Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 30, 1884, Page 4, Image 4

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OrrtAhA Offlco , No. O10 Furnnm Be.
Council niufTrtOnico , No. 7 Pcurl St
Btroot , Near Broadway. ' |
New York onico , lloom 05 Trltmtu
Building. _ _ _ _
rnbtlnhfd avery rrpmlnir , ic pi Sunday' Th
enlj Monday morning dally.
nxs IT Maru
On Year . $10.00 I Three Month * . ( S.C
BliUontni . . . R 00 | One Month . LO
, Per Week , 25 Cents.
mi TIIII.T BII , roMJsiiEO BV T ; wxDingDAT.
TUXJ roarraTD.
CM Year . . . . . $2.001 Three Hon thl . f 6
tltUonths. . 1.00 | Ono Ifonth . . . . S
Anerlcan News Company , Solo AgrnU , Newjdea
it In the Unltod BUtes 3
Jin Ootnmaalaitlons relating to Newi andKdltorti
mAtten should b addrwod to tb Korroa or Tn
All nm'nwi ' fo'ttn nJ lleuitt ! n i ihonld b
ddr < wwdtoTimnin I'trptumTii Cotrixr , q Ani
VrafU , Cho3k and Portotlloo orden to b made p J
bl to the order ot the oornpasr. -J
12. BOSSffATBR , Bdltor.
A. II. Fitch. M narer ; I tljr Circulation , P. 0. Boi
N h
TUB land .ring at Lincoln must go.
The land department uoeda a thorough
\Vn uipposo that tlio Onica o Tribum
vrill henceforth abandon ita anti-monopo <
If vie > T3 , and lo\vo a clear field for the
Omaha Itcpublicnn on that Bubjoct.
Tun republic in * of Wu t Virginia will
hold their convention at Wheeling to-day.
The republicans of that state are united ,
and have great hopes of carrying the
atato as the democrats are divided into
two bitter factiotn.
OI.KVKLAND has boon otlicmlly notified
of his nomination , and that useless cere
mony having boon performed ho is ex
pected to produce aomo sort of a docu
ment addressvl to the notification committee -
mittoo in which ho will sot forth thi !
reasons why ho expects to bo elected. If
Cleveland undertakes to duplicate the
democratic platform in all its length and
breadth he ought to send out his letter
hound in ahoopikin.
NKIIHASKA is the only utato this side ol
thn Ilockiea where four conta a mile in ex >
acted forp&ssongor faro by the trunk line
railroads. Kansas , Georgia , Texas , Soutl :
Carolina and even Virginia , where there
is loss travel on the average than there
is in Nebraska , have prohibited railroads
from charging more than thrco cents.
Hotv much longer is Nebraska going tc
submit to this oxtortionl
TUB DUCOOBS of the electrical street
railway in Cleveland will load to the nso
of electricity as motor on the entire
Btroot railroad system of that city , which
inoludes twenty-eight miles. It is said
to bo cheaper than horses , and a great
deaLmoro convenient , The current ii
carried by underground conductors laic
in oonduiU. The electrical street railway
will probably bo adopted in all the groa
ities , and electricity may yet take tin
place of steam as a motor on the entire
railway eyatem of the country.
TUB now city directory of St. Paul , Min
neaota , contains 30,729 names , and mul
tiplying by the multiple of throe the
population would bo 119,187 , but na the
directory has appeared one month earlier
than that of last year , a deduction of onu
month is made by the J'lonccr-Prcen ,
which claims a population for St. Paul of
118,177. The recent directory of Min
neapolis contained 89,533 iiaraoi , which
multiplied by three gives a population ol
118,599 , a slight majority over St. Paul.
It is a close race between those twc
grout cities of the northwest , and it ie
-Romowhat surprising that the St. Paul
directory , coming out lest , does not con <
tain more names than that of Slinnoapolii
It may bo that the St I'nnl directory man
lias boon honest in his compilation.
However , there is no denying the fact
that St. Paul and Minneapolis continue
to have a remarkable growth. They haw
more than doubled in population iii four
.years. The census of 1880 gave Minne
apolis 40,880 , and St. Poul 41,498.
"Thoro seems to bo no doubt that both of
-these cities now have a population of 100-
4)00 ) each , and that if they continue to increase -
crease in the same ratio they will haw
.about 200,000 each in 1890.
TiDiadmireraof Loran Clark insist that
Lo ought to bo nominated for congress because -
cause ho polled moro votes in the third
-dut-ict when ho was running for state
troapurtir two years ago than woro.polled
for Valentino. It should bo burno in
mind that Valentino ran about 8,000 behind -
hind his ticket in the district. But Mr.
Clark's homo organ , the Albion Argun ,
caps the climax when itTaays :
"It is a wcll-knonn fact , that Mr.
Clark's defeat for state treasurer , two
-years ago , vras compassed and brought
about by methods tlmt would not bear
investigation. In Douglas und Lancaster
counties alone , large numbers of fraudu
lent tickets were polled , and Mr. Clark
was thus defrauded in the latter count )
alone of nearly 1 200 votes , which wore
iatendcd to be cast for him , "
Now this is the first time wo have
Jbeard of any fraudulent tickets in Douu
laa county. Bturdevant carried this
county by over 1000 majority , on a fail
rote , because he received the combined
jiati-iaonopoly and democratic vole , and
hundreds of republicans scratched the
The figures produced by the same pa
per to show that Clark received 73'J votes
jaoro than the combined rote received by
Weaver , Laird and Valentino are very
deceptive. Weaver received but a very
umall majority. only his district.
