Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 24, 1884, Page 6, Image 6

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    BLUFFS THURSDAlu JULY 2-1,1834.
TlmrsdavMorninp.Julv 24
KvCftnlcr . . - - - - - Wont * pet week
810.00 per } f r
No. 7 Pearl Street , Near Broadway.
See J. Roller's summer goods.
A. B. Keith , of the Crawford County
Bulletin , was in the city yostorday.
The street car track is being shifted to
to lot the sewerage -
one eido of Broadway so as
orago work go on.
The benefit concert of Miss Barbara
Morkel has boon postponed , Iho now date
to bo announced hereafter.
Mr. Harris , of Missouri Valley , not
the only and original , is talking of start
ing a paper at Silver City.
District Attorney Connor haa purchased
a speedy Denver horse , and will console
himself for his political disappointment
by pleasure drives.
The dear old lady gives as ono of her
telegraph headings , "Gen. Logan's Letter
tor ot Excoptanc. " Wonder what exceptions
coptions ho makes in accepting the nomi
nation. *
The claim of Mrs. Alice Wilson for
damages by water from the creek , was
hot granted by the city council at its lasl
mooting , as the city attorney reported
against it.
Fritz Kapp , formerly pastry cook at
the OgJon house , and John Allen , a
number of years a cook on the "Q.
road , have formed a partnership under
the name of Kapp it Allen , and will run
a restaurant at Chris. Schwengor's old
place on Main street.
W. 0. Erb , formerly senior member
of the wholesale fruit and confectionery
firm of Kcb A Dagaotto , of this city
died at the homo of his mother , in Ilnr-
noy , Md. , yesterday morning , July S.'td.
Mr. Erb has for a long time boon afllict-
od with softening of the brain , and lately
has boon hopelessly insane , so that his
largo circle of acquaintances in this city
while sympathizing with his wife , will
foot that death came as a happy release
to him.
Aid. Siodontopf , who is considered one
of the boat posted men in city finances ,
says that the city is in the best financial
condition that it has boon in for years ,
and that there ia no cause for the depre
ciation of city warrants. With this view
of the finances , there is no reason why
the city should leave streets only partly
improved , leaving water to stagnate , and
scum and frogs to take possession of the
Fourth ward.
J. W. Chapman , Dr. Lawrence and S.
Haas now want permission to lower the
sidewalk in front of their residences six
inches. Admiral James , of the flooded
Fourth , can hardly oppose the petition
of tor having had the grade at his own
property lowered. By some atrango hap
pening it seems that those who can hard
ly afford to do any filling are the ones
whoso property has to bo raised.
Street Supervisor Hard in by request
of the council has prepared a list of the
aink-holos and streets thateapocially ] need
prompt attention on account of stagnant
water , brooding cholera nna malaria.
That august body , the city council , con
centrating all its energy and intellect ,
has shown enterprise enough to refer the
matter to a committee , While the re
port is gathering dampness in its pigeon
hole , the obituary-writers will bo kept
The city officials are still advertising
asking "poraonaknowing ofony nuiaaiicea
in the shape of filth , stagnant water or
anything which givoa out nauseous or un
healthy smells to notify the olllcors , the
mayor or some of the aldermen. " If
Bomo of the time and money spent in
advertising for complaints was spent in
remedying the complainta already in more
would bo accomplished. They do not
need to advertise for complaints , but for
AMyatvrlouH CIIHC.
Yesterday afternoon a follow waa arrested -
rested on suspicion of being a confidence
man. Ho gave hia name as Tom Ed
wards , but had a telegram on hia pursoi
to Wm. Daily , about going to Kings
man , Kansas. It was discovered that ho
had a little girl with him , aged about
twelve years , whom ho hud left at the
Metropolitan hotel. The girl on being
interviewed said that the man waa not
her father , but that her mother who lives
in Sioux City , told her to
go with him , and that ho would send her
back to Sioux City to-day. Uo had told
her to call him "papa. " They had a
room together ut the Jiotol , and ho hod
bought her a now dress and a now pair of
ahoes. The man is being kupt in jail for
furrher investigation , and Ollicer Boa-
wick took charpnof the girl , who says her
name is Potrio Nell Lebourd. it appears
to bo a case of abduction or seduction ,
and will bo investigated cloioly.
