Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 26, 1884, Image 1

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The Fangs of Cholsra Still SnnK Deep
in the Stricken Gitces ,
Six Hundred Inhabitants Floe
from Toulon in Two Days.
A Vessel with Oholora Aboard De
populates Huelva , Spain ,
Two Toulon Boys Drink Seltzer
Water on a Wager and Die ,
The Coward Counselors of Aries ,
Who Fled , to bo Prosecuted ,
Considerable of a Sunrn Over Itoport-
cd Cnsooit a Mississippi
Till ! PLAGUE hCATinilS TIlHOt'all PKAXCE.
PAIU * , July 25. Isolated cases of cholera
continuo to bo reported ( rom various parts of
1'Vanco , Bomo widely distant from the infected
district. A woman living at Courbovoino , a
> lllago only n tow miles from Paris was seized
with Bporndio cholera Thursday. She was
carried to tlie hospital and her lodgings thor
oughly disinfected. Xo other cisos have boon
dovelopjd in the community. In n village not
far from Toulon two deaths occurred. Ono was
of especially pathetic character. An unknown
woman was seized while pissing along the
street , foil proatrnto and expired immediately.
IONDO.V , July 25. The Paris correspondent
( if the Standard says the largo number of
those who recover from cholera shows that the is lint the s.ino deadly cholera which
some previous outbreaks displayed. There is
considerable exodus of p < opjo from Paris , ap
prehensive that the epidemic will reach the
capital , but nothing at the nature ofi panic
wide bortli. Such a scare , ho contend" , is
altogether unjustifiable , an the capital is bat
ter cleaned , moro abundantly watered and
healthier than any other city in Europe.
A pitiable case is reported from Marseilles
A woman of 70 years has been missing several
days. The police at last forced an outrance
into her lodgings and found her body upon
the iloor in such a condit on that she must
have been dead some days. Kxaniiruitiou
proved tint she was a victim of cholera. She
had lived almost exclusively on fruit.
Tha corvstto Argentina recently at Mar-
FL-illcs tried to take ou coal at Gibraltar. The
Knglieh authorities forbade this , and threaten
ed to tire unless the vessel depnttud. The
Argentina procoodol to a port it ; Portugal and
began coaling up , but the inhabitants became
pinlc stricken and compelled the authorities
to order the immediate departure of the un
fortunate vessel. Where the Argentina is to
find fuel enough to return to La Plata appears
iin unsolved problem.
The condition of affairs at Aries Is deplora
ble. The water supply is entirely cut oif ,
owing to an accident in the hydraulic ap
paratus. .Numerous funerals of cholcM vic
tims have been conducted by men who are
generally drunk. Tneso funerals have been
greatly retaid. d by the facs that the carpen
ters refuse to make aoilius for thoeo who die
of cholera. Nearly all Imkers and butchcrB
have left the city. rood consequently m
xcarco and difficult to obtain. Thu pmiu
throughout the city ia simply Indiscribable.
The epidemic appears to be extending. Ono
death occurred at Sjdntes Maries ] ) o Lamer.
The inhabitants of that town want to expel
all refugees frem the town.
A WAGER Of 1)2ATI [ .
PATHS , July 25. At Toulon two foolish
youths made a bet as to which could drink the
most seltzer water. One drank nine syphons
and the other eight. Both died shortly of
In the debate in deputies yesterday in re
gard to the French law relating to epidemics ,
-Mr. Bert described Franco , as after Spain and
Turkey , the most backward country in turopo
in eimitiry matters.
There were 15 deaths in Toulon lost night ,
0 in the hospital , 3 in town nud 7 in the uu-
urLs. It is fe rjd the stormy weather will in
crease the violence of the epidemic. Six hun
dred people left Toulon within two days for
the Pyrenees.
Deaths at Marseilles last night 10.
A JIlllUUTSinii.
Reporti ) from Marseilles and Toulon up to
lulf past five this afterno m bhovv thu condi
tion of affairs hteadily improving.
The counselors uf Ailos who Hod at the approach
preach ot the cluiliri will be prosecuted ,
J let ween il a. m. and noon there was only
one death by cholera at Marseilles , a largo full-
ingotf in the number uf COHOJ.
A stounerwith cliolcr.j arrived elf Huelva ,
3p > h ) . TnoInhabitants were panic striclceu
Mid lied acrosj the frontier Into Poitugal.
A CASK itKroii'iin os A MihsmiiTi BTK.VMKU.
WAblllNfiTO.v , July 25. Dr. Hamilton , sur.
geon general of the marine hospital , received
the following dispatch :
"KVAN3VILI.K , Jnd. , July 20 To Surgeon
( IiT.e al Hamilton ; Ilioro is a suspcc'ed cose
nf cholera from tha steamer Annie P. Silver
furSt. I/ouij. Tim patient died at Port An-
darrtoti , Miss , , ( a child ) . The parties came di
rect to New Orleans from Toulon. I have
notified Catioand St , Lcul * . AM EH. "
Thi burgeon general immediately tele
graphed prominent points along tin river
not to allow the taam-r to land until thor
oughly inspected. This evening ] Jr. Hamil
ton received a dlspiUh notifying him that the
Annie P , Silver pusssd Cairo ou the ! iM ! an4 is
.VOW l.Nhf J.OU1H.
and that no moro euipected canes of cholera
have occurred on btiaid. Ho immediately
telegraphed the imrgccm nf tha inarino hos
pital at St. Louis to muko a full investigation
nd rojiort to him at ouca the facts with re
gard to thu suspected case reported at Port
Anderson , Miss. , a d the gencial condition of
the vflusel anil t r pis enger.i nnd ( raw ,
In answer to the dinpatch to Surgeon Amos
at KvansUlle , Indlaua , Dr. Himd ton has
beeu informed by that ollicer that h' ' * d > u.
patch this afternoon WHS ) uied upon a tele
gram received by hlmAmnn ) from thn oflicor
in uliurgo at Nn-hville , which bUted on the
u-itliority .if Dr. I'icreu , ol Pott Anderson ,
Mldiiskippi , that
] A C1IOKKUA 1'AllB.Vr
hnil been put uff the Annia P. Silver in that
place , and that the \estet was then on its way
up the river. D. Hamilton aynw \ doas
not lielinve the case won cholera , but feels jus
tified in taking all proper precautions , oven to
the extent nf hunting Uowui suspected case ,
and putting thaollubU nn their guard at once
i , without waiting to prove the suspicious base-
[ iNQl'lltr AT BT. I.OU1S ,
Sr. Louis , July 25 , The steamer Annie
P. Silver , referred to in the despatches lr m
Washington to-night , arrived horn ' yesterday
morning , nd her captain , A. W.'liryunt , was
greitly itirprirud on being Informed to-night
of the contents of Surgeon General Jlamll
ton's doipatchcs and Instructions to the sur
geon of thu inarino hospital hero.
