8 OMAHA DAILY BEE-THURSDAY , JUM 24 , 1881 , ' THE DAILY BEE. Thursdasy Morninc , July 24 LOOAL BREVITIES , Ywtordny afternoon four yonnp recnworo nrratod by the pollto for being ( malicious per- Bonn , Dodge. It brought everything tip Blind ing but nothing was broken and the truck won t xra under way itqntn. Tlio U. & . M , band ( com PlnlUmouth ser enaded thu H , & AL headquarters in this city this nttornoon , and j.layod e\cral line selec tions. The nun of ycclerday brought Iho juice nut of l ho firomcn and many of them wlshpil they could tland in the nliAdo nnd too the jirocotiiion pass instead of fntnithlng fun for the million. Whllo going to the fire lost night , Jim O'Brien , drhrr of the hook and ladder truck , inndo n mis-piny nnd rnn Into tlio oion ] cnr tracks on Thirteenth ctrect nt the interjection Yesterday ovoningtho v aitingfircmcnhadnn opportunity of wclug hoiv the Omaha llro do. pnrtment go to a fire. Some of their uycs stuck out in great * ha | > < > as the IIOFO carti How down Douglas ntrcet like n eliot from a gun , Drcxel k Maul yesterday received a tele gram announcing the death of Washington Humphrey * ! * , u ell known In tliin city , In St. I/onio , nnd nlno saying that the remains would nrrivo fin tills Zcliy for interment tills afternoon. In pollco court yostcnlny monilntf two din turbcrnof the peace were flncd$5oach and cosU. One man charred with vagrancy pleaded not guilty nnd his caoo was continued. Two nmall boys , nrrestod for vagrancy , were released and told to nln no more. Until August l t wo will olfer n largo lot of FUIINMTUMK at crroatly rtxlucod pricoji tocloKO imt patterns. Will include in thin Halo many desirable goods In every department of our business , CO ntrlos chamber flotft , 1T > itylet of lurlor aotfl. A largo nunibor of easy chairs , patent rockers , odd pieces , Ac , , k } . CIIAIII.K.S SlllVElilcK , 12X ( ) , Ii0S.tl2JO ! , 1'aruam t. Yoaterday ovoningnnalarm of firu was turned in from bsx 51 , corner of 1'lovonth and Capi tal avenues. The departmant rcsjinndod promptly and soon extinguished the flames which wera in n little one-ttory frnmo build ing owned by Hich ICImball. Tlio Tire wan caused by n gasoline ttovo nnd the building wai damaged to the extent of ? 50. Several of the bu inosH men of the city have suggested that the stores bo closed this afternoon for a threo-fold reason. On account of the liromon'o tournament , the cir cus and the base-ball. Thin would give the omploycx of the stores an opportunity to visit whichever place they doulrod. The scheme proposed is to close at t o'clock in the after noon and not open until to-morroniw morning. The management of Iho U. 1 * . ball club have posted a notices In one portion of the grand eland stating that thu section indicated is reserved exclusively for ludlex with and without escort * . No attention in paid to this and all classes of men nro allowed to croud into that section , and there they nil , chow to bacco and iitilrt | the julco upon the lloor for ladlui dresses to mop up , smoke vilocigarnand clgarottCH , nnd pulf the Binoko in the Indies faces. Thia is not all. Ycxtorday afternoon half drunken men occupied reals In the section and jabbered away , to the dlrgust of all. Ono of the managnmont of the club wan spoken to lint made no effort to nbato thonuisanco. Now if the Hoction Is not reserved for ladies Itwouli bo well to take down thu sign. The Oinulia Cricket and Atlilello Club. A mooting waa hold at the Millard Ho tel Tuodayovoning for thopurpoao of oloot- ing a president and oflioora for the Omaha Cricket and Athlotio association , and ether matters. Mr. Moldrum in the chair. It was proposed by Mr. Tobin. that Councilman Ed Loodor bo elected pros ! dont. Carried. Captain Troloar propoaod that Mr. Bergoach bo elected vice proaidont. Car tied. It waa proposed by Mr. Troitarhko thai , Captain Troloar bo elected secretary anc manager. Carriod. It was proposed by CaptainTrobar Urn Mr. Triatachko bo elected treasurer. Car riod. riod.Mr. Mr. Tobin proposed that the following member * bo appointed a committee ti toke the general management of the asao ciation : Messrs. S. A. Woods , Willtan Bracoy , Wm. Martinovitch , I. Thomp son and J. G. Hitchcock. Carried. Dr. Lanyon proposed that tlio aboro association bo formed into a joint stock company and that the committee draw up the regulations respecting said coin pany. Carriod. PEIISONAU John lluuor , of I'Jattsmouth , In nt tha Mot ropolltan. N. A. Spooler , of IlastinfM , teat llio Metropolitan ropolitan , George Hurkf , of North 1'latto , in ot th Metropolitan. W. J. KIliH , of Tokamah , jj rcglstrred n tlio Metropolitan. CJ. W. llavvood , ofLlucoln , is stopping g the Metropolitan. 