DAILY BEE-COUNCIL BLUFFS , FRIDAY JULY 25,1834. ME DAILY BE COUNCIL BLUFI Friday Morning. July 26 SUBSCRIPTION RATES. . . - - - - - io cent * ri PyCinltt . . - - . . - - eio.w ix OFTIOB : No. 7 raoil Street. Near Broadwa ; MINOE MENTION , Sco J. Iloitor'a summer goods. The aalo of Michaels Bros' , good gan yesterday. The democratic club mooting last < drew oaly half n house. Aid. .Tames is arranging for some 3 races in the fourth ward. List orcning there was n joyous b day party in honor of Jacob Nouinaj The Bavarian band serenaded J Noumayer last night , yesterday I his birthday. The rainfall Wednesday night was and a quarter Inches. Last week five inches fell here. Critchfiold it Malone have bough ! the saloon of W. A. Knophon near Northwestern depot. Admiral James has moro water over now in the Fourth ward on w to float his mighty navy. H. P. Niles" horse took n lively down Main street yesterday mori smashing the wagon badly. Sheriff Gamson , of Harrison coi was hero yesterday with two insane i whom ho was taking to the asylum. The soutbostorn corner of Bayliss was so submerged yesterday morning foot-passongora were barred from pai through. Permit to wed has boon given J Dwonbcck , of Neola , and Lena Sshii of Walnut ; 3VI. Kavonoy and N Growdy , of Silver Crock. Charles Howlo is getting moro moro enthusiastic for Blaino. Ho wears a full ( lodged hat , and -with not a little on the back of his head eno can give livelier campaign talk ho. f < As U. P. engine , No. 117 , George Mayors engineer , was pullin Foropangh's show for Omaha , it woi the track at what is known as the tion switch , the wreck not being a so one but causing considerable delay. The Bpit-ovor-hla-Bhouldor-go-waj cut-you young man who nays ho is ki as "tho St. Louis kid" who profosi bo an expert pool player shook the ot Council Bluffa from off lib yesterday and ' 'vamosed" to Omaha The county normal Institute con ! at the Bloomer building , and the no are growing more and moro intorc AH who nro interested in oduca work should drop in , and they will i spend the time not only pleasant ! ] profitably. The rain of Wednesday night cai wash-out on Union avenue BO the dummy train was not able to run the Broadway depot yesterday fore A gang of inou was put at work an washout repaired in a few houra. The giant of the sideshow wl saultod Coroner Connell , because latter said ho could lay him out , ga oillcors the alip , and wont acres river. The marshal was duped b assurance of the show detective the giant would show up when wanted Mayor Yaughan has act Soptomt 10 and 17 , as the dates on whi great gathering of the traveling mi their samples will bo held in thi The merchants will invite those coi cial men with whom they are deal "bo hero at that time. A paper hanger named James ley , while at work at a house on Ba street aat down on a fcponh to co and loaning himself on a rail b dizzy , fell backward a distance of t foot , turning a somersault and at on his foot without receiving any i ; John Kelly , n young man aged t\ five , was drowned at Mwiio. He his brother wore uoing after some to drive them out of a lot whic iloodcd. Ho started to swim iicros tlo creek , and when near the > a sudden call for help , and sank hia brother could roach him. The tribe of Bedouins who won Foropaugh'a show got into u fight 01 own hook , ufer the close of tin "Wcdneaday night. The heavy m the party , on whoso shoulders real pyramid