OMAItA DAILY BEE WEDNESDAY , JUL * 30 , 1881. PRINCIPAL LINE mow CHICAGO , PEOIIIA. & ST. LOUIS , nr WAY OP OMAHA AND LINCOLN TO DENVSR , OK VIA KANSAS CITY AND ATOHISON to DENVER ConnrctiiiR in Union IoK | > ts Ht Rations t'lly , Omaha nnd Denver with through ImliH for Ami all points In the Great West CS-CHUXTG- Connecting in ( ! nml t'nlon Depot at Chlc.ico with tliroitgli trains for YORK , And nil Kiutorn Cities. AtPcorln witli tlitoimh trains for Imllnnap. oils , Cincinnati , Columbus , mill nil ttolnm In tlioSoiith.Knst. At st , I.onli with through tmlns lor nil points South. KIciruntDay Co.ichcs I'm-lor Cars , with Ko. rllnlii ! ; Chairs ( HCIUM lice ) , smoking Curs \vltli Hovolvliitf chain , I'lillmiin I'nlaco sicuplim Cars nnil the lumoiia t : . II. A o. Ilnlii ) Ciua run dally toniiil from ClilrnRo nnd Kuiisnsrity. < : iilc : > Kiuul ( Council Illntls : ClilciiKo nnd DCS Jlolni-H , OhlcnKo , St. Jo cpli , Atchisnn nnd Topokn without rhatiRe. only thtotmh line rnnnltiB tlu-lr own tniliiR lictwcon CIICIKO | : , Jjinculii nnd Denver , and Ohlciiffo , Ktinsas City nnd Denver. Through cms between IndlanapolU nnd Council HUtifr , via I'oorla OOINO rvouTir AND SOUTH. Solid Trains of Klegnnt Day Coaches mid Pullman I'alaco Sleeping Cars am run dallv to nnd fi pin St. Louis ; via Hannibal ; giilncv , Kcoktik , Burlington , Cedar Itaplds nnd Albert Lento St. Paul and Alimicu ] > olU ; Parlor Caw with nccllnlng Chairs to and fioin St. Louis nnd I'oorla. only ono change of can between St. Louis nnd DCS Molnw , lowa , Lincoln , No. limskn , nnd Denver , Colorado. It is also tlio only Through Line between ST. LOUIS , MINNEAPOLIS and ST. PAUL. It Is known M the great THROUGH OAR LINK of America , nnd Li universally iidmlt- i'd to bo the Finest Equipped Bailroad In the World for all chssca of Travel. Through Ticket * via this line for snlo at Br it. R. couuoii ticket ofllccaintho United SUi tea ttnd Canada. T. J. POTTKH , PEKOEVAL LOWELL , Vke-l'rw. iGen.JUnim Qen u JV"tChbK t THE BRUNSWICK , BALKE , COL- LENDER COMPANY , [ SUCCESSORS TO THE J. If. B. & B CO.J THE MONARCH The mcxt extensive manufacturer ! of IN THE WOKLD. 600 S. Tenth Stroct . - OMAHA , NEB. tSrPt\ce3 \ of Bllllrd and Pool Tablesjind materials uruBhed on application. S. H , ATWOOD , Plattsmouth Neb. , - - - - - . BUADiBor monotraiiBBiu AHD man QIUDI HEREFOHD AHO JERSEY CAHLE AHD BUBOO OB UIT BID IWIBI OtToanit Block for 1e. nniranooailnnn * ell ted T. 0. CARLISLE , BREEDER OF t MO. VALLEY , - - - IOWA. " 8 nd for Circulars " NOTICE TOCATTLEMEN COO OA.TTLTSFOR SALE. Coo Cows and olfora. oo Ono-yoar Stooro. The above doncrlhed cattle are all well bred , na tive Nebraska and Iowa Thoto cattle will be eel 1 in lota to suit purchaser. For furtner prtiaular cal on or aJdross , L. W. PLAN C.lWni ] , Nnh Cornice AND- MANOFACTVltElia OF GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES FINIALS , WINDOW CAPS , TIN , IRON AND SLATE ROOFI NO , PATENT MKTALIO SKYLIOIIT , iron Fencin I Oi rtln ( [ , uamnrwiraer nd , Office and Ir , lUIHne-f , Window and Cellar OuN" lth DUFRENE& MENOELHON. tVRKMOVKD TO ( OMAHA NATIONAL DINK AtONQ TUB tlNE 07 THE ] Chicago. . St. . Paul , Minneapolis and OMAHA RAILWAY. Tha now eitenslon of this Una from Wakefleld up the BEAUTIFUL VALLEY of the QAN through Concord and Coleridge lU-ichcs tha best poitlon of the Btate , Special ex curalon ralen for land teokera over this line to Wayne , Ncifolk nnd H > itlutoa | , auj via Blair to all principal poU.t * on ( he SIOUX 01TY & PAOIFIO RAILROAD Trains oier tht 0. . Ht. P. Jf. & O. Hallway to Oov neton. S.oux City , Ponca , Hartlngtou , Waoo nd Noifulk , or Fremont , Oalidi.e , NulUb , and through to Va ) entlno. OFtoratti and Blllnforniatlnn call on r V. W1IITNKY , Genera Airen * . JEFPEeSOII PARK OIHING HALL , MIIS. J. BOHOIJU , Proprietor. Day Board $4 00 For Week , Even thing nr w and nut i-hts lee main and Lonv onade fcwolalty. CcBco t c < nl , and ft nicest dbh nentd atcl houis. 