI/ . SiiM-r\Mor | HMitun , < > f Ntola , wwi litre yi * Unlay , Jn tico Crriw , of Miiulini itctl tlio Dluff C. Atndt , of Jli onri Vnlliy , ni i th City , j cilr n lay. ( J. 8. Mitclidl , of Milwimkcr , Wi . , ns a nt Ilvclittli * jtwtenlny. Mr. Ilulilmnl , of Sioux Fall" , tin' gmnit twin , MAS in lliccity , > i itmlny. ( Jciii'rnl'SInnnjri'rTnliiint.'p , 8ccoin | iw < l 1 > oilier inilroiul iiflici.il * , nrriuil j liy ftM'ci | ; > l Itnin OUT Uio Wnba li. Ktova 1) ) . Giubli of ilAMMville , Win , , was in tliocity jefiturJoy , and after taking in th wonder * of the Rrcnt uilroad centre , tirtc' for Fremont to visit hln titter , Mrj. Swnn. Mr. Tliomrn Officer In * n tinned from n trip In St. . ! and Knn ai City , ulific lie lia IH.TII iiii > ] H < : tiiig tlio I'luctric light 1'lant * , urn hn concluded that the plant lure Ix-atc then nil. Jiunes Turner , of MUsouii Valley , a In th city yo t nlay , ni full of bu lnEcn HH eve . Old nvldcbtly on the diivo. Homadoanothci incroftjo in II'H ' order * fnrltFKH , and in evident ly pushing biisini'M in nil line * . Mr. Albert Walk'tnn , the well-known Lin coin ncwipaper mnn , was hero yesterday will hi * wife en roiito f/ir Mason City , after visit Ing which ji'nco ' Mrs. Witkins will proccet tel it her old homo in Madison , Wit. It. S. Jtjnn , 0. I ) . linns Ficd. Ltnni , W. 1' . H.ipi ] , J. , A. Smith , Mies Susie Baldwin , \li s Lou Smith , Kiitiu 1'iwy , Jk'i io Htownrt , liirzid Unmn , Lou LonmN and a few uthnrts coni | > o ( . > d the paity of yotniK folks \ \ ho left y hjKcial train ycilcrd.iy morning for a > l < .Msmx ! trip. JUIOY JULY , "More Ilnln Ililn Month Tlmn for Xlirco or Four MontIIB To- Mr. A. T. Fliokingcr , who as a paa into from the practice of law , pays some attention to scientific matters , has for omotimo kept a gauge by which ho has carefully noted the rain fall. Lfoinforms ua that the rainfall so far this year has icon as follows , aa indicated in inches nnd huudrcdtha : ? umi.iry 80. I'ubniary 3.U5. March LIO. April .T.1D. Mny 1.7D. fiinu 1.05. July 11.30. Total -ja.DO. The warmest day of the month just past was the 8th , when the thermometer ath noon registered 100 degrees in the shade. The coolest day of the month was July Kith when it stood at 70 de grees. Block SlitimientH. The following were the shipments of stock from the union stock yards , July 1)1,1881 , : Booling & Co , 1 car hogs , CG head , to Chicago , via C. & It. I. K. Crops , ono car hogs , 05 head , to Chicago , via II , I D. Anderson , I car hogs , CO head , to Chicago : , via H I. J. W. Wliitenoll , 2 cara sheep , 2Kt head , Council Blulfo. Johnson it J. , 1 car hoga , 51 bead , to Jhicago via II. I. Wm. Courtney , 1 car hogs , CO head , to Chicago via R. I. 7:4 ' Win. McVoy , 2 cars cattle , 101 head , o Grand Inland , via U. P.v . COMMKUCIAIj. OODNOIL BLUrrS MAHKET , COUNCIL ULUKKH. IOWA , July 31 , 1884. Whoat-No. 1 milling , 76@80 ; No. 3 05 ® 3S 0 ; rejected 50. a i Corn Local purposes , 40@45. o Oats For local purposes , 85@40. Hny § 10 00@ia 00 per ton ; baled , CO@CO nye 40@15o. Com Meal 1 30 per 100 pounds. Wood Good supply ; prlcea ut yardu , 6 00 < g Coal UolIvoroJ , hard , 11 50 per ton ; soft , 00 per ton , Lard Kalrbank'g , wholesaling at OJo. Klour City Hour , 1 0@3 30. Brooms 2 U5@3 ( X ) per doz. Live UTOCK. if Cattle Untchor cows a flO@-J 00. 