OMAHA DAILY BEE-TUESDAY" , .1 LTJY 20 , 1881 , IT CUH 3 WHEN action. It la n , eato , , A1J. OTHER MED1. lire and epe ly euro CINE3 FAIL , as it And hun eta dredi have nM AT ONCE on been cured the KIDNEYS , by It when lAVETl and BOW. phytlcLinnand SL3 , roitorins Crionda hod them to a healthy Kiren them up lodlo. IT is BOTHSA""SAFE CURE" and a "SPECIFIC. " " " , Jt Cimns nil l > ls""oar of Ibo Kl.lnrjfl , J.ltrr , Illnrlilcr anil frlnnry < > r iui | DropHj , ( iHuel , DlatirlCR , llrlHlit'H Illxciuic , 1'nlns In tlio Hack , I.nlno , or Mile , Krlrntlan or Nmi-Kc- tcntlon of Urlur , Nervann IJsci-mcs , Jnnmllcci lllllouancHn , 'Ilcnilnchc , Snnr Mninncli , D.VKprp- nln , Cunnt 11 > u t lou and 1'llon. 1 1. : : AT CS-TAKE NO OTHER.TO Send for Illustrated ramphlct of SoUd Tee. UmoniAls of Abaoluto Cures. HUNT'S UUJtUlir CO. , rroTtilrn'-p , 11. T. DOES WONDERFUL CURES OF KIDNEYPISEA3ES AND LIVER COMPLAINTS , llccnmn It nets on the MYUK , HOAVELS and KID.MiS : at the n.nnir lime. It eleatuies the srstom of the poison ous humors that dorelopo in Kidney nnd Uri * xuiry Diseases , Biliousness. Jaundtro , Conotlpn * tton , Piles , or in llncuinatlam , N ouralgla , lier * vous Claonlcra and all Female Complaints. DT SOLID PROOF OF 1111S. IT wni sunKLr cnun CONSTIPATION , PILES , and RHEUMATISM , By caualcc ITLHE ACTION cf all the ergons and functions , thereby CLEANSING the BLOOD restoring the normal power to throw offdisoaso. THOUSANDS OF CASES of the worst forms of thcno terrlblo diseases have boon quickly relieved , nnd in a short Urno PERPCCTLY CUnCD. rr.icr , ti. i.iquo ait nnv , SOLO vDIICCCUTS. . Dry can bo sent by mall. WELL3 , RIC1IAHD30N & Co. , Burllncton , Vt. 3 b ml lUmp for Diary Alminie Tvr 1 : > S1. THE BRUNSWICK , BALKE , COL- LENDER COMPANY , [ 3UCCES30US TO THE J. II. B. i 13 CO.J frHE MONARCH The mott extensive m&nufactorcreol IN TUB WORLD. $09 S. Tenth Street OMAHA , NEE tsrPfa \ of nilllrcl and Pool Tableland matorlalj arnehed on application. Nebraska Cornice AND- MANUFACTtJRKItB OF GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES X5 oymoa- Ixa-dox ro , FINIALS , WINDOW GAPS , TIN , IRON AND SLATE ROOFING , PATF.NT IfCTALlO , Vcriuians , OfBto trd Ir.n fialllnCT. Wlmlovr and Cellar Un r > "tn In tboDlfttlct Court InrUcnylaH County Nebraska. HeUhriro ICcan , p'alntllT , M 1'atjrlckll. Kean , de. ( mil lit. Tol'atorlrk Kcan nin-rotlilOTit , defendant. Ton a > o heruliy natlflid tint 'nthui3il ( lav nf July IM , uoittirluo Ko4ii 11 od a jictltlnn arilnM jcu In thnnlntrlit con tut Dnuzlai county , JJcbr < k , the object and pruiur of ulilchari ) to . ; t.wln a cl'virfo fr < in you and the ca-o ami ru < tody of your minor chl'il , on the Rroun "t'otfluco tour mirrli n to plalnllllyon bccino an liablcual ilinndrard , nd h vo f llod to gapport her for more than t o tvcoyi'aidUBt patt. You are reiju cd to answer raid petition on or bo fora Monday , the 8th dsy of "cntcmu-r IS1 * * . KKlTHIUVR KEAN , I'Ulntlff. Br J. P. Fnill h , J J , O'lONNOll , hfr attorneys. Jy 2auz 6-12 IB ( i7 St. Chorlps St. , fit. I.onis Ho. A rriular irduaU of lw M. llt.l Colttjf I , bai UPD looser vngiced In the * pf lallrcaiiiirnl of CaBoiir , NIBVOI.I , HKIN Him litonb Iuai Mlhan aur elher l' rlclaD lu 01. LoaU , J ellpapcra * how and all alj icklJenu know Nervous Prostration , Debility , Mental and Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and other Aflec > ( Ions of Throat , Skin or Denes , Blood Poisoning , Old SorCS and Ulcers , an > Irtaltd llh oofirtllelid Muerrn , ou latcil > ctfDlltlo prloelrle * . fla aljr Trlialely. Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , Excess , Exposure or Indulgence , hich produce * > me of tb < l llo lo ( Ocelli uer > im l ii , dtbllur , Olmciu of > llbl and il < fMll > * memory , | lrapc ! en tht face , pbrileal decar , Bnrilontolbi loeltlrtmatei , confu-Ha or ldraict& . renderlne llarrloco Improper or unhappy. ar | . , rmiueolljcur a , famplilet | ! l ftirn llie ibore , lenl 4q lealed eotilope , free lo oy addren. ConiultAtlOQ atof * A Positive Wriircn Guarantee Clrei In all eorableeaiei , Utdlcloti icnt tTer ; hire. FamphleK * Enaltah or Orrman , Oi paffei. rl aanblnE above dlboaaco , In inolo or female , irO.Z& . MARRIAGE GU3DE I llloitrated In elolti tnddll llodloj. l , Scientific , Commercial and Art Popart mtnlr. II 'Hi Btio tutmUUd Tuition low , i IcL'ihoap , Ketol lodctv Fu'/ ! ciinijio-l ficult > irAilJrc' for iwrtlcuUrs , Her. W. W. Uutha O. I ) . I'rwldent. or I'ttt , 0 M , Vo * Ulet Btoretary ( the Faculty , UelloT c , Neb , , Jjr me ! 3 COUNTY COMMISSIONERS , Mcctlnjf of tlio Trio on Hat unlnjr lifiHt. SATTKIUY , July 20 , 1884. Board mot pursuant to adjournment. Prctsont , commissioners Knight nnd O'lCcettb. The following resolutions were ndoptcd : Jtcsoh'cd , Thnt the county treasurer bo , and ho is hereby , instructed to cnnco dog tax for year 1883 against Davic Bradshaw on account of error in assess tnont. Jicsoh'td , That the county treasurer bo , and is hereby , iustructod to reduce the valuation of lots 13 nnd 14 , block 0 Boggs A lIUl's addition , from ? 500"oach to $500 for both of said lots on nccount of error in copying by assessor. The clerk was instructed to notify the overseer of highways , south Distrid I'latto Valley prooinct , to suspend nil work on rend No. ISO , B. , running between tween sections 29 and 32 , township 1C , range 10 , until further orders of the board. The following accounts were nllowcd iminnn FUND. Vnn Dohrati & Slmmerson , ono brldpo ? SOO 00 C. A. llubhaid , freight paid US SO " ' " ' CO 03 no At ) KC.ND. J. A. Tnjlor , ditcliiiiR 48 C,1 V A , KMiiaKH , ru.-vl apprnltCM ! J Ol ) H. lllmbiugh , " " .TOO W. Uowlinir , work on mail 09 0 ( V. Hclso " " 1'J 00 1'otor GOOB , npprniw on roiul 3 ( X O. II. IJrown , woik on roail 21 ( ir J. Walsh , repairing roads , etc L'O Cl OKNK1U1 , Kt'Nl ) . P. A. IHeronot , bailiff fpoa 12 00 A. T. SiiMvmt.wHneaj " ( i 00 h. Grebe , bailiff " 4G 00 1) . N. Miller , expound to insnno hoapitnl 'J9 00 C. CarUon , witiios&foa immlorCASH. Ci > K G.Snnford , " ' CD 0 ! ) 11. Btnwn , " " 000 O. H. Smith , " " 4 00 L 35. Wood , " " OJ lI.TImmo , " " 030 O. Smith , witncFafcomurdercaso. . CO 0 < l T. Ilyan , " " " " . . GOTO J. Shields , talcs juror 0 Ofl J. Knrr , work at poor farm H 00 F. Steven , " " " " H 00 f O'lJoyle , witno'sfeo 4 (0 ( J. Uerry , " " 2 4' ) . ) K , 1'rice , ' " 4 03 Twenty persons , spouial jurors GO 00 X. Stovans , Krocerics lor poor 0 < 5i W. J. liroatch , haidvvarofor Co. . . . 39 Adjourned to the 30th insr. U. T. LnAVirr , , County Clork. Ilorsfr.rd'a Actil i'nohpliato. KEWAIU : OF IMITATIONS. Imitations and counterfeits have again appeared. Bo sure that tlio word "iioiisronn's" is on the wrapper. None are genuine without it. A SERIOUS RUNAWAY , Jlrs.Murray IsTlirowa From a "Wafjon lius an Ann Broken. Yesterday about 10 o'clock a.m. as Mrr. Murray , who kcops a small store tit the barracks , was coming into the city aho mot with a aerioua accident. She was accompanied by her little girl and had gotten as far along Sixteenth street as Win. Gentleman's store , when ono of Jardino's teams attached to heavy wagon , dashed down the street and struck the hind wheels of the wagon in which Mrs. Murray and her child were seated. The wagon was overthrown by the shock and the woman and her child were thrown to the ground. The woman had ono of her logs broken and was otherwise injured. The little girl escaped with n few bruises , none of which are serious. The lady was carried into a neighbor ing house and medical assistance sum moned. It vraa a serious accident but ono of that class it seems almost impossible to prevent. 