OMAHA DAILY BEE-SATURDAY , JULY 26 , 1881 CAPITAL PRIZE $75,001 ta.TicVcta only $ f. Shorca In Proportion * * , Louisiana State Lottery Conmanv. 0 " W Aohcrtly ttrtlfy that ue ruptrtitt the a rangementi for oil the Uonthly and S mXnni * . .Drotrfiv' if tk JxmWarvj 5o ( ( Lottery Compan : nnd inptrion manual and control f Ae Draim'n. tfittnttMi , and that tneiiune ate conducted tn' < honettiffairneti. nnd in good faith toward all pai flMpUmJ u atidorit * ( At company ' ( o tuj tifcait , t GjKXIMlOlrtM Incorporated In 1803 lor 25 yo n by the leriaUtnr lei educatloniJ uid chirlUMa purpose * with * e p IIMof 11.000,000-towhich * reserve fond o ! ore ( fDO.000 hM llnoo been added. By in overwhelming popular vote lit fr nchl wis rn d p rt ol the rrosoni it t oonctltatloi doptod December Zd , A , 1) . 1879. The only Lottery over voted on nnd on * domed by the people of any State. It never scale * or poetponca. Ita grand olnglo nnmbor drawings tain place monthly. A splendid opportunity to win a Fortune Eighth Grand Drawing Class It , In the Acnil omy of Music. Now Orleans , Tuesday , Aug 12ti , 1881 171 t Monthly drawing. CAPITAL PRIZE , $75,000. 100,000 Tlckota at Flvo Dollars Each. Frac lions , in Rifllis in proportion. LIST OK PHIZES. 1 CAPITALPIUZB T6C : 1 do do 2WC 1 do do 10,00 S FRIZES OF C3000 11.CO E do 2000 10,0V 10 do 1000 10,00 SO do COO 10,00 100 do 00 20,00 tOO do 100 0.00 500 do CO 2500 10CO do 26 26,00 AmoxuiATioif riurM. 0 Approximation prl ej ol (780 8,75 g do do COO 1,60 g do do MO S.SS 1W7 Frtxoe , amonntlnE ( o f2C3K Application for r tea to clubs ghould tw made enl to too office of the Company In New Orleans. For farther Information write clearly Riving tnl kddrocs. M ke r. 0. Ifonoy Order * payable ta ddioca Reelatered Lotion to NEW ORLEANS NATIONAL HANK , New Orleint , IA. Pogial Notes and ordinary letter * by Mall or Ki press ( all ums of M and upwards by Kxprtos at on expense ) to U A. DACPmiT , 01 M. A. DATTPIItN , New Orleans Le. 007 Saronth St. , WMh'nRton , D. 0. DISEASES OF THE J T. ARMSTRONG , M. D. , OoxVLlrat : , * ' .ixr-lrat Until offlocs are repaired from result of fire , ofll with Dr. Parker , Itoom E. OielghtOD Block 16t nil ron Tm : ctmn OP xu , DISKASES OP roil TWnXTY YEA113 Hiimnlirrv * ' Ilnninn. p lliloVcprlnnrvHprclIlr lm eli ; nii'uMlly rnrinrrii. Wurli llrri'ilrr * . MvcryHlnMiMinil rurnnrn. Jlorno llnllrunitx , MnniiriirtiirrrH , l.'onl Minn C'limpanlra , 'I'rnv'o Illiipodrnmr * fiinl AlrnnKiTlm. olid otlicra IiauUlliis etuci. ollli . llniiililircvH' Vrlerlnary ItTnnanl , ( SP Pp. KM tn o liy mall oil receipt if price , f < > oi'iilli lilels cn ( frcu on nj > ; ) llcnt1un 109 1'ullou fjlrcct , Kcw Vurli. JmlUcretlon , nnd promptly Tccnln u o SO j ear * , ' ii tbe most § uccoar 3111 ronmlyknown. . . . . , Uritotlal of powder for (5 , BOTH poft-trro oil m CfHit oriirlce. Humphrey * ' llomro. Alrd.iki. nfiitt , Coti > lozuarp .lllll ! 1'uUou HI..V. Y. Spii ms , Eclampsy and Nervousness are RALIOALLYCUREE BY MY METHOD. | The Iloiiorarunna nro dui only after success. Treatment by Correspondence DR ALBERT PROF , , , Awarded the first cl ' KoM MeJaHor ( U tliiKiil9hoi moriti Itlii " .Scdntio Scli'titin rin Irauoalko , ' ( tbo French Bclontlflo Hoclcty. 0 , Pluuo tlu Trone , tl. l'AIllS. tnio wodisak Floni from the Maximum Mineral Fountain of Bar tOK * Bprlnfi , and U the ejilBlpn of the inott emlnei medical men Naturo'i Sovereign Cure for Const ! pitlon , Dlspepala , Torpid Liver , Inactlv Conditions of tbe Kidneys , and moit ulutar alterat've ' In ( ctotuloui aOootloni. With laillei , KOI tleuien , bnil bon \lvanto urcrvwhcre It lias becm Uiaktandard ot dletiry cii > edloiit , fortlijl'itf ' th dlgeftlvofunotloniaiul eg tilliig lieo-'lrem ' vilmlu'i ; with luiiurlt ] } ' at UUo. Tlie v nrld ol wealth , I Iiti i UKCIICO and rcflpointnt te > t0c ! < to Ha parklinK , nal uin'ly ' pure , and delightful quantltlei at the but OI K InootupatkU'e.tnd accredit It with tuiag tha luni and njwedlcat kaurre ul clear complexion * , high htall ajid uiiUntit tplrlU. Jlatliorn Spring WaiC | ( Old lu yli'i bottlei ; four dozen pluti art ) | > acl > v Inacaiw. It may k obt tlnod at all hotels , > nil , wlnetner ckailt , an'l iccer u\cn hc WesteniComlce-Works IKON AKP BLATE UOOriNO. 