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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1884)
8 OMAHA DAILY BEE-TUESDAY , JULTt 22 , 188J. THE DAILY BEE , Tuedasy Morning July 22 , LOOAL BREVITIES , The Bnrbcr Aaplmlt company yostcrdnj l ! d ll pavement in front of the Cozzon hotel. Sunday afternoon the LUtlo Sham rocks boat the Nail Workers nlno by ft ace of 8 to 7. The fire department of Sewfird will come t < the tournament with eighty men and will bt headed by n brass band. A telegram win received ycslcrda Btatlnjc tliat eighty firemen would como In from Fremont to attend tbo tournament , The high board fence nround the baio bal ground was nffaln wrecked by the utorm Sun day night. The boyu are certainly out of luck with that fence. In the game of ball played Sunday fore noon between the Sherman avonuoa nnd the Flattsmouth club , the pcoro stood 7 to 1 In favor of the former club , V. Landorgren , J. W. Taylor and 11. 0 J4. Wcstordahl yesterday received their np pointmonta as jermaneiit pistal clerics will 'an increase of salary of ? 200 per annum , Thonlroot car company Buporintonden suys that nil the work of the company on Tar nam street will bo completed this week. Thli is joyful nowe to business men on that tlior oiighfarc , Sunday near the Nail Works the lie Stockings defeated the Torments in n gatno c ball , bynscoroofl3 to 8. On Wodnosda > I thono two clubs will play at the Athloti 'Park. Jailor Gorman is baring n lot of dirt fillet in atonnd the city jail to prevent the water from running in and drowning the occupants This will do nway with the llfo peworvor pclioino. The contractors on J'"ftrnam street ycslor day put men at work to ball the wntor out of "Dismal Swnrnp , " corner of Fifteenth and Parnam , statliiR that the burlesque had boon carried far enough. Several toughs engaged In A racket on Uouglas street Saturday night. No arrests were niado , an the police ( lid not arrive until alter all the principal in the fight had taken their departure. If the absent minded gnntlomcn who took an umbrella from the news editor's room in this oflico , will return it between two dnyn , ho will iw amply rewarded with a half col umn pulrnnd n cigar , ] Jv n clipping from [ the Denver News 'In another column , it will bo seen tint Mr , Wil bur Hugus IIOH been acquitted of stealing government cilllo. This will bo joyful now * to his many fricndi In this city , A woman dropped upon the sidewalk at the corner of Fifteenth nnd Douglas streets about 12:30 : yesterday , Slio was carried Into n dnctor'a oflico and it was pronounced a fit of heart dtaeasu. She was soon revived. In police courc yesterday , there were seven casoi for diiturbanco of the peace. Six of tlioso were finail ? 3 each and costs. Three paid and three wcro committed. Tlio case against the seventh was continued. Coroner Maul , in speaking of the three Bhootlng' scrapes Sunday , with tcura in his byes , in the words of Col. Tngcraoll , roinarltotl : ! "What marksmanship ! " Throe shooting nmtinco3 and out of all of them not n single C&HO for the coroner. A pocketbook containing a small amount of money has bjon found , and the owner aan have the eamo by calling upon County Clerk Toavltt. If it Is not called for in a few days the amount will bo donated to the child's hos pital. Mr.O.D. Woodwortliof , this cityhas pur chased and leaned nearly 0,000 acres of land in the North Loup country which will bo used for r cattle ranch. Ho Is now engaged in the erection of sheduand corrals for the nccomoda- at tion of 1,530 head of cattle. " Another Nebraska zephyr struck this city Sunday was a "howler" In every touso of the word , and old chimneys which had boon quiet for years sang all the old minor strains imaginable. It was ono of these weird , ghostly storma which is decidedly unwelcome. A letter from North 1'latto stales that two games of ball were played nt that ploco on the 10th Inst. botwcon the Sidney and North 1'latto clubs , lloth games were won by the latter named club ni follows : First K.imo tcoro stood 14 to 3 ; last game score stood 1'8 t < i 3. 3.A A writ of haboaa corpus was yesterday i uod on the application of William Fisher to ruoovor pjsiossion of Lilllu May Clarku , his lHtorV child. The child's mother i * d < ud and the applicant allogoi Hi father it nulthur fit , able or willing to suppjrt it , Tlu llttlo girl wni taken into cuitody by tbo shurilf and the case continued until Thursday morning. The list of prostitute In this city , as pre pared at pallco bcuJijuartorH , now contains m. 120 names. This Is about double what It unu- ally on the Hit. The Increase U cautud by the emigration from Iowa to this city. As fast as they arrive they are called upon by the pollen for a monthly line , The management of the Tournament hereby cell upon the buslnoai men and real- dents of the city to decorate tholr placoi of Lnulru > 33 aiid roildoncos along the line of march Wednesday moraine * . In another column will bo found the line of March , and It would bo n peed Idea for business men generally to doto- ruto , Win. Webb and George Steulo , of the