13ntchor gtoorv , nunu in mntkeU - ' Sheep Il.fiO. . Hogs 1 00. 1 : AND Quotations by J. M. St. John & Co. , com- > nUfiion inorclianti , fr < 8 lroadwny ! _ . 1'oultrv Lhoold hens , 7c ; Fiirinc chlckona , 8J W3 00 per doz. ; Hvo tnrkoyi , yo ? euwl ' I'vachoH > t bun. bov , 1 00. Lemons li 00 per box. Biimintw 1 ! 0)3 ) 00 per bunch. ' Uiittor Croainory , 20o ; rolls , choice 9@10c. KRKB 12i per Aoion. VeRotabloM - i'otntoon , 1 nOg2 00 per hbl ; unlonv , 7f > o i > rbn ; cnbhnfro.fiOo per do/ . ; eating aptiloc , 1-3 bu box , rOc&ll 25. cooking 3 00 per irl : bouiidj 1 50L'.25 PIT busliol. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Ujieolal a vortlaomonts , euo as toet 'ound.To Loan , For Sale , To Kent , Wanti , Hoard UK , etc. , will bo Inserted Iu tlila column at the low rate o ( T CKNTO I'Kll LINK ( or the flr t Insertion WK CKNT8 PKIl LINE ( or each subsequent Bortlon. Loa\o ad > ertlaementi at our office , No. I I'earl Street , near Ilrooduav WANTB. l/OHHAi.K-llalf lnttr .t la a well otablhhcd real int.to loau - Of ) olll-o In Council Ululh , ill \HK \ a JiMliiK huslnew. Hatlnfaolory reran * lor lellluir , Aildrew A. 11. C , UKH ollloo , Ojiiuo I U'uffj , Iowa B 2 CM ) I'AI'KIia-Kor ule at Ilii olBco , M u ceott :6 : a hundred. 23 \\f ANTED K\ cry hody in Cuuncll lllultt to take 1 > TiuUm. Delivered hy carrier at only twenty 3 cenu a wiok. 5 IiVtlt BALK UIIKAI'-docKl hoarding lieu < e. mloon 1 nnd billiard lull , rliio huilaiiu. Addiou K , d irxotllco , Uoilnctl UltilTi co o 7 OI'NIA tool hani'le , with nt of lrad , eliulet , 0 ttj Omief ttH'lyatllKK | ' olllto. AQtNTS ladled and gentlemen can luako first Mara claw wagon by eclllnif the "Champion Uonom attticthor and roiling Board. " lletalls 0 at il.OO. All lady can do line up a shirt without a wrlukli Kliwj U an nicely as the lioot laundries can. Addroiw I" . 11,8. 41. Co. , Iii ottloo , Counol 1 THE ICAYMOND l > oi \ Ch ! 3w L.O.BRAOKETT AOfcNT , 22 tit 220 Broad way , COUNC1M1MIJT3 , IOWA. BOOKS ] STATIONERY , TOYS AND NOVELTIES. Largest Stock ! u > ' .YESTi'ici3 : , ' > GIDER ! CIDER Best Kentucky Barrels and Half Barrels AGENTS FOR . .1 " File Cut MM the "Bee , " and "Kival" Cigars , The Best Nickel Goods Offered We Guar antee Our Assertion. Give Them Trial Order. WIRT & DUQUETTE , COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - - - - IOWA bickering Piano Best and Most UelUblo. IIALLETT , DAVIS AND COMPANY PIANO Endorsed by I'KASZ Lisrr. EMERSON PIANO. UnrhnlleJ for Tone or Flnlth. KIMBAIL PIANO IJcst Modem 1'rico to Uuy. The Kimlall Orjan , to long nnd favorably known in the west , recommends itself. J.L. , STJJWAKT , Solo Agent for nbovo lines of Goods. Wnrorooma , S29 Broadway Council BlulfB , Tnwn. nnrrcdDoiulpnpif Solicited , Agents Wnnf r1 . So far there is evidence thta * twonty- hroo houses and burns in Dea Mointa yore struck .by lightning Wednesday light of last wook. Lightning struck tnu Swedish Lutheran shurch ' in Ottumwn about half past 10 on , ho night of the 2ld ! , and it was nearly leatroyed by liro. The property cost M.COO , nnd was insured for ? 