of other performers , gn interpreter , who gave him a CUBS twelve languages , a fearful thui the diniculty arising over u watch , the heavy nun claimed had boon froai him by the interpreter. The showman whom Officer O wrested fur fighting was yustordaj ? M 00. Ho had no money with , but offered "an order o treasurer of Korcpau li'a thovr fi amount , together with $1.50 f < ofliccr' * trouble in going ovur the ri get the money on the order. O wont to Omaha , and when ho got the Bhowman gave him the laugh , officer had no jurisdiction in Oiuah the order wajjnot paid , BO theoflice | "back with no cash. Worse than al the showmen pounce 1 onto O'llric wore going to "do him up , " 10 t did well to got away with a whoh the showmen being evidently dolor to get oven with the Council Bluffa force. I i The genuine Clurelaud h tn trill ! iS S ule &t Mutalf Broi , ' by the 25tu. SRTEET SIKENS The Freedom of tlio City Seems I TliclrH. Since the now law , with all ita fli ponixltics againat houses of prostiti wont into olfcct , the street walkers nnd acorn h prominent > eon moro of the high ; ivon a froo-for-all uao md bywnys. As n sample of how are allowed to run at largo , nnd ply attention is called ti , rado openly , notorious ono knotm ns Jennie Q Jyo , a sort of companion ploco to ) oadoyo. She has been making a f herself night nftor night in n disg ul manner. It cannot bo that the iala nro ignorant , for Wednoadny n when aho came down Broadway , her ampanion having hia arm about walat , tlio mayor's nttontlon was c o the spoctoclo and ho sent C I'Brion after the loving couple , flicer gave the pair n chidincf , told o behave themselves in the street ot them go their way , instead of a ng thorn and giving thorn quarters t ty jail. A highly rcapoctnblo and woll-k ady of the city , the front of whoso eiico is clone upon tlio ntrootimt _ n instance which perhaps explains omo of these are allowed to run nt 1 uat about as aho wan retiring for ight aho hoard a little disturban rent , and going to the window olu n ollicor talking with tan and n woman. ] what she gleaned of the convorsati ppoarod that the couple had boon m Hher unseemly on the streets am flicor proposed to arrest thorn. man beggud , claiming that if arri 10 papers would have hia ntuno , at : irould bo diogracod. The ollicor sec o bo giving thorn n dressing up fo lohay.ng on the ptreot , and Insiatc uking them both in , but alter some 10 man scorned to pass somothit 10 ollicor with the remark tlmt tvould make it all right , and the o ot them go. The lady , while not 1 t > lo to BOO just which it was that cr 10 officer to lot thorn go , yet aha 111 ly was pretty wnll convinced that i ot moro "tally. " Whatever may bo the reason .root walkers are allowed to hav un of the streets , the bettor clns bjccting Btrongly , but probably th eotiona under the present admin Ion will amount to little. TOO MUOH WATHE , A 1'rotCKt of CltlzonH "Who OlnltiiE to Protection. The following petition was being i atod yesterday , and receiving ninn ignaturos : CounJn , BLUKFB , July 22 , 1884 ho honorable mayor and city couni Council Bluffs. Gentlemen Wo tli loralgnnd residents and tax payers < fourth 'Ward ' , living west of Indian would respectfully represent to youi orablo body that wo labor under disadvantages and , indeed , hardshi ] reason of the overflow of surplus torn said Indian crook , and wo further represent that the b said crook