Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 23, 1884, Page 2, Image 2

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Shares In Proportion !
if !
'Mi * ,
Louisiana Slate Lottery Cow ,
" Wt da verity urttfv that u lupervlH tki a
rtmgementt for all tKr Monthly and Sejnl-Annu
Drauingi cf the Lmtltiano State Lottery Compan
and tnpenon ma nap and control the Dratrin ,
thtmtefta , and that the tame art conducted u *
kentfty./airntti. and in goodfattK touard oil pa
f < M , ana tft authoritetke company to ui tkit tt
H/leate , uiihfae-timllei of cur rignaturtt affa < * <
in ( ti aavertdementi , "
Incorporated In 1863 ( or 13 years by tht legUUtu
lit educational nd charitable purposes with t i
ikal of 11.000,000 to which * roMm ( and ol ore
JW.OOO has sine * been added.
By an overwhelming popular Tolo III franchls
wu made ft part ol tlii present lUte oonitltotloi
adopted December ! d , A. V. 1879.
The only Lottery over voted on ixnd on
dorscd by the people of any Stato.
It novcr scales or postpones.
Its grand single number drawings tail
place monthly.
A union did opportunity to win n Fortune
Klghth Grand JJrawlnR Class H , in the Acnd
omy of Music , Now Orlonns , Tuesday. Aur
12th , 1831 171st Monthly drawing.
CAPITAL PRIZE , $75,000.
100,000 Tickets at Five Dollars Each. Frao
tiona. in Fiftha in proportion.
CAPITAL PRIZE . . . . . . . J75.00I
do do . . . . . 25OC
do do . 10,00 <
Jo WOO . lO.OM
10 do 1000 . 10OC , (
SO do BOO . 10.00C
100 d9 200 . 20OOC
SCO do 100 . BO.OOO
BOO do 60 . S5 000
1000 do 25 . 25,000
0 Approximation prices o ( J7&0 . 8,780
D do do 600 . i.SOC
. U do do SW . ! , ! M
1887 PrUea , Amounting to . t2fi , (0t
Application ( or rates to clnba should bo mtda onlj
to the ofBoe o ( the Company In Now Orleans.
For further Information wrlto clearly ( tiring ( nil
adJroas. Make P. O. ilonoy Orders payable am
addtCM Ueglsterod Letters to
New Orleans , La.
Postal Notes and ordinary letters by Mall or Ex <
proa. ( all Hums ol (6 and upwarda by Kxpress at oai
expento ) to
orU. A. DAUPHIN , New Orleans La.
807 Seventh St. , Wash'ngton , D. 0.
Rummer Resort
Of the Northwest , Detroit , Minn.
A country ol WOODS AND LAKES , 200 miles west
of St. Paul Three trains dally on the N. P. U. It. ,
with SO Ilay Excursion. Tickets at about one-half
An elegant house with accommodations for 200
guests. R. R. COLBUHN , Proprietor.
jHTsi D ro n cmcBLAnsoiviMi ruLiPAIIIICULAIUI. .
Will cnio yv'trvouBnc-M ,
luinlior.nKhrninullRni ( , 1'nr
ulyMn , hiMiialKlu , tklitlca
KUIm < y , hplno nut I.lvcr
< llK > MUiiiGuHtAMlinm,1lrart
dlM nc , Ilypiicrflla , Coni-
Tuition , KrynfiiclM , Cntnrih ,
, , , * riles. Kpllci'BV , Imnotpncy ,
DambAtruc. rrolaimi * Uteri , iu- . Only rcliimlloiii >
trio Holt In Aiwrli u Unit wml * the I'.li cfrklly "ml mutt
netlm tlirouirh tlio body , and can bo njchargcd la an In-
rtaotbr the imtlcnt.
SI.OOO Would NotBuw It.
Da. IlOttui I wu aOUcted with rheumatism and
cnrod by uilng a belt. To any one atfllctod with
that disease , I would say , buy librae' . Eleotrta lluH ,
Any one can confer with mo by writing calling
at , my .tore , 1120 Douglas street , Omaha , Neb.
MAIN OFFJCR-K22 Douglas Street.
tyFornaloatO. F. aooduan't Otag Btoro' 1110
fttnam Ht. Omaha.
Order. Oiled O. O D
> Chartered by theStateof Hit.
Wois for tliccxprcsspurnofo
/of GivinEimmediate rellctlc
K all chronic , urinary nnd prl-
Jvate diseases. Gonorrhoea ,
' complicated forms , also all
diseases oT the Skin and
Blood promptly rellevedand
permanentlycured by reme-
, diea.testedlnoFurri/l'enr *
tijieflaU'ructirf. Seminal
Wcakncsr . N liht Losses by Dreams , Pimples on
the 1'acc.Lost ManlioodJiDjKlt'cfy curedT/r4
t iiocjcirr ! > in-iiilinl , Ths appropriate\
[ 3 at once used In cnclicasc. Consultations , per-
Bonnl or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med
icines sent by Mall and Express. Nomarlmon
IttcuaRc to Indicate contents or sender. Address
liiUAMES.No. 204Washnglon ! S . , ChIcagolll.
