OMAHA DAILY BEE-THURSDAY JULY 24 , 1884. THE OMAHA BEE Omaha OtHcc , No. 010 Farnnm Ef. CrtuiictlBltitT * Offices , No. " 1'carl St BtrcctNcarBrtRd\v jr. ' | New York Oinec , lloom O5 Trltmnc Building. | roblUbd Trrr rrornlni ? , * eroept Bandaj * Tb ( on ! ) Monday morale ; dailj , mn ETKJUU Om Tear . (10.00 I TbrM UonUil . f3. BlxMcmuu . 6-W I One Month . LOC Per Week , S Cent * . ran TIIEIT in , rnuuiu rui rtcnuAr. THUS rOSTTllD. OntTear . tf.00 1 Thru WonthJ . I M BUMonths. . LOO | One Month. „ . M American News Company , Bole Aentr , Newsd'eil ' a.l la UM United StaUi-S oounronnn. J AD Coramnnlcalloni relating to News ml Wllorta i * Mters should boaddremed to tht Ewros or TBI All uu < m ttwri 'and tlotnlttanoel 'ihonld b uu.wHnd to Tn Br PcBUm9 OonriKT , q"iu Drafts , Chock * and Portofflce orderl to bs madi pay abls to the order of the oompanr. TBE BEE PUBLISHING CO , , PROPS' ' E. ROSEWATEF. . Editor. A. n. nt h. Manager Dally Circulation , P. 0. Uoi 6ISpiiaha ) Keb. Mu. STORV , of the Chicago Tini'8 , ia not dead yet , but the lawyers are already trying to appropriate his estate to their own benoGt. TIIE anti-monops of the Sseond dis trict are playing poasum just now. They are waiting for Jim Laird to bo re-nom inated by acclamation. THK Chicago News vary nenubly say that the fellow who attempts to create i cholera scare is a brother of the idiot who shouts "Fire ! " in a crowded theatre By the way who will be the running mate of Ben. Butler on all these variegated gated tickets. " How mny vice presi dential partneri does the widow propose to dance with in thit quadrille. CoNOUESIMAK Wr.AVEH , of the Sixth Iowa district , is following tha example of Bon. Butler by capturing all the nom inations within his reach. Ho has been nominated for congress by the greenback and democratic conremions. OENEKAL SiimiiVN caino in modestly through the back door at the Minneapolis Grand Army reunion , but Paul Yander voort , who was never within gunshot of a rebel , nmched baldly at the head of the procesiion to the tune ] of "Marching Through Georgia. " THE correspondence that hai been co- ing on between the White House and Windsor ca&tle with reference to the north pole expedition is perhaps all right upon its face , but there b no telling what it may lead to. Vie lot ia is a widow and Chester is a widower. IT is eajd that Gancral Lozin open the campaign at the Grand Army reunion at Minneapolis. We hops the report is untrue , as it would be unfor tunate for this orgsnizition to be turned into a party machine. So far it hu man aged to steer clear of politics , and carry out the objects for which it was organ i7 d , namely , to keep alive the memo ries of the war , and to promote the ia teresU of the soldier. THE weitsrn states this year will , without exception , b ) blessed with more abundant crops than ever before known. Iowa , Kthruka and KuDBis particularly trill coma to the front with an immense yield. No larger corn crop has ever been raised in loira and Nebraska , and Kan- aas , which has had a _ succession of great crops , will this year produce 4 8,000,000 bushels of wneat , an excess of about 10- 000,000 buihels over last year. Illinois , Minnesota , Wisconsin , Dakota and Missouri also report immense crops , and advices from California shovr that tbat elaVo will have the greatest harvest In her history. This means protpcrity /or thowholo county AXD now the young men of Omaha pro pose to orgauiza a Bliiao and Login club to be composed of personi who have re cently attained thsir majority. While wo have no desire to discouraga enlist- rnotits under the Blaiuu and Logan banner we question the wisdom of organizing BO many different clubi In this city. Wu now have a cantral JMiiiio and Lo aii club , which affords ample scope for the ambi tion aud energy of young inea. This club ought to include every activj repub lican in Omaha. Until that club has at least 500 members , or what would be vqual to about ono fifth of tha party vote in this city , no diversion into now clubj will strengthen the cause. It will bo timf ) to organize auxiliary ward clubs two months hence , when the active campaign in the county will begin. PUU.SIDKJ.-T AitTiiun has called for the resignation of General Longstroot AS United Btates marshal of Georgia , owing io irregularities in his ollico which can not be explained away. It is high time that General Longstreot should be rele gated to private life , it ha been a blot upon the republican parly tbat a man like L ngstreet , educated at West Point at the national expense , who turned traitor and betrayed and assailed the flig which ho had sworn to defend , should have been kept in lucrative positions over since the close of the war. The Lougitrcet * and the Mosbys bavo for years been a con etant reminder of broken pledges made by the republican party and its leaders in cvory campaign. It has boon the boast of republican * that the uulou soldier and sailor should ba given preference over all others in positions of honor , profit or trust. In the light of these