Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 23, 1884, Image 1

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While Iho SiDloss Schnrz and Cnrli :
Float Buoyantly on the fop ,
The Dregs from the Deep Show
Cleveland's ' Corrupt Eeoord ,
How Democracy's Candidate Euin-
ed a Toune : Buffalo Girl ,
And Failed in His Promise to Pro
tect Her and Her. Child ,
He Has Her Torn From Her Two-
Tear-Old Baby Boy ,
Anil Casts Her Into nn Insane Asy
lum She KgcaiieH ntul He-
uovurn Her Son Her
\Vrotuhoil K.xlHt-
NEW Yonic. July 22. A mooting of Independents
pendents opposed to Blnlno nnd Login was
announced for to-day nt the University club
Ihoater , this cily. For nn hour before Iho
time fixed there was unusual stir in that generally
orally quiet locality and instda Iho corridors
of the little theater a consultation by Inde
pendent ) was busily carried on. Among thn
moro prominent faces noticed were Geo.Vm. .
Curtis and Carl Schurz , The latter wns tha
center of inlerosled and animated groups.
Clarence Bower , of The Independent , and
other of Eccoadlug members of the Brooklyn
Young Republican club were present. The
secretary's list of those who were present
allowed Massachusptts'to be more numerously
represented than any olhor state , except Now
York. A few from Now Jersey i nd Con
necticut nnd some from inoro distant states
were on the roll , which , nt 11 o'clock was still
No resolutions have boon agreed upon but
it is understood several platforms , either in
full or in part , have boon prepared. These
will bo referred to the comnutteo on resolu
tions and that committee will prepare n plat
form which tha convention will debate and
upon which it will act. Admission to the
hall is by ticket , but any one signing the fol
lowing form furnished on printed slips
to each applicant is given admission
without question : "Disapproving of
the nominations by the republican
national convention at Chicago as unworthy
of support , and believing the interest of good
government and public morals demand the
defeat _ of the republican candidate
for president and vlca president , and being
therefore resolved not to vote for Biaiao and
Loan , I desire to take part with other repub
licans and independent voters in a conference
to bo held at the University club thealer ,
Madison nvenuo and Twenty-sixth streotNew
York , Tuesday , July 22' , at 11 n. m.
The hall was well filled when the meeting
was called to order. The National Temper-
nnce society circulated n memorial to the can-
.ferenco asking it to ' 'Take cognizance of Iho
alcoholic liquor traffic" nnd requesting that it
M would not cndorsa the "saloon plank" of Iho
democratic platform , which siys "wo oppose
sumptuary l.uvs , which rex citizens and iutot-
fore with individual liberty , "
Among the prominent members of the inde
pendent party present wera Carl Schurz ,
Clarence W. Brown , Benjamin IL Brlstow ,
W. C. Beech , and Fronds C. Barlow. Tnu
members of the independent executive com
mittee of Afa3sachu3etl3 were all present.
The nppearanco of George William Curtis
on the platform evoked cheers and applause.
Curtis called tha conference lo order near
noon and welcomed Iho delegalcs. lie road
the call for the conference , and when ho readi
ed that portion which related to republicans
"who will net vote for Blame and Logan , " ho
was interrupted by hearty applause.
was elected president. A list of the vice
presidents aud of tha enrollment committee
was road Including Carl Schurz , General Bar
low , and 0. > ) . Bonaparte , of Maryland , The
nominees wore nil elected.
Colon l Codinan made nn address in which
ho said : _ "You confer a great hvnor upon mo
in choosing me to preaido over the delibera
tions of not n body of office holders , but of
citizens , whoso only doiro Is for the good of
the whole country. Wo have decided to cast
aside party affiliations for the time being.
The nomination of tlio republican parly
Is nn insult to Aineriuaninanhood , Blaine
had not cleaned his record from tlio charges tha'
ha used his public office for private gain , and
wo fear 1m will coutinuo his usual method ;
Hut ho will provo no deadhead In any enter
prise ho may embark In. Wo make no charges
against bis private character , but Bbine Is
not fit to bo president of tae United Stales.
There is no great Issue clearly defined between
tlio two partieH , so that we have to confine
ourselves to the question of tha fitness of the
candidates. The speaker was freuuently ap
In continuing his address , Coilman declared
th t the hsues of war wcro closed , and said :
"Wo want n man who is incorruptible ; and if
ha bo able nnd energetic , no much the boiler. "
Ho declared that the presenl governor of tlio
state of Now York was such n person.
When Codinan concluded , Schurz moved
that n committoeba appointed t > act on reso
lutions and an address. Carried.
Theodore Iiyman , of Brooklyn , declared the
people wanted an honorable and able man for
the presidency and ha believed lhat Graver
Cleveland was euch a person.
Thomas Bacon , of Now Haven , said the independent -
dependent movement had grown to enormous
strength. It had twice defeated Blaine in
convention , and now hoped to defeat him out-
ridotlio convention.
Col. Thomas W. Hlzglnson said ho nomad
all allegiance , for the time being , to the party
to which he had belonged siuct ) its birth , ow
ing to the character of Iho nominee ] til a your ,
Koreas was taken.
When the conference reassembled , the sec
retary made a stalcmont In regard to letters
received by the now cnmmitto from citizens in
yarioui states "from Maine to California. "
Mr. Quimby , Now Jersey , satil to bavo the
republican parly ,
ami lhal for every democrat in Now Jersey
who would vote for Blaine the' were five re
publicans who would vote for Cleveland ,
F , Chili n , of Illinois , said there waj uvery
strong Clevi land element among the republi
cans In the west.
President Seeley , of Amhertit , said ha was
not prepared to join the I'omocrnts. but wa
in favor of having u separate candidate. He
also made a plea for temperance principles.
The committee on permanent organization
recommended that a national committed
should be apfioinled and the chair appointed
the following :
From NewJYork Carl Schiirr , Tnno-loro
Bacon. John H. Cowim ? . Charles U. Miller ,
K. P. Bowker , GonrRo W. FoUon , Ktlitn Al
len Daly , George Walton Green and Horace
U. Deminer.
From Mawachuietti William H , Forbes.
Joseph Tucker , Joseph II. Walter , .Samuel
Hoar. Phlneaa IVarne , George U. Levorett
nd Wlnslow Warren.
