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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1884)
l OMAHA DAILY BEE TUESDAY JULY 21 , 1884. MAX MEYER LUPORTKR8 OP AND JOBBERS OF DOMESTIO 3IGAES , TOBACCOS , PIPES ! SMOEEES1 ARTICLES PROPRIETORS OF THE FOLLOWING CELEBRATED BRANDS : Beina Victorias , Especiales , Roses in 7 Sizes from $6C to $120 per 1000. AND flHE FOLLOWING LEADING FIVE CENT CIGARS : Grapes , Thistle , Lawrence Barrett , Caramels. New Stan dard , Good Advice , New Brick. SEND FOR , PRICE LIST AND SAMPLE ? , 1206 Farnam Street , Omaha , Neb. NEW WOOLENS ! FOR PANTS AT FROM $8.00 AND UPWARDS. ALSO Stylish Suitings in florkscrews , Worsteds and Cheviots LATEST STYLES I LOWEST PRICES ! J& $ ? An. inspection of our Goods and Prices , tells the story. jgg | IMPORTER , JOBBER AND MANUFAOTURERS' AGENT OF Eli I J > J.U.UU II UJ3. UB JUUMIJJMJ 13TH ST. , BETWEEN FARNAM AND HAilNEY' 1409 and 1411 Dodee St. , I } [ Omaha Neb Lfons' Working Suitn from $2 , § 3 to ? 8. Mons' Business from $8 , § 12.50 to $10. Men'a Cmtom-Mado Suits from § 15 , $17.50 to § 25. Mon'a Suits made to order § 25 , ? ; tO to $1 5. Youtha1 Suits from $2,50 , S3 to SO. 5,000 Boys' and Children's Suits , from $1.50 , $3 to $10. 0,000 Mon'a , Youths' nnd Boys' Psnts , from 50c , $1 25 to $7.50. 200 Dozen line imported and Fancy Shirts , from $1 to $3. 100 dozen heavy and me dium Working Shirts , 50e. 75 dozen fine Summer fauoy Woolen Shirts from $1 to $3. Summer Clothing , an oxtrt variety , from 25c to $10. White and Col'd Vesta from 50c' to $3. An endless - loss variety and Novelties in ilk end Linen Handkerchiefs Nothing Superior and as Largo a Variety in the Market , THE LOWEST PRICES GUARANTEED. ItfRft MAMMOTH CLOTHING * " * vHOUSB , 1001 Farnam St. Hnr. 10th OMAHA , NEB. North-Western Electric Light Go. SOLE AGENTS FOH NEBRASKA AND OPWIATOB8 OF CELRBnATBD WB8TON AKD U. 8. Adopted by the U. S. Government and moat of the Itadln ? steamship cowpanie- and Hotels. Regarded an tha PUREST , WHITEST AND BEST ELnOTRIO LIGHT PRODUCED. For Rnlfii Tnqniro nb , offic , N W. Oor. Fiflecatli nnd FKTIB Btwwfa JULIET 1VIS \ [ ENDORSED BY FIUWZ , IhMk Hi , MR. 00 and b iaty ol RTSCOMlfUNDS ITSELF. ITSELF.SOLE TrT" SOLE AOENT , - . JldL ,1510 Drijj Street , Oo h , Neb OOUNTY COMMISSIONERS , Hcculur AVcotly llcotlna of t ho Hoard SATUUDAY , July 10,1884. Board mot pursuant to adjournment. Present , Commissioners Knight , O'KoofTo ' and Corliss. The following rojolntlon was adopted : JiMolval , That the county treasurer bo and hereby Is directed to draw from the general fund $3.72 and apply the same to the payment of the delinquent personal tax of II. II. Bliss for the yoat 1870 for aorrlcoa as gr ud juror. The following accounts wore allowed : BIUIKJH ruxu Omaha Iron Worki . .J183 88 rom Wm. Dowllng , work on road and bridges $11 20 Jacob Wsgnor , work on road and brldgos , . SO 00 lOdward Tbalor , grading on Billiard road 40 00 John McGulre , work on road SO 00 ru.m ThoB.Curan , rownrd for C. A. Simp- ton , horto stealing , , f50 00 Mi I. Anderson , petit jiiror , Juno term , 1884i 2 00 K Wyman , " " " 2 00 J. O. Durbln , talcs " " " 000 O. 11. Mansfield , " " , " " 400 Wm , Amloreon , witness fees 8 00 John Potty , " " \ 4 00 K.r. Kuwoll , " " 200 J. J. O'Connor , " " 2 00 D. W. Lane , wltnoas fee 2 00 Geo. Diibach 2 00 Mary Dubach 2 00 C. S. HiRglns 14 00 Goo , Dinbdalo 4 00 Patrick Median GOO John Meolmu 800 Seth T. Cole " 2 00 ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' T. A. Pioronot , ballitl fool' . . . . . . . . . 