Laird } who -was elected by a plurality
lickodSDofa majority , and Valentine ,
who was also elected by a plurality , had
D990 less than a majority , That explains
Low Clark , who received 732 votes more
thin the throe congressmen , WM never-
iheltu b sat en by 4111 rotes.
The aupromo court of Nebraska recently
contly rendered an important docislot
which will bo of interest to every rail
road ehlpporin the stato. The case wai
entitled the Burlington ifc Missouri Uivei
Hallway company vs. the Chicago Lura
bcr company , and it was taken up 01
error from Otoo county. It was at
action in garnishment commenced by thi
defendant in error , the Chicago Lumbei
company , a judgment creditor of oni
William W. Babbott , against the plaintif
in error , thu railroad. company , as a sup
posed debtor of the said lUbbott , Thi
railroad company , in its answer , statoc
that at the time of the service of tin
summons it was indebted to Babbott ii
the Bum of $144 Dl for overcharge , beton
that time made , on freight. It seem
that the railroad company had in its pos
session at that tltno cloven carloads o
coal , worth $010 10 , consigned to Bah
bott , but the charges against the coa
amounted to $1,029 C3 , itemized as fol
lows : Freight and back chargesGCG 03
demurrage , 85 days in car , $330 ; unload
ing coal , $33 , being in the nggregat
$113 C2 moro than the value of the coal
The railroad company therefore insistci
that it was not indebted to Babbott ii
any amount. In the trial of the case Ii
the district court of Otoo conn
ty it WAS ahown that 'thi
railroad company had converted the coa
to its own ueo by unloading it into ill
011 bins. Judgment was rendered n
favor of the lumoor company for $141.
In its brief before the supreme courl
the railroad company conceded that tin
freight charges were moro than the valui
of the coal , but that this was owing U
the fact that it was wrongfully turned it
transit from its proper course. "Ii
bhoukl have been sent ever 'the Counci
Bluff * & St. Joe railroad , but it was turn
ed and wont the roundabout way , moot
ing with several wash-outs , which causec
the freight to bo moro than the coal,1
is the admission of the railroad.
The supreme court in its decision declared
clarod that it know of no rule of lav
which will permit a railroad to wrongful
ly send freight by a "roandabouf way
and thus increase the coat of transporta
tion. The commerce of the country requires
quires not only cheap , but direct ani
rapid transportation.
As to the charge of demurrage thi
court hold that a railroad company is no
entitled to charge demurrage for freigh
standing in its cars , unless by virtue o
contract or statutory law. The com
pany's charge was not made by virtui
of any contract nor by any itnta
tory enactment , there being n <
authority of any kind permitting anj
such charge. As to whether demurragi
might bo charged in case of a contract U
that effect the court expressed no opinion
The practice of charging demurrage ha
been quite common in Nebraska , am
particularly so in Omaha. This deciiioi
ought to put an end to this species of rob
The ohargo for unloading the coal , ii
the case under consideration , was no :
allowed , there being no claim , sys tin
court , that it cost any moro to unloac
this coal into the company's bins for iti
own use than it would had it belonged tc
the company in the first instance. The
court lays down the principle that a rail
road company cannot collect charges foi
unloading freight which it converts tc
its own use at the time of such unloading'
The state nuditor of Iowa 'in his fif-
tconthannual inauianco reportsaysthatit
would seem to bo n serioud question , under
the present condition of the insurance
laws of the state , whether supervision ii
maintained for tha purpose of revenue tc
the state or protection to people
who insure. The intention of the law
is , of course , to protect the people from
fraud , but owing to ita loose con
struction the way is loft open for in
numerable frauds and speculative rob'
buries. The auditor very properly calle
for a prompt nnd thorough investigation
of the insurance business in Iowa , and
ho suggests that n system of regular ex
aminations of nil companies should be
itdoptod , and that they should beef
of frequent occurrence. There are 111
fire , marine and causally insurance com
panies doing business in Iowa. Sixteen
nro homo companies and ninety-
five are foreign. There are
seventy co-operative fire associations
known an farmers' mutuals. The aggre
gate amount of lire risks written in Ion a
during the year 1883 ( inclusive of co-op
oratjvo associations ) is shown to be
$203,238,129 ; the premiums received ,
$3,305,807 ; the losses incurred , $1,410 , .
785 , which.ehows an increase in bueiticsD
ever the prnvious year , in risks written
of $7,101,700 ; in premiums received ,
$387.201 ; and in increases In lostes in-
ourred of $513,033 as compared with lost
report. It will bo coon "that the insurance
anco business is carried on very oxten
/lively in Iowa. That it needs careful
watching cannot bo denied , and it would
loom that an department ought
lo lj created for that uapecial purpose.
TUB sidewalks on the business street
in the central portion of the city are in
i disgraceful condition , In the firit
[ > lace the variety of material uso-1 makus
if the walks a tnisonthlo patchwork. In
'rout ' of ono building wo find n etom
valk , with the blocks all out of position ,
laino sticking up and the others de-
messed ; in front of the next building is
i biiok walk in the same condition ; next
somes a piece of worn out plank walk ;
hen follows a section of asphalt ; and at
oug intervals will bo found a pleco of
Artificial utoiie walk , smooth and well
aid. As a rule these different sections
TO on difloront loveli , and consequently
he cidoirslk la up and down , la tha
second place , where the walk ha * beer
extended to a width of twenty foot , the
additional space of four foot is either beIng -
Ing patched in a slovenly manner or it
loft entirely alono. Where the walk it
not filled out to the curb line , water
collects in the Intervening space and
forma a mud puddle. This is particular
ly the case at street corners , and podo <
atrians find it difficult in many places tf
cross without stepping into the mud. All
these defect * can bo seen on Farnair
and Douglas streets and on the
cross streets. Farnam and Douglas have
the worst wnlka in the city owing to i
lack of uniformity in material , surface
and width. The council ought to Uki
immedinto steps fo compel proocrtj
owners on those streets to put down t
uniform sidewalk. Now is the time tc
do it on Fitrnam street , na the vralk 01
this etreot has been widened to twontj
feet , and a great deal of now walk wil
have to bo laid. Everybody should bi
compelled to lay the walk to the ful
width and the walk the whole length <
the street ehould have an even surface
No moro plank walks should bo permit
ted on tins main thoroughfare , orn aiij
other principal business fltrcot.