Thurdton lioso team , will compete in the con- Iillng contest at the Academy of Muilo Wod- iiosday night , A llnii reporter saw the boys make a few couplings yesterday and If they do as well Wodnusday night the Decatur bays will bo loft far behind , Look out for Webb and Steely , for they are swift ones , his Meiwre , F , K. nnd J , Wheeler , under the firm nninunf Wheeler lltin. , will open ono of the now utoroa in Itunhman'ii block , In o ho few days with a full lins of bosk and station ery. Thcr.0 gentleman coma will recommen ded , and M they thoroughly undent * nd their bunlneiuiaud will tarry al rxn stock at jx > pn- ular prices , they will no doubt ba well patron ized from the first , A My driving In a buggy on St. Mary'd ker nveuuo , near 1'arr's drujr toro , mat wlUj aa in accident yffltord y. Ai nho attempted to drive across the car , trad a at thut pulut , the The \rhfahi of the buggy Iwwiue f untuned nud two of thorn vftro broken , loitlii ; tl'-o Imggy drop down en the Hide and throwing the lady to his the ground , Tortunato'y ho win nut hurt , GRAND KXOURSION 3To Si. Paul & Sfinneupulla via Sioux City Short Una , in To parties whljiig ty attoud the 0. A. ho ] { . reunion at Minneapolis the 8. 0. & Pacific railroad vnllB" ! ! round trip tlckota nt ? 12.G5 from Ju'y ' 20th to 23Jj Koocl to return until August ID. at sat&awm-m&o. his FIGHTING FOR LIFE , Edward Henry on Trial for Marto in the First Degree , The Defense of Unintontiona Shootin Set Up. Xtio Arguments to bo filmic till Ikfornliifr. TUP. KILtlNO f > V MARTIN riOOOTT. In the dinlrict court before Judg Neville yesterday the case of the aUt ngainst Edmund Ilonry indtctod for murder dor in the first degree for the killing Martin 1'lggott , on May 20th , near th Union Block yards , was tnkon up early In the forenoon. The jury in this case was secured on Saturday after exhausting sov oralupocial voniros. District Attorney Godwin , for the otnto , atatod his case to the jury nnd woo followed by N , J.Barn ham for the defense. The court room was well filled by the usual crowd which loves to listen to such tales as were related during the progress of the trial. The defendant sat beside his counsel all d&y and watched closely every witness ns ho gave his testimony and occassionally volunteered a remark to Mr. Uarnham his attorney. The first witness for the atnto was TJIOMAH UYAN Witness saw Piggott the day bf shoot ing. At 12 o'clock ' witness came back from work and went into Henry's boarding - ing house. Piggott was sleeping on a Jowor bunk in the shed attached to the main house. Witness put his coat on the bunk and wont to the woll. Then came back and saw Ilonry , who asked witness f ho slept up otalrs. Henry said ho did not care ( referring to n nuiscanco com mitted up stairs , ) Defendant was talk ing with a partner of the docoaaod , whom Henry charged with the oflbnso. The young man said his partner ( Pig gott ) did neb do it. After dinner wit ness wont out to the shed and sat on n box ; saw Henry como in and go to' the bunk upon which Piggott was lying and say to him "got up , got up. " Defendant teld him to go out and ho would got hla board bill , saying , "I wont no such dirty man in my house. " Piggott then called Henry a . The defend ant here l-OIMTBD A. I'lHTOL AT 1'inaOTT , which ) ho had brought into the shod con cealed under his apron. The accused oatd"Iwillshoot. " Witness then looked up and saw Henry pressing the revolver' ngainst the docoiaod'o stomach and there volvor was discharged. Witness said to Ilonry ho ought not to Imvodono , this. "Woll , " said the defendant - fondant , "I could not help it. " Witness hoard PJggott say "My God , ho has shot mi lienry then wont into the kitchen door with his pistol by hio aide in his . hand. The docaecd hnd boon dritiklng. Two othnr witnesses named Carlson | and Smith next testified and tholr ovl- : .nc denco was substantially as that of Ryan. Thomas Berry testified : Ho remem bered the time of shooting on the twen tieth of May. He went to Henry's well for water that morning and uuic the dead man talking with Henry near by and heard Piggott Bay , "I did not do it you know I did not. " ( A pistol was hero handed the witness which ho recognized ' as , the ono handed by his olork to Ilonry is the mornlnt ; of the murder. ) William Snnford testified : Ifo slept nt Henry's. Ho csmo homo to dinner on the 20th of May and hoard a dlsputo between Piggott and Henry near the for houso. Henry charged Piggott with hav do ing committed a nuisance and told him to loavo-tho promises. Piggott asked for his board bill aifd Henry told him ho would not give it to him. Defendant ing told Piggott not to say another word , aud the same time draw his revolver. Piggott said for "YOU WOULD HOT SSOOT MB , WOULD YOU ? " Henry said "I will. " The two man go than engaged in n soufilo. Piggott was holding Henry with both hands when the defendant pressed the pistol down to the an deceased's loft side. The ravolvor than wont off and Piggott said " 0 , God 1 I'm shot 1" its This closed the testimony for the stato/ This evidence was peculiar in ono