Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 22, 1884, Image 2

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Smoker * of IJlafkwcll' Oonnl
Dull Durham RmoklDK Tobacco v
receive Premiums M follow !
term * anil fondltlonn htronpoclfli
2d " $2,00
$ ; joe 3d " $1,00
$276 22 other Premium * M hero h < n
$1550 The premiums will be aw r < !
Doorailxir M , 1881. Int Frcmll
pot * in Iho jicrson from whom wo
$175 tobacco I > 110I prior In lire. It. 2(1
Ixs riven for the neit Unrest nnmli
MU\ thru , In Iho orJer of Iho numli
of cmptjr linini roeelrM from cue
tO thB tWetlly.fllrO BllCCrtWftll C < 1
$ O tcsUnt * . 1'jvcli Mir mint b ir o
orlirlnsl Unit Dnrhim libel. U
nj Uautlon Notli
Ittnermo tamp.
7O Bairs mu t 1 done tip w > cnrrly In
$ GO package , with name ami adilrcM
ponder , ami number of burn contnl
M. plMn1r ninrknl on Hi * otit'M
and must INrntrh nm pwalil ,
HlnrkwrllS Ilurhnm Tnlinrt
$2O L'o.IunnM.N (1 Ktprriremili
packiurf lia picture nf Hull
B nniir tii-it antifMinri-tnrnt
* 1' * i n Mf t . n *
\\lll cure ycrvmm
r.ii > nh.ipn itlicmimtlMit ,
nit In , 31'Minlulh , Sclnl
Klilnr ) , Hiltit | > " 111 I.
itlKAM , Ootlt.APthlllA.ll
lIlMIlM' , l > ) Ml ln , Cdl
Imtloii , Krj Mpclaa , ratn
'llc . ii : > llcmr | , Imnntr
DmnbAinic. l'rol | i n t'tfH , etc. Only Mcntlflel
tnc licit In America lhat ivnilillH-ElPCtrirlty ami
x > ctl m throiijrh the body , and can be recharged lu ai
{ tut br the patient.
CI.OOO Would Not Buw U.
* * Da. tlomd 1 wag afflicted with rheumatism
enred by nt\ng \ B belt To any one Afflicted \
Ihatdlicase , I would lay , buy Uorne'i Klectrlo I !
Any ono oan confer with me by writing cal
Atj my ( tore , 1420 Douglai itreet , Omaha , Nob.
MAIN OFFICE 1(22 Douglaa Street.
Cffot tale at O. f. Qoodmaa'l Urutf Store" ]
arnam St , Omaha.
Orden filled O.O D
tas Heiiial Instill !
Chartered by theStateoMl
Wnols ( or the express purpc
fofglvinclmmedUte relfel
mil chronic , urinary and pi
Jvatc disccscs. Qonorrhcr
jQIcct ondby plnlls in all thi
complicated form * , also i
diseases of the Skin or
Blood promptly relieved or
V/enkness , NYchl I-OSECS by Dreams , PJm les c
the Fare.Lost Mnnhood , imattU'etj/r rccl7iei
f * > inrjr/irrf iri.iiu ; . Th : appropriate
CJtonce uieilln each case. Consultations , pel
Bonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med
irJncn r.ent by Mall and Express. No marks o
pautare to Indicate contnta or tender. Addres
( BRKUIlit. ) (1FTKIL )
li'LEOTno-VOLTAIC nuLT and otuer Ktiornio
Jli Arrux\cEs nro gent cm UJ Iaja' Trial TO
llEN ONLY.OUNQ Oil OLD , who are Buffer-
In B from NKnrotJS LOST VrrALirr.
VViBTixa WIUKXESSEB , nrict all these dhraje * of a
J'liuonii. NiTUUK , ro ultlntc from ABCBTS ana
Orurrt C'IUSKJBpealy relict and complete
restoration to ilKiurn , VIOOB nd MINUOOD
UUIIUNTEPD. Bend at ouco for Dluitrated
Pamphlet ( roe. Adareu
yoi.TAU' OKI.T CO. , nTnrahnll. Mich.
Wlde-Awake Agents Wanted Every where Tor
liy Jnmes Parton. thn mrateft Moirraphpr of ti ! < ? air
Anelotrant volantctorftiOimfrfit. 24 full pnireJIIiiMrntloii
I'rlceonly $2 0. Dcwrlljw&orliariuiprn. A Imolc fort-vcr
vouiau. J. Jt. CuMtllHTry.JI & M ilaUl.onM. , Cliltagi
\Vlllrnrlfyllin DLOODrrrpi-
Into tfia LIVER and KIDNEYS ,
' ' ' ' TIIK
'n'rid v'iaoil'of'voUTfif
I * -
jipnsln , AVnntorAlMiclltc , jit-
. ClROStlou , I.nek ui HtrcilKtll ,
cured. Hones , muscles mm
IIIT\CS rcci'Uoncwrori'a
liiillvcns the inliiil mid
niipillrs | | llnilu 1'invcT.