2,000. dcE Railway Time Table. COUNCIL BLUFFS. The following are the tlmca of the arrival and do- arturo of trains by central otnndard time , at the Deal depots. Trains le.-vve transfer depot teu mln LOS earlier and arrive too minutes later. CHICiOO , DUBLINOION A-'ID QUISOT. UUVX. ARRIVIL 6:35 : p m Chicago Express 9.00 a ui 0:40 : a m Fast Hall. 7:00 : p tr iMDam I'ilall and Kxprcss , : ' ] > rn 2:30 : p m Accommodation. 2.40 p m At local depot only. HAhSAS C1TT , 8T. JOS AMD COUKCIIi BLITrS. 0:05 : : a m .Mail and Ilxpresu , 7:05 : p m 8:05 : : p m Pacific express , C:5Q : p DI C1IIOAOO , UU.WAUKBR AND 8T. PAUL. 6:25 : p m Kxprcss , 0:05 : a m 0:16 : a m Express , 0:65 : p in CIIICAOO , BOCK ISLAM ) AND PACIFIC. 5SO : p m AtUntlo Express , 9:05 : a m 9:25 : a in Day Express , 0:51 : p m 7:20 : a iu 'Dcs Molnoa Accommodation , 6.05 p m "At Ioc.il depot only. WABAHII , ST. LOOM AND PACIFIC. liJ : a m Mall , 3:0'i : p tn 5:10 : pm Accommodaton U.OOam At Transfer Tily CUIOAOOaild NOBTUWKSTXIK. 6:30 : p m Express , 0:60 : p m 02i ; n m I'aclfla Express 0:05 : n m BIODX CITT AND PACIFIC. MO p m , St. Pftul Expraas , 8:50 : a m .20 a m Day Express 0:60 : p m cidOM PACIFIC. 8:00 : p m Western Expreai , 8:35 : a m .1:00 : a m Pacific Express , 4:10 : p m 7:40 : am Local Rxprcss , 6.54am 2:10 : a in Lincoln Express , AtTrantfcronly. DDIIMT THAI.1S TO OMAHA. LCHTO I 7:20-8UiODso-IO:30-ll : : : < Oa. m. 1:30-2:3 : : 1:30-4:30-5:30-8:30-11:051 : : : : : > . m Sunday 6:30-11:40 : io m. i l:30-B:30-5SO-fl:30-llo5 : : : : : p. m. Ara\810 mln before leavtaK tlmn THE IHVflLID'S GREAT BOON ! NATURE'S HEMKDV. ThPso ualers come In ft larirr , pure utrcam , flow- rit from Naturc'n fountain and touched by tha ImnJ the Muter ClitmUt. In a lalioratorj not niado Mltli iinda , ( or the euroonihouiiutlim , i-crolnt.1 , Ulcera , -'at-nh , all Illond nnd Kkm Disease ) , I.tHiiopsla , .her Complaint * , KUntj and Illadiler Dlscafcs , ut , NruroUlit and Atttiiua. And tnej are no fto nnuhilii.'d to bo ixmott uomlirfnl rpecill c f or nil rnia if fcmalu lcratircnieiU ) ) ) and ( ieuir.il I- ) llty ! uhoru a tonic Ir-nunent U dcnlrablo. Hundreds of Rratcfui | iolo | who came ti the ipilnus | ( nrrutchea and utieicherj and wentauav 'iircd , inanyof them ' loping nnd [ iralilni ; Oed , " vllltcktlfy to the hfuling | ir < ] iurtloi of the e uateru. "miHioTOTiiR HOOK I" I.KT s\IUIIR IIKMo ( . , " HKV. M. M. THOMl'SON , ManaKor. Albany , Hlloam Dprlnuii , ( Jentry Co. , Mo. it the woll-known Establishment OP J. P. FILBERT , 209 Upper Bronctwny , the PIONEER ca-n.sao3Gjn.