respect , the cross-examination by Mr. Bnrnham being uniblo to ahako tholr statements in any p'lrtioular whatever. Notasluglo contradiction escaped the lips of any ono of the witnesses , MOUAND HOIIUTTIKSTIl'IKD. A gunsmith , tha first witness called for ipi the defense , was given the pistol which ill the prosecution had introduced in evi dence. Wituoss said the pistol was dis of charged very easily. litHe PUANIC O. MULLKM TWTII'IEI ) . Witness was clerk nd book-keeper for wj the defendant. Sarr Ilonry at U o'clock a. . on the 20th of inayat MoPhorson's sa nud loon. Gave him a pistol there. Wit ness had boon out the night before and did not go to his work on the morning of the 20th. Ilonry came over to the saloon and said ho wanted all the papers and things witness had belonging to defend A ant. Ho then gave him a 32 calibre ro- volvar which ho had takou from the house n couple of nights before. Some boarder had juwnod H for board some ley time before , When Mullen h\d concluded his evidence - that donco Attonioy Burnhnin called Kdmtind Henry , the defondnnt and n man appa rently 40 yoara of ago with n long black He and almost matted board , uioi A COAL JILACi : AND HUltOINd KYI ! oi and a complexion that of an Italian , neariug n ahort llnon coat , workiiigiimu's pants , and a pair of old mid dust cov ered boots , rose up beside him nnd situs walked to the witness aland , lie uavo toitimony in very broken Knglish , and when his attorney atkod him con of cerning hla fiituily waa ttio only time tliat showed any emotion or apparently realized the position in which ho wa placed. hold TUB DJiPXNIUNX'B TKST1MO.VV. Was born in Sixony and came from tlir Berlin to America two years and seven months ngo. Had been a ba by trda and cumo to Nebraska April last. Piggott CAino to defend ant's lioueo two tuiye before ho was killed , diwoatod mid no cama for board , The In wttnoM not bopifj able to apeak intulll- Ktbly fn intorpretcr was oilli > d who guvo t-oviliitony to tno court mid jurv. Wlm > aa sold I'Jggott come there to that nnd wont to work on Monday hid found nuisances Diau. I'/rL'oU'a / for mahi room two mornings nud the tolil him to lo.-vvo the house. "All ' aald town "j WILL FIX YOU. , ' TTo hod no osnvcrantlon with P/j-gott / , mid tbo well In the morning , except to tell band to l2V a th. p-.iaU.a. 1 wont w y and camn back about 1 and wont up stairs. Plggot said ho hat gene up stairs for business. Witnes wont up stairs nnd told him to leave thi house. Piggott called witness a and said ho would fix himJI AI- bert , a hired boy , went to him and told him to leave. II then told him again to Icav on HP. WOULD SHOOT HIM. Plggott then starto d out two or thro , toot ahead of witness. Ho told Piggot again to leave or bo shot. Piggott sai you wont shoot mo you an grabbed witness * arm holding the plsto and pulling it downward nnd then i wont off. Ho did not intend to shoo' ' him 1 but only did what ho did nninUm tionally. Ho did ( not know that h pulled the trigger. Ho got a pistol nn papers of his cleric at Mcl'h orson's ea loon on the morning of the shooting. Henry was put under a rigid cros examination by the prosecutor , but his tcstimonoy in chief remained unshaken. . The court than adjourned until half pas' ' nine this morning. ROUSING REPUBLICANS , An nnd Imgnn Olnl ) Addressed by Hon. Cluircli IIowo. The Blnino nnd Logan club felt extremely tromoly jubilant ever the fiasco of th domociatlc ral'y ' at the opera houao. 1 committee wont over to the mooting nnd . secured the Musical Union orchestra en gaged to play nt the Doyd for the even ing. The band came up into the club rooms and plnyod noveral pieces nfto : which it went dorrn upon the street In front and discoursed name fine music , The meeting was called to order by th chair. A committee of three , con slating of Messrs. Clarke , Ttlack burn nnd Shelley was appointed to visit the Paxton hotel and invite the Hon. Church IIowo to attend the club and ad dress the mooting. Mr. IIowo appeared in n few momenta accompanied by the committee. The chair announced tliat Mr. Ilosicky had refused to servo upon the executive committee for the first ward , and Judge Stonburg was placed upon the committee in his stead. W. F. Bechol was nlso plncod upon the committee from the lourth ward , in place of W. J. Broatch , who will bo absent from the city until September 1st When the band had ceased playing an nudlonco of a couple hundred was as sembled in the room. Mr. Rush after stating that a gentleman who had honors conferred upon him ever any Nobrasknn would address the club , introduced Mr. Howe to thojnicoting. Mil. HOWE'S ADDIIKSS. Mr. IIowo after taking the stand said ? ho would not mnko n speech and wou Id simply toll his hearers of his trip east and the prospects of thoropublican party there. Mr. IIowo said to discuss republicanism licanism to the club would bo like discussing Oil ijcUl cussing religion at a class mooting. Ho Ula hand just returned from a trip to : the east and had boon ' ] in session p. die with the national committee and the oxoculivo committee of that committoo. on IIo