Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 25, 1884, Image 1

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Giyes Birth to TriDlctsattlieNalioDa
AcconclmicntalPitlsliDrg : ,
In Candidates for President and
Vice and a Platfornii
A Nnmber of Phy sioians and Midwives -
wives Present at the Evontf
k John , of Kansas , Marked with
the Largest Bltio Eibboni
Daniels of Maryland Unanimously
Decided on as the Second , df
Doctors Disagree Disagreeably on
the Delivery of the Platform fill
A Strong Suspicion that Some
Greonbackor is the Father , for
ibis ;
A ir-trlccd
Disposition to Question [
tlio Virtue uf the Democratic ,
nnd Republican Mothers
and the Moral Qualities
of their I'rogony.
: ho
Pirranuua , Jnly 21. The prohibition con- or
reiitiou , under thu rules adopted yesterday ,
met this morning at 9 o'clock , The dolegatex
lillod the place assigned them and the galleries
were crowded with spectators. A abort
time past
was occupied in the alnging of hynina. Prayer hut
was oiforod by Rev , W. Lee , of New York , ihall
aaking divine guidance in the platform to bo heso
adopted and in the candidates to bo aelected , > bus
and that the deliberations of the convention jf
may redound to the glory of God and the hall
good of the country. Alter supplying oinlu- ho
eions in nominations on the finance and ex tself
ecutive co mmitteee , Mr. Freeman , of New era
York atated that a prohibition convention 'on
being held to-day iu Indianap iln , and pro was name
posed ( to tend the following telegram : ome
"The national prohibition convention reation
1'ittsburp , representing thirty-one atatoa and and
territories , with 505 delegate * * , nay to Indian- irovea
npolif , 'Atand linn , trust in d'od'n cause and m
tioD. organize ' " an iudopondout party for prohibl- I ' lation That
It was fiugcostod ai there would bo two ho
conventions held to-day , in Indianopolis pro iquor
hibition and tompcranco , the uiupatdi be eout lot
to both , and it was so ordered , ii the
A delegate from Illinois moved that M. ho
Moore of Illinois be appointed an additional norala
member 'at largo of iho national convention' nd
and stated tnat that tha state would give uccess
40,000 votcn next fall for thu prohibition nil
cauas. late [
At 10 o'clock n motion was made and car t.irty.
ried to proceed to call of states for nomina AVhilo
tions for candidates for the prealdoncy. When i n of
tha state ot Catafornia was called , Mr. Jiab- dl
code cano : to t > io stand to propp-iuj the name n the
of U. H. McDonald. lr. ) IcDonald had llicore (
been ono of the foremoft advocates of temper out ,
ance iu tli9 wino-curno J the fj ate of Cali ro
fornia , and while ho did not asek the nomina ices ,
tion , 1 If placed at the head of the ticknt ho ona
was able ami would
contribute liberally to a far
ward the expense of the campaign. . uro
George C. Christian , of Illinois , nominated : he
Kx-Governor St. John , when the atate of That
Ohio was called Mr. Gideon T. Stewart came lolic
t * the platform andfcaid that the presentation aa the
of Ilia nemo 0.1 a candidate by the delegation axatioa.
Iroui Maine waa ngaioac his wish and against That
his positive reijuodt. He had at all citnos ort of
utatod he was not n candidate and would not stored
be n competitor for the nomination. Mr , St. Vmericau
John was with the prohibition party now and n view.
for evermore 'till the death and burial of the That
liquor crime and with that a auruuco ho sec. omoa
omled the nomination of St. John. loration
Wnou the state of I'onnaylvania was peculation
called , Mr , Pierce came to the platform to put That
in nomination Hon. James liiack , of Pennsyl nude ,
vania. Hespoko of him BH the author of the overnment
first prohibition platform over usuad in the lobts
uountiy ; aa author of the platform of the party einlor
four yoartj afterwarda , and aa the probable That
author of moat of the planku that would be in riven
the platforitoday. . heir
At this xtago of procoodinga Mr. ISahcock , vo
of California , came to the platform and with n -
drew the name of Dr. Me , Donald , and sec ho
ended the name of St. John. Pierce and vhich
Stewart were withdrawn. 'ovcrnmont
Mica I'Vancoi K. Willard seconded and n
tha nomination of St. John , tihe my psrim
had tren him go out into the rom
world unfriended and unguldi'd , making his yho may
hia way to the west , croaking the big muddy ionacoufen
with ' but ' n dollar in Ida pocket , getting to hat . while
Plko'a 1'oak and across the Kocliioi. bho had Icmnnded
aoen him when other inpn were niloep , study ion , and
lllackatono and Coku. AVhon the war broke lortanco
out ho did not waic to bo drafted , but volun iarod"to
tarily bared hla breast to the enemy , annually
She HAW him next clovatod to the position ated by
nf governor of a great free state and idol of houuanda
Ina party there. J In was tha pathfinder , the vblcuiillrij
John C. Fremont of tbo uow campaign. A HUH ,
delegate from Kentucky and eno from Maine ency ,
seconded tlio noir ination of McDonald and mil
W , F , Kiiti * of Malnu put in nomination .iroporty
( i id can I' . Stewart , of Ohio , Mr , Miner of ir ; Julia
Massachusetts alee seconded the nomination ho chief
of St. John , exprtttalng belief that ho would and loss
receive the nomination of thu convention er endanger
the lirtt ballot. on .ions
St. John waa al-io seconded That
by W. W.
Hate leo of Maine , and by Mary Ilnirman , tower nnd
prO'iilent of the Woman's Chriatiau , if intoxicating
unco Union of Missouri , Columbia
Finch of Nebraska moved the roll call bo which the
suspended and .St. John bo nominated Ion.That
clamation , by ac That
Hon. JainfM Black , Pennsylvania nto the
, cams to
the fltand
and withdraw hid nainu in ; tro3aly
favor of
St. John. ; uro and
John Ktusoll , of Michigan , called fathnr of The platf
the prohibition pirty , Hacondod St. John. ngiaon
Uthora from .
dllforont atatoa followed in the .lioir own
sarao way. At 1:30 : thn convention adjourned of themselv
until -It0 : : j > . m. with the
Hf. JOHN I'NANIMOt.SLr , llsaolvwl
At the afternoon scs- ion the cill of states ' 'lomo-protei
was proceeded with and all the other . of the prohi
datca disapi > earln , the nomination of St. John After
was made unanimous. The WOH read
win greeted with loud cheeru. announcement The ing the
St. John wiw exhibited from the picture of the ipjoctioi
stage amid
great entlnulaiin , the delegate * and spectators uKsuring
joining in thoclmnw to the campaign cordial nupj
" ( ilory , ( ilorv. Hallelujah ! our Cauno tong ia
Morching On. " Tbia wa followed by rouain
? The
choerd. Then the
" convention joined iu tlm act Ion.
hymn "Pralno God from Whom _
* 11 ditctinsion.
