Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 30, 1884, Page 5, Image 5

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    / - va . . IT A IA A I t "V I3Ti IT IVTT'Ti'WtT'C ' 1 \ V ITT I "V > A
Ci.TlctoO ) only 55. Sh&roa In Froportlon'Va
Looisiaoa state Lottery Con ,
"W do Aerefry ctrtify tkat ueivpeniie the fli
rangfnentt for oil thf Monthly and Stmi-Annuo.
Drauingt of tKt Lmtitvina SM Lottery C0mpxii )
and inperim manaat and control tnt Drawinyi
tnemttlvti , and that the tame ate conducted uM
kcntitv/aimei . ami in goodfadk toward alt fa'
tin , and wauthorite tht company to vie thiieet
litleatt , uith/ac-timilet of our rignaturei attatht :
in < U ( uirtrtiiemtnts. "
Ineorporatod In 1843 ( or S5 j-c r bj the If
f Jt educational and
purposes with a op
IUIolfl.ooaXM ( tokblch a rcwn * ( nnd ol orei
) WOOO bat since boon added ,
I ) ; an OTorwholmlnR popular rota Itn rranoh'ce
WM inado a jxiil of tlio preicnt Itato oonttlrutloo
doptotl Deccmbor Sd , A. D. 1679.
The only Lottery ever voted on nnd en
dorsed by the people of nny Stato.
It never BOAM ! or postponci.
It-a grand single number drawings t.ik ( (
place monthly.
A splendid omwrtunlty to win a Fortune
Eighth Grand Irnwlng Clona II , In the Acad
emy of Alusic , Now Orleans , Tuesday , Aug.
12th , 188 J ITliit BloHthly drawing.
100,000 Tickets at Vivo Dollars Koch. Frao-
UOUH. in Fifths in pro | > ortlou , [
I OAl'ITAI. PUIZK . „ . . | 7fCM
1 do do . JOCf
1 do do . 10X ( <
6 do 000 . 10.IXC
10 do 1000 . 10.00C
do COO . 10 , WX
100 do ZOO . 20,000 nc
800 do 100 . SO.WC
MO do (0 . 25000
1000 do 26 . 25,000
B Anproilmatloa prizes of $760 . C,7 C T.
fi do do EDO . 4,6
Q do da SSO . S.2K the
1207 Pricot , amonntlnic to . fltb.kU
Application ( or riton to alobs dhonld bo mndo enl )
to tuo otfica ot the Comjvuiy In Now OtleAna l >
For further Intonnatlou write clearly giving ( nil was
addreeu. llftko P. O. llonoy Orders parable and
kddroN Itonlaturcd tcttore to
New OrloBns , LA.
Foetal Notea and ordinary letters by Mall or Ez the
prow ( all euma of 83 and upwards by Kxproea at enl
ozpense ) to the
or If. A nATJPtllN , New Orleant La.
007 Seventh St. , WMh njton. D C.
nod rOtl/llli.
rOH TWKNTlf YEARS Hninphrpys' Hornro.
p-itlile Veterinary HpeclUca have boon used by
I'armerii. Htock llrrrdem. Ijlrrry Htableana
rnrfini-n. HOMO llallronilii , .Mnniifnrtnrcrii ,
fiial Mine C'ompnulr > , Trnr'tr Illnpoilromrf
mul Mrnnnerlri. anil oibera bandUcg ttoci. lity.
h Ith perfect suct-i o.
Iliiiiiphrpys' eernary nnon. PP-
it fire by mall on receipt of price. N ) ornt THE
- * cnl frco en application
1O ! ) Fulton Hired , Hen YorU.
HIIMPHR" " " " Vltnl Weakness and "
tratlonfrom _ ever work or
I la radically
iwi4 irumi .jnwt j * , i J cureu DJ i *
Been In n cSOypAra , OpCp pip Un OB/ compa
la tba inont aucc fl - OrCulrlll I1U. , ZK
mi remedy known. I'rlcoSl p < TvlalorSvlalsa
iarKO vial of powder for < S , w-nt post-free on n
clpt of price * llnniplirryi * * llompolMrl post-it
'Jiiuit. Cfttnloguo trim , ] 1091'ullou 61. . M. V- > 'on
A. CAJORI , .ho .
rgrist ! 'rom
Removed to 121 N. llth St. , hu
SODA WATER ! of ng
TftCU ;
; o
Erlangor , Unvnria
Culinbacher , Bavana drown
Pilsner this
Kaiser ' . . . . * .Bremtn. was
Budweiser St , Louis. ink
Anhauser St. lioura
Best Milwaukee. the
s .
Bchlitz-Pilsner Milwaukee. cause
Krue's Omaha the
Ale , Porter. Domestic and Rhine away
Wino. ED. MADRBR .onnir
1218Farnnm St. bottoms
: ransc
_ . ,
To th
The Steck is a Durable Piano , nuisance Jiiion
t bio
BOLD NLY I1V correct
ua the
Klnvcnth [
9 I'arldi1
caao ,
l , H IcntlOr , Commcrc'ol ami Art Dujiart
nif nn. II 'tli eoxu admittwl. Tuition low , ,
| ufriie i > , I'l'stol kodetv I'u'iy eiiiiljij ujavult )
4 TAdlro for partlcuUm , ll v. W. > V. Har h "
I ) . 1) I'reolilvnt , or l'f > t. O M. lai iriuto , H : rtt'.r >
ol the l"acuty | , Uollov e. Neb. . Jy iuu 2 J
c'g-ir '
0 SPEGHT PROP. these
, , . faction
1111 Dotitflu St. Omah * . Neb.
Galvanized Iron Cornices
I 'rfTDormer Windows , FlnU ! . Tin , Iron and fJIatt
UnoUng. Hpecht'i i'atont Metalllo BkyllKht , latent
adju < t xl Itatchut liar and Ilraclet Bheltui ) ? . 1 an
the ifeneraJ agent for the above line ol Koudu , Ire
Cresting * , Kiiudii , IialU8tredo4Vfr ndulfOC
He Entertains Them at a Royal BaDnoet
at tbe State Capital , .
A Number of Prominent Celeb
rities Present nnd Speaking ,
A Number of Toasts Offered and
Responses Made ,
Ohiof Butler , of Omaha , domes infer
for a Share of Praise ,
Other Capital Mutter * Iiaiicnstor
Cotinty'M Ooitvontloti Tlio X2pU-
uopnl Collc o Ucitiovnl ,
lliNQUKTIXO TIIK "llOrf. "
Special Dispatch to THK HKB.
LINCOLN , .luly i'A The fitioat banquet , by
nil odds , ever hold In llitu city WBH that Riven
by Joliu I'itrgernld to the Lincoln lire depart
ment nt the commercial to-night. The dining
Imll vviis moat appropriately decorated with
lass , tloworH nud lire omblemi. I'pivards ' of
300 tiromcn nnd invited fcumtii silt down.
Alir.o host Imlu II oxc llcd hinuolf In the go. d
ho hnd propar d for tlio
Amoutr the promlnont gentlemen present were
Hon. J. Sterling Morton , lion. T. M. Mnr-
qnotto , John FitzRernUl , Cun. ! Vifijuain , 1'at
rick Kagnn nnd numerous othm , The liter
ary purt of the feast wnt carried outnnccosn-
inly \ > y the following toasts K ! voniuid re.ipond-
, Chief ICiiRinocr C nlck ttctlug in tuait
ini-tor. ;
"City of Lincoln , " Mayor K. K. Alooore , of t
Lincoln ,
"Kiro department. " John I ) . Wright.
