Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 21, 1884, Page 3, Image 3

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1'AIT ) UI CAPITAL ? 2KO,000
SUIU'LUS MAY 1,1581 L'0,000
frnMctit. Vine I'reMJnnt
Kent K. Itajdcn , Assistant and Acting Cashier.
The Bron Bank
INTEREST allowed on Umo deposits open
favorable terms and upon ( vcoount ) of bank
and bankora.
Eonda nnd County and City eocuritloa bough
and Bold.
In it * trontmcnt of customers the most lib
srnl policy is punmcd consistent with snfetj
and Hound bnnkinu , niid wo invite correspond
< jnco or personal inquiry in connection llioro
with ]
NKW YORK , July 19. Money Abundan
eapply l@li closed ottered.
* Prlino paper 5J@7J per cent.
Storting Billa-Quiot ; 4 82ft demand ,
4 85 } .
Governments Firm.
llailwaj-B rirni nnd higher.
Stito Securities Quiet.
The upward movement which BOt la nt the
stock exchange yesterday made further pro
ffrcaa this morning. Favorable crop advices
and sc.ircety of stocks were the causes nl
work. Compared with last night the closing
prices are } to 1J per cent , higher for Union
I'acific , Western Union , Now Jersey Central ,
Central Pacific , Louisville & Nashville anc
Cldcago , Burlington & Quincy.
S't lOOJ
4J'a Coupons 112) )
U. S. now , 4'n 120J
J ? dfio 6'a of'95 124
American Kxnropa 00
Bar ! . , Goilar liaplda & Northern 65
Contra ! Pacific SO }
Chicago & Alton 127
do do pfd WO
Ohl. , Borl. & Quincy 11CJ
aria 139
do pfd SO ]
3Tort Wnyno&Ohkajro 127
Hannibal & St , Joseph 3M
do do do pfd * K8J
Hnota ! Central 123 }
.tud. , Bloom. & Wofltorn 12J
KansRs & Texaa M4
Lake Shore & Mlclilg.iu So 7-lg
Pjtlchlgan Central 5'J
jiflnneapolla & St. Luuia 13 }
do do do pfd 27
JYIhiourl Pacific OSS
Northoru Pacific 184
do do pfd , 4-13
XYorthvrostdru 02g
do pfd 12 <
Naw York Central 1023
Ohio & Mississippi 20J
do do pfd Ki
Poorla , Docatnr & Evunavlllo 11 }
ocb laland 110
Chicago , Milwaukee * St. Paul 733
do do do pfd lOJ'J
St. Paul Minn. & Manitoba SGi
St. Paul & Omaha 2155
do do pfd 874
TCoiaa Pacific 0
TJulon Pacifio 31
t \\nbuh , St. L.&Pociiic C
\ do do do pfd 13 ;
'Wcutern Union Telegrapn 65.
Askod. _ fKr. dlv.
CHICAGO , July 19. Flour Quiet ; bettor de
mand ; winter , 5 00@5 CO ; spring , 4 00 ® t 50 ;
Minnesota baker's , 4 2p@5 00.
Wheat 1'airly active , opened unsettled ;
declined i@lc , advanced l@ljc , and closed
steady at lo below final quotations on after
noon Loam yesterday. Casn ami July 83 $ ;
August 8) ) | ; September 85J ; October B ( > 1 ;
winter firmer ; No , 2 rod sold at SHJ ; spring
ottering * light , No. I sold at 83J.
Corn Unsettled nnd active , opened irregu
lar , declined gc , improved ! l@ljc , fluctuated
nnd closed Jo higher for August , Jc lower for
Santeinbor , nnd go Iiighar for Octolxr ; than
latest figures on the afternoon board yester
day. Cali51c ; July fiXgniJ ; August
< 4J ; September -III ® 15 ; October 44J@Hg ;
year 4r > \ ; Mny 10 ; rejected 4S@4 ! ) .
O.its Cash sold very sparingly at 30 , show
ing a decllno of Je ; futures fairly active , July
sold down ffifc , closed inside ; other deliveries
fell off } | c , but reacUsd ; July 30@30i ; August ,
JtH ; September 20 ; year 23J.
Jtyo Firm and 4c higher atC2J.
Ihrloy Dull at GO. :
Timotbv Nominal.
1'lax Nominal.
I'ork Qui-t ; trading chiefly in settlement's
cnsli Hi ( XKglfl f'O ; July and AtiRiut , 2100 ;
September , 22 00@J2 25 ; October 21 0021 25 ; ;
yaar 1H 00.
Lard 1'asy nnd quiet ; receded f @ 10 > i and
closed tame ; cath , .1 illy and August 715 ®
7 m : September 727J@7 0 : October 7 10.
Hulk Meats Shoulder * , C 00 ; short ribi ,
7 70 ; short clear , 8 20.
Whisky Unchanged at 1 00. ,
Mutter Choice creamery , steady at 17i ©
111 : fancy dairy , dull at 14@lli.
Cheese Steady ; full cream clieddars and
flats 74@8Bklmmed } ; cheddars 2@5i : poor
hard nlimi i@l.
ICggH Moderately active nt 1C.
Hides HecelptB small ; domaiul modornto
( rroen Halted quoted : bull Ci ; damaged ( JJ ;
lipht 84 ; Imavy 8 ; calf 12J.
Tallow Lower ; No. 1 country sold at 5f ,
Sr. TiOnia , July 19. VJour unchnncrod ,
Wheat -Activo , LiRlicr , clored below top
fi irin ; No. 2 red , 8ir ( ; S7 ; canh , K58ii , ' ( ,
clo iiiK Wit July , 85J@h53 , cloning 85 ? ; Au-
Bint' 80 87 , closing hO ? ; Hi-ntember , 8S\ \ @
873 , closing 88i@8SJj October No. ! i red 7'Ji@
S2.Corn IIlRlicr , inactive ; 47 181 cash ; 4"
bid July ; -IHtf ® 11)4 ) August ; 4Urf@50l Septem
ber. cloning ontslilo figures ,
Outs Higher , low ; 30 cabh ; 2'JJl bid July !
21V August.
- .
llarley No market.
] ! utter Unehangc-d ,
Kza Uncbanpud ,
Vlat Scrd-Uiill , 1 10 c.vh.
Hay-Firmer ; pralriu , 10 00@12 00.
. 2
Oorn in al-Ciui'ti ! 2 70.
CALL licuim Wheat-Quict ; 85)f ) July ; 84i"
August ; 8iJ ( Septutiibur ; 8SJ October ,
Corn Lower ; 17 July1'J ; ' August ; CO
Oats-Jull ; 2HV July , 2IJ August.
1C.VNHA3 CITY , .fidy 1 ! ) . Wheat Steady ;
71ibld ca lij 71 | July and Ausiwt.