0. K iruiuiieiiof ] Harington , is inmrtorc at tin ) Metropolitan. .1. F , GraveH , of Superior , Null. , IH regls teml at th Mttroj > olitaii , 0 , P. JOH ell , and wife , of Haxllugu , nr otoiipiDK at the Mftrojxilltau , N. 0. OstiTiious , U , uf ] { . It. Lralcoman Tv'owr York , is iu tlio city , ( topping at th Metropolitan , Mn. M. D. 1'loak has removed he Bakery from 214 North Sixteenth to 31 North Eighteenth , near Wiomon * Ore cory- jio.at.ood CAUL SOIIMID'S IOK OHEAM PAH LOUS. are always well patronized. Why ? Because cause customers find everything first claw , deicious and superior to nnythinj , el e of the kind in the city. Call and b ( refreshed. Barker's block , Fifteentl etroot near Farnam. j22.-lt Cream Soda at Boll's. j PKLI1AM PLACE. Choice location ; desirable neighbor Tiood ; lots can bo bought for400 on loni , me. BULL & SUHIVWI. jlO.Ot. COAL KEDUOED ) WJJ1TEUUEABT COAt 84,00 MB TOJT , JXtbraiku fuel Co. BOARD OF EDUCATION , J Miuight Session of that Body Last NiEbt , Tlio Boiml Aflcr HeiM-lnR Iloportof a Special ConunlttoolloiitscH to Accept tlio Ixinjj nnd IxnTcn\vorth School A special mooting of Iho board of dtleation wns hold last evening. Mom- > ors present , Points , Oonoyor , Gibbon , Spccht , LivcBoy and Copoland. Mr. iong cnmo in later. In the absence of the president , Vico. 'resident ' Points called the mooting to jrdor. The first business was in regard o the accoptan co of the now school luildings. Mr. Oibbon , chairmnn of the commit- oo appointed to ozamlno the now build- nga , reported that in aomo things the ontrocts had not bcon complied with. TUB HEl'OHT. Omnha , July 01 , IRS I. Mr. President. Your special building lommittoo , to whom was referred the matter of investigating the conditions of ho now buildings , before their final acceptance - coptanco by the board of education , em- ) loyod Mr. J. Douglas , an expert and ) uildor , whoso report is attached hereto. After a careful examination of the said export's report , your committee came to ho conclusion that it will bo for the boat ntorcsts of the board that the buildings until the work ) o not not accepted done according to plana and specifications , and as agreed to by a written contract , signed by F. S. Pot- in and the president of the board. An- mxed hereto you will also find tv report ignod by J. O. Salisbury , who wan re peated by Mr. Potvin to investigate the onditions of the buildings at the same imo Mr. Douglas made the invostiga- ion in behalf of thn special building ommittoo. You will find that Mr. Sal- abury , in hia report , corroborates near- y every item mentioned defective in Mr. Douglass" report.W. W. A. L. Gnwo.v , HEMIY LIV.HKY , ClIAHIK.S CONOYKK. MK. DOUCJLAH' iiKronr. Board of Education Gentlemen : Ilav- ng examined both school buildings uilt duridfj the summer of 1881) ) , rom plana and spocilicationa made by Icasra. Dufrono & Mondolshonn , archi- octs , 1 submit the following report that lioy do not comply with the said plana nd specifications. The piano call for pressed brick himnoys , and at the least calculation liuy tire about 12,000 brick , making al- owanco for the block brick , the difference would for both buildinga bo $108. The plann call for three laps of slating while it shows but two laps , making a hortago of thirty-one laps all round , or loarly one-seventh of the whole amount. in the north and south buildings the lock joists are not of th-t required strength. The rafters should bo 2x8 , whereupon they arc but 2x0. Rafters which should Imvo boon 2x10 , seine of thorn are 2x8 and the difference in lum ber would bo about $10 for bath schools. Under the present condition it is liable to fall in the event of a hoary snow. The roofs leak n both buildings and will rcquiro flash ing to keep out snow in the front gable it sides. Difloronco to stairway in south Building , $15. The difference In the glass called for in .ho plana and specifications and that put n is $7 80 loss than it should bo. Difference in second c.iat in janitor's room in both schools la $22. Difference in nutting in joists in floors in basement halls as per spocilicationa in both schools , $100. The plastering on the collar ceilings is no good. It has boon frozen