Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 28, 1884, Image 1

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American ComsflonfleDt Maizes a
Tonr of Marseilles and TonloD.
What " Ho Saw During a Five Days
"Visit to the Scones of Sorron
Burials at Midnight Heroism of
the Priests and Sisters.
TI1E in
Special Dlpimtch to TIIK BET , .
NKW YOIIK , July 27. The Times' cable
from Its own correspondent nt Marseilles says ,
I have made a five days' visit to the city of for
Toulon and to Aries iu order to learn and ro-
jiort for American readers
some facts in re
gard to tbo cholera. I have visited every
room in every cholera hospital existing in
Marseilles and Toulon , and have seen wretch the
ed people dying in hospitals and hovels , and
buried at midnight in cemeteries by the light
nf torches and lanterns , I have discussed all
phases f tlio epidemic ( has
Ahaustively wltiuos- ] a
pltal doctors , priest * and
nurses , ami
my con-
el luiotiis
fa a thing of which no intelligent community
of well ordered lives , and well managed sewer-
pipes , need have an alarming fear , eren when
brought into close contact with it , to say
nothing of Retting into a panic at a distance.
Iu Marseilles wo undertook to drive through
the city. In the audro
chief streets
wo could dis afew _
cover but slight changes. But the poorer This
quarters ana ( Jed knows there
are enough of
tliom reveal another side of the
drovn into them. From the tenement as wo
on the hill region has
hillA and
flowed across the Rue Caissorlo and plunged thus.Tho
down a precipitous
deicent ou the other side ,
through dark lanes swarming below with idle At
men and children playing Force
in filthy gutters ,
women meanwhile washing the wjter about
with their brooms under the evident
sion thatthey were cleaning something. The beou
"Uiell through all this quarter , in which , dur doing
ing the tpaco of twenty minutes
, wo met
three smell laden hoarse ? , was bad enough , but the
was indescribably worse when we had Iud
driven ncrofs the town to two of the most '
atillcted quarters of all Mar.-eillo3 , Capelctto fatigue
aud the adjoining quarter. In order to reach
them wo crpsfed an old
ship canal which
tilled was willbo
reeking water and had
.iu surface thickly covered with
- of decidedly miscellaneous and revolting kind. rector
1'our uut of every five hoiues were found declared
closed. After thU experience I decided to many
visit the hospital. 'During a tour of the rooms el red
I saw eighty-four patients In all stages of dis without
ease , from the last agonized broith to the per atic
iod of cheerful convalescence. Kvery face of hospital
those eighty-four male and female was the a i
face of a person from the lower walks of life ; and
.ami thin , I am told , has boon the rule among the
patients from the first , at the beginning disclosure'
HJneteeii-twontieths of the patlonta at trie hos excites
pital failed to recover. For the last fortnight
matters have so far improved that only two-
thirds of tboBO received have died. Late at
night , I drove to the here
tu sea the burial of three patients , whom I had
observed in the hospital in the attoruoon.
After a brief burial service intoned by a pale
young jiriebt , three boxes were hiirriodly
lowered into a trench eight feet deep by flioUIII
twenty feet long , and a goodly quantity of
lime showered on top. It was a ghastly
trench , and there wns plenty of room for more
coflinx. It wa9 a weird and saddening sight.
Wo went back to thy central part of the city ,
and it was gay enough. Bands were playing ,
cafe lamps gleaming ; people in throngs walk Special
ing in the streets laughing merrily , and many
bunds ' were poked _ out of tha windows. AC l !
o'clock next morning I saw a mournful pro the
cession of f > 00 puoplo forming opposite the tract ,
1'alais doI/IuduBtrie.
They were poor people session
taking their turn so that they might obtain u
modicum of bread. All day long this cry ro- senate.