Baehnell sulls railroad tickets cheap to
all pointa ,
Shlpmoiuaof Hlouk ,
The following were the shipments of
took from the union stock yarde , July
! > 3J ;
O ; Manning , 1 car cattle , ! JO head , to
O'Neill , Nob. , via N.V. .
W. Austin , 1 car hog , 01 head , to
Chicago via It. I ,
T , J. riloi , 2 cars hogs , 11(1 ( head , to
Chicago via 11. I.
D , A. Allen , 1 car hogs , ( ii head , to
Chicago via It. I.
B Ling & Co. , ono cir hoga , 08 head ,
io Chicago via Mil ,
8 an & Co. , 18 cars cattle , ! I05 head ,
io Chicago via H I. .
The genuine CItm < ! uiid hati will bo on
at Metcilf Bros. ' by the 25th.
Severn ! KvollltiK 8ii ( | il blit nt the
ClrctiH CroinulH.
Yesterday afternoon about the close of
the show there was a lively time at the
circus ground and there , was so many
rowa going on at the same time that Iho
mayor telephoned to the central sUtion
for all the police to como down , and re
ports of stabbing , shooting and clubbing
speedily wont up and down the streets.
The facts as nearly as they could bo
learned were that there were several dis
turbances and fights , but none of them
very serious , Ono of them is
said to have originated in a
peculiarly funny manner. Coroner
Council , who is also an undertaker , wai
looking at the giant in the side-show , am
passing jocose remarks. Finally ho
asked the ginnt if ho talked English
The giant , who is an Englishman , answered
sworod in Gorman that ho _ did not understand
dorstand , and Council , looxing him fron
top to too , made a facetious remark , perpetrating
potrating a pun on hia undertaking bust
ness , aaying. Vou'ro a big son-of a-gun
but I can lay you out , " Some of the by ,
slanders understood that ho said "If yoi
were dead , 1 could lay you out , " bu
howov r this might bo , the
puniahtnont duo to a man who
gets off a pun followed. The
giants not knowing whatConnoH's buai
nosa was were mud , and waa going to beal
Connell up. Thnn some of the other
showmen ordered Connell out. IIo re
fused to go , and a lively little acrimmajjo
followed , but no sorioua results occurred ,
and pence waa soon restored.
In the meantime five husky railroaders
readers in front of ono of the candy
stands got into some difficulty with the
candy butchers. Word * led to blows ,
and soon there waa a lively melee in
which eight or ton were con
cerned. In the fight ono of the
candy men , named Millpr , was
stabbed in the neck by a knife in the
hands of one of the outaiuora. The
wound did not provo to bo a very ao-
rious ono. The follow who did the cut
ting started on the run , followed by
others who chaocd him into the cook
tent , where a largo number of the
circus men were eating supper. In the
rush through the cook tent a table al
which the men sat eating wai overturned
and as the hot coffee and food wont into
their laps they jumpedupandjoinodin the
rumpus. The follow who did the cutting
was thumped aomo but managed to es
cape , and after a little flurry among those
left peace was again established.
There was also two minor fights in the
big tent during the concert , the difficul
ties being between the lemonade peddlers
and outsiders. The police had to inter
fere , and in ono caoo a revolver was
drawn by an officer. So determined
were the showmen that the officer should
not arrest ono , a lemonade man for
ppimding a boy , who had angered him in
aohio way.
Great Show Captures
the Dollars and Iho Onko.
Yoatorday was a perfect ono for a cir
cus day. Bright akioa , hot enough to
make the lunionndo vundora rich , calm
enough to quiet the norvoua ones who nl
waya aliriok nt the loaat flutter of canvnti
The parndo nrndo by Foropaugh in the
forenoon was pronounced by all na far
superior to any over made in this city.
