I ' 1 HE OMAHA DAILY BEE. K FOURTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , NEB. , FRIDAY MORNING , AUGUST I , 1884. MH 37 SCHOOL-LAND SCALAWAGS , HIM tbe People's ' Prouerty is Being Amiromlatefl in Keith CoDnly , Thousands of Aoros Leased at the Lowest Nominal Valuation , "Ona Doran , of Omaha , " the Vis ible Instrument in the Steal , How the Appraisers Sold Them selves for $250 to $500 , The Lanas Leased at 6 to 6 1-2 Per Oont on Nominal Valuoi The Question Arises , What Has A. G. Kemlull to do With the llubbcry. T1J13 STEAI- . A NEW 1NSTANCK IN KR1TII COUNTT. Special Dispatch to Tun BUB , NORTH I'LATTK , Nob. , July 31. The North 1'lattn Telegrjph of to-day has the following editorial : Un list Wednesday an injunction wan served on the county treasurer and cleik t of Keith county , restraining them from issu ing leases of the school land in Keith county. This injunction wus sued out in behalf of prominent citizens of western Nebraska with .v view of heading off ono of the moat stupendous deus frauds that was over attempted in the state. The history of thsso leases as shown by tha petition filed in the district couit of Keith county proacn s a pictuio of wholesale bribery and corruption rarely witnessed. It is . dlejjed that ONB DOUAN , Of OMAHA , . A. G. Kendall , commissioner of public lands ; H. G. Bleasdale , county clerk of Keith , nnd others conspired fraudulently together to secure - cure for thcninclvc1 all the school lands in Keith county , over 100,000 acres , ut nominal figures , and in defiance of law and justice. In furtherance of this scheme II. C. Uleasdale appointed three appraisers , who for a nominal cousideiation signed their names in blank tote to the appraisement , and the values in said ap praisement wcro afteiward filled out by lorin _ OK HIS FJ2LLOW CON.SP1BATORS Ono of these appraisers boasts that ho m- ifivrd over $500 for signing his name. Xo doubt the others were paid in pioportion. jiloasdal eadmita that his nharo in the tran saction ww § 210 in cash and several sections ' ut' the land. According to the le-iess these l.inds Ii.ivo been leased at from ti to GJ per cent , on a v.ilue of 40 to " 5 cents per ncie , a. mere fraction of thuir real value. Their real value would bo from 3 to SO per acre , and . they would be readily taken at that price. The injunction that has been sued is only injorder to make it effectual .5v SQUELCHING THIS KKAL'O it .will bo necessary to take steps to amend the-e fraudulent leases. Kvoiystep in the U.insaction in r-gaid to the leasing of tlie.-o land-i shows fraud ou the p < rt of all concerned. The law requites that these lands shall be olfcred for bale after proper notice , nnd if not cold thty shall then bo leased to the highest bidder. Now these lands were never advertised - tisod for nalo and were never offered for sale. ! No notice of any kind was given to the pub lic that these lands were to bo leased , An .ihstr.ict of the lands was received by the clerk from Kendall , thruo appraisers were appointed by tlm clerk , who , instead of performing their oworu duty and per.soti lly viewing the lands nnd making their own values , yon A DitiiiK appended their names to the blank appraise ment , and instead of turning the appraisu- ment over to the county treasurer , whoso duty it would havn been to ma'co ' H record of tha ap praisement and forward the oiiginal to the . onmmisiioner of public lands , this man Doran h pei milled to deliberately carry off this ap praisement and make his own v.duo nn the > ame. There iiau abundancn of proof to Hub- rt'.tntiatn the iibovo charges. WHAT HHAl'K A , H. KK-VDAM , Hits to g ( t out of the hto.il bn : not transpiiod , but it w.is undoubtedly something h.imKoliie. ' This matter of nchool land leases lun bocnmn a burning M-.ind.il throughout the ntato and it is time that summary Htejn wnro taken tn ein. . ' briug the guilty to justice. The t-cliool fund 81 had bei n defrauded out of hundreds of thous- 81U ndn of dollurri by a ring whoso hi'adintartorri \ \ jro in the- capital , Onn clerk at the capital made his boast that his share in one transac tion win % 10,003. It will only bn by the mint n : tneigutic measures on the p.irt of ( lovurnor 1n J ) \vert tu bring the HIW IIUII.TV TO JU.STIOH , W jnd rtACUO the moiety of our cbildn ii's horit- : igu not yet in thu clutcht'.s ' of the thieves , that 111 ho will Ixjablo toH.iti fy the people of the tlIII > tate that lie alno in not it member of this III 111 ' ring. ill illtl SUMMER 81'OKTfl. Sulky. ( IIIUAOO RACK * . OillRAr.o , July 31. First race Mile , all . gtj-rvighon won , Centra M , Afrcoli 3d ; turn1:5 : / . ' Second raco-Milo and an eight , maiden thrco year olds-Alad won , flodaway ad , HeontSdj time , tSli ; ; , ' Thiid race " Ihrco-f-mirtontof a mile , "Ju- > emln spikes "tvvo } < var olds-C'elsns won , Court 1J..U 2d , Lady of the Jukn 3dj time | 'Koiirth rftcoMiloor bo.itou hornon Au tr.than won , 3nx L'd , I.'astcr 3d ; timi- , ' Fifth racn n lf milo hrats Transition wi , Wrflliigftl , 1' . J ) . < > . 3d ; | Jt tin , 8. The Oar. I'UI.LINO OK Tllll rOTOUAC , WAHHINOTOK , Ju'y ' 31. All MCOH ono and n Inlf uiik'M t < traightaway , Kirrt race Junior singles Smithson , of tun 1'otomacn , won ; time , 12lj : ! ) | , Four-oarod nouiord-l'otomaci iy > n ; time , | ' * > IQ * Junior fouw Columbian w < m ; timn , 111:1 : ] , Four-oared gig Pommyl VB niuH won ; time , lOiSpf. f Li hl-wt ight fourd-1'otomac.s won ; time , .Siniior Hinglfi ) .Sinithson , of the Potonmci. on ; time , 11:60 : ? , KiRht-onred rdw-Columbitti cu ; time. IUCM. HO.VHOITII PABK , July 31. The track was lusiry , Ulirco quartim of a mil o all u -Glide- - way won , Canimil second , 1'inafore thiitl , Time , MSI. Hitl Hunk take 2 year old . three-quar ters of a mile , Phitnera worn , Guano fecund , Cholula thiril. Time. 18 : * . Newaiki-takes mile St. Savior won , Bur ton Heeotid , Kndyminn thiitl. Time , IMS. Mile nnd a quarter , nil ngen , Aianza vyon , Bondholder M-coiul , Trafalgar third. Time , I ! : ! ! ! ) ? . Mime