Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 31, 1884, Image 1

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    - t
Gov , Henflricfo Formally MM ol
His Nomination for Vice President.
Ho Takes Occasion to Magnify
the V , Pi's ' Importance ,
iloanwMle the Next President
Continues Busy on His Book.
Cleveland in the Punip-Handlo
Ordeal With Odd Fellows ,
Maine Bepnblioans to Celebrate
Their Party's ' Birthday ,
Additional DctntlH of the Great Irish
BlnlnoMcctlitj ; In Now York-
Other Political Matters.
SAIUTOOA , N. Y. , July 30. 1'att of the
committee appointed by the recast demo-
erotic national convention , for the pnrposo of
notifying candidate. * oC their nomination , ar
rived hv > t uipht , nnd the balance tin * morn
ing. Ucndricks la at the Grand Union -hotel ,
and the coinmittoa hold a privata consulta
tion at 11:31) n. in , to toke action nn the mat
ter. A committee consisting of Vilia of Wis
consin , Walter of Connecticut , Ilooker of
AlmsihslppI and Stocktun of Now Jersey.
were appointed to confer with lien Jrlcks and
tx-cortain which will bo the innbt fo iMblo hour
to malco the formal notification. The com
mittee returned and stated that Hendrlcka
would bo ready at two o'clock and the coio-
monies would talto place In the 1 rgo parlor
at that time. Waller of Connecticut Intro
duced n resolution oxtondlwr tinmen to W. If ,
Vitas , chairman , and Nicholas M. 13ell. becio-
tarp of the committee , for the dignified and in
telligent manner iu which they performed
their duties.
T.onc before the hour for the ceremony to
tike plac3 the parlor of the hotel was filial
with handsomely dreisjd ladies and gnntle-
uiou seated in a circlu around the npiec : re
served for the committee and at 2:10 : , amid
loud applause from the guestB , the committee
loarched in and utood in a circle , and inline-
diattly nftor Mr. Hendricks followed and
took a position in the center. Upon hia ar
rival , Chairman Vilw delivered a lung and
eloquent address , officially notifying Governor
Hcndricks of bio coiulnatiun for the vice pren-
idoacy by the national deinocraticconventiou ,
recounting the Interest ug circumstances of
that nomination , dwelling particularly upon
the enthusiasm and unanimity mnnilosted in
Urn convention hall. Oulonol Vilas eluded
with a declaration that it was the de-
t-iroof tin democracy to BOO Governor lieu-
thicks invested with tWsdignity _ liceau'-o tbev
know that once ho was given a title to it by
the looplound wrongfully denied UK jncsos won.
Jlr. lioll , secretary of the committee , then
rtjid a communication which hud been
prvpnral nn-1 personally fipurd by tin com
mittee. The document was a formal notifica
tion to Governor Huodricku that the national
democratic convention had nominated him us
"a candidate for the office of vice president of
the United States.
Jlr. HcnJricks re ] > lied as follown :
' .Mr. Chuirmanaud Gentlemen of the Com
mittee : I cannot realize thai a man should
fvnr stand In the presence of a committee.
ix'preacntins : a more august body of men than
that which you represent. Jn the language of
another , the convention xva * largo in num-
oars , august in culture and pntriotic in senti
ments ; and may I not add to that , that bo-
c.uihO of the power and the greatness and the
virtues and the party which it represented , It
was itbelf , in every respect , n very
| Applause. ] The delegates came from nil the
. , tatf. < and territoricH , and I believe , too , from
the District of Columbia. [ Applause. ] They
came clothed with authority to express jitdg
menl and opinion upon all these questions
which are not settled by cniiHtitutiuual law ,
tor thapurpose of tussingupon those ipucstlonH
.ind selecting a ticket for the people. That
convention .assembled , they decided upon
the principles they would adopt ai n platform.
Tuey selected candidates that they would
propoxe t the puty for suppoit. That
C"uventtnn'i xvork was tholrV. Ihaxonot
reached the period when it in proper for inn to
I'onndur the ntrmigth nnd force of the fctatu-
sntuU made in tlm platform. It tacnouuh for
wo to know that itcomcx at your Inuicln from
that coin on ion , uddrawd "to mypntilotio
devotion to the democratic put tv. [ Applause. ]
that Is done me. I need not ( | uesticjii , but at
the samti tioio that I accept the honor from
you and from the convention , I fool that the
iutlc-i.and i expansibility of the ollicn rest upon
me also. 1 know tint fombtlmc-s it is nmicr-
that this particular ollico , that of the
icepre.sidunt , does not involve much icupun-
siblHty , and as a general thing that it IB ho ;
luit HjinntlmcH it coinu3 to represent MJry
'reut rusjionsibilitien , and it may bo BO in tlm
iiir \ futuro. Korat this tlmo the sonnte of
thti United .States stands almost , ( ijiially dl-
xidcd between the great parties , and it may
l' that thob" two great pirtles shall an exactly
HlFtr that the vice prctideut of the United
Wtates shall have to dt-ido upon the quejliona
uf all by the o.xorJbe of
( Applaiinc. ] Tim ro'pnnnibility would then bo-
cuiiio vo'.v ' great. Jt would not then bo the
twpoujibllity of raprcsentii'g the uliolu coun
try , and the obligation would bo to the judg
ment of the whole country , tnd that vote ,
ulru thiii : corft , would bo in obed ones to the
jmt expectations anil requlremcntH of the
( Hoplcof the United States. It might be ,
Vntlenien. that upon another occasion great
rr-pomiblllty would attach to this otlice , II
n n v iK'cur thut under ciicumstaucaa ot Bonn
lllliculty- don't think It will bo thu noxl
liction but it may occur under circuimtan
era of some di 111 cully that the prrsidnnt of tin
rennto will have to take his part in the
.mil allow mo to say that that dutyls not t (
be dlspatajjod to any ret of men or party , Imi
in obedience to u liither authority. [ Ap
plmiio , ] ( iontlemen , you have referral to tin
j'ucttlmtl urn honored bv thtH ni minaticin it
u special dcgreu. I uccrptthu BiiggeHtion tliai
in thi candidacy T will represent the right
uf the people to the cho'co of their iiilcri *
chat right that IH above all , that hex benautl
.ill , for if thd people aio denied the right b
L'liooi > e their'uwn oflicrri * according to thoii
us n judgment , whatnlmll bccomu of thu life-lib
of tin ; peoplu at nil ? What shall liocomo 01
free go\ eminent ? If thu people i elect nottheii
iillirorH hnw shall they control thu lawn
their idmlnfstratlon HIHI their pxfcutioii ? HI
that in the luiggention that in thin candidacy ]
represent that right of the- people , as yni
hmoimgKeatud , a great honor ban ilinolvu
npom mu by the confldcnco of the conrenti' n
. \H soon an it may bo convenient and poasihh
to do MO , I will addreai you morn formally ii
ir spout to the letter you Intro given m . 1
th.iuk you , eentlemm.
