Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 24, 1884, Image 2

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.Kldnoy & Llvor
Troubles ,
tTrlnixry or BUM ,
and Liver Dlsciwn , or
Dropsy ,
[ Urlno.
| It cnrca BlllounncM , Headache , Jaundltx
\ Btomach , Dyipcpeln , Conitlpatlon anil 1
and ciiroa Intemperance , irervoua DI
General Debility , xccsscfl and
romala Wcakncu.
It restore * the KIDNEYS , UvTHl and
ELS , to a healthy action and CTJHE8 n' ' .
otherniedlclncflfall. lluridrodji have beet
xrho hare been clven up to dlo by fricrj
i J'rlfff I.2K. Bfindforniiutratetiramt
R SOT.l ) 1IY ALT. illl1i ii' T
[ SUCOKS30U9 TO THE J. M. II , & I ) .
The molt extensive manufacturer ! o
609 8. Tenth Street . O.MAI
jtSTrlcos of Ullllril and Pool Tables and r
tinnheil on application.
> CI IT l' im , § > nr nn
VHIlluUuuUC. cuuu * i uc ; , loorullo
Of the Northwoot , Detroit , M
A country of WOODS AND LAKES , 500 in
of St. Paul. T.irco train * dally on the N !
with SO Day Excuralon. Tickets at about
An elegant houaa with nccnmniodxtlonn
Kiieati. R. R. COLBURN , Propi
t & /K " 1'lloV. Ki'ilfi'ii'r , l"
Dumb \irui' . rrolap i > Ulorl. rtc. Only m-lei
tim licit In Ainprlinilmt hpiul * the
mtlflm throuicli lltti body , awl can ! > e rvclmriri
elftntby tliolmlli'iu.
tfi.OOO Would Not Bu It
DB. QORKH 1 was afflicted with rhourat
oured by using a btlt. To any ono alllle
that dtaoaao , I would sir , buy Ilorno's Elont
Any one un confer with roe by wrltlni
at my store , 1420 Douglai street , Omaha , N
MAIN OFFICE 1122 Coupon Street.
nrForealeatU. f. iloodiuan'i Uruj Bto
amotn Ht , Omaha ,
Orders filled 0. O D
| \CliartcredbythcSta
7ncln for thecxprena
fof glvlnRlmmedlate
jail chronic.urinary
'vrtte cliiccscs. Qor
' " , Gleet andbyplulls In
complicated formtf ,
dlscoseu of the bl
lilood promptly rein
permanently cured 1
diestcstcdlun fur. .
k > * > ; r/iil ' 'iirflcc.
. . . 38t.caby nreama , Plr
the I'aceLost Manhood,7 njllrjrurr
isimcriicrtitiiiiifiKf. Th : nnproprlntc
tint once used In each case. Consultant
flonnl or by letter , aacrcdly confiJcntlal ,
-.lunvj sent by Mull nnd Hxpress , No ir
iacuaic to Indicate content * or tender.
t-K.JAMES.Uo. 20 < ! WahlnQton r i.Chi
AiiuiM.j'i nro si-nt nn ! ' ) Iav ' T
MEN OMy. ' .OUNQ OH OLD , vine nr
Jn from Nr-iivous DIMIIMTT. LOST V ;
WiSiisti V.'i-jni-itkbEi- ( dlthoio d ea
I'XU < ) NAI , NtTUiin. resultlnie from Avin
Oriiiii ( 'June * lociy ! | ) nllcf nna n
nitoratlim tc JTfALTii , Vinoa nnd M
uuAiuNTKrn. bend at auco for lilt
I'amphkl free. AOarcM
TOI.TAK' ' 1KI.T UU. . fnur.luill.