' Bntl < ilii lroiiicuiiiplalnli
- - . . _ J * iiociilliirto their BUX will
flnd laDlLIIAHTKH'SinOtJ TON1O iitufa nod
Fjicriiv euro , ( liven it clear , lioalllir complexion.
rruiiucnt atloiiiptsnt luimuriVltliiK inilyitild
to IliopopiilurltyuftliuuiiKlnul. J > u nutvxpcrl *
f NmdyournildrrniitoTbnDr. HnrtorMM O.T
Jst.J/ . Mo.for our "IWJSAM HOOK. "
I till of Btrangtt and luefal utforuutlon , froo.J
Tn thoaoKultcrlncfrnnitdo
( HoctH of routliful errors ,
nominal weakixiM , early uo
ca/t lout mntiliooii , etc. . 1 wllUtudoupurtlcularBOf a
inipluandcorteln tut > ana of * fl * cnrn , frnuof cliarffo ,
rour 'djln n to V ( J. HWII'U. Moodus. ( Jouii
Corner t'Uh mid Capitol Avenue ,
La all their forms.
YOUNO MEN , who are suffering from the edocts
of Youthful Indltcretloni , would do well to avail
themselves of this , the K * < atest boon ever laid at the
altar ot luderlnz huiiunlty , Dr. Tanner wll guar
antee to forfeit ( SO1) for every cua of Seminal Weak-
HUM or Private Disease , of any kind or character
which he undertakes and falls to cure ,
MIDDLE AOEI ) MKN Many men between the
ages of SO ana 00 , are troubled wllh a too frorjueut
dejlre to evacuate the Mulder , often accompanied
byatllzht ima'tlmr and burnlni ; tensatlon , and a
weakening of the iviU'in In a manner that the | > a-
tleot cannot tcoount lor , On ezatnliiniff the urinary
dt ) > otlti a ropy ledlment will olten be found , and
BomeUima si all iiartlclei of albumen will appear ,
or the color will be of a thin , inlUlsh hue , a aln
ctiangtoKto a datkand torpid appearance. There are
many rvn ho die ot this dimculy , Ignorant of the
cause. It li the second ttaie of temlnal weakness
Dr. Tanner will imaraiiteu a | ierlect euro In all such
cooei.aud abealtliy restoration of the Ocnito urinary
OiKans. Call orwdrwi as abote , Dr. Tanner.
Royal Havana Lottery I
Drawn at Havana , ubu , Every IS
to 14 Days.
TICKETS , J.OO. HAf.VfM.8100
nuojeov t'J ii" outnlpulatlon , not oootrolled by Hie
partial In Intoriwt , It li the fairest tiling In tlir
nature cl'cbaoco In existence ,
t'orlnfornmtlonand psrtlcuUn apply toBIIII'SKV
CO..Oea. Aiftnli , 1212 Drpadwav , N V , rlty.
K. KAI'll 4 : CO. , 417 Walnut street. Bt , Iuls , Ho.
cr r'rink Ixibraun , L , D. , to Wj-rinJotlr , Kau.
Jyiuic i * If ,
How They TMako PortiincR Out ol
Botton Olobo ,
"Do you ROD that follow oror thot
Raid a wcll'known roalnurant koo [ ;
pointing across Washington Rtroot ,
other ttftcrnoon. The Bpcftkcrpointoc
A young man nttired in n chocked si
kersey nat and light kid gloves. "II
should you imagine ho tnado a living ?
"Well , possibly , that ho hns a com
tcncy in his own richt , or that his I
cnU were wealthy. "
"Il'in. That mnn is a wnitor , am
mighty sharp one , too , I hired him or
but ho wfia too sharp to suit mo , am
lot him go. 1 do not believe ho we
moro Mian half his time and the rest
the time ho lives high andcuts _ a swo
"How docs ho nianago ill" onxioi
inquired the repoitor.
"NVoll , he's what you may call a j
fcssional champaigno waiter. 11 o mu
a spncialty of fancy balls , wino hot
and high-toned summer resorts in f ;
places where largo quantities of wino
sold. Why , I've known of his gottinj
high us $1,25 each for corks , "
"What do you mean ? "
"Why don't you knowl Some
firms pay waiters in that way for push
their winos. The foreign manufactu ;
and bottlers of chatnpalgno have adop
a system of branding the ccrks with tl
names and the quality of the wino in
bottlp , and if they are not bought
pishing the wino , they bring a good pi
from manufacturers of domestic chr
paiuncn , who so thorn to palm off n
orablo trash on the unsuspcctong pub !
