Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 29, 1884, Page 2, Image 2

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    OiWJTA OAtLY BEE-TUESDAY , JULY 29 , 1884.
( IE !
Owing to the increase
in our business we'v <
admitted to the firn
Mr Edwin Davis , wh (
is well and favorably
known in Omaha.Thi $
will enable us to ban
die an increased Iis1
of property. Weasl
those who1 have desi
rable property foi
saleto place the same
wrth us. The new firnc
will be
213 South 14th St
/ *
AH contestant * for tlio 25 premiums mjirrcRiit-
Inc nbovo amount , offered liy Hlackwclrt lur-
1mm Tobacco Co , must obscno the following
conditions on which tlio premiums arc to bo
Awarded : All bncs mutt bear onr original
Hull Durham label. U. 8. Uovcnuo Stamp , nnd
Caution Notice. The baw must bo done tip
fccurcly In n package with name nnd nddrcii
offender , and number of bagi contained plain
ly marked on the outilde. Charccs must bo
prepaid. OmtctlelaitttfaremtierSOUi. Allpnck-
IIRCS should bo forwarded December l t , nnd
must reach us at Durham no ! Inter than Jecem-
txrJM. No matter whcro you rcMdc.ncnd
your pncVftRC , advlio m by mall that you hard
done so , and ntnte the number of Impi sent.
Names of successful contestants Ith number
of hues returned , will bo published , Dec. 22. In
IVMton , Herald ; New York , Herald ; I'M nilcl-
phln , Time * : Durham , N. ( ! . , nbaeea Want :
New Orleans , Timet-llcmnrral : Cincinnati , ft-
cnitrer ; Chicago , Iallv Neui ; San rn-nctoco ,
Chronule. AddroM ,
Dt.ACKwr.i.i.'s iMimiAM TOHACTO Co. ,
DtmilAM , N. C.
Every genuine packauo lins plcttirc of null.
* 3"Sec our next nnnouuccincnt.'t *
Health is Wealth
Ritarihtccil np'cl.lo for lljsttir a , D.zzlnu f , Convti
flnns , Klto , NoivomNcum'Kll , He il ohti , Norvoi :
1'rostratlnn fumed by the 1111 olMci > kcil or tobacci
WftkclulnfM , Mrntil cli prtnlon , Bnttcnlnij of Hi
hriln tc iiltlnt'ln loninltami lo-vilim to mlsorj
dooiy and death , 1'rctnalilro Olil Ago , llarrono'B In-
or 1'ooor In either ntx , Iinolimtnrj I.o > oes an > l Bpci
inalorli"r rausoil li ) otor cidrtmri of the bmin , scl
iliiino or o\cr inilulir nco , Kixclt box tent ln nn
month' * trcitircnt | l no a box or nix boxes to
85 00 , Bentli ; null prepaid on tccolpt ol pr ce.
Tocuronnv cow. With nach order rocolvml by ti
lorslx Inxcs , accompanied wllh 8,00. wo wl'l ' urn
thopu'chticr our wilttcn Ktiamitoo ti rutund tli
money'I ' the treatment Onm not HTeot a cure , Uu i
ntce UMICC ! only by .JOHN (1 WEBT ft CO .
j ) 28m& 802 MaJtion St , Chicago , III.
