NEBRASKA OJIAIIA , NEBRASKA. VAI1) UP CAPITAL $210,000 aUUl'hUS MAY 1 , 1881 20,000 UIHECTOUS : II. W. VATK3. A. li TOUZAT.TK , Pre < ldcnt. Vine Prcal lent , Vf. V. MOOIIK , JNO. 8. COM.IN'S , I.BWISS. 11KED. Knit K. lUydcn , Assistant nml Acting Cashier. BtsM.ia ufricx : The Iron Bank , OOR , 12TH ANDFAENAM STS , A OUNKUAT , HANKING BUSINI'.SS TUANSAOTKD. INTEHEST allowed on tlmo deposits upon { ivurnblo terms and upon accounts of banks nnd bankers. FOREIGN EXOIIANGE Government Honda and County and City securities bought and 'old. In it treatment of customers the inost liby ral policy is pursued consistent with safeUl- and Hound banking , and \ve invite correspoacu vnco or porHonal incjulry in connection there with FINANCE AND COMMERCE. FINANOIATj New YOIIK , July 30 , Money Easy ) 1 $ .2 , cloaod offered 'i. ' EJFrlino Mcrcantllo'p-ipor Gi@OJ. Sterling bills Weak ; 4 t2 ; demand 463 ? Governments Firm , Hallways Firm. Stocks Spoculalion during the earlier hours was quiet aud irregular. Late in tlio afternoon there was n sudden cli.uigu to buoyancy and octlvity , and dealings were attended - tended with excitement ; closed strong , the olosing pricss being i@3Jo over yesterday , except Missouri Pacific , which is 2o lower. All the leading Hharcj were taken freely on the way up. The risa 'n attributeirto buying for foreign account mid to covering ahott contracts. COCPOHB S't 100 lysConpoEB 1128 O , S. new , 1' * . IL'Ojj iAclfio 6's of ' 95. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12G BTOOK8 AND I10NDH. American Kxprosa Burl , Cailar Haplda k Northern Control Pacific Chicago & Alton do do pfd CM. , Hurl , & Quiucy. . . . Erlo do pfd Jfort Wayne & Ohlcago Hannibal St. Joboph do do do pfd .Ulnoia Central 120 itnd. , Bloom , & Wcatorn Knuaas & Teucaa. X.nko Shore &Hichigan So CMIchlgau Central Minneapolis & St. Louie do do do pfd Missouri Pacific 7s octliorn Pacific do do pfd _ jMjrthwoatorn do pfd 131 TS'ow York CoutriU Ohio & Misaiesippi do do pfd jPeorla , Bocatur Si EvanavlUo tock Inland Chicago , Jlllwaukoo & St. Paul do Jo do pfd 3t Prtnl Minn. & Manitoba Ut. Paul& Omaha do do pfd lorw Pacific 'Union Pacific W abash , St. L. & Pacific do do do pfd , Wwtarn Union Telegraph * Ankod. Gli/VIN AND PliOVISIONS , OHIOAOO 1'iionnoK. CHICAGO , July 30KIourSteady ; unchanged. > 'air to choice winter wheat ilour.4 75@5 00 ; vpring wheat , 4 00 @ 4 50 Minnesota biker's , 4 20@5 00 ; patents , 0 000 70 ; low gradow , 2 O0' < 3 23 ; rye Rour , 3 10@3 40 , in barrolH. Whcitt7naettled , lower ; opened weak ; declined 4jfe ? lower than clomnz yesterdw ; .utvancod V' - ? ! duclinod lj@I.i ! Uebw outride tigurus ; closed 1J below yeaterday'a closing. X5@83J case ; 83jt .luly ; 83 August ; 83j@8.rij | tjcptomber ; 8i3't8Gi ( October ; No. 2 rod 811 . Corn Ka.sier , wo.ili ; nppnod oisisr ; advajiccd ) l ; declined 'i'@l ' : closed below closine'yui- ' " 1 ' 8 August ; 01J@51i September ; fiilj' ' OctoliL-r ; 14 \ year. Oats ] 'a y ; opened J1 higher ; declined J : closed a tnllij below clotting yesterday. 31 if f < r.t2 : ci h ; 31.-J July ; 27i August ; 20' ? Septem ber ; 2GI year. llyo Steady , firm ; G2J. Uarloy Dull GlJfeGii. l''lax : Heed K.isitr ; 1 32. Timothy Firm , higher : 1 35. Turk-Steady ; 21 CO for July ; 24 CO for August , 18 00 for September , 1775 for Octo- ln-r. lnr.Lard -Tirm ; 7 27i7 < 40 for cash and July jnd Augunt ; 7 40@7 42J for Suptembcr ; " ! > J 7 , " > J for October. Hulk Meats Firm : shoulders , G 00 ; * .short ribK , activp , otf ady ; short clear 8 40. llutler Light : choice creamery , 18@19 ; lancy ilalry , 14@1I5. Clu-'osa Fair , steady ; full croain chcddarn . IlmcM Qniut : green sall ( > d auote < l ; bull GJ ; damaged Gj ; light Si ; heavy 8 ; calf 12J. Tftlluw Lower ; N . 1 country Bold at Of. WhlHkv Stuiidv : 1 10. UAI.L IiOAit Wheat i higher for Octo ber. ( y'orn | higher for August. O.its i higher for Autjiwtj i higher Sep- ti'inlmr. I'orkNothing doing. l.'irdi higher for September and October , ST. I.OniH I'llODUOK. : ST. LntiiB , July 30. FJour iiiichanered. ! t Active : opened higher , advanced , fldnlntr SCJ September : 8Srg,8.tV ( , cloaiiig Ssi Octobur ; No. 3 ml , 731 81. ( Jorn Opened higher , declined , nnd cloiod nboiit aa ycMtcrday ; trndinr light ; 18J caihj 4So bul for July ; 'iSlfutlSJ August ; W VyJl Spptfinbur ; 47iJ October ; closing .it intido iirices. ! Oata HIgiorbut aloxv ; 30i"33flf cash ; 30J July ; " \ \ AuRiist ; 2G'fl2' Hi'jitcmber. ityo * Ktionger ; ( W bid , tlarluy No market. Mutter Unchanged , 1'lax nerd Nominal at 1 33 , Hay Unchanged , llran Lower at C2. ( -'oni Meal Firm ; 2 75. AITKB.VOOJJ HOABII Wheat Steady ; ( * ? > } ( , \uiU6t ; fcfii Bcptomber ; 88J October ; U9 No- ' "cVm-Lowcr ; 472 August ; . | 8J@ i Hep- tcmber ; 47 471 October ; -13 oveIlllJor. 