* VkMV > MMWBSfc _ HHMM M 1 * . * U I I1 ti ll.l
i , IL OTIO-VOLTAIO ; BBLT nnd other Knonuo
Ivi ArrruNcrs nro Bent on SO Dayi1 Trial TO
MEN ONLY.OUNO OH OLD , who uro turfrr-
Ing from KuiiToua DCIIILITT , LOST Vrriurr ,
Winri.No WnticKES3ita , and nil thono dlocmsi of n
PKiuioiiir. NATUUU. rrnultlnic from ADCSU and
' OTUEn OAnsr. . rJponly relief anil rompleta
rutoratlon tc HEALTH , VIUOH nnd > UHIIOOD
uvABAimrn. Hxnil at once for IlluitraUid
fampulit free. Adarcn
TOI.'I'AU' . 'HU.T CO. . miir.hnll , Mich.
WJdo-Awake Agents Wanted Every where For
l y Jam * ii Vnrton. tlie croatt Moirroplirr or tlif * ntr < t ,
Aru li-k'n'it ' volume Of C--0mi.ri-ii. i full ( UL'fillu tmt Ions.
Vrkvuil/ < & 0 , pew rlbfi&OthaiAitf n . A Lo * > kforeverj
tvuiiuui. J , JU Cauwlbcny , 5i & M IJadlJou tit. , Ctilcfttfo *
VIII nurify the DLOOD.'rctra.
latotfio LIVER anTl KIDNEYS.
und IlKsroiit Tin : IlEALxu
nnU VIOOH of YOUTlf U/ *
l > \VuiHofApjiellto , jn-
-\\auMont \ \ l.ack of UlrenRtli ,
and ' 1 Irvd KculliiKnbsolulely
cured. Hone ) . luutcli-iauu
) icrvr > rtct'lvo new force.
Knllvi'iu ilia iiiluil and
* uiiillts | Drain 1'uwrr.
' ' '
iiociillur tn tliLlr sux will
Uod In DK. IIAJlTEJfa IllON TON JO a > afa ttud
tpceuy euro. ( Ihejuilcur. litalihy tomplvxluu.
1-rcciuunt attcnipti at cdiiiittrfi'UInx unlyauil
to thopopiilvrltyur Ihu orliiliml. Do nut oxiicrl-
tllCllt Klit tliu OlIIUINAI. AM ) lit T.
XHeod icmrnildii-MtaTufilir. HarlarMed CoV
, 0St.Louli , Mofor our"IUKAM UOOK."B
\ Ttfullot lruv uiil utiiluUalariuuUua.froa. J
, . . .FUENZEU BLOCK , / . IT U
; Omana Neb
; Ol , , ( p < a , ,
> < XiTliepositlou * DloUtlonJ , Eta , promptlf itten-
, j1) 1 * ' ' i
Senator Hoar's Address at the Repn
lican Ratification in Boston , Jnly 15 ,
The Southern Shotgun Method th
Main Prop of Democracy.
TheWagos of American Workmo
Under the EopublJoan Tariff ,
A Scathing Review of the Eec
noinios of Alleged Boformers
and Independents ,
Tlio Great Achievements ol ninlno an
Iojnn In Glvtl mill Mllltjxry Lillo.
In accepting your invitation I am cor
scions of no personal Interest or poraoni
doslro other than to give to the people t
Masiachusotta honest nnd faithful coin ;
sol. I am here to utter no party cry-
bring no sneer at those whoao judgmoi :
ns to their duty may differ from my owi
You nro about to perform a great part
possibly a decisive part , in a great act
with great and far-reaching consequences
You corao of a great race , from nhicl
you have inherited the sense of duty am
the Instinct of honor. The men of Mas
oachusotts now for nearly throe conturioi
have boon builders of states , rulers ol
states , proaorvors of states. They hnvi
boon wont to bo governed by consideration
tion , not only of what is potty or per
sonal or temporary , but of what guides
great currents of history and determines
the well-being of generations and massoi
} f men. Who , as ho looks backward ,
: ares now for the potty criticism and
icandal which have followed the stops ol
iho great loaders of past generations.
The Puritans had their faults , enough oE
, hem , an the explorers of the abandoned
lowers of old times nro ready the toll
? ou , but all wo care to know to-day if
, hat they bulldcd their commonwealth on
foundations which have sustained an em-
pita. The men of the revolution had
'heir sins , in mnasuro quito as abundant
i any of their successors. But wo think
} f them only M men who maintained the
independence of their country. It is said
that Mr. Jefferson was
But ho comes down in history with the
Declaration ot Independence in ono hand
> nd the title deed of Louisiana in the
) thor. Wo are a people of lifty-soven
nillions. Wo occupy a domain about as
argo as all Europe. It is natural that
, here should bo many questions about
vhich even a majority do not think alike.
3ut wo stand with that party with whom
vo are agreed as to the great essential
natters upon which the welfare of our
isuntry doponds.