WIde-Awake Agents Wanted Every wl
Bmokcn of Illockniira C
Bull Uurhun Smoking Toba
rccclvu l-reiiiluins 01 folk
termi and conditions here n
$ 100 "
2d S2 , <
3d $0 , (
liii other I'rriiiliiinnashcrc
Tlio SS premiums 11I bo I
December Si , 1HSL lit Pi
KOCH to the Kreou from vrhoi
SliOO celvethBUrvcitnuiubcrofou :
tobacoo tiaxt friar ( a lite. 15.
bo Kiven for the tieit Unrest i
and thin. Iu tha order of the i
of empty \aun rocelrul froi :
to th'j twenty flvo iuaa-rj.1
twUuU. ICach bur luutt b
orltflual Dull Dnrhim 1 1 *
Iteveinie utainp. ud ( lautlon
W7O lldin inu t bo douo up ixxnir
$ GO l > ack&XD , with nuua unit ( Ji
( nendvr , and number of bair c
eu. plainly iiiarkoil on Uw <
and ruu tUi iit.rtirv > jHt > n )
IllurUtvi-ll'n Dili limn Ti
Co. , Uuitiuu , N U l'.vry >
| i&ckain > hM plcturu of Hull ,
bou uur ueit uauou
SnrroiuCil by Sioux Under
Eagle on the Mnsslcshcll ,
Tlio lll-Prttc l Ijlcutormnt o
Orcoly Kxpcrtltlon Sluxrctl
1'crtls niul Hardships of (
St. Louis Ololo , July 21 t.
Col. Guido llgca , Ute of tho'
Stntoa army , ia nt Koottor'a Hotel
colonel served many years on the
and gained aomo celebrity as an
Iglitor. Ho traa a personal friend
It'fntcd Liout. Kiehigburyof the
in ty , who died of starvation , T
owing narration , in which Kfalii
iguroa conspicuously , waa relate
31obovDemocrat reporter yeatordaj
10011 by Col. Ilgos.
In anticipation of -winter camp
3on. Miles againat the hostile i
under Sitting Bull , then supposed
encamped along Frenchman's cr
the Milk river country of Montan
and north of the Missouri river ,
Terry , commanding the dopartm
Dakota , caused the steamer Bixclu
load about sixty tons of govei
stores , consisting mostly of ratioi
and forage , at the mouth of the J
shell river , durint ; the latter part
tobor , 1880. The river froze solid
a few days thereafter , and tlio s
was only released from its poriloui
tion by the spring thaws of the fol
year. First Liout. KialingburyEI
infantry , whoio company was r
tlmo aorviiiK at Foil Custor , Mi
had been sent to the mouth of tin
slcaholl to guard these stores. Ii
with him twelve regular aoldiors n
Crow ecouto. ilo pitched his tent
to the liver bank , and in front of
pie of shacks or log huts , inhabi
Paddy RohU , a hunter and ti
The "surrounding country for
miles was fat that time uninh
There was adjoining his location
sorted camp of a bHtalion of the
faulty which had boon stationed t
the summer of 1870 , rillo-pits , on
a largo area , skeleton brush all
boworaandadobo chimneys still at :
Upon arrival at the spot Liout. 1 <
bury , with rare foresight , burned i
atroyed these remnants of cat
thinking that they might servo
tacking enemy to good purpose aa
ing-place. When the trouble aftc
came ho worked ono whole night
the occasional flro of the enemy , 1
the pits and using the material i
atruotiug barricades around hi
small camp. I wai at that time t
oJ , as Mujor 5th infantry , n
Keogh , nnd under the command <
Miles. Tlio autho itios had mo :
decided tlmt , owing to the inclom
the weather and severity of the
n j campaign should be undo
Tiii thermometer had already gen
to 28 below zero ( it soon after fol
HO ) , and there was much auow
One evening , I think about the
November , 1880 , Gon. Miles was
taining the ollicero and ladies of t
with n hop at his homo. I had at
early in the evening , but , not
well , retired to my own houio a
soon thereafter. About midni )
orderly called mo to moot Gon. D
onco. 1 found him studying n i :
Montana aa ho handed mo
November , 1880 Gon. DJL
commanding District Fort Custo
Have been attacked and am eurn
by n largo number of lioatilo
Killed ono and wounded soyora
loss to us. Am strongly barricadi
will hold out as long aa ammunitioi
( Signed ) KIHUNOIJ
This may not bu the exact wi
but gives the purport of the doc
which had boon carried under c
the night across the Missouri <
hundred miles of snow and ice
nearest tekgraph station at Fort.
bono , Montana , by the faithful
"Bo ready , Major , to atari n
with throe mounted companies as i
you can go * thorn ready. You w ;
live days rations mid forage , aa y
find plenty on arrival , " said Gon.
"Shall 1 travel without wagons an
HID bnggago on pack uniiimlut" 1 in
"No , " stud the conslderato ohiof.