1 North 8raot , Omaha , Neb Vital Quest lonp | ! . ' : : At t the mojl tmt'nrnl pAj/ticwin / l ] Of nny nchool , what Is the bout Ihlng In the world ( or fiuictinf ? ftnd nlUyinpftll irritation of the none ? , anil curing all fntini of norvum complaint * , giving natural , cluldliko refresh' And they will toll you imhcsilalingly "SomtfarnontoftHI" CHAl'IKR I. Ask nny or nil of the mast eminent i > hys- Icinnnt "Wlntlstho bwt nnd only nunpily th t Ortn bo rclioil on to euro nil dmciw * of the kid neys nnd urinary organ * ; such m Urlght's di - ease , diabeti" ? , rottntlon , or Inability to retain urine , nnd nil tln > dinea M and nllinonts ] > o- culinr \Vomen" "And they will HI you oiplicity and em phatically " llttrtiu/tf" Aik tlu > samp pliysirinlH " \Vhnt H the limit rtilinblo nnd Kiirrat euro for nlll livrr dlooa CAor dy. t > l > inctmntiiAUon ; | indiroKtioti.billiouiiipB" , malaria , fiwor , ague , Ac. , nnd they will toll > ou : AfamtntUI or DahJtlion t / / J " Hrnco , when thole remedies are combln , J with others equally vaUiablo. And compounded Into Hop Hitter * , such a wonderful - derful and myttcrlous curamc power Is deYCloped , which Is \nrlcxl In Its operations that no dUcaso or 111 health can possibly oilit or resist 1U power , aodjotltls HarmleM for the roost frail woman , weakest Inva lid or smalle t child to uw > . OIIAPTKn II. 'Patients "Almost dead or nearly dying" For years , and given up by physicians , of llright's nd other kldnvy dlsoaseB , liver com- plnlntn , severe coughs , called consumption , uavo been cured. Women gone neartj/eratyttttt From agony of neuralgia , norvonsncBS , wnko- fuluoBS.nndvarlous.discaHCB peculiar to women. People drawn out of shape from eicruclallnc panes ot thcumatUm , Innamiuatory and chronic or sutler- He from scrofula. "Saltrhcum , blood potsonlnjr , dyspepsia , ' Indiges tion , and in fact , almost all diseases frail" Nature Is heir to Have bccd cured by Hop Hitters , proof of which canbofuuod In every neighborhood In the known itorld * - fWNono genuine without ft bmioh of green Hops ontl-owlilto label bhun all the > lle , polgonoui stuff with "Hop" or "lloiis" In thtlr namo. ATTENTION , SMOKERS ! All contestants for the 25 premiums nnrrewit- Ing above amount , offered by lllackwcll a Dur ham Tobacco Co. , must obscrtc tbo following conditions on which the premiums ore to bo awarded : All bags must bear our original Hull Durham label , U. 8. Kevcnuo Stamp , nnd Caution Notice. Tlio hairs mu&t bo done up eccurely in n pack-ago witli name and address of scniler.and number ofbogs contained plain ly marked on the outside. ChnrKcs must bo prepaid. Contest closes Kovember X > t/i. All pack ages should ho forwarded December 1st , nnil must roach us at Durham no ( later than Decem- lerlftfi. No matter hero you re lde , send yourpackape , ndvlso usbymniltlmt you have clone so , and stnte the number of IIURS sent. Names of successful contestants , with number ofhaRS returned , will bo published , Dec. 22 , In Boston. Herald : New York , Herald ; I'hlladel- plila , Ttmci ; Dnrliiun , N. C' . , Tobarco J'lant ; Now Orleans , Ttmn-I > mo/"at : Cincinnati./ - qnirer ; Chlcn , Daily A'eu's ; Ban frvccUco , CtironMe. Aiiilrc- * , 11LACKWEL1/R I'BHIMM TOBACCO Co. , Dl'lllIAM. N. C. Every Reniilne package lias picture of Unit 3-Seu our nest announcement.Oft Bolglnn Bojdl nnilU.9 , Mail'.Steamors SAILING EVERY SATURDAY , BET\VEEN KEW YORK AND ANTWERP Tlit Rhine , Germany , Italy , Holland and France Steerage Outward$20 ; Prepaid from Antwerp , $ lg ; Excursion , $39 , Including boddlnir , etc. 2d Cabin , J50 ; Round Trip , $90.00 ; Excursion , $100 ; Saloou from $50 to J30 ; Excursion 110 toSlOO. xarPeter Wright & Sons , Gen , Agents. 