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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 23, 1884)
THE BAILS BEE-YTEDNESDAr JULV 23 , 1884. NEBRASKA OMAHA , NEBRASKA. PAID UP CAPITAL Uv.w SUUPLUS MAY 1,1884 ' . ' 0,000 DIRECTORS : IL W. YATES , A. E. TOUZALIN , 1'rcildcnt. Vloo President W. V. MOOUE , J.VO. S. COLTJNS , LEWIS S. HEED. Kent K. llaydcn , Assistant and Acting Cashier , BAxma omcx : The Iron Bank , OOR , 12TH ANDFAENAM STS , A GENEUATj BANK1XQ BUSINESS TRANSACTED. INTEREST nllowod on tlmo deposits npon f ivorablo tonna and upon aooonnta of banks and bankers. FOUEION EXCHANGE Government Bonds and County and Oity aocurltloa bought nud sold. In its treatment of customers tlio most lib' ' oral policy is pursued consistent with safety nnd sound bunking , nnd wo invite correspond- 1'iico or personal inquiry in connection there ] witht FINANCE AND COMMERCE , Jb'INANOIAlj New YonK , July 22. Uonoy Ea yj ] 1 ; closed offered 1 , Pnmo paper 5J@7i per cent. Sterling Bills Weak ; 483 ; demand , 48IJ. Governments Strong for 4js nnd easier for coupon -is and 3 pur cents. Railways Firm nnd higher. State Securities Quiet. Stocks Quiet ; closed strong. Compared with lust uight closing prices nro } toiler cent higher , OOCPONO B' 100 4 Vo Coupons 1128 U , S , now , 1'f I20J Padfio 6 B of ' 95 121 BT.OOKS AND BONDS , American Express . 00 Burl. , Cedar Hnplds & Northern. . . . . 05 Oontral PadQo 'Ml Chicago & Alton 128 J do do pfd 140 Ohl. , Burl. & Quinoy 11GJ Erie KM do pfd 80J Fort Wnyno& Chicago 127 Hannibal & St. Joseph 3bJ do do do pfd S8J IlllnolB Central 123 Ind. , Bloom. & Western 12 } Kansas & Texas 14 } Lake Shore & Michigan So 74 $ Michigan Central.- GO Minneapolis & Bt. Louis 139 do do do pfd 20J Missouri Pacific . ' 903 Northern Padfio 18 | do do pfd . . . - . . . . . 45 Njrthweatarn 92J do pfd 123 New York Central 103/ / Ohio & Mississippi ly ! do do pfd 55 Feorln , Decatur & EvansvILle 1HJ Rock leland 10'Ji Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul 7.1 do do do pfd 100 Bt. Paul Minn. & Manitoba 87 Bt , Pnul& Omaha 1273 do do pfd 874 Texas Pncifio 88 Union Pncifio 33 $ & W abash , St. L. & Padfio 5 ? do do do pfd 13& Western Union Telegraph 05 > . , $ ' 'Asked. U- . , " ' , U'V.iW 'V.iW\ GUA1N AND PROVISIONS , 'k -JJMfi CHICAGO FEODUOB. W'M CHICAGO , July 22. Flour-Quiet ; unchanged ; * M winter , 500@OCO ; spring , 4 00 @ 4 DO ; Minnesota baker's , 4 20@i5 00. Wheat. Active accompanied by weaker feeling. Opened easier , bccamo iirmer , but becime weak on publication of report showing visible increase instead of decrease , and closed 1@1J under yesterday. 81(5)82 ( ) casn ; 81 July : 823@82i August ; 83J Sep tember ; 84J@84 October ; No. 2 red 88J. Corn Active , unsettle < l : opened shade low er , quickly advanced 1&1 } , declined J l , and closed H@i over yesterday. Cash and July 53J ; August 53i@.r > 33 ; September 54J ; October 533@53i year 44 j ; rejected 48J@4l > ; Oats Steady , nrm ; Cash 29 ; July 29jJ@29i : August 2CJ@iC3 ! ; September 20 ; year 2oi @ 25g. Kyo Finn ; C2J. Barley Dull ; 68@CO. Flax Nominal. Timothy Quiet ; 1 28@1 30 for prime. Pork-Dull at 10 00@1G 50 for cash : gJuly nnd August , 24 00 ; September 20 00 : Oc tober 19 00. Lard Dull , easier ; 5@10 lower ; cash and July 7 02J7 05 ; August 7 15&7 174 ; Sep tember 7 27i@7 30 : Bulk Moats Quiet ; shoulders , 6 00 ; Bhort ribs , 7 GO ; short dear , 8 20. Whisky 110. Butter Fair demand ; creamery , 17i@19 ; fancy dairy , 1I@11J. Cheese Steady ; full cream cheddara and flats 7J@84 ; skimmed cheddars 'J@I > 1 ; poor hard skims J@l. % g IBfgiriJ. ludoa Iteceipts small ; demand moderate green salted quoted : bull ( ij ; damaged Oi ; Tight 8J ; heavy 8 ; cnlf 12J. Tallow Lower ; No , 1 country sold at 5 , CALL IJoAiin Wlieat-@i lower. Corn i higher. Oats j lower. 1'ork Unchaneod , Lard Unchanged. NKW ORLKANB , NswOnLBANS , July 22. Corn Demand active ; yellow mixed C3@C1. _ Oats Western , scarce ; firm at 40. Corn Moal-Dull ; lower ; 2 75@2 80. Pork Steady ; peed demand , 10 flO , Lard-Steady ; tierce refined , 7 75 ; keg , 8 25. 25.WhiskySteady ; western rectified , 1 00 ® 1 20. MILWAUKER. MILWAUKEE , July 22. Wheat Weaker ; No , 2 Milwaukee and July , 81i ; August , 81 j ; September. 