0. SPECHT , PROP 1111 DoutfM BL Omaha , Kob. Galvanized Iron Cornices , I UTDomot Wladowi. KinUla. Tin , I/on and c ; t .1 I ilSflirB dirt P.t t Uetifllg BkillfM , JE teii lullwtil lUtcliet Bur led Ilrtoket fahnKlnif. J i the itwier * ! tut Jor the l > eve lloe of uooJa. Ire " " tra4eiVer odiUonBn , yeuduj , JJalu , Ilio I.tttlo Ones. FIT n. J nunDKTTK. How old ii Mnty AniloMon. Tliat people call lior qtiren I ho , llkopKHl Victoria , Ons hundred anil tliirtcen ? Oil , no , my fen , nbout at old AB 1 UIH nt lipr n n , lint people newr Ktnw who go 1'lny noting on the stajjc. And tlin "lxy-preichor , " Harrison , In ho o youthful then ? And dots ho weir riiort jacltoU now J.lko mo and Comln lion ! Oh , no , my ton , although his ngo la riUhcr hard to fixi ; I honrd him prench in Louisville In eighteen fortylx. . And the "child violinlut , " then Thu .voiiMBcst Htar a'lvo ' ? Great Scottl ho plnycd with Ole Unll In eighteen twenty livo. HONEV Foil THE IjVDIE9. Wldo ombroid olios arc a fcaturo of the sea son , Hod hoao are worn with dresses of almos any color. Callcanttms is the mine of n now reddish Jtown tint. txco la mod in great quantlttos to tilm at ; I lih coatumiH. WhltoltolloU will bo worn far Into the an , umn eoaaoo. ] j > mionycllow and hop-green nrofnslilontM' ' Iroia fnbricc. lluchwi are Worn for full droEg , both rotitu nock nnd wiitta , HntidkorcMcfi , with colored licmstitclioi Jordorj are faehionablo , Fans are Btispcnded from the unint by chat dairies or velvet ribbons. Jacket uli'ovca are made comfortably tighl and roach down tJ the wilnt. A now Ucitarinn church in in process ol erection at Grand liapida , Mich. I'onguo du't clink * a o Btylish , licccinlcg , useful , durublo and Inoxpciulvo. Many of the newest dark-bluo and Rrn\ IrcFMos nro trimmed with ruw * of narrow Eli vor braid. It is still a question of confddorable doubl which a wiiiiiun can do bcbt drive a lion 01 talk politic ? . When lullo draperies nro tilmmod will wurH , ribbons anil onnmnl ineoctn are luci Instead of fuathcre. A novelty in hatflhan the braida alternate ! ] of blaclcaud white , and IA trlmmodwithwhiti crape and black wings. Walking boots of black or bronze kid an made with fromsavontenn to twenty-four VOP small buttona for drceny toileto , tSmallheaded diamond pin ? , pearl , gold ant nilvur pinn , nro thiust about liu tha la.'cs of ja boU and hills on dres y tollots In Oriental laces the malden hair fern pat tern in the newest. This , with imltatloi Blochlin Is tbo moat fo hioiiablo lace uaod. Tha very nowcfit faildon Is luces overflow oro'l iastaad of pUIn nillc. The luco in f.ltlioi black or wliilti accuidlng to culur of nilk 01 tasto. "Wo don't ' know how It is ouUldo , but ID Detroit a woman will uimvcr a cull by telephone phone without Ktopplng to brush her tcotli and iix her hair , lieigo color and dark laurel green pl'iidud we ellen dresioi will ba very fnsliionnbly worn this autumn , both in pin checks and largo block patterns. Mntohos are fearfully dear in Paris , and horribly bad At lease Midi how boon tbo ox- penVnco of all our Amcrisau girla who have married there. Between the ngoi of fifteen nnd forty-flvo n woiimn grow ubout suvon crops of lulr. i'liera is no way of telling how nitny crops a nan ran grow , for nftr umrriago n man's hair niver grows. J'or drcHj purpoaoi pansols of lovely trand- )3rjnt lacs laid over a gilt frame , nnd showing inly n centra of tintad satin and a satin bow upon the gilded stick , are the latent style at lashlonablo Nuwpcrt. lilack lace is used over cream , and white lace ever lavender silk both have lovtily llowor elfecti In brocatollo. Black ever gold in much mlinlrod , hut black over black after all : s the moHtdistinguiiheU looking. Ilack ! toiletr , OFpecIully to airy fnbrlcc , ever oitlicr an all-black or tin tnl foundation , , ro now In the hnlKht of fuflhiimnhlo wear. fh richest uro of chiintllo or onourial lace or ottod grenxdiao , trimmed with laco. A Brooklyn man , who was angorcd by bin wifo'd nrglnct to mend his jmntaluonn hung hem out of a front window of his roxidonco , t in xnid with a placard on them stating thnt act , and apcribiug it to luzlnoss on liar iart , The low corsigcs of young ladies' drosnrn are now Been with full gathoicd waiats and nilfed nlcuvos In the simple faildons worn , wouty years ago. Thoao are now called lubY vnintH und are worn with a wiJo a. sh tlud > ohlnd. She wns rilling nt the piano the olhcr night ingiugWill You lov < > Mo When I'm Oldf ' when biiddcidy bur young man ttirted for the loor. "Whoro are you going , diurnal ? " * lw aid oft eho whirled around. "Oh. I'm only poiiito , got Homo fresh air , " wai his ntigra- ciuua reply. A shtowd old _ lady cautioned her married dniightur 'ngnin t w-orrjing liur hiKband too nuch , and concluded hv nuj-Inr ( : "My child , a man It like an ( % Kupt in hot wntora bt- . .lovblli > , ho may boll pott ; but keep him , horn toii > long , and ho hardeiiH. " ( iiinleu bonnutH of the l.ttost etyloa uro naJo with poft liulTod trown of bitlsto , lig. urcd with Hrga.colored IUMII , Two or thruo own of lace form the brim , and a boiupiut ru cunt of ro 1 or bhck velvet libbon is BU on the rout , and narrow \ehot utilngn