THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. FOURTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , NEB. , VTEDNESDAy MORNING , JULY 30 , 1884. NO. 3fi NOTIFIED OF NOMINATION. 607 , ( Maud Formally Mafle of foe Nalional Democracy's ' Aiiion , Goli Vilas' ' Speech Supplemented by the Committee's ' Address , The Candidate for President Makes a Felicitous Boply , A Number of Notables Present Aotion of the Gominitteosi ! Ton Thousand Bourbons Gather at a Barbecue Near Lexington , Ky , Ilopubllcnim PURO With Green- Imclccrs In West Virginia for the Consideration of 10,000 Votes. b ALTIANV , N. Y. , July 29. The committee a i of notification mot at ton , Vilas presiding , It was arranged that the commlttoo visit the governor at 3:30. : After signing the olliclid letter , adjourned until three , The commlttoo leave to-morrow morning for Saratoga to noti fy Ilendrlcka. TUB NATIONAL COUMITTBB. The national democratic committee met at In Uio Delovan house and was called to order by Secretary Prince In the absence of Chairman Bornum. On motion of Miller ( Nob. ) , lion. . if Jno. S. Harbour ( Va. ) waa chosen chairman protein. The roll WAS called , and all states were represented except Connect ! : cut , Maryland , Kentucky , Michigan , i Nevada , Dakota , New Mexico , Utah and Wyoming. The proceedings of the did mooting of July 24 wore approved. Dawson ole ( S. C. ) , on behalf of tbo committee on organi zation , made a report which was adopted but the commlttoo decided not to publish it at present , the matter being loft In abeyance with the chairman and secretary , they to de the . cide what portion , if an ; shall be given to the f ; nowspipors. The executive committee will meet in Now York on Thursday of this week. the THE QDKaTIOK Of HKADQUABTKES. an Mr. Thompson , of Now York , in behalf of the committee on hoadquartore , reported pro gress and Asked permission to inaka a final . roiwrt to the executive committee when it boei moots In New York. ovei if KXKGUTIVR COMMITTEE. The following were announced as the otoc- itsv > ulivo coinmiltoe : W. II. llarnum , of Connec lion ticut , n-odicio ; TA. . P. Gorman , Maryland ; elec groo nn\ cam hour. Virginia ; W. F. Vilan , Wisconsin ; Aus dial tin II. 1'rown Indiana ; M. M. Ham , Iowa : re H. D. McIIenry. Kentucky ; J. P. II. Kelly , oftl Minnesota ; Bradley IJ. Smalloy , Vermont ; J. fron A , W. Sul oway , Now Hampohire ; V. W. upo Dawson , South Carolina ; W. W. Armstrong , ing ng Ohio ; Miles llosj , New Jernoy : S. Corning lice [ Judd , Illinois ; J. B. Barnaby , Rhode Island ; tob John G. Prather , Missouri. tobWi The committee adjourned to moot at the ( Wi Dalovau ifouse at 3 o'clock when , they will ( Mil accompany the notification committee. Fre NOTADLK3 PHIWENT IIAI.B AND fBMALV. fore ALBANY , July 20. Noon. Among those M. who will bo present at the notification to ( Da ' Governor Cleveland this afternoon besides the .foff membura of the two committees , will be Judge Gee Abbott and B. F. Hilkbury , of Boston , ox- ( Ma Speaker Randall , Speaker Carlyelo , Comrresa- Iho ? man IJorahoimer , Lester B. Faulkner and the following ladies : Mrs. W. K. Hoyt and Miss R. K. Cleveland , sisters of the governor , and Misws Mary and Carrie Hastings , daughters mit1 " of the governor's slater , who is a missionary in of f \ Ceylon. The daughters have been born there , oftl and are in America to bo educated. The ad- ( Jem is dre a of Col. Vilas and the reply of Governor listc Cleveland will both be brief. The reception sent at Uio Fort Orange club will bo entirely in- grea formal. the TIIK FOnUAL NOTIFICATION. lnin ALHANT , N. Y. . July 29. The rain , which real 1 ceaHod at noon , set ill again about 2 o'clock. that Despite the weather , Pearl street and Broad way were lined with jnoplo standing under puil the shelter of umbrellas. part About tha head anlei of the Phalanx , on State street , the bilit crowd was the greatest. A little before H o'clock the Phalanx formed on State street , 120 strong. They were attired in dark suite , high white hats and carried canoa. Preceded upo by the Albany City band , they marched beei through State street into Broadway and to full the Delovan house , where the part > THRONG WAS 80 OBKAT ' ? nt 'into that the streets and sidawalks were almost im- citlz passable. Hero carriage * ! to the number of dem forty were provided for the distinguished gen sent tlemen composing the committee. At 3:3. : " ) , headed by the ban J , the Phalanx marched up lore part Broadway , followed by tlio committee in car and riages. The procession turned up Clinton sent avenue , up Madison avenue to Ruglo street him to the governor'd residence , which wus reached that about 4 p.m. An immense concourse of people - shoe plo had assembled around the execmivo man oft f sion , and the polica were Htatlnnod about to reso prevent injurlon ) tro pats upon the grounds surrounding the residence. The guonts wore prompt hi arriving , and when the members of been the two committees won ) provided for there the vriu very liltlo extra space. kepi TUB CEUKUONT I , Idoct took place in the largo handsjino main parlor 11085 of thu mansion. The only attempt at adorn plo ment suen wan in hugo banks of flowers which liter rusted on the mantel * of the parlors and library. The cewmnny was brief but exceed kee prin ; ingly , impressive. The arrival of the commit- Him eep teen in a body wan the signal for concentration btci in the main pailor. There the committea of the notification took positions In the south end of iaus the room , and the members of the naticmu committee on the north. Space wan reserved In the centre , and IM soon as the preparations wore complete liar TiiKaovKiiKon IKTEIIKD through the main hull way. islanding with his > ! back to the flnwer banked mantel , The la dies of thu party stood psar the governor at hid left. Hi * appearance was the signal for a hearty utulnpoutanociis outburst of handclap- nest plug , which continued weveral mimes. When thin subsided Colonel W. F. Vilas , of Wi-con. : an sin , chairman of the late democratic national .0 convention , ( .topped forward ve Colonel Vila * spoke as follows : Grover Cleveland , Governor of the Slate of of ji New York : Thane gentlemen , my associate hurt here present , whoso volco I am honored with trill authority to utter , ars a committee appointed veil by the national democratic convention which eon recently assembled in Chicago and chartrud ncr with the grateful duty of acquainting