Jilouilnga Flow "
, after which the Tlin
president inndo
the formal NewJernBv
announcement of the unanimous nomination
of John IS. St. John and called for another und The
A reusing clieor , which woa iionrtily reapontled to. of Illinoia. naiuu
committee was appointed to
a tele *
to St. John Durpoio of
gram notifying him of the nomi
few lines
nation. The ,
tecretory stated that turn
) ed it
been taken by the foro'ock and Mr , St. John Massachusetts
notified ; that n telegram would reivch him rt'solntionn
tliis evening at Itocheater , N , Y. milleo and
THK J'MTXOltM winch It
HM then reiiorted by Mr. Black , of Pencsyl- the convention
lania , Mfollowi : ! ) f Illinois
First. The probtbitlon-hooie-iirotoctiao for any party
erate judgment
. , in national convnntion
. . . . ftsjcombletl , ac
.nowicdge Almighty God as the rightful sov. .
crelgn of all men , from whom the just ixiwere
of government are derived , tt ) whoso ! H B hu
man enactments should conform , and that
jteaco , prosperity and happiness only can come
to the people ] when the laws of the national
nnd state govcrumonta are in accord with the
divine will. . .
Second That the Importation , manufacture
supply nnd sale of alcoholic beverages , created
and maintained by the lawn of national nnd
state government * , during the entire
history of mch laws , la every
where shown to bo promoting tha caiwc
of intunpernnco. with resulting crime and
pauperism , making largo demands upon pub
lie nnd private charity , Imposing largo nud
unjust taxation nnd publlo burdens for penal
and sheltering Inntitulw upon thn thrift anil
Industry of manufactures nnd commerce , hin
derlng the publlo peace , desecrating of the
sabbath , corrupting our politic * , legislation
and administration of law * , shorten
Ing lives , Impairing health nnd dim
iuUhtng productive industry , cmi mg
education lo i bo neglected nml dexpiseil
nullifying the teachings of thfbible.churclinnd ,
school , the standards and guides of nurf.itberH
and their children in the founding and
growth under Cod of our widely extended
country , nnd which , Imperiling the porpetmly
our civil nud religious liberty , are tha
ta'nftil f i ults by which wi > know these
laws are alike coutrary to Itod'i ) laws , nnd con- (
Lrnvcno ou h.ippliin s , nnd wi > call i
follow citizens to aid iu the repeal o
laws and In the legal suppression of this
liquor trallic. !
The fnct thit during the twcnty-fo |
which the republican party hns cnutr'ollet
iho general government , nnd tlintof man
thodo state * , no elFort has been m.ulo toe
tlili policy Totritoriea Imvo been crcn
From tJio national domain , nml governmen [
them catnbli.shod , and atatos from
milted to < the union , In none of wine
trallic been forbidden or the pee
Lhesq territories or slates been perm
irouiblt ; that there are now ovor20)COi ) ed
il.erics , breweries I and wholesale
retail dealers h'jitliug cerlllic.iteH inn and
claiming the authority of tbo
eminent for the. continuation
buaincs sn destructive to the mora o a
material welfare of the people ; together w
fact that they have turned n deaf car
reiiioiistrani and ) > etition for the correc m
this abut nf civil government , ia cone
the republican [ party ia insensible
potent for thorodrca ] of these
wrongs , am
should no longer be entiustod with the | who
reapousibilitioa of the government
although this party in its ;
national convention , was silent on the
piostion , not so its candidates , .N the
ilaino and Logan. Within n
Mr. Blalno haa publicly rccoinmom ers
the revenue derived from the liquor
ba diatributod among the state
senator Logan ; has by bill proposed to d
revenues to the support of the sc
virtually recommending a perpetual
the trallic , nnd that the states nnd ci
become partners in the liquor crime
fact that the democratic party has ,
hodelivcnuicesof the party policy , mr
tn the aide of the drink makcra not
by declaring against the policy of the pro not iction.
of aucii ( trallic under the
of "sumptuary laws , " \\hou in pov ixcd
of tbe state * , refusing to permi
of a board of inquiry to invest ie
report upon the effects of this tra xirty
that the democratic ; parly shank
entrusted with power or place. LfiO
there can bono _ greater peril to t of
than the exiatiucr competition betwe .lon
republic and democratic partita for cess
vote. KxDoricnco shown that any i
openly opposed to the trallic will en
competition , will court tha favo The
criminal classea , will barter nwny im shin
, the purity ] of the ballot and o > ery > f
object of good government for par 'und.
; and patr ots a"d good citizens shou : dtcs
in thla practice sutlicient cause of in jattlu
withdrawal from connection with I the
wo favor reforms in thn fidmimn to bo
the government , and the abolition o Mr.
sinecures , useless olliccs nnd useless ollice .ioncer
election ! by tlm people of post o various
, instead of
appointment by the prat ifty
we claim that competency nud sabr shares
essential qualifications for holding civil
and wo oppose the removal of micli
for mere administrative olfensoF Dr.
, ovco
na it may i bo absolutely nesehsn-y ti mittee
cffect'vonoss to the vital iftsuoa on w ] linnnco
government ia entrusted to party iniiuce
the collection of revenue Irom a ttiTO ,
liquors und tobaccj should bo abolinhet noncyof
vices of men nro not n fit subject Itiitions-
. ihould
revenue should bo levied for thn r .taper
the government , economically at'm silver
, and when so levied the fostering o ignized
labor should constanlly bo he
. roll of
the public land should bo held dency.
for the people anJ not for gifts to c Mr.