( AKTKIl )
Arrruvcrs nro Bent on a ) Days' Trial Tt
[ IO ONLY.OUNQ Oil OLD. who nro tuttrr
[ UK from Neavouj UitmtiTT. lasr Vrr uir
/ABTI10 WKMfNKSSKK , nml All thO O dlnPUBfll Ot I
rirjoxAt , N TUUI : , rc'SiiltlnR from ATUSKJI nnc
OTItEit OiUnr * Sliced/ relict anil rnmpleti
nwlorntlon tc ilrALTH , V'nna nnd ttAitiiooc
KUAnANTRfi ) . bond at unco for Illiutnkxi
i'amplilrt free. Adnrcsl
TO I/FA 1C ilKI.T CO. . ninmhnll. Mich ,
Vnt Man Qtilek inr * , r . nook fra
CUUI. Anne , IM rulloii Ml. Nt Tori
- - . . . euro . tT\oiisnpi"
LtllnUngnrtioMinutlt > iu. I'ji
Klilniy , Kilnu | mi I l.lvt
- " - - 'loiit.Asllilm.lUni
> jHHnla [ , Con v
J il-i Qf ti ' II n.I rjMiitlii.K. Calnnl
V/ ? I'llM. r.ili | ! | " > , limntinc :
Dunit , Vinio. rroinpHiiB t'trrt.Ui1 Only Htintillc 1.1
tll ( > Holt III Vim Hut flint M nilrt tlior.ltclrlrlly and nu < i
in tli"m tliroitph I ) i , < liutly. und lanLurccliarKtU In an li
cluit Ly llio iiutlpiit.
SI.OOO Would NotBu It.
Iu. HORsn t WM afflicted with rhuumatlam an
: nreJ by luluc a belt. To any onn alHlototl wit
that dlooaio , 1 would af , buy Uomo'i Klertrlo Hell
Any ono c&n oonfor with ma by writing calltn
ft ( my itoro , 1420 Douglai etrcot , Omoha , Neb.
MAIN OKFICK 1422 Douglaa Htreut.
fJTor ale utO. F. Uoouuuu'i lJru Stoio' 111
ainam Ht , Omaha.
OnlciB nito 10. O D
Matter < > t Aiiplloatlon ut Eduard O'Connor tar LiiU | (
nrd O'0nnnrdldiipn
Lho 2Ctll day nf Juno A. I ) . 1831 , (111) III * ninlcatlo |
tn tlio mayor and city council of Omaha for llcenw t
fell Halt , Hfilrltuouii and Vlnum Lliiuorn , atcor. 1M
and Fana'n utroot , Thlr.l wnrd.Omnha Neb , frnm th
llth day of April , 1834 , to the IHIi day of Ajirll IBS !
K tho'o bo no objection , romoiiBt nco or prutof
filed within two utekg from Juno zflth , A. D. 1H3I
tlio Bald llccnio will Ijo Krantod
KDWAKU O'CONNOU Atitlllrnnt.
105.2t-lowkt J , J. I , 0. JKWJ5TT , City Clerk.
The Hcholastlo } ear commences on the
First Wednesday in Seplemlisr ,
The course of Instruction nmbraroi all tlio Klcmcr
taryand hlKhcr bran luu nl A IliiUhcd cduattloi
Dllu'rcnco uf Kcllclon In no olntuilo to the adtnl ;
alon of vuun ; laiilos. IMjilU nro recoil oil at an
tlmo ol tno } ear.
InduJ'ni ' ; Hoard , \Va liln | ; , Tuition In KnglUh nu
Krtncl ) , use of baol.8. 1'lano , poruomlon of
Five Months , § 150.0 (
nXTIt\OIIAIlliS-IrawlnK. ( : IV.r.tlnK , German
Harp , Violin , ( hilUr and Vcuil Mmlo
lUilurunoiH aru ruiiutrod ( mm all porvnn unknow
to the liibtitutlan , For fuithur lnfiirimtinnii | > plt
the '
\ \ \\.mfiu \
St Men
8. W. Cor. 15th St. nnd Capitol Avenue
On the European Plan. Klrntcla's In e\ory r <
pock Tblj Hiiipllod | ltli ifaiiio and all iltlloiolea e
tno > raion , heieoilia | ) for unh uluton order
per bill of faro. Itooma attachuJ fur traiiblout cui
torn.V11I nlao keep day boardera at the most roi
douaolo rates.
Vlll purify thn DLOOD/rcpii.