Is continually being flllc and the banks cut away by washing further that the artificial outlets su culverts and ditches are entirely bl by the street car track dump and ' Pacific railway track when they croi same , and further , that the ditehe otherwise obstructed by the ordinar cumulation therein so that they are acally usoloaa as conveyances of PI water. Wo would therefore rospoc submit that the presanco of stai water thus occasioned , cause much inconvenience and serious prehension for the health ourselves and families on account > decay of vegetable matter , woods in the standing water referred to. therefore , wo respectfully insist prompt ani otToctivo action bo tali your honorable body in the pre and in enforcement of this our plead our right aa citizens to the i tion duo us as citizens of Council from that body to which wo have mlttod the care of our interests municipal election. " NEW FINANCIAL PL & An Attempt to 1)0 Mmlo to I'a City UlllH In Cn li. Tlioro hn3 boon a great deal of t in keeping city warrants up to pa in oDHBoquonco the city has co pay for what it needs thnn It would co eoUlo in cash. In talking witli Vaughnn yesterday ho suggested t ( Bun man that a plan which ho 1m viaod for remedying this troublo. auggostion is tlmt when the council its appropriations mid its levy , will amount , say , to $80,000 , arrange bo made by which this shall bo un tod. Let the city make out cortiflcaton of $1,000 each , druwi per cent , interest , and payablu thoao taxes. Then tot capitalists t these certificates , and hold them , ln | ; them a small sharo. Then tl would have the cash with vrhich its bills as tliey fell duo , for ai.iou cc&903. The Rchonio looks very like the previous suggestion o mayor's to issue moro bonds , mid was sat down upon by an advoruo of the city attorney , but the say she hus got good legal vice on the matter , and tin is told there m no dli in doing as suggested. It certain ! fact that the city could save thouaa dollars each year by paying c vili fi current oxptmuoj , but whether Bchorno of the mayor's will suceoi accomplish that purpose li a grave i of doubt. HtooU Tlio following wore the shipmoi stock from the union stock yards , 24 ih : II. W. Lovelady , 18 c rs catth hn d , to OjuMt , viul' . P K I'ubiibr , 8 cara c ttlo , I20 ! he ; Bt l'.tul , via yioiu City. StikesiV ; Ilussell , 5 etrs cattle head , to Denver , via U. P , An Amorloairu ( aiui. ilolliln Koclifter I'obt-lCxprefB. "Pour JoncB , liow I pity himl J Wflvf h' H u haggard look on his fact ' Yet ho works at least twenty h day. " "And then this morning I eaw I lugging six largo baskets. Ho lool if ) i hardly could move along , " "Oh. that's ull right. " "All right I I don't understand "WJiy , he's elf for the holiday , " I'KUSONAIy. W. C. .TftincB is buck from his Chicago of Cinclnnfttl t t I A. W. Conraon Sum Ford is on the tick list nnd ro < wntchcH. Dr. W. V. Whittcncr , of rialtimoiitl t the l' clfic ycRtorday. Col. .Towph I'.lbn-ck , thn well knowr lolncs editor , WM In the city ywilerdfty , J. ] ) . Io1)tlcll , of Kow York , WM ft 'acifio with liin samples yestordny. Dr. 11. C. McCloary nnd Hhorin Jo OnmsoD , of Lo [ ? n , were nt tlio I'Mifio y ny. ' Nclnon nnd J. T. Nclnon.'Mrs , Chnrlon I. T. Holilnn , otKt. Scott , wore nt the ( 'cxtorday , N.I ) . Newnll , ngont .f . Col. WoodV how , IH In the city preparing for n week' f the show. M. J. nnd Adolph Michael" , the cx-jc' ' lore , camoovor from Omaha yrotcrdnj pont n tow houra in Council IJlulU W. Ed. I'.lntn , formerly of St. Loul jnycr for Kollno & Felt , U In the city In ng thp building nliortly to ho occupied li irni. irni.H. lt pidn 1 the Cedar H. N. Mcdrow , nco company'H lightnliiR talker , pending a day In the city left yostordn ; rcsh fiuUlw to coiupior. 