Bunion ia too severe , and the coi
musthavo its ahultor along ! IV
ambulance with medical Eiipplie
and two aix-mulu teams pur com
"VYhat'a the distance , Oonerali
( .virod. "About 150 miloa. Ni
but no-no of thn Indian t'ukios cai
way for you. Get there as fast an
lloah will carry you and rellovo K
bury I"
At. ! o'clock in the morning we
on the movo. Troop V , Second c
and companies F and G , Fifth in
commanded respectively by I
Lieutenants Brett , Lillaon nnd 1
all young men of the ago of 23
Ohoyentio and Sioux Indiana
panted the expedition aa scoul
Thin ia no place to talk ot the
ings of the trip , but the evening
fourth day found ua at the mouth
Musaclshell after a ride of uixty.fiv
between morn nnd night , thnugl
unow and bitter cold , crossing
Crook Bovonty-throo times , nd
lot't our wagons behind in charg
reliable aerge nt to follow bj
inarches. 1 hrd intended to ma
last ride in Uo days , but the throe
lieutenants entered my tcntabout 12
in the morning and urged upon i
importance -immediately ro
KioMngbury. Of course , in my
rested the safety and woll.boing
own column. 1 hesitated aomowh
the young gentlemen were so
and so jilauaiblo in their nrgumen
the slock was fresh and the men
to go , tlmt I soon relented and c
the move. Upon arrival wo found
KUlingbury and party safe , but
alert. Paddy Uohls wo mot aovorn
away from camp in a canyon ,
hoatilos had loft on the morning fol
the transmission of the dinpatol
afterwards was ascertained that
tacking Indians did not belong I
ting Bull's outlU , but cumo fro
Poplar river agency on n horso-s
expedition into the Mustlusht'll
They wore Yutiktonais , under th
of "Yellow Eagle. " Ono of them
Foot , " was killed by Kialingbury
attack , and lib body U still tied tc
unar the spot where he fell. Thei
some fifty of thorn , and , as they t
themselves later in the winter , woi
have attacked but for the proaencu
, Crow scouts , thvir hereditary onei
I had met Lieut. Ktsllngbury casual ) ;
i , before , but did not then know hii
[ nmtoly. I soon learned to love and
him for his
After partaking of a largo BUI
stew , ccnsistirg of deer moat , buc
tatocs and hard broad , the ovonir
spent in Kulintsbuiy's lent dis
tlio situation. Of course wo all th
liovcd the attacking party to bol
Sitting Bull's camp , and further
cd that that renowned warrior wi
vet/ far off and would probably s (
turn with sulliciont strength to gel
the small party and the supplies. .
lingbury waa full of fight. Aft
young lieutenants had fallen asloo
the ground ho talked to mo for
hours , urging an active campaigi
the onomy'a camp acrosa the M
Ilia plan was feasible and himsol
guino of success. Indeed , did ho
often nnd earnestly thereafter
same strain , that I began to seek ;
formation aa to the whereabouts
ting Bull , and making some prop
for the move , although I poasosi
authority to engage in active can
but had simply como to relieve hin
this , was , however , abandoned up
final receipt of orders to return to
spoctivo posts and to lot Sittin
alone for the time being.
Ono night late an Indian cou
rived with the Fort Ouster mail.
early in December. Kislingbury <
tro with tears in his eyes , stating
had received information of the
illness of his wife , whoso death wr
expected. There came no order ft
district commander authorizing rm
low K. to return to Ouster. Th
follow wanted so much to go , nnd
high sense t > f duty forbid him to
for this indulgence. Ho waa rosp
for all the government property
and , in fact , only the action of
partmcnt could properly relieve hit
1 did assume the responsibility un
circumstances , nnd n few hours aft
found him on his way to Fort '
accompanied by n sergeant , am
Indiana. The distance was noa
miles , and over an almost imp
country at lhat time of the year.