The question , compared towhich
ivory other is potty and trilling , in that
if the supremacy of the constitution it-
olf. I know net what others may think ,
> ut I cannot stand in Eanouil hall in
honor , when I know that in great ntatos
, ho tight of suffrage is practically domed
to ray countrymen. I do not think my
) wn right to vote for president is of
nuch value if the man of my choice is to
> o defeated by such procoosses as prevail
, t the South. There nro three states ,
ilisslssippi , Louisiana and South Caro-
ina , to say nothing of others , in which
ioyond all question , the electoral vote
Dcordod at the coming election will have
o relation whatever to the will of their
ooplo. Unless the bravo and gallant
Into men who are acting with Mahono
in win justice from the fours of the
omocmts , wo must add to these states
'irginia. These three states cast 20
loctoral votes ; with Virginia they cait
3. Now , giving to Gov. Cleveland all
10 states that his most enthusiastic aup-
nrtcrs can hope for , ho fall far short of
lection unless the votes of these states ,
rested from their republican major- !
0 counted in hi * favor. The young ro-
jrmor wlio votes for Gov. Cleveland
iiimot help to eluct him. IIo can only
olp to make possible the successful tic-
nmplfshment of thu crime by which a
unority shall usurp the government of
lie country.
The process is very simple and familiar ,
t is known as the Mississippi plan. Via-
mco and murder nro made usu of until
tie minority got the elnction ollicos into
liulr hands , thenceforth the ascendency
1 maintained by the easier way of tissue
allots and fraudulent counting. Those
lings will scarcely bo denied by a south-
rn democrat in private. The loading
omocrntic papers in each of these states
have named , the Charleston News , in
outh Carolina , the Now Orleans Picay-
no in Louisiana , the , Hichmoud State in
rirqinia , the Vickaburg Post in Misaisa-
> pi , have in substance admitted these
icts , and all but the last have vindicat-
d thorn as a necessity. You toll mo
! ov. Cleveland is not responsible for
hose things. You know very well that
10 is Booking to obtain the presidency at
ho price of these things. If ho wore to
.oclaro in a manner that showed ho was
n earnest that ho would , if president ,
lao the powers vested in him for their
oppression , or If ho nhould declare , an
n honest man should do , that ho would
lot take an oftlco gained by such means ,
10 could not got a democratic vote south
if Mason and Dlxon's lino.
My trionds , I know whereof I speak. I
ran charged a few months ago with the
luty of investigating the oloo'iou moth-
ids in the state of Mississippi. It was
lot a question of negro supremacy. Some
100 or 700 white men had
nd had joined the republicans , to form
u independent party in Oopiah county ,
lisa. A band of 150 men , all democrats
omposed , as was admitted , of the best
Ittzena , armed with rifles and shot guns-
tountod , rode about that county for a
) rtnight before election , They visited
l o dwellings of largo number of republi
cs in the night time. Some they inur-
ered in their homos. Others were tlo .
ed and otherwise abused. From many
ley extorted pledges that they would
ate the democratic ticket. The broke
p republican meetings. They made
ight hideous with cannon. This vront
u till the republican voters in largo nuin-
era Hod to the woods , and the demo-
/\tlo minority had an easy victory at the
oction. The commander of this band
AS ono Wheeler and his lieutenant one
tlloy. The day before the election the
rint-d company waited upon Print
Utthowa , the leading republican of the
mnty. Matthews was the principal citi-
la of the county , a wealthy merchant
with two sons In college , and two grow
daughters in his liouio. Ho was gone
ons , bravo and a liberal benefactor <
schools and churches. No man ov
asked him for a favor and was rofusi
The democratic witnesses testified thi
everybody liked him if it wore not for h
politics. They drew up In the road nof
his gate and sent him a demand in wril
ing that ho should abstain from votin
the next day. IIo answered the mossoi
gor : "It seems to mo this is n vor
strange thing in a ropublicangoyornmon
I have tried to bo useful to zocioty over
way that I could. I have never don
any of you any harm. I admit it is i
your pawor to murder mo , but I am gc
ing to vote to-morrow unless you do ki
mo. " Matthews wont to the polls an
cast the First vote in the morning. A
ho placed it in the box , Wheeler , wh
was the democratic challenger ,
with the charge of ono barrel in the hoai
and another just below the throat. Th
sound of thn gun was heard by Mat
thews' wife and daughter as they sat i ;
the porch of their homo. There was
mass-mooting the next day , in whicl
exultant resolutions wore nassod doclat
ing that if any attempt wore made t <
revenge Matthew's death , his relative
should bo hold responsible , warning hi
family to keep out of politics in future
declaring that "Copinh shakos hand ;
with Yazoo , " and adjourning to moo
at the call of the chairman of the dome
cratio committee. Yazoo is the count )
so notorious for _ election frauds ant
crimes , whore Dixon was shot In tin
back a few years ago. These resolutions
tions wore in the handwritting of tht
democratic district attorney. Bailey
the second in command , made a boast
ful speech , describing the method bj
which they had carried the county. H <
drew a pistol and said , "Wo took alon (
something like this. It is the boo
method of electioneering I have ovoi
seen. If these men who have loft us dc
not coma back to us , 1 believe you wil
kill them out without my advlco. "
Wheeler , the murderer , was made citj
marshal of Hazlohurst a few weeks after ,
and Bailey , his lieutenant , is , I am told ,
the democratic candidate for presidential
Such , my innocent collogii pronidont
and venerable doctor of divinity , is the
way your democratic allies treat inde
pendent movements in Mississippi. But
they Say , "What are you to do about ill
These things arc incurable. " I know
there are difiicultica in punishing those
offenders without interfering with local
self-government. But if you give us
both houses of congress again wo will
find a remedy. But you can at least re
fuse to join the mob. You can at least
make the power of your moral disapprob
ation felt. You can at least refuse to
reward the authors of these crimes with
; ho supreme power. You can BOO that
-ho democratic doctrine "to the victors
jolong the spoils" is not applied on a
lational scale where the victory is of
Mississippi shotguns and the spoils is the
) rosidoncy.
