Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 22, 1884, Image 1

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The Next VicoPmidontoftliG United
States Speaks in no Uncertain Tones ,
In His Letter of Acceptance oi
the Republican Nomination !
His Argument for American Labor -
bor Ahead of Butler's ' Bnncomb
His Predilection for the Tariff
Moro Outspoken than Blaine ,
Ho Would bo Willing to Build a
Chinese Wall to I Protect us (
Ho Eeiterates.Elaine's ' Ideas as
. to South American Relations
The Oivil Service Question Turned
With Bee End to Democracy
"To the Victors Belong the
Spoils" Quoted to Them ,
All the Prominent I'ulillo Question
Touched on AVItli Consider
able Kmplmsls.
WASHINO.IOX , July 21. The following is
General Logan's latter accepting thu nomi
nation : i
WAHHINOTON , D. C , July 10 , 18S4 Dear
Sir : Having received from you on the 21th of
Juno the official notification of my nomination
Iif the national republican com rait too as the
republican candidate for vice president of tliu
United Stater , atuT considering it to ha the
duty of every man devoting himself to the
public uervioo to UBDUUIO nuy position to which
ha may be cilled by the voice of hia country
men , I accept the nomination with a grateful
heart and a deep sense of its roupjnsibihtlej ;
and if elected shall endeavor to discharger the
dutio ? of theollicoto the best of my anility.
This honor , as is well understood , was wholly
unsought by me. That it was tendered by the
representatives of the party in a manner so
fiattering will servo to lighten whatever
labors 1 may bo called nuou to perform.
Although the variety of subjects covered ia
.tho very excellent nud vigorous declaration of
principles adopted by the late convention
prohibits , up > n an ocasiou calling for brevi
ty of oipresaiou , tlut full elaboration of
which they nro susceptible , I avail myself
of party usaga to signify my aporoval of the
various resolutions of tlio platform , and to
discuss them brietly.
Ths rsiolutlons oftho platform declaring
for such duties to aiford security to our
dirersifiod industries , protection to the rights
And wages of labor , to the end that active and
intelligent labor , as well as capital , tuny have
itajuit award and the laboring man bU full
share in the national prosperity , meets my
hearty approval.
If there bo a nation on the face of the oartb
which might , if it were n desirable thing ,
build a wall upon its every boundary Hue ,
deny communion to nil the world , and proceed -
coed to live upon its own resources and pro
ductions , that country iajtho United States.
There is hardly a necessity of civilized com
munities which can not bo produced from
the extraordinary resources of our several
states and territories with their manufactories ,
mines , farms , timber lands and water ways.
This circnutancc , tnkeu in connection with
the fact that our form of government Is
entirely unique among the nations of tlio
world , makes it utterly absutd to institute
-comparisons between our own economic sys
tems and those of other government ! ,
and especially to attempt to borrow BJ-H-
toms from them. Wo stand nlono In 'our
circumstances , our forces , our possibilities ,
and our aspirations. In nil successful gov
ernments it is a prime rormiiito that capital
and labor should bo upon thu hot terms and
that both&ihould enjoy the highwt attainable
prosperity. If there tie n disturbance of the
just balance between them , ono or the other
imlTorH and dissati3fation folloirs , which is
harmful to both. Thu Itsaons furbished by a
hUtory of our own national lifo have luen too
much overlooked by our people. The
fundamental article in th old democratic
creed proclaimed almost abao ute free trade ,
and this , too , no more than a quarter of a
century ogo. The low condition of our
national credit , tha financial and bnilneia un
certainties , and general lacV of proiporlty un
der th t system , can bo remembered by ovury
man now in middle lifo although in great
number of reforms instituted by the republican
party aufilcient credit lus not been pullicly
awuided to tlut of taritf reform. Its benefits
hare nevertheless been felt throughout the land
The principle umlerljing thU measure 1m
baou In the process of gradual development by
thu republican p rty during a cornp r.vlvoly
brief period of its ( wwer ; nud to-day u portion
of Its AiiUqutttud democratic opponents make
unwilling concessions and oorroctions
of an equitably adjusted protective tarilT by
followlrg in it * foowters , tliouah a very long
way in the rear. Thu principle Involved is
-one of no great obtcurlty , and cm ha readily
comprehended by any lucalligent person cihn-
ly rollecting upon it The political and tocial
relations cfBomo of our trado-compatiwr na
tions have created working cl es inljerablo
in the oxtrenio. They rtcuivo the inerwt tti-
paid for their daily ted , and are ia great ox-
l ne for the. necee.-iltfe.-i of lifo , are deprived
ot UioHu comforts of clothing , housing and
huiltli produciiiK food wl h which wnolointno
moiitalandBOciklntcrca ion can alone make ox-
iitonco deeirablo. Nor if the products of thovi
nro to IKI placed ia our luirksts al'mgtiilu
American prodncU eitjier the American cap
italist mutt uuffer In liu li ritiinata proliti , or
lie must make the American Uborer iiilfer , Iu
an nttompt to coropoto with thospoclt'dof labor
nbuvu rolerriwl to. In cat > o of substantial
roduollon of pay tlnni CIB bo uocouiponittivo
advinUaen for thu Ainwlcta labor because
the article * of daily consumption , which r >
USQH , with th ticpptlou of uUcloi nut pro-
< lucd ) in the Unit < ! < l States , and ara o ay of
bolng t\rfit\\j \ provided fur , M ooffo * and te ,
nro grown In our own country , nd would not
bo nlfrctod in pric * by tha lowariog of dutlw.
Thvtfort , while ho wtuld ro ive
ln for his Ubor , hit cost of
livitK would not bo roda d. lielnr
pr ctic ll7 placed upon thu p T of the ] ] " .uro-
| x'a Ubor. our own would L aepriTntf of the
lndUtlfvi for ediifritiog a/l suitauung hit
fnmiljr r § pect blTi h would b thorn of tin
proper opportunitlm of wlf Improvement , aud
hia T Juo B cititon , ehtrgtd with portiot ot
the obllir Uorii ot the govriirnnottpoald bf
jenfOM'l ; th moral ton * of tb * laboring cUss
would Buffer , uid In turn Ue mUrrjts of
capital nd th wdl-boitg of onloily citi/eoi
In ir DSr l wfiulrl ba raenicoj , whll * OB * CTU
would it ct upom mother until then would
N & frontri.1 dickerbmim of the whol * com
munity , 'Hi * true iirobl m of good Mid
HUble rovemraent li now to Infus * p.osprl 7
nmo ( ? all tltrtn , * { piopli > tk * in nufAckuror ,
farmer , m ch no And Ubor JJt * .
