Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 28, 1884, Page 5, Image 5

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The Oration Tendered tbe Fitzgerald
\ Hose on Their Retnrn Home ,
Their jNamosako Gives Thorn a
Milla Fealtha , "
-And Will Give the Fire Boys a
* * Banquet To-Nighti
Eunning Team Especially
the Heroes of the Hour ,
. Intense Fooling Belativfi * to the
Oart Claimed as Won ,
A Feeling Tliat the Thurstons , of
Onmha , "Will Ylolil Up the Troplijr.
Special correspondence of Tan BEE ,
LINCOLN , July 27. The paat week has
been ono of listless leisure in the news
lino. The common council have been
talking waterworks almost oycry night
and Jupiter Pluviua has boon operating
them , for the Hood gatoa of heaven have
been opened moro frequently and co
piously during the last ton daya than waa
over before known in the history of the
It is thought that thu contract for lay
ing the pipes through the city has boon
satisfactorily let to Mcllitchio & Co. ,
notwithstanding the squirming of the
Holley company andtho , legal technicali
ties they tried to take advantage of. If
thia ia a fact Lincoln has done a wiao
thing , for Me III tchio it Co. are among the
loading contractors iu the wcat , and
whatovoa they do is done well. It will
bo remembered that thia firm renovated
the Omaha reservoirs. That work
alone ia enough to stamp them as masters
of their business. Ono thing ia certain ,
if Mcllitchio & Co. uudcrtako thia work ,
it will bo done perfectly , strictly in ac
cordance to contract and satisfactory to
the eutiro community. They have too
high , a reputation to sacrifice it for the
sake of any temporary gain that might
como from doing inferior work.
To-day the Fitzgerald hoao company
returned from Omaha and the boya were
met at the depot by nearly all the male
portion of the city , and there waa also a
generous sprinkling of the fai , sex who
had. moro than a general interest in the
return of the champions. The members
of the Lincoln fire department headed by
Qhief Engineer Quick and the North
western band imrchod to the depot and
when the Omaha train pulled in the
choora were long , loud and moat en
thusiastic. Conspicuous among these
present was John Fitzgerald , after whom
the company waa named , and who takes
the greatest pride In the company and its
welfare. II o was among the very first to
greet the incoming firemen , and he re
ceived them aa heartily ns if they had
\ just returned from a victorious campaign
- , in the dewn-troddon land of his birth.
The line of march waa soon formed and
moved uu Q street to Ninth , thence to
Eleventh , along Eleventh toC , and theuco
by Tenth to the Fitzgerald club rooms.
( Jrowda greeted the boya along the route ,
men cheered and ladies waved their hand
kerchiefs. When headquarters were
reached worda or welcome moro hearty
were tendered the guests of the occasion
by several prominent speakers , among
whom may bo mentioned Messrs. Stearns ,
Courtney , ox-Mayor Wright , McGoou ,
Fitzgerald , Monclio , Quick , Bagley ,
Tomploton , Lyman , Roberts and others ,
while THE BEE correspondent as the
Omahog had to take the aland iu behalf
of the metropolis.
Inasmuch as the impression brought back
hero indicate that the Thuraton hoan
company of your city ,
and the firamDn gjiorally , did
not give the Lincoln boya the aamo fair
and hospital treatment that was ac
corded the Omaha visitors hero a year
ago , tli9 I'l'.E man could Bay very httlo
iu favor of his adopted city. The men
tion of Chief John II , Butler's name
brought forth most enthusiastic
cheers. Also the expression that un-
doubtlesa the general public feeling in
Omaha tvua in favor of fair play. There
4 ? a deep feeling hero against the reton-
tloTi of the cart which the Fitzgerald's
lisjhlfully won. Citizens who never
took much interest in fire mattora before
have become uiuhujinatic iu the matter
and the whole city will champion the
boys' cause. Attorney Courtney n a
ringing upooch of welcome said the cart
would bo brought to Lincoln if it took all
summer and ho volunteered his profes
sional service free of charge if the matter
had to bo carried to the courts. John
Fitzgerald , in his quiet unassuming way ,
that meana business every time , said that
if the cart belonged to the boys by
right , which ho had every reason to believe -
lieve it did , that they might rest assured
they would got it. Ho paid the boys a
compliment on the gentlemonly and
humble way in which they had conducted
themselves and to-morrow night
ho givea the entire department a ban
quet at the Commercial. It ia thought
John M. Thuraton
that has the man
hood about him to settle the matter ami
cably and that ho will aoo to it that the
Fitzgoralda got their honestly and
hurdle earned pr'sss without further do *
lay or troublo. jf not other meana will
bo resorted to , lor the city is thoroughly -
ly aroused. Those young men of Lincoln
deserve the reward ol their hard work
and skill. They are all industrious in
telligent and upright citizens and legiti-
/Kite members of the fire department
'All enjoy the highest esteem of the citi.
zens here , who would tend no inferior"
young men to represent the capital at the
metropolis. In fact they uro the pride
of Lincoln and I regret that liny have
notbocn proporlj t 'eatod by the.'r brother
liremien in Omalm .Ono tiling is certain
the whole state is with them , and if your
city and its firemen nan afford to sacrifice
its honor and former reputation for fair
piny for the sake of four or five profes
sional runnerso / be it. Such a course
will rebound like n boomerang ns sure us
the aim uhinen. In conversation with
several of the Lincoln firemen
your correspondent learns that
there waa no objection whatever
made to the Tiiurstons a * a company but
U ' 7 to its ui"pT e'1r < r.f..iioizl : : 1.3t.