From Connecticut-F. K. Baldwin , 0,1' ,
Armstrong and K , W. Farntm ,
From New Jerecy Daniel Drake Smith ,
Simeon Huntington nd W , G , Pockhara.
From Pennsylvania F , B , llcovcs , Stewart
Woods and Joseph Parrlsh.
Chairman Cod man and Mr. CI Cin , from
Illinois , wcro added to Iho committee.
3 Carl Schurz , in behalf of the committee on
esolutlons , said there was no intention to
make platform for the now party , but only an
appeal for tha government.
Goorga W. Curtis then road the address
which ia as as follows :
The following Is the platform adopted ! The
paramount Issue of the presidential oloctloi
oflhisyoar U moral rather than politic * ! ; it
concerns the nallonal honor and the character
and honesty of the administration rather
than jiDliolos of government , upon
which the platforms of the two do not esson-
lially differ. No position taken by ono
platform la seriously traversed by the other ;
both evidently contemplate n general ngrco-
mcnt of public opinion upon subjects which
have boon long in controversy , nud Indicate
an unwillingness lo dcclaro upon other and
cardinal quosllnns , views which in Iho proi
cut condition of opinion might noriously dii
turb Iho parlies within themsnlvoii. The
parties Indeed , now cohere mainly by habit
Mid tradition , and since Iho groal Uaues which
hnvo divided ihoin , bnvo baen largely sallied ,
Iho itiwsl vilal political activity hai boon the
endeavor of good citizens iu both parties to
adjii't them to a living issue and to make
efficllvo agencies of politics ! progress and re
form. The Indlspensblo necessity of this
course has long been apparent , form n titnu
ot profound pence at homo and Abroad , the
most threatening natural peril is insiduous
political corruption , n mercenary nnd domor-
dizlngspiiit , nndn tendency the result of
which U well described by Senator Hour , of
Massachusetts , a ? "tho blmmelem doctrine ,
lhat the true way by which power should bo
ruined iu a republic Is to bribe the people
with ollico ; , created for their service , and the
, tuo end of which it f hould bo u l , when
rained to bo the promotion of selfish innbi-
ion nnd the grntlticnlioii of personal rovengo.
Hit this doctrine naturally has pro-
luced results which nro still moro alarming.
The corrupt spit it nnd toudency have BO rap-
dly developed that they seek political power ,
not only to gratify ambition and revenge , but
, o promote gain.
The platform then says :
A great party has habitually proclaimed It
o be the duty of every citizen to suuport
at elections , without regard to character , those
vhom it selects : va its executive agents ; that
lie tendency of such policy Is fatal to public
welfare , and that it is the duly of every put-
iotic citizen , vital and imjieratlvo , to bafllu
and defeat such demands. If the republican
onventlon had presented a candidate whoso
haractor and career wcro the pledge of n res-
lute contest with the tendencies above dcs-
ribed , every republican , voter would have
ladly supported iho nomination , but the can-
idato has shown by his owu words nnd nets
f official record , that ho is
inworthy of respect and confidence , that
10 has traded upon his official truat for
its pecuniary gain , as n ropre.s jntatiyo of
men , methods and conduct which public con-
cienco condemns.
The platform then says :
Wo are very proud of the great record nnd
orvlcea of the republican parly , but not wilh
ur consent or connivance shall the record be
iegracod. Every party must bo eminently
oviowed by the intelligent _ independence of
a own members , or it will sink from an
gency to securge good government into a re-
norseloss despotism. It is with n profound
onviction of its wisdom tint republicans
ailhfu ! lo their party , but holding with Iho
rreat republican fathers , that political moral- !
, y and purity of admiuintratralion nru moro
irecious than party , are now constrained to
ippoae the presidential nomination In the iu-
wrest of what the believe to be the pure ro-
niblicanism of public welfare and of the honor
if the American name.
Upon the political questions of the tarilt
nd finance and other questions upon , which
loth parties are divided within themselves ,
we are also divided in opinion. Wo shall vote ,
herefore. In Iho choice of representatives and
ther officers according to the individual
As there is no distinctive- Issue upon Iho
putlic policy presontfd for the consideration
if the country , the character of the candidate
lecjmes of tbo highest importance tu nil
itizens who do not hold that party victory
hould be secured at any cost While rep'ib-
lean nomination represents n party whom we
cannot support , tha democratic party pre-
onts ono whoso name is n synonym of pollt-
cal courage nnd honesty nnd ndministrativo
The platform then eulogizes. Cleveland nt
onsiderabla length , dwelling on his admin-
stralivo ability and courage * of conviction
n the face of popular clamor , as exhibited
while mayor and governor , piints out the fact
.hat he has spruug into prominence since tha
war between the sections , nnd it not subject
.o the effect of the fierce animosities of that
line , nnd predicts his administration would
> o an honor to American citizenship at home
and abroad.
It then proceeds 'to declare that it is not the
ntenliou of its Cramers to leave the republi
can patty or uiergo themselves in any other
arty , but that they propose to assist in
lefeating the republican nominee a ? a
luty which they owe tha counlry a * citizens ,
n the interest of n pure and wise ndministnx-
ion. They hold that the ballot is a trusl , a
expansibility which no good citizen should
eui to sot aside , and that ho must answer to
its private conscience fer tbo right adminis-
ration of that trusl.
The platform concludes by advising indo-
lepondent voters to vote for electors who will
iron | anovKii CLEVELAND KOII niKsiDKM1.
Mr , Curtis , during the reading was fro-
uently interrupted by applause , and when he
iad finished ; the resolutions were adopted
without n dissenting voice.
t'Mr. Williams , of Massachusetts , in n few
emarks criticised the action of Governor
jouir , of Mnssacbusetts , and Theodore lioso-
veil , of Now York , In endorsing Blnioe , after
laving denounced him in tlio convention ;
10 denounced the rule of the convention which
mpolled delegates to stnnd by the choice of
ho party.CAN'T
Mr. Vfai. Everett , of Massachusetts , offered
a resolution naming Cleveland nnd Hendricks
is the nominees of the conference. Laid on
he taole , nnd soon after the conference
adjourned , on motion of Lyman , of Mussachu-
After Iho adjournment of the conference the
national committco went Into session nnd dis-
ussed n plan 'or permanent organization , but
no definite action was taken and tha mailer
was referred lo a subcommittee consisting of
Messrs. Doming nnd Miller , of Now York ,
and Peario , of Massachusetts , to report a
> lan. It was decided to have an executive
ammltteo of ten , who shall have ] x > wer to add
o their number , They will bo appointed In a
day or two
Iteports from general committwa in the va
rious states were reserved , and it was thought
hat the most efficient work could bo dune In
ew York , New Jersey , Massachusetts and
Connecticut , and strong efforts will be made
o carry those Elates ,
Special Dispatch lo THE BKK.