16 Broad way N. Y. BCaldwoll. riamllton & Co. , Omaha. P. B. GIoJ mm & Co. , 208 N. 10th Street , Cmaha ; D. E. Kim all , OmahaArontd. D eod-ly ( Faculty Prlio , Medical ColleRo of Ohio. SPECIALTY FILES , FISTULA , And other Diseases of the Anus and Rectum. Boytl's ' Opera House , ore ed and wtl t KRP.NZEII BLOCK , Omaba Neb. OPP. P. 0. , . Dictation ? , lto ! , prompt ! v.attendcil to. r Tlie Loading Agricultural and Live Stock Journal of tlio Went. 20 Pages { KiKrnB.vimisAit.j8fl columns K. S. SMITH & CO. , KPIIOIIH AND I'UILISMBKH. HO.V.IIOBT. W. FIJRNAS , Hecntury State Hoard ft Acrlcultiue , As oclatu Editor. SUHSCUlITIONtl'ltloK , 1.00 per jear lu ad > anco. WAN1EDJUT ICO and 108 8. lltli Stroot. - OMAHA , NEB Jy 22 m&o If _ _ _ Dr. . Amelia Burroughs OFFICE AND RESIDENCE' ' 1617 Dodge , St , , - Omaha , TELGPnONE Ho.lU m Summer Resort Of the Northwest , Detroit , Minn. A country of WOODS AND UAKbH , SiOO mild wont olSt Paul. Tlrea traliin dally on the N P. R. II. , with SO Day Excursion. Tickets at alxmk one-bait rates. HOTEL MINNESOTA , . tO ll 0 I-OK CiaCULAKHUIVlXU rABI is DECIIID : HV Royal Havana Lottery I , ( A QOVEHNMKNT INHTITUTION ) Drawn at Havana , ulia , Kvery 1" to 1JDays. . TIOKrrTH , l ? . 0 , HVI.VKS.IUO. KUbkct ti ii'i manioulation , not controlled liy the pr.itma m IntcrMt. It U the fa'.rot thing In the naiui of chanc In cxUUnce. Korlnlormatlonaud particulars atiply toHUM'3KV CO , Uen AutntJV2 IUuKl n , N Y. city , i ; . KAlin A ; CO. , 417Vliuit streut.Kt. Loult , Mo. or Frank I.ohrano , I , ] D , ! iO W ) ar.dotte , Kan. ) f -mhtf ii wly. COUNCIL BLUFFS , ADDITIONAL LOOAL NEWS. "THOU ART THE MAN. " So Say the Marshalllown Officers Who Come After Reynolds , A Olonwoort onioor Shoots nt M n iio Tlilnks lo bo Him A Sornni tile l-'or tlio $ Yesterday morning there arrived hero two officers after the man arrested hero Monday as the shooter of Sheriff Me Cord. They were Sheriff Marq. 13nrr , of Oskaloosa , nnd Sheriff W. B. Armstrong , of Sigournoy. Tnoy proceeded to the city jail where the supposed Reynolds was in custody and n close examination of him was made. Neither of thn ollicors had seen Reynolds , but relied on the description given of him bv Sheriff McCord and by Reynolds' ' partner who is In jnil at Marshalltown. They found the India ink marks as described and n part of ono too missing , so that there could be no doubt but that the man captured hero is uono ether than Reynolds , for whoso capture , dead or nlivo , $1000 reward has boon offered. The ollicors left last evening with Rey nolds for Marshalltown , where ho will bo taken before Sheriff McCord for more complete identification. The wounded sheriff is still nlivo , and it is thought that ho will recover. Sheriff McCord showed much bravery in hia en counter with theao two desperadoes. Ho tiad caught Reynolds nnd his partner , as they were driving away in n buggy with some stolen goods , having also in their possession n full sot of burglars' tools. iftoFnrresting them nnd searching the buggy , nnd also casually searching them for weapons , ho had arranged to take thorn back with him. Reynolds'partner , Bedford , na ho gave his name , was in the auggy , and B. A. Armstrong , the mer chant fit tiiscomb who had boon robbed and who was with the sheriff , was to drive ono horse , nnd the sheriff the other. While arranging for the trip to jail , the tire men seemed so submissive that Sheriff McCord wns thrown off his guard and when Reynolds asked him which jupgy ho should ride in , the sheriff said , "Why , mine , of .course , " and turned his load in that direction with a significant nod , and as ho turned his face toward [ loynolds ho discovered that the latter iad already pulled n revolver from the side pockets of his pants , nnd had it lev elled nt McCord's head. McCord dodged na Reynolds was about to shoot , and the irst ball struck him in the hip.tho second n the breast , going from the right nipple clear to the loft. Reynold's partner tried ; o drive off , but the wounded sheriff shot the horse. A chase was made for the two men , and Bedford was found atsomo distance nearly buried in dirt , grass and loaves. Ho was brought back nnd the search kept up for Reynolds. The citi zens scoured the country determined that if they could catch him they would hang trim. trim.Reynolds' partner gave a very com plete