Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 29, 1884, Image 1

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They arc Assembling for the National
Convention at Chicago To-morrow ,
The President of the Independent
Labor Party Expresses Himself ,
The Convention is not to Endorse
Either Presidential Candidate.
But to Bring Influences for Labor
on Congress and Legislature ,
With Delegates on the Ground ,
the Convention is Postponed ,
Xhc Comlni * Meeting of the
nmtcil AsHoulrutou at 1'ltts-
Special Dispatch to TIIK BRK.
CHICAGO , July 28. William A. A. Carsoy ,
president of the indepondout labor party ; B.
21. Aboil , secretary of the same ; John J ,
Kaviuagh , president of the Engineers' union ;
John A. Thompson , piemdent of the C.xr
Drivers' union ; and W. J. Wolf , of the
National Anti-M'inopoly league , arrived this
morning at thu Brlegs house. They are the
tidvauco ( ruard of the national labor conven
tion , which will meet next Wednesday. This
11 convention , they say , is not gotten tip for polit
ical purposes , as was intimated by th repre
sentatives of certain labor assemblies , who re
garded it with ( Intrust bccimo they did not
know its object. It was thought that it waa
intended lo boom cither
"Tho motto of the anti-monopoly league , "
said Mr. Wolf , "u the principle of this con
vention. That motto is : Labor and Capital
Allioc , not Unoinies Juatico for Both. The
coming convention was culled by tliu labor
conference held in Philadelphia January Uth.
This conference waa composed of representa
tive from the various trades assemblies in tha
United States. _ Its object ia neither political
nor partisan ; it ia for the amelioration ot the
condition of laboring men , and ia called to de
vise means for the boiler organization of la
bor ; to compel legiala'ion favorable to our in-
terosts. Wo hive no providential candidate.
Uocognizlng Ihat the president is merely an
executive otliccr , wo prefer to ask for redress ,
not from the president , but from congress and
legislatures. As these bodies have their ori
gin in politics , wo are to that extent political.
By organization we expecr. to Becure ono con-
greesman in New York this fall aud several ot
the assembly. "
"Will tbo convention indorse Butler or
either of the regular candidates ? "
"It has never been the policy of the antimonopoly -
monopoly losgus to indorse any particular
candidate whoa both the great parties have
embodied what wo asked in their platforms.
The democrats and r. publicans have done
this , and an effort will bo made to have the
convention ro-aIirm ( its principles cnly , and
leave the exercise of suffrage to the individual
opinions of their delegates If all delegates
expected attend , there will bo upwards of a
thousand. But it is doubtful whether they
will all. attend. "
' " * "Aro th'oT worktrigmen represented by your
convention as much opposed to Cleveland as
has bfon alleged ? "
' I think the opposition to Cleveland by
workingmen has been greatly exaggerated.
Cleveland waa obliged to vote the hvo cent
faro bill because it waa unconstitutional. I
helped to draft that bill. It went through
the house as wo prepared it . When it reached
the senate it was tampered with , and when It
finally passed Cleveland could do nothing else
lhan vote it. If it had finally passed as it
passed Ihe house it would not have been un
constitutional , and it would not have been
vetoed. It is only blind bigots who blaine
Cleveland for thia act. lie simply did bis
duty. If he had wished to be papular he had
an opportuuity to , at the riak , though , of not
doing hie duty. "
NK\V YORK , July 27. At a meeting of the
national executive committee of the national
labor partj" to d.iy the following was adopted :
Whereas , Owing to the fact that the letters
of acceptance of General Butler and Grover
Cleveland have not yet appeared , and that
landing their appoaraco intejhecnt action
cannot bo taken by the convention claled by
thin organization to bo hold in Chicago July
IlOtli , therefore.
Kfsolved , That said cvonontion be nnd
is hereby poslponed until Monday Septem
ber 1 , 18S1 , at tlio same placo.
WttKburg Special to the Chicago Tribune.
The ninth annual convention of the Amal
gamated association will begin its pession in
this city August 6. It will bo ono of the
inoat Imno taut conventions iu the history of
the ass'ciation. Measures will be decided
upon Ihat will be of great interest to the
employer , and may stir up a de'idodly lively
met ion in the labor world. These will con
template thu thorough establishment of the
iKt , and the adoption of a vigorous line of
piliev in spots in Iho west and Boulh. _ In the
Jocilitf first inentionoi thu association hai
had a foothold for several years bul has been
uiiublo to obtain for its members the good
wagea or many of the important privileges
that are
This disparity in the rate of wages has
always been n stumbling block in the way of
an amicable settlement of the t > calo question ,
and strenuous efforts will bo authorized to so
itrengthen the association during the year that
next spring a demand can ba made aud en
forced upon < -a torn manufacturers to como up
to thu western standard. That tula will bo
reiistcd is evident from the fact that there is a
decided dispoj tion in the east to reduce in-
linJot jncreasa w g < . At Dagvillo- this
ctat9 , the association has for five months been
fighting a reduction of 5) ) cents per ton in tbo
pricn nf puddlimr , and there Is a prospect tlut
the light will continue Indefinitely , In the
wet and south the nnostlon of i porlanco will
ba how to compel the recognition ot the asso
ciation by three firms located In Birmingham ,
Ala , , Aurori , Ind , , nnd Beaver Kails in thU
state. At Birmingham a strike waa Inaugur
ated ( long iigo , and the mill Is now being
operated t > y non-union man.
the union men have been out ovrrthrno weelis.
The ( ItsputiiwaH origiinilly about wages. This
wus BOtthd , but the linn refused to allow
tbrcoof the old employes lo return to work ,
and a strike was declared. Kiuco then the
lirmbis decided to employ nn more union men ,
aud the mill ia idle Several of the nnionliU
have been urrodted for conspiracy , and the
feeling in bltUr. At Auror t a strike has been
in progress over two mnnlhu , and Ihu firm
has also declared against the association ,
j'lttfiburg delegates to Iho convention are in
favor of heroic treatment forthcKO caios. The
trouble is similar In many respncta to that at
Homestead two years ago. The aiuociatlnn
iron then by declaring war ugaiml all ( inn * In-
tcrosted In the Hommtoad mill. The mine
plan will be urged now. If it la adopted ,
itriko will bo ordered In a largj uuim er of
mil ! " unlofB tha AnsocUtiou In recognized with
in certain time ,
CHICAGO , July 28. W. A. A. Ua * y ,
president , and W , A. Wolf , secretary of the
United State * labor p rty , were ehowii * di -
t < alcb froio K v York 3-nlght lUUu ? that
the executive committee had decided lo post
pone from the 30th inst. to September Ut the
convention of that party , to bo held in this
city. Those Rontlemen aid they had nv
ctilvrd no official notice of such action , and
would not recognize it If they hadj that they
were miperior to the cxccitiv | committee ,
which reprou'iitcd a factious element , and
that the convention would bo hold on the 30th
itiBt. . as heretofore arranged ,
Regular I'ress Dispatch.
