8 OMAHA DAILY BEE-SATURDAY , ' JTJM 2G , 1881. THE DAILY BEE. Saturday Morning , July 26 LOOAL BREVITIES , Tbo council adjourned last cnlng with out doing any business , M no cjuonun wris present , In polioo court ybstonUy tliorewcro five ilitlmbcra'of the jioaco , four of thorn wore lined $5 ouch ami sent up. The fifth WM ills- charged , being sick. There will bo n regular mooting of llulh llobckfth Degree. Lodge No. 1 , \n \ Odd Fel low's hull , nt 8 p. m. , Sftturdny evening , > Tnly 26th , 1881. A full attendance is requested. Married , Jit Niagara , Ontario , July 23d , by the venerable Archdeacon McMurrfty , Alfredo Montmorency , of Omaha , Noli. , to Matilda , oldest daughter of the KoA. . X 1'hllllrw. Judge McCulloch has isiuo'l ' mfttrlago Iccmos to the follow ing parlies : Mr. Grant IJrovvn and Mire C. M. Hrrrick , Mr. A. M. 1'etcrKon nnd Miss ] J. AI , Sjcraon , Mr. P. A. Soxmnn nn3 Miss Khrabcth Jteckman. Thursday the man running the "inir maid " im India slugged the driver of the los ! ton Laundry wngon. Tlio driver was going tohaNohimarrcitodbut finally concluded to take S5 In jaymont fur the grief ho had un dergone. A tloublo wedding took place at .Itulco McCulloch'rt court ycpttrday morning , the ] iniiy ] ] couplt'R being Mr. Lee Hnily , of Omuln , nnd Miss Liila Harris , of Lincoln , nnd Mr. W. II. Gibson nnd Mija Mattie Long , both of Omaha. At the corner of Sixteenth nnd Izarcl streets is a pool of ntngnnnt water which in covered ith n coating of green slime nnd toiuls forth n tickoning ainoll. Near the oil mill Is a Minilar pond , These things dhoiild l > o attended to nt once oru they bret'd diaoano nnd death in that localitv. llev. 1) ) . Mitchell , wan telegraphed for from Nebraska City , to attend the funeral of Mia. Lucy Price , ono of the first colored not- tiers of that city , nnd the lirst pcwon that joined the A. M. J < . church in that place. The church was organised in her house. The older will return to-day. On Thursday evening a gentleman , nc- companlod by his wife nnd child , drove Into a bad hole on Twenty-third utreot between Douglas and Pnrlinm streets. All were severely - voroly shaken up and the little child suffered the fracture of an arm. No signal of danger was up and it Is fortunate that the party es caped moroRorious Injury. Thursday night when the wagons were being hauled from the show grounds to thu depot , after the show , ono of the largest and heaviest ones got Into a hole at the corner of Fifteenth and 1'aruim steels , nnd then stuck. To add to the trouble the wagon WHH broken nnd it was over nn hour before it could bo movud. During that time the atmosphere in that immediate vicinity turned quite blue. THE BuKollico was thu recipient last evening - ing of n pleasing and euphonious serenade from the Howard cornet band. Under the leadership of J. C. Thomas , this organisation kai approached n high state of prolicioncy , and with the handsome nnd majestic drum major , Sim Marshall , twirling his baton nt their head In parade , they are perfectly Invincible - vinciblo "when dot band begins to blay. " On the green car line on Klght'-unthstroot , between 1'anl and Sherman streets , Is n big hole , canted by the recent heavy rains. No Jantern or sfgonl of any kind tolls to the driver or pedestrian that thu pitfall exists. Thursday avuulng a gentleman drove his horse and buggy into the hole whllo trying to escape a mndholo on the opposltusldo of the street. Ills buggy was badly wrecked , and his horse lamed , but the drlvor escaped without injury. A man living out beyond the barracks drove a glanderod horse into thla city Ho was arrested by Captain O'Don- ohouand taken to police court. Judge Beno- ko gave him orders to unhitch the horse fros. the wagon , immediately take him from thu city and then como back for his wagon , The fellow said ho was a poor man nnd had just bought the horse and bad not yet got him paid for. Ifo Insisted that a veterinary surgeon told him that the horse had the dtitompor and not thu glanders. Admitting that this is the case , it la certainly very risky business to drive a norse sulToring with distemper through streets filled with valuable animals. Death of Mrn Mftrja Hlioars. Last week Samuel Shears , of the Millard - lard , and hia wife started on a visit through the east and expected to spend some time with Mr. Shears' mother at Rochester , N. Y , When nonring his journey's end ho received a telegram an nouncing her death , the particulars of which arc told in the following clipping from the Rochester Union : "Maria , relict of Henry Shears , died last evening at her residence , 5 King street , aged ill years and 3 months. This lady was horn in Shellicld , Masa. , whore oho married llonry Shears in 1810. In 1818 they came to Goncsoo county and aettled in the town of Mondon , whore they resided until 1831 when they wont to Chili. In 1830 they removed to this city. Henry Shears was for a number of years proprietor of the National Hotel in this city. Previous to IK-Hi ho removed to Watertown , VVis. , whuro ho died in 184G. Doceasnd resided witli her daugh ter , Mrs , John T. Laoy , and has been very fenblo for a number of years. Her daughter , Mrs Sarah Shears , died in October last. Mrs. Lacy has boon very ill for the past four weeks from paralysis. Ono son , George P. Shears , resides in Pepin , Win , , and another son , Samuel Shears , is proprietor of the Millard House , in Omaha , Nob. John Licy , of the Western Union Telegraph oflicr , is a groat-grandson cf deceased. " Snrpy Cuuiiry Fair. Mr. Vn'm. Sanders , secretary of the Sarpy County