I'm told thnt Mumm'a ugunt has recon
indicted no less than fourteen manufi
turors of domestic champaignos for tl
ofTeiiBB. Hut that isn't the only way tl
follow makes money. Ho has otli
dodges. "
"For example ? "
"Well , whim ho is waiting ho invari
bly carries a Jules Mumtn cork in r
pockot. A guest calls for a bottle
'Mumm'a dry. ' Ho runs to thowii
collar , gota a bottle of inferior foreign <
domestic wino , which should not co
moro than a dollar , opens it in the pro
once os the guest , and places it togothi
witn the Extra Muinin cork on the tabl
aasily concealing the cork that ho hi
just drawn. A glance at the cork sati
ios that the wino is all right there Is
; oed deal of imagination about thai
hings , you know and ho pays 83.50 c
55 for it. The waiter turns ever
lollar to the house , and pockets the di
oronco. But ho reaps his richest ha
'ost at fancy balls , such as the Arlon i
low York , champaigno flows there lib
rater , literally by thousands of bottlei
'artica got into a box and order wini
lone but the best , of course. The
; ot it at first , but ho
nil oh attention do you suppose they pa
0 the braud they are drinking after the
lava had a few glosses ? None wlmtovoi
. 'ho waiter supplies thorn with bottle al
or bottle at $5 each miserable domoe
io stuff , which has cost him at the ba
lorhaps ono quarter of that sum. II
inkoa in another way , too. Few poopl
calizo how the curled haired , win
rinking darlings of society are bam
oozlcd. Two-thirdo ever they pay a
ittlo attention to the number of bottle
hey have ordered as they do to th
rands , and it is the easiest thing in th
'orld for the waiter to collect pay for ;
ozon or fifteen bottles when only tei
ave boon ordered. That follow I point
1 out is a worker , when he's at it , am
bold ono. I have not a doubt that h
juld clear at a Liodorkranzor an Arioi
all ovnt § 100. Do you -wonder that h
'hat ' the sale of Hood's Sarsaparilla con
nuos at such a rapidly increasing rate
; i * ,
1st : Because nf the positive curativi
iluo of Hood's Sarsaparilla itsolf.
2d : Because of the conclusive evidence
remarkable euros effected by it , unsur
used and seldom equalled by any othot
odioino. Bend to 0. I. Hood & Co. ,
Jwel ) , Mass. , for book containln tcmany
utomunts of cures.
enth jfEuBonoBlftlr , the "ShotBun
McBHonBor" IncKlcnts of Ills
Career ,
Ita OalKornlan ,
1KD In Auburn , Cal. . Juno 27 , 1881 , ol
conHiitnlitlon , Kugenn lllair , n native of
AuguHln , Mu. , iitad 37 yours nnj 8 mouth * .
Mr. Blair was for many years in the
rvico of Wells , Farno & Co. as "shot-
in messenger" on Htago routes , and waa
oil known throughout Nubraskn , Utuh
id Mem I mm. Ho was held in tlio high-
t ustoom by the clliccrs of the express
mpauy for nis fidelity and bravery ,
'nchvoro often put to severe tests.
: r u year past ho has bno'i ill with the
nstunption , a diacuso which finally car-
id him off , and during that time the ox
ess company and its employes wore uu-
initting in their care of and attention
him. The following account of two
counters with highwaymen will bo of
tereat to the reader and the express
itornity generally :
About 1) ) o'clock p. m. , February 27 ,
77 , the stnuo from Hamilton to Ward ,
White 1'ino county , Nevada , had
iched a point about two miles out from
urd , whenwithout warning or an order
stop , two parties began to fire their
ns into and at the stngo. The uiosson
r , Eugene Dlalr , who was on the seal
th the driver , and "always fixed for
) company , " returned the fire of the
rty on the loft from a "Wells-Forgo1
rtgun , loaded with largo buckshot ,
ittoring the robber's right arm near
) shoulder and sending two buckshot
0 his right side between the fourth
1 sixth ribs. Blair then jumped from
) seat to the ground , when two shots
ro fired at hin by the other robbor.
tir returned the fire , when the robber
iko and ran , Blair following and shoot-
; at the retreating figure until ho rvas
: of sight. Returning to the stngo
ird the wounded robber calling that the
nld give himself up , and that ho was in
ying condition. Blair assisted him
a sUgo and took him into Wardwluro
the next day , after having his nnn nut
ated , ho died. The coroner's jury
nd that his name was John Carlo , a
Ivu of Ohio , aged 2It years , and that
shooting by Blair was perfectly juuti-
ilo , as it was done in the defense of
perly intrusted to his cure , and while
10 was engaged in the unlawful act of
liway robbery , Immediately after
inquest Blair started in pursuit of
other robber , James Crawford , and
i struck his trail , which ho followed
ton day ; , capturing the man in South-
Kevuda. Blair brought him back to
ito I'inr , whuro ho pleaded guilty and
Bout to the Nevada stttto prison for a
11 of years. This robber died in prison
uary 18 , 1881.