aio Used. Molioro t-lincn of black ontin , tipni whioh are sot oblong bunches of Illieniili pubblnH , ire worn with garden jiarty co'tmnuj ever ilnck or very dark rod hoso. Tlin hocU are only miider.ttcly high with but little curve to hem , but thciHhoos nro perfect In shane , with iiHtuos cut high and gracefully nrchud lu true jpaniuh fllylo. Tha fr.iwpy I.nngtry ntylo of ilrfpslnc tbo mtr hns quite gone out. A few of the lutljoi lotlcod nt the Hummer resorts patronized ) > y "tho boat poojilo"ear the front hair briibhod oil the face. Thin In i ot a wldo-i-proud cua- torn , as ouvering the forehead with curls la so much moro Incoming to the avorngo woman , -ho who can di ) otherwltu , howavi'r , boa nil Iho moro udvautuKO as utand'iig ' out from tha crowd. The nuns' wMst , which is simply a round nno with a garniture of suffc folds laid ever the cheat , and crosamg nt the belt , promUus to ba fnvorod for dro SQH both p'aln ' and vlaliorota [ or Homo tlmo to come , and all full ynt trim cllucts In bodloa will remain In vc uu for airy sunmiur fabrics , and albo for ( hoao of Bolt wool und mixed muto'loln fur nutuiii wear , us well M In tuxturua of the richest description lot full ilrees occasions. The duck vests wblhliavoc-iino to the front , worn with wool nnd light cloth continues un der llarlng Jackets are moat ntyll < h and pleat- In ) ? , They are ( [ iiltn short , ai Is tha bamjim jnikct , and frequi-ntly cut Into sharp points on thn eclpe , with two small pockcU nbovu The lucket bnttona worn tilgb over the cheat , nud thoiitho0t Is linUh d wltli aery diullah collar , nndvr which is cot a llnoa cell ir of cor responding height and ntllTnenK. 1'lalu limn culfa are worn with Mich untumcu. I'ronch laillnn havn Rudilonly taVrn to Ita- latietjlcrt in dro's , uhlchlmvo proved ronmrk- tbly becoming and clfrctlvo. Hod In o\ory ,0110 and comblnatlim U madn ti o cf , and if , as has alway.1 been siid by I'.irieluns , wo niu iiht a ) par behind them In fashi in , next mini- uervill BCO our faiOilonnb'i ) rrsirtt a glaum nithrud toilet * of nvery docerlptlon , from larkfst garnet to brllllunt , fiery 1'liur.ioh red , and tbo m ratio joung ludy of f&nhlon'K owu , wliu goes Ui the IM uxtri-mo nd dons n en- ; lie toilet mndo up of tbo latter uliadr , will mva tii be looked at aud admired thiough a ilero of ginohod glu > a. "HOI'S , Not' a lavorlto with cowbuys-tho ( hurt born. Necessity Ii tbo nail a urtn button * Ida BUS- pendor with. An Oiwego betel clerk U to humblBd by t holi a of Fill diamond that hi actually p r- mlt i drummer * to call him by bU Hi t nama. There la a gieat deal of billing and cooing going on at the aeaaldo , The principal part ol ho billing Is being done by the hotel kecpcn SeverAl Chicago policemen have bean sen to lunatic nnylums ( lining the pa t year. I M never safe to sleep lu the full light of th moon. It la 1'ard to crush a Ixiguj jionslon claln rxzcnt. Cut him into little pieces and oicl -icca would Immcdlatoly eend out circular calculated to deceive Iho poor Holdler. Natural red hnir Is worth from SIS to $2 prr on 11 co. The man who kiclH np a row nov when ho finds a carmine dtrand In the butter ought to kbo waited on by the vigilance com mlt too. Slowly , but niiroly , the entire female rex I being emancipated from the slavery of dn mestic diitloc. In Chester county , 1'enn. , las wcolc a turkey gobbler auccotsfully batchc out a brood of chickens. As a typical Idiot , tbo young man "wh didn't know it wai loaded" bexinft to bo pu h cd into the background by the young mat who , knowing nothing of the management o a boat , takoJ his friauda out for a gall. A Denver editor asserts that ho has iteen whita rainbow on two different occasion lately. Ho'd bettor changn Ids whisky or ho'l too white snnkfin ir xt. Tiiey always com with white rainbows lu Colorado wo under stand. A young man applied for a poiitlon In a doc tor's olllco. "What can you do1 asked th physician. "I kaln'tdo nothin' ynt , but want to larn how to hack c IF logs Got a nat 'ral hank-rln' fnr such work. Cut one o' th the I'cncldton bora all tcr pieces tuthor day so pap ho 'lowed I'd bettor bo a doctor. " A sleeping car porter pays tbo l.vlloi givi him a heap of trouble : "ln want lom'nad nnd colfeii from the reat'runt , deir satchel carried , windown raised nnd lowered , an' vo rjthlrg like that. IJo mos' of 'tin eayi 'thatiks , ' but when it come * to quntnhi di forget inos" always. Not mor'n ono in tcr glvtsa po'tnh a cent. Wish doro was nothin but gciumcn'tra\ollin' , 1 do.1' "What do you do for rut worms"asks ? ar npricnttural subjciibor , lilcas you , wo don' do anything for them. They don't rcquin any attention. .Tust li-avo the pansy bnd ou over night and they "ill take