THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. \ GROG MUST GO. SnchistlioCryoflliBNalionalProliilii- A Eathor Largo Attondanoo of Del egates From Thirty-Ono Statost Daniels , of Maryland , Tells How Prohibition Works in His State , Whereat the Convention Glamors for "Maryland " , My Maryland , Miss Frances Willard Tells How All Parties Had Snubbed Her , A Clamorous Time A Woman Siif- iraRo Kcsoluiloii Kulcd Out At It A alu To-Day- T1IK IMtOllUUriONISTS. \IHfKI DAY'S NATIONAL SF-SS10 * . riTTSliUlto , July 23. The National Prohl- lutlou convention won called to order in Iafay attolmll at 11 o'clock , Gldion I. Stewart iii the chair. The attendance was very largo. 1'iior to nssomblyltig of tha convention the I'ounsylvnula delegation hoed n cacti * aud de- c.'ded to presoiit the nnino of John Btnck ( or the prceidantial numliiatlun. After prayer an address of woicomo WUH dcliverod l > y C. S. Hose , of 1'ittbburg , who declared that old partio-i had both outlived their usefulness , and that Woman suffrage , and prohibition were 11 now the two paramount issues before tha in countrj' . Gideon I. Stewart responded on behalf - half of the convention , nnd declared that the on liquor trallic , Ilko slavery would bo bo eradicated from the land. .lames B'nck , of Pennsylvania1 undo the opening iidilress , and npoko of the recep rei tion accorded Mls Frances \Villaid by both the republican nud democratic conventions , and deir lefusal to consider thu < iueation of i prohibition. A temporary organization wni rlTjcted by the election ot Mr. Daniel , of Maryland , and Midi Woodbridgc , of Ohio , and Charles S. Carter , of Washington , 1) ) . C. . : m secretaries. lilt. DANIELS tha poke of the progress prohibition wai making In Maryland. The general result was that the jails of tint state were empty , tlio churches were l-ttter filled , and every interest nn iu the state was better promoted. So long , however , as the national government allowed and liquor to bo imported and issued license stamps , the state constitution uud BtatO law in favor of prohibition oanld not ba enforced M the tpnpral govern ment fostered and protected intemperance tion through the license system , and hence they will must sti ike the general government , Neither in of tbo two parties hud dared to touch the ques in tion. Oua of tboin had found a phico for the protection of the wool tariff of Ohio but neither and of tlinni had found a place for the protection of All the hones of the pooule. [ Applause. ] Tlio jtcts ordy thin ? for the prohibition party to do wns to neil so b'g ' a vota that it would huit both parties. If the Chiistian temperauco voters f of the countiy were united , they could put gates omo good maa in the White house this jcar. They were tuld they could not form n party t , on a , tinijlo issue , but that depends on the size u ' .S of tha issue. [ Cheers. ] Until tha two old parties wcr i ewcpt out of existancu the old spirit of antagonism would continue There was victory in the air for the prohibition party , mid itVM coming as sura as they livud. The audience saug "IJjro to Think Dare to Vo , " and than thera was n demand tlm band should play "MARYLAND , MY MAtlTLANll " The rommittea on o-edentiilswas appointed and the convention adjourned till 2 o'clock. Tha afternoon sosnon wus opened by the ninging of a campaign sjng to the air of John Uruwn , the refrain being ' Olory ! glory ! hallelujah - lujah ! our cause is marching .oii. ' After suit the prayer tha whole convention joined in the hymn , "Crown Him Lord of All. " Indians The sacretary reported tha following repro- the Dentation la convention : polled Alabama 2 California -3 named Connecticut - Illinois 45 co * Maine 3 Kansas 17 IndiauK Kentucky C Michigan 61 ! bluffs Nebraskj 3 ] ) > kota 1 lodge Ohio 31 J Now Jertey 18 await Maryland Hi I New York. 75 a Mixsouii IU | Toncesscu 12 Tnxus 1 > I I'onuslvanLi T > 8 Wiaconiin 65 | ST. TotV . . . . . . li goods Telegrams encouriiging the convention in and its work , from vaiioin parti of thu country were received end applauded. It was decid $1)20,000 ed to HOIK ! a telegram to the prohibitionists § of Indi ia , It being stated to-morrow tbo i$175OOJ ili-rtperati ) fight ever fought in this coun tioj try for the recognition of the principleHof pro gito hibitionvtH to ba fought on the RUI ! of ludi- sigiiuiimt : tna , to I1IHS WII.I.AItl ) Htjtfs read the memorial of the Woman's Christian actual Temperance amjciatlou , nnd relntud her pay experience in attttmi.tiu ; to obtiin a hear about ing In the greenback , rcjiub- Nov lluan and democratic conventions , only An np ) ropriate ] iluc next rccitod on National "Tho Use of the Bjllot"wlth much olfect , by the MibH Carrie Mesh r ft lUltiiuore. P. After Foino further delay the report of the C.iiloton. O'ininlltoo ' on credentials . - W.