Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 29, 1884, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 OMAHA DAILY BEE TUESDAY , JUM 2 , 1881.1
' 'Moraine : . July 29
Tha llttlo Shamrock * defeated lha Conn-
dl Muffs Q * . Sunday by n score of H to 3.
The Shamrocks will play the Sherman , Avo-
ntuisnoxt Sunday.
District Attorney Godwin had Jack Kinney
noy up for trIM again yesterday , having
neglected to arraign him upon his trial a few
day mince. When Kinney was arraigned this
morning ho plondotll guilty.
Jfttnea Murphy , who WAS arraigned on Sat-
xmlay and pleaded not guilty to the charge of
j > etit Inrctny , was yesterday found guilty
of the same nnil waa sentenced by Judge
Bcnccko to thirty daya In the county jail on
bread and water.
Ixm Prince , the disorderly woman who
.attempted to commit Btilcltlo n nhort time ngo
by tiklng morphine , died last evening on
Ninth and Dodre from the effects of tlio dose ,
llor remains were taken to Droxcl & Mnul'a
to await interment.
This afternoon nt four o'clock , I'M. Cntnp-
boll , of this city , ft mutnbor of the John M.
Thurnton hose company , will nit ) n hundred
yard race with Archlo McCombu , of the
lilulfi ) , for ? 100 n side. The rnco will tnko
plnco at Atlilotic Park.
Hnrry Cremor , reform ! to In yesterday
morning's HKK , nays In his own dofonsu that
the check drawn by himself wt. nil right nnd
would Imvobocn paid had it boon taken to the
bank within n rovsonaViln time , nnJ it wns the
holdor'a fault that ho did not got the Mnoncy.
It wan reported yostcrdy that the
case of Bimstroko on Thompson' * fnrm Friday
wn a little strange , nnd Hint the docuaRad had
( Kimo money prior to bin ( loath , but that nemo
can bn found now. The matter will bo Inves
tigated if there Is anything found to subatan-
tiato the report.
Dnnlol Kuhn , who rcddcs between Pacific
and Pierce nnd Sixth nnd Seventh , has boon
sick for over nyoar and Is totally unnblo to
work. Ho 11 xi a family of four childreon
nnd in In very needy circumstances. Ch&rit-
ably Inclined pooplu will ob ar\o this nnd
look him and hia family up.
The Journal wys It U settled the
Lincoln branch of the Western Nownpapor
JJnion is not to move from that city to Omaha ,
OH Announced In ono of the morning pnp < . > rn of
thii city. It will , however , mnko a change of
base nt the capital , the flood of mud In the
Masonic tamplo ncccHiItating n removal.
The Union Pacific base ball club left yontor-
day for n wook's trip west. They will play
two gameo nt I'ltnn Crook , two games nt Col
umbus and two gatnex nt North 1'latto. In
each of the nbovo-n.imod places they have
guarantooR , hence will irmko Homo mnnoy by
the trip. The ontlro club want with the ox-
copticn of Funkhouaor.
Mr. Hunting Barnes , the veteran hornc-
man of Wtnt Union , Town , is represented by n
Tory lifo-liko portrait In the Pollco Oazstto of
last week. Mr. Barnes Is ono of the oldnst
horsemen In the wet nnt ! is well known in
this city. Ha was prexont nt the mealing In
this city n few woeka ninco nnd .drove in eov-
cral rnc a.
lioyil'H opera house la undergoing n
thorough cleaning nnd repairing from collar to
parrot and when it ID randy to open , which
will bo about tbo middle of next month , It
will bo In excellent nlmpo. It fa wonderful the
amount of ilirt which accumulates in nn
opera IIOUHB during n Hoa.son nnd it roqulros n
groit deal of time nnd labor to ranovato Bitch a
house ns Boyd'u.
J. A. Daniels , Taltnmalin , I'H at the Metro-
] > oitan. !
Henry .lohnson , of Wnlioo , U at the Metro
Shaf Kautzman , of J Jgar , ii nt the Metro-
] K > lltan.
J , J. Clbion , of Lincoln , is quartered at the
W. M. Hunting , of David City , Is stopping
at tlio Metropolitan.
Lero K. A. Bliilloy , editor of the HumlioM
Sontlnnl , in in the city.
ICmil McOlotid left for the wott yoHtertlay
for alittlo ploaauru tilp.
.lanii-sltobiiiBon , offJrand Jolatnl , In nojourn-
inp at the Metropolitan.
II. Colling ! and wife , of Lincoln , nro rtop
jiiog at the Metropolitan.
J. H. Kleff and family , of I'nllorton , uro
Htopplng at the Motrn | > oitan. !
Hon. T , M , Marquette , yesterday , cntno up
from Lincoln on legal buslnoia ,
Mr , Jamoa W. Oarneau IIM roturnoJ frumn
tri ] > through the oaatorn states.
Mr It. W. Ittockcnrld o liaj returned from
a two week * trip thtough the wtet.
P. Sturtevant , ono of the pioneers and t > i-
treasurer of Nanco county , cuno down from
1'ullertou yesterday on buniueta.
V , K. 15rown , .Syracuiu ; William S. Han
dull and wlfo , Fulrlluld ; Ifon. Uoboit Fiimon ,
lirownville ; L. J , BOWITF , Osceolnand Jnmea
3'eubody , rcfikterod jeHtorday at the 1'axton.
Hon. Charloa V. Mumk-rHon , of Omaha ,
arrived at the Ocean View hottl , Hlork Is
land , lait Thursday , Wu expect to hvar n
good word from him noon in the plucatorlal
D. W. Kyford and J. H. Whltmoro , Lin-
colnT ; , II , Johnaton nnd wife , lilatr ; .1 , W ,
Tearmun , Nebraska City ; J , If. lltgh and
wife , Kearney ; Kttgono Moore and wife , Went
3'ointj and J. H. .McConcoll , North l latto
wcro gurrits of ttiu Millard yeftterduy.