At the cloao of tilr. IIendtickt'4 reuinrk. )
hearty opclaimo was gl\rn , and ho wan mtro
ilnceil to each member of the committee , am
agioeial hanj-ehaklng fullowrd , after whicl
tlio people paid tlelr reHpec H tn Mr , Hen
Unclu , and then quietly diapcrnsd.
I'AKKKiHiivuu , W. Va. , July UO. The ro
publlciu fctato convention wait called t < > onle
to-day by G. W. Atkinson , chalimari of tin
11 iirilson county was chosen temjiorAry chair
man.PAIIKKIWIIUIO , W. Va.TulvoO. The r -
publican con entiol ! hero to-J y was the
largest and mostentlinnltitioovcrauembledin
the state. George V. ICvans was chosen nor-
manont clultinin. The platform arraigns
the democratic patty for having unfulfilled
all its pledge * of economy and
reform and for general Bxtravogancei
condemns the supreme court of appeals for
ovi priding the stilus of the state for the ex-
pretn ] > urp o of punishing republican news ,
pipon for proper ciiticlstnof iUclf nnd patty.
The rest of thf platform referred chiefly to
Kt.ito matter * .
An attempt to commit thcpaily to an on-
dnftctncnt of n prohibition plnnk was defeat
ed by a very decided vole. 1-MwIn Maxwell
was nominated for governor. J. II. Uurtt for
Auditor , nnd Spencer W. Storm for treasurer.
Candidates for supreme judge and uloutorw
wwo alpo itiiintn tied. The ticket is composed
of republicans and greonbackew in abont
i'iiinl proportions.
Siocinl | Dispatch to TllK IKK. !
Hr. 1'Aii , July 30. ThoodeVo Hooaovclt
p.\ Mod through tliis city to-day on the way to
his rancho. During a nhort interview ho said :
"I regard the Independent moNcmout as very
formidable , both for character , ability mid
Dumber ; but an an offset there is equal disaffec
tion among the Irish democrats nnd labor
union. It is merely a question which
bolt will be the larcest. I question
if thorn is much disaffection in interior Now
York ouUido of Kochestpr. A number of In
dependents are dissatisfied with my course
declaring for Dlaine , but it ii not creditable'
to their intellect. It always has been my
luck in politics , and suppose always will bo ,
.oolFemlsomo wing of the patty , generally
: ho machine , but fometime.H the indopenJonts.
L should think littleof myself should 1 permit
.lie independents to dictate mo any more than
ho machine.
ALIIANT , July 30. Governor Clo\eland was
at his ofiico to-day engaged in public business.
3lx hundred visiting Odd Kollowa from Bos
ton and Providenca vi ited Iiim. Each one.
nhnok hands with the governor. Among the
callers worn Senator < Ionium of Maryland ,
Iudgo Curtis of California. ex-Governor Un
derwood of Kentucky and ox Governor Walk-
r of New York.
ON iiw HOOK.
13.\u 1 [ ABHOR , Maine , July 30. Mr. Uhino
e biuy on his book Ho has been forced to
ccuro the aid of a stenographer , hix time bo
ng groatlr flncroached ujion b callers , social
lutiua and correspondence , which combined ,
ia\a overworked him to n considerable ox.
1'AUili.vaTOX , Me. , July 33. August 19 is
ixod ns the day for a grand celebration of the
jiithday tf tha republican party at Stiong.
I'laine , Hannibal , Ilamliu , Governor Mortill ,
Congressmen 13outolle and IMngley , et-Goy-
ernor Long and other diitingnished guests will
je jiresent.
SniUllcliagH and Sulk } ' .
Losuox , July 31' The rau for the Levant
stakes , two-yonr-olfb , was won by the Duke of
I'ortland'a filly- Satchel , Cadogan'a fdly J < ouo-
ly 2d , ChetwyndV cole King wood 3d.
CtBVKl.AXI ) , July 30. The c rcuit rares at
the driving park started to-day under unfavor
able circumstance ! * . The tracK was very mud-
duy. The heats wore trotted between and
partially in fcinart showcrK , and the racing was
finally stopped summarily bra thunderstorm.
None of the races were finished.
CIIICAQO , July 39. It began raining when
the bones caino to the post for thahrstraco ,
and continued moaof the afternoon , making
the track very bad.
l'"irst race one and a fourth miles , all ages ,
winners penalized , non-winners given allow
ances ICIalno won ; time , 2:2j\ .
.Second race Mlle nnd live hundred yard < ,
nil ages. To carry 110 pounds , six allow
ances April Fool won , Mariton ! M , Thadio
'Id ; time , 2:21. :
Third race mile heats , non-winncrHin1881
on this track- first heat Goodrich won , Ivvn
2d , KoKilino 3d , all the n-t distanced ; time
12U , Secoi'd heat , Uohaliuo won , Kva Ud ,
( iondiich 3d ; time 1:23 .
Third heat Itimllno" won , Goodrich 2d ;
time l2rj. ;
1'ourtb race mile , nil ages Edwin won ,
Unvoko 2d , John.anllivan 3d : time 1:50. :
1'ifth race -one nnd onq-xhUi miles , horHtu
not run first or Bocund 15illy Gillmoro won ,
jcnttevillo 2d , Kujlo and Jiiltou ran dead
leaU for third ; time 2OOJ. :
JiltiriiiTOM I'KACH. July 30. Heavy track.
I'irst rnco-Xon-winnern , three-fourth miln-
Kuodl'lnwer won , ItoQort 2d , Australian lJj !
time , 1:21. :
Hecotid race-Helling allowances , miln -
Carrie Stewart won , Carlisle 2d , Swift 3dj
time , I : III.
Third rnca ICings county derby , mile
nnd n half Mi s Urewstsr won , Young
I luehosB 2d , Uroiighton 3J ; time 2:51.
Fourth race -All gc , te > en furlongs
King Lion won , Lena 2d , Tattler Sd ; time ,
1 ; 35 > *
I'lVth race All ac 8 , niilo and a furlong- -
T 'in ' Maitln won , Transit 2d , King 15. 3d ;
time. 2l7V. :
Sixth race Handicap * , rteepla chase ,
shtnt coursu Voltalra won , Odutto 2d , Ton-
awnnda 3d ; tlmu , 2:01 : ! .
SAUATOHA , July ! W. First raco-Gloanor
1st. ( u'ney 2d , Nettie. 3d ; time , 1H,1 : ,
Second -llataplan 1st , 1'ollnarus 2d ,
oHt.'kl ; time , 2t7i. :
Third race Free jhamlicapn , HweojiBtnlcoj' ,
milii and an eighth , -Greyttono won , DlaztH
2d , Tolu 3d ; tlmo , 1:58J. :
Kouith race-ny ( ! Ut , lieverryck 2d ,
Quebec 3d ; time , 1 51. _ . _
lioho Itall.