1' . A. Mnnagnn , n prominent railway racier nf Lnvcn ) ] > ortwafl nt Ucchtclo'B y ny , accompanied by his nieces , Mins 1 Clary , and Miss .Tonnio Clary. A. W. Courmm , Halcsmnn for < ino o mninifacturios In the V nrgost cirringo tatcH , is In tlio city , niaklnp his hcndiu ( with Van llrunt , TliompHon & Co. J. 1' Harrct , of St. Louis , whono Bor icon well known hero M n teacher i Catholic schools , Is Hpondlng a few da ; hin city nnd Omnhn visitiug friondn. Mrs. W. T nutorwnwer nnd Jliss 1 jyons leave this morning on n trip to ] Jn on , Chicago nud the east , whore Mm. L the loading ntylts In waasor will In-poct If. Friedman. cry for her i-tnployor , John Nicholson , who han now ostah ilmsolf in fine fhapont the Omaha Block- Wednesday nhaklnc hands vns hero on IH old frionda. Ho fecit ) quite jubilant lis prospects. Ho has not only got nici ho on with his bi ated wlii-ro cin KO without tlio fear of the prohibitory law its oycH , but has also inado ngood invest 10 han nlroady had a chance to sell his p y nt 9500 ndvnnco. ROBBING A BELLOWS Hoarded nml III Gold Stolen from Ills Shop. John Hordloy , of Neola , was ii city yesterday and told the story e osing hia accumulated wealth whi ad carefully hidden away in his Ho had , -while in Minnesota , accur od some flvo hundred dollars , and coming to Neola some months a jrought this money with him in the of gold , and had added to it from ti time until ho had over six hundret lars. lie had hidden the money in h lowsin his shop , there being 30 gold ] n § 5 gold piece , a $5 bill , and ci nine dollars in silver , making in all lie did not suppose that anyone where the money was hidden , I seems that ho must have boon wal for in the morning ho found tha blacksmith shop had been brokoi and the money taken from the bo Ho had his suspicions that a man i : M. J. O'Connpr had cot the m learning that Connor had , a few dayi the money was tahon , paid lien on his house of $300 , paying $20 gold pieces , and that ho had other bills also in $20 gold j O'Connor claimed that ho had gi the gold in the way of his busini a warrant was issued for the arrci also for the arrest of his son , M who is thought to know something it. COUNCIL DLUFFB MA11KET. COUNCIL 15i.uFKH , IOWA , July 21 , ' . Wheut-No. 1 uillliuR , 7D@8U ; No. 70 ; rojuctoil r 0. Corn Local purposes , 40@15. Oatu l''or local purposes , : i5@-tO. liny 810 00@1'J 00 per ton ; baled , llyo IO@4Go. Corn Meal 1 ! 10 per 100 pounds , Wood Hood supply ; prlcoa at yards , 700. 700.Goal Delivered , hard , 11 60 per tot 5 00 par ton Lord Kulrbnnk'n , wholesaling at 9Jc Flour City Hour , 1 G0@3 30. Brooms .i < J5@3 00 per doz. LIVB STOCK. Cattle Hutrhor cowa 3 C0@4 00. JJ ntoors , none In market. Hhooi3.ri ( ) , HOKB1 00 , I'uoncoR AND mints. Quotations by , T , M. St. John k Co. , mUaioii inorchuntH , f > 3 $ liroiulwuy , 1'oultry Lhoolil liem , 7c ; epriiic chl 2 2fi@3 00 per dnz. ; llvo turkoya , 'Jc. ' 1'nochoif bun. lio1 00 , l.oinoiiH ( i 00 pur box , ltanauiu-2 00@i : 00 per bunch. Buttur Croaiuory , liOc ; rolls , choice i KKKS U'J