G THE DAILY BEJU- COUNCIL BLUFFS TUESDAY JULY 29,1884 , THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS , Tuesday Mornin , July 29 , f SUBSCRIPTION HATES. Pv CArrlct - - - - - - - SO nentu per w k By il il - - - - . $10.00 t r year OFFICE : No. 7 Pearl Btreot , Hoar Broadway. MINOR MENTION , See J. Roitor'a summer gooda. The property owners on Market street want paving now. "Work on the now Stutaman street school is progressing well. "What has become of the city hospital schorao f It will aoon be needed M. B. Brown has a sprained ankle aa the result of trying to catch a fly. The only stock shipments yesterday were 25 cars cattle , 520 head , to Chicsgo , via the 0. & R. I. Enough money has easily boon raised for the purchase of a largo shoot banner for the Blaine and Logan club. The Lincoln oflicials yesterday rather snubbed the Council Bluffa mayor. They did not even lot him know they were in the city.- The 0. A. R. are requested to moot at their hall this morning at 8 o'clock , to attend the funeral of their Into member , Orson Loo. Ono of the boarders nt Stowart'a on Main street , complains that his room mate has skipped out with hia watch and some clothing. The crook has cut into the bank behind the now opera homo , so that it looks aa if aomo further protection would aoon bo needed there. Tlmro was n lively row at the Pluunix saloon last night. Three followa were badly clubbed and bruised and were landed in the cooler. The spiritualists aid not have tholr social and dance Saturday night , it being postponed on account of bad weather , until next Saturday evening. ) * Complaint is made that straw and refuse is thrown into the crook back of IMaco Wiao'a and ether stables , and being washed down fill up the bed of the crcok. Cocko & Morgan arc preparing to soon reeve out of the now opera house build ing now used by Liing. The change will be made about the first of the month. The man Marshall , charged with boat ing hia wife , ia to have a hearing before Justice Schurat ti o'clock this after noon , ho having taken a change of venue from Vaughan. In the police court yesterday Kick Hammerman and George Fisher were each fined for being drunk , and Frank Phillips and James Itogau each fined for disturbing the poaco. These who want to sign the muster roll of the Blaine and Logan club , can ijnd lists at Tm ; BKK oflico , Nonpareil , and the Herald oflices. All republicans should enroll themselves promptly. Mayor Yaughan , by the consent of at torneys Mynstor and Jamoa , sot Mr. Hathoroll with ton men at work on Indian crook yesterday to give temporary protection to the citizona from overflows. Dr. L. D. McKlnlay , of Noola , writoa to democrats in this city for some sort of a record of M. G. Griflin , so that ho can moot the lattor'a appeal to Irishmen to vote for Blaino. Rather small business all around. The man arroitcd here to-day on the charge of having abducted a child from Sioux City , will probably.bo discharged , it appearing that the parents lot him have the girl on hia promise to educate her and support her aa hia own daughter. Charles E. Taylor since being tossed around by the lightning , has bocotno so largo that hia house is not big enough to hold him , consequently Mr. T. ia having an addition of two rooms put on hia house on Sixth street and Ninth avcnuo. The alloy in the roar of Kiel's hotel and running south is in a horrible con dition and has boon so some timo. The contract for paving the alloy was lot a month or more ngo , and still nothing la done about it. It needs cleanliness before - fore it nooda paving atones. Mike Nolan , who is running n tem perance saloon , has boon complained offer for nut taking out a license under the council's ' famous or infamous "pop" ordinance nanco , requiring $400 for the privilege