OMAHA DAILY BEE-WEDNESDAY , JULY30 , 1884. Owing to the increase in our business we've admitted to the firm Mr Edwin Davis , who is well and favorably known in Omaha.Thi& will enable us to han dle an increased list of property. We ask those who' ' have desi rable property for saleto place the same wfth us. The new firm be REAL ESTATE BROKERS. L 213 1W 1 " ' i n DOCTOR WHITTIER C17 St. Chnrlos St. , St. Lonls , Mo. A rrt l r r 4o l M M 4l t CollM'i , ht li f l T > t tncittdln tb trfclftttrtitmcBt ef Cniowtc Niivni * . Bun ftnH KtMiD Kun.Mlhio o ? elfitr I'kjiltlit la BU lx li M Mir rift" > h. ml lf oil iril4 i < lit > Nervous Proitrallon , Debility , Menial nm Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and other Aftec tlont ot Throat , Skin or Bones , Blood Poisoning old Sores and Ulcers , > r > ittatM itb ntl.r u.i iufff itf n uif.i ifleatlfla i > rlttlr > l , fl ' * ly rrttKUlf , Dlseaics Arising from Indiscretion. Excess , Exposure or Indulgence , vith iro.iotf m r thi follo lri * ' ftfti ntnotiiaeM , drlllktr , dlmntii or ilb ttd dfpftt mitmBrf | ime1rnn t. < * f , tl > } .lFtl dftfaf At rilftnlo lh * net tj or frmulM , fAnta'tii efld in . rendering Marr-lAKe Improper or unhappy , an ffrmikncltlr rnrrl , tmphltl < 34 r R * < l"Hlh * fcboff , Ifn In .MlM rntont * . fr.ln tor l > 1rM , r < n aUkllcn fclvf fceeor l > y mail free , an Hntitf 1 Writ * tor uctilcni. A Positive Written Guarantee tire In .11 r M CUM. llrdlclnei unl M.rjwher * . I'amplileti , Encllnh or Oorman , 01 p gn . d * ' criblnaabovodlieaieMnmaloor fein l , I'llEB MARRIAGE GUIDE ! JMWMIH , H p1Hf . llluilr.1'1 In rlolb mtmiln4ln ! MVsmintf eriiuite. m > | | * r turn , SV. Tbli Uol tonuloi ll > eurloni , Aouijtrtil or Inqil.liln > it tt A tock of rcM | il ; tr > ( to ill , Unllti. > ui n f'ci" l < l l > / III HAMBDKG-AMERIOAN DinECI LINE FOR ENGLAND , KHANCK AMI OKKMANY. The tenrmhlpi ol thti well-known Una are built o Iron , In wntor.tlRht oampartmont * , and uro Inrnlnl ( xlwltti o > efy requisite to nuke tbo tiamiro bet afo and agreeable. Tlioy carry the United State and European matin , anil I-at o Now York * Thurt dajsandnattirdajifor I'lymnuth ( LONDON ) Choi bourK.lMltld ( ) vnl 11AMI1UMO. lUtcn : First Cabin , $15 , W5 and 176. SleeraRC.IS Henry 1'iindt , Mark llannn , f .11 , Slonros , II. Toll Mftntaln Omaha , Groncwleif & fichncntKcn.dgcnUli Cjuncll ninffj. tt II. IIICHAP.D * CO , don. Pas Ats , Bl llrovlwar , tt. V. Clmi. Koimlrnlcl A Co ( leneril Wistoin AainU , 107 WMihlnxton St. . Chla KO.II1. OnoxpocUl feature o lltdgo'i Kooil , In con trallatlnrtliinlootlit'r la It ntiitrM actkr upon the how eta. Ko .V thl rcaHim/ Is fpe tlall } aJa | ted to tlioni Heannim when bowi t'onb c nro to fro t I u o n t , Itomembir ldo' ( Food In an ( l > and TKIKII preparation laving tutu In ti-o lu thirty yearn In Eii lani nd America * . It l a iicrfsctly nato and nnurlshlnf let for all condition ! . In cans , 35u , 6fc , 1 2am 1 76. Sold by ( IrusKhtu Htnd to Woolrlch Jt Co , 'almor , Maw , , foriiaraphloUrce ( ( ) . Tn tn noolilnl th nurUt , coiuinercli traveler and DOW tc tier , HoBtottcr'flSka tnncli Hitters tapeou llarl > adapted , elnoi It Ktrfngthcna th < Ijracn the phjulca Bvn cncrgloalo uahcaltl F ' fnl jnllucncoi" . Itro mo c anil jirevcnt ) malarial ( over , eon etlpdtlon , dyepcpsial hialthliilly ttlma htiithekldncjsatnl bladder amloiiilchc ! nnv ell as purllloK the Mood. IVhen over o u in o by litlifiie , whether mental 01 pb ) ical , Iho wear ) and debilitated Hiitl rollablu nnurrn ot renewed ntrenith and cnmtort , nile br > ll ilniL'trI tH nnd doalurn gcnuruMv. 