and is dam aged in north school , 830. My view of the outside brick work is to lot it go. In 45 of the collar windows there has boon no rollers put in as plans and spec ! fications call for , and single glass nt Sl.W each , allowed for bolts and locks aa pui in by contratora the duniaco would bi $50. $50.Tho The front door-jambs in both schoo. buildings arc poor jobs , In regard to the sine of the chimneys , would rcfor i to the board. .1. DOUOLAHS. Mr. Salisbury , Mr. Potvin's foreman , made a statement that ho had lookoc over the buildings and found that the King it Dolowaro school building is $ lt'J ! f > 0 short of what the plans and apu- cificationa call for and tint Loavonwortl school building is short § 08 CO. Mr. Potvin was present and offered to give a bond of $10,000 to insure the roof The board could not BOO that a bond 01 $10,000 would atone for the loss of lifo in coso the roof should fall. In regard to the chimneys Mr. Gibbet stated that last winter the gontlonmi who pnt in the heating apparatus calloc upon him anc' stated that Mr. Dufrono had had solicited him to accept thoehini noys , but that ho would not accept them and if the board did not have the cliim noys properly built that his company would certainly withdraw their bond. Mr. Uibbon favored having the chimneys properly built if the board had to slant the expenses. Mr. Dufrono aroao and stated that ho had not solicited anybody to accept the chimneys as It was nothing to him aa it had boon taken out of his handr. 11 was moved tlmtt ho report bo adopt ed. Question called for the members voting aye and nay. Gibbon , Conoyor and Long voted aye and Points , Oopo land , Sproht and Llvcsoy voted nay Motion lost. Jplovod y Oopelaid , that the secretary and president bo authorized to draw a warrant for $2 (00 ( in favor of Mr. Pot- vln , louring $ lf , 03 still duo him. Spocht seconded the iro'ion. Question called for. Spccht aid Copoluud voted aye , and Points , Long , Gibbon , Livespy ant Connoyor voted nay. Motion lost. Mr Gibbon imvod that Mr. Potvin bo formi'l'y ' informed of the action of the board this utening , and as soon as ho has completed tlio work according to the plans and specifications , report to the board ant receive his money , Conoyer seconded the motion. Question called for. Three voted in the alternative and three in the negative , and the chair declared the mo tion lost. Mr. Copeland offered the following resolution , seconded by Spccht : Resolved , That the building commit too employ a competent export to do tormina what is needed to make the Long and Leavonworth building eafo am that when Mr , Potvin carriej out the ocommondations of the expert n final tfttomont bo mado. Mr. Long moved to ammcnd the motion and substitute "our architect * in ho place of the 'export. " Amendment iccoptod and seconded. Another amendment was made to sub- tituto the word complete instead of the word safe. Mr. Long moved that the order of Mr. I. P. Lehman bo aacoptcd and the president and secretary draw Mr. Loh- mann an order for $102. CO. to bo charged o Mr. Potvin's account. Motion lost. Moved and seconded tht the plans for ho lllartman school bo accepted , lurried. Moved that the Bocrotary bo author- zed to advertise in the dally paper for proposals to build the Ilartmnn school ) uilding according to plans and specifi cations. Carriod. Board adjourned. IRISH-AMERICAN , Another Kltilno ami IIOKIUI Club Kormcd in This City bait Kvo- nlnjj by Kntlmslintlo Irlsh-iVmcrlcaiiH. Yesterday evening n numborof Irish Amoricansassomblcd in the board of trade rooms for the purpose of forming an Irish-American Ulaino and Logan club. The mooting was called to order by II. O'S. Hurk , after which John Grooves wag elected chairman , and Gen. George M. } 'Urlon , Bccrotary. The chairman stated that Iho mooting was called for the purpose of organizing an Irish-American Blaine and Logan club n Douglas county ; that , at n previous mooting of Irish-American cilizonsn committee - mittoo of nine waa appointed who wore nstructod to interview their countrymen with a view to the organization of such a club and if in their judgment it scorned advisable to BO organize , to call mooting for that purpoco. In purauanco of such instructions the commit too called this mooting , nnd the chairman waa expected to make a report on the situation. Col. 11. O'S. Burk , chairman of the committee , stated that ho waa instructed ) y tlio committee to report that a great