Ar/niounx Omaha is ono of the health
iest citioa in the country , owing to iti
excellent surface drainage and Roweragi
system , yet there are precautions tn be
taken against a visitation of the ch Ittru
If the cholera reaches this country , i
may visit Omaha as it is located on om
of the great lines of transcontinental trav
el. Now is the time to clean up over ;
part of the city. Other cities nro a 1 read ;
takit.g precautionary measures , and Omahi
should not wait until the last moment
Every stagnant pond of water ( should bi
drained off or filled up , and every placi
where filth of any kind has accumulate
should bo cleaned up. Om
of the most . important stpp
to bo taken is to compel or induci
property owners to connect their prcmi
BOS with the sowers. Mtny of the prop
erty Owners , who wish to avoid expense
refuse to connect with the sewers , and
continue to throw their slops and re fun
mAtcr In the streets and alloys. If sucl
slovenly persona will not connect will
the sewers , they should bo arrested am
punished for making cecs-pools of thi
alleys. A system of garbage collectior
would also provo a valuable , aid in Im
proving the sanitary condition of th (
city , and a systematic inspection of thi
alloys by the police would bo a timely
precaution. The alloys ought to bo anc
can bo kept as clean as the principa
Tun city council ought to appoint i
general paving inspector , Tfho shall bi
responsible for all the inspection and tc
whom Ml sub-inspectors shall bo subject
Uniformity in inspection work is needed
and it can only be secured in this way ,
If such general inspector should be ap
pointed , wo know of no man moro com
petent for the place than Mr. D. Ken
iston , who haa been a paving inspoctoi
from the time that paving was begun ir
Omaha , and ho haa done his work in t
very satisfactory manner.
THF city council will htvo tc
order the telegraph company to move ita
poles on Farnam street oat to
the curb lino. The telegraph folks novcr
do anything of the kind without being
forced. At the same time it would bo
well to includu in the order the gas com
pany , as the street lamps will also have
to go to the curb lino. The proprietors
of hitcninR posts should nlsobo | ordered to
remove these obatructions at onco.
JOHN B. FINCH , of Nebraska , haa boon
made chairman of the national prohition
committee. Finch ia a good democrat
and will do ull ho can for Cleveland and
llondricks by atcoring republicans into
the prohibition trap.
ALABAMA will start the ball rolling on
next Tuesday. It is safe to say that
Alabama will go democratic by the usual
NEIWARKA is getting moro than her
aharo of rain juat at prusont. Wo would
like to send a portion of it to Ohio.
Good clay for the manufacture of brick has
A late hall term JoMrojcd Sr 0,000 worth
of cropi in Aururu county.
ln\i in county contain1) ? G0.1,017 worth ot
nn4f inl > ! o property , ouUIUo of tha city of
There lit minugb railroad Iron ] > ! li > d up at
Sulciu , McCook uounty , to build ohtj uillct
of railroad. .
Thrroaro niuoty-flx student * In tlie Ver
million milvrrtJty , thlrty-nliiu of them bulti ;
The Ilmiifutoak mining company' * total dlv-
IdrnlH amount tn 8 1 , NX ) ( XX ) . Us uvora o diuh
lirotiU utu bitltl to bo 0,00(1. (
TluKmcennnnt of Linvremo county loot * ui
S3UU1'J n , The city of Deailuood embrace *
nearly ouo-tlilnlof this valuation.
The Hlttntikcti inilro.i'l ' lim agrpod to allow
I ho farmer * of Hplnk mnuity to build ulevutois
aloiiK ItJ line , and tlmy aliall liavo
tlio BJinn rnlrs uf freight tlmt the tlovalor
ciiii | > unlu < lmvo ,
Day county comes to the front thin yenr
with -10,000 ncrrB of wh iU tlmt will at loa t
iurKo twenty hu hels to tliti ami , linking
the > li'Jil KOO ( KM ) Imnhtli. ItcHldtNi thitlieru
* rul',070 itcr.'a of o t , 807 uuud of barluy ,
uid MM acres of corn.
WtOklING ,
linn Thomnii Sturlu is putting ? 2r ,000 into
11 cfelilmiie itt Chejcuuu.
A roi < 'iitliiviuiti 4tloii uliuwod Ohoyomio to
M free from opium deni > .
CliM. W , Heck , of Cheynmo , lina hunched
i republican paper ut Kuuluu , Tlio Tribune.