CIMCAUO , July 2ft A number of delcgAtea
to Iho national labor con\mitioii , which Is lo
meet hero next Wcdii' sday , hive already
arrived In the clly. The convention will bo
composed of reprcsontativ s from Ihn various
IrarJo assemblies. It is called for the boiler
organization of labor to compel favorable
Initiation. The delegate ? declare that no
action of n political character will bo taken.
HtiNIlY M. d
The Noted Rxplorer Arrives lit KIIR-
Innd What Ho TlilnkH of the
COIIK < > Country Gor
don's I'redlen incut.
Loxuox , July 28. Henry M. Stanley , the
African explorer , arrived at riymaulb Ibis
evening. Iu an inlcruow ho said ho had re-
lurnud lo Kngland considoiing that ho Ind
completed the work of establishing salisfac-
lory trading stations nloag the Congo river
from Its mouth to SUnley Tool , 1,400 miles
by rlvur. When ho left the Congo country ho
was suiForing from broucbltix , but ho fell
much benefited by the 5eaoyago. . lleculo-
gizos the tradingprospoctaof thalounlry in tlio
vicinity of the Congo river. Ho cons d-
crsGeneral Gordon commands perfectly prac
tical routes of ostrpo from Khartoum whether
via Zanzibar on thu cast , or down the Congo
to the woat. The coast of the Nile is blocked.
Stanley belioycs that sending n largo Knglish
force to extricate Gordon would bo a moat
perilous undertaking , lie commends the
abandoning of the Congo treaty , and considers
leaving Congo In the hands of th Portuguese
very iuimlcul to KnglUh interests. The popu
lation of MaJorla prepared an ovation tor
Stanley when the stoimer arrived there , but
be was unable to land owing to quarantine
regulations. Stanley was tendered an ovation
at Plymouth on hii arrival.
No Money to 1'ny Her Soldiery and
Sailors in Cuba.
HAVANA , July 28. The regular troops
quartered at Puerto Principe not having been
paid tor a long time , and credit being refused
them , went to ths stores and forcibly sup
plied themselves with provisions. The fact
having been telegraphed to the captain gener
al , ho sent for the director general of the
treisury , who declared the only disposable
money of the government on the island was
? 30OjO nt Villa Clara , which was immeditto-
ly ordered by telegraph , and remitted to Puer
to Principe. The Spanish war steamer Con-
cepcion has received from Madrid sailing or
ders , but their being no fund to pay the crow ,
tould not leave ; meanwhile the crow are dy
ing of yellow fever. Up to to-day eixleen
men have fallen victim , among them two mid
shipmen , ono a nephew of General Beaumont.
The director of the treasury baa
a ked Borges , a well-known bauker , for the
loan of § 100,000 , and was refu-od.
Dr. O'Douuoll Noc Allowed to Exhibit
His Putrid Pair In Chicago.
CHICAGO , July 28. Dr. C. C. OTJonnell of
B n Francisco , who has made a special utudy
of leprosy and makes it the basis of an argu
ment for the expulsion of the Chinese from
this country , arrived hero Saturday and an
nounced tint ho had two lepers on the way ,
and that he would exhibit them on the lake
Front this afternoon. The health authorities
warned him that it woul 1 not bo permitted ,
and they were not shown , thn doctor announc
ing tli t they hart not arrived , lie delivered
a lecture ana exhibited photographs of the
pereons atllicted of leprony. lie Bays ho pro
poses to exhibit his lepers in file principal
oastmi cities. Doubt is expressed in BOIIID
quarters about his having any living lepers.
Disastrous Fire at Devil s
DEVII.'H LAKE , Manitoba , Julv 28. Nearly
all the block east and weat of Kelly avenue
and north of Fourth street was burned last
night. The tire originated in Graham's
jewelry store , and spread rapidly , destroying
the hotel , Convene ft Son's general store ,
Stoughtou's store , Manlard'n furniture store ,
Bcnnis k Bro.'s drugstore , the posloflico , the
Inter-Ocean printing oflice , Moore & Daniel's
butcher shop , Warner's bakery , the North
Shore bank , township ollices , Thompson's
drug ftoro , Fell Bros' , general store , Nah's
hardware store , Uopris' restaurant , ten real
eatata oflicos , eight saloons , and nine dwell
ings. Tbero is very littio damage outside the
loss nf buildings , which are fully insured.
Several merchants are making arrangements
lo rebuild.
Amos HcslRns the Alohlllor Kocclvor-
I'ltiLAUULPHiA , July 28. In Ihe United
Stales circuit court to-day , Oliver Ames , ru-
ceiver of the Credit Mobilicr of America ,
asked to be relieved of the receivership. _ No
reason was assigned. The counsel positively
states that the cautu is a pressure of ofliciul
duties of Ames , who ia lieutenant governor of
Massachusetts , and finds it impoeHiblo to at
tend court. Samuel H. Shipley , president of
the Providence Life Insurance and Trust com
pany of this city , wan appointed hia successor.
Buffalo County's Normal.
Special Dispatch to TUB Bmt ,
KBAHNEV , Nob. , July 28. The Buffalo
county normal institute opened for a two weeks
session this morning with an enrollment of
forty-nlno members. During the session lec
tures will bo delivered by .Superintendent
Jones , Chancellor Manatt and Superintendent
Bowers , of Lincoln. T. N. HarUoll , super
intendent of the ootinty schools , is conductor ,
aad la niaistod by Professor Miller nnd othera-
The Labor Bureau Oommlimlonorfihlp.