veiling allowancc-i , Itn ka won , Kan Iv fccond , Hmtfonl thiid. Time , 1-1SJ. Steeple chase , Chailey Kpl > wnll , Tnmi- bumicond , Aurelian third. Time , 1:3(5. : ( OALVLSTOV . i.irn.i : HOOK. Lim.K HOCK , Ark. . July 31. The four mred liargo race nn the liver this afternoon " 'tween thn ( lalveston crew and tlm Little Unck Travollent a mile and a half and turn. was won by Galvvston in 10:61. : UHHO Hull , At Pittsburg No jrainn ! rain. At Chicago Detroit * 0 , Chii-asos 1. At I'eorlaMinneapolis 11 , 1'eoria 8. At Baltimore No gaine ; lain. At Philadelphia IJoHoin 9 , Phil.idel- phias 1 , At Now Yoik 1'rovidenco 3 , New York 3. Darkness stopped the game at the end of the ninth inning. At Quincy Ouincy 13 , Stillwalar 3. At Krokiik Ki-okuk 25 , Peorla li. At Cincinnati - Cinciii"att 1 ! , St. Louis 3. At 'J'oledo Toledo 'i , Columbus I ) . At Ii"iiia\ille'-Louisvill ( ) 11 , Indianapolis 2. At Milwaukee Milwaukee 2 , St. V.uil 2. At Terre llante Terre llauto C , K\ans- villo 12. At St. Louis St. Louts JO , Kansas Cjty 1. At Fort Wayne -Sacinaw 6 , Fort \Vayiu 1. At Philadelphia Athletiu'J , Was shington 2 , CANADIAN OANAL9 , Belief That the Tolls AVIH Bo Abol- ishcd Wcllnnil Cnnnl to bo Dcoponcil. Cliicago Tribune. The Dominion government has apparently lieen aroused to tlio neces-ity of removing > oino of the heavy burdens from her lake. : ommerco. After allowing her shipping to Ixvindlo away to almost nothing , she is now trying to win'it back. Thi abolition of tolls in the Erie canal diveited the bulk of her , 'raiu trade , as Canadian carriers could not jompeto with the \essels of this country uid pay the excesfivo tolls levied by .lie Dominion government. It re- pnred a gieat deal oft porioia'on m the part of the transportation companies uid vetisel-nu-n to indiico ttio Government to nako n reduction in canal toll" , but a move- nent is now on foot to abolish them entirely md make both the Wellnnd and St Lawience Canals free water-routes. A piominent Chicago \esnel-owner u-ceivcd a letter from Montreal yesterday which stated that the lead- ng fornank'i-s at that port w ere firmly con- : incod thnt the Canadian canah would be nade free before the ) > egiiiniiig of another ca ou. The letter also stated that the Marine Ocpartment had beeomo convinced that the iVellan Canal should * bo * onened HO as to gi\o ourtc-cn feet of water on tne Killa , and that ' his important work tho'ild be commenced nt in early date in order that it might be coin- ileted by the opening of navigation in JSSti. ducli work has nlreadv been done with tint 'iidinuuw. Port Colborne and Port Dal- lousio ans not finished so that vessels drawing onitoon feet of water can enter. 'J ho faun- latinos of all the permanent Htiuctured of the anal are at the pi opcr depth , and what is leedcd in in seine places to rai'o the banks see o alfnid iv requisite depth iof water. When .hn w\ik is completed the r.uial will have a iniform depth of at least foiuteen feet , so hat \ofsels can-ying fiO.OOO bushels of grain r uiWarda can pa s through the canal with- ut lighterin ? . This will decrease the cost of t : raiHjiortation considerably and mnko the jVI anal what it ought to lx to enable < 'anada to VIh oinpote with other c.tnals and transport ser- h ice for the grain trade of the went. vtl , tl FOREIGN AFFAIRS. jj,1 ; The Cholorn. I'AUIK , July 31. At Marseilles this evening ! liero have been four deaths by cholera since oon. Two deaths from the disease at Toulon i-dny. No serious cases in the hospitals ifre , and there are fears tlio epidemio will reak out again after subsiding. Ono death nm cholera at Creiix St. Ueorge , ono at lontfoul , and ono at Susargens. I'ARIK , July 31 Onlv 12 deaths of cholo- i in larnoilles for the 21 bouts ended at 9 night. _ Franco anil China. SIIAMIHAI , July 31. It is reported here to ny that France and China will make a treaty f peace. China is to pay France an indemni- of 5,200,000 tacls , aim $7,380,000. i Orovy ConviilcBOont , PARIH , July 31. President G levy has recov- > ed from his ilhicH. ' The Prohibition lMujvviiiiipM. NK\V YORK , July 31. Tlio prohibitioniits irmed a county organization to-night The invention was attended by 200 pcrsonx , and as held nt tlm Seventh street M. K. church. . G. _ Kllnvvuithvas _ chosen chaiimau. A iinmittci' on I'tedcntials rejiorted 23 societies 'presented. A general committc" , consiiiting ono from i ach a-wmbly district was chorten. esolutions wen * adopted condemning the : eiihing and H.iln of Intoticatini ; diinks , and idorsing the platform and candidate * of tin ; itional piolubition cnn\Hiition. Chauneiy lialfer predicti'd that the p.irty would win in Stt8. Tlif nomination of county candidates as po'tponed. lllliiou WliUUcy i'ool. T'FOIIIA , 111 , , July 31. A meeting WBH held i thm city to-day for the purpose of organiz- ig a western export BMKociation of about ( vrntydistillers in the county. Fifty-fivi' eio reprenented in peoon or by proxy , A ooling contract wan presented on it biinln of < per cent , of the full running capacity , mid 1 but four of those pra cmt signed , and it is loustht tlirwj will yet do xo. Kfforts w ill lia iadc to tecure tlm Hignatiirc's of absentees , tid if this is accomplished the pool will go ito effect September 1 , The hi.-lief among KMH piesent is that all will sign. ac Hot Sprin-iH DpsolntcO , I ' HOT SrniNd.s , July 31. A lire , iiriyinatinff | om the explosion of a coal cil lamp in w men's restaurant on Central avenue this lorning , xpread to tha surrounding buildings iistroyinfr nearly the whole block , The ni'ktH of the Commenial were foiced to IIv in leir nfcht clothing , losing most of tln-ir k-cts. Tha gretttvr part of Iho biiHiness por- on of the town wai wiped out. I WHj3 ( ; - ) lj ! limiiind for one-fifth. , V and ltd Tolcuropli K CIIIOAOO , July 31. Tim Mutual Union 'elegraph company to-day filtered int/i HII 'reeinent with the city to liegin the work of tying iU wires under ground within fifteen ays , Tlm city v\ ill tit-morrow IK gin n cuit ailixt all other companies in the city for the iolation of tint ordinance forbidding the wire * i run on poles ubovo grmmd. The penalty it 10 per polo per day , 'igllant la Protecting a Murderer. MiNKKAitii.ii > , July 3) ) . Ciintering , the imdeierof Officer AtcLaughlin , was brought i from St. Paul jail to-day , waived iixumi- itioii and was In Id ' - > tthe grund jury. lit ) ( invent wherralxiiits ji - .4 mvntery. lie Imliiived to have U-en taken hack tu St. aid to | < eu.