C ptiiu Bryant states that jiut before
leaving New Orleuis , on the 10th
Inst. , a family consisting of nun , vvifo and
four children , evidently in indigent circum
stance * , caiiH on board and engaged deck
passigo to St. Louis. The yonnpest child , a
babe sK mouths old , wni ijuUo sick with or
dinary summer complaint , and when the bolt
Wiioppniile Orostiville , Miss. , it died , Tlio
carpenter of the boat made n ] > ine eolliti , in
which the r fin a I in worn deposited , and at the
next landinp place , ( Port Anderson. ) they
were buried In tlio presence of most of the
p.vscucQrs aud auvv. No ono for a moment
supposing tha disease was anything but
the clrcumstanco sion fowiltcu. Cholera
was not thought nf mid ou the arrival it the
steamer the romiinder of the f.uuy ! ! IP t the
bnvtiu god tunltli , but where tdoy went ,
C.ipttin lirynnt dooi not know. Tlio man
h.xd stated through au intori roter that ho w , s
A Hl'AlXAUt * KltOll Ol'OUTO ,
That ho s illod from the latter pl.ico lo Vcra
Cm/ , Mexico , whuro ho had kept a saloon two
month * j than went to New Orleans and from
thoio ho cduelnd'il tn come to St. Louis. Ho
could not cpcak French nnd CntiUiu Bryant
, lees not beliov a ho cjnn from Toulon.
ITp ti a late hour to-night the purg.inn of
maiiiie had not boon seen. Nothin ? , therefore ,
is knuvvn as to what , if any , action ho h is
taken in the case.
Information from the Marino hospital late
to-night Is that the surgeon , nn receipt nf ad-
vlco uf Surgeon ( icuenil Hamilton , simply
uotitied the health iomml3 < iunor of the city
and lefe further actions lo the .lutlion-
ties. The latter done nothing.
Sto'vmor Silver loading to leave for Now
Orlu.ius to-morrow.
Xlio Grccnbnclcors Tlirnntcn to Name
a r\ovvlnn iinlew Itutlcr Dc-
hiIntentions. .
Nuvv YOUK , July 25. Charles Jenkins ,
; wico a candidate of thu greenback party in
3hio for governor , wrote Uoorgo Joacs ,
chairman of thn state committt'3 of that ptrty
u New York , saying it was doubtful whether
the state convention of Ohio on the 20th in
stant would nominate an doctoral ticket to be
votril for at the coiling election , and asking
advice on tlio subject. Jones in reply says :
If General Butler runs os the candidate of
mr party , or even as a third pirty candidate ,
recogni/lng our principles and orginizaticn in
the cau\as , ho will poll u large vote in this
state , including that of nearly every rean-
, 'acker hero , but ho must Indica o his inten-
, ions very soon , for our true men care nothin ?
'or outside combinations They are becoming
inutient [ and discontented at his doUy.
They want anil will hi\e candiJut'B to repre
sent them , not other parties , or organizations ,
which do not or dare not twuch que&tioLs of
vital importance to themselves or their coun
Our stale convention will meet in this city
August 27th and appoint a full set of elettoiH ,
and I sincerely hnpo our pirty in each
ittto in the union will du likoniso.
! esld-.s placing state nnd electoral tickets in
lamination , I hopoyour state convention will
appoint a committee to act in concert with
other true men throughout the union , in BO-
uiting a uimlidate for president in the event
of Ueuerul Butler declining to run as our
Candida o. And I suggest Tuesday , Septum-
icrOth , for .such action if it becomes neceib.jry.
\o Aurccincnt as to a Conservator of
ILlH Kstato Wllhur Utterly
Special Dispatch to THE BIK. :
CHICAGO , July 25. Tliero is no prospect of
a compromise between the prospective ) heirs
and wife of Wilbur K. Storey , as to the ap-
lointment of a conservator , and the adminis-
.ration of his vast estate. The CHSO will go
.hrough the regular course , and the petitioner
or the appointment of a conservator made by
ome of the creditors of Mr. Storey and will
come up for hearing in the probate court tha
bird Monday in August. Ansnn Stnry ,
jrpther of Wilbur F. and two other relatives
t is said went to see Mr. Storey on Wednes
day and they found him utterly incapable of
undoistundln : anything that was < aid to him ,
although they cho'e tuch subjects as inci-
lents from his chllhood , etc , likely to inter-
eat him , and call up recollections of his youth.
St. John Accepts.
I'lTTununo , July 2j. J. S. Little , of New
ark , N. J. , received the following telegram
this morning fiom Ex-Governor St. John :
'Rochester , July 25To Hon. John B.
Finch , Geo. R. Scott , or M. B. Bennett :
[ was at Lakeside yesterday and did not re
ceive your telegram until this morning. While
' did not seek or desira the nomination , I
jroatly appreciate the unanimity with which
t was given as well as the honor it conferred.
[ can only nay now that aciuiescenco in the
action of the ojiivention , und looking to God
or guidance 1 shall try to do mv duty. "
Jens P. ST. JOHN.
DelfffAten ore leaving for home on every
.ruin and all will on to-morrow have loft the
; ity. After adjournment of the convention
net night , the California delegation on behalf
Dr. It I' ' . MnDoTiald gave a lumiuiot to the
delegate * . Loaders of convention In inter
views to-day claim they will poll from five
mndrod thousand to a million votes and that
, hey will probably carry Kansas and Mary-
ana , and to throw the election into con-
LKAVE.vvvoirrn , KAS , , July 25. The fol.
owing telegram was uciit to Gov , St. John
io-ilay :
LXAVENWOKTH , July 25 The Woman's
Ihri6tlan ! Temperance Union , of Kanaon , con-
trutulates Uav. St. John upon his nomination
or president nf the United States , May God
less aud load to victory the man who lias
st od by the homo.
( Signed. ) LAUIIA B. FIKI.DS.
PreUdont Kansas W. C. T. U.