0iU ; Firmer ; 21i ! August ; 25 September. CINCINNATI. OISOINKATI , .luly 20. Wheat Acth o jnd iiiui ; No. 2 red fi763. ( ( ) "r - Hull ; N . " mixed Dljc. > Oata Finn ; Nu'mixed , .He. ltyi > Dull ami miclunped. IVirk HoldntlrtBOSJIIJ 7H. I < ird - Quitt ; helil at 7 25. Hulk Meatrf Strong ; BUouldcM 5i , clear Ma. 11. Wlilikoy Steady , K.4KHAS CITT , JUT-AS Crrr , Jvly 3 ? . Whe-.t-\Vf lwr , 71 o caul ) j 70 ? bid fur Aupustj 72J Md for Sep tember. CornWcftVorjI2@l21o avhj 42 August nnil bid for September. Outs Higher nl 2. > . NKW OBLBAXS. N w OntKANi , July 30. Corn Scarce ; mixed firmer ! Ct(5C2. ( Oats Western , tinner ; choice , 40. Corn JIol Higher ; 3 10@ : 15. I'ork Uooil dtiimnJ ; cnslerj IGf-O. Lurd-SU'ady ; tierce refined , 770 ; keg , 8 o. o.WhiskySteadyj western rectified , 1 00 ® ( IIAUIMOHJ : . HALTIHORR , July 30.Vlieat Western cailcp nnd active ; doling dull ; No. 2 winter red spot. M.9IJ. } Corn Western , nominally firmer ; mixed spot. 02 bid. Oats Staady nnd firm ; wostcrnvhitc , 12 @ 43 ; mixed , ' MILWAUKEE. MILWAUKEE. July IK ) . Wheat Stoviy ; NTo. 2 Mihvjv koo cash , July nud August , 83 ; 3 < vptembnr , 8TiJ , Corn Strong ; No. 2 cash nominally Gt > ; re jects ! , 51 bid. Oats-Firm ; No. 2 white , delivered , 35J. Kyo Quiet ; No. 1 , C2\ \ . Uarloy Weak ; No. 2 Spring September , COJ. TOtHDO. TOLEDO , .Tuly 30. Wheat Quiot. No. 2 red cash , 88 ' ' Corn Dull. No. 2 cash , GG'J asked , Oata Nominal ! No. 2 , ciuli , ill. tivunrooi , LiVKnrooL , July 80. Ure.idntuiT Very inn. Wheat Winter "a 8d@7s lOd ; spring "s 7d ,7 , Od. NEW TCUK TRODDOB. NKW YonK , July ! ! 0. Wheat Soptun- fettled , l illj lower ; option * broke lalj ) nt openiup ; ruled o.\sy dnrli.g dny ; clos d.oli uLovo inildo prices ; No. 2 Chicago , 02 jia IM ; nneradcd wprlnp , 04 ; ungraded ml 7f > ( iil ) 00 ; No. : red SlOi ; No. 2 rod spot OG@'JS ; Octo ber closed 09f. { Corn Sjjot 1@2 nnd options 1@1 ? lower , clofcii'K Hteady with Blight recover * ; ungraded CUSC'Jl ; No. 2 , Hpot 01J@jt5 ( ; ; October co l at 03g. Oata fi'l lower , closing weak ; mixed 1 xve tern 373S ; white western 3tl@48. KgBS Western fresh , fiini , I'ork ( Juiott old mess , 15 87.J. Lard Steady ; contract grails spot , 7 CO. llutter Dcm nd fnir : market firm at It ! © 3 MVE STOCK. J OBIOAQO LIT9 BTOOK. GnrCAQO , July 30. Drovers' Journal report : ? HogH Active ; 5@10o higher ; rough packing 5 2"is5 ; CO ; packing and Bhipiung , 6fi5@580 ; ) light , 5 35fa.G 85 ; fklpa , 3 00@5 23. Uattlo Weak ; exports , C 30@G 85 ; common to choice shipping , 4 f > 0@C 30 ; inferior to good COWH , 2 00@3 70 ; stockora and feeder ? , ! 3C00420. Sheep Weak ; inferior to fair , 2 00@3 CO per [ cwt ; medium to extra , 3 00 to 4 60 , Lambs par head , 1 00 to 3 00. KANSAS CITT. KANHAH Cur , July .10. Cnttlo Weak nml : slow ; natives. 4CO&023 ; Rtockirrn 3 CO ® I 50 ; [ cow2SU(2t ( : 73. . Hogs Weak and ganorally OB lower ; light -Wla-fi 50 ; heavy and mixed 0 1 ! . " > @ 5 40. Sheep-Steady ; fair to good , 3 00@t : 50. ST. LOUIS. ST. LOCIH , July 30. Cattlw Xatlvon firm ; graders dull and weak ; exports G 30 c-G ( JO ; I'rod to clioico shipping , 0 S5@ ( ! 25 ; common to medium , 4 75@f > G5. Sheep Good wanted ; poor dull ; inferior to fair , 2 00fe3 75 ; medium to good , 2 S0@3 23 ; : choice to ex'ra , 3 E0te4 ( 00 HOPS Active and batter ; Yorkers , G G5(5) ( ) i 75 ; packing , C 25@5 40 ; heavy , 0 G5@3 80 , Ir VLOUB ? OHIO Ad 0 , July 30. Receipts and ship , > nenta o ( flour and groin for tha past 48 hones lave been na follows Becolpta. Shlp't * Flour , bbls 11,000 O.OCO Wheat , buuhels 50,000 68,000 Jorn , bushels 200,000 17U.OOO Data , bushels 4G.OOO C'J.OOO ' Rye.bushols 0,000 2,000 Barley , buahela 7,000 . . . . NEW Yens , July 30. Receipts and Lhlpmenta of flour and grain for the past 21 hours invo been as follows i Uooolpts Bhlp'to. bushel * 422,000 174,00 3om , bushel * . . . . < ' 11,000 11,000 ) U , buahela 172,000 7,200 MVB BTOOX , OHIOAOO , July SO. llooolpts and ship- aenta'of live stock for the past JA houra have loonas followit Eocolpta. Bhip'to , Jattlo D.fiOO logs 12rOO Ihoep 2,300 . . . . 