OMAHA DAILY BfcJE TUESDAY , JULY 20 , 1884. JL * A TT T - - - m tr TT - . . THE OMAHA BE ] Oniftlm Oflloo , No. 010T rnni { Council Bltttri4OTlcoN' ( ; < t. 7 1'cnr Street , Nonr llromlway.J | Now Yorfc OIllco , Itoom 00 Xrlt Published ererr n-prnlnp , * ioopl Sand * } * enl ) Monday morning dally. raws IT Mlru Oni Ton . . . .110.00 I Thre Monlhj . . . . . . BliUomns . 5.00 ( One Uonth . Per Week , K Oento. TUB VIIUT sn , rusuunH ) ITUI ? WIDKUB. _ MUMS roarriiD. On _ Y ar . . . . . .fZ.OOl Throe Month ! , . . . . . Six Month * . . 1.00 | OnuUonth. , . . Amerloan New Company , SolelAjrentf , Now * lt In tht United SUtos.2 I Jooatturoiroiitci. 2 All OommnnloAHong relating to New * andEdl matters shouU ba addrenod to tba Enrroa or Bn. IHTTMA , Alt nnrlnon Tjfltton and Ittiolttanoei shoti tidrenod to Tni HUB FuiiLtsiiiifo OonrAKT , q > Drafts , Cheek * and Pontoffloo orders to b _ mad ( able to the order of the company , j THE BEE PDBLISHINQ CO , , PH ( B. nOSBWATER , Editor. A. II. Filch. Manner Dally Circulation , P. 0. 483 Q < n ha Neb. Sr. JOHN and Daniel compose ralli scriptural .toixin. Bovt IYELLV IB iiiakiug ready to fa bohiud Hen Duller. la this to bo n Thuraton campalgi a DIaino campaign in Nebraska ? Mn. LAIKD was received by the ( boys of the Stinking Water with a b band. THKUP. is to bo another primary c tion Boon , and John Sahlor is on doc utfial. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ VALENTINE'S still-hunt is very s but it is not still enough to surprise r body in the third district. THH independents , from Now York Massachusetts , nro kicking ogain. Taro are disgusted with the leadership of I num. Tnii receipts of the post-office dop roent for the year 1884'will bo about ! 000,000 leas than in 1833 , owing to reduction of leUcr-postago from throe two cents. The poat-otlico author ! regard the showing as satisfactory. CHUHCH HOWK positively declincf accept thooflico of lioutonnntgovcnnr year , but Mr. Mono , of Morrick coui has elected himself to the atato com tion , and ho will bo there ready to cept the oflico. TUB numerous gradinc contractors this city should give the preference Omaha laboring men. When the he supply is taken care of , Uion it is t enough to provide for the outsiders ' como hero to ook work. HON. N. K. Guiana , chairman of committee on spi-akors , has boon co spending with John M. Thurston f speech before our Bloino and Logan < the night of August first. JJcnlrioe press. lias John M. Thurstim secure- - monopoly on Blaiuo orations in Nobra or has Mr. Griggs invited him to ina the battlo-ground for the congrossio contention which takes place in Beaten on the 20th of August ? HON. GILUEKT A. I'IEUOK , the r governor of Dakota , finds himself twcen two fires one from Bismarck the other from Yankton. Although was aworn in at i'ankton , the old c tal , ho would not commit himself on capital question. Ho concluded not meddle with the matter , but to li to bo Bottled by the next islaturo , TUB Union Pacific whistle at the el is n uuisanco that ought to bo oupprcg Thcro is no good reason why a whi that can bo hoard for ton milus fihoulc blown at six o'clock in the morning , aovcn o'clock , at noon ; at 1 p. in. at 0 m. at midnight aivl at 1 a. in. What r has the Union Pacific to wako up thousand people- midnight and t againat ouo and air o'clock in the mi ing ? It ought to give us a rest on big whistle and substitute ono of 11 moderate tone. The Douglas'cuuuty republican cor committee mot in this city yesterday called the primaries for August 8th the county convention for Augunt 1 Jicpublican , Sunday , July 21th. This is all that has bcon made pi BO far about thii pretended meeting the county committee. Now whore this committee moot , and when die moot , and what were its proooodl Why such secrecy in an affiir ia w the whole party ii interested ? Fori ly in times when the party was mine with a view to success the mooting county committees were called forthrc the press , and loading members of party were given a chance to appeal the mooting with a view of oxohanj opinions about the proper ' for calling thu primaries and convent Why was this convention called August llth when the congressional trict convention does not moot until 20th , and the state convention not i the 27th ? Why was it called for Mom which of all other days is the most convenient for farmers to como Omaha ? Does it not look upon its ( 'as a political job put up to provonl -hoiicot expression of the party ? loarn'on what wo regard as good aut ity that John Sahlor was at the bet of thu sudden departure. Are wo to have a repetition nov ' . the liifimous