Tlio Nntcil IriHli OrKn.nI/.ntioa Visited
by Cleveland , needier and OtherH.
PEEK8KH.t. , N. Y. , July L'5. The sixty-
linth Irlbh regiment , In cavij ) hero , was vis-
ted by Governor Cleveland in response to an
nvl ation by Colonel ( Cavanagh and tbu men ,
1'he governor was received with a salute of lil
RUIH and by the regiment in line , commanded
jyColonel Cavanagh.
Rev , Mr , and fllrs. Henry Ward Beocher ,
who are sojourning at their Poekikill country
residence , also visited the camp and met Gov
enor Cleveland , After being entertained by
the state military authorities in thu state en
campment , Govunor Cleveland and Mr.
Heechtr , with General 1' ' HIM worth , infoimally
visited thu Sixty-bevnlh regiment and accepted -
ed the lionpltali-ien of thoculunel aud other
ollicern ,
Governor Clovelaml was ropeatgdly grilled
with tbrco tiuini thiee. The con-tot M5 of
thn Military ai'iideiny rode In from Went
Point , ten mil ; ) , distant , aud they also gath
ered in , by Invitation , Colonel Cavanagh with
iidetachment of the Seventh regiment , of Now
The Woat her To-day ,
WAHHIKUTO.V , July 1:0. For tun upper
Mississippi valley : LJC ! shower * , tmitly
cloudy weather , southerly winds , stationary
teimxtrature , 1'or the Missouil valley ! Part
ly oloudy weather , occasional rain , southerly
winds .md statioiury temperature ,
Purify your blood , tom up the Bystern ,
and regulate the digestive oruans by
taking llood'a Saraaparilla. Bold by all
pruggista ,
Sad Mopents in an Illinois Motbc-
dist Cburoi ] ,
The Pastor of the Flook Found
Guilty of Misleading thollwes ,
Two Widows Ohargo Seduction
Under Promise of Marriage ,
The Latter to Take Place on the
Death of His Sick Wife ,
Ho Persuades Thorn to the Siu by
Quotations from Scripture ,
Coiirojiuloii | Badly Xoru m > ,
Special Dispatch to THIS liUK.
ILL. , Jnlyt'J3. For ten da > n
past tumor.s h.ivo been rifu about Sterling
that the Uev. R. W. Smith , pastor of Uro.ul-
.vav Methodist Kpltcopal church , of thin city ,
was guilty of immoral practices with certain
members of his llock. Charges were formu
lated by Presiding Klder W. A. Spencer , who
convened an occlo'lastical court at Stirling on
\VoJnesday , the tiinl ending lust evening and
resulting in a unanimous verdict of guilty and
his suspension fiom the ministry. Many facts
vvcro drawn out at the tnul which are
unlit for publication.
Mrs.v.juvvidow.swcrjshohad been repeated'-
guilty ot ailulteiy with the defendant , the iitbt
olfenco occurring in October , ISS.t , and con
tinuing uutil last April. Alls V. is Unity-
live jc.irri old , and a member of his churcli.
Slio tcstilies that he eeducod lior though argu
ments babnd ou scripluinl texts. He promis
ed to marry her at bis wife's death , she ( the
wife ) being in poor health. She only jieldud
after this p.edgo of love mid future marriage.
i'ho first IrautgrtHiiun occurred Sunday even-
ng after church when the defendant's wife
was out of the city. His favorite exprebsion
was , "Wlicio love is ,
Mrs. L , a member of his church , a widow
vith four childreu , Bworo tliat the defendant
attempted adultery with her in , ) une. lie
vowed love nnd promtsa.l mirriago. Ho fi
nally attempted force , but failed. He im-
ilorod forgiveness and ulence , wnich who roused
usedHo then thicitoned to kill her and
ear kept her silent.
Smith's defense was conspiracy and black-
nail , Ho svvoro he was innocent of any trans-
; reaion , and introJuced two witnesses to
inno that the two widovvs aliovo had told
lilferont btories. The Rev. M. Shepard , of
Aurora , appeared for the defense , und the
, BV. Mr. Tibbats for the projocution.
s n inombor of the Illinois conference. lie
las been hero about two years , is 48 } eirs of
ago , tall erect , aud ratbbr line looking. He
ms a ilurid f JCD , mutton chop whiskers , and is
nnrried. He has no children. Almont the
mt'ie sentiment of the community is against
lim. The evidence showed tliut ho employed
: ho bible tJ debauch his selected victims ,
David's inlidolitieB being bis chief delight.
While the tiial did not bring other trans-
jressions to the surfrco , rumor says ha is
'inlty with at least three other members of
tin llock. Chinch Investigation will soon bo
jei'un , when when many revelations are ex-
mxpicion resting hero and there. Nothing
nit a full investigation can clear up the mat-
.erand it will take the church years to locovcr
rom the injury done by this unworthy iiaUor.
Nothing clue has been talked about in tlio city
or a week past. Smith is still hero nnd s yu
10 is innocent and will light the case at the
innuul conference in October.
[ Cnport of the Commissioner for tlio
Year A Decrease of Nearly
$2:1,000,000 The Items.
X , July 25. The commissioner
> f internal revenue furnishes to-day statements
elativo to the transactions of his bureau for
, hu fiscal jear ending Juno 30th , 1881 , and
comparhotiH with those of the preceding fiscal
year. From these it appears the aggregate
ecuipts of the liscal year were S121'JOoW : ,
iecrenso compared with the preceding year ,
3--2'JU3(05. : ( The receipts came from the fol-
owing hourccs :
teieipts from spirits ( fruit giaic
and other nutoiial ) including also
sjiecial taxes $7GH'j,3S5 ! )
Increase S2.6aJ,010 (
Tobacco in all forma. . . . 20,02i'J9 ( ; :
Decrease 10,011,8111
Fermented liquors !
Increase l,18J,3i8 :
I'.UEK under laws not
repsalod 2l8ir.ti
Decivasu 10.2j,7-iri ( .
Penalties 2SI,1U !