Ilad the latter boon barred out every
thing would have run along smoothly ,
One good thing about the success ot the
Fitzgoralds in Omaha is that it has
brought harmony to the fire department
in this city and no doubt but the afore
said company and the Merchants' Hose ,
between whom a litllo difficulty has hero
tofoto existed , will now bo down to
gather as snug as a bug on a rug. The
running team is the hero of the hour at
present , and now brooms are the banners
that hang from the outer walls. They
did well and deserve the honors bestowed
upon them , John Sheody , n well known
citizen hero , is willing to back this
team against any amateur organization
in the state for any amount desired. If
Jerome Pontzol will only condescend to
take gold instead of gore , lot him weed
the Thurstons of their professionals mid
meet the Fitzgoralda in a fair field with
no favor. The Llucolnitos will accom
modate him any timu ho desires. So far
the capital . "Johns" are ahead of the
metropolitan 'Johns , " and the o ily way
to reverse the position is to do it honor
ably and fairly. QUID
Valentino claims a iwpalntioii of 3,000.
A now depot Is being built by the 1J. & M
nt South Bond.
Corthml has boon ro-lncorporntod to make
tliu record straight ,
'i'ho MntlUtm creamery turnH out 2COO
: > ounds of butter n wook.
A cheese factory h to ho stnitoJ by an Elgin
capitalist n oar Hod Cloud.
Jnmo3 Kilburn Hold tils Smmdors county
'arm of 320 acron the other day for S'J/'O.1.
Seven hundred and fifty dollars wotth of
; lass was brokou by the hull nt Control City.
Hastings line n ' 'Piety Hill" on .which n
"boy preacher" could get lu BOIIIO solid work.
It U reported that the hail eloatroynd the
crops ou a number of ffirms near Central City.
Moo & Jones , of Fremont , lost 175 sows
and pigs last week by a dldoaao similar to the
cholera ,
Kd. lilowott of Fremont Is coing to blossom
out in a $20,000 residence- brick with sand-
atone briunniDgB.
The Democrat Hays Hon. James has a ton
and n half of public documents stored in the
Hastings postofllco.
Huntings' democrat ! are entiled to the
chroino. They ha\o organized n Clovolnud
and llendrlckn club ,
The Pierce county fair association has pur-
: hased four acres of ground , and will put it
u nhipa for holding the annual fair ,
The three year old son of Ohtw. A. Hill , of
Hretp , died suddenly last wock from the ellocta
of poison of some kind , it is believed.
Willie , the ten year old son of C. G. Tabor
a fanner no or Wet'ping Water , was run over
and badly injured by a harvester , last week.
North Auburn farmers are in the midst of
a bountiful wheat A fair estimate
places the yield at eighteen bushel * to the
Company A , of the state militia propose
loldtng reunion during county fair week in
York. All companies in the Htato will bo
Josba Welstoad , a Fremont boy of 14 , is
dying from lockjaw caused n toy pistol on the
Uh. Another young life sacrificed to liberty
and noise.
Chos. D. Wilmoro was found guilty of man
slaughter in kiling Cha.K..McC.Uluiii iuMiuli-
sou county lafet April. Ho got six years in
; ho pon.
The West Point Trogress Bays if the would-
> o democrat organs succeed in driving John
Celly out of the party , "it it goad-by Graver
or it fact. "
JtTho North Platte Telegraph is authority for
ho statement that Patrick Kgan , ex-treasurer
of the Irish land league , favors the election of
Jlaino and Logan ,
The Journal claims that no other city of
'jincoln' fighting weight wouli put up with
.wo kinds of time. It would take a good deal
of timu to bring Lincoln to the scratch.
The horrible pictures of the presidential
andidates published by the plated press are a
ibol on "tho human form divine , " and should
send the authors to state prison for life.
The PJatt river has a largu channel cut
hrough the Oroapolls bottom that Is running
ull of water , and many predict that it is only
a question of time until the whole river
changes its course at that point.
A beef of 2,000 will bo roasted at the great
jarbequo at South Auburn , August 14. Two
excursion trains will run to the town one
: rom Omaha and one from Lincoln. It will
jo a great holiday for Nemaha'a now metropo-
The opera-houso in course of erection at
AInsworth. the property of MrH. Hums pnd
Mrs. Osborno wus blown down in the storm
of the 18th Just , The building , which was
40x88 in size , 20 foot ceiling , had just boon
An organization wai formed atHloomineton
to bo known .IH the Itepnblican Valley Kun-
nmg and Trotting Association. Trie purpose
oftho association is to merits it into n district
lair association for the Itcpnbllcan Valley.