care of them selves , thank you. If you have found a broci of cut worms thnt remiirn careful nursing am have to ba bought up by hand , send 'cm alon and we'll ' try to nndermina the nativa rugged ucsiof uxir uativo atock by judicious inter brooding. Al'alr of Sho&rsuhlch had long Occuplc < an Kditotiul Table ono day Obierved a Cock roach going for tfto l'asto-1'ot , and promptl ] called out : "How , .now you Vngrant ? "Who's a Vagrant ? " "You nro anil 1 Wan you to lake Yourself tfll" "Soo hero , " said th Cockroach , an ho catno to a middou hilt , " don't want to crowd anybody off the Kditorla Stalf. bull miiBt Warn you that while plontj of Editors never hnvo any use for Hhonrs , ni Nowapapir ofllco In this country can bo rm without CockroAchoal" The I'dlldcal l rolIorn. "O pipa , what Is politics , And why do penplo thput Whoro'or they talk of 'dirty tricks' What is it all about ? " "My son , when I was just your ngo , I asked my pa the same ; And ho , with wisdom ot n sago , Itoplied , 'It is game : " 'A gatno where these who know the ropee Ktnploy rogues for their tools , To lotd the wlso nnd blast their hopua Uy llatt'ry-food of fooU. ' "Tho llmoj have clrmged ainco thenmy , son , If all wo read Is true ; For now the wise lead rascals on , And neither get thnir duo. " EDUCATIONAL NOIE9 , Woraon aio admitted as students Into the Toronto Provincial Unlvorsity.tho loading teat of learning in Canada. ThoprcKont Honior claia at Harvard college s the LirReit over pr.ulimted In that institu tion or at any other American college. According to tlio returns for 1883 , just Is sued , theio were in Ireland at the close of thul roar , 775 scJuuU under thi jurisdiction of tbo Nutiunal Kilucatioual commission , The Kls'.nra of the Good Shepherd In Mil waukee , Wis. , have had twenty-fivo jnnra In dian glils intrmted to their euro by thoUnitec StHteHginoriirtont. Tbo uirU will , nftor 10 ceivinga gnocl education , bo protidod with sultablo honiort. Jiapid indeed hs boon the growth of the now university of Freiburg , in ] iadon. In b"-l It ha-J U78 students. The number now a l.OM. About one-third of the etudents nro intivoi of linden , thn remaining two-thirds coming from northern Germany. Largo aub- idles have been granted to the univoraity by ho liaden govornmont. The annual ca'aloinio of the ITnlvorsity or ) aloti , jint issued , shows that there nro dnuty-uix ntudentc , thirty-nine of thorn being ninig Indies. TliB universily is located at Vurmillloii. The catnlogim states that the x'otral university building will bo completed ) y bcpttimbur 1 of thn present yusr. It will to ,1 ! by 101 feet , and tlueoetoticn high , with k basemunt. The went wing two stories high , rt nlre idy ooinplotod and occupied by the Indents Tim conrso oj s'.ndy ju outhnud in llti catalogue Is quitethorough. . The trust1 PS of Hryn Maur Collega have cs- .tbli'hrd n department of botany , wltli n two oara' course , and ba\M onpolnted Mlts Kmlly i. ( Jregorf Aesoclato in Jlotnnv. Alls * Greg- ry is it graduate of Cornell University , has tudli'd In the ptivato laborat rioi of profes- ors of bntany in Gottinxon , Mnrborgand Her n , IIM worknd under le. Goodido , of HOT. aril College , and recently had charge of the optrtniont of Botany at Smith College. She n tends going to JCuropt to uontiinio her stud- OH until near the ounntng of llryn Maur Col- egu , In the fall of IR f > . Lately there was a convention at Ivlmira of Im To.uheiH1 Assocl > ttioii of the state of N"o\v 'orlt. Jjnit uodk thiiio was a National oon- ontloniit Madison , Wisconsin , componnd of nloKHtt ) teachers from all parts of the Union , 'hnpapnis read nml thn Huhjectn iliKCU'so.1 ivoru all of the hitjhabt Import ; butwohu\o ado 1 tj BOO in the piogniinmo ol bnslncHs nt itber gutherliv any ruforuncn to the work of rfnun&tiiry and iniluxtrnl Hchnols. Our at- oiition U awaknncd to this topio by n rcpirt icontly lnnupil by tlmltoysl cnminlHiioner/i ! of iliication in I'liglund , in whieh , among other liliigx , it Is stated that ono of tin ) gruat dilli- ultlox In carrying out work in thomi iiiHtltu- ions Is that of obtaining compDtent toacliors , llco condition , like result. What la tiuo of iroat Britain Is , wo presume , true In degree f our American systeiu. The tnclmicul school of the cigar association n Sun Franulsco la tilndng out over half a nndrod graduates every thr ; n months. At late mofltingof the iwaocintion , held in tha Ignr work hop , rittycight young people , wonty of whom were girls , received certificates hot tiioy warn uklllod in cigar mnkitig and eady to comneta with the Chlncso in the actorlo-i. The cigar jchool was started for ha purpose on rooting out Mongolian labor , nd thfitmorrbem of the aatoclution , all