4 ( KANIAS OITT , July 80. Reoolpta and hlpmonta of live stock for the past 24 hours ave bean aa follows ; Receipts. Bhip'ta , Jattle. . , 2,000 " logs 9,000 K" i : COO Ihoep 18 18wl Hi , Louis , July : : ) , Receipts and ehlp- wl MUH of Hvo stock for the put 24 hours have ioen aa follows : Hooolpta , Bhlp'ts. Mtlo ! > , COO logs 4,800 ) Iheop HJO . . . . 21 MAUKUrS 34 I Wholesale Priooi. Ornox or THE OUAIIA BEI , I t Wednesday Uvonlng July 30. f The following priceH are charged retailers y jobbers , wholesalers and commission mcr * he hanta with the exception of grain , which is pe noted at the prices furriirthol l > y the olovatorB aoga > ga nd other local buyers : gaNi Grain , lO ! Wheat-Cash No. 2 , Bp Darloy Oa h No. 2 , 45ffDOo. ( ' Uyo-Oaah , No. 8 , 45@47c , Oorn-No. 2 , 40@IO,7. | , lei tu OaU No. 2. 3U@Uo. ; 80 ) General I'roriaoo. po Ai'l'LKS A peed many small lotd aru com. > ir in from growers now and price * rule low , hoic9 Imrvfdt audited AfitvAclian early aio to A : piling at % i fiO@3 CO per barrel ; fancy bakin ? til pples GOo per box. UJCANH itocolpts light and dnmaitd good , rai ijud picked navy , per bu , 92 50 ; medium. tft Ic 00@2 25. Ivc BKKSWAX In good demand. Oholce bilcht bh er II ) , 26@2Sc : common to good dark per Ib , Ii. , ' , 1'riccs finner and improving steady - c y with i Htrong dcmauil for the finer giidcu. hoic table , 12@l c ; fair to good , @llc ; , ii-amory , 18@2 e , itoj OIDBII "Ohio" per bhl , 87.00 ; "York Stnto col r bbl , 88 00 ; peri bbl , ? l 75 ; condenaed pa r Mil a , 85o. Crab apple , per gal , S5c. UIIKEHI Full croaruwcatern , ! l10 ; Wls' 3niln now 114 ; yonng American 1' fallHo. KOGH JUxeiptH light nud market linn at sij U sijHe FOBKIQN FBOITS Ciillfornla oranvoH. per lev ox , 81 CO , Meualna lemooa , per box. SI 10 (0 00. liannnas , per bunch , S3 00 GOc 'iga , Ib , . IGo. Dates , In fralU , 7icj dates , Or. . urd , In bo xe.x UuaiKiis Appln hntUr. In 80 Ib hni slln , per Ib , To. Viu ! , . lintt"i ) ] fay-I3 led , 58.0dw0.X ] ( ) ; l < y 9 , flO.OO ® Bet JlULY In 2U and ? Ib nails , W07 J ! In 2 Jh rs , jwr doz , 91 CO ; .woNo tumhlera , 01. , ox , 81 20 ; schooners , per dozen , 83 00. 01.Ne : SuaAn-I'ure. In brinks , per Ib , IRc , hin , 13o ; Bin nil caken , ll'Jc. Nt-w .Southern per Ib. 38Jc ( , ( T'oi'COitN- good demand at 2@2Ju ) per Ih. hoi 1'oui.Tnv ChlckeiH. both old and young , in hoi 3oddemaadollchickons ; 4 00 ® I 2J ; spring to ! 7V33 25 accordlni ; to mzn. cal 1'oTATora New homo grown , plentiful , neil [ ig at : t540 per bu. kit ! I'HOVISIONH Ham , ISJc ; b , bacon , 12. . } set r. bxnrUfcj \ d , B , aides lOJr ; short rib p't ' Idw , JOjcj dhotildorti , 8Jo ; WMS porJr , per uol. 518.W. Dried Ixicf , ISc. Lurd , 9W10o. ( 8 LL VAUITH DlAck rftupi nird , SJ 00. cd ra < pli rrim ix-r 12-nt CACP , $2 00 , Qoo o bcrripi pnr bii'licl , § 1 00. Wild p'limn , | > er OAPO S3 f > 0 New i > i > V . jntr box NVStOj ; ! Pe.icio ! * . 100@lCOj Ulackborrlrs per cn. o. $3 00@4 00. KASTEHS' CiiKiimna All klndu of tire sent to market , sslIltiR at the rAte of nlxnit $3 00 ) Mir Inmli. L > ALiron.siA FiitTiM 1'onrs , W-lb. ) boxoi , 00 ; IVachos , boxo . $ ; < 00 ; Apricot * . 20-lb boxw. $3 00 ; Apples , MMb boxo , S3 00. Pry Rood * . HBOWN HnsETi.voM Atlantio A , 74o ; Atlnn tic l > , Gc ; Atlnntlo LL ; 5Jc ; lrnnwlck ! , 7Jc ; Heaver Dam LL. 0c ; Ln\vronco LIi , r > Jc ; I'acU fie H , 7cj Koynl SUudaril , Be ; Indian Uoad A , 8c ; Wauclnwctt A , 7jc. FINK HnowN SiiKKTixoa Argyle , 7c ; Top- poroll U , 7oj Salisbury H , CJo. UI.EACIIKD CorroxaBallon 4-4 , Rio ; 1U1 Ion 7-8 , 5j'c Cumberland 4-4. So ; Davoll DD , SJc ; Fainiinunt , 4Jc ; Fniltof the Loom 4-1 9oi Glory of the West , 8Jo ; Golden Gato.SJo ! Hill 7-8. 8c ; Hill 4-J , He ; Txin-dMo 8Jc ; Now Vsrk Mills , lljc ; Wamsutta , lOJc. DUCKS ( Colored ) Iloston , 8 oz. , lljo ; Bon. ten , 10 oz. , 14ic ; Boston , 9 oz , , 14c ; Fnll Ulvor , Sic. DPCKB ( Gray ) West Point , 8 oz. , llo Wcat Point , 10 oz. , 14o ; Boston Boar , 8 or , llo. llo.TiCKiKflfl TiCKiKflfl Amoskonf. 