Kueh rroupprlty In ptT ntlva of eritne , Mi4
o.u < ty to caplUl nd tliu very l wt guwnUt
of iKoe and happiuM * . Th obvloua
ef our po\ernm ut li to prolwt butli
and labor by proper imposition duties. This
protection thould extend to every Article of
American production which goes to build uj
the general prosperity of our people.
Tlia national convention , In view of the spe
cial dangers menacing the wool Interests of the
United States , deemed it wise to nJopt sopn-
rate resolutions on the nubjoct of it * proper
protection. This Industry upon n prosperous
basis nhould bo extended. No nnoirc liz'v
moro fully than myself the great delicacy anil
difficulty of adjiutlng the tarilT so nicely and
equitably us to protect every homo Industry ,
sustain every class of American labor , promote
to the highest neint our great eRrlcultural
intcroHts , nnd at tlio satno to give to give ono
and advantages pertaining to foreign prod via.
lions not in competition wlth.our our own , thus
not only building up our foreign oomuiorco ,
but taking measures to carry it 'on our own
bottoms. Difficult ru thii work hppoara , and
really in , it ia suscoptlblo of accomplishment
by patiuut nnd lutolllgont labor , and to 116
hands can it bo committed with ns
assurance of success ta to thoao of 'tho ' republican
lican party.
The Hoimbllcan party Is th ? , umliiputnblo
author of the financial monetary tysteni
which it la safe to say haa never before been
oaualloil by that of any otlior nation. Under
the oporatiou of our Hystcni of finance , the
country was dafoly carried through an 01 tend
ed and oxponslvd war , wlth'u nation * ! credit
which has riaou higher wjth oach. auccedlng
year , until now the credit of the United
Btatoa la surpascd by that of no otlior nation ,
while its securities , at n constantly increasing
promliim , are eagerly sought after by invest
ors in all _ parts of the world. _ Our system of
currency is tlio most ndviiablo iu construction ,
whllo all convonloncieA of bill circulation at
tach to It. IJTory dollar of paper represents a
dollar of the world's money , standard ; nnd as
long as the just and wise policy of the repub
lican party id continued , there can bo no i in-
pftirmcnt of the national crodit. Therefore
imd&r the present laws relating thereto , it will
ho impossible for any man to lose it penny In
bonds or .bills of tin United States or in billa
of the ratio 3al banks. The advantage of hav
ing a bauic note iu tiio house which will bo as
good in the morning as It was the eight bo
foro. should bo appreciated by all.
The Convertibility of the currency should
bo maintained intact , and the
establishment of an international
standard among all commercial nations , filing
the relative values of gold aud silver coinage
would bo a moaauro of peculiar advantage. '
The subjects embraced iu the resolutions
respectively looking to tha promotion of our
ntor-stato and foreign commerce , nnd to the
matter of oor foreign relations ore fraught
with great importance to our people. In
espact to inter-atoto commerce , there Is much
, o bo desired iu the way of equitable rotes and
acilities for transportation , that commerce
may flow freely to the btitcs themselves , 'the
diversity of industries and employments bo
iromotou iu all sections of our country , nnd
tha great granaries and manufacturing
establishments of the interior may bo enabled ,
to send their product ! to the seaboard for
shipment to foreign countries , Relieved of
vexatious restrictions nud discriminations in
natters of which it nay emphatically be said ,
'tiino is money , " and also of unjust charges
luon articles destined to moot close competi-
ion from the products of other parts of the
As to our foreign commerce , the enormous
rrotvth of our industries , and our mirprioinir
inxluctlous of cereals and other noceisitius of
ife , Imperatively require that immediate and
effective means bo taken through peaceful , or-
ierly and connervatlvo methods to open mar-
cets. which have been , and1 are now monopo-
Ized largely by other nations. This inoro
mrticulorly relates to
otm BISTER nEi'unuca
of Spanish America as also to our friends the
jeoplo of the Brazilian Empire. The rrpnb
icrof Spanith America are allio.1 to us by the
eldest and wannest feelings , bxeed upon n
similarity of institutions nud government ,
common aspirations and mutual hopes. The
'Groat Republic , " as they proudly term the
Jnitcd States , is looked upon by their people
ple with affectionate admiration , nnd as a
model for them to build upon , and wo should
cultivate between thorn nnd ourselves closer
commercial relations , which will blhd nil to-
jether by ties of friendly intercourse and rnu-
.ual advantage. Further than this , being
small commonwealths in the military and
mval Bensu of European powers , they
ook to us sa , at least , as a moral
defender against n system of territorial and
otlior encroachments which , aggressive In the
list , has not bean abandoned at this day ,
diplomacy and intrigue have done much moro
o wrest the commerce of Spanish America
rom the United States than has legitimate
commciclal competition. Politically , wo should
jo bound to the republics ot our continent by
, ho closott ties nd communication. Ships
and railroad * should bo encouraged to the
'ullestiiosslbloextent [ consistent with a wise
and conservative public policy. Above all ,
wo should bo upon such terms of frioiKJuhip
ts to preclude tbo possibility of n national inid-
mdurstundings between ourselves nnd any
iiomborH of the American republican family. ,
riio beat method to promote uninterrupted
juaco between ono and nil would bo in the
netting of a general conference or congress , i
whereby an agreement to submit all inter
national dilfereuces to til ) peaceful decision
of friendly arbitration might bd reached. An
agreement of this kind would give
.a . our ulster republics confidence in each
> ther and In us closer comiminic tl < .n would nt
once ensue , rociuroctlly adviinUgeouii ; com-
uurcial troatio * might bujiiudn irhereby much
of the commerce wiuch now tlow auroHU the
Atlantic would seek its legitimateuLiunelB
in& loHiire to tlio gro tor p-ohiil'rity of all the
Arnei icnn commonwaalths. The full ndvan-
a'1" of a policy of thii nature could not bo
tatjd In a brlof discussion like the present.
T 10 United .States has grown to bo n gov
ern lent representing moro tlun f > 0,000,000
pee ' o , and in nverjr eunso excepting that of
me t naval power , ID one of the first nitiouti
in aia world AH such Iti cltizonshlp ihould bo
va i ihlo , entitling Its posxis er lo protection
ia avery quarter of the globe. 1 do notcoueidsr
that our government should con
struct enormous fleets of improved Ironclads
and malntiiu a ooinnioi.urato body of
seamen in ordorto plica oiiiBolvoa on a war
fooling with the milltury and naval pow
ers of Uuropo. Such course would not bo
compatible with tin ? peaceful policy of our
country , though it loenw absurd that wo have
nut olfictivo means to repel the wanton inva
sion of our coast nnd give protection lo our towns and cities against any power ,
The great moral furco of our country It
so uiuvernally rotognizod nsto render an ap
peal to arms by us , either in the protec
tion of our cltl'aus abroad or In the recogni
tion ( of any just international right ,
( imU ) Improbable , What wo most need In this
direction U the linn and the vigorous assertion
of every right and privilege Moiiflca to our
/ovurnmont or its citizens , an well at an
equally firm assertion of the rig lite and privi
leges bcloturlag to tlio general family of Amor-
iian republics situated upon this continent.