-nt lynching here. The Hliudiivv-Houtchoru , OJ.SLIN.VATI , Jul31 The NatinnaJ enliven , , , - . , : - : . . . . . . . . . . . .Jit , icrotery , ( ivsurer , ( i , 11. Cnrlisle , Providence , mem I IK 2H of tlm cxecutivo committee , Joshua In niith , of Chicago , uud W. A. Anndtrtmg , of I A roviilcua' , lu WITH WOMEN WE WILL WIN. AflflTboy Declare Themselves Enlisted UDflertlicBaDuorofBlaiDt ) . Elizabeth Oady Stanton and Susan Bi Antliony Openly for Him. They Declare Butler Powerless to Help Their Cause. And the Prohibitionists Merely nn Effect and Not a Cause. But with Elaine and a Bepublionn Congress They are Sanguine. Clovcl.-.ntl and Ilcnclriukt Itfoot tor the First Tl mo at Albany- Other rolltlcs. IiATKST HOO5I. IT COMJil PKOJt TUB WOMEN * . NK\V VOMK , .Inly 3L-Kli7alhUh Cady Stanton - ton and Silvan IJ , Antliony , president and vice-prosidentof the National Woman SulTnigo association , have i sucd an address to the members , making suggestions to co-woikew "why they should remain steadfastly with the [ tolitical paity that for the last imarter of a ' rcntury most faithfully represented the fundi- mental jirincipals of republican government. " The address says : "At the opening of the loxt cession , with our bills and reports await- ng their turn on the calender of both housen , t , is to the republicans wo must look for our lif-cuesion mid division on arguments ; and did hey constitute a two-third majority we should lontidently hope for the passage of a resolu- ion to submit the ICth amendment. Hut wo lavq nothing to expect from any of the other larties now btruggfing into o.vistance. AH _ to . ho greenback and anti-monopoly parties I'ith their cp.iasl it-cognition of woman's quality on their platforms , and the I'.mk and ilo of seceding democrats and workingmcn , t'ho constitute his supporters , Hon. li. F. intler would bo powerless to help u < . " Till ! 1'I10IIIIIITIO.SIST.4 n1 thus disposed of : "To make woman suflrago a tail to their jte is to defy the laws of gravitation. Pro- libition cniild not secure woman suffrage , but iiiman suffrage is the only povyer by which irohibition could bo made a pixsibility , " Tho-o demanding the recognition of God in he constitution are reminded by the addre.s.s 'the best recognition the men uf this nation an make of God in the constitution is to L'cure exact justice to their mothers. " Continuing , the addienH say : "tho recent defection of Mime of our most lominent friends from the republican patty , ho have upokcn bravely and eloquently for lany years on our plalfoim , must not mis- ; ad the memory , as their action has been in no ' influenced uy their interest in the woman ullrago question in fact , their reniarkablo iner-ault , an far as wo can see , is not to ilusfrato any vital principleri , but merely to nitify personal pique. It is not th.it thov IIATK CLEVELAND I.I > S JIUT IILAINK JI011U hatkuch meii as Oeorgo William Curtis , ames Freeman ClaiKo and 'Ihomas Went- itirth Iligginson have come down from tin i' igh moral platform to swam" their vntii . iththo democratic paity. The lesult of liis last K'cessioiijVvero its projioi tions equal to ' s viituotis pretentionfi , would bo tu throw ibe dmlni'itratiun of our government ito the hands of the democratic aity , not into those of Cleveland , vUio. iongh he W-M pos en-ed of all tin eaxlinal iitues claimed , and in addition theitto thn rowning excellence of adhesion to tlm great rincipln of freedom for women , ho could do othing for any reform with a congie.-H and a jnstituency nine-tenths of _ whom arc blind ml bitter < ipj > onrntn of all liberal measuri'H. ujipoie , on the other hand , the republican Qinineo , James G. lilainu , were wanting in II public and piivale viitues. with a tiingici x nd coiiHtituetuy thiee-foiirths of vvhomato ir friemln , he could do nothing to hinder the u < f < agf > of iimendmentH. But ho is friendly ; is name stands IIKCOIIDKH WITH TIIK "AYKH. " i all quostioiiH alTecting tin inteiest of woman roiight l 'foro cougress for inany jears. Tims til Mr Itlaimt wehavo _ a nominee in harmony ith the icpiiblican mnjoritj * in congress. nii ence our hope of soeuting the initiativu step , n ) maktiiiiffiagn for woman the Btipiemii law ji , the laml lies in the triumphant siiccn < .s of in 10 lepiibliean party. For tliecn reaaons , as ot o have no votes to offer , wo should gi\ooin otwi wi irneat , conscientious support to the reiutili- ] 1 iu paity , whoso chosen lender is one of the jir iiVst statesman our country can boast , and Krwl ho , if elected , will , with the iiiiblo women of iei s f.imily circle , honor tlm Whitit hniiso and tli 10 highest oflice in the gift of thn AmA Ji tl. . tl.V'li A IAI AfTUIt TIIK IihMUCHAlIC IIUMIT. V'li CiaYTO.V , 111. , July 31. A grand barbeqne foof id love fen"t of thedemocrats of Adam ; , til rovvn and Pike counties took place to-day nt I'l ellrrvilh ) . Adams county , Them were at of aht 7 1)00 ) pijruoiiH . Jiresent. Three beeves 1' . itl thirty fheej ) were killed to feed a multi- Hi ide. Aini'iig the Hpiiukcnt weru W. ] f , HiTl arm's of Jackmiiiville , Bcott WiLc of 1'Ike , Tlwi idgn I'hilliiK of Ca H , A. Drendorf of San- wi imon , J , M , Itlggaof Scott , and II. Arntzen wiCl AdauiH , Tlio day was iilciHMt , the sjieak- d I'loijuent nud tlio cntliUHiiiiui all pervrtd- cite ! AND HKNOKIORS. MKCT rOKTHK 1'IIIMT TIMU I.V IIIH fniwl AUIANV , July 31 , Governor llendrickH , of icomp.tnied by Col. ( J. D , Ilannihtcr , of In- ana , and Judge Gen , W , Cothran , of Chi- ril Ir go , arrived at 2:20 : p. m. , from Saratoga. th fltr . a fliort stnp . at the Deiiivun. c rria rs V'e ! / Al. tra taken for thii exc'cutive mansion vtluirc V'emi overnor Hendricks met ( . 