frauds of hat spring ? ' republic us of Douglas county going t Bahlcr and Thuratou again pack pt rlct , destroy ballet boxes and bull- and browbeat conventionr ? If BO , t nco a few republicans in this county will not submit to ouch jobbery time. lM.iV WYCK AXD VT7 / < ? . OLIES. . When the traducers of Senator Wyck are cornered by an cxposur their stupid falsehoods they act like boy who makes faces at the schoolmr when she has turned her back , other day when the senator was acci of trying to force the Union Pacific the hands of n receiver by a rcrcmp resolution that would compel that c pany to pay ' 'WOO.OOO.OOO.wMoh it c to the government , " the BER cflbclu disposed of the absurd charge by quo the official figures which show that principal and accrued interest of Union Pacific bonded indobtodnees , cured by the government , amounts the aggregate to thirty-three million ) stead of $300,000,000. For this gross perversion of facts the publican simply pleads the baby act disclaiming responsibility for the f also exaggerated figures. As if to nddjin to injury , the self-convicted tradi returns to the attack in the follov fashion : Senator Van Wyck proposed to fc the Uuion Pacific to pay a cor amount of interest at a tiino when corporation was not paying dividci when its stock waa tumbling like an r laucho on Wall atreot , and when talk the necessity of a government rccoi for the road was tifi in o ery street < coruor from San Francisco to Now Yi What had gone before makcsnodilfuroi The Union Pacific may have boon pay lividcnds on watered stock it may h bcon loath to comply with the just mands of the government ; butat the t : when Senator Van Wyck made this \ icular onslaught it was paying no d donda whatever , and wan probably near a collapse as any corporal over has been and lived. Had Sunn Van Wyck's injudicious and ill-coin orcd advice bcon taken , it id prosumn .hat the government would have lost b > rincipal and interest. The idea that Senator Van Wyckco > y a simple resolution in the senate , stroy what waa left of the Union Pa < railroad , after it was stripped by Cri tlobilior construction thieves , and . Gould and Sidney Dillon stock jobb s preposterous. The tumbling of Union P.iclfio sto waa the inevitable conHequonco of re ess inflation brought about by the c aolidation of the bankrupt Kansas P.u with the Union Pacific. It was impossible for the Union Pac consolidation to continue to pay eighl .on per cent dividends on millions u ] millions of Kansas Pacific stocks wli Gould and Dillon had bought at live ce on the dollar. 11 WAS unreasonable expect the Union Pacific to moot lonost obligations to the government eng as it was in the hands of frocboot and railroad wreckers. Senator 'V Wyck'a clljrtwaa simply to annul llogal consolidation and stock water ! and to compel a proper account of the earnings of the r in order that they should not be diver as dividends into the pockets of the V street gamblers , while the governm was paying interest on the railroad di Now suppose ho had actually driven road into the hands of a receiver , wo that have destroyed the road or any f of it ? Receivers were appointed for Brio railroad some twelve years ago , i ; ho result was that Jay Gould waa c ( polled to disgorge § 9,000,000 , which lad stolen frcm that great corporati A receiver for the Union Pacific wo 00 no detriment , except to the man v iavo been plundering -the people i robbing the stockholders. A Union ' cific receiver would bo charged by courts with the duty of having the t 01 the road honestly collected and hem ly disbursed. There would bo no ine rings and no spoils'to divide. There wo bo no perquisites for political buinn and organ grinders , and there would no vouchers paid without actual son rendered. A Union Pacific rocei would , therefore , bo no detriment to ntockholdura or creditors. Had A Wyck driven the Union Pjcillo into liand of a receiver ho would not h boon guilty of a high crime. But Van Wyck comes in for ovoi more serious charge than seeking to troy what Gould and Dillon have already wrecked. Ho is arraigned the Omaha TUcjiubllcan as a doublo-d ing demagogue , who ia ploy lug a monopolist oil ono hand while way d ( deep ho is doing the bidding of the i road managers. Coining from the ofll organ of the Union Pacific , which years had an editor on the railroad con ny'a payroll and its manager as a p nor in the bridge transfer , this is do odly ungrateful. Van Wyck did , deed , oaya the RcpuWcmi , "introdu < bill requiring the Union Pacific to taxes on its unpatontcd lands , but I was merely a sop to the grangoro , i the distinguished senator