14o ; Continental Faaey , 0c ; Cordis , lOJo ; Pearl lllvor , 14o ; York , 124o ; Hamloton Awninpn , 12Jo. DENIMS Amoflkoag , 14o ; Beaver Crook AA. 12c ; Beaver Crook BB , lie ; Beaver Crook CO. 10 : Hnvmnkors 8c | Jaffroy D & T. 12Jc ; Jaffroy XXX. 12Jo ; Pearl Kivor , Iflc ; Warren AXA ( Drown ) , 12c ; Warren BB ( brown ) , lie ; Warren CO ( brown ) , lOo. OAJIBIUOS Fifth avenue glove flnlah , Go ; Keystone plovo finish , Cic. Consnr JKANS Amory , 7io ; Hancock , 8c ; Kearsiiyer , 81o ; llockport , 7c. PniNTa Aliensf > ic : Amoricnn.RfojArnoldn , Co ; Cochcco , Go ; Harmony , 4o ; Indlfro , 7Jo ; Indigo 7-8 , lllc : IndlKO 4-4,12Jo ; cheap sale 4j" : Clmrtor Oak , 4ic. Pniura SiiiimNaa American , 6c ; Cochoco , r ; Uloucoator.i'oiSouthbrldgo , 4Icj Wavorlys , 4Jo ; Itoaodulo , 4Jo. GtHQHAMHAmoakoaft staples 8Jc : Batoa staples , 81c : Lancaster staploa , 80 ; I'lnnkot nlnulM , 9c ; Hudson chocks , 8Jo ; Amoakong Peralana , O.Jc. Dnxs3 GOODS Atlantic nlpncca , 9Ja ; Per- 9lano oiialimor , 23c ; Hamloton caahmoro , 15jc ; Hamloton Faucug , llio ; Humlotou bro cades , IGc ; Arllu lou brocade , ISc , Qrocors last. OAKRKD Goons Oysters ( Btandardpor ) case , 00 ; strawberries , 2 Ib , par case , 2 20 raspberries , 2 Ib , per case. 2 70 ; Bartlett pears , per cano , 2 40 ; whortleberries , per caao , 10 ; egg plume , 2 Ib , per caao , 2 00 ; green joges , 2 Ib , per case , 2 90 ; pi no applea , 2 Ib er case , 4 80(35 GO. KOPB Sisal i inch and larger , 9o , 9 inch , Jc : J Inch , lOc. OANDLKa Boxea , 40 Ibs , 16s , IGc ; 8 > , IGo ; joios 40 Ibs , 16 oi. , 6s , IGo. MATOHKJ Per caddie , 85o ; ronnd , caneo , 5G ; equaro casoa , 178fr SuaAES Powdered , 82o ; cut onf , 8Jo ; ranulated , 7jc ; confectioners' A , 7\ci \ Stand * ard extra O , GJc ; extra C , GJc ; medium yol- ow. G c ; dark yellow , o , CorFBia Ordinary grades , 12@12Jo ; fair 13 SISic ; good , 14c ; prime , IGQjlGJo ; choice G@17c ; fancy green and yollow,16@lGio ; old ovornmont Java , 2026c ; Levering" ! roasted , .7c ; Arbncklo'e roasted , IGJc ; McLanghllnV ICXXX roasted , IGJo ; mltatlon Java , 1GJ S18e ; Clark'g Aurora , IGJc. KICB Iiouisiana vmna to choice , 7@7Jc ; air ( c ; Patma , Gfc. FISH Na 1 mackerel , half brln. , 7 GOt No. [ , 1 OJ ; family mackerel , kits , GOs ; No. 1 yhito fioh , half brls. , 7 25 ; No. 1 kltn , 1 CO. SYUUT Standard Com. . S2o , bnlfl ; Standard lo , 4) gallon kega 1 85 ; Standard do , 4 gallon e/a 1 45. SODA In Ib papers , S 30 per cane ; keg per Ib , ( PICKLES Medium. In barrels , 8 01 ; do n half bnrra'n , 4 CO ; small , in barrels , 9 00 ; do n half barrels , G 00 ; gborldna in barrels , 10 00 ; lo in half barrels. G 0. TKAB Gunpowder , good , 45G5c ; choice 60 > 75c ; good Imperial , 40@43c ; choice , GO@G5c friung Hyson , good , SG@50o ; choice 5c@l 00 ; Japan , natural loaf , 35c ; Japan , holco , G0@75c ; Oolong , good , 3540c ; Oolong , hoico , 40@55c ; Souchong , good , 8540c ; holco , 33@4Gc. WOODENWAIU ; Two hoop palls , 1 85 ; hroo hoop nails , 2 10. Tubs , No. 1 , 9 00 ; Flo- icor washboards , 1 85 ; Double Crown 2 90 ; Vellbuckets. 3 15. , SOAPS Kirk-u Savon Imperial , 8 4G ; Kirk's atinot , 3 GO ; Kirk's standard , 3 75 ; Kirk'n . rhlta Russian , G25 ; Kirks ontocn , 21G ; Lirk'o Prairie Queen , (100 ( cakes , ) 40o ; Kirk's ! magnolia , doz. POTASH Pennsylvania cana , 4 cuee , In case , . S5 ; Babbitt's ball 2 doz. in case , 1 90 ; Anchor all , 2 doz. In case , 1 GO. OANDT Mixed , 12@13c ; stick , llo ; twist tick , lOJo. VINEOAB Now York apple IGo ; Ohio up * lo , ISo. SALT Dray loads , per bbl , 170 ; Ashton , In ickfl , 3 GO ; bbln dairy GO , Gs , 3 30. ' SlABon Pearl , 4Jc ; Sliver Gloss , 8c ; Com tarch , 80 ; Excelsior Gloss. 7c ; Corn , 7j& SFIOES Pepper , 17o ; olisplco , IGo ; olovoa , 5o ; cassia IGc , ! LIB American , 3 40 ; Greenwich , S 40 ; yptnm , 2 76 ; North Star , 2 00 ; Lowla' lye , 65 ; Juwcll Jyo , 2 70. Lltiuora. 