pledges the rotcntioii Lugttreot in a five thousand dollar office was not only an insult to loyalty , but presumptive proof that party platforms anJ political pledges are sham and a fraud. X AOEKTS. Ir there ever was a set ofsharks in th country it is the pension attorneys wh make it thtir business to prey upon th soldier. As a rule these attorneys at an unscrupulous sot of men , and tak every advantage of the pensioners. Co ! encl Dudley , the commissioner of pen * ions , is kept constantly busy in protccl ing the pensioners from these birds prey and with all his watchfulness he is not al wsys successful. Some of these pcnsioi agents have been exposed and disbarrei from further practice before th department because of their illegal extor lions and irregular proceedings , and i was thought that the rest of then would keep within the limits of decency It seems that congress at its last sessioi added to the appropriation bill a changi in the law governing the fees to ba al lowed to pension or claim attorneys it projecting claims before the department This change allowed the payment of i fse not to exceed $25 , the amount to b ( discretionary with the commissioner 01 pensions , and no part to bo paid until th < illowanca of the claim. Heretofore tht fee was § 10. The increase wai made at the urgent request oi Iho attorney * , [ who claimed that the fee in many cases was lets than the ictual expense incurred. It was under stood however , and so stipulated in the ict that the increased fee should only bo illowed by the commissioner after being igrced to by the president. Xo sooner , lowever , had the pension bill become a aw than these men flooded the country rith circulars , stating that the law had ncrcascd the allowance of attorney's ees , and that instead of $10 they rero entitled to $23. These cir- ulars were so worded as to lead be pension applicant to believe that e must pay $23 whether he desired to o so or not. ' In coma instances it it lid these attorney ? even demanded an dditional payment of $15 from thcee ! nt had previously paid $10 before their [ aims would bo further prosecuted. This trick has been brought to bo attention of Commissioner Dudley , ho is naturally very much incensed ver tha matter. To prevent pensioners rom being swindled by these rascals , Commissioner Dudley not only proposes j deal severely with the offenders , but .is determined to prescribe a regular orm of agreement between attorney and Itimant , properly sifjned and witnessed , bo idea being to let the pensioner know xactly what the law is. The agreement rovides against any extortion being prac- iced , and tha pention claimant need ot pay any fee more than he egrets to , nd in no event over twenty-five dollars. mEFIKEMES'S TQVRSAMESl The tbratka State Firemen's Tourn- .ment Uu.t it being held in Omaha prom tes to be by all odds tne matt brilliant ifiir of the kind that has ever take : IACB in Nebraska , Visiting firemez rom all the principal cities ia Xebr&ets ad all the neighboring cities in Western jwa are in attendance , end the gather- ig is certainly a notable one. The maha fire department and tne citizens 5r > erally extend a hearty welcome to the illant firemen and promise them an en- yable entertainment duri ng their stay the cit . These tournaments should be cncour- ; ed in every posiible way as they tend promote the interests of our fire de- irtmeats , which are &o essential to the election of life and property in our ties. The fire companies are mostly ilunteer organizations , and are com- ) sed mostly of busiuois men. They are , erefore , organizations of eminent spectability. There was a time when ba a fireman was to bo put down as a u or a bruiser , but happily the fight- 2 element hat long ainrx ) pissed ray , and the fire companies of to-day 0 generally taido up of men whoso ; hting qualities arc directed toward the rnmon enemy , fire. The attendance at the tournament is 1 evidence of the growth and progruta the towns in Nebraska aud western wa. There is hardly a town of 2,000 habitants that has not a well organized o department with al ! modern ecjuig- enta for Iho extinguishment of fire 10 visiting fireman will find in Omaha a ipartmont taat ia as well organized and [ uipped as that of any city of equal size the United States. JANE Gucr SWIMHKLM who died her homo at Bvrissvah , Penn- Ivania , oil Tuesday , was cno of the est reraarkiMo women of this country. lie was born in 1815 in Pittsburgh. At i early ago she dovolonod a high order 'literary talent , and in 1815 oho bo * kino the editor of the Pittsburgh tint- rday VMtor. Kho hold this position ir nearly eleven years. Her editorials L that paper always attracted widespread .tontUn , aud gave her a reputation as brilliant writer and logical thinker , i858 uho had editorial charge of the St. loud ( Miimesati ) llxltor for siz lonths , after which aho conducted the t , Cloud Jcrn'Krul for aomo time , ho WAS a freij'iont contributor to 'oal'g Gazette , the Dollar Newspaper , id Ctim'mercldl Journal , arid during 10 later years