deserted it soon as it was born. With the exc tion of this a bill 'to reduce tolls on Atlantic cable' and several 'attempts do the ridicuously impossible , Som Van Wyck has absolutely no record an anti-monopolist. Four years ho boon in the senate of the United Sti posing as a representative of the farn and the farmer hai not made a dollar of it. Nor can the friends of this i man point to a single act , speech thought in all his record which has b calculated for the benefit of the prod era of Nebraska. " The producers of Nebraska do not 1 to the Omaha Kfjmbtlean for eympa and advico. Nothing could bo n : malicious than the above tissue of fa hoods , and when the issue cornea yean hence they will say throuch ballot box whether or not Van Wy work U satisfactory to them. 1 Vuu Wyck'a record in the soi it not , made up of u froth and fury ia evidenced by f-ot that ho hay been commended t aud time again by the loading paper the United States. Ho has not le latcd merely for the farmers of nnrnJtlfft but for the producers of the w co'unlry , and not alone for the produ but for all cUsso * . Ho has chnmplc every measure tending to destroy r opoly in all iU forms , whether it wa imposition of $2 00 a thousand on lum the evasion of taxes by roads , the forfeiture of grantn , or the creation of Amcr landlordism through foreign syndic : Instead of making a farce out of Atlantic cable bill , it iaa matter of re that Senator Van Wyck by his persia effort had a clause inserted in Mai and Bennett's Atlantic cable cht which restricts the toll to twenty cot word. That cable system has just 1 finished , and the result is that all Atlantic cables will have to reduce t tolls , and can never again raise tl This is the first instance on record of telegraph monopolists being restricts congress to a fixed charge , and A Wyck certainly deserves the credit eWe Wo might dwell at length on VanWy anti-monopoly course , but this will fico for the present. TOO MUCH JtNTERPKISU , Tun BUK'H telegraphic corrcspondon Chicago is altogether too cntorprii when ho claims for TUB Br.r the creel being the first paper in the United Sti to publish the Cleveland scandal. ' BEE has won a reputation for onterp itcond to no paper west of Chicago , ! c docs not propose to claim credit ui : 'olio pretenses , oven for the aako of .orioly. The Cleveland scandal first lenrcd in the Buffalo papers , and waa t .clographod to the Chicago Tribune , ro-tclegraphcd to TUP. BER by its Oh 50 correspondent. And this brings u the absurd and what wo consider un ] fossional practice of loading western pera of taking credit nowa which on itn face sh was cither purloined or purchased fi the great dailies of Now York. Chic : St. Louis , Cincinnati and St. Paul pa ] contain ao-callcd special cable dispatc 'rom all parts of the globe. It sou ; randiloquont but ridiculous for Pioneer Press of St. Paul , or the In Jecan of Chicago , to insert in their igraphic columns , "A special cablugi 'rom Teheran Your correspondent nterylowod the Shah on his views ah .ho adjustment of the Russo-Porsian c " in another " cal ; roversy , or "special ! ram"from Constantinople that "Y .orrospondent in n confidontiaJ intorv irith the Sultan , " etc. Now , every .clligont person knows , or ought enow , that no paper in Onic.xgo , St. P. 3t. Louis or Cincinnati can afford uxury of having a special telegraphic c oapondent in Tehernn or Constantine > r other places in the old world. Tfc ire less than half a doz3ii papers America , and they are in f fork , that maintain a staff of < respondents in Europe. Wo vent to say that not ouo of them maintain sorrospondcnt in Africa or Asia oxc n times of war , as recently in E Even the Now York Herald , which , ho most enterprising paper in Amor : dlies chiefly for its special cable newt ta bureaus in London and Paris. ' . ipecial cable dispatches which appear .ho . Chicago , Cincinnati , St. Louis < it. Paul papers are cabled specially tfow York paper * , from which they mrchased and re-telegraphed to vostcrn papers. Ventures have b nade by Chicago papcra to have tl > wn bureaus in London and Paris , .hoy wore soon abandoned as too exp ilvo. Now would it not bo moro cred ole and sensible for the dailies that p ihaso their cable specials from the IS fork Herald to credit the Herald i at it reap whatever advantage may lorived from thu enterprise , rather t ! , ry to impose on their patrons where .ho face the deception ia solf-ovidc [ 'or our part wo are willing to ad .hat TTO cannot afford to maintain a a ) f correspondents in every town of An ca and all the capitals of Europe , 1 ind Africa. PA Y OF LKQISLA