Tlio uiorcantllo blo-k In Cheyenne wi > ro-
: ntlyholil to K. K , Wurron fur about 3100.-
KU. )
TliaNor'hweatcrn ' Livestock Journal , pub
Inhoil ut Cheyouno , U now ruu by the thorilF
, iul lib ileputlt- ,
Tlii linltibt'dne s of Carlmn county on July
it wna 05ritU 14 , Ijiat year at tha tame ,
Itttl It WM 8l,09'J.l'i : The Cutbon Journal
jtlmstoj tlmt the debt will bo reduced to
30,000 on January lit. ,
Thu attempt wblih w i recently made to ,
ia\uk mall routs etUbllibod botwoou JSor-
[ aaux Mid 1'ort Petteroiwi has been Riven up i
and the scheme abandon * ! inr the reason thai
no ono can afford to carry the mall over thli
lonf ( route for xho sum which tlio govornmonl
is willing to pay.
"Too the now beginner In stock Miiinp h <
who has a HRht capital , " say 1'Armcr Si utli
worth in Thn Kvanston Tliloftiln , "I would
y Uko nheop every tltnn. Three thwi and
dollars will buy 1,0 < > U well bred e\ve , ? MX ) tli )
buck * , and If won ! should continue as lowr nIt -
It now I * , nd lamln arc worth but 5\M
nploce. the flock nndor favorable clrcumitan
c , will K rn In the RFOBI 81,000 Dmluct oni
h lf ol tills for lossBn and o * [ > flnf < n , Bin ! th (
Uxk raiser will havo$2OH ) left Tnt benti
wheat fcTowInjr , proichitig or paltyfog lbK
Uuy sheep , younf man , buy * heo | > . "
A bump-backed burro illtclnd a trnin neni
OoorKetown the other d > ) .
The Orooley artesian well will bo mink 3,00 (
feet if good llow uf wntor U not struck bafon
that ( lejitli IH ro.ichcd.
1 'nc liai'ga and hU bunkos fleeced an 0.11
cm tentp'iinn ; ! , who had c > mo out to Uonvci
for his lu-ultb , out of $ l'i )
The Denver nod Itio ( iramlo repnlra are
complitml on tha S n .luin , nnd trams art
nmuiuK through tu Silurt n.
The tint OAri.luKB of tlin Denver South 1'itrli
and I'.ulhc railroad Us. year weru only ? Ut
UOO ugalnnt MI Intcrot' nccount oltiJlO
A mild foot of b.ittlo'liver nnd gilonn ha >
liwn ctruck in the tiilver CiifT niina , uuti
Tollrudo , running Iroin f.OO to 1,000 ounces ti
the ton.
Kagla reck is to ha\o two no < v church build
H. K. Miller on Toti l y "old the Kelic
inimi to the Mlmilo .Moora c nupjny J50 ,
Army worms have located the whole Worn
River country Bt.d are Working a > ory avail
able lc .l.
The I da Elnioro mine , near Hocky llixr lia :
prcKlnced. mnt-ofim ; nin > ni > l , SI.'OJ.COO ' , aiii
the the Atlnutt inlno since 18H has produce1
an uver.igo of $ OO.UCO
The branch from CiMwell to I5ol o wil
probably bo complvted In Oct' ber , utul thoi
Cildwell will bo tha ttnrilnui of thrco divts
ions und the company will erect hue depot *
hotel , etc ,
Tha nrw dlggloa on Lost Creek. Occur d
Aloi.c. . prospett frcnn 25 cents t > St per pat
aiid thu lucty owuera of the claim * over then
are ruunin ? d y and night thifti In the !
anxiety tu open their claims
The Biff Ditch , in thn Oeur d'Aleno , i
exp c'ed to run alxive wlnt Is termwl the eli
chstnnul | uy ntie k from Sullivan to Kagle
which will give ull thofe owning claims on tin
niountiina au opimrtuiaty to run cluicoa , in
atoad of carrjiuK thtir crave ! to water.
Helena ii to have a tie810,000 church.
Ilutte contribuUxl $ JoC 'J5 totheconfederat
holdierit' home fund.
The Utah & Northern extension U Ana
coodi is couipletod.
Tue balliuu hhiptnen's from Duttofor thi
week euolng July 19th were 60 bars , 4,851
pounds of the value ot S75 b8. !
Nc rl > SOO.CtO iu ( p.ld dust and retort frcn
ihe gold mines of Montana was received a
ihaiuM-ay offii > , Helena , auriug ihj Steal yea
nded Juno 30
During the month of June Butta fhlppoi
9,118 700 ] > oui.da of copp r ore and 2-tOu , ' C (
oundo of ini > Uo , au iuc e-iso of over 101
i > er cent ai compared with the shipment
for the C'jrr rpondliig mouth of last your
The finest coal mine in Montana is situ
ated on Smith river lomewhere near thi
mouth of Hound creek. Blocks of coal an
token from this mine that are fully three fee
equaro undofavery Cno quality. Ida alsi
an excellent cooking coal. 'Iho mine ii iftlc
to be very extensive.
Montana haa on her ranges 600,000 head o
cattle , and will ship eastward 125,000 to 140 ,
000 Heera for beef during the present year
On the other naiid , Bomo of the cattlu mei
of tha territory are largo buyers of cows anc
c.lves iu Iowa and other western states
uhlpptcK thdtn to ihelr rnche < for the pur
Doaaot'obtaining breeding animals more rapid
ly than by depending upon the natural in
crease of thiir herd.
The Crow * are taking kindly to farmmi
opr.itlon on the big Horn aud appoa
irreatly pleased with the result of thei
lab .id They exhibit the bliMera on thui
'muds thi le-ulc of workiu < with tbo p'ovv '
with biconiinc pride , and u i.uiiibor of then
will gi into the buamosH of cutting hty foi
Mule S me nf th-ni nro sharp enough to havi
Irnady loi-atcd good ciaima which they Ju
tend t- . sell w .on that pirc of the roiervutiot
thrown open to settlement.