Another question , next in dignity , is
hat of the
Wo do not accept the teachings of that
lolitical economy with its tidings of do-
pair , which tells us that it is the lot of
' 10 workman forever to toil for bare life
.Vo . believe this country is governed , L
0 bo governed and ought to bo governed
> y the men who work with their hands
> n the farms and in the shops. Unless
lioso men shall have a return for thoii
abor , which shall bring them leisure ,
: omfort , education for their children ,
hey cannot preserve the qualities needed
or citizenship , and the republic musf
all. There may bo a great and power
ul nation on this continent on other
arms , but there cannot bo a great ropub-
c. This end can only be secured by
lie maintenance of the American system ,
'ho ' price of many other shings , the rates
E exchange , are , in the artificial ar-
mgemonts of commerce , determined in
roat Britain. We do not propose to
incx American labor to that market ,
fo believe that by a judicious system of
rotoctlon , framed for that purpose , this
isult can bo and is secured , and that ng >
culture , manufacture and commerce
ill alike bo benefited. In that belief
[ amilton , Madison , Jetlorson , Webster ,
lay , Lincoln , almost every American
atosmnn whose fame has survived the
mnd of the earth on his collin , in that
oliof almost every employer of labor
id almost every man who labors him-
ilf , concur with us. A few theoretic
lonomists , n few college professors and
10 great bulk of the owners of plants-
ons and slave labor differ with us. Wo
repose to debate that question with
lotu and take the verdict ot the Amori-
n people ,
The republican party has nominated
1 candidates and framed its platform ,
jur delegates , in obedience to
tiat they believed to bo the
Inhos of their constituents , voted for
distinguished statesman from Vermont.
at wo are bound to say that there was
> vor a nomination made under circum-
uncos more entitled to respect. The
lit rule , which formerly threatened to
ammol the free choice of the poopio ,
as overthrown. The holders of olllco
ere in almost solid column for another
kiidldato. I do not believe that until
ithin a few days Mr. Blalno either
inght or expected the result. It was
ho ' 'had eyes and chose him. " Look
; the states and the communities who
ivo made this choice. They are the
ary flower of America. You have
lought that an educated people was lit
> choose its own rulers. Maine and Iowa
anding at the head of civilized commu-
[ ties in this respect , led the column for
its nomination. The states of the great
oo Northwest , Ohio , IndianaMichigan ,
10 first born of our freedom , Kansas and
'obraska , fruits of your later conflict
ith the slave power , the agricultural
jrtions of Now York and Pennsylvania ,
rogon and Washington , the larger Now
ngland which is coming into line on the
Aciflo. It is theao whoso free voices
wo spoken. Lot mo road to you where
10 votes came from : California 10,1111-
) ls ill , Indiana SO , Iowa 24 , Kansas 18 ,
'ulno 42 , Michigan 20 , Minnesota 14 ,
obraskn 10No\v Jersey 17 , Ohio 40 ,
rogon 0 , Ponniylvaniaul , Rhode Island
Wisconsin 22 , Now York 32j total : JG5.
lioto are 305 of the 411 votes which
ado a choice. Fellow citizens , this is
10 nomination of what is boat in human
oloty the round world over. It is the
> mination of the great free states. It U
ii ) nomination of the church and of the
liool houso. It is the nomination of
o men who own and till their own
run. It is the nomination of the sol-
or , of the men who went to the war and
nycd all through. It is the nomination
the men who uivod the nation's honor ,
is the nomination of the man who
id who have mndo it worth living in in
isca. This , fellow citizens , Is the "rill * ,
ff of the republican party that surrounds
imos G. Itlaino , " , ,
The people know well what they wereil
doing. Mr. Blalno , if wo except 01
greatest soldiers , has boon for nearly -
years the most conspicuous person
presence in the country. Ho has dwo
in his simple American homo in Augnsl
and Washington with wife nnd ohildroi
Into the inmost recesses of hij life
blazing light has boon constantly pouroc
IIo is the chofco of what Is best In chara
tor nnd what is most progressive i
opinion throughout the whole countn
Gentlemen toll Us that ho has done not !