Will Millard , formerly of the Omaha Na
tional bank , of thin city , hai gone to ISlalr to
Accept the iKxItlon of caehlcr of tlio first na-
Uooal bank of thatplaco. Huiaa young man ,
well petted in the banking bufluoiui and will
njakn many fiiendH In that place.
Wi 11 Not Speed nt tlioFulr.
The atato board of agriculture has boon
corresponding for some time past with J.
J , 0 Caio. the owner ( f the great home
Jsy-Eye-See , with a view of securing hi *
ftttendancu at the utato fair in SuptBinher
to give on exhibition of his wondoiful
animal's epeod , The price demanded by
Wr. Uise for thin entertalnnient for the
lovero of good horto llesh was $3DOO.
The committf o In whoae Jiands the mat
trr was plared has been looking the
ground over and han como to the conclu >
unu tjmt uch an invratmont would not
jisy and abandoned the project.
A Woman Itun Down ,
Yesterday about three o'clock p.m. Joe
Creighton drove his hone and buggy
over a Swede woman at the corner of
fliiteooUi. and , CMJ qtrools. He was
rdriving fait and the woman was badly In
ured. It is now time that
.on public streets is stopped.
Last ErcniDE : to Pay the Awards ,
Tlio Prl/o [ In tl > ° Blnto Champion
shli ) Unco Not to bo Paid Until
after tlio Next Mcctlnp.
The general committee of tlio State
Firemen's Association hold n mooting
last night at Firemen's Hall to nettle up
the business of last week's tournament.
The expenses of the tournament , BO
far as could bo ascertained , were first
calculated and amounted to nearly $1,250.
The amount of money expended in prizes
is § 1G15. The receipts at the gate were
$104 , of the amphitheatre $45.45 , of the
ball $53 ; total $291.75.
It was reported by the subscription
committee that between $1,000 and
$2,000 had boon collected , which with
$500 to bo donated by the city and DOV
oral subscriptions ntill outstanding , will
amount in nil to $2,700.
A committee of throe was appointed ot
dispose of the torch lighln bought for the
street parado.
The allowance of the awards made by
the bmird of control next came up.
Every award waa allowed until the com-
inittoo came to that of state champion
ship , when 1'onlnol objected to its allow
ance. Air. Houck stated ho had con
sulted an able attorney upon the question
of givim ; up the hose cart who said the cart
became the property of the team winning
it tlireo years in succession , and if the
Thurston's ' wore barred out of the race ,
the Thurstons did not lese it. Mr. But
ler and Mr. Gtillin favored giving the
Fitzgerald's the $150. A motion was
made that the prize , the $150 nnd the
hose cart bo awarded to the Fitzgoralds.
Tliis motion waa amended by laying it on
the table for ono week , which carried.
Mr. Butler then gixvo notice that ho
would send the $150 to Lincoln to-day.
The prize for the free-for-all next
came up , when Chief Butler moved that
action upon this award take the satno
course as that of the ntato championship.
This was amended by allowing the
Thurstons the prize and wan carried.
Every bill against the association was
allowed as presented. Tlio general committee
mittoo thinks the association will coma
out about oven if all moneys subacribnd
are paid.
At the conclusion of the committee's
work , Webb and Stoclo , of engine house
No , 't , who won the state champion
coupling match , came into the room and
were presented with the badges offered
as the prize.
The committee than adjourned.
Army Orders ,
Recruit John F. Jleardon , enlisted at
Fort Douglas , Utah , Is assigned to com
pany I , Sixth infantry.
Recruit John Linguist , cnlistodat Fort
Douglas , Utah , is assigned to company
n , Sixth infantry.
Recruits George B. Gage and John
Hanson , onliatod at Fort Omaha , Nob. ,
are assigned to Light battery D , Fifth
Private Frank Miller , ro-onlistod at
Fort Omaha , Nob. , is assigned to compa
ny K , Sixth infantry , and will bo sent to
the station of his regiment on the first
favorable opportunity.
Tie Leaning TritalsKcBt Ens ? Yes-
crflay-KiQDcy Pleads Guilty.
Nell Austin AttomptH to Secure nor
Jjlborey by the Writ of Habeas
In the district court bcforo Judge No
vlllo the motion to sot aside the verdict
in the case ot the State against Jack
Kinney , charged with shooting with in
tent to commit murder , was sustained.
The ground of this application was that
the defendant had not boon arraigned
and had not plead to hia indictment , the
district attorney by inadvertence
omitting this stop in the pro-
ceedlngs. The attorneys for the defense
proposed to the district attorney that
thtir client should plead guilty and then
bo recommended to the mercy of the
court by the prosecutor. Kinney on the
convening of the afternoon session plead
guilty to the indictment.
Bufnro Judge Wolsloy the case of
Willrott against the Union Pacific railroad -
road was on trial all day. The plaintiff
in this suit sues to recover $20,000 as
personal damages sustained while in the
employ of the company. It appears from
the petition that the plaintiU' while en
gaged in removing the Union Pacific
depot building at Norfolk had his right
leg broken below the kneo. Ho alleges
the accident was caused by the defoliants'
negligence In not securing the building
on jack screws properly.
After Judge Wakoloy had dismissed
this suit for th day the argument on the
application of Nolho Austin for a writ of
habeas corpus was hoard. It will bo ro-
meinborod that this applicant was arrest
ed , charged with larceny of 835 , and on
preliminary examination before Judge
Boneko , was held for grand
larceny. Before the case was hoard in
police court the defendant's attorneys
N. J. Burnham , K j. , nnd William
bears J' , . . of the
, q. Bluffs , moved for a
changs of vonun , which waa denied. The
point raised by the petition fcr the
iBsnancoof the writ Is that the pollco
court lost its jurisdiction to hoar the case
upon the filing of the motion in that
tribunal. The court took the matter
under advisement until Thursday morn-
Louis Stinp , charged with an assault
ami battorv upon Oasoy was put under
bonds of sfi00 ; , nnd not being able to furnish -
nish ihn euiiio was remanded to the
county jail ,
The case of W. I' . Hlliot , charged with
assault and battery was continued for
thlHy day * . Uo gave bonds in the sum
of 8100.