WASHINGTON , July 28. Within the past
few days persistent efforts have boon made to
make It appear that the president had selected
M. F , llaldermui , of Illinois , for commis
sioner of the newly created bureau uf labor
statistics. At the white houte it is not only
denied that Iho president has selooto I a par-
ton of that name for the vacant conimitiaioiier-
ship , hut It Is said nothing whatever Iti known
there of such a persun ,
The Cholorn ,
PAIIIH , July 23 There wera lit deaths by
cholera nt Murinlllni last nt/ht. At Toulou
there were II. At I/ivalleto vlllixo near
Toulon the Mistral , a ttrnng wind from DID
norlhwoxl , Is prevailing and thu weather is
cooler , The mortality is decreasing In the
country among tlio peasant * .
An IiiHano Poslniatitcr ,
NKW yoriK , fuly 28. Col. Charles IJ.Mor-
ton assiatan' mica-
, postmaster of Brooklyn -
In ? for norno time , In now reported Unano nnd
In thu hand * i.f friend * The Irregularity in
hla uccounut ara said to bo clerical rather
than actual.
No Work for OliiciiKO PrlnonerH.
CIIIOAOO , July 28 , Tim city council lo-night
puied an ordinance abolishing contract labor
for the prisoners of HIM city house nf correc
tion. The inmates of thia Irmtilullon
ber a thousand t < > fifteen hundred ,
heretofore boon nlf supixirting.
It it reported that 004 persoui bare
A Sensation in Chicago CanscOy Soy-
cntccn Carloads of Sic * Animals ,
Forty-ono Dead Oows Lying on
the Receiving Platforini
The Supposition that They Died
from Drinking Alkali Waton
They Were Shipped from Kansas
City and Oamo from Kansas ,
Seoro'.ary Sanders on the Eomoval
of the British Eestriotions ,
Ho TliinUn It AVoiihl Add $15 per
llonil to the Vnlito ol' Wcsttra
Snictc ,
Spoal ! Utspatch to TUB BKK.
CHICAGO , July 119. A train of sick ontt'i-
arrived at the ftcck yards this morning from
tlio far west. It w. a nut known from exact y
uhnt point they catno , but they hid boon
shipped direct from IConsaa City to Chicago.
They were branded wltli-a crosfied L. The
fhlpmi nta comiHtetl of toveut"en loailrf , and
nt ono tinio there were
lying on the receiving platform or In the
chutes. They wore nil young fay two yoir
olds , and were nt lea it half it not threo-quar-
ter natives. The others were of Texas blood
and wore , it in Raid , broil in western Knims
No one , or at least , no ono compHi nt to give
nn opinion , Bfcmed to know what was the
trouble with thn drove , but these who did not
know wcro ready enough to pronomco the
malady a virulent case of Textm foier. The
brand inspector at the yards pronounced the
cattle in the iirat place
and perhaps afterward loft to pariah for want
of fresh water or care In loading and handling.
Jther partica with moro or less cxpprlenco Iu
tbo Texas cattle trade were of ojiinion that
there were no outward signs of so-called Texas
fever. However , no far no competent veter
inarian has given an opinion on the subject ,
ns none had an opportunity to make proper
examination. The Humane ollicer proceeded
, o shoot all thobo that ho found suffering.
Altogether 120 died or were killed to put
.hem out of their misery. It waa discovered
late to-night that they belong to Oboily &
Frazier of Kansas City , and came from their
ranch in the Indian territory. The theory of
the state veterinarian , who will make an of-
icial examination , ia that they were over
driven on the route from the ranch to Kantian
City without water , and when the water waa
reached they were allowed to drink too much ,
caushig congestion of the bowels.
Toi'EKA , Kaa. , July 28. N. A. Adams , of
Manhattan , purchased 200 hundred bead of
Colorado ktccra at Kansas City last week.
Tnirty head of them have tinea died
with Texas fever. Ono car load uaa
stopped hero , and out of that six
died ; others were taken to Manhattan
and quarantined in the thifplrig pens there.
Up to 3 o'clock this afternoon twenty-fivo had
died. The people , ( Specially the stockmen ,
wo greatly excited. Governor Click Hont
State Veterinary Surgeon Holcomb to Investi
Special Dispatch to THE BEE.
CHICAGO , July 1'3. J. H. Sanders , Bocro-
tary and treasury of the cattle commission ,
was asked what effect tlw granting of the
modifications by the Wyoming cattlemen of
England nuked for would have on the cattle
, rado of America. Ho said :
It would very greatly Btimulato the cattle
; rado of Dakota , Wyoming , Iowa , Nebraska ,
Uontana and all that region. Tha rcntric-
, ions imposed on the landing of American
cattle at British poitrt fimounta to to great a
lindrance that it reduces thu price of cattle
ess than they would bring if the roitrictions
were removed. If tlioso people aucceod in
getting cattle shipped from Amorici into the
nterlor without having to slaiuhtcr them at
.ho disembarkation , it will enable tlio shippers
, o make about fifteen dollars per moro
than they now get , and t'mt incroajo in price
would greatly Btimulato the xhipment of lit a
cattle from this country to Kogland , "
The Htory of the Ij'ck Garry's Xrlp
to the Polar
NKW YOIIK , July 28. Tha following details
from the logs of the steamship ! < } ck Garry , of
tlio O reel v relief expedition , la furnished by
Engineer NY. It. Chambers , who waa in com
mand of the vessel during the cruiao to the
polar regions :
On our first day out from St. Johns , a
heavy fog sot in , and wo encountered a largo
iceberg. In steering out of the way wo loai
bightof the Theti' , and could only resume
our position by the Bound of the whiBtlos ,
May IB , whou wo were elf Capo Kjuowoll , we
met the first great quantity of ice , nud wore
obliged to go ahead ulowlv. May 2'Jd wo
sighted llsco , but had much dlfliculty in find
ing a harbor Tlio inland wan covered with
ice and snow , and the land murks were invis
ible. Wo left Codhavon May 19 ! at 'J a. m.
and steamed through tin Ice nlong the coast
to a paint about 10 miles below Hare Island.