Hevo ho reached his destitution.
days , just n few hours before hie
death. Lieut. Kislingbury was
iimo about 40 years of ago , of
atnturo but of powerful frame. J
very fond of wearing moccasins an
Indian trinkets such as belt and
pouch. His" gait was that of a
born sailor. 11 is features wore re
bly impressive a strong , masoiv
head , dark blue or gray eyes , a larj
line 11030 , a handsome , firm-set
and ruddy complexion. Ho was
isnal intoll-'ct , of vivid imaginatit
of mercurial aa well as highly a ;
omporamcn1 . Ilo was n good tall
oved to sit fur hours relating in
of the late war. But , above n
warm-hoartedncsa and kindly i
everyone brother otllcer , soldier
diiuis alike will never bo forgo
Lhoao who had thn good fortune
personal acquaintance. The Ore
inn fairly worshipped him and c l
bcc.iusoho had , I bolicvo , upon
canton participated in a few stop
war dance. Ilo was ono of the .n
complishcd nnd graceful sign la
have over seen , and of him it w
tlmt ho could make an Indian a
of himself in that language. Ho
equalled Capt. Clark , of the 2d C
therein ,
' Was that the lasttimoyou mot
Kialingbury'i" inquired the reporter
tor the Colonel imd ended his
live.'No , " replied ho. "Ho pasaod t
Fort Keogh in April or May next
way to join the expedition which
disastrously ondod. Ho was ace
iod by his two younscor boys , T.
ngod G or 7 years , and Whooloi
uoout 5. Thu boy Douglass was
in the coach for Daodwood and I
and proceeded alone to join hi !
Sotli Bullock , formerly sheriff eland
and Clark county , Montana but n
siding in the former city. Tl
Wheeler waa to go to some roln
the city of St. Louis. " Kialingbu
boon very much changed during t
winter months. lie looked hi
and careworn , and thu almost
and always cltoorfol expression
face of former daya had given awn
hard and stern look of dotormi
Ho talked hopefully of the propoc
to the Arctic regions.
"Did Lieut. Kislingsbury take ]
the expedition which captured
Bull's camp near Poplar rivor. Mi
in January 18811"
"No , ho was at Custor nt tit
mourning over a now grave and cc
ing his little orphan boys. "
Tlio Terrible Drain
Which scrofula linn upon thosystei
bo arrested , nnd the blood must b
find , or serious consequences will
For purifying nnd vitalizing
flood's Sarsaparilla has been founi
rior to any other preparation. It
uvory trace of impurity from the
and bestows now hfo and vigor u [
cry function of the budy , enabling
entirely uvercomn ilinnnnn.
Now Htwon Palladium.
In addition to the llov. Arthur
ox-rector of Christ Church , Sin
thuro is another person in that tov
also claima to perform marvelous
This person is Lemuel Beatdsly ,
to-do grocer of that place , who sa
oontly that aa early aa 18MI ho 1
concious of and interested in th
miint force of his system that
possessed of and yet could not c
While ho called ic n ncrvo 11 aid
Noah Porter , of Yale college , cal
nerve force. Ho claimed that by
ho could lift very heavy weights i
fact exorcise an almost super
power. Grocer Boardsloy claim
the time la not far distant when th
force will bo aoknowleged , and cit
caao of Lulu Hurst aa an evidence
existence. Ho said further thi
mother , a lady of 80 yours , was al
n year ago with complete paralj
ono side of her body. Ho took be
hands in his nnd instantly ho oou !
as ho uays , the nerve force mat
way through the circuit thus tornu
a short time afterward the paralye
tier entirely , and she has boon in
lent health over since that time
says that ho has cured many of his
bora in that placp simply by the
on of hands , and in every instance
unjoined strict secrecy , as ho c
wish to have that function interfoi
Ids regular business as a grocei
claims that the euros performed
Hov. Arthur Sloan have boon the
uf n uiugnotio force similar to his
Mr , Beardsluy ia a reputable bi
man in Stratford , and has boon rote
to for so mo time , and his ca o
much comment in UIM vicinity ,
Holla Coml'orl ,
Kvcry ono llkea to taVa solli ! comfor
may lu > eujuyoil by every ouo uho kec
uoy-\Viirt iu tlio IIOUHO uiul takoa a lo\ \
at thu lint ymptoniB of an attack of t
IthuuiuatUiii , Jll'lousnnss , Juuiiilk-o
atfectiuu of tha Klvor , ICIdooyi or HUM
ccmjuHind of
it n purely vegutablo
luavca > Biul btrrlea known to huvo
vuluo In kidney troublim. Added tn tl
remedied actitih" illroct'y uu tlio Ll\
ilowi-ln. It rtuioves the causa of dlto
fottifa ! the eyUem tpalrtt now nttacLi
The Great Demonstration of Work
Die Attaint Hereditary Lorfl :
Tilroo Quartern of n Million I
Turn Out Iu Ixintlon-Soonos
Inulilontfl of tlio Pnrndo.