"Fit7gerald hoao company. " 1) . G. Court-
"AtorchnnlVi hoen company.- . LMnnn.
"Our chief T. 1' . " .
, Qulck.-.T. D. Caldwell.
"Tho pro's " .T. U. J. Ilyan.
"lion. John 1'itzgernld , our patron. " lion.
. M. Alaiqutttte.
"Chief Hut r. of Omihn , n Min Who U
Coiirngo of Hi1) Conviction. " Chariot K ,
The remirkri of Mr. Courtney rn the chain- '
Ionn calltxi fotth eHpeclitl upiilnure , which
only cqnllcd hy the enthusiasm dinplft0l ( .
' >
when Magun paid n glowing tribute to Chief
Butler , of y nr city.
lion J. Sterling Alortin nude ono of liis
chnmcteristtc nftor-dinner speecheH , full of
mint happy hit * . Anil thin cloned one of
iniBttmccotitifnloutortaininflutH oflhi , > i kind ial
ever held hero.
It is well to Buy that tlio health of the to
Thurst hose company vfn notuvou drunk in
ilence is
Ths county central comuiittpo met here to
and dojidcd to hol'l but one county convention
VL'lltiol at which da elates to the state , judi
and congressional conventions will bo
mined , , and nlno legiulativp nominations made
county convention will ba held August
. a
No final action was taken by the board of
rurftec of thu Kpincopal collvgo at their
mooting ; hero to-day , aa to whether they will
removu their college to Lincoln from Nebraska
. this
Body Again Kxhunicd but
Traces ol Foul Play Dlscorercil. out
Yesterday morning Coroner Mnul ac cat
companied by Drs. Ayoro nnd Rabcrt , of came
hitjcity , wont to Plattamouth to hold a
ost-mortem on the body of the lloater place
bund a few miles north of that city in
river on July 6th. The remains
a second tinio disinterred and taken leas
their rude coffin , which for two
time was converted into a disscct- the
table. The knives and scalpers For
theaa surgeons were freely used to dis and
bullet holes or any evidence of foul ten
, but none was found. Not oven a wore
of I anything that indicated that the uuoug
had conio to his death by other than John
natural causes was discovored. Owing
the advanced stage of decomposition (
the body it could" not bo ascertained Ever !
whether or not the man mot his death by has ' '
drowning. The identity , however , of
body with that of Halverson ginia
forever set at rest , for
the underside of the tag on hia shirt lives
waa found in letters of indelible foot ,
the word "Ualvi.'reon. " After an to .
hard labor over the etouchfulcorpao built
coronnr and the surgeons canio to to
conclusion that mndi
efTjrts to find a
of death would prove futile nnd Elkins :
remains for a third time were laid cied L.
in their final resting placo. Thus this
terminated the "mystery duop" of the
and the diacovory of n foul mur great
by the Omaha police aided by the Davis1
Tanscondoiit wisdrrn of a would-bo do-
"reporter" on ono of the dailies was
this city. much
coal |
Hlniulurd Tluio Osllod order
, , , houL'
„ „
Kditor of Inn HEK :
KIN Sin : More than ono of your those
will agree with you that tl-o take
irucifio whistle nt the shops ia n Blaine . . .
but it becomes dletoi
, doubly BO when in
blown with auch a total disregard of timi )
timo. Per one lot mo say if the bunds.
Pacific must blow its ear-aplittinK The
, hi the immo of civilization , give done
correct time.
August Schtiltz , uhokoopH a Baleen on put
otreetan J Capitol A veil no , WHH hint
inn In by the police , with ton of the
roustaboutH , both mao ! and fcmalo , for dlu- I'.irk ,
the PO.ICU. whisre
AUCTION SALK , come Blaino'H
IIorHKiiotP Goon.s Frotwoll A upon
willnellVudneaday mornlnj ; , July i to tlio
, at 10 o'clock , the luriiituro of n I yearn.
room hniiee , at 2317 Dotigo otroot. I'hulj
suit , chamber eetu'chiilrs , book- iiart
dining room nnd kitchen-furnituro.
,721 nt
CANON Cm- COAL , " AU. Fitd Co.ivft'ri , '
Mcsera. Kitufman lirofi , the well known reference
and tobacco dealira at No , 207 S. are
atreot , liavo secured the t-xclu- intr ,
right to SP ! ! cignrn and tobacco on tbo :
grounds during the stnto fair. The that ;
board cmild not have made a bolter for in
, HS Kaufman ] ! ron. nro known infected i
reliable llrm and have the reputation bees
handling only the best goods and tinually
in such a manner us to give satis owners.
to their Humorous customers , pensity
Cream Soda nt Hull1 * , jMm olinod.
Clocks from $1 upwards at Kdholm fc boec ,
Krickeon's , J21 Ot much
city (
ing t
Orcara Soda at DeU'e. jl-lra on the
Tlio HuslnoBH itiitl I'olltlosl Cnrcero
tlio MntmRor ot tlio lllnlno
Uoxton Atlvortlter.
Stephun B. Klktnc , thn real mntugor
of the B.nino campAipn , is n sharp mm
in money matters and an extremely
practical politician. For years ho am'
Mr. ItUino have been cloao friend * . KI
kins has always boon for llhitie ,
ctiummod with htm in Washington
shouted fnr him at conventions nmf
looked out fnr him in sundry spouuln
tions. Elkins is relied upon by Blaine t
do the delicate managing this fall , and i
it is crowned with success he will bo a
great political factor in the next admin-
istratinn. Klkins ia the sort of fellon
that men like. Fat , big-framed , with n
heavyjuwod face , a nil n laugh nnd void
that can bo hmrd in any crowd. During
the tumultuous cheering for HUiuo al
Chicago Elkins waa heard nbovc all the
rust , and in tivu ininutus would , in eomo
secret parlor , bo conducting the most del
icate negotiations for vuto.i. Ho ia a
vcraatild and shrewd gleaner In politics ,
rich , uuo uf those mm liku Mr. Hlaino ,
who can push thonuulvea in this world
and not worry ever it. Ktliiiis lonka to
bu . 'i5 or US years old. Ho is 43 , and hah
the blull , way < f itO That is
young for one to bo n dotibln nnlliiuiniro
Mid a ] > ros ( oilivo cablnot oflicor , but at
31 ho was elected to congress , and then
Ins cloBo acquaintance ) with Mr. lihtino
Jtdforo the war his father was stipor-
intendont of the eastern division of liun
Utilhiduy's great stage route , and ft great
democrat. When the war bmke out thin
on had just graduated at the university v.
of Missouri nud was studying law. His
> rothur went Into the rebel army , but
with unerring instinct ho enlintpd und
jpcamo a captain on the Union side. It
did not suit him very well. So , in IStK !
10 drifted down into Now Mexico , by
that time well cleared of rebel troops ,
and wont to practing law in Santa Fe.