11 Atoonot188 wine alcohol , 2 20 per wine nllon extra California spirits , 188 proof , 12 per proof gallon ; trlplo refined spirits 37 proof , 114 per proof gallon ; ro-dUtlllcd Iiiakloa 1 00@1 GO ; fine blended , 1 G0@2 GO ; lontucky bourbons , 200(5)700 ) ; Kentucky ad Pennsylvania ryeH , 2 00@7 00. BnAKDiEfl Imported , C 00@1G 00 ; domoatla 40@4 00 , GINS Imported , 4 GO@G 00 ; domosllo , 1 40 )300. UUMU Imported , 4 G0@f > 00 ; Now England , 00@4 00 ; domestic , 1 G0@3 GO. i APPLK BHANDY 17G@4 00. OHAMPAONKB Imported nor caao , 2800 © GO ; American , per case , 12 00@1G 00. ! Palnta Oilii and \ rnlolioB. OII.B 110 earnon , per gallon , 1'Jc ; 1150 ° aadltght , per gallon , 12Jc ; 175 ° headlight , we gallon , IGo ; 150 ° water white , 14e ; Iln od , raw , ; pr Kdllon.GOc ; llnuood , boiled , per illon , G2o Lara , \vintor etr'd , pur RiUlou , 70c ; 'o. 1 , GOcjNo. 2 , GOo castor , XXX. per gal a , 1 GO ; No. 8,1 40 ; sweat , per gallon 1 00 rarm W.B. , per gallon , 1 GO,1 fish , W. B , , prgallon , IS ) ; noatsfootoxtra , per pallon , COo ; 'i , 1 , 7Gc ; lubricating , zero , par gallon , 30o ; immer , IGc ; golden niachlno , No , 1 , per pal- n , 35c ; No. 2 , 28c ; sponn , signal , per gallon c ; turpentine , per gallon , 48c ; naptha 74 ° 8 r pallon , IGc , PAINTS IN Onv Whlte load , Omaha P. P. c ; whlto load. St. Louis , pure , GlcMuraollla ; . oen 1 to G ID cans , 20c ; Frcncn zluo , green ) , 12c ; French zinc , rod seal , He ; French no , In varnish asst , 20c ; French zinc. In oil . at , 15c ; rnw and burnt umber , 1 Ib cana , 10o ; ! iW and burnt Slonna , lOc ; Vandyke brown , ; refined lampblack , 12c ; coach black , and ory black , IGc ; drop black , IGo : I'niraiun no , lOo ; itltrninnrlne blue , ISc ; chrome green M , & D. , IGo ; blind and uhuttcr green , L AD. , ICc ; Paris green , 18cIniliau ; red , : Venetian rod , 9 Tuscan rod , 22c : Ainori. n Vormllllon. 1. & P.I i ) u , . . . , „ M. , O. & D , O , , 18c ; yellotr ochre , 9 : | Idou ochre , IGo , patent dryer , 8c ; graining lorn , light oak , dark oak , walnut , clwtuut dash. 15o , M o : Bullion 48oj orscwhoe , 7ot Star , /I uddy , 4Coj Ilor. G i't , 40o : IJlack , 38@40c. IfiKK Cnr Common. 20@30o ; good , < 5@ ; lioao Leaf , 70c ; 1'romlurn , 65oj Diamond own , 6fJc ; Hwoot rilzUon , tOo. BHOEIHO O. B. , H2o ; Mooraclmnm , 80o ; Dor in , 8 oz , , r > 5o ; Durhnm , 4 or. , 67c ; Durhatr )7 , , C5o ; Sen of North Carolina , 8 oz , , 55o al of North Carolina , 4 oz. , C7o ; Boal o jrth Carolina , 'i oz. , COo ; 0.1C Dntham , 4 , liScj O , K Itiirliain , 2 oz. , 80ci Uncle sd , i'a 25o ; Tom and Jerry , 28o. Ixj tlicr. Oak solo , 88c@42o { homlockeoIo28o@3Sc ! n Jock kip , 80o to 1 00 ; runner 65o to BOoj mlock calf , 85o to 100 ; hemlock upper , 22o 24o ; oak upper. 2lo ; ftlllKator , 4 00 to 6 fXj ) If kid , 82S5 ; ( IroidSo kiu , 2 ti to 2 7C ; oak > , 80o to 100 ; oak cult , 1 20 to 1 80) ) French ) , 110 to 1 55 ; Froncti calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; ma. la. 6 60 to 7 M ; llaimta. 0 00 to 8 CO ; toil. DEI , 9 CO to 10 Wj 13 , L. Morocco , 80o to aSjj pebble O , D. Morocco , 35c ; Mmon , 2 W to S 00. HAIWESS No. 1 star o k , 87ci No 2 do ! 85c ; No , 1 Ohio oak , 34o ; No. 2 do , S3c ; No. I Milwaukee 3lo : No 2 do 83o. No. 1 Pitta oak bar , S7c ; No. B Pitt * r > k hnr , 35c. nines Dnroa AND CHEMICALS Acid , Curboie , c. acid , tnrtarlc , G5o ; balsam aip.ibli , per lib , G5cbarksa ; < safra * , per Ib , 12c ; ctlomol , per It ) 75c ( ; clnohonldlft , j > or o * . , SO.OTii ; chloroform , porlb . , 91 10 ; Dover * powder , per Ib. , 81.25 ; epsom alts , | > or Hi , , Sjc ; glycerine , pure , per Ib . , 28c ; load acfltnto , per Ib. , 22c ; oil , cantor , No 1 j > cr gal. , $1.55 ; oil , castor , No. 8 per gal. , $1.40 ; oil , olivoj > or gal. , S1.40 ; oil orl Ranmn , GOcf opium , 84.50j nuliilno , P. tc , W nud H , fc , S , . { Kir oz. , $1.40 ; pntaMinm , Iodine , i > or 11) . , 81.50 ; snlicln , pnroz , , 40c ; sit nhatoof morphlno , per o ? . , $3.50 ; nilplui ( lour , per lb,4c ; strychnine , per oz , , $1,35. Drr Paint * . Whlto load , 8ci French tine. lOoi Par ! whiting. 2Jo ; whiting gilders , IJc ; whiting com ! He ; lampblack , Germantown , lie lampblack , ordinary , lOc ; Prussian blue , 55c .illramarino , 18c | vnudyko , brown , 8c ; nmber burnt , 4o | umbor. raw , 4c ; sienna , burnt , 4o sienna , rt. % 4c ; Part * green , gonulnq. 2Go Paris preen , common , 20cchromogrcon ; , N. Y. 20c ; chrome green. K. , 12o. vormllllon , Kng. 