Uorn-uiot ( } ; 11 bid cash ; 11 ? UJ for Aug.
ust ; 41 i I'lil ' for eptember.
O.itii Dull and nominal.
. , tluly 1'J. Wheat Acthf.
Jower ; new N'o. 2 ml , 00. _ ,
Com-riim ; No. 2 mixeil.Kif M ! .
OaUuiet ( / , Hsady ; o. 2 mixud , S3J.
llyo Stromr , h'gh'r ' ; ISo. 't > U > .
H 25.
PorV-Qui't ; >
V.i.rd-Dull ; 7 01.
liu'k meaUiJtrunger ; shoulders , 3'j short
WW kyI'l m at 1 07. 8
NEW OntrASB , ( Tu'v ' 1 - Corn 1 ir < lc-
n ( OaU Western , good demand ; higher ; chor
Corn Meal Ihilli lower ; 2 80.
Pork Stonily ; mod demsnd , ICM.
hard-Steady ; tierce ri'fmcd , 7 75j ki'g
S >
< i
Whisky-Steady ; western rrgtlfied , 1 OOJ
MlUVArKKR , July 1'J. Wheat Dill
Jvn. 2 nndj July , 8IJ ; August , 85 } ; September
Sti } .
Corn Higher ; scnreo ; No. 2 ; iiomsnally
Oats 1'irmer ; No. C , , .
Uyu-dull ; lower ; No. l.ii.'j.
llarlcy-Jseglected ; nominal , No.2Septeu ;
bor , 02 ,
U.VLTlMOnK , July 1U. Wheat > \ cfitori
adooRiior ; acti\ohigher : ; No , 2 winter ret
spot OflJCrfUjJ.
Corn \\Vstorn , dull ; nominal ; mixwl ppo
'i bid
Oats Quiet : nominal ; western white , o'J ©
ll ! mixed , 3 < @ 38.
Kyo Quiet ; C870. (
Kpgs ljulot , 11 ® 15
Wmsky-Stoady at 115.
TOLKIK ) , July 1 ! ! . Wheat Opened dull
ewer ; closing tinner ; No. ! i red , cash , ant
August , 89 } .
Corn Quiet ; steady ; No. 2 cash SOJ anked
Oats-Dull ; No. 2 , cash , 3IJ.
LlVKlirooL , July 19. UrcndstulTa ( Juiot
Wheat Winter 7s Od@7s9d ; spring 7s Oil
@ 7a 8d.
Corn--Fair ; 6s 3J.
NKW TOUIC rnonnos.
NEW YOIIK , July 19. Wheat-Options
jpencd S@8 lower ; advanced i V ; cloiiog
ivi > nk at uottom figures ; No. 2 Chicago , ! )2 ) ( & )
12J ; ungraded rod , 73@1 01) ) ; No. 2 rod , W
" 'is ' September cloeing l)9 ) | .
Corn Spot , 1@II strong and higher ; options
ipened 3 jl lower ; recovered most decline ;
losing steady ; ungraded l'@G3 ) ; No. 2 G2@il ( ;
'eptember 03 } .
Oats Lower ; mixed western 37(2-38 ( ; while
,2 , 18.
Kgg Westcn , fresh , steady ; moderate do
mud ; 19 } .
Pork Quiet ; steady ! old moss , 15 75@10.
Lard Lower ; western steam , spot , 7 15 ©
Butter Firm for all choice grades.
LIVE srocic.
CHICAGO , July 19. Drovers' Journal report : f
Hogs IJiisU , 6c higher ; rough packing 4 00 !
@ 5 20 ; packiuir and shipping 51'5@5 GO ;
light 5 00@5 80 ; skips , 3 50 ( < 51 75.
Cattle Dull ; exports , I50@GG5 ! ; com
mon to choice shipping , 4GO@ < > 30 ; grasseir
lOc lower ; butchericg 2204 40 ; Btockcrs U CO
@ 1 00 ; fentlors 3 754 75.
Shocp - Steady ; common to gootl 2 50 ® 1 00 ;
choice 1 25@5 " . ' > ; lambs per head , 140@3 25.
KAHSAsClTT , July 19. Cattle Unsettled
natives , 4 75 < gG 15 ; cows , 2 80 ® 1 00.
Hogs Opened stocdy , clo ed weak ; heavy ,
5 03&3 15 ; ligjit , 4 2U@5 35.
Sheep Quiet ; natives , 3 00.
ST. Loms , July 19. Cattle Small local
at previous pricea.
Sheep Dull and unchanged. (
Hogs Strong and better ; stocker , G7S@7 00 ;
packing , 5 10g6 ( 45 ; heavy , 5 G0@5 76.
noun AHD GII IS.
OmCAQO , July I'J.-r-IlocoIpta and ( hip.
ucnta of flour aud grain for the past 48 bourn ! >
hava been aa follows
ilnoolpX Bhlp'ta. '
Flonr.bbls 7,000 13,000
Wheat , bushels 108,000 111,000
Corn , bushels 127,000 217,000
Outn , bushels 112,000 93,000
Kyobuahela 1,000 4,000
Barley , bushels 3,000
&NEW YORK , July 19. lleoolpts and
shipments of Hour and grain for the paet 21 hours
liavo been as follows ;
Eecolpta Bhlp'ts. SI
WTwat , bushels 68,000 48,000
Corn , bushals 10,000 12,000
Oat , bushola 37,000 55,0 M J
Livn aioutr.
OHIOAQO , Jidy 19. Kooslpta nnd chip-
monts of live stock for the post 24 hocra have
been aa followu :
Ilncolpts. Shlp'ta.
Oattlo 1.700
HOKS 8,000 2
Shoap. . . 400 . . . .
Kuius CITT , July 19. Keoolpts and
shipments of live stock for the paat 24 bourn
have been as follows :
Itocolpta. Shlp'tf. $
Dattle. . , 1,900 . . . .
Hogs 8,000
jheep 95 . . . . .
Br , Louis , July 18. Kocolpta nnd ship
ment i of live stock for the past 24 hourn have
boon sa follows :
llooclptg. Shlp'ts. '
Dattle 700 : ,
Hog * 1,000
Sheep 500
OmoE or TUB OMAHA Bra , 1 n
Saturday Evoniup ; July 10 I n
The folliwiig ! pricea are cliArgod retailers lo
by jobbera , wholesalers and commission mer-
hanta with the oxcoptiou of grain , which is
juoteil at the prictM furniahod by the elevators
ind other local buyers : 11
Wheat unsettled and higher ; closed for 18wl
his week about 2Jo over last Saturday'H prict' , wl
jut it is the general belief that the present
irico will nut last lung.
Corn Moderately active and higher. The
idvanco for the weak is about He. Corn
vill most likely retain tlio present prise until " ,
low oats Is coming in.Grain. !
Wheat Cash No. 2 , CGl CGJo.
