Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 21, 1884, Page 2, Image 2

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Vital QucstlomMt | !
UK Iht VMtt eminent jihyiit mn
Of Any pcliool , what Is tlio Iwwt thing in llio
world for quieting rind nllaving all irritation
of the nerve * , and curing nil forms of nervous
complaints , giing natural , childlike refroth *
And they will toll von unhesitatingly
"Some Jarmantopi 111"
Ask nny or nil of tlio most Mninont phys
icians :
"What In tlio best nnd only remedy that
cnn bo relied on to euro nil disc.wi of the Wil-
ney * and urinary organs ; such M Uriel's tlis-
OMO , ilirtbctes , retention , or Inability to retain
tirlno , anil nil tlin disoiuoa and nllmonts i > o
ctillar to Woinon"
"And they will tell you oxiilicity and cm <
" llitchttttl'
Idiotically" ;
A k the sumo physicians
"What is reliable and surest euro
for ftlll liver tliserwesor < lyspopnia ; constipation
indication , billiouMios' , inalarin , fever , ague ,
&c. , nnd they will toll YOU :
Afantlralel or DawlclionlUI"
Hcnco , whoa thora remedies are combined with
others equally \a1uahlo.
And compounded Into Hop Hitter" , mich anon-
dcrful and my tcrloiu curative power l < developed ,
which In so varied In 111 operations that 119 dl < ea o
or til health can possibly cilst or resist Us power ,
and j el It Is
Harmless fof the most frail woman , weakest Inn-
lid cr snullost cliild to um.
"Almoit dead or nearly iljlnc"
l oryearn , nnd plxou up by phyujchns , of
Uright'a r nd other kidney d Incases , liver com-
VlfMiits , Bovcro coughs , called consumption ,
have been curoil ,
Women gnnt ntttrlycraytlll
rromngonyof neurnUia , nortnuiinww , wftko-
f ulnos , rmd v1 riotndi o.uG8 peculiar to women.
ri'Oplodnvvnoiitof ( iharefrotiioiCTiirUlInKpinu
of rhiumitlm , InlUiiiiiiatory ajil chronic or miller-
tie from scrofula.
Krj fcl | > oias
" .i.eum , MiKhl poliniilnR , . > } uneinln , * Indlees-
tlon , and In f let , almost all dbcMci frail"
Katnro l heir lo
Hive benl ctinil by Hop IlUtcn , proof of which In every no ( ihlorhooi In the known
jtir.Nono cenulno without ft bunch 'if green llopi
cntfonlilto label Shun all thallc , i > 5lsonuiu
ntufl wllh"Huii" or "Hops" In their n&nia.
itliillMshow that llio
inortahtv amnni ; clill-
drc 11 (9 ( far greater In
the Bumircr months
thanatixny other sea-
.0.1. . H" fth an 1 per-
feet Action of the bow
el ) nu ftiflured by the
uw of IlldKn'ii Food. It
li neutral in Its notion ,
11 rrvllly I a k o n
by thu littli ones , coca-
.linn no tai upon the
, , _ _ , - . mj. _ Hgc tl\oorg i , and li
assimilated when tno Btornacn rejects all cUo. Sol I
liy all IIructUls , put up In cant. fournlzi'S , rtt IIIuir
360. , 85. , 1.2.r. andtl.iS. Heiid to WOOMUCU ! L
CO , , I'almcr , Maw. for I'hamphlot.
To the noo'li at th
nnrlU , commorcia
traveler nndnow net
tier , Hosteller's Fto
much Bitters Is pecu
liarly adiptoJ , slnco
It GtrcnKlhcna the
dlgcjllt a orananil |
braoi * the physlenl
. _ cncrglostouuhcalth
- - - fnl Ii.i1ue.nco3. Kro-
nun CH mid prevents
malarial fo\cr , con-
etlpatlon , dyspepsia ,
hcaltlitiilly fctirai-
bladder andontlchcs
an well an purifies the
blood. When over-
c o in o by fatigue ,
whether mental or
plnalrjil. the weary
- . _ _ _ and ileMlltatoil find
a reliable source of renewed utrenKth and comfort ,
orsalo by all druilsU and doil
. mir * car * . Hook rr *
VARICOCELE SSSff1 Agency , IfiuKliltua HI..K. T. '
An iifllrnt tpr thlnictmld cfn altlu > .
, t U vorlJ , * itr lijipiptift. Punt- * * , hftr * tA Aiu * . & < ! kll
iltvrJ'ri tit f bi I'lr On < > r < tni. X. Irw JntM IvpMI ft drilrlMl flt f
Co cluiof et.nnpufnf . , MII ] la UI iuunfi f drink * . Try It.
U * t 'fmufttrM't. > ik rnur p * ' r
WtioUiLUiJf..iUMU , MI.J lj.I > M
Belgian Buytxl and U.S. MftllBtcaincrs
TheJthinc , Germany , Italy , Holland ami Franct
Btuerago Outward , $20 ; 1'ropald from Antwerp , fig ;
Kxcnralon , $19 , InoludlnKbodJInif , etc , 2d Cabin , ? 5U ;
Hound Trip , $ > 0 00 ; Kxou lon , 8100 ; Baloou from { 50
to tW Kxcurulon 110 to 816U.
f3"l'etot Wright a Sous , Qen , Agonta. 5S Uroaj
way N. Y.
lUmllton & Co. , Omaha. P. E. Clod
niu & Co. , 208 N. 10th Struct , Omaha ; I ) . K. Kim
* ll , OnuhiAf ontd. i into
i nrvHioAL
. OI'lrANLYVIQOIl.Spirniatorr
Li -U'-.u1) ) tfjiKM , eta , when til other romo-
I * . "Y > ' < 'vL 'ff3 ! u'ft.11. ' . . ? urt gMarantetd.