Agricultural society was in the city yesterday talking up the next meeting of the society , which occurs October 1st , " 1 , ! ) J , and 4th , The society Is ia n very flourishing condition and the prospects for a bi # time nt thu next meeting are. very bright. The society has just purchased ten acres of additional land which will be added to the already commodious ground * of the Association. Tim KJml Ward to tlio I'Vjnf. ' The Elaine and Logan club of the First ward will have a grand rally on the corner of Seventh and Pierce streets , Saturday evening , July 20th. Speaker * of the evening , Gen. John 0. Cowin , Hon. John M. Thureton , John lluih and .others. E. M. SmJBKiia , secretary , THE FOES OF FIRE , Yesterday's ' Tournament Successful in Every Particular , The Eacos All Disposed of but the Freo-for-All to bo Hun To-Day , Tlio TlmrfltotiR Ilnrrcd from tlio Con , test for.tlto StatoOliMinplon- Blilp but KunNev ertheless. In point of fair weather , yesterday was nil that could bo desired for the tournament. Tlio sun nhono brightly nil day , and before noon the track which had been harrowed was in excellent condition for racing. That parb of Thursday's pro- gramme which had not boon carried out on that day wna taken up yostordny forenoon - noon and completed. THE FOIIKNOON HACKS. At the time appointed for the contests to begin , Ex-Ohiof Tomploton , of the IJlufFi , who had been appointed ono of the judges for the tournament being nbsont , K Roberts , of Chicago , was appointed in his utoa-1 , with Mr. Burner in that capac ity. The timo-kooporu were Messrs. Croo of Iowa City , Johnson of DOB Moines and llruoggor of [ Chicago. The starters were Messrs. Chandler of Chica go and Driuly of DOB Mjincs. The first race of the day was tho10 hoao rneo , or the ono for teams that had never beaten that time In covering . ' 100 yards. In this race , which woa called promptly nt 10 o'clock , thcro were five entries , whoso names and order of run ning were as follows : 1 Deluge of Omaha. 2 Fitzgerald of Lincoln. 3 Clolnnd's of Fremont. i Nebraska City Hose Co. No , 1. H Pacifies of Grand Island. The Delude company covered the dis tance in G01 Bocondfl , the Fitzgoralds in 50 , the Ololtthds in 48 2-H , the Nebraska City in Cl , nnd the Pacifies in 48 1-5. For some reason the numbers in attend ance nt the grounds has boon very small , and barring the visiting firemen present the crowd would not number GOO persons upon the ground yesterday. THE AFTERNOON COKTESTH. The first race on the programme tras that of the hook and ladder state cham pionship. This contest requires 300 guards to bo covered by the teams pul ling a hose cart nnd raising a ladder to bo mounted the distance of twenty foot by ono of the company. In this contest there were only two nntrios the Dierks , of Seward , and the Frontiers , of Fre mont. The Fromonts drew No. " 1" and within fifty-sovon sud two-fifths seconds after they had boon given the word ono of the company was at the top of a twenty foot ladder in front of the judge's stand. The Seward boys boys boat this time ono nnd two- fifths iccondH , winuirigtho first prize. Next in order came the fren-for-nll hook and ladder race in which there were two entries only aa in the hook and ladder championship raco. In this con test the Diorks made the first run cover ing the 'MO yards nnd raising n twenty foot ladder which was mounted by ono of the company , in fiftA seconds. Tlio time of Frontiers "was fi8f , the boys from Howard walking off also with iho free-for-all prize , The ladder contest followed next. In this there were also two entries , James L. Roinard , of Fremont , and W. II. Hildobrandt , of Sownrd. Tlio race re quires the contestants to run the dis tance of fifty foot and scaloa twenty foot ladder. Iloinard's time was ( i 2-5 ; and that of Hildobrandt 8 2-5. Koit came the 100 yards race for chiefs , ex-chiefs and assistants. Chief Lvman , of Lincoln , Butler , of Omaha , Cloland , of Fremont , Nabol , of Grand Island , Moncho , of Lincoln , and Bower of Nebraska City , walked up to Secretary 1'ontnol , and placed their names upon the book of entries. These men all crossed the scratch In great shape , but Chief Tomploton , of the Bluffs , who was hbpring under tlio disability of being a resident of the prohibition state , und Diorks of So ward , who refused to enter the race started with them , the Seward chief making the finish first , with the Blufld ox-chief us n good second. The judges were unable to determine who was entitled to the first pri/o , nnd or dered the race to bo repeated , which will accordingly bo done today. TUB HTATi : CHA.MPIONSIlir. In this 300 yard race there were fi en tries , the names of the contestants and their positions drawn by lot being as fol lows : 1. Fitzgoralds of Lincoln. * ii. Nebraska City hoeo company No. 1. 3. Pacifies , Grand Island , 4. Clelanda , Fremont. 