4ZTWHI DrpSHCtl IVopIo don't wear clingy or faded things when the lOc. ami guar- nntQOil Diamond Dye will iiinko thorn good IIH iiftw. They nro pcr'nct. ' Got Ht ( Iruff JHtu nnd bo U'cllx , UicUurUdOii i'c CD. , Iltirlli gton , Vt. Mulliall'rt Hide. To the Editor of IKK ttr.K : DKAU PJK : 1 wish to give you iny aidu of the story in regard to an item which appeared in The Dispatch , headed "Mul- hall's guilt. " For aovoral weeks before this alleged trouble occurred , my chickens - ons were killed at the nUo of from four to six a day. On Friday , thu 18th inst. , as I was preparing to go to my work , my daughter came into the house and told rno that Shinrock'a ' hired girl was killing the chickens with a dog. My wife was alck in bed at the time and who wont to ; ot up and I told her to stay vrhoro she was , and that I would go over to Mrs. Shinrock'a and ask her if it was with her permission that the girl was killing tha chickens. I wont to Mrs. Shinrock's 'ront door and knocked twice , receiving no answer , although she ( Mrs. Shinrock ) and her hired girl were in plain sight of mo standing in her kitchen. I went wound to the kitohon door and said good evening to Mrs. Shiiirock. 1 then nquircd of her if it was with her per. mission that the hired girl was killing ho chickens with ' the dog , and she told mo it was. I hen told her in a quiet way that if nho iras going to make war on the chickens I rould make war on the dog and that the icxt time 1 found the dog in my yard : hat I would shoot him , She told that Shinrock paid taxes for the dog and that [ would not dare to shoot him without an order from the city marahal , and then ] it would have to lie a policeman that would shoot the dog. 1 turned up my coat-collar showing a star to the lady and tolling her I was a special policomun and that I could ehoot the dog on my promises without an order from the mar shal. Mrs. Shinrock answered mo Ly euying ( hat I need not try to bulldczo or frighten her by showing a star as 1 waa only n watchman in the lumber yards. 1 told the lady I did not wish to either frighten or bulldoze her but that I could shoot the dog on 'my own promises with out an order from the tnarahnl. 1 then shook tny linger at the hired girl telling her that if I could I would have her ar rested for killing the chickens and also that I would try and make her pay for what _ ho hud killed. 1 now denounce it as n malicious fatso- hood for any person to say thai 1 pointed n pistol at Mrs. Shinrock , or that I had n revolver in my hand whllo t wn on lior promises. A man that would draw n ro volvcr on i\l woman under any circum stances Is n coward ntul deserves to bo punished to the fullest extent of the law , and those who know mo can vouch for it that 1 am no coward. I have Hvod in this city since 1807 nnd nearly all that time was spent In the U. I * . blacksmith shop [ and 1 can safely say that 1 have boon au honoat , law abiding citizen and can prove the same by my follow workmen , The homo that 1 h vo made for my family in this city has been earned by mo and my Arlfo by honest , careful and frugal industry. Strictly temperate in my habits , my wages aroused used for the benefit of my family , and I ewe no man a cent. In regard to the statement made that my wife told mo to shoot Mrs. Shinrock and the do , _ it js falao. She never said such a thing in my hearing. When I loft the house to go OTor to Shinrock'a