-s- Council Dlufls. Notloo our teduooa 1'rlco List. We KUO poundi K tra 0 Sugar ( or Ji 00 jiounda Oranulatcil Huiar , 1 c 3 IIOUIUN Cnolou Oatmeal . . 1 00 jioundj Navy lloana i 00 Ojiouiiila Il-DtllulkHtarcli 100 liounda Carollim lllco toe pounila Choice f niniB. i'oc bars UuffoJoHoaii , i 00 Cxtra takolruut , ) > cr jiouud 00 xirrlliard'H I'luKperlb , 40 doiun llackurel , 15 Colorado : Klour , Winter , per cwt. . . 2 DO i < oundj Olniror Suapj , ; 1 CO | > ound < h mloy i oo AKallnnttg \ Hyrup i 70 niltonah.porWI W ) laekerel , ixirklt 10 atcnl jwr pound 10 pound cam Htmdard Tomatoes 100 klnda Ualiforlila fVult pound Liiak' Stai-dard 4 ( or , 1 00 r. T. T. All grides , aooordlnif to quality , 15o to SOo pur iound Wo alto carry a ( ull line of Uon'i , todies' and blldrou' ! duo &t\o \ aand Uoii'i Kino lloota at very prices. Alio * tidl line 01 Tlnwatu and gonrral rc-liiLjIao. * CVUop no and be cnavlncvd that you tu\o iuon y VydualJin ; with ui. Qoodi delivered e Inauv | iartd ( the uf ) ' . u a word , we are boaiiu to lell and challene all auluoompotltloulu thl oouutr. J. I' .KILHEUT ACOB 811J8. B. P. CADWEU. 8IW1B& OADWELL , Forneys-at-Law , COUNCIL IlLUKrS. IOWA Office , Main Street , Itoomi 1 and S Himgai * k Uc- 'ation'4 Block. Will | > ractlco la BUte and V dtr l ( < UIM " ICE ! ICE ! ! ICE ! ! ! For piro rlt cr Ice patror Izo the blue WSROJU eat- sfaetlcn guaranteed. Lea\o orders at No. 45 South Main street. Telephone No. 81. MULHOLLAND & NICHOLAS. Mrs , H , J , Hilton , H n , PHYSICIAN & SUE&EON , 322 middle Bro d' ' y. Council Bind * . PLEASE TAKE NOTfCE. FOIl SALE Two largo lots with three raised homo' , nnd all Imnroiomcnts , bringing montuly rental of 2i. 1'rlco § 1,500. Address L , Brx Offlco . . . J.ll. TATK. WAimmf W1II1K T Practlco In State nnd Federal Courts. Collections promptly attended to. Jloom 9 , Scluigart's liuilding , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. W. R. Justice of the Peace , Omaha and Council lUaffr. KcaJ estate collection agency , OJJ Fellows Block oversavings Bank. raos. omoxx , u. u. PDEIT. OFFICER & PUSEY Connell BlnOt . la. Established - - 1850 Dealers In Foreign and omoetlo Exchange an FIrroo Sccurltt ' E. Rice M. B. RO w other tumor removed wlthonttbe lIlOj j knife or drawing o blood. CHRONIC DISEASES Over hlrty years practical experience Otlce No nl I'tar troet , Council Uluflj nlY XarConcultatlon tree Y NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed proposals will bo received by the undersigned till August 1 188 i , at noon , for the building of the now Pres byterian Church in Council BlulTa , Iowa. Plans and specifications can bo soon at the Bank of Ollicor & Pusoy. Contractors , in their bids to state the price at which they will take the stone , brick and lumber of the old Church The committee reserve the right to re N ject any and oil bids. By order of the Building Committee. Council Bluffr. BOORE'S SIOUX CITY HAMS. J. Y. FULLER , Commission Merchant No ,8 Pearl Street . Council Mluffa , owa. Ai there are many So-Oalled Veterinary Surgeons