0 Aa rmlUnt rrttlilrclott * ftf iiquUluflittrt owttM < HTtrn * ! nl1 , nit * UtRprfiifc , X > litb * , ttjtt tcl AfiM. nl fctl lt rJ H of l * > HVntlTH UFf ) . A rt diepo lurirt * dclkl i fl T > N | l M of rl i > t ( it4 , * aJ u * U ! ! urlui * Tfj It. j. v ; . jtftntntrA.Y if. Y. THEONLYTRUE 4 IHON \VHIrmrliy Ibn nLOOD.Tcpm. 1 itu tbu LIVER "ml KIDNEYS , mill iii-HTdin ; TIIK IIIAX.TI mill VIOOll of YOUTH. l > > - pcliflhtVaiHOfAppuUIC , jii- dlKi'Hltoii , I nok nt Ktri-nRtli , and 11''I'll I'fcJlliKnl'soliitely ' ciirud , llniiffl. nniscli'snnit liill\i > iii llm inliiil nmi nnpnlloa Ilrnln I'tiwrr. Sutfi i uiKlioiii eoinplulnti iii-Liillirtn thi'lr ux will nnd In UH. JIAHTKH'H IKON TONIO n t > ntn nnd rprudy inro. ( ilvi'i u i lenr , liciillliy coinpluxlon. l iciiitunt ultrinptH nl LonnttrfiHIiiK uulyndil to tliupopnl irlly < if thu orlclnul , l > u nut cxperl- uiunt fiutlliu OnmtNAi AND llrST. Hiui < lyimr ihlri'i5lo'lh" Dr. llnrturMnl CVi. St.I ul . Mo.lnr onr"DKKAM 11OO1C. " , I'ullol ttraijcounj useful luformullouIroefr j . A victim ot ontly imprudence , cr. 'ini ; nervous lohlllty , iirniiiAturn duo/ , rte . li&nnir irim lu lalucvury t-rown runirdy , littdlRruvonHl n nlinn'q iiictC' VI Liilr-vure , wuicfi ho will Bii-d 1'lUUi Co W3ielliiWilTc'riiM AiMnwH , Ji II KKKVKK. > - * ii ltiamt w New Vnr , ( Uvnt0.voi.TAIO IIKI.T nnd otlirr Kuornia M AinuM.iTH in.i eonl nn Ul Doya' Trial ' 1O HEN ONLY.QVHQ OU OLD. Mini nr nuffor- ( nit from NKHVOUH imuiLiTy. I IST VrrAUrr. WiBTimi WriKxribu , nnd nil tnoso dUennwi ot n I itiiioNii. NTUUK. rvcultltiK from Aucsu nnil Oriirn < uu . Hm | > dy relli-f oml nimplul * rutoratlon to ilr.iLTM , Vioou mill Hinnooii uuiniNTKFrt. b * nd at ouco for IllUAtmtvii I'uniililrt trro. AUnreia fOI/l'AH'mi.y _ _ ; CO. . mumlinll , Blleh. inlrt r.traiimil r r . Hook In * . Iprvous Debility & nuu ru lou LN.r. DR.HQRHE'SELEOTRIGBELT * 5K& _ _ w' ' l cun NeiTouinrM , 'i-n5 t5R5r y' ' KusIli1tiei % . - ftrrVoin r.riT" J KtdiiiHpliio * nUrcr \ WKTWP DElL-j-dd i a i , ( iout.AMI < in .ll.rt fl ' ' ' ' ' * ' 'Ol"fl' SSJfCHi * .Miuif'i I' TO' . . Vj T . l'lli' E'liri r , linnutrnrjr ! OamhAKUv.Viola. . . . . Uterietc. Only MlrnlllloMJo Irni Melt In Aimili.tilmi w-mutliD KlcHrlcllr and III K > th roiirli I tin Uuily. and un Iw ri cliarut'd In an tu- tULOtlirth iwUiiiu BI.OOO Would Not Quu It. DB. noRM I was amiotej with rhounutlim and jured by Uilng a belt. To any out anlloted with that dlttiaev , I would lay , buy llorno'i Klectrlo Dolt , Any ono can confer with me by writing calllnir a | my tor , 1120 Douglai gtreet. Omaha , Nub. WILLIAM LYOHB , MAIN OKFlCB-im Douglat Htnut. IVKoroaleatO , f. Oocnluiiu'i Urutf Otoro * 1110 araauiMt. Ouuhi. ( rdfr filled O O D Health is Wealth ! . K. \ > Vt'Mt'H NXIINS AMP IlllilX TllItTUI < T , D rilitfed tlxclJo fur ll ) turla. DKcluixf , Conuil ion ! , I1U , Hoivou * NiurulxU , Hodanbe , Nirxiii- To l ration caused by Ilio mi ul nlcutuil nr luhncco , Vakelnlnwi. Mental iloprrMdun , Holtenln ol Iho > r ln rxxiltlnv In Inwnlty and ! adlii | [ In mUury , omy and duath , 1'reu.atura Old Ak'D. lUrruno'B loin I I'oKorln cither tx , Iinoluntary Io o and Hptr mtuili ra rauted by otvr exertion of the lialn , nil. bang or orer imlulu'iitsi Kucli l i ronulnfuii montn'i trcatir.tnt ? 