* , or to bo held in largo bodies nomination
upon the needs of actual eottlon and ,
all money , coin nnd tiapor , shall Agreed
issue and regulated by tin
and shall be legal tender for nl night ,
of Iho government and shall bo lego ,
for nil debts , public and private At a
grateful care nnd support fchoiild evening
soldierrt and xallors. and Bailers mil lulin
dependent widowa or orplmna and.tlm . I ) , ] ' ,
repudiate ai un-Auierican , cuntrnry to am ( .Illinium
i-ubveralon of the principles
o lespouding
Declaration of Indepoiidenco fn Chicago
our government i has grown to ho t Madison
of fifty-live mllliona of peopi \vith.Mis3
recognized : Lower among nations , tha III. , nnd
or peojilo shiill or may be oxcludet tute
reeideiico ; or citizenship with alltho ? with
desire the benefits which our inatili mitteo
conferred upon lhooiprei'sed | of all natlo
theco are Important reforms nnc
for the purity of the odmlnietrn
the welfare of the people , their it
sinks into iiiHignliicanco when con
Uu reform of the drink traflic , whic
wastes SS,0,000COO , , of wealh , cr iata are
toil and thrift and
drags ( low pursued
of familioa
from comfort to
jalln , p.inleontlarlex , insane the
hospitals and institutions for dopoui vcntlona
which destroys health , aajis induatr loaded
cause loss of lifo. "am the
to thoniiiuda ; lowers Intellectual vjg the opera
the cunning hand of the arliaan ; i F , Hitter
canto cf bankrupstcy
, inaolvonc A long
In trade t , nnd by its corrupting pnvv tledgiug
the [ parpetuityiTof ; free inbtitu the Mipport
coiijrroaishould oxerclao Its nndoubtoi About
prohibit i the manufacture and aalo thia action
beverages In the District n A
, the lerrllorlos and all placea eve H , S.
government has exozutivo jnrlxdic or , and
horrnfter no state abnll bo adtnittoi tu name
union until its couatitutioii ( hull ex
prohibit polygamy nnd the manufac
sale of intoxicating beverugoi , The
platform clotes with an appeal to work xtato
and vvoinon to aid in thia movement for bouse and
amelioration and for the enrichment old * . A
' nnd their country , and finishes by making
following ! ; Vice-president
, That henceforth the prohibition- with A Iho
party ahal | bo called by name conimitleo
prohibition party. thn
readlni' of Iho
, a telegram Dr.
from It.
H. McDonald , congratulat In the
convention on the wlidom iihown In Shial
of .St. John as u candidate , and Tmt was
it nnd him of hla most sincere und
a constUutinnii
THK nAim. ncaiN-i , hot H of
platfnriii waa then road by RCvtlimi fur constitutional
The ( irotHecUon
adopted without
. riuwa at
of laid
section was characterized by a
delegate as diffuse , mii-tlfarlous
ubjeutlon to It wai rmvlo by Hmitli , LONOO.V
. who
moved to recommit It for the jljon ,
having it reformed anil put In a ir J.nilimii
and Nenl , of Xow York commend crow hive
Just what waa wanted. Miner , of Laxlmm'n
, member of the committee on foundered
defended the action of the com
explained the difficulty under
labored. Ho thoxghl It better for flUry
not tobo overeritical , Ingram JxNiOi ) )
thought the platform pooil enoiiph feerted in
, Hu waa willing to Uku delib likelihood
uf the men sud woiucu of the inditu num.
committee. Ho thought It AH nblo paper
nnd ono that would gain thout mJ < < of votes.
A Wisconsin drlrgnto thought It beat not
to adopt the plntform without diicuHsloii.
liathcr lot every member try to Amend it ,
The discussion was tint to nn end by the
provlono imastKiti , and then the second section
was adopted ,
Bar tram , of Now Jersey , moved that when
the platform shall Imvo l > ecu adopted , it clmll
refoircd to bo recrcdltixl
to Jnmos lllack , of
} IvAiiln ,
HlacK , of Pi'nn. , chairman of th 'committee
withdrew the lad resolution in tin platform
lhat relating to the change of the '
a motion wn nude to adopt all
the romaltiiup aectlona of the5
plotforui lu bulk
but the ,
suggestion was mndo
In relation , that tlio plnnlt
was not
it would do )
not trt
n ufato
con tltulnn !
pnthibltliifr palyjfnmy , H shoiild b
hiliited ( in--
iu the national
A motion waa inida to strike constitution out of the ,
third -
nil itoisonal allusion
to Jllnlno
nnd L gen.
Tliij pn > | vtsitlon led In n discussion In which
Henny , of Illimtio
, declared tint both Dlaino
Logan were on the ropnblioin ticket
cauiouf " ' thoirncMoniiu the liquor ipiostion ,
"I'ho prohlblliimi t. , " ho said , "oiiuld fneo the
music The and flu.ot wh ro tbey wanted t.i hit. "
motion ta utiiks out w.ii rejected by
largo mitjority nmld ohcors.
Hopkins , of New Votk , moved toBtriko nut
ho uholo rf tlm li'i.iiiclal plunk. Hn thought
there chould bo
nothing but prohibition iu
the platform. Their I'latform Htiould dllfcr
the brt adost po lblo manner from tliosj of
the two I'clitical
pirties. Tuny wens not
iiiito ready to begin bidding for volea outside
of the piinciplcrt of pruhiultion.
Hart : ; , of lllinoi' , favor * ! the p'ank on the
ground that it the prohibition
patty wai to
assume control of tin
government it mint bu
t.-eparod for nil ( HSUO. * ,
Another dpjewte ronmikod th
t if there waa
blundering in the plotfnnn now , it would bo \
nothing but the blunder f bluctlern , if
man with every
brains was to bj allow- >
to interfere u-ltbit.
Filially hu provioui question was ordered ,
the motion to stilko out tin linanuiul
slunk was votetl down.
A delc nto declared ho would bo no longer
member of the party.
The provimu quoation then ordered on nil
sectlom of the platform not
previously nctod
nnd the
, platfoimnsa whole
waa adopted
amid cheers.
The plntform is now tu ba submitted for a
re .
sion and
re-editing t'inciimtntUoo ' of thron Llnl
nro not to
modify it in
seiipe. any iiintotinl iail
ItssnliitinnH in f vor of tax on incomes ami of Lo .
woman sulfmgo were offered
und referred to est
committee on resolutions.
Mrs. Brown , of Iowa
, stated that the load '
of 'row
convention had
agreed to n memorial A
to the
women of the
country ,
taints of which she gave , and nuked that it bo ion
idoptel by the convention. It
enthusiastically. was adopted .ho
Hov. Dr. Minor , of Massachusetts owlnz
, ono of
three members of the committee
on reso .
lutions to whom the plattorm .ors
was referred for .
iterary rovjston , sa d the committee would
bo nbln to report to the convention for Tluro
. Jio moved the name of the party bo
as the
prohibition party.
Miss Willard spoke in favor of retaining casm It ill
name of the prohibition
, oud the question between Dr. Minor's in cholera.
imposition and Miss Willard's was taken
much r-xcitement and resulted in - - : ! to
in the success ot the former. The name
the party , thereforo.iH to bo "Tho prohibi- rroui
party. Tlio convention at 0:30 : took u re lo-jjiltal
till H tbia evening. cured
fuiiC hnur nud u half of the evening Fes-
was apont in nn amusing effort on thu part '
the finance that
committee to raise a campaign
. Too plan adopted was to issue ccrtlli- Touun
of stock in vhnt Is railed the "pioneer gootlj
fund of the
national prohibition ' '
holder of each
share pledging himself to
ton dollars peryoirtotho fund , dividends
payable in hoivcn. riculture
. Christian , of Chicago , acted nn nn nuc-
broker , nud cajoled delegates from .St.
states to Hiibacribo for from one to
shares each , The whole number of
taken aggregating about $4CO. '
. Minor , of Massachusetts deal !