Decrease 1CC5'J ,
There were withdrawn forconsuinption dur
ng thu year 1,137,050 gallon of spirits distilled
'iom fruits , a decrease of liili,22li : gallons
compared with the piocoding liscal year. 7t\-
07IHl ! , > ri gallons of uplrits wore diKtilled from
; rain , molasses and other inatoriul , un increase
of 2.071,000 gallows. aiO.Mil'JOl cigars were
made , an increase of 227,7.0102.ii ! ; ! J08lt3fIO ! !
cigarettes , on incrnasa of UGH.lOl.OMJ ; B-GOU , .
il.r pounds of siuilf , an increase of 318,273 ;
HiH hi ) , < , 110 pounds of tobvcco , an Increase of
t Glo,2Uj , ; and 18U'.l8ill , ( ! barrels of fermented
liquor , an increase ot 1,210,727.
Valley EiiK'no ' E.\plodCH
und SuatCorH HH Orow A
CoiiHOtiont | Calamity ,
WII.KEHHAHIIK , July 25 , An empty shifting
engiuo on tlio Lchigh Valley railway , with
live of a crew on board , running from White-
liaven to Necoheck siding , exploded this morn
ing , The entire crow are reported killed ;
three went blown to pieces and cannot bo
found. Having no flagman to warn an ap
proacliing freight train , the latter ran into
Iho wieck , demolishing vuveral cars. All
trains on the road urn povaral hours late.
Western pa soncerH for Now York and otliar
points south are being transferred here V > thu
Philadelphia it Heading railway. The olliuuls
rofuiiQ to KIVQ any information regarding the
uu < Mint. The names of the killo j caumit bo
learned ,
Ttiu Word EBtato ,
Nuw Voith , July 2 ! ) . A motion was argued
to day In the supreme court to vacate the at-
tachinoiit Inviod upon the property of Ferdi
nand Ward in the suit by the Marino batik for
8701,000. loaned by ( Jraut & Word prior to
their asHignmont. The application was made
on behalf of ( ieo. C. HoU , aBsigneo of Ward.
Tha attachment had been granted upon the
ground of alleged fraudulent disposition of
Ward's property prior to making the Bunion-
moat. Court reversed decision.
Itcuopttou or HID Groolv 1'arty ,
POUTHHOUIII , N. 11 , , July 2n. The ffittftto
Talapoosa with Secretary Chandler and the
RUMUU Minister has arrived. It IB rerortod
Chandler tftlegraphod Secretary Lincoln It
come hero to Arrange tlio recnptlon of Cireoly
Secretary Lincoln will tend rmy olliccrs am
a surgaon to moot tlio Oroely party on thtir
arrival here. The bodies of tlio doid will bo
sent to tholr homes. The liiiMinii Minister
returned to Nowpori to-day. The city government -
ornmont of Portsmouth apiwlnti-d a committee -
tee to make arrivugoni'-ntfi for the roccpllon ol
the Orcolj party and ( Joveruor Halo IUK
been communicated with in rt.vrd ( to sending
the stito militia on tlmt ocoiulon.
Clins. 1 > . WIMniora Goo to the I'onl-
tontlnry lorSIx Vcnrs.
Special Dispatch toTllBlJKK.
MAPISO.V , Neb. , July 2.\ Yesterday tin
jury brought In n verdict of manslaughter
against Wlllmoro , and he was ndiitenccil bj
Judge Crawford to sK yours In tlu p'nilcn-
ttary. The murder w s comniiltcd on the 2Ist
of ln t April at about niidii i < lit. A patty
couslitliig of about fiftcun had githored at
, lo eph CllncliV , mar Mmerlck , for the pur-
sa of drinking l > ocr. Loivlug there about
U or 11:30 o'clock p.m. they ntnrUit homo , nitio
going in a company , with Willmore mid C. T.
McC.tlluin , the decoaHsd. Aft r poitig about
ullo Willmora .Mtoppeil und McCallum camn
up to where ho was and pa'd ' , "I'll bet you $ . " '
uy horse can boat youts and 1 cin lick you , "
aui than struck him. Willmore tlinu slid ,
"Somebody hold my horse ; ho piunhocun
ick mo and 1 don't think ho can do it.1 Me-
Dalluui struck Will more tvvlco and then got
ills arm around Wlllmoro' * neck and was
lounding him on the hojd and fnrn. It srcms
iheu that Wlllmoro got nut his knlfo nnd did
, lie cutting. After thn nlfray McCallum'ri
inwuli were out and ho VVHH slushed in
; ho face. Willmoro was banged In the face a
; oed deal , too.
McCallum was then taknu homo and died
; ho next day at fi o'clock from the olFects of
the wounds. All admit thut MiA'allum
itarted 1)13 ) fuss , but \Yllmoi6 ! was eouvlUod
) ccaiibo ho did not need to take the docoasad's
ifo in order t proteu : himself. A lagd nuni-
)3r of persons were down from l.'merick aud
.lie court lum-o was full nearly all the time.
The trial was conducted very lulrly , and all
are satislied of the justness of the rcxult. The
lafoiidant. Chas. D. WillinorJ , has conducted
limself in the best manner ever since urro t
tud during thn trial. His reputation WAS
; oed and ho wan an iii'lmttioiiK man , It
eems that the quorrel all cin.o out of the keg
if boor. Hon. W. M. 1'olxsrtRon defended
ho prisoner very ably and made a good case ,
lo baid in his address to the jury : "They
i\d ! a drunken row and McC. lJuin came to his
loath in a drunken row. Mon who are poaca-
nblo when they are sober became almost rav-
ng maniacs when they are drunken.1' Jan. T.
Jrovvn assisted District Attorney Uryanl. In
he prosecution. A great deal of interest was
taken in the trial , which lasted a week.
Demented Girl Horridly
A HixultMl Uy a Camp of
Fifty Mon.
PiTTsnuiaii , July 2. > . The details of the
obbury and outrage of Lizzio 1 Iradley , c. du-
nentod young woman , found in a camp on the
) auk of the MonongahoU river Tuesday oven-
ug , nro the most horrible , and has created
utonso otcitemnnt hero. After being decoyed
rom homo on Sunday by n man named
vennedy , uud dosorto I in wooji several milas
rom the city , she wandered /dinlessly about
mtil she struck a laborersrrip icouiiiosud
) f Hungarions. Ir'sh , Frenca nd negroes ,
ocited near West Kli/abeth. Her experience
icio W3BS-0 brutal iw to be almost without
larallol. t J ,
When found on Tuesday , , eha , was uncon
scious. Her clothes woio torn Iron ) her body ,
which was covered with cuts and bruises fiom
lead to feet. Her jewnlry ( valued ut $000 ,
vas also missing. The inoa fled at the ap-
i roach of her tricuds , but detectives have been
vorklnir \ igorously on the case , and this oven-
ng fiva men were arrested for complicity in
ho outra-o , and twenty armed policemen in
, wa four-horso wagons left for tha scene of the
camp at 10 o'clock to-night to arrest the
liber * , DO men in all. The fcolin atfainst thn
iriboneiB is intenfc. The young woman is etill
iving but in a ciiUrnl coinlilon. !