of soiling temperance drinks , and a bond not to soil lemonade to minors or drunkards. The cano is to como up this morning. Do Vol tfc Wright'a basement waa flooded Saturday night. Holes had boon left in the street , whore the sewerage gang had boon at work , and the premise was given that they would bo filled up Saturday. It was not done , and as a consequence water run in , compelling the firm to move all the etoves they had stored in the basement. Yesterday morning a parly of gentlo. men from Lincoln arrived in the city to make an examination of Uio waterworks. They were shown the works by Birkin- bine , and all expressed themselves highly pleased. The party consisted of Mayor R. E. Moore , W. J. Cooper , ClmiLyne , Cha . West.J. R. Webster and II. P. Law , members of the Lincoln council ; 0. B. Beach , the chief of police ; Ed. S. Royie , engineer ; L. W. Wheaton , of the State Journal , and A. L , Strang , of Omaha. Fesb'o ' ladies grnvr itrong and happy at Siloarn Springs. Read n naive is and be convinced of their healirg and tonic jropertier. DOWNING A DESPERADO , ThcExciiiogCaiitnrcofaManCliargGil Wiih Shooting a Sheriff , n. Flourish of Kovolvcrs niul a Lively For Bomo time the oflicora hnvo boon on the look-out for onoJamosIloynoldB , who was wanted for shooting Sheriff George B. McCord , at Marahalltown , July 22d , the particular ! ) of which were given In the tolcgraphio columns nt the timo. McCord was attempting to arrest him for robbery when the shot vraa fired , striking the sheriff nnd inflicting a wound which may provo fatal , though ho ia still alivo. A reward of $500 was immediately offered forod by the Bhorilfs association and $50c by Marshall county , and description ) ol Reynolds scattered ever the stato. Yesterday n man came in on a C. it N. W. freight train who acted suspiciously. IIo disposed of two ailvcr watches on the train , and on arriving here the railway boya put the oflicora on his track. Officer Towns looking ever the follow concluded to arrest him aa a auspicious character. Oflicor Ilurloy was also watching him , and as Towns was taking the follow to the police station , Ilurloy followed behind. In passing through the alloy loading from Main street to the cily building , the fol low was a little behind Oflicor Towns , and began reaching for a back pocket in a suspicious way , which utrongthonod Hurley's belief that ho waa abont to pull a revolver. In an instant the follow turned and run , Townti after him. The chase was iniulo unto Washington street , and Towns fired at the fleeing prisoner , but failed to hit him. The follow drew ! iis revolver aa ho run , and Ilurloy , cut ting up the alloy to Market atront , foil in just behind the man aa ho .iirnod down that atroot. The man pointing bin revolver ever his shoulder nt Oflicor Ilurloy , who was cloao onto him , and told him not to ntorforo with him or ho would kill him. Ilurloy in turn drew hia revolver , and catching up with him tripped him an ho was running. As the follow tumbled , Elurloy wrenched the revolver away from liim and tossed it to ono aide , the ham mer of the revolver catching in Hurley's panta at the knee in the scuffle tearing n liolo. Ilurloy them covering the man with hia revolver , was app ° aled to with : "I wouldn't ahoot you , ao don't shoot mo. " IIo hold him there until Oflicor Towns came up and the follow was taken to the station. An examination showed ho answered the description of the would bo murderer of Sheriff McCord. Ho had on hia person - son another silver watch and about three dollars in money. In the cham ho throw avray something , and Willie Vaughan , the mayor's son , who was among thoao who wcro running vftcr the fellow , found it. It proved to bo a regular burglar'n clincl , rusty but very sharp. The follow had