BUFFALO , N. Y. , July M. The Evening
Telornph publishes a three column story about
jovernor Cleveland's prlvata life. The
iaper prints a long communication accusing
ilm of various immorahthd and says the
nlnliters of this city nud newspapers men
'rom elsewhere have boon Investigating the
natter. The Telegraph Buys , "The story Is ,
hat Maria Ilalpln was wronged by Governor
Cleveland , The woman Io t a responsible po
sition she had long held with FJink & Kent
n thU city , as a result of her relations with
the noted iwlltiolau , A ton who beara the
overnor'a Imago if he does
[ not bear his name ,
n now living. The woman Iraplorad
31ev land to redeem Us pledge to marry her ,
Mid properly c re for hi * cliild and IU mother ,
He put her off until her heart grew nick Her
ormer feirale frlendi , with two exception * ,
discarded her. She was n woman of culture
proud spirit , and hitherto unblemished life
She Insisted that Cleveland should marry her ,
but ho refused and she took to dilnk. She
threatened the life of Cleveland , and it I
charged that he procured the sorvlco-i of Itobett
Watw aud another detective to work up the
cano against her.
The Telegraph continue * : "Naturnlly
onoufih , Cleveland's desittrittton Increased.
1 Inally ono nighl In the fall of 1877 , onn of
these detectives nud n physician now living
in this city , siirrrpllllouslv onlorcd room 11 ,
Gonesco street , whore Maria Hnlpln utill
HvoJ with her boy. who was at the time two
and n half years old They forcibly seized
the mother nnd llcsplto her cries and stubborn
resistance , toro her from her baby , crowded
her down sUtrs , violently drngwd her Into
a hack they had iu walling and within an
hour landed her in Iho Providence hmalto
niyltim on Main street , near Humboldt prtrk.
Tlm { shrieks of the woman nnd the heart
rending ctloi of her b.tby nroused some neigh
bors but the work of abduction win speedily
dono. There { wns no pretense nt legal
warrixntjfor the seizure and the poor woman
was lauded In the asylum without legal
process. 1 he detective who assisted In the
work told an ncoualntitnca soon nltor that ha
got lots than § 30 for the job , nnd said the
woman resisted so stoutly that it took all his
nerve nud streiiglh to overpower her. Dr.
\ \ m. King , an honored citizen of Bulfalo , was
the otlondlng physician at the Providence
asylum. When visited bv the Telegraph reporter
porter hn said ho remembered Mnrht llnlplo
well. Hi ? snys she wan brought to ttio asylum
with no warrantor form of law. Whonhoox-
aininod her ho found she was not Insane , tine
had been drinking. The managers of the
asylum hod no right to detain her , nnd she left
in a few days , that Is ai soon ni
the chose nftor her torrlblo experience , The
wretched mother's first inquiry nftor leaving
the asylum wns for her baby. Ho had been
spirited away but her mother's love and zeal
wus not to bs easily cheated nudsho soon di -
covered Ids location nnd sot on foot le al pro-
coedlngs to recover him. An t-xposuro of
the Infamous conspiracy was feared and to
avoid it the child was surrendered. Lawyer
Whiting , her attorney , corroborates the
story nud says Iho agreement was nlado in
jlove and's hand writing , whereby * M.ailn
llalpin was to receive § 500 and surrender her
BOH , Oscar Folsom Cleveland. The paper
gives many details of the occurrence nnd tha
mbllcation crcalcd n sensation.
Special Dispatch to THK BEE.
CINCINNATI , July 22. The Tirnoa-Starsays ;
Several days ago it was given out by a number
of reputable democrats in Cincinnati lhat some
Georgetown , Kantucky , democrats had bfen
> u y collecting nflidavits nnd reminiscences
about Blaiuo. It was hinted that their publi
cation would rival any rumors about CIovo-
nnd'B bachelor habits. In connection with
his rumor It 'a quito slgnilicant that Col. A.
L. Conger , of Akron , Ohio , member of Iho
inllonal committee from this state , was In
Cincinnati last week and left rather mystor-
ously for Kentucky. While hero Conger had
i short aud hasty conference with Judgd Fora-
ker and other republicans. Ho talked about
candals likely to bo hatched up and showed
etlors containing gross charges azninst Clove-
and , the same ns published. The rumored
barges ngainst Blaine are said to to very light ,
neroboyish faults , but capable of muchdlstor-
Ion in the heat of n campaign. A story is
iflont concerning his ability ns n poker player ,
t runs that ho occasionally took n hand in this
eativo game on the river boats. There is no
lefmito record that he ever got rich at it , but
boy do say ho got "broko" ouo time in Cincin
nati and through tin kindness of Peter Struder
vas given n pose home. . . '
PirrauuKoii , July U2. The delegates lo Iho
mihibitiou convention nro nearly all here.
The national committco met this afternoon
nnd selected William Daniels , of Baltimore ,
for temporary chairman. The convention
nso ! adapted n resolution providing that nil
delegates be admitted to seats on the floor of
tbo convention , but that only these who have
signed credential * be permitted to voto. The
resolution will be opposed by many delegates ,
and will cause nn nniniated debate.
Daniels has drawn out of the contest for the
irissidfiitial nomination , and the clmnucj of
Dr. II. II. McDonald , of California , ami
Stephen B. Fisk , of New Jersey , Instead ot
uiprovlng have materially weakened during
the past twenty-four hours owing to th. .
efforts of admirers of ox-Governor St. John ,
ilis letter declining to accept the nomination ,
which was mentioned last nlghl , was addressed
; o T. Edgar Hunt , n dolegato-at-largo from
tfow Jersey , as follows :
"NoiiTii HKCTOII , Now York , July 21. I
m conditionally for a third party and shall
learllly support the nominee of the Pitlsburg
convenlion , but my work must bu in the rnnki.
with iho people. I wnnt no office nnd could
not accept nny nomination. All I wnnt Is n
chance to fight liquor and nil parties that nro
afraid to oppose it. May God bless you.