Naturally enough ho worked his w y
nto the legislature , and in Johnsou'u T.
administration was mndo District Attor-
icy In this position the opportunities
'or making money were man ) . In ono
way nud another ho gained possession of to
f large grants of land , some of them in
leld now by him. The largo star-route
contractors were on good terms with him ,
iclped to secure his election to Congress ,
where ho was looked upon us their espec in
friend. With cunaiderablo rapidity
accummulatod wealth , and in 1872
was elected delegate to Congress. E.kius
an Episcopalian himself , and I believe him
low associates as vestryman in the siunu
church with Mr. Jones , publisher of the iu
tfow York Times. But in Now Mexico , the
vith ita largo largo Catholic population ,
was attentive to them. The visitor
an see in the Roman Catholic Cathedral in
memorial window inscribed : est
To the Memory of
Born September 2G , 1811 ; diod-
The old archbishop delights to point from
oit to visitors , and talk of Elklna' time.
wonderful smartness. of
When ho entered congress Air. BUino the
speaker add the two became inti claim
mate. Elkina alwaya had schemes /or his
making money , and they generally turned was
rrell. Besides , it was for his interest the
be on i good terms with leading men in
order the better to look out for the inter
of his star-route contractors. Ho became
acquainted with Senator D.wls , of
West Virginia , the richest man iu the
, who had riaen from n brakoman'
ilacu on the Baltimore it Ohio rnilroiu hero
After ono session Elkini married Davis land
daughter. At his second election ho hat
than half the imijority of the first
in 1877 ho left congress. A year u Scott
later ho turned up in Leadvillowhen
excitement there was at its height signed
$70,1)00 ) the Annie mine was bough while
in n year he had taken out in profits Slmrtl
times tlr ' amount. Tlio carbonated which
soon i t ' 'justed. Elkina had wl r.Ho
enough to so .t and left. Ilia brother the
is still mining in Loadvillo. nissio
Senator Davis has always been nn en Jfif
hiisiast on .West Virginia coal lands. Frank
since hia first stops to a fortune ho ion
bought thousands of acres along the is is
'glfldo" of the AllcuhanicB , in West Vir both
, near the Maryland lino. For two
his ownership " extends , and ho do
at Piedmont , just at the eastern with
of the mountains , adding ever year bo
his holdings. Several years ago ho mailed
[ ,
, a spur railroad from Poidmont down
his mines , and omploya there several ighty
hundred men digging bituminous coal. liora
ikin , on his return from the west fan the
that ho saw an oportunity to enlarge lessee
business. j With Alexander Shaw of t'irgit
Baltimore , ho purchased un interest in A twelve
tract in the mountains , beyond only
mines. They paid S3IJG 000 tach sissippi
their share. Later , u stock company South
established. A 30,000 acre tract , York
of it underlaid with widr > ssamsnf seven
> waa thu baais of this company. In vania.
to start well , Divis nnd Eikins Ciino
thought boat to onhst aomo pol
in the Bcliemo , Ainom' villn
wlio were induced to
etocV and bonds were Messrs
, Windom , Btyard , Citmden , Pon- throe
; and ii number of other men high ing
Washington , Senator Bayard some is
ago sold hia stuck , but kept hia .lumen
. Thu others are Htlll concerned ceive
railroad extension ia now nlmost act of
, and the stockholders nro promised got
dividends next year. DAVIS manages thi > UOO.
in the mountains and Elkina in which
York. Elkina ia shrewd enough to daughter
his Luadvillo money into more staple I'nyl'jr
mitorprioa that silver mining. During timo.
summer ho spenda his time at Doer n given
on the JUltimoro nnd Ohio railroad , in the
rt ! Davis and he have cottages. The
Klkins ia credited with u dun ire to be > ; oiier
Secretary of the Interior in Mr [ ibtitio
' Cabinet. He * that desire 'iWH '
many financial und political aorvice.i Brth'-r
Maine statesman for thu pant , ten
. To him und William Walter B.
> 8 Mr. lilulnu owes a coneidorablu Cuitor
of liii recent act ) lircd fortune. niiy ,
. H. 'f'l
A Cliut , Ahuiit JJoeu , ,
Ktrmer. , * . ' { 0
Theru is a great difTcrenco in been with Admiral
to swarming. Although there i upt
no strains known to be non-swarm widow
yet sf > ino are morn given to it tlmn .linco
. tSdveral broods of fowls are said her
non-tittura , and it IB no stranger pending
imects i of the same clais should dif 1812
minor points Many npiarioa an Anthony
with a swarming mania , and the It nskii
keep 1 pouring out of the ' 'ivei con cites
, much to the disgust of their 1870
. The only way to euro thh pro British
is to introduce queens bred front od in
whose progeny are not su in Ainnrloan
( . the
have had little experience with black aix
but aminclinod to think they swarm | ish
more than Italians. There have : Falls
many runaway black swarms in this 'death. '
of late , and the policemen and fire muted
are getting quite export in catch | which
them. Last week a swarm clustered I n
; "roach" of a former's wsgon ia sion
ono of the busiest street * . Horses were
nttacht-d to the vehicle , and the cluster
was so largo it touched the ground. (1 (
was taken tram the soldier a momimenl
and several from the public eqimro.
A neighbor CMIIO in the other day and
said ho wished I would take n swnrni
from his promises , for hn wis afraid of
t'lont. I laughed when 1 ei\w them , for
all of them could have been put in n
pint measure. They looked 1 ikon binck
tiusol hanging from n limb. I placed
them in small hive such
a , as queens nro
shipped in , with two frames about four
inches square. It wna n . colony ,
nnd the next morning I introduced nn
Italian queen in place of the black one.
1 do not want boos that swarm tire or six
times and leitvo the old hive with lots
thiin n corporal's guard. When they
IPAVO n hive sit desolate as this the no
commodating moths move In and tnko
)33i.M8i.m. It is well to introduce n
Httlo now blood into the apiary occn-
aiotiHlly , but not sucli na this runaway
stock that runs to excess.
A queen tlmt "sticks to her knitting"
nnd does not drop nny stitches , is n good
investment , Shu tills the colU regularly
with cgn ? , skipping none , and her pro
geny urn good honoy-Kathorors , working
o ry ) nnd Into. U ls often the cnse th.U
ono colony col loci s nioro honey than
another of apparently Uio a line size. An
old 111:111 : in Uornirttiy was accused ol
witchcraft because lun bees gathered
m ire honey than his neighbors' ' in the
village whore they lived , Tlio number ol
culiiiiii's that uiich ono slio'ild ' keep win
rogulntcJ by Ian * . At the close of thn
Iionoy harvest this old innn'a beta lnul
double the honeo of hia neighbor * , anil
ho culled tlu'in together , ui.d showed
them that the inn shone np > n hia hives
ono hour earlier , nnd his been hud gath
ered thn morning supply before tlioirn
as astir. v
Sninn oftlio Noted OliilniN on Fllo In
the IVtiHlou Olllcii
Washington I/olttrto Clovchuul Loader.
It will Jjo IIOWH to many that Abraham
Lincoln , Frank LMerco , Qti\ Grant , Win >
. Sherman nnd JefFD.ivia have received ,
anything from tlio government in the
way of pensions , but their papers are nil
here , tiled R\yiy ; iu the division allotted
the Mexican war. They are done up
brown paper covers , nnd tiled awny
with about a hundred thousand others
lining the walls uf an inmieiiao ollitv
hall. They are curious papers too , and
view of the history of the times since
their implication they nro read with in
terest now. Grant's pension is a laud
warrant for ICO acres of land , given to
in 1851 for his services as second n
lieutenant nnd regimental quartermaster if
the Mexican war. Ilia letter making 'l
application is characteristic of the
man. It is dated nt Detroit , Michigan , >
November G. 1850 , is abominably written
Grant's own hand , and put in tlio few n
words possible , being signed U. S.