you has otliciully and in that solemn and ceremonious gla < manner which tha dignity and Importance of cauill : the communication demands , with the Inter ll esting result of IU deliberations , already known to you through thejordinary { channels witl . of news Sir. that uuat bxly , convened by the direct delegation from the ill mocratio people ipon of the several ftUoi anil territorial of the re The public , and deliberating under the wltueaa of but i'he ' thu iliu OIIKATKIT AhaKMIILr Or1 KIIKKMSN ovf'r gathered to ouch a conference , in fora- : ere < thought of the election which the constitution ; | U1 | them to make the current Impose * upon during wore year , have nnminated you to the pe pl of nf , these United Ktatoi to bo their president fur Kort thu next ensuing term of that great ortice , and \n \ \ with grave consideration of its exalted ro pou sibllitim , have confidently invoked their Btif- fragui to invest you with IU fuirtions , Through this committee the convention' * high pos retjuirement Is delivered , that you may accept rue that candidacy. The choice carrier with It profound rtR.HO.VAt , BRjI-KCT AND ADMIRATION , but It has been in no manner the first of the o lentitucnta. The national democracy neck a lircwidoiit , not in compliment for what the man ia or reward for what ho lias done , but in a just exportation of what ho will accomplish as the tnta servant of a free people , fit for their lofty tru t. Always of momentous con sequence , they conceive Uio public exigency to ba now of transcendent lm | > ortanco ; that a laborotn reform in administration as well us legislation ii imperatively noce * ary to the prosperity and honor of the republic1 , and a : tettt chief magistrate must ba of unusual roudpawor. They have observe i with attention TOUR KXKCCT10N OK TUB Pl'DLIC TIlfSTS joti have , hold , especially of that with which you Mb now to hrnoiably Invested. They placa their reliance for the usefulness of the services they expect to exact for the benefit of till nitiuti upon the evidence derived from tlia irvicesyou liavo performed for the state of New York. They Invite the electors to mich proof . of character and coinpstoncy to justify their cbnfidonco that In the nation , as hereto- forfl in the state , the public buiinosi will bo administered i with consuminato intelligence and ability , with flnglo hearted hnno ty and fidelity , and with a rwoluto nnd ( taring fear- lo-sncna which no faction , no combination , no power of wQillh , 110 mistaken clam or can dismay or qualify. In the spirit of the wi dom and invoking the benediction of the dlvlno creator of man , wo chnllongo from the sovereignty of thin u-ition his words In commemoration and ratification of ourcholco , "Well done , thou good and faithf ful nan ant ; thou hast boon faithful over few tiling * . I will make theo a ruler over many thing * . " In further fulfillment of olir iKty , the secretary will now present the writ ten communication signed by the committee : TIIBCOSIMITTKK'S ADDREIS. . The address of the committee of notification | was read by Secretary Boll : NEW YOIIK CiTf , July 28.188l.-To lion- irabla Grover Cleveland , of New York : Sir : acoordnnco : with a custom befitting the latura of the communicationtho undersigned , . epresoating the several states and territories thounlou , wcro appointed a committee by the national democratic convention , which' issembled at Chicago on the 5th day of the urrent month to perform the : ileasant i office , which by this nvins wo Invo the honor to execute , of ufonning you of your nomination aa the can- liclato : of the democratic party in the coming iletion , for the ollico of president of the Jnlted State * . A doclaratlon of the piinci- jlesupon which the democ'acy go before the . pee nle , with a hope of establishing and main- by aining them in the government was mndo by : convention and an engrossed copy there- cfli submitted in connection with this com- soil nunication for your consideration. Wej trust ity opproval of your judgment will follow examination of this expression of opinion . and po icy , and upon thoi | > oliticnl controversy now made up wo Invite your a"ceptanco of the exalted leadership to which you have wen chosen , The election of a president is an ivont of the utmo it importance to the people America. Prosperity , growth , happiness , ( eaci' , and liberty oven , nny depend upon of who ordering. Your uinniuiniiH noniina- legi la proof that the democracy believes your tiveK lection will moat nontributo to nave these roat objections We assure you that in the for nxions responsibilities you must asmimo 0,3 a but anilidnto you will have the steadfast nnd cor- th.I support of the friends of the ciuwyou will nat eprcHont , and in the execution of tha duties in the high ollicu which wo confidently expect rom thu wisdom of the nation to bo conferred ipon you , jou may securely rely for apjirov- aid uponthe _ patriotism , honnrnrd intel- pence of this free people. We have the honor bo with great respect : The address is signed by W. K Vilas the Wisconsin ) , president ; Nicholas M. Ball Missourisecretary ) ; A. P. BnntonAlabama ( ) , orgj . 'VedFord'ca ' ( Arkansas ) , Miles Soarles ( Call- ornla ) , M. M Waller ( Colorado ) , Theodore jud iI.Walter ( Connecticut ) , George H. Bates inand Delaware ) , Atllla Cox ( Kentucky ) , James and 'effries ( Louisiana ) , 0. A. Osgood ( Maine ) , of > Jeorge Wicks ( Maryland ) , J. K. Abbott Mamaclmsotts ) , Daniel Cospan ( Michigan ) , homaa 1C. Hauan ( Minnesota ) , 0. E. Hooker resi ado CLEVELAND S RKJOINDKR. adoV Governor Cleveland replied as follows : quji [ Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Cotn- exit altte * : Your formal announcement does not , mer course , convey tj me the first information eacl the result of the convention he d by t ir lomocracy of the nation , and yet when , OH 1 Tfl Isten to your message , I ice about mo repre- end entatives from all parts of the land of the com rout party which , claiming to bo the party of par people , ask them to entrust to it the ad- i an aimstratlon of their government , and when consider , under thu influence of the stern eality which tha present surroundings create , I have boon chonanto represent the plans , luijKweB and the policy of the democratic I larty , I am profoundly Impressed by the nleumity of the occasion and by the rtsponsi- sam ilities of my ] iosition , Though I gratefully fash ppreciato it , at this moment city I 1)0 