Uarloy Oiwh No. 2 , 48@Bto. W
Kyo Cash'No. 3 , Ilft54jj. (
Corn-No. 2 , \ < m I0c.
OaU No. 2. DOJCoiMc.
Jiltlco ,
Steady ; green butchers , 54@G ; green Biltod , ho
7JgSc ; dry ( lint. 12(5)lc ( ) ; dry salt 10@lllc pa
jamngod hides , two-thirds price.
Tiillow 5@Cc. } :
Sheep Pelts. 25c@31 00. '
Ijivo tilook ,
SncKns 12"i5 ro ,
VL- : Cows 3 00(3 ( 00 ,
nooa-4 OOQ'J LO.
HHKEP 3 fX4 ) 00.
" 00557 00.
flonrrcl Profinoo.
. New apples , princiinlly early Imr-
vest , nnd Hod Astruehan are now cunilng In ;
Belling ut I 00@ ) oO pi'r barrel ; nil Junes COo
per IJDXJ California In 6Ub brln , largo and very
line , ! ) 00.
IJKANB IlccoIptH ll bt and demand good , ! !
Rjiti picked navy , per bu , fc2 50 ; nwdiuui ,
002 25. '
BHESWAI In gooddomr.nd , Choice btlpht 'j.
per lb , 20fi2c ! ! ; common to good dark per lb , > I
The continued decrease of receipt1) M
have at last cauned an advance , and a ( inner ;
idling Is now nntablo. Croiiiii'ry ,
fholco table , 12 ( < i > lCc ; fair to good , H@l c. No
Titm Oiiniwwdcr , iuoU ; , tUffijimt cholco U )
fa76c ; good Imporiul , JCVg'lSc ; choice , CO@G5o
younK llydon , KM * * , Sf&t'iQe ; choica
62c@i 00 ; Japan , natniul loaf , 85c | Japan ,
liolce , ( Watfoc ; Oo1 ' . , , > r 1 " "Q IOc ; Oolong ,
holco , 4055c ; faouc.'iocf , jood , 33@10e ;
holco ,
, hoop fal ! , 1 fi5 ;
throe hoop nnilj 2 10 , Tut.i No , 1 , i CO ; Piu-
noer wadhbt > arde. 1 85 ; JJoulle Orcwn 2 'JO :
Wellbuckcts , 3 "i5.
- lllrk-a ft. ' 2
BOAI-U < vvon Imperial , 3 45 ; lUrk'a
satinet , 3 tX ) ; KlrVs tUndard , 3 70 } Kirk J <
white Jliwlan , 5 5 ; KUku outctf , , 215 ; '
llirk'a Pralrio Qnoen , ( ICO cokoa , ) 40o ; KlrkV n. '
macroolla , doz.
1'OTAHll I'enur/Ivanla cuno , 4 Mflo , In CMfi ,
8S ; llnbbUtH balli \ < t , mease , 1 00 ; Anchor
U , 2 dor. in case , 1 TO.
OAKDV lllzoU , 12 10 ; e'.Ici , lie ; twist
stick , lt > ic ,
VINMAB Now Vork Apple lOcj Ohio p
pla , 13c.
HALTDray JoAd , i ? r Mil , 1 70 j Aahton , In
flolu , 3 M ; bbld dairy CO. To , 8 FO.
STAJICHPearl , 4ic ; Silver Olow , Sc | Com
SUrth , 8c ; Kicolslor Uloss. 7c ; Oorn , 740.
Briom r itxjr , 17s ) lOJ'ploo , 1B | olovw ,
LTK Amorlwn. S 40 | Oroouvdch , B 40 ;
Western , 2 75 ; North SUr , 200 ; LowU' lye ,
4 G3i Jewoll Ivo. 2 75
CiHEn-01iw" per bM , 57.00 ; "York St to
or bbl , $3 00 ; per 4 bbl , P4 7 < 5 ; oondenaod por'
a ] , K > : . CYili npiilo , per gal , JlTc.
Ulltsai Full eroiun. western , UCriJlOi WIs
consln now 11J ; young American 12(01 ( % .
Coco ANrra Per 100 , ? l 7t" > ® 5 PO.
KUCIH Receipts light and market linn at
X'onKioN FRUITS- California oranffo * , per
box , SI 50. Momlnit lemons , per box , 35 Ml
( KG 00. B.IIHVIIIV , per bunch ,
Figs , lb. , IGo , Dales , lu frails , "Jo ;
fnrd , In boxes , 12c.
FHOIT BUTIIIIU Apple butter , In 80 lb
polls , per lb , 7c. Plum buttflr. "Jc.
Hay-Baled , e8. < XKelO.OO ; loose , 010.00 ®
.iKLir lu 120 nd 80 lb mils , G@7c ; lu 2 lb
nw , j-or doz , 81 50 ; asnoNo tumblers ,
doz , HI 0 ; Bchoonora , per dozen , ! J3 00.
MArt.K Sllcl All Pure. In brirks , per lb , IGc ,
Ohio , 13c : unmll cnkto , ISJc.
ONIONS Now Southern per lb. 8@3Jo.
Poi-ooiiN- good domamlnt 24$2 e per lb.
POULTHY Chlckeiii. both old and voung , in
jood tlomaad ; old chickens 4 00@4 25 ; Boring
- . 7D@3 00 accnrdlne to niro.
POTATOKS Now homo irrown , plentiful , sell
ng nt 75@80 per bu ; old ones not wanted
any more.
PuoviHioNs Ham , ISJc : b. bacon , llje.
c. P , bncon , llc ; d , a. Kldcfl lOJo ; short rib
ides , lOJc ; Blioiildorn , Sic ; mpan porn , per
bbl. $18.50. Dried beef , lite , hard , OOlOo.
SUILL Fi-.uiTO lilack nwpborrieB , SI 00.
red raspberries per 12-nt cnse , $2 00. ( IOOBO
berries. ] ) cr biiBhel , SI 60. Wild plumn , per
case 83 50. Now apples per box 50/i)0 ( (
Peaches 1 00@1 60 ; Blackberries , per 2l.qt.
caso. 53 00 ® I 00.
KASTIJUN CIIKUUIKS All kinds of packages
are Bunt to market , Billing at the rate of about
S3 00 per bush.
CAMKOIINIA PIIUITH IVarn , r > 0-lb. boxes ,
81 50 : Pcaclnw , ' 20-lb boxes. ? 'l ( X ) ; Apricot ,
20-lb boxen , S3 00 ; Apples , MMb boxus , ? 3 00.
JJrT Goodo.
BROWN SiiBETiNoa Atlantic A , 74o ; Allan
tie P , Gc ; Atlantic LL ; 5Jc ; Brunswick , 7ic ;
} 5onvor Dam LL , Gle ; Lvronco LL. 5i'o ; Pacl-
fie II , 7Jc ; Koyal Standard , 8c ; Indian lload
A , 8c ) Wauchusott A , 7Jo.
peroll 11 , 7o ; Sallsbtiry 11 , Ge.