Ing of momorabla public service. I ha
thought otherwise. I had thought hu
ono of the very greatest of the groi
loaders who had conducted the America
people along the difficult pathway (
danger and of glory which they hav
traveled for the past 20 years. I ha
thought his hand was found in the frait
ing of the 14th and 15th amondmonti
I had thought , indeed I had known , the
ho was In the very inmost councils who
the resumption act was framed , and thu
his influence carried it through thei hous
over which ho presided. I had though
that ho had boon speaker of the Hous
of Representatives during six orpwdt *
and eventful years. I had thought tha
amonfr the great orators of the countr
ho had boon of the very greatest nnd moi
persuasive in the debate which sat-jfioi
the American people to take up thohoav ;
burden of the debt to keep its curronc ;
undepressed and its credit safe. I hai
thought that when , In Maine , the am
bitlous larceny of the democratic part ;
undertook to pilfer a whole state govern
monk at once , it was his leadership tha
by peaceful and lawful methods , bafllot
the conspiracy and saved the stato. .
remember , too , the next year when thi
republicans had the temptation to ro
talinto in kind and exclude Gov. Ploistec
by technical objections , it was Mr.Blaim
who said , "Ono majority for Mr. Platstoc
shall bo ns good as a thousand. "
They say Mr. Blaine is a "jingo. " Hi
is just such a "jingo" as was Johi
Qumcy Adam ; .
brings against hia personal integrity i
single charge which is supported by nt
pro f and refuted by every witness whc
knows the facts , and a single j base in t
letter which is fully susceptible of BE
honest construction. It ia said that the
president of the United stated ought to
bo like Cfcsnr'B wife , above suspecion. I
have ono thing to say about Ciimr.
Cioiar dtd many base things ; among
tli3in was the destruction of the liberties
of his country ; but ho never did a baser
thing than when ho abandoned his wife
booauao somebody slandered her.
I wiah to say a word concerning Mr.
Blano's associate on the ticket , whom for
L5 years I have had abuodant opportuni-
; y of knowingGon. Logan's ' opinions and
iharactor have boon a constant growth
rom the time ho entered public life as a
lomocratic representative srom Egypt 30
roars ago. I have not explored , but I
mvo no doubt if you wore to look back
imong forgotten record , you would find
nany opinions that ho expressed and
nany votes that ho gave with which you
, ud I should have little sympathy. But
fhat of that } Ho was born again in the
[ ay of the great regeneration. Ho went
hrough that baptism of fire and blood ,
nd over since has been true as steel on
very question of patriotism and free
om , Ho is the typo and roprosontativi
f the American volunteer soldier. HI
ntorod the war a private. Ho came ou
tie highest in rank and the most famou.
f all the men who enlisted from private
fo. Ever since the people of his great
jUo have kept him in public service in
[ ouso and Sonata , until the other da ]
tie presented him at Chicago as her can-
Idato for the highest oflicp. If anybody
uestions Gon. Logan's civil capacity , .
lould like to have him try his hand aten
Duntoring him in debate. There is
hich if there wore no other , would on-
tlo him to the very highest place in
ir admiration and reverence. You
imombor when Sherman started for the
a , Hood , with a large rebel army was
. the roar. George H. Thomas , the
ick of Ohicamauga , commanding the
my of the Cumberland , was ordered * to
tack. The prudent general delayed
id 'delayed , until the authorities nt
ashington qot out of all patience nnd
dorod Logan to repair to Thomas' hoad-
lartora and supercede him in his coin-
and. Logan , when ho came to the
one of action and examined Thomas's
apositlons found that the great fabius
is right and wise. You know the in-
usity of the passion for military glory.
3n , Logan could have carried out his
dors , taken advantage of Thomas's dis-
sltlon and won trims If ono ( if the most
illiant victories of the war , which
mid have had a dnublo lustre from the
aming lukowarmncss of his predecessor ,
jt his generous nature disdained the
justice. IIo postponed the execution
his orders , and loft Thomas in his com-
ind. The result was the hattlo of
tshville , and the annihilation of Hood ,
here in military story will you find a
ightor page than thatl That ono act
magnanimous solf-donini gave to Am-
ican history two of its brightest names
the uamo of Thomas and the name of
> ian.
I see the president of Havard tolls his
ighbors that the platform
Well , I . .iffwr with the worthy prosi-
nt. 1 hope every citizen of Hasan-
usotts will make himself familiar with
0 platforms of both parties. The ro-
bhcan platform states squarely and
lanly what a majority of republicans
ink. It cannot bo expected that the
preaentatives of a continent should not
lor on some important questions. But
e platform declares the honest belief
honest men. The clvil-aorvico plank
is drawn by George William Curtis ,
d that about the surplus by Cabot
nlgo. President Eliot thinks the civil-
rvico resolution ia not honest. Well ,
would rather stand for civil-service
form with the men who passed the law
last year , with Edmunds and Bowley
d John Sherman and Dorman B. Eaton ,
an with the men who retired Pendlo-
n to private life. President Eliot does
t like the Chinese resolution. I quito
roe with him. I like the declaration
independence better. But I am sorry
say that the polily of Chinese exclusion
in accordance with the opinion of a
go majority of the American people of
th parties. Wo must submit to it till
ican convert thorn.