Abrnin Davis , for beating his mother
was sent up for UO days. .
The case of Anderson , who is charged
with disturbing the Celestials on ITarnoy
street about ton days ngo was also con-
A temporary Injunction was granted
late Saturday orouing in thii court on
the application of the Union Pacific rail
way by its attorney , against the city of
Omaha and , McQavock & McIIngh ,
These cjentlomen just named have n con
tract from the city for constructing a
sewer down Fourteenth street across the
U. P. track , and having nearly reached
the road on Saturday it was doomed beat
by the company , which foarcd they would
dlsturbtho track on Sunday , to restrain
them from interfering in any
way with defendant's property. The
railroad does not object to the sewer pas-
tazo being tunneled uudcr the road , but
will not nllow Its trains to bo stopped or
the road Intorferrcd with.
A. Detective rinds tlio Ohjects oi Ills
Visit In Omnlin.
City Detective Pound , of Lincoln ,
came up to Omaha yesterday on a quad *
ruplo errand. The object of his visit
waa to apprehend an eloping couple , two
printers who had "jumped" their board
ing houses , a negro for stealing A watch
and a colored boyfor the larceny of § 8.00.
The rucicant young man nnd woman
wcro found after a prolonged
search. They signified their intention
of b.oing made ono in the near future ,
nnd the detective who saw ho would have
trouble in Inning them to the Capital
City agreed to leave them in Omha in
case they would bo married yesterday
afternoon. They promised so to do , and
accordingly with Detective Pound as n
witness wont before the county judge
who solemnized the marriage.
The negro who had boon traced to this
city went over to the Blull's on Saturday
where ho waa arrested on a telegram from
Lincoln. On the night of that day ho
broke jail , crossed over the river , and
was yesterday arrested by Pound on the
street in this city.
The colored boy was arrested while ho
was getting off the train at the depot by
the Omaha polico. IIo was taken to the
city jail and afterward turned over to the
Lincoln dotoctivo.
The printers were not _ to bo found.
Pound started last evening for homo
with his two colored charges.
The AVntorworks IJelnfSupplied
New and Improved KiiKliics ,
The city waterworks are undergoing
improvements of no ordinary magnitude.
The Corliss direct low pressure staam engine -
gino , now being erected in the building ,
has a pumping capacity of 10,000,000
gallons every twenty four hours , working
against thirty foot elevation , drawing the
water from the river into the reservoir
near the works. This hugo machine ,
three stories high , cost $ -15,000 and was
built by Alice at his Milwaukee shops.
Another engine , called a combination
high pressure ongino.that is , ono using
the atoam twice , first at high pressure
and next at low pressure , is built and
will bo forvrardad shortly , and orectod.
It will have n caparity of 8,000,000 gallons
lens every twenty-four hours ana will
rolipvo another engine now working
against nn elevation of , " 00 feet and car
rying the water to the extremity of the
city over three miles , to the second res
ervoir. Should this engine got out of or
der the last reservoir would supply the
city for a few days , but with the addi
tional engine in working order it could
bo laid oir a month. As the requirements -
monts of tlio city have increased from
1,500,000 gallons per day to over 3,000-
000 gallons per day in the last fourteen
months the need of these now and ex
pensive engines will bo apparent.
Tlio Ofllclnls Trying to Detcrtnlno tno
Cause of HktvorHon'B Dcatli ,
Yesterday afternoon Marshal Ciim-
mings swore out a complaint , charging
that certain atolon property belonging to
Hnlvorson , the missing man , was con
cealed in the houses of Witting and Con
nora. A search warrant was issued upon
it , which waa placed in the hands of
Policemen Sigwart and Ililand for sor-
vico. The houses of these
parties were thoroughly searched ,
but no money belonging to the
missing man was found , although an un-
oxhauatablo quantity of plondor was
discovered by the oflicers in Connor's
This morning Coroner Maul will go
to Plattamouth and exhume the remains
taken up onSundny in that place. Cor
oner Maul fools poifectly confident from
the evidence brought to him that the
dead body found near Plattsmouth on
July OHi is that of Ilalvorson. Tno ob
ject of exhuming the body a second
time is to determine if pt sibjo the
causes which led to his death.
A Sliortnco of $ IIOO In tlio Money
Order Doimrtmont.
To the Editor of Tun Bun.
BLAIK , Nob. , July 28. Will yeti
plooao lot the readers of THE BKH'knonr
why you or any other paper docs not say
anything nbout the postmaster at Blair ,
whose Recount is short , and that thoyhnd
ono of his clerks arreatod u week ago yes
terday t The caao is n Htrong ono , The
clerk was arrested a week ago Saturday
night , and put in jail , ami the post
master bailed him out Sunday and
put him to work in his wifo'a atom on
Monday. It is a strange case , and many
people here dii not think the boy guilty ,
but think ho ii shielding some ono tlse.
I'Jerae look to this mutter , nnd let ua nil
know who in guilty nnd what it is all
about , ai the town la full of talk. Youre ,
[ Norn nv TUB EIIITOH. All wo can
loaruhoro is that a special agent has boon
invcstlgoting a shortage in money order
buaiuois at Blair during the past few
days. Thn amount is about $1,100 ,
which the postmaster has made good ,
Very Utost and most popular sheet
tausio nt Edholm & Krioksoi/a. J24-Ct
of the finest institutions of the kind in
the rrett. It is nn Institution of which
Omaha may well feel proud and It is no
more than right that it should enjoy the
largo patronage which U is nowrocclrlng ,
A Womjcrfnl 1'loco oi Tfipcstty
Vroiirtlio Court of Lmula XIV
In nn Omnlm Jlouso.