'Oc ; vormllllon. American , 18c ; Indian rod Oo ; o pink , 14c ) Vonotlan rod , Cookson's , ! ? cj Venetian rod , American , ljc ; rod load 'jo ; chrome yellow , genuine , 20c ; chrome yol. ow , K. , 12cochro ; rochollo,8o ; ochre. French , fo ; ochre , American , 2cj Winter's mineral , Jc ; lohlgh brown. 2JOJ Spanish brown , 2Jo Prince's mineral , So. VAiwimiES Barrels , po. calloni Fnrnl tnro , extra , $110 ; furnlturo , No. 1 , 81 : coach , extra , 91 40 : coach , No. 1 , 81 20 ; Damnr extra , 81 75 ; Japan , 70oasrhAUum ; , extra , 85c ; shellac , S3 GO : hard oil finish 81 60. HOBTT n riTvr ro Llit. Iron , rates , 2 50 ; plow Btool apodal east , Go crnclblo , 7c ; spoclal or Gorman , 'ic ; cast too ; do , 16@20 ( wagon spoken , sot , 2 25 ( 3 00 ; hubs per sot , 1 25 ; fcJJooa aawod dry , 1 40 ; tongues , each , 70@85c ; nxloa each , 7Gc ; nqnivro nuts per tb , 7@llc ; washers or lo , 8@18c ; rivets , per Ib , lie ; cell chain , ( Kir Ib , G@12o ; malleable , 80 Iron wedges. Gc ; crowbars , Gc ; harrow teeth 4c ; spring tool , 78c ; Burdou'ahorschooa 4 70 Bnrdon's muleahocm G 70 , BABDED WIHK In car Iota , 4 per 100 , NAILS Kales , 10 to GO , 2 G5. SHOT Shot , 1 8G ; buck shot , 2 10 ; oriental powder , kegs , G 40 ; do , , half kegs , 3 48 ; do. , quarter kegs , 1 88 ; blasting , kegs , 8 35 ; fuao , per 100 foot We. LEAD Bar , 165 , COAL Cumberland blacksmith , 10 00 ; Mor rlarnn Bloasburg , 1000 : Whltobroast lump ; 5 00 ; Whltobrooxt nut , G 00 ; Iowa lump , G 00 Iowa nut , G 00 ; Koec ! Spring , 7 00 ; Anthra clto , 1125@ll GO ; Canon City , 7 00 , per ton Immnor. Wo quota lumber , lath and ahinq osjon eon at Omaha at the following prlcoa : Jomr ANII SOANTLINQ 16 ft and nndoi 22 00 ; 18 ft , 23 GO. TIMBKUS 16 foot and under , 22 00. TISIBKU AND JOIST 18 ft , 23 60 ; 20 ft , 23 GO ; 22 ft , 2650 ; 21 ft , 26 GO. FENCING No. 1 , 4 nnd 6 In. , 24 00 ; No. 2 2200. SHEWING No. l(2d'common ( boards ) , 20 00 ; No. 2,18 00. STOCK UOABD3 A , 45 00 ; B,40 00 ; 0 , 35 00. FLOOHINQ-NO. 1,4000 ; No. 2 , 3500 ; No. 3,2500 SIDING , clear 27 00 ; 2 25 00 ; No , S , 2000. CEILING ( ? , 87 00 ; S , 25 SIHNOLES , boat i 50 ; standard , 3 60. LATH 8 25 per M. LlJfE Per barrel , 125 ; bulk per bnehol , 85c ; somont , bbl , 2 25 ; Iowa plaster , bbl , 2 GO ; hair > or bu. GOo ; Tsrrod felt , 100 fca. S 50 ; straw board 860. _ _ _ DENVER R1AKKET. LIVE STOCK Beef Cattle , Rra < H , 100 Ib. 4 CO git f > 0 ; nhoop , live , 2 G0@3 00 ; hogs , live , 5 00 @ 5 25 ; dros-tod 7 ( M7 ) 25. Hides. Dry Flint , lli@12e. ; green 4@Go. ( rooncalf 8@10 : ; ahcepakina , dry , 8@10c. Tallow. fi@Gc. Wool. Colorado 13@15c , : Colorado huavy , ll@13c ; Now Mexican 7@10o. KLOOB Colorado. 100 lb , 1 85@2 25 ; pat- ant , 100 Iba. , 2 85@3 25 ; Graham , 100 Iba 2 00 ; rye , 100 11)j , , 2 25@2 45 ; buckwheat , 100 Iba , 10 00010 50 , bran , ton , 12 00@14 00 ; corn moal. 100 Ibs. 145175. GBAIN Wheat , 100 ibo , 1 40 ; corn , In lacks 100 Ibs , 1 00@1 05 : oats , 100 Ibs , 1 2 § 1 30 ; barley , 100 Iba , 130ffil 35. HAT-Baled , upland. 14 0016 00 ; hot om 12 00@14 (10 ; straw. 0 OOffllll 00. 15DTTEB Finest , 25@26c ; Nobraaka dairy .4@15c ; common , G@8c. Eaos Freah , 18@l'Jc ; ranch , doz , frcah 5@5Gc. CHEE3K Full cream , t4@15c ; Llmburgor , .80 ; Swiss , Imported , S2o. POULTBY Live , chickens old , doz,6 , G06 ; 7G pring chickens , 3 60@1 60 ; dressed lb,18@19o POTATOES 100 Ibs , new , 1 76@2 25. VEOBTADLICS Onions , now , 100 Ibs , 2 25@ IGO ; cabbage , now , 100 Iba , 125 ; new loots , 1 75. FBUITB Orange Messina box , 7 00 < S 51) ) ; lemons , choice McHslno. G 00 ; apples California , bbl , 2 00@3 00 ; bananas , bunch 50@4 00 ; po.ichca per boic 2 75 ; California horry plums , 20 Ib box , 2 25 ; apricota 1 GO ® 0u. 0u.MEATB Hanu , Ib , 13&14c & ; bacon , break , ast , 12J13o ; lord , in tens , Ib , lOc Iry salt aides. 