When oppOB d , If over they tboiild be , by dif
ferent H/itoms of government upon nootber
continent , an appeal to the rik'bt by BUCI a
roTemrnent M out K could mot bo dlu-t < gardd
UT any dvlllted nation. In the treaty of
Waaulnjrton wo ltd the world to the means of
eieapo ( torn the borrore of war , aud it ie to La
hoped that the era wlien all international dif
ferences ihell bo decided by peaceful erbilra-
lion is not far off ,
X < JUAL NIOHTr ) Of CITI7.SHiir. |
The cnntral Idea of a republic * ! ! form of
govemmuat IB the role of the whole people.
Ai opptsed to other formi which n > tupou tha
prirlUfo-I claM our fore'athr' , < n an itwinpt
to erect a new government which mcht ! rep-
intent the advantfld thought nf the world at
th t period upon the ubjrat of governmental
reform , adopter ! tbo Idea of rxy > plu'n novcroiiu ;
ty , and tbu % laid the brii of our r > r n < at re-
pnblle. VThllu teJmlc lly n govrmment of
the ptopU , It was in Htrictne s only a govern-
ina of portion of the people , excluding from
nil participation a certain other portion held
la the conditltn of abtolate , de xitlc end
hop leti servitude , Iko parallel to bich , for
tuneUly , doe not now exist In any niorlivr :
cLrutlAU uatlou. With the culuiiuation , how
over , of another cycle of advanced thought ,
the American republic suddenly assumed the
full character of n government of the holc
people , aud four million humnn croaluros
emerged from the condition of bondsmen to
the full t tn of freemen , theoretically in
vested with thn ( iimu chll nnd political
rights poMoased by their former masters. Tlio
ititaoqucnt leKinlntion guaranteed wns
by every legal tltlo of clUzeushlp aud full
ciuality ] before the law In nil re. pocl to this
previously disfranchised people and amply
covers rcqulri'mont * nnd Bocnren to them , so
far ns Ingulatlon can , thu privilege of Ameri
can citizenship. Hut the disagMoablo fact of
the cone , is thnt while theoretically , we nro In
the enjoyment of n government by the whole
people , prnctcnlv ! ! wo nro almost 0.1 far from
It as wo were In the nntl-bclllum days of the
republic. There nro but a few leading and In *
dUputablo facts which cover the whole ftUto-
mcnt of the cage. In many southern states
Uiocolortvl _ population is in largo excess of
white. The colored people are republican * ,
as are also a connldorablo | x > rtion ot the white
people. The remaining portion of the latter
are democrats , In the fooaof this Incontosti-
bio truth these plates Invatiably return doino-
cratto majorities. Iu other etatos of the south'
the colored people , although not n majority
from n very considerable body of the popula
tion , nnd with whlto republicans nro numeri
cally in excess of the democrats , yet iirccwoly
the eamo political result obtnini , the demo
cratic party invariably carrying elections. It
is not even thought advisable to rdlow nn oc-
c.inlouanl or unimportant election to bo car-
ri d by republicans as n "blind" or on n stroke
of finesse. Careful nnd impartial investiga
tion has shown these results to follou- _ the
systematic e.xorcisoot physical intimidation
nnd violence , coiijurod with the most shamo-
fill dovicoj over practiced in the name of free
elections. So confirmed has this result become
that wo nro brought face to face with the ox-
traordlnnry political fact that .the democratic
liarty of the nouth relics nlmoat entirely upon
the method stated for snccoss in the national
election. This unlawful puiBuasion of the
popular franchise , which 1 desire to stale dis
passionately nnd In a manner comporting
with the proper dignity of the
occasion , ia ono ot deep gravity
to the American people In rt double xango.
First , it is in violation , open , direct and flag
rant , of the primary principle upon which our
government is supposed to rest , viz. , that the
control of the povcrnmout it participated in
by all legally qualified citizens in accordance
with the plan of popular govenimcnt , that ma
jorities must rule in the decision of nil ques
tions. Second , it is in violation of the rights
aud interests of the ( tales wherein nro par
ticularly centered the great wealth nnd in
dustries of the nation , nud which p y nu over
whelming portion of the national tnxcs. The
immense nggregation of Interests embraced
within nnd tlio enormously preater ] > opulation
of tiicao other elates of the union
ire subjected every four years to the daubers
> f a wholly fraudulent show of numerical
strength. Under this system minorities
actually attempted to direct the course of
notional alfairs , and though up to this tiino
BiiccesK has not attended their efforts to elect
t president , yet success lias boon BO perilously
mminent as to encourage a repetition of .the
effort nt each quidrieunial election , nud
jubject the interests of an overwhelming ma-
ority of cur people , north nnd south ,
, o the hazards of illegal subvonion. The
stereotyped argument In refutation of these
> lain truths is that if the republican ulemeut
wus really iu the majority they could not bo
ileprived of their rights and privileges by a
minority , but neither by statistics of popula
tion nor by the unavoidable logic can the situ
ation bo over-ridden. The colored people of
, ho south have recently emerged from the
jondage of their proiont political ppprpssors.
Tney have had but few advantages of educa
tion which might ouablo them to compete
with the whites. As I have heretofore main
lined , In order to achieve the ideal perfection
of popular government it IB absolutely neces
sary that thu masses should bo educated. This
proposition npplim itself with full force to
the colored people of the south , They must
lave better educational advantages and thus
jo enabled to become the Intellectual Deere of
, ber ! wbl to brethren , as many of'them already'
are. A liberal school system should bo pro
vided for the generations of the south , and
the colored people bo made as capable of ex
ercising the duties of electors ai the whlto
joojile. In the meantime it is the duty of the
lational government to go beyond resolutions
and declarations on the _ subject
nud to take such action as may bo In its pow
er to secure the absolute freedom of national
elections everywhere ; to that end our congress
may cease to contain members representing
ilctltiouH majorities of their people , thus inis-
llrocting the popular will concerning national
opialtttion , and especially to the end that In
presidential contexts the great business and
other interests of the country may not bo
) laced in fpar and trembling lest an unicrupu-
OUH minority ehould succeed in stilling the
wishes of the majority. In accordance with
.he ppirlt of the last resolution of the Chicago
ilatform meaiurtH should be taken at once to
remedy this great evil.