-H jiroientod , show- in ? thirty-ona states and territorits ropro- eonted by f > 7J ( delegates , and that there were actually -101 delegntos present. A resolution risen accompanied the report to the euVct that delo- gttui bo auth'iri d to cast the full vut'j of the receiver at'Jto which they represent. The ropoit was action which occupied mid the revolution was odnjited after ' hoc ilucu ! ioa. ' rison's u 'Ihuro was HO mucn concerning NOISE AND IlSOltl ) > iil : cehcr tint a delegate suggested tint th < iyvould ho- the oimii n rtomocratio convention bofoio long , bo la the midst of much confusion and turmoil , the roll of states was called fur the nomina A tion of committee on permanent organization DAYTON nnd resolutions The convention by a ritine hero all vote , and with much enthusiasm endorsed rake the views and principles 1 in ovpresso memo Loss ? rials of the \Vonion's Christian Temperance Union ' pro'cntcd to-day. It was proponed to i with It A WOMKN'H HUKFRAOK TLANK , but ot the suggestion of Mrs. Woodbridtro , the secretary , tint part of the motion was withdrawn. At 0:35 : the convention took a tecofB until 8 p. in , hlKOIMI TUB SALOON A MAT. The ovcnlug session ninncd by singing vari ous liyiiiii-i , nml campaign moloniuu , nnd imiyir by Kev , Wnrner , of Now York i'ennaaent organ zatlon wad effected , with Trom I'llOFEi-HOIl HAMUfiL DICKKV , the of Michigan , president , mid n Inrgo number Alipellte \icu-p'i4ldont'i. ! . A committed was ap nclic , pointed to conduct Air , Dickey to the chair , exertion hi the tlulr of taking ho _ cxpremed lil. < appreciation of the high honor iniuo iplrJU done him. They came hero , ho said , for Ilrart worlr , not for wiirde. They worn not in oreil harmony with Uiosu who ielie\ed In taxirg niitinl and IL-eiiHliig the liquor sy t m. They could I'll/r.s on the not lot it alone , They beliavod that It ought ICIdiiey.iuno / to be mipprexsfd. [ Cheem. ] Theio w < no nil liopu to bo placed Iu political partios. This prohibition party stood committed to earnest , tltti , independent pilitlcal action. Their object wan to found , nd to build up from Its found vlth C'uiso ation , nn intelligent body of voters whoso political thmwlit would ba to complete tha iuppresaion of thu liquor trafhc. 'lo that work they were pledged , nml by that work they expected to ktand. With the power of the general government in their hands It GUAT would bo wielded wlsoly and tha nation would etflntly be redeemed fnitn the curse of the rum power. plication THTJ.S'Q TO BIIOT 0V1 HT , JOHN , or bent > Orflco A proposition t > adopt t o two thmU rule lOH'S for nomination was rejected ami the majorlt ; rule was ftdoptod. The roll of states was then celled , for the nomination of ono member from rnch for a committee on finance , and two members for the national executive committee , Various propositions were submitted nnd referred to the coinmitteo on. resolutions , among their ono to make the ba > ! of representation t thi next national prohibition convention two fore o ch cotigrec ional ( list let ftml four for nich atate , md another to chiogo the jnrtj s nnm' . The convention then , nt 10 o'clock , adjourned till U to-morrow tnoinlng. oitoo GO OVKH TIIK 1UVKK TO CANADA. DETHOIT , July 23 , The Iowa state prohibi tion law , which wont into olivet recently , caught a good many of the distillers thcro with lar o quantities of whisky on thtir hands. The p ovlslon of the law prohibltoi the shlimient of liquor to any other utato , atu In order to eventually got It into market owuuri luvo been compelled to export It. For eovoral days tiny have boon shipping to Windier at the rnta of two car loads par dny. Iho liquor Is kept In cars but U virtually in l-ond ud will remain there un'.II arrangements cm bo made to ro-excort It to Now \ ork. iht ollector requires nil those ) ovpoitiug to oxo- ito n bond for the amount of duty 8J us tepid pid 'nnify the government in cafe whisky nLoaldbjJolJ in Canada. 