21 00 \V. J. Mount , tales juror 8 00 M. O. Maul , coroner foes 12 15 14. II. Crowoll , bailiff foes 24 00 M. J. Powers , tales juror 4 00 Matt Hoovor.oitrn sorvlco as asacsBor 3 00 Thoo. Grebe , bailiff feoa 4G 00 James K. Smith , witness fee 2 00 " " . B. 13rown , new grand juror , Juno term , 1881 f 00 Peter Uooa , tales jnror 2000 J. K. Blake , tales juror G 00 Julo Rotholz , witness fees 8 00 ' . C. Morrison , witness foes. . 1400 ohn W. Croft , witness fees 18 00 ' . E. Kiloy , novr ( fraud juror , June term , 1834 G 00 ! . 13. Yost , now grand juror , June term , 1884 6 00 C. S. Goodrich , now grand juror , Juno torm. 1831 6 00 Chas , H. Dewey , now grand juror , Juno terra , 1884 6 00 K. J. Saxo , now grand juror , Juno term , 1884 G 00 Martin Dunham , now grand jiror , Juno term , 1881 C 00 Sam J. Burgstrom , now grand juror , Juiw term , 1881 G 00 It. IX Hills now grand juror Juno term 1884 G.OO J. P. Ewlntr , now grand juror , Juuo term 1881. ' G.OO J. It. llydo , nowjgrand juror , Juno term , 1834 6.00 Jaa Franco now grand juror Juno term 1881 C.OO W. P. Welch now grand juror Juno term 1884 C.OO Lewis S. Keod grand JiKor Juno term 34.00 M. A. McNamara petit juror Juno term 1881 2,00 Joseph Leis petit juror Juno term 1884 2,00 Patrick McArdlo petit juror Juno term 1884 1GOO M. II. Blisa now prund juror Juno term 1884 2.28 F. D. Mead book caao for clerk's oilico 7.30 Frank Paramleo petit juror Juno terml881 2.00 J W. Ulllranco petit juror Juno term 1884 3.00 D. J. O'Donahoo petit juror Juno term 1884 2.00 G. W. Lyndon petit juror Juno term 1884 2.00 Wm. Fitch petit jjnror Juno term 1881 1G.OO Stephen Koblnaon grading 189.00 W. P. Welch petit juror 16.00 H. L. Howard petit Juror 2.00 A. II. Donockon petit juror 2,00 G , F. Bruckor witness fees 4.00 Chas. Branch 14.00 JOB. Fordlco 2.00 W. Soderstrum 8.00 Godloy Bruckcr 14.00 S. C. Baldwin 14.00 Rob. Dinsdalo G.OO James Fox 2.00 Joa. Itohins witness foes. 4 00 ThomasKyan " " 800 Dr. G. M. Crowe ) ! witness fens 4 00 M. J.Pownrs witness fees 2 00 John F. Page tales juror 4 00 II. B. Irey " " 200 Nebr. Telephone Co. , telephone for Poor farm and clerk's olfico 22 30 Gust. Anderson faofliw justice of tbo peace in state caeos 1C 25 Dr. It. J. Mattico post mortem exam ination Mr * . John Williams 10 CO John Schroeder whip for county 110 U. P. lly , Co. tickets for i > oor 2U 05 W. Gentleman groceries 8 25 T. 0. Brunner " 1210 W. J. Broatch hardware for county. . G 04 K K. Mooros agt. ticket for poor. . . 1 f > 0 Chlcapo Lumber Co. , lumber for Co. , C 76 J. O. McGucldu groceries for Co , . . . 10 00 K W. Gray lumber for Co 48 47 U. D. Woodworth Hcrapera for Co. , . . . 5 00 Adjourned to the 23d hist. , H. T , Lenvitt county clvrk. . Mtrlla Orinin. fo the Kditor of TUB BEE. In Saturda's Herald there ap peared an editorial holding up to scorn .ho prirato character of Mr. Martin 0. "IriO'm , of Council Bluffs , bocauno ho has Icclared his Intention to vote for Blalno md Logan. Now Mr. Grlliin la n private iitizon , Booking neither honor nor trust it the handn of the people. Some ton , 'cars ago ho had the misfortune , as nanyothorgood men have had , to fall Into inwiclaldlllicultios which were then settled aid which had boon forgotten until roa- irrectod by that apostle of Dnaaha Herald. SInce that time Mr. jrlflin" has moved through life , in our lister olty , and honored and trailed oltl- ren. Bat were those things otherwise , rrould-that bo a justification for an as- lault upon that naoridnun which , to all lonoranln me * , IB a shield to private ihkrMtor ? 