Ute thu LIVER und KIDNEYS ,
und JIKHTOIU. iinc lliULLTlt
mul VIQOR of TfOUTlI. Uj
u-nilu , Wnntor AlMH'lllc , in-
I.rtik of htmiRtli ,
Hum i. uiuiclfianil
t'lt unuwfono.
llio mind anil
mipiilln jlrilii 1'uwir.
ulfuJi'KIro" ' toiiiilallill ; |
iui-iilliirln llnlr tex will
find InDU. IIAHTKJI'U IHOIi TON10 u rote und
ipiieiljr euro. ( llvc clcnr , licullliv yompU'tloii.
Freiiicnt | nttumplB at i-niinliTIi HIiiK unlyudd
to thupoimlarllyoriliu urlnln il. l > u tiutuxpurl-
- , '
Honiljounuldirnto'JIinDr. HiirtnrMiMl To.
t. Jx > uU. Mo. . JOT. our "DllKAM IIOOK. "
'ull of ettlunjo tlid utoJul luloriuutlou , lne.
a. 10 aatn.
A UlR8t nt Krtllor MPtllll of tlio Cli
UAK < > Tribune.
To the Ji1Itor of Tin IlRK.
The rosidonU of tlio Republican Vallo
west of Rod Cloud wore somewhat nmiisc
in reading an article in The Chicago Tribune
buno by ita corrosponilont travollin
through Nebraska. This article has bee
published by the state press of Nobraaka
nnd does an injustice to the Republics
Valley ,
Ilo gives a glowing account of the slat
from the Missouri river to Rod Cloud
then , ho Bays , the drouth district begin
to make its appearance. From the ton
of this ono would judge this correspondent
ont had been returning from the demo
cratic convention , nnd as ho Was ncnrin
thoatato line of Kansas probably cxpor ;
onccd a drouth as Kansas is nloraporanc
There has scarcely bcon a week pasec
since last March but what it has rainc
in the valley , and no part of the wostcai
show better crops than the Ilopublicai
valloy. At this place ono firm has aoli
ono car load of solf-bindurs. and anotho
about that , and was not able to fill tlioi
orders. And wo have hoard the earn
cry for harvesting machinery in altnos
every town between Red Cloud ami Mo
If this drouthy man had turned woa
from Rod Cloud ho could have soon a
flno small grain and corn fields na eve
ho saw. It is no now thing for rye stalk
hero to bo found 8i foot in length , whoc
G to 7 foot high , und just this forenoon
noticed a stalk of corn Ofootand 4inche
in length. In Furnas county the ry
crop is No. 1 nnd it is Bdfo to Bay will a\
oraio5 to 45 bushels pur aero. Whoa
could bo no butter , nnd the best judge
say will yield 20 to 35 binla-U per ncro
I never saw corn look any bettor in 111 !
Every town batwoon Rod Cloud am
McCook is booming. There has boon n
drouth at this place.
t fA now bank buil-ing , town hall nnd
four ntory mill , costing about 810,000 ,
two ntory plow and blacksmith shop an
line dwelling houics costing ns high n
82,000 nro being erected. The hay cro
in the valley will bo the largest eve
known. Emigration is pouring into th
val'oy ' and that right in the harvest sec
son.Tho farm era in Furnas , Frontier an
Red Willow counties are improving b
building good brick and frame bulldinu
instead of the of the old style of sod , an
in fact it has boon no wet this season :
has \vaohcd away nnd tumbled ( low
most of the sod houses and dugouts. Ii
view of the injustice The Tribune he
donp the Republican Vulloy in miaroprt
sonting the facts , in behalf ot the 'poopl
I aak Tun lii ! : and state papers to infon
them to the contrary.
Ammonia is obtained in largo quantities I )
tlin putrefaction of tlio mi no of nmiimls. 7. ;
Kvary hoiibuki'Biier cnn test bafcinff powdoi
coiitaiiilnK this ( licm tlni ; < lriig by placing
" " "Andrews' ' . "
can of the "lloyal" or to
down on a hot ktovo until heated , then reinov
tkn cover nnd xmoll.