'ovmior Cleveliind th r the fir.it time in his life. The meeting was tii ira. Govt-rnor Jlundricks returns tu rfiuii- iikatO p. in. , vv hero he vfillpnibjblyji'inain I'l ' foitnight , I'lffJ , th niisu III ! fo nt Ghlukorlnj- Hall 8i > ecchcs liy Sir , Ponpor , tIni > K Urennan , and Others Itou8lii ( ; Ciicerw lor Jtlainu . and The gathering of Iriith-Anierican Independ- its Monday in Chielcering Ifall , New York ty , to dii'larii fur Ulniim mid Logan , was one ; the largest jHilitical n-suiiblu * held iilnce iu campaign Ix'gan. The meeting wan called to ordiy by A. K. I" ! wi urd , uf the liirh World , who introduced tin ) floorgii W. Pepjwr. > fr , Pi ppi'r , lifter : no introductory rcnmrkK , cuid : A VV.MIM riUIIUTK TO lU.AINC. IIK In thii timu of K extraortlinory cliaii ex , when 1-rme.H and royalties am falling in the Old th ir ; ' 'oild M f stniek by thunderlKiltii , thin grand I MI tjmblkvm ] party net ls a mighty leader. fir demands tlm gi rater t patriot and the fAttst tliploinutitit and combining > th characters in oua pernoii , the tnont emi- jntcltiieu iu the whoJn country. Jtiieudj patriot who lores his country on tha Hoinau crt vod the City of the Bmu ] I tils , or thv AtU- cnian the City of the Violet Crown. It needs the etatuiman w hess brilliant reconl n * the ch Mnpion ( if American principles in known wherov or the name of his cuimtrv Is mention- rd. It need the loaWator who in the spring tide of In * youth nnd in the slronRth of h 1 manhood placed hinwlf Mora htn fellow eit izens in thn mo t dov6l d nnd fe.irlf-s of his country' * defender * . It iiml * the liTowho delicti the slander * tif Mils enemies , and who shook elf their infamou * charges as a lioness the raindrops. It neftN thn lcndi > r pi-wnino strength of intellect , indomitable will. v Urn-It * , mid vigor of c rcHiton , fervor mil cournjpof convict u iiiB. It needs the thor oughly ti Allied dlplnmalist , skilled logician , and licry-tongueil oralori whom the | wople love to Ite.ir. It n > eds the philanthropist , the ooenn nf whoso sympathies has no lmro , n man whom 1'arnMl would greet witli wvl. cnmo | tarklnin the eye , nnd lliight would recogum ) ns n brother iu the broadest inter- protiitinn of the word. It needs tin-noldier whn ha * shot the arrow which h s piei-ce I the proud Brit m to thn heart' . In a word , tlm vvhnle. country demands at this RI eat tinman AHUM ican who has left traces of his presence aii'lI ' impiii sinus nf liis hplrmliiltower upon millions nf his countrymm bv his rich , preg nant wonN : his pro-emlneiJtly stimulating and miggestivw .thnuglit" ; by the generous glow of.Ins Kinnt , Ins mdi.int gonl nature and Ins electric entlm-iiMn his rock- Jiko . finnne-s of rcpuhlicanUm ; the hi-tnnan who can throw upon his jMj-es the great deeds nf thn Iwt twenty years m gulp-tun groups and splendid coloring ! \V consc ciitinuslv and solemnly bclievn thut nil thcxi ; xplmulid combin itinns of heirt nnd of brain , all these ccordnnt nud eh .MCleristlc iiccninplishmeiitsmeetBiid g m dly hirmonire m the IKTXHI nf . ( miles G. Iflaine.'llm repuli. IHM.II . stiiiidar.l-bearerfgie.Unpphiuie. ] mag. net'e man , endowed with M vivaci'y ' which never fl.gs , mi energy tint is indomitable , n se.il which Is queiichles- ith his hea t in liis , lend , or his head ill his heart a conjunction if Miming qualities which qualify him tn Im h'i lie-it president of lliu Umted'States. I Ap- ; illume. ] ' Wliv linger on tlm details of his vast and 'ploiiiliil history ? Behold him on the platform efnrt ! assembled thousands bv bin burning ; or- itniy i-ecjilling the eloinience'of the great im- noit'il * ! Dehold him in the homo of repie- cutativei , the most dating and logical of do- . . " . ' . * . it , his passionate and brilliant words fair y tumbling over each other , striking out for iimelf a path sujH'rior tn every competiUn , nmbining ill his npcoch the rich exulH'ninco f Umko's ' . imagination with Chatham's con- Icii'ed dignity of thought ! Ilehold him as the hief and trusted adviser of the lamented Gar- ield , watching with zealous eye thn interestK f this magnificent country , wiiting bravo ami .oiteful wonls.to to sister republics , pouring ignt and hope into the dungeons of Kuropcan bcrty-loving exiles , making them feel that lieir chains grew a little lighter when they re- lembeied that thoj' had a ftieiid in Ameiica's ie.it secretary of state James (3. lilainc. lYppliuiKt' . ] Antmnss 01 * .luixii * IIHUNXAK. Jiidgo John Brennan , of Siouv City , la.was lien introduced and received with loud cheers , mg continued. Ho said in substance : \Ve are told that this country of ems is Mif fing for a change. And whn are cl.unoiing iraehango ? I'll tell you. Our biethren of tie lain confedeiato ntntes are anxious fora liange. If Kentucky , Louiinnn , or Georgia romiirering fora change , why do they not onetimes elect republicans ? If changn is ich a healthful diet why do they not have in- ublican governors and ( -end us oncein a while republican senator .or congiesuman * ; 'Iho lobdeii club is i'dfeiing for a change , and sere ro its allies in America. When the Hnrpers , ml thn 1'uckf. and the Joneses , nnd thu chur/es , nnd the Beeehcrs join hands and ch > in to the left [ laughter ] , aiUl aHsmno iv sanctl- lonious vis.igo [ moio laughter ] , and set thorn- . Ives up as holier than the rest of mankind , nly simpletons nru likely tnlto deceived. They K ! alfected vvith the free trade form of ins-an- y , with which they andthfcollege ( ) profes- jrs arc wekiug tov aebauch the minds f American youths inWild , lean colleges , nnd ithihicb they mo liiKlpng to int > u't ' and in- lid the fanners , mtisiins , nnd JalKiieis nf .mericii. They , weie tmies in 1'"I ! and 181 ! ? , ml they nrn lories to-day. A turv is nn al- 'ged American who wears u Miigln eyeghmi1 , ' ml who sentimental , y till H iilmnt " .Mother oiintry. " A dude is somiithing in the sluiie | f iv nun , with narrow pants and naiinvver in- llect. Tlm dude must have a change. [ Con- nued laughter , jeera and. iipjilniise , ] The arpi'ir * , nnd tha Joneses , nnd the I'lickn , id all these joinirils of civilization w.'int change. Call Bchurz wants a change. 