she was in bed vrhou 1 returned she was standing nthur own back door. The cause of all ( his trouble and persecution is because Mrs , Shiuirock and her children were ordered by my wife elF from our premises. She was all the time quarruling with the children on tlio sidewalk , and she haa followed my children into my yard with a stick in her h-wd. Now , Mr. Kditor , they state that Mrs. Shinrock's testimony is supported by several witnesses. The only witnesses she had tosupjiorthortesti- inony was liur hired girl. This girl in n greenhorn only n fnw months from Don- mark. Mrs. KUo Miosol , the other wit ness , was in her own yard , with o tight board fence , eight foot high , between her and Mrs. Shimrock. She admitted in her testimony that she hoard mo say something about shooting , and then she went in the houso. There were novonxl other witnesses brought to the police court by these parties for the purpose of injuring my character , but they did not , nor could not do that. In conclusion 1 wijih to aay , Mr. Editor , that t was un- tnirly do.ilt with. I was told by respectable - able parties that it was a put up job , aim that it wiis all cut and dried heforoit went to the police court. Ronpoctfully , WILLIAM MULIIAIL > Don't lo Fnliit-licartcd. If voit are in trouble , look up. hold on , fitro the blues good by. If you iiroin pain , have n liunoncSH , huvo an .iclm uf any kind , RO to the tlnigRlstnnil nsk him for Thomn ? Ktltctric ( Jtl. It will do you good uvory timo. Statesmen , Chicago TiniCB July HI. i Ex-Senator Chafleo , of Colorado , was at the Grand Pacific ypnterday. llo had just como from Now York and was full of iflaino IIOWB. "Wo are going to carry New York sure , " ho said to the Time.H re porter , "and with it will carry the coun try. " "I3ut what about the confuronco of in dependents hold in Now York yestor- daj ? ' "Ye ? , they had quito a mooting and will poll a good many vote ? , but then , wo will got moro Irish votoj to counterbal ance thorn , and 1 think wo will carry Now York city. " "Honestly ) " "Yos , I think wo will. " "But , why should liluino got the Irish vote ? " "Well , ho is ijoing to and there is no use of arguing the question. " "How will Colorado go ? " "Republican. " "But it elected a democratic governor two years ago ? " "Yes , I know it did , but it will go re publican this timo. " The senator is looking a good deal botor than ho did when ho was hero ut the convention , and norms to have got n good deal of the Grant-Ward trouble oil' his mind. OOVEKKOll .SHRll.MAK. Governor Sherman was at the Tromont yesterday. "Tho republicans are going to carry Iowa this fall , " ho said in an- diver to a question by a Times reporter , "and wo will not como far short of our usual majority. " " the democrats and "Suppose green back ore effect n fusion ? " "Wo can carry the state in the face of any fusion. " "Can you enforce the present prohibi tory law ? " "Wo will try hard , and I think wo will succeed. Iowa has always boon a law-abiding state , and I see no reason why the citizans of it will not respect this law as well as any other. It was rightfully adopted , and I think it will bo operative. " "But will It not drive many Gorman votes out rf the republican party ? ' "It may drive some , but wo will easily repluco them. " "How about congressmen this fall ? " "I think wo will regain our loot ground with the exception perhaps of the Second ( Sturphy's ) district. That sooma to bo badly democratic. " sMini , or VUUMONT. J. G. Smith , of Vermont , onwo gover nor of that Btato , and now president of railroad at the I'almor house n , waa yes terday. lie is a republican , and said ho thought iho democrats had made a mis take