5. Deluge , Omaha. When ttiis race was announced , Jerome Pontzol manager of the Thurstons , offered - forod to inako his entry nnd was told by Chief Cloland that his team was refused admission into the race by the board of control , and that his team could not contest. Ho proceeded to explain to Mr. Clrland that a great injustice had boon done , and induced him to call the board to gether. Mr. Poiitzol then stated his case to the board , nnd showed that only ouo or two of the teams had complied with the rule regarding cortilicites. Ho continued that the proper way to proceed would bo to nllow his team to enter and inako the protest after the race had boon run. The members of the board seemed to hnvo pro-determined the and case , ro. fused toreconsidorthoiraction. Ghiofjliut- lur , who had descended from the judges stand when the mooting wae hold will bo aekod to give his vote on the proposition , and replied that they knew his vote on the measure at the time it wan ruled our , and that ho had no reason to changii his mind , The board unanimously voted to bar out the John M. ThurMiina , Mr Pontzel then informed Mr. Cleland that his teams would run nevertheless. The track was then cleared , and the Fitzgerald took their position at the fur ther end of the stretch. At the word the boys got a good start Rtid cimo down to the finish in fine shape. This team has the finest suit of any teams that h vo appeared in the tournament , their pants being of Lincoln green , tight at the knees , white shirts , and black caps. They presented a fmo appearance M they came down the stretch , and when they croised the finish every ono in the team was pulling in hit harness , Time 4 ? 1.0. 1 The Nebraska City's time was f > 0 second - end , Pacific's , 48 4-D ; Clelnnda , 47 4 D ; Deluge , Cl 2-5 , the Fitzgornlds winning - ning the rnco. Next CAme what everyone ono wished to BOO the John M , Thtira- tons cover the 300 yards. Mr. Thuraton nnnounccd that aa the team had been barred from the atato cham- pionohip it would nevertheless give the people nn exhibition of ita speed. The judges and time-keepers of the other races ollercd to net in their capacities for the John M. Thuratona , nnd the tonrn wont down to the further end fcr the word. After two attempts to get on" they came tearing down the track like mud , urged on by Duffy , their loader , The hoto rolled out nllrlght , but a slow coupling waa mndo by Webb nnd Stcclo , who lost n couple of aoconds compared with their couplings made on SVcdnoadny. Time 41.2 0. This con cluded the programme for the duy and in n few momenta everyone- was on his wny to the city. SI1K KVT.NINO rKllFOKMANOER. By request of nutnorotia citizens and visiting iiromon the Pompier exhibition irivon at Eleventh and Dinglaa on Wednesday evening wns repeated. The same team headed by Oharlos Fisher , ex hibited to n crowd of . ' 1,000 people their Ufa saving powers. Many of their fonts were loudly applauded by the assembled people , especially that of ono fireman helping to the ground two of his firemen brothers from n third story. At the conclusion of this exhibition tlio firemen nit repaired to onginp house No. . ' ! to prepare for the torch-light pa rade. Over 200 torchlights , covered with the dust of four years , were brought out nnd burnished nnd filled with oil. The procession , as it formed , marched down Sixteenth street to Douglas. It waa hondcd by the JohnM. Thuratona follow ed by the .Muaical Union band. Next cimo the Durants , a fine looking body of thirty-two men , each carrying a flam- bonu , nnd headed by Peter Dowdnll , cnp tain , and Tom Cliff lot assistant. Next in the procession wan the Dulugo hoao company , followed by the Merchant's hose company of Lincoln , the Seward team , twenty-eight mon , bringing up the rear. The procession moved down Douglna to Tenth , down Tenth to Farnam nnd up Fnrnam to engine houao No. 15 , where itbroko ranks. An the parade passed down street the the band discoursed muaic , which , with the gleaming torchlights nnd the bright uniforms , reminded ono of the national campaign of four years ngc. Till : llALIj AT OltOl'NSC'H. The most pleasurable event of tlio week to the firemen waa their ball given nt Crounso'a hall last ovoning. This largo nnd commodious hall waa gayly festooned for the occasion ; tholights and chandaliota were hung ; with evergreens , and the room wns most brilliantly lighted. The ball was attended by nearly 250 couples , who enjoyed themselves in dancing un til nearly morning. Much pralso ia duo the committee- the able manner in which the whole affair was managed. The Omaha firemen used nil meant in their power to make the evening a pleasant ono to their visiting brethren nnd fully succeeded. THIS AKTKUNOON'S I > HOOHAMME , This afternoon the free for all rcco which was down on the programme for yesterday , will bo run off. In this , the satno teams which competed in the state championship , will enter and the Bluff City tonm of Council Blulls. The coupling contest botwcon Brett nnd Devoro , the champion couplers of the world , of Decntur , Illinois , and Webb and Steele , of this city , will tnko placo. The tournament will bo ended by tlio chiefs' , cx-chicfa' nnd assistants' raco. Irlsli-Ainorluaii Club. Following is the constitution adopted by the Irish-American club nt sheir mooting Tuesday evening : Wo , Irish-American clti/.oua of Douglas county Nobraaka , in order to form a more perfect union among ourselves , for the pur pose of Bupiiortlnc' the nomination of James U. Blaine for president , nnd John A. Logan for \ Ice-priisldont of the Unitpd Status , with out regard to post political allilctlons , do or dain and oxtabllah the following resolu tions : AHTICI.B i. The name ofthiiclnb shall bo the Irish- American Dlamo and Lugnn club of Omaha. Aiuucm n. This club shall bo composed of cltlzoim of Irish birth and llnt-ago who aruldgal voters of Douglau county , Nebraska , und who may de sire to unite with us in advancing tlio CAUHO for which this organization Irf formed , aa not forth In the forogsing preamble. Aimci.K in. The officer * of this club shall ho a president nnd nlnu vice mosidelitc , a secretary and a treasurer , who thall hold their reeiioctivo of- ficoH for , and during the nrexont political cam paign ; ami dhall be required tw perform micli