1 CO a bnz or nls t > uxim lui , tcntby mall ] iri | ldou rwoolpt nf | ir.c . \\KOUAUANlii' \ : Bl.I10XK3 TH cure any < * . With nidi order rurvlvwl by II ( "r U l.nid * aoooiU | > uuli > 'l ' with 00 , e Mill KnJ U * puirlianer our vilttcii liuorintoo to rotund tin money II the trratncntd t not iti"tacuro. Oiur- n'rvi \ * uvoaly \ by JOHN 0. WKHT CO . ) , uu . i f tc : ila . . . "n Jt , tL-c s , Ii AMERICAN SARDINES , TbeOrinin ftlieFacltiDgBnsiDessanf How It Is Carried On , A Trnclo tlmt Gives Employment tc a Ijnrgo Number of 1'crnonn Its Profits. Itotton HcrnlJ. EAftTTon7 , Mo. , July 15 , IRSt Vorj few nro awnrovhon they purchaao a til box of sardines , tlmt in eplto of the ( jnu cly nnd nttrnctivo label it hours , with id Ifronch inscription and Napoleonic head thcso "little tishos piled in ilo" nro no the clupca enrdino from the coast ol Sardinia nnd from other parts of tin Mediterranean son , but are nothing tnon nor loss than n Yankee herring caught of the cowl of Maine , put up in cotton seed oil. The imitation , deception 01 fraud ( whichever you may aoo fit to torrri it ) is BO complete that the imported sard In o is rarely , if over , unod ni a hori d'cuitvro , but in its stead wp have the little Maine herring garnished with numerous slices of lemon , quite ns Invlt ing to the epicure and with a flaroi as highly esteemed. In fact , the day of the imported aardino hat passed , and niuo-tonths of the sardines now oaten in this country come from Maino. How this was all broughl about may bo told as follows : For some titno prior to 1875 , a Now York firm , Messrs , Wollf & Ilotuing , were ongagoc in experiments endeavoring to product an article similar to the French sardines They hnd n room fitted up in their ston which no ono was allowed to cntor , excepting copting the two members of the firm one the Frenchman who was engaged in tin experiments. On account of being un able to secure exactly the fish thoj needed , it seemed ns If all their labor nm olibrta were to bo of no avail , and thoj worp considering the question of aban doning their project when Mr. Wei if , on < of the firm , visited Eaatpprt , Mo. , and on ( seeing the small herring caught ir that vicinity , which was then used foi farming purposes , ho felt that at last hi liad discovered the long sought for fish , As the rosut of his investigations in 187C lie established a factory in Eaatport anc commenced canning. Since then then have boon eighteen other jcanning fao Lories established in Eastport , two n1 Kobbinston , seven at Luboc , with oni moro in process of erection , three a Joncsport , nnd ono onch at Milbridgo Lamoino , Bass Harbor , Brooklyn and Caindon , besides ono nt St. Andrews , N. U. T11K Jir.IUUNC ! UHKI ) for the manufacture ot the sardines arc : nutht ; in the waters of Passamoquoddt jay nnd vicinity. Largo weirs are built , juing constructed of piles driven firnilj in n depth of water not exceeding 20 feet , while the space between the mlcs is filled with brush interlaced with the rails which Biirround the piles. A largo opening in .ho enclosure la loft , through which the icrring enter at high water , and n drop uoino is used to close the opening when .ho weir is well filled. Just before low vrator the fishermen enter the weir in a let boat , and , with n hugh scoop not , take .ho fish out imd ; deposit thorn in the joat. The fish are offered for sale by , ho hogshead to the boatmen of the different factories about Bovonty'-Cvo in ent - num ber , each factory employing from two to six boatmen and the bidding commenc es , whiclijiit timesnlmoat rivals the stock exchange ; in fact , it is the aardjna ex change. If only n few of the weirs have fish the bidding is spirited , and a high price is obtained for the haul ; but , if fish nro plenty they do not bring so high. , o price , and tin bidding is attended with loss excitement When the industry first started ? L per hogshead was need ; oed , fair price , within the nst two years , as high as ? . ' ! 