At Chicago Game postponed ; ruin. .
At Cincinnati- Cincinnati 1) ) ; Ht. ] < ouiii ii ,
At 1'iHiria Minneapolis 'J ; 1'corla 7.
At < Jiilncy ( iuincy 12 ; Htlllwator !
At Plttjiburg llaltimoro It ; Allrgliuuy t. ' .
At Hufmlo-Hniraln Jl ; Cleveland 3.
At Washington- National 3 ; KtyntoneH 0.
At Milwaukee Oiini * btupped in hecond
Inning by rain.
At Toledo Colwnww 3 ; Toledo 1.
At New Yoilc New York D : 1'iovuleneu 8
At Kansas City Ur.lon , St. Louis 8 ; Kan-
HIM Citv K. After tun inning * the game wan
htoppod by the rain ,
At New York MotropolitanH 11 ; llixiok'
Jyn B.
At ICeokuk , Iowa Keokuk 1 ; I'oorla 1.
At I'hlladelphia-Iiouton 11 ; 1'hlltulelphla
( i.
i.At Ft. Wayne , Ind.--H ginow 3 ; Tori
Wayne 5 ,
betwenn ( iocigo 1'nlljauifcn Hint J&ck
wai fought ut Sta.en Inland this morning
Thn Ittttor id four inchtH tailor and uorreHpuiul
inaly longer in the armti than hlriopronent
which prevenUd KnlljampM gtttliug.lthii
range. Tfco battle , ftom nrfct to last , WH it
Ddinpsov'ii favor , and he won in 2i roundn
Tlnii ) IU miiuiti-a. Fulljamoii won tudl ]
punlxhud ,
1'rcinirliiK r < ir tlio
] } o310K , July 30 , - Tlio slut u board of he alt )
hai MMied a circular urging the importaiiiai o
2ubUtiiJ pih.Uo iuJ ill.v.ufj. ' .u ,
ItConlioncsIts Dread Hayagcs Along
Cows in Various Quarlcrs ,
Portions of Kansas , Colorado and
Nebraska Touched by It (
A Olaitu that the Disease is Un
doubtedly Texas Povori
That It is Oommunioablo But Ono
Step and Ends With Its Victim ,
Entorviows With and Opinions of
Loading Veterinary Officials ,
Moro C rn Arrlvo Iu Clilon o Sloro
HcutliH JMciisurcs to Stump
It Out.
UNION STOCK'YAIUW , Ills. , July 30. No
urther developments regarding the Texas
over. The diseased cattle have been Blaugh-
ered nnd condemned. No frth arrivals ,
fhoso unalTectod in the lot ha\o bcoiiHuldto
ncal butchers subject to rigid Inspection. No
other cattlu In the jnnli ha\o been alfectod In
ho least. The sick cattle , it is asserted , do
lot communicate the diie.iso known as Texas
over ; that malady coinos from "through Texans -
ans , " which are never affected themselves. Aa
ho ilieeiso wax brought hero by improved
cattlu and not by stock diiect from Texas ,
10 further trouble so far aa uthor cattle are
concerned is apprehended ,
CHICAGO , 111 , , July 30 , Despatch just received -
ceivod from the Hti k yards miiinuncoi that
dnpcarloads more of cattle nlfected xvlth
[ "OXOH fever have arrived thero. They cruno
over the Burlington road from Kansas City ,
nnd belonged to the same jiartica whn bent in
hu otiujaj. They wera troateil in the eamo
vay ; f.tfffWhfTiirifArl with tint disease are shot ,
the olhTjrV isolated.
y News North 1'latto , ( Nob. ) spa-
v.f that the Texas fovcr has brokun out
{ lie herds at nnd near brudy Island.
Hi Nebraska ; that 100 hoa.l have dlod
,4t others are iu a dyiugcondition. The
sa is being investigated by n veterinary
Riirgoon. Quarantine is to bo established
igainst further importations of catUofrom the
nfected district ot Texas. So far little alarm
a it ia beltoved the disease c.iu bo con-
ined to reasonable limits.
KANSAH CITV , July ; SO.No developments
IITO to-dty conc ruiiig the supposed cattle
over. .About the usual number of receipt * .
The market it dull and unchanged , except
choice natives , which continue lirm. The
tock yards officials reiterate the statement
Imt thtro is no disease here.
CHICAGO , JulySO. Governor llamiltou ar-
ived in Clilcago from Springfield to-day.
5tft' o Veterinarian I'anreu called upon him to
talk about the disease discovered at the stock
yards and said to bo Texas fever. The \-etri-
1-rian says that infurmation has bcenreceived
thut another trnln load of cattle suffering with
fever wcra on the way this morning. Wliilu
en route hero the men ill chare of th duck
leard of thu action of the health dejiartmout
and attempted to drop the animals at a
way station , but the citizens objected. The
cittln x\ era then carrio.1 on and loft at Jack-
Honville , where they are now ,
This conference between Dr. Taa.
ren and the Governor lasted
) uu hour. The veterinarian reci ived
nstructions to proceed to Jacksonville nnd in-
vedtigato the disease. Ho was also ordered to
conduct a minute and technical Investigation
at tlio htock yards. Tim governor sayn if thu
aalady ) > rovcs to bo Texas fever , he will im-
riediately institute a ripid iuarnntine.
AH long as infected cattlu are killed xvitldn
iwelvu hours after thair arrival in town , the
icalth commiseionorthirikH tboru is no dan-
; erof the disease ( preaoing. It would bo dif-
areiit if the cattle woio shipped off to fatten ,
fliero would bo a po < sibillty then that tlio dis
ease would spread. The commissioner sayn it
van wnll that the Infected cattle were brought
to Chicago instead of being dronped along the
vay on the prairie or in mnall villogiw. lleie
do suspected animals can bu killed and carted
o n big iTiidoiihg catabhVhmint. Only Kau
nas City mid Cliiiagohaxo such facilities for
lii-poiiing of eick cattle without danger. There
s no occasion whatever , the commissioner
states , fur the jiublio at largo to fuel at all
dunned ,
CllK'AUO , ifuly 30 Governor Hamilton ,
rho is in the city for the purpose of obtaining
ntormution iu regard to tlio ilisf RKO , xvimseun
: his evening. Ho ( ays lie has Instrurted ! State
Vut rinarian 1'jirvon to make u thorough in
vestigation into the disease , its source and
causes ; niil that when his report ii completed
10 will , if jiecchsory , issue such proclamation
in the factx warrant.
United K jitcd Insp'ctor Tromboxver receiv
ed H telegram from Wanhlngtou to-day order-
ng him In remain hero till fuither inxttuc-
Superintendent Childs , of the Kansas City
ituck yaulu , now hero , sent a telegram to-day
u thu man in uhargo in his nbssuca t ' allow
no iiinio diseased cattle to bu shipped from
that point.