In the parlors of Mr. Herman Kountzo's
residence is ono of the rarest pieces of
art to bo soon anywhere in the west. It
is nothing loss than ono of the Gobelin
tapestries , which were among the costli
est nnd richest of the adornments of the
famous court of Louis XIV. It was the
privologo of a BEK representative the
other day to inspect the wonderful piece
in Mr. Kountzo's poscsslon. The tapestry -
try hangs upon ono of the walls of the
spacious and elegant parlor , and is about
twelve by fourteen feet. It is ono of a
sot of cloven known as the Alexandria
tapestries as they represent the battles
and victories of Alexander the Croat. Of
these cloven there are five still in the old
country , and of the other six which nro
in this country , four nro owned by Gen
eral Sherman , who having no room to
hang them in his own residence , has
loaned them to the art exposition in Now
Yoik. Another is owned by Mr. Kountz'a
brother in New York , so that the only
ono in this country outside of Now York
City is this ono in Omaha ,
Standing across the room and looking
upon this tapestry , it appears moro like
a grand oil painting than needle-work.
It represents n battle scene in which
Alexander the Great , at the head of his
warriors ia in clnso conflict with the foe ,
and though the luttlo is raging terribly
still the enemy is just about turning , mil
victory is almost hta. There are proba
bly fifty or sixty figures in the tapestry.
The colors are remarkably fresh and
clear , considering that the work waa done
nbout 200 years ngi * . The shadings are
as delicate , the figures stand forth na
lifo-liko as though done in oil by a master -
tor brush , instead of being wrought
stitch by stitch of little bits of colored
silks and wools. Ono cannot gaze upon
the animated scona presented on this
piece of tapestry without being moved
by its inspiration and without having the
scones thus portrayed forever stamped
on the memory , and the moro ono gazes
upon it , the moro there seems to it.
Forms and figures not seen at first stir-
priso ono by their lifo-likonpss , and the
surprise at not having noticed them , is
quickly followed by still others. The
different expressions on the faces of the
warriors , the vigorous portrayal of action ,
is wonderful.
Then stopping closp to the tapestry
ono has another surprise , something like
that felt at examining closely a grand oil
painting , only moro so. Not only is
each stitch roughly distinct , but the
various colors seem to bo so arranged as
to moan nothing , and picture still lees.
Ono is impressed with the rare skill
which must have been exorcised in thus
working stitch by stitch , so that however
incongruous they might appear to the
ono working over the canvas they will
harmonize Into a lifo-liko representation
when viewed at the proper distance , but
this seems stranger yet when it is learned
that the artist did not even have the ad
vantage of working with the surface of
the tapestry before him , but with the
back before him. A glance at the re
versed side of the tapestry gives ono nn
idea of how much moro difficult this
must have been , for this side looks moro
unattractive than the reverse side of a
piece of embroidery.
It is estimated that it will take an ar
tist eighteen years to make this single
piece of tapestry , the average year's work
being about eco yard. The Gobelins
factory was first called Gobelins' fally ,
and was an unsightly factory built by a
Belgian wool dyer in the fifteenth century.
Here ono John Gobelin and the ] brothers
Cannayo , and afterwards others carried
on carpet making. In 1602 Louts XIV
made it a royal manufactory and for
many years the Gobolins tapostorlos were
not only an exclusive product of Paris ,
but they were made for none other than
the royal family. and the
French government doomed a
Gobolin tapestry ono of the richest gifts
to present to another government. The
factory has employed 120 workmen , and
some of the Gobelin's cost from $30,000
to $ 10,000. oiiico 1701 none have been
sold , the only ones going out of the
country being these presented to foreign
courts. Most of the modern Gobelin's
are much smaller than that now in Mr.
Kountz'a parlors , and this is not only a
rare and rich specimen of the art on ac
count of ito size , but also from the fact
of its being of the Alexandrian series , of
which there are only eleven in the whole
By AluioKt Super Biiinnii KfTorta Iio
SnvcH Ilia Wlfo nntl Child From
a Uorrlulo Death ,
Yesterday a Bohemian exhibited
bravery and strength which would do
honor to any man in any walk in lifo.
The man , whono name it was impossi
ble to learn , was walking along the 13. &
51. railroad track in the vicinity of
Uoyd's packing house accompanied by
Ilia wife and small child. At this point
there is a high bridge and ou the outer
side of the rails , on either side , is a plank
about ono foot in width.
The party had just reached the center
ot the bridge when engine No. 75 dashed
around the curve at the
rate of fifteen miles per hour. For
a moment the man stood as if paralyzed ,
and then seizing his wife with his right
hand and the ohild with his left , . ho
stepped out upon the plank on the
outer side of tin * rail ] and stood with hia
wife and child dangling in the air , the
groupd being fjrty feet deep.
As tlm engine Hew piist them it struck
the man's left arm and ho lost his hold
upon the child , and down she went to the
ground beneath , but ho still imiintnined
his grip upon hia wife und hold her until
the engine had piwafcd , then he landed
her safvly upon the bridi > o. The little
child wa-t nut seriouily injured , although
stunned by the fall.
It was a trying moment in the man's
lifo and ono which ho will never forgot
Eslnto ' .Transfers ,
The following transfers were filed for
record in the county clerk's oflioe , July 20
and reported for the Dim by Ames' real
estate agency ;
M. T. Patrick and wife to Howard G.
Worloy , w d , o k lot 3block 2 , Patrick's
add , $800.
Mary E. P. Bailey and husband toFrod
Droxnl , w d , w 04 foot of lot 1 , block 5.
Lowe's 2nd add. $1700.
Ohu. K , llodick to DauU Gunning *
ham , w d , w 40 foot of o 181 foot , lot 1C.
Bartlett'a add , $2800.
Joseph M. Reese to Harriott 0. Note *
ware , ICJ foot w. of adjoining lot G
Hoeso Place , q. c. d. $54.00.
Sam'l H , Allen and wife to Chas. Cor-
bott , 23xGO foot of lot C , block Ul ,
Omaha , w. d. $800.
Chas. Corbotl and wife to Anna Wil
son , n. S3 foot of lot 5 , block 01 , Omaha ,
TT. d. 81,050 00.
A. Banscom and wife to Patrick Kane ,
w d , lot 1 , block 1 , llanscom place ,
Kliaa 0. Atkins and wife to Goo. 0 ,
Earlo and wife , q o d , lot 2 , block 11 ,
Kountzo & Ruth's ' add. , $100.00
Jos. Morritt to Oco. Burlinghob , w d ,
lot 3 , block G.Shinn's2dadd.$1,250.00.