There were over 200horaos in the parade ,
twenty-five olophanta , a drove of caniola
and innumerable other features. The
atroota were packed with people , and the
usual fakirs and street vendors found a
rich harvpat. There was the follow
Bulling little boxes of pens and
giving away chances to draw fabulous
amount of wealth. But the worst fraud
of the whole waa a aide allow which waa
allowed to rnako its stand right in Main
street , alongside of that solid financial
institution , Uflicor nnd Puaoy's bank. Jt
waa "only a dime to BOO thoonly genuine
mermaid over captured ulivo. " Thai
follow , with a big fat woman as an outside
advertisement , made moro money than
the bank. The mermaid might have
boon captured alive , but it waa ovidonl
that aho , or it , or whatever it waa , was
captured long ago , and died soon after
being captured. It , or she , was very ,
very dead. _ A sort of n dead give-away.
Anyone desiring to have n mermaid can
easily have ono oy Dotting nstuflod fish and
getting u head and .body of putty , and
thpn Betting it to soak in n tank. But
thia waa nothing to do with Foropauuh.
Ill's ahow drew a crowd at the buj
tonta , with n capacity for 10,000 people ,
were well filled. The menagerie proved
excellent. The white elephant excited
much curiosity , and while not so white
aa many expected it would bo , yet there
were some interesting points of dill'eronco
between that and the ordinary elephant ,
and ao strong waa the contrast that it
proved itsolt a great curiosity.
Mr. C. A. Davis , as true a gentleman
as over represented n show , grant
ed the newspaper gang any
courtesy through the labyrinth of oagea.
und attended to all the wunU and wishes
in making the entertainment pleasant ,
The only fault with the show was that
there waa too much of it. Two rings and
a great stage between , divided the at.
tontion until the observer could not toll
what ho was looking at , and In trying to
BCD a little of everything ho saw nothing.
The show not only captured the crowd
but pleased it ,
CalcliliijHnil. .
A severe hailstorm swept through
Crawford county Friday. It seems to
have originated in Willow township aud
not to have acquired much destructive
force until it reached Buck ( irovo and
Pretty Prairie in Washington township ,
whcro a track nearly a mile wide was
mowed through the luxuriant crops , cut
ting corn into pieces und threshing the
small grain. Jinny farmers In those lo
calities Imve aull'jrud ulinout a total loss
> f crops The route of the storm do-
Itctod and swept over Dolianc" , doing
considerable damage in the town. It is
said that after the storm cluuika of ice
eight inchosin circumrnronco were found ,
3ow City and vicinity Buffero- ' . some , but
he cni | > u in that suction will in a great
noasurn recover from nature's onslaught
' { oin H LJW City oorronpondent wo learn
lia . MoHnrs. E It JUmmoiiil , Alex.
Morton , Win. Morton , J , W. Carpenter ,
i\'in. DArrnw , F , Moyers , Stnhl , Win ,
Jodgell , 1'iworsock , Jees Wiley , Pom-
> rokr , J. Cuiroll. J. S , Dlo and on ,
Ohas. Talcott , W. B. Tulcott , Orvii
Wood and others loat their crops
Grace Bros , lost iiOO seres of wheat
and John Andcreou WM a heavy
sufferer. Poultry suffered a great deal ,
windows were broken and shinRlca bat
tered into splinters. Ono farmer whc
lost his entire crop gazed on the ruin nnc
remarked : "Tho Lord givoth nnd the
Lord tnkoth nwny , but ho taketh nwaV n
d d eight qulckor.thnn hogivpth.1 Tin
remark may shock' the sensibilities of
some , but it takes n very keen eye to de
lect the hand of Providence in n hnil
storm wl.on the bread is taken from ono's
family. [ Crawford Co. Bulletin.
J. M. Kilmer , of Noolu , wns In the city yes
I. Armstrong , of Itcd Onk , yesterday dined
at tlio Itoxcro IIOUBO.
MtR. McCIIntock leaves to-day for n shot
visit to friends in Missouri Vftlloy.
J. P. Full , n broker of Silver City , wn
nmoiif ; tlio .callers nt TIIK DRK office yostor
TIIK ] ? EK man lias known hlin from the day
of lonjf ngo nnd BO fjioaks of that whereof h
known ,
.T. W. liullor , of Neola , was In tlio city yes
tordny. JIo lion sold out Ills btisincm there
nml In thinking of going to Missouri Valley.