By Cable to the Globe-Democrat.
LONDON , July 21. The groatlal
monatration to-day proved to bo n
for thn workingmen , and fortune
peaceful ono. The crowd that asac
to cheer or gibe the paraders , w <
the largest ever scon In London , i
numbers are estimated by the poll
specters , who nre , perhaps the
exports in judging the size of cro\ \
about 700,000. The spectators w
n rule , good humored , and there
some bursts of enthusiasm
might have rnado trouble as i
banners berne by the trades union
into view. These bore slrong and
Inscriptions regarding the rights
people , and especially of laboring ]
with r
as they were
cheers along the sidewalks. Anotl
rious phase of the procession was
ception in the various parta of th
tropplis which it traversed. In the
cratio section the vri
were closed and the
drawir together closely , as thoug
hatchment of death were over each
The band-mastora recognized thei
cautions nnd retorted with n r
witticism by playing the dead
from Saul or some equally lugi
dirge in passing the doleful ma
\Vhilo the procession waa pnssii
Garlton Club , in Pall Mall , Lori
dolph Churchill displayed the bad I
sKndirg nnd grinning in n proi
window. This provoked a lot of hi
and groaning , but no more aerie
monstrationa. When the process'
passing down Piccadilly , reached tl
of Arlington street , a portion of the
rushed down tlmt street , rith I
tontion of making n disturbance .
20 , which ia the town residence
Marquis of Salisbury. A stronj
of police had been posted at this
and the crowd was repulsed witho
difficulty , especially in view of t
that hia lordship _ was i
ruralizing in Devonshire. A
ical incident occurred in
Park. "While the immense audien
athering , Mr. Henry Irving an
elm L. Toolo came upon the grou
n arm , and proceeded to make the
.oward ono of the speaker's stands
voro recognized by people in the
nd soon became u target for such
hading that they were glad to esc
i cab , under the protection of the
? ho jam in Hyde park afforded
excellent opportunity for the - \ \
lickpockots , and it ia estimate
ibout 1,000 watches were stolen
iberal leaders say to-night that t
nonstration is only the begin :
what they intend to do. The
already arranged for a mass mcetn
iroci'aaiou at Manchester next Sal
rrhich will bo on as big a scale , ]
.ionally , as the one to-day in L
The biggest oratorical guna atMan
will bo Lord Hirtiugton , the war
tor , and the Right Hon. John Brij
All the approaches from the Str. .
the ombanlunonljivoio thronged ,
nnds from all parta of the countr
orod the embankment between C
Cross and Westminister. Scarlo
nors indicated to the various
unions the places , where they shot
aomblo. The crowd manifested t
moat good humor and the beat ord
vailed. No attempt waa made tc
fero with the procession. Radical
oil documents found brisk sale
the crowd. The Prince and Prim
Wales witnessed the prooessior
At noon the organized trades ,
assembled at Sloan tquarp , Fade
green , Eustnh square , Islington
Clorkinwoll green , Finsbury circu
Obelisk , Black Fnara and Gro
gardens , nnd proceeded to the 01
mont. The political delegates wo
ors. The streets and bridges acre
Thames were packed and trallio \
impeded. Several thousand ngric
laborers from Kent nnd Sussex mai
at Black Friar's bridge.
The procession moved in the fol
order : Mounted farriers , ngric
laborers , provincial deputations , 1
Trades Council , representatives fn
printing , book-binding , paper ,
metal , clothing , leather , 'hipping ,
ing , cabinet-making , fancy good
general trades , political clubs ,
usaociations , temperance bodies
friendly societies. Eicih section , c
riving ut the purlc , marched to th
form to which it had been aEsigno
the band played until the chairm ;
As the procession was starting
the ombankmciit several loud oxpl
wore hoard near the government <
The crowd were greatly frightonv
thousands made n rush toward Whi
Delioving the explosions due to dyn
I'ho scare ended when it was fem
the explosions were nothing mor
n salute which the Horse Gunrdi
Iring in honor of the birth of the
oss of Albany's son.
