Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 23, 1884, Image 6

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Wednesday Morning July 23
By CArrlei . - - - - - -so oenta pet wci
By Mull - - - - . . - - ( lo.oo p r yc
No. 7 reurl Btreot , Near Broadway.
See J. Roitor'a summer goods.
Vaughnn nvonuo hi
The bridge on
boon finished and accepted.
driven through tli
Cftttlo are being
principal atroota in a very reckless mar
nor.Tho Presbyterians hold n uocial 1ft !
cvoning at the residence of Mrs. Kno [
per , of Olondalo.
Permit to marry was yesterday give
of Omaha , and Ilolgor No
31. L. Thorp ,
aon , cf Now York.
M. A. Moore , the contractor , threal
ons to auo the city for § 2,000 , the amour
not paid by property owners.
A French immigration aocioty is be
; Dg organized in the Fourth ward. Froj
there know.
are so plenty , you
The two and a half year old daughtc
of L. T. Brown , who liau her loft ahou
dor dislocated recently is improving voi
T. D. King & Co. of which our ol
friend Qua Bergman is the "Co. " BOOR
to bo jumping right into a fine clgi
Mrs. Sarah Mclntyro lias boon nc
judged insane , and to-day , Deputy She :
iff Clattcrbuck will take her to the psj
Ilarry Wostlako , found sleeping at th
dummy depot , was lot go yesterday b
Judge Aylosworch , on the promino the
ho would leave the city. Ilarry hi
about worn out this promise.
A car of fast horses came in yostcrdn
over the Rock Island , and will leave t (
day over the U. P. for San Francisci
Jamoa A. Hogan having thorn in [ charg
There were twelve in the car.
A team attached to ono of Boecrofl
express wagons , yesterday aftornoo
took a run up Seventh atroot , and n
being able to cresa the foot bridgt
jumped in the crook. No damage.
The aoason of navigation haa open <
on the great lake on Seventh stroc
a crow of boys yoatorday launchii
thereon a great acow , which ia to 1
known as Admiral James' ilag boat.
How does It happen that ono of t ;
powdor-housca haa boon forced to mo
way beyond the city limits , and othc
are allowed to atay inaido the limits ? A
something easier , this hot weather.
The sheriff of Harrison county n
hero yoatorday with two men arrest
there for larceny. They were broug
bolero Judge Ayleaworth on a writ
habeas corpus , and both turned looso.
The five hogsheads which obstruct t
sidewalk on Bancroft atroot opposite H (
tonhauor's should bo removed. They e
a nuisance , Yesterday a lady whllo pai
ing them tore her dross on ono of thoi
George n. Ferguson haa challong
D. T. Stubbs , the holder of the modal
the young men's shooting club , and t !
contest ia to take place nozt Tuesday
the driving park.
The sheriffs aalo of Michaels Brc
stock of jovrolry , whioli was to have teen
on place yesterday , was postponed foi
few days , there being a prospect ;
some settlement of their financial di
Yesterday morning while arranging
bolt on the pully in the foundry Will !
FlQold waa knocked off a ladder and
right shoulder badly bruised , the pi
falling to the floor but luckily not lai
ing on him.
The line of march for the show part
' to-day la from the grounds
Twelfth street to Ninth , then to Bro
way , along Broadway to Pearl to Will
avenue , and along that avenue to Bereft
oroft , and up to Broadway again ,
A man named Nason , employed on J
Ghamp'a now house on Oakland avon
waa yesterday afternoon overcome by i
intense heat , and had to bo taken to
boarding house on Twelfth avenue , n
Tenth street. It is not thought that
stroke will provo very serious.
Eogono Shaw , the nigh1 clerk at
Pacific , had a narrow oacape from aori
injury yoatorday morning , lie was p
ting his revolver away when it wont
. the ball passing between the first i
second fingers of his loft hand , and bi
ing itself in the wall.