had just received n telegram from hir Mr. : Ghalfbo , chairman of the executive th committee : of the national committee , thwa which 1 said the coming election was sim wa ply a wolk-nwny. The republican party sure i of carrying West Virginia nnd Florida , and efforts will bo made to bring Virginia and Louisiana in to line. The laboring classes of Now York city as n mass will nearly all vote Blaine nnd Logan , and those who not will cast their ballots for Bon Butlor. Mr. Howe then discussed Cleve v land's vote of the bill favorable to the ; working classes. It is the laboring 'ar classes , continued the speaker , who A.b to-day are shouting for Blaine and Lo gan. Mr. Calkins , republican nominee pal governor of Indiana , had informed iialnl the speaker that his state would surely republican. Massachusetts would wa Kivo 40.000 majority so sure ns nn oloc-1 , tion will bo hold. Maine would roll up | Y astonishing majority tliat would sur Aft prise republicans themselves. Ho then aft exhorted the club to work and increase members and concluded by stating that at Homo time during the fall ho > ta would address the people of Omaha upon ing the questions of the campaign. : Inhe Colonel Smyth , was then called for and : addressed the mooting , making a rousing Jai speech which called forth frequent ap ; he plause. AI Morris was then called upon to sine ; ono of the old campaign songs , but re sponded that old songs were out of order rtro and new ones had not yet appeared. On i motion of Mr. Wood a vote thanks was tendered the Hon. Church Howe for his address to the club. Mr. Morris was again called upon nnd ind responded , with the ditty : "If you know what 1 know , " nnd was loudly applauded. After giving three cheers for Blaine | Logan the club adjourned. 1 , ' foe DISTRICT OOUBT DOINGS , ' \ bai Bull for Heavy l > mrxKCB Instituted. 113 J , In district court , before JuJgo Wnko- , yesterday , the case of Jorgensen ngainst Barker occupied the attention of ? tribunal the whole day. kl , W. V. Morse instituted suit ngainst Henry and Charles Wagner to recover judgment for $1,050 on four promissory notes. , tov A suit was instituted ngainst Frank A. on Woods nnd J. A. Wnkoflold by John Martin Ilollmcr , wherein the plaintiff x > to recover 810,000 damages. Jt ap HO pears from the petition that Hellmor was ha arrested some time ago nt the inssancu liai WakoGold or his ugont , on n warrant liaiMl Issued out of Justtco Berka's court. Mlnc Ilellrner wn chargwl with removing his ind Hoods to defraud his creditors , IIo was thief in jail for nlno days nud afterward if released on the trial of the cauio. Plain-1 c avers ho has boon injurocUn his rep utation and business 'to the amount I , ini stated above. I wj With DOIIIK n Frruui. > A letter was which the writer states thatn few eve nings ago n worn in arrived in this city I bearing a letter ( torn Sioux Oily reciting in the benror is the mother of throe TO uhtldren and the wife of a nearly blind . The writer goes on to say that * v woman referred to has worked every nci botwoou hero aud Sioux City Tory ar juccozefully and Is now working Omahn ; alleges that she U n fraud , her hus bolng a strong , able-bodied man , excollout i STORM SWEPT. Heporls From tbe Terrible' Storm i Sunday Night , The Mnclilno Bhopn nt Ornnd lalan Wrecked Crops Hartly Damaged Near Central City. TclcRrnpli Lines In Dad Bhapo , The storm of Sunday night , although bu llttlo damage was done in this Immodiat vicinity , did a largo amount of damagi between Central City and Grand Is land. At the latter place the machine shops of the Union Pacific company wns badly wreckedAbout ono half oi the roof of the largo building was torn off and scattered broadcast ever the country. A caboose , which was in the shops for repairs , wns blown out upon the track for a distance of ton rods , nnd was then blown from the rails and overturned in the ditch. A couple of gentlemen . who came in * ° . , , . . - .I * from that section yesterday , state that foi two miles on either side of Central City the crops are ruined. A heavy hail storm accompanied the wind and the hail1 stones were as largo as walnuts. They cut the small grain like a scythe and whipped the loaves from the trees , lear Ing many of them as bare as in winter. Great damage was done to the telegraph graph linos. About seventy poles wori blown down and the wires badly tanglci and broken. In ono place , over thirty telegraph poles were blown down. Thi lines are now working badly and it Is 1m possible to got full reports of the damagi done but it is safe to say that it will bi very largo in the aggregate. HUGUS NOT GUILTY , The Allotted Cnttlc-atenllnjr Case In the United States Court. Denver News. The case of the United States vs. Wil bur B. Hugus tormlnatod last evening In avordiotof "Not Guilty. " A quantity of evidence was taken in which peculiar and damaging testimony was elicited against the prosecution , including the fact that the lawyer from Rawlins who had figured so prominently in the case had himself boon indicted for embezzlement in Pennsylvania , and had not awaited or