9J@10c. FISH Mackerel , No.l , IGO , kit. niwn 752 25 ; California salmon , half bbl , 10 GO : iolland herring , kef , 1 C0igl ( 75 ; trout , per b. Tno uio ot tha term " Hboi I.lno" In councctlou with tbi corjiorata norao ol a Kroatroad conveys an lilea ol list what required by tha traveling nub llo , Hhort Uno , Quick Tlrai and tbo boat ol accommoda tlons ell ol which arc lure hrd by the greatest rallwav lu America. [ JHIOAGO , And St. Paul. Ikowno and operates over 4,600 mllnol oticrn ! Illinois , Wlecontln , Mlnnosota , Iowa iftkota ; and as tfl main line ) , branches and oqnnec ona roach all the great buslnoiu centres ol thi forthwestand KarWcst , U naturally answers thi oucrliitlon ol Short Line , and Hoot Iloula botwuoo Chicago , Milwaukee , St. Paul and Minneapolis. Ohlcagu , Milwaukee , IA Oroeso and Wlnona. OblcaRO , illlwaukoe , Aberdeen and Kllondalt Chicago , Milwaukee , Kau Clalro and bllllwntoi' Chicago , Milwaukee , Waunau and Merrill. OlilcttK0 , Milwaukee , Iloavcr Dam anil Onhkosh. Chicago , Milwaukee , Watilinaha and Ooonomowoo. Ohlcago , Milwaukee , MailUou and I'ralrledu Cblefi Clilcnuo , Milwaukee , Owatonna and Kttlrlu uH. Chlcairo , Ilulolt JancsvlUo and Mineral 1'olnt. Chicago , Klein , Unclilord and Duburjuo. UhlcaKQ , Clinton , Koch Island and Cedar llapldl. ClilroKO , Council Uluffs and Omaha. Chicago , Sioux City , Sioux Kalliand Yankton ChlcaKOi Milwaukee , Mitchell and Chamberlain. llock lul.ind , DuLuquo , HU 1'aul and Mlnucaiiolll. Davunpoit , Calinar , Ht. Paul and lllnne < iiollpi. | Pullman H copers and the Flniet Dlnlnj/ Cars In 10 n , rid are run on thoinalnlmcinl thoCillOAOO , IMVAUKKK AND ST. PAUL KAILU'AV , ftiij every .tentlonln paid to passcngeraby courtoouicmiiloyos the Coin , any. B. MKItlllMj. A. V II. OAKPKNTKR , Gen1 J'ass. A t T , CDAHK , Cen'l Hipt. " OKO , II. UKAFI'OItn. Aw't fliml. I'm A lit Cornice -AND- UANUKACJTUUKUa OK ALVANIZED IRON CORNICES FINIAL8 , WINDOW OAPS , IN , IRON AND SLATE ROOF/NO , I'ATKNT JJUrALtO SUYLJOIIT , iron Foncinej ! 0Bco ( ntl It , Window and < Mir ! OuHf > tu DUFRENE& MENDELHON. tSTHEUOVED TO ( OUAKA NATIONAL U1.NK j I Railway Time Table , n KITcct July Tlio attention of the Intclllng public Is cullisl lo Hid fart that thh ti the only complete and ftbolulc > Iy correct tlino-tnlila puullfehcd In the city. All tram * arrive at and depart irom Omaht on Central Standard Time , which Is SI taltiulM Inter tliAn nun time , t Kiocpt Saturday , Kxcf pt Sunday , } txcc : | > t Men- From Union 1'nelllo Depot ; Tontli St u. r. R. n. , MAIN UNR , ARRIVIU JUlUml Kxp..11:10 : m Atlantla K p . .750 ! a m r.iciflo Kip . . SS5)im : ) UA | | and K p..4:00pin : VALLKV DIVISION. LRAVH. I ARRIVR. Lincoln Kip , . . 12:55pin : | Lincoln K\p..12:55 : | i m DUMUY TUAlNS-nlUIXlK DIVISION. L T Onuhk : 8:10 : , 8:00,0:00,10:00,11:15 : : : : k m. , 1:00 : , 2:00 : , Soo. : :00,8:00 : : , o:00 : , 10SS : p. m. On Sund yn flJ0.9-00.11:15 : : a. m ; looSoO : : , 6,00 , fl ) , 10M : p ro , Arrive ttrAn < f rdoiHUS mlnuttxi later ; lru ) > dwy ilcnotCouncil llhiH , SO mltuitei litter , Ix M3 Council llluir > , Ilroiulw y depot , TSO : , BSO : , O.SO , 10 0,11:40 : ft.ii > . ; 1:30 : , 2SO : , 3SO. : 4ftoCSofl.3J. : 11 )5 ) p.m On Sundaji : 7:50,5:80 : : , ilito a. in. ; 1:80 : , 3:30 : , 4:30 : , 8:35,11:05 : : pm. Arrive at Tran fer 7 mln > utei later. \AM\e Council Dluffi Trannlct dopol ! 7:35 : , S37 ; , 9:37,10:87.11:47 : : : a m ; 1:37 : , 2:37 , 8:37 : , 4:40 : , 5:37,0:45 : : , " 1J15 p , m. Arrive Oumn * 13 ralnutca Iat r. HiVE. POM. No. ! . . . , . .8U : a m raM. No. El , . . . 0:46 : a Ri " 6 8M : am " B..ll16a ! ru 11 (2 10:05 : a m 1 15..12:1611 : m 11 t 4:25 : pm " o 7:38 p m " B P:10 : pm " 1 8:15 : pm " 10 0:65 : pm pmDal v. MI330UUI PACIFIO , LliVI. ARRITI. Mall * I0:35am : Omaha Ksp,80 ; am St. Louli Kxp..Stt : pm Mall * 0.60 pm 8. 0. HI. 1UU. UUVI. I ARRIVR. Mull . 0:10 : a m at Tail' Kip. . 8:45 : a m Stl'aulRxp . 0.65 pro Uall . 7:36 : pm Ually. o. , n. i * K u n. UUVR. I ARRIVI. tVeMolncaAoo'.0:40n : m Kxpm | . P:45 : * m ilali * . H15 ; a m I DcaMolnen Auo'.fl:60 : p m Uxprerat . 4:26 : p ml Mull' , . 7 5 p m O.AN. W. II. It. LXATI. I ARRITO. Uall * , , . 8:16am : I Kinross ) . 0 > 46ikn ) idproMt . 4fipm : | Uall * . 7:35 pm 0. , M. H Ht. P. K. 11. L11TK. I ARRIVI. tfillJlKx * . Bilbao Paclflo Ript. . . , 0'45 m MlantloExt . 4:25 : p m | Mall ft Kin * , . . ,7:35ptn : U. , U fc < 4 \UCouncJlltluT8) ( uuvn. ARRIVI , trail , , Rt5ara : Riprrea. . . . . . . 0:46 : am Mxpro3a 4:26 : pm Mall . 7:36 : pm Uallv. ( Note. ) The 0:00 : am and 6:00 : p m dummy trnln alto cvmn ct wltli eaut-bouml train * on the Kock-Iriand , llurllniton , NortrMVontorn and vilwAUkoo roadi. WAUAS1I.ST , LOUIS & 1'ACinC. LIIAVII , I ARRIVI. Cannon Ball . l:00 : > m Cannon Ball . 