0 bring about tlm changn for hich nil.then ) cliimcntK arc suffering the ngln live issue of the campaign is smotheied the. dust and cobwebs of faUo inMicrt. And who is the god they have tet up for ir wninhip ? The piescnt goveinornf the state New York , tlieoneiniiii of .all men obnoxious the laboring fl.i-M's. Ho is said to b anian ithout n rocoid. Unfni tunatcly for him he i tint much of a i coord , nnd it is written nn loheaitsof tint wniking people uf thin city id Htjte. I will not recite the lecoid , but will niply lefnrynu tothe indictment piefened by ID labor nrgani/ations of Now Ynrk , eniiHist- g nf ten cnmits , which indelibly stamps him the fii-nd nnd tool of monopoly id the fee nf labor. Wo will not nwudnw m \Vn will h.ivo none.ofl.im. Ouri-voiy terest , hiNtinct , and feoiing ini'rlnu to the h'Tside , und in thogieat cnnllict liefuieus 1 Ahall vnto fnf Dl.iimi mid Logau. 1'or sident we sball have Jmneu G lilnfne , the eatcht living American , thn most gifted man 10 walVs the continent , the frieul of Amer- H in i.idnsiry , the advocate nf nationality , and Hm o incar/jution of "thn Americ.in pulley , a ismarck nnd a Gambetlii" cninbii ed in one m an. " And fnr vicn-pre-iidi'iir. vtv nhall Imvo m i A , Ij'gau , of Illinois , Ihn Holili. . . . . , . , . . . , ti u Marshal Key , of Ameiiea , the id I nf tin- titli ihmteerarmy.Vn lovn Itlainn and Logan r the eii'mies they havn maile. Anil mi era Hth M-acc , lilierty , nnd jironjierity will follow , h : o most glorious m Americnn histoiy. [ Ap- 1"u HUM' . ] u SpeccluH wereoltKi made by JftniC'S CVrthcry Cl ! 'J'reuton , Captain I'M ward O. < nnilnn , and W T. Barry of Chicago. The necretary , nil ichard Murphy , rend a numlierof telegrams , in nun that called forth thu louili-rt apjiUili-e w is the following : stai KM * HAIUTOI , Me. , Julv 28.-A. K. Ford , ai lickering Hall , New Ynrk. Accept my cin- aiA in thiinkH fur tlm friendly a siir.iiiceH of your A legrum. ' JAMIH : G , HL.UNK. w The following Hsolutioi ; ' * were adopted : .Tim We , Irish-Aiiicricaii citizens of New Ynrk , m iihful to the bei > t traditions of thn ICepublie , licit was founded , and xuritainud by the aid our race in Ami'iica ' , duclare : That tbtt nliject of this meeting if not login- y nny political jnirty , but to evpresa an uli-American citia-nn our condemnation of o uctiiin of tha Dumociatio National Con- ntiim in truckling tu an un-Ainericun senti- . lit HH expriwied in the free.-trmln policy of o Democratic platform and in thu minima- m of ( innIT Clovulnnd , Jicrolud , That tliw meeting indorseH em- tatica ly the iioniinatioji of Illninn mid I < o- n ; that it demaiidi ) nti American policy ; and ut the mtj-rehtK nf thn w-orkingmen and thn iilings nf tlm i-itl/enrf ( if nvdry mitinnallty id uxtraction IMI rfujwcU'd mid n'gardid lx > - ro nil and alunc oil coiuidiinitioiif. Chfen , ' " ' I'oiiiihttlon ( ltf > , ( Cllll'A'U ) , July 31. The lionnl of e me u > m in junt ciuiipleted the census of thn city. It .ovvii a population nf ( ii.lWO ( or Jin im'ie.Mii tlm ratii of ulxmt 12J J T cent per itmiiim ace tin ) United KtiitcM o IMIH of 1880. ThoAVimilinr lor To-Onj- . Iiidie.itloiM the Minsiseippi vnlloy to-day ! ical rains ; w nidi * Khiftlng to Huutheily ; tu- iiiary temperntiire ; slightly warmtr. ' MithoiKi valley : Fair weather , fnllnVMd by rtly cloudy ; occaslonnl rain ; noutbcily ind ; stntionary temperature , " Iowa H , of I' , IV.MAIIIHOV , Jul > - 81 , Hon. J. I ) . M. -iniilton , of this city , grand cluinc-dlnr nf thn nightx of I'ythi.'H of thi * HtaU'H , has issued u nclamiitiitn to nul irdiimte fudges changing si D ilatu of the mt-etint * of th Kr-n'l ledge to siai huld nt Hioiix I'ity , from thn fourth to the A WdlntKilay in Uctohi-r of this yiar. ill The War'M ln'Huuy , WAIHINUTOM , July 31. Tlio iwtimati d do-1 ti HMO of ttio publiv deb * , fur July it about ,090,000 , SOURCE AND SUPPLY. FliBCliicapMarkclsSoiiiBwliatAiTcclcfl liy the Texas Foyer. Although the Grain Transactions are Traded Eegardlossly. Chicago Claims Her Skirts are Now all Oloar of the Contagion , Wyoming Explains the Difficulty Occasioned by Texans There. Report of the Nebraska Gornruis sion to Maxwell and Brady , All Accounts Attrco In Chnrnlne ; th JJUcndo to Grn/.itiK Over TC.XAH Cut ( to TrnllH. OlllOAGO MARKETS. IUTTLK. Special Dispatch to TUB BEK. CiltCAao , July 31. The market gunornll * vns slow , with prices rather weak , yet no mutably lower. There were fewer good nn ivn cattle nn sain than yesteiilay and out n 're.sh arrivals there were liarely 2,000 native ill told , the 4,000 being Tinaus and olhe. vestern stock. Best natives would not hiim ? tvcr 0 50 to f ! 7i5. Second claia eattln may Ix noted at 5 50 to 0 23 , and gr.isurrs at 4 50 tti i 60. Native butchers' stock , especially olt lows and lean bulls , are making " 10 to ! ! 50 , mil nit ) slow at the o prices. . Th * stncker rado wcro ahriost nl a hland still. Prices an .o low that there me. but few- coming , niul hoio uru but few wanted As soon ns tin L'exoH fever Hcnru pasi-os out of tlm minds nf nen , then ) will lx > n b tlcrmarket for stockeis mil feedern , and not until then. Texas ) cattl vero slow ami prices leuiain nt the low tigme iurrent for the past week. Nebraska Texans are making 3 50 to 3 7 > " , .nd Moutnuas - ) tn ! 50 : good to choice 200 tn 1350 pound untile , G 7S to (5 ( 30 ; com- non to fair 1000 l .l200 pouudHI 50 to 5'id ; nilf breeds , nverngiug 1053 ! pound * , -t 25 ; grass L'exnns , O'JO tn 1000 pounds 2 ( JO to 1 00. HOGS. Receipt1 ! l.ight ; a quick demiml nnd n Khiinu ; tronger prices worn tlmloiding fo linen of ho (1-iy. .Towiiril the clnie , however , them run an easier feeling , ns Homo shipping eiders iiul been rnuntc.imandod , yet all weio sold at Jo to * ! l t for ilk-sorted light. I'lid 5 20 to 5)0 ! ) nr.issnrted he tvv , the Ix'St mixed making 5 50 . o 0 70 ; light 15J to 200 Ibs , 0 3D tn (5 ( 00. CHAIN. There WAI a fair degree of activity in all iiiM of trading nn 'chango to-day. 