returned to take hii trial. The remainder of the day hiiM occupied by the addresses of counsel , Mr. I. N. Stevens opening on behalf of the government , Mr. Thomas Macon , of the tirm of Wells , Smith & Macon , fol lowing with a powerful and eloquent ar gument on behalf of the defendant , in which ho mercilessly exposed the mala lidos and general character of the gov ernment witnesses ; and Mr. Brazeo , United States district attorney , closing the part of the prosecution. The charge of Judge Hallett was mas- orly , comprehensive\ud \ lucid. At 7:45 : . iurtho ; jury returned with their vor iict and immediately afterward np Broached the defendant in a body shaking njj hands with him and congratulating tiim warmlyVthus showing an much as by thor verdict their estimate of the In- crardncss of the caso. A.PIRSTOLASS FIASCO , & rtio Democratic Itally and Ovation a Complete Failure. The democratic rally nnd ovation , last ivoning , to the returning delegates from he national convention nt Chicago was from what it had promised to bo. Ybout two hundred and fifty persons im mtiontly waited in the opera honso until " lalf past eight. The band played several mthusiastia airs in front and after- yard withdrew into the opera house ivhoro several more were discoursed , , tor waiting for moro than a half hour ifter the time for the appointed spooch- " \ naking to begin Mr. Constantine V. jlallaghor appeared upon the stage and itatod to these assembled that the meet had boon Indefinitely postponed , for In reason that the principal speakers of he evening , Hons. A. J. Popploton and Tames W. Savage had sent word that hey could not bo present , These gen > tlemen , lie said , had boon detained nt } loino by the threatening weather , but nt on loino time in the near future the mooting _ yould bo called again. IlonI Kstato TrmiBlcrrt. The following transfers were filed for coord in the county clerk's ollico July 19 , 3. reported for the BKIS by Amos' real T istato agoncy. Isabella Qotthoimor to John Strom , w lX north 33 foot lot 1C , and south 1C } cot lot 1 ? "Itooso place , " § 1,300. F. ] H , Davis and wife to Chas. nnd \nnio Ludstrom , w d , lot 21 , Hlme- wugli place , ? 07C. Edward D. Titus and wife to E. Aug- istn Livingston , w d , undiridod J lots 1 , 4 , 5 and 8 , block 123 , Floronco$1500. , Thos. Meredith and wife to Annie 0. Meredith , w d , lot 3 , block 110. Omaha , 2f > 00. Cutlmrino Duggan vs , W. J , Oorpor ot lots 1 and 2 , block 253 , Omaha. \ ' Decree. Vl the A Ijoat Oliuuk , Yesterday Mrs , Illllikoo came down lloo .own with n chock on Caldwell & Hamll- on's b-inlc for $10 aud a line pair of gold Kiwod spectacles , for which aho paid , wrapped up in n Gorman paper , i whole business being tied up in a ri mndkoichlof. Upon arriving nt the ank she found the German paper , check spectacles missing from the hnndkor- and in tholr place was on old copy n dty dally. She had laid the package down lercrftl nMd tin. imos before reaching the beak , * od rliilo it was thus lying BO mo ono had loubtlesa nutdo the change. She it oaoo topped the payment of the chwk at the onk. Army Onloru. Kocrnita Eugene Cyphers nnd John Smith , eullitod nt Fort Omaha , Nob. , sislgnod to the 4th Infantry. Sergeant Louis Bortos , troop II , Fifth - nvalry , is relieved from duty as scorer marker in connection with the do- lurtmcnt rlfio competition , and Corporal V Jharles Sanders , troop F , sauio regiment , drrai letallod In his stead , \ Mijor John P. Hawkins , commUsary T chief co in' a.-jr ol ub- slstonco , will proceed to Fort Niobrara , Nob. , on business connected with th subsistence department , and on completion tion thereof will return to his station a tt these headquarters. Ladles should totloct before using any preparation I that is applied to sodolicatt surface I as the skin. Any coemotio wil at first impart a beautifying effect and no ! apparently injure the skin , but in a very short t time little blotches and discolos tlons I appear on the face which couclt nlvoly snow the poisonous drugs in thai composition. i It can bo safely said th more l than two-think of the face powdc contain i these injurious ingredients. Po : zonl's ' medicated complexion power is no only absolusoly'freo from all dolotoriou ; matter , but ilujyrlncipal ingredient is an active curative for all diseases of th skin. It has stood the test of years. Sol by all druggists. mo-oodyl 1'ollco Paragraphs. In the police court yesterday aftornooi Charles Vaughan was fined $5 and coate for ' assaulting a follow laborer. Police Jndgo Bonoko in connection with this case states what advantages an attorney is to his client nt times Vaughan who had boon commanded b ; the police to bo present at his trial on Saturday afternoon failed to appear , bu instead visited nn attorney. Ho was ad vised by his counsel not to nppoar unlos arrested , Judge Bonoko sent an oflico : after him shortly after his case had boon continued , and Vuughan languished in jail ouor Sunday. Flowers the man charged with shoot ng on Tenth street on Sunday nighl was placed under bonds of $200 , und Dixon and Harris hold as witnesses gave bail in the sum of $100 for th6ir appear anco. This powder never varies. A marvel ol purenees , treugtn and uholcsomoiieaa. Moio economical than the ordinary kindsand cannot bu sold In competition with the multitude ot low test , short weight nlum or phoephato ponders. Bold < aOnly ID ca . ' BAKING CO SPECIAL NOTICES. ! czrspeclals will Poaltlvolynot no inserted unions paid in advance. SO LOAH-Honov. MONEY to lo n In auraa of $500 and upwarda nn improved Douglas Co. farms. It. C. Patterson Co. , Ueal oetato and loan afrant , IStU and Farnam. 