There mo none of the hick cattle from the
Indian territory lemalning In thu slock ynrda
lirru. Tlio 3013 leftalivuof two tain loadn
iiereteforo mentioned in these dUp.itchcx were
taken out of thu yards to-day , lij were killed
nt starting on the way , lio\vfng signs of being
sick. The remainder were slaughtered under
Ilia niervisioii | uf thu health doparttnont , and
T.I I er cent found to bu healthy. Ninely-oni !
arrived in Kansas City to-dayof ; thexo 1 1 wore
dead In thu car , ' ) were killed , and US slough'
tered , lof which were found dii oaHed.
.fACKHONVll.l.K , Ills , , July 30. Tim ropurt
tlmt n lot of cuttle , infected with Texas fever ,
hud lamkd heio to-day , ii incoireU. No cat'
tin of any kind unloaded at tlio htuck yariU in
thl'i ' city up to midnight ,
WASIIIVUTON , July ! ( ) . - "llmu you ro.
crived nny repoits regarding the outbreak ol
uattlu dl "vso in the , " uskoil nn us oclat
011 prc s reporter of Dr. .Silmon , of the veteri
narian department of tlio agricultural Im.
lean ,
"Yea , Yin li\\o ; a few telegrams from Kan.
son. Nebraska and Coluiado , notifying us ol
the outbreak of thu dixeaso und axkiug a tst-
auci ) . Wo can. huwover , give them notliliij |
biit advice. Thu luw provides that thu com *
niHiloner of agrlcnlturn may extend an ip
jiropriation in co-operation with th Ktato au
ihotili n only , when iiectssary to ] uevent th <
dliease fri/m tpreidlngto ether htatoa. Then
IH no dau n in thU ciiso of it3 rpro tiling ii
other Htnta't Tlio dlbuase iilfoth only nut In
e'lttl'i and J8 not comiumiinuuk ) from ttiom
Tliey tuke it from placeH wheru uouthein aul
m.iU II.IVD beiiu pastured , So'itliern faiiimah
il j imt blclcen , nut they alone comiiiunicata
Till' I'lhUAHB 1 YAH J'KXKII ,
ft"l have uo doubt of it. H docrf notenim
from Texas alone , however , but fionimnt
portions of the couth "
"Irttiotllio outbreak in Chicago cvldenci
that III" dlfoasu In carilud from iliite t (
state K"
" 1 think not , as thn contagion uattlo alfect
ing Chie go prubably took it from pen * vth tt
southern cattln had been fed , ' 1'lto uf fectoi
cattle die , and thu dH' endi xilth Ihem , "
"U U iuriiUinjj | , uoii.luu-.J lit , opinion
"that people don't leant the nivturo of this
thing. Hero wo have-an outurrxV year niter
your , yet measure * to ) > rovonl it am not
taken. "
taken.Vhnlitepn nro neconwy toproreut itr *
'Southern cnttla should only bo moved in
thn winter. They may bo moved tlmi with
out danger of communicating the d ! < ca < e.
Southern cattle , M I hnvo wild , don't sulfer
from the dineane , and it I * only dlacovcrAblo
In the vst m by n close postmortem examina
tion , They to
\Vo nhall try to iieo if wo can't exercino BOIIIC
control oxer the matter , but It in difficult to
ditormino what are our IKIXVOM under the new-
law. There Is a provl ion which I nin In-
cllnod to think will prnhil'it ' any Interference
with thu shipment of cnttlo direct to market.
The danger in nut ( < ogtent in that iwu an xvht
they are sent nortli to bo hordid fora time.
In onocatothoy Infect only the pens where
they ro fed and the ears Inxvhlcfi they nio
train iiorlcd , and In the other pisturos. "
Lt.vcoi.N , Nob. , July 80 The outbreak of
dfaeaio among cattlu at Maxwell doe * not excite -
cite iilarm. It in rrgardod an purely local and
duo to had xvator or too much crowding. The
commission apixiintod by Gov. Havvos linn not
yotroturnud They may bo hoard from ( to
I.tNcoi.v , Nob. , July : iO. Up to II p. m. the
governor had heard nothing from the cattle
dlseivso commissioner.
Thu Lincoln Journal of the 30th nays : "Jn
our tolegraphie. columns xylll bu found n
dispatch from North 1'latto in regard to tlu <
cattle dlsjoso which haa nndo its appearance
in that auction , ana also dii-patchoi fiom Ivan-
Ban City and Oiiimgo A rex | > rter of the Jour
nal xvntted upon Governor D.iwot ycBtcnlay
afternoon , to ascertain \\hctlier ho had ap
pointed n commiltoQ toinvtutlgate thu matter
ur had taken any othr stepsin regard to it.
Tlio first infnrmation of the appenrnnco of
Lho dli ease xvas received nt the executlvo do-
IKittincnlon lthotT ! > th inst. Governor DAWCH
leplied , asking for detail * . On tlio 27th ho
received a lung tulcgratn from citlr.eimof Max
well and vicinity , Mtating that several herdu
were alt'octed and that many cattle had died.
They naknd the governor to send out ix com
mittee to investigate and also to second n re
quest xvhich they made to Conmintiinier I(3r-
IIIR to Ki-ml nn export veterlnai surgeon lo
Maxwo 1. This telegram xva > nijrncd by the
following firms : John Uratt & Co. , IJillon.
Collins & Co. , D. Ui.nkin & C . , ltus < ell
Watts , M. IJurko&SonKilter K liandall ,
T. J , 1'olcy , lUiimmer & Jnwett , John Mo-
Cullough and I' . J. bolan.
Thuro ere no funds at tlio governor's disposal -
posal which ho can HBO foe sending out in
vestigating commisnlona or for ninular purposes -
poses , but In order to axcortain the facts ho
sent out his private tocretiry , Mr. Holfinan ,
and Mr. J. C. liirney of Crete , n cattle man
of oxteiibivo oxporiouco. They loft ycftorday
and will look ovur thu ground thoioughly be-
foru ruturnitig.
In nccordanoo xvitli the request uf the citi
zens who oont the telegram referred to
abuvo , Governor UIIWCB telegraphed to Cum-
misiioner I/oriiiR boconulug thu rc < iucftt
he hud received from the cattle
men to send out a vetoiinary expert. The
commissioner replied Baying that no h d or
dered Dr. Tnuuxvcll of Ijliuola , to Mavxvoll
to mx'cstigatu aud rojiort upon the epidemic.
ThodiKcasa is Kulliciently du'crlbed in our
ilisntclies. ] It la not contaL'ious and it in
t roboblo that the danger Inis baoiicxiiKCi'mtcil
by the i.itllo men in tlio llush > uf their alarm ,
J.lKi'OtA' , Neb , ifuly 30. The commieHioa
sent to Maxwell Monday by Governor Dawes
returned to-niuht. They found n hundred
cattla in the vicinity of llrady Station dead ,
and as mnny rnoro uiclr. Ttio Infection xvos
cunflncd to cattla which hrtn-d on a Biiull
Htrip of laud over xvh ch 1JOOI TexnH cattlu
xvcro drix-en xvhich had been hroupht in liy
rail. Tlio dineaso xvaa nOtctiitagioun. Tlil.n
was ascertnincd by a. tcrY.f ' exporlmoota.