, from the
com of tin
on resolutions , made a report as to the
plank recommending In lieu of the
plank the one adopted by the party in A
as follows : "Tho separation of the
the government from nil
banking in- No
exercise the high prerogative of issuing
money to bo paid on demand In gold and
ouly equal to the standard of value rcc-
by the civilized world. Adopted.
Jonventiou at 10 o'clock proceeded to call the
. sUtca fomonjuatloua for the vice-presi Speciil
Nate. Heed , of Illinois , moved lhat the
AI r. William Daniel ? , of Mary- lorted
forvico-presldont ba made unautmoiM. Mount
to amid great enthusiasm. After HJIIIO day.
mimportint buMiuo a tint convention , at mid been
adjourned nine die ,
meeting of the national committee thin Near
Iho following oflicura were elected : light
Ji. Finch , uf Lincoln
, Neb. , chairman ; ju n
Sagoudorph , Charlotte , Mich. , vice- arcut.irving
; A. J. Jutkins , Chicago , 111. , cor- drive
necretary ; ,1. A. Van Flout , all the
, recording secretary ; S. D. Haating , still erlr.f
, WIs. , tre.iBiiror. These ulliccrv , Lho '
Fr.inctM K , Willard , of ICvnnstun , The
Mra. Jirown , of Cincinnati , consti
the executive commltteo of the part- , Kama
full power to net when the general com are
la not in session. nloug
INWANAJ-OLIH , July SI The prohibition- Twenty-livo
tinablo to agree on the policy to bo WelUvillo mur
the proaent canvas , and aa a remit the
ropresentatlvea of the party hed ! two con- Cedttr
in tliis city to-day. ( ) no fution ; : ,
by M , Jv Shiel nnd others , favoring .
nomination of a state ticket , assembled in IH
house and organized by aclucUng K. iliana
ni permanent chairman. lion bubn
ilucnmion tlicro haa
entni'd on rcHdlutiona
the pniticipant.i of the convention tit
of thu ticket ami platform , ami n eautorn
to lliut effect was finally luloptoil. tureH
forty members docllnud Ut bo bound by danger.
nnd left the hall. int
fullatatn ticket waa then nominated , with
JJevigglni , of Ja par county , for govern
resulutfuiia were adopled. Chicago
ctato central committee was instructed
the presidential ulotcora.
Adjourned. profoKtf
fiction opposed to Ihu nomination of a public
ticktt assembled at the grand opera party
wan called to order by 12 , Ji , Heyii- appointment
| > ermaneiit or snl/atlpn waa tffuctcd clvil-nervico
Will Cumback chairman , with a fonnity
from each -
jirupotiltiiui looking to harmonious action Ing thing
Klili-l convention waa adottnd | and it dt'mocratH
of conference wan appointed , but
was frnltlf m.
Hunger addressed the convention Mid elfcct
coiin-o of/ / his remarks istated that civil-BOrvico
acting fraudulently. buto the
meeting finally determined to organise
! aineildincnt iksancialiun , the they
being to lecuro thii election of mom- have Homo
Ihu IcgJHlaluri ) v/ho will votn for u cro.ited
convention , thua' uffordnif pro hui any
an opjxjituQity tu expnma thulr Iraurdluary
tlm pull * in the solectlcin of nit'mburs now punt-ion
body. Adjourned. tiona will
ocrutu jii
cated than
tlon , the
, July 2-1. Tha Hrnnioh Hteamor party.
which unllidixl with tha Ktigllidi steam- danxeroiH
, ha < l 113 pWBOugcr * . 22 of the all nmJo
landed at Coruuaa. It in believed Oarolim ,
crew went aboard the Uljon , which and argno
after the J.axlmm had gone down , calling , |
bear thutu
Anilcrnon to Jola Iho Nnnn. rotn the
, July 21. It la i > r < l tontly o n chao rcfiirm <
Oatliylio circloa that there Id great
of . ifory Amlerou joiulog thu Car-
r > oct Uu i
"Me Bee's" ' Special Report from the
Ecaityiiarters of ttie Cholera Horror ,
How the Plague Prospers in the
Narrow City Streets ,
Especially Thcr.a Inacoosiblo to
the Fiprpo Mistral Winds ,
Whioh Bring Balm and Healing
from the Mediterranean Sea ,
Great Mortality in Hospitals Shel
tered from Winds of the Alps.
No Blj ii of Alintoniunt Kami no
Kcarcd. to l''ollo\v Yen- *
tortlny'H Ilavnios.
Sp-clnl Diii.iUii | to Tun USE.
TOUI.ON , JuTy 2-1. Tin out wind is sub-
si.ling ; tholtemporaturo Mill rematna rory
\ifih. The opldotnio gathers in most of its
victims from the nurnrw streeta of the town ,
vhici ! are inaccessible to the .Utstral or vie
lent northwcatvlnd of the .Mediterranean
provinces. Jargo miniliers of patirnts are ic
nba ndonod from fear of infection , The it
hrn supprjs-wJ the f.Ur of St. lazm-im.
dispatch received tliU morning from
Marseilles s.iyn the Military elfect of
already boglnnltur t < bo felt upon tlio dis-
. Twenty doatlia have occurred within er
past threw tlnya. . The J'hiiru hospital hat
moro rocoyortosi from the ecourgo Unit
.haothor * , owing to .It * position , ic being open
iho Mistral. Oik the oihor hand the great '
hospital mortality is experienced nt the
3apollutto , which in protected by the Alps
P'Jro air.
telegram dated at Ar'n-sij-Hthattho town lield
snjmost lifeleaa owing to the eiodua. Niim- uid
of thop keepers como into the city during tion
day und go back td'the country at night , )
to the closing of the ( hops. The re- of
muhiingpopulation nro indignant against doc-
nmlchomUtwho [ increased the price nt
.liolii'Kinning by calling every lllneha clinlera.
ia no aign uf abatement in the alllictcd
listrlct. The authoritioa nro inactlvo. Corp- A
So twenty-four hours without burial. Kour
of cholorn ore under treatment at Lyoni.
uncertain whether it Ia Asiatic or Sporadic
. There IH ono eutipected CC.BO of cholera
HAiiaKir.LKa iion ixc JioiiT.u.irr.