83if , Corn Unsettled ; No. 2 , 60 delivered. Oats Higher , scarce ; No. 2 , 33i@3J , Itye Lower ; No , 1 , 02. Barley Dull ; lower ; No , 2Spring and Sep tember , 69@6'Ji. DALTtUOnR. BALTIMORE , July 22. Wheat Tostorn easier ; active ; No , 2 winter red spot 95g@95ji , Corn Western , oaiiur ; dull ; mixed spot 6'J @ ( ! OJ Oats Firm ; western white , 3'J@41 ; mixed , 36@3JD Ilyo Steady , 0070. Erps ( Lower and easy ; 11@15 , Whisky Steady ; 115. KANSAS CITr. KANSAS Cur , July 2L' . Wheat Quiut ; 71J cash nnd Aueimt ; "IJ bid July , Corn Lower ; 41J cash ; II bid August ; 41J bid September. Oats Dull and nominal. DINCItVNATl. OINOINNATI , July 22. Wheat Weaker } No. 2 red. 8C@87. Firmer : No. 2 mixed , 61. /Corn - ; No. 2 miiwl. 331. Kyo-.Stronger : No. 2 , 00(5,07. ( Porlf-Dull and eaiierj 10 00@10 25 , Lard Dull and lower ; 0 90. Bulk meats Eauy and ( inn ; shoulders , 53 ; rilm 81 , Whisky-Steady at I 07. LIVERPOOL. LIVERPOOL , July 22. Breadstuff * Firm and xellera asking an advance. Wheat Winter 7 8d@7 ilOdj spring 7 8d @ 7s lOd. Cora--Fair 6a , - - ; 2Jd TOIKDO. TOLEDO , July 22. Wlioat Quiet and teady ; No , 2 red , cash nnd July 88 Lid. Corn Dull ( inrt lower ; No. 2 cftshand fu turcs 55. OnU Scarce nd firm ; No. 2 , cwh Bin July 3 1. NEW YORK rnonccK. NKW YOHK , July -Whoat Spot 1@ lower ; options declined { < ? < ! $ opening ; niliiu weak tnoit of tlio dny h-nviug oT ( iniiilo rntos No. 2 ChlcftRO 911@n. > 5 ; uiiRradod ro l 74fa ) 00) ) No. 3 rod IMj now Ny , 2 red OSKDUij old No. 2 rod U7i ; Sopteinbor closing D7J. Corn Sirnt J@t lower ; options closin heavy ; ungraded 49302Jj No. 2 C2J@C3J Septcicbor C2 . Out * Jaj ( lower and dull ; mixed western 3fij@38 ; white W@47. yW Western , fresh , dull and easier a 1'ork Quiet and steady ; old mess , 1000. Lara Weak ; western stenni , spot , 735 lluttor Demand fair and firm lor choice grade. liIVK SUOOK. OHIOAOO LIVE STOCK. CniOAOOJuly 22. Drovers' Journal report Hogs Dull ; chxed C to lOo lower : rougl packing , 5 00 to 5 25j packing and shipping 6 30 to C CO ; light , 6 00 to 5 05 ; skips , 3 00 U 4 05 , Cattle Weak , lOc lower ; exports , C 30 to 0 C5 ; common to choice shipping , 4 fit ) to t ) 40 inferior to good cowa. 2 00 to 4 2u ; etockor and feeders , tt 00 to 4 25. Sheep Slow ; inferior lo fair , 2 75 to 3 75 per cwt. ; medium to extra , 3 75 to 1 75 ; lamb : per huad , 1 00 to 3 03. KANSAS OITT LIVE STOCK , KAKSAB CITT , Jnly 22. Cattle Weak low , quality not good ; nativw , 4 50 to 0 00 cows , 2 80 to 3 75. Hogs Steady ; heavy and mKod , 5 10 to 5 IR ; light , 5 VO to 5 30. Sheep Steady ; native' , 3 00. HT. Ufl3. ' ST. Louis , July 22.-Ifora Steady , York crs , 550 to 600 ; paking , 500 to 530 heavy , 5 50 to 5 Cf > , Cattla Natives scarce , weak ; all grades slow ; uvportf , ( i 10 to U Co ; common to cltoici iiipiiiK , 4 75 to C 40. Sheep Top Rrades fell well , poor \ ery dull inferior to peed , 2 25 to 3 7n : choice to extra , 1 00 to 4 50 ; good to choica lambs , . ' ) 75 t ( TLOCn AND OBAIK. OniOAQO. July 22. Kocolpta and uhlp mentii of flour imd grain for the paat { 8 hours bavo boon M follows Receipts. Bhlp'ts. Flonr , bbls 10,000 5,000 Wheat , bushcla 3S.OOO 107,000 Corn , bushels 181,000 87,000 Data , bunhola 127,000 'JJ.OOO Ryo.bushola 7,000 1,000 Barley , bushels 3,000 1,000 Nsw Yens , July 22. Receipt * und ihlpmonta of dour and grain for the past 24 hours anvo boon as follows : Receipts Shlp'ts. Wheat , bushels 33,000 238,000 Corn , bushels 1,100 33,000 0 t . bushela 18,000 LITE STOCK. OHIOAOO , July 22. Rocolpta and ship monta of live stock for the post 24 houra have bean < u follows : Rocr.Inta. Bhlp'ta. Oattlo 7,000 Hogs 12dOO Sheep 1,000 KANSAS Oirr , July 22. Receipts and shipments of bra stock for the post 24 hears lave bean aa follows : Rocolpta. Shlp'ts. Cattle 4,000 3oga 4,000 . . . . Sheep 330 . . . . ST. Loom , July 22 Receipts and ship monta of live stock for the post 24 honra have icon OB follows : Kecelpta. Bhlp't ? . Cattle 2,800 Hoga 1,400 Sheep 1900 OMAHA MARKETS "Wholesale Prices. OrrioE or THE OMAHA Bn , I Tuesday Evening July 22 f Tlia following prices ore charged retailers jy jobbers , wholesalers and commission tner chants with the exception of grain , which is quoted at the prices furnished by the elevators and other local buyers : Grain , Wheat Caah No. 2G4364c. Barley Oaah No. 2 , 45@4Sc , Rye Cash , No. 8 , 45@47c. Corn No. 2. 39 @ 39Jo. Oats No. 2. 30J@33c. General I'roduoo. Ari'LEa A good many small lots are com- ne in from growers noiv and prices rule low , Choice early harvest and Red Astrachan are telling at SI ! 