Dr. I'lico'n Cruam Making Powder does n (
rontaui Amnioni , Alum , 1/uiiu , 1'otnali , ISor
L'hopphatoH , ( provu It by tha abo\o teal ) . ]
\ prt-parod uv n I'liyplcinu und Clioinlst wit
Bpcciul regard to cle.inliuoas undliealthfulnea
A. Mooting Which Uutl an Uiiusun
Chicago Tribune.
"Do you the preacher ? " asked a youni
woman wearing a changeable silk dros
and jauntily smoking n cigarot.
"Yes , nnd I hope you will como in am
hear mo. "
"I don't believe you can preach , " replied
plied the young woman "But you'i
make a first-rate boss for a coQin mill. "
This conversation took place last nigh
in the "Tnmmany Ueor Garden , " adjoin
ing the Buckingham Dance Hall. Th
proprietor of the hall gave the use of i
to the Florence Night Mission , whicl
advertised a gospel mooting to open at '
o'clock. Long before that hour the bee
gardoii , from which n door opens to th
hall , was full of mun and wotnon chafliin ,
ono another about the now Gospel-null.
Whoro'd the prcachor ; nln"t the iniiiklc
got it hero yet ? " "Oh ho'll got you ont
thu niotiTiioru' seat. " "Lord , if I'd go
up and toll m experience in the moot
ing 1 hot the pruacho'd ulciir out. " Yes
they'd turn oil' the gn ? mighty quick
You're the worst they mako. "
So the women tulkod to each other
drinking beer nnd smoking cigarota. Am
v/hon Mr. Smith M. Allen , who was ti
load the mooting , arrived , ho was vur ;
promptly surrounded and questioned ai
indicated above. With Mr. Allen cam
Bonio thirty or forty Christians , yoiinj
and old , nnd of both sexes , who soatei
thomsolvoa on the stugo and started i
gospel hymn. The boor-aaloon was deserted
sorted immediatfly , moat of the youiij
women pouring boldly through the dooi
into the hall , curiauaand greatly amused
A few went out of the saloon , ontorci
the hal ! from the street , and sat dowi
sedately among the mission folks , whun
they stared curiously across the hall a
their late companions as if they won
strangers , Mr. Allan prayed and talkc (
for nearly an hour. Long before ho finished
ishod , several of his hearers had rogainct
their seats in the garden. "Talks toi
long , " said ono of thorn. "If ho'd enl ;
give mo n chance I'd n staled , " Mr
Allen was followed by another speaker
but no sinner showed any signs of poni
tonco. The mission people propose ti
hold fropuont meetings In the hall.
North Polo Expeditions.
1'ilzo fight * , lotteries , walking matches , am
liuloon UBCuimioim art ) usually humbugs of tli
womt sort. Dr. 'J'homut' Jtrltctiic ( hi is 110
n Immbug , ItUamilck cure tor aclioj am
pprutux , and is juit as good for a lama
Onr-WorkH Shut Down.
The Detroit Free Press says : Businosi
in nearly all lines of manufacture is fa
down in the doldrums there is no doub
of that ; but experienced and far-sooiiif
men are very confident that the most o
the storm 1ms uassod , and that witl
the frosts wo shall aoo a rouownl of no
Hugh MoMillon was asked yesterday
about the Nowberry & MoMillon enter
prises. Ho said :
" \Vo are still running at the Michigai
Car-works , but wo expect to abut dovvi
next week. "
'For how long ft time ? "
"I think about sixty days. "
"How many men will that throw ou
of employment } "
"In the uoiuhborhoud rf 1,200. "
"Has the buninoas dwindhul muohl"
"Yes. In 1881 and 1882 wo did a
enormous business nomothing like S3 ,
000,000 n year. Wo know nt the tim
that tlio railroads were over doing it i :
the purchase of cars , and foresaw the in
evitable end. As a consequence w
wcro prepared for ndull time.
, " \Vhnt is the prospect for the future ?