The duke of Cambridge , man
[ lartington , secretary of war and \
llurcourt , homo secretary , viowc
procession as it pasted the war ollk
were cheered. People of prom
and note at various places throughc
route watched the procession.
The route lay along Parliament i
Whitehall , Charing Cross , Pall Ma
James street and Piccadilly. Bofo
irocoasion started the embankmo
of humanity ,
: iino n surging mass
'rom Hungorford bridge presented
ay of human heads , relieved o
) luo banners and the trees alot
embankment. The trade societies c
emblems of their crafts. Noli
among these was a banner by the
oprcsonting Adam and Eve aft
all. The agricultural laborers won
y cheered.
A tombptono was carried in the
cession , inscribed "To the mem
the House of Loads 1881. "
liases of spectators along the roi
orforod with tha progress of the f
sion. It took fully an hour and
, o clear the embankment and the i
: ho procession had not left Parli
street when the head had entero
[ > ark. The president of the b8a
rado and other Ministers viewc
iroeossion. When the proceasio
rived at the p rk epeochcs were
and a resolution previously prc
WAB submitted and adopted.
The resolution protests againet t
cction of the franchise bill by the
umsiblo and unrepresentative hoi
of Glads
ords ; expresses approval
action , and declares "the conl
existence of the unchecked powoi
of the impeding of the popular
which the lords exercise , is not con
to the welfare of the people and the
and prosperity of the counti/ . "
waa n heavy rain toward the close
Thcro is no doubt that the tor
astonished and enraged at the mng
of the outpouring to-day. At the
aorvntivo Club to-night nothing wa
hoard except loud denunciations
organizers of the demonstration
were freely charged with having pn
shillings each to thousands of the i
workingmen who marched with tht
The Times , referring to the pro <
yoatorday , says : "fho apoctacl
unique of its kind , It waa a dome
tion made for the poopio by the \
It exhibited ovciy sign of apont
and enthusiasm. "
Dyspepsia , Itvor complaint , and
rod affections. For treatise givin
ccssful self-treatment , address W
falo , N. Y. Mon&T
nnel Stubul
Hufnl Now Yorker.
In California , the waste from tl
vesting of grain is allowed to rcsc
land , and n second , or "volunteer1
is often raised without nny plow
additional seeding. The cold winl
the Atlantic slope , in most of the
would render this sort of seeding i
ativc , except in the case of who
rye which nro winter-proof. It
doubtleas , surprise many farme
know that , by plowing their when
rye atubblo in the autumn , the land
bo rcsooded to these grains' fro
waato ot the harvest. Straw c
turned to such good account for
in winter , that it should bo iu th
form. There will bo more and
grain by cutting it as Boon aa it be |
turn white , and the atraw will bi
much moro valuable condition. F <
should take pains to secure their
crops at this period of growth. SI
worth much moro to feed than nut
throw Into the barnyard to rot fo :
uro. Fed with a little grain , it wi' ,
stock in as good condition as , if n
ter than , hay alone , nnd the manui
bo moro valuable than that frc
It ia evident , then , that by hari
the atraw when in the best possib
dition , a largo amount of stock n
Kept on the farm , and the farmi
thus add to the value of the i :
pile , or ho may , if ho chooao , util
improved straw tor fodder nnd soil
tiou of the hay , letting the atra
sotiio grain take its place , The c
burning straw , or letting it go to
for the man who has nny wisdom , i
by. This fact is made moro err
because meats of all kinds are so
and the experience of some farme
shown that by good management
have Indicated , the straw may bo
to a valuable account in the roai
animals and in enriching the
This stubble from straw , cut whe
of juices , is worth more for ferl
the soil , to plow under , and it will
turn it under aa soon as can bu
while it rotnina its moisture ar
juices stored in it. Such stubble i. .
an important factor for the nexl
whereas an old and dried up ono i
parativoly worthless.
Pretty as u Picture ,
Twenty-four beautiful colors
Diamond Dyes , for .Silk , Wool , (
iVc. , lOc oach. A child can usi
perfect success. Got at once a
druggists. Wells , Richardson iS
Burlington , Vt.
Gopher Snakes ,
Los Angeles Times.