little or nothing to say and was locked securely in the steel cell , and the authorities at Marshalltown notified by telegraph. The intense excitement at Marshall- town ever the shooting of the sheriff has boon such that it baa boon common talk that if Reynolds ia over brought back there lie will bo lynched. FEMININE FICKLENESS , AnOslaloosaHuSW Causes the Arresl She In Turn ComplnliiB of Him for Trying to Kill Her. On Saturday there arrived in this city from Oskaloosa a young mwi named J. W. Havens , who formerly lived hoio , and was employed in Robio's bakory. Tlioso who frequented the skating rink last Beaten Trill remember him aa the ouo who had a most peculiar owing as if mowing grass , and as having boon cos tumed as "tho dovil" at the great mas quorado. Huvons came back here to hunt up his wife , a woman whoso maiden name was Jennie Walters , and whoso homo was in Hollyvillo. Shu has gained sonio notoriety bcforo , and has boon under the aliases of Kittio Jackson , Kittip Holmes , Jennie DayhutF , and Jennie Havens. It will bo remembered by the readers of Tin : 15KI : that she was arrested the latter part of May by Oon- stable Wesley for skipping out with quito n sum of money belonging to Mr. Craig , in whoso bakery she was employed. At that time Mr , Craig was away from home , and the woman wlion eho skippnd wont to Odkaloosawhere aho mot Havens , with whom she was formerly acquainted. Havens thought that eho was the wife of Mr. U , DayhufF , but on learning that she was not ho married her , They have boon living in Oaknloosn since , the case of the Crai | ; money having boon settled. According to Havens' state- inont , about two weeks ago she told him that she wanted to go on a visit to her old homo in Holloyvillo , and he con- Bontei' , but instead of going to her old homo , aho CAIUO to this city , and ho getting track of her came after her , and was Biitislied that she was living with her old friend Dayhuil' , who koepa n temper ance saloon on lower Broadway , and who lives south of llapp'a plnco. IIo gained an interview with her thoro. It was a Btoimy interview. Havens' statement of it is that nho grabbed a revolver and was going to nlioot him , and ho took it away from her , while she claims that ho was the ngroesur. Yesterday the troub'o wai drargo 1 into court. Shu had lUveim arrested for a auU , while ho had her and D.tyhutf urrcfttod for udu'tory. ' Tim cuen against the woman nml IXtyhull'wmo contimin ! until to-morrow , thcygiving bail of 8250 each. Havens was placed umliT hkii bond In appear Thursday afternoon to an- | swt > r to the charges of pusnuH , and rmaulc , with intent to do great bodily harm , oil the cases being tried before Justice Yuughan. I'olllcal 1'rnttlo , The republicans are not the only ones filxing up slntes. Already the democrats , having settled upon renominating Con- J1 gres man Pueoy , are turning tholr at ton tion tn the smaller names on the ticket. It is talked that William F. I'atlon , o' ' young man who was born here and has alwajo lived hero , will be the democratic for nominee for county clork. Ho has lately boon serving as assistant cily clerk , and has done a largo portion of the work of that oflico. A. P. Cramer , of Avoca , is rcachtnj , out for the county recorder's plum. John Jay Franoy IIM an eye out for the district attornoyship , am if ho cannot got that , will probably bo contented with being justice of the pcaco Judge Aylosworth is conceded to bo tin coming democratic nominee for district judge if ho want * It. Walter I. Phelpa of Atlantic , is talked of as the ono who will bo groomed for a race against Judge Lyman for the head of the circuit court Mr. Lolly , of Donison , is looked on as the probable nominee for district attor ney. Justice N. Schurz , although not anxious for