Ihu rnilroadR promiso'l not to brlntr nny iroro
Texas cattle until after fruit , and the stock
men in this vicinity , representing live million
dollars in cattle , hnvo CJinhii ed to picvent
their being lauded. If hroneht in it woi > 't bo
s fo to try the oxpeiiment , thu country is ton
xv ild.
va. Central Trust.
ST. l jfiH , July.'lO Juilgo Brewer , of the
LJnited Slatru circuit court , at Lsavonworth ,
laa turned an order directing n largo number
of _ persons in Nuw York , Huston and other
cities , east and wet > t , and novornl railroad
companies in the west , to appear and plead in
ho case of the Wabash rmfroid uzaitnt the
Central Trust company of Now York aud
ithern , on or Ixjfoio Seplembor IGth novt.
Out of thn Traiihuontlncntnl.
Sr. LOUIH , Julx-30. Thu Missouri 1'acilio
and St. Louisf & ban 1'Vancisco lail
received uotitication tu.dny tlmt the Atlantic
& I'aclfic IIIIH nutilicd thn Transcontinental
aasoeiatlon of its puipo o to withdraw from
hit association ninety dayn from the 18th in-
H'uut. No reauon is nsxigned.
Tlio Cliaiitnuiniii Ulintorl > o.x.
CIIAVTAI.IJL A , July 30. Vmong the fpecial
'entiuPH of the July meutiiigs drawing the
argest audience have lieen the readings of
I'rof. ] { . L. Cumnock , of Illinois , tlio t-chool
of Jnngungex , and the li-achoiH1 Institute , all
insurpusxed In interest. Itov. Dr. T. Dewltt
T.ilmiigo liad nn inimenso uuili'inco at his
' IngerbOll" lectme. Jtav. Alfred \.Wright ,
lean of the C'linutauqim pchuol of tlieohigy ,
nctnreil on " Vuother Gravufor the Theory ol
Involution. "
Tlio AV her Jor To-iJay ,
AHiiiNiiTON , ifuly Wl. 1'or thu I'pper
Mlssinsippi Valley : Fair xvfulher , In the
noithern poitiun , clenrlng xveathor in the
Kniitliuiii portion , northwodlerly winds and
ff ntionaiy temperature und higher birometer.
For thu Mimouri Volley : l''nir ' wuather , northwesterly -
westerly winds nnd slaliuna'y temperature.
Hunker linn IHOII'H
iMilANAl'Ol.iH , Ind. , July 30.A reduction
of the bond of ? CO,000 on Kx-Unnicer Hiirii-
uiin'ii appearanva has been refilled. Thu pulico
htlll guard Harrison at his bonne.
IllTTtiK IJHEA7) .
Complaint ! H frciucnlly | in ado by tlioso
who HBO linking powders that they leave
in broad , biscuit , or cake , raised by thorn
a diuagrooible , bitter tuate. ThU tuatu
followH the usu of all impure baking | iuw-
dors , and is caunod uithcr by their con
taining alum ( introduced lo inako a cheiip
arliclo ) , by the impure nnd adulturatod
charaotorof otlior ingrodionta used , or
from the ignorance of their mamifnctur-
ura of thu proper inotliods of combining
Ilium. Thcso baking powderu leave in
the bread a residuum formed of lime ,
earth , alum , or otlior deleterious matters
not always , though fretjuontly , taatablo
in food , and by all phymcians classed as
injurious to health. The Royal Baking
I'owleris free from this eorious dofeot. In
its use noruciduuin ia luft , und the lonf
raised by it in alwayo uwoot , light and
wholesome , and nolicably free from tlio
puouliar tuato complained of , The reason
of thin U because it is composed of noth
ing but absolutely nuro maloriixls , Helen-
tilically combined iu exactly Uio proper
proportions of acid and alkali to act upon
and destroy each other , while producing
the largest amount of raising power. Wo
are justified in this assertion from thi >
umjunlifiod atatoinonta made by the C.'ov
ornmcnt cluunists , who uftor thorough
itinxhauntablo testa iTcoimnonded thu
"Hoyul" for Governmental use bccuuoe
of its Htiporiority over all others in pur
ity , utrongth iinJ wliolenomunuaa , There
is no dunger of bitter broad or biscuil
where it ulono is used ,
AKIiiKliiK | Matoli ,
NKW VOHK , July 3J. DamjJHOy
I'ulljiuuss vlua taunting m tweiiiyunu
Vcnlnroli , the Blaci Croe ) [ QOEDD , Bee-
ElDgonllicSlreclsorifewTort ,
Wino , Fast MOD , and Opium Mnko
Her a Hag at 33 ,
The Beastly Outrage of Two Wo-
111011 by Sevoii Tonnossoonnsi
Congressman Oulbertson , ofKy , ,
Driven to Suioido by Drink ,
Woman , Hatohot and Skyrookot
Play Smasli at Oinoinnati ,
A llowltolieil Knrntly In Mtohltrnn
H , Vniulorbllt'H Dlvoroo Onno
Other Miseries.
Sjieclal Ditpatch to TllK BKI : .
NKW YOHK , July -Vcwtuwll , the once
: nmoiu datixeuse , was nrrottail yoitunUy for
negging in the street * nnd to-day was Kent to A few ycam ova nho fascinated
; heatro-goerH nn n prcmiero iu the "Jllack
Jrook. ' ' She l > ecanio crippled after nn illncsi
.hroo j cars ngo , and n considerable sum of
money was suhsciibed for her ; then a news-
laaer sultacription at a later day was taken for
ii-r. Her lllnosa , she says , mod that up long
ngo. Shu Is apparently fifty yc.vrn of age , but
n reality only thirty-throe , witli n head bent
vay forward nnd most of the weight of bar
> ody resting on a cano which she carrlex in
lotli hands. The decrepit and paralytic
creature hobblud along with n step no more than
lueo inches in length , Yenturolt was ton Years
ago the hanilsamest dancer , bath in fnco anil
igure , on the rtago in this country. Shu was
a New York girl of Irish parentage , and
adontnd the Italian name simply for ntngo
nirposcH. She had blue oyH and redilinh hair
aid limlis as round ni a childV , iiot itlu > tnnil-
ng the tremendous exertions which bur pix-
oeslon called for. Slio began to dance when
she was 10 yearn old , having begun in tliubnU
et of the Italian opura. When xhn wim
brought out in "Tho lilnck Crook" nt Nililu'a
j.inlon , there wuru better dancers , but no
jandHimier woman on the stage. She became
.ho talk of the town , nnd could not resist the
.emptiitions into which her sudden prominence
.hrew her. Hho HOIUI became it habitua of din-
ler parties given by the fat sot to wlilch Fisk
mil Stokes helonged , She danced in ' Tim
Ulack Crook" for two yours , and then dropped
out of thu lint of premiere danseiiso. She be
came dUHipated und for four or li\o years was
luder the nrotcction of a rich ppottlug inan
It is said tliatdlio ii now a victim of the opium
: iubit.