of vhom employ Ohlaoao from necessity , have loiliiod tliomaelres to dtaponae with the Jhlnpun nnd employ their own graduate * vhon tboy can do equally well. This manutil raining rchool proini'o.s a solution of the Jhlnoiochoap Ubsr question within its own epartinent of Industry and nuggota a moro eueml uppllcation of tha plan. A Ilnrrtl Oilo. Now tha rural maiden primps Up her pucker gown and crimps The dnlnty rlngletft of her auburn hair. To the I'lcnlo ho will hie , In tha sjlvan grove near by , And try to ojtch a city masher there ; Huw the little nntlua play In the butter all the clay , And fi aie up the I antics of tbo dude. \VlmtdellKhtltistoflp Fnun tha rural maiden s lip Thn hounv of her kUaMml bo wooed From the Waihlngtim Hatchet Governor ClovcUnd has ft brother who is rrabytcrlan minister nuar Utica. The onner-ttnno of tha new Trinity church , at liullalo , N , Y , , was laid by IJUUop Ooxo , July a. . During the pi t montb there Iwe been lty-fiv ( > \ ncco's 0111 to the ) uumbo hlp of the U-ptUt churches of iJhlcogo. * I'lans have been fi'ed In Now York I r a Ivo-ftory building , on tin , Howery , for the Gurm n brsiuh of tbo Y , M. O. A. It Is to oo tM > ,0,0 , The Uomaiilau papers ancounce the death of Calais of a member of the I'omonia clergy 1'reda by ni-no , who Ii s ld to havfl attalner tha ngo of 120 years hating boon ordained 101 yoara ago. For the last fifty yews of Ida lift ho never tasted llesh meal. Iivt wo k. on Tuesday , the corner dtono o : a projected Hebrew templiAdaph lraolw f laid in Boston. There was especial intercut taken In the Decision from thn tact thit this when completed , will to the first oror ercctot In lioiiton for this exprwu imrposo. The Capuchin Order ha ? 52 provinces , ) commh'Mlati , 42 norltUtoh'miCR or moniR terlcs , fee colleges , 4/J12 jirmstt and C80 schol- aaticai,0''JlayhrotherBand , ! ' about 300 novl cos. In foreign mlrsionajthero nro M bishop ] , 810 misslonarloiand 70 lay brothers. In London there are nlwut 100,000 .Town. They excel any other religion * order in the number nnd magnificence of their hospitals , alnvhouncs , nynagoguoi and free echooN. They hnvo tn London , a rollp o oxcluslvoly for .Town. They have Alteon synniroguoi , a llab- blnlcal college with the finest Jew library in the world , At the recent celebration of Iti tenth anni versary tbo Prussian Bible society reported that up to tha beginning of the present year It had distributed I,18ti5l : bibles nnd 813Ml7 ! Now Tcstamnntf. During the put year the Brltlah nnd Foreign society , which has an olllco In Berlin , distributed In Germany 83 , . 4 < r > bible * , a * against CU.C.VJ bibles and 1ft- 7"- ! Now Tontamont" published by tbo Trim- slan society. The Methodist general conference adopted a resolution depr > cating direct negotiation * between pastors nnd churches in luhauco ol npolntinonti by thuBbishoii , as contrary to the spirit ot the Itinerant ministry and sub- versivooftho cliii'cb'a co leslastlcal policy , and urging blshojH , uastnrs , nnd jiooplo to < Hs- courngo this practise. This confernnca , whicli wai a month In nasslon , cost ever 850,000 ol which amount the M etlioilisti of 1'hiladclbhH nnd thn Philadelphia conference have paid about $20,000 lucvm. The traveling oiimn- ROS of the delegates have reached boirly S-5- 000. 000.A A good Instance of the affection of the Spanish people for old churchoi iKcnrcd ro- coally In Mission S\n .bno , n little villvgo o : Santa Clara County , Calif irnln. The place was swept by llro which thrantonnd at one tlmo to destroy tks old church , which is tail in good prosorvntion. Next door wai a hrgc fvino collar , o the ingenious citizens knocked in the heads of a dozen horshovla of line oh claret , nnd with the wino cxtinguiihod the lUmca nnd srwnd the church. Thrt clarnt belonged - longed to Archbishop Alomany and wai in- touded for bis private Uhlu. The American board 1m font not less than fi.10 laborers among the North American In dians , nnd expended not loss than 01,300,000 , Tha 1'ro'byterian b < > > rd of foreign missions since 1833hut ) commissioned 58 ; ) min < ionaros ! to slxtoon dilForont tribcn , and expended for them SWS.IKX ) , the free gift of our churches , bcsidds $520,000 moro ontnutvl to it by the government for educational wnrk , for which the board was accounted nud furnished vouch- rrs. It H the Steatiinony of Commissioner Piico in his report forlSS'J that no other method for the elevation of the Indians is to ba compared with the labors of Christian missionaries among them. A Critical Moment , Two er > y chairs , \cnnda wide. A corner hid from the light lubido ; Karo roses ur6und * # * # * # And he holds her hand ; With perfumed 7ephyra herchopks are fanned , All