pe dozen. Vc oUbloa 1'otatoea , 1 nogl'J 00 j onloiiH , 7fto PIT bu. ; cubbano.fiOo p r do/ . applon , I'll bu box , 50c@l 25 cooking 3 hrl : lioaiit ; 1 IX'J.25pvr ) buahul. SPECIAL NOTIC NOTICE. Bpoclal > ortUcmentl , BUO l Kouml.To T.onn , For Hale , To Kent , Wants Ing , etc. , will bo IneertiHl In tliU oolumu at rate o ( TKN CKNT8 I'KIl LINE ( or the Brst I and KIVK CENTS I'KIl LINE ( or ch kubeo < i Mrtlon. L are adtcrtlscmenta at ouroffln 1'tarl Street , nnar H roadway WANTS. SMK \ uouip'ctu stock ol cro.ci 17VOK In Counu I lllutl. ; a corne nndn tire i'lt < location , iiolniraiiooj Imslni Ufactury rraeoni Kit" ' ( or > ollnK ) > Adduta 1 & KU.Nil. . H'Obuutll Mulll ttritt. " \MM'Al'Klt8 Kur ale at llii offlco , at | a hundrixl. \X7AN1KU K\cry tiiMiym Council llluffn VY 'liitllun Uollvvrod by cantorut only ixintu a wcuk. I < l and tllllard lull Kino butluiiu. Adt Unnolllce , Council Jlludu , > UU HAU : ClIK\l'-Or toicnt , ihop i 17 ( or blaokn'uitlilii : \HKOii-uisklni , ' . No , 12 nuith Mulii ttrcct , Council Ulutl * . flAI.K. A goldtm opportunity to gel 1 legitimate and prollulile biiilnew o tvrwi A elli tabltilie'l Inker)1 In Council ( or tain. Uood rvaiiun * ( or tell in ' , , Addict J , , HK oltlM , Council lluT QKNTt } 1dlM uid geotloimin cn ma cluu w ire by iflltou tlio ' 'Cliamiilon Structher Mjd roalng lk rJ. " Hulalli at Any lady out do uii Eno tlilrt vrtthou * K and gli i It II nlc Iy * the bent launJrle c n J lot puUculari 0. U. B. & L Co. , Utt offio , llluffi Best Kentucky Barrels and Half Barrels. AGENTS FOR ft " Fie Cm deling He Bel- "Bee , " and "Rival" Cigars. The Best Nickel Goods Offered , We Guar antee Our Assertion. Give Them Trial Order. WIRT & DUQUETTE , IOWA COUNCIL BLUFFS , Host nnJ Moat Itollalilo. HALLETT , DAVfS AND COMPANY PIANO Undersoil by TRAJ.Z T.tszr. EMERSON PIANO. Unrhallcd ( or Tone or Finish. KIMI3ALL PIANO llest Modern 1'nco to IJuy. MMV v i The Kimknll Own , so long anil favorably known in tlio west , rncommemh itgolf. , T. L. STKWAKT , Solo Agent for abovoihiBH of Goods. Warorooiim. a2'J Broadway . ouncillllulfs , Iowa. Coricapondence bolicited. Agents Wnntod. Wo nu&rantoo the cure of the follow Inff named . Scrofula , Ulc Hhcum.itIsm , CHB08 , or no pay : Catarrh , all Ulood andgktndlseaioa , UyepopsUL Jomplalnt , Kidney and Dladdcr Ulsisascs. Oout , I llla and Aithma , Thcso Springs are the favo { esort of the tlrod an.l dehtlltatad , and arc the FEE11LE LADIU3 BEST FUIEND , and hathlng accomodatlon t flood hotel , livery winter and Bummer. Locality highly pictures tnd healthy. Accessible by Wabuh railway Kvona.or C..B. ft Qat Albany. Correspond oUclted , HEV. U. M. THOMPSON. Uan&gor. Albany , Blloam Spring ! , Gentry Co. , U ANALYSIS. 1. Spoclfla Gravity Nei Carbonic Inaction Acid Oas 28 In. per KB Carbonate Calcium 86,921 Or Carbonate Iron 7,011 Sulnhato Magnesia 3tE6 Sulphate Calcium 1,140 Chloride Sodium 7,260 Sillies 1,5M Alumina . . . .0,016 Orgonloand Volatile matter and loss..1,459 alolids per gallon 67,174 Chemlati N. 8CHUEZ. Justice of tie Peac omen OVER AJIEIUCAN ) . COUNCIL BLUFFS. II BOOGE'S SIOUX CITY HAMS. J. Y. FULLER r . , ra rn Commission Mercha d No .89 Peatl Street Council Bluff a , i. i.o t d As there are many it So-Oalled Veterinary Suree ; < In this city , n ho are practicing tholr quicker ; our people , I deem It but Justko to eay that I any ot them to produce a diploma , or credent ndlcatlnif that they are Riaduatcs ol any \ cterl nstltute , and I do hereby caution the publl ] a a euch i\ncka | , at am the Only Known Gr adi IN WBSTEUN IOWA. L25 B'dwi ' Office & Pharmacy , AT I1LUK 1IAUN , T. J. CADYMp.V. S TALKS ! A.t the well-known Establislimi i- OF J. P. FBLBER1 200 Upper Broaawny , the B ° M ! 