The association will ho incorporated , buy suit
able ground * and proceed at once to business.
The soap fraud is being perpetrated in va
rious tovvfcH in Nebraska ; wherever the town
juthorities allow him to work hh "racket , "
10 liai no trouble in making five to twenty
lollars an hour , and generally the men who
lose their monfcy Miould spend it fortho UOCUH-
sarie of lifo for their famiiitH.
The Sioux City and Pacific has tent out a
> arty of ongineern to n point oitfhty four milrs
west of Valentino to locate 'a Jino wcitw.ird
ihourat eighty-four inlltH out of Valentino
.VUB loc-itud last year nil ready to cro H section.
it Is 110 inileH wfst from Valentino to the
) -intuiitho White river win-Leo it is sup-
Kibeil that n branch from the nnin line tx-
.eiiftiou will bo built north toward the Black
Hills ,
if. C. C. Jaskin8 ! telU the rrportor of the
Sioux Ci'y Journal that the big bcno found
xiur Wakofiold U the lower end of the tilrca
of u primeval olophant. The bono is broken
n.tlio Miiall part above tha back joint. The
omt ineasurta about nlno inches across and
rom that you can form Eomo idpa of the size
of the animal. The fragment in very little
lotrifiorl , only a coating less than one-sixteenth
of an inch luck in places.
Wednesday night's storm was severe in
ISiiflalo county. Some fields of wheat and
oats nro bsatou down so that It cannot bo har
vested oven with a mowing machine. Barns
and wind.wills wore blown and scattered ever
the prairies and several holism wore partially
unroofed. The wind played sad Iiavoo with
; rees , chlmnoys and outbuildings la Kearney ,
Up town lightening struck a building , but the
Inmates were not Injured , Corn was beaten
down and in uorno places torn from the
[ round.
The rcfrenhlng rains during the last ten days ,
says the North Platte Telegraph , have been of
front advantage to the crops In our county.
Our fanners nro busy harvesting their small
groin , of which tbero will bo on abundant
yield. Corn could not be bet er ; it now stands
nix and seven fet high , glocsy. dark green In
color , and tassblling out in ( rood shape. Grass
as yet is u Ilttlo short , but la still growing ,
anrlwil bo an average yield if thocuttingis
deferred to the middle of next month.
The Hastings Democrat , finding the task of
eloionding Cleveland a weary and nsolins one ,
moralize * OH follows : "Ai the cool , rippling
breeze of July go coquetting aroB the beard
ed and sldo. ! unkered wheat , and the plashing
of the meadow brook mingles with the nut-
Ing leaves , the fair school teacher rejoices in
lier heart of hearts-tho ace and hies away
to the rural reoort. where BhohuH maoy poor
rehtivfH who are glad to have her spund her
lohilay * with them. And when she getj
thcMHi.u takes thrir children out under the
spreading , true and hurU great bucketful * of
Mtnshlno into their sweet , uncheckerod livea
by presenting them with jack-knlvec , toi * .
ind other mdi-pcnsablo article * of | mvh r.ii
.hat she hai taken n way from he-r nuplU duriuu
the "
pant year.
'Tho Hamilton County News reports thn
storm of the 10th unuMitlly Kevcro in that
county. Tim now town of Phillip , em the.
Urand Inland extension of the ] J Ic , AI. , wan
nearly swept w y. lioynton hotel wa de-
molishod. When the storm ttruck it the
Ijuilelim ; was moved s ruth FOIIIO ftet , the top
lifted , turned over and d.i hod to the grotim ! .
All pfrsous in the building wcnunore cries *
Injured. A painter , n mo nut hurnod , In
r , ni-d MM nl < l hdv * ri , , < nlv inur ] d
tul ii , u L/.uwu '
largo new building of Mr. Grass WM blown
down , nnd blown against the hardware jtoro
of Ulnpman k Hurt , injuring Hint conilde-r-
ably. A doctor's eifllco was lifted from It
foundation ami turned around , 15 kor
grocery building , in which WM kept the post-
office , n lurgo building , was badly racked , The
front of Fnirchlld' * store waa blown In and
goods damaged lip the rain. Sam Spanoglo'a
) ' store nnd the depot -
roMdrnco , lr. Myers' drug ,
pot wore the only buildings left uninjured In
the village ,
A iia\ero wind at Cairo , Saturday evening ,
uuroofoil tovoral warehouses.
There was i\ rumor at Uock Island Iwt
ovcuing of n tornado nt Clinton Iowa. * n
particulars ,
Tlio poonla i > f Hrijlmrg , In Stolln land.fiouth
Africa , pulled down the Itrltlsli Hag and start
ed n small rebellion.
Henry A. Klkltu , the well known landscape
painter of Chicago , died of mountain fever at
CJeorgotown.Colorado , Friday.
While Spencer Kllawortb , editor of the La-
con , ( Illi ) Homo Journal , was driving In the
country to-day , his horao ran away and ho
was thrown out nild fatally injured.