n the 4th of Soplomber , 1877 , there
a Urge shipment of money to bo sent
Wells , Fsrgo & Co. , from Kuroka ,
, , toTjbj , f. jny vlT tLu mmer * ut
the latter place , Eugene Blair a
Jimmy Brown wore the "shotgun m
songors" who were to guard the troasi
through to destination. It was genera
known in the region that about the fief
of each month such shipments weromai
and that the stage which carried the m
songors would bo certain to have also <
treasure on board , A. J. Davis , al
"Big Jack Davis" ( who had recently bi
discharged from the Nevada state prli
at the expiration of a term for robb
the express on the Central Pacific tr
near Verdi , November Oth , 1870 , ho
ing the loider of the bar
Thos. Lauria ( an ox-convict ) Bob Har
ton ( an ex-convict ) , and his brother , 1
agreed upon a plan to take in the st
at Willows stage station whenever t
had reason to believe it was carrying
Tybo money. The stages loft Eur
late in the atfornoon , and were duo at
Willows station about 0 o'clock in
evening. Jack Davis , Bob Hamll
and brother were to bo near the Willi
station , and Lauria was to remain in . '
roka until a stage vith messenger abe
should leave , when ho was to go to
summit of a high mountain about
miles from Eureka , and at a faxed pi
buildas many fires aathoroworomossonj
on the stage , so that the fires could
distinctly seen from the station. As si
as the stage with the two messengers
board left Eureka on the afternoon of
ith of Sdptombor , 1877 , Lauria moun
a horse and rode to the place designati
built two bright fires as per agrcomi
and returned to Eureka without his i
sonco being noticed. As soon as dai
ness came on so that his confcdora
could see the fires they rode up to t
station and leveling their gnns at t
hostler and a rancher , who happened
bo at the stable at the time , domandec
surrondnr which waa immediately cor
plied with. The two men were Ui
uoiind and gagged and laid away in
stall in the back part of the barn , boil
admonished at their peril to give i
ilarm when the sUgo approached. . '
ibout an hour the stage rattled up
md stopped in front of the open ba :
leers , as usual. Blair was on the ot
if the seat next to the barn with tl
Irivor , and Brown on the dickey s
ust behind thnm. As the stage came
, stop a voice yelled out from the dar ]
toss near the stable door ; "jSugono'Bla
urrondor. " Blair took It for a joke an
lid not move until the command , "Gi
lown off there and surrender. " [ Bla
tnmodlatoly jumped from the stage wit
lis short Wolls-Fargo shot gun in h
ight hand , and started for the partj
rho , though not in sight ha
eon hailing him , when tw
hots were fired at hjm ono fret
lie stdo and ono from the front. Jac
) avia then rushed upon Blair , and place
bo muzzle of his double-barreled shoi
un against Blair's breast ; the lattc
aizod the gun with his loft hand an
lirow it up. Blair then clinched Davii
nd in the scufilo swung him. around s
iat the bright stage light struck equarol
n Davis' back , when Jimmy Brows
oiu his scat , sent a charge of nine buck
tot into Davis * back , between the hipe
lavis exclaimed , "I am shot ; I surrond
r , " and fell to the ground. Browi
artod to get down and received a she
i the log which shattered thobono. Bo'
[ amilton and his brother then fled int <
10 darkness , Blair following and firinj
; them as they ran. The two men ii
10 barn were then liberated and DavL
as taken in and cared for until morning
hen the stage turned back to Eureka
irrying Davis , who died on the way.
Bob Hamilton was caught , convicto <
id sent to the Nevada state prison fo ;
term of fourteen years. Bob s brotho :
as caught and tried , bub the jury disa
reed and tho.indictment fras dimissed
auria was caught , convicted and sent ti
10 state prison for a term of fourtooi
oars , and was pardoned by Govorno
: incaid Juno i'0,1882.
Ono reason why diseases of the bladdoi
id urinary organs are so difficult to cun
that they frequently have no pro
' : nced symptoms. HUNT'S [ Kidnoj
d Liver ] REMEDY is peculiarly adapted
the euro of those complaints , and gooe
once to the seat of the trouble giving
lief at onco.
DW the Woll-ICitoivn Showman Got
Around the Antl-OhliiCBoLiinv.
, Louis Itcpublican.
A decision on the Chinese prohibitory
, v , imulo by the treasury department ,
11 revive agitation of the Chinese quea-
m. The great and only P. T. Baruum ,
his search for novelties , discovered
rtuiii Chinese dwarfs , which , with
lull-footed women and jugglers , ho pro-
sod to bring to this country for show
rijoacs. Knowing how rigid the laws
ruining to the natives of the Celestial
ipire are , and that these laws were iron-
ited mid copper-fastened at the lastsos-
n of congress , so that not oven a Brit-
, vessel could land n British subject
aring u pig-tuil "on the shores of
norica , Air. Barmim despaired of being
jwcil to import hia now attractions ,
ey were neither students nor traveller !
1 ho feared the government in its do
a to protect the homo-made dwarf , and
' ladies of Chicago , from ruinous com
.itiou would construe the law againi
i Chinese friends. With great care hi
iparod a letter to Secretary Folge :
ing for an opinion on this dolicati
tier , arguing at length every poin
t occurred to him in favor of their ad
ision to the United States. The
rotary referred the letter to th
tonis division , where all such knott ,
bleina are solved to the satisfaction
the clerk writing the opinion , a
it ; and Mr. Barnum awaited the ro
; with anxiety. His threo-ring-and
it-shows-in-ono-mind filled with
- - - - was
to-day. The department yielded to
arguments , and decided that the Chi
a could como. The decision is no
irdod with favor by politicians in thi
, who fear the result on the coming
lion. Charges of improper influence
; ho use of circus passes are freely
lo , but those who know the character
ho customs division employes repel
insinuation and assort that nothing
Her than an elephant could turn them
it the direct line of duty. JNo elo-
nt has been soon iu Washington
o congress adjourned.