50@4 00 per barrel ; fancy lukiujr ajples ) COc per box. JJJU.NB Kocolpta light oud demand good. Extd picked navy , per bn , C2 50 ; medium , 200@225. BKESWAX In good demand. Choice bright per Ib , 26@2Sc ; common to good dark per lb , liUTTOEn 1'rices firmer'and improving stead- ly with a strong demand for the liner gradeH. Choice table , 12lGc ; fair to good , ti@llc ; creamery , 18@20c. TEAS Gunpowder , good , 45@55c ; choice CO f75c ; good Imperial , 40@lSc ; cholco , 60@C5c oung Hyson , good , SC@50c ; choice , 65c@l 00 ; Japan , natural loaf , S5c ; Japan , holce , G0@75c ; Oolong , good , 35@40c ; Oolong , hoico , 40@55c ; Souchong , good. S6@40c ; hoicol 35@45c. WOODENWAUB Tvro hoop palls , 1 85 ; three- hoop iialls , 2 10. Tubs , No. 1 , 9 00 ; Pioneer neer washboards , 1 85 ; Double Crown 2 90 ; Wellbuckotfl , S 15. SOAPS Klrk-s Savon Imperial , S 45i Klrk'u satinet , S 60 ; Kirk's standard , 3 75 ; Kirk's whlto Russian , 525 ; Kirks outoca , 215 ; Kirk's Frolrle Queen , (100 ( cakes , )40o ) ; Kirk's magnolia , doz. POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 caaa , in case , 8 S5 ; Babbitts ball 2 dor. m case , 1 90 ; Anchor ball , 2 doz. in coso , 1 50 , O.INDY MUod , 12@13c ; fstlck , lie ; twist stick , lOJo VINKJAB NowTforkappIo 16c Ohio ap- ,10. ISc. SALT Dray loads , per bbl , 1 70 ; Ashton , lu acks , 3 50 ; bbls dlry 60 , 5s , 8 30. STABCH Pearl , -Jic ; Silver Gloss , 801 Com Starch , 80 ; Excelsior Gloss. 7c ; Corn , 7jo. SPIOES Pepper , 17o ; allspice , 16o ; doves , 25o ; cassia 15c. Lrc American. 8 40 ; Greenwich , 8 40 ; Weatern , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 00 ; Lewis' lye , 4 6K : Jewell lye , 2 75 , CIDER "Ohio" per bbl , $7.00 ; "York State er bbl , t8 00 ; perj bbl , 81 75 ; condensed per la , B5o. Crab apple , per gal. 35c. OHWtSB yull cream , western , U@10 : Wis consin new Hi ; young American 12@13o , COOOANUTB Per 100. < M 75@5 00. Eooa Receipts light and market firm at 18 } KOHEION FRUITS California } ornneos , per wt , 81 60 , Messina lemons , per box , 8 HO gC 50 , Tiananas , per bunch , S3 00 Figs , lb. . ICo. Dates , In frails , 7Jcj dates , ard , in boxes , 12 0. KJIDIT BOTTEU8 Apple butter , In SO lb palls , per Ib , 7c.Plum huttar , 7Jc. Hay Baled , 88.00ra10.00j } loose , 510.00 ® JKLLT In 20 and SO lb nails , G@7c ; In 2 Ib ars , per dor , $1 50 ; awoNo tutnblera , dot. 81 20 : schunnera , per dozen , (3 00. MAPLE SUOAII Pure , In brinks , per Ib , 16c , ) hio , lite ; Btnall cakes , 12c. ONIO.VH Ninv Southern per lb. 3@3Jc. POPCOHN- good demand at 2@2)io ) per lb , PoULTlir Chickens , both old and young , in food demand ; old chickens 4 00@1 25 ; Boring / 75@3 25 occordlne to size , I'OTATOKH New home grown , plentiful , Bell ng at 70 ® 90 per bu ; old onea not wanted any more , I'UOVIHIONU 11am , 13Joj b. bacon , llic , c. f. bacon , life ; d. a. bidoa lOfo ; short rib Idas. 104c ; shouldoni , 8Jo ; muss porK , per bbl. 818.50. Dried beef , 13c. Lard , 9(5J10o. ( FBUITB Black raiplerrieB , 81 00. ed raspberries per 12-qt cas , 82 00. Goose berries , per buHiicl , § 1 60. Wild p'uins , per case 83 60. Now apple * j > er box 50VSCOj Peaches 100@150 ; Blackberries , per 2l-it. ( aae. 83 00@4 00. EASTEUN CIIKUIIIES All kinds of packages are sent to niarlcct , nelllng at tlia ratu of about 83 00 per busli. OALIFOIINIA FIIUITH Pears , 60-lb. boxes , 81 Wj Peachen , 'JO-lb boxen , $3 00 ; Aprlcotf , 20-lb boxes , $3 00 ; Appieso [ < Mb boxes , 83 00 Dry Good * . BROWN SiiKCTis'os Atlantic A , 74o ; Allan lie P , Oc ; Atlantic LL ; 6Jc ; Brnnswick , 7Jc Beaver Dam LL. Ok ; Lawrence IiL. 5Ic ; Pad fie II , 7c ; Royal Standard , 8c ; Indian lion A , 8c ; Wauchusott A , 7jo , FINB BnowN SHKKTINOB Argyle , 7io ; Pop poroll R , 7c ; Salisbury II , Cio. BLRACHKt ) COTTONS -Ballon 4-4 , 6Joi Ba Ion 7-8 , 5Jc ) Cumberland 4-4 , 8cj Davoll DD 8\c \ ; Kairmount , 4jc ; Vniltof the I(0om 4-4 9c : Glory of the West , 81cs Golden Gate , 8Jc Hill 7-8 , 8c ; Hill 4-4 , J c ; Lonsdalo 8icNew ; Vsrk Mills , lljc ; WamsutU , lOJo. DCCKS ( Colored ) Boston , 8 oz. , lljc ; Bos ton , 10 oz , , 14Jc ; Boston , 9 oz , , 14c ; Fftl Hivor , 8a > DUCKS ( Gray ) West Point , 8 oz , , 11 Woit Point , 10 oz. , 14c ; Boston Boar , 8 oz. 11 o , . TIOKINOS AmoskooKi 14c ; Continenta Fancy , 9c ; Cordis , lOfo ; Pearl River , 14c York , 12ic ; lUmleton Awnings , 12Jo. DENIMH Amoekoftg , 14c ; Beaver Creel /VA , 12c ; Beaver Crook IMI , Ho Beaver Crook 00. 