in nominating Cleveland. "TJu-y would have dona better , " ho said , "to liavo nominated Biyard. Cleveland has no record and no experience. " "Has ho not had moro than lilaino ( " "Yes , if you mean executive ex perience ; ho has boon governor of a great state , but ho has not had experioncu in iittional nffilrs. To bo sure , wo oil hought when Arthur was nominated ho van a weak and incompetent man , and 10 afterwards allowed himself u good > rcaidont. The tariff will , however , bo ho main iasuo of the campaign. TELrau\a'nic NOTES. A Blnlno and I ; off a D cluli of over fivu linn- Irod members won organized at Peoria last Lord Randolph Cliurch'll ' lmi detonninod or tlio flake of unity to retlrn from tha cluilr- niuiaklp of tlio ConBcrvfttivo Union , nml noin- natufl Sir Michael Hlcka lioach an lila otic- ce'Bor. Tlio retail butchers of Now York lait night nilopted resolutions plrdgfng thu moinhcrn of In association to din onruf-o the Halo of Chicago cage dreHuul buuf. About unit hundred firnm were repreaen ted. 1'arnoll lion given nollco to Introduce the mention In tliu commons concerning tlio hreutened Htiollatioii of the pro | > aKimU irnpurty ut J { 'in , whctuln Jriuh Catholic * nro Jargoly intcrc te < l , At Ooenn Orovo , N. .T. . last evening OeorRo \V. JUin , f Ki-ntuclty ili'livi-rml the cloning ectura to tli j National 'J'emperuncoJ socloty. it-Senator Conklln ? occupied n Boat on tlio ilutform , and warmly congratulated ilr. l.iiu , 1 [ he train dltpatcheni pn the rairn | ( In ccn- tnjiiifj in Ht. IxiuU lii-lil a ino liiiK tlmrn last light , took | irolliiuntry utepi to .Mocidtmn , and olBctod HvJntj- ( thu cati nil oonvuntlon tu ho hold at villu Augut'J Jlh , The ( rrnenbiwk party convnntion at Dayton , Jhlo , lant night no ninatml ai ntutu tlc ol , necrotary of Btatc , IVtor Harro * ! , Carroll couii' ty ; judga of HUprerau court , Jumui 13 , ( Jroguu , nf Hocking : rloetors-ivt latRo , .1 < hn Seitz , ol Soncu * , ftnd l\nl l Wllli' , of Tu c.\rftWa , A Rf ntl torchlliihtvroccsiliin ami wolcomc to th * rotnrnipg dpf | t" t th iiAtlotinlili < m i 5 atlo cnn oniion took p nw in Sin Krnn cinci ) Kst evonlnff. U wn4 nr a mile in Imik'th nnd comprUod nil Uift | nhti.-M orcnm lAtionn In tlio cltr. Tho'tlretti ' were jnminail > vith uprctatoni , who rent thu air IMi chfora for Clovolnnil nnd Hemlricks M Uia pnicca tion pacfloil by. Olllcor I.tUKhllu , shot nt MmunAmhs | * ? nl nrdtv liy rouglin whom ho wai Irylnp t.inrrpnt , died MunJity evening. C Ullfiiy , hi * nllcgoil dlnyer , WAS tpcrotly rtinovril from jail l > y the otlicGM to ptovcnt roi > otitliin of not .lint previous to hi" iloath , Mcl.atiglilin made n ntnteintnit ton priest , oxpren4hitho | hope that the mob would ftbitMn fiom all \l"lciu-i' nml that the munleror bo ( riven ft Mr trial. Me l.aiu'hlln rciniottod hU tlesirp * to bo m.nlo known to the mob. with the entreaty that hl < J ) Ing wither bo obscn oil. V burglar t Homo yo'tcrday In wonu < n' clothes , entered Iho house tlo'cridiil In H w thorno's "Marblo F un" i "IliliU'n Abode , " occupied by nil Amorlcvi hdr , who on sin- jiklon minimonml a policeman , \\lio confronted the Imrglnr. The robber ilrow n rtnoher nml the pollc'minn stood nnUlc uhun tlio bur- Klar tloil. A crowd quickly etlbprod anil pursued tlio burglar , who during hit ( light lokt hli bead roti'aluiR his t > t , Tlut crowd cmipht the culnrit mul after irvoroly beatiiiR him , baogod him. IIAAVKI5VM HOKUOHS. A Colorotl SJnu Stalin n Hint Ion Katrvl Vninlly V"arrcl , ,1 uljr W. ( Seorgo Itelil.color- oJ , tu nlpht stabbed K. H. iDfainnont , utation- ( \Ront at Kly , ton milet south of Cellar Hnpiclc. The Uctim iliocl sbnont iinmnllntrly. llonn. tnont