0 hns boon paidfor nhogshoad. After the fish had boon transferred to the boat of the highest bidder , n start is made for the factory , n small signal flag being run up to the top mast , to show the owners nt the factory that fish are on the way. When the wharf is reached the fish nro hoisted from the boats nnd placed in largo tanks partly tilled with salt water , to preserve them until they nro nil cut. FJOIII these tnnkn they nro taken In largo bankets to the cutting room nnd de posited on the long rough tables , where they nro sized by the cutters , nnd by n doxtorlous ewcop of their largo knives , nro quickly decapitated ; the ontrals being - ing pulled out by the minio movement , llio operation is performed with ench quickness that those skilled in the bus iness will cut sovcnty-fivo n minute. Ench cutter Una n box which when full , is carried to the foreman of the room , and the cuUorreceives a tin ticket ntamp od with the company's initial and nmount to bo pnid. Theeo cultora nro mostly boja and girls from 10 to li ( yenra of ngo. uud , in having wnat they term n "good week , " they earn from § 0 to $18. After being cut TUB KIHH AUK rilKLKI ) . This is douo by placing them in tubes and calling them thoroughly , after which they nro washed in sovonil changes of water , nnd then placed in low , flat bask ets , when , nttvr being carefully drained , they are hoisted Into the ilaking-rooni. The flaking is done by woman. The tbkus nro of "tviro , nearly thrco foot long by 2 feet in width , nnd the fish nro spread on , euro being tnkon that space is left between each fish to avoid trouble in biking. When a fluke is filled it is placed in the racks which stand in front of the mouth of the ovmi. The mnn in charge of the even takes them from the rack and places thorn on the skeletons in the ovon. Each skeleton will hold four flakes , nnd it is revolved by steam power. Thu oven will hold forty flakes. By the time the laat skeleton is filled * these on the first ono nro baked sulUciuntly , nnd nro removed to the racks , their places being immediately filled with flukes of friiah fish. From the rnoks men tnko thorn to tables , where the packers , who nro women , place them in tin boxes , ac cording to their size , the smallest being used for oil nnd tomato sardines , the medium for mustard nnd mnrinoo sar dines , while the largest are packed in oval cans , and uro called "son trout. " Into onch box ia poured oil and the vari ous preparations of aplco , lemon , vinegar sugar and mustard thai are usud , The total capital employed islGP,350. ] Employment is given to 2,000 men , women and children , nnd about 810,000 is disbursed weekly for wages during the Hoaaon. In addition to packing sardinon , some of the factories cm lobsters nnd blueberries in their euanon. THK H.UlPl.Nr. HKlhON extends from April ID to December If ) , leaving four months of the your for close time. In 1877 about 1,000 cases , 100 cans mch , wuro packed , while In 1880 about 100,000 eases worn packed and put on the market. In 1877 the price of qunrtor-ojla was 810 CO , while in Decem ber , 1683 , they wuro sold for $5 HO , the latter year btiing the hardest over known in the business. The actual cost of n boi of tUbso salt water herring converted in to passable sardines is about 6 cents , lipsidoo packing oil and mustard sardine ; most factories pack "Hussian sardines. ' They also manufacture pomnco which if sold to futilizlng companies. When fisli nro abundant the factories run from 1 o'clock In tJio morning to midnight. The largo concerns pack 2f > 0 cases daily dur ing thcso hours. In the busy season the wages earned by women who pack flake nro from S10 to $18 per wcok. Thr wharf mon earn from ? ' ' to § 15 ; senior ! from $15 to $ . ' 10 ; can-makers from $18 tc ? .10j senmors ? 