malued , and was sadly Biipgeativo cf a panic. to prevent
If , in a Hanltary sen e , the condition uf Mar linn in
seilles was frightful , that the
AT rouLOX ican
struck mo as simply murderoti" . Just fancy schema
people living In thn city of 80,000 inhabitants Main
without the faintest ,
glimmer of common seneu the
In regard to public hygiene. Their habits ,
both in houses and iu public streetx , are imlo- arranging
scribably filthy. The plain Jincrlish of it is domestics country [
about this : 'lhat it is impossible for people
: vho Hvo ou fruit , who drink all kinds of poor
fluid , who eleep in dirt and Hastiness , who shipments
jneathu air polluted by the sewacro of the town KIIU
itself , and rendered doubly country
poisonous by ex ol l labor
creta left by draining Iiipi to escape cholera. not
' ,
To-day' * ) HOWS indicates a laborers
III the south , but it in uporaJio and easily ac fonthold
counted for. The vast number of refugees this they
miut ruvo distributed the cholera over con corn to
siderable araa. Fright , fatujuo and bad food mans ,
are exactly the elemunt which predispose hu her lands
man brings to attacks of cholera. I believe , as 100,000
I have said before applicabli
, there ia little dangerof con-
taxloii , provided precautions lire taken. I
think fear kills many a man end woman , I
find that muses and Sisters of Charity , who
have been stricken down with disease , wcro
those who hail invariably lout heart and were
afraid to face the cholera.
Another dispatch says : ' 'There can hardjy
ba auy doubt that the plague has abated in
virulence , both in Toulon and Marseilles , but
in other districts of France , where it obtained MlNNK.
foothold , it rages unabated. "
Regular Press Dispatches , morning
MAIWEILMH , July 27. Tbo Catholics of
tbo have for riotou
city again petitioned tbo mayor lo
authoring processions and public prayer for escape
the abatement of cho.'era , but the request has olllcer
been refu'ed.
Only five of the twonty-sovcu members of The prise
the municipal council remain in that city , wcro arrc
Tllli DEATH IIOU , second
MAnsKiLLCfl , July2 ' 30 deaths here from violence
diolora in the past twenty-four hourj. to a local
ToULON , July 27. Klevert deaths from chol Ity sovori
era here in the paU twenty-four hours ,
I'AIHB , July 27. Twelve deal s from chol tered.
era nt Aloi to-day and six at Aix. A panio Ijtmghlin
f at the latter place. licoaro the exciti
THE 8T , I.OUIH HC'AIIU , thu prlso
ST. FxH'iH , July fO , Additional develop- threatenl
nionta regarding alleged cholera patients re from tow
ported as onniog to this city on the ' Annie
i' . Silver" allow that there IH no case of cbol-
eri. The family are at the city hospital ,
They had not been In the city for yearj , and
wore D put iu the hospital hecauso the woman in
unwe and the family without money. The
man l was fald to como from Toulon. Ho says
he was never tharo and wai never In the In-
footed dUtrict auy whore , and spent the labt
throe years In Mexiat > awl Now Orle.nn ,
HU wife Is troubled with milk tieknen and
thn child hid summer comphiint. The man
in largo and healthy and ia woklng work.
hit huultu utiieer placed tbo vowaa iu the crowd 1 a
hospital with 200 otbon. The authorities
hare boon notified that there are
NO anooNDH ton TIIK nuvono.
.Sr.LorH | , July
2C-Tlmt the matter m y bo
put In official form , the following dispatch ia
added to the above statement :
tfr. Lous , July 2i ) . To SurROoii-aoneral
UAiniltoit , Washington : A throiuh oxMnltm-
tlou of the alleeinl cholera case on the "Aniilo
P. Silver , " at 1'ort Anderson , Mii. . , shows
that the family named 1'icillotto , whofu child
died during the trip , have boon readouts of
Mexico for more than a year and cattio to tlio
United States seven months p < > . They never
were In the cholera infected district of 1'atls ,
The child died of summer complaint , There
is no foundation for the cholera statement.
( Signed ) .JOHN I ) . STEVENSON ,
Health Commissioner.
WASHINGTON , July 20 Surgoon-CJoneral
Hamilton received to-d.iy a coi y of a letter
dated July lUth , from Dr. J , B. 1'oaco , who
attended the supposed cholera case on the
steamer , "Annie 1' . Silver"and who warned
the authorities at Nashville. Ir , 1'oaco says
tbo family arrived at IS'ow Orleans five days
slncn ( July 14th ) from San Lais , Spain. The
vessel had been at Bordeaux , Toulon and
VorACruz. _ thoncfh the father did notspoak
Knglish. Ir , 1'eaeo says bo learneil he had
been detained _ at Toulon. The doctor says :
The child diad with every symptom of
cholera. Vhethor this was a case of Asiatic
or sporadic cholera I will not positively assert ,
but cholera it certainly wax. " A
LlVEiiroot/ , July 20. It turns out on ex
amination that O'Brion , of the "St. Dunstan"
crow , reported seized with cholera symptoms
this city last night , is sufforiucr from biniple
colic , which Is very prevalent.