Hero wo found the Ice BO thick wo were com
pelled to lay to. Lieutenant Hchley signalled
for mo to go luck to Uodhavon and watt for a
favorable opportunity with an coat wind to
proceed to Upper Navlk. Wi lift Godlmvon
tha second tirno May 27. and oncouutaro'l
moro Ice through which wo puuhod
our \v-iy an 1 fuiiud the ThetU laying to at
Hare island , having boon uuabla to bloat a
pa uaio through the Ico. The unit morning
the whalers Archlo anit Wolf joined us , and
wo started ahead. The tea wax heavy , aud
we experienced great dillluulty In making pro-
gro 8 , and several times narrowly escaped a
collision with thu Wolf. Wo finnlly succeed ,
ed iu gaining a head , and the Wolf followed
in the opening wo mado. Tha Thetii wan
now out of ni ht grid wo eet our couri-o for
Omerack 1'iord. Hero wo sighted the Thotln
ton miles ahead. Wo overhauled the
ThotiH , May US , Captain Hchloy , headed
ua nd auid , "lio to the Uiwrnavlclir , calling
at 1'rovwi. If you wait the Hear , coal her
with desuatca. J > urli g the fog which came
on us wo got on u faUo lead , uud while return
ing to tha open water to try unothur way wo
the met Thetia , _ and proceeded together in the
midst of a blinding enow utortn , which Ian ted
all night , to Upsrnavick. Upon artival there
( May " ' . ' , ) wo found the Boar and o < > aed ! her ,
The voasela romulnod in tha vicinity for near
ly a week , when the Thetli nd the Bear pro-
coedud no thward , while wo Waited for thu
Alert , which arrived Juno H , The governor
of Upurnsvick told u there win no bopo of
getting through Merillo Bay. aa the leajun
wwi unusually cloiio.
Wu left with the Alert Juno 21 , and rftech.
ed Barry Inland June 23 , Wo went ahead ,
puihlug thronfjb the ice all the way , and June
25 reached Home's-head. Hero the Alert got
ulppsd Iu the ice and la trying to got her out
wo lost o much Umo that 'he nock had become -
como ImponolrAbls. Wo UyJMnmodln the
! < * oil Duck Island till Juno 2'J. Wo wnrlcod
Ml nlRht the 2Sth , blMtiiiR nd nnwlnR the Ice
ant ! tlnally got nwar Into the open water.
Juno 30 wo were off Wlloox Head , where we
had moro pushing to got to open water beyond -
yond Dovir * Thumb.Vhil busy here , wo
sightdd the ThetU fttul Boar coming toward
ua and know nt once from the tlRiml
ing that the Qrooly etplorcra
had hoontrtccdandiiurvlvorau any wcro nn
hoard. Wo rolurnod , to open water and n
tlrck fog set In , and il WM BOIIIO time before
1 could gii on board the Thotn nnd learn the
nnn-sof thorcMOiio. Wo then pushed south
with nil the h Bta possible , Mid arrived nt
UpernauckJuly 2. Capt. Sohley , thru die
patched the Alert anil Ix > ckg rry to Oodha-
\eu , whllo the Theti nnd the Boar were put
Into Upornavlck , the former to shift n broken
rudder , the latter to got coal. At Oodlmon ,
the l.Utor * machinery wai ropilrtd , and wo
buried there OHO of tlio Kirm'1 ' 1" * . ' ' ' < > "
toiinnt ( Jrooly's party. .Wo hft fJodhavcn
with the Alert in tow ; off the co.vt of Now-
f iiindlnnd wo oncouutorod a gain aud the tied
barrier parted thrro time * , llm Alert was
finally east ndrl't ' July Ifi.n ca t anchor
at St. John's nt 0 ft. m. , July 17.
O'NEILL va Nnuoii.
Spt-cial Iliipatch to TUB BKB.
NiiMHH , Net ) . , July 28. The gaino between
tlio O Nfi.l and Neligli clubi to-day wan largo-
Iv nttemUd. The O'NullU won by a K-ore of
S'elif5h S , O'NcilU H.
At Cincinnati No Rnmcj ram.
At Toledo , Ohio -No game ; rin.
AtBi'aton Honton , 0 ; Now Ynik , 7.
At Mihv u1 < -Northwestern LcaguoRamo
oil' . Kvansullo failed to come.
At 1'ixiria Snginans , 2 ; Tooria" , 6.
At Oulncv , UU.-Quinoy , ( i ; Mu > kegon , 7.
At Now York AHoghcnye , 1 ; ilutropoli
tan ? , U.
As St. 1'aul , Minn.-St. Taul , S ; Terre
Haute , 7.
At Minneapolis Fort Wayne , C ; Minnea
polis , -I.
At Chicago-Chicago , 6 ; Detroit. 3.
At Baltimore Baltimore , \Vaahington ; ,
S.At Buffalo -Buffalo , 1) ) ; Cleveland , 8.
At Kansas City St. Louis Unions , 8 ; Kan-
saa City , 2.
AtPhlladelpkin-Providonco , 11 ; I'luladel-
H.At Now York. BrnoUyn < . Atliletic 7.
At St. Paul-Grand Ilapids 10 ; Stillwat-
era 0. *
Snildl ohnRH and Bulky.
CHICAGO , July 28. The attendance at the
driving park races was excellent ; the weather
good ; the track a trifle stiff
Milo and an olhtb. ( Mnidan , all ages
Haunp won by a length , Abad 2d , Brown Sd ;
time , 2OOJ. :
(3 at field I'ark stakoa. Milo and three
eighths. Boatman won oaelly , John Davis
2J.V lIet 3d ; time , 2:271.
Milo iiou-wiunera. Hovoko won by two
lengths , Klohba 2d , Knbin 3d ; timoll7. :
Miloanil a half handicaps. Lemon handily ,
KaBtor 2d , Id * B. ad ; time , 2:44 : } .
Half mile , two-year-olds , non-winning al-
lownucef.--Glenlock won by two lengths ,
llnrpoou I'd , Delphinelid ; time , fil ,
Miie and u ( juartor boiling. Virio Hcarta
won half length , before Mutiton , Mart Bdu-
ham Sil ; time , 2:13.
Steeple chose Katie Creel won eacily ,
Atho'stono 2d , VoltalreSd ; timo3:12i. :
BHIOHTON BKACH , July 28. W.nthor rainy.
Three quartfrs of a mlle Mai Jen two-year-
nlda I'etoraburg won , Ploroncc M. second ,
Day-Icon third ; time , 1:21J. :
Milo and a furlong Kogrotwon , Bhieatriug
secoiid , Tunv Foster third ; tin'p , 22.
Brighton Baach railroad ttakci Milo nnd
throe furlongs Charley B. i < ( Blue Peter
eccond , T ord Kdwnrrt tlnnl ; tiinR , t':32jf. :
Milo and a quarter All ages Levant won ,
W vo O'l.ight second , Kiug I'uA third ; time ,
2:1S\ : .