Grant , First Lieutenant nnd Q. M.
Fourth Infantry.
Capt. Win. T. Sherman's claim comes
St. Louis dated about the same
. It oaks for two quarter sections
land , ono for his Florida services nnd
other for his record in Mexico. The ill
is presented by Tom Ewiiig , Jr. , y
brother-in-law Abe Lincoln's claim
presented in 1856 for his services in
Black Hawk war , where he cites he
entered for an indefinite period nnd
served for forty days. It ia in Lincolnn
handwriting and WHS granted in 183D.
At this same time Kobort E. Leo , then
employed r.t the Oiiitod States flfilitary
Academy , ot West Point , sent papers n >
for which he received 160 acrec of
for his services aa Colonel in the
Mexican war.
Here nro too the papers of General
nuking for bounty land for his
services in the war of 1812. They are
by Scott and wore granted to him
ho waa general of the army hero.
Shortly after tin's came the papers by
Jeir Davis and Frank Pierce wore
Hove their land claims for services in
Mexican war. L. Waldo was the com
missioner of pensions at this time , while
Davis ] was arcrctary of state and
Pierce president. Piorco's applica
is m.ido out in Waldo's handwriting ,
also that of Jell Davis , and they
abound in fulsome praise of those
officers. Both are endorsed by Wal
as upoceal i cases , and ft note is enclosed
each that they be left with him ts >
sent to the pensioners and not to bo
in the ordinary way. m
There uro now on the pension rolls In
eighty-two widows of revoluti mnry sol tutfU
, and forty-eight of thcso come from
southern states. Kino are from Ten
, eight from Georgia , eleven from
Virginia , oigfct from West Virginia nnd
from North Carolina , There is Dr
ono revolutionary widow from Mis
, ono in Maesichtnottc , tbroo in
Carolina , four in Ohio and Now Jr.
, live in Maine nnd Now Hampshire ,
in Vermont nud eight in Pennsyl
. The Ohio widows ro Catherine
, of Cincinnati ; Nancy Hiloy , of
llumilton ; Elizabeth Divip , of Morgan-
, and Marian Fletcher , of Little
Hocking , Washington county.
Among the pensioners nro the wives of
presidents Mrs. Polk , who ia liv
in Tonnossec , Mrs. John Tyler , who
living at Richmond , Vn. , and Mrs ,
A. Gadiold. Ivich of these re
§ 5l00 ; a year , according to a special
congress , Mrs. Abruhnm Lincoln
from 1870 to 1882 a pension of $3-
In 1882 it was increased to $5,000
is continued until her death Tlio
of nnnthor president , Xichnry
, nl o n ci'ivns pension lit thin
It amounts to $50 a month , and
fur I no services of Gen , war ,
widows of the following noted
tin uro fetill among those drawing
IH irom the government , : The wid.
of ( innt'rald Inaau Slovene , E. D
, Whii < | ilt , luimit > rt Robert An-
, the hero of Fort Sumner ; James
McPhurson , A 15 U/or , Guurgo H.
, the Indiin lighterH ; G JUm
Bufnnl. Bli'iikni-r , Diuiel McCook ,
A. lUwlins , Frank P. Blair , George
Th'iijian ' , Surgeon General Wuodu nnd
Admiral , John Uogora receive from
lo S.'O a man tli. The widow of
F rragut yets ? "i,000 n your by
ciul net , and Gun. Pnil Kwirnoy'd /
did get f.'iO a month , but she 1ms
married , and this mini now gooi to 4
children , A cinioua claim now i. ' <
bofoto the oflico of ( ho war of n
iiono prottuntiid by the widow of
Coslu , n'iaa ' Anthony Oastlo. ,
for un incroaxo of pension , and " i
that Anthony Cuetlc , who died in -
at Ann Arbor , Mich. , joined the A
forcoa in Cnnatlu , that hodeHort- \ 11. . i ;
1814 , crossed on the ice to the j , , "
side of the river and ontcred uli
United Status service. After serving " All |
months ho was retained by the Brit- III'
at a point six miles below Niagara
, oourtmarahak'd and eoutonccd to narii *
. His sentence was , however , com " /
to 800 lushes , from the result of
ho never recovered , and for which .1
pension wan granted him. This pen ,7.
lua widow usks to have increased.
Asia's ' Drcadfnt Sconce Speedily ( laics
a FoolboU on Euglisii Soil ,
Aniorioan Plonsuro-Sookore Hur
rying Homo by Eoturn Stonm-
ers A Pnuio iu Paris ,
Tlio Doutli-llulo nt MnrnrlllCH ii l
Toulon Hlcndlly li
Iu tlio HlroclH.
Tin : onoijiouA'd HPUKVI > .
York Spool * ) .
The IntlllTurouco to Iho subject of cholera
which IIM chsrAotetlicd KnUud him dls.ip ,
loarivl miilar thu nppo.trnncrs of cases In
vcrpool , ami tlia iiktilo will nom ba horo.
.rcrtily . it linn nlt.ickcd tierci-ly the Aiuuilcnu
visitors , many of whom nre tiklnnlmoct the
jnliipr back 11 thi'lr own country , nud
llutsa associated with the comforts niul tmsi-
IHSS of Ami'ita.tiis Iu Utiropo nro almost
Irlion to ili'tttiCti n by appellant to tin ini ! in-
OUBOII the . of illvnfufuty jimrmija on
' Lhoconliiiniit ' , while tiiwyyounp Imlloi I'mil m-
iis oriliruit ; tin ir niiitxili.itu rdtirn thu
tth iy put thi'ir f < ' i on liii'opiuu noil.