ronomination , will doubtless yield to the pressure , and if so will got many republican voters Ic support him also , for that position , ijquiro Briggs is also talked off n ; favorable for ono of the justice chairs For supervisors S. G. Underwood and Judge A. W. Wyman , both of KOJ , Crcok , are talked of , with chances now in favor ot Underwood. Mr. Uoyt , ol Knox township , is also named. It is aaid that the anti-Cleveland democrats are to rally about M. G. Griflin for justice of the peace. W. II. Vaughan is glancing toward the nomination as ono ol the electors. There will bo many changes in the state between now and fall , but this is part of the gossip now going the rounds in the democratic camp. 1'KIISONAU O. LCP , who travels for Lutk Long , U M- lortcd to ho qnito III , H. J. McISriilo Btartcil out again Itvfit even- ng on a trip forStowarl Bros. ICato Freeman , ono of Iowa City's x , ii visiting Mrs. J. DclSovniso for n few lays. lays.L. L. linllou , editor'and manager of the Harri BOH county New * , Miittouri Valley , was in the city yesterday , and favored Tin : UKK with a call. Hundreds of grateful people who have 30on cured of Rheumatism say Siloam Springs ia ahead as a specific for that dis case. See advt. in another column. Gity Council. The city council mot lost night. All present except Alderman McMahon. A largo number of the rcaidonta of the bottom tom were present , all interested in the action of the council in regard to Indian crook. Alderman Mynstor offered a resolution elution for the condemnation of the right of way for an outlet for the crook. City Attorney Ilolmoa thought it reflected on him and the city onginoor. Alderman Mynator thought not , and withdraw hia resolution at the request of Alderman James. A resolution waa passed instructing a special comtnittao of three aldermen to employ nt least thirty men and as many teams as necessary to open nil ditches to drain the Hooded district west of the creek , and the engineer instructed to employ a surveyor to immediately proceed ceod to open a series of ditches to give temporary relief to the flooded district. Mr. Kinnohan , of the labor organiz ation , asked for permanent relief from the orerilow of the crook. An ordinance was passed ordering the following streets brought up to rado within ton days : On Fifth nvonuo from Tenth street to Union avonuo. On Sixth nvonuo from Tenth street to Indian Crook. On Seventh nvonuo from Tenth street to Indian Crook. On Ninth street from Fifth avenue toTe To nth ntroot. On Tenth street from Eight to Twelfth streets. On failure of the aamo the city clerk wan authorized to ndvortiso for bids. The city attorney WAB instructed to condemn the right of way according to the Williams plan for the system ol sewerage. Several petitions were presented and referred to appropriate committees. The city attorney advised that the claim of N. A. Moore bo withhold until the Bcocomp case is decided. Mexican grass hammocks at reduced prices at Soaman'H , 405 Broadway. COCNCIL I1LDFKH HA11KET. COUNCIL UI.WFH , IOWA , July 28 , 1881. Whoat-No. 1 milling , 75@SO ; No. a CO ® 70 ; rejected 50. Corn Local purposoaJ0@ 15. Oats Kor local purpoaus , : (5@IO. ( Hay S10 00@li ! 00 per ton ; baled. 50@CO Kyo 10@lfio. Corn Meal 130 per 100 pounds. Wood Good uupply ; prlcou at yards , C 00 © 700. 700.Coal Coal Delivered , hard , 11 CO per ton ; soft , 5 00 per ton Lard FatrlmnU'n , wholesaling at Oi'o. IfJour City Hour , 1 C0@3 30. Brooms 2 95@3 00 jwr Aoi , LIVK HTOCK. Cattle Butcher cows 3 50@ I 00. Butcher stonro , iioiKi In market. Hoga i00.ruonucE ruonucE ANU J-BDITS. Quotations by , T. M. St. John & Co. , com- inlmion inorchautH , 538 ISrnndway. Poultry Lit uuM lions , 7c ; fining chickens , 2 253 00 per doz. ; Hvu turkoyi , < Je. PiMchoa A bus. bcx , 1 00. Lemons ( i 00 per box. Ituiianiu 2 00@3 00 per bunch. ISuttor Croaiuory , I0c ! ; rolls , clioico D@10o. KCRS U4 ? po dozen. Vegetables Potatoes , 1 f > 02 00 per bbl ; onlimii , 7fioi > orbti , ; cnbbairo.OOo per dnz.ratn ; ! ( ! npt0f | ] > , 1-3 bu box , f Oal ( 23 conking 3 00 puJ hrli bonus ; 1 f > 0@.i.l. ! , " > | > t < r bushul , Bu'hnoll sells railroad tickets cheap to nil points. SPECIAL NOTICES. 