1 think not. On tia contra- y flo I think ttet ho who would 3rttk down the barriers ttet snr- oad tk kaTlowed p ihieiii of fflrkta lift vken tk re ie no puVIIc ; ad to foNtorr * * tamkyr "fa fit for iMAvpoib , " tml Imerrn tl ol M tr. WVat kM Mr. i MM4 tr f rfMata VM t gi ! It * M tt Ua pd- I ! to IM iMMMftV M j VI M wWf Aite * w " AU _ j t * * nw rf Ui ji li ti * KMM m OM of U i i tulr b 4 tetevtfrti to rote fr Ua ti of of tko high v0fota In inkn ttiroplo of denocnioy. But I acn euro that the arilclo in nuns- ion did nut oomo frvin tie p < ? u of D/ Miller. It IB entirely inconsistent with the high estimation which 1 h vo of that gentleman. In conclusion It may not bo amiss to remind the democratic loaders that thoit tnortgago on the Irish-Amorlcvi veto has expired , and that Mr. Grlflln instead of representing the "tho one thousandth party M the Herald noorlnRly romarki. 11 o rolces the BontimonU of a good majority of tholcalm thinking Irishmen of this country. This will bo drovon , over whelmingly , in next November. P. S. Why does not the editor of the Herald practice what ho editorially prcaohosl The following editorial ap peared In Sunday morning a llcralJ- "An editor who dooa not know the broad difference between assaults upon A man's nrivato character and assaults upon his public acU and record la in n bad way. " Consistency , thou art n jewel that does not shlno m the Herald's crown. UlIll'.HMA , A QUEER PEOOEEDING , Tlio State Fair Hoard Lot the liooth Privilege * to the liovrcst nidilor , On the first of Juno the state board of agriculture advertised for bids for the booth privileges during the state fair in September. The bids were to bo re- colrod by the 14th of the month , and the contract was to bo lot at the meeting of the board on the 1st of July. Mr. Arthur Briggs , of Una city , wa among the bidders , and his bid was fo $1,025 , accompanied by n certified choc of ? 400. Tlds was the highest handed in , and as Mr. Briggs had ha the contract two years ago , ho is porfoc ly competent to conduct the business. On the 18th day of Juno , and tw weeks before the mooting of the boarc Mr. Briggs received the following lotto from Mr. J. B. Dlusmoro , president c the board : SDTTOH , NED. . Juno 18 , 1834. Arthur H , Brwgi , Omaha , Jftb. ; DIIAB Sin I horoln return to you your co tlGod chock for 8400 , as your bid for boot prirllego for tlio state fair. 1884 , has be on re joctod. rioMQ nckuoirlougo IU receipt Kospoctfulljr , etc. , J. B. DiKsiions , Pn . Nob. S. U. Ag. Thinking it strange forono man to ink the responsibility upon himself withou consulting the other members , Mr Briggs wrote to Mr. S. M. Barker , chair man of the board of managers , statin the circumstances and asking for an ox planation. The following letter was ro coircd in answer to his inquiries : SILVEK CREEK , Nob. Juno 21. My Dear Sir : Your letter received. I b liovo it haa boon cuntomnry for the prosldon bo lot the booth privileges with the consent o the board. I supposed ho would confer wit the board of managers before letting the con tract. I did not know it was lot until I ro : oivod your lottor. AVe have a mooting of tli board July 1st. Come iu and wo will talk 1 jver. Very Truly Yours , S. JL lUltKEn. As requested Mr. Briggs attended th mooting on the 1st , and remained until ; late hour , when ho was informed by President Dinsmoro that they would no ; ot to the booth business that night Mr. Briggs took his departure , afto which the booth business1 was taken ui md the contract was lot to Mr. E. P Davis , of this city , for $1,000 , , being ? 