In Kiiui-n tiui pliiwilti lOiitlniiiN to pindtico iU
iiUtmui'f tri it : anil fmv eal liiiiilt'it < . Chi-
i-i < ll pt'iix , the p > ut nii.l rni'loal muiiiber for
M-ruailliH , > in allied the miliM ITR wlu >
! > iii | a vJHil to the plflKU't-stiirkaii cl y , for thu
| ) itpiv-o | nf | ! tao , , iinl hm Kivou
II pitinfolly | : Rrnphiii ni-eonmi f the nihtn in th > >
iitiuital. Tlio limbs of the pitiouia nro lil clc
uul ii'v. iiotiiinji IIIDW | lifo bir- tlir.y < > Hwhicli
iHik staring < iml nnl.'itpml ihr ugh thn utioi'U- \
' ulou ol thu litjiil fm'i's. Tli y iuiri'KUH | > thii > K ,
lint inililToiotioo , niul whou HHIIII of the \l-l- IM ,11
.OM prmmd the lutiid of n liny of twelve , ho 'i
lll.'llll uu M > III ; ill t nut uvcn tnin to Ionic ut
ils vliiitnr , hut kuit | hiojii H t'tullly lix > il ou
tlm i imligiitm ! liliii'nu uli ch ho e , nlil HOO
rom hm boil. A Ihilyvlioso hu band dixl in
ino ol the Kiu.ill tnwiit ouisulo uf MMH illin
ins lioon roliihtd by the nmyor iii > niii Riiu to \
ei ) the corp > > o ol her hiiHlum I or uvon to onto
ur on hoiiMt niul hai
, toiotcunp In ihn open \
tir liintaiifiw 1 of ho ciim altrrnatovhli thn
iirilihi pr 'vnlnnt cowanlico. The SlxttTH of
Charity are tiuo to dutv. Thn Duo ilo Chur-
TeK , ouo of the Orle.Mildt prlnci H , h n followKil
ho o.\nmplo of the inlniHlvrrt in viuitln thn
lopital The Judy who IH nt thn hnud if
ho ft'mn'o HIOT 'inont in Krniioo
nsto id of i-mimi ininilly t 'l itifr her furniture , '
ifti.T the iiiniHii'r i f .Mlm .Mullcr , cul ] < on nil
ha iiunnbcm of hvr neon. lAt'ini ' to go to Alar-
olllo tn fcrvo ne IIIIIHO . Thu most comlo in-
ulent I'M Hint In ft mnitliurii to < vn A getitlo-
nnn , by aniiiiliiHii hirt iiuiHtiicho with culhollc
'd , p.oii | toil thin niHcu'niH ' pro nutlon to
h nn extent that eomo hoys put on f.dn >
Hkerx , uhtlo n huly In her ovoniiiK wnlK'H
her K < < r > luii were n , xiinltnry iimstnclio
j.iboucht'it 'n ciirrenpnndnnt to 1 * . ri , nprop 'H '
thn plngiii' , lidvlncB KnKllnh unil Anuiriean
itorn to Ht'iid for u doctor of ] their own
intlonnlity In-ti'.iil of iv Kren limaii. The
od 1'ronch pr.ictiti'iiioiB ' will nut pay ni ht
islts nnd tuo nibntitulCH nre VDUIIK niiil in x-
wrlnncod. A.liat In iven of the ( , " " > d di'durn ,
which figure Dr. Pratt , Hon-in-law of Mn- \
ion SitiiH , Dr. Clinpniati , n grpivt frionil in
RT early dayn of ( inor o JC'iot ' , nnd thn lion. _
Man llcrlwt , lirntlier of the nurl of Cnrna-
on , who timylmconlult'nt of n lar o fomnlo
llcntulo If ns Truth KayH , hu IHIH teotli even ns
H'.II In a well-grown poJ , nnd white am ) trana-
mront. The wr't r of this nrticla doclnros
hat ico-bagn to the Rpiuo nro th > i grentcBt of \ |
ntorcra of dimipated - and
i-nnrRiefl , especial- and
rcconnnotiils tliom to ladle * who want to cure
hcmselvod of the inorphlno innnla.
llramls ilrertl5iHl ivn ab olutrljr pur * \ ,
Place n can top ilown on a hot vtuve until hvat d.thca
inure the rururnml mnell. A clii'inlrt vflll not bo r -
lulrvd to detect the prwcneu of Ammonia.
\ \
" \
K million liomn fur n qn rl < r of ecnturj It bu "
tin * con.uniurtf * li Malilt' tr t , 11 \
_ drrt
HAKftllS Of \ \
, Price's ' Special flavoring Exiracis , Aadrimi nil
. Price's Lupulln Yeast Gams Vi \ ,
I'or Llglil , llmltliy lirriul , Tlio llcrt Dry Hup
Yruntln till' World.
\ \ , '
1 1
\ \ '
> I
d i1 ro
not lo
l t.f Ify linn , fntlue tl llio
din mini l ji i o 'U' . r-nd car-
. n'li'Ki'.i . ( .a jcn 01 fiiunV I.i-iivon- ollloo. }
t \ , - l.'i. . 41- - < | , im a i" M > ' " , " 1. . - ;
i IK in Uni' , i I' ' p'j'H ' witl ) nil MIIjmnclpi.i
ol r. " l U ; PI ii Hio Atlaiti.iril ; ij.s raulflu \ '
LI j li c-uuii'iu- ' ! * unrual 'd una mugnln * >
i un cioiniiwa el Mont L'umiuriiibla anil I c.'oj"ht ' ,1 , Mniti.iii. ' . nt Hu ion llo- w t up
tu I'll : u C'ar * . J'lillniun'i , 1'mtlloill J'alaoe '
. . c rn , iiinl lli - U'"i ' .i"o < ' 'Ji.ilng t.'un
" WKIII' . 'i 'neo'Jiuiiu ' j . . ( JO mo
' - - * - '
Winne | iuUi unil Hi. _ _
tiiw und birr LI J.lno , yinHineua anil Kankn- J1
ii.roennlly IH II upen'-d liclwfcn Illclirjoilil ,
: .Hu | , ur. IK-wii , l.'ImiunouAtlanta , Au-
. Nft " livih < * , lonnv ill.LoiinKiou.Olnolnnfttl JPOIl
ii"ia"i , ) , . mi I , ! . - > , -li" . and Uiualu. JJlimeap. Ihclu
and Ui. I'miI ui.ii inuirniuilliiif pauiU.
'J liruuub 1 kiuuiiom Travel ou i'lint Klfrott
lioii'ita for inlo at all principal Tiokel OtHof In
Umltt ! aii lt' < nil Cj.oudi. Iriill 1
< > viicvii-tl UiiouKh uuA ralfn of f r 1.
n > low AH cuiajJCllloio that olftr U-M adv D.
fc/l'iliiailnl mlonaMlou.cel lh U p nil Void. FE
jour rc rf t Tigket OBoo. or addrcu J 1 bmrd
P.riABLE , E.fiT.JpHII , - , , ,
rin iUm'iM' < ti in
1,1(111 (
A lloblcr IlccclTcr.
INDIAHAPOUR , July 29. The muter of the
cflivomlilp o ( tlio Indian * Honking joinp ny
WM before Juilgo Taylor on n order to He *
ccivcr .Tlin C. S. llfttr ! . on to npimnr and
nirtko n report uf the condition of nl trust.
Harrlium'ii roM | > rt won presented lint WM not
rend nnd futtlior AUou waa po | > otiod till
tii-tnnrrow. It In nndrntood ( lie report shows
ft shnitRije : of 8i ) > , ( KK ) . Harrison IK nnd has
boon for several days under police unrveilonco.
Vrrnuli Klooil of Faithlessness
AHIS , Tulv I.- ) The new divorce law wns
Fsr.pltod to-ilay. Three thouttnd suit * for
divorce have already linen hffntii. Many
noblu nnd prominent families M inrolvod.
* 'Qp claU will Ponltlvalynot bo Inserted
nnteas paid m advance
MONKV totoinlnrvniiol | ' ,03 Mil upwards on
liuiruv | . | ItoiiKlas Co , Urni * . II. 0. I'ftUrmmi
A. Uo , lltul i' tU > ami 1 an aifjiU , I3lh nuil IVnmm.
MONKTVOtOAN-.ThMrirMt t tM ol mlere
nm.iVM.Wf Awncv , Hth * ixuwla Ml-lf
MONKV TO LOAN tneum iil . < leO ml ninurd
0. f. U l inI Ik' . , Kt ' KiUt itij Lour
Acnni , IS.V ( rntni M "
WANTKO-- clrl IIT CPM'Ml h me work. A
CColtlr. ' .v kltuttlon to ono * ho H it cn.xj .
rook , wenlici nml Iroinr Urn. A. Honimn. Isi'tl '
a.tlt' | < l \n , l-e'Mivn IPth am ! ' 0th ' i-TJ-tl
1 VANTB ' A ' ' > ' ' " rllv tj ' ' " " 10J ' ' l " > >
ii I'll ' Mint wor < . flood p.iy ( | > loa < o oOl t l.los
ruiinln f t. , Itonni 1 , city. $73 Ss'p '
\\'AS MI-A barber ; 0 < )8cuili ) 10th M.