The dear old grandmother waa a li
previous in mentioning that the Bp
.Lake party had already gono. Gone
Alexander , of Nebraska , and Art
Patterson , of Omaha , have gene to 1
neapolu , together with J. T. Oliver
this city , but T. E. Gavin , llioh
Greene , and Her. T , J. Haokay will
leave until Wednesday night , and will
joined b/ the other * at Spirit La
Thursday morning ,
Homer Coy , who haa given up
hotel business , baa leased the build
lately occupied by John Nicholsi
and ia preparing to open n confoctioni
and fruit store , and will probably opoi
restaurant in connection with it. . '
trill also keep flowers and plants
their season. MrOoy has a wide
quaintance and hundreds of friends , w
will , gladly become his customers , a
will doubtless make the venture a pro
able otibl > i
The'iiheriff' ' of ' "Lincoln,1 " Neb , , arm
Jiore several days ago looking fop a n
named Bylvestyr Stroud ) whb had ' 1
Lincoln with a farm wagon , hones a
harness which were mortgaged. I
placed the case in charj
of Constable Clattorbuck , wl
Kftvo it to doloctivo C. K. Beswic
who caught his man in the postofflco ye
torday morning. I'pon being told t
the detective to consider himself ui
dor arrest ho said ho had boon lookir
for it. IIo was allowed to go free upc
the promise of his brother to settle tl
case by Monday next.
"Tho "official paper" which has boo
so mum about the horrible stonch-ho
loft by the clly "improvement" counci
at last calls attention to the fact tin
there is ono stagnant pool on Fourth a
onuo. Things must bo getting protl
bad , when the "official paper" thus rui
the risk of loosing the city printing. E
wonder it preludes the statement wl
"Tho Glebe hositatoa to find fault , b
there are circumstances which domat
It , " Yes , there are circumstances whii
demand it , and have boon demanding
for weeks , oven if that paper has hoc
too timid to whisper anything about
Last evening the Round Table had
very enjoyable time at the residence
0. A. Boobo , although there waa a tin ]
of sadness in the fact that it waa a so
of farewell reception to Rev. Cyrus IJai
lin , who has done so much for the into
out of the mombora , and to whom tl
succoj of the society ia duo. The fir
part of the evening waa spent in a mui
cal and literary programme , and the Inter
tor part to social converse and partakii
of refreshments. Ono of the most a
propriato features of the evening's o :
tortainmont waa the giving of aontimon
by those proscnr , those sentiments a
companying the autographs , being afto
wards gathered in the form of an nut
graph book , which will servo Mr. liar
lin as a pleasant reminder of the eve ;
ing thus spent.
There was a lively little discussion i
front of Booko's furniture waroroon
yesterday. It seems that Mr. Wickmc
haa the contract from the city for puttir
in curbstones on Broadway , aud M
Booko preferring the patent stone , he
arranged to have Mr. Hammer put th ;
in. Two gangs of workmen appeared i
the same time , and each insisted on d
ing the work. Finally Mr. Haramci
men pulled oil , and the Wickham gai
wont on. Mr. Boobo protested again
the city doing the work , as ho proforri
making his own contatct. IIo claim
that the property owners were only gi
en five days in which to do the tror
and that this waa not time onoug
Further than thia , the atones that th
were putting In were only four inches
thickness , while the contract called J
vo inchoa in thickness. If there
much of this undersized atone being \
i , it ia the making of a nice lit
irofit for the contractors.
rV llnro Clmnco to Got the It
Sort of Vehicles.