"Bright. Our car wheel factory wil
run right along. So , too , the forgo , th
stool works and car-spring works. W
are looking for a good year in 1885. "
Iho proof A the pudding Il not tn chowin
the string , Imt in having an opportunity t
toot the article direct. Hclirotor & liocht , th
Drwgtots , have n free trial bottle of Dr. Ik
eanko s Congh and Lung Syrup for each an
every ono who Is aflllcted with Coughs , Coldi
Asthma Consumption or any Lunij Alloctlot
IJrokon lint not PoorIlo is In Goi
ninny HcoklnK A By I tun Where
Ho May B < lucno his Children
HlH Liato Wc lth the Ho-
suit or Slow Accretion.
N. Y. Commercial Advcrtitcr.
Said nn intimate friend of Mr. Ilenr
Villard's thia morning : "Mr. Villar
has not passed out of the world ; ho i
only laying on his oars. With his -wlf
nnd _ children three of whom nro boys-
ho is searching for aomo quiet retreat i
Germany , where ho may stay with hi
family nnd secure rest for hlmaolf nnd ed
ucation for his children. His rccon
visit to London was marked with cordia
greetings by his English friends , of whor
lie has many , and at u dinner given i ;
his honor by the guests of the Norther :
Pacific railway excursion , ho wns prc
aontod with n handsome nilvor llat'or
In Berlin , too , his friends have como t
the fore bravely , and given him a grool
ing that a ci-devant millionaire aoldor
receives. Since the crash last year , Mi
Villard has ceased to have any connoc
ti n with the Northern Pacific or an
railways of the so-called Villard oyatem
with the exception of the Oregon an
California railway of which ho ia atll
president. Ho has been busy cnoug
endeavoring to evolve order out of th
chaos of his own affairs. As to hot
much ho haa saved of the ninny million
ho once had it is hard to say. The conn
try sent nt Dobb's Ferry , whi ° h may b
worth half n million dol'ara ' , belongs t
Mrs , Villard into whoso hands it paesc
some yeara _ before Mr. Villard'a connoc
tloti with the Northern Pacific. Thia c
course remains in the hands of the famil
What other property ho haa it is hard t
aay. It la n mistake to ascribe , na i
often done , Mr. Villard'a natonishingl
rapid rise to his stock operations. U
was never known to manipulate the mat
kot to aorvo his personal ends , whatove
ho may have done on bohnl
of the great corporation
which ho represented. His wealt :
simply grow from the property which h
created. Hia success as the receiver c
the Kansaa Pacific , nnd later of Orego ;
and California railways , is typical of hi
general work. Ho made both railway
solid , and they became paying concoriif
Thus the confidence placed in him by th
Gorman stockholders was justified. Bu
to go still further back. Mr. Villon
made much money in United States n
the early daya of the war. Ilo bough
thorn when they were Belling at 30 cents
and held them till they rose to par. Hi
father loft him considerable patrimony-
some thousands of dollars and it wil
thus bo soon that hia command ever cap
ital was of slower growth than ia generally
ally imagined. His friends say that h
ia satisfied. His undertaking of th
Northern Pacific has been carrlci
through , and for the present ho has n
further ambition than to rest after hi
qigantio Jabpra. It la not likely that h
will allow hia m'nd to Ho fallow long. "
The Dead Miie. "
Many old soldiers rornembor "tho cload line
nt Andersonville. It wan a mighty dangorou
neighborhood. Dyspepsia , biliousness , am
Itvar nnd kidney disease. * arn full of perils foi
the pick , hut Jtunlocb lllmxl Jlittera ara a cei
tala remedy , bold everywhere.