OAT.IIIBTITUTE , P/ourlttora , 718 OlUo atc t , tit. .
X-oulo , llo.
"I hivu nld Hlr Attloy Uoopor * ! Vital Ilca'orktiT *
or vi r . Kvory ciutomcr tpoakg highly of It
of true merit
" 0. F OOODMIN ,
Kmokrra nf Illarkurll'a Ocinilno
Dull Durliam HiuuUiiKTobacru wtll
rocvivo rrt'inlunm M follown rn
toriuaand condltlo
- "
2d S2,000
3d " $ D,000
Ui5 other I'rrnilnmi aa here nhown.
Thu 5 prvmluma will bo awarded
KeoemUr 21. ml. lut 1'rfinlum
JtfUOO KOUU to the urnon from whom \fo ro-
cdvethi < hrk'i tuutuborofouronii'tr
JJ5175 tobanuo bwi I'Hur In Hit , 15. 1M nlll
l i idveu for tlio neit lant t iininbrr
nni ] thin , In tin order of the number
of empty bam received from inch ,
to the twenty.llvo intofMMfiil con *
tenttuto. liiih In/ mint bear our
80 ( irltftnil null Durham label. 11. H.
Itovemie Ktainp. and Oautlon Notice.
$7 11-uri jauBt budououpKvurelylu n
pacUafe , with iiamo and < KlJn' i of
K-udvr , and niinilxT nf laitiriinHlu. it
WIO i l. plainly iiinrkiil on thn unt'ldo ,
ami mu t ! ' wlit.i h rvi-ti I'rci ild. to
WSO IlliicUiicll't Iliirliiiiii 'robiicco
wao C/'o. , DUUIUM , N 0 , KVITV ntuuluo
| ckwe IUH I'lcturn ' of Hull
mo _ Mnmiiirii"it nii'iniif < "iiynt ,
IIu one o > the larvnt and nne'jt aasortment rrf
- uil Hummer Uood fur Bultlaici uud Trouter-
lnia All L'bruiKr.Niraarantaid to fit and trimmed
' . 1 AltKI.OWKll
with tlioUottlVlinulux * . MVI'KICU.1)
Jinn toy Uerciuut 'J'ttUor la Ihe eJtHi < 4 t'crnaui
OonitunnilcrBohlni'flOrtlorfl Kxplnlii-
IIIR the OnlAini(7 lUpo8ltlon
of the Bodies ,
, July 10. Admiral Nichols ,
acting eocrotary of the navy , Issued orders to
Oommandor Schley this afternoon to remain
at St. Johni ai long as necowary to necnro the
encasing of the do d of the Orcoloy party in
caikotn and then proceed with his tliri-o VB-
told , the Thetis" "Dear" and "Alert , " with
thosnrvi\ors and the dead , to rorteraoutli ,
Now HampHliiri- , where he will await further
orders and whcro the members of the ( Ireoley
party and thorollof < ! iK'ditlon | can become nc * .
climatcJ before procowlmg further south.
ItCIl. Ha/en it nnnojodby criticisms which
have boon mvlo respecting the non-untabllsh
montof adipotiioor CIIJKI Sftblne , upon the
won coast of the channel , anil ban prepared
the following memorandum In rcupoet lo the
matter : "It was the plan from the first to place
a depot upon the owl bank of Drconland , at
I.iltioton island. This was Oreely's plan before
fore lie ctartoJ , but very carefully reiterated It
in writing after rcachin ? Ijidy 1'ranklln bay ,
cloning his lotUT on the subject In these words :
'No deviations from these instructions ohould
bo pormittcd , Lntltmlo of action nhould not
bo given to a relief party who , on n known
coast , nro searching for mtn who know their
plans and orders. The reasons for this de
cision were Hint there was coal on the east field
nnd nonu on the west. It was in the neigh
borhood of friendly l' > quimauxs , who did not
live on tlio wnct Bid1) . On the east side
there was abundant came , whlln there was
none on the west , \Yhllu numerous camps
of explorers had been tfltahllMind on the oatl
sldo for th'o rtbovo reasons , they nro novcr es
tablished on tlio went Ride , bccauso the west
sldo wai scarcely tiian barren rocks.
The pledge of the signal olllco to support
Crcoloy in exact nccunl with this arrange-
mcnt W.IH tlio imwt sacred any man could
give , and to have departed from it would lm\o
been base Ireauhory. This was done in every
pnrticulur. Krtroipcctivoly , ono may now
mil otliur pl'ini ' tli it mlb'lit hav i been better ;
but in nuking porHoiial judgment' , wo must
pi coourselves in tlio position of Grccloy mid
thoto who were working with him three yearn
ago at the time ho loft. Tlio MgnnJ ollico
W.IH condcmiud by a court of inquiry , became -
came It did not dupnrt from this agreement.
RO far as to establish n depot going up Instuui
of coming down if it failed to rc.ich Lady
Franklin bay , ns Gruoley had directed : but It
soouis now that , had It beou done , ( > reoloy
could notha\o ronched it , as ox plained In his
dispatch , for reasons then not foreseen. "
ST. .JOHNS , N. V , July 19. The follo-vlng
Is tha present disposition of tha bodloi nf the
victims of the Orooloy expedition in the res-
pnetivo ttcamOiipii : In the tanks of the
"Thetis" are Ltoutonant Lock-wood , Sergeant
Cross , Sergeant I.avid ) Lyon , Korgaant A.