bonoyoci words nro the words she heats. "Will ho to-night ? " und she hupps nnd fears. Then all is still , and old time u lluat ; All that she hearj U her own boart beat , As the lightn go out in dwortod halls. Gently a head on a shoulder falln , Gently an arm steals round a walat , A1 lek ud a ringlet are misplaced. "He'll surely speak , oh , that little word ! " tier willing soul with a thrill is stirred. "Aro you fond of codfish brllf ! " s.ii J lie. "I xievor attended one , " said sho. Ll'rovidenco Journal. It Is surprising what a largo amount of re ligion people manage to do without when they get ulf for their vacation ? . A wicked Omaha preacher says the protestants - estants\/ < > three tiniod as many women as men. 'Wu btliovo him. Thayer county ( Neb. ) Herald. A Denver rector gave a sermon on the inci dent of Moses getting water out of a rock to ( ivo to thfl children of Israel nnd their catt c , ltd lay the dust in their camp. Naxt day : ho papers had thirteoii separata calls , signed iy nearly every citizon. calling masi mcotingo ) f tbo people without rogsrd to party to rjoni- nato Moses for mayor of Denver at the naxt election. A congregation of Middlesex was dreadfully shocked last Sunday at seeing the oldest dea con , who had been fitting In the clover-patch n front of the church , begin to throw hack ummoreaults ami go through a rno t violent orles of gymnastics. Tlio sympathy was general when It was knoiii that the lirst bum- > lobeo of the season had mistaken tie leg of ho good man's trousers for its nest. Tbo other day a pioua little girl In tbo Quaker city throw a handful of snuff in the co of a profsni p'irrot , and the bird died waarlcg. A Philadelphia justice wan culled upon to decldo which was guilty of the greater vrong , tha girl or the pjrrolt ? The old lady , owner of the bird , to'i tilled that she hud lathing to do with Polly's education und nho could not help it if her pot did curao at icoplo whoa they wcro going to meeting. fho littb girl confess il the deed , ami caid ho diil it because the pirrot taught the chll- Iron bad words. The judge declilod tha cusa u favor of the owner ot the do eased parrot , uid many good people of the city c.m't under- land the moral of the judgment. Thuro wm nero jiiHtico than mor.dity in it , as the lw. uitved old ludy had ) > a'd $300 for tha Intnlli- rut bird. Sister Grimes are o in conference meeting tst .Sunday ovuning burdened with u imickoii- d conecituce. As idio lojkod about lior , her agla ojo gl ulng nbovo her silver-boxved wpoi- and beneath her fmzfittt1 , the cuug ga ion quuilcd nnd hold their brojth. "Jhotliering and tiiturs , " b an SUttr JiiniQrt , "thoro Is ono among us who has wnn- i-rod far inter by and foibiddon j > - tbs. Thorn t ono who 1m committed inuny iloeds of mission and commiasion. There is ono whoso ilo heart h uIdlud with Urn pioinptiim of vil dorlcfs , und who is a hangiii' on tlu vargo f nvorlostln' torritH. " A gloom foil over the congregation , nnd all loud ready to dodge when the shot should "Do you know who thi > dreadful sinner Is n our midst ? Brolheriiu'andBi tern , I'm tbe ianl"A A Rniullo A bare wbito arm In the nunddno , A peaturo that came mid went , And heliotropes Btt in Iho window , That burdened the air with ecout. A fair , fresh face In tht sunlight , Just under the cage of th * bird , And a voles that WM full of music. The Bweettit that ever waa haard. Her hand u aho lovingly goatureJ , Was whiter than driven snow ; And shone lu the run ns eho waved It , While gladly I watched from blo\r. "Camo up to mo ! Como ! O my darling ! " Again she untreated , " 0ma upl" A pick up that bundle of swootnma , And brought her that torrler pun. pun.Nemo. . MUSICAL AND DlttVni.VCIO. The new Chicago opera home will bo open a ear from beptuuibcr , The Huston Ideal * open the now theatre At irockton , Muu. , Oct. ' 'I. lu tha Morning by th Bright Light , will > pen at St. P til , Bept. 1. Comio opera has given way for summer ove- : ilrg concerts Ht Groulor'a MadUoa street arilun. The regulir snaion of the Now York Bijou vill open early In August with tha burlcmme if 'Oxygon. " Mamiro Stiiko'cb has engaged tha French ln er J\Iin \ , l''id-a favrlea fur a tour of fifty In Amorlc. * . Mr , Toolo , tha KnglUh comedian , in emls o prndiiM tutiae of SuaUnpuro's oomadlu at Ilia I on jou thiutor next BtUBon. HIu Claris I/ouliw Kelloirg Intenda giving n grand concert at the United Stitea hotel , 8ar- atoga , tn ralto money for the podcalal for th Bartholdi sUtuo , M aurico JJarrymoro'g new play , Tlio Don it pronounced onn of the gicataat drau.a ) no on the boards. Negotiation are pending will Laura Don to take tha loading female part , Nossier's now opera , "Dor Trompater vor