A schooner landed Friday at 'Murio , Western -
orn Spain , wtyh fiftotra of the survivors of the
Spanish steamer Gljon , foundered In a col
lision with the stormier Laxham.
It is reported that nn earthquake at A -
sonnh , Kgypt , destroyed neatly nil houios in
the town , and nil ships In the harbor. The
Inhabitant ! took to the woods.
The board of managers of the New York
world's exposition hitve oxcoptcd a plan for a
Kpccint povorninent building 810 foot by 66P.
The work on it will be proceeded \ > ith
jnco ,
A storm In Kau Clniro county , WIs. , Friel
night , ilnmngi'el crops mid buildings to the < |
tent of $20,000. Hailstones ( all which nro i
legod to have measured six and eight Inches ]
JUln wni reportoell through'contral a'J
southern Ohio Saturday , allajiug the farmed
f tars as to the corn ami potato ? crops , > M
pctsana wore ) killed iu the region whcro
storm piovallcd , by lightning.
J. H. Kerrick&Co. , machinery nnd I
and woodwork donlorn , of Minneapolis , hul
assigned to H. S. Toll , who filed n bond f |
$100,000 nnd took possession. Kerrick
through bankruptcy in Indianapolis Inst ye J
The negotiations from a peaceful sottlom
of the dilfornncoa between Franco and Ch |
are again suspended , the latter govornin
refusing to give more than 20,000,000 fi
Indemnity. 1'rlmo Minister Ferry has
ccdod China eight days delay.
The democratic ) congressional conren
of the Fourteenth district of Missouri , wl
had boon In session at Poplar lilulf sincoTi
day morning ndjournod Bino die late Sature
night , after taking 447 ballots without nomi
ting a candidate , nn event unparalleled iu * '
Rouri ,
Farnell hat written to the socrotarloa of ]
ou3 branches of the Nationalist levguo I ,
Btor , declaring the convention to bo hole
Belfast Tuesday , called against his ad
i'ho promoters are acting hostile lu organ !
committees of the league. Ho advise
branches not to njnd delegates.
The llaltlmora & Olu'o Telegraph com ,
have rotlucod tolls for tnesaatfes batwoen
Louis and Washington , Baltimore , Phi1 ;
phia and Now Yftrk to 25 cents for dy ,
night messages to 15 conta for 15 Words , t' '
into effect Monday , making the rate to
Louis the same as Chicago.
The ollicer commnneling the United Sta
troops , charged with the duty of excelling
nquattcrs from the Cherokee nutlet lands
the Indian territory , has requested the int. '
rior department to send representatives r" ° .
point out the persons to be ejected , It " '
prob.iblo an attache of the land ollioj will
directed to discharge that duty.
Trovelyan , the chief eocrotary for Irelaj
has given the Dublin corporation instruct !
to prepare for au outbreak of cholera , . '
ompowera the ollicorn to raise a loan to in
the oxpenscs incurred in coping with the d ,
ease. They arc , if it becomes necessary , c
Dowered to erect temporary hospitals and c ;
for the nick.
The executive committee of the Nation ;
numbers' association closed ft three dayi
session at Chicago on Saturday. Preaideii
Andrew Young was appointed to momorializ ]
congress to establish a bureau of practic. '
sanitation , and Vice President Allison ,
Cincinnati , wus appointed to represent I
national association nt the Washington chci
conference , August Ctb.
QTho rear part of a boiler of an engine d
ing a freight train on the Leheigh Valley
road near White Haven , Pa. , blow out
day and killed J. U. Hassell , engineer , Br
man Hisjell , Bon of the engineer ; Fire
Armbruster and K. K. Smith , a telc nko
operator at Mlscopoo , and was riding on imnu
engine to his hotel at White Haven whoiraph
cxploalon occurred , th
At Lazarot , Italy , attendants secrete' '
keys to the wino cellar , Wednesday
[ midnight ) after having got at the spirll the
becoming drunk , taoy assaulted the Sis
Charity , and the inmates of the instil and
jut a iiorce resistance was * offered there uripf
ro called and suppressed thee ution ,
Cyclers who were under Sol-
' .break . ,
"wore wounded during th
G. 1) . Ilobort > i , of Chicago , who is PB
financially In the leiinott-Macloi !
cable , eays the cable will be ready : ntorest d
fervice by Octeiber 1. One. cable Atlantic
fuiiBhcd and the other will bo ffor public
the abo\o ilite. Tlio cost oftho , 1 ia already
reach sarcral million dullarj. 'I ; > lotod on
cablegrams will bo nutturlally leas
old cublo , but how much Ices Mr. rate for
clincd lo Hay. A company hai be " linu by thti
cable freun Brazil ' "oburt elo-
to luy a to'Nev
St. Thomas , which is to cost t organized
nnd which will work in conuec
ISeunott-Mnckcy cable. irao million ,
m jivitli the
Thren young ineu of Canton ,
Frank O. Vittum , ged 17 ; "
W ; and Johh Orendorf ,
in the IlliuoH river at
Frldjy morning nt 0 o'clock , Preok dan
to anchor u boat below the dam atteuiptge.