Yours , JOHN 1' . ST. JOHN. "
Isotwillislanding this his friends nro urging
JH | nomination nnd claim that 1m will accept.
The Fight Affulnst Iowa Prohibition.
MUHOATINB , IOWA , July 22. James M.
\Voir , n saloon keeper , convicted before Jus-
, ice Mountain , on two counts , for violating
.ho prohibitory law , nnd fined 6200 , wns ro-
eased on n habeas corpus to-day anil disclmr-
ted by Judga Hayes on the ground that the
ustlco failed to eater the case on the docket
and did not _ require the commitment of the
irisoner until Monday morning , Ihe case hnv-
ng been tried nnd n verdict rendered the 1'ri-
lay night previous. The decision was pure-
y technical ,
The Deadly Steam Tlircwlicr ,
LncHFiKLii , 111. , July 22. By the explo
sion of the boiler of n steam thresher six miles
north this afternoon , John We l nnd Frank
jaskell were instanlly killed and five others
wcro seriously Injured ,
Now York'u Builders Strike.
NEW Yonir , July 22. About sov.-nhundred
bricklayers and one thousand laborortt are
btill on a strike ,
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Combines , in a manner peculiar to Itself , the
best blood-purUyltiK nmltstrcngthcnlng reme
dies of the vegetable ) kingdom. You will 11 ml
this wonderful remedy cffcctlvu where other
medicines have failed. Try It now. It will
purify your blood , regulate the digestion ,
and give new life nnd vigor to the entire body.
"Hood's Harsnparllla did mo great good.
I was tired out from overwork , and It toned
mo up. " MIIH , ( ! , U. HIJIJIONH , Cohoeg , N. Y.
" I suffered tlirco years from blood poison.
I took Hood's Harsaparlllu and think I am
cured. " HUH. II. J , DAVIH , llrockport , N. V.
'Purlflea tlio Jilood
Hood's B.irsaparllla la characterized by
three peculiarities : 1st , the comMimUon ( if
remedial agents ; 2 < ltho proportion ; 3d , the
froeesi ot securing the active medicinal
( jiiaJltlea. The result Is a incdlclno of unusual
strength , effecting cures hitherto unknown.
Bend for book containing additional evidence.
"Hood's Sarsaparilla tones up my system ,
piirlflcs my Wood , sharpens my appetite , and
MTins to make mo over. " J. 1' . Tiiom-auN ,
Iteglstor of Deeds , Jxjwtll , Mais.
"Hood's Rarsaparllla beats all others , and
Is worth Its weight in K' > 1 < 1. " UAUUIHUTON ,
130 Uauk mrcut , New York. City.
Hood's * Sarsaparilla
Bold by all druggists. (1 ; nix for V . MuJo
only by O. I. HOOD & CO. , Lowell , Mus.
I IOO'Do8O8Ono _ pollar.
_ _ _
Parllcnlars of tfo Terrible Hail Stor
in Yorf County
The Path 6fe the Precipitation
3 1-2 Miles in Width ,
And Stretching OverAll But Eight
Sootions iu Bradshaw Tp.
Thousands < of Aoros of Crops
Beaten , into the Ground
A Forfcy-AorolGrovo Stripped of
Every Vestige of Foliage.
Horaos'jljaccrritoil ' MiilldliiKBjMovod
Millions of Window 1'nncn Bro
ken-Los ? Over $10 ( > - v vbv
OOO Iilst of the
N "liosors.
From tbo Bradshaw Gazette , July 21sl.
On yostordny ( Sunday ) evening at about
unset , a fearful storm of wind , hall and ruin
swopt'over Bridshaw mid vicinity , doing very
rrcat dtfmngo to property In town , ami milk-
ng fearful destruction of the wowing crops In
all directions. ,
All day the weather had liecn Romowhat
sultry and oppressive , but toward evening a
iloasant brcezo sprafig up from the southeast ,
it the same tlmo vbnnlc of dark clouds nroso
n the north , and about sunset they overspread
the sky assuming that bluish-black nppnnr-
anco that Indie tied wind and hail. The
vlnd suddenly lulled ; In another moment it
whipped Into the northwest anil helped on the
coming storm with terrible force and effect no-
companlnl by n fearful Hgmnlngaud deafen-
m ? thunder and the storm broke upon us
vith tremendous fury , driving the timid into
heir cellars and other supposed places of safe-
y. First u heavy thower of ruin fell , followed
> y wind and then bill and such hall-stones !
as largo as 'A'
and in a few minute * the ground was white
with them. And tlicn the window-glass hade
o suffer and It did itulferto the extent that
learly every house In town had their north
west windows completely riddled , through
which the hall , wind and rain poured in with
vonderful freedom. 'Tha < storm lasted from
hicty to forty mitutes in allots furj' , and
hen settled into a heavy rain which continued
or some time. ,
Tliis morning the cltirens Interviewed their
irokou windows , and then the people wl > o
amo in from the country. From every diieo-
, ion raporls soon camp iu of
o growing crops , ntSlf parties started out In
very direction to snS particulars.
Wo give herewith ttll the information up to
hishour aud wo belioo it is correct in the
From section .15 , town10 , ranee 4 about
eight miles .jiorlhu-f3 < b > < > f ] Bradsh w.llumcd
southeast diagonally1ocrOsb sections 8ft1 1 > , 16 ,
22 , 22 , 20 , 3G-11-8 , to. say five miles cost of
; Jrart hiw , th" pith of the storm W.IH from
hrco and A half to five miles wldo , mid within
tnat strip everything in the way of growing
crops was almost wholly doitroytd. From
> einoiml observation mode this ( Monday )
Homing along the course of the storm wo
gather the names of the sufferers. Whsra not
stated the dealt uctlori of crop ? is complete ,
and In ever instance ! wo have tried to outalu
all particulars possible at this late hour.
Mr. Buck , on Cole Form , section SI-ISM.
U. II. Branham , ( Hl-i nnd 32-12-4.
All of crops on C-ll-4.
S. II. Lichtonberger , 8-11-4.
Mr. Donovan , 4-11-4 ,
Bernard King , Daniel Ueishlmo and
Grnrgo HOSB. W-ll-4.
Thomna P. Miller. 140 acres of crops , Chris.
Jncob&on , etc. , l'J-11-4. CUIlds , James Vandruff , J. H. IIos-
totter , J. Franks , 17-11-4.