Special Dispatch to TllK 15r.K.
CiiArrA.vojiOA , . Tnly * 30. Jlerirj' ThojSms
WAK captiue"il > Jarly this moni'ng and nifcy : )
ccketl up at Spring Oity. Ho in the wocond
man captured of a crowd of H ven who vinted
the homo of Mrx. Robert Buchanan , In Ithoa
county , nnd carried her and her beautiful
laughter into the wo da and ravished them ,
toeplng them there all night ntul lejieating
their attacks. The party then divided.
TUB ( Mill ,
was kept under the control of fho of the men
'or two dajv. nnd forced to submit to their
iintality. .Sho managed to escape Tuesday
light while her captors woio in a drunken
btuper. Gilhurnt , the first nun arrested , ban
onfeihcd the deed , giving the fullmt details.
Ilia country is ticingKcourodfor the live other
A MOII 1 OHM1 * .
l < a t nighta largo naity wiw formed at .Si > rlng
3ity , and they opimly threatened that they
would hang the two brutes bofoio morning ,
jut wise hoad/i / counseled the loailorx , and Uio
ittack on the jail win postponed. It ix
thought they will wait until tint whole party is
caj , lined aud lynch them altogether.
WASHINGTON , 1) . t1. , July 20-Congroai-
man Culburtsiip of Kentucky , who represento
the Ashland district , that utalu , attempted
Biiluidu to-day at the National hotel. Jlolired
bevoral ( mots , unu of which entered hU right
temple , coming out nuar thu oar on the nppu-
-ilu KIU of the head , llo is still livim. ' ,
LAIKU.- Two officerH heard thu shooting
and ran up stain to whew they hoaid the fir-
inf. AH they ware looking for tlio room , the
Key turned in door No , U7 , and Representa
tive Culbi'ilwm stood before them with 11 pistol
tel In his hand and
Thu first thing ho Mild on scuing the otllcorn ,
"I'm afraid I haven't dnno it , boys ; though I
vvautud to mid will. " Ho seemed diued , aud
handing his pistol to uno of the ollicer * , askud
him to bee if thi.'ro was another load in it ,
The ofllccr to'd him there win not , nnd ho
u lud them to load It for him. This conversa
tion occupied but little moro than a mlmito ,
when the wounded man began to nt'igeor , and
the oflicors laid him on a bed. Medical iil
VMIH nunt for and In few mfmcnts Urn. Towns-
und , iiiifcoe , I'oolu and Mcljuan xvcro In the
room , Two nlioU viore found to have taken
elfoct in thu back of his h ad , just bulow the
bam of thu bruin , both lulldgoliig
tin i brain had not been Injured , the doctors
naid , but i In ) wounds nru of a xorloim charaetnr ,
Whonhp rciiiveied sullicier.tly to tulk a little ,
ha felt hi own puUu and wlii | ioreil to thu
doctor tl.ii' ha wus ufrald ho was getting bet
tor , Iluulferod no cxiilaimtiun uf hit * net.
Wliun nuked whcio his xvlfo wai , ho repliud
at Krarikfoit , Imt laid not to HOIK ! fur bur u , lia
wax uhhmned to moot her Tlio only cauno
nsjigncil for Culburt CII'H attempt nt Hincidu IH
a norviiiH deprnitbiun inislng fiom u little to i
free line of Ktlninluntu dining tbu hut weather.
WAHIINI.ION , July 'U. At 1 o'docl : this
inuinlng Koprcsuntativo CnlliortHon is alive ,
but tin ) physicians Imvu nn hoio ] of hl. < ID-
hllK 1MIIrwlTII lliit : MITIK JI.VHIHKI.
CINCINNATI , July 30 , A teirililo uxploNlon
occuired ut thehouito of Jlenry Upmeiier , No ,
Jl Orogou ntrci t , this morning , Thu yuurip
POII of Upmeirer brought homo an unu\plnjei
rocket that hud fallen fiom tlm Illghliiui
hoiuo , ulicio there had IK en nn exhibition o
liiuunrliH last tiii'lit. The l.wl tiled tn oj > vi
It , but fulling to do en lfn innther seized i
hat Jict and drii't it amvernlilow. \ terrllii
rxpliwlnu followej. Mm , lrimclrrr | wiui fa
tally Injured ; Charles 1'p noiier , egod li , wai
hint ; lili I'puuiirnr , ngod 1'J , WHS fa
tully InjiiroUj 1'hillp Hill , aged 10 , wus alight
ly iniuiod , 'J'lio domlly mlsMua a HX
pound rocket , Thu vicinity of ( ha OYpIoxioi
N fuarfiilly wrecked ,
July 30. Thrco families of xonr
eort of rulatlunahip , IU ing together near Alt
Morris , (1111100 county , havu for HDIIIH tlim
boon [ xxiuiisod with tlo Ulicf that they wti'
bowitcheUoril jr lr. T * L. Puller called
toxWtn pi'dj r-omnn in tlm family , nnd IM > I
met at the lo , ' > r by u woman rmmed MM.
l miiiton whowkldenfj stibbed him In the
lin-Mt , lnllirtln niigly wound. The vngnricfl
that \enllcto ! < } the family nro nald to bo
ti'iimtkabli' .
, lTuly IV ) . IJotHo , V Unntor ,
inotchantu ; Bvlgiieil | o-d r to Mamtiel Liabilities , j lW , OH. The firm refu os
to make any tatement.
W.\iii.ViKi.v. ! July 30.The ifargenn- -
oral of the marine luxpitat ivrvlnn , liivviug re-
ci-lvcl Information that the Yellow fever h
tr.vllng rapidly in Sonoru , Jfexlco , haw In-
dtrucled InfiitclorNogalen , o Ariznnn , to uw
5'xlr.v"filn"co lo provonl Us introduction Into
the United SUte * .
vfArrni TUB "SI-KCIAUWH , "
CineAfto.lslir 30.Thlrtteii "spoctanstR , "
or doctors wlioailverlijo to euro secret dincnwn ,
lm > o been Indicted by the grand jury. Tin
indictments were secured by the stutu board of
liealth on tlio charguof practising medicine
M-ithitut Hhoi-nse , This in the opening of ( the
long throateui\ltcanip ign ngalint dirttoputabto
PH.'CI | ll t3 , , * (
NKW YOUR , .fitly SO. Mrs. VnmlerhUt
Allen , pliiintilf in the cnlehratod Allen dl-
> orco case , ice her tostimoiiy to-day. Sco
atntcd that hcr jtiband left lior in l-Vbrnary ,
1883 ; ho loft n note stating that ho had gone
awi\y becaiiHOho , wan oltundod nt loino lau *
'tiage'thu used In the morning , lielnganked
to give some readout why tlio brmight thi
nilt , she said Allen wnn intemperate and hit )
irontli amclliil Itadly , Ho threatened once to
tick her out of the bed. HP brought vermin
utii the hoiiH ) . She nlto cbargod bur husband
NKW YOHK , .Inly 30. Shareholders of the
wrecked Matlnu b.uik ha > u nppointod n com-
iiltto * to confer \\itli the receiver nud thu
comptroller of the treasury to aticrrtain thu
com ! lion uf the b.uik ; nlso t ( ) report ns to tlio
expediency of proceeding against tlio directors.