description of him , and was tho'ono who informed the sheriff that ho had lost ono too , the sheriff not having known the fact before. There was some little fever started yes terday among these who captured the man ! ioro , as to who shall got the $1000 re ward. Two railway men pointed him out to the officers as a suspicious character. Officer Towns arrested him. Ho broke from him , nnd while ho chased , Oilicor Hurley captured him at the point of a revolver. Of course the $1000 is a prize which will not easily be lot go , and as to tiow it shall bo divided seems to bo a con undrum. The officers who came for him were joined hero by Sheriff Dan Far roll of Mills county , who is president of the shurlfts' association that offered $500 of the $1000 reward , while Sheriff Barr ia the secretary. The ofiicors were besieged to fix up the reward at once , oven before an opportunity waa given to take the man to Shorill McCord , for complete identifi cation. Tha local officers nil seemed anxious to got a filmro of the $1,000 , whether they had anything to do with the cap ture or not. The claim wns mndo thnt when the now police force was or gani/.ed la it spring they ngreed to divide all rowardu , grcnt or small , but that aomo had of late not lived up to thin agree ment , nnd thnt thceo small breaks had justified a full break now that there wns so much in the pot. It is said thnt Ofli- cer Hurley , who ran the risk of having liia head blown off , nnd who really cap tured thamnn , should bo entitled to the rownrd , but Officer Towna had arrested the man before , nud waa giving him chase when Hurley caught him , Thou the two railway fellows , who , it is said , were out of n job and stealing a ride on the train , want n shnro because they pointed him out nan suspicious character. The marshal , who is not ono of the police - lice force , has charge ot the jail nnd the prisoners , nnd it is from him that the visiting officers must receive the prisoner. Ho thought they ought to pay the money over to the ono of whom they re ceived the man. Detective Edgar is said to bo looking after the railway men's shares , and such services will naturally entitle him to some compensation from their share. The chief of police ought to have a share because - cause the officers not under hia directiona. There was a disgraceful sort ot scramble after that $1,000 yesterday , and the men who seemed to got the least consideration among' the rest of the force were the men who ran the risk of their lives in capturing the fellow. Lest the visiting ofiicoro should take the man away without giving up the $1,000 Marshal Quanella filed informa tion in Judge Aylosworth'a court charg ing Reynolds with vagrancy , resisting un officer and carrying concealed weapons. Like informations were filed in Juatico Vaughn's court so as to help hold him there , and these who got IID share of thu reward may got some foes from the conn ty , while tlio prisoner could not bo taken away until thcso charged were disposed of. To these looking on from the out side the scramble was a disgraceful ono. It was finally settled thut the reward uhould bo sent to Officers Ilurloy and Towna , and if they could BOttle with the railway men who gave Towns "tho point' ' era" HI r.ocmed best , The officers , after Dotting this adjusted , loft with the pnso tier on the evening train. The prisoner , ever stnco hh arrest , has refused togivo IIH ! naino or enter into any conversation. lie simply wanted to know if the mutter could not bo oottlud hero , and remarked that ho supposed that il they found th t ho nae not the man who was wanted , that they would turn him looso. Ho appeared very nervous , nnd Apparently dronds the future with possl bly ft fear of the threatened lynching. Monday night the city marshal at Glen wood , Mr. Rupert , saw A man At the depot whom ho thought answered the do. sorlplion of Reynolds , and so sure was ho that ho attempted to arrest him. The man would not atop to bo Arrested and AS ho fled the marshal shot nt him once , but so far AS hoaru from did not hit him. The news of the capture of Reynolds hero caused the further pursuit of the man to bo abandoned. FLEE'FEET ' , Young Man of Speed Mnkoa Iilvuljr Hun After n Young I j Ally. An omtiaiug incident ia narrated by seine of the railroad boys nbout a young mau who has boon making his head quarters of Into in this city , and who prides himaolf on his running speed , ho having boon engaged in several footrncos. It appears that nhoro ho has boon board * ing ho boo.itno charmed with the lovcli- no83 of n young lady , who seemed to bo nnnoyod rntlior than flattered by his pro fessions of lovo. Another ono of the b nrdora had boon paying her nome niton- tion and tin's acomod to arouse the young runner's jolouay. The latter lind urged and urged the girl to marry liiin , but in vain , nnd still persisted. The ether morning the girl was going down the St Paul n short diatnuco to visit friends , nud invitud the runnor's rival to accompany her In the depot. They started off to the depot together and after they had got started , the runner , who wna taking a bath in nis room , and clad at the time "in nature's own" clear to the waist , hearing that they had started elf together , as ho supposed to got marrlod , hurriedly slipped on a coat without stopping for shirt or voat , and wont on the dead run through the streets to the depot. Hero ho found that the St. Paul train had just loft , and jumping onto the Kock Island train ho wont as far as Underwood , whore , jump ing off the car , ho ran across to the St. Paul train , mounted that , nnd running into the car 10 found the girl sitting with her friend- Bo nt once opened up and urged the .ha rjirl not to marry the ether man butte to marry him. Ho pleaded and urged , and the railway boys kept pokiua fun at him , while the svroat rolled oil * his shirtless frame. Finally , as a compro * miao , the friend consented to getting off the train and letting the girl go on her way unattended further , while the rival witli a shirt nnd the onti without a shir came back to Council Bltills. t Xtio Favorite Trip , Many of the residents ot this city and Dmaha , na wall as these of ether places .n the woat have visited Spirit Lnko this soaaon , nnd they eoom wonderfully unan imous in their expressions of praise , and many others are planning to BOO for thorn- solves the beauties and enjoy for them selves the comforts of that trip. The Sioux City route is becoming n great Favorite ns passengers can lonro hero on Tuesday , Thursday nnd Saturday ovonj ings , on n through sleeper , by which they arrive nt Spirit Laks the next morning. It costs only 91 GO for the sloopor. Spirit Lnko is 'n charming resort , and aovornl of our citizens , among thorn Mr. J. II. Phillips , are talking of erecting summer cottages thoro. Those who want i few days rest nnd recreation should try Spirit Lake , by the Sioux City routo. Tents , dogs , oto. nro carried by the com pany free for parties going thoro. Willie Dooley , aged 10 years , wns drowned at Crouton on the 24th. Jamea Sloan , n pioneer of Dubuque county , died on the 25tb , in his 7-lth year. year.Col. Col. J. R. Bowlcra has relinquished the management of Hotel Colfnx , ut Colfux , nnd returned to M.irshnlltown. 7 Squire McMornn , aprominont ninn of Carbon , /.dnms county , took suddenly sick the afternoon of the 20th during the progress of u trial in hia court , ndjouruod the session , repaired to his home , nnd within n half hourexpired. It is thought heart diseneo was the cause. Ida Grove Era Bays : The good people cf this county BCOUI determined to have the prohibitory law of thostuto enforced and to that uud they hnvo inado the nocond arrest for its violation. Last Monday , JnmcH Dolnn wns arrested on information of Deputy Sheriff Ed.Vil Hams , sworn out before 'Squiro Uranuan , for adling boor ia thp town of llolstcin. The prisoner wns brought to Idn Grove , took a chnrgo of votiuo to 'Squiru Wilkinson , and had a fury trial , which occupied thu time of the court