Under our liberal Institutions subjects and
citizens of every nation hnva been welcomed
.o bourns in our midst ; and , in compliance with
air laws , toco-oparationwith our oovBrnmont.
While it is the r > olicy of the republican party
, o encourage the oppressed of otlior nation ! ) ,
ind oiler thorn facilitiivi for becoming uso-
ul and intelligent citizens In the legal
jelinition of the turm , the party has never
3'jutemplntBd the ndmiinionof n claw of servile
leoiilo who are not only unable to comprehend
3iir institution' , but imlisjHjbed to become part
Df our national family or embrace any higher
jivilizatiou than their own. To annilt
well immigrants would only bo ( to throw
i retarding olcment into the very path of
jur progress. Our legislation should bo
imply protective ntfiiiuxt this danger , and
f nut Nuflicontly BO now should bo madatio
, o tlio full extent allowed by our tieaties with
riondly powers.
The subject of civil service administration
s a problem that , ltan occupied the onrnout
; h ught of s atoimen for a numtwr of years
last , and the record will uhow that towards
In solution many results ofn valuable and
iomprohoniivo character have been attained
jy the republican party uinco its nccesslon to
> ywer , In the partisan warfare mode upon
.Le latter with a view to weakening it in
rabllc coufidonco , a grout deal has lirun alleged
n connection with the alnite of the civil
ncmuo , the party making the icdi criminto
cliorgoH seeming to liavo entirely forvotten
, hat it was under the full Hway of tbo demo
cratic organization thnt the inotto "To the
victors belong the f poil-i , " boc.imo a cardinal
article In tbo democratic cr d. AVIth ade-
.orLniiiaUon to i-lovato our govornrniiotal nil-
mlnistratiou to the bUndanl of jmtioc , uxcul-
once and publio moralitytho republican party
iau Bouulously oudeitvored to lay
Jie foundation of a 8 > Titcm which hball roach
, ho high&et porfoetion undur tlio plaetio hand
of tlmo and accumulating experience. The
problem Is ODO of far grtatir Intricacy than
ippears upon ( superficial cbunldaratlon , and
embraces iiurgCHtionti of how lo avoid abuses
[ KMsibla to tha lodgment of an Inunento nmn-
jer of upiiaintuicnu In the hands of tlio exe
cutive , of huw to give ( laoouru i'intnt and to
irovolro eumlatioii Iu the various
overnmont employes In order that
, hey ny Htrivo for jrfoficlcnoy
nuu roet their hop of advanceinoat UJHJII tha
attributes uf oflldal merit , txxl conduct nd
oiecaplary bouetty ; imd how beet to avoid the
will wealing a priviln vd chug in the govern-
mtnt aervlce , wfaicb , In ioJtation of JCurooau ]
prototype * , may gradually low all proficiency
and raluo in tbo boliuf Uiat ( key ponneen u lifo
Oiilin ( , only to Ixi tak u away U oaio of oonio
Ibfiraot ubiuf. The tblnWig , ramett men of
tlio republican party have miwlo no roero
wrrrdy demonstration upon thii , but they lutvo
endeavored to quietly puforai that which
their opponents rue c < utaMty prnmlning
without performing , Uider n pub
lican rule the n alt lu * br n tbet
wiitout eifr/ralUag / any ohjucUoanble
featnri-e 'if the Knropeui ny Uw ipon onr
ownlbnro ( ban been a irtrady and oven
rapid rJevation of the tivil nrrlcfl in all If
departments , until It can ow ke Hated with
out fear ef imoce. nful ennwadtceion iliat the
icrrlo' ) Ia room juit. muro rAd * t and purer
In all It" foatarM than ever b fof xlnco the
faUlll liia ot of cnr fovcunma ; , aad if do-
ltd eiiet in rmr errtem,9t , eouuUjr can
rely uiion Uu u-publlcou tf ni tbi
moat otlic'.ont Irstrument for their
removal. I am In favor of the highest stand
ard of excellence In the nilmtnistration of the
civil service , nnd will loud my best effort lo
attain tlio highest point ol tha greatest attain
able perfection iu this branch of our service.
The republican party ciine into existence In
the cniiado ngulnst dtino-rntla lustltutlons
ilavory nnd ) > olygainy. The first has been
burled beneath tlio ombots of civll war. The
party thould continue ib efforts' until tlio re
maining inhiulty Mull ditappoixr from our civ
ilization under the force of faithfully executed
laws. "
Tlicro nro aubjoots of liniiortanco which' ' I
would gladly touch upon did fpace permit. I
limit myself to Buying that while there ehould
bo the most rigid economy. In governmental
administration , there ehould bo no self-defeat
ing parnimfiur cither ! in our dom'Mllo or
Foreign nerviop , Olllcial dlihonosty
ibo U bo promptly and reluctantly punishou ,
Our obligations to.thu ilofondoMut our country
should never bo forgoltoii and the liberal
system of poruloui protlled _ ( by tha ro'publicau
[ larty Hhould not Uo iiuparlleil by adverse leg-
gallon , , ,
Thu law oslabluhiruj % labor bureau through
which the Interests of Ubor can bo Vkwod In
nn organized condition I tog.trd M a cnlutory
measure. 'M *
The eight linurj law Wiouhl bo enforced oa
rigidly as any othh'r , >
Wo should incriSAno our navy
to a degree enabling us , to amply protect our
coast lines nnd our commerce , and to plvo us
n force In foreign waters which shall bo ri res-
[ > ectablo and [ iropor re { > rosontntiou of a' coun
try like bur own. I
The publio lands belong to tha people , nnd
should not lo inherited from them , but
reserved for free homos for all persona , desir
ing to powsess them. '
I'lnally , our present Indian policy 'Should
bo continued and inifiriived upon as our ox-
porieucu In Us administration shall from.timo
to tlmo suggest. I have tlio honor to subscribe
my elf , Mr , your obedient servant.
Jon.v ATe
To HON. JOHN 11. HfesiiKiisoH ,
Chairman of Committee.
AI.UANV , N. Y. , Juy 21-lt , P. Bishop , a
delegate to the conv'ootlcn , relates nn "inci
dent which leads him to holiovo that Duller
would not antagonize Olovoland. Bishop Was
v member of thu oammitleo on resolutions ,
Liutler preeoutod eoveral roaolutiona which ho
rejected. In supporting ono hoeaid it was nec
essary for the success of the democrtia parly
and ho was desirous the. party ehould succeed ,
'As I remember , " skid Bishop , "Bullcr's
words were that nothing1 but the triumph of
, ho democratic party , in my opinion , can
rive assurance that our'freo will
luduro for fifty yearn. " ' 'Prom this oxjiros.
siou , " said Btuhuj ) , "I dou't fear nnyjtreublo
on Butler's account.
