Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 30, 1884, Page 8, Image 8

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Wednesday Morning , Jtdy 30 ,
Slowly but aural ? the splro on [
Trinity Cathedral mounts hoaronwjtnlJ
-Thobwo for the uphill paving on Cum
fog street DM boon 11(1 ( from Sixteenth stroo
up to Twentieth.
Tha Members of the A. M. K. church wl
picnic at.Bellcvne , August 1st , going from
hero by ercnralon tratn.
After AugustICth Iho Northwedtcrn Kleo
trie Light company will supply Urge fnoin
dotcont lumps at loss coat thin RM.
rotor Hnrutcn win fined $5 and costs b
Judge Hanoko yesterday for being drunk ,
Totor did not have the "Bluff" and la now In
The delfRikloe and vitltor * from this eltj
to the Itiand Army reunion , at Minneapolis ,
IUTO returned and all repoit having grand
Contractor Kyncr hwl A narrow escape
Mend y. Ho wai thrown from his buggy
under the bomos feot. A light scalp wound
was ill the injury ho received.
* Tha committed to imko the nsoe'siry ar
rangcmenla for holding tin fair for Iho benefit
of St. Joseph's hosplUl will meet to-day at
uoon In the office of John A. Creighum.
The funer l of Lou Prince , the ovprlan
who died at Mrs. Scott's lint night , will occur
Uiia afternoon at 3 o'clock , Ifrom Mrs.
Bcult's house on Dodge street near Ninth.
Cbarloa A. Walker , pitcher in the Sherman
man Avenue base ball club , left yesterday for
North I'lhtto , whcrahohas accepted a like po
sitloj ulth the leading club of that placo.
Acting Mayor Murphy was biwi'y on <
gigwl yesterday afternoon in signing tbo du
trict * p wing bond ? , whoso issue wan am
thniizBd at a recent meeting of the council ,
-Train No. 3 yesterday took weal fifty ri'
cniiU for the 7 h Infantry. They were from
David's Island , N , Y. , and were bound for
1'ort D. A. Kuflsoll , Wyoming , under chnrgo
of Captain Lchy.
On Sunday while a number of neon were
at work In a newer on Jnokson street , J.oula
Stein struck John Casey upon the head with
a shovel , Inflicting a severe Bcalp wound.
Stein is In jail to antncr for the dood.
At 1912 Paul etreot , on the i7th ! In t. , by
tha Ilev. M. Graham , of the United 1'resby-
yiCv"011 ' church , John Kichard MaggloIn -
tnnck , daughter of Mr. Wm avin , lata of
DalweUlflfcl n ron Works ) Ayrshire , Scot-
Mr. Lemuel Honeywell and Miss Franklo
J.SStuart , were married Monday afternoon
at the resideneo of Mr. F. 8. Uueh'INintconth
and Mason streets. The wedding | was quiet ,
only tholntunato friends of the | partlea being
Jnvltod to witness It.
Sunday morning about 1 o'clock , a buggy
occupied by a man and woman drove into a
* KM trench on Fifteenth street near Howard ,
street. Fortunately neither of the occupants
were Injured but It took some time to extrl-
-eat * thohoMO and buggy from the hole.
On Saturday afternoon a man was over-
omo by g a while working in a trench on
] toward street. Ho was hauled out In an tin-
ooncioMs condition , and the lodloe livinir on tha
itroot carried out water and ice and by rt liberal
oral use pi ttw sumo the man. was revived ,
Yesterday ono of Krug'a teams ran
away on Dodge street , and jumped , into an
oxcavnUon at the corner of Thirteenth and
Dodgo. Ono of the animals won pretty badlj
scratched , but the ether escaped injury. I
WAN nocosa&ry to cut the harness in a numboi
{ places before the horses could bo gotten up
Wm. Young and John Smith were ar
rested yesterday for being Implicated in a
disgraceful row which occurred on Cuinmlngs
troot Sunday. Their cases were continued
until Saturday afternoon. Judge Bonok
ayu ho is going to break up these Bundaj
rows if there Is any such thing In the book.