of her lifo to the Now ork Tribune , the Chicago Tribune. id other leading newspapers. In 1833 In , Bwushelm published "Letters tu ountry Girls , " and boaidus this she has ritten several other books of a practical ni instructive character. She was a ; roug abolitionist , and employed her n iu the cause of freedom with marked [ foot. Bho wai also a staunch ndvosata f woman'a rights , aud reforms of all luds. No woman in this country , except arhapsGail Hamilton , could write more i nously aud clearly upon political ubjocts. Mrs. Bwlssholm wai thorough * y pasted on all political subjests , and rai not afraid to express her opinions , which wore always clear , terse , and for ctble. A xrw use for the electric light ha been discoveredIt is claimed tbat th electric light M an insect destroyer ha proved a marked success. Flying insect are attracted by it , and they fly directl. to it from long distances and perish li ita flame. Already fruit raisers in Lo Angeles , California , are using the elec trie light to destroy molhes and flics tha invade their gardens and vineyards , am now the cotton-planters of the south pro pose to employ it for the destruction c the moth which produces the bolt worm a destructive enemy of the cotton-plant One electric light will do for 20 acres and it is estimated that the cost of lighti for a large plantation will be more thai paid for by the increased yield of cottoi resulting from the destruction of worms Tun exposure o ! some of Cleveland1 ! festive capers has cauted an investigatior into Blaine's private record , and the re sult is that the smelling committee an nounccs that Blaine used to play pokci and once got broke. In the great n tional game that is now being played he holds four aces. His past experience , in the language of Bob Shcnck , will prove of some benefit to him. Mr. Shurz gives a curious reason for the return of his St Louis newsoaper , the Wctflichs Potf , to the Blaine camp. Ho says there are two other German newspapers in that city , both demo cratic , and that ho feared another re publican paper would be sUrted if hi ; continued hostile to the party. Tais explanation does not place Mr. Sebum 01 liis paper in a very enviable light. PanlVandervoort , o : the Grand Army of the Republic , asiures a correspondent of the St. Paul Pioneer Prrt that the republican ticket will carrj .Nebraska , Tais ought to entitle him to s leather medal and a life position some where in the pay of his bleeding country. Mr. Beerbower is holding tem { erane meetings in Iowa. Chicago Herald. This must bs oar Vic. Bierbower. POLiiriCAL POPCORN. The FpoDs will sosn be trembling in the bsl e * . Xow , Black Jack , get out your dretpsi d < Blkine it to Clei elmd t § aa etactric Hcbt tea a Ulkiw-dip. lloll oat th" grind old birrelsrbo e hoop ! acit * ; the free. JTJolraoy McLeis It tLe bipgwt toid in tb Ohio Dt nocriktic puddle. Chunpum j inet * are reminded th&t a pee : rrhme ic-r Blicc Jack it haid tict. Tirm far tli cbatupaipn lie § uppeur to b lyit-K wtrund uk i { they vere tirbd. I - in ruroortd tbat tbe Widow Butler a j me tbe democratic parly lor biech o ! pr& uili-e. In tbe nz > nd ol tern entirely pro t , tbi hrouui it mightier lain tba Mr. Hendricki will have no beiitution ir mncinp ofm tbe democratic pl&tlorm. It it J an UKf need. Will Mr. Blutae Idndly Inform tbe ctrantrj how zxiuur paun ji bf weight in bin stocking feet vith bit auut oiJ ? Yet povrrncr of lla'bachuhstti en the dem- cratic ticket Penjamin K. hnt'er Platforui : If I cui'i tuke Uie < u.rti 111 take pie. Tre d'luocfatic Uctet can't turnb'e over It it tn d'-l < d tertbe ttyc" the rubber Dutch wotn&o. wiib th preite't welgut at Ibs bottom -PUladduhU CtlL McDontld , o ! Indiana , protests that bo ijowu't lutl sortat ail. but we have It on on- doubted authority tbat be won't be able to tit in anything h&rder tban an air cushion tor at ulity d&yi. Th" two beet paid organUU in tbe country are both in Now York. One edit ] the orpan n Trinity cburcb , and Ret $3,500 a year. SVe lo not know what iaUrr ii paid Ueurgo VTI1- Iain Curl IB , but it ii a Ug one. We viol its no confi lance when we etate .hat C'louel Henry Wattereon is anxious to r.iile off hn s lUiot-ttyfwl poddem of reform wtli r f'r a liatjy elcpbant or \Vateibury W3t.h. rhil del ; < hln I' < oss. Bella wriU-e : "What is tbs Independent > artj ? " It IB a patty who rfon't owe a cent iud who can gt money at bank whenever he wutiti it. lltjin just the kin'i of an old party tbat mu t of UK Mould like to bo. TiMnn biwu't oent llpiidrlcki anyxslvofor it * BQIU too at > t , though Thunias liaj had hi ) ar to tlia tulcph'jueuxcry ' Ijlmneil tninutu i-ince i wan noinliiHtp. Tbe wire * iuu t ba down jstwi-eu ( iraui rcy and Iiiciima | > olln. Governor Abbott , oi New .Icr ey , In liU psuchln Chlca i , callu 1 fur a platform broad iiooplt for tuery cleiiiojrut in tha country to tanu on. Tlia governor ludn't ciht hi * eye uu tbe feet of thedeJuxutoa from Texan. Hull r acccpte'l n Kreenbackera" n unlcation or proi'ilout , nd yet ui a del > Kate