W/IIWKII.I.KB , July 24 , > ioon. SU doatha
cholera since 'J o'clock. At thn I'haroah vind
tivo died nn'd fivvcrodiHcbargcd ; ho
since laat night. JCighty jiitlen'a ro- 'rom
In the hospital. ,
A BAY 0 LlnllT. another
1'AliiH , July 2It ) is ollici.i'ly ' nnnouncod
the cholera epidemic at Maraellloa und and
iadecroalntr. ; The health of 1'aris IB
OTTAWA , .Inly 2-1. 7'h" department of ag cautlng
is taking the utmost precautions Ilfo
cholera. All voiaela coming up the lillnding
Inwrenco pasa through i.nranUne. | wnvea
IVKIINibllAY NIllIIT's DTATH nol.l. . came '
1'Ahis. July 2-1. Tun deaths at M'araeil.Va tail
night ; twenty ot Toulon. Thirty-one .Jrnin
* at Arlea in two dujs , The majority Stony
inhabitants of that town luvo lied. .lirongh
GiiKA.r imquGiir IN ouio.
Haiti in Klfjlit WcckH McadowB
nnd 1'RBtiircBilJrowii Drops
llnliicd SIicop 8irv-
l < 'lrcs. Ni'd
Dlfpatoh to Tut Hut.
Cttt-KLANl ) , July 21 A great drouRht la re-
from all point * of the Interior. At forcbt tircn are the order of the upirucy
At Kowcomorstown the drought Jmu ing vieit
protracted , with 110 BljfiiH of abatoiueiit. murdering
iioadowH nnd paeturos are brown and rebellion
Corn and oat * are gruatly damaged. plunder
Bolivar thera IM ) boon no ruin /or over uaw
week * and c ni , outH and jmtutor'A will
total fa lure in 0 .crnsoy ccainty. Hhoap
ut.irving , and fnnnors hava to feed thorn und
them it long diftanc'u for water. Nearly
corn in fertile Wiila creel : bottom U They
. * greatly. The drouth extend * along
1'niihandlo railroad over much territory.
Tii'cjrawus rive ? in lower than it. IIUH
iimldu of years. In Stark county the at
htory ii rcliktod and gioat foarn of lira
cntertutriod. ThO'i'onccH ' li'ivn betin burned niflht.
Ihu railway. Ycutcrday a brick huuso , stabht ,
Canton uaiiKht from a , npnrl < and burned mandud
tliogriHiml. Another lire WOH diHcovcrod men
' \'nt \ } n
yculerday uttornoon and tin
) were li htiay fire < all lust night. purmill.
- ucro.i of livamp and timlor land
Myrra luke id 11017 burning. Near
all vegetation has drii'il up and Sr.
forcut liri'B are troatlug destruction ill gor
Jlill , Pine Wood * uiiu other foruxtH. bush
Ci.VClN.VATl , July U > , A vary HOVCTO drouth regular agent
iKivrsllliuting nearly the wliola of Ohio , In- and
and Kentucky , Tn many placet ) there Col.
no ruin hlnco July 12thj and olaowhoro the
been riono for .moro than three weekn ,
and Hwutnp liro.1 uro buriilnK in north-
Ohio , water l < becoming tcarco , paa-
am ulinimb dead , and corn < n in grout ClIICAOO
UnloiH rain COIIKM within n week points
HBiiouii lofluoa will occur. ' .Ivo
last night
CriunliH 1'Vcmi loported
TimuH Specli.l. The
WAHHINHTO.V , Julj 22. Homo domoerat n tornado
to bo ulaniHtd at thu attraction the mollHhlng country
trough will burn for young incmborB ol causing
in the oouth , and thu very fact the
* will bo distributed through the
coimjilfUo : ) and In hooeit con
to the law i * jo them the most alarm
about it. One of them Hayn : ' 'Tho
acUd nnwlncly in creating HO much Hliiuld
when they knew that iU utu would lay.The
political endn. They know that the The
conmiiBniori would huvit tu dlstri 17 ;
a > p'JntinonU
] throiuth the nouth if
J >
ixmiplic'd with the law , ati'l It would
moru ilfoct now upon the election , yet they t > j-uight ,
( HiKitionH thun oflico
coiif're > u nee IblXI , except In the -
cauanf the ci- go east to
cJtablUhuiout of '
'lillor an
- oflico.
Of coiirnd thu oiamina. Smith ,
bo fairly cqndnctixl , and ; n the dcm- trict , la
Mouth pri' , tin u rule , butter edu morrow.
republicans in the
up | > u.ritmeiiU will
go largely to
< mr
Tallin rcndcn tha Niiuatiou itill
, for a uoonnij the appointment
the iituinp-ipeakerii will go to North uro WAHIIINOIOH
Tenuetaco , Florida , and I-onl iana , Mfmlsjipplvalloy
thu fairnefs of tlio ropuUlcan ranablo
party ,
Uoii ) thulr civil Kvrvico experianco tu hlftmg
out , and ttwn nay : 'Cieiitlemon , to local ehowurd
democratic party In in to vote thin klatioaary
out.1 Hy thla mo ins Uioyliuvo
tu carry two or thrvti touthem
, th t he ex. faulting , ,
iuiocrb ( to carry OhJp thiioil , to tn , a
They are in batter working nhapi * , ho nayii ,
thau they over wcro Iwfora. II n otpifssi'i
himself pcrfoctlyratiifiod with thn platform
nnd fiy that the tarllf plank will bo entirely
chief ratinfACtory to the poopln o ( bin iititto. Thn
IIMIO butwven the two
| ) artlon ii RIIV-
for ormuont reform , ami upon thta he depend *
TH13 O. A. 11 , KRUNION.
Vurtlicr OotnllHol'tlio Uroiit 1'arftttc.
duly 23 , To-day was the
greate t day of the lirand Army encampment ,
und wltneimttl the ( urgent gatheiing of old
cold lorn In the hisloty of tlio organization.
There wpro 18,000 ol thorn In thc > proco ion
which w x an hiiur nnd twenty miimtox
Ing n given point. Thorn were probably 8,000
to 10.100 in the city who did not join In tha
parado. About 75,010 Htrnngorn Ix'.iidcH thpnn
made up the vlxitorn. ( ii'tiotal Kogtu occupied
a prominent pace ! at the head of the pn
ciMfion. ( totiornl Khurmnii rtulo in the tnli
dlo. Both were received with contlnuot
ovations from tlio veteran * . ( Jonomln 'I'hoinas
Kountz , Warner , Nacol and ( < ib > oi
\\t-ro ulfo rccclvcil witli cheerg. Tin
line of march waa through the princlp.i
streets of the rlty , which wa
pnifufely decorated.