443 Imo MONEY TO tOAN The lowest rites ol Intoroo Bcmli1 Loon Azenor , 16th & Dowla S&S-tf Coi TITONKY TO LOAN In sums ol 1300. and upward 111 O. F. Davis nnj Co. , lloal Estate and Loan Agents. 1606 Farnam St. S88-tf. HELP WA1ITKI ) . RANTED A female cook 314 S. 12th St. 719 26p F DO "TTTANTED A captble girl tor general house-work. T I Call at Brick residence , corner llth and 1'Iorce F SI. Mrs. D. S. Barrlger. 727-23p Fi FF WANTED-Olrl to ork for small family 1610 Douglas Bt. J D Smith. 73J-23p F TIT ANTKO Two ilinlog room girls to work In ho prc > V tel at Norfolk , Nob. Apply 127 S. 24th St. 6SD22p prcF \Tf ANTED A flrst-c'ass baker Immediately. Ira > L. Ulltonbcrgcr. North Bond , Nob. 716 23p WANTED A Oral clMii blacksmith , ono who tin- F dcratauda machine forging. Ooocl uncea and atctdy employment will bo given. Address Fremont Foundry and Machine Co. , Fremont , Nob. 717-20 F girl to wash dUhes , 1016 Harnoy Btreet. 740 Zip TT7"ANTiU Book-kccpora. Ono joung man at F T NoitliBond , ono young lady at Schujler ; ono oung lady at lecumseh ; tno jomitf men In thU nq city. I ha\othuiia pUtoxtoflll within 07 da8 Call or addiisi J , It. Smith. 1610 Douglai street. 7892p C WANTED Alaay who understands Cameo Oil Painting , ono who learned at 1222 FamamBt. L preferred. Address "O " Bee ollice. 721-22p WANTED A compolcDt girl for Focoml work , F None other need apply. Mrs. W V. Morse , W. cor , litli iitul Capitol rnonno. 70 ; iO F VV"ANTED A good girl .for general nousowork at Ul VV 1720 Cas street , 705 2ip UlF 7ANTED-Ooo < l girl for general housework at F VV No. 141M Caw street 701 22p W ANTKD A irooc girl to oook at T. O , Ifclum'a F restaurant , 220 North 10th street. 059 21p ' WANTED A girl for general houto work In fam lly. Urs. N , I. Kdholm , 24U Chicago St.B3321 B33-21 W'ANTED A good bar tender on * who la not ; H afraid to work at L McCoy , 1'oppleton are. x between 20th and I nd St. , luur Oovenueut Corrall , 094-21 WANTED I'uw persons to learn book-keepin ? . Poiltlona "September. " iJ. U. Smith , 1518 [ Douglai 81. OD7-2 Ip D \I7"ANTEI > Ouo nrut class hrail laondrcsa ami tno 7 awlatMiU. Also two Bcrub girls , Apply at V | Couena * YO tt WANTED Thrto cipurlcncod eanvae or Cltj , work , Kofercncea , Address "J , II. H " rare ollico. 874-2lp [ L1 WANTED- for general homework , 015 south IHth ttreet 016 2jp VIT'ANTKD A competent girl for general bouse. 507 T work In small Umlly of adults. Call at 421 amnt 6tic * - Oil tf [ 7 WANTKD-Imrnodlatoly , 60 Cantaucrs at Oft ) N. 13th M. M4I3p I ? WAfTTUD A go J girl at 25U Douglas street 41-M ) f -A flit for a luaAr o fear , * \ under- [ * W , VMkiAd 1r . He ndkff P a 4r Amtj tt oa to ItH ftek WOiU , ito . Jobiw. HL U U * 40 rro t ? HI fct-Uf. a u. Into nv L1 I n Ad- 'T. K. " T\7AKTBD A iUu Uou \ > J a yonnjj Oen D T work In a tlore or to do work arono j > hs hontu IViIH BO pbttoi. Addro "W , U. " taliomo * . i ; : rip L' I 1 MEEGELL & KOSEtfZWEIG , Practical Painters & Decorators , CAllKV TIIK LAIlOkSTA.VD riHESTUETAII , STOCK OF WALL PAPERS ATO DECORATIONS " "SuAwa1515 Dowlas Street , Omaha , Are prepared to do tr OUTSIDK THE CITS In any branch , On Short Notice / ] HOUSE , j SIGN , / ' AND FRKSCO t PAINTING , DEOOIIATIN J , nf f I t3 I S 1 I M w OQ S OTJMINGSAND 20THST , , OMAHA , NEB , CONNAUGHTON. I , vi * ' ST. , DAVENPORT , IOWA , U. S. A. Established 1878 Catarrh. Deafness , Lung nnd Nervous Diseases Speedily and Permanently Ourod. PationU Cured at Homo. Write for "Tim MEDIOAI-MISSIONAKY , " for the People. lOonsultation and Correspondence Gratia. P. O. Box 292. Telephone No. 20 HON. ED WARD RUSSELL , Postmaster , Davenport , says : " Physician o I ileu ADlllty ana Marked Success. " CONGRESSMAN MURPHY , Davenport , Titos : "An Jionorabln Man. Fine Succons. Wonderful Curos. " Hours 8 to 5. 'AKTED A position by oglrl In a German fam w ily to do house > Norkbl3 S. Oth St. 720-lp /t good steady boy of 18 } ears , good habits and xV trusty , not afraid to work , "ouM like a poaltlon ai helper In Vutchoilng. . ITaa worked at It a jcar. Address 21 Itth etreot. Den Bolton 78S 25p TTJANTED 1'osltlon In a store by a young lady ol IT pleaaant address , good education ncd undoubt ed relorciicea. Willing to accept mere nominal salary for fl t three months. Addrcea Hiss Oldham , Bea office. 703-23p WANTUD Position as stenographic aminucnnla. IlarohailBomo experience In that capacity. Can operate t > po writer. K. J. Uarshbox 408. Oo9-22p WANTED Situation by an experienced nurse. Inquire at Samidcra St. Drag store at the end of Saumlcra St. oar line. (03 21 WANTED Situation by a joung man as conch- manlnpritato ( ITlly. Can gl\o good refer- enix ) . Address "A.V. . " Bco office. 