to tha mi- loml democratic c mention bu voted aud rurk&l for livyard , ODD nl tlia Etrongnt op- ' ' " iu the , Kineiiti of 'Kreunbickiiiu" country Jt In current'reioHol ' tlut John Kelly wai fceeu tw'ngliift a CO p.ut-d war-cluh a < , 'amm nj Hull , anil ( iiaity w * Rrlndiuc up a ir wl'Cuo 'j touikliawk , wlu'o ' all the wlilcuk- In and riKaioro WO'H dauciiiK tbo neap ance. All wcro unlfcrtued In binsca'tljuta ud eaglu IcaUier/ . Oennral Itublcund Ho ccranii dnclnreu that le could have swept tbo country If the demo- raUoulcl have nominated him. The ilcm- iKr'ita don't want to sweep tbo country , how- liver. Thulr tchoino I to iisoop it into a big nud hang it up to dry. Allen ( i. Thurraan , of Ohio. Un't mad Ither , the wuy inattera turned out at Chi- ago , though ovary tlma tbat Mr * . Thurinam ia iiKikinl at bin red liandmma handkerclilefi loco then bhu is nurprlied to find how many uf them have thu corner * chuweil oil. A IUD OMKN No man wbone eurnamo bo- RIIH with O hai ever been elected president. A WOILSK -I'emuyhftniu uuter cant her electoral vote for ft defeated candidate lot jrcwlclent yet. THK WOIIST or ALL Bon ButlorU still shoo- lyliiK over the country. AND THK vsiir AWKULKST OK ALL of THS Jiihn Kvlly U honing up bin tomahawk. fhero'll bohaJca aud halr-raUing before No- vcinbor , Well , it' none of our funeral. J.tit the corp o iKratubulttts. If It Isn't inrlej pretty noon , wo'U luvo the cholera , Hurc. Colorado I'olltlcM , it. I niU Globc'Democrat. SountorlliU'dtitrm expires next March , aud Seorotury Toiler would liku his ilnco. But Mr. Hill manifesto no in- : liuatlon to atcp down and out. Quito the contrary. After the presidential campaign has boon carried through tri umphantly , ox-Senator Ch flee may loom up again. Colorado is utiliolod with the dirtiest politics in thu United otatcs , and the partisans of the various candidates are already calling each other liars. Happily thu thro * mon named above are cluauttr than many of their adhenmta. Mr. Teller stands butter in the opiniou of the country than when ho became secretary , and Mr. Hill has done some thing worth Mflalo iu advocating postal telegraphy , WEST OF THE MISSOl'JII. The failure of congress to pass the bil repealing the timber culture and pro-etnp lion laws anJ amending the homesteac law is the greatest boon of the year t < speculators in public land. It is a fac easily proven that the timber cultur Uw was particularly beneficial to SDCCU latora and productive of enormous frauds Where ono settler went to woric to hon esily carry out the provisions of the law ono hundred swindlers took advantage o it to turn a crooked penny by ( also oath and forced documents. The law hai been a practical failure from the outset It was easily enough to carry out the letter of the law for the first three yean but the succeeding five years doubled the labor and eventually overwhelmed the settler of limited means. The specula tor , however , finds no trouble in com plying with the law for a year or two , and then sells his claim for a good rounc sum. sum.The fact that concrcts hu taken stops io repeal the law his resulted in the for mation of numerous parties in cities anc towns in the west with the solo object o : taking timber claims in Nebraska anc adjoining states and territories. The usual method of the speculators is to send an agent in advance to select the sections in which the claims are io be rawe , and after complying with the pre liminaries of the law , employ a man to tske care of the claims , the expenses to ba maintained jointly by the pirty. If the bill repealing the Law should pass at the next te&sion of cocgreis thef-o claim : would immediately double in value , and sell reidily , piving the holders a hand some return for their time and expenses. The negotiations for the wla and trans fer of the Blair syctcm of roads in Ne braska to the Chicago & Northwestern stopped the trork of extending the main line beyond Valentine The change ol ownership having been fully completed there is a good prospect that work will be resumed at an early dsy. The Sioux City Journal has good authority for the statement that 100 miles of the rosd be yond Valentine will be graded this year and the iron laid early ia the spnng. The certainty thai the line would be built has enobursged a large number of intending settlers'to push on thead oi the road. It is said that all good land contiguous to the line in Cherry county has been taken i and the tide of immi- crants h&s pushed far into Sioux county. The grading of the road-bed the present year will be a great boon to settlers in the neighborhood , &s it will furnish em ployment to a large number , and aid them in diminishing the usual hardEhipB of the first year in a new country. The Union Pacific land department re cently closed a sale oi 450,000 acres oi land in Wyoming tu the Swan Land and Cattle company , a corporation which ie now considered the strongest and wealth iest in the west. This land embraces all the railroad land north , to the twenty- mile limit , from a point