BLKACHKD COTTONS -Uallon 4-4 , Gio ; Bal
Ion 7-8. 5Jci Cumberland 4-4 , 80 ; Ba\oll DD ,
> ic ; Fairmount , 4Jc ; Fniit of the Loom 4-4
) c ; Glory of the west , 8Jc ; Golden Gato.SJc !
Hill 7-8 , 8cllill- ; , c ; Lonmlnlo 8ic ; New
Vsrk Mills. llc ; Wamsutta , lOlc.
UUCKH ( Colored ) Boston , 8 oz. , Hie ; } 5oB-
ton , 10 oz. , llic ; Boatou , 9 or. , 14c ; Fall :
River , 8Jc. 5
DDCKH ( Gray ) West Point , 8 oz. , Ho
West Point , 10 or. , 14c ; Boston Boar , 8 or. , :
TICKINGS Amoakoag , 1-lc ; Continental
Fancy , Oj'c ; Cordis , lOfc ; Pearl llivor , 14c ;
York , lijo ; Hainloton Awnin ' , 12Jc.
DENIUU Amoekoog , 1-lc ; Beaver Crook
AA. 12c ; Beaver Greek BB , Ho ;
Beaver Creek CO. 10 ; Hnymakora
So ; JulTroy 1) & T. 12rfc ; Jaffroy XXX. 12Jc ;
Pearl Itivor , 13c ; Warren AXA ( brown ) ,
12c ; Warren BB ( brown ) , He ; WIUTOU CC
brown ) , IOc.
CAvmnca Fifth nvonuo glove finish , Co ;
Keystone glove finish , 5Jc.
OOHSET JKANS Amory , 7io ; Hancock , 8c ;
Koarsaycr , 8Jc ; Kockjiort , 7c.
PBIKTS ATlonH.5ic ; AmericanGi'c ; Arnolds ,
Go ; Cochoco , Gc ; Harmony , 4c ; Indigo , 74o ;
Indigo 7-8 , llic ; Indigo 4-4,12Jc ; cheap sale
4Jc ; Cliartor Oak , 4Jc. 2
PHINTS SiiiiiTiKnn American , Cc ; Cochoco ,
c ; Gloucestpr,5cSouUibridgo : , 4lc ; Wuvorlya ,
IJc ; Roaedolo , 4f c.
GiNOHASis AiuosVcag ataploa , 8cr' ' Batoa
ataplw , 8c ; Lancafltor Htaplos , 80 ; Plnnkot
plaldH , 'Jc ; Hudson chocks , SJc ; Amoakeag [
xorsians , 9Jc.
Diucsa GOODS Atlantic alpaccn , Ojc ; Per-
slaua oMhmor , 23ic ; Hamlotou c.iahmoro ,
15c ; llt\mloton Fancns , llic ; Uamloton bro-
cr.doBj IDc ; Arlington brocade , 18c.
Grocers lilat.
OARHED Goons Uystera ( Standoriljpor ca o ,
9J ; Btra\vbcrrio8 , 2 U > , per caca , 2 J
ra pborrio3 , 2 lb , per case , 2 70 ; Bartlett
pears , per cane , 2 40 ; whortleberries , per case ,
10 ; cjfg pltursa , 2 lb , per caao , 2 90 ; groan
ifi 0" ! 55 H > , per case , 2 IK ) ; plna apploa , 2Ib
per case , 4 EOwo 50. J
B.OP.B SIscl 1 inch nnd larger , 9o , 8 Inch , ll !
3Jc ; i Inch , IOc.
OANDLza Boxes , -10 Iba , 16s , IBc ; 8a , 16c ;
boxes 40 Iba , 10 oz. , Co , IGo.
MAToriEa Per caddie , 85o ; round , eosoa ,
55 ; aquaro cases , 17 & .
SDOABH Powdered , 8Jc ; rat oaf , 8o ; ,
jranulatod , 7Js ; confectioners' A , 7s ; Stand.
urd extra O , Cj'c ; extra O , Gjjo ; medium yol- :
ow. GC ; dark yellow , o.
Oo/Hxa Ordinary grades , 12012 Jo ; fair IS !
$13ic ; good , He ; prime , 15@15ic ; cholco
L6@17c ; fancy green and yollowlfa@lGic ; old :
rovornment Juv , 2026c ; LovorinB'a roaatod.
.7o ; Aibuckle'a ronstod , 16 c ; McLnngliliu'i1
CTTTX : rotstod , I5io ; rnltatlon Java , 16 }
318e ; Clark's Aurora , " "
RIOJJ Ixniiaiftuo prime to choice , 7@'Jo ; !
air Bic ; Patma , GJc. b
FISH No , Irauckcrol , half brla. , 750 ; No. '
1 OJ ; family mackerel , klta , GO ; ; No. 1
vhlte fish , half brln. , 7 25 ; No. 1 kit * , 1 CO ,
Sruur Standard Com , . F2j , buls ; Standard
, 4J gallon koga I 85 ; Standard do , 4 gallon
eva 1 45. !
aoDA In Ei papera , S 80 per coso ; tofi per lb ,
io. fudr
PlostiH Medium , In barrolu , 8 01 | do dr
half baiTO'fl ' , 4 CO ; small , In bariola , 9 00 ; do
half borrelB 5 00 phorklna in banola 10 OD
, - ; , * * * * * * w w * , * v MW ;
In hnJf barralj. G to. . ,
ALOOHOL 188 wlno nlooliol , 2 29 per
allen oitrn California npirit-i , 18S proof ,
12 per proof gallon ; triple relined Bpltitu
nd Poni'uylvnnia rj-e , 2 00557 00 !
BiuN'niDl iuipoitod , 6 09li ( 00 ; domootlo
40 ® 100.
GINH Imported , 4 50@T 00 ; domoctlc , 1 40
Ili (3 ( Imported , 4 G0@6 00 ; Now England ,
00J 00 ; domestic , 1 50@3 50. '
OiiAMPAaNEa Imported per case , 28 00 ®
00JAmeTicaii.ior ; ! cu-ie , 12 PO@1G 00.