In making his rounds yesterday T
BEE man dropped into H. F. Hatti
hauor'a carriage factory on Fourth stro
t is a decidedly interesting place
riait , for nowhere in this part of 1
country can ono BOO a larger or mi
varied display of vehicles. It ia a n
ular exposition show. Mr. Hattonhau
has boon all his lifetime in the businc
and houco knows what good work is , o
the reputation ho haa gained ainco i
establishment of hia works , In 18G3
based on the fact that ho not only kno
but ia determined to glvo hia custom
the benefit of haa knowledge. It
got so that when a man wants to boas !
hia carriage or bugqy , ho Bays , "w
that's ono of Hattonhaui
make. " Ho does not mi
cheap work , but still puts
prices as low as the quality of the w <
will warrant. Just now ho is mak
some specially low prices to reduce
stock , and anyone thinking of buying
vehicle of any sort should take advant
of this. Those who can should call i
examine for themselves. Those who c
not should send for his illustrated ct
loguo and prices , and may bo equally <
tain of fair , square treatment. Ho ho
complete alack , a full line of ovorythi
There nro some nice , light driving TI
wagons , weighing from 113 to 200 poui
Tlion there are buggies of various sty ]
family carriages , etc. All thia work 1
hia own make , and this means to all A
know him the boat material , the n
thorough workmanship , and the fit
finish. Further than this ho always v
rants his work thoroughly. Ho has i
in stock some second hand bug (
which ho has taken In trade , aud wli
ho will Bell very low
that ono who dosiroa to purcli
any. ' sort of a vehicle can surely f
something to suit both the fancy and
Among the work just finished 1
beautiful family carriage for Mr.
8. Stovoim , the general agent of I
Chicago & Rock Island. It is wha
called a "Surrey , " with canopy top , a
is indeed a beauty. In convenience i
comfort , a bettor vehicle for such a p
poao could not bo dovitod , while
beauty of finish it cannot bo oxcoll
Every nut , every iron , every detail , ia
finished and smooth as the most skil
work can makoit , and it needs no exp
to aoo that ia no ordinary coinage oil !
in material or work.
liattenhauor'a factory is cortainlj
credit to this city , and the way his w <
haa stood the tust of time ha * given I
public n confidence which is a toad
boiuf ? ttroniithonod.
Hlilpiucnta of Block.
The following were the shipment *
atock from the union stock yards , J
22d :
Hoimbiugh & Morrinra , 1 car hogs ,
head , to Chicago via. R. 1.
Fuller it Miller , 1 car hogs , 00 head
Chlcnao via. Milwaukee ,
0. Siowarr , 1 car horses , 17 head ,
St. Paul , Nob. , via. Union Pacific.
S , S Hoover , 1 car sheep , 105 ho
Council Bluffs ' -
A. Martin , U card cattle , ) .
Chicago via , Milwaukee ,
Hunting for Authority for T Uln
Awny Council Bluffs Chatter.
The prohibitionist/ boon koopin
very quiet of late and there are man
conjectures as to what they propose t
do , the Macedonian scheme havin
proved a dismal failure.
Ono of the suppositions ia that th
prohibitionists have concluded to wn
until the towns in the interior of th
state are made to obey the IAW , and the
they will turn their attention to th
river towns ,
It is also reported that they are bus
at DOS Moinoa hunting up the law an
the prccodonU for taking awa
the charter of the city of Council Bluffi
Ono of the leading property ownora an
business men of the city said to THE Br
man yoatorday , that ho hoped they woul
do this , not because ho cared anythin
about the prohibition law being onforcoc
but because the city government waa go
ting so bad in other rospocta , especial !
as regarded street improvements that b
felt it waa high time to take heroic moa :
urea. IIo believed that it would bo
good thing to take away the chartoi
turn out the prcaont officers , and put tl ;
city in the handa of trustooa appointc
by the governor , business men , ho di
not care to what party they belonged.