\VAIKS nioj r
WASHINQTON , July 21. The composition of
ho piib-oommtttco of the house military com-
nlttee , which was directed by the hous.o com-
nitteo fovisitand Invajtigatathomauagcincnl.
of the various Boldlore' hoinoj during recosi ,
las been announced by the chairmaiij Gener
al Ho.iocrauB and is as follows : Slocum , Hur
ray , Steele and Cutchsun. The sub-commit-
eo will meet In I ) ay ton , August Ist'and after
ioncluding its labors will proceed to
VEXSION Al'l'KAt , 'DOAnD. .
Aaron and Dradelmw. of California , Gooreo
Bwlng , of PcunsylvaBltJ nnd Harrwbn ' .li.
LSrnco , of Illinois have Wen appointed inom-
jers of the board of pesonhppoals ! , created
jy the last congress. C.
* .
" - * *
A Slrlkq for iSfinc Hours.
NEWAIIK , July 21. About two thousand
jrick Inyors , three thouaind'lnborers , and two
Hundred hoisting engineers and framers struck
'rom work this mornlcg because their em
ployers refused to grauf their demand that
ilns hours shall constituta a days' work in
stead of ton. The omplcyors who denied the
request say they , can ( 'tt other men to take
, boir places , when the men will bo willing to
return on the old terms. The bosses who
; ranted nlno hours think' tha others foolish as
, hsy will have to yield In the ond.
As fast as the man struck they reported nt
, bo headquarters of their respective unions.
About thirty-five employer * allowed the men
x > go to work on their own terms. Hugh
MoHahon , who has cliargu of the erection of
, lia nuw cotton exchange , says : "Tho building
s iroing up very lively. I do not think the
joss builders can afford to buvo the men go on
n strike an length of time , without suffering
; loss Nearly all the largo builders will
; rant the demand. " *
It Is reported that on many of the jobs
Lbo men were not out ten minutes bo f ere told
; ego to work again. A largo number of bosses
lold out till noon , nnd 'then jieldod , leaving
not over 2,000 on a strike.
Tlio I'rohlbitlonlHtB ,
I'lTTSnuno , July 2L , Arrangement nro
about completed for thbjtho national conven
tion of the prohibition.riid homo prolaclion
larty , which meets hero We < lno day. Not
nero than a dozen delegates have arrived yet ,
nit within the next 21 hour * It is expected all
will bo on tha ground. The Ballluioro dale-
gallon will bo the first to arrlvo this uvwiintr ,
and will bo mnt nt the depot with n band nnd
a reception will bo given later. The Ohio
and western delcgitlons'.will arrive to-morrow ,
and alto the New Ytrk delegation and dolu-
rnlious from tlio eautorn'BUtou.
Gldoon F. Stewart , Upvernor St. John and
Dr K. II. McDonald orb the most prominent
oncsBpokou of for presidential noniiuitlontho
alter being urged ttrongly. It Is said that
g nomlnaUdho will beau the campaign fmid
with a million dollars , end ovou If defeated
or the nomination will contribute liberally.
[ i'rank JifcDonald , n SOD , lias arrived , nud Is
n charge of his father' * canvass.
Sr. I'ETKHBimuo , July * 21. The police oj
Warsaw oelzad 600,000. roubles , numerous
jrodamallous printed Ijrltuaaian nnd 1'olith
BiiKiit OB , Intended for .circulation through
out the empire In the event pf. designs against
, bu Ozar on the second 'vliit 4.0 Wurnaw hav
w been BuccoBiful. f\vo \ torrbr | ts were arreat-
xl In Moscow In whoia' ° .i > oe8o aon was found
largo sums of money , /iynanilte bombs nnd
documents , Tholattor.iOiowod that nlnco the
cir6u tlon of the Czar Moscow had IMOU thu
eoat of the cxecutlvo'.coinmlttoo of NIIJHitu ,
A ttato of tnlio'lirocliliiied at War-
Haw. The governor general nud chief of po-
Joe will bo removed. ; ; NowsuuporH say Kus-
ilaaud Gcruiaoy protxiio the adoption of a
utcrnAtioaal conveullun providing measures
for suppression of dyuarjilteru.
Murder aud Utuuaurc.
LONIMIN , July UJ. Anarchist Kainmnr , In
nlson at Vleuua , coufeuoxi to the uiurdora of
Itaukcr i.lonbart and Huntluol Adelu , nt HUiw-
; uiy , and of Jiaotcr I'.liart , at Hluttgort. Ho
docJarm that HtellmadiOr and other anarclilits
utHUted him , * r >
It is reiiortod from Tetiglers tbut a J'rsnch
comedy troupe travelllug through Algiers were
iwiAKicrod by Araba near tha Moroccan fron
Uor. .
CINCINNATI , July 21. Tlio fact of the death
of lpra k Calvort to a Walnut utreot homo In
Ifhls city y fU-rday U publlshod to-night. Tin
docca < l WM a divorced huibaad of the pren-
out wife of Kx-Oovcmor Hpregua of Illiodt
Inland. Heart trouble wan Uo causa of his
Iionrten NotoH ,
IXWIXl . July 21 , Tha court of npptals
iwitftJnod the vertUot of tbo lower court do
croelng roiuration ( of Ix > rd Colin Oampbel
and irlfe.
PUllIn CSiAlbarn , thu oldoet Vrea M&roa In
ogltmu , died to-day , iig d U7 , llo vu In
ItUtQd Iu 1811.
The Plagncs of Wall Slrcct Mm
Use onto Plague of Europe ,
Oholora Used as a Oudgol by the
Boars to Boar Down Valuosi
Arguing tliat Quarantine Will
Destroy Grain Shipments.
And Oonsoquontly Out Down
Eaihvay Trnnsportationi
2astorn Oroakers Mysteriously
Predict Future Failures ,
Hut Ooiuiiioroo and Triula Continue
to Tnko lth lr Nnturnl Conrno.
TEHUIKini ) TU/vI > I3.
now re is AKFKCTKn iir TUB CIIOI.KIIA.
Special Dispatch to TIIK Bun.