Wiley B. Dixon to Ed B. Moadimbor ,
w d , lot 12 , block 1 , Meyer , Richardson
& Tildon's add , § 200 00.
A. I-iargo Number nt Disturbers ol' tlio
1'caco Ucforo Hln Honor.
Yesterday being Monday the usual
largo crowd of prisoners and spectators
were present in police court.
Prank Manual for being drunk waa
fmod ? 5 and costs ; Sam Roberts , Will
Burria and Mike O'Brion wcro each
fined a similar amount on a similar
charge ,
Steve Ilogan , the drunken brute who
was found Saturday night taking im
proper liberties with a llttlo five year
old girl , was fined $10 and costs and
sentenced to thirty days in the county
iail. The judge looked aa though ho
would like to give him six months in a
restaurant with n muz/.lo on.
Abraham Davis was arraigned for beat
ing nnd abusing his mother. Ho plead
ed not guilty and his case wna continued ,
Frank Nolin put up § 7.05 for being
found in a drunktn condition.
Minnie Lighttiold forgot to deposit the
regular monthly fine assessed prostitutes
and was consequently was fined $5 and
Minnie Shields , n brazen faced thing
was fined $5 and costs for drunkenness.
MothliiK Mudn in Vain ,
Wo are told that nothing was made in
vain ; but what can bo said of the fashion
able izirl of the period ? Is n't she maiden
vain ? Hood's Sarsaparilla is made in
unwell , Mass. , where there ere moro bot-
; lca of it sold than of any other sarsapa-
illa or blood purifier. And it is never
.nkon in vain. It purifies the blood ,
itrengthons the system , and gives now
ifo and vigor to the 6"ntiro body. 100
doses $1.
Talcing ; in tbo Telegraph.
U. 0. 'dowry , general manager of the
Western Union Telegraph company , ac
companied by 0. B. Havens , vrent over
; ho U. P. road to Valley by special car
yesterday. Tha object of the trip was to
examine the line which has been changed
jotwocn Omaha nnd that point. The
wires which have boon strung on two
iincs of poles have all been put on ono
line and the business of Mr. Clowry moat
especially was to examine the quality of
this work which was completed only last
week. ;
Many imitators , but no equal , IKs Dr
Sago's Catarrh Remedy. nutthu
Absolutely Pure.
Thla powder never varies. A marvel ot purcnogs
trength and wholoaoiueneaj. Jloio economical than
tho'rdlnary kindsand cannot bo gild In competition
with the multitude of low teat , short weight alum cr
iihonphnte nowderx. Sold .onlv lo cans. ItOYAL
OoxtTltat ! , ua-aa-x-lst.
Until oftiocs are repahod from result of Ore , otn
with Oi , Parker. Doom 6 , Ciclghton lllock ISth
jorapeclals will Fooltivolynot be inserted
unless paid in advance ,
TO LOAN-iSouev.
to loin In sunis of S.'OO and upwards on
Improved Douiflas Co. faniH. 11. O 1'atterson
& Co. . Heal cstato and luan gwut , ISth and Frnam.
[ ONKT TO LOAN-The lowest ate § of InUre
I Herat * ' Loan Aeenov , ISth * Pond * Ut-tl
nrONKYTOLOANInsunuof WCO. and onward
1V1 O , F. Datis and Co. , ileal EaUte and Lo4n
i. 160A Firnam 8t iir-lt.
Vl orcuuntry , to take nice , luht and pleattnt
Hoik kt tlitlr on hcmei ; K to (5 a day easily and
quietly made ; ttork Hunt h\ null ; nn oiniasiiiifr ; no
ctatim for rcily 1'lcuic addrtsi lltllalle MmlV' i-'o , .
'i HtT-lm
" \ tl7ANTiSD A DJinpotvnt m n to sell goo U In city
tl on cornousrlon. Apply IJtbKainaiu Ktrctt.
DRK M\KlNO-Ladle < to loam cuttlni ; and ; Ut-
tlnir by lhaT ) lor siitom. Fmplo > mrnt fur-
nl < hed.tothose who loam thoroughly. Un. Uorbett ,
lolS Howard. 7 0 SOp
I-"ANTrD lint-clansoooV , 1019 Capitol avenue.
> b > 2 Wp
) A girl lr general houtenork. Good
IwaicManilstetoy cmploirnent. Mrs. N , J Ed-
holm. T444 Chlcaito ttrect. MI-JO
Aglrltorgenera ! houwwork at l.'Ofl
Jionon ttrttt.
TANT'U-A bright bny botwofu 14 and IB yrarg
old , at tfax Uoycr & Co'i. ( SI tf )
'ANTED A Mcond girl ai ooiusr ilamlllon and
W Her U U , North Omaha. U7-2 p
MERGELL & EOSENZWEIG , Arc prepared to dow
AI In any branch ,
On Short Notice
ES 1515 Douglas sired , Omaha , PAINTING DECOIIATIN , }
A\TANTKD-T o peed dining * " " 8'tlsat ' the
IluekejeMcit Market , onr ICth Mason itrreU.
884 2Pp
ATITANTBD- laborers lo go wc t. Call until 10
a ID. Tuesday. Vfigei , $1.76. Board $4 00 , 317
N 18th street _ Mfl-a p
7ANTKU-Oltl lor general houeonork , 217 N
10th street. 886-31 p
AN'lhD A Rood cook , 8. W. cotuor lIHh am
Capitol arenug. S09J29
WANTKr > A Rirl for Rcnml homework a'Hiuth
era Fruit Market 13th street , botucen Jones
and Iea\nworth. Lick Hnartz. E28 29p
, ANTED T o Rood collectota. I' . F. CoWcr , 67
vANTED ' block. 8228
T\7ANTKn l.tOO teams lor Ilaykce , JIo. Johl
T T > T. Laglen , contractor. Appl > to my agent , I *
Mtnnncllcr. 307 ( OUth 11th St. E3l-VUp
\A7ANTED Klght trims to haul brlclr. H.03 per
\ V iU > , Apply to Tnos. Vales , 2111 Ifarnty St.