UooNKVii.i.KJuly30.- ing thu i > xit three
montha a number of horses have Ix-en poivuncd
iear Taylorsvllle , Warrick county , and a. ro"
ward wns olfered for the detection of thu rrlnii-
nal.i. John K Ujtliell obtained evidence
thnwing tlio guilty parties wuro John Ingrnin
uul.liicob Itradley , ulio wnru arreHtiilviib thu
wo ii.npliterrt : of the latter. Ingrnm when
irrested gave bond aud left thu country
iprmlloy WIIH given ton ibiyn to leave. Tills
iiornlng Ilntheil \yas found dead on tlio
truets of Tayli > rnvi lo , evidently murdered.
t is thought the crime wan cominltted by
cither Ingram or Kpradley. The tan ilivy'n
illiuved Sprndley to lonvo the county uxpii-ud
o-niglit , and to-day ho started , but was re
called and informed tbtt ho would ho Ijnehod
o-nixht. Tin ) Micrlff ha-i gone ti > Taylorev Hie
D takn Spr.ulloy into cnilody and prevent
njury to him or his daughter * .
Mutlcre ,
LONDON , July 31. Tlio German , AiiHtrlnn
indltaliiin dohigatos lo tlio Kgyptian confer-
euco will BUpjMirt tlm compromiio of the
Egyptian qucsilon. The tornm of thu com
irumiso aruthat iv reduction of 01111 half of ono
> er cent in u teroxt on the 1' yptian depart-
: nent etiall be undo of the reveuuu dotived
from tlie land tax , which < looi net roaofi thn
KligiiioriH oitlnmte. Wadd ngtun , tin Frenclv
ainbatsadur , mailu a rofecouco > o the ton
volition on French toima.
. fSury' ItO - romitonAf'Yho '
royal families will bu held at Copenhagen
0'irly in August. The czar nnd r./.irina of
It'iehla , the prince and piincciMof Wnlof , the
king aud imcon of ( ! recce , and the duke and
duchess ot Cumberland nro 01 pooled to bo
nrunpiit at the reunion. Ktlorts nro making to
mdiicu the duke of Cumbsiland to rrsipu his
claim to the HOUKK of Hanover and accept thu
terms olfoied by tbu emperor of Germany.
KiiHBla'H AlllctloiiH.
ST. 1'itTEInauito , July 30. A priest to-day
at Witopsk led a mob to attack onu of tlio
liousoH uf the .lows nt that phicn , The mill-
t ry dinpt'iuodtho mob , anil miulo savornl or-
rests , The priest escaped.
Thirty deaths at I'lcskof from thu Siberian
Tlio villages of Hybotkugo and Bmalonskoge
near St. Petersburg , bavn beun bunicd.
Dr. Koch CrltlclNCH
liEHUN , July HO.Dr. . Koch , thu noted
Gorman , Cholera o\j > ert , wlmhoH been visit
ing tlm infected districts lias addressed a re
port to KUmarck. Dr. Koch criticises KOVITD
ly the wnnt of precaution bhuwn by the Kng
hah govcrnmout iu taking measure * to prevent
tliUHirnud ( of the upidumiu. KhouM cliolrru
apptar in KliKlnnd Dr. Koch advieea the
Htrlctest neaHiue.H'against all vu.ssells from that
* f'
franco anil China.
1'Alim , July ISO. Advlcus fnini Shanghai
state that I'ntii Notre is pruning Vlcoioy
Nankin to obtain'from ' IVkin conlirinution of
special ojlnmorcul lighU of h'liinco xvllh thu
s inherit prilvlncu. Thu French miniiter
iillieiH to withdraw the indemnity claims if the
privllegoj for the Branch are oxtondcd.
Oorinuii 1'olltlCH ,
It inroportod that th'jruichstagxvilldii'wilvo '
all tht * end of Octubur , Pint-rubious oxint
mir thu natlomvl liberals and muted hbnr _
nlc , Itlsinurck is coiiciirling n modus xivumli
U tween the national hhends and the conserva-
the radicals.
Tlio Turf.
July 30 , At Grcniiwood to-day ,
the men for thn HtnwanU imp was won by
Gerard'H bay horce , Sweetbread , Duke of
\Vo tmlnstor'H biy cell , Duke of Richmond ,
' M ; Duke ot lioaufurt'ii hay filloy , Ispah , 3d ,
Txvonty-thrco starters.
SIOIKIKII.M , July 30. Count Carl l.oiner-
haupt , thoBwodiHhminiht r to Amoricn , will
ropiiicn linriui Xilber n minister at J'dils ,
nJu.loiismlisiniMCiui | : | HI foun.
vi I Irom i ucli fhi'iiiMiiauK Dunn liny * , llos
tmi ! .M. IMumtauirif Chirooi | ' " ' uOitun <
llodc' . illluuiikee. Never wild In milk.
The Process Continues on
sired ,
The Texna Fever Scare AiTaotf ?
Considerably the Oattlo Tradoi
Mony Eastern Ordeiff Conn * te
mandod and Exporters Idle jjT
The Despised Hog on the Oonf
Advances 5 to
Grain Market Weakor-Po/l/ /
Laid and Losojfi
V lionr llnlil on Itoclt In > atil Iu Wall' '
Street Other Market Matters. .
Social DIopfttchtoTiiB UKK.
CHICAOO , July : ! 0. The general market for
civttla wn rather slow , inid x'ftlaes ruled n
liwlo lower all aroiuul. There were moro
oe < l fat nativon amuiif ; tVin receipt * tha'n for'
any day for r. week past. The ahlppinR orders
wore lit'ht , and then there wan a linneiiuK un-
ortainty ns to what extent the prencnt xcaro
n regard to TCXUM fever would affect the do-
uand for meat , .Many eastern orders have
loon cuuntcrmandod , and dronted beef oper-
tora were going slow , xvhllu etportcrs nro
Imoot entirely out of tha market. Frtt aittlo
illtd dull , with priceH ntrong and 10 to Ilia
ower. liraMor.t and cnmimm natives and all
ortt f lotvgr.ulo of bulrhcru' utockvoio hitni
0 Kelt : it nnythli ) ) ; bko Hatinfaetory price ? .
'ho "ecaru" kvopt thu biiyum fur thoao sorttv
ut of the markot. Texanwuro in light mip-
ily compared with thu provluu > days of the
veelc. Stuckern and feeilorn nro in fair ro-
ucft , tint they aTfjNollln at veiy low figures ;
nod tochoico hi i > ing , 120U to llVil ) Ihs , 5 70
.l > ii L'll ; cDinmou to medluiu , 1COU to 1'JOO lb r
Wl to fi HO ; rangu cattle wimk and tOo lower-
tasii TOVJUK , VtW tu tKX ) Ibs , II til ) to U CO ;
\iuorlcau < , : i T5 to 5 ( K ) .