TIIK stsiKiLs or ciiAuirv.
MAnsBiLLKS , July 20. The fugitives from
hero are beginning to return. The municipal
authorities have thanked the sisters of i hartty
their devotion and zeal in assisting tbo tie
cholera sufferer * .
TOULON'H TBnnon.s.
1'AlUrt , July 20. Tito flight of people from
Toulon continues. It is announced that all er
workmen at the arsenal who may bo absent ing
two weeks will bo dismissed. A cholera hat
patient In the hospital there committed Htilcldo
to-day by plunging a knife Into bis heart.
Manager Hondo , the papal nuncio at Paris ,
applied to the Italian ambassador hero for
pais across the frontier , without being sub-
jccted to quarantine regulations , but bis re
quest was refused.
TootON , July 20. There were twn deaths
from cholera to-day in the city , and two In the
suburbs. Total deaths from cholera
, C93. 1 bo
exodus has decreased the population .
thirds. two-
QUEUKl , July 25. The authorities have ap cato
pointed an i oflicer to look after the bark Jes- the
, from Matsolllos , suppojod to arrive in held
few days at the adjacent port of Kscomnain.
action : causes considerable relief here. now
I'AKtS , July 27. The archbishop of Paris nnd
ordered the priests to offer prayers for ,
solicit alms in behalf of the cholera vic will
. offered
The favorable weather at Toulon caused a ivayto
marked amelioration of the epidemic. special
Mnrseillea the police were obliged to use the
when disinfecting houses whore death local
occurred. \
The priests and Sisters of Charity have - '
indefatigable in their
exertions , aft < r
the work of the municipal authorities in
Jisinfccting houses
an attack of fever , in consequence of
aud anxiety resulting from his visit to
and Marseilles.
BKIILIV , July 27. - A mass meeting
held here to protest against the ostab-
of cholera Ifospitals In the Loubit
, demanding .a- bettor water supply Indian
completing ) the sewerage works. The di formally
oft the hoipital made an address which last
thu cholera less dangurpns than territory .
scourges , such as typhoid fever and-kin- arid
ills Ho instanced the fact that in 187-1 , them
it being fairly known , Asi- burn
cholera was created atVoabit made
, The epidemic occurred among and
number of boatmen while on debauch , over
but two patients were brought in after to Fort
dlseasp ' was successfully localized. Thsl era will
lisclosuro'by an oflicial iuxpector of hospitals
no little sensation.
LEQIIOII , July 27. The chancellor arrived J reoly ST.
from Marseilles and
to-day from 'he
, Ho had fulfilled the quarantine Uert
, 'ith
CHEAP IiABOH. itizcns.
n port
Bill Tor the Prevention of Its Im Thousands
portation Havliii ! Fniluil , tha dieus
to bo Prosecuted
Dispatch ) to THE BKE.
WAailiNOTo.v , July 27. The bill to prevent
importation of foreign labor under con- NEW
which passed the house during the past teamers
, failed to secure consideration in the ( oners
There ' exiets , consequently , nothing rlsh f that
the continuance of this trade , and a iacl :
this city has prepared to embark in [ cured
business with i\ view to supplanting Amer- hem
uanlaborwith workmen from Kuropa. The hem
is ta import Welsh and Italian laborers ud
under contract at low wages. W. II. 1 nrdod
a real oatatq agent , is at the head uf ligrauts
concern , and his agents are in Kuropo
fur the shipment of laborers to this
, Tlio plan In to keep laborers and Tlio
of all kinds to meet nil AI.IIANV
and to replonUh the stock by fresh nd
as noodod. Thu mauagors will is- poned
circulars to contractors all over the old four
, offering to give them superirr class rowd * .
at low rates of wages. They do jmpornry
Main says , confine themselves to common ud the
, but 1 will get skilled workmen who 'ho
willing to work for less wages to got a lob that
in i this country. In connection with Isgraceful
propose ] to run a colonuation con- olicomen
bring : over foreigners , chiefly Ger-
who have small capital to take up Urn-
. Main says they have os much as Tlio
acres In a single region , which will bo Diw
for this purpose. hot
A MINNKAPOIjlS ? IOB. Northwestern .rrested .