The Carson Criterion has lately into :
vlowod Frank Shinn , the attorney f <
the prohibitory alliance. Thu C'rlteric
represents him aa saying bitterer thin ;
about Council Blulla than ho said who
hero. It says :
Wo interviewed Attorney Frank Shin
on his return from Council Bluffs for tl
jmrpoao of learning the state of the pul
lie mind of that city with reference I
the enforcement of the prohibitory lav
Ho says that there are a tow earno
t mporanco men there who are very di
torminod in their oflbrta to enforce tl
law and como out boldly declaring
shall and must bo enforced ; that evci
man ho conversed with who was not d
roctly or indirectly interested in tl
liquor traffic , would aay the law shoul
bo enforced , and many other laws tha
were openly violated. Buc they ha\
at the head of the city government
mayor that ia encouraging mon to vijlal
the laws of the state , and a sot of pphci
men that frequent the bar and are infli
nncod with the same spirits Yaughan is-
ardent spirits. The mayor of the city
the diatinguishodloadorof saloonkeeper
gamblers and a class of men who opcnl
threaten violence to any person who fill
informations , or to attorneys who engnc
in prosecuting the violators. The cii
with auch a mayor is virtually witl
> ut a government , and were it not fi
.ho state authorities lifo and proper :
would not bo safe within ita limit
There are many good men in Count
Blufia who think with Omaha a great ci
just acrosa the river would bo material
benefited by the enforcement of the la' '
that the hotlos would take from Ooun
Blufla much patronage that they nc
have , and that the people who drii
boor would go to Omaha and spend thi
money there , that city getting all t
revenue , and the cause of temperance I
ing no nearer promoted in the Blu
than it would to have open saloons , ft
Shlnn thinks that the arrest of Conatal
Rayburn and | incarcpratinc ; him In jo
haa aroused the ire of the bet' '
clasa of citizens of the city , a
they now aeo the element that is mini
the city and they will no doubt , if driv
to do so , insist upon Governor Sherm
calling n special session of the legialatv
to consider the necessity of revoking t
city charter and place the city under t
control of trustees. Ho says it a a ti
riblo state of aIIairs when a policom
can have the cheek , backed by a era
of a mayor , to arrest a state officer wh
in the discharge of his official duties. ]
thinks that the good people of Coun
Blufla will bo obliged to call upon t
governor for protection , if there is i
reform in the city government
J. M , Palmer was not quite aa well yest
Phillip Thoma goes to St. Paul for a I
days visit.
A It. Grow , the postmaster of Loren , i
in the city yesterday.
Tames Smith , ono ol the proprietors of
Kovoro house hosmohr'a.
K. II. Udoll 1ms boon confined to bin ho
by illness for a few day ; , but ia gaining
S. 11 , Lemon , biiBinetu agent of Forepaugi
IB at Kiel's hotel , which will bo the buadqu
tors for this show to-day.
O. U. llooved has covered his connect
with the lloonlor drill company , and baa
vested liin spnro cash ia a roller akato mai
facturiug company , at Richmond , India
andhaabetm in ado the trcamiror of the cc
pany. IIo ty/jell known among the ngricult
al implement men , aud commercial toariata
the heavy weight.
ooor. BLurra MAUKET.
COUNCIL llu\rn. IOWA , July 22 , 188J
Wheat No. 1 inlUlug , 76@80 ; No. 3 ti !
70 ; rejected 50.
Corn Local purposes , 40@45.
Oata For local purposes , I)5@40. )
liny 510 00@1'J 00 per ton ) baled , 50@
Kyo 40@45o.
Corn Meal 1 30 per 100 pounds ,
Wood Good supply ; prlcea at yarda , 0 0 (
700.Coal Delivered , hard , 11 CO par ton ; sc
5 00 per ton
Lard Fulrbank's , wholoaallng at 9c.
Flour City flour , 1 60@3 SO.
Brooms 2 U5@3 00 per dor.
Cattle Butcher COWB 3 60@4 00. Butcl
stoern , noiio In market.
Sheen II. BO.
llopi 1 00.
Quotations by J. M. St. John & Co , , co
niUiilou morohuuta , 533 llrondwny ,
1'oiiltry l Ivo old hens , 7c ; ( priiif ? chlckei
2 i5@3 ! 00 per doz.j Hvo turlcoyn , 'Jc.