of , but the anchor f
pose lijhiug : or the l.ur-
the boat and it waa drawn int Iedui noouro
and capsized Vittum wis tin I a } virliool ) |
Yittuin , n merchant of Cant , fij It
adopted sou of n widow lady [ ' 'Joilcu the
Orendorf the pen of W. J. Ori thatj imini !
linn of Purlin , Orendorf & 'udorf ' , D the
nominated at ( ! > le burg a few ! n , who we
cnndlduto fortho Icglxlature. l'ay fliwo aa'
all three were recovered in the TH ( > 'lWdes ' ( of
Surgeons nt the Cook county , .liftonionn.
liavo under treatment a MM
ycarH old , who IB Hiifforinfr fr.
diteasu which alllicts cattle am ,
"linnpny jaw. " It ia In the fo
Kctim on her jaw , and it waa n , ,
to bean ordinary abscnss , but i
examination proved the c <
RC" S was found to contain
Identical lib thoeo found
cattle. It Is fupiKieod to , - , . -
by having eaten beef from beon''eijrjof ' ; ' ' ' (
disease. Au operation ttb 1JiliviBf''tle ( ) )
Tuesday , and the case exci * ' dffrtnh .l
tin tha lirxt case re '
States , thoun'h similar , . , "
' 08 lJoert"
corded In Germany.
and ahalf HRO wil , his
time IUH been livin ? In . atnl , " | D * °
nentutNo. IfiJ Norfo r"ar ° 0ni'f ' ' " .
lloobtalnwl ftpO'Ulon Yprk.
turant at No. 0 Oham "
wliero hlJ wife wun als Now/fSJiu-h ,
n his buiiness. h. .
lacoJ opun against MjJ ° jiollu ? ' ' ? <
BtrinR to the triWer o/7ir"M , ) * nl" f ta9h ( ? , | a ,
chair In which Ii9 / 'r , K'm W ° " " "
ia took a revolver. / / ? ' , " " " ' ' " * Cftc ' hand
. .
attention of tha nehf lmid W * CB1HHI the
wan broken into. ] hbora aud the apartment
with two bullet hole In Ida head am7"hlg
rcatluK ftgainst hit b roast and mn
/T /
can of tho''Jl vIM l0'lVJ ? f"K . ' 'aclng ' a
down on n hot rtov.mntil hSd carl l" "
U Ueatcdth t
Ueatcd- th
the cove-r nnd Miih - " "move
uct. u.1 5 ch , ,
Sonio Intcrostlnj : r ct at to tlio
lliiHlncss of Tills ThrUhiR Nr >
lirniilca City Tlio Men
of the H. * M. Sliom
Other Mattcrg.
CorrodiHindenco of The Boo.
I'LATTSMOUTH , July 25. A vitit of n
few hours reveals to the casual observer
but n small portion of this city. "Sir
thousand people , " they say , aud you
naturftlly nsk , where nro they ? Your cor
respondent , after spending * two days in
traversing the streets of Plattsmouth , haa
boon wonderfully impressed and docs no
longer doubt the reports concerning the
growth and proapority of thia city. The
principal business is done on Mam street ,
and commercially speaking ranks fore
most among similar cities In the stato. I
think I never visited a town that pro
duced os many wholo-aouled businessmen
mon as Plattsmouth does.
ia scattered considerably among the
bluffs of the Mineouri river a short dis
tance below the intersection of the
Platto. Many fiuo residences adorn the
hillsides and many bright and smiling
fftrc krn these residences , in all a pie-
" , y nnd contentment i *
_ , Jwhoro 'aprfng-
v grades on the Directs and
v made. The day is not
Jen Plattamoulh will bo
[ the first class.
I THK riiEss
[ defend the rights of the
land expound n prudent
people , la well represented
two cosmopolitan
ruld and Journal each
which evidences an in-
boasts proudly of a strict-
band nnd ono of the
Imipanica in the state.
J mon of the city have
| nnd in many caaos , ol-
'roputntion ' , aud I fool
Tthat they are enjoying
l.vo justly earned.
ID M. K. u. suor.s
[ with a capacity of 1000
it about GOO are em
: io supervision of Mr. .
taster mechanic. Mr.
Koasuro in explaining
together with the on-
of a railroad waa
Inatprial. To too the
'inginoa that are hero
irougbt out as good as
| ; ht. Assisted by an
aon I fail to coo any
Iwkaworth should not
ils watchful eye goca
wrong. * \ _ i
I had tlur.ploaartrp of meeting Ed.