near Niser sta tion , and weit tothe Platte river near Ft. Steele By the provisions of the sale the present settlers on tht land can purchase what they now occupj at a "reasonable price. " Another company has been formed in L&ramie , called the Albany County Land company. This company , The Boome rang cayc , is composed of local capital ists , whose main object is to benefit their neighbors and help them retain ranges no r occupied by lease. This corpora- tionhaspurchasedaboutGCO,000 acres and will sell the lands to actual present set tlers , and parcel out those not already applied foito be sold to small purchas ers with a view to Bottling up the country and developing her resources. If this company acts in in good faith , says the ' jouicrang , and disposes of these lands jnly to such as will cultivate and utilize hem to the best advantage , the csult will prove n means of nateral advancement. The peo- ) le of Albany county do not visit to be placed in a like situation with hose of our neighbor , Lirainio , on the uast , where every rood of railroad land las boon already gobbled up by four giant corporations , to bo used solely for ho further enrichment of n few wealthy tockholders. Amont ; the gontlomtm onning the Albany County Land comp- ny nro Balch & Bacon , Strgont. llomur ; Evans , J. W. Donncllau , DouglaR , Villan & Sartoris , 0. 11. ilutton , A. 'racing , Charles Ilccht and Colonel IS. V , Downoy. The agent of the land department at Choycnno says ; another syndicate la bo ng formed to purchase n largo body of ind south of Albany county , in Colura- o. This too , will bo composed of pros- tit occupants , who , by pooling their iieans , can secure the laud on lower crms than if purchased in small tracts , 'ho railroad company is desirous of sell * ig all thosu lands in a compact body , nd the present holders urged to act at nco , if they dcsiro to secure them on ad- antagoous terms. The railroad company evidently in- ends to dispose of all lands in the terri- .orios as rapidly as possiblo.oither iu larger r email quantities. There is a double icontive for this : the certainty that ongress will compel the company to take ut patents for the lands , making them nbject to local and genera taxation , and [ in necessity of replenishing the coin- lany'a treasury. Thu method of sale doptcd by the company is beneficial like to seller and buyer to the former n disposing of good and bid land in iulk , and to the latter in securing the and at lower prices than could bo had ndividually. The members of the syndicate recent- y formed for the purpose of constructing railroad from Cheyenne to the Yellow tone National park , are now qn the ; round investigating the route of the iropoaod road. The syndicate homo and oreigu capitalists , amout ? whom are Hon. Alex. MacNab of London , England , I. A. Stvarni snd L. J. Shoemaker of Vilkosbarro , Pa , II. M. Munsell and Jdwin H , Trafton al Now York , II. Gray of Pennsylvania , A. 0. Apgar of Trenton , N. J. , and John II. Bothvrell of ftjw York. The company is already or ganized under the name of the Wyoming c Yellowstone Park railroad & Davolo. iinont company , with a capital of $10- 100,000. While the members of the company are very reticent , it u under load that a consolidation will ba effected with the Ghoyumie , Black Hills it Mon tana railroad company , which was incor porated about three mouths ago , aud a railroad be constructed from Cheycnn to North Liraroie. thence westward wit a final terminus at the Yellowstone Na tional Park. This movement is justly re girded as the greatest enterprise over in augurated in the Territory since the con struction of the Union Pacific railroad. The retirement of Ordway from th governorship of Dakota brings int greater prominence the territorial cap itol question. With the two rival citlc of Yankton and Bismarck , claiming th honor , with the territorial officers abou equally divided , the new governor wi find the task of harmonizing both fac Uons au impossible one. The now cap itol building at Bismarck is about fin ishcd. It was rushed to completion b mon whoso chief ambition was to "go there" in the briefest possible time Bismarck has nine points of the la * and a decision of the supreme cour in its favor. This latter fact will sottl the governor's residence. But th question of where the legislature wi ] meet is the rub. The Rapid City Jour nal says the members elected in Yank ton and other southern counties will no go to Bismarck , and it is just as cirtair that members elected in certain parts o North Dakota will not go to Yankton. I is extremely probable DikoU will have the interesting spectacle of two leeisU tures in session in the territory at one and the same time. There is no reason to suppose that the animosity cf ono sec tion sgiinst the o'.hor will be overcome to such a degree that any compromise between tbe representatives of both can be accomplished. The war will probabl ] be carried on , each legislature ( so-called will pass bills , and the governor , whoever he may be , will bo called