IVachoa A bun. box , 1 00.
Oraiiffea 5 00@0 00 per box.
Lemoua 0 00 per box ,
Dunnnoa-'J 011(33 ( 00 per bunch.
Ituttor Creamery , 20c ; rolls , choice D1
% g 1CJ | > edozen. .
Vetfotablos Potatoes 1 60@2 00 per b
onions , 7fto ; rabbapo , ItOo per docatl ;
iippltw , K ! bit box , . * 0ccl ( iT ! > cooking 00 |
' . ' . ' ' .
lirl : bajiua ; 1 tOfe''i'ipor bushel.
The lions Ultinbur.
\Viuhlngton Hatchet ,
"Jloro , Thermometer , uo up and i
that inaulator , " aaid n Baltimore
Ohio line man to hia aaaiatant.
The oaaiatant immediately began
climb the tall telegraph polo with t !
greatest agility.
"Thermometer ia a funny naino foi
man , isitnoU" aakod a bystander.
' , 'lt'a ' u mighty appropriate uamo. I
UUio ; bpw climber p ( , \l\o \ aoason , "
Smofco Seal'of Nortq Carolina Tob :
Best Kentucky Barrels and Half Barrels.
" Fine Cut
"Bee , " and "Rival" Cigars.
The Best Nickel Goods Offered , We Guar
antee Our Assertion. Give Them Trial Order.
- - - IOWA
, -
MRS. S. J. NGRRIS , 105 Main Street , Council Bluffs.
To ta sold regardless of
cost for the nest two
weeks to make room for
. „ „ , . _ _ I I ) Pall Goods.
J. J. AUWERPA , 317 Broadway , Council Bluffs
IniptfliifnTio1 "Pi cm A
iiiiuikui nig jrjkuiu
Beet and Most tollable.
Endorsed by FRANZ I.ISZT.
Unrivalled toi Tone or Finish.
Best Modern Price to Buy.
The Kimjiall Onran , ao long and favorably known ! n the west , rflcominenda itself.
J. L. STEWAKT , Solo Agent for above lines of Goods. Worerooins 329 Broidwav ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa. Correspondence Solicited. Agents Wanted
Real Estnto Transfers.
Thomas Officer to E. A. Patton , lot C ,
block 9 , Hyatt's aub. 81,500.
C. R. I. & P. U. R. Co. , to Eli Hall ,
ei BW | , 1 , 77 , 43. § 1,000.
"W. fl. Freeman to S. S. Baldwin , lota
24 , 25 and 20 , block 4 , Big Grovo. $100.
Total sales , $2,000 ; total sales for the
week , § 20,705.
The genuine Cleveland hats will bo ot
sale at Me teal f Bros. ' by the 25th.
NOTICE. Special a vertlsomonts , svo aa Lost
Found , To Loan , For Halo , To Rent , Wants , Doard
D Ing , eto. , will bo Inserted In this column at the lot
rate o ! TEN CENTS PER LING ( or the Qrst Insertloi
and FIVE CENTS PER LINE ( oi each subsequent n
ecrtlon. Leave advertisements at oui office , No.
Pearl Street , near Broadwav
Oil SALE A complete stock ot groceries am
F fixtures In Couno 1 Bludu ; a corner store
and a first cUss location , doing a good business , sat
Istactory reasons given for selling. Address McATEF
T OST Gold bracelet on Sunday , July 12th. Find
JLj cr will bo suitably rewarded upon lcaIng the
same with cashier , Doeton Tea Btore.
- good Tinsmith for guaeral work lu
country shop. Address W. W. Looroli , at Da-
vld Bradley & CO'B ollloe , Council lllullj. la. jiot.
\\7AFTiD-Uy a married man , ajjed 40 , Bltimtlor
IT In a wholesale or retail grocer } house. Had II
years rxnrrlencc. Cm Rive first-elms references
Address "J.ll. U. , " 1018 Broad qy , Council Blufla
"l"\7ANTED. Position as engineer or fireman , bj
VV experienced hand , capable of , doing hlsosvr
repairing , Strictly tcmpciato. Address S. , BKI
office , Council Bhiffu.