Pretty w u Picture ,
wonty-four beautiful colors of the
nond Dyes , for [ Silk , Wool , Cotton ,
, lOo each , A child can use with
ect success. ( Jot at once at your
[ gists. Wells , Richardson & Co. ,
lington , Vt.
any great calamities have mulled
uth ; an imperfect timu-pieco that
Id not have occurred had ono of the
idnrd Jewelry Company's Celebrated
is Movements been used , they nro
cct time-keepers and wonderfully
p. Their advertisement appears in
her column , [ Now York Star.
noko Seal of Nortq Carolina Tubflo-
Some Stories Tlmt AVcro Circlnnl
for Mlon Anderson.
Actors and actresses , or many of the
have private press agents , who for a sn :
consideration weekly ngrco to "k
thorn before the public. The task is a h
ono. The prcts agent when ho hat
facts sends out fiction. Ho mails twc
throe letters n dsy filled with eulogy i
anecdote. These notices usually
published only in part ,
sometimes as a whole. T.
are often curious productions but t !
serve the purpose of that itch for noti
oty which means money to the pro :
ional player.
The movements of an actress arc i
chronicled with as much minuteness ,
care as those of a queen , What they
and do is eagerly sought for , though
course , the lionesses of the stage cc
in for the greatest amount of not
Thus , for instance , Mrs , Langtry d
not need a press agont. Her own not
oty takes care of her , and wherever
goes the reporters are busy with 1
This holpa her popularity wondorfu
and doubles the aizo of her audloni
So much has boon said of her that on
second tour to California , at the sn
towns she visited , her houses were s
out long before she had arrived. 1
people complained that she cleat
each town out of all its 'ret
cash , and loft nothing bohii
It was the same thing in San Francis
Men like Lawrence Barrett have pr
agents who are continually sending squ
all ever the country. If not ono in 1
of those gets in It is still doing very w <
It was in this manner that the colobrat
princes of Wales circular got into t
Cleveland Plaindoalor. Mr. Barrett 1
boon at considerable pains to deny tl
indiscreet and silly effusion , which u
Joubtodly affected his busmces on tether
other side of the water.
Miss Mary Anderson had employed
iroaa agent ever since she has boon <
; ho stago. In the beginning ho work
lard and cot her well known , who
> thorwiso she would have boon ignore
ilyatorioua paragraphs popped up abe
lor In all directions , statements of fa
rnro interspersed with all manner
ittlo anecdotes in which the beaut ;
loodncsB and religion of the young a
ross werp dwelt upon. The celobrati
) r. Hamilton Griffin insisted upon tl
risdom of this course , though the mo
sty of the keen young girl often protoe
d against them.
When Mary Anderson wont to Lpndc
Ir. Griffin looked around for an ingoi
) us press agent , and found one. Tl
rat striking application of his talon
as in the story that she had refused I
loot the prince of Wales. But th
tory was like a double-back action. ]
} ok immensely in this country , where ;
'as sent broadcast , and simple cdiioi
rote glowing panegyrics of the youn
nd pure American girl who had refuse
i bijjv down to , vicious royalty. Bu
hen the story got back to England thor
as some cavilling at it and the prince c
/ales himself waa rather nettled at it ii
iow of the fact that ho had never mad
iy stop whatever toward meeting th
Dung lady. Ono night the prince tool
[ s wife to the Lyceum theatre and dut
ig the course of the performance son
: s royal wish that Miss Anderson shouli
me to his box. Miss Anderson was al
est overcome by the honor and foltvor
The prince and princess congratulate )
3r quite warmly and then the princ
Id quite suddenly.
"Miss Anderson , I road in the paper
iftt you refused to receive mo. "
Aliss Anderson was so embarrassed fo
moment that she could hardly speak
hen she spluttered some excuse anime
imo explanation in which she assuroc
io prince that she had nothing to d
ith it.
"I thought nit , " said the prince ; "bu
0 papers do got hold of some vor ;
ngular stories. "
And the interview terminated.
When Miss Anderson wont back ti
r dressing room she hardly knov
lothor to bo pleased or ashamed. Bui
is recounted that there waa a fine
3no in the Griflin household that nighl
d that she roundly trounced the doc-
: , whom she accused of ruining hoi
But that did not stop the work of the
otor and his press agont. The next
iry to bo set afloat was that of the
iko of Portland and his offer of mar
ge to Miss Anderson. That wont along
Iy for a day or two when it was flatly
itradictcd by hia i race , who wrote to
3 papers that he had never had the
nor of mooting Miss Anderson , Nover-
iloss , the story , which was sent by
) Io , had considerable currency in this
intry , where it took a longtime to dis-
.tao people's minds. This , honrovor , no
TO discounted the doctor and the
> sa agent than the Prince of Wales
ry , although it ia reported that since
it time whenever noblemen meet Miss
dorson they are careful tospeak to her
y in the presence of witnesses.