number of the Irish-American citizens of Dmalia , without regard to previous party politics , urged that on Irish-American Blaine and Logan club bo organized with out delay , and that , in view of auch wish , lie committee recommended that thia mooting proceed to organize such a club , and to the end that ft speedy organization jo effected they respectfully submit a preamble and constitution for the consid- irntion of the mooting. The report of lie committee was adopted and committee discharged. The constitution adopted is withheld till another issue. The following officers were olcctcd : President , Col. Richard O'S. Burke : vice-president , First district , Charles Manloy ; Second district , Gen. G. M. O'Brien ; Third district , William II. Muluhay ; Fourth district ; P.F. Murphy ; Fifth district , William White ; Sixth district , John Groves ; Seventh district , John O'Koeffe ; Eighth district , Pot Mo- Cardlo ; Ninth district , Michael Cody ; secrntary , John Quinn ; treasurer , John B. Furay. On motion the mooting adjourned to moot at the call of the president. TIII3 110031I3US DOWNED. Q The Union I'aolllca do tip the Evans vlllcs by a Score of ( I to 5. A crowd of about 800 people gathorot at the bajo ball park yesterday afternoon to witness the second game of ball bo twcon the Evansville club and the Union Pacihcs. Ir was an exciting game anc considerable money changed hands on the result. The Union Pacifies presented Rock well and Bnndlo for their battery and the Evansvillos had Crewel in the box with Decker behind the bat. In the first four innings neither clubs made a score. In the lost half of the fifth , Walsh , of the homo team , croBsei the homo plate amid tremendous cheer ing. Tn the sixth inning the Evans villes piled up five scores , which was al they made during the gamo. The garni remained this way until the eighth in nlng , whoa the Union Pacifies made throe runsloaviug the game five to four in favor of the Evansvillca. Whoa the Uuion Pacifies wont to ba in the last inning the excitement was in tense. By a field throw from first base two men crossed homo , boating the visit- iug club by a score of 0 to D. As the boys made their last run the crowd rose in their scats and yelled with all their might. It was a hotly contested game at every point nnd was won on n bad error. Following I'H the score : UNION I'ACiriCH. PlnvorH n mi j-o A K MuKulvy , ! M b 0 1 4 l c lUmlln , o 0 0 fi 1 2 Uvvycr , 1 b 1 u C " 1 Hnecd , r f I a ( ) 1 KunUhousiT. c f Whitney , 8d b 0 1 ( i Wnlnh , HH 1 1 ; { o Caviuturh , 1 f . . . . . . . . I 0 2 0 Uockvvell , p 1 0 0 10 0 : 27 14 E\ANHVILLK. 1'hyprs u 1 R ro A E Sander * , rf 0 1 0 1 n ThonipHim , 1 f Hu.irilHH , 1 II 0 8 { Decker , o 1 1 0 0 0 Veivcli , 1 b Hnpau , 1 > It 1 o 8 4 Kilferty , ! lb I ) 1 1 ! a Cniwulf , | i 0 0 0 8 Uryau.cl 0 0 0 0 Totals fi C 23 IB h i ii : t 4 r. r 7 s Union 1'acllio 0 ( I 0 0 1 0 0 : i f i\nuitiii0 : o o o o 0 n o o 0-5 Huns I'nrneil Union I'jicltiol , Kvaimillo 1 Twii-bano liitB MolCulvy. Dwyrr , Kneed lif.inl Total l'flw-8 on hits Union 1'aclfia 10 Kumsvillu 7. ' I'lrNtb.iBBDUdiior * Utiluu Pacific fl.llvanit villa f > . J 'ft on bane Union Pncitio C , KvanivllloD , 1'ai'oil ImlN Itainlln 1 , Decker 1 , Struck out Union I'acllio 4 , J\ans\ili : ! 1 Duublo plays- Hoard , II Kan and Vuwh 1 and 1 lagan and Vcacli 1 , Tuna of gauiu li hours and 6 minutes. Unipiie Htrock of Council lilutf * . J. H. HENQEN it SON. The Pioneer Boot and Shoo makers , wish to inform the public of their reraova from 1221 Fatnam street to No. ail Eleventh street between Farnam and } JIarney. Give them n call. j23 4t / ! BEST BAKING POWDER. INTERESTING TESTS MADE BY THE GOVERNMENT CHEMIST. * Dr. Edward G. Love , the present Analytical Chemist for the Govern ment has recently inmle some interesting experiments ns to the compara tive value of baking.powders. Dr. Love's tests were made to del ermine what brands are the most economical to use , and as their capacity lies iu their leavening po\vdertcst3 were directed solely to ascertain the available gas of ench powder. Do. Love's report gives the following : Strength : Name ot the Cubic Inches Gns Baking Powders : per each ounce of Powder. "Royal" ( absolutely pure ) . - . 127.1 " " . . . . ' ' * "Putapjco" ( alum powder ) . I'-'o.S "Rumf orcl's" ( phosphate ) fresh . . 122.5 * "Rumford's ( phosphate ) old . . tf2.7 * "Ilanford's None Such , " fresh . 121.0 "Hnnf ord's None Such , " old . 81 35 "RcdheudV . 