'I ho feei . ng in wheat wa.s one nf woakiu , influenced iv line we.ither in the vv > nt and iiiuthvveHt mid fearing weather in ICnghind. 'IhoSeptem cr option at ono time fell off to 8lj } , but r.d- iid Jc , closing nt 8l. \ . On the nfto noon ioaiil September declined Jc , closing nt Stjc ; ) ctobernt8 c. hnlwlief that parties who iad been long on tlm m ike.t had sold out WUB Illo of the f'UtmvH of weakness , Only a , moderato biisino H wan transacted H oorn. The feeling enry WIIH asler , b i toward the cloNe the maiketnd anced rather hhaiplv , eloping J'o higher f"i Vugust , and Jc hiulier f r yepti.'inbnr , the car ami Mnyth _ n yeaterd.y. On tlm after- ( ion board p ices hi low d litxlo change , Aujf- st clniiing nt fi ° ijje , Si'iilember nt filji1 , nnd : Ictoljer 5 K Trnding In u.its was br'sk. Cash and July ecllned 1'j to 'Jjc. At tlm decline u good < eniaiid f > pnuih' up. Defened dehveiieMWero ules.'iiul Ktendj-at about yest rday's ligures. 'hohit st fUmes were 30Jc for July , 27jc | for . LUgust and -'i'c ' for .September. Cadi ryu fell o | * to Pile. KcJitembiT barley was ( tunled nt tiTiJi , ' . I'llOVISIONH. Trading in pink was very limited , and rices showed no change. Laid wus moderately nctive , prices show ing little channe. The latest quotations weru 32J for August , 715 for Septemlier , 7 5"i > ir October. MUSTY 1VHKAT. aivi.Nrv ; : TIIOUHANK IIUHIIKLS ot * IT. KW YOHK , July 31. About 7i ) , ( 00 bu-ihels F No. ' 1 red w inter wheat was found out of mditioii in Coiiimen-i.'il vvhnrF , ( Pinto & Kx- 'lrfior tore-l , hciiix musty itndhavi > igaHtn.iig llell. , KIJI-OHT lit' TIIK ( .1)MHI > M10N. tate Journal , 31. J , M , Hoffman of Lincoln and J. C , Kir- iy of Crete , memheru of thu coinmis"ionHOiit it by Governor D.iwr * on Monday to inves- gate tlm rt'jioiUd Texas fnver amonif eat- u in the vlciuity of Maxwtll and liiady . atinii , rotiirneil , after having madn an ex- initive invectigatlmi , last night. They 10 * ut the dinnuo the Komiino Tux/is fever , hich oiiiiion ) is a'xu ' Hustained by Dr. Wi- ! ix , M'terimiry mirg-on for Wyoming , who KM on the i/rnum ! and icndcrcd the commit- im vit'iinblti ' vervieo iu its impiiry. Arriving at North 1'lattn the commixHiun in met by a delegation of about twenty-live nek men , reprexenting SS.OilO.OOU in cattle , id from hero the party proceeded to MAXWKl.r. t thin point two herds wern found infeetid ith thn di'-ease. Thn largent was that of ihn Mi'Ciillough , who has lint seventy-five it nf a herd nf f-00 , and will jirnbably line M more. At ISrady Station thn conmiinhioit found tat Thomas l/yncb had lout thirty-Hcven ad all but ono nf his entire herd. A number of tin ) animals that had died om tin' disease were dissected bv Ur. Wil- ix and iimpected by the cnminisHioii. They lowed that nvcry oigan in their 1 HI. I ies went fectcd and in sonin cases it amounted almost i putrid iition. 'I he i iiiniiiisHinn learned that the disease as introduced in the state at Itrady slat ion i the "lith of May last , by the importation of lot of cattlnditiect I'ltOM TBXAH IIV HAH. . Thn rattle weie lauded nt llrady Htatinn , riven Ui Maxwell , Ogallala mid the grazing nils beyniid , It upp'arrt that they hrnuglit K < guniiM nf the diseasn with them , which WIIH I'lioriti-d on the ground nverwhiih they IMZI d by drupi Ings flnm the innutli and irniigh thn nxiiai channe ] < i. Wherever iey went they left thcHii ilist'iiMi niM , which weie ciiiiinmiiicatcd to thn nit- vecittle whi.ch gru/id ovcrtliiiHamngnmnil tin eomi.iU | iun tie thoioughly convinced mt thn di'eifo in nut cnntagioii" , neither do in infected cuttlfl Ifavi ) thn germs nf the din. iitn for others , No cuttln havn been iittucked tcept thono ( hat gr4/cd over thn narrow stilp F gioiiud jMMxed over bv tlm Texanx , and i lien thn sick cattle havn IN-CU tunnil in with in well OUCH , the latter have not been infect- I. Tlie-e facU liiivo bet-n liscertiinml by ev- rimi'iits M wc\\ \ \ its by the xtatcmcnU nf niiK'iit vi-tprlnaiiniH anil they ran IHI relied [ > on. The coiiimlNidon rcjHiit that almut O.VK IIL'MUIKII L'AKH.K i fur have died , nnd thn probabilities nru that i many moio will peiinh , Tlm fctockmuii am finiMiilerably ixlinviil om their anxiety hincn they urn convinced mt the diheatm IH not ( nnt'igioiis , and urn iking me.iitiiieH t ruaiantinn | nil stuck from m infected grounds until after fret , vli < ini iu dlHeaxn gennn will IHI killed. I It appear * tliatTuiw fever ii ) jiei/octlyj'1 Uural with thu Te.tiw wnimal uud. dwi iwt " ulTi'ct tlii'iu iu tinlrii t. When diivin thrnUL'h they iN-cnme acelimated liefotT get ting till'far mirth mid get lid of the IMIMIHI It is only uh < n brought heie bv rail that the ; briii ) * the di ca < e , and the lot snipped to Max well in May in thn lint intiiilucetl in Xehnu ka by that method. 'I he utocKnieii have mad" arrangement- with the iailmad < not to ii'i-eivcany ninn Tevas enttle Kiiim ! fur Xfbnka ranees , and if iiiiv more are landisl it is pmhuble that tht will IH > "hot. IN WYOMIiXG , TIIK I'tTU. TKXAH MOtTIIH. lxs : * * : , Wyoming , July 31 , L.iw m..j n bunch of Texin c.ittlo herded at Ogallala 17-1 mili'H en t nf hern. The placn whenthej went bedded was afterwards feiued in , nm there a Miull herd nf native cattle contincttx ; the dl iwe. About SO , ) have died , Ho far as the ft'O k iiosocintion know there is , nn ca'e n ntllhted To * H niltlo in tlio teiritnry. / bui\cl \ of unlive bulls which havn I urn gram at Ogallalh Tim now affected t Ituurliu * . Twcu.y lwHj died , nnd the remnining seventy five mo ovpcoted tn. AH thn di e.io whei contrnctetl/hy'-iative / cuttle fnttiiTnxns i * mil coiiimunicAb't , no fear in felt here. Tlm Union 1 * eillc railroad pens along thn line nf thn Him and nil tiitt Wears urn thoroughly cleaned niu disinfected , ) ' , > IN OIllUiVUO. NO MOIIK HICK mx'Kirrn. 