Vr.intu Olle anil
OILS 110 carnon , per gallon , 12 : ; 1CO °
lO&dlight , per gallon , r.'Jc ; 175 ° headlight ,
mr gallon , 15o ; 150 ° water white , 14s ; lln
oed , raw , ; pr gsllon.Cdc ; Hnsood , boiled , per
allou , C2o L.-ud , v/Inter str'd , per gallon , 70c ;
s'o. 1 , COcNo. ; 2 , fi'Ja cuustor , XX-X , | > or gil
on , 1 GO ; No. 3 , 1 40 ; sweet , per gallon 1 GO
perm W.B. , per gallon , 100 ; fish. W. B. ,
ttrgallon.ilj ; noaufoot extra , tier gallon , OOc ;
Vo. 1 , 76o ; lubricating , zero , per gallon , 30o ;
unuor , 15c ; goltltm inadJno , No. 1 , per ( ral *
on , 3Eo ; No. 2 , 230 } sperm , olgnrj , per gpllon
iOc ; turpentine , per gallon , 4du ; uaptun 71clj
or cation , IGo.
PAINTS IM OitVWto Io ( J OmalP. . P ,
IJc ; white loud , St. Louiu , piuo , Gio ; Marauillo/i
rccn 1 to 6 tb cans , 20c : Vruacli zinc , gicon (
unl , 12oiKroncli zinc , led , llo ; French
Ino , in vr.inUh luot , 20c ; French zinc , in oil .
uiit , 15c ; raw and burnt umber , 1 lb cani , IOc ; J.
aw nml burnt Sienna , IOc ; vundvko brown.
o ; refined lampblack , 12c ; coach black , and
vary bloc ! : , IGc ; drop blhclr , IGc ; 1'ninlan
iluc , iO : ; ultramarine blue , IHc ; chrome green
. M. / : D , , IGc ; Mind nnrl shutter green , L
, it 1) , , ICe ; Puriu peon , lEc ; Indian rod ,
6c ; Vonotlan red , U Tuscan red , i2c : Arnsrl.
an Vormlllloa 1 , u , Z * , , it n > . . j / .
M. , O. & D. O. , 18c ; ycllorr cfitrn , ; ;
olJon ochre , lOr , patent dryer , 8c ; ( TaininK
H. light 0. & , dsrlc oak , \rnlaut , chottuut A
I'tca TOBACCO ( Jllrnw , 48 : ; Bullion 4 j )
llorstahou , I7c : Btur. 48c ; liuddy , 45o ; lii-r-
ioy'ii,40o ; Black , 38 © IOc.
FINE COT Common , COtftSOc ; good , 4i@ !
Xc ) ; 1U > KO Leaf , 70a : Premium , G5o ; Diamond
3rovni , B5o ; Sweet Slxtaon , TXc.
BUOKIHQO , S. , 22c2Iciori ; > thaum , SOc ; Dur
iam , 8 or. . , 55o ; Durham , 4 nt. . Me ; Durhnnr |
.oz. , f 5ci Saul of North Carolina , 8 or. , 5Cc
ttl of North Carolina , 4 o67c ; Heal o
N'crlh Carollun , 2 oz. , COc ; O. 1C Dniham , 4
. , &ic ; O. K Dniham , 2 oe. , Z'io ; Undo
N'cd , i't 2t c ; Tom and Jerry , 2.1o ,
Oak id * S8"4"c ; hnmlock noo28c3Sc ! ! ; {
1 - ' : lp- , jOe to 1 CO ; nwasr vo to W/o ; f
hemlock calf , 85c to 1 00 ; hemlock tipper , 22o
to 24c ; o.k tipper , 2lc ; nlllfi\tor , 4 ( X ) to B 60 ;
C&lf kit ! , 5 3ft | UiUftn kid , 2 60 to 2 75 ; oftk
hip , SOo to 1 00 ; oak cell , 1 20 t < > 1 80 ; Fioncb
JJp , 110 lo 1 M : French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; res-
Nits , 6 60 . to . 7 60 ; . llnlnes , G 00 to 8 60 . ; top- _
F *
- A n.N 1.4n * > S\ l V - \ * MA
I Milwaukee aio : No 2 .lo 33o.
No. 1 Pitta oak har , 37c ; No B PHtn
har , SCo.
, CilKMlcAl.i-Aclil , Carboio , c.
acid , tartarlc , 5.r o ; b.tliiin capabln , per lib.
( Vic ; bark BftMafnw , porlb. IJc ; cihmiol , ) > orltj
75c ; clnohonlillft , i > cr or. , tO.GTi ; chloroform ,
tier III. , $1 10 ; Uovora iwwilor. rw lb. , § 1.25 ;
OIMOIII salts , per Hi , , 850 ; glycerine , pure , per
lb , , 28c ; load ncoUtn , per lb. , 22c ; oil , CRStor ,
No 1 j or gal. , fl.55 ; oil , tutor , No. II per
gal. , ? l.40j oil , olive , per gal. , 81.40 ; oil ori
ganum , 60o ; opium , $4.50 ; nulnlno , P. 7t W ;
and 11. it H , . j > or oz. , (1.10 ; iHiU&lum , .
lixllno , iKir lb. , $1.50 ; sallriii , prroz. , 40c ; sui-
plmtool morphine , ] > cr oz. , $ T .50 ; Biilphur
flour , per lb..4c ; strychnine , per or. , 81,35.
JlrT I'aluti.
White load , 8cl tfroncli line. flOot Parts
thJUnff , 2Jc ; irhltlng gUdoro , IJc ; whiting
joiu'l lie ; lampblack , Gcrmnntown , 1-lc ;
nmpbl.ic.Ci onllnary , IOc ; Pms'lan blue , 55oi
.iHranmrlno , 18c | Vandyke , brown , So ; nmborf
inrut , 4c ; nmbor. raw , 4c ( ( lonn.i , burnt , -Ic ;
slounn , rt. < r , 4o ; Paris green , gonulnq. 25o ;
Pftria RToen , commoni20cchnimoproonN. : Y. ,
20c ; cliromo groou , K , , ll'ct vonnilllon , Kng , ,
70o ; vonnilllon. Aiucricaii , 18c ; Indian rol ,
IOc ; rose pink , 14c ; Vcnotlan rod , Cookpou'd ,
2Sc ; Venetian rod , American , IJJe ; rod lead ,
7o ; oliromo yellow , genuine , 20c ; cliromo ynl-
low , K. , iL'c : ochre rocliollo,8codiro. ; Frondi ,
2fc ; ochre , Amorlcan , 2c ; Wlntor'a mluoral ,
"Jc . ; lohlgh lirown , 2\c ; Spuil h brown , 2Jc ;
Prince's mlnoral , i'u ,
VAllNIBItna Barrels , pcv galloni Fnrnl
turo , extra , $110 ; furniture , No. 1 , tl ; coach ,
oxtru , 81 40 : coach , No. 1 , $1 20 ; Uamiir
oxtrn , $1 75 ; Japan , 70oivrh\Uiim : , extra , 8oc ;
shellac , 93 50 : hard oilfmMi 81 50.