Governor Pierce will not Jipcldo
Between Yunkton anil liminarck ,
YANKTON , July 25. ( Jovcrnor Pierce woe
eronaded at the Merchant hotel last night
nd in response stated that ha Led not yet
eclded what to do in regard to the capital
ueetion. Ho said it would bo beyond pi o-
edcnt for him to unmake tlio proclamation < f
tovornor Ordwoy oideting the Heat of govt rn-
nentto Uismarc'n. He bal therefore about
decided to allow the pioclumatii n
o htaud , and wait until the leglsliiluro
onvjnod , and the , us ep-e-.cntJtlvo of the
leoplo of tbo whole tunitory , he could ham
hn wishes of the pcoplo , and ho would cheer-
ully obsy.
1'rctidenlliil AppoIiumontH.
WAHIIINC.TUN , .fuly 25. The nresidbiit has
ippointed John 1) ) . liryant na U. S. martial ; for
ho district of ( leorgia. vice General Lung-
toa'l ; , lohn ( J. 1 ! . liuuly. of Alaska ; fieorgo
I. Thlio of Pennsylvania , and Chester Decor _ -
) or of California i ommlHsionors for the dis-
.rial of Alaska to icside respectively at Sitka ,
SVrauglo and Ournhutka.
Pay director J. H. Watmong , formerly
> aymaster g'tieral of thn nuvy , will be placoJ
in the retired list on the 30th Inst.
No action will be taken by the president in
egard to the matter of the Lommiesloiiship of
ho now bureau of labor statistics until his
return to Washington , about the middle of
Ono reason why diseases of the bladder
and urinary organs are BO dillicult to euro
a tliat tlioy frciiuontly huvo no pro-
uo".ncpd ayinptouifl. HONT'K ' [ Kidney
and Liver ] ] ti.Minv ia peculiarly adapted
, o the lure of tlieso coniplointg , and ( { ooa
at once to the scat of the trouble giving
'cliof at onco. _
Moxlcn Is trying to effect n loan of $110,000 ,
000 in London ,
Lieut. ( Jrooly will be Riven u public rcLOji-
tlon on his homo in Newburyport , AIuss ,
The unirt of appeals of Yirwinla has decided
that the law prohibiting tchool Biiperintcnil-
euls takintr part In politics h unconstitutional ,
A member of the French chamber nf depu
ties says there hava been more deal' ' B in Mar-
solllos thanronortoc1. Thieves aru plundering
thu city.
A mad dog is traveling along the line ol
t'ic Union Pacific in Kansas. At Nuwman
Station ho tore a largo piece of .fle&h from the
face of a woman.
Tha boiler of a steam thrashing michliio
nxpludo4 un thn furm uf Joseph Hull nnar
Hushvllle , Inil. , ' Thursday , The engineer ,
named Swaim , vvas killed : David Henderson
wes crushed to death by thu falling of a portion
tion of the boiler which was thrown ahundnx
foot in Iho uir. Four persons were kerlouhly
Injured. Thu oxploilon vvui caused by the
generation ut milphor gM .as the man were
utiiig sulphur water to supply the boiler.
North I'olo Expeditions.
Prl/.o fight * , lottoilos , walking matchiw , am :
boloon OBCunsioiiH am usually humbugs of thu
worst sort. 7Jr. Tlwnvtt' A'clcctrlc Oil is not
A humbug. It Is a quick cure lor achea aail
sprains , and 1 just an good for a lame-
UOSft ,
iDflucntial Delf gallon Calls on the
Lord of the Priy ? Seal ,
For the Purpose of Eonioving the
Kestriotiou on Wyoming Oattld
Enrls , Barons and M ( Pts Pleading
Against the Quarantine
Oarliugfortl Pleads that the Law
Stands in His Way ,
Wyoming Stook-Qrowors' Associ
ation Deny Disease ,
Flio llcupllt of tlio Ucmnvnl ol tlu
llcstrlcl Ion ( > t ho Ill-It Inli ru
cr nnd CoiiHiitnor.
LONDON , July 13 ! A largo and iulluciitinl
Icputa'.lon waited upon llaiou Culii'gfoid ,
oid of the privy seal , to-day , and urged the
mmodlato removal if the rosttictiou placed
jy the piivy counsel on Iho Importation of
cattle from Wyoming. V.arl Wlmuclitf , Dnrun
Wotdock aud Ljrd Kdvvard C.ivoitdlnli , Cyri
1'lovver , Sir Grorgo U.vlfour , Albert Gray and
Jharlos J 'aimer , momborof the coimuoiis. to
[ ether with iMoreton Frowor , Iho delegate of
ho Wvoniing Stock Growers association were
present , The speaker urged tlnit
vore obtainublo through Canada and from the
ountry vvost of tlio Mi sjiin river. They do-
lu oil that no cattle disoaxo o.\l teil In theho
egions , and that the strictest jirccautloiiB
vert ) taken during the transportation of c.ittlo
hrough to the seaboard , and at thu soaboid
ho cattlu vvoro nourished from the pecond lo
lie third year in Wyoming at one fourth what
ho test would bo in Kupland. They could bo
exported to a very great advantage to both
he liritish farmer aud ISritish coustimor. The
lusinosK if flit toning them for the market
vould provo a gnat source of profit to f , inn-
TH , and uonsumor would pay less for his beef ,
or himself and for Hon. George Dodsou ,
chiinceltor for the duchy of Laucanter. He
said they realizoil the cxtrcma iutarcst and
mportunco of the Htitoinoutn made and the
ilea had been urged , aud they would bestow
lareful consideration upon them. Ho re-
ranud from saying , hovvnver , vvhatbur the
inportation of cattle into Grout litltaiu fiom
Wyoming will bo consistent with tliv law. He
.hoiight it would bo necessary to consult Can-
udit brfforo any steps bo takon.