President Eliot expresses the sentiment
a little body of men about Cambridge
1 am happy to believe ho does not re-
osont the college whoso influence , in
f judgment , has tended Intlnitely to
grade the public life of the common-
talth. These men have taught our
ucated youth to bo ashamed of their
rn history. They have told them
t "since the cleao of the war there
s boon no tima when a young man
ew how ho could honorably servo his
antry. " They -were preaching in the
no strain during the war , and before
u war.
itch can see a blemish on the skin , "but ( .
mot take in a fair landscape or a j i
ilthy human figure. They can find |
no statesmanship and no public virtue !
the payment of the debt , In the sottl
mont of the currency , In the return I
specie payment , in the sublime clomonc
that dealt with the cohquorod after th
war. in the great self-restraint of th
Alabama treaty , in the miraculous di
volopmont of our manufacture , in Ui
creation of our great domestic commorci
in the peaceful settlement of the dii
putod presidential succession. There
hardlya man who has taken any of tli
responsibilities of public life who has m
boon compelled to undergo the contomp
uous criticism of these gentle hermits <
Cambridge. It has boon so from th
beginning. Even the men whom the
are now most eager to praise , and who *
examples they cite to show the decay <
modern statesmanship they dealt th
same measure to in their time Joh
Adams and his illustrious son , Sumno
Andrew , Wilson. As they erect the :
maunsoloum to each , they should wril
over it the Inscription , "Our fathoi
atoned this prophet and wo build h :
sepulchre. "
But President Eliot haa boon
I think I ought to detain you a momor
moro to give you his contribution to the
discussion. Ho says to his Cambridg
audience :
Then this platform sayan great many wren
thing * for the unite of tranplnj vote * In Oh !
nnd elsewhere , about tariff legislation , Tha
is a ticklish subject , goutlumon , nnd pcrhap
you wish I would not say anything about it
It is a disputed ( inflation , nnd for that vor ;
romon I believe that n political party which 1
undertaking to have a profound Interest In th
country hci got ta commit Itself on that qnes
tion clearly nnd distinctly [ applause ] , and .
nm perfectly aura that the \ouog men of thi :
country nro going to divide Into two camps ot
that question. [ Applause. ] And they an
going to divide with ardor In the spirit of i
strong Intellectual combat. The young mot
nro detonnlnod to ho n clear latuo on thai
subject. I dnro say It is cot yet tlmo to make
a clear statement of that eubjdct , but there is
ono principle which I bollo\o in , namely , that
the tariff ehould bo no treated that the itiv
posts which now prevent American Industry
from entering on like torma into competition
with the rest of the world nhall bo gradually
removed. [ Applause ] Wo hive here , right
hero In Cambridge , plenty of illustrations of
the prejmllcal effects of these impost ) which
prevent our people from competing on equal
terms with other nations of the world , I
learned from n merchant friend of n ina that
Mr. Ivors had n valuable trade with Australia
In 1830118 , and shortly after I wont up to Mr.
Ivora and congratulated hi HI on his trade with
Australia. " tVoll " said
, that is all stopped ,
ao Isaid : "What's the matter ? Didn't the
milt them " "Oh liked
wagons ? , ves , they
, hoiu ao well that the Hngllahmon got
til the patterns , nnd now supply the wngons
; o Australia. " That is to say , the Imposts on
tlr. Iver'4 raw materials used in Ins manufac-
uro lost him the trado. Our imposts made
lero by American legislation lost himbusinos )
10 would otherwise have commanded. Jhoro
ire thousands of similar CMOS.
nd T have taken pains to search it to the
ipttom. Mr. Ivors made for export two
: inds of buggy wagon , ono open costing
! 175 , one covered costing § 350. The only
naportod articles entering into it are two
ards of cloth for trimming , the best
eating § 3 per yard ; 53 pounds Swedish
: on , costing four or nvo ctnts a pound ;
ho duty on the cloth would bo $2 30 ;
bo duty on the iron , CO cents : outside
imifc _ of duty $2.80. For both these
.morican material is frequently substi-
iitod. On both I have stated the out-
id o limit. On both ho can got his draw-
ack. Bub lot us deal with President
Illiot with entire candor. The other
took entering into the buggy ia aa fol-
> ws : 44 pounds of stool tires cost four
ants per pound ; iron axles CO pounds for
sot ; wood , hickory for spokes and rim ,
1m tor hub , white oak for body and shaft
-all of domestic production , § 30 ; paint ,
pound for a carriage , 35c ; ono quart of
arnish ; leather for open buggy , § 10 ;
ovored buggy , § 20. It is barely possi-
lo that the price of the iron axles and
tool tires , though of domestic manufac-
are , may bo Increased by the duty on
ao corresponding foreign article. This
uty , all told , would amount to but
1.30 , so that the Cambridge wagon
laker has to pay § 2.80 ho can draw