( iudlner , 1'rivnto II. Snyder nnd Sergeant
Israel. Tlio tanks of the "Boar" hold the re
mains of Lioutonnnt Kisllngburg , Dr. 1'avey ,
Serguant Jowoll , 1'rivato Klliti , tJcrgoantltail-
Bton , Corporal Joseph Ellison nnd 1'rivato
itolon. Frederick Christian , Jani Kd-
s , Esquimaux , and 1'rivato Henry Bcnlor
iiuxitholr graves nmld the Arctio nno\ya.
Caskota for the docoaaod will bo pruparwl by
Thurxday. The bhips nail on Thursday night
or Friday morning , Lieutenant Grcoloy
less HO , porhapn , than the oth
ers. Yesterday ho cxhibltod Fymp-
tonm pf pront faiiguo and weaknrna llo Ia
talking too much and the constant interviewing
op rateH unfavorably. Ho win taken for n
drive yesterday tin the valley to Watorfurd
bridge nnd glo.itnd upon tha beautiful fertile
Hiinimor projpcctx in marked contrast to the
blnak Htcrility of hia HO recent cabin homo.
"Thoso trocH , " ho tiald with exuberant ontlutai-
auiii , "loot no beautiful to an eye Hint Into econ
no vegetation for over three years. The grcon
( ields give mo now lifo. " Orooluy is the guint
of the city and private horses nnd carriage * are
at his dippo al , and every kindnoaj and atten
tion is paid to him , Koch member of the party
forms the center of listening nnd admiring
groupn and gocH over nnd over tlio-ocital of
tlio terrible l nut. There will bo memorial nor
vices for the dead in all the churches of the
city to-morrow and commcmoratlvo sermons
will bo preached.
Proclamation by I'roatdont Arthur
InHtructlonfl by Secretary
l < * olcr | Action by the \ ,
Oublnct , "
WAHIUNOTON , July 11) ) . The following proc
lamation hfti boon iHsued by the prealdont of
the United States of America :
Whllo quarantine regulations are committed
to the Rovoral ctates , the general govornmcnt
lias roposetl certain powcrn in the president to
110 ust > d at hla dtscrotjon in preventing n
threatened opidomlc. Kooliiifr it my duty , I
horuby call upon all persona who , under the
oxiutlng HyatoiiiH In the navcral Htatca , are
cntriiHtcd with the execution of the quaran-
line icgulatloiiH , to bo diligent nnd on
the alert , In order to prevent the intro
duction of the postllenco which wo nil
regret to learn ha ; made IU appearance in
voino of the countrlcH of Kuropo , botwcon
which and the parti of the United State ? , in-
tcrcourco Indirect and frequent. I further
advibo that the citten and towns of
the United btatox , whether on the
eo.wt or on the line ot iiiter-comimiiiication ,
by cound saiil nry rcgulationn and promotions
of cleaniM'si , ba prepaicd to u'Hiat the lower
dlxaaBoi and to nnti/ato their sorvity ; and I
furthnr ilireot the conmilrt of the United Stilci
111 | iartn wlicio th'j pestilence linn mailo or may
innlco Itu nppeiuiince , to uxercisa vigilnnco In
carrying out thoinHtructlons hnrct Iorogi\ ,
nnd in commiiui < jntiiig to the government of
tha United St'itoH any information of value
minting to the profliojuor trvatment of the
ISIgnod ] CIIKHTVH A. Amimii.
WAHIIINOTON , .Tuly 1 ! ) . Sucrctnry Tolgnr
to-day Iririiud im.truclions to lollcctoriof puiU
nnd ether per-oim mteruxted to imnent , until
further orJer , the uiilowlingof r\gs from in-
fi'ctc < l fori'ltfii ports and nips which nro mis-
pectod on good ( { rounds of being infected ,
coming from ny toro'gn poi t. 'J'h ) Hiiiguou-
general of tlio iniirlno lnt.pltul Kur\iio toll
graphed the health aiithoiiucs nf Now Urlcnim
tlitt the Hocratnry of the lioasury had illrictcd
tline.H rln nf the re\i'inio nuirlnu torvico to
pttrol the ciuats of the United Stutw , and Urn
gulf coast , OH n piccnntionary moamirii
ag dust cholera. It is cxpoctod thtt the prenl
dent will IKHUO an oxccilttVH order exiling ul-
tdiitlon to tlio iirci'mity ; for moro utrlugont
prtsautioiis against the introduction of ihulo-
in , and urging great vlnilimco on the pnrt of
tha go\oruinont. both at homo mid ul'n'ful.
Cjiiurantino will probably bn oxtalilhluul
i giilnst Cnnitda and also ngaiiiHt Mexico , in
winch latter placa tlinrola leported an epidem
ic of yellow fever , The "epidemic fund , " of
which there la nn unex | niU'd bulniK'u of about
578,000 , will bo utiluud by the authorities for
tlieua parpoccx Tim ndminlKtrntlou has do
tvrmtned to make o\ery po Hiblo dfort to pru
> ont the Introduction of the contagion ,
VpA ! ll ! aTON , July 10. The cabinet has
docidud to tnko vigorous mooHiiros to prevent
tlio Introdiiitlon of cholera Into the United
HUtcH , The ttato and trovury departments
will net toruthor In enforcing the regulations
which are to bo prepared. An order will bo
I sued prohibiting the Importation of ra n
from all Infected countries for nliinty d ys or
longer if nocentary. It wa uliio decided thnt
the vos eU of tha rovomio innrlr.o pprvico thall
r tnlilUh oorilon along the count to prevent
the laiullng of alMo9os ! from foreign ports
which do not powers eleMi bilU of health ,
WAHIIINGTO.V , July 18 , The Star siys the
prc'ldont has not rot iimud the cnmmUiioii of
John JiiiTUtt , of rittobiirg , to IM chief of the
bureau of liibor ntitUti-u : , and has not ynt do
tormtnod to do HO , Jnrrnlt ma lo nuino dlspar
agirg remarks with rrgard to the profidont in
public iipoocli at I'ltUbtirg , and is In danger
of loulng iho pobltlou which was within hi )
The tesslon of the cabinet to-day w > devoted -
od mainly to ronsldorlng the best methol of
jinn outing the introduction of cholera Into the
United Btatcs.