In thU city , who are practicing their quackery on our i > eopU > , I deem It but justice to ) By that I delv any ot them to produce a illplonta , or zridcntlali , iidlcattng that they are ftaduitcu ot any \ eicrlnar'1 uitltuU ) , and I do hereby caution the publl j at-aini' * . luch iuacki | , M I am the Only Known Graduate IN WESTERN IOWA , Office & Pharmacy , l25B'dway ' , T AT 11LUE 11AIIN. T. J. CADY , M. D. , V. S. TI N. BCHURZ. ipp nf tlip Jnam Jnami lbu Ul tllu i , i OVKll AJJKUIOAN KXPEESa JOU NCIL BLUFFS. - IOW * . , H. H , HORNS < & CO , , WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Wo innko n specialty , nt our EASTERN factory , of FINE HAVANA end. , YAR.A CIGARS. All Oigars sold by us uro of our own manufacture and warranted aa represented. OPERA HOUSE OIGAR HOUSE , I G52 Broadway , H. 11. HORNE&CO. , | COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - IOWA. SMITH JtTOIiLiEH , AR , LEADING MERCHANT TAILORS 7 and 9 Main street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. LARGEST AND BEST STOCK OF ALL KINDS OF In Iowa nnd Nobraolca , and sold for the least money at 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. MRS , D , A , BENEDICT , Maanfaclnrer , urtalns , in Lace , El'lc , Turcoman , Eto. Oil cloths , i Mat tings , Linoleums Eta hoicest and Best Soleoted STOOK in the WEST , lomo and bo convinced that wo are headquarters for all goods In our line , hoapost iilaco to buy CARPETS , Curtains nnd House Furniohiugs in the Cty. Upholstering nnd Bedding Supplies. Nos. C , 7 and 9 MASONIC WEMPLE - - [ COUNCIL BLUFFS Mail Orders Filled Promptly and with Care COUNCIL BLUFFS. The Best $2 a day House in the West Centrally Located. . Sample Rooms , First Class Table , All Modern Conveniences. Kecmced Rates to Regular Boarders. MES. S. J. NOEEIS , 105 Main Street , Council The remaining HATS on hand will be Sold Below Cost to make room for New Goods A Full Line ? n r ) H ol sr ws Hand. J. J. AITWERDA , 317 Broadway , Council Bluffs. NETOAYER'S ON THE THE'B 'B Furniture ' and appointments all now. Nos. 208 and 210 Broadway , Council Bluff Waves three inch part 65c , Ooquetts lOo each , Switches SI to $20 each. Hair ornaments given with every pur- nhase , All kinds of hair work promptly attended co. Waves made of Ladies' ' combings at 5Uu per mob , ALL KINDS OF V1RS.J. . J GOOD - - - 29 Main Stree EVERYTHING /mSTCLASS. Nos. 217 and 819 S. Main St. . - - COUNCIL BLUFFS BE. JUBB'S ELECTEIC BELT. 3.000 Electric Bolts Sold In the Month o ( Juno by nt. Udcrcnceii-Any o the Ima'no houses in Couccll lilitlTj. JUID 4. SMITH rroniietors. illO BROADWAY . - COUNCIL BLUFFS. Metalio Caskets and Wooiiin Coffins of all Kinds. ELEGRAPO ORDERS PROMTLY ATTENDED TO. OPEN DAY AND NIG1IT . 12 3XT. ( St. . 501 Main Street , Council Bluffs. MANUFACTURE ! ! OP Wj V U KftuI Vf baU'l SAMPLE CASKS n specialty. Slmwl , Tourist , nnd Trunk Straps. Twenty Years Experience. Repairing Neatly Exec utod WHOLESALE DEALKH881N- and Olt Broadway , COUNCIL BL UP 1 S , ] C W A