1'ATIUO WO Call Vuv the Scoontl Convention o the Irish Iioa uo of Ainoricn At Jtuston August lit Sovton mill Kcilniontl to ho ClllCAUO , July 23. The following ollicln' In notice will bo issued to-moriow : The second national cotiNOtition of the I rial < national league of America will : i domblu nt o'clock , n. in. , Wednesday August ll ; , IbSI , . Funuoll hall , loston ! , Mass. Kvery brancl : liivinc over iifcy mcmhars in good stnmling the national trausuror's books , is entitled U rcpi wuted by ono dclesnto. Kvery branch having moru than two huuilrod members in good financial standing Is entitled to bo resento I by two dilegatof. No branch c m G have more than two leprcsentatiui1) . Any J society desiring to nlliluto with tlio league in time to bo entitled to representation can for ward tha requisite ono quarter's duos to tha treasurer , Uev. Charles U'lleilly , D. p. , Detroit - nau troit , Michigan , nnd nny body of men in sym pathy with the struggle of tha Irish people for tlio self-govornment , can organize as A branch of league by remitting ono quarter's dues to reverend treasurer , becoming thereby entitled - the titled to send a representative to Boston. they dues are § 1 per year per capita. Wo have tha great pleasure of announcing , the authority of Charles Stewart I'arnoli , einco lion , Thomas Sexton , M. 1' . , by friends for foes acknowledged the most brilliant orator in the Itrititli parliament , nnd Hon. Tolm E. Hedmond , M. 1' . , with who o earn- ojtne and eloquanco our countrymen are already acquainted , ' .vill atteud the conven on bohidf of the people of Ireland , They address the rcpresoaUtivt-s of their race Tc the United States on tha outlook for liberty $3.50 the native land , and will convoy to them caws important information on the plans , hopes , are expectations of the national orcaulzation. choice men who sustain the methods and the ob- mon of the Irish people under the chosen mon , Charles Stewart I'arnell , are cordially trader" invited to become members of the hague , in orderby thonumbers and personnel of tho'delo- of nt the convention , to demonstrate the devotion nf the Irish people in America to Seven thcirmotherland , her pxtient and heroioatug- each for political and civil liberty. Signed , all , AUIXASDEH SULLIVAN , President. CHAIILK.S O'llEiiLV 1)D , Treasurer. liOOEK WALSH , Secretary. not trade INWAJiH. vance as was . JFinclsdio FclloiviQo nnd was After , but Got * Repulsed. usually not ty DUHANUO , July 23. Captain Porrinos , com manding a detachment of cavalry font In pur. light of the Indians that made the outbreak nn G uO cattle camp a short time ere , found tl o assorted entrenched in their stronghold , ona with miles west of tha Blue mountains. On Ibs , 16th , after a sharp light , they were com to retirp with tlio loss of ono scout Wormington , and James lliggins , c was ' boy , was killed. There are two hundred 'change bled , well nrmud , eo well protected in the that it has been found impossible to dis mainly them , Capta'n ' Porriues will probably at the orders from headquarters before making further attack. load , block. A St. Ijoulu ( suspension. corn . Louis , July 23. The extensive dr in , ' y buy house of We'ar , lioogher it Co , , of Sixth a ; Ch irles stroeti , assigned this forenoon to close Nnthatiiel Cole. The assets are given nt ubml the , embracing : CioocUaiul morchaiiiii e , 110,010 ; ojien accounts nud bills receivable , : other mnttcM SoO.CCO. The llublh- Thcra are not deliuitely known , but thoii'gre wheat. is about Sl.W.O'O. The causnofthoos a feature in the refusal of New York banks belling make the customary advanced Thn fir n Hut if time is given to toillzo on ho Vork iirnpet ty on hand they will not omy prevented In full but luvo a handsome surplus ol wheat. 75 per cunt. Tlio indebtedness is In present Yoik , Huston and ProUdunco. The tin , largo creditor hero iu St. Louis is tbo cage Bank , for 5-5,000. The members ol a decrease Him nrj J. H , W ar , Jesse lioogher , John croasu Boogher , Jarr.ui Hulliday and Murrey thuiio . Chicago wheat A Ilnnlc Kcuulvor ltcn\Kna \ , bo thi-re iNDiANAroLW , July 23.John C. S. liar- ofwncat. tliis niDfUinz resigned his position na thirf of the Indiana Banking company Ootimnte failed last Auzust for § 75 .000. This Is tha result of the suspension of Har bank. Nothing Is positively known "JiiBt the condition of his accounts as ro hummer but it is undontood the resignation i leans result of a pressure. His suxcs-ior will vUininnaa to-morrow. fever to-day's Hay Hnko Factory In not very , Ohio , July 23. A fieroi fire ragot nudU this forenoon , destroying DodJ's thcso hay ' factory nnd I'urk twenty private dwelling * 7,600. tradu tcalplng On } . hard changed. A special TORPID BOWELS , NKW DISORDERED LIVER. ; ho bulls and MALARIA. ' , ho bait these sources iirlso ihreo-fourths ot " illsc'incs of the hunmn mco. 1'lioso wa cent , at lymptomsjnillcntotholroxiijtcnco : T n oi , Jtutrcli cokllvc , Welt IIcjil * her fulluctg after eating , uvernlou ta ho tirnt uf \ > nily or iiilnil , I'ruttutloii l'h < ) air , JrrlluIjllKy of temper , J.o v iu ) ing , , A fi'clliir ( of JiiivJiij ; iieclcvtrtl id for limy , J > U/luc , J'JullrrlnK'it Ilio n , I > i > t liclorr ( lie cym , hlulily col- niycrn of Urlnr , CO.