on. He
Together hy the Second irakcniBii
aiurdcrof nn Olllcnr Within iriund
n \veolr. : onsidori.l
was shpt
the window
bo bcr sick
have bei-i
si upon sovt
; his iistor-
' . of Grillin
and land
ii as fears
will endci
A J5oi
puty was
Louis fell
er of tit
p'unpcdl '
The bodii
Intba fii
suicide ill
and hoodlums. This fact was discovered to-day
and quieted the apprehension of lynching'
Kvery precaution ia being taken , however.
The militia , it is understood , will bo called out
should any occasion arise. Polico'iian Laugh-
lin ii still
alive and not likely to die
to-night. Some believe that If he dies the
attempt to lynch the murderer will bo renewed ,
but the sentiment nraintt nn v further demon
stration is very strotifr , And will prevent
Immediately on the
Bounding nf the
riot alarm , a Fpeclaf train will lie held In
roadmesi to take the guardi -MinueaiKilis
any time to-night should they bo needed.
ST. PAfi. , July 27. Governor Hubbard I
not in the city , but Adjutant General Mc
Carthy stated in an Interview to an Associated
Press reporter that the First Kegiuiont Min
nesota r '
Guards , under Colonel Bond ,
had been ordered to bo In readiness
to go to Minneapolis
nt '
a minute's
notice , but ho did not think
they would
bo called out. Ho believed the trouble
about over. A visit to the state
showed Conuiany K under armory
, Captain lllakely
sleeji1 In the
three armory , and the other
companies have been
notified to letwrt
immediately upon order. ,
ST. 1'AOt , July 28. At 12:30 : the
and are closed aud dark. Thu armory militia
have all been
allowed to
go upon tbo
telegraphic advices of Colonel Bond
tion polis. ftt Mln-
IlloocTy nml Dcspcralo Shooting
A mitt
Ataoiifj the Creek IndlniiH ,
FORT Sunn 5 , Ark. , July 27. A shooting
affray occurred at a dancn at Deep Kork In
the Creel Nation last Wednesday morning
near davlieht , in which Sam Unities and
another Indian 1 wcro
mortally wounded
John Tiger , also n Creek Indian. Hnlnen by
and Bony McTntosh
; were endeavoring to sot-
nu oh feud when Tiger canto -
scone drunk and upon the
after a few words becan
into the crowd < , shooting Haincs In the firing head
and shooting off his noso. Another shot took
effect In the I head
of Sam Sucltio
a by-stand
, - - ten
, who died the next day. After the shoot
Tiger fled , leaving his horses and by
behind ; , and escaped unhurt , although 23
shots were fired nt him. Ho ii still at largo. and
Some UlfTorcnoo ot Opinion Relative I
tc the Boston Convention.
Special Dispatch to joct
OllIOAC , July 27. The latest Information on
Utopians of the In'sh nationalists indi
that they are all at sea on the subject of the
Irish-American national convention to be Ho
in Boston next month. Parnoll , who had the
announce his intentions of being present ,
tays ho is not strong enough to stand the ere.
fatigue ol an ocean voyage. Thomas Sexton
William Hedmond , therefore will bo
deputed to t roprebcnt the natirnal party , and point.
sail for America August ad. Sexton
to attend the Boston convention on his thy
_ to Australia , nnd is entrusted with a to
message from the London loadoisof duty
party , , mid will al30 addrtsj meetings of cation
bianches of the Irish national league in
America on his way from Is'ew York to San to
i'rauclsco . graph
gra )
Captain i'alno nnd Followers to bo tloman
Driven Off l > y Troops , facts
CAI.UWJ , KAS. , July 27.C. . Kogers , of will
Muskogee , Indian territory , representing the shall the
department < , has arrived here. Ho one.