Afterward * thorn won
| M > rtng ! ninUHmnonlH and inoit of the ntato
ilulcgalfotiH hold rcunieiiH. A bxi inotia meet
ing win hold mid eoimulttciM appjiutod niu
nrr.uigeuientti mada to elect n commandor-in
In tha livening 7 MKKI people crowdnd the
micamnmont grnuiuh ' and witno od the lira-
wotha by the I'hmbcau elub of
Topoku , Kiu- ;
flan. Cencrnl l.ogan will bo given a wcoplion
to-morroAT _ iiiornliu' , and ( icnoral Sherman
and other
diKtiuguUhod KOiiornlH
prenont will
at Gonuial WiishbnrnoV riHtdonco
H , Minn. , duly iI. ! - Tlio great
cru'h at the d'r.ind Ariny laovor
and the
pt-oplo nro beginning to go home. Thu
principal ovenU of the day wen1 tlio reception
Ijiigau at the Illinois hoailiiuinterrt this
moining , nml anuther to all vittitmg gonrrali
re-idonce to-night. At the
Connor a great crowd of old poldlora
rut. J.og.ui nnd Negloy , of were IVmnyl ptex-
vanii , made ' FpoecheH. In the evening Shor-
niaii , L'alrchild , Negloy , Thonun and othcm
were present.
There wore nportu of miiiciillaneoui chiiruct-
nt thu encampment all dny. A reunion of
oxpcixlonerti of the war was held at which
about ono hundred gathered ,
i'lio Next.
Commander mid
tlio Next
RriNNKArol.l , .July 21. A mealing wan jet
for the election of n commaudnr-in-chief
two nominationH were made. The elec
will tuko pUca to-mnrrow , when the
foe tlio next oiicanijinu'iit will alao bo of
Jndicationa point to Wnrnor , of
for chief and Niuhvlllo as the
Knnsna Man IJONOH Ilia Tlirco Sons :
In n Htorni '
I'niiioQln jy
I > eakeScnmcr In n :
Hturin. .ctl
IOLA , ICansaH. , July 1M. IJuring n heavy
Btonn thia afternoon , a now barn on the
farm of Captain A. ,1. Surrey , thrco inllt'H He
town , wan blown down , nml two EOIIH of 1
laptain Surrey , ngctl 15 and 11) ) , were killed ;
, aged 17 waa mortally wounded.
ANNAror.lH , Md. , .Inly ! 2-l. A fearful wind
rain Htorm occurred this afternoon
Cheaapcaka bay , lu which the atoamer ( iror- cited
windowu , waa caught oil Bandy Point. The with
of the
upper auloon wero.bluwn out , '
the '
grea oc' , . i inotoniutioii among the
jUHHengorH. Woman
fainted and men put on
preservers. Tlio ateonitr lost ltn In
way vaa
rain anil wai i.t thu mercy oflho fho
until the United Stolen atoamor 1'hlox .
along and tiuk liar in low.
II'KIIUIM KALLH , Minn , , July L'-l. A tnrribln zona
and rain alorm occurn'd hero ' ip
about 'I p.m. n
in mnuy placet ) in totally rninod. At vcru
brook hail cut a aivnth to miloi wide ired
tht > country , destroying Ihu Rrnln ,
grain is ruined in Otter Tail county. and roop-t
) iitltH (
und Holland. Indium
LONDON , July 21. Marl ( irauvlllo IIBH ro- uppodily
aasent to HolIand'H propoaal to blockade .liievlng .
whole Aehoen coast to aecuro the rolcato of
crew of the Btoamer Niaoro.
ConHjitraay. meeting
WAIWAW , July 2) ) . Inquiry Into the cmi- o
to blow up the pahico during the C/.ir'n
to Wurnaw , HIOW ! elaborate and far roach- national
plana adopted by the coiiHpiratorri. Aflor inemberH
tlio Czar they Intended to Jiro'-olco |
in Holland and Wcatorn Itusaia. to fereneo
the , lnwn nnd rich tradimiion of War mltteu
nutl uie/.o urina at tlio nraonnl. that
Kntor a AVyinuro i lvory Htnlilo < tricta > .
nntl Doiiinnd tlio HDI-HCH , fofltedly
WVMOIIE , Nob. , July 21. A during attempt tion.
robbery wai made hero nt half paat 10 to
A party of ontlawM ontentd n livery woru
and presenting cocked rovnlvun do-
the horses Itj given up. Tha stable tiionnl
resitted and compnllod ilia outlawa to
retreat. (
. The ollicora uro now In hoi notyut
TlioWnl > nnli Will Nor Cut. tu
I.OUIH , July 21. O moral Traflio Mnnn- William
denies emphatically that the Wn man
cut eastern rates OH asserted hero tin
day , nml atatoj very distinctly If
of the any
u contract below tha
ratoa ho will discharge him at
onun ,
repudiate thu contract. It la reported that
Kobort Andrews , consulting oiiKlnoor nf NEW
Wubah his. resigned.
Hlorni Hxvepr ,
, July 21. Hpcchda from various
teat the
in Iowa and Wlaconain report doatrne
atorniH having prevailed in UIOBO statoi Katon ,
, and In many placoa nmnll grain ia a half
beaten ' down und badly damaged , lion.
Journal' ) ! ICnoxville , Iowa , special atateK ,
vWtod that town and aection ol aienipi
adjuinlng , npro < itliig tree * mid dn- cratd
oiitbnildingM , but to far na reporUd and
no lota of life. hundreds jiu
In behalf
Till ) Trigger. waimly
.v , July SI. Ireland won tlio Klein pjat.
at thu rllla
match ut Wimbledon to ( ontiment
acoro wax : Ireland , IfiH.'l ; Scotland ,
KiiglnnU , M7I.
ili'fl Nv CiifAf0 ;
\v OovtTiior
and if nd . win ,
VANKTOVJuly21.Jovernor ( 1'iercoanlvet .low/jh /
and will ( irobiblytaki- oath nt here , mid
to-morrow. Hix aiipjnnud ho will tlieii number
rliHc up affair * , leaving Secretary
acting governor. Judgii Sowanl
newly apjuinto'l ' for the J'ifth dix
uao ! here , and will tuko thu oath to. Special
Chluf .Inntlco ICdgcrton will admin- LocKi'Oiir
theuath to both. -
colored ,
Tlio AVuatlior lor To ' thorltlw
ilny , the county
, July 21. For ( ho
, local iliuwer * , partly cloudy
winds , generally from the Houth am
temperature , The Mlasourl vnlloy and wlfo
, partly cloudy , variable windii cant.
Dowtilt GetH Tori Vonru.
IcMlviIlu Jtlly M'-Vnnk Dowalt , Ihu de inents ,
. i bankerWM to-day entonc u Very
penitentiary. | inio at
( Jon , Larotora , of Peru , la dond.
.1 Kx-fJovrrnor Ifomlriclu In n.xpectoj to vIMt
jvcrnnr Clovelan j at an early day.