10 to $10. The price ol packing per case varies oioh wcok nnd ii governed by the price of fish , which mnj bo 85 per hhd. the first of a week ami $25 the latter part of the same wook. A fair average ia from 85 50 to ? 50. UroRNOd I'cnplo dnn't dingy or faded things when the lOc , nnd gtiar nntood Diamond I > ; o will mnko thorn peed ni new. Thsy are parfoct. ( tot at druggists nnc bo economical. Wollo , KichnrJson & Co. Burlington , Vt. 'lsTl IjIVItITIK3. The Iiclpalc Flro Department. From the lionton Transcript. A couple of days in Loipsic convinced mo that the only feature that 'would in terest the , unmusical tourist is the fire brigade. I had the honor of inspecting this wonder in charge of a mighty oflicui with nn American friend to net ns inter preter. This is my first glimpse of the German fire system , nnd it has pursuadod mo that aside from the good discipline enforced it is little less than n roaring farce. All the mon and apparatus are stationed in ono house , n protontioue brick building located near the confer ol the town. The fire alarm telegraph h an unknown convenience , but they havi a system which they Boom to regard as ita equal , a man in helmet and rubboi coat , nrmod with ax nnd saber who par ades up and down the sidewalk befort the building , on the lookont for smoke , The lower floor of the structure is divided into three apartments , ono occupied bj the horses nnd the others bj the apparatus consisting ol three or four hand engines , r steam engine , a fire escape , n few exprost wagons and hose reels. All these machines - chinos are BO hopolosaly jammed togothoi that it is impossible to roach these in the background until the others have loft the house. The upper floors of the building contain the and n smok ing-room furnished with settees and long tables , where nt almost any hour of thf dny the Loipsio firemen can bo seen hard at work drinking beer or sleeping off its ofTecta. 1 hnd some difficulty in finding out just what occurs in that house in case of firo. If at night it ia something like this , if wo translated our guide's remark".correctly : When the man on the aidowaik sees the fire , smello smoke , or in nny other way becomes con vinced that n conflagration Is in progress , ho gives the alarm to hia friends in the Hmeking room. When they are con duced that the Bontind'a observations nre founded on fact , an electric boll Is Bounded to reuse the Bloopers in the dormitories. The horses nro harnesaod and conveyed nround the building to the npparatus rooms , the hand engines nro attached to the express wngons , the mon board the latter and in five minutes the guido assured ua the brigade was ready to move. Ho probably meant that the vanguard sot nut at the exfctratlon of that time. Inasmuch , however , na thrrholo brigade attends every alarm , f -e must bo nt lenst twenty minutes difloronco in the time of the departure of the first cngino and the firo-escnpe which stands against the roar wall. In foot , it must bo lively about that engine house for at least half nn hour nftor the receipt of an nlarm , while the various machines are getting under way. I informed the guide that in America the firemen took only fifteen seconds for getting their machines from the houso. His reply was the Gorman aquivnlont for "toll thnt to the marines. " It ia no simple matter for a Gormnn to wink in fifteen seconds. The saddest feature of the Loipslo brigade to mo , however , was the sopming inefficiency of the firo-oxtinguishing machinery. It would bo a discouraging task to water n lawn with those hand engines ; in fact , they might have dlilfculty in fulfilling satisfactorily the role of face perfumers. Thuro