10 ; Haymaker 80 : Jaffroy D & T. 12Jc ; Jaffroy XXX. 12Jc Pearl River , ISc ; Warren VXA ibrowu ] 12c ; Wnrron BB ( brown ) , He ; Warren CC ( brown ) , lOc. OAvnnioa Fifth avenue gloTO finish , Co Koyntnno glove finish , 5Jc. ConsKT JKANS Amory , 74o ; Hancock , 8c Koarsayor , Sic ; Rockport , 7p. PlUNTH Allens.51c ( Ainorican,6fo ; Arnolds 60 ; Cochoco , Go ; Harmony , 4c : Indigo , 7io Indigo 78 , lUc ; Iiullfro 4'4,12Jc ; cheap sale lie ; Charter Oak , 4Jc. PniNTsSiiinnNag American , 6c ; Cochoco 5c ; Glouca3tor,5cSouthbridgo ; , 4lc ; Wavorlys 4jcj Rosodalotjc. . GINGHAMS -Amoskoaij staples , SJc : * Bates staples , 8 0 : Lancaster staples , So ; Plnnkcl plaids , 9c ; Hudson chocks , Sic ; Arnoskoag Persians , 9Jc , DIIESS Goons Atlantic alpacca , fjc ; For slano cashmor , 23Jc ; Hninlotou auhmero 15c ; Uamloton Faucus , lljir ; Hamleton bro cades , 15c ; Arlington brocade , ISc. Grocora Ijlit. OANNETI GOODS Oysters ( atandardpor ) case 3 90 ; strawberries , 2 11) , l > or cose. 2 21 raspberries , 2 Ib , per -cane. 2 70 ; Bartlot1 pears , per case , 2 40 ; whortleberries , per cose 3 10 ; egg plums , 2 lb. per case , 2 90 ; green gages , 2 lb , per case , 2 90 ; plno apploa , 2 lb per case , 4 80(35 ( 50. ROPE Sisal i inch and larger , 9o , B Inch , 9Joj i inch , lOc. CANDLES Boxes , 40 Ibs , 16s , 15c ; 8a , 15o JOX03 40 Ibs , 10 oz , , 6s , IBo. ALviOHES Per caddie , 85o ; round , oaso.'i , 2 55 ; square cases , 1 7Sf- SnoAna Powdered , 8 c ; cat oat , Sic granulated , 7Jo ; confectioners' A , 7ia : Stand , vrd oitra 0 , Gjc ; extra O , Cgo ; medium yel1 ow , Cic ; dark yellow , o. Oor EES Ordinary grades , 12@12io ; fair 13 @ 18Jc ; good , 14c ; prime , 15@15io ; cholco 16@17c ; fancy green andyollowlC@lCicolc ; jovornment Java , 20@2Gc ; Lovorlng's roosted. L7c ; Arhucklo's ro.utod , IDVc ; McLnughJIn'c yXTiTX roasted , 15Jc ; mitation Java , 1C1 Q18c ; Clark's Aurora , 16k. RIOB Louisiana prune to cholco , 7@'j3 ' fair Ujc ; Pntraa , 6fc. Finn No. 1 mackerel , half brls. , 7 50 ; No. 1 , 1 03 ; family mackerel , kits , COc ; No. 1 white fish , half brls. , 7 25 ; No. 1 kits , 1 00. StnupStandard Com. , 22 , bole ; Standard do , 4i gallon kegs 185 ; Standard do , 4 gallon twa 1 45. SODA In Ib papers , S 80 per case ; keg per lb , 2c. PICKLES Medium , In barrels , 8 09 ; do n half barra's , 4 60 ; small , In barrels , 9 00 ; do n half barrels , 5 00 ; gherkins in barrels , 10 00 ; do in half barrels. 5 CO. IilQnori. ALCOHOL 188 wine alcohol , 2 20 per wine gallon extra California spirits , 188 proof , L 12 per proof gallon ; triple refined spirits .87 proof , 114 per proof gallon ; re-distilled whiskies 100@150 ; fine blended , 1 50@2 50 ; Kentucky bourbons , 200@700 ; Kentucky and Pennsylvania ryes , 2 00@7 00. BRANDIES Imported , C00@16 00 ; domestic 1 404 00. GINS Imported , 4 50@6 00 ; domestic , 140 @ 300. Rmis Imported , 4 50@6 00 ; New England , 2 00 © I 00 ; domestic , 1 503 50. PBAOH AND APPLE BHANDT 1754 00. OUAMPAONES Imported per caflo , 28 00 ® 84 00lAmorican , per case , 12 00@1G 00. Fainta OI1 and \rrnlnh o . OILS 110 carbon , per gallon , 12j ; 150 ° loadllght , per gallon , 12Jc ; 175 ° headlight , ) or gallon , 15c ; 150 ° water whlto , 14c ; lln iced , raw , ; pr gallon.59c ; linseed , boiled , per rnllon , 62oLard , winter str'd , per gallon , 70c : No. 1 , GOcNo. ; 2 , 50o castor , x xx , per galen on , 1 CO ; No. S , 1 40 ; sweet , per gallon 1 00 sperm W.B. , per gallon , 160 ; fish. W. B. , Kirgallon,5 > 3 : noatafoot extra , per gallon , 90c ; Vo. 1 , 75c : lubricating , zero , per gallon , SOc ; nmmor , 15c ; golden machine , No. 1 , per galen on , 35c ; No. 2 , 28c ; sperm , signal , per gallon > 0c ; turpentine , per gallon , 48c ; naptha 74 ° [ > er collon , ICc. PAINTS IN OIL Whlto load , Omaha P. P. 6k ; white load , St. Louis , pure , Cic ; Marseilles p-oon 1 to 5 lb cans , 20c ; Kronen zinc , green oal , 12 < r French zinc , red seal , lie ; French zinc , in varnish east , 20c ; French zinc. In oil osst , 15c ; raw and burnt umber , 1 It ) cans , lOc ; aw and burnt Sienna , lOc ; vandvke brown. Sc ; refined lampblack , 12c ; coach black , and very block , ICc ; drop black , ICc : Prussian ilao , i"s , ultramarine blue , ISc ; chromo green j. H. & D. , ICc ; blind and shutter green , L tl , & D. , ICc ; Pails green , 18c ; Indian rod , 15e ; Venetian red , 9 Tuscan rod , 22c : Ameri can VermllUoa , ! . EC P.,1 if u ; i . . 