L'ho nowPHt thing there is in the ostab-
imont of a press agency. It is under
charge of Mr. Jerome Eddy , formerly
awspapor man. Quito a number of
utors have put their newspaper work
.ho hands of Mr , Eddy and ho sends
to the papers ono squib a day about
It theater belonging to the agency.
1 advantage ) to theaters ia that the
lager has no worry whatever about the
si and that ho knows this department
eing attended'to.
'hero ' is no doubt whatever that the
38 agent is growing as a factor in
isomont enterprises. Ho saves the
io much trouble in hunting up smal'
ns of news.
mmnnta U obtained in largo quantities by
putrefaction of the uiiuo of animals. '
very housekeeper can test baking powders
; ninlng thin difKUitlng drug by placing a
of the "Koyal" or "Andrew1'earl" top
n on n'liot etovo until heated , then remove
Dover and unell.
r. 1'ricu'i Cruam Daklm ? Powder dnca not
am Ammonia , Alum , Lime , Fotauli. liono
ephatoa , ( prove It by the above test ) . It
eimrod by n I'hyulcinu and Chemist with
iul regard to cleanliness andliealthfnliKus.
_ _ _ _ _ _ m-o-w.-m
riio Development of NeUrankn.
a the Prairie Farmer ,
ho thousands who have taken homo-
ds along the line of the Elkhorn
Icy railroad have not exhausted the
, nt United States land in northern
raska , By striking out from the
oad thousands can still find vacant
. Is it peed ? Some explanation is
esarv. Much of the soil is very
, The lay of the land ia often
sth and nDorly level , Water is found
any parts near the surface , so thnt
i does well. The climate , formerly
Iry , 1ms undergone a change , so that
overal years crops have boon reliable ,
the impreaaion u that , owing to
uinent , the conditions are so changed
excresivo drouth need not bo feared ,
n imniriisu nrcas of tmbro-
wild land are plowed , _ so ai
mit of ready absorption of rain , and
cuiiou cf it f'.r wcckothe c'u -
evaporation moistens and cools the
mosphoro and results in heavy dews t
rains in what formerly was the dry
( ( Ion. A few years ago it was comn
out on the plains to sloop out on
ground with impunity , but now it wo
aot bo so safe out in the moist grass.
crease of moisture favors the growth
fall grass , which displaces the short bu
lo grass , and that in turn serves ai
mulch to prevent too rapid ovaporati
Thus the desert place becomes a frui
field , and regions that but a few yc
ago were supposed to bo suited only
grazing , are adapted to general farm !
And instead of herds of antelopes , bu
lo , wild cattle and horses , wo see WIJM
fields of grain , the gleam of the shin
share , and the homo of the
ouocr. Fifteen years ago it was _ coci
orod audacious to think of farming
yong the Big Blue ; now thowholo reg
for ICO miles further west , is doni
settled by thrifty farmers , and thousa
are traveling farther west with fair pi
poets of success. Up to date this y
the rain fall has been as abundant
Kearney as at the Missouri river. Cr
look equally promising. Practical fai
ors from the older counties have ren
their farms and gene west to ayail th (
solves of a free farm in the newer pai
and they generally are well pleased.
The soil west c f the center of the st
in Bomo regions ia moro or loss son
and this has led some in hn
to condemn the whole rogi
Bub a reasonable admixture
sand is really a desirable th
where the growing season is short.
the plains are aottlod up wo hear loss n
loss of drouth , hot winds , alkali , a
other bugbears that used to hold ba
the adventurous. The theoretical lit
of the "ono hundredth meridian"
likely to move westward , if indeed ,
does not cease altogether , and from t
river to the mountains a prosperous i
glen shall gladden the industrious lu
Sandman. In this vast region there ai
and perhaps over will bo , some sandy ai
alkali wastes that are unavailable. B
that multitudes shall como and find got
domes seams manifest destiny.
Solid Comfort ,
Every ono likes to take solid comfort and
nay be enjoyed by every ono who koopsKI
iey-Wort in the house and takes a few doe
it the first symptoms of an attack of Malar !
[ Ihouinatism , Biliousness , Jaundlco or ai
ifToction of the LIver , Kidneys or Bowels.
s [ a purely vegetable compound of reel
eaves and berries known to have spec !
raluo In kidney troubles. Added to thoao a
omodies acting directly on the Liver ai
Sowols. It removes the causa of disease ai
ortifies the system against now attacks.