A great ranny p oplo are taking up and set
tllnpon land in Calavoria county on accounl
of the advent of the San Jooquin and Sierrj
Nova'la railroad In that county.
Tha health officers of San Francisco have
couio to the oncluaion that the city Is not ,
from a sanitary point of view , In u condition
to resist cholera or yellow fever.
The inoHijultoec hold the fort at Stockton.
They are much worse than usual , and BO por-
B Btuut ore they that they swarm through
with people as they open tha screen doom.
Commodore Ir. M. Palmer , the eiplwrer ,
who has been on a crulio of tbo islanila of tha
const of Southern Calif urn in , has just reached
Lou AnceloB , having obtained a large number
aud variutyot Indian relics aud curiosities ,
many of them entirely new to curiosity hun
ter * , aud cannot be duplicated ,
Durli'g the fiscal ytar i'J5cia:8 were reported
to the Ban KraucUco coroner , autopsies being -
ing held In 100 cate * and inciue U iu 215.
There h w boon an uuaccountiblo increase of
crime , Tha year wai productive of li'J honii-
cldei , and 8 < i nulclilfa , ai compared 'Jl homl
cidos and 80 tmioiden of the previous year. Of
the 1) ) victinm of murder , 12 were shot nnd 12
worusttbbtd , showing that the pistol nnd
knlfo ar the two weii > ona moat cenorollv
n-eil. The pistol was iho meaim u cd init
- n of , poison Iu 23 , and tha kuilo
In 12.
'I hu Pa adeno Union sava : It it now atith-
oritlvnly Btatcd tlnit L J. Hose tiai gold hU
HUH o tate , Sunny tilopo , tu a nyiidlcato ol cai'it-ili"t < H fora consideration under-
i-t od to bo $751000 , The s tie Include *
uvVrrthlni ; but the llvo stock and the Htock of
wines and brandiex now on hand. Thin prop ,
eitv nmy bo coimlilernd a * ono uf the fmett in
CnlifornU perhuim the linuHt era bracing a
it iloea 2.HOO uf , largely under a
water J tm. I C'lii'atnn 12,000 nrango and
lemon trots In full bearing and about 10(0 (
'Ifctdlious trtei Invli.dlng . var'rtlea ' of al"
kindit that grow in Oalifornla The orangi
crops sold this year for $10,0 0 on the treer-
The Hcroago of vluoa i about 1,000 , mostly
in full louring.
A Oitirootlon ,
Tu tlio Editor of THE H p.
You will find in the State Jottings o :
i his week the following atatement ;
A peculiarity of the recent dentrnctivo 1ml
HI Tin 111 S idno niinty ii the fact that a ulini
Ur i nrm vinit l tlio cnino region uuo jeir
ignthn fjr t on the llth of July , and the l > wt
jn tlie 12tli of July Tim width of thn Iml
itorm wiw nunut four inilM diwtrojiug ul
< nrlu of grxin for n roope of ab ut two mili-t.
n.wldtli nd pirtially damaging curn and wheat
in the outer oil oj.
That thia storm of the llth of July ,
881 , WIIB thu first mid only hail storm
lut ovnr diiatroyed crops of any kind , or
lone any daniago of any kind in Salinu
Kiunty forC years ( if my own knowledge ,
> r of iho oldest settler that I have talked
rith , and whoever wrote the above oith-
r knew it to bo false or wrote what they
: uuw nothing about. Yours trnlv.
J. 0. FCOTB.
Atlanta , Saline county , Nob.
[ Mr. Footo ia referred to the papers of
hu county , front ono uf which the item
raa obtained Ed ]
OnllUloi. on tlio ImkoH.
CLUVKLANH , July 29. A dispatch received
ere ttitix the iron ( teanuhlp Albert ran
own the propollnr J , M , O born elf White
' 1th 1'olnt , Lake Superior , late Sunday ntxlit ,
lajiropollor cinking Inunedlatoly In ICO feet
f water. It in reported tha mate , fireman ,
Mik aud live deck Imtidi went down with thu
owl , The capulu , p. i-nxi-'i " and ro-
lalnder of the crow were rescued by the con-
rU of the Oiboro ,
The Sloadr Gro\rth of the Count ]
Heat ofDIxon.
Correspondence of the BKK ,
I'oNi-v , Nrn. , July 28. The towr
of Ponca isn't aa largo at
several others in the state , It hasn't
the wealth of Omaha nor the politic *
importance of Lincoln , but novorthi
loss it ia not devoid of its peculiar , and
HS It claims , i > s pro-emiui'iit attractions.
First and foremost in the list of ad'
vantages is its location , being the most
beautifully situated of all Nebraska
villages , whether viewed from the nortli
south cast or wont , or , beat of all , from
ono of the blull * that surround it. Thi
town of I'oncrx ia now , ever haa been and
over will bo tlio prettiest nascinblcRo ol
liouaes in thu state 1 think I am safe ii :
stating that in proportion to its populv
tion I'oncn traiiancta moro business than
any other town in Nebraska , and
I may include the sister state !
uf Iowa and Kaunas , 1'onca has had nc
boom , no euddeti elevation , to bo sue
ceedcd by an cqutlly sudden fall , but
during the past two jeara it has expert
uncud n solid , substantial growth , more
fitio buildings having been erected it
that period than during the entire pnal
history of the town. The chance in the
business section has boon so marked thn'
it reminds ono of old Home , which undei
Augustus is naid to hnvo changed fron
bricl , to marble. Panc.t bids lair to at
tain t" the point at which Rome chanijec
nd idvAiico from frame to brick. Thi
turm n al point of a railroad , the county
seat of Diion county , thy principal towi
in thia toctiun , a solid growth in thi
past and good prospects for the future-
all these and other ] advantagcs too nuin
criuatobo inontionid in detail , consti
tnte Punca ono of the most prosperous o
the many prosperous towns of our proa
porous state. A. 0.