Charley Miller , Wm. Ifubboll , 10-11-4.
Konocn'Hubboll , ( lossSl.UOO ) .
Pat. Hancy , Mr. Beishlino , 21-11 4.
Gala Bros. , Charles Leo , V. Buell , 2S-11--1.
Charles Sanf and others on 30-11-4.
Mr. Thurman , S5-11-4.
AJ1 on 20 11-i
L. II. J'.oblver 70 acres , J. II. Graham CO
icrcs , J. Benson , Olm Odell , J. W. Newman ,
Henry Cutchall , A. C. HimtnoiiB aud Martin
Funk , 27-11 4.
Isaiih Haebrouck , Alfred Miller , A. 15.
Rhoads , Mrs. Higes , 22-11-4.
Jos. Fountain , C. Gamer , S. II. High , 15-
Wm. Coleman , Mr. Wnlrod , Henry Shel
don and otheralO-11-4.
Andy Doran and others on 11-11-4.
Dr. S. V. Moore , H. Rhoads and Alon/.o
Uhoads on 14-11-4.
Mr. Foster and the othnr on 13 11-4.
Chriu. Owlngs , W. F , | Morrison (40 ( acres ) ,
Martin Williamson on UO-U-H.
N. M. Ferguson ( two-thirdbon ) 12-11-4.
Fred Moline and others on 13-11-4.
K. II. French. ROY. Heath , Alt. LIchten-
berger , etc. , on 2-1-11-Ji
Mrs. Johnson , John Anderson and August
lohnsen on 25-11-4 ,
John Foley (280 ( acres crops ) , J. Vumlruff
! X ) arnt < < Tops ) , Mr. Clillds mid H. Ynndruir
20-11-4 ,
on - -
1'utur JJoylo and others on 1C-11-4.
J. D. Turner (130 ( ncros crops ) and others
on 29 and SO-ll-i.
Mrs. L. A. Brown (80 ( ncrcs crops ) on nee-
lions : tO and 31-11-4.
H. C Binns ( partial ) Morgan Brothers and
others on section 3C-11-4.
Nathaniel Pope ( bnrn blown over ) Ira ] { .
Slmmous , etc. , C-ll-X
Gcorgo Pcterron , on seclton fl-ll-l.
Fred. SchuoringcrlBOO acres crops ) John G ,
Randall , Asa Hilchcock and H. 11 , Benson
Bernard Frlel (40 ( acrrs of crops ) Mr. Con-
Iro. Jonas P. S.mlall , John Kaudall , SS-U-3.
Mrs. Buckmanler (140 ( acres ) , Anthony HeiU
and others , (1.10-3 ( ,
Mr. Sholtonborger and othoru , 7-10-3.
The fields of corn and Hindi grain in the
> ath of the storm nra as smooth
The corn was In Ustlo and tha small grain
all ready to harvest ; new all is cut down and
literally chopped in piece * and diivon into the
ground by tint hull. All but about eight fac
tions in the township of Bruduhaw aru thus
dfHoIntod and the Iocs cannot bo lei * than
3100,000 in thn dUtrlct named , which in tribu
tary to thin place a lots that falls heavily
upon nil , but especially upon rente . Par
ties no fortunate as to live outMdo the storm-
t.clt should aud _ muut afulst thoio who liuvo
thus lost everythiog. The ntorm lias been ul-
rea < ly traced from Central City to Hxuter
at the latk'r place attaining a breadth BO von
miles. Hovtral farnl IIOUSCH and buildlnjjs
were soinewliut removed and injuriid in this
vicinity. Mr , Tlninnnn'b IIOUBII was inovit
some. Mr , John F rrcn had his large baru
lomowhat twitted and their cronu destroyed
two mlluH wf kt nl tywnj Mr. Thompsou ,
oniKliborrefiidlngnn tlm old Fantler farm ,
loslug a portion of his crop. Nathaniel Him-
mons' 40-acro Krovo was trlp ] > tid as b ra o !
follngu is in midwinter ; the trees there anc
upon the Mrs. Hammond farm adjolrilugworo
harked and bruised in a terriflo manner , We
bear that tmlto u number of
IIOIWKS wciii : MO iiATun
by itampeding againit wire fence * ; ( Jala lro ! ,
lust 35 head of uhoati HeiKliiuu SO or 40 ( wuuds
each ,
Mr. Tlldon suva lie snw corn nUlks ( or
rather ntubs ) on Hatry Graham's farm west of
town through which the liall.stonni had been
driven almost horitonUHy and in others and
harder ones they had been Imbedded !
HoilOK , Jtily 22. A fearful hail storm
three miles in width swept over the rich funn
ing country , three miles noith f mm the city ,
the couno being northwest to f oulheasl. A
n | > olnt dun wet of hrro , and MX inlliti dingo
n ally * outlient. the damngo i fully SM1.000 t (
the crops. The farmer * are much dlscnuriKod
yet uo real ulTerlngslll result. The utoru
lasted half nn hour , hall clones falling BH largo
as lion's eggs.
T11I3 < 3. A. It.
The OnthorltiR for tlio
Arrives Xin-
Cro\vdH ,
Ml.VNKAl'OI.H , July 22. All incoming
trains nro bringing ill sections leaded down
with Grand Army delegations. General Lo-
gau came over the Milwaukeolino on n special
nt noon. Ho wns given a gr. ud reception all
along thu line of march from the depot to
General Wn-hburn'sresidence , whoso guest ho
is. At Iho West hotwl n great crowd collected
and cries for a speech rout tha air. General
Logan bowed bis acknowledgment but de
clined to Hooak. Ho will deliver the address
nt Camp Btuth during the afternoon. Both
St. Paw nnd Minneapolis have thrown open
all private resideucm aud tha crowds can
hardly be accommodated , yet the great rush
Is reserved for to-morrow when the fjrand pa
rade will occur. General Sherman cnmo In
from the lako. Ho WAI grouted with wild en
thusiasm. Tlio Flambarn club of Topokn Is
just in , and attracts much attention. They
were receive 1 with warm Kroollng. The for
mal welcome for all at Camp Beath ban just
taken place. There were spuochos by Mnyor
Plllsbury , Governor Hubbard and Command fr
Heath. Ills estimated there nro10,000 vete
rans in the city , who will bo in line to-morrow.
Banquet and receptions to-morrow afternoon
and evening.