lomalning in the ] Omaha postofEco for tl
, 'cek ending July 19 :
ibbvhl D 2 Knistofcrson A
Liidorsou A J Kreger II
> .nnasado F Kuhn M
.ndorson O F Kunkel R
.pple F E Mothmnn J
.rinstrongE 0 Lowls J W
aalan E F Tjvnam Cj
aker C A McClellan Wm
aty E McClelland Itothory ]
ellJ .T McCnrn J
evering J McCuo T
sboB McGHnner G
idwell Wm McNaughten T II
rady J McNuIty Mr
raurs F McQueen J
ooar A F Marshal E J
rownT W Meyer F J
ucho H J MerenkorfL
urgan J G. Miller F C
ampboll F Monroe K
impbell 0 Moora R F
tiriitensen A Goo Mossett J
Nickerson C
oo ME Norclins F v
owan & Go Norlandnr W N
ozzens'R O'Brien J B
rumor A H Olson O 2
unningham A O'JNielOA
> alton M B Peck W P
lompsoy C Peterson J P
> ! ety I O Peterson P II
Ullon A C Pottlto O
lonoyWC Phillip * A
'onnvon ' W J Pohl Air
'ostor ' W Priestl T C
aufherty J A Ptoszay J
reits A Quinn J
c lmrrt A Hector A C
mmerfon J Kemn G
mat P 2 Kopus J H
twoll O Richard H
fans W Rollins G Vf
irgusnn A W Ruth II Y
) loy T Ryland J
irbea C Handera A
isterTII Sedgwick T V
icbsohr J Sohon J
irnoheartL H Shea J
ttor.i A Sheedy D
Sheppard G'
iiirlmrGT Sherman W 2
arK Sibloy J n
unllton T Skott J
msen O Smith Bros
iys U Smith F
ikau B Smith Win
mdry J A Spauldiog ( } S
muiugson II KwensBon C
illock O M Tracy J C
iiA F Tyrral W , T
inner W W Walker O K
ipkina C Wnuzh Wm
ulov > T Way DA
ird'SL Weiser J F 3
! u F Weist .r B
inson .T A 2
m.ioM S White C II
tby F Wtlllo W
rlifeuu AHoy AVillHon G
Hey II Wilson C A
iiilull E WilKou .f II
nyon W E Wllst n J M
rnsCA Wilson H
igmaii K F Wlnguist J W
Uinnn Win Woodanl Wm
utacn O Young HJ
an Mrs K G Kaley Mrs P
an Miss M Keller Mra J
KII MIfs L Kennedy M L
iloreon Mia A KlIldeorMins M
ton Mrs M Kingdtone Mrs G
itin Miss L Knight Mrs T
mton Mrs O W Lamar K
ihov Miss L Larson Miss M !
; o Mrs K Lareon Mlsa II
npboll Mrs R 0 Lay Mrs S E
rk Mrs F Lenord Miss L '
rk Mrs W A Liudekog MIrs 0
Miss M S Lomhordy Miss F
: oy E McClellon Mrd S
bltt MIsa A D L Macibold Misa A
: Mrs B Mitchell MIsa L
rom Mrs R O HdntrosoMissF
, n Mrs J 2 Morgou Mrs K O
n Mm 3 J Morgan Mm II R
ring MiasIM Morrison Mru W
Vltt MM G Mortino Misi F
kman MUs A Kelson MIsa M
iistbln B Nightingale Miss N
nhack Mrs L Nllsaon Miss II C2
nMrslI Pulty Mies M
c Mrs M S Peot Mlts M
i Mrs II Ponhall II
mr Mrs M X Phelps Mrs E
egher Miss B Pauii Mlaa L
ogher Mrs W Pribnow Mrs II
,11 pee Miss P Rawron Mrs W
: oi nio R ReimlcU F
in Mrs R Helmut O
ndjean Miss A Ithodes Mrs M
L Richards G 2
Rlchardaen MIsa R J
tapion Mrs A Robbius Mrd L A
nuer MIfs R RtiicherMrs A
tier Mint O Sherou MiiH A
imond Mrs F Kioavo Mra A
11 Mm O S Kivorttcn Miaj B
tiuitt MIsa M E Lmith MI u M
I Mrs T Smith Mis H 0
Ingtun Miia N Sovoiis n MUa K
: ookMrsi > M KtoverMfuH
Mrs M J Wolkcr Mra 0
Mrs E Wvllace MIB M
nn Mrs E M Woigor Jfru S B
neo Mr * * . ! Wutrpu Mrs 13
vlex ilisj J 0 Weiincitun L
tM Willlairi Hra N
ard Mini L WiUon Mm
: olU Mrs M WluUrr ( .MUs D
sou Mrs U A Wluu MUi L
sun Mis * .M Wimilng Mi * B
iron Mid 0 Wixiillia Mrs
ra E II
A * m. ' b * ' AW - * jtJF
ron in ourlr
.Kldnoy & LIver Uricbfs V
Troubles , cue , rains
the Back , Lei
'madder , tJrlnory orBiJc , Hot
nd I4vcr DlBCiuo , | U < ra or Ko ;
Drop y , Ornvcliind Rotontlon ,
( ffrlno.
It cum DUIousnMS , ncadiche , Jaundice , Bon
Btomoch , Dyipepsin , Conitlpallon and Plica.
and cures Intcmpcranco , Konroua Dlsoooci
Qoncml Debility , Eiccsscs and
Fcmalo Wcaknees.
It restores the K1DNE7S , LTVEIl and HOW
SLS , to a. healthy action and CURE3 when n !
othermedlcineabll. Hundreds have been eavci
who have bcca clvcn up to die by fricndi ant
I'rlcc l.SC. Send for niustratcd Pamphlet ti
HUNT'S 11GMEDV CO. , I'rovlilcner , It. I.