\KTII ATIO.V7 nnd do- said to bo tha lisa of a lomcily that acts directly1 According Uver , AsaLlvermedicliioTlTT' tiinatod Jiuvo no oijual. ' 1'hclr actlonon the . ! Skin is also prompt ; rcmorlm ; Impuiitlcs through these tliioo - , ' ! 0,00 < l sonnil oC tha uytinn , " producing uppn- _ ' 5UU0 ( ' digestion , regular stool a , a eleur BkluundavlBorousbody. TUTT'H j'ir.r.M current no nausea or trilplnif nor luterfero Hiimn dally work and 1110 u iicrfcct luadipmrters ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. range haldertnrvrberc-.llffG. OUJcoUilurrnytit.N.V. without ' TUTTS HAIR DYE. mound n I'ho tit of the , llAiit on Winsurits changed In- ui in prlcn to nrx ; > 8sr Itucic byuklnglo ap amo and of this DTE , Hold by Orugc went from by ozpross on receipt of 81. , 41 ilurray Street , New Ycirlr. MANUAL OF USEFUL RECEIPTS FBEf. wont up 1 CHANGES ON 'CHANGE. Wet Weather Ads as a Darapwr on Chicago Cattle Bayers , Fat Animals 10 Cents Lower And Lower Prices Imperative. A Drop of $2 to $3 per Head Since thoDoolino Sot In , Westem Nebraska and Wyoming Cattle Mon on the Market , Hogs Lively , with an Advanoo o : 8 to lOo ou the Day , Corn IJccldfdly Active A ficnlplnj. Deal In IVIicRl Yellow Fever An'cctlnfi I'rovlsiotiH CHIG.VQO Speclnl Dispatch to TUB KK. CIUCAIIO , July 23 , T/is / morning was rainj nnd olisagrocablp , thoriby interfering \viti gcuurfvl outdoor ojioratlons , so that but little business wa tnms.icteJ during the forenoon fact , after the Htonn buyers were blow getting around , nnd the cattle market rulei lull till late in the dny , TJiero wai a large $ per cent of uativeH tlmu \ forpn tfow dnyti , mil .imorig tlicso were piiino e.xcellont dro\e . 1'a cattle are nt least 10o lower than on Monday nnd all sorts of grnssy stock , having to compoti i with the best samplot of range c.ittle , wll Imvo to sell at LOW I'llICES. The best fat cnttlo may bo iiiotcd | at 0 CO to To ; second class 5 81) ) to 0 10 ; mid grnatars n 80 to f > 23. Toward the eloso of the daj thcro was a fair demand for exporter ) am shipping cattle , but second class and gr.ifnara were nogloctcd troin litwt to last. To.\ were ngain plentiful , fresh receipts out ! thoao carried over making 100 to I2"t cars on Jfr. market. They sold nt the lowest figures akrday for the reason , declining ns was generally anticipated to-day , 10 to lOc below current p-fc a ofVo Jiitiod * y. TJO prices bold at ycdtordny Bliowa : \ urop of 5U to $3 l'iu : IIBAD of the don n turn Bet in. The first Montauas the Hcnsou arrived Monday nnd the first Wyoming to-day , nnd thcro were n few Colorados a week or HO ago ; BO that tha ranges nro now fairly represented. The pany clmnce.s were that there would bo little or no improvement in range c.tttla to-day , as the supply won Inr o nnd the demand slow. let xniia nro making from ? 3.25 to § 4 10 ; bulk , paid to $3.75 ; common imthei , Oflpccinlly the , nro soiling at very low lifjures. Stockeri not also spiling at very low prices. ( ! oed to nny , 1200 to 1SOJ Ibn , STi UO to S0.40 : com let to fair , § 1.50 to 85.70 ; butchers' com , S..OO to § 1,00 ; Btockew , SXOJ to SI.23 nnd " , S3.75 tot ; 1.30. ey , TBE MUST wroMi.s'o CATTLB cure the r.iugo arrived to-day. Crocker Uootli , Ueorgo Keoline , nnd ICmuiott , Greens , of K have last outfit , were tin on markit with n train of western Nebraska mid Wvomliigcattlc , however , on the rango. noon terest HOSS. at Tlio disngreeablo weather this morning dii that bccm ID k oj ) buyuM out of the market nn ; place opened easy , ruled active , with an ad of G to 10.3 on early salej. The advance Mr. has been the c.ije tor n day or so past gtt mainly on good pickers or modiuin crades fancy light ; nest heavy stock , such ns is wanted for the Now England trade the keeping up with the advnnca. The quali cept is good nnd ibout nil sold. Skip * am on throiV'Outs are Helling