1 1 7.0 "Charm" ( alum powder ) . _ . _ . IIG.'J * "Amazon" ( alum powder ) . . 111. ! ) * 'Cleveland's ( short weight 1 ox. ) . 1 1 0.8 "Sea Foam" . : . 107.9 "Czar" . . 10G 8 "Dr. Price's" . 102.0 "Snow Flake" ( GrolF's , St. Paul ) . 101.88 "Lewis's" Condensed . 98.2 "Congress" yeast . _ . 97.5 "Pearl" . „ 93 "C. E. Andrews & Co s" ( contains alum ) . 78.17 * "Decker's" . 92.5 "Gillet's" . „ . „ . S1.2 ' Bulk" . 80.5 * Iu his repoi t , the Government Chemist says : "I regard all alum powders as very unwholesome. Phosphate and Tart ric Acid powders liberate their gas too freely in process of baking or under varying climatic changes suffer deterioration. " Dr. H. A.Mottthe former Government Chemist , after a careful anc elaborate examination of the various Baking Powders of commercerepor- ted to the Government in favor of the Royal brand. MERGELL & EOSENZWEIG , Are j 11 j i ) i cl I < f < TV OUTSIDE TJI1J CITt in any branch , ft On Short Notice CAUttY THE LAUOEST AND FINEST.TIETAIL STOCK OF HOUSE , WALL PAPERS AND DECORATIONS , SIGN AND , FRVSCO 8TOUE 1515 Donslas street , Omaha , PAINTING DECORATIN , ; oer o _ raT a tauo fl V T * - - 4-3 < D oerQL 03 o s I . ta a 03 n r I J3 DO co o QL 03 oa O GUMINGS AND 20TH ST. , OMAHA , NEB , oa UKADY ST. , DAVENPORT , IOWA , U. S. A. Established 1878 Catarrh , IDoafnofla , Lung and Norvomi Diaoaaoe Speedily and Formancntly Cared. PatlcnU JOurod at Homo. Write for "THE MEDIOAL-MISSIONAKY , " for the Poonlo. Davenport "An nonorahln Man. Flno SUCCMB. Wonderful Cures. " Hours 8 io C. Guilty of The jury in the case of Edmund Henry , charged with murder iu th o first degree , for the killing of Plggott at th o atock-yarda laat May , wore out about half an hour , when they brought in a verdict of manslaughter. Henry listened to the vordlct nervously , while a smile , child like ami bland , brnko over the face of his couiuol , Mr , N. J , Burnlmm. Mr. Burnham cxpreaaod himself OR very well satisfied with the verdict and will make no effort for n new trial. OWDER Absolutely Pure. Thli ixiwder norrr varlM. A manre ) of prreneu , trengtu and wboIcnomenMS. Moie oooomlr al ttian thoorduury klnduand cannot bo * dd In coo petition ith tlio multitude ot low toot , thorl weight alum or | tnwHi < r > Holdl Ollly In CUM , ROYAL Ladies should reflect before using ani preparation that isappliod to so delicati surface aa the akin. Any cosmetic wil at firat impart a beautify ing effect and no apparently injure the akin , but in a vor ehort timu little blotchca and diacoloai ttuna appear on the fttco which conclu aively snow the poisonous drugs in tha composition. It can bo eafely said the more than two thirds of the face powde contain these injurious ingredients. Puz zoni's medicated complexion power is no only absolutely frco from all dolotoricu matter , but its principal ingredient is nn active curative for all diseases of the skin. It has stood the test of years. Soli by nil druggists. mo-oodyl SPECIAL NOTICES. nrspeclMa win Posltlvelynot bo Inserted unless paid lu advanoo , TO LOAU-If ouev. MONEY' to Inin In muni of | :00 : and upwards on Improved DouglanCo , farm * . U U 1'atttwoi ti Co. , Kutl CKtata and lean ogsut , IStli and Furnaui. 443-lmo M ONBVTO IXA ! ( Th lowc l r toi of intorci Ai-tnnr , If.th * IVMtflt 161.U \ f ONKY TO LOAN In iuin nf KICV. anil upward 111 O. F. DvU anj Co. , IU > ) KdUto and Loan HBLP WAHTBU. \\7ANTKD-A Hioond baker at once , at Iho I'M , t > ton hotel , luqulra for thu Htcword , 77J2tp \\MNThD-Ksprrteiioed itltaladv for notion * . I Ouiiiiin-Aiiinlcaa preferred. laimlra 803 H. I8th trut. )7i-2j ) WANTEI ) AfiHiJg.rl furciienl liotuework at 1720 Cut itrect , ' 5 , 70S 2p bright , actl-e boy , about 16 jears T old , with noiua txperlonc * at the printing rade , atThalliv coiupotlnir room , tf. WANEKD- good glil. until funil ) and good wigea. Inquire ai 416 t'mcDjiort Itritt. 777 Id \\AtiTEU-Oirl In lamlly of two. Oood placolor TI a good girl. In t U. J , panan & Ca'a. \1TANTED-One or two young men to Mtdt In tut- W rejlng , by II. Hohwer , Engineer and turreyor , 611 Farnam itreet 743-7Sp \Tf A N Tit L "YounTmTn" n aT ni rity to wll goodn n commlolon. Addrcsi "Merchtnt , " Omaha pootolBce. "M 23 \\rANTnn-A ( , -"o < l klichtn plrl t northwttl V V corner Hamilton ju 1 ur , i.uith Omtba , ANTED A ( food elrlfor renmt housework In W a ( mill Utrnly , at 1718 Douslu St. 7M-23p \\7ANrKU-Altmilocook3143 12th Bt. V > 710 2Cp Y17ASTKII A cap bl Rltllor ncnernl hotuo-work. V > Call at ntlck icildmco , cotnor 11th ml fierce St. JIr . D. 8 D nlRcr. 