until 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon , when the jury yrent out. They worn out all night and failed to agroc , standing throe for ac quittal nnd three for conviction. At 0 o'clock this morning the jury wna dis charged by the court , nnd nt this writing the case is being tried ever again , WHO MAY PIIOSEOUTK KOK PllOIIUIITION' The Clinton Herald says : Judge Hayes , in further conversation with n Uurnld re porter in rognrd to his position on the liquor law , takes exception to the brand interpretation ot his views as published in this paper , editorially nnd by our cor respondent , especially with regard to his deprecation of cJtorta to onforo the Inw. Ho admits that convictions may bo properly secured under tlio liquor law through the efTorta of tboio inter ested in its enforcement , nnd thnt the testimony of nny creditable witness must bo given duo weight , however zenlom that witness may bo or how great his of' ' fort to secure such enforcement. Law yers may of course honorably ungago in such prosecutions for pay. Hut the judge insists that u contribution to a fund raised for the purpose of prosecuting nny saloon-koopor , however umall it may bo , or membership in nny organization plndgod to such prosiicution , would in either instance disqualify a man sitting us n juror in the case and thit is what ho intended to convoy to our reporter in the pievious Interview. Thu judge also reiterates , and iulanguago iio strong as to disclose very bitter fueling in the mutter , hia denunciation of nny man who procures or aid * in ttio convic tion uf liquor dealer by inducing thu latter to violatu the law , and ho holds Huch individual particopu criininia in the violation. That in , if n man , us the hired agent of another , or of an association , gocu to n saloon and buH glass of liquor prohibited by the law , uud then becomuH n witnctB in the prosecution of thatdualor for the offense , such Individual or nqont becomes a conspirator nnd equally liable under the stntuto with the liquor seller for the commission of that particular crimo. Such nn individual , ami the men by whom ho wna engaged or hired , nro cither And allof _ thorn guilty of the crime of conspiring ii to violate the law , nnd lip , Judge iI Ilnyps , would promptly instruct the I grnnd jury to indict them for what ho calls i n greater crime than the snlo of the I prohibited liquor. If the buyer , cither < for himself or AS the nqont of an other or nn Association , should purchase liquor 1 for tlio purpose of determining the guilt 1i i of the seller for nny past offense thnt t la , If by such person or hia evidence nny crime previously committed could bo 1 fastened upon the dealer , it. , would not them bo n conspiracy nnd the I evidence would bo competent. The judge eoos no analogy between n glass of liquor bought for the express purpose of ascertaining if n saloonkeeper will violate the law , nnd n decoy letter used to entrap n dishonest postofllco employe , na Is so frequently nnd effect ually used for the purpose of maintaining - ing the purity nud discipline of the gov ernment mnil son Ice although in the estimation ot many ether intelligent people the instances nro similar in ohnr- nctor. In the ono cnso ns much na in the o'lior the object it merely to see if the biijonnted party , in the ordinary course y 'iia ' business for employment , is obeying or violating the Inw , Ttio ( Incroaetni : Importance ot Now Orlcunn , The rapidly IncroiminR importance of Now Orient ! ? , ivi not only n Imsinonn cantor but of nodal nnd intellectual dovaloiunont , IA fore shadowed in the nmtfnllicent procurations be- IIIR now perfected for the Great Industrial nnil Art KipiMltion to bo hold there thin mi- tninn. Thu MiiiAron ) chiOlouRO thogrAiuliMir of the Cuntmmlnl ] ; tHHltiun | nt I'lilmilalnhln In 1870 , nnd no visitor or exhibit r will ncp- leut thu opportunity , If ho ia wise , both bofoio nnd ilntliitf tlio oxhlWtlnn tlmu , to Invent In tholumor.kbky mnimiroil Ijjm'slima Htutii Lot- lory , the ni'xt ilrnwInR ofhlcli uill take ( ilnco IMrailay , Anjriist 11 ! . _ Any information can ho had on nn implication to , A , Dauphin , Now Urlonna , Li > . A liONElJY WOMAN'S OIIA.NOK. Iniltilry Per a Brltlo From n Resident of the Cuur d'AIono Ulwlrlcr. Clerk Wrodo of the Now York board of emigration yesterday received n letter From M. K. Lewis of Fort Cuuur d'Alone , Idaho , asking if n wife could bo found for trim among the immigrants nt Castle Gar den. The applicant opens his letter by saying that ho understood through the Now York papers that wives could bo found at Castle Garden for needy bachel ors , and that ho presumed that the de mand for this article was not equal to the jupply. Lowls then proceeds to stamp tilmsolf as n man of tasta by saying that lie would prefer "n good honest woman for n wito. " IIn hhows his disinclination to force any younj ; woman to become hia wife against her will in the following language : Of course the lady must bo consulted about taking lior chances in coming out this far. " As a reason for Bonding cast for u helpmate , the applicant pleads a great drought of 'ominiuo charms in his region. "I can't find n girl of any use * to mo inside of 300 miles , " writes the lonely bachelor. Ho offers as an inducement to marry him the fact that ho is nn old Now Yorker under 32 yours of ago , and is doing n good hubi- ness. Ho runs a hotel , stables and rancher or ono of the few routes loading to the now dlscovored gold fields of Ccuur d'Aleno. Although wide discretionary powers are left to clerk Wrodo in the se lection of a bride ho is instructed that the lady must not bo ever 30 years of ago , and willing to work. Mr. Wrodo Bays that ho is not at all proficient in selecting brides for ether persons , but ho advises all young women who nro pleased with the prospectus offered by Lewis to com municate with that person at onco. All forms of blood diseases cured nt Siloam Springs , Mo. Kidney and liver diseases speedily relieved and cured. Address : Itov. M. M. Thompson , in tin n- jor , Albany , Siloam Springs , Mo. DoincHllo Eloctrlu Baltimore Sun. Quito a number of electricians and scientific men were present n few weeks aio , by invitation to witness an example of lighting with stored electricity nt the rnsidonco of Sir Daniel Cooper at Ken sington , London. On this occasion the drawing and diningrootns , the reception and ether rooms , as well as the linll and corridors , were lighted by n hundred and twunty-aix Swan glow lamps of twenty cnndlo power each. The display ia said to have boon-charming and very cfTcclivo. The current was produced by inonn ; of the Litest improved T"auro secondary ac cumulntord of sixty umall cella of two volts each , placed in the coach homo. There were also other accumulators brought into to show the various pur poses to which those batteries may bo up- plied ; nn , for instance , to run n tram nar of which there wna n model In operation , to pump water , work n lathe , maintain an equable heat in aninculmtor , and oven to warm apurtmenta from a current uf air delivered from outsidu. Hut tlio main interest centered in the oloctrie lighting , by means of which it was dem onstrated how a brilliant , cool and soft light could bo supplied for balls and din ner parties without the UKO of machinery on the promises and without destroying the purity of the air. There was noth ing really novel in theao experiments. Tnoy have all been done in Una couufry with the Fauro portable electric ascutnu lators ns improved by later electricians. The ability to store electricity , arid oven to use it for lighting and small power purposes , such as to run lathes and sow ing machines , tricycles and boats , has been established. The objections to bo overcome are the coat of the stored electricity tricity , the great weight of the boxes ol cells and the short time , without being re-onforccd with a fresh supply , tha eloo tricity lasts. The accumulators used on the occasion referred to were only uquul to giving light