at 4 00 toI 8- ' , with a to demand ; fancy nil I best assorted ligh to to 5 70 , with rumored talcs at 6 00. Jte'l the pickers nnd shippers 5 09 to G G5 Mr rumored sales at G 70. Light , ICO to UK 10 to 5 70. It is CORN by decidedly the most nctivo market or no to-day. Host a of the small fry dab holders in it , but the purchases were confined feollng to Comxtock , JIutchiriEon and Adams. Brush Hutchinson nnd Aduma were oary [ buyers , but phone hfRhent point AdamH commenced to un company mint of his stuff being taken by Com- the . The opening lignro for .September intercuts was nGc , From this point dcclino sot that InllnenccJ by the dropping off of orders U much these orders , however , were nearly nil ol wh'ch scalping nature nnd entirely local. The Lho for September corn at 1 o'clock was 0 In the same as the opening nnd WIIKAT. change was only nery Bin ill Hcalping deal in hbares who . The imuket was steady and without it is except a decline of c. at the close , d'ould then at 83J. Its higlmit point for B''p Friendly tomberwaHSl The pohtlng of thu Now when HtiitcmenC of the visible Riiply ] probably $70 ' , a greater decline in the price ol . The New York utatement shows the thootficerH wanted visible supply to bo , ' ' ll,7'i'J,5SH bush- ter do which is 1)88,421 ) bushels I H than the Chi Btatemont made it , making for la-st week of U70,421 btuhols iinteid of an in of nfnrly 18,000 , The discrepancy in statements Is easily explained. Tl\t \ was ropoit iiicludeu tha supply ol received in St. J-ouiu and ] Vliiineapoliu held for milling purposes , which ruallycannot thousand considered n a portion of the xinlljlo supply the line . The Now York Btatement deducts sultry amount , presenting n more approximate of the actual wupply. The largest Lho ns true aa onu swallow brings the tion one C HO of yellow favor in Now Or mander iimkoH an oidemlc ] , " remarked a ire Mitsourl to-day ; "that ono case of yellow and in ' tlio Crescent City was ronpoiiKlblo for being ilcullno in provisions. " Tha dncllno was donor. great , however , belngabout 7Jc for Un tion If cents fur ribs. The openii g ligurea for DrtlcleH were 7 20 nnd 7 7'l ' rudjicctivoly. p. woo not hoarl from , 'J'ho provision City was very tlack , being confined toenml platform deals , war IN TUB AKTKIt.NOON , IIOSH on the uftcrnooa board wheat declined J to Iho bands advanced 1J ! , Pork earomaliu uu thousands . tops Ijattorod veterans M'AMj STUKKT. onthuxtavin HK.VSAT10KAI < IIOO1I I.V JAXI | ) .V. ; roate IJlspatcli to Till ; ] ) KK. n the YOIIK , , Inly 23 , The latent dodge of was uprutJtoday , \ ii , Ltinjon , nnd was I < nuiH\lllu and Nashville , which Sioux "whooped" from the start , and 2J per ties nro thu oprniiiK wtm succeeded by u tur- tonn , advance uf Ic , which put the t ( .k within hour 'IjSv uhovo yostenlny'ri llgnro. ihlp , was WAH thick with thu rumor of London itfugo nnd the movement wan well engineer inll , of "fore Igu" houce. Theru were steady wreck of both fct1 ck and liomla ; the latter nru ft purchase for live or ten points ) egruo , to u Hiecltl cable diipatch , It is i- - tiiiar Dull tu-day that west of ' . Norwegian LONDON' IIOI.DH No cutunato Hhare of Louisville utock out of the n the fliareh auUtanding , A rej > ort \vt& ihico thu that ICngUih holdout propone to iv\- \ oundlug uf the road and transfer thu Springs to London , u here they call ar ate vicinity their property independently and 'ho u reference tonll htroot complications. as feared. Louiuvillo k Nashville bulge lifted the market , land prices went up all St. 1'aiil t ok a back tent , but jumps 2J per cent ; Nuithwcutuin the SADINA Illinois Central 1 jt I'nlon I'aciliu ame , kept 351 to 3 . auiH , bis Hioruliig COVU ) HIOCK I umatea I > r cent , but there In email trad- utt. Ing In thorru The OouM p rly leoms con tent to Mlow them to drag nlong after the rest of the market : In other wordu , OouM docs not propose to put hi * tockn to the foro. There is no doubt thftt this in A regular Ciould rise played with ft Ixindou mnsk. "IT'S AN UL IND , " CTP. Henry CIoww * y tha cholera ncsro Ij n n good tlilntr and will drlvo American touriots honifl and tend over btiidcs thouxaniU of ICu- ropoan imboKs who will icar to stay at homn , All the money thnt would othor\n o bo opanl in Kuropo forploiwuro * : I1I bo "pent here , nml thti balance of the fnn'llrii cxrhango will oxn come to bo In our favor ; and hence goixl times sll around. Tito Assets of the Q ( . InniU Ore nml Stcol Company KHtlnmtcd