eorvlcoH OH am in accordance with each of their respective position ? . AllTICl.K IV , Nine inomliorH ehall constitute n quorum for the transaction of buulneHs and the rulen of order of Iho houan of representatives of the United State * arc horuby adopted for the government and guidance of the deliberations of the club. Auncuc v. Douglas county in hereby dMdod Into nlno dlfttrlctH , M follows , viz : Would In the tlty of Omaha. Noa. 1 to 0 shall bo known aa districts Nos. 1 to ( i re- siioctlvi ly. All the precincts outsldo of the city of Omaha of which the first commliuloiier district is i componiJ , shall constitute district .No. 7. All the prcUncti ontaulo tlio city of Oiimh.i , of u filch thn second commissioner district is compiled shall cnntltnto district Jvo. 8. All the precin.tx onUtdu thu city of Omaha , of which the third commissioner did- trict la compcsoO , shall uoustituta district No. 11. AIIT1CLK VI. There thall bo n vice president elected from ttnch of laid district * , who fhull bo the chair man of local branched of this club to bo or- gitnlzod under nnd as district branches there of , ia each of saM districts roapoctuuly , when deemed advlsublo. And the laid vice projl- dontu , together with the president of the club uliall constitute the oxocutho ooinmltteof this organization. AHTICU : vii. The club may adopt such ruliu and inako such orders ut its regular mooting * an may bo deemed necessary and not Inconsistent with the constitution , A1ITICI.K VIII. The president of thu club shall ho the chair man of the executive cinninltteo. AIlflL'LK IX. All uho nro cllglblo to inomhorohlp diall bo admitted nn ttich upon stalling tlio conotltu lion , Thn forrgalm ; con tltuton ! was than signed by u la i to nuinbiT nf IrUh Amei leans pre tmt , inunxof whom lm\e hitherto acted with other turtles tlmu the republican. ui County Committee , Tht Douglas county central committee meets this afternoon at 2 o'clock in the city hall to institutestepi toward the calling of primaries and the county con vention to select delegates to tlio coming congressional convention. SOXMAN-HACKMAN-July 21 , 188 * . at the rnsldt'noo of the bride' * parent * , No , ! 027 Twentieth ttroet. by JUv. J. S. Dut-l weiler , Mr. Philip A , Boxuian and Miss KlUiboth B. liiukumu. THE THTJBBTON'S ' , A General Kick Hcoftuso tlio Thnrs- ton Tcnm\vcro | Not Allowed to Com- pcto for tlio State ploiiBlilp , There is a general kick among the fire boys in thiscitybecausoofthoactlonof the board of control in barring the Thurston hose team from participating in the rnco for the stnto championship. The 'ground on which thoy.wro barred is that they are professional runners and hence nro in eligible. It is generally understood that whenever - over n man or n team runs in n race for moiioy they are then professionals. If this bo the caao then the boys claim that alltenmn running in the rnco for tlio state championship wro ineligible , as nil nro professionals , ns nil have run for money. The Thurston bojs nro very indignant at Chief Butler for the stand which ho look in the matter as ho voted to bar them. They now have prssession of the state championship cart , having won it nt Lincoln at the last tournament nnd it ia difficult to ssy how any ether team cnn win it from thorn if they nro not allowed to compete. The firemen nlso find a great do.il of fault with the chief for the stnnd ho took at the convention in Fremont , when ho refused to hnvo ! \ horse hoao rnco under any circumstances fnnd then Thuradny night , when Iho streets were crowded with people , pulled box 12 in order to allow Mr. Gpnner to give nn exhibition of the work ing of the Btnndpipo on the Millard ho tel. They say there would hnvo been no dntigor in a horse hoao race , while every time the fire department is cnllod out the lives nnd limbs , not only of firemen , but of the citizens also nro endangered , nnd much more so when the stroota are crowded ns they were Thursday night. Why ah of this is done "is some thing which no ono can find out. " Stubborn Tracks. For three or four days past workmen have b on engaged trying to put together the double curve tracks of the street car company at the corner of Fifteenth and Farnnm streets , but all their efforts have boon in vain and they nro now ns far from solving the puzzle as when they first started. When completed ( if it over is ) it will bo the most complicated piece of track work ia this city. It was designed and built in Chicago and the builder has been sent for to put the pieces together. Yesterday the street car company procured the services of Commissioner O'Koeffe , who is an old an expert track layer , to help them out of their difficulty , but ho could not solve the problem and the builder will have an opportunity to show off and put the irons whcro they belong. \Vhcn completed it trill make eight dill'oront nnd distinct tracks centering upon that corner. There Is but ono cor ner in the city of Chicago whcro so many street car tracks couter. The double curve -will do away with the wniting of n car which is on time for ono which is latp , as they will run right along and not wait for each other. The Plattamoutli Kickers. To the Editor of Tun BEIS. la icply to your extract from the Plattsmouth Journal accusing mo of un fair dealing with the Plattsmouth nine , I very reluctantly , yet in self defence mnko the following statement ; which every ono who was present , or had any interest in the games know to be true : Mr. Patterson , junr , captain of the Plattsmouth nine , came to mo on the 12th of July to enter his nine for the state- amateur