2i , ess than Mr. Brleg0'ld.1" ' " \ * Upon hearing this 'Mr. Briggs protest jd. The board then wont to him ant ; riod to smooth the matter over , but al ; he reason that could bo offorod.ivas the Mr. Davis had had the co'ntract'laa pear , nnd understood the business. Thl : anuot bo looked upon as any sufflclen oason for the proceeding , as Mr. Br'igg las also had the contract , and probably 'ully understands how'io nianlpuTalo justness. WED NESDAY'S ' PAEADE , Cho Line of Blnroh and tlio Order Procession for Wednesday's Slurcli. The following order of the procesaion , nd line of March haa boon prepared fo ho procession Wednesday morning : The procession will form on Douglas , thi ight resting on Fifteenth. The line o : narch will bo M follows : South on Fif. eenth street to Farnam street , east on i'aniam to Tenth atroot , south on Tenth o Jackson street , west on Jackson to hirtoonth street , north on Thirteenth to Inrnoy street , west on Harnoy to Fif oonth street , north on Fifteenth to ) edge street , west on Dodge to Sixteen ! ! troot , north on Sixteenth to Clnrk street , rid countermarch to Falconer's hall. The order of the procession will bo as I First division , under command of D. S. jitchell ; Omaha police force , U. P. brass and , Tumors and Omaha Mannorchor , initlag firemen , city council , orators and reas in carriages. Second division , under command of haa , Hunt and Goo Xotchum , Musical 'uion braes baud , Durant onglno nnd oao company , Pioneer hook and ladder 3mpany , No. 1 , Deluge hose company \o. \ 4 , engine and hoio company No , 1 , agino and hose company , No. U , onglno nd hose company No. 3 , JohnM. Thuru- n hoeo company No , 5. Third division Traded assembly. ChUf John H. Butler will bo marshal [ the 4 y and A * intant Ohlef J. J. llif u will bo assUUntmarshal. . } The proooMlon will move promptly at o'clock n. m. .n AcciiMion nnrl I onto to JLttburn An * . 14. Auburn , the principle town of Nomaha mnty , is io hy two excursions with l ele , o ThunAigr , Aug. 14th. Oi li i IMTO OMto t 8 o' lo k cm tUt ! ( via MM Mtoowt FtaKle ntU- nlimm tbottt tJU * MM tina on the B. & L E. ft. , IMBI Bab f , ltft + vm , and Jeka R A .f tMi rfty , taw ro- roof of that . In * , for the ro Jw4 Wp vfll IM Mid for M ftMi ot DM MM ! fwro. i * * > < MM ! p < Gale are for tie w Oboio ! oburtfa of TQ. It la rp U Uit n awnVft'r of Jtlrna wfll join the tiucmi xtnraUn on tht date spuud ( OTV jnyons hours eaido thu Ncmalia In 10 of Nolmiekk'a newest and rdost pros- ivrrm , William Kramer , Dakota , U at the Metro- ] x > liUn. A. rhlllfpi , ot Kansas City , ii at the Metro ro | > olUri. ! J. A. Jamoi , of Ixindon , Rng. , ! a at the Motroi > oliUn. C. A. Ixiwic , of Chicago , li I topping * t the JitotropoliUn. C. J , Orkblo , Kcruny , U registered at the Metropolitan. M. .Tovrcll , of l-Vcmont , Is itopplng at tt Metropolitan , ! . Holland , of Now Poland , is iloppitiR ( tlio Motropolitnn. BO. ! < Hurko , of North Tlatto , in registered at the Motroi < olltan. W. A. Brnlcn , of Iiowcll , MAIS. , it sojourn ing at the Metropolitan , Hon. Church Hov.