Iron , rates , 2 50 ; plow stool special c.vt , Go
cniriblo , 7c ; Bpoclnlor Gorman , r > c : cant too ;
do , 151'0 ; wttgou apokoa , sot , 2 25@3 00 ; hubs
per Hot , 1 25 ; folooii ! aawod dry , 1 40 ; tonguoa ,
each , 70@85c ; oxlua each , 75c ; Bquaro mita per
lb , 7@llc ; vraMio or lb. 618c ; rlvotn , per
lb , He ; cell chain , [ Kir It ) , 0@l'Jc ; malleable , 8c
Iron wodgea , Oc : crowbars , t'c ; harrow tooth
to ; Biirlug tool , 7@So ; Burdon'n horsohooa 4 70
Buruon'a muloshctn 5 70.
BARBED WIHK In car lots , 4 per 100.
NAlts-Ratos , 10 to 00 , 2 G5. (
SHOT Shot , 1 85 ; buck ehot , 2 10 ; oriental
powder , kogg , G 40 ; do. , half keg * , S 48 ; do. ,
quitter lawn , 188 ; blaating , koga , 8 35 ; fuse ,
per 100 foot 50o.
LEAD Bar , 1 G5.
GOAI/ Cumberland blaeksmltli , 10 00 ; Mor
la ran Bloseburg , 10 00 ; Whltobrozat lump ;
00 ; Whltobroast nut , 5 00 ; Town lump , fi 00
towa nut , 5 00 ; llock Spring , 7 00 ; Anthra
lto , 1125@il 50 ; Canon City , 7 CO , per' ton
Wo rmoto lumber , lath and suing ca , on onra
jt OmnUrt at Uio following prices :
JOIST AND SCANTLING 1G ft. and nndor
22 00 ; 18 ft , ? 3 60.
TIMBEBB 1C foot nnd under. 22 00.
TiMBin AND JOIBT 18 ft , 23 50 ; 20 ft , 23 60 ;
22ft , 2G 50 ; 2 ft , 20 CO.
FENCINO No. 1 , 4 nnd 0 In , , 21 00 ; No. 2 ,
SHEETING No. 1 (2d ( common boards ) , 20 00 ;
No. 2 , 18 00.
STOCK BoABrm A , 45 00 ; B.40 00 ; 0 , 35 00.
FLOOIIINO. No. 1 , 40 00 ; No. 2 , 35 00 ; No.
SIDING , clear 27 00 ; 2 25 00 ; No. S ,
2000. (
OEILINO K , 37 00 ; g , 25
SHINGLES , best i 60 ; standard , 3 CO ,
LATH ! ! 25 per M.
LtltE Per barrel , 1 25 ; bulk per bushel , 85c ;
joment , bbl , 2 25 ; Iowa pUotor. bbl , 2 60 ; hairier
ior bu. 50c ; Tarred felt , 100 tba , 3 50 ; straw
word , 3 50 ,
Lrva STOCK Hoof Cattle , 100 lb. 4 C0@5 00 ;
sheep , live , 3 00@l ! 25 ; hogs. Hvo , 6 00 ®
25 ; dressed 7 007 25.
Hides. Drv Flint , llj@12c. ; green 4@5e.
jrooncalf 8@10 : ; nhoepsklnn , dry , 8@10c.
Tallow. B@Gc.
Wool. Colorado ll@Klc. ; choice Now
Mexico 13@lnc.
FLOUIIColorado. . 100 lbn , 1 85@2 25 ; pat-
ant , 100 lbn. , 2 85@3 25 ; Graham , 100 HIH ,
00 ; rye , 100 lb. . . , 2 25@2 45 ; Imckwbnat , 100
bs , 10 ( K10 ) 60 , bran , ton , 12 00@14 00 ; corn
Boal. 100 Ibs. 1 451 75.
CHAIN Wheat , 100 lbn , 1 40 ; corn , In
lack ) 100 Iba , 1 Ol@l 08 ; oats , 100 11)8 , 1 0
31 60 ; barley , 100 Ibs , 1 301 ( 35.
HAT Baled , upland. II 00@1G 00 ; hot-
om 12 00@11 CO ; etraAV , 10 00@12 00.
BDTTBB Finest , 25@2Gc ; Nebraska dairy 3
holco , 14@15c ; common , G@8c.
Eoas Fresh , 18@19c ; ranch , dor , froah 2. 3.
52Gc. ; *
CIIEXSS Full cream , l-Q15o ! ; LImburger ,
:8c ; Swiss , imjortod , .12o.
PoDLTlir Live , clilckonnold , doz.G 2o@p ; 60
prlng chickens , 3 50 ® t 60 ; droKaedlb,18@19c.
POTATOBS lOOlbs , now , 1 76@2 25. [
VEOETABLES Onions , now , 100 Ibs , 2 25@
50 ; citbbtgo , cow , 100 Ibs , 1 75@2 y ; nuw II.
joota < , 250.
FIIOITH-Orango Hlosslna bor , 7 00@
5U ; lemons , choice Monslim , G 00 ; njiploii ,
California , bbl , 2 00@\00 ; bananas , bunch ,
60@l 00 ; poaches per box 2 25 ; California
berry plums , 20 lb box , 2 25 ; apricot ? 1 50 ©
HKATH--Tams , lb , 13J(314c ( ; bacon , broak-
nnt , 12jV dic : : lonl , in tens , lb , IOc ;
Iry salt iddeii , 'Ji@10o.
KIOH Blockorel , No.l , ICO , kit , menu ,
76@2 25 ; Callfornln nalmon , hiilf bbl , 10 60 ;
lolland honing , kof , 1 GOCijl 75 ; trout , per
if Tuon'0' ( > io term " Hbo
[ ! [ j Mno" la coiincHlon nlthtn
i ( J cor'orato nnir.u ofaRroatrnid
1 U con vcj 8 an Idea of list hit
ro'iulrcil by the IravilluK noiti
He D Rhnrt Linn , Quick Tim
mill tlio bciit of nocommt'ttA
tloiia all ol V.-.ILI | ! ro faip
lied by the urnatiut railway lu Aiavriu ,
And St. Paul.
It owns Hid operates over t , ' ,00 inlloQ ol
'n-thoru Illlnoti , Wleconaln , JllJincnoU , Iow
lakota ; nnil ai ts main HUM , liranclius rind ocnnfc
long all tlio t-rcat liusluciw ccntroa ol tbi
forthwcst ami Far Weat , It naturally answers thi
Lcrlptlon ol Short Llnu , c.ntl Ilrft Iloutu Ixitwoon
Chicago , llllwaukoa , Bt. Paul an J Minneapolis.
Chicago , Milwaukee , l.n. Crousa and Wlnona.i.l
( JhlCA o , Milwaukee , Alnirilocn anil KlIoiiiHU
Chicago , Milwaukee , I'-iti Clalro nnJ Htlllwutof
ChlCA ; ; " , lllluaukce , Wauwu and Merrill.
( 'lilranu , Mllwaul.eo , Dealer Dam anil Oehkooh.