052-2L'p AV ounff mariled man w auts intuition as book * Keeper. In holcsala cstabllshmont In Omaha. Address "O.1' care Ileo. ED6-tf XVAJITB. DHhsbMAKINO Ladies to learn cutting and llt- tlng by the Tajlor pjstcm. Emplojuicnt fu : ntshcd , those who learn thoroughly , lira. Corbet 1013 Howard. 710 28 , WANTED-A fowday hoarcfcrs , atllS S. 17th b" Douglas and Dodt'o. 732-22 ] ) WANTED Tliu address of James and Charlo C"'l ' > , gardeners , ( late 20 , Lincoln , Neb ) b ; Ihclr ; fathcr. Win. Cra g. D. falconer , Forfar Scotland . , N. U. 741-23 Po.T WANTED-52,000 on flnt-claaj city § ecurltyfor } iars , at 0 per cent. Addrcea Box C/0 I'oat Jdlco. ! 700-tf WE offer in lots to suit purchaser , fcl 'ht hundref choice lena steers. One half > car olds , balanci .no and throe jears old , and a good smooth bunch. VV - HTKANOi : BUO'Si Slour City , Iow W'ANTED Boarders to know the St. Charles Uo. . tcl on Uarney St. , Iwtwoon 12th and 13th will ict up the best table boaid for fl.CO per neck of an ; louse In the city ot a correspond1" ! urico. 22S-tf hoiJ ro ? KEKT Houno-j ana Lota. FOlt nn.NT A now 8 rDom liomo. Inquire of lira , E Hodd.B , 2Jthl > 3tucen.Iatenportand Chlrag ttrotta. 713-2 ] > FOlt Ui\r ; Nicely furnish rooms for ( rontle- men , at 028 3. 20th street 714 23p TOU KENT AURUBt 1,1SS4 , the larjre etare build K ing now occupied hj Ilainea Bro'o , Nog 1313 , 315 and 1317 Hartley street. Apply to J. 8. lie Jormlck. 715 28p ROB KENT Two furnished room' , centrally loca tcj , suitable for light housekeeping. Furnitur or sale. Address " " 702-25P " " " " " "llousokoeper , B o offlce. 'F ' OK nKNT-With board , large front room with bay window , gas and bath room , at No. 1713 Jodge ( Btreet. 4Q-2Cp OU Hi.ST : Kho ronmcottago withampleground , on corner S'2d and Farnam. O. Ii. Doanc & Co 72itf fTtOH HESr Houfoon Hamilton street near Irene. Five roome , well , clutciu and cellar. Inquire on ircmlaos , 023-iip FOH RENT New IIOUPO eeicn rooms near High School. 0. F. Davis & Co. , 1M3 Farnam St. 722-28 FOlt RENT House and nUllo , 20th and Htrney , $15. Wm. L M Droo , 6th and Dougloa. CQl-tOp FOIl KENT TJouso and largo barn. utAllj fir ! iO horses , on north 20thSt Wm. L. Monroe , elephoue 831 , 8th and Douglas. 725 28p Poll _ KENT . . . A flvo room cottage . north-west cor of Capitol nrcnne and 25th Sircct. City water , nqulro at 2418C | ltol a > o. 701 21p _ . . wVM w * 1 O fTlOH KENT Furnished looms 1810 Dodge Street 41J-25p iOIl HlJNT AfumUhedlront room , suitable for two goutlomcn , at 1417 Howard St. 7CO 2Ip PWll KENT Uouae t53 couth 21th St. 8D3 2lp POK KENT A fl e room cottage , cor. Slurldon street and Poppleton a\enue , $18SO per mouth , iarkcr A. ilayno 4 7-tf FOE llKNT-l'umUhed room , with board , 1812 Dodge street. 8C5-23p 17101' HF.NT Itentlng houses and collectlug rents , made a sixclalty by Morse & Brunrur. 878 22 WAN'lED-Fifty housta fur lent by llorso llrunner. 07fi 22 Poll HUNT A nicely furnished front room , sulta E ble for two gButlomcn. lU.ajon.ible rent to right -artlca. Inquire 1819 Dodge st roe t 8 73 23 0 IlENT Two nlco rooms In Cunnuigbam block , Thirteenth itiect OlS-21 JiOll llKNf Htablo lor rent , utalla for4bonc > 00 per month. 1818 Farm ttreet 8-7 tf < pK IIUST-Klcely furnished rooms without boar d 13H Dirunpoit Bt. 18t-lp _ . .T Six room cottage , flna locution , by H. T. I'clerien , . E. cor. l&th and Douglas. 617-ti oil. 7011 HINT I'loMfint lurnt.'hcxl rooms to rent to jounggentkman , 1707 CMS street. fOd'Op HINT Two nrw 0 room houses , tcry com. plet ono block from l' rk a\e. ixiri. AMbS , J ; Fariam , 16 * tt 71011 IlENT Hoouia In Crounsee Block. O. XI. HlUhoook , MStt X yoft Uf.ITT In Shtnn's 2d addition , new liooso , 4 loomi , prt ol douhlo hciue , lull lot 91100 per las lotitlL Apply roon 24 Oin li National Bank Build , 4Mtf pOR BlUn A back patlor eUgant.y furnished T Md aJJohitjf bd room , with DM ol bath room. b d to v > vpH lm , viiltablt for otn or twn ( e * . mo iPUktfoaliitrMcrty , IMHcAMat Bt. * W T i. Rcrr-rw htei n * * t tor Dod * at. Q. MT-1 * GXIH1UO7 ftrotArf bM > yatlor tot it o p ( . HM BMglu M. * ft > ; * , UWi t4 > -Qw t t HMI kMM 111 nor a. iiMtjtitt. as u 4 r M pod r | ( r. . - t * rriOU Iimrr-llxaa loqalri at JUbola fc Srtat D . nr\n a. . ot "iroll IlKNT Rooma In Nebraska National Bank JL1 Building. Host desirable offloos In the dty Supplied with hjdraulla ele\atoratidhcatcdby stoun. Apply at Bank , 620 tf FOR BENT Furnished rooma on the north-wist cor. 13th and Capitol tucuue , forntcrl ) Crclgh- ton House. 139 if FOR BALE. < IMJH SALE OR KENT CIIEA1' A new upright I * 1 piano at 814 N. 17th street. 711-21p ' l' ' _ FOll SALE At n great bargain , the Scott reel. 'V dcnce property. Just call of Hratt's In Ilanscom t I'lico , This h ( \cry rieelrallo 7 room cottage end w ill bo gold at a saci IHco. BARK Ell * . llAYNK. 712-tf 13th aud Farnaai.J FOll SALE OR TllADE A B year olj Kentucky horse IE ! hands high , gontlu and kind , trote In 3 minutes untrained , altio a now line sldo bar top cor- rUgo. C. J. Canan. 