NEW YOUK , July 2L-Cholorn is In the
slock market nnd'profossiouals are holding olT
nwAlting rwwltH , the goueral belief being that
with nny spread of the epidemic , or Its exten
sion to Knglnnd , wo will have no market * for
mrliimioneoKrvuncr.p. There is no doubt
bul thU Is one uf the demornllziug lullucncos
In Wall street to-day and It is accompanied by
where everything wns supposed to bo very
solid , . the gmiornl tonorii wtmk : Tim ore
ind stool companieii' failure in St. Iioiiis
brought out Rome stocks , hut the climies rai
led nud brought to meet offers , nnd the flurry
lasted only a few momenta. Thou cimo n
weaker period. There are rumors of
moro „ trouble in the Iron trndc
with n big company involved
ind.n- prospective embarrassment Is predicted
in the eugar trade , and muro In dry goods ;
butf1 the real point In nny weakness is the
cholera scare , nnd the prospect of a period of
hat will provout graft ! f hlpmcnta. 1'ranco Is
ho oarlieet buyer of American wheat , with
Import * of Toulon and Marseilles closed
igaiiuit ihlps ; fur any vessel that enters thoto
a immediately quarantined and cannot leave )
nd wltli the possibility of Havre being
unrantlnpd also , thu outlook In not promising.
And the quarantine ntNow Orleans only adds
o the boar argument that wo mint retain our
wheat hen- , and as there is no foreign domaud ,
ailroads must carry lew to tldo water points.
Aud houco
if big crops and big earnings l > oc.uiso of thorn
s knocked in the head , and the crop promlso
las boon 'used for the resent put as the back-
ipnoof tlio bullpartlod.
tegular Press Dispatch.
x , N. Y. . July 21 The private bank-
nrbbuiq'of ( ? . < } . Ilall closed itn doors at
td-day.H-luabilit ' * t' > rreallr.o on real
estato-nnUsocurltios is givua an the cause. Thu
bank carried , obout § 90,000 or SltO.OOO.
_ . , AN -
iNDiAKAl'Oi.ia. IND- , July Bl. Win. 'it.
Jlckiion & Co. , lumber ( Ionium made an IIH-
signmont to-day for the benefit of their croji-
.ors. Liabilities , S5i.00 ) ( ; assets' cstimatod at
$ .10,003.
Special Dispatch to THE BKB.
CHIOAUO , July21. But for other people's
nlsfortunes , the bullri end bears nn 'uliango
vould have had a norry day of It. Aputhy
n thu mitsidu and no indication ! ) of any iin-
lodiato local activity conspired to make lo
fty n blue one. The misfortune referred to ,
vhich llghteued somewhat thu gloom imvcl-
ping the boar element of the local crowd , U
ho re | > ortcd failure of the
f St. Louis. According to tlio dispatches
vor private wires , the liabilities of tlio com-
iaiiy are ostlnmlod at fully $ ! ) ,000.000 , with
joiild and other oaslorn capitaliets large
tockholdcn ) . The effect of this report was
almost paralyzing to the stock markets , and
rraln was i > roiortloaatoly | inlluoncod. Tlio
opening price for September wheat was 85i'c ;
a quick docllin soon placed It at Jo lower ; the
opening price recovered before noon , owing
o the moderate demand from the nhoitu ; but
ho recovery WON not ponnanuiit , as about
his time Unfavorable ) reports forced it down
frnln , leaving it , atsthu clcso of the BO/nion
! > c and wuak. Tlioro was no feature. in the
ourso of wheat nor in provision * . Lird ,
ipening for September at 37.22J , cloned flo
ewer , mid ribs thu name.
More Interest attached to corn than nny.
hi UK else , although , to ono not familiarized
whllh tha Intriuaciuti of option dealing there
rould seem to huv been no roanun for It.
) ponlng at 55Jo for .September , corn wild nu
ligh as fi ic. but at the clone uf the bojsion
/as vciry weak at Til rcntu.
The marketu on the uftornoon sostion were
ciak under Incrottcd uircilogx , and piico do-
lliKMlJiind cloned jc lower on wheat , jc on An-
; utt and jo on September corn ; uteudy on oats
nd provisions ,
wa anything but active. J'riccs , how-
vor , undcrwsnt little or no change
B conipured with Saturday , thu bust makings
mlng (110 ( to C 05. Tliuro wor * no utilleru on
ale antTgroHHy lots wcro in fair condition ,
n.tkfng 5 t ( ) to ( i 1)0 ) , whllo thin rraesorx wore
elllng at X 50 to 4 80. Among the arrivals
wuro nearly ( i,000 Tuxaa anil western , inclini
ng 'M cum of Colorados and 20 earn of Mori-
Unas , the latter thu lirut of the BVIIHOII ami
lotKold. The outlook on Tuiaus was for
pu'er prices , yet Hales during the morning
liowed'no ' particular chango. Ktill , it looks
< n caunorn would Juvu to sell lower ,
) notraluof uico littln. Olttlo , uveiaging miler -
lor bOO Ihs , told ut 7C. Tliero wax littla or
.lathing dciing In etdckern and feeders , but the
chanoes were that prices would nile IIH low as
tt week , common natlvo ttock , including
jnlls , selling very low. ( iood to thoico thip-
ilog , l.i-'OO to ltOO : lln , 5 ! H > to U < 0 ; uornmon
.o medium , 1,000 to 1 , 00 lbn , 4 . % to 0 30 ; in-
'orlor to fair COWH , a l > 0 to UOO ; modiuui Iu
good , a 25 to 3 715 ; utocVeis , 00 toI 00 ; feed-
oruI 00 to 4 7 ! > ; grass Toxim Ifio lower ,
7CO to to U53 puundu , ! ! 00 to 4 OS ; bulk 3 CO t <
100 ,
rim gonerM market opened active , with npec <
tUtors and ihlppers the piludj > tl biiyom ,
iitckeru holding elf until lato. 'Jhoro won lit-
lo or no VArittiou on heavy ecrto , the U > t
naking c i\ully in good pHocs 8 tiudiy.
nit towurif Uu ) close seine drovcH tlut trrived
atn nold n ihaJn lower than llioy would have
irought earlitr In thu day , The l > t hiavy
told t ( i tO to 5 CTi , and goorl mixoxJ pucktrH it
r > 10lof ) < n. l < ight sorts MO moro iihintifal ,
a norly every coininlmion firm telegraphed
for some hut wixtk , hence tlujy oc | rut her
iimliir , nnd us oompared with tha hipboxtprino
of HUunUy tlmy Hold oonuiddtkbly lower , bill
iced lots SultmUy wejq , it IH now
said , " cr Uh , " yet for nil that it wau illfli
cult to got nv r & CO io fi 60 for hn > t and Home
nnnvmi lots mlvd nu low H ti 40 , nd a ali
n few fan y lots > old at C 70. Light , ICO
'i 10 pounds US to C 70 ,
I/NDO.f , July 21. The Mark liana Kiprtra
In Itt weekly review of the grain trade , lays
The wwUi3r Uit \ > nwcok niyi ihuvury nui
the trmpaturrt lower , though there wa.i much
iinshlno. Karly whoaU ntn considerably
iKMtcn , l.atovliPnt - , though thcsB crojKi
worn bonclittcd by rain apixiars to bo equal
to the acreage. Hales of liigli * ) ! wheat the
pvt week -cro 31,029 quartern at 3"c. til.
agftin t21 > ,02limiirtersftt 42. M. for the cor-
rmpondlmr week last yrar. The foreign trade
mlocldcdly wuaker ; elf coaU trade won inanl-
mate. There was fair Innlnes . Values ro-
mMn tinclmngfd. There were 19 arrival , 14
falo , U cargoes withdrawn. 13 reiimlnpd , and
1 J cargoes arc now duo. Flour Is qulot , main-
ia BtoAJIcr , bnrloy llrm , nnd oats dull.
al OIlJCS.
nnil Balky.