-a came up from Auburn la t evening on bualncri. Prof. 1'ollr Dlankonfold lift * returned from hit annual northern trip. Jamrit ICHno , of Sthuylcr , li in the city quirlorcd at thoMi-tropollUn. Mrn. 0 , 11. Havona han returned from three weeks visit with rolatlvos at Sclmylcr. J. D. King , post oflico Inspector , returned yoatcrday from an oxtontlod trip through Da kota and Minnesota. Mr , W , .T , Jnokmnn , of the Herald , ( i en tertaining bin brothor-Iu-law , Mr. .Tohn W , Harmon , of Chicago. Mr. Charlea Tumor , late mana or and edi tor of the Fairmont , ( Nob. , ) Bulletin , called at thli oilico yoiterday. ( < torgeK , Hymcr , Holdripo , Clmtlna 1'otkey Wahoo , and Samnol Drnry , Lincoln , rogis- torcd at the I'm ton yoatordny. J. 1) . Hayca , Howard , Oliver C. Sabln , Beatrice , K. D. Blfilow , Blair , John II. lloo , Kearney , J. Dlxou Avery , Vrcmont , M. W , Stone , Wahoo , and Henry Gavin , . .TO , ' \Yest , and George F. llyan , Grand Inland , were irncita of the Millard yesterday. FIllEMEN'STOullNAMENT. Sara- uol RCOB , the printer , 100 south 14th street , haa the finest cards for firemen. Every fireman will need them during the tournament. jullthuc3t Ho Ilad a Cramp. Ho cnmo into TUB BEE oflico a amill old man , gray headed , and a wealth of ycara nnd great sorrow imprinted on his furrowoa brow. Doffing his hat and making a bow that would do honor to Chesterfield , ha addressed the baa o bal reporter : "My narno is Casey Lawrence L. Casey. Mr. Rosewater knows mo well fur I've boon a subscriber for his paper fur foor long years. I want you to pui a piece in the paper. I want the whoa people to know it. " "KnowwhnU" "Well , that'fl what I'll bo after tolling yo. Ye see I wns forkin" stuff down there in an alloy. It had nn awful smell. It made nio sick down-right sick , ( and Lawrence caressed the base of his stomach to indicate the great relief ho folt. ) I waa on the flat of mo back for a day and n noight , and I thought for nwhilo I'd dol. Ah , sur , it was an awful shmoll , and it must 'vo boon two years old. Now put that in the paper , with the bloasin of in old manl" And Lawrence and hia smell moan- iorod. Some BtroiiK Mimlert women dan regulate their hunbanda nmnzlogly r'nat , should they not do tholr duty. Jlnntack lllooti liitterl are a good regulator of the circulation. rboy are exclusively a blood toniu , and conno- juantly strike at the root of many serious all- OU11E OF ASTHMA AND SPINAL WEAKNESS. ,239 , WEST 22n STUKBT , NEW YOKK , May 17 , 1883. Though it may bo irregular for n phy- iiciau to give n certificate in favor of n proprietary medicine , stillin the cause of humanity , I venture to say a word in favor of ALLCOCKS' Ponoos PLASTUUS , which I esteem the moat romarknblo os- tornnl remedy of this country. I liavo known those Plasters to euro Spinal WeakuosB where the patient had been confined for months to hia bed. A blacksmith of my acquaintance was so porely injured in the back by the kick of i horao ; fourAu.cocK'HPouousPi.ASTEn lulokly relieved him of excruciating igouy and cured him in a week. Another patient suiToring with Nouralyiu of the Heart , was completely cured in four loura. Iu Asthma , I know of a case where hey were worn for three mouths and 'ully restored the health. In another : uno where patient had Sporndlo Cholera , lathing relieved him until ho put on \itoo \ AU.COOK'H