'CllliUdO , July 31. Nn trore. diiu-flx-d eattl. arrived at the stock yards to-day. There was n minor whi h could bo tra ed tn nn leliabli source that tlm lu eotcd herd diiginally con tained 16,000 head , nud th.it It was the Inten tion tn nlup them to marliet an fast as the cars could IK ) secured. U vins leainetl during 'he dav.'hat ' ngeiitmif thoTcias 1'ucific in Mis- MMiri wei-n refusing to lec-eivu cattle for ship- meiit to Chicatd and St. Louis. H. M , Houe , of the WaliaiOi roatl , wns telegniphed cnn ccruing thn matter , nnd replied that tin * ne t'on was thn result nf n misunderstanding nf orders , and that it had lieeti remedied. Thn live stock a\ehaiign met Ibis nfteinnnn and nti'minted u conimitteo tn prep.U'j lor publica tion A KTATKMKST UP Till : KAM for thn Ixmcfit nf shipper * . Its ropoit has not yet I c 'ii made , hut the cnmmittet ) gnvn the following -HI.nts to n-piesumtntives of thn pro * * : "The ennsignment already received urd thn only infected ciitth ) brought tn these yards : that tlu-so cattlj h.vl a pivpnndcrnneo itf i.alive blood and wnro. wh.it nro knnwn as "thrnquartis or high Mood Cnloradns. " Iliat they were taken finm tlm ranhaiidlo tif 1'oxas , tn near Fort Kenn , Indian tuirit'ry ' \udwintered there , crox.Miig 1IIB Tlt\H. Ol11IIK TK\AH OATTI.B in the way ; that had they been kent on good feed and vvatt'r , the ( linens ) would not have levrlepeil in them ; that other eatt could lint lave becomeiiifected from contact with them ; hat thinfe.ited cattln ut MauhvUan , Kim. , iiere sold fiom the s.ime honl nstho o brought icie ; that none of these infected nuimals wcrn Kinght by memberH of the exchange , and Ji'-iuf .in tliei-o Is nndaiigoinf the rlupnieiit if any nf their catenates to other cities ns .lu'SKc I beef. fniHt Day nt Dnylon Snlitier Itc-nnlnn. DAVTOV , O. July 31 Thn grente'it day nf Jiosoldleis ri'-union dawned bright and cool , .hn mint'iKO H.vlnUi brnuglit people to the Ktieet. Continued firing from navy mid cnpturnl forts X'tokened n gnuid day. Geneinl Ilavvloy , -tenatorSlicimnii , Justien AIiithevvM , Oovern- lor llnadly came In-day , irnveiling day had Is distinguished guests nil present. 1-lxcur- ilonsnioltti ging trains nf penple. Thnsi ) ill- ready horn could not hn bom-vil. Mnny Hleit | in hotel chaiiM , but all-vveio fed. At ten th'a morning bandn , l\fe \ ami , druuiH led lhii _ . u-jriuiizntions " " "tfl" ' { lie" . ' jilaco iifli-niiezvitiiM , and tlm grand prnce sion wa rninied by Grncial T. .1. Wood , cnmmanrler * in chief nf the G , A. K. , who carried 2(10 ( tat- leii-d lings saved frnm thn wnr , vih'ch weio iteted eM-rywho o idoiiff tliu linn with Jiews. Vt half ( 'list twn numberless cinwds Hirrnund- d thn mnnumenl and thous 'lids ' are going iw.y unable to hear. Fanmrl Cdiighen.d is inliOerof eeiemoui's. ' G. W. Hnuck dnlivnr * d thn monument nuil ( Joveriinr Ilnailly ne- cji cd in iM'hidf of the citizen * , and unveiled hn uinimmcnt amid gre.vt cheering .ml a hundred gmiH salute. ? nl. I'arrott delivered thn memorial nf kloiitgnmery coimtv Hitldiers , ( ! en. J , It , law ley , orator ( if thn day snokn elixjurntly , idling yoini ? men todtity nml pntiio'ism ' , Iluyes , She man , Itn'ernms , and Kennedy esponded to calls with thrilling [ ) eijoheH. ( Jon. CHinedy pns-ed nn eiuomiiim on Mrs , Hayii' . fe fiiid : You have heaid fiom thn great mni f Ohio , but nn\v I vvniild iutroiliico a women thorn wo nil lov-n than whom them is no randcr VMIIIIIIII in the world. " Hn then in- iitinihiC'd her confiiHed , reluctant , to the mi- lieiien. In thd evening tin llrovvnrks on thi river rern wiliKUHi-d bv fifty thoUHnnd pcopln ho ined oneitlier siiio nnd itiesented u ningnili- out Hjiectncli ) for tvMJ lioiirs and which cnn- luded the reunion. Our Knlunco of Trado. July 31 , Thn report nn the orejgn ciiinmeici ) nf tlio United States shnvvri balunii ) nC tivuln in f.-unr nf this gnveinment , ho IiijJUiM-Jjijvar , nf S71,7SKW ! ! ) , against a ialaiio < | < lii Imr favor nf JKli.-.l8H ? ' ) ; ! tlm prn- eediiwyeiy- ; . The total vnlui ) uf exports of lerehamliKe fur thn fienlenr jiint closed is 7-1 JMi,0 ! O ; ng.iin-t < W2JK'VI04J ! thn jireced- i ng IUe.'tl y.Mr , d fulling nil uf $ ! > 3 , < ! ! \HI > . ' 'ho iininirt , * * nf mereliaiidi-e iiniiiiinted to .ifi.7.71l'U3. , ngnin-t JL'3,1KO,811 ( the preued- ig ( lis'i-jii ye.ir , n falling off nf M I , Hiti.Sfil. NIVVH. July 31. I'mler the new law col- iers itn < id'oHeil ' to kill pen-linn who ri'xist iir- r' < t , 01 nfler lning ; captured , attempt escape. 'he rov'dlutli'uitry fmces in ( luerics wcro ID- ently attncked , and Cieiieral I'ln/.aii , vv ith fix ilillurs killed while attemitllig | tu e > inipe , 'wo general oflicoix were also kiitiul in Yuen- in , and mm in the town of Meiolia , "I/lliorty KnllKhtnnlriir , " Kto. NliW YoilK , July 31. Tint liarthnldi Htitlun iimmitten has decided to have tlm laying of liiicninerstiinn ( if tlm pedestal August < th , c ti p. m. , thn ceremony to bo iterfimned by ID ( * iind ; Master A. K. k A , M. nf the stntn f Now Ynrk. liiHlioji 1'otterwill inaku the r.vjer and pruntiuncii thn benediction , The rater bus not yet been Hi-leclcd , DKMOOUATIO Wild AHU NOW 1'UHIIINU 1IIK WAOOJi. NuwYoiiK , July 31. Chairman IJarnum art not pnwMit at thn menting of thu demo- ratio mUloiiMl nxccntlvo I'oinmittw , nnd Sen < tor ICiiliKiim piesidcil U , li. Hmalley , of Vrinnnt , was eliosen decretnry. Tim siibjii t f a permanent heailijujitew w us not decided Tlio Tmxhiiin-liljon MAHKIO , .Inly 31.