I'utipor Imbnr tu rciuisylvivnln.
A correspondent of the Now Yort
Times , writing from Uaading , Pa. , saya
In thia eectiou the Polea , Iluugiriani
and Italians are rapidly crowding ou
Americana on now railroad and caua
work , ore nnd coal miuiuc , and othei
contract work rt-quiring arduous labor
Many are alto employed as laborers it
the iron milli. The neglect of concresi
to pass the bill against foreign contrac
or pauVer contract libor is creating f
great deal of discontent among thi
American born laborers , whoao wages an
being eeriously interfered with. Heretofore
tofore § 1.25 waa the average pay per da ]
in thia aection ; now labor can bo had ai
low as 80 cents for 11 hours , while it is i
notorious fact that in some sections o
Eastern Pennsylvania iron ere rainori
are pam 00 cents , The Poles are palt
thia for shoveling , out clay from thi
trenches. Whole gasga of them an
brought to America under contract
They sign papers , each understanding
they are to get CO cents. The contrac
tar pays the steerage faro and railroat
travel , and deducts it as they earn it
Frequently ho draws the wages , gota CJ
cents n head , and pays them the balance
deducting $3 per month on each mar
until the faros have all been paid. Alonf
the now Schuyldill Valley railroad , below
low Reading , hundreds of huts can bi
seen for miles , looking like so many In
diau villages. The men eat on the co
operative plan. Their living rarely costi
more than fifty cents a week. The ma
jority don't like America. A Polisl
saloon keeper says the great majority
have no business capacity , no educatiot
and are fit only for hard work. Thoi
como to A morica to work only a fov
ycara , until they can save enough tc
uiako them almost independent at homo
and then go back to Europe. An indus
trioua man can send homo a hundrcc
and eighty dollars yearly , and expects t (
have a thousand dollars in five years , anc
then go homo and live easy on his smal
fortune. They have to stand a gooc
deal of abuse , but they expect to rougl
it through.
Doctor Boyd ami Governor Miller.
Lincoln Democrat.
It makes quito a diiTerenso to the
democrats of Kebracka whether Doctoi
Boyd or Governor Miller , is to bo the
member for Nebraska on the national
dome atio committee. The Douglas
dologRon to the democratic etato coir
vention waa not for Governor Miller ; it
waa for Doctor Boyd , and wo are aur.
prised that the doctor boa leunt himaell
to thia little game of "now you see it ,
and then you don't. " Ono of the glorious
nine haa surrendered his "gloriouancna"
mighty early in tbo day. And thus it is
that the will of the Nebraska democracy
ia time nnd again sot at naught. It ia
not right. It is obtaining goods under
fulsn protonaea. and we are not anrpriaod
now at the opposition made to the ap
pointment of clio lion. Chas. II. Brown
us a member of the national committee.
Ammonia U obtained in largo quantities by
tlm i > utrefai tion of the mine of auimaln..r > .
cytly cliu Jliltantnca.
} ' . * rry hoimekct'iier can test baking powders
ont'invtp this dicitii.ting drug by placing a
cuu of the ' '" or "Amlrows' roarl" top
down on a hot ttovo until heated , then roinoro
thn cover ai d until.
Dr. 1'iice'ri Crtmin linking Powder does not
f-ontuin Ammonia , Alum , l.iino , 1'otanh. liono
I'hm-phutw , ( provo It by the above teat ) It
ii prepared by u I'hynlcian and Chemist with
i-pociaJ regard to cleanliness and healthfulniwa.
MlntnkfH in tliu i'lit litiNlncas ,
from the Iowa Ilomestoid.
Somu of our fiirmcra are very likely to
inako a mistake just now , in the manage
intuit of their pigs. They have an I tie
that becaauau nn old ling will thrive o
: lover a young pig will. This is abou
m Bonsiblo on idea as that of fattening a
lowly weaned calf by turning it to a
itraw stack , A ton of clover has 1,000
iiiuiids of water and only sixteen pounds
if fats ; and the Urger a pig's atomic !
K'comi'B by trying to cat enough thu
loaur his hips shrink together , No
natter what the price of corn may bo , it
sill pay to ahull , aiuk and feed it to the
reatiling piga rather than try to ahovo
hem on gruun clover alone. If corn islet
lot available grind and soak rye and oata
r even soak them without grinding
{ "member H pig is a pork factory and to
nn any factory prulnably you mutt run
n full time andevery day in the aoaaon
Another matter [ should bo looked after
nd that ia shade to make them comfort-
bio and avoid the flics. The best etmdo
o have over found is a thick maple
Giii > lurrQ'ir NlockriilnvcH.
ronrtirfli , Out , July 20 The rejmrt
lacht'H huro thai an organized band of atock
ilovrs hnvobuen run down and captured by a
uty of regulator * , \Villuwa va l8VOregoii.
3vontoon thlovo.1 vvero caught with a largo
imbor of horuua in their | K ) seutilon. The
ngleadera were hanged and the remainder
.mod over to the authorities
Tlio Coravvnll Hcumlul.
DfliL'N ' , July 29. Two moro panona have
en arroiited for connection with the Corn-
ill ecandall. Many other i > cr ons have bo- . | [
me frightened at the prospect of ariMt aud i c
0 leaving the country. 't
Try It for Earache ,
Try it for Headache ,
Try It for Toothache ,
Try It for Bacbacho.