championship. I told him that wo were only playing nmatures nnd not payinp for playing in this contest. Uo replied money was not the object , ho wanted to play , I offered to give him half the not receipts from onch game to assist in paying their expenses , and if they were only half ns good n nlno ( as they claim to bo ready to moot the U. P. nine ) they would draw n fair gate receipts the second day. I furthermore wont to the trouble to ex plain what not receipts constituted stat ing it was half the receipts. After the expenses were paid I only charged § 8 for 10,000 bills when the bill is $10 , for distributiiiL' these bills when the price was SG.80 , I paid the gate keopo and money taker and ether help out of my own pocket and simply confined the expenses to the advertising in order that they should have a little something to draw to help pay their hotel bills. I treated them like gentlemen , while they looked upon every ono with mistrust , arguing every point that was decided against them with both umpire and players. Their conduct wns so disgrace ful time the Athletics refused to piny against them on the second day , and 1 had much trouble with the assistance of Mr. Canfiold to cot a scratch nine to moot them and play the third game. 1 was arranging to play thorn against the torments and ether clubs but the pitcher and catcher of the torments plainly told mo that they would not play against such kickers if a match was arranged. The Athelotics will never play them ngaiu fnr the same reason. And in conclusion , Mr. KJitor , 1 must say that in nil my twenty-two years experience in the ball field in Eorope , Australia , nnd America I hnvo never como across n batter lot of kickers in uniform. They were beaten fairly by two weak nines and it was all they could do to boat the scrub nine the third game. Moro than two thirds of visitors left the park disgusted with their continuous objections to the umpiro'a decisions. To finish up their very ungontleman- ! y conduct they took a tray the new lull I lounnd them to piny with. And when 1 asked thorn for the ball ono tried to nmku out that the other ono had it and finally took it away nnd still have it. I can not allow the Plattsmouth nine to play again in the park unless they inako a full apology for their couduct hero last week , The above statement is true and if re quired I can bring a great many personate to prpro it. I could say much more but refrain from so doing out of respect for the people they represent. A Bl'ENCEU TilELOAH , Secretary and Manager. Don't bo Falnt-lioarlcd , If you are in trouble , look up , hold on , ghe the limes good by , If you are In pata , have a iMinenesi , ha\o an arJie of any kind , go to the druggist * nd ask him ( uTTItum It will do jou good every time. CuthoJlo MarrlagcR In Nebraska. Archbishop Elder , of Cincinnati , has notified the congregation worshiping in St. Peter's cathedral that marriages will bo solemnized only in the morning. The rule has been adopted , the archbishop says , for the reason that it is more Cath olic for marriages to occur during the morning hours , and that the custom of afternoon nnd evening weddings is ono which fashion has dictated , and it divests the ceremony of much of its sacredncsa. As n consequence the vows are often lichtly taken , nnd divorces have multi plied. This rule has also been promul gated by Bishop O'Connor , of the vicariate - ate of Nebraska , but in a somewhat dif ferent wording , the matter insisted on being that all marriages of Catholics take place nt a nuptial mass , the ceremony be ing part of the mass , nnd the couple par taking of communion. As priest , groom and bride must necessarily under thu cir cumstances bo fasting , it is not probnblo that nuptial masses in the nttornoon would become very popular. A Deserved Appointment. A telegram hns been received in thin city announcing the tact that Mies Mary Allan , of this city , hns been designated for appointment in tlio oflico of Treasurer Wyman , in Washington , nnd nutmnoning her to that city ns soon aa possible. While the many frionda of this deserving young Indy will sincerely regret her dc- parturo from this city they will rejoice in her good fortune , moro so bec.uino of the fact that it is merited nnd dooa not como through favoritism. During the recent visit of civil Borneo Commissioner Gregory , Miss Allan un derwent examination In the studies pres cribed by the commissioner. That the standing of the 1 idy was satisfactory ia well attested by her early preferment. Not IlnlvorKon'H Hotly. A letter , relative to the body found at Plattamoutli early this month , from the coroner of Cnss county was received yes tordny by a gentleman in this city who has taken much paina to investigate the mysterious disappearance of Halvorson. The writer states the body when found had in a light pair of pants ana dark vest. The dead man's fnco was covered with sandy whiskers , and no bullet holes were on his body , nor were there any marks of violence upon it. This in no particular corresponds with the descrip tion of Halverson , and leaves the matter as dark as boforo. | Beats tlio World. This is what II. C. Hoberman , a ( Inippiet f Marion , Ohio , savs "Thomas' Jn/ectnc Oil beats the world. Sold nine bottle ; yesttnday and to-day. Ono man cured of sore throat of eight years standing. Is splendid for rheuma tism. " Real Estate Trnuslers. The following transfers were filed for record in the county clerk's oflico , July 23 nnd reported for the BEE by Ames' real estate agency ; Hester G. Pigman and husband to Chns. R. lledick , w d , n 4 of n A