1 NOTIOK. 8K | > clal a > ertl oment , BHO at Lojt , Found , To Loan , For Sale , To Itont , Wants , Hoard log , etc. , will to Inverted In thti column at the low rate of TKN ( JKNT8 I'KH LINB for the Drat Insertion [ ml KIVK CENTa 1'Kll LINE for each lulnoiiuonl n- wirtlou. Leave advortlBcuientl at our office , No , 1'inrl Htrect , near lirnadwav WANTS. 7iOHRAI.K-rwlirniitli ) ) Kepteinhtr IB , tea ' I1 family wllhuutch IJri-n , u no * houiv with bam. lUtrrii.i-to. Kmiuti * t Trunk Cogk , rouui V , btu- iart' blvx-k , Council IHulf * . UOIKITrtmont IIou > e fur rent , aud furniture for wlii. Knijnlru on prciulimcorutr Ilroaduaj and Math ktroel , Council ululla OI < I'AI'KHH-Kor ul at llm office , at S5 ccnU n hundred. WANTEU-K ery boclym Council llluffs to take TuiU i. Uelhcroa by carrier at only twenty J I cent * wook. 17WH BALK ClIKAI'-flood hoarding houw , on anil bllllanl lull ? lno tiuUtna , AJditu 1C. Hrnolllcc , Council UluHt. AOKNTB loillec Mj gentlemen can make flrrt daw waxet by BOlllnif the "Champion Ioom KUcclIior and ronlut : lloird. " Itotalli at 11.00 , Any lady can do tip a flno ihlrt without a wrlnkli auj trlci Ik u nlo lyuthot > citlaundrc ! ean.AddreH inutlculari 0.11. U. & L Co. , Ji . cffioe , Oouucll llluQ * . ! CIDER ! Best Kentucky Barrels and Half Barrels. AGENTS FOR n : " Fie Cat GMg lie "Beo , " and "Kival" Cigars. The Best Nickel Goods Offered. We Guar antee Our Assertion. Give Them Trial Order. WIRT & DUQUETTE , COUNCIL BLUFFS , - IOWA . Best an J Most Hollablc. IIALLETT , DAVIS AND COMPANY PIANO Indorsed by FRANZ LISZT. EMERSON PIANO. Unrivalled lot Tone or Finish. KIMBALL PIANO licet Modern I'rtco to Buy. The Kimball Organ , PO long and favorably known in the west , J. L. STKWAHT , Jiolo Agent for above fines of Goods. WarflrooiiT 1 ! ? > 9 l/Ai . . ' " " ' " * " " .nv Council BlulFs , Iowa. Correspondence Solicitod. Agents Wanted , "aJi The proprietor of Siloam Spring will enter into written contract to euro your catarrah , or forfeit all claims to pay for treatment. See advt. in another column. Write for particulars. So far there ia evidence that twenty- three houses and barns in DCS Moims were struck by lightning Wednesday night of last wook. Railway Time Table. COUNCIL BLUFFS. The following are the tiroes of the arrival and de parture of trains by central standard time , at the local depots. Trains leave transfer depot ton mln u.cs earlier and arrive ten minutes later. ciiicAoo , Bum.it.aros AND QUIHOT. LBiVE. AREIVB. 6:36 : p m Chicago Express 0:00 : a m 9:40 : a m Fast Hall. 7:00 : p ir > 5:45am : f"Mall and Express , 12:30 : p m Accommodation. 2.40 p m 'At local depot only. KANSAS CITT , ST. JOB AND COUNCIL BLCTPS. 10:09 : a m .Mall and Express , 7:05 : p m 8:05 : p m Pacific Express , C:50 : p in CmCAOO , UlLWAUKXB AND 8T. FAUK 6:25 : pm Express , 0:05 : a m 9:15 : a m I Express , 6:65 : p m CIIICAOO ( , HOCK ISLAND AND PACIFIC , 5:30 : p m AtUntio Express , 0:05 : a m 0:25 : a m Day Express , 8:54 : p m 7:20 : a m * Dcs Ifoinca Accommodation , 0:06 : p m 'At local depot only. WABAStI , 8T. LOUIS AND PACIFIC. 1:23 : am Mall , 3:01 : p m 6:10 : pm AccommoilaUon U.OOam At Transfer "nly CHICAGO and NORTUwxanmn. 5:30 : pro Express , 8:60 : p m 8:23 : a m Pacific Express 0:05 : am SIOUX CITT AND PACIFIC. 7:40 : p m St. Paul Express , 8:60 : a m 7.20 u m Day Express 6:50 : p m CMOI rAciric. 