' notffied'Cnptain Fame and followers torestod
Friday that "thoy must quit the Indian out
immediately. They refused to go odioif
General Hatch was csllccl on to remove
, which ho will do 'M"o3lay. ' ( Ho will 13
or otherwise destroy all improvements
on Cherokee lands by the "Boomers , " 1'astor I
will arrest all old offenders nnd turn them falo
to tin United States marshal , to be taken
Smith , Ark. , for trial. ThonowofTend-
bo taken to Kansas and turned loose. It
The Greoly Party. ' people
JOHNH , N. 1 < \ July 20. At 10 a. m. the dent !
relief fwiuatlroii steamed Into the bay. they
flagship Thetis led , followed by the Bear , city.
and all steam tugs and steam launches cerning
the flags of Great Britain and United Telegraph
at 1ml f mast and crowded with leading is true.
. On all public buildings and mer- who
promises flies are draped. The vessels In the
displayed national flags in mourning.
of spectators from the shore waved hut
by banner or handkerchief which salu- man
wcro gracefully returned onr
by the ro-
fiialron. ( ] ( Lieut. GrcoJy and other clorgyrnei
are enjoying tolorabio hoalth. vcstlgatio
Tlio Anchor Imio Defiant.
Dispatch to TnK BHB.
VOIIK , .luly 27. The Anchor line
liavo defied the emigration coinnns- '
of the United States. The Furncala , that .
line , brought over a number of assisted against
immigrants , and libol.
refused to take them
when the commissioners demanded , mid untruo.
clearance and )
leaving "
here. An attempt will bo mada to HOIK ! "Xumoroi '
back by HOIIIO other vpasel of that Hue ,
hereafter , all Anchor line vessels will bo nrrest
at qiiarautiiio mid no assisted im- e\insitro. |
allowed to land from them , ' ditorof
nor has
Salvation Army at Allmny , not ho
, July U7. Twelve "Comradec , " and ( /
several converts rf the Salvation Army tor.
a regular campaign IIP ro to-day. They any
meetings all attended by immense
At the second mornlnp meeting the
seats on the barracks were smashed
uriiiy adjourned to thuBaptut church ,
afternoon mooting was attended by a " \ Warrants
interrupted thn mooting by the most
conduct. In the evening tbo
maintained comparative quiet.
Iowa Sheriff Rlioolcr Captured. BLTKAI.O
MOINEH , July 20. Jack Hoynolds , who casionod
sheriff McCord of Marshall county , was rcncy
last ovrning on o froipht trniu on the issued .
road and lodged Injail at New
was recognized by the conductor and
who promptly covered him with which
revolvers and ho surrendered. Ho wan Monday
and sent to the Newton
jail , which Is story it
) . ono of the strongest in the state ,
keeping , cal circle
Hliot IIIn HlHter-ln-Ijnw
- - , the govor
, I'nluly 2' . Mrs. Adam Miller take the
fatally last night whlio Blttlug at nal
of her '
father's residence holding
Infant , The shooting is supposed to tor.
- dnno by 1'Irus filler , brother to her believing
, who wai in the room at the tlmo. hCt it
lillor WAS always considered a mono
ujon the hitbjcct of witchcraft , and dcu'giud
sovcral occasions , It Is stated , threatened tion.
bistor-ln-law's ; life for huving.bowitched him. however
and mai
Dakota Murderer Captnrml. itchould
. . DAK. , July 'X . - The murderer resolution
, at 1'Jkliorn , wai cupt'TCil at I'iorco
landed In jail here last night by Sheriff law parti
, Tha prisoner is under close guard , noccssarj
are ente.rUiued that his friends will criminal
a rescue. Tim citizens are iirinedaud
endeavor to
prevent an outbreak ,
of iu a
Doulilo Drownlrii ; OfTCMIcnK < ' . '
, July 27. This afternoon whlio a
yachting in the Lake , Miss Mamio ploporly
ovoiboard , Otto Mulhurt , thuijwn-
yacht , though iinablo t' > nwlm ,
to rescue her. Both were drowned.
) have not boon recovered , LONIW.N.
seilloa to
Bulcldo Hecaimo of 111 Health , ssma the prerent
YOIIK. July 27. U. I' . KsteB , partner outbreaks
firm of 1C. It , Kstcs & Son , committed Iv
ut hU hotel to-duy by shouting , the
- . be ? ' iU2 of ill health , loc/'ja ;
TheClergjr seem Mmu to
. : ItSo ainsf CIcrelaDfl
The Editor of.tho Telegraph Says
Ho Has Hoard of No Suit ,
* - ' rr ' ' / > * "
! < 1 i , V * , " '
Other. ?