for ton hours. After that they hail to bo recharged. Ijotter from Siiiinio HUNATK ClIAMIlKII , ALIUNY , N. Y. , March 'flat , 1882. For a long time it has boon my habit to USD Bnmdroth'fl Pills. In fact , 1 have seldom had occasion to use nny other medicine , and it allords mo great pleasure - uro to any that for Diliousneas , Dyspep sia , and the other ilia of the system , to which men in nubile lifo aru inoro opt than others to bo subject , they uro un in valuable remedy. JOHN 0. JACOJI.H , Anolln.'r BIIA/IL , Iiid , , July i ! ! ) . Tha commercial li.mlc h H miHiieiidoil. IjlahllitliM about SHO- 001) ; HNHUU nuiimmlly 6170,000 , It IH nl < l thu untiry cuunty itTionl fund in m the bank , Scrofula diseases manifest thomiolvpi in the warm weather. Iiood'u Haruapa rillit cluamos the blood , uud removes every tnint of scrofula. SOUTHJMAHA , IT IS THE NAME OP THE TOWN WHERE Healthy Homes , FOR ALL ARE FOUND I Where They Can Enjoy Pure Air & Water ! BEAUTIFUL And nil o the good mid pleasant things thnt go to ninko up o com- plolo nnd hnppy oxistonco. The town of South Omaha is situated south of the city of Omaha on the line of the U. P. Railway , nnd it ia less than 2 miles from the Uniahn post oflico to the north line o the town sito. South Omnlin is nearly H miles north nnd south hy 2i east and west , nnd covers nn nroa of nearly foursquare miles , The stock yards nro nt the extreme southern limit. Nonrly 150 lots hnvo hoon sold and the demand is on the iucronsa The ynrds nro being rnpidly pushed to completion. The 00,000 beef packing house is progressing finely. The $ UO,0)0 ( ) Water Works nro keeping pace with the ether ini ' provcments , nud the Hotel nud Exchange Building will bo erected nt once The B. & M. nnd Belt Line Railways hnvo n Inrgo force of men ot work nud will , in connection with thoU. P. Ilailwny , hnvo n union depot ncnr the park nt the north end of the town. Suitable grounds will bo furnished for Church nnd School purposes. Now is the time to buy lots in this growing city. They will never bo cheaper than they nro to-day. ยง 327 Apply at the Compauy18 office , cor. of 18th and Douglas Jstreots ov6r the OmulmjSnvmg's Bunk. M , A. UPTON , Assistant Secretary. U , S. DEPOSITORY. J. H. MILLARD , President. WM. WALLACE , Cashier. Capital and Surplus. S5OO.OOO. Fire and Burglar Proof Safes for Rent at from 85 to $50 p r annum. SOLE AGENTS FOK T EINWAY WEBER , IfAYNES AND HARDMAN AND SMITH , AMERICAN AND PACKARD ORGANS. "Wo have the largoat nud boat stock of Shoot Muslo In the city , comprising Ber lin , Vicuna , Peters' "Leipzig" Cheap Edition , Broslnu , Moyonco editions. Small Goofls and General Music Merchandise of all Kinds , 101 AND 103 1DTH STREET , OPPOSITE POSTOFFIOE. . F. GOOBHA2T , AND DEALER IN its , Oils , f M OMAHA , NEBRASKA. Double and Single Acting Power ano Hand i Engine Trimminga , Mining Machinery , Bolting , HOBO , Braoa and Iron Flttinga , at wholesale and retail. HALLADAY WIND-MILLS , OIIUROU AND SCHOOL BELL6. Corner 10th Farnam St. , Omaha Neb. NEW MARKHAM HOTEL The Palace Ifotol of Donvor. ppr , Seventeenth and Lawrence Sts HOOTUI ftic to (2.00 per day , Special IUUI by the Month. THE' FINEST TABLE IN THE WEST. Don ducted ou the Atnorican oud European Plann. Board $7 per wo ok. SCONDON , - - PEOPEIETO 2j > < Newjurk , Hlicrmari Avenue Hall I'rrlr , In conaeijucnro ot Ilia Inclemency ol I ho wuaihor anil liy luijuuitot thb tunnont , tbu 120 YARDS "HANDIOAP " Is | H > it ; > uiU"J tu Sunday afternoon , August Sril. irMin\til \ < m 26 CiulJ JIV WEDNESDAY , JULY 30TH , K I.CON KiKl'EUa : VH. I'ICKKUNItlK. /iritiiiiibi'rj wltliu | inbur Cirtlj 1'rei' . DK"SWETNAM , , Olllco 15tli street , first door north o F.irntini in lioyd'a opuru house , Louvq orders nt oflico or Baxu'a diug btoro , Tolttphpjie 150. TIMKEN SPRING VEHICLES ! Unillieu uiid liort n rrordlnilolhe clclif < : .V carry. Kniully well ndipleif to roujh couii'.y roadsiimllliiadrlvpaof cities. Manufaclu ' Irrn. Mrwry TliiiLcn. l' t nt < > . Ht , aiJj'BW flBOOTT BUGGY COj