872l | >
\VAN TKI > Two iriioil plrln , m.n t o < > < k and
I for tvcon i worn , at No. 1015 t'M'Uol ' v .
\\'A TKll T o lilultiff room plr' ta work In
Itnllroiul Katl k'l'ou < , nt Nnrflk. U'e < US
r mnnlli p-ii-mo | > nl trnm lio-n tilhmo Call
Kriiturd Mutror A Co. , ! ll oulh Hth t U'tm l
niul Ko'oio.k Wiiliic , l y , HclvrciuviloqnIrcil.
II' ANTCP-Hrviral RDOI ! trmu pliln for laumlrv
< > auool'vrwirknt thu mtou Hotel. dM-3op
\\TAKT I ) ( llrlor woman to aik In kitchen , I"1
\\fANTKl ) Kcrl.Miroil | mlci laly Iti nolloin.
if ( Inriiian AcurrlrATipr'lutniL liKpilrant l or-
iinnn'ii M8 n > uth 13th Struct S.S7-fop
Oil ( UNri.KMFN-ln city *
or country , to Inln i.liv , liulit and pl as'iit
woik t tlul , unil lirnuoi ; i'i to $5 n ility riullv niul
quMlv made ; * ork Kimt lit mil ; im ouuadplrjf ; no I
utainp lor ri | ly 1'luuu aililiim lUllilila 11 nlV I'o. ,
l'hllvlo < | > lili , I'n. til-liii
1 (
DHKSSI \KIMil t.aiUf ! ! to trslil cilttlnK niul ; llt-
the uv llio 1n > lur Bihtim. Kni | > lomciit fur-
iil-tii < il tollmen who lourn thurou hly. iliu Unrlwtt , /
1018 llnvunl. 7 il.'iop
IVANT-P-llrBld.'VMOiok. 1010 Cni Itol avcnuo.
8-2 Hip 11
U'A.Vl'il-A pltl Ur Rcnuml liouiu iuk. ( loml 1M7
wjKcfliiinUUiiny iiii | > Uimoiit , Urn. N. J Kil-
holm. " 444 t'li'cngo tired. KHl-30
. \ nlrlfori ! > iiorM hoUHowork t iron
V\7ANTiil : Aicomlclrl at oJriiur ILuntlton nnd
T' I'lrr-licit" , r > orti Omiha. 8'7-0i |
\\f' NTKIlVo k'Oixl illnlnit room Kill * t tlio
II lluckoju ilarkrt cur 10th ilanon ( trnctn.
_ _ J1
WANTKP-CJItln for Koncrei houionrork , 217 N.
_ ! fllll l1i. _ 885-3 Ip
'iU : A RooJ cook , H. W. corner 10th and JL.
Capitol uvenuo. S8iM ;
\ AM'i : * A Rill fdrgoncrilliau cwork k'Smth-
V rni Kn\lt Market l.Stli street , buiweon Janes 1
Loaviinworth. l > Ick U Marts.
V\7ANTKt | 1XM teann for llaykee , Uo. John 1
tl. Laxlnn , ontraitnr. Apply t } my agent , II. Park
llannvicller. 807 pouth llth Ht. 83lllp lUth
\\J AN1 KI ) fllil to wait un t Uo for her br ril at ,
Kuimct UOUBO 1
822-li ( '
\\7AN1'F.I ) 'imncillatcly ' , B wet nur-o. Mrs. (1.
tl. UUclicorS , corner 20th anil DoJk'oHI.
ro rollablo hoyt , with liorscn. to
carr } "TlioKicnliv lice. " 817-tf
. ANTKUICCKloams > t unco for Missouri. Call and
ntonoi ) . J. A. 7nrncr & Co. , cjincr inth nnd
llnrnoy Sin. Mi !
2Jp "ITI
\ITA.VI'KI-3tlrlflattlioHitavoii ; llotol K. Tiinlh J1
> SI. tSS-XUp
; AMIiD Two Klrlt at Oioon Trco Ilou i > .
> 710-28p 1710H
KH A briijlit , actl-o hey , aboutlfi yonni
old with dome ci | > rrlrnro nt the pilntiiiK
, at Tholi' ! < > ; coiiposlntf ] room. If
r\7ANTKIl-OlrI I" family cf two , Good place [ or
Via K" < > d Kt'IIniiilio | at C. J. Caiiun & Co' . "
3. <
WA.NTBD. bani
7ANTKDHltuotlon an uteiirgraphor mil tjpo by 11
writer , by u ) ( iuii | ; man who hm had nevoral }
' fipcrlrnca In ulUca w > irk ; ROIH ! prnrran , year '
lurulali bent of references. AddroM * 'X , " lieu
. 870-30. 7
J 1
\17ANTED Potltlon an clerk nr lalrnman by a tonn
Jim k man from the cant. Can k'lvu mcU'lty > hiio'ii
H"K. II F. " llcaolll o. B43 29i | of
"l\7ANTKI-Rltn tlon ( or a young irirl 111 ycnrn old Ncl
wI'LTii ftho viill htv a homo and lltflit cmplo- "
. WiiKim no object , Further piitionlam , ad- 1"7tOU
"F. O. " 14.0 I'urnam utroet. BIO-29JI to "
\\7ANTKK-A Kltuatlon hy an n. Ii a ( irit-claim
liurnean irmkiT. Holacia go d C'nik. N will' I
to dn Anv InaUb work In order to make a lit lug.
J. J. Cclnulder , Ituo olUco. '
A\'ANTKI--A nltnallori r.n drux rlerk by a man Place
with | vuarno > iHrlenc4j Add m Krncnt I/ip , win
ataKa , Kn..x . Co. III. 7 ( l f > | >
"VA7AHfKI-A ' i edition hy a flrst-cliua lade bnok- (
keeper. Ai'dro n 'V3 , lieu olllce. 746 t ( 17(011
nuriled man WHI ta munition
Alonnx an book rl >
l-rii | > i r , In whou ! ala olahlltliment In Omaha
Addrmi"C. " cure lieu. fcOU-tf
To r'nt , 'liri'u or ( our unfurnliit'eil IOR
romm tar llfht liuiiickifi'liiK ' , lunuod lorallty- 1 p
IJii olllce. 85l-3flji Kur
Onnor two furnUljuil r oinn for man IjVm
uil Kilo Hlihnr nliliuut IUD ol II'AIIU ' In tli , 1
-lierruan arc. , IT JfctliMt. HUtotoruiH Ao arltol
lock bo > 101. C7i'-tl
NrKl > Tn Iwrtow JiOOO on lmprovu.1 city
irn | > rty AiMiutt "Ian" lieu ulllco. 871 4 Ifoil ;
UTANTUD An eilucatoil mil coinpanlnnalilB K' n- o cam
tlo an , wltli ani'lu | iiioiii iujcl tne lm > t ol lonll- li.K
, lint Illllo ciiittliti'il | In Onmlia , iktlrcu lo cliolcu
mipor'or ' Uily fnr a wlfo To uuch a ono nn adjolnliiK.