Lawrence Barrett's company paraod
through this city yesterday on route to Denver
wboro they open next wook. Mr. Itarrctt
will follow to-day. One of the members
of the company eald that next Juno tho.
would leave this country for Europe to to ab
sent for a year and a half.
A number of the phyHiciaus of thla city ,
have employed N. J. llurnham to prosecute
the mldwlvos and several other parties wh <
an attend lug patients and Boiling medicine
in this city without any cortlQcnto * ontltlins
UIPIU to practice. The first coso on the dock
will bo that of John Wllloy , tbo old herb doc
I'runk Owens , A colored man , wai arrestoi
Monday while attomjitlng to pawn n pair
now ihooa. Ho said yesterday ho bougl
Iho ohoea in Council Uluffs. WhJlo in polli
court Mr. N. J Burnham recognized a coal
which 0 irons WIB wearing an ono which mys
tnloutly disappeared from his honor a she :
time tinco. Owen win fined $23 and Be :
tencul to thirty days in jntl.
Jones and Simpson , the young rnon who
MOID accused of stealing a gold watch from
1'iiliolin & ICrlck on , and charged with grand
larceny , were brought hoforo Judge Jionoko
ycwtenUy afturuoonfor preliminary inainlna-
tion. Tlioy vreru bound oor in the Hum of
J'JOO to await the ftotlun uf the grand jury , at
the next term of the district court. Being un.
able to glvo ball they were retnnndod to jnil.
Intelligence was recelyod in thin city yes-
tci-day of the death at Dulmquo of Mrs. V.\- \
ten Iloraneourt , wife of Mr , Henry llorau *
court , a prosperous huslncM man of that city ,
and staler of Mr. Coiutintiun V. OtJlogLer ,
of Omaha. MM , Hurancourt lias , wo believe ,
a ulster and other relatives ID this city , and a
number of former Duhuquo people , now tt \ -
denta here , will douUleea remember the uoblc
womauhoodof tbo duoeased. Left au or
pban when a rnero girl , with a brother
and Kl t r * of tender yearc , aho heroically and
lf-iuerlficlnirfy took up the burden left by
the loss of the parents , and faithfully filled
the place to the younger brood of both father
and mother , rearing all to noble manhood and
womanhood , making them not inoruly useful
but ornamental members of society , and trainIng -
Ing thtm BO carefully that lis world's reprowli
ha * n vr > ot wsallod thim. At the same
Ume the bad been an Indefatigable worker
In the festival * and fairs of the Catholic
church , and if thenloncs of Iho noble cathedral
at Uulmiue could pfak they would tell of her
unwearying efforts toward the completion of
tint oJIflce , Her relatives bora will receive
Urn condolence of * 11 In Uielowi of oiiuviho
was to them In childhood even ume than a
"For economy and comfort wo vsse
Hovd'a SoiBsparilla , " writes an intelli-
pint Buffalo , N. Y. , lady. 100 Do ca
Ono Dollar ,
country butter nnd eggs at NeL
A Petition to Orgaoizi a Merchants' '
Police in This City Beferrefl ,
Oompromieo Jadgmoata on Far
nam Street Qrado Ordered Paid ,
The District Paying Bonds AU
Sold at Far ,
Other BIlBCollnncoiiH Huslnoaa Trnna-
At the regular weekly mooting of the
city council last evening members Has-
cell , Bohm , Thrano , Ford , Ilodfiold ,
Bochol , Murplioy , Woodworth , Loodor ,
Furay and Anderson were present. The
roll waa called and on motion the reading
of the minutes of the previous mooting
was dispensed with.
From the mayor , stating ho had ap
proved certain ordinances passed at last
meeting , Filed.
From same , calling attention of the
council to the necessity of a patrol wagon.