'j , M. , O , It D. O. , ISc ; yellow ochre , 9j golden ochre , IGc , patent dryer , tit ; graining colors , light oak , dark oak , walnut , cluntnut and ash 15o PLDO ToBiOCO Olimnr , 48cj Bullion 48 : ; norseshoe , 47c : Star , 48e ; Buddy , 45o ; Her sey's , 40c ; Black , S8@10c. FINB Cor Common , 20@30o ; good , 45 ® GOc ; Bosa Loaf , 70c ; Premium , G5o ; Diamond Crown , 55c ; Sweet Sixteen , OOc. SMOUINO 0.S. , 22c ; Meerschnnm , SOc ; Dnr ham , 8 oz. , 55o ; Durham , 4 oz. , 57c ; Durhair 2oz. , 55c : Seal of North Carolina , 8 oz , , 65c Seal of North Carolina , 4 or. . C7c ; Seal o North Carolina , 2 oz. , GOc ; 0.1C Durham , 4 oz. , 2So ; O. K Durham , 2 oz. , SOc ) Undo Nod , i't 25c ; Tom and Jerry , 23o , liDntlicr. Oak sole , S8c@42c ; hemlock sole 28c@85o | hemlock kin , 80o to 1 00 ; runner 65o to 80o ; hemlock calf , B5c to 100 ; hemlock upper , 22o to 2-lc ; oak upper. 24c ; alligator. 4 00 to 5 60 ; calf kid , 32@35 ! Urotseii ku , 2 K to 2 76 ; oak kip , BOo to 1 00 : oak calf , 1 20 to 1 30 ; French kip , 110 to 1 55 ; French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; na- HAHKEas No. 1 star oak , 87c ; No 2 do ! 5c ; No. 1 Ohio oak , Sic ; No. 2 do , S3c ; No , Milwaukee K4o : No 2 do 83r. No. 1 Pitta oak bar , 37c ; No , B Pitts n 1c bar , S5c. Driiao DBCQS AND CHEUICALS Add , Carboic , c. add , tartarlc , 55c ; balsam capabla , per U b , 5cbarksassafras ; , per lb. 12c ; calomel , porlb 5c ; cluohonldla , per oz. , 80.G5 ; chloroform , tor lb , , 8110 ; Dovors powder , ( per 11) . , 8L25 ; psom salts , porlb , , SJc ; glycerine , pure , per ) . , 28c ; load acetate , jtorlb. , 22c ; oil , castor , fo 1 j > or gal. , 81.65 ; oil , castor , No. 8 per al. , 81.40 ; oil , olive , per gal. , 81.40 ; oil orl- anum , 50o ; ojiium , S-1.50 ; riulnlne , P. & W ; ml It. & 8. . pnr oz. , 81,40 ; potassium , , odlno , nor lb. , 81.60 ; sallcin , poroz. , 40c ; su - > hatoof moriihino , per oz. , 83.50 ; sulphur our , per lb,4c ; strychnluo , per oz , , 81,83 , I > rr 1'Klnui. Whlto lead , 8c ; French rinc , lOoi Paris whltjng , 21o ; whiting gilders , IJc ; whiting com" ! lie ; Jampblaoi , Gonnauto\vn , 14o ; ampblack , ordinary , lOc ; Prussian blue , 65c ; ultramarine , 18c ; Vandyke , brown , Sc ; umber' urnt , 4c ; umber , raw , 4c ; sienna , burnt , 4o ; lonna , rfc < r , 4c ; Paris green , genuine , 25c ; 'aris Kroon , common. 20ccliromo groan , N. Y , , 20c ; chrome groan. K. , 12c , venulllion , Kng. , Oo ; vermllllon. American , 18o ; Indian rod , Oc ; rose pink , 14c ; Venetian rod , Oookson'ii , ? cj Venetian rod , American. lc : red lead , Jo ; chroma yellow , genuine , 20c ; ciuromo yol- ow , K. , 12coclir8 ; rochelle , Soochre. ; Freucli , | c ; ochre , American , 2o ; Winter's wlnorol , Jo ; lehlgh brown , 2joj Spanlth brown , 2c ; rrlnca's mineral , So. VAnNiaius Barrobj. pev g&lloni Knrnl ure , extra , 8110) ) furniture , No. 1 , 81 ; coach , extra , 81 40 ; coach. No. 1 , 81 20 ; Dam w xtra , $1 75 ; Japan , 70cjMrhAltnm , extra , 85c ; 83 60 ; hard oil finish 81 0. Iron , rntos , 2 60 ; plow steel special toot , 60 crncihlo , 7o ; st > oclal or Gorman , , * cj cast too ; do , 15@20i wagon apokos , sot , 2 25@3 00 ; hul > a per sot , 1 25 ( foJloos sawed dry , 1 40 ; tongues , Oftch , 70@S5c ; oxlea each , 75cwao ; \ nuts per Ib , 7llc ; wwhort or lb. S@lfeo ; rivoU , per Ib , lie ; cell chain , per lb , C@12o ; malleable , So Iron wedges , Gc : crowbar * , Cci harrow tooth c ; spring tool , 7@So ; Burden's horschoos 4 70 Bunion's muloshoos 6 70. lUnnto Win In car lots , 4 per 100. NAILS Rates , 10 to GO , 2 65. SHOT Shot , 1 85 ; buck "hot , 2 10 ; oriental powder , kegs , 6 40 ; do. , half kegs , I 18 ; do. , quarter ketgs , 1 88 ; blasting , kogt , 8 85 ; fuse , per 100 foot Wo. LBAI > Bar , 1 05. COAL Cumberland blacksmith , 10 00 ; Mor ris run Blonsburg , 10 OOi Whltobroant lump : 5 00 ; Whitobreivit nut , 5 00 ; Iowa lump , 5 00 Iowa nut , 5 00 ; Rock Sprlnir , 7 00 ; Anthra olto , 11 25&U 50 ; Canon City , 7 00 , per ton Immnor. WUOLRJULT , Wo quota lumber , lath and shlng oijon oari At Omaha at tlio following prices ) JOIST AND SOAKTLIKQ 1C ft , and nndor 22 00 ; 18 ft , 23 50. TIIIBEKI 16 foot and under , 22 00. TmnKH AND JOIST 18 ft , 23 60 ; M It , 23 60 ; 22ft , 20 50 ; 21 ft , 20 60. FENCING No. 1 , 4 and 6 lu , , 24 00 ; No. 2 , 2200. SlIKxTINa No. l(2d ( common boards ) , 20 00 ; No. 2 , 18 00. STOCK BoAnt a-A , 45 00 ; B,40 00 ; 0 , 85 00. FLOORINO No. 1 , 40 00 ; No , 2 , 35 00 ; No. 3,2500 SIDINO , door 27 00 ; 2 25 00 ; No. S , 2000. CKILINO J , 37 00 ; 3 , 23 SIIINOLKS , beat 1 60 ; sUndurd , 3 60. LATH 3 25 per M. LIMB Per brorol , 1 25 ; bulk per Imaliol , 85c ; cement , bbl , 2 23 ; Iowa pla tur. bbl , 2 EO ; hair per bu. We ; Toned felt , 100 llu , 8 50 ; straw board , S 60 , _ LlVB STOCK Beef Cattle , 100 lb. 4 60 ( )5 ) 00 ; sheep , lixo , 300@3 25 ; hogs , live , 600 ® 5 " 23 ; dressed 7 00@7 25. 