For an ncho or a pain Thomas' Kclcctric
Oil is excellent , Olios , F. Modlcr , boi
274 , Sclionoctady , N. Y.
Thomas' Ecloctrio Oil is the boat thinf
going , pa sayg. Cured him of rhomatisn :
and mo of earache tire dropi Maatei
Lloraco Bronlzor , Clinton , I own.
Try It for a Limp ,
Try It for a Lameness ,
Trr t for a Pain ,
Try It for a Strain ,
From shoulder to ankle joint , and foi
thrco months I had rheumatism whicl
yielded to nothing but Thomas' Eolcctrii
Oil. Thomas' Eclcotric Oil did what m
physician seemed able to accomplish. ]
cured mo. John N. Oregg , Supt. o :
Railway Construction , Niagara Falls.
Try It for a Scald ,
Try It for a. Cnt ,
Trlt for a Brulso ,
Try It for a Burn ,
ooGOorvajLd 0JL.OO ,
Bullalo , N. Y.
James WM Instill1
Chartered by thrSUteof III.
no.b tvr t ! ccxprcsjpurpc' . '
of giving immediate reliellr ,
nil chrouu. urinary nnd pri.
vote ditctsei. Gonorrhcen
yi Gleet nndbyphihs in all thch
{ * complicated formb , also ol
discuses of the Skin and
Eloodjiromptly relievedanii
.ncntlj cured by rtme-
2C , t.iirctil I't artlee. Scmina !
fri-t Losses by Drcami. Pimples or
t Manhood.inuHltrrlyftirrtl 'rirrt
iiMDiKiir ; . Th : appropriate r > . .r < 0'
.at once used In each case. Consultations , per-
io.i l or by letter , sacredly confidential. Mcd-
-Inc9 sent by Mall and Express. No marks on
acKacc to indicate contenta or eendcr. Adaress
jrt.MMES.No. ZOWashlnglon 5i.ChicaflOlll
The scholastic year commences on the
First Wednesday in September ,
The roureo of Instruction embraces all tha Klomen
taryaod Iilgher bian he8 of a flnl hed education
DIDcronco of lUllglon Is no obata"le to the admle
nloii of yuun ; ladlva. Pupils are received at an ;
lime of thuj car.
Including Board , Washing , Tuition in English aui
French , use ol books. Piano , porsoeslon of
Five Mouths , - - S150.0C
EXTfl * CnAHOES-Drawing , Painting , German
Harp , Violin , ( luiUr and Vouil Music
Iteferenccs are required from all persons unknowi
to the Institution For lutther Information apply t <
St. Men
S. W. Cor. 15th St. and Capitol Avenue ,
On the European PUu. First clws in every re
spect Tablu supplied with game and all delicacies o
the season , where > ou pa ) fnr onh whit vou order a
per bill of faro , llooms attached tor transient cus
torn. Will also keep day biardurs at the most rea
sonable rates.
CANNON & HUNT , Proprietors.
Game and all Delicacies of the Season
Meils at all Hours. 113 N. 16th Et , Omaha , Nob.
In the District Court for Douglas County Nebraska ,
Keithrine Kean , plalntlS , > J PaterickH. Kean , de.
fend nt
To I'aturlck Kenn nnn-roeldent , defendaut
You a > o hereby notlflod that ontbeZJd day of Julj
18f4 , Keithrine Keiu fl ed a petition sirnlrimjcn In
the l latnct cou t of Uouiriai county , .VubraBk , tht
objict and piaje of uhlcharuto uouln a d\ ret
fr inijou and the ra-o and cu tody ol jour minoi
child , un the Kroun > H that t'lnceour nmrriKO tc
ibinildjou h \ beconc an habitual drUDdrard ,
nu have failed to rapport her for more than tc
tuojtnrslatt pint
You are requl-ed to an er raid petition on or bo-
lore Monday , the tith day of Soptemner 18 4.
KEATHUING KEAN , 1'l.lntld.
Ilr J P. Fngllth. J. J. OVO.NNult , her attorneys.
Jy 23 aug 6-13 19
Science ot Lite , On$1.00 ! /
snau ted Vitality , Nerroun and Phjeicwl Debllltj
Tcmaturo Decline In Man , Kirorsof Youth , an th <
mlold miseries esultlng from Indiscretions or ei
waea. A book for every man jounjf , raltldle-agod ,
.nd old. It contains 126 prescription ? tor all acnlf
.nd chronic diseases each one of which Ig Invalnab'c
3oouud by the Anlhor , who e experience ( or 23
. ears lo tuch as probably never before fell to the Ii t
of any physic an SOO pafrua , bound In bcauttft
Blench muslin mjoeaedoovora , full giltftuarantceo
o txi a Oner work n etery eenae , inoch&nlntl , II
wary and professional , than any other work iold
.tin country for IJ.60 , or the money will be refund
n every Instance. Price only (1,00 by mull , pos
> ald. Illustrative sample 6 oente. Send now. Oo
oiodal awarded the author by the National '
f. iid tlon , to the offloers ol which he refers
The Hclouso of Life should be read by tne yoon
Inntractlou , and by the tinicted for relief ,
will baDofli all tx > cdon Lancet.
There Is no member of uocletj lo whom The Sol
nce of Life will not be nseful , whether youth , p
sot , guardian , Instmrtoror clemman. Argonaut.