Lord Henry Nuvillo and Arthur Arnold ,
John Pemler , W. U. IJoaumont , J. W. Mar-
clay , Robait liruca and membrrs of pnlla-
nent were also in the delegation. I enl
U'liarncliira asked that the third clause of the
cattle act be applied nnd tluitutiltle should in
cousciueuco | 1)3 admitted from Wyomi'ig. Ho
utguoil that
ii her power to prevent infojtlou. Then y a <
10 itosnble rea'on wlw cattle from that terri
tory brought by way of tlo gri' . t l ko ,
nbnidd not be admitted to Gr < ut Britiln. All
onrtle would be benefittod if t'tis wc-rb done
llr. I'Veomau ' submitted nridenco of tlio
ubienco of d'xoise ' among cattle in thu west.
[ f the proof he olfereu was insufliciont , ho
saidhe was willing to pay the expeims
of a cimmission to v'sit Wyoming
and ascertain all the facts nt first hand ,
iVyoming , ho declared , was willing to isolate
lerself any eastern st te Wyoming
VMS a test case. If the succeeded in gaiuini ;
icr point , other states would fullow her e\-
implo. Thoyall wanted to got away from
ho dominion of
Mr Dod'on Hiid he was ready to welcome
heap njcat , dead or alive , if it only proved to
10 iK'rfectly sifo.
J. W. Usrclav , M. P. . stated the public
noctings in Forfanhiro of his constituents had
leclared in favor of the admission of Ameiicun
Lord \ \ oulock. Albflrt Gray , M. 1' . , nnd
Vrthur Arnold , M. 1' . , spoke in suppoit of tli9
liaroii Carlingford gave it an Ids opinion
hat the condition under which the privy
ouncll might admit these cattle formed it
[ iiestion tli9 consideration of vvhicli was besot
with numerous dilliuultlep.
Tlio Irifili DoinonHlrallon ill lloMon.
DOSTO.V , July i The programmo for the
riih demonstration at tlio Institute building ,
\iigust 1 lib , is complete. Accommodations
will bo provided for li,000 pornons , au < l seats
vill bo furnished on the plntfoi m for 100U m
Itfil KiieatK. Thorn will bo iv grand churns of
DOO voices , assisted by coiisuiidatod bands ,
ggrcgatirg 100 Instriimenls The newly
Fecteil president of the national league will
ire ido and bo Introduced by the MaHsaclm-
etts state executive of the league , Rov. P. A ,
Mi'Kenna , nf HiuUon , Mass. There will bo
ome tvyelvo addresses , occupying ton or ( if
eon minuU'H each ,
1 ho jiroof jt the piulUing kis not In chewing
ha BtriiiR , but In having an ojiportunity to
ojt the niticlo direct. Schroter & Bocht , the
Jrupgtsts , have a free trial bottle of Dr. Bo-
anko's Cough and Lunf ; Syrup for each and
every ono who Is allllctud with CougliH. Colds ,
Asthma Consumption or any Lung Affection.
Tlinl'rcHldont GocHloNcw Vorlr ,
WAHIIINHTO.V , July HO. The president will
eave Washington to-morrow morning on the
Uespatch for Now York. Ho will ba accom
) aiiudby John Davix , asKistant pet-rotary cjf
tat , Miss Nellie Arthur und Private Sticie-
, aryihlllp' . _
Causes Its victims to uo nilncraWo , hopeless ,
ctmluscil , and depressed In mind , very Iriltn-
drowsy. H Is a disease
! ) ! ( ! , laiiKUld ,
vvhicli doci not KCt well of Itself. H rc < julics
cart-rul , iicrslHtcnt attention , and a remedy to
throw off tlio causes and tone up tlio diges
tive ) or am till tlicy perform tlielr duties
\vlilliiKly. IIood'B Harsaparllla liaa proven
Just the required icmedy In hundred * ol cases.
" I have taken Hood's rJarsaparilla for dys-
pep-da , from which 1 have nullcrcd two yearn.
J tried many other medicines , hut none proved
' . "
so satisfactory as Hood's Karsaparllla.
JiiusiAtf Cooif , Urush IMectrlo Mylit Co. ,
.New York City.
Sick Headache
Tor Iho paht two years I have hcen
anilcted with Hovero heaxlaclies and dyspi'i > -
bU. I was Induced to try Hood's HarKapa.
rt'llff. I rheer-
nlla , and have fouiid'iircat
fully recommend It to nil. " WHS. > : . 1' .
A Alll. : , New Haven , Conn ,
Mrs. Mary C. Bmltli , Camhrldgoport , Mass. ,
and tick headache
was u sufferer from dyspepsia
ache , film took Hood's B-irsaparllla aud
lotind It the best remedy tlio orer ui > cd.
Hood's c. Sarsaparilla
Sold by all dnisclstn. $1 j Mr for 5. Made
wily by 0.1. HOOD Si CO. , l-ovvell , Mans.
j Ono Dollar.
run a. A.ii. AT
Orn. Kiiint/n niut Portland , Jfo , Wln
MlNNK.VPOl.18 , Minn. , July IT. , Tin- nation
nl encampmnnt ot tlio ( } . A. H. mut nt ll.0
o'clnsk ntul continued tha liAlldtinp for rom
nmmler in clilef. On tlio Kth linllot Oon
tlolin Kotmt7p nf Ohio was elected , .liulgo
I 1' . U M of MlnnoApolM wn ? elected nenlor
vlcorommandorj Ira K , Hicks of Dakota Ju
nior > ice coiumanilfr ; T. M . HlmvvWdt o
MlrhlKtii , fliBplmu 'nnd W. 1 . Hall of
1 otitKjlvniiin , Riirgoon ,
V. rcxoliition vrm pmod thnt no jiiciilc tin
hold on momnrlnl daya or Sundnys \ , \ tin
( Sr.ttid Army | ) o t .
The nowlv flee IH ! olllcers vvoro Itistallcil nt
the meeting In Iho nttornnon.
All trivliH out ot the city during the ilny
wcru lomlcd with votrran , and the eamp is
nrnrly ( letottnl. Mony nt potiR | on o\citr
i > ious Uuou li the iiorthweit. CencrnN Lognu
aud Nt > sloy left thn rlty thortly nfter noon on
n vpoclal car for Cliicofjo.