Iho King Snake ,
The king snnko , says Dr. Lewis , o
North Carolina , ia the master of snakes
oa its name applies. When full growi
It la about an inch and a half thick ant
six or seven foot long , its color is jo
black , with regular cross-bars of whiU
from head to tail. Ii is of handsome appearance
pearanco and is the most active and pow <
erful of all other snakes. It , like n man ,
is at enmity with ull the serpent tribe ,
It does not hesitate to attack the largesl
rattlesnake or copperhead. Ita attack if
made with great skill , commencing by
making a circuit of the enemy , who al
once forms hia deadly coil of defense ,
contracting the circle at every evolution ,
passing so fast that ho seems to form c
spotted ring around his adversary , who it
denied by the splendor. The king con
tinues his lightning-like speed , Booing its
clmnce , leaps suddenly , seizing the ene
my by the nock , nnd with great skill ,
winds itself around the latter , drawing
its folds "closer and closer , broakinv ite
bones and crushing out the lifo of its foo.
It then unfolds itself , but if any sign pi
lifo is perceived in its victim it ia again
enfolded until the king is satisfied of ite
doath. It then slowly moves oil to seek
ita food or anothorsorpont to slay.
Letter from Hunnlor Jacobs ) .
ALII ANY , N. Y. , March 31st , 1882.
For n long time it has boon my habit
to use Brandroth's Pilla. In fact , 1 have
seldom had occasion to use any othei
medicine , nnd it allords mo great pleas'
uro to say that for Biliousness , Dyspep
sia , and the other ills of the system , tc
which men in public lifo are mnro apl
than others to bo subject , they are an invaluable -
valuable remedy.
Just Ijlko 831110 Knllrottils.
Wall Street New * .
A religious denomination in n town it
Indiana , which fait that it must have a
church , called in the services of a business -
ness man to tell them how it could hi
brought about.
"Tho case stands like this , " ho began
"thoro are twenty of you , and you car
ratao $500 among you. You need a
least $3,000. Organise a stock company
oiler your shares at fifty cents on UK
dollar , and you'll ' have no trouble in getting
ting the money. "
"But , Mr. Chairman , " protested one
of the brethren , "what about dividondi
on this stock ? "
"Dividends ! dividends ! " echoed the
chairman ; "why that's an after consider
ation. The first thing is to got rid of thi
stock and pot the building up. "
HpnnUh Afl'ulrn.
MADRin , July 28. Minister Poster hod on
other important Interview Saturday witl
Senor Caitclli ) , Spanish premier. It Is a dlf
ticult tak for thu Spanish government U
roconcllo tho.conflictin * commercial intercut
of the peninsula of Cnbn.
"I have been dreadfully troubled witl
disease of the kidneya and liver durin )
the past six months. HUNT'S [ Kidne ;
and Liver ] RKMKDY lisa made mo n noy
man. " Isaac W. Fairbrother , Provi
deuce , 11. 1.
Tlio JokoTurnctl [ on Mr. Ilorr.
From the San 1'rancUco Alt1 * , July 17.
Congressmen Ilorr said on the stun
the other day. "Now I like the dom
cratic party for what it has not been ab
tod6 , I like the republican party f
what it has boon able to , do. " The r
publican party has been able to put M
Ilorr into oflico and the democratic par
has not been nblo to keep him out. No
you aoo the point of his remark.
"When Doctors
it will bo tlmo enough to doubt the r
liability of Kidney-Wort. Doctors t
agrco that it is a moat valuable inodiclt
In nil disorders of the Liver , KiJno ;
and Bowels , nnd frequently proscribe i
Dr. P. 0. Billon of Monkton , say
"Tho past year I have used it more thi
ever , and with the best results. It
the most successful remedy 1 have ov
used. " Such a recommendation spoal
for Itself. Sold by all druggists , tit
Remaining in tlio I'oatolllco Monday , Ju
28tb , 1884.