AddroM the Peabody Modlral Institute , 01 Dr , IV
0 , Parker , No. 4 Dulflnch Strool , Boston Maw. , wh
nay De consulted on all dlaeaoei requlr'iR skill au
iiperlanoe. Chronic and obstinate dljoai .8 . that hat
the iklll of all
Ithout ao IniUnre failure , TUVPCI f
' * " < IHTotLr
'Jiillco ' tn ContrnctorH nnd ISulliloj-H
F \lfd proposals li ] be received up to Aumiit 11
118 o'cio.-k m. , for bu.ldln ; tml oooiuletl'ii ; ready
: > r occupanrj , a lirlck sohnol house , ahivo tlie foun
atltin , fa bprliigfleM , Harpy coun j , Nobi ki , ac
trdlrif to p'aniftiid ' spedflovtlons of C'luvc * Ilrou.
rcl I'ccte ' , Omah > , Neb " "Tlic bilck arid cut tton *
111 tiefuinlnhril on Iho ground by the building com
littte. A < 1 other nuterM lo be furniched l < ) onn
actor 1'liiiH a d fpedficitloni cnbe tun : at J
* Hjicarmai'ii oturo , UiHprlnKfleld , Nub , oral Clevei.
roa , , Onuha , llulldlnklo bo icinp'ttidon ' or bvf TO
10 tfi h day ot No\embvr IHSi. Timccmmlttoo re
in e the light to uji'ct any > x oil blil <
InillillriLcoinmlttie , bprlngUeld , Neb.
' i JOt
Until otlioos are repaired from rojult of lire , offl
th Dl. Parker , llixim 6 , Orel htoo Block 16th
aar , SOS Tenth itreet , between K rnam and liar-
r. will with the aid of puardlan spirits , obtaining
y one glanc or the pait and prudent , and toe
rtaln condition In the future. UooU and t
tde to order , i'crloci utUtlactloo ( tmrinUcd.
United Statoa Depository
Cor. 13th and Farnam Sts.
The Oldest Banking Establishment
in Omaha ,
BuocEssona TO KODNTZK nnornEpj.
Organtitd in less.
Organized as a National Bank in
AND PIIOKITU . iaolooo
UiUHAii Kooirni , President.
Joun A. CmtoliroN , Vlco Prcwldtn * .
A acsTus Kouim , ! J Vlco President.
A. J , PorrUTO * .
_ _ . . fn. . DAVIS ,
r ? n. U * mn , AnttUnt Cwhlcr.
Transact ! a ( rencrtl banking but IneiM.
ivrtiacatos boarlnK Intormt. Draws drafts o
Francisco and principal cities In the Unli
line London Dublin , Edinburgh tnd lb
lira tf tills continent and i i
Authorized Cupitui , - 331,000,000
Paid-up Capital , - - 100,000
Surplus Fuiid , - - - 70,000
ff W. Cor , Farnam ana 12th Sis
FaiNR MDRFHT , President I Siii'LK. ROOILJI , V-P
Dut. B. WOOD , Cuhlor. I Ltrrilia DaiRH , A
Fr&ulc Murphy , Samuel E. Uogors , Ben. B. Wood ,
Charles 0. Houael , A. D. Jones , Luther Drake.
Transact a General Dunking Business. Alt who
have any Banking butlaess t * transact are Invited
cull. No matter bow Urge or small tlio tranoactlon ,
It will receive our careful attention , and we promtaa
l ajn courteous treatment.
Pays parttcnhr attention to business lor parties
residing outaldo the city. Exchange on nil the prin *
clp I cities of the United States at very low tat rates ,
Acoouota of Banki and Bankers received on favor
ible terms.
Issues Certificate ot Deposit bearing 6 per cen
Buyaand sells Foreign CxcnanEO , County , CM
and aovcrnment socuntina
S , W , Cor , Farnam and 12th Stsr
Capital , $100,000.00
O. W. HAMILTON , Proo't.
3. Q. CALDWELL , V. Proo't.
M. T. BARLOW. Cauhlor.
8. S. OAIJ > WBLL , B. P. SMITH ,
Accounts solicitor' and kept sub
loot to night chock.
Certificates of Deposit Issued pay
able In 3,0 and 12 months , bearing
Interest , or on demand without In-
Advances made to customers * on
approved securities at market rate
of Interest.
The Interests of Customoro are
c'oooly guarded and every facllltv
compatible with principles of
sound banking freely extended.
n-aw sight drafts on EnglandIre
land , Scotland , and all parts of Eu-
Soil European Paosa o Tlckota
Cor. 18th and Douglaa Sts.
Capital Stock. - - - 8150.000
Liibilityof Stockholders , 300,000
Fife Per Cent Interest Paid on Deposits
Offloors < * > DDlxrootozrot
L.M. UENNfm- . vice President
'huali ANoranc Oa , ol ix > ndon , Oath
. , , .
MMheeter.N , Y. , Capital . ,000.000.0
uuMercnauts , of Newufc N. J. , Capital 1,976,000.09
JlrardKlre.rimafleUUa , tptUJ. . . . 1,1209000.05
nrementFUDd Cu Ul . . . . l.iJJ.JU.
the old cUnd 1117 rarnam street. Orden bv
i ph BOlldted and promptly attested lo.
HI North 16th Street Umana
: etalic Cases , Cotaij CasMs , Snronfls ,
CTO. , ETC. ,
> OW Fnni tu St. , - OMAHA , NEB
Ic'K'riphlo ordum prumptly attended to. Telephone
Uxldeuon No. 1407 Jomx BI. OfBc . No. 1M
niuairoot. Offlou hour ISm. to 1 p. UL , aad
lJ5u. 4. Cill.uiu fJ oifloo 97 , llwldeno *