Imili'jectt'il Uild from the depot for profanity mul vultf-irlty. Tim IIPRIO c.iitunnl ) ami brought to Cellar Ilipiils. A family minirel in Irnhalhy , on the Coilnr rlvor bolDW Codnr lUpliln , iiwultcil In thn fatal xtabbincr of ( Jill by one ( jiililoy mul two DriNcollhoyH. Ttvoof iho rwaiulanta were c.tpmro 1 ntul jaUeil at Tip.ou , CIIICAOO , July "S Thi < rivalry iinonir the \ urloiH IllinoU cities by the tinea loin to locate thi ilutuncr.itlo hoatliimr ] ti'r for the CJin.n\Tii | In th'n ' Htateha3 boun lin- nlly eoltloil by fi < lo ting Chicago in the placo. TEST TOUR BAMGMDER TO-DAY ! i adrrl tl cd as ntiMilu'rtjrm ] \ THE TESTt r'lrpnnntondownon n liuttturnuntilhpatnl.tnn rvinovu thn fovnr mul mnell. A cln inut U' ' ' uuirod loduocl thojiu'sonco ot amniuiiUu DOES NOT CONTAIN AMMONIA. ITS IlLiLTIlKL-VKSS IUS NEVER HIM ltISTIU\EI ) , In million ImmM for a qnnrifr of a century It liu stoutl tin. eanvunipra * rollablu tet , THE TESTOFTHE OVEN. _ _ PRICE BAKING 1'OWDEIl CO. , UAKimn or Dr , Price's ' SDBCialFlayorii Extracts , TU ktronc tDeBtdlltloui d natural Otter Lno n , nd Dr. Price's Lupulln Yeast Gems Tor Light , Hcaltlir Ilrrni ) . The lio.t Dry Hop Yeatt lu th World. FOR SALE BY GROCERS. CHICAGO * - ST. LOUIS. Tne me ol the term " Shot Lino" lu connection with thi corporate name ota ( front rend , con > ey > an Idcaot tutuhut roqulrod by the traveling nab lie it Hhort Line , Quick 'rimi and tha Led of kccommod * tlons all of which no ftuo hod by the KroMcst railway In Amoilc * . And St. Paul. It owns and opcreteg over 4,600 miles of 'lorthern IIllooli , Wisconsin , Minnesota , Iowa ) .koti ; anil ua la main lluuu , liranches and oonueo lena reach all the irrcat liualno s control of th < Northwest Bad Kar West , H naturally siwwtrii Iti Jcflorlptlim of Bliort Line , and Hcut Ilouto betweoa Chloijo , llilwaukco , Ht. I'aul and Minneapolis. Chicago , Milwaukee , Lu Crowo and Wlnon.v. ChloaKO , Mllwnulico , Abcrdoou and Kllendalo Uilc ) < > KO , Milwaukee , IJiu Clalroand SHllwator Chicago , Mllnaukiw , Waasau and llonlll. Chicago , illlwaukeo , Uva\i.r Dam anil Oabkoeh. Chicago , ItllwauliOt1 , WauLnihaand Oouuoinowoa Chicago , llilnaukeo , Madlmn ami 1'ralrlodn Chios ChlonKO , Mllwaul.uo , Ouatonuaand Talrlbaull , Chicago , Uulolt JanosvlMc and Mineral I'olfit. Ohlcao | , Klzin , Uocklord and Dulmiuo. | Chicago , Clinton , Itnclr Island and Cudar Rapidt Chicago , Council IllulfKund Onuiha. Clilca o , Slonx City , Rloux FnlU anil Yank I on CliicUk'o , Ulhvaukeo , Mitchell aiulChamborltln. Hook UUnd , D ibuquo , Ht , I'aul and Mlnncirolli Ducni'ort , Oalmar , fit. I'aul nnd Minneapolis I'lilluan H cui crnnn.l the 1'liunt IMtilnK Cara In ho n rid ore run on tlio nuln Imcnof tlmJJIICAGO ! , MIIAVAUKKK ANU ST. PAUL UAIMVAY.amlovcrr attention la paid to paw > on 'urd by couiteouacinplojiiii of the C'uuiany. b. H. lllCHHir.L. Oen'l Manaeer , A. V II CAUl't'.KTKR , den' I'au. A't ( J.T , CI/AUK , Uon'l B.ipt. GiO. U. HEAKKOUI ) . Aau'L divn'I. I'ai Art RED STAR LINE Belgian Buynlnnd U.8 , MnllHtonincrn SAILING EVERY SATURDAY , BCTWKKN NEW YORK AND ANTWERP r/ieRhine , Otrmany , Italy , Jfulland and France Bteor goOutworlt20 ; Prepaid from Antwerp , tig ; Kiournliin , fa , incluilUii ; boil U In if , etc , 2il Cabin , - ' < ) : llounil Trip , $ M U ) ; Kxourelon , tlOO ; Baloou from { 60 to 90 ; Eicur.lon HQtotlM ) . trl'etei WrUht it Bona , Ueo , AgtmU. K Broad' way N. Y. ( Oaldwell , Hamilton & Oo. , Omaha. P. K. Olod uian It Oo. , 2US N. 10th Btruat , Cuaba ; U. K. Klra all , OmaluArenU. t eod-ly AI < ONO TUB LINK Of THBJ Clilcago , St. . Paul , Minneapolis and OMAHA RAILWAY. The new extouulon ol tbli line ( ram Waleflold up Iho BEAUTIFUL