From 0. F. Goodman , stating ho had
given a deed for right of way to a certain
pprtion of Tenth street aud asking that
hia communication bo referred to com'
inittoo on claims for adjustment. Re
From 0. 8. Goodrich nnd ono hundred
others , asking the council to pass an ordinance
dinanco authorizing the organization .of a
merchants ! police force. Roforrod.
From John Shlll and others , asking
that certain sidewalks bo repaired before
the fall term of school opens. Iloforrod
From Aug. Schroeder , requesting the
: ouncll to cause Sixteenth street between
Pierce and Loavonworth to bo graded as
loon as possibio. Iloforrod.
From Goo. F. Labigh and others pro-
eating against the curbing and guttering
if St. Mary's avenue' Referred.
From 0. 3. Montgomery and others ,
jking that Harnoy street , between Six-
ponth and Twenty-fourth bo made aoces
iblo. Referred.
From the city physician , calling atton
ion to the pool of stagnant water on
iixtoonth and Jackson streets. Re-
From Joseph Redman and others , ask- tj
n % that the curbing and guttering on
Sherman avenue bo delayed ono year.
Inferred. "
From Goo. Hoffman and others , ask
ng that the grade of Williams street , be
tween Eleventh and Thirteenth bo low
ircd. Referred.
From Truman Buck , stating that a
art of Nols Larson's property had boon
loubly assessed. Tletorrod.
From same , stating ho had tendered
ho amounts assessed to tha property
iwnors as damages from widening Leav-
jnworth street. Filed.
Fiona Eugene O'Noil and others , ask
ing that the grade on Eleventh street bo
bwoon Center and Oastellar as established
bo changed. Iloforrod.
From H. Knobs and others , asking
that a box bo laid across Olark at Seven
teenth stroot. Roforrod.
From John D. Howe , presenting 1m
bill against the city a second time for
legal services performed. Roforrod.
From W. W. Lowe , calling attention
to the condition of Harnoy between Six
teenth and Seventeenth. Roforrod.
A number of bills was referred without
From Truman Buck , presenting the
bids for the district paving bonds of pav
ing districta of 3 4 5 0 7 and 27 , all being
at par. Accepted.
From Loo. flast , stating that the street
force is grading down Mr. Hascall'a lot
and filling up the gutters with the dirt
and asking why his private property
should bo improved at the city's expense.
From 0. E , Squires , John Graves and
D , Konnistou , appointed to assess the
amagoaarising from opening Seventeenth
troot , making their report. Referred.
From Hugh MoMannus and others
asking that the grade of a portion of
iouth Eighteenth street bo changed. Re
From acting mayor , appointing Charles
iVost a policeman on lower Jones street.
From James Oroighton , presenting
estimate of city engineer for paving Far
iam street , between Ninth ana Fifteenth.
The bond of Oalhhau and Kenan , for
grading California street , waa approved ,
The official bond of Charles West , as
special policeman , was approved.
By Bohm , that the city engineer bo in-
fitrncted to report to the councilan ordl-
ianco for filling up all lota and land In
the city containing stagnant water.
By Thrano.that the street commission
er bo directed to put in a box newer on
Ilarnoy between Eighth and Ninth.
By Thrano , that the board of public
works contract for the grading of Howard
aud Ninth whore paving haa been done
for the purpose of laying sidewalks ab n
coat not to exceed Si couta per cubic
yard. Adopted. . t
The following resolution was then introduced -
troducod by Councilman Fury :
Whorutui , all men born of woman , except
thoio born upon the luap days of leup y < mr *
have nn annual birthday , and
Whureaa , ilftr-clKht aoeirw to bo tlin lawful
limit to which any city clerk In allowed to live
aud and pruuper without waking a "remark ' "
YIlorplH. the present city clerk H ma to bo
In a condition that noedi tnis day gome proper
Therefore bo U resolved , that tha city clurk
bo and U hereby Instructed to make some
"reraarkii" after the adjournment of thlao.un-
til tula evening , 1'llou.
Judiciary Recommending" the accept
ance of the deed from S , E. Rogers and
wife to the city. Accepted.
Fire and water works Reporting that
all the hydrants have been examined by
the fire chief and found to be In goou
order. Adopted.