SiuldlobntH mill Bulky
CIIICAIIO , July 22. Drlviug park
First rnco three-quarlera of n milo all ngo
Alice won , Midnight 2d , Kobln 3d ; time ,
1:10 : ? .
Second raco- Lakeside stakes pi'von-eightln
of n mile Paul won , Court Ban 2d , M.irtiu-
dale 3d ; time , 1:30J. :
Third race one and one-quarter miles
Lemon won , Kapler 2il , Harry Cruz 3d ; lime ,
2:09 : | .
Fourth race ono and onu-half inilon John
Davis won , Lycurgus 2d , Boatman M ; time ,
Fnlh race thren-quarlors of a milo Dud-
Icy Oaki won , 1 ! n Thompson 3d , Miss Good
rich 3 ; time , 1MJ. :
PiTTHDUitn , Pn. , , July 22. Jay-Kyo-Seo to
day attempted to baat Hams' record on n hilf
milo track. The track was fast , but the hors
out of condition. The quarter was trolled in
35 , the half in 1:08 , Iho milo In 2:18) : ) . Ho
broke badly on the third quarter. The next
attempt was done in 2:113 ? . Ho will Irot at
Providence on the t'Otli to boat Maud 8. ' *
record. _ _ _ _
lionilou Notes.
LONDON , July 22 , llonry M. Stanley , who
resigned na director , of tha A'rican Internatio- ,
ndYns's laticinVwork in the Congo couritryls
expected to arrive In England , Sun-
dav.Tbo telegram says the demonstration of the
Tr.xdes unions at Hyde park yesterday , was
the most romnrknblo and Imposing witncood
during Victoria's roign. Over 100.0CO men
mnrclicd in the procession 'with n decorum
rising lo dignity. It will not do for the Pors
to mock or undervalue its peaceful , simple
methods or decry it as n paid show.
The Standard says : "Tho behavior of the
people was admirable , but thoi demonstration
has not charged tlio political situation in the
slightest degroo. The judgment of the silent
and modest section of the community will not
bo affected.
Jnno Groy wmnlielm
Pirrxnoiio , .luly 22. Jane Groy Swiss-
ielm , the noted abolitionist and advocate of
einalo rlhls | ; , is dying at her homo in Sowlck-
y , Pennsylvania. On Saturday , the 12th ,
he wiw taken ill with a complaint common to
ILT in summer , and since then has been grow
ng oleiulily weaker , until last night sliti lost
consciousness. Mrs. SwisHholm wan bom in
, his city in 1815 , and bor lifo has bctsn a most
eventful one for forty years. She hon been n
regular contributor for many of the loading
lapers of the country.
I'lTTHliUlui , July 22. Mrs. Jane Gray
SwUshelm died athor liumo at Swlisvuh this
afternoon , aged 08 yean.
Tlio AVImrf Flro at Jjoiuloii.
LONDON' , July 24 The loss from the great
Cro Saturday at Crane wharf , Wupptng , will
r ach $2,500.000. Largo quantities of oil are
stored at ttio wharf , not much damaged. The
tire Is not yet extinguished , and the lire en
gine both on the river and on Bhoro aru still
iiuuipuig water on the wharf.
GuiuciMTKit , July 22. The fire at noon
is under control. About twenty buildings in
all were destroyed.
Dakota'u Gas Well.
FllANKl'OUT , Dak. , July 22. A KBS well In
this plaeo was discovered to-day. The current
s quitn strong and comes from an excavation
W font deep. Several explosions have ( in
curred , when the gaa was Ignited , shaking all
the buildings In town. The phenomenon i *
the wonder of tbo place.
Sargent for COHKIOHH In California.
iNswnuavi-oiiT,1) July" 22. Kx-Minmter
dargont lias received 11 dispatch asking him to
run for congress in ono of the California din-
tuhkUina'Hciiii l found
[ fnltim ( iriiiiylnJnrluiiK > o
In Audrowu1 i > enrl Baking I'owder. J 1
lively PURE. } > cli > K eiuiotM ; < l , and uttmoiilali
rfee.fvt lTroiii tueli cliemtsts a * H. IMna lliiys. Jios-
touj SI. ) ) i > lafuutalne , nf Olilnino ; mid Uu tavu
llodc. Milwaukee. Never sold in bulk.
- r--i < > l < ; rn victims nt Marseilles thtm far
number 8M.
The Hlchmond nntlonnl bank closed IU
doors owing to the scarcity of cash.
Iho first dispatch ovi-r ihoBennolt-Maokey
cabin was n-coivcd in Boston Monday night.
No slopi hi vn boon taken In Diibuquo lo
enforce prohibition nnd the saloons are all
running on n $10 pop license.
Tlio trunk line pool has slapped on another
InocouOi per 100 pounds of grain , from Chicago -
cage to Now York. The rate In now 2ft cents.
A terrific flroRweiil Iho southern ixiHIon of
the San , loaiiiln | volley , Cnlilornln , on Sun.
day , ilostroyli - thomands of acres of ripened
The tnmp .nco socicly of Now York has
iemorniizi-a tlm Iiutciondont | republicans mil
Ui endorse Iho sumptuary laws plank of Iho
democrallc platform.
Domtiitck McCnlfory , of Plltsburg , and
Jnck Stewart , chaiuplou ol Canada , slugged
wen other according to ( Juoorsbury rule * nt
llostou Monday nlghl. Slow-nil wns knocked
At Lincoln Sunday night , n rain storm did
great dnmngo , Many banoinoiiU were Hooded
and the foundations weakened. All Iho
streams nrn much swollen. The wind blow n
gnlo.branking Iho trees and overturning chim
neys. Small grain Is seriously damngod.
The Nt. Louis Globo-Domoornt publishes
liiformatlon from n broad stretch of country
Iu the south nnd west along the lines of the
Wnhash system , the St. 1/ouls and Sun Fran
cisco nnd other roads to the olfnct that the
outlook for nil kinds of crops WAS never boiler
A Inblo completed from special doaualchos
from Iho .innungerH of Iho loading clearing
houses of tlm United States , gives tlio clear
ances for the week ending July lOtli with the
pcrcotitagojof decrease and Increase , compared
with the corresponding week of 1SSI : Total ,
SCUD , - : , 112.
The olllcials of the Illinois Central mot n
delegation of iho buslmws mini of Dubuiua ] at
that cltyMondiiytn consider freight rates nnd
othnr mutters about which complaint had boon
made that tin clly was discriminated ngninst.