1 lidos. Dry Flint , lli ( < 812c. ; groon4@5c. groan calf 8@10j sheepskins , dry , 8@10c. Tallow. 6@Cc. Wool. Colorado ll@13c. ; choice New FLOtmColorado. . 100 Ibs. 1 83@2 25 ; pat ent , 100 Ibs. , 2 85@3 25 ; Graham , 100 Ibs , 2 00 ; rye , 100 lb * . . 2 25@2 43 ; , 100 Ibs , 10 00@10 50 , bran , ton , 12 00@14 00 ; corn meal. 100 Ibs. 1 4501 75. GHAIN Wheat , 100 Ibs , 1 40 ; coin , In socks 100 Ibs , 1 04@1 OS ; oats , 100 Ibs , 1 SO @ 1 60 ; barley. 100 Ibs , 1 30@1 35. HAT Baled , upland. II 00(310 ( 00 ; bottom tom 12 00@1 1 00 ; straw. 10 00@12 00. BUTTER Finest , 25@2Ccj Nebraska dairy choice , 14o15c ( } ; common , C@8c. Eaas Fresh , 1S@1'J : ; ranch , doz , fresh 25@VGc. CHEKSB Full cream , I4@15c ; Llmburgor , ISc : Swiss , imported , 32o. PODLTIIT Live , chickens old , doz,0 , 25@G ; 50 spring chickens , 3 50 ® 4 60 ; dressed lb,18@19c. POTATOES 100 Iba , now , 1 76@2 23. VEGETABLES Onions , now , 100 Ibs , 2 25@ 2 60 ; cabbogo , now , 100 Ibs , 1 75@2 25 ; now beets , 250 , FBUITS Orange Messina box , 7 00 ® 7 50 ; lemons , choice Messina. C 00 ; apploa , California , bbl , 2 00@3'.00j bananan , bunch , 1 60@4 00 ; poaches i > er box 2 25 ; California cherrj' plums , 20 lb box , 2 25 ; apricots 1 50 ® 200. 200.MEATS MEATS Hama , lb , 13J14c | ; bacon , breakfast - fast , 12J@13c ; lord , in tens , Ib , lOo ; dry salt sides. 910o. FISH Mackerel , No.l , 1 CO , kit , mesa , 1 75@2 25 ; California salmon , half bbl , 10 60 ; ilolliuid herring , kcp , 1 C0ol ( ) 75 ; trout , per b. 17O18C _ The uao ot the term " Kboi Iilno" In connection with thi corporate name o ! preatroad , convoys an luca of Lsi wli l required by tlio trnvcllDB pub- lie & Short I.lno , Quick Timi nod the best of accoramod * tlons all o ( which are ( orn > shed by the greatest rMlwty In America. IL WA And St. Paul. It owns and operates over ILOO miles ot S'orthcni Illinois , Wlscanala , Minnesota , Iowa Dakota ; and us ts main lines , brunches and oonnfc- ; lous reach all the k'rcat business centres of the Northwest and Far Wast , It naturally answers tin Jcocrlptlon of Short Line , and Heat Houto between Chicago , Milwaukee , Bt. Paul and Minneapolis. Chicago , Milwaukee , La Grouse and Wlnona. Chicago , Milwaukee , Aberdeen and Ellondala Chicago , Milwaukee , Eau Clalro and Stlllwatef Chicago , Milwaukee , \Yausau and Merrill. Chicago , Milwaukee , lca\cr Dam and Oehkosh. Chicago , Milnaukco , Waukesha and Oconomowoa Chloago , Milwaukee , Madlaon and Pralrledu Chlea Chicago , Milwaukee , Onratonna and Falrlbault. Chicago , Bclolt JanesvPlo and Mineral Point. Chicago , Elgin , Unckford and Dubuquo. Chicago , Clinton , llnclr Island and Cedar Rapid * . Chicago , Council Bluffs and Omaha. Chicago , Sioux City , Sioux Falleand Tankton Chicago , Milwaukee , Mitchell and Chamberlain. Rock IbUml , Dubuque , Et. Paul and Minneapolis. Davenport , Calmar , Bt. Paul and Minneapolis Pullman S ccpera and the Finest Dining Cars In he n rid are run on the main lines of theCHlUAOO , MIUVAUKKK AND ST. PAUL RAILWAY , and every attention Is paid to ptancngcrs by courteous employes of the Company. fe. S. MCRRILL , Genl Manager A \ It. CAIll'UNTnH , Gen1 Pass. Agt J.T. CLARK , Gen'lSjpt. QKO II. HKAFpoRD. Afw'k. fJdn'1. Pnnfc Art 017 St. ClmrlcH S ( . , St. Louis Mo. A rrguUr jpailoiteof t o Wfdlcitl Collcgei , ba * Ijecn longer * ii7tc | d la tlia'peclM treatment of CHUOHICINBOII , SKIM audHi nuIiuKAVKNllian aur oilier I'Mfilrlaii lu Bt. Loul * . u fitaperv | tiow anj nit oIJ rt-tlJcot koo * . Nervous Prostration. Debility , Mental and hyslcal Weakness ; Mercurial and other Aflcc- Ions of Throat. Skin or Dones , Blood Poisoning. Old SoreS and Ulcers * are treatrd with ODparallolud niefem , on UUit irlmtlllo ? rlbtlj ! . H 'cljrrlttlj. Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , Excess * ExpOSUre Or Indulgence , vbleb pro.lueo wme of th olIuKlug eflictn iirrtootiieii , OtMlity , dlmotti of light ftad defectho Dicmnrj , I'liuplei tin Itio fnceiihj- l decay , reriloa totb loelity of rtmalei , confurUa of Idea * , cto. rendering Marrimre improper or unhappy. ro icrtnaiitatlycured , l'atQpl > lel(26tr ( \ ) t > nlle kbo\raetit , Dcoortj luaUfrt-c , AD d Invited. Write for qutiUoci. A Positive Written Guarantee elreftla 11 cartblaeuei , lledlelotf lent creryvbtro. 1'ainpliloH , EnclUli or Gorman , 04 PUKCI , d * . crlblnff above dlieaiea , In male or female , i'HJJE. MARRBAGE GUBDE ! MO J'Ojel , Ont fMn. lltaitraM la tlolh d flit bladlof , too , moiicr r ! " " ' I i" " " , I l " cutrri , 21o. TJI ) | took eoDUlui ill Hit curlou , , doubtful or laiiul.lllig MIDI to mow , A book orgrxt lutcrul to ill , UltlUi , lit | > l > Iaui r < ITdUttvil If Iti idrloo. OF THE OMAHA NEBRASKA. The scliolntlc year coinmencuoii the First Wednesday in SeptGinliBr , 'he course of Instruction embraces all tliu Kleincn- orvaml higher lirundma ol a lliilihod education , Illfronco iif Hcll 'lon U no nb tale to thu admin- on of joun ; lulled. l'ulla | are rtcthtd at any me of the year , PERMS PAYABLE IN ADVANCE ncluil'ug ' lloitrd , Waslilnjf , Tuition In Knfllnh auJ 'rcuctl , use of bouku , 1'laiio , | Hr ncinion of ? ivo Montlis , - - gl 50.00 KXTH1 OlIAIUJKS-Drawlng. I'fclntli.if , German larp , Violin , UuiUr and VouJ Utlerunoen are rcimltcd from all jierwing unknown a the InttituUon , rur dittlitr liilorinatton anplr to 10 LAIJY JV ll.mlo S. H , ATWOOD , Plattamouth , - - - - - Nob. t IiD110FTUOROUOntll U 1ND UIOU 0R1DI HEREFORD AKD JERSEY CATFLE 1KB PVBOC CIS ; iE > IT 0 IWIII arYouog itook for ilo. Oonti uadcox iU toJ Railway Time Table , d Kffect July The attention ol the trvelllnsrmbllo H MlIM lo ( ho ( Act thit thh It the only coini'loto and absolute- 1) correct time-table published In the rltj All trains arrive at and drpart trom Omaha on Central StAmHrd Time , which Is 21 minutes Inter thin sun time , t Except Saturday , Except Sunday , J Except Uon > From Union 1'nctllo Depot ; Tenth St , V. r. R. R. , 1IAIN LINE. tntVR. I ARKIV * . Mall and : am Alhntlc Kxp 7V ; ) a m raclIloExp. . . . .8S6 : pm I Mall and Exp..4:00 : tun Dallr. IlF.rUBLlCAN VALLKr DIVISION. UUR. I ARUM. Lincoln Exp..l:65p : tn | Lincoln Eip. . . 1S:55 : p m Duinrr TUAINS-BHIDOK DIVISION. Leave Omahv 8:40 : , 8:00,8:00,10:00,11:15 : : : : a m. , 1:00 : , SAO , 8'00,4:00,6:00 : : , 8.00 , 1035 p. m , On Sundays : 8.40,9.00.11:15 : . m ; 1:00,8.00,6,00. : O.OO , 10S5 : n m ArrlveattramtordepotlS minute * Uter ; Broadway depotCouncil Hindi , SO minutes later , i/oivvo Council lUnCh , Broodnay depot , 7JO : , RStl : , 9.30.10:30,11:40 : : a.m. ; 1:30 : , SlSO. S.SO , 4'30,6:30,8:35 : : , 11:0511.111 : On Sundays : 7:20 : , 0.30,11:40 : a. m. ; 1:80 : , 3:30 : , 4:30 : , 8.35,11:05 : pm. Arrive at Tran ter 7 min uted later. txiave Council Binds Transfer depot ! 7:85 : , 8,87 , 9:37,10:37,11:47 : : : a tn ; 1S7,1:87 : : , 8(37 ( , 4:40 : , 6:37 : , 8:15 : , 11:16P. : nu Arrive Omana 13 minutelater. TllANSFEi ; TIUINS. LXAVR. Fata. No. 2 8:15 : am Pam. No. M. . , . 9:45 : a m 0 8:58 : a m " 8. . 11:16 : a m 52 10.05 a m IB. 1V : p in 4..4:56 : pm " 9. . , . .7:85 : p in B 8:10 : pm " 1. . . ,8:15 : p in 10 8:55 : pro proDa V. MISSOUlll PACIFIC , L1AVR. ARR1VI. MMI > 10.S5am Om.xhi Eip . . .8fO ; am St. Louis Kip. . . .8:35 pm llall * 8.50 pm a. o. fc i . u. 11. LSAVll. I ARR1VH. lf ll . 8:40 : a mist. Pau' Kip. 0'45 a m Gtl'aulKip . 8.55pmMall | . 7:35 : pm Dally. 0. , II. I A l > . U R. LKiVR. I ARRIV1I. Dc MolnesAco'.6:40nm : Kiproivt . , . , 9:4) : am Utll * . 8:15 : am I Des.Molnos Aro'.8JO : p m Gxprorit . 4 : S pmlMill * . 7:35 : pm 0. k N. W. II. II. UUVK. I ARR1T1L Uall * 8lam : 0'45 am Kiprosat 4:25pmu : | > ! 7:85 : p m O..M. fcSLl'.U. K. ARR1VH. Uoll&Ki * . . . . .8lR : m Paclflo Ki | > | . . . 9:4am : Atlantic Ext. . .4:26 : p in I Mill ft Kip' . . . 7,35 pm O. , li a U K. K. \ la Council IllulTs ) LKAYH. ARniVK. Uall 8:18 : am 9:4n : am Ktpretn 4:26 : p m Uall 7:35 | iin Dallv. ( Note. ) The 9:00 : a in and 6:00 : pm dmiimv trains at o connect with cant-hound trains on the Hock-lEland , IlurllnKton , North.Wcatorn and Mll nnkeo roads. WADASH.ST. LOlim & 1'ACifIO. LKAVH , I ARRIVS. Cannon Ball l:00pm : | Cannon Ball 3:50 : pm Dally. E. 0. , ST. JOB ft O. B. ( viaCouncil Binds. ) LRAvn. AHRIVII. Mall [ ) :00nm : EiprresJ 7Wam : Express ) 0:65 : p m Mall 7:35 : pm AUUANOEMKNTOP SUNDAY TllAINS During July Saturday , Sunday and Monday ChlcAgo trains u 111 rotate as lollou s ; Saturday ov cnlng trains leave July 6th and 28thla C. M. & St. 1' ; July 19th > la the North-Western ; July lith via the Itock Island Arrive lu tlio same order the Monday following , Sunday morning trains depart and Sunday evening trains arrive July 8th and 27th via the Itock Island , July 13th via the North-Wubteru , and July SOtli via the U MiHt I1. From B , & M Depot ; Tenth Street. D. & M. RAILROAD-MAIN LINE. DKNVIt IlPttlUS. WIST BOUND. EAST BOUND , LBAVn. AKR1VK. Omaha. . . 