of so of s w , sec 32 , 1(5 ( , 13 , § 20007 Gilbert W. Ilindnll to Elizabeth W. Finnoy , w d , no of nw , sec 12 , 1C , 1 ! ) , $0080. Geo. P. Bemis and wife to Geo. W. Donuo , w d , n A , lot 4 , block 89 , Omaha , also lots 11 and 12 , block 13 , lots 2 and : t , blocic 7 , lot 7 , block 1C , College Place , § 13000. Geo. W. Donno nnd wife to Julia B. Bemis , q c d , same as above , $13000. State of Nebraska to Jonathan Cowles , deed o A of s o 1 , sec 30 , 1(5 ( , 0 , § 800. ElizaX Mitchell to Edwin U. Wai- kor , w d , 4 lots in Florence , § 100. Heirs of Jacob Schull to Otto P. E. Wolff o A lot 7 , block C , SchuU'a ' 2d add. deed , $300. Fred Drexel nnd wife to Francis E. Bailey , w 30 foot of o 0 ! ) foot , lot 115 , Nelson's add , w d , $2000. J. A. Horbnch nnd wife to Win. White 00x13. ! foct in lot 3(5 ( , part s w , n w , sec 15-15-13 , w d $1500. Geo. P. Bemis and wife to Celia S. Theobold lot 7 , block 3 , Prospect place , w d , § 275. Geo. P. Bemis nnd wife to Andrew M. Anderson lot 10 , block 15 , College Place , wd$1000. JULY 24. John I. lledick nnd wife to Iluth E. Roeorn. w d lot 2 , block 1 , "Brighton , " 8175.00. John F. Daley and wife to Wm. A. lledick , q c d , nJ. lot 5 , sJ. lot fi , W. A. Hedick's ndd , § 300 00. W. A. lledick and wife to Annie Daley , w d , lot 4 nnd eA lot 5 , Win. A. Rodick'flndd.$300.00. JacoO Janskonsky to Frank M.Dininpy wd. lot 3 , block 7 , Wilcox's add. , $330. Julia Hughes et al to Thos. C. llow- land wd , lot 9 , block 223 , Omaha , $5- 100. 100.Julia Julia O'Rourk ot nl to Thos. C. How- land wd , lot 5 , block 223 , Omahn , § 2 , . 500. 500.Mary J. Wilbur and husband to Mary Dunk wd , lota 5 mid 8 , block 17 , lot 4 , block 18 , Florence 5125. John Cowlos and wife to Mary Dunk , w d , lots 4 and ( i , block 82 , Florence , § 210.Naonio Naonio L Davenport nnd wife to Mary Dunk , w d , lot 3 , block 19 , lot 2 , block 30 , Florence , 820. John Ilickley to Mary Dunk , w d , lot 0 , block 27 , Florence , § 25. Wallace 11. Bartlett and wife to Mary Dunk , w d , lot 4 , block 19 , Florence , $82. Absolutely Pupe. Tbli nowder cover variei. A mmel ut jmreneu * ronstn uil wualenoiuoueci. lloie ococumlc U tluo the f rJln'rjr LlD > l > , antl cannot be i < 1 > 1 la oompotltli n with tb * multitude ot lo test , abort vicI Ut alum it phoinhatr | xKler . BoM oulT ia cam LQftL liAKb < a vottumco MEEGELL & EOSENZWEIG , Polnfaro ? I allllclS & . UcLOIdlUISi CAuIlY THE nvnOFST AVp F1XCST.RF.TAIL STOCK OF WALL PAPERS AND IEOOEATIONS. " " " IMAMS 1515 DODfilaS SlTCfil , ( MB , SPECIAL NOTICES , TBpeolals will Posltlvolynot be inserted unloso paid in advance."o TO LOAW-Monav. MONF.Y to lo n In sums of JMO and upwards on Itntircncil Daugl&s Co , firm * . II. 0 I'attmon & Co. , lUtl estate and loan agaut , IStb and K rnam. 443-lmo MONUY TO U > AN The lowc t ratci ol Inter * DuroVTxian Agenor , 16th ft IVmrla tSi-U VfONFTTO LOAN Ineumi o ( WCO , and ttnrard ill O. K. Dla and On. , Iloi ] Ktlt.lt ud Loan Agentd. lf > ffl Fttnatn S ( HBLP WAHTCU. , K'noralhoue orVIn a family - - „ - - - - ily of thrro. 1 US l > av o a port street 602 Z8p WAIsTXD Flr l-cUs9 ( ? ltl nt tlio Carey lloimc , K. W. ccr 11 th aud IMxcnpnrt. 803 tt \ putrj cook uml rtlnlnt , ' roomRliI nt onco. Ooo < l wages paid , 1DOO Fainam ttrcU. soi.vsp \\7 ANTKU-A first c'ftss tni'rv cook nt the St. IT Jullin lostaurnut nmlo or fotLnlc (04 SOp rX7ANTr.li Nuric glil at 1711 Jackson street. W Hl > M , > Ote ( 'ooJ instrj rook , ono too 1 pantry - try ultl nnd nno peed plrl to ualt on UMo , nt Arcidc HiUcI , 1315 l > oiiilM ; street. 811 28 WAKTKD A Maimtrcss , Immcilhtcly , nt the OccliiuntM Ilotil. bH-tf WA VTK1) - One i anil illnluc rou u pit ! end n ( lood luutidrcss it thoTtcmoot Houjc , N. & cor ICth anc IJUftKtrcUs 813-3 D A K'rl ' Jireiicr ) l housewolk. Munt ho a good took , nastier and Ironer A ! > lv at iniS Capitol luimo. M5 tt WASTED Two glrlj at ( ircon Tree Uou e. 710 23p T o llrst-class male or fcmilo ttftlt- ctattht Jitllcn Kcstium'it. 794-23 ( > \\'AN riD : .Men fnr Sit. 1'aul , Diiluth , Canada nnd V HaneasCltj. Good \\nificiluctd fare. Car- iicutere , DhckBiuithannil LrlckUjetn atcnco. J. A. Turner & C , corner 10h nnd Ila noy. * 7SM6p D Oood laundress at S. W oor. Hartley i and 16th streets. Wages $4 per week. "UJ-Op "VVrANTED AROodg.rl K/r ( cncral mmsowork at > V 1720 Cats street. 703 24p \\7At-TCO A bright , nctl-c boy , about 15 jcars ft old , ulth some c\ii > rknco at the printing trade , at IhoUcoloouiponlnjf room. U ; WANEED A'ood ( gltl. Bimll family and good vtaires. luqultoni 2415 Duoupon Btrjct. 777 20 WANTKD Olrl 11 family of two. Oood ( jlacofor a good girl. Inquire at O. J. Canan & C'O'S. 767.tf 1'KD A tcnulu LOOK 314 d l < ! tu bt. 710 20p WAWlhlJ A nrat claas blnc4iiilth , one \\tio uu- dcrttamU machine forclni ; . Qood wntjcs and ste ily employment will bo given. Address Fremont Foundry and Machine Cj. , Fremont , Xeb. 717-23 ED-Ono nrst claaj head laundress and two Unta. Also two tcrub gr\i. \ Apply at the Cozzcns. 070 tf TTT'ANThD- for general uouscwork , 615 nouth ISth street. 610-2Sp VyANTI < D A good girl nt 2514 Douglas street. \\ANTKO Girl at IGiO bhenuan tuemic. Mrs. t .1. If Coiinsrnan P4S tf WAVTKD AS'tuatlnn ' liy an sn. It a fir't-clnss hutictsmaker , lanlsuii go d oak. ( < will' Ing to do anvlnslJt work In order to u.ake n living. Audros .1. .1. Sihmidcr , lice cllico. 09 Bl Vl/AXTMJ Sculne in families hy a competent T > dicsstnaker. address "Urc smal.cr , " this ollloc. 812-SOp \X7AMTKL > Uy an exprrlcuced Balwrarn , ft posl- Vl tlon in n dry good'store. Best of references given Ad Iross "D. U.G" | Bee oflico. 