TOJiS. Editor of THE BEK : In the midst of the jumble and jar ] f words and ideas attendant when residential election and the oxcitom which it creates , the electors of the at ire liable to lose sight of matters iin ] tant to them and which relate to tl liomo or atato government. I trust t four paper , always alert upon tl : things which subserve the interests of itato the people and which ti ' .hrough wise laws to good governnu will , in its pointed way , arouse the pie io mind to a careful consideration of janstitutloual amendment to bo subt , od to the electors at the ensuing oleol 'or their adoption or rejection. I Ml x > the constitutional amendment ( tee lion laws of 1883 , page 377) ) relating .ho compensation of members ot the ' ature , the length of the legislative i lion , and the introduction of bills lawa after a stated time. The change in compensation isfi M 00 to $5 00 per day. The present nuniiratlon is entirely inadequate ab lutliciont to pay board bills. While Mlico of legislator should not be sou for gain , nor made in any sense n lut tivo ono , yet , the state as a simple act justice , should m ko the reward iu j ment for his services , at least roasonn tair. The change in this behalt to per sojaion is uot out of the way. The second chauuu iu the length of leaiiim from 40 to 00 days is obviot necessary to thoio who have been mi bora of the loglslature and tried Utend to their duties and alto to tl : who have boon attendants upon that ily and watched its proceeding * . Fc lays are altogether too funr in which transact intelligently , thu legislative b mRS of thu state. Thu third change sought to bo wrou in thii amendment is so far aa I kno new feature in constitutional leghtlati While extending the session of tbo le Ittturo to sixty days it restricts that bo except In cases of emergency , IA the in * troduction of bills utter forty days of term han expired thus giving ttf < full days for malurc consideration of. prorioudy introduced. Ono of the g evils of 'legislation consists in the h action taken on measures at the ' 'aat ' moments of the scision. Evnryll is in confusion and the clearest and c at minus are liable to overlook tl features of a measure which are t vicious and ought to bo eliminated , fully estimate the evils of the last h of a legislature , it must not forgotten that bills , especially If bi in their character , nro introduced U ( and oven on the sixth day from the journmont. These are then rclerrot committees , thus keeping the mom of the several committees at work on subjects referred to them after daily journmonts , every hour not absolu consumed while the legislature is scnelon. The result is at the heel the session no ono can say ho kr fully the nature of any of the billa w have not boon before him in the c mittco-room. To remedy thla was object of this provision or clause of contemplated amendment. If adop it seomti to mo adequate to roach euro this deplorable curse of hasty li lation. It will or ought to save state treasury thousands of dollar ; each session , to say nothing of the p benefits directly and indirccting f well-considered laws. CITIZE : July 28 , 188-i. "Tho Producer" Getn Hla KJCB O ] Chicago Herald. Wall street is in a hard row of stur The big operators like Gould , Sago , Keen are in the financial dumps , little operators are cither in and pinter or out and afraid to go in. The bro are curtailing expenses aud trying weather the gale. Everybody i as ! everybody wh&t the matter ia. Expli tinns are plenty , but unsatisfact Thuro sootns to be plenty of money. I ro.-uls and other business enterprises fnirlyprosporous. The wheels of itu try go round and round , but the tic , are comparatively deserted. A party of gamblers once opened tl "layout" in a small western town. ' roulette and faro were quite attract and the natives flocked in. The bai per cent waa largo and the gamblers reIn In wealth and luxury. Business men hoarders of cash became enamored , ai veritable craze for gambling ensued. 1 tunes were loat and families and fi ruined , but as one unfortunate fell t another took his place. The gamb became riotous in their prcspe and extravagant in their hut They embarked in speculative on prisca , which swelled and grow wnni lully under the magic touch of their g < laden hands. Tiiuy and those v whom they had associated fancied th solves securely rich and powerful. 