NOT CONGRATULATE JIIHELf ty. pan : the distinguished honor , which has hart conferred upon me , because my mind is by of an anxious desire to perform well tha Jud which has been assigned to me. Nor do Jiltu this moment forget that the rights and Tin aterest of more than TtU.OOO,000 of my follow tors r Itlzena are involved in our efforts to gam for : emocratla supremacy. This reduction precuts - sioai to my mind the consideration which than all others given to the action of my arty in convention assembled its most sober serious aspect. Tha party and IU repro- entatives which ask to b. entrusted at the tuds of tbo people with the keeping of all and concerns the r welfare nnd their safety , repi lioulcl only ask It with the full appreciation delii [ the ) nacre < lnot of the trint , and with a firm arm Bsolvo to administer it faithfully and well. natr I AM A DKMOCIIAT sure foundation : of true democracy. I have tha faith because I believe if rig' tly and f anjy . administered und applied , democratic octrinos and ineasuro" , will insure the happi- f s , uoutentmeut and prosperity of the i > eo- , If , in the contest upon which wo now orm. , wo steadfastly hold to the underlying irlncipIiHof our party creed , and at all tunes | in view the paople'n good , we shall bo A trmig , becaima wo are true to ourselves and Ion cause the plain and iudepenilunt voters of mill land will seek by their xuffrages to com- lnl their the he iVhern there nhnuld bo submiHHiou to the pop- will and their protection from party cyr- if uption , tliero nhould bo devotion to the poo- O'B luto.'oat . Those thoughts lend a couse- ration to our cause , r > rd we go forth not nerely to pain a partisan a ivuutago , but jledged togivo to tluna who trust u < the ut- benuhta nnd humut administration of latlonal sffalrs. No higher purpouu or motlvo 3ol. / stimulate us to a supreme effort or urge us w' ' wig contlnuoip > p noHt labor and effective w'Cai mrtyor a bation. Let tun it fall in this , and Ha may continently hopn to ton 11KAP TUB KL'LL BBWAItl ) San patriotic services wull performed. I have callrxl to miud Homo tlmplo truths , and rilles though they are , it eeoms to mo wo do r to dwell upon them at tlin time , I bhall one , I hopu , ilgnify in the formal man- tal my acceptance of the nomination which has been tAudornl me. In the me mtlma I loina lladly greet you all M co-workers in a noble IflVi ause. udv udvyl llllCliOVKIl.VOIl HI'OKK KXTE.MrOltANKOLHI.V yl ithdeep airnMtness , lie seemed to realize | ? ( how ; weight.of the responsibility which runted moi him ai the standard bearer of tlio party off oddro-HB wax not only a model of thought KK ( WKM delivered with rarn grict > anil effect inadu congratulations that wcro showered upon by miny dlntlnvuiiihod leaders of tti to i tli1 close of tlio ceromonim were ln and lieirty , After HO mo time spent In so- interchanges the dnors of the dining rui > m nwung open nd relrushinentu pirtukim An Informal raceptlnn was held at the dee QraiiRe clul > , Waahin ton avenue , late nf nfKri thu aftornopn. Kri I'UI.IT EII ON II I. A I Mi. An 9 i Mr. Pulitzer nail ] one of hi * reasons for op- Mi potting liluiiie , was the letter's Know Nothing nat record of years ago. Jilaine advlbod and aided Imj in framing tha law In M ! ne < , which virtually mode It Impossible tat any foreigner to become a citizen. All mono | > olisU arc supporting lllamo. The Issue of tlio CMiipntgn , bo Bald , was not one of a iwrsonal character. In the democracy tried to rodex-m the povrr ; and succeeded but were cheated by fraud and theft , If success did not coma now when would It. Trotting out Jnnioi ( ? . HUino as a w.'rklngmon'fl ' candidate , was one of the grtwt e t humbugs of the ago. NATIONAJ IjVllOll CCmMITTKK. IT PUTS UP NO PRESIDENTIAL TICKET CHICAOO , Juno SO. At the meeting of tha national labor committed to-night the follow * ing ) resolutions were adopted : We hore'by affirm and adopt the demands formulated and pro.ienUil by the independent labo'r party of Uw state of Now York , which were adopted and incorporated initn platform byM the tlomocnttlc party of that Ute In 1882 , M follows : "Wo allirm the policy aluayo niaintaiuixl by the democratic party that it Is OfHID the llr t Importance that labor uliould be madeiruo , healthful and sure of just roimmor- atlon ! ; that convict tabor should not come Into competition with tlie law-abiding citizens ; that the labor of children should bo sur rounded with such safeguards M their health , their rights of oducatioa and lliuir lutii-o as useful members of the community dei that workshopi , whether largo or sm , should ba under such sanitary as will insure the health aud comfort of the employed , and protect all against utivvholo- HOUIO labor and surroundings ; that labor shall have \ the same right * oa capital to combine for its own protection ; and that all legislation which cramps industry , or which enable ] tbo powerful lo oppress the weak should bo re pealed ; and lo promote the interests of labor , wo recommend the collection of sUtUliuiaiid information < rcxpactlng thu improvements , neeils and abuses ot tha various branches of Industry. Till ORKAT REFORM OOVER.NOII OK NKW YOIIIC. TillTi Those demands for rcformi.mado by the workingmen - ingmen of Now York , have been accomplished through their aooptanco and endorsement by the great reform governor of the state of New Vork in the follow ing measures : Kstublinhing abor bureau statistics ; prohibiting ttho manu facture of wojl haU in the state prisons , poni- centuries , etc ; prohibiting the manufacture of igarn : In tonomeut houses ; prohibiting the na'.tinir ! of contracts fur convict labor ; making aboring men preferred creditors In the aitign- nenU of ompioyerx ; prohibiting child contract abor < ; providing for commission to examine the lanltary condition of tenement hoiHes.fuotori0.1 , etc. , which are commended as vital issues to the people of the United States , and are hero- declared ( principles of labor in the whole ouutry , where tbe interests of labor are best lervod when the principles of labor upon a lolid foundation of secured rights and prosper- ty ore presented and urged _ as IBSUCH in the lopular representative bodies having const- ! .utlrnal existence. AFTJU LSaiSLATUIIlM. Reeolved , That it is not the duty of the vorkiugmon to present candidates for presi- dun and vice-president but that it In a sacred luty and obligation to organize for the purpose Becuriug us muinbors of state