nt $3,000,000. ST. Louirt , July 23. Nut \cty much addi tional was learned to-day rolnli\ to thu fail- uru of the St. Louis Orn nrd Stcfl companj- , K. A. Hitchcock , proAldjiit of the compnny , nnd the temporary receiver , had reftiH'J to make n statement of thi > assets nnd liabilities of thu company , Jin th > ground that it wai n matter with which the public has nothing In do , Mr. Hitchcock eaH tlio rrechcrshlp W.T rendered necessary by ( ho fai'ure cf Cliorru & Co. , of Chicago , whitTi was iudebto.l to thi ro nnd steel compatiy In the amount o $130,000. The liabilities beyond the bondo.l debt amount to SlilO.OJi ) . The bonded debt amounts to $2GOO,0 ( ' < > nnd tlio assets con sists cif the plant of tlio company , the stock on hum ) , nnd the contr.icts winch it holds. Learning that Air. Hitchcock declined to e * timato the nescts , another gentleman tolcr nbly conversaut with tlio business of the cor partition wan seen , \\lio said that In Ids opinion the Pilot Knob plant WKH worth about $18,000,000 , the Or.nd Tower establishment \buut SG.,0,000 , and the Vnlcanhllo lepre- bcnting n tremendous rutlay , could hardly bo of counted as nn outlay nt all , ns it is really well into which other pirts of the combineii corporation Imvo lx < en pouring their revenues. Putting thti assets t $3,000,001 would , ho said , bo safu. Ill thn United dtnter circuit court to-day Kth'ii A. Hitcheock tiled his bond for SJOJ.OOO , vith KufiisJ. Iockl.inil nnd 10 J ward lircdell n 'securities. ' It Is Hilil hat n number of crotHtors are attaching the llinois property of the company to-dty , niul bat among other things the etoro nt Mur- physboro has been sclzail , Tim history of the Lallln-K.iml attachment may bent bo told In . Iinflln's own words : "I was convinced some time ngV said Air. Lntliii , "of thu Insolvency - solvency of ths company , uud when they nnd came to mo for powder 1 told them that I but must Iiavo either each or good paper ; that I (1 ( WODtt ) KOI1 TAKK NOTES the Ore nnd Steel company , but thnt the would take any paper thnt was good , i'or n bay carload some time ago I accordingly took two nnd notes of the Crystal Pluto-Cilias compnny , winch were gii on _ to the Ore nnd Steel com for coal furnished the former , and these the notes I still h.ivo. When they wnntml a sons second carload , I told Mr. Harrison T would thu powder go only ou condition that I got It for It in good notw or money , nnd that notes of the Oio aud Steel company would do , because I did net bulie\o they were good. On thli understanding the powder go. Saturd y I hoard about this recoiverchlp nud I saw Garrison told him that I wanted either the mon thn good notes , or the powder , I didn't which , but I got nothing but n Iiuvmiit , which I Imvo to defend in order to hold the lot of powder I sold them , and which I taken possession of. " It now appears that last .Saturday after the n meeting of the principal parties in in In the ore and btoel company , was belt the Mechanics' bank , and It was decided nlng a receiver should he applied for , and thn The was tendered tc 0. L. Gnrrl&on , who accepted at the iuiOjV-then wont nnd R . llitchcoclr win. , was not prcseiil tbu meeting. Mr. Hitchcock nt once ad tnted that ho wanted the rccelvorshlii himself , nud Oarrigon went back , and htatod not nleo condition of thing * , and declined to ac fill. the ollico. There was very keen debal 0 storm the subjpctniid Mr. Garrison was proved accept the ollico anyhow , which ho declined do. Charles 1 * . Choutouii won then offered receivership , but fpr thencscnt declined. Chontdnu , however , will Co THIS rHRUANBXT IIIX'KIVJIII , nllpged , whou one Is appointed August 7 , the I nited States circuit court. There Is objection on the part of any of the stock to Mr. Hitchcock , except the forty seemed be that , as president of the Electric Light company , the Boll Tele- canyon company uud the Cryetal Plato-Glass n , ho would hardly have ing time ncccFcary to devote to the separate ed , of the Ore and Steel company , and W , it would not bo fair to load him with HO number extra work Ono particular feature badly wus spoken of on the ntreotH to-day was fact that n great many of the stockholders original company out of which the Ore Special Steel company wai foimod declined to ox- their stock hi the old companion for In ( ho new. Among these is Jay Ciould , holdr S'J.s.OOO ' stock in the Vulcan , which bombu said wns not clumped for now shares. Mr. two is Bald to bo if not