is just ono point where this fire Burvlco seema proficient , nnd this ia in regard to discipline nnd organization. The physique of the men is capital. Al- logother the brigade might bo compared to the Prussian guard , nrmod with pop guns. _ 1M1CM Pllon nro freriueiitlv preceded by a senee of Weight In the back. lohiR and lower part of the tiliiliinimc.Miaiii ) ( } the patient to riupposo hehna aomo aifuctlon of the kidneys or neighboring ) rf'aiw. At times , ayin toius of ImiigobUon iiioiiresojit , as tiitupncy , uneasiness of the stomach , otc. A moistcro lilto pornpiration , producing u Aery disagreeable itching pnrticu. luily nt iiljjht nftor Kottlup warm in hod , its very common attendant. Internal. Kxternal and Itching PHoa jlold lit once to the applica- tlon of ] ) r. lloBiinko'u 1'ilo Koinody , which aciv dlroctly un the lurta niroctoU , absorbliiR the tumors , allaying the intonno ItchliiL' , mid of. foctlnu D permanent euro whcro other romo- dioii have foiled. ] ) o not delay until the drain on the RVHtoin iireduccvi jienniniont dlaabillty , out trv It and do cured. Schrotor ft Hoditlit "Trado auppllad hy O. F Goodman. " BIAHHIKI ) JUS11 POIl FUN. rhoricnanntry ot Two Illoli blatora Tlmt Will Knit In a Court ofLnw. ow York Herald , Two marriage notices , of which the ollowing are copies , were printed in a ocul newspaper published in Now Ilo- hello on the 12th iust. : MoNALLY W YLKH-At Now llochelle , n Juno 39 , 188t , by William Plnkney , Kiq. , ustico of the I'o.icp , Fred , O. McN'ully , of L'hlcago , III. , to Lydla Lyon Wyles , of Mima- luimttH. NCtWYLK3 On June 30 , IBS I , t New Uochelle , N. Y. , by William I'luknoy , Nn. , Justioo of the 1'eac * . Henry W. Wat- Ing , of Detroit , Mich , , to Mary F. Wylen , of iliwgachusott ] , Mr. 0. E. Keno , of Now Rochelle , eaterday made a motion before Judge * lilla , holding special tonn of the Win- olwator county court at White Plains , for ho appointment ot a guardian nd litem or the two young wives , and the motion was granted , Mr. William 11. Duckor , of Brooklyn , being chosen guardian. The > etition , which was aubmittod with the notion , sots forth the desire of the young vtunon to legally annul their marria td with their respective husbands. hCUOOL 0RL AKFEOTIO.Nfl. Theao marriages were oem audacious and romantic , and illustrate the danger surrounding young girls who are allowed .o form casual acquaintances , The Rinses \Yylns are daughters of the Into llpnry ] N [ Wyloa , of Worcester , Maes , > yilia L , Wyles ia 18 years old and Mury F. is 10 years of age. Both nro very pretty , accomplished nnd wealthy. An older sister ia the wife of their newly up. pointed special guardian. William II. Decker , who rosldoa nt Huguenot park New ilochello , during the summor. Thi young ladies have a guardian nt Worcester costor their mother nnd father boin | dedd who haa boon looking after the ! education nnd estate. During the las season they have attended n youii ] ladies' seminary in NVorcestor. Whil there they made their acquaintance o their rcspectivo husbands , who were at tending n military academy in the sami town. Neither party know anythini about the other's family or circumstances but nevertheless the friendship formci without the knowledge of the guardiai or family of the girls progressed unti the school commencements were over Then it npponrn the young ladies , whc were invited to spend their vacatiot with their siitor at Now Rochelle , too ) the two young mon from the militnn academy with thorn and introduced then into their slater's family , where they wor received hospitably. Mrs , Duckor allowed the young mont ! < remain nt her house for moro