Sakkingon , " the succesi of which at Lelp zig we recently reported , has been acccptci tor performance anting next season at Berlin , Ixiulso Pomoroy , nho tustalnod severe Inju ry while playing In Oregon , has so far recov erpd rw to bo able to roach New York. Thougl ( till lama she Is preparing for an actlvo cam paign in the fall. In Sarah Bernhardl's version of "Macbo.Ui,1 M arranged by M , Kicbpin , Iho ghost of Ban- quo Is Introduced by means of a circular trap behind the table through which the scepter rises and disappears. Miss Mary Anderson says that slin Intends to excel anything overdnno by Mrs Irving in the staging of Borneo and Mtlict. Hio has brought several sketches and plots for staga KoUfrom Italy , and the scoio-palntorA fcro now busily at work propatlng for her fall cam paign , Lotta'n succ'ss in Nltoucho ha been great In London , It is said to bn spicy , without being vulgar , and the pitncipal character , a lively young lady who runs away from a con vent , and by a series of funny circumstances , makes an unexpected debut on the opera boufloatago , fiti Lotta llkoa made to order glovn. Chouallor do Blutdls Is mentioned as the Cuban Ole Hull. Not long ngo ho played before - fore Kaiser William at Berlin. The violinist Is coal bla k aud at the toiroa his coat front glittornd with rnoro decorations thxn wcro exhibited - hibitod by any of bli audionro. His appear ance cro iteil a sensation. Tha Kaiser turned to a penllvmon and cxctaimid with a sinlln : "The follow has even mcrooidera than 1 havo. ' Hero are Iho dates of openings of eomo ol the principal traveling companies next season July 23. Lawrence Barrett at Denver ; Aug. , 11 , Madison Squire , "Alpino Jlosos" com pany , Boston ; l5th ! Ltcnmau Thouip on at Chicago ; t'ept 1 , K S. Chanfrau at lioa'on ' , the FloroBcei sit Chloigit. and 'Ihomis W. Kocno at Plttalmrs ; 8th Krank M'nyii in "Nor lock" nt I'hlludolphia. nnd the Then in Now York ; ICth Marp.tnit Mather at Itochoster N. V. , Janauscholc nt New York In a nnw pl y aiul'iohriM Culhuuh at R.tcinu , Wis. ; 1th ! Clara Morris at Now Yo k ; 30th Henry Irv ing at tiuubec ; Oct. , 13 , Fnuoy Davenport at New York. Adrian to tlin Girl Graduate. From the Yonkers Gnzstto. Latin , French nud Limburgcr Dutch , Pin-cushiunB , tidioa and X oslngtou stitch Tha rjinanco H over ; you know s > much , The wor.d is ha dly kayoJ up to your pitch. Hide away the callow essay , Throw the slippers under your bnnk. Thi in ml in tixlngs white and drossy , Fold aud lay them in your trunk. Waeh your frizzes free from glue. Cdm your boart so agitated Put ou your old number six shoe , And thank the Lord ycu'vo graduated. Fling away the gums you'vo chowcd , ( hut the text booki up for kcoi > ; Fall in love with eomo dark-eyed dude , And learn to wash , and bake and weep , CONNUIHLMTIES. See In the rae for happincsj The liu.iluud is the winner , For ho , us usutl , get a saint , While Mary Getz a siuuor. The gift of the Grand Duke Sorgius to his brldo was a paruro of daisies costing 510J- 000. 000.Tho The ongagon nt is announced of Misi Madgo Fling to Harold Wall.ick , son of Wai- lack. Ilunaway marriappa cro always popular in weather mich as this. They servo to keep alive the circulation. An unusually largo number of brilliant weddings uro announced to take place at the fashionable tunimor reports this year. A week or two ngo , in f hiladelphia , Mary A. Getz aud William Siiui'r wore joined in wedlock. Happy combination. Several yoarH ngo a couple wore divorced iu Now London , Conn , , and both married agtin. Recently death made them w idow and widower ewer , ami now they have been married a second end time to each other. Another Now York hello bos married an Itahdnptiiice. _ Ho Is a real ono. He rmm six chairs , five bath roims , aud the "brush" is dressed in livery. There isn't a ulcer shop in any country town in America. Goorga II. Darvtin , son of tbo celebrated author of "The Descent of Man , " was married at Krio Tuesday evening to a Miss Maud Dupuy , a I'll ladalphia bollo. The groom Is profe'sor of astronomy at Cambridge uni versity. Indhnapolis , Ind. , July 2.1 Itsv. William Nealigh , a missionary minister of Darko coun ty , Ohio , aged 73 , wo * married here to-day to MM. Uachoi Thomas , of Sedalia , Aio , who in ust his Age. They hayo boon friends sicco shlldhood. A dispatch from fashionable Newport says , hat the first disappointmuut of tha HOH OU is , ho anmmnconimit of the poHtponomont of ; ho marrimo of Midn Alice Coates , flaiightor if Mr. J tunas P. Coates , to Mr. Theodore KrelinghujHan , aim of tbo secretary of state. S'o re.vson id given fo thn p iblic , but it id an- iiimed tint the Interested parties know their > wa buein HS. Socle ty of GroanlmOi