tjruttol , ' of tHotmavaino rooms. Ldward
is very popular ihong the boys and
knowa-hia'gait . 'P .t McCallum , of the
boiler rooms ; Hob'twrt Ballauco , of the
XouwUiouBo.'and. hW' brother , Wm. Bal-
Unco , in the brasa-working department ,
are all gontlomorTwhio have.accured their
rospectivotrusta ( by. "iilnaoirtppllcation to
their dutyU , M&1Dad ; < aiftlt ijI < w r - * -
shops. Mr ; aobySrnlfihln"tio ! car dopart-
merit , end 'Hont7 * Waterman , of tno
wood wprkcrBj > ro-tireo : moro tal 1 Q
"gentlernenVrb'6 } oro.hi > rd to bcaj "
R/Oarrigam-ftd * W S ta F&
on dock and knowo -
hand if lib Jra anything , oven
"t b"tF "in th' "ar ao syatem-
y has ho eiortninB nrranSclJ-
Mr , John-J/KouhrV in the civil OD8i-
' ' " ' ; mem
neer aomue'rans'"forainos' aniong
bora ofTii , craft. M fouhn has for
Bovoraiyears been engaSod.m Pullman B .
extensive shops , but n' * " pormnuont.
. * w w t * * * mt + j < * A .
I L. 1
mechanics whom I 'wbule1 bo , P/cwod / to
mention liade > I the upap8. out uWico
It'nt prceont _ to noW thal THK
BEE , v YtfneB theni a long
tuid happy projporltj in the
Rood work and , may the snort of the loco
motive ) ovpr ro-pdp ) ) lirong out the land ,
and hall the ' { jl\'d ! , licingB , ff civilization
and Bociety. ' 1 cannot oloa | without res-
tnruing my heartiest thjmksto the citi-
zanu.of PJatlainoulIi fqf .Ao kindness
thpy have elinwii me , ant .to Mr. J.
Klisky , thp coiitlcnian jrlio\oscortod mo
aroundtho city 'V f *
TIII : WKLLM rAiiqi ) Exi'iiES cpMi'iinr ,
whoBO ollico ii ban'aged liy irr. J. D.
Simpaon , nt the : BI"III ; of "Tin Fair , " ia
doing an immenco husincsf and very
Biitiafaetory to the public. ; re-
memhorod tliat this titoro is h'ad < | uartii-a
for Tun BEE , ns wull as for ninoat everything -
thing else you may need. - V JF.
A f ewi of tllo i at trillions .for lezt week.
/vjnpppfion / with idy UKAl'SVliOLK.
SALE PitlCH RATE , nro 1,30 * YARDS
Loomri'ATJLH LINEN frotnv o up.
700 ynreU of WA IirNdTO * ALL
ICth St. , Next to 'he Postoflic , .
Rogers' genuine Silver Waro'ai v
, tt'c
The lioity'pf ' ( ho I'lutimiioiitli * yoato
Taken.Up byjDoroiior Maul ,
.Coronet , , Maill yoatorday * foionoop
went to Wattsmouth tb'eihumd th'u bod'y ,
of Iho floatep Ojfound near that city" pj )
B last. Jio ypdy , which had beori'ljuried
in the potter's field waa taken out of its
pine bor-nnd cloaejy examined for the
purpnso of qwnparing it with thoiloacilp- .
lion of Ilalveraot ) , the mieaing nul'ji hum
thia city , aa laatacon on the second day of
the month. The remain * were buried on
the day they were found , and when
taken up yesterday were in un advanced
stsgo of decomposition. The akin wua
fniug | | frojn the lluah , aud the Haif
from'ho4' ( ' .
" 'hu ' trunk was examined by the coroner ,
jut nei marks of violence or bullet holes
vcro fiund upon it , Jiur could any tracea
f fuul play bo discovered about the
lead. Parts frpin bis several piicos of
lothi i , ' were brought back by Mr. JlauJf
nd triiou ehov : j lo thoio with whom ) .o
ived , they corruspimded with hln cly/th-
ng when last euvn. The romniiu , ito }
oronor BftjH , nro tlioso of u man about
Inrty jtara of a o Tlio only
itfurtncu boiwci'ii the dt'scrijitlbu
f linlvenou and thn man w
-uis f u ' 1 n fin Mai-'iiri ' i'
could luyo boon easily disposed of and
whou It is known that Ualvorson had his
hair clipped clone just previous to his
disappearance lends probability to the
theory that the body may bo his. Coroner
ner Maul liao not determined what to
do , but it is exceedingly probable tliat
within n short time the Identity of Hal-
verson's body with this will bo determined -
mined ,
Hr nli , t
In n million tionir * for n qimrtrr Ota century It !
ituod ( ho rnniumciV reliable ( rut ,
_ _
Dr , Price's ' Special Flavoring Exlracls ,
TltttttngrtltlnoildttlctflUi md BtlnnlfUiar Ltt mtini |
Dr. Price's Lupulln Yeast Gems
I'or Light , llrillhr llrcivit , Th licit PIT Hop
Ycftil In tli. Wurlil.
( BFFUXR. . ) , ( AFTKIl. )
ljlLECTKe > VOLTAIO Iir.I.T ftrul other KLKCTHIO
J U Arn.uvCKS urn cent nn 80 I > njr ' Trial TO
MEN ONLY.OUNCJ Olt OI.I ) , who are tuffer-
WISTIXO WKiKKEEEia , nml nil thono dl.tvure of n
I'KRSOKXi. NATUKIL remitting from ABCTUM rind
OTHER ( 'AlignsBpruly rrllrf on > l compute
tMiorntlnn tc HriLTii , Viaou nnd JUmiooo
uu , " .KTcrn. bend at ouca for Illustrated
I'uruphlct free. AilareFi
rOl.TAU' ini T _ U ( > . niiirnlinll. Mich.