All publlo ( ichoolj In Toulon anil Mnrtcilles
: iavo boon
closed on account of the cholorn.
.Into The central Tninuiftny motnboni of tlio Now York
oommltloo worn nb nnt from the
neetlng hold nt Albany , Wednesday.
An Interview botwcen the emperors of Oor.
nanla and Austria
Sth of place at Ipchl en the
Avgust. The
lays. meeting will last two
, A vc , y perceptible nhoaV of onrtluiimkc
olt wan
Muilitorrauean on the Islmul of Inclda In the
, Tlu'liihabitantti
y ngitntod. whoru ercat
AH railroads wol of tint Misstuslppl
mvo agreed tt
carry dotogatra
to the cattle I
lion H convention , to bo held nt St. I.outu
Nov. 17 , nthnlfrnteH. , |
The sixth
MtMoiirl congro ional
conventliin In sosioti
olH for at Scilnlia , ca t 877 1ml-
n candidate t ,
up Wednesday
night ,
vlthout any ch ingo from the lirat ballot.
It la ronor od that the St. '
ice found thronNlhlllati po-
In tlu <
inlico jiark of the
the VMV pnimeuaden. Tim Nl
lilists re iitod , wounded the
nergoant of the
lulico nud e cnpod.
The platform of the California
.oclaroa for protoctlvo tarllf , and ropubllcana donnunc-
railroad discrimination , democratic
ale for '
the I'rcaldcncy Is donouncpd as a
loiiopolNt , approves lilalno'H nttltudo on
IhlncNu question , nnd fnvora pensiona to Mcx-
can voteriiim.
Owing to ttia'clott ofjmstern
ports fniin SUM
ollong Kong ngalimt the vocHil ! fromToulou
ml Mnreille < oN '
, ves of the J'roiicli trnna-
iort dorvlco have boon trnnifcrroi !
' to Brest ,
ncceadty of POOH furnishing frech aupplloit
Admiral '
o Courbol'n
suiiJidfon C.-I-.ISIM iho
government to ; iu ltito about giving order
or active operations.
The two story brick bulldimr.
ocouplotl by
UroStX'.k rndlcator rublinldng
mil Wombnah , 1'nwoll it Co. , printerx company , on ,
vent Savonth
utrcet , K-tnsin
City , Ml Wed-
loiday , the fmindation having lieon wo.-ikonod
by the oxcnvntton of lotH ndjolidng. Thodaui-
ai-o ia ostlmatod at $ ' . ' > 00 ( ) . Several
inrrowlv oscipeil. The Indicator will poraoila bo
nibllahod from the 1'rlco Current prosn.
The Kronch Academy of Mo.dlcino proposoa
congreat to dlscusa
vontlon and euro of cholorn. Dr. Koch hna
nikcd lent the conprctH to moot 1.1 Uerlln. A mod-
cholorn .
coininlndon catnblinhed
nt Lazn-
in thc < | MabHlo iiUHrter , with live hundred -
ti'ilx , hna almi organizotl n rick tranapnrt
vice nnd leaned n series of ruloi for public
lance gni-
gntrding against cholora. No nign
Aaintlo cholera in 1'uria.
irreatod In the city of fMox- were
- 2)
, Saturday on 1 tlio charge of ttofaudng
chnrnutcr of the picaldont , nnd were not
lormlttod to communicate with their friends
mill to-dnv. They were nentonc'd without
rlal by the governor. TJio nmo ollieial now
igrooa to rolnaao the men If ropuiHtodto do HO
the AIIIOI lean mlnialor. It ii claimed thn and
hnrge ia without foundation nnd waa
by mallcioua porxona.
ICnlorH Diirnnuo Ijcadln < ; Forty
'a I n ted
- -H OlinHOd Out f
In a Uiiimini ; Fl lil Cattltj cars
Mon and UIOH to
UUNVKII , July III. Durango IH greatly ox ! o tiS
to-day over the arrival of Jtod Jacket lo
withoily warrior * , highly paiittod and hoavi
-m l/rhBctty.m tiihn } wrenlod one/or non W
Jfeiturbanco nnd for carrying firoar'ms. ' Htf u 3
knbckod down by the 'Other Indiana' 100
fndiariH thsn mnnnted hor/oa and stortci.
lonvo the town. Severn ! catllemon and cltl-
( favo ehtHO. A ninnintf li ht
wni kopl athor
for ten milavlie.i the Indiana ancceodud
getting out of rungo Some twenty ahota glit uavy
fired on Intli side' . No ono wni fn- venl
ai far on known. The cltizona ask for iald
- to beep the Indiana the
on rc ervntion. imvy
nwny from town the
eatt o men. Thu omo
men of tmiithorn Colorado uro GO
indignant over the lnt < lonaon of cattle
rto' , nnd thn ,
buridng of thi.-ir camping
, A war botwdun them nnd the
ia probable untaiH
Homothing IH
done to ppoiect thuir IntcrentH from over
bund.i of Utca. , landled
The Dninncrallo Coiiiinltteci ) . OIH
Yoju : , .Inly 21 Thu committco of the iter tog
thodomoeratio national coimnltteu doubt
consider n plan for organizing the national
Mininitteo for campaign woik
met after tin iiort
unmmitteo had ndjournod. All llit Usually
or pioxlea were prcnent. A
genera until
IHCIHBIM | took place , and con norioua
congrrHMimal com would
wui held.
won di'cidct
committco should nttond t < of
alfuirn especially , and that tlio con-
L'rcaslonal committee thmild look after tin
in the coigr < ; snioua ! dia.
, It wiw osllii.ntcd that tlicro
nro nov-
nty.otght congreHflionnl dlfitiictH that
cloHO , and to thmo thu coi'grcHaional
committoca honld give their particular atten
KeprruontuliveH Stovena , of Now York ,
Murphyof Iow , und UoHecr naof , California ,
nppointod a standing commilteo of tin
congrceeional body to worlc witli thu natlona
Cnmmittoo. The hoadtpiartoi-H of the
committee will bo \VaHhingtoii. . Thu
houdUiirterH | nf thn national commltteo hna
been mtlec'ted.
oxocutlvo committee of independent
republicans lion dacidud to ongngoCarlSchurz
tranalatolnto ( ierinan thonddroea of Gco
Curtis nnd that of Chairman Cad
at the imlepciidunt conference
nnd pub
thorn an cnmpalgn ilocumontH.