VALLEY of the GAN through Concord and Colerldifo ( Uachei tha t t portion ol the BUto , Hpoolal i- curilon ra'ri for land teekeri uror thin line tn Wayne , Norfolk And Hartlngton , and via Illalr ko all prlndjal ( jod.U on the aioux orry & PACIFIC RAILROAD TrMns orcr tht 0. . Ht. F. if. & 0. lUUwiv to Cov mi tan , Sioux dty , I'onca , Jlartlngton , Wayne ted NCI folk , OOXXXLOOt 2B1M.1X ? or Fioiuonl , OakJ .o , Nollgb , amltbrouKh to Yal < cntlnt. tartfot raUl and alllnformttlon call on Y I' , WH1TNKY , GoQora Afoot , C3-OX3STG- JlilST. PRINCIPAL LINE rmiM CIirA.0 ! ( > rK01tU& ST. LOUIS , V WAV ( IK OUAHA AND LINCOLN TO DENVSS , Oil VH KANSAS CITY AND ATOIIISON to DEMVSB Connect ( ii | $ In I'nlon loKitn | nt Knii'ji CHy Oiniiluk mul llunvrrltli tlnuuKlitiuliiH lui Anil nil | KlntH In tinivat West ContifOtnu In IJmnil I'nlon OniKit n Itli tlnitiih train * lor aV/r rott/f , nosy ox , Anil nil r.\ilc'in ! ( Mllex. At IVorl'ilth lluoimh trulni tor Iiullntin ; ) elli , Clnolniuitl , t'olumlnm , nntl nil imliits It tinsmith At .st. l.iillHllll thuuii-l ln\lm lor nil points South. 1'iiy t'oixchi'i , I'm lor rnwltliKo - rlniliu : ciiuiiN ( scuts ( too ) , Sinolilnn dirn \ \ iti ItuvnU mi ; Clmlri , I'ulliiiini I'uliu-o Sli-iMilim 1'iii-rt nml tlio fuiiuMit t' . II. , V < } . Dlnlnir ruin iuuili\lly Clilrnuunml CouiiPll Illiilli1 ClilcuRi ) nml lr ) MllllH'H , ( MllCIIKOi St JOHOpll , AtdllSOH Illll Topi'Ualtliiiut olmiiKi' . Only tliionph Itn niniilnc tlirlr onn tinlns bc'trcii Chlenno Lincoln nnd Dcuvrv , iinil 01lU'ilK , UIIIIMI City iinil DCIIVIT. Tlinniuli i-i\u lintucnn Iiulliin ] > ell nml Council Illiilli , via 1'cmlu (101NO OKTH ANI > KODT1I. Pollil TnitiiM ol nil-mint Day I'ouolioH nut 1'nlliniin I'liliiooSlprpiiiK Out s HUM un tlrtlly li nml finin si. l.otiia , % In Iliinnllml , ( jiilncv Ki'oUuk , llnillnnton , Crdur ItiiitltlHiintl Alliri l.i'i\tost. 1'iitil iintl Mlnnonitolls , I'm lor i'nw \\ltli ItiH-ilnliiK ( 'hulls in nml luini si. I.oiil mill I'oorlu. Onlyoui' rlmiu'M > l > m-H ln'turn St. 1 ouUnnil Him Molni'H , lown , l.liu-oln , .Nu bnt kii , iinil Douvcr , ( "olomilo. U Is ivlhii tlio only Through I.lno bt J OIMI ST. LOUIS , MINNEArOLIS PAUL Itli ! iio n ni thn I'loivt TIIKOIUill OAI LINK of America , uiul In unlviTMilly lulmtl ' "ll to IC ) tllU Finest Equipped Railroad In the World fo : all elac3 of Trawl. Through TloUrts via tills line ! \ir wxlo ctn' C. It.roniHJii ticket cillcea In tlio UnitoilSttUo l.ul Cuniutii. T. J. I'OTTKK. I'RUCKVAL Vlre-1'rti. l.U < > n > rrr Otn ' i ft 1 < CAPITAL PEIZS $75000 Slmroa In I'roporllorTOa Lonisiaua State lottery " We do thereby ertifv that u supervitt the ai rcuytninti for alt tie Monthly ami S m-Jtmt-.X ( Draieit $ > of the Louisiana State tottery Ompauj inditifereon innnaue and control tnc Drnirinyt themiurei , ami that theiatna ate conducted tntl l.ene > tyJa\mttt. and in good faith toward all ) > .ir tinand ue authorise the ccunpanji to use ( Aiiccr Moate , uithfae-iiinilei of our mgnaturet atlaeM in i'.t advertiiemmti. " t'OUKIUIORIM Inoorporatod In 1883 for ! B yean by the lecUlalnit for educational and chnrltablo purpoaoa with a oap Hoi of { 1,000,000 to which a reaorro ( and ol over 8560,000 haa elnoo Ijoen added. By an overwhelming popular veto Itt fianch'ie ' wae made a part of tlio prenonl Itato oonrUtuL'on adopted December Sd , A. b. 1870. The only Lottery over voted on and on- doraod by the people of any Stato. It never scalea or postpones. Its grand ulnglo number drawlnga takf place monthly. A Hplondid opportunity to win a Fortune Rlghtti Grand IJrawlnfr Clruia II , In the Acad emy of Mualc , Now Urlonna , Tuonday , AUK. Wtt , 1884 171 t MoHthly drawiiiff. CAPITAL PRIZE , 875,000. 