3. 3.l l : 01 Council lllullj. Notleo our reduced Price We gn o 16 pound * Ultra O Sutar ( or ( 12 | > ouml < flranuUtcdHuiar 26 | nUlldi Uholco Oitmcal U pounds Navy lluana 20 iwunilsBi-btllulk Starch 12 pounilj Carolina lUco 12 pounJi Choice I'ruin a 26 uar * llufTalo Soap ' " Kxtra lAke 'IVout , | ier pound' . . . . I/orrlhanl'a n\\g \ \ jxjr Ib 1 dorun M&ckctel Colorado Flour , Winter , per cut. , 10 pound ! Ginger Bnap * , 10 poundi h uiiloy 6 pillion keg Hviup WliltoFUh.pcr'kU. . . . ! MackerelKrkit . . . . DatcD , per pouml 10 S P rani Ht'iiJard Touutova. All kludtCalKoinia'Krult ) ! pouud Lu K' Standard i ( or. T. All gradci , according to iiuallty , 15o to SOc pound Wo alio rarrv a ( ull line of Men's , TAdlei' Uli'Uriiii' * Uuo iilioumn.l ilcu' flue Uootn at OH prloin. Al u a ( ull llau 01 Tinware and get. rchaiidli'e. Call on ui and bg couvlnood thai iu\iiuon y by duAllnir with ui. Qood4 dclU ctuanr parto ( tbo city. u a nerd , we art bound to veil and challeng aulu couipetltlou lu tbli couutr. j. i' .ribPKitT Ju'tu , ertllroaO J ACOB B1U8. E. P. CADWJ 8IM8& OADWELL , Attorneys-at-Lav COUNCIL DLUFFB , IOWA Offlci , Ualn Street , lloomi 1 and 2 Hbujar * * Uahoo'i UloU. WlllpractlMlo BUU ud Vtt xuiU ICE ! ICE ) ! ICE For pure river Ice patrotlro the bluowagoni sfactlon Ruarantcod. Leno orders at No. 45 Main street. Telephone No. 84. MULHOLLAND & NICIIOL , Mrs H J H n. , , , Hflloji. . . PHYSICIAN & SURGE ( 222 Middle Brotdwuy. Council BIul PLEASE TAKE NOTICE FOU SALE Two largo lots with thtco houses , and all Improvements , bringing uu rental of | 21. l'ricolr.OO. Address L. , Bun Office Railway Time Tab COUNCIL BLUFFS. The following are tbo tlmci of the arrival at parturo ol trains by central standard time , i local depots , Traltia leave transfer depot ten aca earlier and arrlva ton mlnutoa Inter. Cait AQO , BCKUMarON AfiD QUI.1CT. . 6:35 : pm Chlcaso Express B.I 0:40 : a m Fast Mill. 7i 6:45 : a m IMIall and Express , 7 : 12:30 : pm Accomraoditlon. 2. . 'At local depot only. KAXSifl CUT , ST. JOB A D COUNCIL BUjr/3 , 10:05 : a ra , JIill and Uxprons , 7 : ( 8:05 : pin Pacific Express , Dl : CUIOAOO , UILWADRRI A.XD ST. PAUL. 5:25 : p m Express , 0i : 9:15 : a m Express , 0 : , CHICAGO , ROCK ISLAND AND PACIFIC. 6:30 : p m AtUntlo Cxprcsa , 0i : 9.25 a m lay Express , 8:1 7:20 : am "DesJIolncs AcoomnodUlorj , > 6. : At local depot only. WABASU , ST. LOUIS AND PACiriO. 1:20 : a m Mall , Si : 6:10 pa Acaommodat.on Ol A TronBfor "nly cnioAoo and MORTUWISTIIUI. BSO p m fcxprtss , B ; | 9.i5um ! l'\cinaKxprcfin 9. BIODX CITY AMD PACI 10. 7:40 : pm bt. I'nul Kxpress , 8f : 7:20 : ft in Day Express 6 : * UMO ! < PACiriO. 8:00 : p m Western Kxpress , 8 ; : 11:00 am Pacific Exurcss , 4 : 7:40 : am Local Express , 0 : 12:10 : a m Lincoln Kxprcsa. - At Tfamfer only. DUMMY TRAINS TO OMAHA. Leave 7:20-8:30-0:30-10:30-11:40 : : : : a. m. is 3:30-4:30-6:30-8:30-11:05 : : : : : p. m Sunday 8:30 : a in. l:30-.s:30-0:30-6:30-llu5 : : p. m. Arilvo l to bcforo loavlnt ; tiuix J.ll. TATK. WAllItKN V Practice In State and Federal Courts. Collections promptly attended to. lloom 0 , Schugart's liuilding , COUNCIL MLUFFS. 