Abbuhl D { 2 * Lang A
Allen N l.nngloy .T
Archer D S Larmcr S M
liaurmnn H N Larneon J K
Ilarron H C Lareson N
Bartholomew Loahoy B
Baxter D Lenin J
licclunan 1 * Levy D
Itedell lr C V Levy I
15oll LOWIB M .T
llonjatnin A. Lindbsrd C L
lionnott J Littler J
liado A Lucha A
BushCh McAnulty D
Urooks Al McUtUchlu
1'rookH A McCinwan H L
lirowcr 8 C McGlunls W A
ISrownllW McKuinn J
Uruner F M Melton .r
Burns ! Jo A Marcot W
Cameron A 1) Maeon C
Campbell O C MasturB V
Card C .1 Mattson M
CaitcrCS Mellor 0
CuBtm M jMolandor V
Cispcr J
Choaboroug A M Murphy Wm
Clough H A Naglo Wm
Coaley T B Noobler lj
Crane U Norcott C F
C'rifcll J ( V Brion J
Crowley M O'Donnell J (2) ( )
CutnmingH .T O'Hern J
U.visWP Uleson T C
JJolfsW Ulsan G
Belaooy SI Olson L
Devoro C J Otibtith A
Daw M 1'orks A
Dower C II I'cck JT
Uugeer F C Tcrkins C B
Duncan T Peyton P C
Uuster W Phllllpa J D
Poland W K
Karnst S ( r
Kdolmau A J Prentls OA
Kilgar W .F l'iescottE(2) ( )
Kllks A Pugh D S
Ensign M W Quard C
Krickson II Kaczka J
Jiruest Ph lUnkln S P
Kakridge CE Qatnlmra S
Farrer L 1' leis A
Fatisbender J Kenner A
Fitzwold N Keynolds E
Fleming 11A (2) ( ) lloodel J F
Folly T U Kiloy S
Ford F llodgers H
Foyer 1 ? M Koto W E
Fuchrmanu J (2) ( ) Salmons B E (3) ( )
Garvcy T Scott W
( iataro A Scott J
( iirncrT Ij Shay F
Glontz O F Shufer IT
Creoluy J L Mason E E
HallbergI Sperry S
HaininonJC L Staid I , II
llcrhel .1 Stall W
llilldroth W A Sterner C
Hill W Sterrett A II
Hoirman V Stouo J
HOT nor J Swartz J
Howard A M Sweeney J
Howard 11 S Taylor d
Hubbard W II Taylor K O
Hu et S A (3) ( ) Taj lor & Michel
Jackson H Tiernoy J
Jensen II Tipiiinan It
Johaunuen C K Tollman J W
Johnsou 11 B Trnngott M
Karl G Usner F
ICasper I Vaz C G
Kenneely G D Vaughan Wm
Kerlund F O White Wm F
KIdder M C Williams II L
Kinsey C C Wilson J G
Klolnanauor J Wilson M
Krogh L AtN Wolf N
N Wolff E J
Wright S
Austin Miss L Inskeop Mrs C
Huker Mrs A B Jaekfion Mrs W II
liau Mrs E C Jacobs Mrs A J
Uaty Mrs S Jensen Mrs K M
Liauna M M Jiuidaas Mias J
Sell Mrs S N Jones Mrs S
ieonblnasoin Miss J Johnson A
Joyer L Johnson Miss I
loylo Mrs ! J K Johnson Mias 1C
iralimrd Mil's A Kouli Mrs B
trim n Mrs C U Kullov Lydinll
irown Mrs M Konnicutt Mrs G
iuahumn M S Kibbon Miss A
J.ip.nly Mrs H Killello.k Miss M
Hhriatonsen Miss S Kitmo Mrs E
Dodwlck MUs M Kircbhoir Mrs I ,
3olo A ICott Mrs W
jonardMlsa S Kulto iMiHs K
3i > oiior Mrs K W Larsen Mia * II
Dorbitt Mies U 1) L .Layton MIPS F
Uruinpton MrH G Lo.ithurloml Mrs J I
Randall Airs M LolKhton MIH H
tigna MliH L I < yiich Mrs N ( c
'urry Miss M Mcl'luro Mri F
JamehMnW A Mad < irrn Mrs H
) unnell < Mm J O McEwena MIcB I