An understanding was reached nnd assurnuco
Rivou Hint rates hereafter would bo moro sat
Southiinhtarn Dakota was vlsilod by n
doatrtictlvo wind and hail utorin Monday
Afternoon. At Carthage n strip live miles
wide wns cut by hail. At Dell Hnplds ,
Soloof , Queen Bee , Valley Springs , Beaver
Crook and Lu/.orno , Minn. , moro or lens
dnmngu was done to buildings , trees nnd
crops. A Inrgo number of IIOUKCH were un-
roofoil or blown down , together wilh several
school houses nnd ono or two churches. Three
or four persons were injured but none
The Chicago clly council has punted an or.
dinnnco directing that nil Mutual Union wires
running Into the city be cut. It was stated
that when the wires wns cut a year ago , Hie
company agreed to put ila wires under Iho
ground , but that no nttompt has boon made to
do so , nnd that additional wires nro being
strung. This order Is subject to approval or
vote by Iho mayor. The council also passed
an ordinance requiring shopkeepers to furnish
seats for their female clerks.
IJry Goods in Now York.
NH\V YOIIK , July 22. The dry goods market -
kot continues faiily nctivo in demand ,
wilh selections with much steadiness but far
moro moderate qunntilles than usual to the pe
riod of the season aud the preparations for
autumn stocks. The movement of goods Is in
lu.oxccsa of ImmodlatosnlcH ns througlrdeltv-
ones on many orders of goods in quanlily nro
going forward. ' i
Sexton , . { tii'd. Itcdiiumu Ooming to
CltlOAC.o , July 22. Alexander Sullivan ,
presldsut of the Irish National IUHKUO of
America , him received n o.iblcgrnm that Thomas
H , Sexton ami John K. Itudinond xvill come tote
to this country nnd nttond the league con
vention nt Bwton August lath , OH represen
tatives of the Irish nntlonnl parliamentary
party , that Pnruoll shoukl not ] leave Ireland
at Iho present time.
< iiicou Victoria to PrcHliIont , Arthur
of tlio Head.
WAHHINOTOK , D. O. , July 22. The pr.-sl
dent received the following cable message
'rom Queen Victoria :
LONDON , July 21. To the pri'iidont of the
United BtntoB , Washington , D. C : The
liieon heartily congratulates the ) iresident and
people of llm United Stains on tlm rescue of
.loiitciianMire.cIoy and the gallant survivors
if the Arctic expedition. She truits favorable
opoits have bean received of tlm HulfererH.
Windsor Castle , THE QUKL'N.
The president replied as follows :
To the queen of Great Britain mid Ireland ,
Windsor Castle : The pnnidont , for himself
aud for tha people of tha United Stales , ein-
ccrely thank tbo queen for her must welcome
congralulalious upon the rescue of Lieutenant
jreeley nnd the survivors of his party , and
s Iinpiiy to say favorable reports nro received
as to their health. The president takes this
) ccaslon to oppress anew his high amirocia-
.ion and that of the people of the United
States for the timely gift of the Alert , which
; encrous act added spirit and encouragement
to the expedition. Signed ,
CiUHTKit A. Aim lint.
WABHIN < HW. July 22. Secretary Lincoln
iad a conference with General Hazrm this
nornlng as to Iho disposition of the bodies of
tho'jdead of the Greoley expedition , It is
irojiablo that they will betaken to Governor's
Island , New York Harbor , and placed in
churgo of Major General Hancock until a dV
clslon xhall bo reached as lo their final dlspo'
titlori ,
OrruMWA , July 22. The groeuback con
vontlon of the Sixth district nominated J. B ,
Weaver for congress by acclamation. Thu
leinocratlc convention In tbe name n osaion.
: , * ol , ( J. II , MacUey moved tha convention ad <
lourn to September 10th , so that a joint elcc
MtM ticket might bo made with the green
liackers. This was defeated. Ballotllng commenced
monced , rrsulllnir In12 votes for if. B. Wcuv
or , nnd 32 for W. A. Wonn. Col. Mackey
then tiled the protest of Kookuk county , am
then gftvu notice of hid withdrawal from the
convention ,
WAHHIKOTON , July 22. Tha Rlnr ays
Beualer Gorman declares ho In not a candidati
for the chalrmanuhip of the national dem
ocratic committee , nnd It is now thought ex
Senator Wulliico will bo elected by accluma
tlon as it Is not believed Bnrnum wants re
clestiou , ft1' r _
Tlio Weather To day.
WAHIIINIITON , July i2. l-'or tlm
Mississippi valley : Partly cloudy uud iu Iho
northern portion occasional rnln , stationary
tcmiieraturo , In the Hoiithorn part , illghtlj
cooler in the iiorthornwiuds Milftmg to north
westerly In the northern portion , nd westerly
winds iu the southern. Fur the Missouri val
ley : Pnrtly cloudy , and In the northorn.por
tlaii oetaiinnul ram and northerly winds
southerly tlilfting to westerly wiuds in tin
southern , slighlly cooliT and lilgher bnroine
A Woman Arremett for Murtlor.
CHIUAQO , July 22 , The rrallco on a tele
gram from Muakiu < oii. Michigan , arrested op
tlm Incoming Michigan Central train thi
ovenlng , a woman named Molly Fouek on
chaigo of murder near that place ,
Cholera's Cour o Vcnte/dny ,
PA HIM , July 22. Between U o'clock am
noon to-day there were eight dcathu by tholo
ru at
The Chicaio Gallic Market Ruling Dnll
and all Yalncs Lover ,
Hogs Pollow Suit and Drop 6
Oonts All Around.
A Little Confidence Game on t "
Visible Supply of Wheat , 2
' I I
"Pointers" Given That It Wet = T-
Show Tremendous Decrease ,
Instead It Showed 18,000 , Bushe
Increase Woo Results , H-
CornStroiiKcron a Dccrcnao ot the
[ VlHllilo Suiiply Provisions Ktc , ; tj
Simcial dispatch to TUB BKK.
CuiOAiio , July 22. The cattle market ruled
dull , and prices were rather lower on all sorts ,
lot excepting the few loU of good mtivos ,
uul there wcro poircoly 10 load ) on the mar-
cot. Medium natives were literally unsal
able during the forenoon ; no ona seemed to
vant them. Thora wrro no slillors on sale.