N. Y. . was not at all ihocko tbo other dny wlion Nelson M ittlco , ixty jears oh' ' , and by iiccnpvtlim a rag ped- Her , got married to libbin VanWio. a oil fit- eon , und tliu lltt'o b : iucy of the littln v Hugo if GrecnbiiHh Mutilce ll\ed with the Van- iV'ioi and foil in love uiib l.ibbie , and she ru- : iprnjtted in bar unull way , l.ibtiin hud no ) -UIIY to bo in the way iwsho WAR not rngardeil if ripe go to woo aii'l win. Nothing w.n luiught or said ubout the dilferenco ot nee' , tnd there \VMS no crltlcinm , at tin ro usually in n society about ill-ananitod , unfit matcho * . L'ho iociuty of Gruenbu-h lit moro polite than ocinty generdly. anil xhuusexcellent brerding .o . allow uu incident like this to p.iss without unnanneily rumtrks. 3UIIE Ol'1 ASrilMA AND SPINAIj WISiYKNKHS. 2S9 WEST 22o STIIEF.T , NEW YOUK , Alny 17 , 1883. Though it may bo irregular for a phy- liciau to fjivo n cortlficatu in favor of a ) roprictiiry mcdicino , Blillin , the cauao of 'mmanity , I venture to aay n word in favor of ALUOCKS' ; Pouous PLASTEUS , rrhich I oatoeni the most remarkable ox- teraal romudy of this country. I have known tlieno Plasters to care Spinal Weakness where the patient had been confined for months to his bed. A blacksmith of my aiquaintanco waa so- roroly iinurod in the back by the kick of i homo ; four Aucouit'a POUOUH PLAhTRKi juickly relieved him of excruciating Jgony nnd cured him in a week. Another patient guttering with Nuurali/ia of the tleart , wua comiilotely cured in four tiotira. In Asthma , I know of a case where they were worn for three months aud fully restored the health. In another : aao where patient had Sporadic Cholera , lothing relieved him until ho put on ihroo ALLCOCK'H Pouous PLASTEHS ; in .wolves hour * all pnina in the chest aud itomach disappeared. I hnovr that these [ Maaterc , applied on the pit of the atom- inh , are a Boven'ipn remedy for Dyapep- lia and Constipation. Finally , if persons once ueo ALLCOOK'S Poiioiiii PLAHTEU'H they will never u o my other ; they nro BO pleasant , quick tnd painless nature's balmy assistant. D. 0. VAN NOUMAN , M. D. AlloocW the only Genuine For ms Phator. Flro at OliarloH City , Town. On CAOOJuly 25. Tbe Daily News Charles 3ity , ( U , ) atya : AdeHtructitA Cue rnged here . > t night , lonaumiuir two wo on aud carriage | bopitnidcontonts , and two lumber yarda. jew , SOOOOOj Ituuranco $15,000 , ID. m m - ufl < to a .T n u aj o 11 t i , Q a 5 S * 3 * ° bo tn .3 S ,9 S M S w M 3 W a > P kj r i . * A l- % * OFMTNGS AWD 20TH ST. , OMAHA , NEB , 1409 and * 1411 Doilee St. , I cttrn trtlloa , } [ Omaha Neb AND JOBBERS OF DOMESTIC mmTOBAflOO&HEESi PROPRIETORS OF THE FOLLOWING CELEBRATED BRANDS : Eeina Victorias , Especiales , Soses in 7 Sisea from 560 to $120 per 1000. AND fHE FOLLOWING LEADING FIVE CENT CIGARS : Grapes , Tkistla , Lawrence Barrett , Caramels. Kfev/ Stan dard , Good Advice , New Brick. SEND FOR PRIDE LIST AND SAMPLE ? . V' 1206 Farnam Street , Omaha , Neb. /T\ FOR PANTS AT FROM 88.00 AND UPWARDS. ALSO Stylish Suitings in Clorkscrews , Worsteds and Cheviots LATEST STYLES ! LOWEST PRICES ! inspection of our Goods and Prices , tolls the story. E2JEEO2 : is - . , DAVENPORT , IOWA , U. S. A. Established 1878 Catarrh , ijDoafnuaa , Lang and Norvoun DIBOIWIPB Speedily nnd t ormanontly Cured. Patlontf SOured at Homo. SVrite for "TiiB MKDIOAL-MISSIONAHY , " for the People , nnanltation and CoiTcspondcnco Gratis. P. 0. Box 292. Telephone No. 2G. HON. EDSVARD RUSSELL , PoatmaBtor , Davenport , pnva : " Physician of 3110 * . ADiiay ana Marked Succeea. " CONGRESSMAN MURPHY , D.iv.'iu.ort . , j -iPR. ) "fn niijiirnblo M n. Kino SncccBS. Wonderful Cnros.1 ' Uriiir Rio 5.fl fl 11 Mons' Working Sutta from $2 , $3 to 88. Mons1 Business from 58 , $12.50 to § 15. Men's Custom-Mado Suits from 815 , $17.50 to § 25. Men's Suits made to order $25. $30 to $35. Youths'Suits from $2,50 , S3 to ? ! ) . 5,000 Boys'and Children's Suita , from $1 50 , 83 to SiO. 0,000 Men'c , Youths' and Boya' ' PantB , from 50c , $1 25 to 87.50. 200 Dozen fine imported and Fancy Shirts , from 81 to ? 3. 100 dozen heavy and medium - dium Working Shirls , 50o. 75 drrenfino Summer fancy Woolen Shirts from $1 to S3. fctummor Clothing , an extra variety , from 2Bc to § 10. White and Oul'd Vests from 50c to § 3. An end- [ leas variety and Novoltiea in Ties Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs , 'AftSD MEN'S HOSE , Nothing Superior and as Large a Variety in the Market , THE LOWEST PRICES GUARANTEED. ' ! | I OLOTniNQ WT flTTfPrP'lIR' HOUSE , BfJblJrU 11 Jtkci * 1001 Fnrnam St. ior. 10th OMAHA , NEB. llirORTER , JOBBER AND MANUFAOTUREUS1 AGENT OP ' "V " it T 1STH ST. , BETWEEN FARNAM AND HAUNEYJ DMAHA , - - - NEBRASKA