Slain & Mo n roe Sin. , i.
for 1114,110 p fH. SOUftisr '
of Ilutrumenli , .SulU , C m
ni. I pnnleu , Otp-t iui [ .
Ji. l > rtim AlRjar i buOi Anil
IUU , SuuJty Kind eiutliU H' [
li , l > o InrliidM ImuuclWn * n
, e * fnr Amnl ur lnnji.ftnil t C t >
of iboUt Una uuilo m > llkl free.
\ !
The Leading Agricultural ana Live Stock
Journal of tlio West ,
20 Pages { "
fcCC ?
. , *
UON. IlOnT.V. . FUH.VAS , Socrctarr State llonnl
of AKrlculfuii1 , Anioclulo Kdltor.
SUBSCUIITIO.VlI'JIIiJ ] : , 31.00 per j-oar In nilvancc.
109 ami 10S S. Uth Street. - - OMAHA , NKfl
Jy 22-tcio t (
G17 St. Charles Sf. , St. Louis , Jifo-
A rceultrerR'lQKtenrtwo ' Midlckl Tollrcrir , tn lu' uliu
tnrigfillo tha ipcclnltmtmnl ol CMIONIC KtotiBKitf
UDil IHoo D Tliftv/iiulliaii MIIT olJii-r f hjkleluo Iu & t. louii ,
u fltr pKprri iti w and all oil rri.iletiUlnow.
Nervous Prostration , Debility * Mental and
Phvslcnl Weakness ; Mercurial and other Alice *
tlons of Throat. Skin or Uones. Blood Poisoning ,
Old Sores and Ulcers , ro irnUJ wlib nrirallelutJ
Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , Excess *
Exposure or Indulgence , t > irh procure Mu or th
lollonluc vtJvelt urr outnifi , dililhtr , dlmueii of llffit
an < l ilofaellf * itiemgrjr , | Inink * on Iho * ae , j'lijilcal ileraj ,
rrrtlontotti voelctjr of femnlrt , foufuU * * of Utitv.eta ,
rendorlnc Marrfaco Improper or unhappy , ra
In icnlf J furclopt',1 frtc to an fuMm * . ( 'uuiultatluu ttot *
rccorb/imllfrir , jui'linrltti.i Wrlie brturitloiji.
kA Positive V/ritren Guarantee
Pamphlet , J7ncJuli ] or Uermait , O'i patfon. d ? *
frcribluff above diseoacs , in male or female , PJlUU *
ICOioevi , Dntl lo * . Illuilrilnl lu flollian.l tll'UaJInr.
evu'lafui ll ll'f eurloui , doublful or Ill uUltlfa WAat to
know. A back Inlcf.t la ill , UinHll. Iluiulf ,
PlattHinouth Neb
, - - - -
BBiiDiaor TiioaouaiiHuiiu AND HIOU CBIDI
lo. OorroBO'iatlcnoi ) tall lad
Eoyal Havana Lottery I
Drawn nt llfivann , tilm , Every 12
to 14 Days.
riCKKTS , $2.00 , IIALVKS. l 00.
tlubjeot to uu manipulation , not controlled liy the
partimln Intercut. It Is tuu l ! rit thing In thr
nature of'chance In existence.
For Information and ( intlcuUm apply toBIIll'SKY
3O.Oca. AvenU , 121 ! llrotdwav , N V. rlty.
B. KAUH & 00 , , 417 Walnut streetKt. Louis , Ho.
3r Frank I.obrono , I..JD. , 20 Wjandottu , Kan.
Jymitt & wly ,
T ,
„ /HOJJ/NDBU1"- /
HU DouglM St Ouuha , NtU ,
WANUfAarunEB or
Galvamzea Iron Cornices
trrltotmetViniloviH , Flntali. 11n , Iron and C'jitc
' " " " ' " ' I'atein * Motal'lo HkjI'Rbt ' , I.tint
1 " 'r "il I'rii' ' ' ( * | i MI if. J em
The Largest Stock in Omaha ; andiMakes the Lowest Prices }
Jn k rocolvod n wsorirnont far BrasL'
the latest nud most ta ly daslgus manufaoturod , . ,
range of prlcoi from the Cheapest to the moat & ? < -
* * .
< "
Parlor Goods Draperies.
NTow ready for the inspection of CUB- Complete stock of nil the lutes
tomerp , the newest novoltic a iu styles iu Turcoman , Madras nnd
Suits nud Odd Pieces. Lace Curtains , Etc. . Etc.
Passenger Elevator to all Floors.
nnd 1210 Fnrunin Street , - - - - OMAHA NEB * *
Dormer WlnJow * . FtoUli. Window Cutw , Iron Crcntlnzn. MeUlllo Sky.lnht | , &o. Tin , Irorfud Slata Hoof ]
, M > ti _ y cru , BID Bouth IStU btroot. Omaha , Nebraska.