upon to sign , veto or ignore them , as in his judgment may seem best. In cither case the now gavernor will not find the gubernatoria chair a soft one. The cattle shipping eeason has absu commenced , and by the 1st of August will be under full headway. The now Omaha Stock Yards will ba opened later in the season , but in time to entertain a large majority of the cattle of Nebraska , Wyoming and Colorado. The Cheyenne San claims there will be a slight falling off in shipments this year , compared with last year when the total reached 148,012 head. This it ascribes to "tho fact that thn shippers are depending more on their own raising , and the drives from the west are falling off. The drive from Texas is larger than ever before , aboul 350,000 head coming in. The Wyomiuc association have their inspectors stationed at Omiha , Council Bluffs , Pacific Junc tion , St. Paul , Valentine , Mandan anc Wiles City , and are ready for the cam paign These inspectors saved 1,210 heac of cattle last year , all estrays , valued a about $40,000. " An important discovery has been made on the Jencks farm , three miles from Yankton , Dikota. While boring an ar tesian well a four foot vein of coal was struck , at a depth of 240 feet. This is the fifth stratum of coal pierced by the drill in that diRt&nce. The first of the four veins varied in thickness from one te thruu feet. The last struck proved the best of all , both in quality and quantity. The small pieces taken out burned freely without any traceof sulphur or sign o clinker , mid contains 85 per cent of pure coal. Mr. Jencks proposes to sink a shaft ut an early day and develop the mine. The managers of the Northern Pacific have been negotiating for some months with home and foreign capitalists with a view of establishing a line of ocean steamers to run between China and Japan and Portland , Oregon , aud diverting a portion of the ocean trade from San Prancieco. Eirly in March the Northern Pacific managers sent an agent to Hong Kong to earn whether a cargo of tea could be se cured. They intended to charter a steamship , run it at full speed to Port- and , discharge the cargo into freight Mrs which would bo waiting , and cend hu train on passangor schedule time to Chicago , making the fastest trip on rec- aid. Thu matter was kept A secret , as hey did not want the Pacific Mail to earn of their intention and block the amo. Seine hitch occurred and nothing : aino of this first shipment. However , ho agent kept on in Ilia investigation oi irospuctiva trade. His report was so avorably that capital was raised in Lon- lull to establish a steamship lino. 11 will un to Portland , Oregon , and to Puget mind in connection with the Northern 'acilie. It is understood that for the iresont on or two of the present "ocean ramps" now to ba had in Hong Kong vill ba chartered for this service. This vill cauao bo a healthy rivalry for a hort time , to bo followed by the usual nonopoly programme a pool by which ho spoils of trade will ba divided. The Northern Pacific evidently wants a bonus rom the Pacific Mail. A I'rCHkloni'j UHUU. few York Dial. While Mr. Blaino's past life will not > oar the testa for the highest morality , ither personal or official , a man of the vorld who is acquainted with mon and heir motives will very easily concede hat Mr. Blaine at the summit may bo a r'ery different man from Mr. Blame on he upward road. A man who can gain 10thing more ia liknly to bo conservative iud living in the bright light of publicity , ho observed of all observers , he will irobably be guided by a souseof the pro- iriutios of his great ollico and will cease o practice the httlu arts by which ho has ; llmbed to his lofty eminence. After ho presidentship , Exulsior ia expunged rom his dictionary. AH that can bo done is to leave min utes for history. Mr , Arthur as a poli- , ician working his way up was not free rom impeachment of motive or generally iccrcdited with purity inaction. Ho was t machine politician , which includes pretty nearly all the shortest ways to the hiug desired. Smco ho has been prcsi- ient , however , his lifo and conduct luvo JBOII blawclts ? , his messages able and tatosmanllkc , and his manner of life and waring have won him general respect , [ 'ho same is 1'kely ' to happen in Mr , Maino'a caso. Ho ia a man of ability , jlear sighted , familiar with all the cranks uid pulleys of political machinery , not ikely to be made a tool of , and with ho usual inducements to do hit luty honestly and to make his jamo respected. At worst a governor ar a president can only exercise his veto , which ciii bo overridden , or ho can iudi- ; s > to a policy which the legislators are not txmud to fallow. He is the executive to : arry out the will of the people , and iu certain cases to ofiV.r advice , his most re sponsible duty being the selection of fit persona for office ; but oven in these he incurs but little personal responsibility , since , according to our political usageap pointments belong to the local represent atives , whoso recommendations to