The Ftoiwm Is over , The last were inarketod
Friday , tlio IStli. There were about two
niudrcd loads of Toxaiu among the freih re-
olnts. nnd uji to this hour th's ' report closed
bora had boon scarcely any sales worth men-
lonlng. The Impression wai that prices
rould have to ngaiu drop 10 to If ) centi bo-
ere the present heavy receipts would bo
vorkod elf and this would mike a decline of
0 to SO cents this week. So far common ii.v
ivo stock continues to sell at remarkably low
igurns , nnd will do so aa long
as the present tupplr of Toxatis keoi
p. There Is n fair business in stackers nnd
L-edors , but at remarkably low prices. Good
to cholco shipping 1.200 to 1,320 Ibs , 5 80 to
10 ; common lo medium , 1,030 lo 1,200
33 , 4 GO lo n I'll ) ; inferior to fair cows , 2 00
0 : i ( X ) ; medium to good , S CO toI 25.
lockers , 3 00 to1 00 ; feeders 3 "C to 4 25 ,
Tlio market opened slow and ruled
voak all day , closing Co lower all round ,
and some common soils wcro hard to mill ,
wen at Iho decline. The demand for light
logs , which was so strong a few days ago ,
coins to have pajsoil away , or perhaps buyers
ro filling their orders at some other market ,
illlppors , or nt least those engaged in the
Jew England trade nro not buying as largely
1 last week. Then , again , packers nro not
sing as many heavy hops as last week ; so the
enmnd for heavy hogs , as will bo seen , was
imitod , Sales nlio\v little or'io Ivarlatlon on
jest light or heavy.r' ' ' ' " decline ! \ vaan
lochum" and fair to goo-J packing grades of
lixed nnd roiik'li. ' Salt sat GOOloGTO for
ssorled light , C 00 to 5 05 for best heavy , and
00 to ( SO for skips 'and throw outs ; light ,
GO to 220 pounds , 0 00 to G 05.
It was a very clever trick of eomebodys on
clunpo Ihia morning lo issue in discreet confl-
, enco unlimited poinlora to buy wheat , on no
count of tin"'alleged tromondoua decrcaso In
bo visible supply. A largo , number of the
mall fry , whoso eye-tooth will bear .culling , ,
ivor again , accoplod the information as'oxclu-
Ivu. The movement wa4 auspicious for the
mils , and they made tha most ol It , ono or
wo heavy shorts bccnmo scared enough to
nntribuled to the enterprise by getting even
nltogcthor ; they boosted wheat ud
list 4c , reaching tiSlc for September about 10
t. m. This wax its highest point. The vlsi-
ilo supply didn't toke tha anticipated tumble :
hose who had made ouch industrious use of
ho early pointers did , "nnd great wan the fall
hereof. " Instead of the tremendous decrcaso
tinted nt , the vlaiblo supply of _ wheat as
loslcd th H forenoon showed nn incroiso of
ipward ( if 18,0.0 bushels. Among the largest
myers of wheat wcro mentinned Hamil k
innoand Nat Jouoa. Messrs. Schuurtzand
Jupeo were nellcr * , and probab y Hold alto-
gather 500,000 bushels of corn. Asldo from
whnt.luvi been said nbova aa to the condition
of the wheat market , It was much the same aa
yesterday ; from BDJc , its highest point , Sep-
ember closed with the morning seesion weak
and inactive at bJ. ! !
There was a decrease in the visi
ble supply of corn amounling to
about 620,000 bushoU. The market was rather -
or strong , Seplember selling at 5l ! | . Tlio
close at ono o'elcok was C4.J.
Tliero is nothing to Io : said about pro visions ,
'ricipally because nothing was done about
hem. Pork was marked about 2 J 00 at the
close , but it Is extremely doubtful if a man
nn bo found who will admit having paid
hat for It.
On the afternoon board September wheat
ell off to 8IIJ nnd October lo 81 | ; coru ad-
nnceil i ; while oatH declined i ;
aud porKund lardHhowedno change.
Special Dispatch to Tilt BEE.
NEW YOIIK , July 22. Changes in the price
of stocks were scarcaly worth recording to-day
except as showing a manipulated form of
iiiukot. St. 1'aul continues the leading slock ,
MI far as Iho volume ot Iho business ij concern
ed. There is a great deal of talk of Iho beam
i ; afrui 1 to take hold , but any "waiting"
jy cliques will be met with free tales. The
mlltt say the cholera scare will not last , and
, ! ml everything will turn so _ sudden Ibat the
> oari5. In wlshincr to cover , will help the inar-
< et along. Apropos of thin , il is noticeable
that Gould's Missouri Pacific is off moro than
ono per cent and \Vfntern Union is held very
linn all Iho same. The premium on Mieioun
Pacific lonnu ia H-32 , while telegraph loans
nro lint , and to borrow Missouri Pacific stock
brokers must go to
of which firm Gould , senior , is a special port
neruml ( ieorgo Gould , his BOH n general
partner , nnd W. K. Conner Is the most trusl-
ed broker Jay Gould wai ovorossoclated wltlu
It appears lo bo Gould against the street , and
for tnat mailerngainsl Iho ultualton ; but ho
in y bo looking on and playiug the othen.
The general feeling i i weak and prices are
fractionally lower ,
1'roparlne to Fight Cholera.
WAHHINOTON , July 22. The meeting of the
national sanitary conference to bo hold in this
city Augiut 7th will bo composed of represen
tatives of state boards of health. Its object
is U secure concert of action by all health
authorities against the spread of epidemic dis
eases , The < iuarantiuo officers of nil tbo prin
cipal parts of tlita country and the Canadian
frontier aru Invited to send representatives.
The conference will endeavor to show tlmt
stale nnd local authorities can prevent the
Introduction of cholera into tbe United Statee ,
and to prevent its spread.
Eno IjlTlnc BlaRiillIcontly ,
QcitBEO. July 22. John 0. Kno has rented
n splendidly furnished nsldonco on St John
street , and has been joined by his wife nnd
three daughters from New York ,
Pretty s a Picture.
Twenty-four beautiful colors of the
Diamond Dyes , for | Silk , Wool , Cotton ,
&o , , lOo each. A child can use with
perfect success. Unfc at once at your
druggists. WoUs , lUohardnon & Co. ,
Burlington , Yt ,