Mlfld K. TJ. Tllcklngcr , hlstor of A. T
I'licklngcr , left last evening for n vlult to th
"old folkn nt hoiro" nt Intlcpcndonco , Iowa.
Mr. John Sclioontgon roltirucd yesterday
from IIH Iluropoan tiip. If Ills hand and nn
> lo not achoon nccaunt of the welcome ho KO
lie in well-muscled.
J. C. Christy , of Silver City , n correspond
out of tlio Mnlvern Lender nnd ngent of tli
C. 1 ! . inmiranco company , was in the city yea
tvrday talking in the eliow.
S. S. Slovens , general agent ot the Hoc
Island road , nt Council lUiiUM , left the clt
last evening for n three weeks' trip to Call for
nlavhcrr ho will rust nnd recreate.
JVN. 3'licklngor , lCsj ( , n prominent nttor
noy from Wnyno , Nol ) . , wnq in the city yesterday
torday viBiling IIH ! brother , Mr. A l'1'lick
ingcr. Hu returned to ! IH home last evening
Olllccr Towns prospircd freely yestordaj
but stood it nobly while patrolling his beat
and had n continual sinilo for nil
cos , especially when hu handed out n ciga
and announced the CRMKO as being a now gir
in hlx family.
David Watts , who Is ono of the epoodice
nnd inout correcthandlers of cash and ticket
in Iho whole land , was hero with ! < 'oropaugh'
circus , lionidfs being a valuable man in the
troamiry dojiarluient of the big show ho i
withal a gentleman clear to tlio bono.
Attention , Alliance !
A mooting of Council BluIIs Alliance
will bo hold at the rooms of the Y. M
0. A. to-morrow , Thursday evening , a
8)0 : ! ) o'clock. All members of the
Alliance are urged to bo present , as wol
as all others who would like to join the
July 21) ) , 1881.
By order of
Two boys , 7 years of ago , were drownoi
in the Mississippi at Clinton , on the Slot
while bathing.
The contest between the liquor intoros
and prohibitionists in ICookuk haa com
.monced in earnest. Since the IAW won
into effect and until last week it wns un
duratood that nllsalooniata were comply
ing therowitn , but immediately after a
secret mooting of suloon-keopors las
week , several began to open the sah
of liquor. On Saturday an informalioi
was tiled against M. AV. Brown , of the
Stanloigh , and Tuesday onu against D
Ryan. The cases are being prosucutw
by the Law and Order league , and it ia
understood that others will quickly fol
low. The success of dealers in up-rivoi
towns in resisting the law has probably
had the ollect of inducing the saloon
keeping element at Kookuk to try it 01
a Kookuk jury. Many saloon-keepers
have closed , awaiting the result of the
trial of those cases. The best legal talon
has boon retained for the defense.
Sioux City Journal : The society
event in the Soudan yesterday waa the
wedding of Mish Fannie Stepney , alias
"B'ack ' Diamond , " lo John Schullz , i
gentleman who came from Sioux Poin
wood camp to claim his brido. Fannii
is as nearly black as folks are made
John is white , or was until whiskey
changed hia complexion to a lobstoriai
hup. The wedding wns intended f6r
quiet nll'iir in Justice Follis' ollico , but
the boys to the number of a hundred ar
loss , filled tha room where the
simple ritual of the revised cede made
the twain ono llesh of two colors. The
simple nnd unostentatious wedding journey
noy was to the shack on the alloy back ol
Davis' saloon , where Fannie has her
humble homo. The crowd followed fron :
the justice's ollico and qrowas it traveled.
A fragment of thia crowd peered in al
Fannie's windows , while the rest craned
their nocks from the sidewalks to sco the
goinga on , Mr. Schult/ appeared to beef
of a quiet nnd retiring disposition , which
bent may have been heightened by his
hearing that the crowd wai divid
ed in opinion as to whether ho
should _ bo tarred nnd feather
ed , charivaricd or ducked in the
river. Ho passed out nt the back door
and traveled rapidly , followed by a many
colored throng who wanted to look ut
him. The further John journeyed the
moro rapidly ho went , and when lasl
scon ho was headed toward Sioux Point ,
and ull but two of his followers distanced.