1C Justice of the Pea Omaha and Council Blnffr. Real cstoto collection agency , Odd Follow * tuos. orricii , u. u. rDB OFFICER & PUS ] BACKERS. Council Blunt i Established - - } Dealers lu Korel u nd omcstla Urroa B. R , Eice M. D. or other tumors removed with' ' knllo or drawliiK o blood. CHRONIC DISEASES Otor blrtyyuats imctloal oipcrlanoe OH ! Tear trcct , Council Bluff * t ITCououltetloii Irro NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR Scaled proposals will bo rocniri the undersigned till Augus 18i noon , for the building of the now bytorlnn Church in Council Blutl'j , ] Plans and specifications can bo BO the Bank of Oflicer & Puaoy , Contractors , in their bids to atati price at which they will take the B brick and lumber of the old Church The committee reserve the right t jcct any nnd all bids. By order of the Building Committ TIIOMAH Ornczit , Council Blui H.H. HORNE < & CO , , WHOLESALE DEALERS IN " EASTERN factory , of FINE HAVANA nd \Vo make n specialty , at our fAKA CIGARS. All Oigara sold by us are of our own manufacture and warranted is represented. OPERA HOUSE CIGAR HOUSE , I G52 Broadway , H. H. HORNE&CO. , | COUNCIL BLUFFS , . IO\YA. BM1TI1 At TOMLEH , Agts , LEADING MERCHANT TAILORS 7 and 0 Main street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , . . . - IOWA. LARGEST AND BEST STOCK OF ALL KINDS OF In Iowa and Nebraska , aad Bold for the lonat money at 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. , D , A , BENEDICT , Manufacturer. Iff * ' urtalns , In Lacof f 1'te , Turcoman , Etc. OUclothaJMaUlnga , Linoleums Eto hoicest and Best Selected STOCK in the WEST , for all goods in our line , 'omo ' and bo convinced that wo nro headquarters and House Furnishings in the ( heapest place to buy CARPETS , Curtains C'ty. Upholstering and Bedding Supplies. BLUFFS Nos. 5 , 7 and 9 MASONIC TEMPLE - - JCOUNCIL Mail Orders Filled Promptly and with Care. TS > \ ili COUNCIL BLUFFS. The Best $2 a. day House in the West Centrally Located. Sample Booms , First Class Table , All Modern Conveniences. Reduced Rates to Regular Boarders. AlaJLa TKllVIMEiD " * HAT5 Till \ HORRIS 105 Main Street , Council Bluffs. MRS. S. J. , To "be sold regardless of cost for the nest two weeks to make room for Fall Goods. AUWEBPA 317Broadwav , Council Bluffs J. J. , NEUMAYER'S HOTEL ON THE Furniture and appointments nil now. Noa. 208 and 210 Broadway , Council Blutf ! . J. J. Waves three inch part 65c , Coquetts lOc each , Switches 351 to $20 each. Hair ornaments given with every purchase attended to. chase , All kinds of hair work promptly Waves made of Ladies' ' combings at 50c per inch , ALL KINDS OF MRS. J. J , GOOD 29 Main Stree GRESTOH HOUSE /IKSTCLAES.- Nos. 2 1 7 nml 2 1 9 S. Main St. , COUNCIL BLUFFS DR. JUDD'S ELECTRIC BELT. 3,000 Electric Belts Sold In the Month o ( June by us. Agents Wanted ! the bus'ue ' houec In Council llliind. JUDD & SMITH 1'ropiletorj. HctcrenccH Auy o - COUNCIL BLUFFS. 31 ! ) BROADWAY Metalic Caskets and Woodin Coffins of all Kinds. ELEGUAPn ORDERS PROMTLY ATTENDED TO. OPEN DAY AND NIGH1 . 12 ONT. IWCwixJ. S3t. . OoxLxa.oll Main Street Council Bluffu. 504 , MANUKACrUllEU OF TRIMS , VALISES , AND SATCHELS N/ SAMPLE CASES a specialty. Shawl , Tourist , and Trunk Straps. I if . Repairing Neatly Exec ut Twenty Years Experience. - - J&/J WUOLESALE DEALEUSJIN COU NOIL BLUFFS , 10 } ud 344 Broadway , '