1 soon the customers of the gamb houses began to decrease in numb Bankruptcy and tragedy in the t < naturally produced a bitter popular i cimcnt. One business man after anol [ xpcriincutcd , lost and quit. Firat Joalerwas discharged and then anol until nearly all had disapiioai [ n a few weeks the busy , crow saloon waa empty savp of the ] priotora and a few chronic and banki hangers-on. The enterprises in which gamblers had embarked began to dn The "wind" escaped from them they demanded money money or th of utter collapse. Then the desps : sports , wondering why the country going an rapidly to the dot ; * , brought their .hoarded gains and attempted stoui 'the ti'do. They began to gar. . for each 'other's money , and occasion ono more deeply Involved in specula or mere unluohy than the others droj : by the wayside a ruined bankrupt. The "producers , " having learned lasting lessons of experience , had turned to their legitimate callings , greedy gamblers , at first inflated made aggressive by their unnatural gn bad suffered reverse and collapse n the unexpected withdrawal of the " iucers' " patronage , and entered u ; ho work of ruining each other. This is a big country , and some pec ro slow to learn. But there are ind " " for Wall et : ions that the "producer" iaa become tired and that the parly otg gamblers who have thrived upon in the iontributionft are now engaged nirablo work of eating each other up. THE IKISU.tJTAH COLONY. Cho PlftiiH of the Projectors Am Capital for Success Aasureil. Denver Republican. Hon. John Dillon , member of Pai nent , and Mr. Houry Dillon , hisbrotl who lives at Castle Rock , Colorado , rived at Denver yesterday from Ui rvhere they have been for the past wrecks on a mission which ia of great Uirest to the Irish people. These gen men went to Utah in company will number of Donver'a foremost 1 litizens , whoso intentions _ are buy a largo tract of land in U uid locate upon it an Irish colony. II John Dillon does not intend to in1 money in the project ; ho was ain : : nado a member of the purchasing c nittco in order that ho might have a ] lonal knowledge of the location wl the colony is to settle. MEMBEUS Or TIIE COMMITTEE. The prominent Irishmen of Color who made the trip to Utah and wl ] nonoy it is expected will bo u n establishing the colony are. Time Foley , Uyan & Burke , M. Bola I' . S. Condon , Robert Morris and . Parker , of Denver , and M. J. Murpl jf Lsadvllle. These uontlomon , with linglo exception of Robert Morris , in i trip to Utah , and all except the Dil brothers returned last week. "Tho site determined upon is a n nificent tract of land situated soutl Salt Lake City , " said Mr. Condon t Republican man yesterday , "but raugeinenta for its purchase are not lompleto. The tract contains 100 , jcrea , and with proper irrigation fa < ' .lea can bo made the finest ngriculU and in Utah. " "Why was not the purchase comp > d ? " was asked. "For the ainglo reason that the ws rights were not guaranteed. Two > wn the land and a company control water franchises. The agent of the h jwnera said ho would bo on hand to t controlling interest In thu water pri leges , but ho failed to brino.f n t with him , and the members f u.o o < inittee did not wish to buy the land u : they know beyond peradventure that t ivould experience no troub'.u inirrigat the land. " JINOTIIEU MEETING IN UEKVZll. "But the sale has not fallen throug "Oh , no ; another meeting has b irrangid to take place iu Denver , i ; ho chances are largely in favor of purchases being made. " "Is thia colonizing scheme in the icreat of the poor people of Ireland ? " "It will be of great aid to evicted ] tin * in etcarintt a homo , but the col / * * will not bo nitulo up entirely of such i pie. ThVcolony will bo open to sol ment , _ from homo and abroad , ' intention ! s to make the colony &s thr a possible , and to do this , the u nationalities the hotter. " JJ'What U the price of the land ? " "About $300,000. Add to this SIHO.OOO asked for the water right 50,000 for incidentals aud the total ' of putting the colony on Its foot wil in the neighborhood of 8500,000. 1 amount of money has been guaranl and will bo forthcoming on the very that the final arrangements for the j chase are completed. " HOW TUB COLONY WILL IIB t'ONDfCTEl "How will the colony bo conduct * "Similar to other colonies in the w InTRrigranta will bo assisted until 1 obtain a footing , and they will bo allo to pay for the land as soon aa they < No finer spot in the world could be lectcd for such an enterprise , climate is the most favorable , and ov body knows that the land in that rej of Utah is the richest and moat proi tivo In the west. There ia no ret why the colony should not bo mai great success and prove not only of b fit to the investors , but bo a life ! help to thousands of poor people would otherwise bo unable to sci homes. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ EXCITKMKNT. "What causes the crcat ruth nt Schrot Bccht's Drug Storo'r The free dlstribti of Rainplo bottlon of Dr. Bos.inko' Cough hung Syrtip , tlio most popular reinedj Coughs. Colds , Consumption nml Bronc now on the market Regular elzo CO couta 300 A Bnttlo AVllh BUunkH. I'ittsburj ? Loader. While looking for a lest cow this nu ing , William Sechrist , of GarSdd , & suddenly unon seven full-grown polec who were hidden in the thick undorbr and so absorbed in eating stolen chick that they did not notice hia approach til ho actually trod among them. ' brutes instantly attacked Sochrist , i is lame , and sprang upon his legs , ah der. % back and head , ocratching , teai and biting like seven fiends , and at tiino emitting the overpowering , sid ing stench for which polecats are nol Feeling that it was a atrngglo for 1 Sechrist fought the animals withdoapi tion , and although a cripple andunanr ho succeeded in shaking off six of tl aud , tramping them down ono after ant er. _ Sech'iat then became faint from terrible stench and reeled and fell , which the seventh escaped into the ilerbrush. Sechrist managed to d tiimsolf out of the horrible atmospln and after vomiting freely waa able wait homo. Everyone is astonished t tie. escaped with only acratchta , althoi they are many and severe. The finest mayonaioo dressing for kinds of salads , cold meats , raw tnmatc pickled million , cabbage , ole , isDurkt Salad Dressing. It ia , besides , m economical than home-made. She Dhln't Take The Philadelphia Pr ss : A young Ii who raovea in very good aocioty rctun from the aeaahoro yesterday in a very dignant frame of mind She made a < on a West Walnut street family , i there mot half a dozen girls fricnda whom aho explained the cause for indignation. "I waa on the aido-w about 7 o'clock in the evening , " she a : "and a great , horrid man with a bl moustache aaid 'h'm.1 1 paid no att tion , and whatdidthobrutodpbuttot equiro round and Bay , 'i'd like to 1 you. ' Of course , I paid no attenti and then he came closer and aaid , ' give thia diamond ring for a kiaa , at aamo time drawing a beautiful ring fi hia finger. " "And did ho kiaa you and refuse give up the ring ? " queried the girls chorus. "Goodnesss Bakes no ! " was reply , "I felt BO anqry and hurt tha walked away without saying a word , any rate , the ring waa a solitaire , i you all know that clusters are the o correct things to wear nowadays. " "Ho was a beast , " said the girls , "i you were perfectly right. " Hear Him. " 7 ftd ntw. I wai nflllcted with sick In ncbn nuil general debility , but Jitmloel : 11 Hitters , brought about un immoilate linpn munt In my general lioalth. I consider t ! thu best family imidicltio In tha mirkt Adolph Lalliz , J3ulT.iIo , N. Y. The Mark Luno K.vpresH Ilevlow , T.OKDON , .Tnlv 23 The Mark Lane prtm in Us weekly review of tbo corn tr.- , } : Thu weither last week , owing to he thunder stnrim anil co'il nights , win dt niontul to the wheat cr ] > BPiiurally ; never : k'Bi there are BOtnn BpUiiiJi 1 liolild of wl which phcm- the iinost npporuancfM ntil Uvorof nnavcrogo jield. Sales of Kng the i.vt week : 27.-193 < iunrtor8 nt It ) , against 23,731 the i responding week . year. Voreign trail etAjjiuit nuil nrlcoH HIM unchanged. In on" coast trailo littlu In Joins. Kight can urrlvorl during the week , five cargoes v eold , nix weru withdriwii. moo remained hixtcun c.irgoa nro duu. The l > roktm weal u dtoailiutwa to tlin trade , Klot i > s ilepraisoil. Barley Is qulot and star Mitlzo , especially Anitrlcan , is firmer. ( H dull aud weaker. Collecting the Whisky Tax , WASHINGTON , July 23. Some time ago conmiitnluner of internal revenue issuoii oidur providing that on ami after Sapterr 1st , IBS I , the collection of the tax on whi , iy aeidBaineut would bo discontinued. Str ellortH have elnco been mails to have him aclml the order , but without avail , and to- he notified tha petitioners that tha orlg order would bs enforced. Under thu rul the tax will bo collectud on tbo day It co due , and if not paid tha property will bo .rained. „ _ TORPID BOWELS , DISORDERHD L1VEF and MALARIA : _ From these bourci.