OIII.EANH , La. , .Inly 22 , In the SUU
iasiHsipjii JIalrict
coiiventioti , at Bay St
to-ilay , the lion , John It , Lynch wo *
iinaiiiiiiuiiHly nominated
congress to con
election with the Hon. Henry H. Vni
the lilting mumbcr. Mr , Lynch mad
IIOUI'M upeocli In accepting thonomlna
No campaign had over opened in Jilt
under almilnr Mispiceu. Tim demo
aeomod diajioied to accord fair ploj
had tlm
nuiirnucmi of
Biipjiort fron
of white men and democrats In
and on
n recefvetl
thorough cativum of hia
of Ulaluo and diatric lon ; Jl.
invited himself , nnd haa beei Kudo ,
fc ) visit poitioim ofthodiatric
bud been
Ho la warned away from in time
, which treated jiolitely by | > oHtical op
convinctu him that publl
la taking it Urong jioaition
und ballot-box Btulling.
Tlirco Clilldrcn IJroAvnrd ,
! , July 21Tho Journal's ( Jroon lli
Hpecial nuyh : Thruojoung children y o
Athley wont bathing In the river nea
In attempting to rescue ono of tlici
fowl drotviiing all thnio perished ,
Hied at tlio AK < > ! ' 11- " ' .
IJIapatch toTijuJliK.
' , N. V , , July 21. Louis Spencer
formerly a idavo , whom the bent an
declare waa llfl yuara of
ago , died
home last night of old agu ,
Mr , Homlrlc'ltH and Wife. 1505
iKiiiASAimid , July 2l , Mr. Hendricks
will leave hero
night for th
la Etitern
and organs on monthly ln.jro
at Edholm it ' pay FUtte.Uurt
Ericknoji'a. J2-1-0 gauaderi
iBtodt T ie
and most iwnulnr
flhoo llaooy
Eaholui & ErickaouV J2-1-0
Bottom Prices Sccin to Depriro Chicago
Speculators of Occupation.
'ho Market How About as Low
as It Ever Gets to Bo ,
Oattlo Oontinuo Dull-SolliDg $5
to $10 Loss than Cost ,
Quoted Slow and Prio
Weak all Around
illcged Tollow Fever in Now Or' ' \
loans Affecting Provisions , l
ilinrt HIliHHo Much UHCdSoutli , Drop
I ft 1'or Cwt.-BIoro
llcprccla- <
tlon Kcaroil.
Special Dispatch to Tim HUB.
Ciiii-Aoo , July 21. "I can't see hewn man
an make nuy money speculating when the
narket ia as low aa it ever gets ; but It ii very
asy to see how ho can lese n good deal. " The
entloman who mndo thin remark said that head
ad just como from the wiieat ( tit , where there
vero about a do/.on men doing nothing. His
leas concerning thu possibility of making nny
nonoy on the markets at thia present stand-
t nro apparently identical witli thosu of
early every operator on 'change , nu none of
mm neonied to earo to-d.iy "whether school
opt or not. " The market wan
trouper , but with no increased activity. At
lie close of ths morning soaalon Sept. Bold at
l& , having opi'iied at 8. ) , and selling at ono
imo down to 8,1 . The sntno option in corn
penod rather strong nt Cftc , and gradually
ink to 51 .
} Lard waa steady nml ribs nil-
ivncod 10. Two cars of No. 2 oats were re-
icivcd to-day , nud about one hundred carjot
vhea' .
On the afternoon bovd prices fell off
aln. August wheat dropped to 8'lijt ; for
Hcptombor , Ktju for October 'Kt Fur
August , Oats dropped to 27 . Lard declined
) to 5. I'ork romalnod UDcnangod.
The gonernl market continues dull , and
irices remain low , with downward tondonoy.
Tliero were few loadn choice and
fancy naives -
ivos that made'good prices , but all common
medium , nnd all grassy aorta wore hard
oso'l at nuythhur like tha prices they are
ojling In thu country. Tlicsosorts are losing
rum S5 to tflO .
per car. Cows ,
nnd scrubby Htcorj , such as thono
have to compete with cattle
mngo , are
oiling nt extremely low ( unties nnd tliero is no
hntiga for Impioveniout in thii direction so
ongiutbat supply Intts. The pens were full
Tuxnna , as tliero waiu nt least ono hundred
among fresh nrivnls. nnd time were
talt'v 25 to10 loads loft over. _ Trade slo pro- r
the general market weak with tondenoy
lower va uoa. Thu bulk of sale * are -So.5Ug ( )
with poor JntH at It.lO'rtli' . Wyoming oat-
are making -l.SO@fi.10 ; good to clinico
flipping , 1 00 to HBO Ibi. 0. 0Bi.20 ( ; com-
to medium J.OOO to 1,200 lb ? , , 4fiC ©
: Inferior to . . . fair. fco\M.iW J 00
00 ; m. nit 'jl to RtwdrS 00 to A O'J' kh ckerinf''t ' ' '
tv 3i ; ; loodora a CO to J J9. .
nootf. ' . >
The general market was slow and the prices
weak nil nround , and nt 'thecloni
aorta worn strong and Co loWer , whlhi
, although alow nnd hard to sell , nndor-
liltlo or no change. 1'uckora and fhlpporx
from B 10 to fi GTi forpihxl mixed to choice
, and best light innao from C 2ri to fl 70.
odds nnd ends sold nt fi 00 lo 6 10 ; light
to 210 pounds , 5 00 to fi 70.
There wan n flurry In the provision market
resterday , caused by an alluded case of yellow
in Now Urlcana , and the rumor wai
for all It was worth by the "shorts" lu
irovislons. who managed to manipulate nmt-
so that nliort ribs , the principal article of
products used iu the south , dropped 15
100 during Iho afternoon , There Is no
but tlicro ia considerable uneasiness in
irovuion circles about tlio matter , but the ro-
of yeiterday may prove to bo iiromaturo.
the dread disease docs not
later in the EC.ISOU , Should there bo a
outbreak in Iho nouth thu prlcu of hogs
drop 1 CO per 100. The Hoiitlt la our
reliable customer for bacon. Tlio HOWH
the outbreak at Now Orleans hna been
irnmptly dunied and the flurry mi that account
the time being has subsided.
S1OOO. Given
Ifnluiniiraiiyliijurloussuuklanceacan bo found
Ainlraws' Pearl Baking Powder. Is
, IKW-
UvclyPURE. , andUtlmonial.i
iroin tiilch cheinlsta nsH. Dana Hays , llos-
Delufonlalno. ofClilcano ; and udiituvu
Mllivankcu. Nevcrsold In bulk.
0i lcr ln
lor ul 100,000
tor 4 outtnllr
Mubrukt , it
low price tad on UT term * .
a , luuu Oumlnj. for alt la Dmalu , Dodge , Oolx
Brpy , WMWogton ,
, nj llutler OODOUM.
paid lo ] ] n rUj ol thi BUtf
lauied ODlmprorxl firm * .