K la dfurtil Unit will nldly tin H9ilr4tlon ) ul fitruai
inottKenlt-el , niillurcil , and even woaliliy Wrllo
' , > iry | ilalilyAduriim to 1 , 1' . ley , I/Hill
, l tili. I
8llii | i 1 1 IS
\\'ANTnl ) Ar'tt Ko6 rroinB wHiln 10 lilocls It V.
north ol 1' . O. I'oi'fMlon In AUKUet. Ilo la-
liirioxtH Aililiimi I' . O. II x (67 , CMSO l/ult
\\'Artlh.U-A hiu uol lutn 14 roonwliy iliflr M I
tvnanl twtwecn It tli midS'il , Harnu ) AIM ! t'nl
i i , m. > . I WJ. nil 1,0. , luuulfi | l IIII Vtllll I I1 I/"K
dlxcrtui Ko"tlenmni | M.OIIH. Ariiliu-ii 'n oonA
uutli tlm Itt AuiiUKf lire. N. 1C. liuulilo ) , harn.
j a | i .
i hi * In lein , twiior Hum ( unnuhpil room * vent
fnr llr lit ) iuiinokii > | ilii Ou < d 1 > callnn. Ilciit
" ucciil tin or til ! ! jur mnitli. Mtlnn "I , . ?
I iill-i- . till L" 110U
WAti'tbli- ' , OC on Hr.t-cmtn cltv niruilty.for 6
i ii ( , at 0 jicr cent. AddrtM llox ( id I'tmt-
700 tl JTiOK
f arnam
\X' - Hoarder * tu know thoHt. C'lurlfn Ilo
tul on llariib ) t. , Intuiun I'/lh and 13th Hill | . " <
thn IH-HC talilu Ixmril lor 04 00 per wool ; of ant I1 i. l
In tlio city o/a torrtejinndlt" ' inlco , yw-tt
FUlt KVHr U'Mt-te ' Mill FnH )
KK.NTTwo llurnUlitil ooiitli liojit roomv ,
WIN. 'OtliSt. ' b70 tf
IIK.ST 4 uuinuinciK cliumtcrs lor In USD-
kivpliiK'toaiinn and wlfu ul'liint ohlldron , S JOST
Iruiu I'-nt olllov , 319 noith llth rut. ! . thla j
lli.vr : Two uulunjliilieil Iront roomn ' " i '
Uamttivtl. '
ItKNTFurnUhcil room utiir Depot , DOS 1
itrtet H Uelhaui
ItHVT 'N'lcuty furulnliud loouu without
IBM Duvcupoit Ht , 18--4i | r
, i , ( rJltIVY
IIVNT-HUIUKI vl i IW106. Inquire at 120 lO. i Ale
Hth etrtet. BiO-JOp ' 1 HUH
rooms , clowta , city w tor , k
I. 'hstreet.
-Honw ) ralUblo lor t o fanlllM , lhre
ronnw np anil Ihreo roomi down utAlrn. uhl *
Inquire at the Aeb. DroJm K < tnrr.
Ii OH Hi : rr A n w hou e 8 rooait and 3 clowta ,
with a sUhlo
onrnor Walmij and 4th 8t . In
quire on | reiiilict or J eurMkft Broom
cftgoSt. , CM-
_ Sto-Jflp
Foil UK.NTrurnlshpil rojmn at 1211 D 13th Bt.
rnirnt > tie < l , tl .K * oomloi table "
- riom ,
32-1 south 10th St , rorntr Harney. S6J SOp
-ITIOIl IlKNT-Hon'o on Hamilton
ncu Ironn ttroct.
I1 nve rooiiK , well , cliKjtn and cellar. Inmilre on
HKNT Kurnlnhod rooms 1818 Do-lire Street
- - 419-1p
IriOll IIK.Vr Idlh Mroct A tUo room houjo tnd kitchen , 7z >
J 7011 llr > NT-Nicely f"rnlhoil ronms ntfl2S south
2 ith ( treat , lull block trcm St. SUrj'o rucnuo.
J. OU IIK.VT A flic room rottoK' northwrnt cor ,
O pliiil nvunun flnl , sjth St > ; city water. Inimlrc
nt 2IH aifltil avo. no. ? " 1.29 } >
IlKUT A t r > , corrcr ot Ii arcnaorlh unj
IOIIiKtt < i-t. Apply next tloor. 8'i-tf
I7X''H ' KKNT Twooin.rronn , U\1 \ DOU | A Hi
I1 A1y | | ' I'J.'O Koriinm. A. lltrlln. 32 V p
JT ilU I' ' KMT A liiriiMiiil rn < m fUltvMu for two
si IV Ir men. Inquire ' . ' 'ZOO Po-l nM. 52Uli |
l.iOU It NTA lore on Cumin ? unil loih St .
I Cu.nluKtroct t n\pil. oxcillent opo .iJliTtor lIuV-
etv or tha.vtorr , iliTeiidnjnoillior on OinlnpifH
Or K > 0 Imti.liin t u any o''iur 'imlntfi . Apply t o
UomuA. llnnnor , HOI I'ftruam MK. 83lp
Iliiill UKSr HOM ol pit romm , o > rntrol 17th
niil.kiiii. ! . Apply | u T. J. Mliiuuria , (1148. (
i7th t.w t , or Ui-u . Illoc. S43-II
irull lir.NV-Uxitiu , 512 Notth Mill ( trecl.
1 ' .
] _ Hi'p.gsp
J.'OUI'i : T Anmvnott | ; ct2 inlnut-n walk from
r. lh Mil. 91 1'ontt.lUec. | 22Kir | mi ) . VIoin ) t truutur.
I.iO'l If.NT Tolou c" fl room inch S Hock *
from Itnl fur Una. f2i.dO ] icr mo. tlor < n \ .
llninmr. .
IJMHt HE.\T S rooinoil lioni- . soil ) nj IMcrfu fit. ,
< : ij | or n.o. ilomo A Hrunrvr. 782-VM
" ca rooms 1821 Cfti.lUl avf.
FOU HKNT Ton roomed honw ; furoldirn for
cnJu until .luly 31j > - , 1724 UoUKlat. 770-tf
IH HKNT Newly furnished rooms lth hoinl U
1403 Com St. 74i-31pj
JjiOll HKNT Fire ro m cnttagayithnnipla ground ,
o-ioorncr t'il and Furuwii. U.K. Doam : it Co.
724 1 (
OIlliUNr-Ktalilii tor rant ( itntli fnriuorioi
[ < r iiunth. 1310 Kurnnui ttrvvL
I/'OKKKNT-SIx room eotUco , line loontlon , hy H.