176 26 WANTKD A eltuatlon In ft flr > t-clas ) Rroccry by anuni ; man vlib 7 ) cars' experience Refer- enMH satls'actory. Address "F. \ . " care lice oHlce. 795-15 A situitloi ssdrug clerk by a rain Uh4 vceraexptilsncu. Addi ess Ernest TJ C , Witaga , Kn'XCo. , III. 780.6p WAN7KD 1'osltlon as nurse. Reference given. Mrs. J. W. EUlugwood , 1123 N. 17th street. 70020 WANTED Employment by n gentleman of busi ness experience. Heal estate or nther olllco work preferred More nominal salary will be accep ted Ad'IrfbS "P. " Bee ollico. 770-25p \ \ / XlliU A nisition by a um-ila a laJv book- TT keeper. AUdrea'M3 , " BCB oflice. 745 tf good bU ad > hey of 18 j cars , jcoort habits and A trUK'y , not afraid to work , would like a portion nHliclptrln butche Ing , , I fin worked nt I' R } car. Address J'Jl l.th streit. Ucnllolton 733 25p A Voting married man wants situation DS book. Vt-cpir , In wholesale establlsbment in Omnha. Addrs < "C. " care Bee. 89fl-tf U/AMTb. WANTED To or thribfurnlshtil rooms for light housolctpiiAdJnss ! "W. B. H. " Ike olticc ; ? 810 25p Information of John Hum , laborer. Medium tlzc , falrcompltxlon , about 45 ) inr ol n0'e. bupuosed to bu worklug near Omalia , He will hu-ir of tonu'thluB to hia adiautigo by addressing Kanard Itegan , Mnrtlnsturg , Ulxori countv. I\u- Wistcrn japirn pkntecopy. tU02Sp DUHSSMAKINU-Ladles tolcam cutting and nt- tlug by Iho Tajlor system , Kmplojmcnt fur- Hi-hod , tliote who kara thoroughly. Sire. Corbctt , 1013 llo r.l. 7 0 20i TTTANTKD-S.J.OCO on nrt-clasj dtv eocurlty.for 6 VV ytaru , nt 0 per cent. Address Box 0.0 Post- ofllue. 7UO-tf offer In lJU to suit purchaser , eight hundred I choice Iowa steers. Une hall \caroldn , balance two nnd thruo vc.ird old , and a good smootli bunch. 210-Im BTKANUK BitO'ij , bloux City , lowt W'AWiKU lloirdera to know the St. t'lurlm Ho. tel mi Hariiuy Kt. , lwt ten 12th and 13th will itt up thn best table boaid for $4 00 per wiek of any house In the city of a correspond " price. 2Sf-tf FOB REKV noaBes and Lota. FOK ItEXT House of Unco rooma. Uard nnd soft nnter , cor. ICtu and 1 nu.fU 912 08 per montn. U , K. UJiison. 700 Cti [ onilCN'T-Kxmi , 612 North Itth street. 1 . - SOO.-JJp FOlt HK.ST lloufo of five rooms , modern Im provcments , Uno location , 21.11 Chicago utreet. Apply at oiici. H07-Z5p [ /OH Ki ; T Anew cotttgol2 inlnutfs walk from -L the I'ust illlcu. < i2 per mo. Uoreo A. 1runner. 7E029 poll KENT Tobou e 0 rooma each 2 blocks I 1 from lied Cur line (22.60 per luo. ilorno , V Brunutr. 781-29 ? OUHE T 8 roomed housa. UOtll anil I'lerio ft , ' | 3J [ cr tro. Jtorsn i , llruim r. 7B2-29 I OR RENT-KurnUhod'rooms 1821 Capltul u\r. V 787. p / . HKMl' Alltoruom cottagt northwp.t' . i/o.i ' it l avenue and 2Mh btrteiv ; citj water , In- iiil'out | IMS Ci | Itol nvcriuo. 771 2fp FOIl Iir.NT Ten roomed house ; furniture for tulo ui til Ju1) .TIi" , I7i4 ! lou'Ia . 770-tf FJR ltKN'f-N4r > lyfuruUliul rooniswlth hoard at 14 < 8ifct. 74-aip I " , 'UU IttiN I Nlue m > w 7 room cuttage , Jutt oil rid L" Mrott car line $ ii jwr month , jyotter > V Cobb , 1&I6 t'arium ttictt. 7id U 170tk- RENT Nltely furnished rooms without ' Ivourd IBI4 Kavjiiport St. 192-Vbp J/iOlt HhNT Autmt 1,1S.S4 , the large stnre build ' Ing now occupltd t > 1 lamed 111o's , .Vo * If 13. 1316 nd 1317 lUruey ttrect. Apply to J. B. Me- ( 'n-r 1Ort ItKNT Two furnished tooui > , centrallyloca. 1 } tel , tuitttlefor lltfht housekeep'ngr , Kurnliiiie for tale , AdJruu "llousulitpor , " iic.i''lrf 702 "in JNOIl UKNT-Wlth board , Urge fr nt room with 11 my window , KM wd bath room , at Ko , 1718 * purarcd to do w | OUTSIDE THE CITS In any branch , On Short Notice DOUSE , SIGN , AND FRFSCO PAINTING , DECORATIN } FOR HBNT FlTe roitm cottage wUhnmplegrouDd , on corner 12d and Karnatn. O , U. Doane & Co. 724 tl FOR ItKNT Now house seven rooms near lllgh bchool. 0. F. Davis & Uo. , 1603 fttrnam St. 722-28 FOIl HKNT House and stable , 20th and lltrnoy , (15. Wm. L. Mxnroo , flth and Dauglai. 601-tfp FOIl 11KXT House and largo barn , sttlls far 10 horicn , on north 2)thSt Win. I , . Monroe , telephone 391 , 0th and Douglu. 725 20p FOIl 1UNT : Furnished rooms 1815 Dodge Street. 449-2 p FOUUENT AHvoroom oittago , cor. Sheridan street and 1'opploton atomic , (18,50 l > cr month. Barker . Mn > no 457-tf 1-Stable tor rent stalls for4nor c > $4 00 per month. 1310 Farnam itrcct fl7tf TS"N'T""Hlx ! r ° DI" ci > ttR i > , flue loifitlon , bj S. XT I'eterson , 3. B. cor. 15th and DouRlas. 617-tj Tf > OllIlE fr-Ploitantfurn.hed | rooms to rent to - * - ) Q rig gentleman , 1707 Caia Btrco tOU-'lJ , , FOIl UHNT-T o now 0 room housci.cry com- , } " ' l''uk ftVBra" . AMES , 1507 Fnrnnm. ItKNT Ilooms In Crounse'i Block. ( ! . il. Hitchcock. 513 tl InOR 1 UKNT-ln Shlnn'e 2d addition , new lionre. 4 rooms , part of doiihlo homo , full lot $11 OJ per month. Apply room 24 Onuha National Bank IliilUI- Ing. 4HO tf ipoll IlElfr-FurnlshoJ rooms nt Z227 DoJgo St. L1 497-lmp 1J10II IlKST. A funilihcil bac'c ' [ nrlor for two ] er- J1 sons nt 1811 Djdgo street. July 7 , tf. 7(011 ( KCNT Ono gmtid ixjuaro ptauo. Inipilr ? of Kdhohnnnd Kilckaon. 411) t : FOIl KKNT Now homo suilablo for li-itcl or fam ily Imrdhu bo\Ho'J5 room ) . Dojlrtblo locatlnn T & jr > ne , 13th and Tarnam , 420 tf TTIfH KENT Ono rood six io m house ? 