K \NurAcrruiinR or ot BTIUOTC.T
. 1Mb SUe t ,
ottntcd CtlaloraafurdJiiiil ( rooucua aiipllcatloc.
Clilcago , SL Paul , Minneapolis and
The now extension ol tbla line from WakeflolJ up
tliriiii'h Cnnoonl anil Colcrlilgo
ho boat portion ol the Htato , Special el-
-urelon ratna ( or laml icokott ) over thin line to
Wnync , Nor loll ; r.ntl llartlngton , and via lllalr to all
lirlnoljiAl | ioliit on iho
Tr ln oror tht 0. , Ht. I * . M. St 0. llallwav to Oov
n'tnn , illoux'Ity , 1'onca , llartlnxtoii , Wa > no and
Noilolk ,
( Ooxxxxoo-t ZBlnJLx *
or Fremont , OaltJa.o , Nullah , and through to Val
Kor rates Mid all Information call on
F P. WJHTNUr , Ocncra AKiint.
Clasilcnl , Hclcnllflc , Commorclnl nml Art Dcjurt
ini'iitx , li.tli Bcii-suiluiitUil. Tuition low , . .
InKilioili , I/rut / of ( Oi kl v Fill ! , ciiulpjxul lacultj
, TirAitlru | Hfor lartlculurB , I lev. W. W , Ilartha
I ) . I ) Pri'ulilciit , nr I'rul. U II. Dm Uluta , Huorcwry
ol the I'aoutj | , Uollcv o , Nob. jy iua'23
The moit titennlvo manufacturer ! of
W9 H. Tenth Street OUAHA , NKU.
jcarl'rlcvH of Illlllrd anil Pool Tabltte aud matorlabi
uruthid on application.
Nebraska Cornice
Iron Q it c i n I
Amelia Burrougtii ,
1617 Dodge St. , - Omaha ,
NEW Summer Resort
Of the Northwest , Detroit , Minn.
A country of WOODS AND LAKES , 00 miles west
ofHt Paul. Ttirootralimilally on tha N I" . K. U. ,
* lth 80 Day Excursion. Tlcketa at about cno-lmll
An elegant hnum wllli a cmnmoilatlona lor 200
RucHtn. R. 17. COLBURN , Proprietor.
Will euro Nt'rvoiiifint'tis.
LiiliiliaB .lUieMlnutlmi , I'ur-
nl > 1'111. . Ki-uinliilu , Scliilleu.
KidiH.jHpluu mil I.Ucr
< ll i-ii r , eiout.Ai'tlilim.lU-3rt
ellM-ni. , Dytln-ptla , Cut 'l-
uitli n. Ii7 : firluii7catanli. |
'llcj , iilli'i : | | r , Iniiiotcncj ,
liAk'ui' , I'liilnpFun Vlril.ctp. Only K-linlllluia <
Holt In Aini'llitillint m ml Ilia Klrrlrlrlty anil niuK <
mu tht uiiKli IM ) > Luily. aiul tun U > ri lnirKfJ lu eui In-
Cltuit hy lliu imtlcnt.
SI.OOO Would Not Buw It.
Dtt. HOKNII I was alKIctcd with rliciiraatlfm and
3Uroil tiy uslnfj a holt. To any ono allllotud with
that cllecnuo , I would Bay , buy liorno'a Klcctrlo licit ,
Any onei can confer with mo by writing calling
a | tny store , 1120 Uouglia street. Omalm , Neb.
MAIN OFFICK-1422 DoiiKlas Struct ,
fffor Bale at C. y. Qooauuu'a Uru Storo' 1110
trnitu Ml , Om&lu.
Onion filled C. O D
I ' i
The Bcholastla jcar coiniucnccs ou the
First Wednesday in September ,
The course ol Instruction embraooii all the Eleinon
tarvand hlKhcr lirandien ol a flubbed education.
Dlllereucu ut llellKlou Is no obstacle to the admin-
nlon of yuunr laaleu. 1'uplln are rocehea 'at any
time ol the j car.
Including Hoard , Washing , Tuition In KnflU auil
Kreuctl , tuv ol books , rlano , jx > r ee elou of
Five Mont lie , - $150.00
CIIAHOKS-Dnwing : , Tainting , Gvrtnan
Harp , Violin , OulUr anil Vovul Mukla
lUiluninccii aio rciiulicil from all pcrncns unknown
to the Institution. Fur luitlicr Inlurmatmn apply to-
tliu .LADY BIH'KlUOItj
J > Il.m&u
8. W. Cor. 15th St. and Capitol Avenue.
On the Kurojifa'i t'ian. I'liutcia's In c\iiy re-
speot. 'IVblo upillilultncamt | < and all diliavc'w ol
the tra'oii , hof v j ou ) aj t < r on ) i v h t \ i > u nr < * t r n >
' ltr > ' ' ) ' i r r .