The i ii < rcl > ( M of the week wow brouglit to n
iM05uvvltliagriuulb.xnqiiPtlntli ( > ovcnitiR lo
ijenernl BhuiiiiRii , Uovoruor VnirclilKI , of
\v MMIIMII , nnd other prominent iiipn , nt thn
nlinorr ot the ] 'it > t.\litincsnU rpRluiBiit. It
WHSotfd to hold the imxt encampment nt
I'orllind , Mnino. The cimp will not
brokpn until Monday , us Romoof tlio ilelixa
vvlsli to iiunrtvr theio until thru ,
The rcunli'ii Ii considered onn of the inoit
aucceinful over hclil by the ( irantl Army.
Tlio Itclicf Uorim OllloPl-a.
lunlor vice , .Mrs. A. .1. Aiidermm , Topeka ,
KB. : treasurer , .Mrg. L. A Tumor , llcnto-i ]
elnplain , Mrs. AnmV Whltcniiifrer , J'hlhilel.
ililn , I'.i , : luxp ctor , Mi-n. Sarali 0. Ntchol * ,
Auburn , N. C ; eoiiiinittea on raHoliittnni ,
Mrc. Drown itf ICnimy , Mr , I.ottio Jlyerof
) hii > , Mrs. Klliut , of MnssacliusuttH. A n-so-
ution vvns nduplcd fixing tin tlmo of the
si itn inei'tliig tlio BAIIIO n tliat of thu encamp
. . , July -loneral l ! .
nft for tliB oiwt thU ntternoon by upccial twin
iver thn Milwaukee. The vetoranc gnvo hiui
kgrnud fiviovvcll reception , chcoriiiR him ou
ila way.
ciiia.vao MVUICKTS.
Spocinl DlHp.itch to TUB DKK.
OiliCAOO , July 'J5. The bulk of the receipts
vera Tdxniu , nud the p3r a < nt of good fat nn-
ivcswas about ns mnall as for any day this
veek , and for fnt nntivci there waH n fair do-
nniul nt Htoady pricon , with nil Hold nt nn
nrlyhour , ( ira83iH ivcro plenty , moro tlnn
va wanted and were Belling nt tlio very low
iricei current the pant few dnyn. Down again
vonttlie price of Toxnns , good , straight lotn of
taoM Rolling OH low ns II 00 to I ! 15 , nud the
> est not mnkingovor It 25 to 3 l > \ whllo Eomo
nixed lotn of covvx nnd bullH sold nt 2 50.
1'iooh recelptw Toxaim vveio about " 01 cars ,
mil hero were probably about 00 or CiOcaia
cnriiud ovor. Comoro nro filled to tholr ut-
niMt cip.xcitynnd city liiitchun have crowded
lie down town innrketH until tlioro la Inroly
ojni to hnng n inrcniF. l-Xport ( rradi'H , 1-150
t > 15 ,0 llw , ti 75 to 7 00 : cowl to fancy ship-
lingBtcorH , I' ' ? ! ) to 1100 Ibn. , 581 to ( i 50 ;
oiiimon to medium 10.10 t > 1'J'O ' Ibs. , 51' ' .
Steei-H nvcraning f.0l . ) t.i i > 30n. } \ . , a 'JO to 8 ( Mj )
vi'ertod , a7Bt > ) ! 00 ; Wyu-nmR untivos , 4CO to
Them \vaa n fair domain ! from BhlnpcrH ntnl
speculators for gooj hu\vy nud goou n'.Kad nt
.ho opaniiig vvltli u utii tdy inngo of prices , but
; ownrdn the cloflo those HOI ta were strong nnd
iu lower than ut thu oicniiir ] | , Thu denmul
: or light softs vfn * Jens' urgent , nnd prleos ruled
H'.ronif nnd 5o lower on the bast fancy YorkorH ,
and lOo on fair to poor ) . Halo * ot heavy nt
4 W to 5 03 ; of light nt fi 00 to 60. .Tho Kun-
oral market uloslnir rathur weak : liuhl , 10) to
210 10 to 57U.
The grain markets were generally Htront ;
nnd modeintlvely aclivo. Corn nilvnncod life
.ml ruled linn. There was nn active iiupiiiy
or ca h coin for nhipment , No. Felling up
o Ofic , and shlppori , it wns reported , held
uoHt of thu stock in Btoro , and were iirr.uiL'int ' ,
m idiip it out on the liiut of mnnth. J'liiti
undo thu Hhortx nnxlouN to cover ; but trading
W'IIH not lieavy , olFuilngH being rather light.
Wheat firm in nynimthy ] with corn , and win-
or wheat maikaiH were reporlud nctivn nnd
trong , with modernto receipts. 1'rivnto
cnhloa nlio reported n ntnm i'i tone nbrond ,
mil local olluringj of vvhiiut weia not largo.
Onti were liriner and in fnir reijuost. .Inly
lati were nt UJSo nnd seller th year at iilijc.
\lny coin Kiocii'li. No. 2 sold nt fi I jC'
5c. .
I'rovinioiiH weio in fnir ri | ui ! t and liimor.
laO ! : l1. M. Wheat Hold ut rlfl ta HIS for
September , nnd cloned ut 8IJutoliDr ; ( ) cloiod
t MJ , nnd AiuiiHt nt 83J. Corn easier , Fell-
ng nt nig to 51. for Septembar , closing nt filj' ' ;
( ctober cloHed nt fiHc. Ontn vveiu - < ! to7c
'or ' Keptcmlier , l7i ! to7j ) for Augiut , 'M for
illy , ! ) } for May nnd " ( ! J solloi the yeat ,
hort ribs closed at 7 70 , anil bid at 7 li > for
leptcmbflr. _
UVlilA VUSmiDAl.
Special Dispatch tojTllK HICK ,
NKW VOIIK , July ' > , The market this nf-
tcrnoon in excited and the upward tendency
seouiH to bo a growing one. Tlioro has been
feveiishlyactlvo trading all day. The bulls
nay the death knell hai sounded , but the bears
do not npnoar at all nlarmo I , nlthoiigh they
C'lveiol freely on the break of 1 per cent iu
Lake bhoro and put tlia pi ice back again to n
higher price tlun ycdtcrday.