Claims Recommending the allowance
of a number of bills.
Rules , forms aud printingto which wan
eferrod the matter of the city printing
Referring every thing back to the council ,
The report was adopted , after whioh tlui
contract was lut to the Evening Din-
The report of the appraisers appointed
to assees the damages arising from ex
tending Indiana avunuo was approved ,
By Bohm , declaring the necessity of
changing the grade of St. Mary's avi'iiuu
from Nevada to Phil Sheridan sireot.
Passed , The ordinance was presented
to the mayor for his signature , who com-
municated to the council that he had to
signed It. The appointments or Aujus
tus Pratt , William Cobnrn and Sidney E ,
Locke , as appraisers to assess the dam
ages , wore also confirmed.
Eleven ordinances levying & special tax
on all lota and real estate within alloy
paving district * 28 , 20 , 24 , 23 , 20 , 19 ,
10 , 0 , 7 , 8 , G were passed after reading
thorn three times by title.
Six ordinances levying a special tax
upon all real estate within paving dis
tricts No. 0 , 17 , 7 , 5 , 18 and 22 were
passed without reading.
An ordinance levying a special tax for
curbing nnd guttering Nicholas street.
Passed ,
An ordlnanco levying a special tax for
the construction of a sewer in district
No. 12. Passed.
Two ordinances levying a special tax
for the curbing and guttering of thir
teenth and fourteenth atrootd from
Dodge to Capitol nvcnuo. Passed.
Ordinances levying a special tax for
the paving of eleventh nnd twelfth streets
from alloy south of Harnoy to alloy
north of Douglas. Passed.
Au ordinance changing the grade of
ninth srtoot from Jones to Lcavonworth.
An ordinance appropriating certain
sums , amounting to $8,020 , out of the
judgment fund to pay the cemprotniio
judgements arising from the change of
the Furnam street grade. _ Passed.
An ordinance appropriating money to
certain contractors for work douo was
An ordinance appropriating § 100 to
MaryjA. Dugdalo was passed on third
Rodliold then introduced a resolution
that the council sit as n board of equali
zation beginning August ( ith , and contin
ue five daya for the purpose of equalizing
the general assessment. Passed.
TUB council then adjourned.
J. Osnrond , of lilalr , is at the Hotropoli-
W. W. Wnllaco and wife are at Spitit
Col. Stanton started yesterday for Wash-
"Chief Justice Cobb is in thn city at the
'ax ton.
J. J. Clbion , of Lincoln , ia quartered at tha
A. F. lUchardson and wlfo are guests at the
W. L. Andrews , of Des Molnon , is at tha
W. S. Ilalderman , of Pawnee City , Is at
he ifotropolitan.
It. P. Sheldon , of Lyons , Is registered at
he ifotropolitan.
J. 0. Blackburn , of Arlington , Is quartered
A the Metropolitan.
J. A. Miller , of Munkegon , Mtob. , la stop
ping at the Metropolitan.
"J. W. Wehn and W. O. Hasting , of W1I-
mr , tire at the Metropolitan.
lion , C , II. Dewey has returned from Lake
illnnotonUft and Spirit Lako.
Mr. Clement Chase 1 ai roturnnd from
Washington fora visit with friends.
General Freight Agent Shelby of the Union
Pacific , haa returned from Denver.
Mr. and Mrs. Churchill Parker have returned -
turned from a trip through the west
Dr. Grnddy bna returned from the Hot
Springs much improved In health.
J. I ) , Kllpatrlck , a promlcont citizen of
Uentrlce , IH in the city and b registered at tbo
lion , A. J , Weaver , congressman from this
district , came up fnn his home , in Vails City i
lion. G. M. Lombertson came up from Lin
coln last evening on business in the United
States court.
E. V. Clark , Genoa ; John Stuart and M K.
Brown nnd wife , Lincoln , registered at the
Mlllard yesterday.