727-23p - to orlc lor small family 1B18 WANTKD-Oltl DouglaiSt. J B Smith. f SB 23p -A flret-o'aM b ker Immodl t8lr. Ira MlltonberRcr , North Bend , Neb. 710-23p \tTANTED-Aliritl cl M blackimlth , ot M ilcntamls maehlna forglmr. flood ftjoa anil texdy employment will bo Riven. Addrcsi Fremont "ounilry and Machine Co. , Fremont , Kcb. " 17-26 A\rANTKt ) Few persons to learn book-lccplnir. PoMtlons "September. " J. fl. Smith , Ifilfl iouglai St. 007-2lp \-\7 A > TTKI-Ono nrst-claw lirad laundress and two \ \ avUt&nti. Alao two fctub glrU. Apply at ho Couons. 670- WANTED- ( or general liauiowork , 61.1 south ISlh street. 010-28p A \7ANTKD A competent girl for general bouso \ \ work In smttl family ot aJtilU. Call at 43 'Icaunt Ktio t- Oli-tt WAKrni ) Immediately , to Canvassers at 003 N. 13th St. C03-3p WANTKD A good girl at 25U Douglas street. 401-tf W PANTio : Olrl at 1510 bherman a\enuc. Mrs. J. : M Cfliltumin B41 * tf WAHTKD. \\7AN1 HD-Sltuatlon br confectioner and pistrv > T man. Good icfcrcncc. Addrcta "I ! . 1. " IIco olllc- . TOj.iilp \\rANTKU-Kinplojmenl by n ccntloman ot hull- T i os experience , lleil catato or nther olllco oilt ptctcrrcd Mcro nominal salary will bo arcci tod. Address "D. " lice clllco. 770-25p I \ ANTED A situation as dry Roods clerk. Four V jcars' experience. Speaks German , Danish , Norwctflati ann Hiijliih. lletercnccs can bo ghcn AdJrcaa "II. 8. " Oimlia Dec. 747-23p VVAN1KU Aictltion b > a llrst-i.la > s laiv book T ) kcepor. Addrois" 3"lJcu olllcc. 45 tt 'AM'KD Sit latlon bv a young chambermaid Addrcw "L. \ , " Ceo olllco. 7 0 23p WANTED situation ly a joung man In some business ; has hid experience In drv goods epcaks English , German and Bohemian. Will work fur email wage ) at 11 o beginning. Address 802 south ISthnlrcct. JOStl'H 1'Ol.CAH. 7Sl-23p A good ttcady boy of 18 j caw , goo.l . habits am trusty , not afraid to work , uould like a { .option an helper In butcho Ing. . Hai uorkcdntlt a jear Address ! 211 < th ktrcet. Lien Ucltoii 733 25p 'astllon Inostorohya jounglidy o ple.ifant adilross , good education aid undoubt ed references. Wlllln ; to accept moru nominal salarj ( nr drat thrco months Addrces MUs Oldbam , Be offlct. 7l)3-2Jp ) AV oung married man ants situation as hook Vccpcr , In wholesale establishment In Omaha. Addrcsa "C. " care Boo. 890-tt WANTS. WANTED 1'irt of atmall house , or thico room nnfuruUhcd. Oood local tj. Kclerences ghcu "D. V. " Bee Oltce. 709 23p DUKsSJIAKINO-Ladlea to learn cutting and fit ting by the Taj lor sjstera. Emplojment fur nli > hod , tlioso who luarn thoroughly. lira. Corbctt 1013 Howard. 7iO 28p \l AM'hU Ihc oadrcBs of James and Clurlo Vl Oralc , gardeners , ( lata 6 , Lincoln , Nob. ) bj their father. Win. Cra g. D. I'alconer , Forfai Scothnd , N. U. 741-23 WANTED-S-J.OOO on tlrjt-class city eccnrity.fcr I j ears , at 0 per cent. Address Box 0/0 Tost' office. 700-tf VV7K olfor In lots to suit purchaser , eight hundrei IT choice lowauteeri. Ono hall \earolds , balano tw o and throe ) ears old , and a good smooth bunch. 21D-lin STltANGE BUO'S , Sioux City , low. "I17AN1E1J Boardera to know the St. Chirlos He T tel on Harney St. , between 12th and 13th wil 6 < t up the bone tabo ! board for $4 00 per w eek of any houaa In the city of a corresponding urico. 233-tf FOR UXHT--Ucuseo and Lota. ,7011 * HDNT A tlvo room cottage northwret cor J ? Capitol avenue ana 25th Btrcetn ; city water. In qulraat 2il8 Cipltol avenue. 771.25i > F [ KENT Ten roomed house ; furniture fo n sale until July 31st , 1721 Douglaj. 770-tf FFOH FOH HENT Private f jrcily have tvva unfurnlshet rooms near high school , suitable for two lilies or nranlcd couple. Use of kitchen. "S. L" Be olllco. IJ OHHENr House of 8 rooms , hall block south of tha U P. depot Inquire of M. Lee , Qioccr i.22 and.Leavenworth. 7J6-26p FOH KENT Hous of flvo roomn , modern Im provements , Dne location , 2J20 Chicago street. Apply uext door. 705-23 7011 HENT A store on 18th and Dorcas. Alai . ' Hooma. II. Hedlngton. 760 23p I poll HENT Newly furnished room ] with board a 1 1403 Cess M. - FOH HKNT Nice ntw 7 room cottage , Juet off re street car lino. $25 per month , i'otter & Cobb 1610 Farnam sticct. 748-tt FOK KENT Nicely furnished rooms wlthou board 1814 Davenport St. " " " fioil HENT A now Ihc roomed house. Inqulr SSlOLliieagoBlreet 760 2Jp FOll HENT A new 8 room houio. Inquire of Mrs. E Uoddis , 25th between Daveuportand Chicng streets. 