The secretary of t : tn to-day rocchcd it
cnMofrom Coniiil ( leiiornl Walker at I'orls
nsknowlodKiiig the iec lpt of thfl sanitary tele
giam , undna\ltiglthtd boon uont to Havrot
liordcaux and MnrHeilliw. IIu further HJLVH it
will bo Htrlaly obit-nod ; tliut there U uo
clml ra In 1'urlj yet , und the city U uuuaunlly
Tlio president appointed H , A. 1'lik of Cali
fornia , Jtlm Trjv/l.iido ( ; v ( 51amucbinott3
Henry A. lloland of Maryland nnd George V ,
Uarkor of Pennsylvania , commissioner * to the
national confnrcnco of electricians to bo hold In
Philadelphia in the autumn of this year.
JatnPH K , Putnam , of Idaho , register of the
land olllco At Coourd'Alono , Idaho , and James
I ? . Legato , receiver of public money ) at the
same place ,
HowOlmfTco linked by Or Ant
Wnnl ,
NF.W YOHK. July 18. In the Grant k Ward
suit to-day , Kx-Sonator Ghftfloo tosllfiod that
in April , 18S3 , ho loaned the firm of Grant '
Word 5100,000 In UtiiUxl SUtos bonds. ln'
October ho loaned them $200.000 , Ho al o
loaned them $125,000 inWoit Virginia
Central and PitUbiirg railroad bond ) , Gov-
ornmonU were Worth from 23 to 25 per cent
. premium. There wo * no tnarkot > aluofor
the ether bond * , but they cold nt par with Interest -
I torost ' up to C per cent. At the time of tlio
. loan Iho bonds wcro In the box of U. S.
Grant , Jr. Ho had loft thorn thorn there for
' safe Jcooping. U. S. Grant , Jr. , had asked
him for the loan of them lo the firm , as they
had not as much money at they desired , Mr ,
Ward , ho thought , had afterwards told him
the money obtained on the bonds WM loaned
to mon who had largo railroad contracts and
would yield a handsome profit. Ho was lo ro-
coiva half the profits made by the firm from
the USD of till monoy. Altogether ho had
drawn about $40,000 ai hi * ulnrn of tlio I
profits. Chaffoo said ho had no written ovl-
denco of the transaction as far aa the loans '
were concerned.
I.OKDOX. July 10 , Thirty deaths at Mar-
nolllos , and 17 at Toulon , last night.
WASIIIXQTO.V , July 10. The cabinet JIM
decided to t ko vlgoroui measures to prevent
the Introduction of cholera In the United
States. The state and trcsn.iry dopartmonta
will act together la enforcing regulations ,
which are to bo prepared. An order will ba
issued for prohibiting tha Importallon of ruga
from all Infected countries for ninety days , or
longer if necessary. It wan also decided thnt
voxels In the rovomio mnrlno porvlco shall ca-
tabllsh n cordon along the coast to prevent
the landlnir of nil \csscls from foreign ports
which do not possess clean bill of health ,
OTTAWA , July 10. There Is no truth In the
tatcmont purporting como from Wnhlngton
that paper nnd rags stipposod to have been
collected In the cholera infbctod districts of
Kuropo are being Imported Into the United
Stntoi through Canadian ports , The United
States Importers should BOO that necessary
precaution is taken before shipment. Tlio
dominion cannot tell what In buloa nnd the
ault of not tnkitiK proper precautions must
rest In the United States authorities.
Special to The Boo.
CIIIOAOO , July 10. Julia Blow , colored ,
untorod the police station early this morning.
She was blooding profusely from n wound in
the loft breast and was weak from loss of |
ilood. During the night eho qunrrolod with
Magglo Fayno , also colored , about a negro
named lUchard Wilson. The customary ra
zors were produced , and they commenced to
slash each otiior. Magqio Pay no received
thrco ciito In the foco , ono of which Bovorud
her none , and two on the loft hand , ono of
which amputated her left linger. Julia Blow
received but ono cut mul escaped , but was
compelled to Hcok medical nseistanco at the
armory. Her wounds were dressed nnd she
was locked up. There la possibility of the
I'ayno woman dj ing , Julia ( Blow was taken
beforea _ Justlco ami .committed to await her
victim's iujuiIoH.
Malno IlcpiibllcniiB.
1'OBTLANi ) , Malno , July 18. The republl-
can etjtu commlttuo mot hero thU evening.
Amen ? these present were Senator Hale ,
Congrofisman Hood , Dengly nnd lioutclle ,
Governor ] lobio , Collector l > ow nnd ether
loading rorublicans , most of whom spoke
briefly but infernally. Judge Wing , chair
man , made a statement of the condition and
progress of tha p\rty throughout tha stato.
There was a general interchange of opinions
for the most part of a conversational charac
ter , regarding the manner of conducting the
campaign , but there was no business dono.