Chln > { (0 , MiUatiliio , Wauki < tha ami Oconoman'oc
Oliloi 'O , Milwaukee , MadUon and 1'ralrleilu C'hltc
Chicago , Mllvtaukeo , Owntonna anil Kaltllianll.
Chicago , Uololt Januivl'lo ' aud Mineral I'olut.
Chicago , KlL'ln , Huckforil end Iulnitio. |
ChlWKo , Clinton , Hock lelantl and CuUar IlApldl ,
Chicago , Council lilufTHand Omaha.
Ohltago , Eloux City , Dloux Kalleand Ynnkton
Chln o , XTIwaukto , Mitchell and Chamberlain.
Jtork Inland ; Dubuquo. Bt. Paul and Mlnncanulli.
Ilavcuporl , Calinar , Bt. Paul and tllnnuapoliii.
Vulltnan H ceporx and the Klnctt Dining I'Ara ID
w rid ere run n the m lnllnetinl thnC'lIIOAUO ,
tU'UtlmiU paid to | iauntra ; l > y courteous employes
the Company.
H. IIKHIULI , , ( Jon'l Man iuer.
A V II CAIirumill , Ocn' } 'ass. At (
'i' . OJatKK , Oon'l Kupt.
OEO , II. JIUAI'KOIU ) , Aat't ' , Ocn'l. PAW. Ant
CIV St. Clinrlrs Sf. , K ( . LouN , Ho.
nculir irtlutteof ivo iff 11 ml Go\\tw \ \ * liviti lorctr
> c'tiv4 lu lb * j > ccUttrtatiututt ; < ( CMkuMiethiiTol * , Hunt
attJ 1'i nu ItiwiikHthbU lur bttrr /ttcUalu Bt , Louli ,
tit/ rtri ( tlow u4 Ibl4 irhlilculikuow.
Nervous Prostration , Debility. Mental and
Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and other Affec
tions of Throat. Skin or Hones , UlooU Poisoning ,
Did SorCS and Ulcers , are trraU'l > lih unitnllvtvl
buernif fa Iktutaflcutlllo i-rlDCh In l * filv I'rhatil/ .
Uleoaset Arising from Indiscretion. Excess.
Exposure or Indulgence , Mcii iroduco Jtu or th
Itflluwtuf fflfn btr utbt i , dttllilr. dtuintu of ilflit
ihd iltftcllve binnorjr. | tuple * en llj fuc * . j'i/ | lrul dtcuj ,
niitr loitiutti loclct ; bttva.ilt4 cuofutUa oflltai , rU. ,
rvndorlriv Uarrinuo Improper or unhappy. r
tiuftu < ilycurtd ! , t imptilel SA ( giou ) ike lo > , mut
t * 1el eD > i'l | M > ( ( r-eo uyuJ'lff i. Cbti0ult Uvu ttl *
Uecir tj UAlUrti , audmitttJiiiUi forqutitloui ,
A Positive V/rhten Guarantee
flv la tllcurtbleraui. Mdl' > lDfiif ot vtr7 lieri.
'amlili'li KnclUli or ( Icrinan , Ot pak'
lnouiegIn iiialoor female , " '
Hbti'lftt i , Ill-iilralel ID cluiU cd jill MoJlftf. I
7rivitb ( , u | - Evr C3 ef * , * > e > Mit too * I . ,
U U * t oi to It. druUfwi * r lu > luUlllvd Wkot M I * <
took ofjtrtMt Jut itB lo tl UvMtU | IK-uui/i
Eailway Time Table ,
n KITcct July 1.
The attention of lhc truelllnjt pnMlo | < culled I
the ( net that thli U thn only complete and i
ly correct tlnio-UMo pul > l ! Iied In the rlt\ .
All trains arrho kl ami ilrpatt Irom Om\h o
Central Standard Time , which Is 24 mliintoi iMt
than sun tlnio.
t Kiccjit Satutilay , Kicvpt SuiiiUy , J Ksctpt Mon
From Union I'noltlo Depot ; Tenth St
U. P. R It. , MAIN LINK.
WAV * . I AMITf.
I Kip..ll:40 : tn Atlantic Kxp _ . . .
' " , > 8:25 : pm | 1U1I unil Ktp..4:00nn :
" ,
t.lnooln Kip..lt5pn :
Omaha : 0:40 : , 8:00,0:00,10:00,11:1B : : : : m. , 10 ,
2:00 : , 8:00,4:00,5:00 : : : , 0:00 : , 1DX5 : n. in. On Sundays
8.40,0:00. : 11:15 . m ; 1:00,3:00,6,00 : : , 0:00,10.15pn : :
ArrUo attianslcrilciwt IS mlinitoj litter ; 11
' pot , Council lllnfTs , 20 mltinto * l k > r.
, < oao Council llluth , Ilroadnay depot , 7:20 : , 8:30 :
0:30. : 1030,11:40 : a.m ; I'SO. SSO.8:80. : : 4:80,6:30,8.35 : :
11:061 : .in On RumUyi : 7:20 , Bso : , 11:40 : . nt ; ls : >
3:30 : , 4SO : , O.Si , 11:05 : ( nn. Anlte t Tmn lor 7 mln
itcn later.
Leave Council llluds TfanRfor tlcpol : 7S3 : , SS7 ;
0:37,10.87 : , liJ7 : K m ; i:3rTs : 7,3:37,4-40 : , t : '
"l:16u. : in. Artlto Omana 13 mliiut sUt r.
am. No. Silfi nm Puis. No. 61. . . . l > : 5 am
11 0 8M : m
" 62 10:05 : ui
" 4 4t5inn : a . 7:36 : p
" B 8:10 : pin 1 . 8:15 : pm
11 10 8.65 I'm
biuvx. I ABRIT * .
Mall" 10:35 : in Omaha Kxp..PM ; i
St. Loult Kxp..8:35 : pm Mall * 8.60 n m
U. U. * l 1' . 11.11.
, .0 : < 0 a m St. Pau1 Kill. . 0:45 : a n
fcL Paul Kip. , .A.66 p mDnil. Mill 7:35 : pm
Dnil. .
o.n. i ithn.n.
DcsMolneDAoo'.0:40nm : Eiirr | < i | 0:45 : it m
.8:16 : n m I UoxMolnca Aco'.8SO : p in
, .426 ! pmllUII- 7:35 : p m
O. * N. W. K 1 * . .
Mill' SlB : m , . . R'4B m
. .4:2511 : m | Mail * 7:35 : pm
0. , 11. & St. I1. H. II.
-i * 8:1 : f. . urn r&oifla Kipt0:45 : a ID
AUantloRxt 4rJ5 p m | Mill A. Kip * 7:35 : p m
C.,1) ty H. B. Uft Council lllulls. )
Kelt S:16 : ft tn Kxprcwx 0:45 : a m
Ext rcu 4:25 : p m Wall 7:35 : n tn
mm- .