Milo Non-winners Buncar won , Tele-
maclma second , Bon Woolly third ; tiino , 1:1'J. :
BOHTO.V , July 28. The arrangements for n
collar-and-elbow wrestling cunteit between
McLaugblin and Dufur f r the championship
of the world and ? 2 , > 0 a eiJo are completed.
It taVtti place Wednesday next , and will bo
wrestled to a finish. John Buyla O'Kellly ,
editor of the Pilot , is reforee.
PEouiA.July 28. The wrcetling inatrh
between Matjoda Laraklchi , the Jap , and
Theodora George , a Greek , resulted , 6rst nnd
third fallp , Japanese style , won by the Jap
iu 10 and 30 i-oconds ; Hocand and fourth falls ,
cntch-au-catch-can , won by the Greek In SO
and ID eeconds. Tim tow < was won by the Jap
arid Jnpancso ctylo was ch ien for the filth
fall , which tb Jap won in ono minute , win
r.inf thu matcli and tliefutako.
The Oar.
WJI.KEHDAIIUH , I'u , , July 27. Throe thous
md people witnvhscd the ainglo scull roco
lioro L'jtweon Kinbly S. Chase and George
Clafl.ind , on amiluanJ a half cxmreo. Chaci-
won by two Iongtii , Tnuu 10 minute * 20
The 1'rUo Itlrifj.
TOIIONTO , July 28. ITarry ( Jilmoro defeated -
foatod i'uul 1'atnlls lor the light weight
chainpiomhlp of Canada QucuriHbnry rules
hero to-night. An 111 fooling was provlously
jilsting between them , ana the fight wan
bitter. This is ( Jilmoro's sixth successful con
tent thin season.
The Glovns ,
N w YOIIK , July 23. To-night occurred
the fight between Mike Cloary. of Now York ,
and Jack Bnrke of Kngland , according to the
Marquln of Quoonsbury rules. Cloary is
twuniy-slx yours old , fiva foot eight inches
in Ijeighl , and uciRh ? 100 pounds ; Burkois
twenty. throe , ' 6 fu t 8 } inchoi In height , nnd
weighs IDS pounds. Lazily four rounds word
fought. The men were iitsii-d when taking
elf the gloves. Neither pugilist received the
slightest Injuiy ,
A OolllNliin at Hon.
IXNnON ) , July 28 , The nurvivorn of the
Btuatnehlp Lax 1mm which collided with the
Spanish htnamer ( iljon report a thick fog on
the evening of the collision , Tha L > axham
was going Mow , both steamers sounding
whistlec. The Gljoi iitnick the haxbim
QUildshlp , the latter being nearly cut asunder.
The funnel fell and n Btenmplpo burst , thu
chief engineer being horribly scalded. Most
nf the Lailmn crow Doardo'l tboGljon. Capt
Lothian tied bin wife and child to himself nnd
ull three were hauled nboaul the Gijon. Tlio
Laxham 'iiitik within twenty mlnutea after
tha collision. Not long before the Gljon be
gin to nettle n terrible confusion prutallod ,
The captain stood with revolver In hand but
wus urmhlo to kcup order. The pivmeiiKora
nnd cruw were lighting for their HVOH , The
boatn wore lowurod und filled to thn gunwales ,
hut could not accommodate half the people.
Thosd fortunate enough to aecuro places In
thorn worti obllgod to keep off other * with
luiiven. Whnn ilia ( iljon sank t't the first
qiurter dock It wamirowdod with women , the
captain aad olficarn stundlng on the bridge.
It Is estimated MO persons poritmed.
i y
DKTKOir , July 28. Thu fourteen year old
daughter of Stephen Kluibull , n wealthy farmer -
or near Lyons , Jouia county , while strobing
near her father's house yesterday , was outraged -
raged by couple of trainpi. Kimball uUen
$5UO reward for the arrest of the vlllalnv. A
hundred men wuiu in pursuit at last occouula ,
A Hinall I' ' * 11 arc ,
N w YOHK , July 28-rPcvrolf 4 : Swan an.
nounc d their inspection at thoitook eichaogo
j to-dry , Huiall purcluue * of Tarioa * ilocka
[ undur lb rult being umdo for thair acoouui ,
Three Thousand Irish
Gather at ChicUg Hall , N , Y ,
Spooohos Made forBlaino and Lo
gan and Against Doiuoornoy ,
John Kelley Still Muni as to the
Probable Oourso of Tammany !
Sunset Oox Thinks Tammany Will
Eventually Fall in Line (
Gathering of Loading Democrats
at Albany to Notify Cleveland ,
A. Diucii Ijt-adlnu Albany Uepubll-
CHUN Will Support Him Other
PnllturU Mutter. * .
NEW YOHK , July -ChIckorlng Imll was
crowded to-night ixt the mooting of Irish born
citizens who favor the i > kclluu of llhlmi and
jogaii. Austin G. Void was chairman , llu
aaul Itvi3 Btr.uipo to BOO 3,003 Irish Ameri
cana assembled in Now York city to
omlorsojtho nomlnoo of tln republican party.
I'lio fmt speaker was
IlKV. KO. W. I'Kl'l'Elt ,
of Ohio. Ho Faid tlioy Imil como together to-
tight to defeat the candidate supported dy thu
London Time * . Thu republic in party had nl-
way. * bcenopposed by tlio Kmrliih government
whoso sympathies were with tha democrat ! .
.Trio republican party was a party of pcreoiml
ihcrty and for the protection of labor. Free
rude cripples every country into which it him
ecu introduced. Ifo prodicta that in Novem-
jer next ( Jovenor Cleveland would bo buried
to deep that the Bound of Grbiiul'H t rum pot
would uuicrruach him. Not ono in ten Irnm-
men in Uhio would voti fur Chivohtnd , The
Catholics there were nil opposed to him ,
ho next speaker , said the only way to down
nglaud won to cripple her Industrie * , mid
this could bo done by kcopiug thu ropubllcnn
iirty in power.
of Iowa , said ho had como 1-100 miles to bo
irexcnt nt the mooting. The democrats
isd said for forty years becauwi thuy
wcro Irish they inust veto the tlcinocr.itlc tick
et. ] tjv B a poor tiiuo to Bay they would vote
lie rnpuhltcan ticket for tha anmo reason.