The blualnng bride remained to receive
the congratulations of her friends , while
lior bruiMiew husband waa boiiu ; run out
of town. Uor tongue wagged na rapidly
us U ita wont , while a Niagara of words
[ lowed out in which slip expressed her
fnith in John , and her linn belief in his
Now York Tiibuuo.
About a hundred yards from the Now
York it ilurlem railroad track nt U lute
Plains , surrounded by well kept gardens
and lawns , thickly dotted with trees and
shrub. , is the house of Stephen S. Mar-
thai ) , in avenue. Tht > houno is
painU-d yellow and is two and a half
stories high , A brick chimney stands
it each oud , liftiim ita top about four
'uot above the comb of tlio gable roof. The
chimney ut the east end of the house
ircsonta a shattered appearance , nnd
jricks nro missing from its top. The
ightuiug danced upon it on Siturdnj
evening ut 7 o'clock , and , after kicking
ho bricks away , entered the house by
ho attlo and aroused the in-
nates by tearing aw y the plaster-
' B tm the wall of the little
room , breaking the laths nnd splitting the
aluddiii" . A closed window did not lose
a pane of glass , but the molding of thi
casing was scorched nnd torn away , p
bureau lost its mirror and had ita back
mrtly torn off. Tlio bolt passed through i
ho bureau to the lloor and carried away
IScst and Most UcIbUc.
Endorsed by FHAXZ I.IIZT.
Unrivalled for Tone or 1'inlth ,
Best Modern 1'nco to Iluj.
The KimLnll Oraan , BO long nnd favorably known In tlio west , rncommonds Itsolf.
J. U HTKWAKTSolo ! Agent for above lilies of Goods. '
Council Jilulfs t , /t. . . . . . . . .n .tl nn. . ! l . . .1 4 I . Warorooiiis. . . A . ' 2'J Broadway
, lown. Cortciirandcncc Solicited. Agents Wnntod.
two square yards of colling in the room
bolow. A tall atovo stood in the corner
of iho room , and a copper tea kettle thai
sat on its top was sent rattling to the
lloor. A picture of the Orawaupam hole'
hung in the corner suspended by _ a cop <
pur wiro. The wire wus burncci in two
whorp it crossed the nail , the glass over
tiio picture was shattered into a thousant
p'ccca , and the frame was hurlot
across the room. A glass lamp full o
koroscno oil wns sent Hying into the coa
scuttle from its place on the mantel ; bu
the lamp did not break nor did the oi
Flashing down the stove leg the light
ning pcnotratoi the carpotctt lloor , tun
tn its descent took with it a square yarc
of plastering from the parlor ceiling
Mrs , Margaret A. Mills , aninmatoof the
hotiso , was Bitting on the sofa reading
when the pestering fell. She felt no
sensation whatever , but saw , as it weru
fire playing over the pieces of plaster as
they lay upon the carpet. Jt BOOH dis
appeared and she went to another par
oi the houao , remote from the rooms
through which the lightning had ontcrcd
and told Mrs. Marshall and Mr. am
Mrs. Shi'llinau ' , who wore sitting together
on the second floor , what she haa scon
All thrco said that they had scon tin
lightning playing about their foot ; Mrs
Sh oil man sustained n considerable
shock , which nearly prostratcc
her , and Mr. Shollman felt tha
his feet and legs were bonumboi
and ho was unable to move for a time
Mrs. Marshall felt nothing peculiar. The
servant girl , vrho was in the kitchen on
the first floor , felt her foot tingle and oho
thought they were "going to sloop. '
Mrs. Mills , who is a well preserved wo
man of forty , said she saw nothing like a
ball and that there was no explosion.