713-2p FOIt RENT Nicely furnlnhcd rooms for frentle- muu , at (128 H. 20th street. 714 23p IjH > ll HENT August 1,1SS4 , the lauc stnre build JL' log now occupltd by Haincs Hro's , Nos 1313 1316 and 1317 Hamey street. Apply to J. 8. Mo Cormick. 71S 23p FOH KENT Two furnUhcd room' , central.-loca to ) , tultiblofor light housekeeping. Furnltur tor fale. Addroaa "Housokcepcr , " Bse otllce , 70J-2iip FOR HUNT-With board Iirgo front room with bay window , gas and bath room , at No. 1718 Dcdgo street. 40.2tp ) ITHJltllKNT 1'ivo roomcottaga withamplcgrouod JP on corner i2d and t'arijam. a , H. Uoanu & Co 721 tf TTIOHHEVT Houieon Hamilton jtrcct near Irene JO Flvo rooru , well , cistcin and cellar. Inquire 01 premises. 023-23 ] BWIl BEST New IIOUPO seven roorrs near High Kchool , 0 , F. Davis & Co. , 1503 Farnam St. 722-20 FOH HENT-Uouigacd stable. 20th and Hirney Sl.'i. Wni. L.Mxnroe , 6th and Douglas. C016 | FOll IIFNT IIou o and largo barn. ettlU fa FO horxcs , nn noith 2JthSt. Wm. L. Monroe , t.lfphono 331 , Otliand Douglu. 725 20p F IOR KENT Furnlehcd rooms 1810 Dodge Street FOK .KNT A five room ooltase , oor , Shertdau htreet and I'opplutou avenue , 81S.W per month Marker 4 , ilayno 457-tf ilOlt KENT I'uinUhcd n.om , with hoard , 181 ! 1 Dodite street. Mi-23p J7\OH HE.Vr A nicelyfurni hed front room , milta 1 Mo fur two gd'itlomcu. Heaionable rent to right parties. Irqulro 1010 Dodge street. H3 2J hKNT-Ktablu Inr rout utilli tor 4 cones ipOll 1 00 per month. 1310 Farnam ttrect. IpOltllBNT Six room oottaje , flno location , bv B. ' T I'd. mil , ti. K , oor. 15th and Douglas. 017-ti HKNT I'loiiant lurnlshod rooms to rnt to FOH gentleman , 1707 Catm vtrctt. 60vOp ITXiJl II * NT TWO new 0 room homes , very com- 1 pUto onubbck from 1'Aik ate. carl. AMLij , 1507 Farcam , KJ tt IIK.ST Koon.n la Cruunses IJIcxk. O. M FOIt . 512-tf , - < OIt HENT In bhlnn'i2d addition , now lio'Jtu , 4 1OIt 1- 1 roouw , part of douhl hou , full lot 81101 iwr month. Apply room 21 Onulm National lUnk llulld ing. T7V > K HENT Furni hed rooms at S27 Dodge Bt. J.1 437-lmp T7\OIl HENT. A turnUbid back parlor for two tx.r I1 ion at 1011 Dxlgo meet. ' July 7 , U. FOH RENT One grind square piano. Inquire cfE.lholm .odEilck on. 440 tf FOIl KKKT-.Vew house lullablu for h M or ' , n. lly biirdlng hoiu ,26 roouu. Do.lr.biv i .v .n-n & M ) n * , )3th and Farnam 420 U FOR KENT One good tlx ro m boow | 26. p r mo. 1 a.iLllltctoock , iij.u FOR RUNT MoaM 5 rooms good repair. NlCO yard , cittern water , ntnt lift per month 1411 'ark ' Wilde ate. Apply to Jno. W. Dell , DrutTRlrt. Oth St. 185-tl 1TOR RENT Rooms In Nfl.ru-a . ! National Bink 1 Building. Most detlnblo otllMs In the dty uppllrd with hydraulic elevator and heated by tf m. Apply at Bank eta tf FOR BALE. FOR SALE A stock of general merch\ndl o In Fllloy , Oago Co. , Nob. A good opening for any one wishing to engage In tmrintsf. For particular * rite to "L. & A. , " Fllley , Nib. 704-23p IpOd SALE-Ulack mlth and waion ( hop , tool * , etc. , and houiejidjoinlng. Two je rs loise with illvllrgeof nvo-il.HOO. For Kichango A grocery builncM , well located , doing a first rate business. Will excbango for city oil or property. Morse ft Bmnner. 74S-0 I poll SALE House ot 4 rcotnl , with lot 33x132 1 feet , near U. 1' . and D i M , depots 31,200. Small > a } mcnt don n and $20 per month. BEMlS , agent , 6th and Douglas streets. 744-28 Irton SALE OH IUNT : CHEAP-A new upright 1 piano at 84 ! N. 17th street. 711-24p IflOIt SALE At a great bargain , the Scott rest- 1 dence property , juit cast ot 1'ratt'a In Hanscom I'lace , Thin Is a very Heslrablo 7 room cottage and will bo sold at a sacrifice. I1AHKEH .It ttAYNE. 712-tt 13th and Farnam.I IT OIl SALE Oil THADK A B year old Kentucky -T horse 16 | hands high , gentle and kind , trots in 3 minutes untrained , also a now line sldo tar top rar > rltgo , C , J , Canan , 731-1 mo OH SALE A flno driving horeo , nniind and kind. X1 Any lady can drive him. Also a Dally & Mcadlm- bcr top buggy and a Concord Hirnoss , Will pell to gether or separate , at 2i7 a. 13th St. 004 tf SALE-Ornccry biwlness In ftooJ JL' pajlngvvell , Will rcqu'ro ' raiiltal of abouttl.OOO For particulars address ' -W. W , " thlsotllco. 030-lm I poll SALE-T o full lots , lth three llr tc ! . ,9 houses In good repair , on 3 W , c.rf. 18th and Canltol avenue. Hcnta for ? 