The other Bpoaki'm were P. T. Harry , of
llinoiu , and Captain O'Moophor Cotulun , of
A circu'nr ' was di tributod Betting forth the
roAsohs why Cleveland would not be sup-
totted by workingmou.
ork Special to Chicago Times.
It Li underKlood that a number nf the Tarn-
nany politicians are to visit Saratoga next
week to learn from Mr. John Kelly what
course ho will ndviso Tammany In the cam-
[ iu.ign. According to report , 1'ollco Juatico
Charles Weld and others have already gone to
Soratogu to BCD Mr. KolJy. The Tammany
caders prcncrvo unwontcdj ilonco on political
matters , and the allonco is regarded an uvl-
donco of the prearranged policy to do nothing
mill assurances haTe boon given that Mr.Kiil-
y will bo consulted upon the nuxt municipal
ticket. It ia admitted in political circlet ) that
.ho ronomlnatlon of Franklin Fdion for
mayor. Many local politicians beliuvo that
the nomination of Congressman S S. Cox for
chief magifltralu of the city would bo accept-
iblo loK-lly , but Ibis is considered doubtful
liy prominent Tammany men. Colonel ] ? . T.
Wood , a brother-in-law of Mr. KJnon , him Mr.
Kelly's indorsement for corporation counsel ,
vliilo someone not antagonistic to Tammany
in to bo named for comptroller. It Is aluo un
derstood that under thin proposed nrrango-
mont Mr. Hubert O. Thompson will bo nom
inated mid confirmed ai comnr.iasioni > r of pub
ic works for another term by Mayor 1C Imin or
whatever inuyor in elected under the bargain ,
who him the authority to nominate on Decem
ber IB , 1884.
said in answer to a question as to the ciiurso
lie thought Tammany liLoly to tike : "Tam
many will Ic all right. When thotimo cornea ,
thu biiys will bo all found on deck in lnu : for
Lho regular ticket. It IH an organization of
From fifty to alxty thousand man , and they
know a good thing when they BOO It. They
art- not going to throw away their chance of
.ho plum * that may como to thorn In uuto the
lemocrutic party gota into power , and they
know they can help in uccompllehlog that ro-
ault. "
AUIASV , July 28. There la a
democratic gathering here in vlow of the
orimil notification of Governor Cleveland ti-
norrour of hla nomination for president at
J p. m , Tlio Imuctntlo I'halanx will caoort
.ho momborH of the notification committee to
; hn executive mansion , whurn tlio governor
will bo formally notified by
of Wisconsin , The governor , it in reported ,
will brlelly reply to tbo Hpeecliof Vflaa. After
the ceremony tlio violtlng domocrata will bo
nnturtalnod ut a dinner. In thu evening th
Democratic I'hnlanx will cucort the epoukorH
to the various hallu where mootingu will ho
hold.Tho national democratic committee will
meet In the morning , whmi Chairman Itarnmn
will piobably nnnounca tlio oioculirt * coinmit-
too , arid report. The committee on hendiptr-
torn will bo preaout.
( lovvrnor Cleveland han not yet began to
wrlto lit * letter of acceptance.
( lOVfrnorllendriclcH will bo formally nutihud
for Ida iiiiniinatlon for vivo piuimlaut ut Barn-
toga on Wednesday.
The Ar iHwill ] iulli ) h to-morrow in torIowH
with fifteen or twenty loading rvpuhllcaiiK ( if
Albany , who will support Cleveland und Hen-
dricka ,
How Ilio KiiHji-ndoiJ Klrnt of DoWoll
Ai Hxviui Won ) Kooloil liy n
Frniiduleiit I'uxvcr ut'
AdoriiL-y ,
YOBK , July S3 ! Alter the uapom-lai
wait unnouuced to duy at tlio block oxchana | {
of tint linn ol DoWoll & Hvvkn , a rumor WIM
current tlmtfjtho fallura vf. duo to a fraud up
on the linn owing to n ftlmi power of uttoruu ;
In connection with certain coeuritloa whlul
bad bucn placed In their handa torculizo upon
A inoinber of the firm nUtod that i
cuBtomer with whom the linn hai boei
dealing four yearx h&'l dopoiitod with thru
f ! WtM of eecuritles ; that the aacuritloa wer
property of the uttato of which the cuntom
win trusteo. Too yocuritltwi wtro loaned am
the proceed ! iiald oter to him , when it wa
.found th > the poirur of uttornoy , wbicb ,
vhen proiontcd , w i det.ichod was frnudnlent ,
Mid thu Hrm wn n-itpontlblu to the ritalo for
ho Bocurltlcn , The customer , whonn nnmo id
lot disclosed , in tnid to IKA Brooklyn law-
or , well known In tocioty nnd in liuslnm
Irclcs. Whether ho ii roixmslblo the
inn IIOH not a'certolnod. It I"
t.itcd the linbilitiei of tha linn outoido of
hoito ccuritlea would not exceed $ , ' (0OCO. (
Tlio nccurlties compri'od tlio Block of the Con.
ral TiuRt company , Now York Klovattd rftll-
vay and Municipal ( lanHchi company.
icnry Clewa skid lo-day Ihat ho thought the
\\nMli'sor\iiif [ of censuni in not maklcg a
ttict cxamliiAtion of the authority conferred
ly Ilio po er of attorney when they found it
van detached from focu'titics.
WAhlllNrtTON , July 28. The Burgeon genu
al of the inntine hospital Kcrvico to-day
'I'lved ' the following telcgrrttn from Joseph II.
I oil , priMldentof tlio loms.ina otato bonid of
u-nltli : "i\lmunilvo : investigation fiiiN to
ibliuli even a nmiotn euiplclun of Aftlatia
ihulcra nil the c ( UHO of tt o da.klh of tlio Intiu.t
'acollo , n pissc'iifer on the river rtuamer
Silver. "
NKW YOIIK , J ly IS. The following noticu
las been Issued :
NKW YOUK , Tuly28. lly rcqurnt of the
iTumborB ot the otivto Iwardn of health of llli.
loin , Tounemce. Kontiicby , Now York and
itlier stntoc , a confrienco will ho he'd In
Vasliiiiftoii ; , AuctistTlh , to consult with gov-
rnmcnt oll'iciaU at _ to the bent method * ( J
ncetitig and mattciing cholera , in the a\ent
f itH nppe.itanco in thu United Htaii'B.Ma -
ino niui ( piarnntino ho.villil olticrM arj i-o-
Mpectlully reipit' ! > ted to t.iko part in the con-
Chairman N. Y , Btato board of health.