.Tamos Whitney , the lightning pitcher of
the Boston club , Is in the city visiting with
friends. A lame arm prevents him from play
Ing ball at present.
Welllnnton Smith , Lincoln ; II. L. Kdwards ,
ITaRtlngH ; II. 0. Brown , Norfolk ; Alf. Can
field , Teoumseh ; James Stuart and II. D.
Kelly , Madison , and J. V . North , Columbus ,
were guests of tha 1'uxton yesterday.
Dr. A. A. Parker and family , who havu
boon Hpoudlng A fortnight in Salt Lake City ,
returned vostorday morning from their trip.
Tli doctor Rooms to have onoyod | his journey
and reports having had a moat pleasant
The members of thisbranch motftlonday
evening in their hall , between Thirteenth
and Fourteenth streets , on Dodge. The
mooting though not ns largo as waa ex
pected , was earnest and determined , and
the members expressed their zeal in a
practical manner by coming forward and
paying their duos in advance. It is requested
quested that all those members who have
been conspicuous by their absonoo of late
will hernaf tor attend regularly and pay
their duos. After a heated nnd lively
discussion on the question ot roprcavnta
tiou at the national convention at Bostor
it was determined to postpone the election
tion till another mooting. A epocia
meeting of this body may bo called foi
the purpose of further considering ihis
matter ,
How To tinvo Money ,
and wo might also say time and pain a
well , it our advice to good house keeper *
and ladies generally. The great necessity
existing always to have a perfectly safe
remedy convenient for the relief and
prompt euro of the ailraonta peculiar to
woman functional irregularity , constant
pains , and all the symptoms attendant
upon uterine disorders induces us to
recommend strongly and umjuilifiodly
Dr. Pioroo'a "Favorite Prescription"
woman's best friend , It will save money ,
A. ItoportcdUorriblo Accident.
It was roportodupon iho street ytsterday
forenoon that a horrible accident had oc
curred at the school of telegraphy on
Farnam street. It was stated that a man
fell through ono of the largo windows to
the IIsg stone walk below and was carried
to a doctor's office in n dying condition ,
The only foundation for the report was
that the window was fastened up , the
fastening gave way and the sash fell ,
breaking the glass iuto a thousand pieces.
How some pooplb can stretch a small
story ,
log AND COAL /teuton itfrom )
Wanted Secondhand canopy phaeton.
Address "A , K' " Boo olllco , giving price ,
etc. jiiO-St.
Hebrew Mourning on tlie AnnlTcrmjirj-
of ( ho Instruction of Jcrnaatlum.
This evening bcrftu the groa
Jo < fi h fast and mourning period over
the fall of Jerusalem. Of this period the
Now York Herald says the following :
Mournful a trains will bo hoard in the
synagogues of Now York next Wednes
day evening and Thursdny morning , for
then will bo the dies nc/aa of the Jewish
calendar , "Tisha Bcab , " or ninth of the
month Ab. In the year 3338 A M. ,
that is , twonty-tnroo centuries ago , when
Europe was forest and bog , and America
to the white races unknown , civilization ,
culture , arras and statecraft llouriahud
best in the track from the Kilo to the Eu
phratca. In the midst of the mighty na
lions whoso ruins tboro tc-day proclaim
their whilom greatness was Palestine.
The Hebrew nation had long been de
caying , and in accord with the otrango
genius of its history , national calamity
increased as its religious zeal decreased.
Instead of continuing a revival and conGd-
ing only to heavenly protection , the
King and court party Bought alliance with
ono nation In order to make headway
against the encroachments of another.
The Franco nnd Germany of these days
were Egypt nnd Babylon. Jtidah'n mon
arch sought au alliance with the former
for defense against the latter. But Nub *
uchadnezzar , a veritable man of blood
and iron , soon broke the walla of Jerusa
lem , destroyed the city and carried away
the root of the people captive to his met
ropolis to add to these whom ho had al
ready deported to the "rivers of Babylon"
there to weep and hanglht-ir silent harps
on the willows. Jerusalem succumbed on
the 9th of Ab.