than n fort night. They were their cadet uniforms and cut qnlto a fig uro in and nround NOT Hochello with Mr. Decker's horses nn < carriages , which were placed at their dla posal. Every dny the young mon am young ladies were out driving , mnkinj the dust fly behind them nnd nttractin general attention. As Now Hochollo ivory i very cosmopolitan during the summer nobody appeared to know who the par ties were , and Mr. Decker did not , there fore , know what was going on. THE TWO MAIUUAOES. . On the morning of Juno 30 , after th } oung mon had been enjoying the hospi tnlitv of Mr. Duckor for about a week they took the young ladles out to ride a usual , and the young wives state that 01 this occasion each of the cadota in ado ai olTor of marriage. MoNnlly proposed t Miss Lydia Wyles nnd Walling to Mary nnd each accepted. The young men 1 then soorna wont to Justice Pinknoy' ollice and made application to bo mnrriei on that Bamo evening. The hour was fixoi at nine o'clock at night. At the appoin ted time the quartet appeared and won married. Justice Pinknoy said ho hai no reason to ask nny questions. All par ties Boemod to bo respectable and o competent ago to contract the marringi relation. That evening it seems all parties won homo as usual , keeping their marridgCBjt profound secret. They all retired t < their respective apartments and then were no grounds to suspect the relation ship that existed. The young mon remained mainod a week after the marriage , rldinf out as usual , and then departed for thei homos in the woat. Before their departure parturo they paid for the printing of the wedding notices. About four daya afto ; the publication of these notices thei were shown to Mr. Duckor and thi scene thnt followed can bo imagined. Thi young ladies admitted thp mnrriago bu a.iid that they regarded it ns n "gooc joko" rather than a reality. The parent of the young husbanda were immediately communicated with , nnd there were tw < storms at the other end of the line. I appears thnt McNally ia only 1C yean old , nnd \ \ ailing only 19. The parent : of the boya were astonished nnd oxprosa od ad cairo to have the legal knot untie ( if possible. Stepa were then taken to dissolve thi marriages. The petition states that thi marriages were contracted "througl force and durcss"and that the petitioner : looked upon the ceremony as "all in fun' ' and "n joke , " and are willing to havi them dissolved. The marriages wil probably bo annulled. The finest mayonaiso dressing for al kinds of salads , cold meats , rnwtomatoos pioklod salmon , cabbage , otc , is Durkoo'i Salad Dressing. It is , besides , mon economical than home-made. A Xiivo Poultry Car. Now York Commercial Advertiser. The invention of an extensive poultrj shipper in Indiana is so designed and con' structcd as to enable the shipping of live fowls any distance by rail without nny o ! the drawbacks attending the handling ol "crates" and "baskets , " which are the bane of the express agent ovcrywhoro. The car is not unlike a stock car in gen eral appearance , having four or five docks or floors far enough apart to accommo date standing poultry. Ench dock may bo separated by portable partitions into compartments , or the length of the car may bo thrown together. Each compart- nont ia provided with a main door , which ocka oa hereafter dcacribod , and each door has n sliding door , which locks inde pendently , for use in transfer. A simple contrivance of r : > da nnd staples locks with a lover crank every door nt once , md n storm-curtain protects the fowls in Dad weather. A feed nnd water trough , which holds feed and water for n trip to ho aoabianl , nnd will not allow the