J. N. Mi'CoitMli'K , Kentucky , Secretary.
I'AIIIH , July iS. ! There H n nilld c.vo of
cholera In the hoimtal in thin city. Throe
luatliH from Unit ilisojsfl ocuirod at Toulon
o-day. In Toulon therorm31 ca fi at the
locoutro hoxpital and llTiut tha St. Man-
Irler , three of the latter norloua. Two Toulon
emigrants died at Lruojno of cholera.
ST. I.OIMH , July 28.- Health CommlKatoncr
StcvoiiBon ban aslnd tlio mnniclpal nuBombly ,
vhlch mcutH August 1 , for an approprlrtion to
clo o all tin1 wells of tliU city an a Banttnry
nooBiiro. Other moamires will alee bo taken
o place the cily in a thoroughly clean condl-
ion t.o meet any pofhiblo appcaranco of
cholera thin teuton. A number of f poclnl in-
nectorrt nro IKIW civing private premisea a
liorough examination nuu the police hava
icen put under itrlct orders to onforca all
awn regarding nulaaucivi. It is the intention
'f ' thu authorities to line every exertion to put
ho city in best possible B niti > ry condition ,
and the nctlng mayor will call the attention
of the municipal assembly to this matter in a
nesK.nge and ank for o liberal appropriation for
ho purpose.
1'AniH , Julv 1W. Admiral Krantz , In com
mand of tlio lleot at Toulon , totegraphn that
10 in Bangnlno of the dnily dimlnutiun of the
uinibor of deaths from cholera In that citv.
NRW I'l.AllDi : Hl'OTH.
AdvicoH fron ; the frontier are veryunfavor-
able. Tlio military condition of the hospital
t VintlmlRlia U dreadful. It In feared the
ilace n ill become a centre of infection. Ton
asoi already occurred theie. AiovendajH *
luarantinobiiR boon impoBod at Malmn. Ou
uaying the tunnel lo'diorH surrounded the
ruin and c inducted tlio p.issongurs to Lnskret.
vhoio they are regiKtcrcd and numbered anil
; iveu a litllo xtraw for aitid \ on the train.
ItntLiN , July -8. It is Kl.vtud Iho running
f through couches on the railways between
Oor'iianv and Franco have boon ttoppod for
fear of cholera.
PAIIIH , July 23. Th'i archbinhop of Paris
IMS untried priests to offer prayer for land so
licit divine aid in behalf of cholera victims.
I'ue favor.tblo weather at Toulon has canned n
narKod amelioration of the epidemic. At
Marseilles the police nro obliged to luo fono
when disinfectinghouBOi | whem ( loath occurred.
1'hu priests aud Bisters of charity tiavo been
WAHIMNHTON , July 28. Secretary Froling-
mynon just received a telegram from Consul
ilason ut Marseilles as follows : Marked im-
irovumonts in Marseilles and Toulon. OuatliH
nun cholera , which dully averaged sixty , fill
o-III Wodntwlay Tlmradat , 88 Friday
) H Saturday , 'M Sunday , last night III in 11 !
loura. Tlio mortality of a'I ' COBOH In also de
clining. At Toulon the average fell from 40
0 Ifi. Isolated cates reported from various
tarts of the district. The epidemic is do
ilared Bovero at Aries and Aix.
\ri AHln Minor Village'H DcHtruutlon.
IjONiioy , July 28 , Thcro was adianHtrouB
ire to-day at MaraMi , Asia Minor. A tbou-
.inil shops , 2 0 houses , four hotel * , three
ucKipiert aud the municipal nalaco , were do-
Kills Ilia AVllo nnd Sulcld < ; 8.
( iRKEi.BY , Colorado , July 28. John Shea ,
n minor , fatally stablied his wlfo Ibis morning
md then killed liimnelf. JealoiiMy.
The Nine-Hour HrrlUo.
NKW YOHK , July 28. To-day begins the
econd week of the brlcklaycra' ' and laborers'
.triku for nine hours a day. Itaporla of the
lumber of men on n atrlko are cxinfllcllng.
[ ' 'mplojcrs say 3,000 and Iho Vforklnginon
claim 700. Nearly all tbo plaitoia engaged
in jobs where the employers rofu o to accede
to the U.hour demand , quit work to-day. Also
1 number of hod hoisting engineers. A largo
number of framers also Htoppad work thia
ItoHion , the Cowboy.
MINNKAPOI.IH , July 28. The Journal's
Brooking ( Dak. ) special says : Boslou , the
cowboy , who killed young ( iridinut Elkton ,
Lhia county , wa.s nrnwtoit at Plorro and
odRod In jail hero. Ho Iu beingvlsitod to-day
: > y his friends , and an effort to effect bis
rohioso m ly bo made to.nlght. Plans are per-
"octod In hold the prisoner from these and to
irotcct him from violence at what/over coat.
1'AltIH , July 28. The Figaro has a bitter
article declaring Kn ltim ! never hoi pod _ but
ilwi yn thwarted I'nmco. Her friendship IH
' ! so and the alllauco with her hollow , Thu
L'itfarp advincH Franco to abandon relation *
with Knglaml , elvo up her prejudices and
mtrcd and make nn alliinco with Germany ,
" ( lormauy wan an honest onoiny i.ho baa
jeeu nn honest nlay. "
Civil Bcrvlco ICxninlimtlonH ,
AHHINOTO , July 28. The civil service
uommlsslon examined about COO candidates
fur ICO tilacorf os dpoclal oxamlnerH for thu pen
sion nflico , and the papcru are now being
marked by a B | < eclal board of oxaminern. No
fnrtlier oxauiinutioim for Ihiit branch of the
vici ) will bo liold now , except of about
twenty persons from tlio southern otatcu ,
Avhoiioiipjlicatl'jnH have just been received.
A I'nrlu I'njxii-'H Itlurulcr ,
I'A ma , July 2H , The Figaro cayas Hart
man , the nlhilUt , commltud biiicido through
want. "
INotn : Trn I 'garo probably reforn to lVank (
Harlman , who left his homo in Now Yorj
nomi ) weoku ogn , leaving u letter Baying thitt
ho committed mlcido. Frunk IH not Hart.
limn , thu nihilist , known to th ivorld ,
Iluttoraiul CliL-OHO nt Kl ln.