The lightning Boomed like flames o ;
whlto Cro , covering what it touched. The
gas became dim immediately after the
shook , but no globes on the chandeliers
were affected. Jack McKay , as insur
ance agent , was driving past the house u'
the time , and saw the lightning strike
the chimney. His horse seemed to be
much frightened , and was almost unman
The damage to the house , which is
handsomely furnished , is about § 300.
A Great Moral Show.
Detroit Krco Press.
Two or threp woeka atjo , n pedestrian
who was passing a house on Riopollo
street , hoard the sounds of a terrific
struggle going on , and as ho looked in a
the front dtor a boy about 13 years of
ago , who sat in the hall , quietly ob
served :
"It's only the the old folks , having a
little row , stranger. "
"Do they have em often ? " asked the
man.'Almost "
every day.
"If I wore in your place I'd stand ai
the door hero and charge ton conta ad
mission foe. It's worth the money to
BOO a family riot like this , and you mighi
as well mnko a few dollars as to lot the
chance slip. "
The boy said ho would think of it , and
the pedestrian waited ijntil the man hai
choked the woman as black as a plum
and then passed on. Yesterday ho
chanced that way again , and there was
another row going on ; and the same boy
sat on the door-step.
'MM BOO the show , " said the man , as
ho pulled out his wallet. "Has my ad
vice profited you ? "
"Stranger , I can't take your money , "
replied the lad.
"Because I'm n aquaro boy. For a week
or so every light in horpwasas square as
a dice and worth the price of admission ,
but as Boon as a crowd began to como ant
the gate money ran up to eighty or nine
ty cents dad and mam began to hippo
drome on the public. That blood on' his
nose was put thcro half an hour ago , ant
mam's black eye is throe wooka old.
They want mo to stand in with them and
deceive the public , but I can't do it. Lot
the bctt man win or quit the business is
my motto. Pass on , stranger , for this ia
a put up job to gull the confiding pub
MAIWKILLKS , July ' . ' 3. Twcnty.ono death
lant night.
Toui.ov , July 23.Eighteen dnaths. Snv
oral npntliuchnud threaten to close because the
city is distributing medicine free.
The AVashlmrno Memorial I/llirnry.
CHICAGO , July " 3. On account of nnpcr.v
live buxuiosfl onfjoccomcntH of Don , W. 1) .
Wiuhtmriip , nf Minnesota , and of the ill health
if K. ) ! . \Vnbhbiirno , of tills city , the dedica
tion of the "Washburno Memorial Library" at
Lho Norlands , in Llvcrmoro , Maine , which hnil
been tixuil for Autnist 27th,1m been postponed
until nuxt jear.
Whout-No. 1 willing , 76@8U ; No. 3 05 ®
70rojcct : dOO.
Corn Local pnrpoans , 4Q&45.
Oats Kor local purposes , :15@40. :
H y 810 00@1200 per ton ; b.Ued , DO@GO
Ky < > l'J@45o. '
Uurn Menl 1 30 per 100 pounds ,
Wood Good supply ; prices at yards , 0 00 ®
Coal Delivered , bard , 11 CO per ton ; soft ,
5 00 per ton
Lard FuirbanU's , wholesaling at OJc.
Flour City Hour , 1 C3 ( ) 30.
Brooms 2 05@3 00 per doz.
Cattle Butrhor cowa 3 CO ® J 00 , Butcher
atoern , nonu In inarl.Jt.
Slioen 3.60.
HoKd 1 00.
monucB AND xnniTS.
Quotations by J , M , St. John & Co. , com *
nlssion incrclmnU , KtS Dromhvay.
1'nuHrv him old hciH , 7e ; fi > rhij ( chickens ,
J 'S > ( a00 \ \ j > 9r doz. : live turkoyv , 'Jo.
IVttchen-i bun. bcx , 1 00.
IiUinoiLi u 00 per box.
llauaiuu2 O'Jyill ' 00 per bunch.
lliittor Croninory , 20o ; rolla , choice 9@10c ,
KKK 1J J'o ' * iloion.
VcKutnblen I'otatoca , 1 BOS2 00 per bbl ;
onion * , 7ro mtrbu , ; cnbbaRO.MX ) per do&oatInK
applns , 1.3 1m Imx , f,0c@l , ' > cooking 3 00 pu4
irli beam ; 1 C0@.25pur bushel.