hostllo nt least not Honvilla to the company. Sometime Hincu in the company wautod nn advance of nor ,000 worth of steel rails Mr. Gould told gating and the company that if they to carry that much steel they had bet It. herd The Grand Army Hciinlon. William lNNFAI'OUH , July S3. ! The grand parade hand delayed in forming. The veterans mineru know with troincnduouiij cheers by sixty Ilia people who throng every street on hn of march. The weather is line bill meaanros with threatening clouds Iximbu . gathering. | iati-ntod whole grand army is In lino. It In the demonstration ninoo the war. After A parade biiHincss meetings of the organiza will ba hold , Candidates for grand com ' are G'ornokun , of Illinois , War nor , ol Woods , KounU , of Ohio , Burst of Illinois , Anderson , of Kansas. ( ionomUStiermanlt wo urged butu disinclined to accept the iiid Ho could bo nominated by acclama larger ho dotlrod It. jiiflieH. ng IH in. The parade Is now passing the d , A hull where the utilldron on the cniioplod inattor. are waving baniiurH and singing old songs which the veterans taka up nml nlth uncovered heads , The blurn o | ; waving of banners , wliouU from from street ? , windows and hoiisa- conntitutcu nn inspiring HCOIIO. When battle flogs ' are rtccgnl/ed by old n wild ciy of delight gooup. . Tim wcs never eiiuloil | ! here , at thn t of all domonttratlons over wltuejsad north wctt. Tlio htoriit In Dalcotn , KAI.I.H , Iak , , July 23.- Seven fatal repotted In this county by Monday' * Mrs. Axel 8 , Call , of Lyons town struck by lightning whllo taking with liar family In n collar ; Mrs , John Highland townnhlp , struck by the n homo blown down ; child of 1'nlor of Highland township ; two chlldion Itaplds ; daughter of JIIIIIUH Huckin , Dell Itapidu ; Lutru C Heihson , at church , southeast of Alloy Springs. Is ynt pcwslblo of the total IUHX county , Thn report from Dell Kaplds damage ia the village and Bur- section of 4100,000 and at Valley at S.W1LOOO. The joss In the iniinodi. of HIouz Vattt l not over 3,000. tinago to crop * hero la not near BO had . PURE rnluin , Ohio , July WI. Two houken of 111 ttvel n : by D vlJ Wmt nd DJsy Wil- cccfvcUTrom HMIIactively | , were blown up by cltlzeun on ; M. by the uiu uf giant powder. TJ.e , Jiouo , were allowvd tu depart , No cnui DITTO ( HURRICANE'S HEAVY HAND. It Is Placed M a Weight of Woo on Various Wisconsin Villages , Three Churches Unroofed and Ono Destroyed by Lightning , Three Oirous Tents Levelled to the Ground in Now York , A Farmer Crushed to Death Un der His Falling Barm A IIorNO Htalilicd to Dcntli ' . lij n l-'ly. lnj { IJoarcl llarni and KOH- | tlciiocH Dnmngcil Ity Wind or U tmilnj ; . STO1OI STKIOKKN. \M3COS8IN SKVK1IKLY VISITED. MIUNAUKKK , July 23. Aflou'ro li.iit and wind ntorm dolujjod Wisconsin , and did much dnmngi ) lo crops iuitl property lost ni lit. Its Kovertty w n nm t felt at ileliurjon , Wnttr- town , I'ond DII Lac , West Itond , Kmviwkum , Ociunmnwoc , I'lyiiioutli , WMtovvator and the inscribed country , At JonVrxon tlio build- iugj oeui > Iod by Amlrow Puerncr > t Co. , RIMI- crnl incrcliantn ; Kucha k Co. , furniture deal- era ; Muck & Co , grocers nnd Slop penlnchx plneo were unroofed nnd tlinir stocks ditmngod to n tot.U ununuit $10.000 Tlio McttiodiHt , Kvaiitfellcnl nnd Catholic churches were also unruofiM ] , A Citthnlio elmroh near 1'ort Washington rtniuk by lightning and consumed. A ( lor- win man niim-d Foundro was ciushnl under falling burn nenr .luHumon. A bn.ird wiix n blown from a bnru near Fond Dii IMC mid driven Into n horse , killing it. Tn'ss , barns nnd IIOUSOM wcro Htruck by lightning in almost every town iminod. IN NKW YOIIIC , A HAD IUV KOIl CIltUUM THXIM. VOIIK , July US. A very violent wind lain storm broke over the city to-uipht , no daiuogo of coiiDeqnencu la nt thin lunir n. in. ) reported. Along thu Hudson river wind blowntn torrllicntto. In Newa there were eovornl water ppontn. Trees toll-graph poles were blown down nil nbout that . ' region. llarnum'i ) circus tunt was blown down In Cortland during porfonnancn nnd twouty-fivu per- were injured. At Kkhlii'H another clroua tent \vo * thrown to the ground. won filled with children ; nil were roKCiind , lowovcr , unhurt , nnd hurried to bantu adjacent - jacont nut of the torrifio hail mid ruin that ac companied the wind. The lightning nnd thunder was vivid nnd loud , nnd eiuiscd alarm. Storms of a eiimlar character nro re ported elsmvhero in the state. IN IOWA. A HAD IW KOIl 