( .oui.n'H IIKOKKIIH
advanced Western Union 1J to GO par eont ,
when the market Hliowod any signa of vvoakon-
inir , and thn MIsHonii 1'aciliu WUH ] iut up to
'I'lJ ' ut which price the peg htill holds , Uut
Vunderbilt took the lend with u 2if jump In
New Yoi k Central. Later it was Milling ono
liar cent Lolow the bout price , but tin ! shorts
have been Hcarod and have been their hoaviust
buy orn to-day. St. 1'aul is about 1J percent
higher , with good trailing.
in by no means ever in Louivvlllo , and the
htock in now practically better than yesterday ,
but hai varied ! l | ] .ercont to-day and hud *
frooHhnrtsellernntprevailing priceH , Illinois
Centrnl opened 1 per cent off , und in nuw ! ! J
per cent better than firt price. Thu grangers
generally are all butter , Thu general feeling
appears to bo bullish thin afternoon , but there
IH n smull boar resistance and these who will
nxpri'Hs an opinion Hay they are willing enough
HUK Till : XADKKr CO 1)1' ) ,
and hupj the linln ! will continue to keep it
up. " The coinnii nion IIOUKCH report iiicieasod
outside I uylrg orders , but they aio limited
und confined to cheap dividend payers ,
( iould'n movement of Inn HtuckH WUH onn of
the innttuiH of gossip in Htock clrclen. H U
ti4Wpjios that hu means a raid on the bourn ,
they uio niiiu to run to vovu- very fast , Oil i
strong und hlnlici' .
Trndot-Uimm Tei rorlHiii ,
CINCINNATI , July W A petition was pie
tent nd to the mayor to day by the propiietois
of tha utovo foimdt'iles and cigar iiianufactur-
ITH , piitying for thopiotection of non-union
men in their employ , They btutexl that their
men mo annulled um | beaten day after day
anil iceeivK no protection fiom thu police. If
they can't bo protected thuy will removu their
factoiios to other cities ,
1'roiiy u ricuirr ,
Twentyfour beautiful colora of the
Diamond Uyus , for .Billf , Wool , Cotton
\o , lOo each. A child can use -with
perfect success. Opt at once at your
' i , w ll , JliohardBou k Co , ,
on , Yt ,
Costly Hutldlngfl In Snn
San FranciscoAHn : ThofollowJng largo
aaaosamontn _ appear nn the Aaa.isaor'a
books for this year : HUBS llouso , $514-
000 , a reduotion of § 287,000 from pre
vious nsBcaamcntj Lick house , $788,900 ;
1'alnco hotel , $1,010,000 , vrhlch naicsa-
mont has boon na hiah ns § 1,500,000 ;
Baldwin hotel , $ I80COO ; Occidental
hoto ) , $585,000 ; Colonnade , 8100,500 ;
Windsor house , 815G,700Nuclous-l80- ;
000 : I'hoUn block , $805OCO ; Novnda
hlook , $375,000 ; Iho Fair block , $530-
OOOr Blorchanta' Exchange. $225,000 ;
.Stock Exchange , $225,000 ; IVcific bank ,
$85,550 ; lot formerly occupied by the
Pavilion , $257,000 ; the Flood property
on Fourth nnd Mrirkot , $32:1,550 : ; Hlytho
property , $1,079,200 ; Central Pacific
rallrotul property , $203,100 ; Stanford's
house , $212,500 ; Orockor'a , $222OJO ; td
llopkini' , $02,500 ; Jcchnnic ' pavillion ,
$144,020 ; llibornia bank , 8130,000 ; Ma
sonic Tompln , $200,500 ; London and San
Francisco bank , $153,000 ; Sato Deposit
building , $275,000.
w Lr * I
falum or any Injurious tubstiincfsciin bo found
n Andrews'.Pearl linking Pov/dor. Is po -
< vrly PURE. Itcln emlorM'il , anil testimonials
cccivi'd irom such cluIinlstaasB. Pium Huys.llos-
in ; M. li ) Lafonlulno , omilrapo ; and uiihtavua
ode , MIlwauKee. Never Bold In bulk.
United States Depository
Gor. 13th and Farnam Sts.
The Oldest Banking Establishment
in Omaha ,
orcitnlsad in lees , ted oa a National Bonk In
Uauuut Eotmnx , President.
; ann A. Canunros , Vice President
A OOBTIIS KODKTZI , Ztl Vlcxi Proeldgat.
A. J. Porrurrov.
F. n. DAVU , Ciitilci ,
H II. ITmaijniiB , AHlsUnl Cashier.
Tronakcts it ( renortl banklnic bnslncea. 1-nae
( vortlflmtoa Lturlne Interest. Drkws dntj o
'rtuctnuo and prlodpftl cities In the Unljixl
\\n \ > Tjomlon , Dublin , Edlcburgh nJ | i pt
tloa r ( this continent and KJ i . *
Authorized Cnpitul , - $1,000,000
Paid-up Capital , - - 100,000
Surplus Fund , - - - 70,000
/V / W. Cor , Farnam ana 12th Sts
FaiNK Muirnr , President. I Biu'LK. Roaiu , V-P
Utu. D. WOOD , Cublor , | LUTDBH Diuun , A
Frank Murj'hv , Siniucl K. Kogan , Ben. B. Wool ,
Uharloa 0. Houaui , A. D. Jouoa , Luther Drake.
TranBMt m Qoneral Bonking IluslndBS. All ttbo
lave any lUnklng bualnoai t traiuuct are Invited
: 11. No matter bow large or email tbo transaction ,
t will receive our careful attention , and wo ITOUIB !
tlwayu oourtcoiu treatment.
Paya particular attention to bunlnoss for partlei
reildluir outsl'le tbe city. Kxdiange on all the pcto-
clpal oltlel ol the United Htatoast very lowest rtc .
Arjoounta of BankB and Uaukora reoelrud ou Uvci
able terms.
ItnicsUertlfluto ol Deposit bearing ; 6 per con
ntori t.
Iluye and lullg Forelxn Eichmje , County , Cll
incl Oovurnioout leeuntlei
S , W , Cor , Farnam and 12th Sts ,
Capital , - - $100,000.00
O. W. HAMILTON , Pros't.
8.1. CALDWELL , V. Proa't.
M. T. DARLOWj Caohlor.
C. W. IlAMii/row , M. T. BAIIIOM ,
Accounts solicitor1 , and koptoub
joot to olght chocU.
Oortlfloatos of Dopoolt Idoucd tjuy
nblo In 3,0 and 12 months , bearing
Intoroat , or on demand without In-
Advances madoto ouotomoroon
approvedsoourltlosat market rate
of Intoroat.
The Intoroots of Customers are
o'oaoly guarded nnd every facility
compatible with principles of
Bound banking freely extended.
Draw sight drafts on EnglandIre
land , Scotland , and all parts of Eu
atl European Paaoa o Tickets