Attorneys-at-Law ,
Office , Htln Street. Hooras I n < l 2 Bunrar * * He-
jiUhon't Block. Will prwtloo la BUU nJ P < dc l
NOTICE. Special ft vcrtltomonta , mo & test
FounJ , To loan , For Sale , To Uont , Wants , Board
Ing , cto. , will bo Inserted In tills column at the low
rate of TON CENTS 1'KIl LINE for the flrst Inscrtlo
and FIVE CENTS I'KH UNE for each Bubncqucnt n
Bortlon. Leave advertlaonionta at our offloo , No.
I'oarl Street , near Broadivnv
HAMi-A complete stock of ( rro.orlcs nn
nxturis In Couiiel nitiffj j a corner stor
iinda flrat clia- location , ciolnic airooJ buslnoiR , sat
Isfaotnry rcaeoni ghen for sclilnif. Address IkATIi *
& KOA. No. 810 South Main street.
OU > PAPEU3 For sale at BIB office , at 25 couta
a hundred.
WANTED Every body in Council Bluffs to tak
TinillKK. Uclhtrcd by earlier at only twont
ccnti \rcek. .
owline house , saloo
and lillllird hullIno business. Ailclrcts K
Ili-Kolllco , Council BlufTj.
Full 8AM5 CUKU'-Ortoiimr , a shop s'Htaljl
for blackstnlthliiK or waL'on-imklni. Innulr
No. 12 north Main strctt , Council
FOIt SALE. A Koldcn opportunity to got Into
lerfltlm'jto nml profitable Imiiiivis on oa
terms A uell established bakery III Council lllulT
for sain. Good reasons for selling. Address C. 11
J , UKK olllce , Council lllufTa
AGENTS Ladles and pontloincn can make flra
class wages by belling the "Champlou lioson
Strectber and ronlng Hosri ! . " Hctalla nt 11.00
Any lady can do up it line shirt nlthout n wlnL ]
and glna-j It as hlcclyastliohcuthuntlrlcHcan.Anilrcr
for pr.itlcularu C. 11. S. H. L Co. , IIBH office , Counc
ICE ! ICE ! ! ICE ! !
Tor pure river Ice patroclzo the blue wagon ? ml
sfactlcn Ruarantcod. Lca\o orders at No. 45 Souti
Main street.
Telephone No. 84.
Mrs H J H
, , , Hilton n ,
222 Mlddlo BroadTiy. Council Blulla.
FOR SALE Two largo lots with thrco raised
house' , and all lmpro\emenlB , bringing montnlj
rental of ? 24. 1'rice SI ,100.
Address L. , BEK OlCco
Railway Time Table.
The ( ollcminp ; are the times ot the arrival ouu departure
parturo ol trains by contra ! standard time , at the
local depots. Trali6 leave transfer depot ten mn
U.CB curlier and arrive t n minutes later.
6:30 : p m Chicago Express 9.00 n r
0:10 : a m Fant Mill. 7:00 : p ir
5:45 : a m [ 'Mall and Express , 1 : ' } p m
12:30 : p in Accommodation. a.jJO p m
"At local depot only.
10:05 : a in Mall nnd Kxpruss , 7:05 : p in
8:05 : p m 1'acllic Express , 5:60 : p m
6:25 : p m Express , O.C5 a m
B:15 : a m Express , 0t : > 5 p tti
6EO : p in AtUntic Express , 9:05 : a m
0:25 : K in Diy Express , 8:51 : p in
7:20 : p m * Des iloines Accommodation , O.C'E p m
"At local depot only.
0:55 : a m Hall , 4:45 : p m
1:60pin : Cannon Dill 11:15 : am
At Trannfer "nl
E:30 : p m Express , 0:50 : p m
0:25 : a m Pacilio Express , 9.05 a m
; 40 p m St. Paul Express , 8:50 a m
)120 ) a m Day Express 8:60 : p m
OMCIN i-Acma.