Tlio meeting was moro In the uaturo of a
Tlio Storm lu Brown
Spoclnlto The Boo.
AJNHWOIITII , Nob. , July 19 , A severe
rain , wind and hail atorm paused over this
place last evening , lasting about ono hour ,
doing great damage to crops and other prop
orty. The opera house of Mrs. N. J. Odborn
was moved from its foundation by the wind ,
damaging it about five hundred dollars.
The Prohlblilonlato.
PiTTHiiuno , July W. The prohibitionists
are rapidly Ratting things in nhnpo for the
mealing of tiioir national convention to beheld
hold hero next wook. Col. George Babcock
and Mrs. F.mily I'itt StovoiiB , of California ,
have urrivod nnd are advance courauta
of what IH hoped to bo n boom for Dr. It , II.
McDonald , of California , Delegate ) * are not
ox pool od to arrive In any considerable num
bers before Monday night or Tuesday morn
ing. The oxccutlvo committed moot ot tha
St. Charles hotel Tuesday t 1 ! p. in.
Mnlno Grccnlmckers Pro for Him no.
I'oiiTLANi ) , Mo , July 18. The greenback
btato commlttoo mot to-day and voted to mnko
n vigorous and nggrenslvo campaign provided
that Itutlor Ia n oandltlato , The fooling ox-
tiroHiMHl In the mooting was that in all green
back dl-ttrlctfl , groonbackerH , an between
ISlnIno and Cleveland , worn In favor of lilnino
partly from atato pritlo nud partly owing to
the fooling that CJovolnnd has no npscial
pitthy with the m.vsoH whlla ISlaluo hna.
An lee lIotiHnBurnett
TOLEDO , ( ) . , July 18. The Ice houto of the
Iluckoyn brewing compiny wild J. A , Was-
HOII , ot ColiimbiiM , on the mer brlovv the city
was bnrnod with a low of 50,000 to$7 000 ,
The sand HCOW Tlutchor , ulitrh wns ti l to
the dock , uho burned , ln'n ? : i,000 ; no iiinur-
nuct ) , Lawruiuii 'Ihompson , who \f n on the
xcovv , la thought to bo fatally burned , and two
other men xuppocod to bo on the KCOW nro
miexliig , Thochairod remninsof onu missing
man wuro found on the ecow ,
Ainorlonu Out tlo lor KiiKlnml ,
LONDON , July li ) . Marquis I.orno will introduce -
troduco tu I.oril Carllngford , Lord of the Privy , next wci'k , a deputation in fax or of the
Importation of Iio.ilthy cattle from the wes
tern ntntoa of Amorlra through Canada , nnd
vrho will hliow him that the farmora of Kng.
1'.mil want Aiiiorlojtn cattle , They will ropro-
vent the lavvH of the states from which the cattle -
tlo como nro nulllclontly trlct to prevent the
tprc.ul of
A iirnto'u Dfaorvc'il Dt'.Mh.
CIIIOAOO , July 10. ttho Dally Now * ' Oup.
ton ( Va ) special siya : At Iron Uato , Va. ,
ycwtorday ; , ThomoH Johnson stripped hla stepson -
son and tied his IniuN to whip him. The boy
encapod , tan to the river nnd jumped in.
Johnson followed. The current WAS uwift ,
and both were drowned , Thobodlej wcro recovered
covered lust night ,
Hfiot llond ,
Cii.MUEHTO.f , S. 0. , July 18. A special to
the Navvs nnd Courier from Charleston , S , 0. ,
stitteH th it P. llftwley DOU ISBH , 'generally
thought to ba tha party who led the poaao that '
killed Hogitu Cash , was shot down to-day
whllo lit work in W.field. . Ho claims to
know who dldjtho shooting.
l-'lonil ,
CIIICAOO. July 10. The Dally Now * ( Tin
calwm , Ala , , ) poclal .IH : JIvnry liutko ,
culcrtxl , who iittcmptod io outrage n little
wlilto girl , wai capture 1 lint night in the
garret nf nu old homo A mob nt midnight
tool : him from jail mid hsngnd him to n tiou
In tlio street nnd put five Imlluii in the bo < y. k
A DUrmiuli from Grcoly ,
Nu\M'.uinronr , Mom. , July J'J. John A.
Grooly , recelvoil the following : |
_ " uv * JohiiH , N. l'.t lllth duo .In . Now ' Vork
about AugtiHt lit. Shall 6cnd [ ) alejc lenro In
N'eubuifimrt this autumn. Perfectly well
but weak. " ( cHgnod ) A. N. Gioely.
linnIr Utittuinoiit ,
NEW YOIIK , July 30 The lunk shown a
rcseno incivato cf ? lfiM7.'i. The banks
now hold ? l 3l-llG,77i > Iu oxiv4iof kgiil rcqutru-
1110Ut > J ,
Tlio Grand Island Times has suspended ,
Anhland has voted $5,000 for a now Bchool
1'iro Cleveland flags are fluttering In the
breezes of Wilbur.
The Pawnee Press , ( Uom ) calls it "a
did ticket" to defeat.
Albion's now school house will bo10x70 , di' '
vided into four rooms ,
' Dlnswortli ha * decided lo issue ? r.OOD , in
bonds to build n novfcliool.
The corner fltonoof the Trinity
Lulhoran ihurch at Kearney waylaid last.Sun
The Hurt county Herald N the da mocratlc
fog horn of the North. It h young and a lit-
lie loot too ,
The Crelo Globe favors the rcnoniinalion of
Governor Dawcs. The Globe revolves nt Iho
homo of Dawos ,
Frank Moody , n brakcman , fell from Iho
lop of n box car at Oakland on the ldtn nnd
was r-oriously injured.