When Mr. George Ilico took pos-
of hia property at Highland par
tweon this city and Pasadena , ho
several aborignal inhabitants on tli
in the shape of four or live sleek f
snakes. These harmless reptiles ai
orally killed on sight by carolcsa
vf ho hnvo a natural horror of anal
all kinds , but fruit growers who
been in the country any length ol
have learned to nppreciato their ae
and encourage their presence in ore
As Mr. Rico's journal has in timi
contained several able articles o
"Value of the Gopher Suako o
Farm , " ho telt in duty bound to
mzQ the rights of the horedituiy ti
of Highland park , and they remain
peaceful possession of all their priv
But as time went on ho became
doubtful of their reputed fouunei
gopher flesh , nnd began to cast t
eye upon the Hock us they layq
sleeping in the sun near Pasadena
nue. His doubts were based upi
fact that if they onrnllowed the di
tivo rodents , aa is commonly sup
their bodies would show a lump of
kind , as snakes generally do not
cato their food , but take it straight
out any preparation. But the Hit
Park snakes had no protuberances <
kind about them , and their diet
have been nothing stronger than
hoppers and lizards. A test was di
upon which should settle the qu
and at the saino time the fatn of t !
originea. A ' gopher trap was sot ii
of the holes , and soon a young on
rodent captured by the log , which tin
s pecdily took to ono of the BI
Snakuy took in the situation at one
grasped the struggling victim in iU
Firmer and firmer ho tightrtned hit
till the poor gopher was swelled
size and shape of a Duarte orange ,
his snakoahip bent his head , and wi
delicate fangs made n alight in
through thu hide of hu prisoner.
then placed his mouth to the api
nnd calmly tucked the contents out
body , drawing out everything neatl ,
cleanly. The skin was then thro
DUO side , and thu snake , satisfied wi
meal , lazily coiled himself up and fe
The gopher snakns of Highland
will remain unmolested , and long in
live to bring confusion upon tin
uiiomies of the farmers and fruit-grc
One reason why diseases of thobl
Mid urinary organs are ao difficult ti
Is that they frequently have no
uo'inced nvinptoms HUNT'H [ K
mil Liver ] RKMEDV is peculiarly nd
to the mire nf these complaints , am
it once to the Boat of the trouble (
relief at onco.
Tlio Efoptlnii Gnntnrfltica Fnl
LONDON , July 2,1. Ills understood tl
Kijyptitn conference \vai unnblo to OR
fgard to Itnglaml's financial proposal.
, aiul and Franco nro wide aprt. On
.vas ein ] > < n\orml to nurnuum the contort1
mother meeting at any time ,
Rulolclo ot nn Italian Outtliro
N w YoitK , July 23.-The palled this
UK nrrrnteil Bulvatori Tautleno , tha 1
A horn they beau huntlnp Muco 1m tr
nunler liU wife July 4. When on the A
itation Famllno drew n phial nf poUor
> ocket anil swallowed It. He died
ucdiol nss'sUnco reached h'm ,
HM ono ol the lixr oot and hn < nt timortiu
Sptlnf ; and Summer ( fools for Suiting ! and Ti
Inn. All catm nUfa tftnto'il to nt and tr
with the IJe tTrlmmliic ( . MYPU1CE9 AHKL
ban any Merchant Tailor In the city.
CornerIfith mid Cnpitol Avon
IB all their forms.
YOUNO MEN , who are suHorlnif from tha
of Youthful Indiscretions , would do well ti
thcmscHcB of thl * , the Rnatcit boon ever laid
Mtat ol tuffcrlnz humuiitr. Dr. Tanner wll
nnteo to forfeit $ M ) for c\ try CASO of SomlnM
ncf or Prhato Dlscinc , of nny kind or cha
which ho undertakes n J falls to cure.