2tOO , per v ear 672 tf (1. H. DOANE.VCO FOll HALE Boarding houio.furnlturo and Ilxturixi all complcto. Imjulru at 210 S. 10th St 62-2lp FOll SALE The American House , South Honil. Neb. Thu leading haul of the town Will Fell with or without furniture. Oood > ju lncm. OooJ reasons given for selling. Call on or nddre < i , \ 035-28p OKO. II. UcCAIN" , 1'rop'r. | 10ll HALK House of snvcn rooms and lot 00x140 1 ( cot , north 13th. nearSpruco street 0 D-i3p ' UIIAS. JOHNSON . FOHSAIjK AcholeadairyandRtock tirni ol iJOO acres , 20) ncrcs under cultivation , " 1 mllci trnm Hihcr Creek , Nob. , on U. 1 * . lUIUay , Uoud liuuse , o cam and lee houses , barnp , corral ) , ito. , or dalr- Ing and stock ralsdig I.vid Is will uatoicdand all choice Krass and pra/log l nd , with plenty ot ranpo ftdjolnliiK. 1'or ealo clieap. 1'ottirV Cobb , 161& FarnamBtrcct. S71-tl FOH SALE Desirable lots 85. down , $5 , p > r mo. H , C. Patterson , 13th and Farnam 675-23 FOll S\LE-Knilne9 ( now and second hand 10 h. p. 10 h. p. and 20 h. 1 . portable and etatl mary ; & \tu \ boilers ot any size and etylc. KlchnrJ t Clarke , U , 1 * U Y. bet 17th and 13th at i. Umaha. 619-tf FOll SAIiK A ptli tlngolilfn suitable lorasmill newspaper or jub olllco. Will boll for cash or ex change for Omaha City property. Address' X. ! < J" lice otllcu. -l tf Foil S.LK A to * choice youni Lnffsy and work hont's. Maine & UarKtr , St. llarj'a > \ cue barn. 453tf FOH SALE Largo lot on Park avenue. Alao hotigu and lot near ht Mary's avenue. Inquire 422 Con- > cut street. 437-lmp SALK Three of the best lots In Hanscom FOK place at a bargain 11 sold loon , i'otter & Oobb. 1615 Farnam. 031-11 TTlOIl SALE Cheapest house and lot In Omaha , In -T Pottcr'd addition , S rooms , well , SOD barrel cis tern , on t o lots , 100 feet front by ISO test deup , for 82,050 I'otter & Cobb. 1616 Farnam eticet. 4 1-tf TPO11 8ALK Cheap lots In Shlnn'8 2d odaitlnn. J ? KlrkwoodandrialnUew. Potter & Cobb , 1615 rarnam ttrect 423-U 'OIl SALE Two second hanJ pianos , at Edholm & ErlckaonV Mania Store on 10th St. KOO-tt FOR SALE Two open seoonil-nonil buggies raid ona delivery wagon , cheap , at 1319 Iluuey St. ESDtt MISCELLANEOUS. i/ANTED T o blacksmiths at onto0. . AJ T Turnrr& Co. , cor. 10th anil Haruey. 77S2 * A bank book and memorand 'm book b IOST J tween tno U. ' * . depots and residence , 1131 North 18th street1. ! The books cro u-clcsn to any ona V but the owner ; The Under will bo suitably rewarded by lea\Ii g them to Iho U. 1' . Freight olllco or Com mercial National btuk. E. B. Wood. 7/0 21 Aj oung widow wishes to correspond with a gen tleman who U traveling , going ta Montana or California IU > traveled ; or w uM keep house tor a gpntlinaii. Corrrspoiulence receive I until the 20th. Addrem lire "A. It K " Fiemont Ncb. 762-2ip BOAUUINO IIOUSR Good board and lodging al 812 north llth street. Also one furnished room for rent. 703 28p rr\0 THADE Choice residence In Council Blulls JL Iowatwo blxaks from Post otDcc ) for Nobrask land or stock.T. . A. H. " care Beo. 729 28p OMAHA , NEB , July 21st , 1834 'Iho partnership- heretofore existing between tbo undersigned , Li this day dissolved bv mutual consent. K A. KELLY , M. D. 731-23p CUAIILES A. WILSON , H. I ) . ' STUAYED OH STOLEN From City Hotel , cui > roan cow , flvojeirs old , right horn half brolcn off , A liberal reward will bo given for her return. Fred. Wlrth , proprietor City Hotel. 078-23u rpAKEN UI'-Last April , red and white yearling J. heifer. Owner can h.vo same by calling at 11. Uelbaus , cor , 24th and Uason , and paying chargeti. C45-5t-lewk JIUUHAY hugood pasturing. Spring water , 350. tf PHIVY vault' , sinks , imrl cesspools cleaned wltk eaultary cleaner. Matl > factlon guarantctd by F. O. Abel , ( nucco.eor to J. It. Smith , ) box 378. 291-lmn THE HULL rn Tlie Pioneer and Still Ahead. 100,000 NOW IN USE. Fa t jujwrseillng the largest o'd fashioned andrantia It lion the > lnipltiit and trust oBlcioiit etovo burners In ths world , and with new Improve- nifnts the easiest to operate. Absolutely late * itb Its iiattnt reservoir , now In u.o the mcoad evaeou without a tingle aco'dvnt. d for Catalogue , Prloa Ll t , Etc. UVltli VA.FOK SroVB CO. , CLEVELAND , 0 OPEKb FOR SECOND TEAK CUulcal , BclentlOc , Commorclal and Art menu. UHh MietadinltUd. Tuition low , i Ing cli p , U t ol ocl t.v. Fully equipped faculty XiTAddrow for particulars , ll < ir. W. W. Hantw D. D. I'ruldeal , or I'rot. O M , Do Illot * , Becr t rjr cl tb Faculty , U ll r e , Neb. . ly uc.Zg