The Lincoln city council h lol Iho con
tract for water works , to ojst f00,000. Tlio
Holly system will IMS nscd.
The Crete Vedette Is Iho only rni' In llio
RUte ( without n > prrsldential candidate. Hn-
ther ) cold day for indcpondonls.
The Wahoo Independent boats Iho base
drum nnd calls tipon Ihu faithful lo r lly
around J. 0. Cowin for congrow.
Tlio West Point brickyard lurns out 25,000
bricks daily , for which a ready market is
found at homo and neighboring towns.
Sheriff M click , of Lancaster county , hai
ciptiirod Will D ird. charged with embezzling
$1,000 , and lodged him in the county pen.
The young men's republican club of Plaits-
mouth has purchiuod ; torchon , plumes and
other regalia. The bori ro rod hot for dis
Beatrice has n , painted white elephant on ila
hands In lhoshpoof n JW.OOO school building ,
which is denounced a ) n fr.Mid and an insult to
, ho people.
The Itomibllcmi reports the business outlook
at West Point was nouT better than at the ,
present timo. An abundant hamut brightens
the limes wonderfully.
A Central City man pulled a loaded gun
inuzzlo foremost out of a wagon at Albion on
Thursday , llo wont homo the next day with
a badly shattered nrm in a fling.
The first Hhipmont of tin ere from the Black
Hills was recelTod by the Nlobrara Transpor-
talion company nt Valentino week before last.
It was shipped to Now York to bo smelted.
The Central City Courier thinks the dem
ocratic ticket "tho strongest that could have
been made , in that it represents that rofwrm
for which the better element in politics have
bson striving for sixteen yosrs. " .
A hoary storm struck North Plntlo Friday' '
afternoon , 1'ho wind boirlod 60 miloa and
rain fell in wet blankets lightning struck
the Nebraskan otllca , heavy hail fell and
hundred of window lights wore broken.
Hit Is a close race between the Omaha Boo
and the Lincoln Journal toseo which can first
accustom itself to a full dish of BUlno crow
without roaching.-tCroto Vidotte. It will
onablobath to doeomo tall crowing In Novoin-
The North Platte Nebraska changed from
a republican to a democratic paper ten days
ago , nnd was struck by Hghtnln * last Friday.
This 19 a providential pointer to ths ungodly
to Bosk sholterunder Iho banners of lilaino and
The B. k M. lias a largely increased forse
of section hands at work putting their road in
first-class condition between Omaha and Lin
coln. A largo force is empiopsd ia putting in
the stone ballast between Omaha and Platts-
mouth , another gang putting In gravel ballast
between Greenwood mid Ashland , and a third
laying stool rails between Wavorly and Lin
A popularity of tha recent dflitrnctivo hall
storm in Saline county is the fact that a simi
lar storm visited tha
same region ono year
ngo-tho first on the IHh of July and the
hut on the 12th of July. The width of the
hall alarm waa about four miles destroying
all kinds of grain for a scops of about two
miles in width and partially damaging corn
and wheat on the outer cftgoa.
The Ruslcka brothers , Frank and Joeeph
sons of the proprietor of the Wilbur opera
house , quarrolodovor Ihoir cupjj and Frank lo
iont , pullodCiarovolverand
shot at hU brother. The latter dodged bo
kind the bar nnd saved himself. Thinking ho
had killed his brother , Frank put the pistol to
Ida breast and ecnt a bullst iutotho fleablnonr
tbo shoulder blade. The doctors may pull
him through.
Horse thieves nro still operating in Sarpy
county. Two horsw were stolen Friday
night Ed. Barono's pasture near Paplllion ,
Several other farmers in tliat vicinity report
honoa missing. There seams tj be a well
organized gang of thieves in the county. A
dozen horses have beoa stolen in tbo past
three months and not ona of the thlovoi cap
tured , although the shcrfd has worked dili
gently on all the cases. Kxtoneivo prepara
tions are making to orgauizo an anti-boreo
thief association.
The G. A. H. reunion committee held a
meeting nt Fremont to further airangornout
tor the annual reunion. Bid ) were received
nnd opened for boolh privileges on the grounds ,
and inadoBomo awards , but in no case grantr
ing th exclusive privilege to nuy party. The '
committee considered the question of teuU
niul , urge upon all poata to furnish a roqulalto
amount for their own accoinodation. A plot
of the camp was submitted by F. G , I'.ircoll
and It w n udopto i an the plan. The Rroumli
proper will ba thirteen hundred foot in length ,
north and uouth , and ono thousand feet
That was a crunl put-up job of the republi
cans of 1'
duriug tha roooat nemo-
( ratio ratification meeting. L ° EI than ono
liundrod ynrdi from where the orators tluind-
orliiKly nagged their jiiwo , an npu.irently lovo-
dclcNwaiu WAS tnjojiag the cavoioi of hia
girl in a willIghtod room with the curtains
up. The "mntlneo" was no atTeetlonato and
intcroiting tlrit the crowd HOOII tumbled and
loft Mr. Moriiirlty nnd "tbo grand old dom-o-
or.itlo pnity" to tlio murcyof the lund and tin
emiill ooj"Tho tharming young lady" and
her lot or proved to bo members ot [ the lilame
and club , who arranged the Hide nhoiv
t > H | > ice the oco.'jjloii , It toolc the Btarch of
M or ) .