ack , and possibly § 1 3G that ho doesn't
at back on § 170 or § 3.50 buggy. But
hat is the real difference between him
ad his British competitor ? Ho pays his
orkmon in Cambridge all the year
mnd : Blacksmiths , § 15 gor week ; trim-
era ; § 15 per week ; hand painters , § 3
sr day ; all other hands average § 14 per
eok , while his English competitor pays
> no of his workmen more than § 1 per
iy. President Eliot is right in saying
.at there is a difficulty in competing
ith England for the Australian market ,
it he doesn't venture to state the rea-
n. It is true the workman in Cam-
Idgo , sovereign and ruler of this realm ,
ceivos for his compensation two and a
ilf and three times as much as the En-
ishman. A gentleman in whntn I have
II confidence , said to Mr. Ivors the
her day : "Do you know you only pay
I.SO duty on the material for one of
mr wagons ? " Mr. Ivera replied , "I
m't pay thatfor I use Amor-
xn cloth and American iron , which are
good. But President Eliot is all wrong
out what I said to him. When 1 said
was prevented from selling carriages in
aatralin by the duties , I did not moan
; r dnHoe , but Australian duties. For-
arly there wore no duties on carriages ,
joy have put on a duty of 33 per cent ,
What is it that the Massachusetts
igon-butldor gets in exchange for the
ght interruption to his foreign tradd
used by our tarifl ? Under our policies
ory 10 years of our lifu adds 30 per
nt. to our population. In 12 years
tin this hour a no w nation of 20,000,000 ,
> ro than six Australias , will bo added
our number. Those men are not as
} y are abroad , consumers only of the
re necessaries of life. They will bono -
no customers , with no foreign middle-
ui or British shipper to consume the
ill t , for the farmer's wagon , and many
them for the carriage for the man of
alth. Every morning that the sun
os the American people laya up as nn
dition to its'accumulated wealth § 2-
3,000 , one-third of the daily ncumula-
u of the entire globe. The value of
r existing capital exceeds that ot every
lor country except Great Britain , who
coeds us by a quarter , and our income
uals hers. The increase of our wealth
ice 1850 is enough to buy the whole
irman empire , with all its farms , shop/j / ,
ivories and palaces Every 10 years
da to our wealth a sum equal to the
iplo capital value of Spain or Italy.
lia income ia not only larger in its
eregato , but it ia meio evenly distribu-
1 than elsewhere. It is not commerce
d manufacture nlono , but agriculture ,
> nr , manhood , that reaps the harvest.
No , follow.citizona , it it not safu to
ro thoto interoats into the solid south
d ita hungry northern allies. It U not
rty tlut appeals to you. It ia ruason ,
is duty. It is country , It Ii tha
; ht to free election. It is the comfort
d dignity of the workman's homo ,
" 100 Doses Ono Dollar" is true only
Hood's Sarsaparilla , and It ia an uu-
swerablo argument a to strength and
Atl the molt tmintnlptiyiician "Si . F > i
Of any school , what Is the best thing in tl
world for quieting nnd allaying nil irntatio
of the nerves , and curing ( ill form * of norvot
complaints , giving natural , childlike refrusl
ing sleep always ?
And they will tell you unhesitatingly
"SomtformofJfoftJf/ "
Ask any or all of the most eminent phy
"What lathe best and only remedy thi
can bo relied on to euro all disoARps of the kl (
neys and urinary organs ; such as Urlght's di
ewe , diabetes , retention , or Inability to retai
nrlno , nnd nil the diseases nnd ailments p
cullar to Women"
"And they will tell you oxpliclty and en
phatically " ItMhnlll *
A k the same physicians
"What is the most reliable and surest on
for alii liver diseases or dyspepsia ; cons ti pa tic
Indigestion , billionsnen' . malaria , fever ' DRVI
&c.V > and they will toll vous
MandraKtl or Dandelion///
Ilcnoo , when tbew remedies are comblntd wil
others equally valuable.
And compounded Into Hop DIHors , such woi
derful and mjiUrlous curttlve power Is ilorelopoi
which Is so varied In Its operations that no dlsciw
or 111 health can possibly cxltt or resist Ita powoi
and yet II Is
Harmlo'fl lor the rnott ( rail woman , weakest Invi
lid or ( inallcet child to Use.
"Almost dead or nearly djlng"
For years , nnd given up by physicians , o
Uright's nnd other kidney disease * , liver com
plaints , eovoro coughs , called consumption
have bcon cured.
Women gone nearly crazy 1 1 III
From ngony of neuralgia , nervousness , wake
fulnei'andvarlousdiseascs peculiar to women
People drann out ot shape ( rom excruciating pinjr
of rheumatism , Inflammatory and chronic or suffer
nit from scrofula ,
Krj stjiclag
"Snltrlicmn , tilood polsnnlnR , d)3pep < la'lndlgC3
tion , and In fact , almost all diseases frail"
Nature IB heir to
Hnro bccd ctmd b ; Hop Hitter. , proof ot whicl
can lie f JUD J In c\ery neighborhood In the knout
or M. _ _ _
liTftone genuine without ft bunch n ( green Hop ;
on tro white label Shun all the vile , polsonuui
stun with "Hop" or "Hops" In their namo.