and national egtslaturo4 earnest and faithful represents- da tive of labor ; therefore ; bo it Ke-olveil , That v\o muku no iioinluatious tha offices of president and vice-president , nit leave to all our members a free choice , and . wo do hereby adjourn thu meeting of the luttonal ! labor convention to July 'Mia , 18SS , the city of Chicago. WILSON J WOLF , Wn A. A. CAIISKV , Chairman. Secretary of the National Committee. KVEUV MAN FOR HIMIILF. The following was subsequently adopted by commlttoo : WHEUKAH , The national labor party , duly nil irganized at Philadeli > hia , January llllb , 188 , for the purpose of effecting wlao anil udiciouB action by existing political parties the interests of labor and anti-monopoly , to influence as fur as possible the adoption our principles , and WIIEKBAB , Our platform aud principles wer submitted to the national conventions Im espectively of the political parties , and duly bee tdopted , ana cit WHBHKAH , Our methods of procedure re- ujro us , where our principles are adopted i by ixisting political conventions , to notify our inyar nembera of that fact , and in such cases leave yar member free to consult his individual party preferences ; therefore. od UesolveJ , That wo uccept tlio action and Inc mloruement of our principles by the national ouventlona of the democratic and republican larties ) as progressive and beneficial to Amori- > per [ industry. the cat' BOURBON VIM the A KENTUCKY DEMOCRATIC BEJOICINO. LEXINGTON , Ky. , July 29. Over ton thou- the and enthusiastic democrats attended an old , hav , wbloned Kentucky barbecue given near this | to-day by the democrats of I'ayetto couii The entire crowd partook of burgoo and arbocuod moata. The crowd waa addressed vcti General Dtirbin Ward , Dou Piatt and per udgo Hunt , of Ohio , Senators Beck and liot Slachburn , ex-Governor Blackburn and lion , allli 'lumas L. Jones , of Kentucky. All thu ora- GDI predicted a rousing victory in Novi-mber in democracy. There Is the greatest eiithu- spit iaum in KentucVy over thu ticket. . whi ban 1VE9T VIRGINIA. mil KEl'UIILICAN-fl. D. is PAUKKasiiuiio W. Va. , July 29 Two thou. 1in | are people are already hero for the state true epublican convention to-morrow. It is now and elinitelv known that there will ba n finion oav rrangemout , whereby the groanbackora will ere iamo a portion of the ticket. The f union at- bell the republicans ten thousand additional otes in the state. PARKKnsnuwi . va. , July 2 ! ) . A caucus can all tha Went thli Virginia republicans to-night locldcd Hto endorn thu greenback nomination boli Mdnin Maxwell for and Judge governor , Thm TVi nakoa tbo nomination to-morrow a mere I ! . _ 'm World'H Fair. , - to- At a inb ting of th'j International com ant- fuv - of oxonition | nnd fair association repro- tail VCH held hero last month the quonlou nl Ijlll | I'llding world's fair In commemoration of con wh discovery of America , and to celebrate mwl 100th anniversary of that evunt w-s ills chn IMO nisNud end the project wus iippruvod , the ircHident of the convention , Julius S , Walah , thin city , was directed to appoint a com- nlttee tn devimi a plan of org.mlz.ition and will nanugament , fair tlmui and place , etc. , Mr , wb iValsh bus njipointed the com- per nltten as followa : ] { ' < bt. P , con faussy , St. I/oula Chairman ; Meair * . K. herd r/ocko and David K. lieatty , Jernuyville , IU , ; it in . A. I. Johnson , Topeka ; II. it. W. Hart- day , St. Joxoph , Mo ; 11. J. Hill. Toronto , p Canada : Daniel I ) . Gillfiam , Alton , III. : Kdw , horn ilaren : , ICansas City ; Hubert Mitchell , Prince- sold Mhid. . , and L. M , Kumsuy , Iticharu Green , Samuel M , Kennurdof Ht , Lnuln. boon "Wlro AVorkM in inKu DRTKOIT , July 20 , The Barnuin wire works , Ku of the most extensive plants of ornamen Cn and wire works business in the country , To anslgniy ) . This action wan precipitated by they stockholders who became frightened and rail levied attachment * on the prtifwrty to He and itdvaucits made by them. Nn statcmont , the A rough estimate by the huino ! s Vc 'hut ' HaMllticH of all kinds amount tn nit J8 fKK ) , with assets coimlstiiig of the im- del inotiH'J manufactory of the conij any , a stock ox fgoodnon bandH arid accounts receivable , t'rotr ting SlliO.OOO , Kvpry iilfurt Isbcini ? to ailjuot existing ilillicultios , and it in lioped In a few ilays full.'I'1 ' work in full. resume . shot Tim CJiolnr * , | wr July 89. Thn clanlficUlon nf we deaths friiin cholera according to nationality nil victims given thu following rwinlts : tin French 7W , Ilulian , 31" ' ; SpanUh. 13 ; ( irt.ok , . Fntli li , 1 ; Auxtrian , 1 ; Germany , 1 ; pr | American , 1. Nine dnaths of Cholera in rnsilles la t night. 13 in Toulon , The sit , r nation iu the infected dlstr.ctu to continue to { Ai luiprovu. lHi | STRICKEN STOCK , Teslenlay's ' DBTdopincnls Rclaliyo to the Sick' Cattle in Chicago , Dootors Diaagroo as to tlio Nature of tlio Fatal Malady , , Whether - Alkali , ' .Toxas Fever , Bloody Murrain OEfLooo Woods , 1 Kansas Olty Stronudnsly Denies the Disease Originated There , Olainiing the Stock Ocimo Through There From Indian Territory , . Stontntm Onttlo Men Unltuif ; Tir Tliclr IntorcBt Thoy'OcsIro tlio 'bow ' 20,000,000 ACI-OH of Indian KoHorvntlou Ileiluocel. _ _ _ _ , v THE 8IOIC nATfrliK , TEXAS TKVER AND ALKALI. 1 CIIICAOO , July 29. The arrvnl of nick cattle - tlo having boon rot > orted at tl)3 Union stock G yrvrds of tills city , an examination won made by n number ot veterinarians , , this mornlug. who'aro noc yet ready to submit an olliclal rtiport , The fact is known , howovnr , that they Imvo ngrood that the disorder III Texas favor , Buporlnducod by drinking wafw strongly Im pregnated with alkali. The tattle Imro been securely quarantined and Isolated. Those in the yards that are Infected * ire to bo ( laugh- torod , subject to inspection by , the health do- pro portmont. Those that ore ijnablo to move are boiog shot , and these thatare droopy will of bo held for further dovolopiu'dats , oacl TV , KLVR MORE OAII LOADU. den Another train oonsUUng of twelve cars , con- ion talnlnc 210 head of cattle , arrived thia morn ing They were branded thu Hmo as the herd nth wh were found to bo dUrftsed yoiturday , Stat am are from southwestern Kanios , Fifteeu ficia were found ( load in the cart ) flfty-flvo had into been thrown out dead on the way and a great kini ma ny others were sick and had been tramuod on. Dr. Poaren , state veterinarian , and Dr. on.Do Wolf , city health commiBsio'nor , declare the trouble to be - IILOODT Ul'BnAINC The ontlro herd , including thoaaof yesterday , wore : ordered killed , making about live hun driv dred head in all. The ofliciah ( Irclaro that the fine cattle were evidently dlsoasad before ahJp.