The completion of the Koneuaw cut-oil
prim ! ) he\cr. > l impjrtunt iwlvantagrH to
llrtstiHS . The Democrat ' '
? nays : 'There H no
deiiTlng Iho fnct that Hastings ia ilc tincd to
bo the leading city between Omaha and Dun-
ver. Thn IS & it , people , who have rover
added iiutariilly to her pioiporlty , are iud-
dimly being coin iucud Hint they cannot long
er tifglcict the ( jnrcn city , and are beginning
to give bor BOIIIO nttLiitlon , and , if wo miitnko
not , they will do by us as tboy would bo doni
by. Tiecomp | ny nro now building Hteck
yards In the wrst part of the city , tha nccoui-
inrdnlions of which will bo fifty cars of stock ,
and as soon as they nro completed all stock
shipped from the went or oust will bo fed itt
this plnce. "
The famous North Nebraska novelist still
Ilvoi , and tha story nhlch mvcnled the tender
nymp thlos nnd rlvnlrlos of L-vwyerllowonnd
Alarslul Dlerbowor fnr the helrors has rpaclind
the UHOth chapter , "to bo contlaued. " The
heiress Ins ftruck a now "ahlno" nnd stiuck
him bad. He icoms to have popped the vIUl
question and appears to hnvo received a favur-
nblo answer , ns will bo ccn from this paw
graph ! " 0 , what mupotkaMo Joy I now fooll
Tldi dear angel nils my ld al , nnd the is the
only ono on caith th do It. 0 , luippy
hajipr man thi\t I ami Was any one so blest 1
More ? My cnnlu full to ovrrllovfingi"0
fool like condoling with the whilom niaehert
of Omaha.
"Tho uniform certainly- cropsln Waehlng"
ton county , " says the Blair Uopuullcan , "has
Into proverb , and It It thii almost itb-
sriluto corUlnty of lure nnd abioluto rot urn H
thtt lilts mada our tixrinors HO universally ho-
forehanded , Oiircroj > saro mignlficont. Not
only the griln whlchis now bslnr lurvo.Uod
but al j llio broad amis of corn never looked
moro prondflng. To th's ' county and Nobr < v .
in general , this means n oontlmianoo oi the
wondorlul prosporltri aottlemont , Industrlnl
nndHoclnl Improvement l/f the put , This
mians an c-olerttlun of the How and wealth
ami pr > ] ml tlon Into the state , n stimulation of
IhouaamU of now ontoj prices nnd tha lilting
the Inuumtrmro und dobta which have
huug llkoa dark cloud oror Jinny homes. " tt
The editor of the Kislng City Independent
la'crw lib Humi-.inuual prohibition on the fourth
and lie tell" in sorrowful weird d how fatigued
wa > : "Jiily the fifth in a s i , soft-eyed
day. Thoio h not tint joy nnd stir to it tint
charActsrlzes the dty before , nnd llfogonerallv
cein * to bo prir-llo'l with tla r tuVs itnd
l > c nut shells and headaches. Wo managed
to reach our ofllco on this grief-stricken day ,
and everything , from Iho towel to the panto-
prt , neemctl to wear an nipoct of fatigue ,
The clock was nm down and WM pllcnt on Hie
stibjoct , and Iho old hand press , which has HO
often boon the pride of our licmt and Ihc do-
volopsr of our musclrt. looked moro grcivso-
smcoroil and dissipated than over boforo. Ve ,
the day nftor tlio fourth is Iho ono for regret
and fond mranoriw , panic stricken pockctbookj
and empty fire cracker- ! . There ia not another
dnyintho whole .fffl that will \lowlthlt. "
Ho took fioveral bowls too much and the moon
light bathed his pedals on the front porch ,
To rnftko a snlad that Is certain to
ploaeo nil tastes you need only use Dur
koo'a Snlnd Droasing , Nothing ciiunl to
it was over offbrod , and none BO popular.
It la o superb tabloaauco.
Jny OnnltlnH a .Totmli.
Wall Street Nows.
"Oontlomnn , " nays ho , as ho heaved n
algh llko a tired horao , "thoro was a time
when I swore bjr Jay Gould , I nnmod
my baby after him , I named my horao
nftor him , I got my son to imnio A steam-
bent nftor him , nnd I crossed a Ilubbard
squash with n Jornoy watermelon and
named the giiow vogotnblo Jay Gould.
If ho had said the sun act in the north
I'd have Hcked my best friend to prove
It. "
"Well ? "
"Well , along cnmo a man who wanted
my farm and J sold it. "
"Yea. "
"And when I had the cash in hand 1
put it ino ) Wiib.\3h stocks. Jay Gould
said that "
"Yes , I know go on. "
"I invested § 10.90 in WAbaeh and
Jay Gould , and and "
"That cured you ? "
'Exactly I'vo killed the baby , allot
the horse , blown up the steamboat ,
rooted up the vegetable , and ( rot enough
out of the craah to f buy a rope and a
cheap coffin. Gontlomou , farewell. I'm
going to a hotter laud.
The glory o ! n man is his strength. If you
are wo.ikenod down tlirough oxccs ivo study ,
or by early Indiscretion , Allen's Br.iln Food
will permanently restore all lost vigor , and
strengthen all tha muscles of Brain and Body ,
81 ; C for 85.All drurvistn
A Ornol Shock :
Brooklyn Englo.
Dressed for church aha stood before
the mirror admiring hoMolf.nnd mentally
observed that never had she appeared
moro lovely. The candid critic , howev
er , would have declared that her figure
was not in just proportion , for aho was
tall and thin aud her hoighth seemed
greater than it actually was in consequence
quence of a bunch of ostrich
plumes that flowed in snowy masses over
her hat.