-a nrUo thrcc-icmrths tlio tllioosca or tlio huinnn moo. Tlic jyinptoiualnJlcatotholrcxiBtcnco : r.nit i Appetite , Iloweli cosllte , lcU Ilesi ache , fiillnci * nrter cntlnunverilnn I exertlnn ot boily or mind , 3 ructatlo at fooU. Irritability ot temper , J.o spirit * , A. fi-cllnff of having neglect ) nine iliitr. l > ttiluei3l'JiittcrliiK at tl Heart. Dots iJcforo the ryen.lilnhlyco rnl Vrlne , COASTII'ATIO T , mul (1 manj tlio use of a remedy that acts direct on tbo I.Ivor. AsnMvcrmeillclnoTCTT VI 1,1.3 liavo no o.iual. Tliclr action on tl Kldncyi mul Skin Ualioiirorant ; roinovh tlirco "ten' nil Impuilllua through tucjo rn er * or tlie irstcm , " produclni ; npr tlto , bound digestion , ri'KularstnoM , n clo : sVliiiuulavlRoroasboily. TD rT'5 1'll r. CAUSO no nan&ca or { itipln nor lutcrfo vlth daily \\ork uud are a perfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA fcjMcttnwhtrr.a.lo , oUlfe.j ljt u rn > y ji it . .X " ] ORAT llxiu o WniSKPB * chanced etaiitly to n CiLossr liwcit l 7 a yitiBlo n plication of this WTli. Hnl l by UrugsUt oraent by oxproiisonrooiilptuf 91 < Uftlcu , < i Murray 8trith > nYork. . TUn'8 MAMUAL OF USEFUL RECEIPTS FRE 4 % J * A. CON.STIPATIO There is no medium tliroi which disease so often nt dts ayslom ns byConshpntionnnd tli is on other ill Hesh is heir to m apt to be iiegWtel , from the i matorinl incouvenienco may bei medintcly felt from irregular act o the bowels. When there not regular notion the ret tion ot dociiyed and eflbto n ter , with its poisonous ga so n poisons the whole system being absorbed into it , causing pi fistaiii headache , impure blood i ninny other serious nllrtctions. Bl DOCK 1JLOOD BITTERS will mediuiely relieve , and one bo positively cure or relieve any casi Constipation. ' \Vas troubled for a year v torpid liver and indigestion , and ter trying everything imaginr used BURDOCK BLOOD Bl TERS. 'J ho first bottle revived aud the second cured ne entire ! J. S. "Williamson , Rochester , x t OF , kelia Ourroug OFFICE AND RESIDENCE' St. - Oma ] 1617 Dodge . , TELGVIIONE No H4 N Summer Beso Of the Northwest , Detroit , Mln A country oj WOODS ANU LAKES. .00 mlltn ot tit Paul. Tnroo tralnii dally on the N I' . K. . 1th 30 Day Excursion. Tickets at about one rates. HOTEL MINNESOT An elegant house * lth ticcnmmoditlons foi nuost8. R. R. COUBURN , Proprlol l4TaE.ii ) rot cmcumwaivi.'dj FULI. PARTICULA : TUa Loading Agricultural and Live Bl Journal of the West. H. S. SMITH & CO. , F.DITOIU ) HON.ROBT. W. FUKKAS , Secretary Slate D lit Agriculture , Associate hdltor. SUBSCKII'TION U'RI .E , ! (1.00 ( per year In adva tfS-AOENT3 WAN1EDJE7 100 and 103 S. Uth Stroot. - - OMAHA , ] jy 22 ir&o tf IS DECIDED BY Royal Havana Lottery ( ( A GOVERNMENT INSTITUTION. ) Drawn at Havana , uba , Every to 14 : Days. TICKETS , 82.00 , HVI.VES.8 mibject to nu manlimlatlon , not controlled h > pa < tif ln tntcrcet. U is tbo lalrcbt thing Ir nature of chance In existence. Fur Information end particulars apply tnSHIP CO. , Gen. Aurnu , 1212 Broadua\ Y. city. K. KAl'B&CO. . 417 Walnut street St. 1'juis. or Frank Lobrano , L.JD. , 20 Wyandotte , Kan. jym&o & wly. _ BPEOIPIOBIEDIOINES MARK n ORUT jv.i - | nn JC HJ LISH KiuinDT. An unfailing cure for Seminal Weak- ' no4iS ) > orm torr. hew. , Impotenoy , nd all DiaoMoa that follow aa a Bequence of Self- Abuse ; calosaof' -MOHETAKlHQ. alJtudeapS AFTER TAB In the Back , Dlmn ; a i Vialon , 1-romi ind xaay other diseases that lead to | gumption and a Premuturo Grave. BawAnn of adiertuements to refund money , Jrug lats from whom the medicine Is bou do refund , but refer you to tha manufacturers , and requirements are such that they are teldmn , if i sotuplicd with. See their written guarantee. A of ono single package of Dray's Specific will com the moot Hkcpticalof Ita teal merits. On account o countei/eltors , we have adopted Yellow Wrapper ; the only genuine. jCSTFnll particulars in out pamphlet , which w sire to nend free by mall to every one. jcyThe clfloUedl Ine i eold cy all druggists aid per p t e , or six packages for { 5 , or will be s ut fro mall on the receipt of tha money , by addressing TUB GUAYUEDIC1NECO. , Buffalo , N. Sold n Omaha } * J . Jy 19mJ Science ot Lite , Only $ ! . ( BY MAIL POSTPAID. A. annAT BTEDTOA.TJ WOHU ON MANHOOD ity , Merrons aud Physical Debt : Premature Itocllua In Man , Uiroraof Youth , an intotd tnlflorlM osultlns from Indiscretions erA A book for every mm ind old. It contains 126 prescription ! ) for all a : and chronic illsonjon eachone of which Is Invalni 3o found by the Author , whose cxporlencn toi roara IB snob as probably never before fell to the of any phynlciui ZOO pages , bound In bean frnnchinnslln raaogsedcovera , full glltenaranl o bo a finer work n every sente , mechanical , erary and professional , than any other work eel this country for 12.50 , or the money will be refoi In every Instance. Price only SI.00 by mall , r. piIJ. Illustrative sample 6 cents. Send now. ( medal awarded the author by the National Hoc AaeocUtlon , to the officers of which ho refer * . The Sclensa of Llfn should bo read br the yo Instruction , and by the afflicted for relief , will bcnoftl all. London Lancet. There Is no member ot society ta whom The ence of Life will not be useful , whether youth , tnl , tmardlan , Inrtructororclerfryman. Argonai Addreu the Peabody Medical Inttltuto , or Dr. II. Parker , No. 4 DulBncli Street , Boiiton Mm. , mar be comnltcd on all diseases requlr'ng ' skill eiperlenco. cnronloandobitlnatodlcea tbat 1 bamed.tho skill ol all other phyii'lirK I c I ( | > eda1)yi tMoo treated . without an Instant * failure. TUVCCj C A , OAJOEI , Removed to 131 N. llth St. SODA WATER [ HE3CKIPT10NS OAUEFULLIC COlirOOND IKON AND BLATK BOOriNU. 