25 per ran. ± 1 P.M. Hitchcock. ' 235-tf Fill RENT House 6 loom ? gooj rcpMr. Nlco } xrd , cistern vvUor. R"iitl6 ] iar month 1411 PnrkWlldoavo. Apply to Jno. W. BUI , Dmcgist , tlth St. l 5-tf iroll ni'.NT Rooms In Nebraska National Dank i1 Building. Host desirable olllces In Iho city Supplied Ith hydraulic elovatorand heated by Etontn Apply at Bank. 026 tf tOU SALE. IJVItl SALE Largo woiklng horse , double set of 1 harncsiana wntfon125. Must bo teold. U , K. Copson , 15th and 1'acIBc. " 768 23 FOIl SALE 1'iano , been used , but good piano , vvith nice , clear toncj. Price $100. 1' O , bor 409 Oinnht , NOD. 8C8-38p FOIl SALK Ornded Durhim Cattle 7 jearilrg heifers ; SO two j ear old heifers ; 51 three J ear < Id cows ; 4 four.viar old cows ; 2 pedigreed Durham bulls , 3 end 4 one Is a show ontinil ; 2 pcveo-cighths Dur ham bulls , 2 jcars old , Abovocxceptn fcwaregra do stock and show their breeding plainly. Mcahea by f aid bulls , out of abov a COM s , aa are the J carting * ; 11 jcnrling steers ; 17tno vuar old steers and 78 three year old steers. 11.1' . STtilN , Mmden , Neb. FOR SALE Ono of the bosi reti II grocery stores In OmaVa , or will trade for real estate. Apply to "A. W. " this ollle. 7fi tf FOIl SALS-Stock ranch , In Wheeler Cn. , Neb of 1,600 acres of heavy hay land , cm put up 1,200 tons of ha > and plenty of range In hills , good house , fhcJs , Bcale . tn'iuern ' , ralitH , sticker nnd three miles of fcnco , all for $7 per acre. Will poll young stock with it. Must Eu.l uoon. L. W. 1'iank , Albion , Neb. 783 SOp FOUSALK Restaurant In a good locitl.ii , 1'rn- f rlctor nUhes to go Into another business. Ad- dicss "I" . 0. " B oollice. 791-3p FOU SALK-Blackimltli ami wojon shop , tools , c c.aud homo adjoining. TffOc.irs lease vntb privilege of live 91,2)0. For axrhinge A grocery business , well locatnd , doing n first rate butlneu. Will exchange f"r city lots or property. Jforsa It Brunncr. 74S-20 FOR SALE Homo of 4 rooms , with lot 33x132 feet , near U. 1 * . nnd B & M. depots $1,200. Small pajment down and $20 per month. BHUiS , agent , 15th and Douglis streets. 744 2b FOR SALE At a grott bargain , the Scott resi dence property , jiiit vast of I'ratt's In HaiiECom I'lace , This Is a very desirable 7 room cottage and will bo sold at n aacilQco. BARKER & UAYNE. 712-tf 13th and Farnam. ) T7\OIl \ RALE OR TRADE A 6 year old KontucVj Jj horse ISl hands high , gentle and kind , trots In 8 minutes untrained , also a new fine side tar top car riage. C. J. Uanan. 731-lmu FOR SALK A Dne driving horeo , sound nnd kind. Any lady can drive h'm. ' Also a D Ily & Mcadlm- her top buggy and a Concord IIirnc33.V111 sell to gether or Bjparate , at 21" S. 13th St. 604 tf TTIOR SALK-Orocery business In good locality -1. pajlngwell. Will rcqu1 re capital of about 83.0UO For particulars address ' 'W. W , " thlsotllco. 650-lin FORSLE-Tiro full lots , with three nrst clan houses In good repair , on S W. err. 16th anil Cnnltol avenue. Rents for (2.COO per j ear 072 tf O. U. DOANK i CO FOR SAT.K The American House , South Bend , Neb. 'IheluullnghoUlof the town Will sell wither without furniture. Good VJII.TIC | J. GooJ reason * given for selling. Call on or nddrcin , QEO. H. MCCAIN , i'rop'r. FOR SALE Acholcodalry and took farm of & 00 ncrtv , 20) ncres unlcr cu tlvatlon , 2i miles from Silicr Crotk , Neb. , on U 1' . lUllnav. Uood houw. 01 earn and Ice houses , barns , corrals , eto , or dalrv- ing and stock ralsfng LindUwclI uatcicdand all choice grais and grazing lind , vt Ith plenty ot ranu ndjoinlng. 1'or sale cheap. I'ottcr & Cobb , 1515 I'amam.strect. 5M-tf FOR \LK-Knirluos now and second hand 10 h p 11 h. p. and 20 II. p. portable and stationary ; ali boilcn of any elzo and stylo. Richard & Clarke , U , 1' R Y. bet 17th and ISth St ( . Omaha. MO tf SALK A piloting olllro suitable lor a small FOR newspaper or job ofllco. Will sell for caih or ei- cbanL'ofor Omaha City property. Addresi' X. / . < j" Uae olllcu. < 08tl 17011 SALK A few ohnlco younit buefry and worl : X1 honi > 4. Mavua & Uarlcer , St. llar > 'j ; HVOIIUB barn. 45S II Large lot on Park avenue. Alsohouce and lot near tit. Mary's av enue. Inijulro 4212 Con. veutetreit. 4.17-lmp SAIJ Thrce of the bent lots In Hunsoom FOR ar a bargain If sold eoon. 1'otter & Uobb , 1616 Fariiaui. 031-tl FOR SALK Cheapest house and lot In Omaha , In I'ottor's addition , S room ) , we 1 , SOU barrel cit tern , on tuo lots , 100 feet front by ISO fojt deep , for $ ? .OM ) 1'iiltor ACohb. IMS KArnam Htitct 4M1I If an SALR-Cheip lots In Hhlnn'i 2.1 adlltlon , i1 Kirk wood and I'laluMew. 1'otler 4 : Cobb , 161B am o.m street. 429-tf " F OIl SALK To Boannd hand ii | nou , at Filholm Krlckuon'H H imlo btoro ou lath St. bJO U FOR RALE Two open > econd-nand bujjiei abd ouo delivery wa on , cheap , at 1819 Ilarney 81. MISCELLANEOUS. OTJTK.T FKBK- Fifty r r rent profit. Addrrss II K Hue cllico , hUto where jot ] board. 7t'J-SC | ) A joung vvlilow wishes to eerie pond nlth a ( , en- lleman who Is trarallng , going t < Montana or California Hutraiclcd ; orvnuld hert ) hou'u for a KUitl-iran Currrapondence r oi he I until thu Wttt. AddrckiMrs "A M K" IVem'nt , Nib. 7 2- | ' HOARUINQ HOUHK-auoil board and lodglrg at 12 north llth utrcet. Also one furnUhtd room for tent , 78J 2Hp np MURRAY hia good jiasturiui , ' . Bprlui ; vvaltr. nno TRADE Choice raildence In Council B'ufl * J. Ioa ( two bUoka from l'D t otnce ) for Neira k l nd or > tock.T. . A , II " cre Uee. 728 28p tUKEN UI'-Liat April , rod and vvhlt * , 1 heifer , Owner can b v gam by calll ff at M Mtlhaus , oor.Zlthand Mason , and p ylng chaigen- 5l5-5t-lewk oiiiAVMI-froui tu ie ldenc > i-t B. U OitOI Web tcr street , otu red , io ncow. ( or lecnvery ot muu. _ | j..n , | > aait..iu . , nu oowptwi.7 1 aolt ry cleaner. Batl.factlon ( fuarantc U. Abtl , nuojo ior to J. il. Smith , ) l > oi 37S 299 Imp