Five hundred pieces of flrstclaei
WANTED hand carpet and two hundred beatlni
utovea. A. J. MANPEL , 828 Broadway
OLD PAPERS For sale at BBS office , at 25 ooufa
a hundred.
Every body in Council BluHs to tak <
WANTED . Delivered by carrier at only twontj
cents a week.
Ijlull BALK CllEAl' . tiood boarding bouse , saloor
Jj and billiard hall. Fine bualattiJ. Adaicas K ,
UxKolllcc , Council Blufla.
FOll SALK-Or will rent by Sept. 1st to a
without children , anew house with barn , c
tern , utc. Emjuiro of Frank Cook , Room 0 , Shu
gart's block , Council Bluffs
KALK CHEAP Or to rent , a shop suitable
FOll blacksmlthlng or wtgon-maklng. Inquire
No. 12 north Main street , Council BluQs.
SITUATION \VANTBl-By a thoroughly compe
tent book-keeper. Would work on small laian
for a good firm , hirst.da a references. .X. Y. Y.
FOR BALE. A golden opportunity to get into i
legitimate and prollublu business nil easj
terms. A Mellestabllsnod bakery In Council BlufTi
for salo. Good reasons for selling. Addret ) 0.11
J. , Urn otllco , Council Illuffs
AGENTS Indies and gentlemen can make flrel
clans vogea by selling the "Champion Bosom
Btrecthei and ronlng Board. " Retails at tl.OO ,
Any lady can do up UQ shirt without a wrlukU
and gloss It as nicely as the beet laundries can. Addres <
for pat tlcuUr * 0. B. B. & L Co. , J3 i ; offloo , Oounci !
ICE ! ICE ! ! ICE ! ! !
For pure river Ice pttroE lie the blue w sgcms aat <
sloctlcn guaranteed. Lea\e orders at Ko. i& South
Main strret.
Telephone No. SI.
FOR SAI.E-Tno large lots ! th three
house" , and all improxiiucnU , bringing montuly
rental of t . Pricotl OO.
AiUrcM L. , BKKOffico
Mrs HJ Hilton. H n.
, , , . . .
S23 Wlddlo Bro < lMr y , Council Bluaa ,
Aitorneys t-Law ,
.OtBce , Ualn HUout , llooma 1 aud a 8bDg r 4 Mo-
Mabon'i lUotk. Will practice U BUt and Fdwtl
xurt *
Railway Time Table
The following are the tlmou of the arrival and i
parture of trains by central standard time , at t !
local depots. Train * leave transfer depot ten m earlier and arrive ten minutes later ,
cracioo , BUELisaros ASD QOINCT ,
f:35pra Chlcaeo Express' 9.00 a
9:40 : a m Fast Hall. 7:001
6:45 : am I'Jlatl and Kxprcss , 7" IT
12:30 : p m Accommodation. 2.40 [
'At local depot only.
10:05 a m .Moll and Express , 7:05 r
SKIS P m Pacific Express , 6:50 : (
6:25 : p m Express , 9.0B n
6:16 : a m Express , 6:65 : [
6:30 : p m Atlantic Express , 9:05 : o
0:25 : a m Day Express , 0:54 : p
7:20 : p m , * Dca Molnes Accominodatlon/i 0:05 : f
'At local depot only. <
wAiAsa , ST. iama AND PACIFIC.
0:65 a m Mall , 4:45 p
4:50 : p m Cannon U 'l 11:16 D
* At Transfer enl
6SO p m Express , 8:50 : p
9:25 : a m Pacific Express , 9:05 : o
:40pm : St. 1'aul Express , 8:60 : a
> ; 20am Day Express 0:50 : p
tmiotf PACIFIC.