. . CmCAOO. , IuJy 2t.-Mldiuminer moetlng of
the Chicago driving park. Weather warmj
track fart ; attendance good.
Klrst raco-Kor two.yoaroldfoir fur-
onK4Starter , , : Uolphlno. .Minnlcheo , The
dy Cr
y Hu
a len
, Uelph
Jlinio I0o2 ;
Jjocond raco-ono mile-all ngcs. Htnrtor ;
lowdy Jjoy , Joe Murray , Itnoko , Nlphon ,
lullaril , 1'flot , Ulugii ! . , Arotis , Thady , ( ins.
\ratthows \ and Lanun. A . ( riving nii-oh bo-
jwcon Murray , r cinnn , llullard and Niphon ;
Mnrrny won by a short length , llullanl sec
ond. n head from Nlphon. thinl. Time 1I'J. :
ihinl race nillit.iml n quarter Athlonii
von , hdwln A 2d. Von Mnltku3d : Unu2:11. : .
I'ourth -tliroo-tiniirtur inllo-lloa'ls-
Hujliintliiis won first heat , Adventurer second
and third and race ; tlnio , lltJ ! , Ijiyj , l:19J.
"niniiTON llKACll , July 2l.-N-on Wlnncw.
l-lvo im-longA luunato won , Valparaiso 2d ,
llrotighton 3d ; tlmo 1:01.
Non winncm of tocimd
placo-Fivo fur-
ongH 1-rank Donzou won , Magnun 2d , MIg-
icn 3.1 ; time l03y. ;
Selling allow nnccj Mlle nnd furlong
iliost AI , nnd lAgnn ran n dead heat for the
irstphco , Ammlc3d : tiino 1:674' : ' . In nn
oil , Uliojt (2nd ( ) won In 2:01. :
IlllHO lillll.
At noHton-Jlostrna 4 '
, 1'liilldelphinns 0.
A * Q' ' } ncj-liiluoy ; ) 1 , Saginaw li.
At Colinnhus , O Toledo 1 , Columbus 8.
At Ismv X ork Metropolitans , Urooklyns
At WflKhtngton Unlou-Natlonals 2 , HOB-
tons 3.
Xlio K tnto of the DlHlrnoioil Kil'lor
of the Chicago Xliuns IIU
Wlfo anil Ohililran
i K Tor It.
Special Dispatch to TIIK UEIT.
CIIICAOO. July 21.--Application for neon-
orvator for the eatato of Wilbur ] ' . Storey ,
iroprlctor of the Chicago Times , came up in
ho county court to-day. Tlio heirs who inado
ho application asked leave to withdraw the
irocoodings. The attorneys for Mr. .Story's
dfo asked to have the case rumovud to the
Jnitorl Stxtoa Court. The judge allowed
ho iiroceedlng to bo withdrawn from
ho fact that late In the day proceedings
or a connorvutor were begun again In n some-
vhnt dilforeut form , It uppoars the with-
Irawal wus tnnroly for the purpoto of gottlug
t In a more desirable form. The allegations
s that Mr. Storey Is n distracted pcrion. Ono
if tlio attorneys Biys in an interview thnt
Jr. SStory is a complete mental wreck. The
catato U worth ono million aboveall in-
SlntlBtlcnl Inrormnlinn for Tlielr Fl-
nanulnl Infiirinatlon.
WASIII.NOTO.V , July 21. A jiamphlut Is In
: ourHO of preparation at the statistical bureau
> f'tbo etato department , and will bo ready for
udiuj In about ten months hence , which will
ontain Information of great interest and value
o American manufacturers of ap ricidtural
nachinory. A largo ilumber of requosta for
nformation which the department received
rom this class of'mnnufncturerH ' led Assistant
Secretary of Statn Davis to iireparo a circular
o thu consider otliccrti of the United States
nstrucliug them to obtain and forward such
uformatlon as would ouablo American matin-
acturetH of agricultural implemontH and ma-
liiuery of ttoam , hirrso and hand power , tent
nt < jr into competition with the manufacturers
if otlior nations for that nharo in the world's
rado to which the superiority of their inirnu-
ontltlo tliiia.
A NohniHlcn Gou'-Slulc.
pecinl Dispatch to TUB DEI : .
li'uuuoNr , Nob. , July 21. At thu farm of
MY. C. W. 1'otera , near J.\iitanollo . , Dodge
county , a cow gave birtli to a young femnlo
mile. The specieB of the animal is * o chnrac-
tiiistiu that no iniatako in pOHHlulo. Tlio
young animal was soon by myself and many
thoiti about six day after her bi/th. It has
b'j body , legu and tall of a mule , only the
yen moro resumlla lho ti of a ciilf and two
irotuborancos bctwoon the long cars Indlcato
hat In time two huirm will The cow
nd young itiulo were ptuchan-d for 8500 nnd
ro kept in Washington county at a farm for
ho full development.
I'Ymr Mllow ol NuUrnnku Hull ,
Sjiecial Dispatch to the lieu.
CKNTIIAI. Cirv , July 21. Wo had ono or tin
noHt dJHastrous hnil utoniiB hero about 7
( 'clock on yosturday evening over known ,
which covered about four miles in width , from
ho northwest to Houth ( "Mi , diwtniyini ; every
vestyoof crops in itn path. Farmers report
lothing loft. Wo had the finest protmect
or a crop wo over hod , but it Is all gono. All
ho windows on thii north and went mdei of
ho buihllog iu the p < ith of thu storm are
jroken out.
Rcncirnl Ijii ireet Must Go.
WAHHINOTO.V , July 21. Tlio president has
ailed for llio resignation of ( lunernl Jamm
jong treot. United States marthal for thu
lortlicin district of Goorgla. Tlus is bawd
n the recomniendatlouof [ the attorney general ,
who hid preferred charges agalnsb him for
; tiiel ( Hni and iuHulliciency , and a > kt'd for
iln iinmodlato removal. It n generally tin-
Icrstoir.l hu will bo Hiicct'udud by John K.