Statistics show that the
niorta'itv among chil
dren Is far greater In
the summer months
than at any other sea-
on. I If alth an ) per
fect action nf the bow
els are assured by th6
use of Illdgn'o Food , It
't neutral In Its action ,
. a rradlly taken
by thu little ones , occa
ions no tax upon the
iecstUoorKUB , and Ii
.sslinllatcd . when tno stumacn rejects Ml else. Sold
> y all DrugiflstB , put up la cant , four dlrei ,
iJc.,05. , 1,28 and JU5. Send to WOOLUICII
; 0. , Palmer , Mass , for Phamphlot.
Sraokcrn of Dlackwcll'n Genuine
Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco will
recelvo Premiums as follows on
terms and conditions bcrotpoclnod :
$35O 2d " 32,000
$300 3d " $1,000
$275 22other PrcinliimnashcroBhown.
The 55 premiums will bo awarded
$225 December S3 , 18SI. 1st Premium
$2OO Roes to the person from whom \ o re
ceive thelanrcst number of our empty
$175 toblCCO bairn prinr la Dee , 15. 2 < l will
$150 bo idvcn f or the neit lanrest number
$125 .and thin. In the order of the number
of empty biirs received from each ,
$1OO to the twenty five successful con-
$90 teitanti Each bw muet lx ar onr
$8O oritdnal null Durham label. U. 8.
Itevenuo stamp , aud Caution
$7O Daira must bo done up securely In
$ GO packatre , with uamo nnd adilrciw of
$5O Bender , and nunilHT of bairn contain
ed , plainly marked on the outside ,
$40 and muBt bn pent , chfiwn prepaid , to
$3O llliirkncll'i Dilrlmiu Tntmrro
$20 Co. , DUIUIAM. N ( J r.very irenulua
package ban picture of Hull.
$10 Son our rn-it mmoijncpmnnt
To trio no oils' l th
> ourlst , commcrcla
. traveler and new scl
) tier , Hostettcr'a Sto
reach Bitters Is pccu
llarlv adapted , elnc
It ctrciigthcns th
digestive orgarjBanL
braces the physical
. - . energies to unhcalth
.f ? fnl Influence ? . It re
moves and prevents
malarial fever , con.
* etlpatlon.djspcpsla ,
healthfully stimn
latcs the kldncj s am.
bladder an d enriches
aa w ell aa purifies the
, blood. When over
c o in o by fatigue ,
whether mental or
phvaical , the weary
- . . , _ _ - - and debilitated find
v reliable sourro of renewed utrength and comfort
r sale by all druggists and dealers generally.
' I lO / " 13 For Men. Quick , or , life , nook FrM.
B < L W K ClTlilo A ucjr , IftJ Fulton bt. , N w Volt ,
Aa ic.llciit pr Uinetoall ! ' .quiiito Strcr.riowuirtOT
btf vorM. fnr * llfrfrf * t. DlirrhuK , I.Tfr ftL-1 Aru. , ftb
m cf tk 1'tfMliTt ' Orxtnl A f.v drop. lnir i 1 dcllrloai
f Iwi of oti.ini > 4n , uuru.r drink. Tit II ,
re f evUDt. VII. , .cur ( r < xvr r drurfl * ! for
Uu.uuf tlui4l > ( llll.J II , 11
J. W. T7tjrEniAJTU ,
si . if. r.
these raftering from tnc
JTo of youthful errors ,
rrulnnl vroiiknemi. eitljr do
t , loot manhood , cue. , 1 will ecud > ou pirtloulars or a
uple and certain uieani of lt cure , free of outrire.
nilvouraUdriiutol1' O. I1 OWUIll. Moodus. Conn
Boyal unilU.S , MalljBteninorn
( Rhine , Germany , Italy , HMnnd aiul France
taerage Outward , 20 , Prepaid from Antwerp , fib ;
irnlon , $30 , Including ) > d Jlnif , to. 2d C'ablfi , f M ,
Jinl Trln , tDO 00 ; KiLur.lon , 1100 ; Huloou ( rom tiU
W > ; Kxcurtlon 110
iri'ttoi WrUht A Hurn , 0 n , AgtnU. U Iliowl-
y N. V.
laldwell. Hamilton ti lit. , Oinalia , I * . K. ( llixl
n&Co. , VWN ICth lr it , Cm liaj I ) K. Kliu
I , OuuluAftuU. iu& M > My
A victim uf suly lui | nuUiati , CM.IIIIU liorvouj
iMlily , i. . .ui Ui of i if. te '
, lu . .f/luywu 'ou-ff/j IW | dl cuv iwl
au ur k4.lf-uuiu , kiilcli l > villl fd j
f- " * ! ! ! MI. . ( Vow Yor * .
r , Amelia
517 Dodgoi St. , - Omaha
( , I v t f * -9 f
I , * { ' -
flit fc >
Owing to the increase
in our business we've
admitted to the firm
Rdr Edwin Davis , who
.s well and favorably
mown in Omaha.This
irill enable us to ban-
lie an increased list
\ >
> f property. We ask \ . |
* > iffin
ihose who1 have desi-
able property for
s tT place the same / !
7ith us. The new firm
Till be
13 South 14th St.