) .ivi Mra U M Maiming MisxK
) olaney Miss 15 V Martin Mrs M ( f
Juwfonborsv Misn A MathowaMisO II
) odKO Mrs 'I ! A Maul Mra E
) au < horty Mrs Messeromith i > Irs L
MttDn Mien A Miller Miaa U
Ihnoro Mra B Mitchell Mrs C
: \aiiB Ml > 3 A Mitchell
. 'arnor MIsB A J Mitchell Mrs II
I'elton Mlas ] , K Ntlteon Mrs H
' 'label Miua li Northonsaon Miss A
rither Mrs N Oster Mrs I. A
Kit mlrgj MUs N Ponchcr Mrs E
fletiher MrH Fit Porkina Mrs Jo Hey
' 'orst Mrs M 1'itoreon Hilma
'ortina Mrfl M Potter Mrs M
'ox Miss E L Probbol Mis ? M
; ' \ix JNlrs i1 A Prior Miss II
lardon MIsa N llujgan Mm J
iarHtln Miss lllgby Mra 1) 0
: ! eist Mrs 1C (2) ( ) KltcheyMrsSJ
Itoblnson Mrs Ch
: ; ni MISH L Uoehrlg Mrs 0 A
.ileauouG Hogera MUs A
.iordun F Huger MIsa L
Soodson Mrs 8 Schaumbnrg S
randon Mins ( ! Schlapkohl Miss O
! ray Mw K Schroeder Miss E
'irlQii" Misj G Shannon Miss ( !
.1 rooms MmMT blioppard M ra Wm 1
ludoman Mrs til Shipley Mra
Hugfii Mrs F Miss
! liugon J Sjoberg Miss I
llauua Mrs O SUttery Rllsa
lluunen MIsuM Smnt Mrs U
Harris MUs i : Smith Miss F
llarttltta MUs M Smith II T
Harvey Mies L Smoker Miss M
lUughM S | > tiikMmi :
llaum Mies A Stanley Mrs K
Hawley .Mra B SlurnrrMiaaO
I lay ward Mrs A Stephens Mrs W
iltmakeoMrfiL Statena Mis N
Homy Mlva L Tarvor MI s N
Herman Mra O Treinalno Mm J 1C
Ilerron JIrs N UimnBettnr Mies A
HIckokMra J(2) ( ) .Walleck MUa J
WeHull Mrs A M
lloliteinO WhelanMraA
HornnMlBsM Whetaf MM J
Horn Mra O S AVIIIiama Mm O
Hortinaii Mill WilUu MUa A G
Ilowlantl A Whltlock Mra (1 ( J
Hulko Mlsa J Wood Mtss L
I'-oim'rii.oLASs M-ATTKR.
Clark ! ' II Lliulsley 0
Delzell J A Morua J V
Freemen S M ( Jsterhout U 0
Ingram J Sidney W S
Gelst Mlta 1C Warner Mrs O W
Beer is sold by the bottle in De
Moinoa now , and not by the glass.
Eeina Victorias , Especiales , Roses in 7 Sizes from $60
to $120 per 1000.
Grapes , Thistle , Lawrence Barrett , Caramels. New Stan
dard , Good Advice , New Brick.
G. A , LINDQDE8T & CO. ,
1206 Farnam Street , Omaha , Neb.
Stylish Suitings in Clorkscrews , Worsteds and Cheviots
inspection of our Goods and Prices , tells the story. .JgJ
Proprietors. Superinnudenfc
lill and Oraiti Elevator Machinery
Celebrated Anchor Brand Dufoiir Bolting Cloth
"We ore prepared to furnish pious nnd estimates , nnd will contrnct for
the erection of Flouring Mills and Grain Elevators , or for changing
Flouring Mills , from Stem to the Holler Syoteni.
BggfEspecinl attention aivento furnishing Powder Plnnto for any pur
pose , nnd estimates made for some General machinery repairs attended
promptly. Andrpcs
KIUHAKISSs CLARK , Orraha , Neb.
"W" . Hi. AGENTT7X >
n T