-uont aud from all that can bo learned the entire kept herd was in tlin Kansas City stock yards thirty Ion jays before shipment to thiH'clt'y. In view of the fact , ckttle nro thoroughly uurantlu6d be soar fore killing. It' Is not believed tha trouble , bier whether it It Texm fever or blpoJy murrain , bierM Mil extend any .u. uoi. . , long NOW IT'S L-CO sfciw. time timeSt KOAD HOCHK , 111 , July i9A-SIxtoon ! carloads - ' loa of cattle from Indian torj'fry arrived a Nin the Chic-tgo & Alton stock vatii Hera Sunday Jncl night. Nineteen head dim ! on' the road from Kunsan City and it was bulk . r4 tbo whole lot was Infected with Texas fever. All that could stand up , twelro carloads , vvqre forwarded to dn Ch ! Jai . denied that they had Toxa < i ( r. ' they were poisoned by the train , but L. U. 1 . . : - „ mile goon from Jacksonville , pronounced the dls- ease Texas fovor. " . After a careful Investigation the Llvo Stock Indicator etaton the following : There hoa not been and is not any Texas fever .ntninfr tha - cittlo at thia point or in tu . neighborhood. ' The - cattle shipped from' ' tba'jndlan territory has developed , pasasd vinrough" the which so called , Toras' /lover yards , but while bora' did riot exhibitany ; lymptomu of the disease. It wis not contract- by \ contact with through Tyros cattle In the Indian territory. 4 > * KANSAS CITV CI.BANH HER. HKIKTB. KANSAH CITY , July 29. Concerning the ro- „ ort of Texas cattle fever in the stock yard , ollicials state that the consignment of cattle ' received hero from Indian Territory affected with Spanish or ToxaB fever , though it was not known at tlio , time , A portion . tiot of them went to Manhattan , Kansas , aud remainder to Chicago. The yards hero liavu l > een thoroughly disinfected. _ So far as ills known there are no other cases of disoiso bore , is INSIST Il'rf TE\AH KEVKB. CiiiciAGo , July 21) ) . Dr. N. II. Paaren , state 10 retennai ian , hag not yet made hln ofliclal ro- wrt , but ho assorts to-night tli t bis investiga 10 tions have developed the fact thwo cattle arei illlicted with splenic , or Texas foyer , Health 3omrniiuiouor Do Wolf , of thli city , concurs thia opinion and exhibits In hid ollicu the tploen and kidneys of Home of those cattle which died , and they are found to exhibit itrongly-markod slgnii of fever. On tbo other liand , many stockmen and Home porsoiiH fa- inillar with Toxai favor ilo not believe it Scvi that disease. They a sort that all cases of Texts fever the animal excreta very hard , and the name Is in a measure of sickness from drinking alku'l ' water , that the deaths In this instinca could not Ln aavo resulted from either of tlitsq , an the ox were rota I are entirely nalurul. They profess to believe that the deaths wore caused by inoul ' > OONOKftTlON OK 1IIK DOVAXU 1 OUI auoJ by drinking too much water after lorg ' IH.-IOI Illlm thirsting and being over hoatml , _ Tiieno ciltlu hoaJ to Vrayier & of ICansug belong Ulurly City , Stuu are brought from their rancho in Indian who Territory. The entire number received ix CdO , which 19 J arrived this moininp. Of HIOH < J 102 K" , - uvcr' have died or I eon killed to relieve them of otlie agony. Nine were killed by the veturenarian men to-day , and he says all Nhowcd M'gnx of Toviu Thoi fuvor. The living member * of the herd are iiiiiraiitlneil and the pouu in th y ATA iove confined will not bo again iiK'd for cattle , bill' when uuiplicd will be scrnbbixl , rcfloored and for hugs. The hea'tli departiuoiit ban Bl 'liargq of the entire drove1 , and tha health ! < < lV lertakos to n y that fo r THE WEAT OK TIIMK AN1JIA1.H ' n " not ba allowed to gu into the market while there is the laaul danger. Ho 1ms givnu pormidHion to the firm to which the herd ia ' ' ' tiell non-infected meinljcrx of thu , subject to inspection after ulaiightor. A C Biiull number were told and Mlau/htered toj vca ' , but an a matter of precaution were not con permitted lo bo put on the market. It is said Tin that twonty-jlvo head nf th wo cattle were at Kaunas City. Inv " TIIK TEIIRIIILK TKXANH. MANHATTAN 1 , Km. , .lulv 29. There have nat ( lit teen additional deaths by Texas fever ning the shipment of cattle rccaivxj here from the Kaunas City. The herd lull been driven from pic Ciniumrron river to Caldwell , crossing the since' Texas cat tie trail. On the way from Ciildwoll nav were tent to Kniiia * City by , when ) they worn bought by Major Adunm t once shipped hern , Tha nokne ! < 8 of animals first aiMieurod on tha way here. Veterinarian Holcuinb in cxpoetcd hern to- I nlglit , Kiperts hero deut anticipate un epi demic , hcliuving llio disease not coinmtmlsublo tlu oxcejit < thiough Texas cattle. re'i ANOTHER rl.AOUKHI'OT. HIAWATHA , Kan , July 2'J. The Texan or .Spanish fever has iipjniared In this vicinity , number of unlmula have diutl , ueveral were Bend , tjo.'no wcokH agu a train loaded vvith " Texan cattle pwsin iioith WUH p < itiully pil h ( ' < . . . ' wrecked near hern and tome stray milmalH Itf were left liehiuil , H in supp > sud they coiiimu- " nicutod tlio ili-oane , which was lirnt obrurvod Is punt few dtyK and t' ) vprexl rapid IM KveryelFort in being made to chuck IU irorross , | MAJOR AIIAUH1 HTATKHIiNT. Rolil PToi'KKA , Kaniog , July 2U Major N.A | , only Ailaum , uwnor of the cattle nftllctod with HpariUh fever at Manhattau orrlvoJ thU after " " < in Mid Mid ho thought the worst was over. Hi IOM , up to thohotir of leaving Manhattan , 2 o'clock li. m. , vrns M head , and tin thinks about 20 morn will dio. Tlin hortl WM thor oughly qu > , mid stockmen , who pro fess to IHI ncipmtntod with the disease , say it will not bo comminicitcd from thoto cattle to others In the country rounil , Mr. Adami conimoncod feeding his cattle pe u cam this morning , a diet that IB said to bo tha best thing they can h vo. KAN8A8 CITT RSITKRATK3 ITH CLKANLINm , . .Stockmen nrn ixwllivo In their nnortions to night that thora Is no disease In tha yon" hero. The In foe ted herd Miiplxv.l t ( Chicago arrived hnro oa stated from Indian territory , and wen through to Chicago In the usual course o shipment. Tha catllo not held hero , i the outbreak of the dlsowio had m > t appnv ituiong thnm. Ofliclals aud other * intervlewei id-ntght ! generally hold to the ballet that tin reports from olhor points are oxtggrrAtoiI ; HI that it in not rwtAbliihod that the dlscn oii FexM fever , and the matter will eon subside , is did the recent fi > ot-aiid-inoutli scaro. IN NKIIIIASKA. .LINCOLN , Nebraska , July 2'J.Infonuatlon ' I tha cattle diseaio , said to ba Texas fever , irovtvleot at Maxwell , Nebraska , was ra wived hfrfl this morning. ( Jovornor Oawos tnmellUloly . _ _ _ * dlspntcbed . , . , , a . . commission to in . 