- Captain Nun ton , a p.is- I'liger nn thn HteamefLaxham , vvh'ch ' sunk fter thn.ivillii'inii with the steamer . Oijnn , CH > aM'd | with fifteen Spaniard * and lamlnl at ilcriM. UK reports that immediately after ho cullliiinn thi ) c ( itiiln of thn Oijuil shot lim-ejf , _ A H roe/i ! nt liiiltlmnrc , ItAJ.TliHWK , July 31. Tli'fc ' city and vicinity an visited thi < < iifternnon ) > it Kuvcrd Htnrm of rind , ruin , thumlur and lightiiiiig. Ilnuses u the luoni depicKMsl ji.irts nf thoclty-arti Innded , Hnvcral buildings in arourHtnf erec- inn vu-rti thrown down. Much other damagn i'iH dnnn , The l < t N. A. At O.'H O. T , jr. LOCMVIII.K , July 31. A. II. Hmithnrd , gen. ral tnifllo iniinaRer of thn Lnuinville , Is'evv Ulmny .1 Chit-iigo mad trnt in his nwi n-ilay atvtliu roimcst of tha diiectoiy , U'n iK'ceHoor H not known. Thn Kuli.'ldal WAmiiNoniN , , lnlv81. ( ) - mrtson lit butter to-day , and thoiu id luiny of A WRECKED RAILROAD. The Secret History of Recent Union Pacific Legislation , As Shown Up in a "W"1 ' Page of * the Now York ! J > is. 1 1 i , Senator Edmunds'Asi ' g ing Bo- port Suppressed in tl 2 natoi 1 * " * * The Hoar Oompromu illon's Eatiroinont Adams'1 ' Horn How the Buin of a Maguifioont Bailroad was Aooomplishod. Goultl ItroiiKht tn Kdtiutndn1 Feet * The Status of the monopoly froiuOniolal ICocurdB , Ulntnry of Union Pnolllo Special Dispatch to TllK UEE. NKVV YOHK , July 31. ThoTlmci prints nil entlro P RO \VnsMiifton ; dispatch giving thu history of the Union Pacific , logislati n. It givnj Kdinunds the crodlt of liitvin had moro todo with drnftin ? thu Thurmun bill than Tlmrinnn , and says last winter his bill calling for the semi-nnnual payments by the company to the government brought Gould tnKdmmids * foct , nud led to the hasty substitution of [ Jharlf * Francis Adams , Jr. , for Dillon as irt'nithmtof the road. Edmunda made a com- irolioiuivo report which haa uovnr reached the iBiiato nor the public ; that paper WIIH subinit- cd by him to the commlttoo. Some of Us nemticra domurrcd , but lil.s logiowasso en- msworablo that finally all of thorn gave their it-sent. Kdmuml.V report , bt > glnnin ? with a ( iviow of tlio govoinmcnt aid tj the Union aclfic rortd , went on to ( Hncuss the nocd and lonstitutleiuUty nf the provioiona of the Thur- nan act. Thmo jiliia provisions no recited , aibnlttln ? of no equivocation ir double manning. Tha icport cloiod with a osolution calling thu president's attention o heso facts , nnd asking him to ord or tbo at om oy general to proceed to have executed the leiulticn proscribed against the Union'Pacific llrectors for ollcgally declaring dividcndii , 'nny officer who shall voto. declare , make , or < ay. nnd anv atockholdAr who shall recolvo my such dividend shall bo liable ) to tha United itutos for the amount thereof , which , when Delivered , nluill bit paid Into the flnkinc ; fund , nil every Huch ullicer , person , or sCXicklioIdert- vim shall kniivvliifily vote , decl'ire , or pay inch dividend hall bo iloomcd guilty nf mU- lumo .nor , and nn conviction thuicof shall bo muiditd by it line of not oxcnoding $10,000 mil by imprisonment not exceeding ona rC.ir. " That was tlio rcfloliitlon of the HUiato iudlcuy coinmlttso , and had it over reached the KCiinto that body would havn adopted it. Could their diroclnrs have refunded to the -inking fund tha $ lOCOOiCO thus divided , to gay nothing 'of the pirt of the penalty ? IMimindd had thin bombslioll randy , but the Union I'acilie''p0'I > ' < ' went to Washington , JOKRod for more time through Unas. ' 1'runcls \damN. Action vvaa suspended , nnd then : amo the Juno panic. Senator ifonr aftcr- vards went to Boston and tluro agrtcd with ho directors , First , that no moro were divi- Irmls to bo paid until after cun ress ognln nedti ; Second , all moneys duo nr to beeomo Ino for govcrumtnt truiiiportatiun tciboro- alned In thn treasury , both for subsidized ml uiisubsldlzed parta of the road ; Third , ho couipnny to pay forthwith into tlio rea'ury & 71H,811 , bring the amount claimed intler thu Thiirman , act lor the ynnr R83 ; fourth , the check for * G9- ij'.l go long lying unaccented to be taken n account. The road WAB brought to terms. Shortly aftorwai da Mr. Dillon resigned and vdiuns 'was elected to the vacancy. A few Uya afterwards the 8718 000 WUH deposited nth tlm sub-treasurer at Uoston. The Timoa further Hiys ; The road la al- no t bankrupt. I'arruUclcd by Hnoa toOgden , vlth three comiieting truns-continental lines , t is hardly able to earn UH bonded charges iVciKhtcd with HUvnl di-bta It la staggering to nsolvoncy , tha earnings art ) falling away , r-iiim are tM'hig t ikon elf , the country IB being nvaded by rival lines and the rates of faro and rtiphtaro fulling Competition with roadu laving ono thlnt the debt , the Union Pacific las seen Its best dnyw. Kobbod of its blood , ionld now hot'ins ri ady at hut to throw aside ho wreck , provided ho can escape the penal- ICH olfmod liy law to this wreckage. The tockn and bonds have boon largely disposed f to other hi Idorrf. They must tufl'er from hrinkngn , whkh ha.s reduced the stock to ono * liinl of itH fnrnier value. Through all tblu lot tha govornmtnt with the law on it ) Hide is been put nlf nnd scorned by nretexU HO Imsy that tbov must have been tmdoistood. Kilitoiially the TImcH uayH : "What- would avu been the effect UIMUI ttio Union 1'acifiot. nad or upon the fortunes of Us directorH had' ho report prepaid ! by KdmundH been actu- lly submitted to and adopted by that body , lay well bo left to cuujn.'turo. Mr. Jay ionld and bin accomplices , v.-ho have made nols of moro cr lo.xa innocent diicctora osso- iuted with them iu'thelr managrment of the ailioid wtilch they have HO long made a lotont Instrumeut of plunder , will road with urprlto the account wo glvothia morning of lieir narrow escape from grave otlicial and itraonal iiinbnrrassuiontH , can readily bn Im- gincd. They thought the fooret aafu , no oiiht. " A MisHlswIppI Hteunuir Snnn Cl. HAION Uouoi ; July 31. Tho. steamer Ci'jy f Yiiioo Htiuck a snug iiino miles below tlus ity this morning and immediately sank. N'o i\es went hirtt. The Msssel and cotton cargt ru a cnmpleti ) IOHS. EAnLDAKIIIGPOV/DEfJ. / TAMBOUIIDTORISn/ folumortmyiiiJuTloinMitistuii.vacjni Lib foiin , ! iiAndrowB * Joarl UakliiR Powclor. U | xj- Ivrly PURE , UclngcndorM t , imU tcstfmonluU txx-lveU irom nr.oli chcmLsii ns H. Danii Uiiys , lies. nn ; JI. Dct&foiibiltu- Clitrnio ; utiii kxle , iUhvuiiLee , Never > oUl In buU.