8:00 : p m Western Express , 8:35 : o
11:00am : Paclfla Express , 4:10 : p
7:40 am JSjUxa\ Express , 0:54 a
12:10 : a m "Lincoln Express ,
At Transfer only.
Leave-7:20-8:30-9SO-IO:30-H:40a. : : : : : m. 1:30- : :
3:30-4:80-6:30-6:30-11:05 p. m Sunday 9:30-11
a m. 1:30--3:30-6SO-C:30-11:15 : : : .p. m. Arilvo 10 n
te befuro leaving tlmn
J.n. TATK. WAnnEN wiir
Practlco In State and Federal Courts.
Collections promptly attended to.
Kooin 0 , Schugart's Building ,
. . .
Justice of the Peaci
Omaha and Conncll Blnflir .
Real estate collection agency , Odd Fellows Bit
iver Savings Bank.
rnos. orncm , n. M. ruiir.
Ooancll Bluffi I * .
Established - - 181
Dealers In Foreign and omettlo Exchange I
Ur Sccurttt
E. Rice M. D.
or other tumors removed wlthont I
knife or drawing o blood.
Over hlrty years practical experltnot Offce I
Tear treet , Council Iiluffi
f JTConoultatlou tree
Sealed proposals will bo received 1
the undoralgned till Augus 1681 ,
noon , for the building of the new Frc
bytorlau Church in Council Bluifr , low
Plans and specifications can bo noon
the Dank of Oflicor it Pusoy ,
Contractors , in their blda to state tl
price at which they will take the a ton
brick and lumber of the old Church
The conunittoo reserve the right to r
ject any and all bids.
By order of the Building Committee.
1 ' ' ' Tn6MAt < OFFICE ! ! ,
Council BlulTa.
H. H. HORNE & CO , ,
Wo make r upoclalty , nt our EASTERN factory , of FINE HAVANA
YAHA CIQAIIS. All Cigars sold by us are of our own tnnnufacturo and warranted
as represented.
& TOMjEH ,
7 and 0 Main street ,
In Iowa and Nebraska , aud sold for the least money at 337 Broadway , Council
Bluffs , Iowa.
} MRS , D , A , BENEDICT ,
urtalns , in Lace , fl't , Turcoman , Etc. Oil cloths , ! Mattings , Linoleums Eto
hoicest and Best Selected STOCK in the WEST ,
omo and bo convinced that wo are headquarters for all goods in our lino.
hoapest place to buy CARPETS , Curtains and House Furnishingo in the
CHy. Upholstorinir and Bedding Supplies.
Mail Orders Pilled Promptly and with Care.
The Best $2 a day House in the West
Centrally Located
Sample Rooms ,
'First Class Table ,
All Modern Conveniences. S
Reduced Bates to Regular Boarders.
Perfect Fitting , Beat and Cheapest. Fine Linen Collars and Cuffs.
No. 715 Fourth Street Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Fumitnro and appointments all now. NOB. 208 and 210 Broadway , Council Bluff
Waves three inch part 65c , Ooquetts lOc each , Switches
$ lto$20 each , Hair ornaments given with every pur
chase , All kinds pf hair work promptly attended to ,
Waves made of ladies' ' comhings at 50c per inch ,
MRS. J. J GOOD - - - 29 Main Stree
Nos. 217 nnd 219 S. Main St. , - - COUNCIL BLUFFS
3,000 Electric Belts Sold In tbo Month of Juno ty us.
Agents Wanted !
References Any o the Luslno houses In Council Bluflii. JUDD & SMITH Proprietor ! .
Metalic Caskets and Woodin Coffins of all Kinds.
USTo. 3.2 INT. OVT/viuL S3t. . Oo-u.xa.Gil
501 Main Street , Council Blulfs.
SAMPLE OASES n specialty. Shawl , Tourist , and Trunk Strops.
Twenty Years Experience. - - Repairing Neatly Executed