lat er to aplaah out , topj elf the complete- icsa of the invention. ITtnli Hulplnir Beds. Salt Lake Tribune , Mr , Dickcrt has gene down to Millard iounty to wcrk hia sulphur beds. Ho ma n patent rulinin process of hia own n volition , nnd ho proposes to ship n car- oad of refined sulphur to St. Louis very soon to teat the capabilities of the bust- teas. The quantity of sulphur ia prac tically unlimited. The question to bo determined is , whether it can bo ra ined and transported to market nt a * ) rofit. Younpr Mon.Mlddla Aged Men and All Men vho sulfur from early Imllxcrotloiui will find Allen'd Drain Food , the most powerful ln\ig- orunt over introduced ; once restored by tt here IH no relapse. Try it ; It never foils. 81 ; 0 for § 5. Atdrurglstn. ( Gordon's I'oHttlon , OAIIIO , I'gypt , July 29. A merchant who eft Kantalu June Itlat anya brlnro Btartintr ui road A loiter from UenuralGordon to the tludlr of Kiwaola , datcul June llth. Accord- ng to this Ciordou Ii anfe audjbiul abundant iroUsIonK , and ammunition , lie was nhort if money nnd wns raiding fundu by Insulng inuiU , Ho was homtnod In on nil sides by rebel * . An goon as the Nllo rene hm Intention vas to equip Bttan.ors. At Kanaula the mer chant xayH were pro\l lens sutlicient for five nonths. Thd population of Kaddurlfho atntoa , myujoiood the Mulull. No well regulated household ihould bo with out it battle of AliK'Hturu HlttorH , tlio world renowned appetizer nnd Invlgon tor. iiewaro of counterfeit ! . ASK your grocer or trugvlttfor the gonulnu article , manufactured > y J. U. H , Siorurt & Sons. Wlde-Awake Agents Wanted Everywhere for i ) Jnmri I'nrion tinmnlott ( Itloirraiihrr of thioprc. . Aiirliir. > iitt liiPiiiior Miiur | > Mriill luwulutlinlluiit. nn untnt'u ) Hex iihoW liitMiirn AlHiukfun trry tuinan , J. U. LiirMllK'irj .si i H. PHILLIPS , n IT TAILOR HAS EEMOVED TO Elsutter'S For the Next 60 Days. Mons' Working Suila from 02 , $3 to S8. Mons" Uuslnoss from $3 , $12.50 to $16. Men's Custom-Mado Suits from 815 , $17.50 to $20. Men's Suite made to order $25. $ . ' )0 ) to $ : tn. Youtha' Suite from $2,50 , S3 to $9. D.OOO Boys' nnd Ohildrou'a Suits , from $1.50 , $3 to $10. 0,000 Men's , Youths' nnd Boys' Pnnta , from 50c , $1.25 to $7.50. 200 Dozen line imported and Fancy Shirts , from $1 to $3. 100 dozen heavy nnd tnu- dlutn Working Shirts , 50c. 75 drroufino Summer fancy Woolen Shirts from $1 to $3. F.ummor Clothing , an . extra variety , from 25c to $10. White and Col'd Yosts from 50o to $3. An end. | loss variety nnd Novelties in Ties , Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs AND MEN'S HOSE. Nothing Superior and as Large a Variety in the Market * THE LOWEST PEICES GUARANTEED. I MAMMOTU CLOTHING _ HOUSE , J BkJ 1001 St. n T. 10th OMAIIA , NEB. Carry the Largest Stock , offer the Lowest Prices and Easiest Terms of Any Dealer Here on Besides Many other Well-known Makes , we sell the > World Eenowned Ij JLXJLIAAJ JU ] \JtJJ-S ) AND ARION PIANOS. AND THE CELEBRATED SHONINGER "BELL" ORGANS. Inatrumonta Rented nnd rent allowed if purchased. Pinnoa on installments , $10 Monthly. Organs , § 5. Call or send for Catalogue and tema , WAEEROOMS , - - COOR. 11TH AND FAENAM STS. . Would call particular attention to their new stock of FINE WATCHES , CLOCKS , SILVERWARE , AND AN UNSURPASSED ASSORTMENT OF Precious BtoneSc FULL LINE OF HOWARD' WALTHAM AND ELGIN WATCHES. WAREROOMS - - COR , 11TH AND FARNAM STS0 m Douglas St. , - OMAHA. V5 M lii Frames and Mouldings at Wholesale. TucH-Thiir-Sat 1409 and'.l4ll DodeB St. , I } .Omaha Neb IMPORTER , JOBBER AND..MANUFAOTURERS1 . AGENT OF 18TH ST. , BETWEEN FARNA.M AND 1IAKNEY HEBE ASK A OMAHA , - - -