Politico Matters The Cnm.
In Vlrfilniii Ilrc\vncr
/or. Blalne ,
Special Dispatch J to Tun HER. ' >
ClIIOAl , July .27. THE UKK was the flrat
paper in the United States to
cxpo o Clove-
land's ) moral turpitude , onildvo the Ho to Ilia
personal cleanness by publLihing'it letter writ
to tko editor of the Advance of this city ;
Hov Ball , ft Buffalo pustor. The letter
was rcpubHshcil by tEe Triljune of this city ,
has cplled'ouC' ' ' ( '
thb'1foluwlnjr ] Important'
corrcspona'duc'd'ib' ; confirmation of tlio original
letter published td-day :
BUFFALO , July 23. Edllo ; of the Tribune :
find a private ] letter of mitS made mtblic in
your columns relating- ( Jrovor Cleveland.
How it canto to b'o published 1 do not know
neither do I particularly car * Tito solo ob ,
in writing it was to y-nt tlio Advance
its guard , and draw its attention to
liiuor.Ai.rriEH. ly
I had fully f investigated the cnso anil found 8.
evidenced ' of hla guilt 'waie overwhelming. HAt
was being'Hirgo l upon tlio good | wojilo on
plea of exceptionable purity , ami religious
papers wcro being misled nndtnislondiug oth-
. I wished thorn to , consider the case nnd -
discuss the relation of uuchaetity to civil
motions. The people need 'instruction ' on this
. Politicians tire includ { to treat it nys
lightly our youth arc siyupt awny from
path of virtue by their example. It seems
mo that religiouu joun-ik huvo
- n special lyn1.
to perform i In this matilr. The publi
of my letter is bringing mo a flood of _
luquirlo It consumes my tliao nnd strength
answer them , anil I want rshef. Tlio Tele idsC.
ih of this ' city haa published the case quite
, and I believe
The editor of that paper h a gen-
, who would not knpwifigly ptiblihh
untruth. Ho took pjins to uncertain the on
before disclosing atiythiBg. That
bo had singly or by quantity. If puopln
send for it , instead of writing to mo , 1
ba greatly obliged. , Tha Cfaa is now in
political arena , yet'it la j riinarily moral
Kvery good man naif " j.oVoirisu fa in
to t li'ivn n baclielor4Jl'"D3rf'lmbTts kept
of our national mansion. Mnrmonlsm is
, but free love fur more odious. Our
president [ should bo personally pure as well
politically sound , Very truly , fast.
GroiiQK H. BAI.I. , lica !
tor Hudson Street Baptist Church , Buf 1:43.
, N , Y.
BUKFAI.O , July 27. Editoof the Tribune :
scents to i mo that the loading question of quarter
campaign ought to bo , "Do the American run
want a common libcrtlno for presi Proo
" If not , it is very easy for you to show qitartor
thoyoupht not to choose Cleveland , of this dea3dti
Kvery word which you will read con
his 1 character in or from the Buffalo
.of tills data I hare reason to know
. Unfortunately for many clean men at
will veto the democratic ticket tills year , Bmnswic
interest of "purity and reform , " the ; third-Ti
publication referred to in nota campaign lie ,
the saddest and most solemn truth. The Swift
who prepared it for the press Is ono of Time
best known and moat widely honored All
, and ho did it nftr a personal in second
, and Influenced only by a sense of
sternest moral obligation. At
H. S. MiroiIKir. , AtSL
I'astor of the First Trosbytcriau At
Church , Buffalo , N. V. eas City
B3J'KAl.o , July 20. It was rumored to-day
suit had 1 brought by Governor Cleveland
Tlio livening Telegraph for criminal
Investigation hhows the report to bo oi tion
. The Telegraph thin afternoon under mgwoath
heading "Tho Talk of n I.ibol Suit , " Mitys. gcnnrally
inquiries coino to the editor of part ,
Telegraph about the probability of hi *
for iihel on account of the Cleveland will bo
. In reply wo Imvo to say that the ] 'or
The Telegraph lias no positive in- northern
that ho Is to bo arrebted for libel clearing
lie positive information that ho will warnmrc
arrested. Ho knows nothing about it , portion
i/ivex himself no concern about the mat
Hoi fools prepared to moot the Issue iu Al'nt
shape it may take. "
Sccial ]
the West
IHHIIRI ! fur tlio Arrest or SyrueuiiO
Cleveland's Dclaia'era. quihtlon easy
Dispatch to the BEK.