A now Jowiah state sprang up under
the Persian power which had succeeded
the Babylonian. It was never indopcn
dent under a prince of Judah's raco.
but achieved independence under the
Maccabees ( Lovitos ) and under Horod'a
dynasty , which was Edomito. . _
Rome , the octopus of the classic world ,
swallowed Judea , and upon its revolt
crushed the insurrection , captured Jerus
alem on the 17th Tamuz ( June ) , and
the Temple , which was turned into its
last defence , on the fatal 9th of Ab , throe
wopka later. This was in 3828 A , M.
This day hao over alnco boon a fast day
and is strictly kept by all Hebrews who
ire not identified with the advanced
liberal notions which cut off Jewish
patriotism from the list of Jewish vir
tue * .
The special service in the temples nnd
lynagoguos is marked with pathetic
lirgos : The book of lamentations , com
posed by the second of the great prophets -
ots amid tbo very ruins of the first tem
ple , la road , and especially in the syna
gogues of the Spanish and Portuguese
lows is the mournful character of the
ttay intimated by the sombre hangings
which drape the interior of the building
and the system of dim lights a very '
ancient custom , from which the Catholic
church borrowo its Tenobnu.
During iho three weeks between the
17th Tamuz and 9th of Ab the strictly
orthodox Hebrews diminish their pleas
ures will not marry except in some
eases on the intervening day called llosh
Uodcsh Ab , and from the second to the
9th of Ab will not cat meat. Tha closing
of butcher stores on the east side of Now
York for these days shows how earnest
the Hebrews are. It is a grand patriot
ism which commemorates their national
disaster as a national warning and keeps
alive the "sacred firo. " 'vhe whirligig of
time brings about strange -events , and
the growth o public opinion favors over ?
d > y , more and more what statesmen of
the mighty powers concerned in the
eastern question begin to see must be a
burning question very shortly the neu
tralization of Palestine and its erection
into a state , again to figure on the chess
board of history. The best minds among
the Jews see the necessity of a Jewish
nationality , and even these who once were
bitterly opposed to it , now sympathize
with these patient patriots whc sigh for
/Ami and weep for Salem , mourn for the
fallen crown of their glory and pray for
restoration , asking in their hearts When
will the Christian Powers moyo eo as to
render unto Ciuiar that which is Oiuaar's ?
When "Zion is redeemed as an act ot
justice , and her captives as an act of
righteousness , " then Christianity will
have Bomowhat atoned for the blows it
has struck at its mother , Judaism.
These are the sentiments which add to
the mournfuluofa of the anniversary ,
and they ore felt alike by the dweller of
the metropolis and by those of the same
race who are near enough to the sacred
ruins of the temple to kiss the very stones
that once uphold the structure once the
glory of the city.
Contractor Kynor's Man.
There has been a good deal of com
plaint from persons living on upper Jfar-
tiam street because of a camp of t
number of men and over ono hundred
drod horses , between twenty-third and
twenty-sixth streets , and Ilarnoy and
Farnam streets. It was reported that \ \
was a largo band of gipsies , but upon in
qulry it is found they are working men
employed by Contractor Kynor in cutting
down Farnam street hill. Mr. Kyno :
says that oil of his men who could do so
have secured houses , but that many have
been obliged to live in tents. They have
gene as far away from the residences as
as they could and got water. Mr.
Kynor adds that ho is pushing the work
tts fast as possible because the pooplt
there want it rushed , and ho hopes to go
through in thirty days longer , and to find
that the people uoar whore his graders
are camped will exorcise a little mor
Colorado Freight Tariff !
The Colorado Railway Association ha
Usuod o now tariff shoot , to.go into oflcc
August 1 , which makes the rates between
Council Bluffs , Pacific Junction , Platts
mouth , Nebraska City , Rule , Boswoll
SI , Joseph , Atchison. Loayonworth or
Kansas City , all junction points in Kan
sas or Nebraska , Denver , Colorado
Springi , Pueblo , or El Moro , Colorado ,
S2.10 for first class ; $1,70 for 2d ; $140
for 3d ; 81.15 for 4th per 100 pounds. In
straight car loads , the tariff on ( Jth
class will bo $1.00. Class A , $1.00 ;
B , Too ; C , GOo ; salt C5o per 100 Ibs.