Tlioro wax a short all ailing the- line , nnd.
> ricen advoncixl 6 tiV 10 , thu unrkot closing
Irons nt tlio advance , with ubnutall mild.
. 'ho ipiallty wat letter than yOHtorday , and
H'st H hto.'iiinuuidiii | ; n prciuunu. - Skipaand
luow-outs noli ! at 40 kit 5 IU ; H ortod lieht ,
1 J5 to fi tC > ; packers ivuU Rbipuorc , T > L'5 to fi DO :
rho bulk of thu good mixed packern ooldv' at
> -Id to 5 ( U ; li ht , ir 0 to 230 tuuuda , 5 R-r to
( IttAIK.
To-day'H markets xvoro weak , heavy and
ewer during the Creator part of the session ,
t was decidedly a "weivtlior" uvarkot , break-
ug otf on HiiiiOnno nnd good report ! ) from all
hu wuHlcrn nnd northwestern sUttt * , backed
ip by la ix" and growing receipt * ni bt. IiouLi
and other ( KilntB. 1'orrigu mlvieex xvcro also
axorahlo to lower piiceB. Trading , as usual ,
xva largely local
Wliout opened easy at 3 t < > 1 oft from yen-
: i'id y , auil lulvancod slightly on early buy *
ing eider * . After the tiret hour the bi ? IIOUROI
an > brokers had orders to HO ] I , The. WIIMJV tire ,
diviilod' U | > "CnmonK ' tho"cr6wid/timiIjbrouRht1 /
about n deellnoof 1 'i.v Thorn wna coriililol ? '
nblo changing in Auuimt and September , nt' a
diffeiunco of 1'c. The clo u of the morning-
to nion xvan cany. Caah wheat xvaa nominally ,
Kl'/c. /
i Uurn opened not much Ix.'ttrr , though
tciuly and inactivu , beini ; not muuli wa nted.
luly opened ut III | c , Bold ii ( > to ' -ic , aud
closed nt : il\i \ : ,
I'roxlhions xvere weaker , pork being flat and
entirely nominal , hard recorded an advance '
ovur thu opunitig pilces , but lo t it later , all
options clo elug lower than they opened
2:110 : P.M. Whiwt lirm ; closing nt 83J for
Coin steady ; closing at M'c [ forAugimt ,
fil.JjO for .September , fk'lji : fur < lutohor , ! tjj for
tinyear. .
( UU stronger ; August 2G i ! , September -GJc ,
thn year ItOc.
I'ork Unchanged.
Lard a nlmdo Ixitter : 7 ' ) for August , 7l'i
for Hoptombor , 7 W4 fur Octolwr. l
Dispatch to TIIK UKK.
OIIK , July HO. A vigorous attack
wns madu upon I took Island this morning , and
itwas knocked out to the tune of " per cent ,
and fold down to H.J. Tlm bulls eny the break
was without reason , ivnd the way stock tallied
up and sold in short order nt thn recovery and
it fractional advance gives uomuculor to their
theory that it was bear raid oil ono of the
l > xtock.s for the pur | > ou of creating
In iwint of activity , St I'.iul seems tu retain
the head of thu whulc stuck list. Tlio lowest
point touched to-day was only | | c otf from yea-
tortlay'd eluding , nnd eullliift mrv atthnhfgh-
est tirftiri H of the duy and y bitter thun lout
night , llurllngton ia steady and Noithwe&tcrn
Iractionully better , lllinou Central Is ' , ( otf ;
Union 1'aciHc this afternoon Is u ] 1 p r cent ,
mid LimUvilla and -Naslivlllo touk n jump of
25 per cent , to ICi , on buying by board ol
tnuiora. .IrrM'y C'dutrnl bioUo is percent iu
thuoH-nlng | and - percent a Jditional luter.
Jjackawuninv U elf 1 per cent and Ksadjng thu
Humu , The break is nttribut.iblo to raids tuinod
iipun reported
and thu prospect of an ox tended limitation of
tbu production. Thu Dolawaroft. llmleon IH-O-
pie and the I'eunsylvanla Coal company utli-
ccrn say thuru has been uo im-fting ytt , and
that uiinu in called , but the Htreet is nervouH
despite I'lOfiilcnt'a ( of tuo Lackawauna )
lUHsnranco that there Is a probability of an ad
vimc'j for stovii coal rates , Gould's Missouri
1'aclllc was let elf ut t ! pur cent , while West
ern Union was kept up und advanced ' , ' . Yiui-
di rbilt'ti were not idlovrrul to drag ; thin after
noon they are better than yeHterday. Itatcn
nro Mimowhat uaeier foi' the liorroweis of
stocks to-day , und thu uvidunco of liglit inunoy
is not yet fouhcoming.
Culiaii K.\porc
M.VIIIIIO , July 30. A decrao concerning
Cubiui v.xMirt | ti\ei > , gu/.utteil yesterday , takun
off IK ) per cent , of prenont export tax on nil
classes of Hiigar. I < ptnniu a reduced tax to
bo paid. Ode-hall In Cuban bank notes , More.
nver , uithnxiew to blinking the prevailing
deadlock in tugar oxportatlun tbo docrco di
rt ctn oven reduced tax need not bo paid at
thu time of uhlpinenj an now required , pro
vided satisfactory gimrantoeH of payment are
Franco nnd China.
I'AIIIS , July 30. Minlnter Kerry fava mult-
euco to-day to l.l Fong I'ao , Chlnutomluister ,
who ieiiieateil | un oxtunslou of tlmo for Chinu
to ruply to thu demands uf Franco buyund thu
limit of August l t. Kerry refuned to accede
to the request. 1'atenotre , Kroiich minister to
China , and the Ylceriy of Xaiikin an > atlll
fimtluuing negotlutiona at .Shanghai.
A Novudii Tcixyii Wliipil Out ,
IlAttinoiiSF , Nevada , July ! ! 3. Tha town
of Lining , f.xcujit the dejiot huildingr , xvaa
bu i i.i d lout night. Mo unrliiularti.
Daly and
LO.\I > ON , July 30. Mi-Donald pleaded
gnlltv to thnoh nra f tTeat" > ii , Da'y ' and
plcndod LU : guilty.