Oltl to wait on table tor her board a *
hmmallnuso. 822-lp
. ' . [ I immediately , B wet nur-o. Mrs. O ,
wars , corner SOth anil DoJco St.
AA7ANTKD-To reliable t.ojn , lth her c8 , to
> V carry "Ili Zoning Iko. " 817-tf
-KOO Icims At once [ or Missouri. Cal
UAMKUKOO A. Turcor & Co. , cjtner 10th nnd
Harncy Sts. 830 2Jp
ANTKU AclrlattOI nortb.lOth St.
/AN'IKD-Tivo Rlrls lOl&Harncy.
ANTU-3iirlJ ; attliu Savcn Hotel f. Tenth
St. t3S-2 p
< \7ANTKD A pastrycook and dining room Rlrl at
> > mice. Good \ \ RC3tialj , 15C9 Faiuain street.
WANTKD Oru gooJ pastry cook , ono good pan-
trv clrl ami one good girl to wait on table , at
Arcade Hotel , 1215 Douglas street. 811-28
17TTANTK1)-Ono rood illulrc roon girl and n ( food
VV Iiundross attheTiemont House , rt. E. cor. 16th
anc Dutt Directs. 81.123
WANTPD A girl for ccncral houpewotk. Must
l-o a peed cook , washer and Ironcr Airily at
1018 Capitol tvcimc. 815 tl
W ANTED Two Rlila at Orecn Tree House.
710 2p
WA > TEI > A bright , active boy , about 16 joars
old , with Homo experience at the printing
trade , at ThoBuo.composlug room. If
TT7ANTKD dlrl In family of two. Good iilacofor
T T a good girl. Inijulio at ( . ' . J. Ceuian & , Co'n.
767 tf
ANTED- Girl for general bomework , 015 south
ISth street 010-23p
TX7ANTKD A good gitl at 25U Douglas street.
WANTED Situation aa itencpraphcr nd tj
writer , by a young man \\lio has had fovornl
years' expirience In olllco uork ; good pcnraaD ,
can furuluh best of references. Addresn ' 'X , " Bee
oflio3. 870-30.
WAMUD Position as clerk or salesman by a
jou'isnmn from the cast. Can give eccuilty.
Adlreei"K. ( II F. " BeoolILo. 84329p
WANTED Sltantlon for a joung irlrl IB years old
where she mil have a homo and light employ
nient. W.ige no object , Further put'culars , ad
drees "F. G. " 1HO Farnam street. SW 29p
WANTED A S.tuatlon by an-on. Is a firrt-class
harncsfiraVpr. isal oa goid ook. Nill
Ing to do anvltibldc work In order to make a lit Ing.
Addroc J. .1. hchmldcr , Bee olllco. SbO-31
WANTKD A situation n drug clerk hv a man
with \earscxntrlence. . Addicas Ernest Lie ,
AVataga , Kn x Co. III. 780 Dp
W ANTED A position hv a flrst-claw lad < - book ,
keeper. Address "i3 , Bee office. 745 tf
A Young married man wanm situation aa book
keeper , In w holcsalo establlthment in Omaha.
Addn-83 "C. " care Bee. 898-tf
11 ANTED An educated ami companionable gin
V > tie an , with auiplo inoinaand the bistol tunti-
nionl > | , but llttlo acquainted In Omaha , dcaireu to
find a Bupcror Uily for a wife To such a one an
opening Is riTcrcii that will tat iify thu aspirations ot
the moot genteel , cultured , and e\en woaltby Write
addrcjli very plalijyAdurces to I , 1 > . Lorgley ,
Omaha. Neh. 813-5tp ! !
WANT * D A cottage E rooms wl bin 10 bloc" 8
( forth of P. O. I'osiesslon In August. Re'Ia- '
ble tenants Address P. O. Bjx 457. S5i SO
W ANTKD A comfortable furnished rocm bv
young man. Will pay $12. ptr month. Ad-
dretia 1L Stone , Bao oflloc. . 803 Z p
WANTED A house o ( 10 to 14 rooms by desirable
tenant between 15tb and2.M , Ilarnuy and Cal
ifornia Sts. Address ' 'A. W. " Bos office 8l'2iUp
Widow lady of SO , ubhei to correspooa with a
A iditcreet goutlemanof meins. AridrcM In confl
uence unlit tbo Ut Augutilira. . N. U. Buckley , ee
olllco. 20 Jip
\\7ANTED-To rent , two or three furnished roomi
I T for lU-hthoimekceplnK. Good location Kent
not to exceed 310 or 812 per month , Address "L.
F , It " Bee olHce. 829 ip !
"IXTAVrKD Information of John Hunt , laborer.
T T Jledriim nlzc , fair compltxlon , about 46 jcarH of
nge. Supixwed to bu working ucar Omalia. Ho will
hear ot bomethlog to his advantage by addressing
Khvard Regan , Martins ) urg , Dixon countv. No-
brask * . Western papers pliaao copy. too 28p
\7"ANTED--OOO on Ur.t clasj cltv eecurlty.for 6
' T years , at 0 per cent. Addresd Box 020 Pottt-
olUoo 700 tf
\X7iNTED Boarders to know the St. Charloa Ho.
T V tel ou llarney St. , b t\veen 12th and 13th will
m t up thii bent tabo ! board for H 00 per week of any
bouse In the city of a correspond ! ! " " price. 233-tf
ros UBUT--iiouBe8 ana Lota.
F < OIl H NT-IIouto of 4 rooms. Inquire at 120
1 H. 14th street. 848-SOp
FOR 1IKNT House of five roonu , modern Im-
provunentii , tine location , UM Chicago street.
Apply next door. H07-2jp
TT > OK HKNT-Tliree or four un'urn'sVod ' room * for
A1 light housekeeping. In good locality. "l II. "
Dee oinco. 8H-30p
FOR KENT Three rcoma , closets , city water , at
WS N 13 h stroet. tss sip
FORUENr House ruitablefor two families .three
rooms up and throe rooms down stairs , C'hl
cage tt , 1317. Inqulro at the Mob. llrooiu Kactorr.