0:10 : pm 7:60 : am * 7:00pm : 10:05 am Ashland. . 8:27 : pm 10:03 : am 4:62 : pm 8:12ara : [ Jncoln. . 10:00 : pm 12ro : m 8:60 : pm 7:25 am 2rcto 11:17 : pm 12:640pm : 2:41 : prn 8:04 : am 6:16 : am 4:16 : pm 11:66 : am 10:60 : pm led Cloud. 8:00 : Mil 8:01 : pm 10:25 : a-n 8:25 : pm MoCook. . . 10:66 : am 915 ; pm 8:16 : am 4:10 : phi Akron. . . . 8:46 : pin 2:10 : am 12:60 : am 11:06 : am Jonvor. . . . 7:26 : pm 0.16am 9:26 pm t > 7:80 am Dallv. OMAHA AND rLATTTMOUTII TRAINS : Lv. Omaha at 7:60 : , and 8:46 : a m ; 4:60 , 6:10 : , 7:46 : p m Ar. Omaha 1 0:25 : , 8:40 : and 10:06 : a m ; 7:00 : , 7:30 : p in Dully. C. B. & ] Q. R. U-vla riattemonth. ) "uuvit. I IAHRIVI Eastern Kxp. . . . 8:45 : n m Omaha hxp . 8:40 : a m Chicago Esp. . . , 4:50 : p m | Wcutcrn Kip. . . . 7:30 : p m Dally. K. 0. , ST. J. & C. 11. ( via riattsmouth. ) LKAVR. AHltlVIL Mall 8:46a : m Exprcea ) 0:2Ca : Express ? 7:46 : p m Mall 730 p FroiuO. Bt. P. M. At O. Depot , lltli nnil TVobBtor Streets. 0. , SI. P. II. ft 0. LBAVH. lARKIVI. No 2 PiM8ongor..8M : am I NoS Mtxnl 10:30 : a m No 4 Mixed 8:30 : pm | Nol I'aasenger. 6:30 : ji in Sundav a Exocotod. WITH And your work is dono'for all time to come. WE CHALLENGE to produce a more durable material for street pavement tnnn ; o Sioux Falls Granite. FORJANY AMOUNT Olf OR filled promptly. Samples sent nnd estimates given upon application. WM.MoBAIN&CO. , Sioux Fnllfl. Dftkora. NOTICE TOCATTLE MEW COO CATTLE FOR SALE. 600 Cows and elfors. oo Oae-year Steere. 11ieab3tu doscrllxxl o HI are > ll well bred , na < live Nebr tk auil Iowa. Thow > cattle will beioU In lot * to luit jiufchaicr , For luitbor i > artioulani cal on or KlJrtws , L.W. I'LAN Alblou , Nub. v * ' * i . * ti * ' B OrkEfiSy aw * . / ; ' * y ; | * \ * Vf VV.f ' . * ' * - ' - ' * Wi--JiJti i * : i jH e W MILL | KieWLlrJti SPECIAL NOTIOK TO Growers of Live Stock and Others , WE CALL YOUR , ATTENTION TO ' 1/1(1 It lithe best and cheapest food lor stood f.l any kind Rtdno pound Is equal to three pounds ol com stock lo I with Oround Oil Caxe In the Fall and Winter , Instead ol running down , will Increase In weight . and be In Rood tmtkctible ooml.tlon In the nptln . Dairymen , a rfoll ait othcn , who use It can loetlly * ' Iti merits. Try it and Judge f jr youruhoi. Pile * 91f > oo pot ton ! no charge lor > & . Address WOODMAN LINSEED OIL COMPANY , Omaha Neb. odSb CO.- / / ' DEALERS IN ' ' * , 's Safe and Lock , , < IH FIEE AND BUKGLAR PROOF ! .n/i . uM STEELE , JOHNSON& CO. , Grocers H < J * ' o/l / t U. B. LOCKWOOD ( formerly of Lockwood & Drnper ) Chicncp , Mrm- - ngor of the Ten , Cigar nud Tobacco Deptirtnionts. A full line of * . nil grades of nbovo ; also pipes nnd smokorq' articles carried hi , , , , , , ' , Htock. Prices and samples furnished on application. Open ; . , orders intrusted to us shall receive our careful attention Satisfaction Guaranteed. AGENTS FOR BENWOQD NAILS AND LAFLIN & WAND POWDER CO PERFECTION Heating and Baking In only attained by using ER OAK Stoves and Ranges , WITH WIRE WE OVER DOOR Fct anlo by MILTON ROGERS & SONS OMAHA' i t OF"t JOBBER OF \ ft EASTERN PRICES DUPLICATED'i \ 1118 FAllNAM STREET , - - - OMAHA , NEB' . - , 0. M. LEIGHTON. H. T. OLAEKB. LEIGHTON & GLARKE , ; auccitssona TO KENNAUD BROS , n co. ) DEALERS IN PaintsOils. . OrusheCFsss. . OMTATIA , NEBRASKA FRANZ FALK BREWING GO Milwaukee , Wis. GTTNTHER & CO , , Sole Bottlers. M. BELLMAN & CO. , Clothiers ! 1301 AND 1303 FARNAM STREEJ COR. 13TH , MAH4. . SLOMAN BROTHERS , RECENTLY FROM FREMONT , NEB. ! WHOLESALE-LEATHER , SADDLERY SADDLERY HARDWARE , HIDES , PELTS , FURS , TALLOW , WOOL , WE rAr THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICES For Hides , Wool , Pelts , Etc. , and consignments made to us will receive prompt attention , for which immediate returns will bo made. 13th Street. Bet. Dodge and Capitol Ave. , - - OMAHA , NEB- ' . ( SUCCPJSSOR TO FOSTER & QUAY. ) LIME Ofice'andYardL6thanlDouRasSts-i ( : ( ! 4'0(113 ' ; ( fa