100,000 Tickets nt Ilvo Dollars Kach. FIAC- tlons , lu 1'iftliH In proportloa , I.IBT OK I'HIZKS. 1 CAPITAL PUIZE . _ . . . . | 7JCM 1 do do . Zi.OCC 1 do do . 10,000 S I'UIZKS OF 81000 B do 2000 . 10.CM 10 do 1000 . 10,000 SO do 600 . 10,000 100 do ZOO . 20,000 100 do 100 . SO.OOO 600 do DO . 24 Dtfl 1000 do ifc . 26,0(0 . B Approximation prluig of $760 . 0,760 0 do do 600 . 4,600 0 do do 150 . S.S60 887 1'rlws , amounting to . t265CDt Application for rates to clubs nhonld ba triad * onlj o the olllro ot the Company In Now Orleans. For further Information vvrlto oliarly Klvlux lol aildroin. llalio P. 0. Money Orilera payable uii' addrees KonlstoroJ Letters to NKW OULltANd NATIONAL J1ANK , New Orlcaug , L > . roiUl Notes and ordinary letters by Mall or Ki prom ( all auras of 13 and upw nlu by Uxproua at oui ilwnte ) to M A. DAOTUIH. r U. A DAUPHIN , Now Orleans Lft. 607 Uevouth Ht. , Waih'nRton , 1) . O. IEOEETI1L1DIES find radical euro by my Imotliod , bused on reconfcHoi- untiliu rosoiirclics , oven in iho most dcspcraifl cnses without miy trouble to the I'unctiona. euro equally the Bad con- juonscquonccH of tiiu sing ot lyoulli , iiurvouHiioHS und im- rpotcuco. DISOIIKTION OUA11ANTKKI ) . Prtyer to tend the Riact description ol the Blckneei DE. BELLA , Momburof Suvoral Sciontifiofiociotlos. ( I , IMauo do la Nutlon 0 , 1'AUlH. m ( faculty I'rlte , Medical Collie of Ohio. bl'KOIAI/IY PILES , FISTULA , And other Pine-wen ol the Anua and Hoctum. ? n\irl'o ' flnnn Tlnnco im * ' < vun street , iOyuS Upbld illlllSu. OIIAHA , NIU. ; cvuod and vttf O. A. POTTER , I ' .T'Omaha , Neb. HTJterioslttou DloUtloui , Kto. , promptlr > Ucudi > J la. The Largest Stock in Omaha and' ' Us the Lowest Prices' DRAPERIES AND MIRRORS , * ' IE Just rooolvod an assortment far surpassing anything In this market , cotnprlsln ( Iho latest nnd most tasty designs manufaotnroa for this spring's trade and covering range of prices from the Cheapest to the most Expensive. Parlor Goods Draperies. Now rondy for the inspection of cus Complete stock o nil the Intea tomers , tlio newest novelties in styles in Turcoman , Mndrns and Suits mid Odd Pieces. Lncu Curtains , Etc. , Etc. Elocraat Passenger Elevator to all Floors. CHARLES SHIVERIGK. , 1200,1208 nnd 1210 Farimm Street , - - - OMAHA NEB. AND TWO WHEEL OAETB. lUlBandl8OJUmi.yHtre < iland40a < J. IttaStnet , ait tit id OaUtOftlo UruHni c e ucoa application. EUEMPI3iTG , BOL TE & COMPANY , .MANUFACTUlliUS : OF- Dormer Wlndown , Flnlala , Window Cap" , Iron Croat In z , Metallic Rky.llghts , &o. Tin , Iron and Slate HoolJ AH.n u r , 310 South l'2th bluet , Omaha , Nebraska. LUMBER MERCHANT Ul IHa < o _ r n * a i , rt JH o 5 , to m o a I I w ea a * * vii a cfl o .3 " -3 S e8 Krl CB ] | . GUMTNGS AKD 20TH ST , , OMAHA , NEB , 1409 and'1411 Dodee St , , \ } iOmalia Neb ST. , DAVENPORT , IOWA , U. S. A. EeUbllshed 1878-Catarrh , DoafnoBs , Lnugauil NorvouaDisoaapB Speedily nnd 1 ormanontly Cured. Pationti Ourcd at Homo. Write for "Tjiz MKDIOAL-MIHHIONAIIV , " for the Pooplo. Ooiiaultatioii and Oorrofliiondonco Grails. P. O. Box 292. Tolojhono No. 20. JION. EDWARD RUSSELL , Poatraaator , Davenport , nays : " Physician o/ / ilou ADlllty ana Marked SUCCOBB. " CONGRESSMAN MURPHY , Davenport , AH tlotiornhln M n. Fine Rnconsa. Wnndnrful Citron. " TTourHfi in B. SOLE AGENTS FOli _ IF * " i T-m B V 1C 8 I. WEBER , KATNES AND HAEDMAN AND SMITH , AMERIOAN AND PACKARD ORGANS. Wo have the largest and beat etook of Shoot Music in thu city , comprising Bor- in , Vienna , Potura' "Loiiiiiig" Ohoap Edition , Broaluu , Mayonoo tditions. Small Goods and General Music Merchandise of all Kinds. 101 AND 103 15TH STREET , Ol'I'OSITE POSTOFFICE.