4 L - rt e.itlgitto , which will report to-morrow. Com- nUsiouer luring has also ordered Dr. T uin lower , of Illinois , to Maxwell. MONTANA OATrijK MBN. ACT10S' OP THSIIl ASSOCIATION. HII.VNA , Montnu * , July 27. The Montana Itock ( ! rowers' association has boon Insoislon I ho past two dnya , and adji > unu < d thli after- ' toon. The dlllcetn elected are : 1'rosldont , Iranvillo Stuart ; treasurer , J. Woolman ; ocratary , It. B. Harrison. Members were irrsont from all portions of tbo territory , rep osonttng cattle herds aggregating half a mil' lion head. In vlaw of tha ravages of the stock liloves , the association decided tuusolUiullu onct for the election of moinbem of the login iatu who will work for the passage of a W to afford tbo stock interests Utter ! from thlovoa. The association will irgo the reduction of Indian reservations in lontann , which comprise twenty xiillionacroi grazing land , or about six thousand acres for ach Indian. The association. Indignantly eny ; the statement Ia Manitoba , the Ioinin < in of i Canada and. through the United Stulus. the cattle herds of Montana art * directed foot and mouth dlsaaso. Tha Uoltod itatoi commissioner of agriculture and tha of clols of other countries iiro invited to inquire ito tlio roport. There Is no disease of any ind among Montana cattlo. " "si'OHTS. nnd Sulky. AT CIIIOAOO D1UV1.M1 PA1IK. CHICAOO , July 29. Thu attendance at the riving park wua very good ; the weather was no ; ; the track heavy. Milo and a half handicap-all ages -Thady opt the lead from the start * und won by two irtfcths , CMilso2j , AthlunoUd ; time , 2:54. : llllnoii stakes mile and a ijuarter throe oar olds Berlin won by two liiufitlm , Trim- Ier2d , Kunpun very bad 'Id ; time , : ) . Mile purse all agoi Nlphon won by eight i mgthi , BaJInnl 2d , Adventurer a poor dd ; I In imo 1:501. : ' Stcoplo chose mlle and thrca-quartoni - 'in.blefoot won undttradrlvo by two longtlm , aokeon 2d , Dutchman 'M ; time , 8:19. PHILADELPHIA IIACEH. MONMOCTII BARK , July 29.r-Tho track was pvvlth | elash. Jiljleand n furlong Fro ( audio M > sweopstakoa Heel and Too won , Ihlckaelee 2d , ATanza 3d ; time , 2:03. : . .Three-quartern of a mlle Freei handicap WMpstaked - Two-yosr-oldo Kiiclma won' . HUonSd , Bush Filly 3d ; tiino , 152UJ.- illiyaboth stakoa Threevyear OlJ - llloil-- lilo and'ft - ftirlofiK OJ'rea'A won , 1111110 B 2d , Wor Lilllo 3d : time , 2:02. : Ifreohold i takes Mile and a lialf Role on , Droko Carter 2d , only two ran ; time , 'nr ' - - - Seven furlonga - Dank won , Lutestring 2d , 'alloy Forgo 3d ; time , M. Handicap hurdle Mlle and throo-quartarx Bally won , Manhull 2d , two ran ; time , hui wo tin Base Uall. jjf } ' CAUKH TE.STUIIDAV. " " " " -ChtcDgo , 10 ; Dolroitg , 8 , , ngton No game ; rain. At Cincinnati Cincinnati , 5 ; St , Louis , G ; hirteen Innings ) . At Toledo Toledo. 1 ; Columbus , 3. At Philadelphia No game : rain. At Buffalo Buffalo , 1 ; Cleveland , 0 ; ( cloven ing .nlngs ) . At Loutiville , Ky. I/ouiavillu , 2 ; Indiana- , , 1 : ( tell innings ) . At KansiH City Unions , St. Lnls , 9 ; Kan- : if CltVH , 1. At l.Jst Sa Inaw , Mich. At n monting of jf diroclora of the Soglnaw IIJAO ball club last zoning , it was unanimously docldod to carry orgunUatlon through the season of 1RSI. & Ixi At Plttiiburg Rain : no game. the At Brooklyn Brooklyns , 1 ; Metropolitan , I I boil At Baltimore No game ; rain. the hoB HANOINO H011HW TIIII2V1C9. tft f RVCII of Tlioni round BiiHponded to ilc Trees In Montana Cowboys Ab In fc'ruroli of More , ' ( Tin ! Co LKWIHTON , July 2'J. ' Seven horso-thlovos tion found to-day hanging to trees at the ion ThUs outb of the MuM < oliihol [ , Two men named The Us ouno and I-Vlix were riicognized among the flHl imbor. The thieves urn all supposed t't ' have iut long to the IJoiinn and Felix band , who had jaJquaitura in the nelghboihood. Granvlllo ttiurt'rt cow hey i < are out after another band A made for thu Woody mountains. They 1 prepared for all ouiurgoncloH , and if tliov -crtaki ' ) the liorso tliievin there will be an- hanging boo , as the nottlorH and stock- aroileHperiti ) over thu IO < H of their liormw , clu here havalieuii over one hiinilrwllioriion re- tin " jvered tlm p t wcnlr. bo Hur fOP blllVtttloillHtH. HOI BlillKjEi'OitT , Conn , July 29-Flvn of the net Ivathiii Anny vvero sent to jail for four days nu violating a city onllirince by paradliig I ml ' ay. I 7 "xl Care for the Children Children feel the debility of the changing thi lia xcasoiiH , even tnoro than adults , anil LJiPJbtv 1101 fomo crnjis , pcDvIih , and itiifblitrolluule. io blooil nliould lie cleaiibcil and llio nystcm enl InvlgorntcU by tlio use of Hood's Harsaparllla. cy "Last Hprlng my two chllilrcn wcro vacci Dttwe nated. Hoon after , they liroko all opt with run bei gores , fcii dreadful I thought I tlioiilil lobo ' eured them com- tliem. Hoocl'H Harsaiiarlll'i lilctcly ; nnd they liavu been healthy over ' . I do fuel that Hood's H.irHapirIlla ; waved my children to me. " Miw. C. I * ing West Warren , Mass. ube rtrl I bo PuHfy the Blood CO I bo Hood's 8-irsaparllIa IB cbnrnctcrlrcd by I'l'fiillarltles ' : 1st , llio < v nMnu cm of remedial amenta ; 2 < l , the projmrtlon t 3d , the jirorcst tit securing the active ijualllles , Tlio result Is a mcdlcliio of unusual a i , I'flcctlni ; cures liltlierto unknown. y , for book containing additional ovlilencu. hj "Hood's fiarhnnarlll.t tones up my system , til purities my lilood , sharpens my aiiit'tlio | , anil Oil . | > 'tcrii'u'c'u''i''lVovvell1 lo m.ikii mo ' ovci. " \tntlU J. 1' . . Tlloui-HuK , ol1 "Hood'H Harsapnrllla liealH all others , and worth ilsueiilit Infold. " I UAUKINUTUN , llauk Htiuet , Nuw Yuik City , Hood's Sarsaparilla in by all driisl | : t . < l i ' * f'1 W- by a I. HOOD & Co. , ixjwdl , Muss. IOODouos Ono Dollar. SIIA.FKKlt'14 The OoniliiR Crtijis of lown , HH Korc liilil by the HccrotAry of the Btnto AarlotiltitrAl Boolcty. I'AIliriKU * , lown , July 20. The following ofllcial stfttoment from Jolm H. Shaffer , nccro Ury of the stale agricultural society , shows the inn.litlon of crops in Iowa M reported bo- twoan Juno Kith to July Blltb , Inclusive ! Corn -Savon hundred ml two tow rojxirt the condition at 11" per cent , an in cro HO of 5 per cent over the former report and ftv > par cent bettor than ono year a < oIOWA farmurs never Imd such a promising outlook for a magnificent corn hnrvnst. Broom corn-Tho condition of thn crop ro ported from 103 townnh ! ) s Is 80 per cunt for Hi ) township * it places the condition of ; the crop at 102 per cent , a of A per cent from the Juno report , BtWIntcr wheat 168 township * pltvcolts con1 ilillon ' at UJ | wr cent. Spiing wboAt 018 townithitxi plnco its condition at IU percent , a piomuoof a bolter crop by nearly II per cunt than in June. A few report some damage dona by chinch bugx. The crop IH too far advanced to create any alarm from their ravage * . Winter barley The condition reported from 10 towimlilpH is .18 per cont. Spring barley The condition reported from 331 towushlpj ulOl ( icrbent per cent better protpocti ) than oiui month ago. Tliero are ( oino cuinplainU that the grain will Ira cot ored. Winter rye 5DI t < iwinlilp rojioit its condi tion at ! > 3 per cent. Sptingro82 towiishliMrvport it condition at IKI | HT eeut. In seine localltioii the rye crop uouiowhat bllghtod. Oats ( " 03 towinhipi ropurt its oondi tion at 09Th ( Mr cant , n decrease In pnuK | > ctof 4 \ > ar cent. The croplH badly lo igod in some localities from wind anil rain storms. Klnx 1 3ti2 townshipK report it * condition at 9rf i > or eent , or I percent elecroaMo in n month Timothy The condition of the crop repott ed from 031 towut-hlim in ! 'G per oont. ClnvnrTho coudltioli reported from 030 toMiiMnprt In US per cent , In certain localities the grabs crop h.w sufforoei from drought. * " " m " ' Millet The condition reiwrtod Irom 251 townships is 97 . . per _ . _ cont. . . . _ _ The cnndltlon ! ! of ether cropn nro reported on follows : ] 'oaturea , 100i per cent ; Irish potatoes , 101) ) ; sweet potatoes , 9Sappios ; , 89 ; Uboproi- tiect for a line apple crop has been materially affected within the post month bjv wind anil hail ptorms ; ] pnachoD , f 8 ; poani. 77 ; plnnii , OS ; chorrloa , 10U ; grapex , 87 ; currauli , 5 100 ; atrawbarrlci 100 ; rnupborrioa 103 ; goose * beirljw 101 ; and blookberrlon 101. Wind aud hail storms are ro ] > orto < l from for ty-one counties an doing damage to the ctowi. | ui soiiio localitlofl the destruction has boon complete , but M a gtmeral thing it lias boon in narrow belU. Much of the corn blow down will , with favorable weather , recuperate and ba davod , aud add materially to the final ro- HUlt. PICKED TJI' AT THE OAt'lTATj. Woiliinuton Special to the Chicago Timei. WAHiiih'uroN. July 28. Congressman Hyan of says there is no disaffection among republicans . " KaUian. Blaine and lAignn will got the usual mojority. Oov. St. John's preuidontial candidacy , will not hurt the republicans at nil. As to thoinilepondontsliOB.-vvn : "Thoho-callod Indopaudont movement has not fthovvcd Itself anywharo ; in the went. Dluiuaand Logan will carry every woatern ntito , including Indiana , Thu ticKet ia gottlug , ttrongor and stronger to every ilny. " , _ OVIEt An Ohio democrat explains the ) Cincinnati " Kiumlrer : "B troutiin-nt of Cleveland by s ying " that MoLean is not really opposed to ClovoJ laud , but fours que result should It chanca that he should b'o cloctod/ lie has Icirncd that tha ( chemo IB that if Clovolatel should get tliero , Senator I'cnrtloton. the author of tlio civil semen bill , would bo iu bin cabinet. Tim prospect , though never eo small , of his arch enemy being elevAted , is moro than Mc Lean can stand without vgoroiw-kicklug. | Colonel Morrison la hero on big way homo from Now York , Ho sayi this will not bo a hurrah campaign , but ono of active , steady work. He believers from what ha ban heard that Tammany will full in line and that Clave- will carry Now York. In tha west , and particularly in Illinois , ho sayH tliero are many acoealana to tha democracy. at for Clonrlnc HOIIHO Precaution ! ) , NEW YORK , July 29. The Clearing House MKoclatlon to-day adopted the following : First , No inomborH of Ilia Nuw York Clear House asHociutlon can pay intercut on or allow compensation for deposits after January 1,1885. Second , To Hocuro uniformity intholnisineHH HID banks , no checks can pans through the clearing house except drawn upon a member at tlio association. The following was laid on the table : Third , An Infraction of the above rules will regarded os a forfeiture of membership iu association , subject , on complaint of iny member , to an investigation by a clearing liouso committee in the manner provided iu constitution. Shadow BnatoliurH In Convention. CINOINNATI , July 29. The photographers the United States opened their fifth annu ty convention at Springer music hall to day. All About a thousind delegates were pruHont representing - resenting nearly every state In tlio Union. nf procBodingn to-day were roullno. W. II. Kent ( if Hocboutor , N. Y. , says the convou- will bo open to all vluitnra and will bo [ somewhat In tlio inituni of an exposition. tive Hosslou will last four dnys. A grand illsjilay of lire-works took placit to-night. Tha visitors will bo shown about the city and thu uuburbri to-morrow. HIM filolc HankriiiU GuauIiHl In Jpltt " Kooin , " " w | INIIIANAPOLI , July 29. Late thh after- but noon Calvin IT. Itnokar swore out a warrant 'I0 charging Jnlm C H Hurriuon , proprieter of recently defunct Harrison' * luiilwitli em- lio//liincnC of $95,0110. The war runt was surviidnii llnrrisoii while at hlsliomo. llivrl- ; , already 111 , WM further i nntratxyj by the ucUoti , and it being dotnnwl iiiikdvls > tb'o ' to move him In hid present Inulth , n ullicnr WUH pliicod on guard in the chamber . . , . Ball . WON iixed at $0,000 , but wa not furiiiahed up to wi o'clock. 