POHOUH PLAHTKUS ; in , welvo hour * all pnitm in tlio cheat and itomaoh disappcRred. I hnow that tlicno Plasters , applied on the pit of the stom- ich , are a Boveroign remedy for Dyspop- > la and Constipation , Finally , if persons once ueo AI.LOOUIC'H ? onourf PLASTEH'S they will never use , ny other ; they uro so pleasant , quick , nd painless nature's balmy assistant. H. 0. VAN NORMAN , M. D. "Alloock'a" is the only Genuine Porous ous Plutor. , An Oninli * MHII'B 81100010. Mr. M. Knight having accepted the icilUon of general freight agent of the iVabuh , E. F. llk will roaumo the ] > o- lUon of commissioner of the Burlington- iVabMh pool. Mr. Llk ILU boon audi- or of the Northwestern Traffic nssocla- Ion , for some yearn paat , and has isen Mahtlng Mr. Oarman la handling he B rllngtou and Wab * h pool buiinoes vcc lDoe the pool w < orgaalz d. Vhun It. Knight BMtmcd the poaition of com- nlwlcNMr of tkl * pool ho appointed Mr. AlW bit cUof cltrk on aoeoant of hia aowhrigo of tlio hasineei. [ Chicago . Kr. I lk WM oonnoitod with the B. & ( . let MT * * 1 yr * M OMihlnr and pay- iMitr Us UM traMUwr'a d parUi ntaBd i well a 4 r ry avxnwbly kuovu In ttiiJin il r * Uf took to Chl ajo [ to hftMki * UM tU4 konoM M kin wife , flu DaWy J i > U. MJ. Ulk ba thee o/ all Outta iUa o'clock und noou , ur , - * ii Urt nfcht , 28 , tTu > i > > n > lnii thin dty , rnvUioM < < ! 4r. I'IMM U mU h dUtroi , U UtoU a * clttluir kltca nj. o wt i > * uM MU dipMUd to eloaa owing of tuppHo * , Tlio cholofu at Arloa la Drovrncd lit I alco laioerno , Uannn , July Ml. Four boati wera caprizod nrliiK a itonii oil LaVn Liiooino , 'J'oa jieoplo w dnrsnip' ' , ternfyrcujnu e , The Largest Stock in Omaha : and Makes the Lowest Prices ? Furnitur DRAPERIES ANJD MIRRORS , Jnst received an osaortmont far Burpoaslng Anything In thta raarkot , comprlalnf the latest and most tasty designs manufaoturodSfor this spring's trade and ooTorinv ft range of prlcoi from the Ohoapoat to the moat Expensive. Parlor Goods * & Draperies. Now ready for the inspection ofcus- Gomplotp fltock of nil the lotos tomorfl , the newest novolticB in styles iu Turcoman , Mndmsnnd Suits nnd Odd Piecoa. Lncu Curtains , Etc.j Etc. Elegant Fassongor Elevator to all Floors. CHARLES SHIVERICK , 1200,1208 mid 1210 Fnrunm Street , - - - - OMAHA NEB * BOLTS So 00 MPANY , Dormer Windows , Flnluls , Wlnilow CnjwIron Crcstln ? , Stctnlllo SkyOlRhts , So. Tin. Iron ami Shto Roof ! era , 310 South 12th Street , Ouiahk , Nebruka. X AND TWO WHESL OAETS , 'HlflnndHSOU ' raiy3trool ndt038. Wlh BJrsst , nrtntod CWaloiruD rurciUtuJ fron uoon application. RICHARDS & CLAUKE , W. A- CLARKE , Proprietors. Superinnndent U. P. RAILWAY , 17TH & 18TE STREETS MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN fa L WATER WHEELS. ROLLER MILLS , Ml and Orain < Elevator Machinery MILL FURNISHINGS OP ALL KINDS , INCLUDING THE Celebrated Anchor Brand Dufonr Bolting Cloth BTJIAM POMPS STEAM" WATER AND GAS P1PB.H BRASS GHOB8 AMD PIPE FITTINGS ARCHITECTURAL AND BRIDGE IRON. o o We nro prepared to furnish plans and estimates , and will contract for h erection of Flouring Millu raid Grain Elevators , or for changing i ' 'louring Mills , from Stona to ( ho Holler Syetem. l 'Eapocinl ( ittt-nt'on ' fjiven io furnishing Power Plants for anypur- IOBO , and o.limnt"a niodo tor hfiino Generul nuchinory repairs attended , * iromptly. A ilroKH ' t RICHAPD3 & CLAT K ? ? , OT aha , tfeb. , ! f/J /