3:60 : pm Daily. K. 0. , BT JOE ft O. n. ( via Council IllutTg. ) L1AVB. Mail 7tO m Express.0:65 ! : p m Mall 7:36pm : AIUIANOEUKNTOP SUNDAY TRAINS During July Saturday , HimJay and Monday Chlcngo trains will roUte an follown ; Saturday c\onitiRtrnlnii lcn\o July 6th and SOth via a M. & St. I' ; July IDthla tha North-WcBtarn ; July 15thlfk the Hock Iibnd Arrive lu the ama order Uia llonday following ; Sunday morning trains ilcjurt nnd Sunday evcnlnir trains arrho July Bth and 27th > la tlii > llock Islaihl , July IBlh la the North-Woatcrn , Olid July 20th via thoOUbSt f. Pro in D , & M Depot ; Tenth Stroor. B. b U. RAILHOAD MAIN LINK. VX8T BOUND SABT BOUND. LHAV11. AKU1VIL Omaha. . . , 0:10pin : 7:50am : 7:00 : pm 10:06 : am Aihland. . . 8:27 : pm 10:03 : nm 4:62 : pm 8:12 : am Lincoln. . . 10:00 : i > m 12co : in 8:60 : pm 7:56 am Crcto 11:17 : pm 12MOpm : 2:41 : pin B:04 : nm llMtlrifS. . 6:16 : am 4:16 : pm 11:55 : am 10r : > o pm KM Cloud. 8:00 : ain 0.01 pm 10:26 : am 8:25 pm SfcCook. . . 10:55 : am 016 ; pm 0:15 : am 4:10 : pm Akron. . . . 3:45 : pm i:10am ! : 12:60 : am 11:06 : am Denver. . . . 7:26 pm 8 16 am 9:25 : pm 7:80 am Daily. OMAHA AND rLATPTMOUTH TRAINS : [ , T. Omaha at 7:50 : , and 8:45 : n m ; 4:60,0:10,7:45 : : : p m U. Omaha tO : 6,8:40 : nnd 10.1)6 a in ; 7:00,7:30 : : p m Dully. O. B. & ] Q. n. ll- ( via rUttnmonth. ) "LKAVTI. I liRRlvnl Kaitcrn Kxp..8:45 : a m I Omaha Kip 8:40a : m DhlcagoKxp..l:60p : m | WcBtcrn Kip..7:30 p m Dally. E. 0. , ST. J. & 0.1) ( via riattmouth. ) ' LOAVK. I ARRIVE. Mall 8:15 : n m I EriircasJ 0:25 : > liipru t 7:46pmMall : | 7:30 p Prom O. St. P. M. AiO. Depot , 14th nd Webster StrooM. O.,8t.lru.fe O. UIA vi. ' ARnmi. 1o2 roMenfor..R.10 ( : am I No3 Mixed 10:30am : ioiMUod 8:30nm : f Nol Passenger. 6:30 : p m BundaVB Uxoontod. opening ana oiosinjc of Maun. Bonn ona. a.m. p.m. a.m p.m. ] * N. W.,0.R.LftP. , & O. WITH ind your work is done for all time to come. WE CHALLENGE o produce u more durnhlo nmtoriul for street pavonient tnan ; o Sioux Fulls Gnmitu. tfOU.'ANY AMOUNT 0V OR MACADAM lied promptly. Samples flont nnd 3Htimut fl given upon application. WM.MoBAIN&CO. , Sioux Falls. Dulcotn. "llorllek'l roo4 fir Inf.nli hil utoy llvai , ' writ ) I It X tank , , , Jl. Ii. I'l druif lil > . I'll" . 4tl I'/ ituo ; * yytv SPECIAL NOTICE TO Growers of Live Stock and Others , WK CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO Our Ground Oil Cake. Itlitho bwli and Bh a | > e t lood tot Moat ni any kind COnt ponnd It equal to thrM ponndt of oota rtocktolwtthOronnd OH 0 k In th F IUiKl Winter , InHoSd ol running domi , will Increase In weight Ki , t.n . B ° "ff " "fb'5 ' O0.t > d-llon ln " 10 spring Dairyman. M * ell as other ) , who UM It c n MtUy I. . , Id merit Trr It and . . * Jaigt fji yourwUet. Prlon 825 do nr tonne nlnnra lor BAcks. Addrou WOODUA.K USSKKD OIL COMPANY , Omaha Neb. DEALKR3 IN Hall's Safe and Lock FIBE AND BURGLAR PROOF XOSSO 3Br > n.x > aaA.Jtxi. filtroot. H. B. LOCKWOOD ( formerly of Lockwood & Draper ) Chicago , Man ager of the Ten , Cignr nnd Tobacco Departments. A full line of all grades of above ; also pipes aud smokers * articles carried in stock. Prices mid samples furnished on application. Open orders intrusted to us shall receive our careful attention Satisfaction Guaranteed. AGENTS FOR BENWOOD NAILS AND LAFLIN & * RAND POWDER CO PERFECTION Heating and Baking In only nttalrnd by nalng Stoves and Ranges , WITH WIRE RAU1E OVER 0308 Fci oalo by MILTON ROGERS & SON3 OMAHA" EftlRY LEHIYJANFy JOBBER OF { EASTERN PRICES DUPLICATED 1118 FARNAM STREET , - . - OMAHA , NEB' 0. M. LKIGHTON. H. T. CLARKE. LEIGHTON & CLARKE , 8UCCE8SORS TO KENNA1U ) BROS , ft 00. ) I DEALERS IN PaintsOils. . Brushes * 3M-AUA. NEBRASKA T A H.1 ? FRANZ FALK BREWING GO jRaOlt&\MaTj& dJJLV | i Milwaukee , Wis. QTJNTHER & CO , , Sole Bottlers. M.HELLMAN & CO. , 1301 AND 1303 FARNAM STREEJ COR. 13TH RECENTLY FROM FREMONT , NEB.J ; ALELEATHERSA ! SADDLERY HARD WARE , SIDES , PELTS , FURS , TALLOW , WOOL , WE PAX" THE- HIGHEST MARKET PRIDES i'or Hides , Wool , Polls , Etc. , nnd consignments mndo to ns will receive prompt attention , i'or which iminediiito returns will bo made. 3th Street. Bet. Dodge and Capitol AVB. , - - OMAHA , NEB * ( SUCCESSOR TO FOSTER & -G11AY. ) _ _ Lim Eg A M PTLQEMEMT. OfficB and Yard'.Rthand Douelas ts /i