FOll RENT -A now hou e 8 rooms and 3 closet * ,
with a st nl coiner Walnut and 1th Sts. In
quire on i reu.l s or Kebraaka Ilroom Factory , Chi-
I poll ll T-Furnliihed rooms at 1211 IXttrnport
1 Ht.netrmii at. gdi.2
TO RKNl'-Furntibed , larg < i comfoitablo rom ,
322 south ICth tt. , corner Hartley bCd SOp
FORIlKNT-Houfe on Hamilton near Irene street.
I he rooms , veil , chtern and co'lar. Inquire ou
prctU-t'ji , hflOSO
FOR RKM-t'uralsbod rooms 1610 Dodge fltreet.
OH RENT 1 five room licnuo and Utuhen , 72' '
1 houth 10th itrctt. SlB-'Jp
RUNT -70 laice roonia up stairs. Xuw
houw , sod waWr , ta.cOptr iiuntli. It. 1C. Uop.
ion , 1 5th and 1'idtlo strict , 7CD 2i !
ItuNT Nicely f rnUhwl rooms at Ki uoutu
t ith ttto , b.ll block bt. Unry's uvenuo.
81 lp
RENT A the room cotUjfj nurthwckt cnr
Foil | Itol a\onneand U thstreou ; rlty Matur , Jo-
qulioat"il3Ct ( > ltolaunur , 77129p
? < ( ) R REN'T A tor , comer of aumaorlh atd
I ' JOlliHtrmt , Apply neitduor , b'JI-tt
UKST Two offlo roomi , U17 DougUi St
FOR IMO Farnam. A , Uartln. b3i 2 p
HK.Vr A furulihed rocm tulutlo for t o
FOR . Inqulru i203 ! Dodge bt. bil-'p
/ 1UNT-A store on Cuminanil lirth Hta
1 Cumin ; itrett paved , eiovllent opvulnirfor abtV-
ry or rhoc torr , tli r tuhiK neither DO CumlDKOit
Ur K > ul location for any other builoci , Apply t o
Uoi & Ilruoner , UOt Karnam Sti. b3-Slp
T7\OR \ HKNT Ilome of six roimi. o > rii rrf Kth
Jl1 snd Jackson. Apply to T. J. Fit uvi. * , u.l U.
17lh stivdt , or e i tflce. f > < -tf
f6R REffT Room * , til Hcxlb lilh , U vU ,
| 1 b/ut. < J4n '
IfiOR BiST Anowrott ( ? e IX minuted walk from
1 the Post office. $12 per mo. Uoite i lirunnit.
7SO 2)
IfiOR RENT T ohouw 0 rooms each 2 blocks
' from Itcd Car lino. $22.W per mo , Mono A
lirunner. 781-29
FORREST 8 roomed homo 20th ami Pierce Bt ,
t3J per mo. Morse & Urunmr. 782.23
FOll UKNT-KurnltheJ rooms 1821 Capitol avt.
FOR RENT Ten roomc < l house ; furniture fet
sale until July 31s ! , 1721 Douglas 770-tf
171011 RENT Nenly furnished rooms with hoard at
JL1 HOS CMS St. 7 < 2-31p , ,
Ti Oll RKNT Nleo H6w 7 Mom cottage , JmtotI reil
' street car line $25 per month , totter k Cobb ,
1515 Karnam sticct , 740 tf
RHNT Nicely furnished rooms without
board 1314 Divnupoit St. lB2-8p
TriOll RKNT August 1,1894 , the larzo 8t ro build-
I1 Ing now cccuplul by Hames Uro's , Ni > 1313.
1.115 and 1317 Hatncy street. Apply to J. 8 , Me-
Cormlsk. 71fi.g8p
FOR IlKNT Five ro m cottajjo with amploRround ,
on corner 12d and Farnam. Q , It. Doano X Co.
IT'OR RKST Now hoii'o forcn rooms near Hlith
V School. 0. F. DavliiOo. , UOJF.-itnaiiiKt.
t poll HUNT-Stable lor rent utilh fjrinorbcs
1 tl 00 pur uionth. 1310 Karnam ttrcct.
0 < 7-tl
1,1011 RENT SK room cnttiso , line location , bv S ,
JL1 T. Peterson , H. K. cor. 15th and Douglas. G17-U
FOR RKNT Tuonewfl room houses , \cry oom-
plotn ono hlock from 1'aik n\e. c r . AMKV ,
1507 Karnntn , B5J-tf
FOR KKNT Rooms III Crounao's Block. ( ! . M.
Hitchcock. 613-tt
7 < ORlinST lnHhlnn's2da < ldltlon , now houno. i
JL' rroms , part of doiitilo homo , full loll Sll 03 \ < vt
month. Apply room 24 Om.lia National Ilink llulld-
In ? , 4te-U
| 7oR RENT Furnished rooms at 2227 DoJiro St.
b 407-lmp
OR KKN'T Ono ( square piano , Inqulio
of Kdholmaud Kilckson. 41c-l
OR KENT Ono coo < J eli ro m house 925 ] < r inu.
G.M.llUcliooc ) . . ' -
FOR RENT Houw B looms good repair. Nine
yard , cistern witer , R'ntS'd per month 1411
I'.xrk Wilde avu. Apply to Jno.V. . Ball , Urutrglat ,
10th St. 185-tt
RKNr Roomsln Nebraska National Bank
ifOR 1 . Mj t desirable olflMS In the cltv
Supplied with hydraulic clevatorandhoatodby ttcaiu
Apply at Bank. 6'JO tf
F I OR SALE 40 desirable building loti , tor trade
orcath. Callat A. UoaXa 1519Dodgo St.
FOR SALE Barber furnl'ure , wa'httand , ihaln.
looking glisam , eto. FA1ST , Hth St. , opposite
postolllco. 8U CD
FOR SALE riIEAP-A good family homo. Verr
gont'e , 7 years old. Soutnwcet corner ISth anil
Castellar Sta. 820 2Sp
FOR SALE Largo working uorae , double set of
harnessand wazon$125. Must be iiolil. It , E.