Noto.Tlio 0:00nm : nrulr > : oOim | iliimmy trains also
ooiuicet with uAst-limitiil IraliiH on tlio llock-Irinml ,
llmllnKton , North-Wcotcrn Riul Jtllmuilu'o roads.
I.BAVB , | Anauii.
Cannon Ball l:00pm : | Cannon Uall 8:60 : pm
K. 0. , BT. JOK b 0. V. ( rla Council
r-TMl 0:00 : a m F.xprwiHt 7tO : m
UxprOHl 6:65pin : | Hall 7:3Spm
During July Snturtlty , Sunday and UonJay
trains will roUte ai ( nlloiva ;
Haturday cnlng t ralna leave July 6th ami Mill via
C. M. & bt. 1'JJnly U hla the North-Western ; July
lth via thu llock Island Arrlvo In the Bama
order the Monday lolloulng ,
Sunday inornhij ; trnlim dcurt | anil Sunday evening
tratnn arrlvo July Cth and 27th tl.i the lluck iHland ,
July ISth xlatho North-Wcatcrn , ami July i'Otlil
thoOM&St 1' .
From It , & BI. Uopot ; Tenth Street ,
B. ft . nAltUOAtt-MAIN LINK.
Omaha. . 0:10 : pm 7:60 : am . 7:00 : pm 10u5 : nm
Aahland. . . 8:27 : pm 10P8am : 4:62 : pm 8:12 : am
Lincoln..lO.-flO inn 12 0m 8:60 : pm 7 : < 5 am
Crcto 11:17 : pm 12MOpm : 2:41 : pm 8:04 : am
H.-VKtlnRH. . 6:16 : am 4ir : > pin 11:56 : am 10:61) : pm
Ilod Cloud. 8:00 : om 8.03 pm 10'J5 : nm 8'J5 : pin
hfcCook. . . 10:56 : am 016 ; pin 0:16 : am 4:10 : pm
Akron . . . . 3:45 : pm 2:10 : am 12GO : am llCD : am
Deliver. . . . 7:25 : pm 0.16 am 0:25 : pm 7:30 nm
oirAHA AND pLATmiouni TUAINS :
tv. Omaha at 7:60 , and 8:45 : a m ; 4:60,0:10 : : , 71 : ! p m
Ar. Omaha tU25 : , 8:40 : nnd 10U5 : a m ; 7:00,7:30 : p m
C. B. &iQ. U. U-Ua I'lattnmouth. )
Eastern Kxp..8:45 : n m Omaha Kxp 8:40 : a m
Chicago Kxp. . . . 4:60 : p m I WcHtcru Exp..7:30p : m
K. C. , ST. J. & C. II. ( via I'lattsmouth. )
Mall 8:16 : n m ixnrii t OMi
KxprosJt 7:45 : pm | Mall 7:30 : ; >
PromO. Bt. I' . M. &O. Depot , Mth and
"WoUstor Streets ,
a , st. P. M. ft o.
N'o 2 ra38cnKor..R : Oani I No 3 Mlxol 10:30 : a m
No 1 Mixed 3SOnm : | No 1 rasscriRcr. 6:30 : p m
Sundays Uxcoi < tcd.
Opening and oioniiiit or Malls.
a.m. p.m. a.m. p.m.
* N. w.o.n.i.aip. , & c.
jr. & st. i * . 10 sa 8:00 : 5-80 8:20 :
. II. & Q. kuo : 8:00 : 6:30 : 8:20 :
. 11. & Er Ifall 4io :
. C. & 1 * . In Iowa 8:00 : 6:30 :
IVnbash local 4:30 : 12:15 :
ic. o. , st. Joe & a. n. . _ 8:45 : 8:00 : 6:39 : eto :
lllssourl Pacific - 7oo : 8:30 :
a , st.r. M. do ooo 0.09
7nloii 1'aclllo 8:30 : 4.30 11:10 : T:60 :
It Uoptihllcan Valley 1:06 : 12:16 :
. ft II. Local 7oo : 7:80 :
. St M. Kx. Hall. 10SO : 6:16 :
Olllooopoa Sundaya from 12:00 : m. t * 1:00 : p. in.
O KCOUTANT routmastor
JSL. "V E3
Ui * * ft-M k Mi fl& * *
ind your work is done for nil time
to como.
to produce a more durnhlo mutorial
for fitreofc imvotuoni I arm , o
Sioux Falls Qrauito.
i ra
filled promptly. Samples fionfc and
cutiuiatoH rjivou upon applicatiou ,
Sioux Falls. Dakota
lee Cowa nutl elfors , oo One-year Btooru. j
'lli aboru dcscrlboil oattla aru all neil tiuJ , n - j
Uo NeuruHki ami Iowa , I
Tliu' j cat tlo will bunil'J In Icti to ault purchaser.
'or lurtotr | ' rtioulaiu Ml on or adJrow ,
/Utlon , Mvb.
feowers of Live Stock and Others ,
His the licit and ohdiiiest lood tor ntook ot ny Unrt.COno pound Is eqn l to three pounds ot ooru
tock tolfcithOrouml Oil Cain In the Fill mid fflntor , limo d ot nmnlce ilown , will Incrcawi In wolghl
iiiiilliolii . cowl umikotnbloooiul.tlonln . thoiprina. Dnltymon , a vrell M otlicti , who UM Itoan t etlfyl.
Its motlto. Try II tJ Ju.lg * fji your l\rof. \ ltce ( J5 CO | r loir nn cliirre for Bufltii. Aildrera
[ all's Safe and Lock
'j V JL.SLU.IUi JL ( Uj
XOSSO yFnTC3.n. txa. CBTa-oo't.
II. 13. LOCKWOOD ( fonnovly of Lockwood & Dr i > cr ) Chicaup , hlan-
ngcr of the Tea , Cigar nud Tobacco Departments. A full line o
all griulua of iibovo ; nlso pipes nnd smokers' articlua carried in
etock" . Prices and samples furnished on application. Open
orders intrusted to us shrill receive our careful attention
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
IRi'raT- '
H 131 Heating and Bakin
Tn only attained by ualnR
Stoves and Ranges ,
E mil m
Fci sale by
1118 FARNAil STREET , - - - OMAHA , NEB
I ?
PaintsOHs. .
) l.rATIA ! . , - .
Milwaukee , Wis.
QUNTHEE & GO , , Sole Bottlers.
' .HELLMAN < Ss CO. ,
For Hides , Wool , Polls , Etc. , and consignments made to us will receive
prompt attention , for which immediate returns will bo nmdo.
3th Street , Bet. Dodge and Capitol Ave , , - - OMAHA , NEB *
OffiGB and YardE6thand : DouelasSts- *