A. IjillMiCll OH I'OOI.
Hr. Lot is , July 21. It is Htutod hero that
, ho St. ] < oui < i linseed oil pool , embracing thu
nills of .St. Louis , Omaha , Jliirlington , ( It-
tumwa and nthur country points , formed a
uceUngof ruiresontitiveri ] at Lake Minne-
.oka , Minnosota. a few days ago , and that an
elfort was l ) Ing rriudo to bring in all tin other
country mills. Thu particular of the
n have not yet traiiHjilrud ,
Hon of lui Junior Shot.
iO , July 21. William Hpio # , a BOH of
the editor of the Ailxillflr-Xeituiig , it younti
man 20 yutta of ttgc , atUmptixl with aid o.
two oompaaiiius to ruscno a man whom I'ohco
( Jllicer Tainill hud under urrect. They
osiuiiltod tlio ollicornnd Iw finally drew i revolver -
volver and liinU , wounding .Splc * . The latter
died thin iifleruoon.
'Tim ( Trrftlry Bnrvlvorn.
ST. JOIIN'H , N. J'\ , July 21. Collier , ol tin
Gruoley relief expedition , hockfirry | loft this
N w York. She tJikw the mil
iif thooxpodltlon ud of the ( irceluymrdvorH
( irtoloy'itilrcngtli InHtotrlily inoraiulntr , Hi
cimtlnnm to ho fed and bauiMicttixi by the
leading nlimiR of Ht. Johns , Frederick , Cou
ricll , Ixing , liralvord anil Itcidorbcck are pro
gnuBing tnizingly. The Alert will bo dm
ptlohod IIOIUB in ndvuaog o ( Jlfce ThetU am
the Jtiw , no the uiuadrojl iM roacU New
" * " "
ItisBcineSonnilcdWllliO- and
Clamor in Englf 5
The Vex Popnli is f s , g the
Death March for t . 'd8i
The Tremendous De " * ; rations
for the Franchise ostorday ,
Hyde Park the Soono of Multi-
A Tombstone in the Procession
Carried for the Lordsi
The Cholera Mnklii up In Honro to
Ilio Tlmmp.H AVImt the Ooin-
nuiii 1'ooplo
LONDON , July 21. 2:30 : p. in. The procession
of the trades unions nnd ethers who take
mrt in tlio dotnnnstratlon in favor of the
ranchiso hill nt Hyde park this afternoon , U
now forming on the Thames embankment.
Dhcro Is nn immense attendance.
3:30 : p. nu All approaches from the stand
to the embankment nro thronged , Thousand *
rom all parts of the country cover the era-
lankmont between Charing Crosj nnd Wont-
ndlcato to the various trades union *
ho places where tlioy should as-
emblo. Tim great crowd mauircstn
the utmost good humor nnd the best order
irovuils. No nttompt was in ado
.0 interfere with the procession. Radical
mtriotlo pamimlotH find abilsk Halo among
.ho throng. The 1'rlnca and l'rlnce t of ,
WftliM will witness the procession from Whlto
ire organizing counter demonstration *
, o tlio movement favoring the franchiao >
jlll , to bo hold in this citv and at Liverpool ,
and Manchester. Jord Kodosdalo propoaen
, o gottlo oxlsting dlllictiltlos by adjourning In
stead of proroguing parliament. The govorn-
nout will bring up tlio quostlnn of rcdistrllm-
lon of parliainontary seats at the niitunm
possion , whllo the house of lord ] will discuss
ho franchise question. Tills proposition the
iborals will refuse.
carried in the procosiion was inacribe < l * 'T (
.ho Memory of the Homo of Lords , It8 1. "
riio deuxn inaHses of spectator * along the
routa Interfered with the progress of the pro
cession. It took fully nn hour nnd n halfto
clear the embankment and the procession had
not left 1'arUamcnt street when the head bad
ontciod the park. The president of the board
of trade anil other iniuisturs viowixl the pro
cession. They were loudly cheered. Some
of the bands In the jirocnhtiou played "Tho
Dead March in Said. ' When the procession.
tud arrived at the park , Kpeochos wro mndo
nnd rpaolitioiH ) , jirovlonsly jirupared , were
submitted nnd adopted. Tnoro XVAM a lieavy
rain toward the close of the meeting.
I'AIIIB , July21. Tho'cholera In Paris Ia
increaflhiR. Klght cases nro reported to-day
two fatal.
At Toulon the epidemic is assuming a most
virulent character. Nearly all the victims dier
tmddonly. _
I'AIUH , July 21. A rumor Is current in the
deputies to-day that Admiral Courbet has ,
captured Foo-Choo.
LONDON , July 21. A despatch from Shang
hai ; tati's that n respite for five dajs haw
been granted pending nozollations of thu
vicuroy of Nankin and M. 1'atenolre , the
French ambassador ot Khnnghal.
Ixjulsvlllo'H Singular Sunday Tragedy
LoflHVH.r.K , July 21.JohnNngel , a hack-
man , supposed to have been shot accidentally
by n gambler , nanuxl Joe Schultze , Sunday
night , Is now thought to have been murdered ,
as the evidence by the testimony of witness
nt the trial this nlternoon nbows. Nccel had
been employed by Schultzo lo assist him in
eloping with his divorced wife. Mrs.
Schnlt/o's mother testified that Nagol was bhol
before lift reached her honso , and that the
story uf Suhultzo of the accidental killing is
IJ. Jt O. Tolrcrnpli Out.
Special Dispatch tn TIIK llKf.
ClIlUAClo , July 21. Thu ItalUinort * and Ohii >
telegraph company to-day reduced rates fioni
Chicago to I'hiladolphla , Baltimore nnd WdBli-
ington to 25cautH for ton words , the same rate
having been made to Now York on the Ifitli.
This N a reduction of 50 per cent from the
rnUH in foico by the Wo tern Union compmy.
The llalllimoro and Ohio's night rate „ [ IC
: ontH for fifteen wonln to nil it * Dflices is the
owcht tolfgwpb ralo yet established.
A MaryUml Suiulny ICiot.
WIUIINOTON , Del. , July 21.-It Is reported
at Midriletown that n riot occurred yesterday
nt ChiMtortown , Md. , In which two pereoiw
were killed aud five wounded. No paitlcu-
tlvflyi'URE. JicliiKCiutonoilnndt < * tlinon ati
' .
" ' '
"ii'fv'aYitmiTnch chcmlittftBB. Itana llnyii. Uo * .
tonj li. JK-lflfoiiWino. ofClilmtwitna Uustavu ,
iufe , Mllnikiv. wr. . IUii.ut .
aa uur <