MIDDLK AOED MKN-Mnny men botwet
00 are troubled with a too fr
srcs , ot 30 ana ,
doslre to evacuate tin bladder , oltcn aocom
bynellzht Bmaitlnjt ami burning sonsntlon ,
ncakcmng o ( the s\6tcm In a manner tint
tlcnt cannot account lor. On oxumlnlng the I
dciotlt9 | a ropy rodiracnt will often bo fouu
sometimes snail particle * of albumnn ulll o
or the color nil ) bo ot a thin , mllklsh hue
chancing to n datkanil torpid appearance. Th
many > wn who dlo of thn dllllculy , Ignorant
cause. It l the pecoml ttago of icmltial MCI
Dr. Tanner wilt cuarantco a poricct euro In all
ca'oi.and a heal thy restoration of the Ocnlto u
Call oraddrea ? asabo > c , Dr. Tunnel
" flmt for
The Steck is a Durable Pi
Science ot Lite , Only $ i
Ot S S A
Eihiuotcd Vitality , Nervous and Physical D
Protntture Decline In Man , Eirorsof Youth , i
untold miseries esultlng from uidlbcrotlons
: eeses. A booh for every man , j oun ( ; , ml Jill
ind old. U contains 126 prescriptions tor all
tnd chronic dlaeaeos eichono of which U Inv :
3o found by the Author , whoso experience
ceirn Is such aa probably never before fell to t
of any physic an 800 pijos , bound In b
French muslin rnoossoJ covers , lull Rllt. uai
o be a finer work n every Benso , mechanic
orary and professional , than any other work
Ihle country for t2.60 , or the money will be re
In every Instance. Pilco only $1.00 by mall
paid. Illnstratlvo sample 5 cents. Send now.
medal awarded the author by the National 1
iseoclatlon , to the officers of which ho refers.
The Sclciiso of Life should be' read by ttio
Instruction , and by the afflicted lor rell
will benefit all London Lancet.
Tbero Is no member of society to whom T
enco ot Llto will not bo useful , whether yontt
ent , KUnrdlan , Instructoror clergyman. Argo
Address the Pcabody Medical Institute , or 1
n. Parker , No. 4 C.ilfluch Street , Boston Mm
may Do consulted on all diseases requiring ek
sxporlence. CUrcnloandobstlnatodlieai. nthi
batl'.cd the skill of all otherphys-IJCAl
t epcola'.iyi Unch treated succesS'tlC'll
without an Icotmto failure. TUVCCI I
- * * -
Erlangor , Kw
Culmbachcr , Btw
Pilsner Bohen
Kaiser . . . . . . . . . .Broi
Builv/oiser St. . Jji
A.nhauser Sb. Li
Best a Mihrau
Sclilitz-Pilsiier Milwau
Krus'a Om
Ale. Porter , Domestic nnd Rl
1218 Fnruimi
Royal Havana Letter ]
Drawn at llnvnnn , ubn , Every
to 11 Days.
ricKi7rs , 2.oo , . . lULvra.
Subject to no manlnulatlon , not controlled I
iiltlcaln Interest U Is the falrctt thine
muiro orrhance In existence.
For Information and particulars apply toSIII
10 ,0cn Auents , 1212 DroadHay , N Y. city.
! KAUD & CO. , W Walnut street St. L < > uts ,
< t Frank Lobrano , L. P. , 20 Wyandotte. Kou.
Jymie & wly.
Tn these miflerlncf roi
effeUa of ) puthful
- : > y , toil inannuod , eta. , I will ud you pirticul"
ilmple and certain mrani of iwl' cure , f react oh
i ndvouriddrow > tob' U JiOWU'.U.&looduM
\Villpurlfytlio BLOOD'r
iJto lliu LIVER and KjDNE
Illlll 111 hTOHK THE 1IKAJ
mil Viaou of YOUXII.
lipnsla. Want of Apjictllc ,
dmustlon. Luck of blrt-n
Hiul ' 1 Ircd t > 'uvlliiK absolu
curuil. lloiu i. luuiclcs
l-ulUi'i\3 \ the iulnd
t"i > i > iii s nwin i' '
6"m I'liH'rom ' eoinplt
pptullarto tliL-lrivx
( lad iQDll.IIAltTDK't. JHON TON Id a fata
EH'CUjr euro , ( ntciatliur , licallliy complex
Fruiiuciil allciupta at couiilirfiUluK only
to the popularity < > riho original. Duuotvxi
r8 ndrouraddmitolbal > r. llnrtarMed Co.
il"'ur our "DllKAU BOOK. "
3wing to the increase
n our business we've
idmitted to the firm
Mr Edwin Daviswho
s well and favorably
mown in Omaha.This
xrill enable us to Man-
He an increased list
\ * "
) f property. We ask
; hose who' have desi-
able property for
ialeto place the same
fffth us. The new firm
vill be
(13 ( South 14th St.