731-lmo FOR SALK A fine , new Simpson bugsy , cheap , at J417 Dacnp rt street. 707-21p FOR SALE OR RENT. Blacksmith and wagon shop , Mlthagooil patronage , In n town of 1,200population. Addreaa Q. W. LA1IGINO , WeepIng - Ing Water , Nob. Julj J8 3t rpHH Company w ill tell to blghott bidder one f ram * _ L duelling house situated on the south-vest corner of' ' ! 1th aud Marcy Btro-tts , Omaha. House to ba moved from our ground at once by purchtccr. Eealrd proposals will bo rccohed at my ollico upto noon .Al ly 2 lit , 18S4. 0. W. Holdregc , Aes't. General Man ager , B & M. R. R Jly IS 4t F OR SALE A fine driving horse , Bound and kind. Any lady can drh c him. Aho a Daily A. Ucailim- ber top bugg } and a Concord lUrness. \ \ ill sell to gether or separate , at 217 S. 13th St. _ 084 tf FOlt RALU Ornccry business In good locality liajini ; well. Will rccfit'ro ' capital o ( about $3,000 For particulars address "W. W , tLlsoHlcc. 03lm FORS LE-TAO full lots , with three flrstclaEa houses In good repair , on S W. err. ISthnnd Canltol acnuo. . Rents for * 2COO per 3 car 072-tl 0.11. DOANE&CO "I OllSALK Boarding house.furnituro and fixtures JD all complcto. Inquire at 210 S. 10th St 25-24p * 17 > O11 SALE The American House , South Bend , A1 Neb. The hadinghot.1 of t ! D town \Vill8etl \\ithorultliout furniture. Oood business. Good reason * Rhcn for selling. Call on or address. El&U-iUp OEO. U. McCAIN , I'rop'r. "Jj'OK \LE-Houso of seven rooma and lot 60x143 JL' feetnorth 19th. nearSpruco street teQ t3p CHAS. JOHNSON. FOll SALE A choloodairy and stock larm of 600 acre ? , 20J acrea under culthatlon , 2i miles from Silver Creek , Nob. , on U. I' . Kallivay. Uood house , ci cam and ice houses , barns , corrals , etc. , or dairy ing and stock raising land Is well watoied and all choice grasa and graiiag Und , with plenty ot range / adjoining. 1'or sale cheap. 1'ottcr & Cobb , 161S / Faruam street. fi71-tf JR HALE Desirable lots ? 5. ton ! , C5. per mo. U. C. I'attcraon , 13th and Farnam. 675-23 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ FOlt SATiE-Engincs now and second hand 10 h p. Ii h. p and So h. p. portable and eUtlonnrj ; also boilers of any sire ar J stylo. Richard i Clarke , U , 1' U. Y. bet 17th and 18th Stt. Omaha. 649-tf FOR SALK A printing office dutiable ior a small newspaper cr job olllcxi. Will cell for caah or 01- changelor OuiaLa City property. Addresj' A. X. Q" Dee ollico. 468 tl TTAOJl 3AUC A fear ckoloo younc buirgy and work JE1 hortea. Majno & Barker , tit. llao'd * a\eaue barn. 463-tf FOR SALU Largo lot on 1'irt orcnuo. AUo houto aud lotuear Bt. llary'da > cnuo. Imiulro 422 Con. tent street. 437-lmp 17011 SALE Three of the best loti In HanRCom JL1 place at a bargain if Bold toon. Potter AI.'oLb , 1MB Faruam. D3Mf _ _ _ TTIOR SAtB Cheapest hoiiflo and lot in Omaha , In JD 1'ottcr'a addition , 8 rooms , neil , 800 barrel cl - turn. on tuo lots , 100 feet front by ISO lest dctp , lor J2.050. I'otttr t Cobb , 1616 Farnam sticet. 463 tf FOll SALE-Choap lots tu Shinn'a 2d addition. KlrkHoo.1 and HalnUew. 1'otter & Cobb , IMS famauibtroct. 423-tf FOR BALK Two aoo'ind hand 'pianoa , at Fdholu & Erlokcou'ii llu la btoro ou IClli St. S'JO-tl FOR BALE Two open eoooncl-nand Im plM and ono delivery wagon , cheap , at 1310 narney tit. 833 tf MISCELLANEOUS. rpo TRADE Choice retldonce In Council Bluffs J _ Iowa , ( two bltcka from I'oat ollice ) lor No'jrask , " ' landoritock. "T. A. H. " care Bee. 729 28p T .ST , STRAYED OR STOIKW A bay marc , bug. JL/gy and bametis , about 10W : Sunday 'night. A liberal reward will bo paid for a return of the earn * . K. Ilowcll , 217eouth lith bt , Omaha , -Neb , _ _ 737-31 - ealln parasol trlmned with blarjc LOST-Black brown cart edhandlo and black tatln bow on top. Finder will be rewarded by km Ing at 1094 , N. W. corner llth and 1'aclllo Sta 733-2p | OUAIU , NEB. , July 21st , 1894 liirctotoro exiiting beiweea the unilureiguud , U r . thin day dlflsohod by iLUtualconnect. I E A KKLLf , H 11. ( 731-23p CHARLES A. WILSO.V.M. D ; I TRAYKD OR HTOCEN-I'rom t'lty lintel , on roan cow , fl > e jt reo.d , right krrii half brokcu . A liberal reutrd wljl Im irlun for her return. Fred. \ \ irkh , proprietor Cltj Uotel. ; rpAKENUI'-Llt April , red and wlilto joirllnj heller. Ownrr can h e fame by calling at U. Uilhaui , cor. 21th and Uatou , aud iiaUiig cha gen. - l'-ltay 24Ui , 1834 , at my place. 1 horse. sirftl color , and one pony kay mwc , black tall , brand mark on hip. Owner can hate eaoio by rrov. pro > erty and pajlug ohar.'os. I-hllllp dassldy. D9J-OK-OOW - - ltUnilAY ku good pattunng. Hprlnt' ator. 560. tf > niV7SanlUi , slnkf , and cewpooli cleaned witti waltary cleaner. Pat'tfactloii guirrtnttod by V. Abel , ( gncoonor to J. U. Smith , ) box 378. 79 Imp Glottloal , MinVtfle , C mmcrola1 and Art Depart miaw B,7ik io admltttd Tuition low , lngch p , b * tn ( sodttr FuUy irmlpjod hculty < a"AUdr * for particular * , R T 'TV. Tf. Hutlik Q. l't Md nt. nt I'Hi. O U. DMUttd.bucrmrr tb | lrnnH j , U U r t , tiib , 17 IUD )