the president are in some sense peremptory , In great emergencies a president may dis play the brilliant qualities of genius , but in the ordinary affairs of government ho can only bo a hiqh functuary , whoso de < cision is seldom final and never auto cratic. GROUND HUG WILifc DIE. A Condemned Inillnn Murderer Al lowed Full Liberty "While Waiting IIis Doom. 1'ittaburg Chronicle. Ground Hog , a Cherokee citizen of tha Indian nation , h&s boon found guilty of murder by the Choctaws , and sentenced to be oxccutediSeptombor 20. The "pass ing away" of Ground Hog will undoubt edly bo in the usual Indian manner , which is by shooting. In this way the Mormons resemble the Indians , though the Mormons "used to , and probably do yet , allow a condemned man some pref erence , giving him a choice between be ing shot or hauged. The Indian has a horror of hanging. Ho considers it a dog'd death nud has doubts about his entering the happy hunting grounds with a broken neck. So though Ground Hog has been sentenced in the Ohoctaw nation , as ho is uf their first cousins' family , the Cherokocs , ho will bo allowed to "piss away" nt the end of the ntlo. It is qtiito possible that ( if ho is not an unreliablj reuogadu ) ho will bo al lowed to return to his homo unattended and attend to his farm and family duties until the day of execution. It is quite possible that a date in September was lixed upon to afford him ample time to "lay by" his corn and get things fixed up around homo. If this is so , ho will be under no surveillance , but simply civo iis word that ho will bu on hand at some specified spot on the 20th. In the in- : erim ho will go about hia business in his usual manner , and it will be a breach of otiquet to mention the matter to him. On the 28th Ground Hop will appear at the appointed hour and place , neatly dressed and with his hair oiled and ilaited. Ho will bo the moat uncon- serned person present. His mother , if 10 has ono living , will fix his hair , and ) et him something after the fashion of a child. After \vhilo a man will whisper a word to Ground Hog. Then Ground Elog will arise and saunter off to an open ilace , hia mother and others will go away , and a man not aeon before and irobsoly some cousin of Ground Hog's , sill corao out of the brush with a rifle in its hand , aud walking up to him with n piece of charred wood , make a mark on Ground Hog'a white cotton shirt , light over the heart. Then , without a word , at about five pace ? distant , ho will send n 3ullet at that mark , and Ground Hog will bo with hia Minitou. If Ground Bog ia a church member , which it ia quite likely he ia , either Methodiaf , Episcopalian , or Catholic , ho will receive Christian burial , and quito possibly in a cofiin , though more probably in a red and black blanket. Whether Christian or pagan , it is pretty certain that in a quiet and ralhor accretive way a bow and arrows , and perhaps a rifle , will DO wrapped i up with him in either coffin or blankets , and , no matter how good a Christian , quietly otf by themselves the relatives will kill a dog or two. and the mother that bore him will plaster ashes or mud upon her head , aud with her hands elapsed at the back of ber neck , grovel her head in the dust of the prairie as she bows toward the set ting sun. The Presidential Election Day. [ Jrooklyn Union. The atatca did not always vote on th e same day for president. In the cham paign ol 1844 , which ended in Clay'a de feat by Polk , twelve of the twenty-nix ataea voted on the first Monday in November , three on the first Tuesday , : hreo on the second Monday , and the others at different timen. New Jersey taking two days for the business , begin ning with the first Tuesday , Pennsylva nia the first Friday and Ohio the last Fri day , and South Carolina not choosing her electors until the Legislature met , about the lat of December. The only require nent then waa that the electors should > o chojen within the thirty-four daya irececding the first Wednesday in Dec- miber , but early in 1845 the present law vaa pas ud , which provides that all elec- era shall bo choeon on the Tuesday next > fter the first Monday of November. Collision at Sen. Loxnos , July 2- Advices from Conmna , piin , ipjurt n collision at HOI betaen the iliiniah steamer 'iijon ' from C runna for Jabs , and the ] > ritUli ntoatner Laxhatn. Both essals sank Forty-five of the Gijon's pas- JiiRtfri anil eleven of the Ltxlmn'a crew venlandi'il at Carnnm. It ia balloed the eat of tha iia-iiongera and crows wore saved , A Cigar Shop Knds In Siuoko , CIIIOAUO , July 23. Louis Climes & Son , ealers in cigar * , were closed by tilt ) sheriff to- ay. Liabilities § , 10,000 ; assets not Ktatod. IN THE PASTRY SF T7SET ) . TniilUnI.rmnnOriinr | , etc. , flavor fnhri , rcttmil > iiilitlnei.Vci itrllrnlrly nnil nut. rullyusltierrult frumulilch ihcj urcimiilr. Oil STRENGTH AM ) TRUE FRUIT I'LAYOR THEY STAND ALO.NE. nttrtxia er THI Price Baking Powder Co. , hlcOBO , III. et. Louis , Mo. N IHI or Dr , Price's Cream Baking Powder no Dr. Price's