8:00 : pm Western Express , 8:35 a m 11:00 : n m Paclllo Express , 4:40 : p m 7:40 : a m Local Express , 6:54 : a m 12:10 : a in Lincoln Express , At Tram for only. DDHHY TRAINS TOOMAUA. Leave 7:50-8 : 0-0SO-10:30-ll : : : < Oa. m. 1:30-2:3 : 5:30-4:30-5:30-8:80.11:05 : : : : : p. m Sunday 0:30-11:40 : : a m. 1:30-3:30-5:30-0:30-11:05 : : : : : p. m. Arilvo 10 mln to before leaving tlmn THE INVALID'S GREAT BOON ! NATURE'S IlEUEDY. These Maters como In a lar o , pure stream , flow- Inif ( rein Nature's fountain and touched by the handel ol the Mailer Chemltt , In a laboratory not made with hands , for the ciiroolIUieunntlstn , ccrohila , Ulcers , C t > rih. nil Iood : and Skin Ulecaios , Uiepopela , l.Uer Complalnta , Klitmy and Dlatldor Diioaeca , Unit , Nour.lula niul Atthma. And tnoy are now nc- knnnleilRcd to ho a most wonderful ppeclllc ( or all f rms cl Female Dcranncmenta and Ocatral ! ) blllty uheru a tonlo trralinent U dcsfrahlo , IliiTiJreJs of gratcfui jcoplo nhu came to the SpilnKH on crutches and stretchers and ncntawav cured , many of I hem Miapl'i ; and | irahli > K Cod , " nlll ti'Htlfy to the hcallnir properties of theno watcre. "I IIVH1C TU TIIK IKXJS ' " ' LK.T NATI'RK ' IIKtt0l. . " UKV. M. M. THOMPSON , ManiK'or. Albany , Sllourn Bprln ii , Oeutry Co. , Mo. A.t the woll-known Establishment OF J. P. FliLBERT , 205) ) Upper Broacway , the 01 Council Bluflj. Kotlro our reduced 1'rlco List. Wo gi\o ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ISpoumUdranulatcdSuvnr. . . . . . . . 1 00 > pound * Choice Oatmeal 1 00 Z5 pounds Nay lioan 100 80 iwunUa 11-at Built Starch 1 00 12 poundi Carolina Hlce I 00 11 JMmiuUCliouM I'rums 100 Zfiharii llutTaloSoap 1 CO Kxtra Lake Trout , per pound 00 UirrlhaM'rt I'lugporlb 40 dozen Mackerel ID Cnloriulo Flour , Winter , per cut 2 DO 10 pounds ( llnsrcr Htapj 1 CO 10 pounds li inlay 100 D Kalian I.CK' K\iun 1 70 tt'lilte Kith , per kit fO Jlaokorcl , nerl.lt , 10 DatcH , per | < ound , . , 10 0 S pound c.Mi StuiJanl Touutw * 100 All kind * Oahlornla Fruit * pound Liuk't Htatdard i ( or 1 00 T T T B I to All Kradct , aocordliiK to quality , 15o to SOa pur pOUUll Wu aUo currv a ( u'l Una of Men' , Lrullo * ' aud L'/iHUirn'n / line Khouinn. . ) klunV Kino UooU it very uwiirlctM. At i a ( all Una 01 Tinw ro and jciicrol rchai.dlM ) , Call on u and bo coivlncod thou K O tuuniiy M duillnir vtltti ui. Ooixla delivered e In any ( urtof the city. u a word , nm M tioumt to tell and challouge a'.l aold oooiiMitlUaa lu thU oounir. J. 1' .PILIWKT , , orUro Jw v tCOB BISIS. E. P. OADWKLL 8IMS& CADWELL , flttorneys-at-Law , COUNCIL BLUFFB , IOWA Omce , Main Btroel. lloornt 1 and i bhnjar * 4 Ifo- lahou't lUotk. Will proctlot bi HUM aud F < dw l ourtj ICE ! ICE ) ! . ICE ! ! ! For purorhcr Ice potroclto the blue wagons-eat- slactlon guaranteed. Leave orders at No. 45 South Main street Telephone- . 84. MULHOLLAND & NICHOLAS. Mrs , H , J , Hilton , M n. . PHYSICIAN & 222 Middle Broadway. Council Blu3s. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE. FOR SALE Two largo lots with three raised house * , and all Improvements , bringing montnly rental of $24. 1'rlco $ ) , < 00. Address L. , BER Office J.n. TATE. WARREN WHITE & ; " Practlco In State and 1'cJcral Courts. Collections promptly attended to. Room 9 , Schugart's Building , ' COUNCIL BLUFl'S , IOWA. Justice of the Peace. Omaha and Council Bluffr. Real estate collection agency , Odd Fellows Block jcrSaings Bank , rnoa. omens , u. u. PUSH , Council Bluff ! . u. Established - - 1856 Dealers In Foreign end omostlo Exchange I tlrrea Sfcurltt E. Rice M , B. or ether tumors removed without the CANCERS , knlf o or drawing o blood. CHRONIC DISEASES Otcr hlrty years practical eiporlenoo Office No Tear troct , Council UluCa fiTConcultotlon Irco NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Scaled proposals will bo received by the undersigned till August 1 1831 , at noon , for the building of the now Pres byterian Church in Council Blulld , Iowa. Plans and specifications can bo soon at the Bank of Oflicor & Puaoy. Contractors , in their bida to state the price at which they will take the stone , brick and lumber of the old Church The committee rcsorvo the right to re ject any and all bids. By order of the Building Committee. THOMAS OFPIUEK , Council BluHa. & , BOOGE'S ' SIOUX CITY HAMS. J. Y. FULLER , Commission Merchant No .89 Peftrl Street * Council Dluffa , otfa. Ai there are many So-Oallod Veterinary 'Sureeons In thli city , who re practicing their quackery on our IHMP'V , I deem It but Junll.oto ( ay that I defy anyol tin in to tirpihcoa illiloma | , or credentials , mtlcaUiii , ' that they nro K-iailuatcs of any icterlnitr. uttltuto , and I Uu hereby caution the jmbll j ajalm inch < | uacln , i I am the Only Known Graduaic IN WESTEliN IOWA. Office & Pharmacy , 125 B'dway/ ' / AT 11I.UE 1IAHN. T. J. CADY , M. D , , V. S , N. SCHURZ. ipp nf flip PPQPO l bj ( 111 lllu I tJdbU , orncu OVEU AWKUICAN COUNCIL BLUFFS , - IOWA. H. H. HORNE & CO. , WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ° mAkoi S BPcc.wty ftl ° "r EASTERN factory , of FINE HAVANA end VATM \ AKA CIGAIIS. All Cigars Bold by ua are of our own manufacture and warranted as represented. OPERA HOUSE CIGAR HOUSE. 552 Broadway , H. H. HORNE ft CO. , COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - IOWA. SMITH & TOIjtiBU , LEADING MERCHANT TAILORS 7 and 9 Main street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. LARGEST AND BEST STOOK OF ALL KINDS OF In Iowa and Nebraska , aud sold for the least money nt 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. MRS , D , A , BENEDICT , Manufacturer , urtalns , In Lace , Fl'lt , Turcoman , Etc. Oil clothsI Mattings , Linoleums Etc hoicest and Best Selected STOOK in the WEST , 'omo ' and bo convinced that wo arc headquarters for all goods in our line , hpapcst place to buy CARPETS , Curtains and House Furnishings in the C'ly. Upholstering and Bedding Supplies. Noa. D , 7 and 9 MASONIC TEMPLE - - ( COUNCIL BLUFFS Mail Orders Filled Promptly and with Care. COUNCIL BLUFFS. The Best $2 a day House in the West Centrally Located Sample Rooms , Firat Glass Table , All Modern Conveniences. Reduced Rates to Regular Boarders. MRS. S. J. NORRIS , 105 Main Street , Council Bluffs. To bo sold regardless of cost for the next two weeks to make room for Fall G-ocds. J. J. AUWEUDA , 317Broad-wav , Council Bluffs NEUMAYER'S HOTEL ON THE Furniture and appointmonta all now. NOB. 208 and 210 Broadway , Council Bluff Waves three in oh part 65c , Coquetts lOo each , Switches $ lto$20 each , Hair ornaments given with every pur chase , All kinds of hair work promptly attended to. Waves made of Ladies' combings at 50c per inoh , ALL KINDS OF MRS. J. J , GOOD 29 Main Stree DEr ojox-iot o E T - EVF.BTTIII.NaIIISTCLASS. . Nos. 217 nnd 219 S. Main St. , - - COUNCIL BLUFFS DR. JUDB'S ELECTEIC BELT. 3,000 Electric Belts Sold In tbo .Month of Juno hy us. Agents Wanted ! Uelcnnccu Any o the buslno housce In Council BluHi. JUDD & SMITH Proprietors. ! UO BROADWAY . COUNCIL BLUFFS. ID. 3MC. Metalic Caskets and Woodin Coffins of all Kinds. ELEGIUPH ORDERS PROMTLY ATTENDED TO. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT ONTo. 12 XO" . 3VT < vl3a. * 3t. . C3o-ra.xi.oil 501 Main Street , Council Bluffs. MAKUFAC1UKEH OF TRONKS , VALISES , AND SATCHELS SAMPLE CASES a specialty. Shawl , Tourist , and Trunk Straps. Twenty Years Experience. - - Repairing Neatly .Exec uted OtOCtlf BlTOIS. WHOLESALE UKALEUSJIN HATS , OAFS BUCK GLOVES , 341 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , 10 TC A