T I'uU'non , H. K. our. llitll and UOUKAJI. ! 617-tl
' It-NT TWOIIPW 0 room hoiucn , rcry ooin-
plot-i ' ono liljok from 1'nrk nve. curs. AMtH ,
1'aniam , MMf
77011 KENT-Hooms In Crounau's lilook. O. H.
IIIMioock. 61U-II
FO't ' HK.VT In Hhlnn's 2il addition , new honso , 4
rnmns , pan nfdouhlo Inni n , full lot $1101 iwr
montli. Apply room 21 Om.ilia Nkllonal Hank IhillJ-
. 4M-tt
ITtoll KKNT-FurnlihoiI rooms at S2Z7 Dodge St.
407-1 rap
. . IIKNT Ono grind squara pi no. Inquire
of Kilholiu and Kilcluon. 4tO-tt
irinr. KENT Ono i-ool six room boo o t ? & , tn-r mo ,
O.K. llltchcwk. las.U
ITVIIt HKST Ilonm fi roonw good repair. Nlro
y nl. cUtcrn water. Hint I > b per month 1411
Wlldo avo. Apply to Jno. W. 1W1 , DriWKlit ,
Bt. - 185-tl
oil HUNT llooms In Nebruka National Bank
llulldlDR. llnat dealrublo otnom In the cJty
Bupplli Itn hydraullo clovatorwnil hoi ted by ( team
Apply at Hank. fKO-U
FOIt fAL'-C I.cnvlnc on account of 111 health.
IIOIK"m \ , tisw tilcn and 2 lo'a. Aluo two jfooil
reiklrneo Fainam. loin. Apply T. K. 1'arHtt , Qua olllco , 13th ! J
ill HA1.K Chi an , small printing outfit i-onBln-
tlrffol nprcrH , typu and other material < all
Wednesday atN. K. corner ICth and UaroJport St.
, SAIK - < ( lile lrnl.lo . bullJlm ; lot * , tor trade
orcatli. C.llatA. Uoa. 'n Ull ) Uodgo St.
8 MiR-anhnr ( urnl'nrc , wa hbtanil , rlulra ,
nliit.iN , eto. KAIHT , 1 til St. , Onptr | . | |
_ _ _ 8U-30 \
Mll HAIK--Omdi.iI Durham Cattle 7 jrutrllnr
hi KITH ; r > 0 two yi > ar did holfvn ; 61 tnroo yutr old
n ; -I I nr oliloown ; Vlpcillnreed llurlitnibulh.
nd 4 one It a thiiw aninul ; 2 tcvt'ii-mxhthfi Dui-
biilh , ! ! } cani nlil , Alxno exoupt n low are ra-
finck anil nh iw Iliclr bnvilliig plainly. 0 colte.i
tulil hnlU , nut nl above OOUH , naaru tnuyiarllnK' ;
tariln etccr i 17 two year old atom and 7B three
nld mvcn. It. P. BTrilN , Miuden , Neb.
011 HAI.K Ht 'Ck rnnch , In Wheeler Co. , Neb of
1,800 acreuol heavy hay land , o n put np 1,200
ol liny and plenty ut ration in hli | , gnoii hoiuw
' , uralc * . IIIUHCH , rf > kcd , tUckcr AIII ! three miles
feiico , all for J7 jHir acru. Will Ml > OUIIK Htuck
. HiiHt roll toon. U W. Plunk , Albion ,
. _ 7H3-30) ) )
HALK Oiiool thi Um. ratill ( jricury Btoros
In ( ) ma > n , nr will trade for roil vtaie. Apply
"A. W. " llild ortlM. Tlj-S-tf
- ifoixl lonntl n , l'r > -
rk'tor whhoii In K" Into another buelucun. Ad
P O. " II eottlcu. 791-ap
8AI.B At a Kroit Imrcaln , the Hcott rul-
ilrnni pruporty. Jii-t c'a t of i ralt'u In Hanacom
, lhlnlrin > crv > 'enlrablu ' 7 room vottoKa and
he Dolilat a ruaifloo. IIAIIKKU & MVNE. .
712-tf ISthGiidKarnam. )
SAI.B Oil TIIVDK A 6 yar oM Konlucky
hurHu Iti la'idn ' Mgb , nontlo mil kind , trots In
inlnutcH untritliii d , alto a new tine ildo t ar top car-
. C. J. I'ansn. 731-lmu
HAI.K A flno driving horuo , wmmlur.d kind.
Any l dy cnn ilrhu him. Also a Dilly & Meaillru-
lop buiity und a ( lor onrd IItrnutia. Will uell to-
i.r u partte , at ii'7 H. 13lh Ht. Wl-lt
HAI.i-Jr"ccry : bunlnoKH In icoud locality
jlntr wi II. Will rv'in're ' ' rnpltal or about $ .1,000
pmtlLMilarn rxililrujs "W. W , " Ulnnllloe. 080-1 in
H IK - Two full loin , with thn < o first cltw
hoiiHcs In KOIH ! repair , on rt W. urr. Idttiand
avcuua. Itcntd for f. ! , ' 00 \ er juar
' - O , H. DOANEA.CO.
BAI.K-A choice dairy and Block farm of 800
ocrcc , 20 > ocrou iin.lur en tliatlon , 21 mlloJ from
t'roek , Nub. , on U P Ilillway flood houio ,
and Icti houieu , barnc , corr U , ute , or dairy-
audilock ralsfnK I.ind In well watoivj and all
KIOBU nnd gratini ; l rid , with plenty 01 range
. Fur eulti cheap. 1'otUr tt Cubit , IMS
ttrvrt. 671-tf
Olt HMHniflrici ) new arid aocond hand 10 h p.
h , p. and 10 h. p. i > orlabo ! an I taU uary ; abe
any tlui and itjlo. Klchird it Clarkr , I ] , V
l > t i7lb anil loth Ht . Omaha. 643-tf
oAlif n pil' ' tl K fill" ' oultuhlu iwamnatl
vwip per nr job olllcc. Will 'I'll fur ca h or
Kufcr Omat a Uty proiwrty. Addrt-sj' X. Z. Q"
Illlldl 468 tt
rifll.KA few olinlcv younit biuyy and word ,
lior.ra. Mauiu & Ilarntr , Ut. lliri'n lavcnue '
MAl.KIjirt ' , " lot on Park avenue. Aluohougo
il lot near tt Hart's avenue. Imjulro 4M Con
ttreet. 4U7 > linp
HdLK ' 1'lirvu of thu boat lot * In llunsooui
iila u at a bargain K told teen , 1'otUr & Uobb ,
Karnam. 031-tt
SAI.BCheap lota Iu Hblnn'u d o < l lltlon ,
Klikwo.xl . and I'lalnnew , Putter & L'obb , 1616
utrvrt. 4U3-U
OUBAIiB TwoBoound hwiJ plinon. at Fdholm
ldiBou' Mimla Hturo on 10th He. KH > .tf
HAI.E Two open teaond-naud bi-vlM and
delivery wagon , cheap , at IBlli Ilaruv-y SI-
A pocket cam of turiflcal ImtruiuentA A
eultabla con.pei. allcu will bo allowed tf left at
ulllco. tJ.S3-8 t
lIUIlltAY lion good pasturing. BprlnK w ltr.
UPUnt April , rtxl and whlto jrarllnj
lidfur. Owner eau htvonamoby c
, oor.IUband Manou , and p ) lug
rJltIVYaulti' , lnk , and co poolii deanid with
taultary ckauer. Hatlifactlon Kuarant d by X.
l , ( lucoo.eur to i , U. buJlh , ) Ixii SIS.