A.Mowt > un'a Opinion ,
Last evening a newsboy stood upon
the coiner of Sixteenth and Capitol Av-
onuu , having in his hand a copy of TUB
EVENING BUB and toveral copies of an >
other evening paper published in this
city. lie 'had gotten trying to dispose
of the remnant of his stock and made a
dicker with another boy to close them
out. As ho handed the papers to the
1 lad , ho said , "You must got five cents
' for each ono of them. You can toll the
others from TUB BBR 'canso they're so
much thinner. " Tbo lad to whom the
papers had been handed , tingled out ono
of the thin ones and said , "You don't
ask five cents for that thing , do you ] '
"Ye , " replied the othor. "Fivo conU
opiocel" "Yes. " Tholittlo follow pul
the papers under his arm and sauntered
away muttering to himself , "I thought
they sold thorn about three for five
G Event Consumntctl at
Council UlnfTt ) ,
The many friends of Harry G. Oouns
man and Miss Kate Bailey wiU join in
extending to this young couple the hoar
iicst congratulations and best wishes on
their marriage which took place Saturday
afternoon at the office of Justice Vaughan
in Council Bluffs. Although the ceremony
mony was strictly private and somewhat
of n surprise to their many friends , the
congratulations are none the less hearty.
Mr. Counsman is employed by the rail
way mail service , on the Union Pacific
between this city and Cheyenne , and is
the son of Mr. J , M. Counsman , ono of
Omaha's oldest and most reliable con
tractors nnd builders. Miss Bailtiy is the
daughter of F E. Biloy , of the firm of
Bailey & Olson , brick contractors and
builders. She is a , young lady of high
qualifications and is wall fitted to make
Air. Counsman's lifo ono of happiness
and contentment.
The young couple have taken up their
abode at the residence of tbo brldo'a pa-
ronta on North Nineteenth street.
Ladies should reflect before using any
preparation that isappliedto sodelicato
BurTico as the skin. Any cosmotio that
at first impart a beautify ing effect and not
apparently injure the skin , but in a very
short time liltlo blotches and discoloso
tiona appear on the face which conclusively
sivoly snow the poisonous drugs in that
composition. It can bo safely said the
moro than two thirds of the face powder
contain those injurious ingredients. Poz
Eoni'a medicated complexion power ianot _
only absoluBoly free from all dolotoriour
matter , but its principal ingredient is an
active curative for all diseases of the
skin. It has stood the test of years. Sold
by all druggists. mo-oodyl
Clio Ijlconso Board Ho fuse the Appli
cation ofO. F. Flora to Soil
Lilijuor ,
The liquor license board of Omaha ,
sonsistiug of the mayor , the president of
ho council , and the city clerk hold a
noetint ; ono evening last week to hoar
ho testimony on the protest against
ho issuance of a license or the allowance
) f C. F. Flora , who keeps a saloon ne&r
.ho corner of Twelfth and Capital
ivonuo , to sell intoxicating drinkr.
Messrs. Henry Livesoy and P.
I' . Brown , and ether reputable
: itlzona who hvo in the immediate
vicinity who signed the protest appear * d
before the board and gave their reasons
For the protest. Ono of those gentlemen
jworo that on account of tbo corrupting
influences emanating from this dive ho
bad been obliged for two years to keep
his child from home. All testified it
was a most disreputable place and yesterday
day it was determined to revoke hia
license or light to sell. The $250 paid
by Flora for hia first quarter -was ordered
to be placed to the credit of the school
fund nnd. the second $250 will be refund
ed to the applicant. A. mandate was
issued Vy the mayor to the marshal to
close up the saloon , and yesterday after
noon an officer wont to the place and
notified Flora of the action of the board ,
ordering him to refrain from selling in1
toxlcating liquors. Hia place waa open
last night but itwaa said ho sold no
liquor. This is the fourth time in tbo
history of the Slocumb law that a liquor
license haa boon refused the applicant in
thit city.