0. SPECET , PE03 1111 Doufla * BL Omaha , Neb. UAHUrACTURER OF Galvamzea Iron Cornice * i JTDoriner Window ) , Unttli , Tin , Iron and Cl Itionrtf , Srethf PaUnt HctalUo Skylleht , tat idjojtuj lUtchet Uar and linckit fchclUrp. I lb venoral agent fpr the above line of EoodK , , ITcnolng , lialuttndet , V raodu , Iron 1 IT I _ j * f-f k united States Depository OF OMAHA Oor. 13th and Farnam Sta. The Oldest Banking Establishment in Omaha , IVOCKSSORS TO KOUNTZX DUOTOKIU. Organljoa in 1808. Organliod aa n National Bank In $2OOOOO BUIlPIiUS AND rilOFlTS . * 100OOO omoiu DUBCTOM. IIn i Kotnrm , TiMldent. JonK A. CRiionroii , Vlco Frrnildeot A QUBTCJ Koorrn , U Vlco Preildtnt A. J. PorrwrroH. F. II. DAVIS , Cuhlet. T7 n. Uiaqum , AnlsUnt Cublci. TranMcii ponor l binklng btulnMi. Itjao MttlDcitos boirlnf ? Interest Dr n drullj o Fiknclaoo Mid nrlnolptl cltlei In the Unllej Al o London , bublln , RcllnburKh nd Ib , ut UM rf this continent nd JIM . . THE MERCHANTS Authorized Capital. - gl.OOO.OOU Paid-up Capital , - - 100,000 Surplus Fund , - - - 70,000 - " BANKING N W. Cor , Farnam ana 12th Sta oFnorusi FaAns Monrnr , President I BAH'IE. RCOSBB , V-P Bin. B. WOOD , Cashier. | LarniR Diu&u , A nmnoTous : Frank Marphy , BAmucl E. Ilogcrs , Bin. B. Wood , Charles O. Ilouaol , A. D. Jonoe , Luther Druko. Transact a Ocncr l Bankinc Buslneso. All who hivonny Dotnklni ; bualnesa t trannct arc Invited call. No matter how laroa or mull the transaction , It will rccelvo our urolul attontlon , and wo piomlno ilwuj-a couitooua treatment. FA } 8 particular attention to btulnem for pirtloi residing outside the city. Kxh ngu on all the prln. olpal cltlAi ot the United States at Tory lowOTt tos. Aooounta ol Banks and Buikeri rocclrod on f vor able terms. Issues Oertlflcate o ( Dopoult hoarlng 5 per oen Interest. Uuysjnd Bolls Forolxn Kxchan o , Oounty , Ct4 and Government Boour.tlei STATES OK OMAHA. S , W Cor , Farnam and 12th Sis , Capital , - 5X00,000.00 O. W. MANHLTOK , Pros't. 8.8. CALDWELL , V. Proo't. M. T. BARLOW. CnohlOfJ DIRECTORS : 3. S. OALDWELL , fi. F. SHITD , 0. W. HAMILTON , II. T. BAKLOVJ , 0. WILL HAMILTON. Aooounta solicitor1 and kept sub loot to eight chocic. Cortlflcatoa of Deposit Issued iiay Qblo In 3,0 and 12 months , bearing Interest , or on domnnd without In- torost. Advances made to customers on approved oocurUlos at market rate of Intorost. The Interests of Customers are c'oooly guarded and every facility compatible with principles of sound banking freely extended. Draw sight drafts on EnglandIro /T land , Scotland , and all parts of Eu / rope. Coil European Ptiosa o Tickets COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY MADE. Cor. 13th and Douglas Sta. Capital Stock. - - - 8150.000 Liibilityof Stockholders , 300,000 Fire Per Cent Interest Paid OE Deposits LOANS MADE ON REAL ESTATE OflQoore rAME3E.nOYD . Pro . . M. UENNICTT . Vice PrcsiJent V. A. I'AXTON . i an xing Director lOHN E. WH.UUU . Caahlw 3UA3 F MANDKR30N , THOS. Ij. KIS1BALL , ' . w. GANNETT , MAS sisxnr. , IKNHV l'UNI > T E It SI'O.VE. BFrRESFSTS ho-nlr AMtumca Co. , ol ix > ndonOMb - Ametl 3E iWt.O ntcne terN. Y. , CapltU 000.000.0 dtiMerciuuita , of Mevuk , N , J. , Capital 1,1176,000.03 Itrard Fire , Fhllacclthla , itlll. . . . 1,500,000.01 rtremea'a Fnnd Cai til 1.1N.J16. DEEXEL & MAUL , (8UOOES50H3 TO JOHN 0. JACOB8) ) TJNDEETAKERS 1 > the old etand 1417 larnam street. Orders br laph solicited and promptly attented to. H , K , BUBKET OIRECTfle UD E1AUER 111 North Iflth Street Omana CHARLES EIEWE. UNDERTAKER , AND DKALKIt IN fletalic Cases , Coffins , Carets , Shronfls , ETC. , ETC. , 000 Farnam St. , - OMAHA , MKIJ 'clutrraphlo orders promptly attended to. Telephons io. in. EcOARTHY & BURKE , 118 14TH BTREBT , BET. FAUNAM AND DOUGLAS JA& 3. PEABOlJy M , ii , ? EYBIOIA1 > 3 & BUSGEOW , lU ldeno No. liOT Jon Bt. dlBoe. No. UJ rnanStrMt. Ofllw hours l in. to 1 p. usw > a nili p.n. CiU.UH for oiflo * 9T , H ld