Lupulin Yeast Gems. licit Dry II0 | > Ycn.t. 20X5 OA2L33 231T O-HOCZ5UC. WE MAKE HUT O.NU QUALITY. RESTORED. A victim of eirl ? prudence , crwoa cirrous fcolUtr , premature d jr. eto. . hiring tn u In IklQCTorrlinpvrn ronmlr. bu dlncomrvd a slrnri * of Mii-uuru. xulcll bo will K&d Flllili U > ? % eu New Vo * WHAT IS DYSPEPSIA ? Among the many symptoms of Dyspepsia or indigestion the most prominent nre : Variable appetite ; faint , gnawing feeling nt pit of the stomach , with Tin ntisfied craving for food ; heartburnfeeling of weight and wind in the stomnch , bad breath bad taste , m the ruouth. low spirits , general prostration , headache and constipation. Ihere is no form of disease more prevalent than dyspep sia , and none so peculiar to the high- living and rapid-eating American people. 'Ylchohol and tobacco pro duce Dyspepsia ; also , bad air , rapid eating , etc. BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS will cure the worst case , by regulating the bowels and toning up the digestive organs. Sold every where. IE THE SURE CURE ron KIDNEY DISEASES , LIVER COMPLAINTS , CONSTIPATION , PILES , AND BLOOD DISEASES. PHYSICIANS ENDORSE IT HEARTILY , "Kidney-Wort it Iho jaost Buoccssfal reaiedy I over used. " Dr. P. O. BAllou , Uonktcn , Vt. "Kidney-Wort Is alw&y reliable. " Dr. n. K. Clirk , Bo. npro , Vt. "Kidney-Wort ho cured my nlfo after two yeara Buffering. " Dr. C. M. BiutuncrUn , Sna Hill , O . IN THOUSANDS OF CASES It has cured where all else had failed. It Is mild. tmtcScient , CUUTAIX IX ITS ACTIO.V , but harmlccs La all coeci. tyit eleaniiM the lllood and Siren-then * acd ClTM New Life to all the important organ * or tbe body. The natural action of the Kidneys Is restored. Th Liver is cleansed or all disease , and the Boircla meTa freely and healthfully. In this Tray tha wont diseases are eradicated from the system. _ _ g PEICE , n.oo uqtiD on BET , * OLD nr mrtOGisrs. Dry can be sent by mall. WEIiS , ALONG THE LINE OF TI1E | Chicago , Si , Paul , Minneapolis and OMAHA RAILWAY. The new extension of tbta lice from VTakoSeld up bo BEAUTIFUL VALLEY of the GAN through Concord anil Cclerldgo leaches the best portion of the State. Special ex- rurelon r.V-os for land teckcrj over thla Una to iVarne , Norfolk r.nd Hartiugton , and vU Blair to all irindpKl poliita on tbe SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC RAILROAD Trains over tht C. , St. P. If. & O. Railway to Cov ngton , Sioux City , Pones , Halting ton , Wayne snd S'orfolk , C3oia.3a.oo-t vt 3ESla.lx * or Fremont , Oakda.o , Neltgh , and through to Val entine. jtaTFor raUs and all Information call on _ F P. WHITNEY. Genera Acent. A CURE AIL , but a * a tonic and health renewer , 1. and lor Ebod and Skin Dlsoac ? , and troubles A I pendent on Impure rr iojpoveri.-hej blood , SwiH's iptciffc It without a rhul. "My baby si * months oM broke out with Botnr ; lnd of uliln humor , and after heln treated fire nonth * by my family phvslclan , was given up to die. Che drufrt'st iccomroemicd Swift's Specific , and tha eault a as gratil > ing a It vaa miraculous. My : hlld soon got well , all facesof thu di'mpelsgone , ind ho is as fat as a pie. " J J KIIIKLAN1) , > , Slinden , llu < k County , Texas. "I u cd Swllt's Specific on my little daughter , who r 8 fHiited with some Blood IVlson which had re- Isted all noils of treatment. The Specific relieved ler permanently , and I shall use it In tny practice. " W. E. liUONTK , M. D. , Cypress Hldgu , Ark. Our TrratUa on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free iO applicants. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. Oravicr 3 , Atlanta , Ox f. . T. Office , H9 W. Sid St. , bctweeirflih and 7th v unuc8. Philadelphia office , 10U Clatiut St Nebraska Cormcs AND- Forts irANUFACTUr.F.H3 0 ? iALVANIZED IRON CORNICES FDUALS , WINDOW CAPS , TIN , mOH AND SLATE ROOFING , PATENT MJ7TAL10 SKYLIG11T , ! trn FencSnfirl ir ewnirii , balustrades , Verandas , Office an J Dick Kill lies. nnvt mul Cellar OuVU < Jtn ir j. A STsKW.MB. Ii No J.EtO ' CON OF TOE OMAHA NEBRASKA. The scholastic year commences on the First Wednesday in September , Tie courte of Instruction embraces all the Elemen. MTanil higher branches ol a BnliheU education. lidcrenoe uf Keliglon U no nbata-le to the lulmU- lon of younr laulta. Pupils are received at any irae olthe jcar. L'EEMS PAYABLE IN ADVANCE ncludlnu Board , Washing , Tuition In EnglUh aud 'reach , use of books. Piano , per ierelon of i'ivo Months , $150.00 F.VTIU CIIAHarS-Ir wng | , Pa'.stlng , German larp , Violin , ( iuit r and Voval Slunlc. Iteferenoes are rootmed Ircmi all pernons unknown i thu Institution. For luithcr Information apply to JO LAIJY jy 11 mio Western Cornice- PROP.V IHON AND SLATE UOOFINQ SPEGET , PROP. 1111 Douglu 8L Caaba , Balvamzea Iron Cornices 'jHTDorowr ' Wlndo r , HnlaU , Tin , Iron and Kat oortpj , Siwohfi PaUnt Metalllo Skrllght , tatoul ljusted Hatchet JUr and lliucket bhehlnff , lam 10 general agent for th abor lln of good * . Iron 'rooting ' * , FencduK , Ualu UaJ , VtrandM.IrOn Cat