, FOIl
"Kidney-Wort ia the moat auccosiful rcmodj
I ever use J. " Br. P. O. Ballou.Moakton.Vt.
"Kidney-Wort is always reliable. "
Dr. B. K. Clark , So. Hero , Vt.
"Kidn cy-Wort has ourod ray w Ub aflcr two yean
Buffering. " Dr. O. M. Summcrlln , Bun 11111 , Oa ,
It has cured where all else had failed. It is mild ,
but efficient. CEUTA1N IN ITS ACTION , but
harmless In all cases.
lyltclcnnicn the Blood and Btrcngtheni and
Blres New Ufe to all the important orirana ol
the body. The natural action of the Kidneys is
restored. The liiycr is cleansed of all disease ,
and the Bowola move freely and healthfully.
In this vray the worst diseases are eradicated
from the system. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3
rniaE , fioo TjqriD on DRT , SOLD DI Dncacisrs.
Dry can be Bent by mail.
WCLLS , llICIIAJmsoN ACO.Ourllnffton Vt.
. An
uuilllnj ( euro for
> Semlual Weak-
* ncsa.Spcrmntorr-
hcoa , Impotenoy ,
and til Dlaeasoa
that follow as a
sequence of Self-
Abuse ; as loss of *
Memory * Unlvor- - - .
. txie Jtudo.rain AFTER TAEIH
i the Book , Dlmn M t Vision , Protni
id jnany other diseases that lead to | o :
imptlon and a Premature Grave.
BKWARB ot adrcrtljcmcnta to rotnnd money , whi
rugglsta from when ilio medicine la bou do n
\fund \ , but refer you to the manufacturers , and tl
iqulreinonta are such that they are seldom , if eve
implied with , flee thtlr written guarantee. A trl
one single package of Gray's Specific will oonvlni
e most skeptical of Its real merits.
On account o counterfeiters , we have adopted tl
sllow Wrapper ; the only genuine.
CTTuIl particulars In out pamphlet , which wed
e to eouil free by mall to every one. fiTTho Sp
lo Ucdl luo la sold by all druggists at 91 per ptcl
o , or elx packages for ? 5 , or will bo sent free t
ill on the receipt of the money , by addressing
Id n Omaha 1 " < < > > . Jy 18m8 >
iiy 'AV or
incctlntr In l.'nlon Icot9 ) ) tit Kiin-us Cll
iiiulrn mid Denver with tlnoii li tialin lor
And nil points In tliu Gicut'iiat. .
meeting ill ( j'rmul I'nlon Uo ] > t nt Uhluugo
with through trains lor
, JfOA'rOJV ,
And nil iiitturii : Cities.
tPeorln with tliuiimh tmlns lor Indlnnap.
i , Clnclniintl , Coliiiiibns , nnd nil ] > oliitH In
SDUtli.Knst. At St. Louis with
Ins for ull points South.
IcgnntPay Coaches , I'm lor Caru , Mlth Ho.
lint ; Oliali-s ( scuts lire ) , Sniokliii , ' Cure with
olvliif ; Cliuli-H , rnllnmn rulaco Slcuiilni ;
3 nnd tliu tuitions o. It. &Q. Ilnln Curs
dully Umnd from OhlciiKo nnd Kansns City ,
ciiKonnd Council lllulls : Clilcao and DC
Ines , chlciiBO , St. Josciili , Atchlson nnd
iclta without olmiiKQ. Only thioiiRli line
nlng thulr own tnilns hctwecn Cliicneu ,
coin nnd Denver , nnd ChluiiKo , Knnsas
/ und Denver , Thronirh cnrs liutwuon
Iniiaiwlls nnd Council lllulls , via 1'vorla.
illd Tmlns of KU 'iuit Day Coaehcs nnd
linan rulaciiSlcoiiliiir Cars nrn run dully to
from bt. I.ouls ; vlu Hannibal ; ( jnlncy ,
ikuk , IluilliiKton , Cednr llaplds and Albeit
to St. 1'aul and MlnneaMllH ; 1111 lor Cars
li lifcilnlni ; Chali-s to and liom til. JonU
1'4'orln. Only ono clmnco of cars bctwi-en
: .oiiUnnl ( DCH Molne.s , 1o\\n , Lincoln , No.
ika.nnil Denver , Colorado.
t Is also tlio only TliroiiKli Line bfctwccn
Is knonn ai tlui Kreitt TIJKOUiill OAU
n of Atiiurlcit , uiul lit uulvei-M.dly itilinlt-
to bo tlio
tst Eauipped Eallrcad In the World for
all classes of Travel.
trough Tickets viu tills line fur ( . .ilo ptnl-
riniixiu tlckeiolllcua lu tlio UuHcU.itatce
Canada ,
i Mil fter Gful' < f > H'Vsi-fc * *
Bir ix rut WOIID ,
Mill.afr. AJlrw ,
Owing to the increase
in our business we've
admitted to the firm
Ur Edwin Davis.who
is well and favorably
( mown in Omaha.This
ivill enable ustohan-
ile an increased list
) f property. We ask
jhose who1 have desi
rable property for place the same
. The new firm
13 South 14th St ,