This powder never v rM. A muriel ol purenoit
treiifrth and K holoaomonesn. lloie economical thau
Hi o ordinary klnds.andiunnotbu a > ld In competition
with tlio multitude ot low Uet , thors weight alum or
nhoxpliato pondera. Hold .only In cam , UOYAIi
The Pioneer and Still Ahead ,
100,000 NOW IN USE ,
Fut iui r oJlnff the lirgfht o'd fashioned itores
nJ ranged. It hot the tiuiploit and rooet efflolen
tn\o burner * In the world , and with new luipro\
uienU the eielvnt to operate. Almulutvly tale with
Iti patent re rvolr , nuw In use the wound veaiou
ulvbout a kiuglo accident ,
< ani < nd lor CttUloRuo , Moo List , Etc ,
Ammonia and Lime in Price's ' Baking
An analysis of Dr. Prino's Baking Powder , made by a reputable
chemist in 187S > , gives the following na its ingredients :
Bicarbonate Soda . . . . „ 21.70
Bitartrale Potash 64 ; 72
Starch 19.00
la order that the public may understand whother'Dr. Prico'a Baking
Powder , as nindo at the present time , is deficient in auimonincal proper
ties and to more fully demonstrate a fact already recognized by the great
est number of consumers , that it is inferior to the Roynl in strength ,
purity , and whcleaomeness , Dr. Price is respectfully requested lo publish )
an analysis showing the proportion of Ammonia now used in the compo
sition of his Baking Powder.
MERG-ELL & ROSENZWEIG , Are prepared to do work
Practical Painters & Decorators in any branch ,
, On Short No tic a
8TOR s 1515 Donflas Street , Omaha. Correspondence PAINTING DECORATIN , >
The Largest Stock in Omaha and Wakes the Lowest Prices'
Just received an aasoir ment far surpassing anything In this market , comprising
the latest and most Uaty J 3aigna manufactured for this sprfng'o trade and covering
* range of prices from. trx Cheapest to the most Expensive.
Parfiar Goods
N"ow ready f ostiar o inspection of cus Complete stock of all the lates \
tomers , the nevest novelIKB in styles in Turcoman , Madras and
Suils ap d Odd Pieces. Lace Curtains , Etc. , Etc.
Passenger Elevator to all Floors.
1206,127,8 and 1210 Farnam Street , - - - - OMAHA NEB ,
or or ITIUOTLT nuar-aL&sa
11MB Md ISM llumar Street nd i03 < J. Itih Strut , 11 f\ , . . . n t , n
tutnted CUU107U3 raralta i ( raa uooa .ippllattloc. / Cu7lTIc9lcl
- , BOLT E & COMPANY , '
Dormer Windows , Fialals , Window Capo , Iron Croetlnjrd , Metalll Sky.lights , &a. Tin. Iron ud Slate Boot ]
en , 310 Houth 12th Stiect , Omiha , Nebraska.
. - ?
* _ in „ _
2 rS * StS' -0 *
" " " " " n3
W O n / ; _ S
J * S !
It03 BRADY ST. , DAVENPORT , IOWA , U. S. A. Established 1878 Catarrh ,
iDeafneaa , Lung and Nervous Diseases Speedily and Permanently Cared. Pationti
lOuted at Homo. Write for "TiiB MEDIOAL-MISHIONABY , " for the People.
lOonsultation and Oorrospondenco Gratis. P. O. Box 292. Telephone No. 20.
1 HON. EDWARD RUSSELL , Postmaster , Davenport , says : ' Physician ol
liio. ADlUty ana Marked Success. " CONGRESSMAN MURPHY , Davenport ,
: "rtn romtrnMx Mn Klnn Bncwiu. Wonderful Ouro " Hour8 10 o.