. , July 20. A eonsation was oo- v.lll be
: by I the nimor , which obtained cur between vent
late In tlio day , that warrants had been wohavo
Jor the arrest of 11)9 ) author and pub lines urn
the article entitled , "ATorrjbleTalo" beyond
appeared ; In The Evening Telegraph , I SInca thu publication of the
has boon the principal topic in politi
; ) here. Bo mudi capital has boon
out it by the republican press that
governor's friend * finally nrgcd him to
necessary i course tu puninh the crimi
aesallantx of hli private charac
Ho was loth to do this ,
ilfjlit iniudud jieojdu wouliT
down as a campaign Invention
to injure his prwpects in the elec
The wide currency givaij to the story ,
, and the fact tint nevural domooratlo
many republicans journals demanded
ba mot and rstutod , changed his
of slienco and yeatorday his
puitnors wtro repotted to have taken tbo
( tops to vindicate hw character by
jirocess. It Is claimed the
when thoroughly tlfted will bo disposed
way thut cannot reflect upon his ropu-
UBy degruo i > nd that ionbofora ao-
oftlie cninpni n begltiu thutoindal
bteti laid at rest ? iwd the author
punlnshcd ,
. . July WA 'despatch from Mar-
The Timei euyo : It U 'jultu certain
npldond-j vf cholera hai not the
vlrultnoj whioh charocteriH'jd piovloiw
, It appears to Imvo attacked iKk-
Individuals rather than whole sections uf
population , At Ailoi manv ] > irsons have
lnane thro'ijt fear , The tot : l iima-
her of pUws n 1-Vatieo wh ro tiVc Infection op-
jHsared Is foiuteen ,
MAIMMI.LM , duly i.X ( The citT l threat-
pnrd with a meat famine. Mnnf butchcrf
Imvo shut up rhopt , Others find ft dllllcnlt
to procure supplies.
rAnin , July 20. The epidemic nfr Toulon
contmuci to docrcMd ; doali ! ' last
night , four at the bn.ipiUl , six In the titburb ? ,
three in llio city. At Marsctlloa then' were
twenty-four deaths laU night.
OnnnilA Ohjoots Co Xlinlr 1'Aaiin.vo
! riirotiKli the Doiiiliilou Cnt-
Frotvcti Han-
Toitoxro , July 37. Canadian cattle otpor-
.urn "are united in opposing Uho
ittlom Advanced to Lord Carlinpfonl
by a deptttatioii of
Wyoming cattle donlor at
/oniion. U. I' . Kmulclund , the well known
calt6 ' ! ox porter , Is strenuously opposed to the
'doa of Allowing cattle from thn western ntaton
; o p.v through CauniU , cnrouto for the markets -
kots of the united kingdom , ai a great injus
ice to Canadian csttlo men. The Americans ,
10 B id , wanted thus to avail themselves of
7.iniula's clcau bill of he.ilth for cattle.
Lniulon , Jirtg. , duly 27. Moreton 1'Vowon ,
Ito Wyoming cat'.lo-king , who organized the
igltntlou in favor of Importing American
fo TB. ! Canada , has mtlcd for Now York ,
lo says ho ii thoroughly rntliU < d with the
results of his visit to Kutlatid ; , aud confir'ont
iat ordeth will toiu bopivan for the lulmis-
ilon of Wyomlu ? cat tin at Dritlih ports.
rain.At fit
At tiu
tons , T.
At (
villa G.
At To !
At Ba
doiico 10
At A
At St.
At NeAt
At No
'J ,
At Bui
At I'l
At I'l
At Stil
of a i
3d ;
3d ; ti
, '
, T ,
Cincinnati Cinciiinatis I ) ; LotiisrilloA 2 ,
St. Louis Columbus 2 ; St. Louis (1. (
Kansus City -St. Louis Unions 'J ; Kan
4. )
Tlio IVcatlior lor To-day.
WAHIIINUTO.V , July 23.--Kor the upper
Mimlfisippiuilloy : Fair weather in the northern
, : i
I )
, [ :
one ,
I ° " ° '