1IAHJW. MOINKH , Iowa , July l > ; t. TodayV hottest day of those.ison , the thermometer standing at 101. There wcro thrao C.ISCH of Eunntroko , not fatal. A thunder anil li term commenced at 10 this moiling. lightning Htritck two b.irnu b < > l < mgintr to AVilliam Patrick in the outskirts of the city , burning them * and their content ? , coil' Blntlncr of Rriin , hav nnd fmplomentn , and the joining Hhcd . LOSH , $10,000 , Lightning struck two barns on Third utritH , but much loss , A grunt nmonnt of water At midnight it looks ua though the nould bo repented. A CANYON g Giant Pmvdcr Kills Tlirco Ijahorcrs and AVuundH OilicrH , DENVKJI , Col , , July S3. A work train with bridge hands was paanlug through Jtlaclc , wuatof ( lunnixon , thin morning , when spark from the engine ignited a bnx contain- giant powder. A torrifio explosion follow killing John Lynch , John MornH nnd J. Olnon ( bridge handi ) , and wounding n of othom. The earn nnd eiigiuo were wreck'-d. Strikers After Dynnuitto Itomlia. DlepatchtoTillt liliic. CINCINNATI , July i ; : ) . William II. HAIKM , mnnufncttircr of dynumlto hand-grenndos or at Covington. Ky. , received an order days ego to plilp . ' ( ,000 hombi to the Ncl- mining district , where n big ttriko IE progruKti. Jlanen Bout the order to d'ovcr- Iloadley , aud doteetlvet ) am now invest- ! it. THBOTIIEIi HIIIi ; 01' TIIKHTOUI , CINCINNATI , July 2 ; ) . A Htory in printed to-night that an older wan received by llanos , of CoviiiRton , Ky. , forli.OOO gri'nndtw , to hn lined ngoiiiHt tlio striking at NeleonvilJe , Uhion , HaneN himuolf nothing of it , but when ho learned that partner ! ) wcro deNirlrig to thip thu bombn notimxl ( iovorner HoHilly , who 1ms tuknn to learn who tent the order. The nra a murderous Invention of Ilancg , tscnty yearn /ujo. Kontiiclcy Girl Outraged and Ah Mono' ducted. 1'AHK.sviii.r , Ky , , July 23.Minn HOHO J. wiui attacked on knoha near hero by oegroen , Jed Caldwell and Mlllard Clark , cannot l > o found. A man numed J'eter Huld the men dragged the girl Int J the . Great nxcitomont prevnils. J ynch- foa'iid , Thu ne nnw huvo been nrrost . largu crowd in in town dieuufcHing the 9 Ties Nothing ARSHQUS nriHCTOIIOlDDOWK fARLtWKINOpOWDEI AGENTS CREAM T/urrR. SI OOO , , Given ormiylnJiirloiH mbniiNiHscuii Howard bo foun'l ' ' Andrews'i'oarinaklnKl'owdor. . Js ! * mioh ehtinlhUuar ) . IMnu lluyv , ] | A. Dt'IufonUilnti , ofCliluiiro end ; CiUhtuvijj illlHiuikw. Nuvercold In bulk. A. JLNU. i 1409 and 1411 Dodee St. , \ Cft0 : .hoJ } ( Omaha Neb L. JMPOUTKR , JOD1J15U ANDJttANUFAOTUREIlS' AGENT OF C * cs 13TH ST. , BETWEEN FARNAM AND EARNSY OMAHA , - - - MEBRASKL o AND JOBBERS OF DOMESTIC TOBACCOS , PIPES ! riRTICLES PROPRIETORS OF TUB FOLLOWING CELEBRATED BRANDS : Roina Victorias , Espocialos , Hoses iu 7 Sizes from 60 to $120 per 1000. AND rilE FOLLOWING LEADING FIVE OKOT CIGARS : Grapes , Thistle , Lawrence Barrett , Oarainels. New Stan dard , Good Advice , New Brick. WE DTOLMSATE BAST SEND FOR PRICE LIST AND SAMPLfi ! ? . 1206 Farnam Street , Omaha , Neb. FOR PANTS AT FROM $8.00 AND UPWARDS. ALSO Stylish Suitings in CJorkscrows , Worsteds and Cheviots LATEST STYLES I LOWEST PRICES ! inspection of our Goods and Prices , tells tlio story. .J23J ' Working Suits from ? 2 , $3 to $8. Moris' Buaincaa from 88 . , $12.50 . ' to 315. Mon'n Cmtom-Modo Suits from 815 , $17.50 to § 25. Mon'a Suita raodo § 25. ? ! IO lo ? : } 5. Youths'Suita ' from 82,50 , 8U to § 9. 0,000 to ' order Boys'nnd ' Children's Suite , from $1.50 , $3 to 810. 0,000 MOII'B , Youths' nnd Boys' Punts , from COo , $ l.ifi ! to 87.50. 200 Dozen fine imported and Fancy Shirte , from . ' . § 1 to $ 't. 100 dozen heavy and mo- ditun Working Shirts , 50c. 75 dozen fine Summer fancy Woolen Sliirls from 81 to 81J. Summer Clothing , an extra variety , from 2fiu to 810. White and Co I'd Vests from fiOa to $3. An end less variety and Novelties in , Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs AND MEN'S HOSE. Superior and as Large a Variety in the Market , THE LOWEST PEICES GUARANTEED. | f MAMMOTH ' " * * CLOTHING HOUSE , 1001 Farnam St. Hor. 10th OMAHA , NEB. EDHOLM & ERICKSON , VHOIESALE AID TOIL JE Jewelry of a dosigna mudo to ordor. Largo atock of Diamonds and Fine Gold Jewelry. FOIl GORHAM MANUFAOT'NG GO'S STERLING SILVERWARE LAIIQIS STOOIC oil- Waltliam , Elgin , Lancaster and Columbus Watches SOLE AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED SCHNEIDER WATCH , DRESDEN. Cor. 15th nnd Dodge , opjpoaite