8:00 : p m Wctteru Express , 8:35 : a m
11:00 : am Pacifta Express , 4:40 : pin
7:40 : a m Local Express , 6:51 : a m
12:10 : B in Lincoln Express ,
At Transfer only.
Leave 7:20-8iO-0:30-10:30-ll:40a. : : ! : : m. 1:30-2:3 :
S:30-JSO-5:30-6:30-ll:05p. : : : : in Sunday 9:30-11:40 : :
a m. l:30-.3:30-D:30-fl:30-llJ5 : : : : : ( p. m. Ariho 10 mln
to before leaving time
A-TIE < Sc
Practice In State and Federal Courts.
Collections promptly attended to.
Itoom 9 , Schugart's Building ,
Justice of the Peace ,
Omaha and Council Blutfr.
Real oatato collection agency , Odd Fellows Block
mos. orricix , u. u. rnsir ,
Council I31ufll I'-
Established - -
Dealer ! In Foreign nil omostlo Exchange n
linua Ki-curltl
K , Eice M , D.
or other tumors romo\od wlthoaltbt
knlJo or drawing o blood.
OUT blrty yoaru practical eiperlence OXoo Ko.
I'enr trrct , Oounrll bluff *
rfrConculUtlcm tree
Scaled proposaU will bo received by
tlio undorsiinud ; till Augus 1881 , at
loon , for the building of the now Prca-
jyterian Church iu Council Bluffy Iowa.
Plans and specifications can bo seen at
the Bank of Ollicer & Puaoy.
Contractors , in their bids to utato the
> rico at which they will take the stone ,
trick and lumber of the old Church
The committee reserve the right to re-
ect any and all bids.
By order of the Building Committee ,
THOMAS Owimi ,
Council Blulfr.
H.H. HOENK & CO. ,
Wo mnko n specialty , nt our EASTERN factory , of FINE HAVANA nd
i AHA CIGARS. All Oigars aold by us are of our own manufacture and warranted
as represented.
SMITH & TOMjEIl , ARla ,
7 and 9 Main street ,
In Iowa nnd Nebraska , and sold for the least money at 337 Broadway , Council
Blulla , Iowa.
J MRS , D , A , BENEDICT , Manufacturer ,
Fun lii'ail'Urq '
urtalns , In Lace , Fl'lr , Turcoman , Etc. Oil clothn.iMattings , Linoleums Etc
hoicost and Best Selected STOCK in the WEST ,
omo and bo convinced that wo headquarters for nil goods in our line.
Jheapcst place to buy CARPETS , Curtains and House Furnishings in the
Cty. Upholstering nnd Bedding Supplies.
Mail Orders Filled Promptly and with Care
The Best $2 a day House in the West
Centrally Located.
Sample Rooms ,
First Class Table ,
All Modern Conveniences.
Recmced Bates to Regular Boarders.
MRS. S. J. NGRRIS , 105 Main Street , Council Bluffs.
To be sold regardless of
cost for the next two
weeks to make room for
Pall G-ocds.
J. J. AUWEJRDA , SlTBroadwav , Council Bluffs
Furniture and appointments all now. Noa. 208 and 210 Broadway , Council Bluff
Waves three inch part 65c , Coquetts lOc each , Switches
$1 to $20 each. Hair ornaments given with every pur
chase , All kinds of hair work promptly attended to ,
Waves made of Ladies' combings at 50o per inch ,
MRS. J. J GOOD 29 Main Stree
Nbs. 2 17 and 219 S. Main St. , COUNCIL BLUFFS
3,000 Elccttlc Belts Sold In the Month ot Juno by U3.
References Any o the Lu.lno liousce In Council JiluIId. JUDD & SMITH Propiietors.
Metalic Caskets and Woodin Coffins of all Kinds.
3NT. TVT/xlaa. K3t. , Oo-u.xa.oil
50i Main Street , Council Bluffs.
SAMPLE CASKS n specialty. Shawl , Tourist , and Trunk Straps.
Pwontj Years Experience. - - Repairing Neatly Executed
A ud 3(4 ( Broadway , OOUNOIL BLUFFS , IOW