0 .1 Groonlmokors , PT. JOHEPII.MO.J , Iulyitrr"At ! the green- buck cougrcirilemat conv. ntlon hold In this city UiiiTafternooii , rosolulions won ) parsed dn nouncing the a tion of thu Chicago democrat convention recommending the unity of all anti-bourbon olemeuU to ilef.iat tha democra of this state. It won decided not to noml < Dttto a candidate for comrresn , but roaolutlons were parsed n-qnestlng lion Nicholas 1'ord to becomoan independent candidate , Trial of DynnmltcrH. LONDON , July 29.Clroat procuntioiis Imvo been taken at Wurwisk to prouarvo order dur the trial of Daly , Kgau und O'Dounoll , uipHcted dyiiamltors. Strong barriers have boon erei tnd to protect the appioachex of the court. Constables armed with revolvers will placed on guard at all public buildings , The Mno Hour Kirllcn , NEW YORIC , Jujy 29. Tbo building trades Htiika Is still progiciisliig. Neither nlJo shown ( Hup * Hltlou to > irlil , Tha Ktrll.iTH say ilnco yecteriliiy aiipllcniloni for bilcklayeiH mnilu three bulliloru and men worn neiit tl em ; that ( inly 17C men remain out of work , Tliu oinployuru , however , claim thu number of uu- jinployed to bo much lirger. Tlin lil/v.lo Hrnilley Oulrngo. if riTTHimmi , July -Thirty-lino Itallani- hi arrnhtcd it Htro t'3 Ituii for buiuff ooiie'ernei ' the l.l/.iio Bradley aiuault , were relea'ei. ton thin morning , the nviilenca hiiwing that they were lint Implicated in thu affair. Twenty otlierH were lureuted imil held for hoarlng Knduy , CHICAGO'S ' 'CHANGE CHURN. InWWcli Constant Agifalion is Necessary IcMctoBntlerforBDllorBear , The TrafEo in Oattlo Proceeds Not- witlistandinc the LOGO Wood , Texans Soiling a Shade Stronr or Prices Than Last Woob The Hog Market Aotivo , Stronger and 5o Higher , Trading in Grain Aooompanio Unusual Excitement , AVhe-nt , Corn nrt OntH Up n I'OR Iinrd Also CHICAGO MAUKBTS. CATTLE. Special DUpatch to TUB BKB. CiuoAdo , July 2'J.Tho bulk of the receipts wcro at least -IWX ) Toxatuout of the 5.MXfresh arrivals , BO it will bo noon that natives wor Marco ; not over eight or ton load's 1h t woulil pass fur prime. Ilcnco the few good onen were quickly disposed of at strong prices. Grousers nnd medium sorts romairi about the Bamo ox lost week. Cows and other low grade ) of natives ara not wanted ; Btockora and foodora continue ) to neil at very low fignros. Texans are selling A Rhode utrongor than last week ; heat natlVou , ? ( J 00 to 86 76 ; second dahi , ? 5CO to $5 75 ; groanore if 1 50 to ? 4 90 ; choice thlpplng , 1,200 to 1,300 pounds , S5 80 to SO I0 ! ; common to medium , 1,000 to 1,200 pound * , $4 60 to S3 40 ; grass Texons , lOa lower ; 700 to 8.10 pounds , 93 CO to $3 " 0 ; AinoricauB , $4 25 ta S"i OJ. Vll'J HOllH. Tha ' market was actlvo and strong and 5e hlghor ' , with axsortod light making 6 10 to frfi. and heavy 5 2T to 0 70. The bulk of parking ' ! grades selling at 5-10 to 5 CO. The market closed steady , with nearly all soldi light , ICO to 210 lbs..6 3T to 6 80. OIIAIN. Trading on 'Change to-day in the grain piU was accompanied by a dash and excitement which had not boon witnessed before in months , The aggregate trading in wheat and cornvai largo , and prices as n rule were firm , with a Irlghor tendency. The vlaibla supply statement published showed little cha-ngo in wheat , a reduction of 88,00i ) bunhold only haring - ing , occurred during thin week. A prediction , a million bushels both ways had been pro- pluvilcd , and the fcliowlug , therefore , had little * effect on thu market. Knn 1 > i > oan odvicu * indicate a firmer tone and reports I nf wut weather in the went aud north * west also had a utrcmgthouing effect ou prices. The market on tba rngular boartl elood aboub | Jcit hurhor for tieptomiber than yeetorday. On the afternoon board thu market was again lirm , A\iguit cloning nt S4boptoruber \ at o 8j > ( ! ; October at 874- - . Trading In corn WOH fair on ipecuUtivo and shipping account , with the fooling itomowhat- . . nutetUo4.1 , Tiifmttxk6t | opened J'to go higher . ruled -firm , then cased off ic , afterward pd.w - > ' vancud i to go , foil clF agoln.'iluctuatcd.i'mul' lojliodio higher fpr August riiinfyestcrday , . . Onthb , .aftcrcodn , board _ thlByprefiircncoori'V August was Io t,7and the niorkot closed about.r. r. ' " t'O same AH yesterday ; Mgo for August , 65a fop September , OUc for October. Oata ruled firm , . /lid higher. , Tlio latest . quotations were .11 jfa fur July , 27jo ! for August , . " aud 20Ju for Hoptembor. rnovisioKU. Fork was marked up a peg , only mcdirata trading , however. July was quoted at 24 60 ; > August at 2.1 DC ; September at 18 00 ; and the. year at 11 'JO. Lard wan fairly native , 10 to 15 higher ; closing- 7 30 for August ; 7 42& & for September ; 7 62 - October. Progress of llio 1'lniruo. PAHIH , July J.0 , 9 p. . Tlioro were idr deaths from cholera at Aries tha past 21 hours , and two doatlm at Aix ninco noon. i ) r. . Twonty-tlueodoulhfl at Marseilles pant 21 hours. Seventeen COSOH of cholera have appeared1 Poncalieri , Italy. Thu patients are mostly workmen from Marseilles und Toulon. Moas urort have been taken to Isolate tha district. The renewal of cholera Is feared at Toulon owing to a return of fugitives. At Marseilles tliero were seven deaths be tween noon and 7 p.m. . Tlio Army of tha Tennessee. ST. PAUL , Minn. , July UO. General Sher man is In St. I'aul conferring with the local committee relative to the reunion of the socie of Iho Army of tbe'lVnnoasoo , August 13. arrangements have boon perfected nnd the reunion will take plnco on the beautiful banks Lake Minnotonka , near Hotel Lafayette. Ladies will bo admitted to the banquet. ThoHO Intending to attend should promptly notify iouoral J. 1) ) . Sanbornchairman of the execu committee. A Virginia Cyclone. Nonrai.K , Vft. , July 23. Yesterday after noon a cyclone from Uio nouthwest visited the neighborhood of Hickory , ( irovu county , de stroying everything in its path , 200 yards i wide. Several person * were budly ihjured , no lives were reported loct. The largest tioos were carried away , llou-ea and barns wcro destroyed acd cattle killed. Tim " \Vo.-uhor Jor To-rtny , WAHillKdTON. July SO. Vor the ITpptir Mlmnumppi Valley : 1'artly cloudy Wathiir , occiinlonal rain , yatlablu winds and stationary tninparaturo , l or tbo Ml.s-tourl Valley : Local nlmwiTH , partly cloudy wimther viirlablo. windH ! and utiilioiia'y teniporaturo. ARSHOUE RYINOTOHOIDDOWK IARLDAKINQPOWDC ITAMPOUHDTORISC 8 ? * $ * $ f rrV ; .4i ' - ' ' * ' v $ $ tyty < S&zii ! 'fi-iFiS' i/i's i > * i titffi&vtftilR e * ittAw&l&lA : ff { { LHaS flH i J ; \ , Xilis - < i$2Jw RffiPl'rr ' ? - * < T I r : TT PURE S1OOO. Given aliiin ) or nny Injurious mlisluncta can Lu found Androwi' i'carl Jlnklnt ; 1'owilor. Is po * . 'iM'ly PU fJE. Jlvlnuuiiilnrbeil , unit U'Mlmonluli . rwt'lrwUniin JUchehemtslsasH. Diuia Hayi.llos. ; M. Di'lafontalne , e > rClileiiRi > i end liixlo , JHUvnn tiv. Never nolil In bulk. Ut-u 28T ffllAlli