Copaou , 15th and 1'iciBc. 70S-U !
FOR SALE Piano , been uaed , but good pla > u ,
with nice , clear tones. Price $100. 1 * o , box
409 Omaht , Ncu. 8C8-3Sp
SALK-Onulcd Durham Cattle 7
heifers ; COtno jcar old holfere ; 51 tnreoear
co s ; 4 fuur > > ar old COVVP ; 2pedlgrccd Durham bulls ,
3 ind 4 ono li a fchow animal ; 2 eeven-elghthi Dur
ham bulls , 2 years old. Aboteexoopt a low are gra
de Block and blnwllielr breeding plainly 0cal\ux
by ( aid bulU , out of above cons , as are the yearling'
11 yearling stccre ; 17 two joir oldste rsand73 thrto
jcar old steers. II. I' . STtN : ( , Mlcden , Neb.
FOR SALE-Stick ranch , In Wheeler Co. . Neb of
1,600 .icreH of heavy bay land , on put up 1,200
tons of hay and plenty < < f range In hills , gooa home
"hods , scale" , mowers , rakes , stacker and three milet *
of fence , nil for $7 per acre. Will eel ) jouog stocl.
with it. Must cell soon. L. W. Plank , Albion.
Ne'i. _ 7S3-BOi
fOR hALK Onoot tn bjs retiil grocery etorm
' InOma'a , or will trade for roil esta.o. Apply
to "A.W."thUotlbe. 7b8-t !
ORSALE Ucstourant In a good loc-Uljn , Pro-
rrletor wUhes to go Into another butlnetj. Ad
dress "I" . 0. " Bf o olllco. 791-3p
FOR SALE At a grett bargain , the Scott resi
dence property , jiut ca t of fratt'a In Uanscorn
Place , Thlslsa\erv ' < o9irablc7 room cottage and
will b sold at a EacilOoe. BARKER S. 1IAYNK.
712-tf 13th and Farnam. |
FOR SALK OR TIUDE A B year old Kentucky
horse 16j ImcdH high , gentle and kind , trots In
S minutes untrained , alao anew fine eldo tar top car
riage. C. J. Canan. 781-lmo
TTlORflLKA flue driving horse , notindand Kind.
JL1 Any lady ran drho him. Also a Uilly & Meadlm-
: ior lop buggy and a CoDOord Hirno3a. Will Hull to-
; ethcr or B paratu. at a > 7 8. 13th St. _ 634-tl
FOR SALE Grocery-business In good locality
pajingwdl. Will require naplUI of about ,0lio
For particulars address "W. W , " thlsofllco. 080-lu
FOK8 LK-T o full lotfl , vilth three first clutw
houucs hi gooa repair , on SV. . err. IStli anil
Carltol avenue. Ilontu ( or $2nxJ per > cnr
072 tf O. H. DOANi : is CO
SALE The American House , Soutn Itonil ,
Neb. The leadinghot l of the town Will FcU
wither without furniture. Good bmlnem. Good
reasons given for nelllng. Call on or addrfw ,
S835-28p OEO. II. MoUAIN , I'rop'r.
17011SAU5-A choice dairy and stock tnrm of KKJ
" acres , 20) acroa under cu tl ration , 2 } mlloa frnm
Silver Creek , Neb. , on U. I' lUIUoy. Good home ,
o > Lara and Ice houses , barn ; , corrula , eto , or dairy-
lug "ml clock raining Iindi \ well waluiod and all
choice ( trass and irrulni ; luid , lth plenty ol raupo
adjolnlu ? . Kor sale cheap. Totter & Cobb , 1615
[ 'unitttu. < itri't't. DTl-tJ
T0ll .SALK-Knglnea now and second hand 10 h r
I1 15 h. p. and 20 h. p. portab'e and statl marj ; alno
bollera of any tiie and stylo. Illchurd & Clarke , U , I *
11 Y. bet 17tu and 18th BU Omaha. U3 tl
TT\01l \ SALE A pilr ting olllco suitable lor a small
J1 newspaper or Job ollloe. Will sell for cash or ei
nacKolor Omaha City property. Addreu'X. Z. Q"
Quo ollloo. 48K-tf
8ALK-A four choice youne buirzy and work
FOll * ll jne & Barker , Ht. Mary's , a > enuo
jam. _ _ _
BALK Urge lot on I'ark avenue. Also nonet.
FOll lot near EL Uary'u ureuue. Inquire 422 Cou.
voijtutroot. < 37-lmp
T7IOR HALK-Tliree of the heat lots In HaiMcpin
Jf plico at a bargain If Bold won. I'oUer&Oobb.
1516 Ftruam. _ ClljL. !
"I710II SALE Cheapest house and lot In OmMia , lu
f 1'otUr'a addition , b rooo. , well , 800 b rrel clv
tern , on two lot , 100 fo t front by ISO tejt dt p , for
fl.OJO 1'otter & Colin , 1616 rrn m gtieet. < * > "
SALE-Cheap Iota hi Bhlnn'fl 2d adilltlon ,
FOR aad rinluview. I'ottcr & Cobb , Hilt
tarnatu utrcet. 428-U
I70U SALE Two second hand pitnoa , at Kdholui
J ? & KrleknonVUunIa more ou 18th St. KM-tf
OR SALB-Two open neconu-nrinU buifglen acd
P one delivery wagon , cheap , at 1310 Ilarnvy m.
HOUHK-dood hoard and lodirlrz a
ROAIIUINO llth btroet. AUo on furnished roomer
or ion .
MURRAY ban good puturrnir. Hfirtotf water.
. UPU t April , red and whlt Joarlhig
TAKF.N Owner con U. > o eaiuo by calllotf M M-
llelhauj , cor. h and Mason , and psylng ohaiifwi.
vault * , smks , and cc pool cleaned lth
PHIVV cleaner. batUfartlon guaranteed by r.
0. Alxl , ( kucooof to J. W. Bmllh. ) box S78 ,