HrxiiN III- . . July 28. On the board ol
tradii to-day rheuio wa ilull ; regular tales 1M
boxes at ri'g.5Jc for light akimo. Jintter ac
tive ; regular aalen 31,000 pound * ut 22@2ie ,
1'rivnto ule > ; 8,000 , boieu of cheCBU uud il' , <
000 pound y of butler.
Dlnrt ot u IJrokc-ii Hoarf ,
NKW YOIIK , July M. Ifre. OlnriBtu Knffg
, wlfo of I lev , Henry 1 hi ? ganil mother o ;
\CltarIca Itufrg , the negro murderer of tin
Ituybvo family , died to-day of a broken hoait
The Chicago Matt Showing a
Feeling all Aram !
With the Probable Exception of
Various Grades of Oattloi
An Arrival of "Siok" Western
Oattlo Probably the Oausd
Hogs Bring Out a Strong Demand
and Higher Prices ,
The Oourso of Values in Wheat
Undeniably Upwardt
Corn Intltntci the I'rliiolpnl Cereal
The Au iiht Option Cornorcil
The Other Markets.
Special lii"patli to TIIK BEB ,
CHIPAIIO , July 23.-Fresh rocoipta of cattle
were but n few loads of nati\e , nnd out of
these few loads there were scarcely 1,000 good
ones. The receipts were nearly 3,200 short of
last Monday' * . There was a fair demand for
Iho boat native ? , and they sold strong and lOc
higher than on Friday and Saturday. There
were nearly -1,000 Texans on sale , Including
those carried over from Saturday. Thcro wan
lilllo or nothing doing in Texans during the
forenoon.tThu incident of the arrival of a
tmiii of "tick" wcAtern cattle may have had
something to do with holding buyora back ; at
any rate , trade was slow. Good to cholco
idiiiiplng , 1,200 to 1,350 pounds , 6 00 to ( i 3D ;
common to medium , 1,000 to 1,20) ) pounds ,
I fit ) to 0 60 ; grass Tciaus , 700 to 950 pound * ,
3 10 to-4 10.
There wan a strong demand from Hhippem
and packers and the best heavy made an ad
vance of ft to lOc , Light were commanding a
higher premium than on Saturday ; hence
aixiculalors paid moro attention to thcao sort * !
than heavy I < eng before midday all were
sold once and many twice , thu market closing
firm. Assorted light Bold at 5 10 to 0 70 , and
heavy nt fi 20 to 6 70. The boat mixed pack
ing and shipping at 5 35 lo fi 50. Light , at
100 lo iOO pounds , 5 2J to fi 70. What wow
ppokcn of as n "legitimate" demand gave to
day'H markets a go nl deal of Htrength. It ap-
pliea mine paitlcularly to the leading grades ,
for iimnmucli as the near oplions in pork are
undeniably corncied , tholr valiKH are fie-
Ullou < i , and tbero in a largo short interest out
in both Unl and ribi and their efforts to cover
Bunt tha markcls up.
Wheat opened firm at an advance of Ac over
Saturday , the rumarknb'y buoyant utoelc mar
ket o ( the day having moro or loan effect on the
opening pncos. Liter thu course of values
was utmost constantly upward , until an ad-
\anco of Igo had been lecorduii , when the do-
niand fell off aud jjo of tbo improvement wax
lost Now York telegrams indicated an act
ive doaro to iiurcli iso on shipping account ,
which brought out a largo ino of speculative
purchasers hero. The closing wan tteody , aud
5f to 1 iibovo Iho opening. Car wheat wa
( [ noted 81 to F-IJc , but wan entirely nominal.
Coin moved up and down asVheat did , 1m-
ing J/irgoly governed by it. Trading WSHOU
rUlier a finall scale , but the market was firm ,
'fhe talk is that tlio August option is cornered.
Tlio ndvaiicn to-day was only Jc.
Oats felt more or lean fly tup ithetic strength
from other grains , and ruled firm with an advance -
vance of jc well custainod.
were inclined lo bo irregular , advancing sharply -
ly under u susuicion Ihat the aborts were
covering , and as quickly reacting when the
demand WBH witbdiawn. The general filling ,
however , was firm and steady.
Wheat about steady , c'oalng at 8l u for
August , 8ijc ! ! for Ho'Jtouiber , 87o for October.
Corn easier and lower , cloning at 55J for
"UiRiist , C5ic for September , 511 for October ,
< J for the year.
Data cn < a ( hade oimor , cloning at 30Jc for
uly , l7Jo ! for AugiiHt , 2"c for September , 2 ( > iu
or the year , 30o for May.
Pork entirely nominal ; 2100 for August ,
8 00 for H.'ptombor , 1'J ' 00 for Iho year.
Lard was a shudo firnior ; 7 171 ' "r August ,
22J for September and 7 42i far October.
hhoit ribs firm , at 8 02J for August , 8 10
or September , H 10 for October.
The Money Cost of Orooly's Expedi
tion ,
WAHllltuTON ! , July 28. The total oxponsu
f the ( irccly relief expedition is estimated
ly the navy department at S7' 0,000. The
riginal catlmnt" WAH S.riOO,000 , About S315-
X)0 ) for the purchase mid repair of veH el , S2I5.-
X10 for iiiBtnunnnts to bo used in making ob-
ervations and $10,000 for coal. It ia bulioved
hat In deposing of the vessels Ihogiwurnmunt
vill secure nn amount about equal to" the Hum
> aid for them. A largo quality of iirovisionB
i kuilnblo for navy use , and will bo turned
vor to Hcrvice.
The Iatcst Bridget CollnpHO.
Woiinii'NdTON , Ind. . July 28. The narrow
n'augo bridgu across White river gave way un
der HpaHiirig train to-dav , precipitating It
into the river. William Hlblutta , of BurU
City , waa killed. 1) . Cole , James Katt , u
'ir.ikeman , and anumber of pjmon or wcro
The HousrH.
BOBTOK , July 28. The total clearances for
ie week ended July 2Cth. at the loading
clearing bouuia of the United Stales , wan
? GC4 702 280 , showinr 111,7 per cpnt. decroano
compared with the corresrwiiding wcok In
1883 ,
CREAM 1'AtrniR.
Given \
ton : U. olaontauo. o ic
lloile , Ullivuukce. Never cold In bulk.