"Yes I know T "
am handsome , aho
said , "but I can't help it ; " and turn
ing to go out , caught sight of her broth
er standing in the doorway.
"What are you doing there , Bob ? " aho
naked sharply.
"Looking at you , JFanny , " returned
the artless child.
"What do yon want to bo staring nt
mo for ] "
' "Oauso you look just like a long han
dled feather duster. "
And ditting all alone in church that
morning oho wondered how she would
fool if Bob got the meaalos and
Piles are frequently preceded by n nenso of
weight In the bock , loins and lower part of the
abdomencauaing the patient to suppose ho boa
some affection ot the kidneys or neighboring
organs. At times , sym totus of indigestion
are present , as llatuency , uneasiness of the
stomach , etc. A molatcro like perspiration ,
producing a Aory disagreeable itching particu
larly at night alter potting warm In oed , its
very common .attendant Internal , External
nnd Itching Filoa yield at once to the applica
tion of Dr. Bosauko's Pile Kornody , which acts
directly urcn the parts affected , absorbing the
tumors , allaying tha intense Itching , and ef
fecting a permanent euro where other remo'
dies have failed. Do not delay until the drain
on the system produces permanent disability ,
but trv It and bo curod. Schioter & . Bechtl . <
"Trado supplied by 0. F Goodman. " _ „
A "Water GurtainQCor Theatres ,
Philadelphia Letter ,
A water curtain haa been established
at the opera house in Munich to guard
ajainat lire. It consists of a vridct , thin
stream continously poured from the top
of the stage between tbo acts , complete
ly inclosing the ntago in a transparent
curtain r , and it was owing to this precau
tion that a recent fire which broke out
during the performance of Tannhiusor
was chocked immediately. The Vienna
opera h&a been fitted with a similar ap
paratus , as the Vienoao authorities , taught
by nad exporloncp , are just now most vig
ilant in thoao matters , nnd have appointed
a speci&l commission to suparlntoad all
all Auitrhn the tros. This commission
decree that in the fttturo ovcrj house of
entertainment Is to bu entirely dotnchod
on all /our sidiw , nnd to be fifty foot from
any ether building.
lllrtrr * do not only distin
guish thcimnlvoH by their flavor and aromatic
odor above nil others generally uied , but thsy
ere nloo a auro preventive for all diboascs one- )
imting from Iho digestive organ" , llownroof
counterfnitfl. Ask your grocer or drupgUt for
the gemiino article , manufactured by Dr. J.
B. Soigcrt & Sous.
A Mlllloimlro'H QolrH.
Snn Francisco Call.
After the death of W. S. O'Brien , ono
of tlinbttian ; ! * lings of San Francisco ,
the oxocutora aittlod Ttith a man named
Patrick II , O'Urlcn , who put in an ap
pearance , claiming to bo a brother of W.
S , by paying him $750,000 , 1'alrick'n
claim was pretty well established , but ho
did not live Ions ; to enjoy his fortune.
Now a norr claimant turns up who in
willing to bo pacified with another nlico
of thu oatato , nnd to mnko a miiRfl if ho
isn't. ' lie enys ho is the ion of Patrick
O'Brien , deceased. lie is to begin a nuit
to recover his portion of the $750,000
that tlio executors claimed to have paid
his. father.
Indies should reflect before using
preparation that iaappHedto nodcllcnto
surhco ai the skin. Any coamotio will
nt first imp irt u beautifying ( float and not
j > ps.routly injure the skin , but in a very
short 1 time liule blotches nnd discoloao
tlnns nnpnu on the fuco which couclu
( lively show the poisonous drug * in that
composition. It cnn bo snfoly said tlio
moro than two thirds < if Iho face powder > <
conttln ' thoao injurlons innrcrllento , lx
zoni'o modicattxl coinploslon povrur is not
only nbsolusoly frco from nil deletoriuir
matter , but ite principal liiRrcdiunt is an
acllvo cnrntivj for nil diseases of the
skin. It haa ntood the test of years. Sold
by dl dnitfgiiita. me-codyl
< irrallof It ,
BfoMllBAt , July 18. The cattle doslors
hero , fo.irlng tha Introduction of Iho foot and
mouth dlsuacon from the \vT-tcrn titles , where
Is mdd to exist , liuvu ailc the authorities to
cstiblisU rigid iinpeclioii nt tha national
Thownrm wcathur often has a depressing -
ing und Jubilitating citoct. Hood's ' Sar-
jwrilh overouiuca nil laugucr and lassi-
Corner KHh nudCnpitol Avenue ,
OIVC VOBC X , - - KT3-I33
! all their forms.
YOUNO UKN. who are differing from the ffoct
ol Youthful tmllrcrctlons , would do well to nvnl'
themcolvcs of tills , the Rrtrvtcut boon over UU nt tin
altar of euCTerlae humuilty. lr. ) Tunner v.111 Kimr
intco lo forfeit fMJ for every raeo of SomlnM Weak
new or Private DlfCJic , of any kind or character
which ho undertakes and falls to euro.
MIDDLE AOF.I ) MEN Many men between thi
aircsof SO and 00 , are troubled with ft too frcquon
dcalro to ovivcimto the bladder , oltcn acrompnnlcd
byaellzht smititlng and Imrnlng sensation , and a
wcaVcnuifr of the svntom In a manner that thojia-
tlcnt cannot nooount for. On oiamlnlng Iho urinary
deports roiy | tedlment will often bo found , and
Boiuotlnien small partlolog of allntmnn will appear ,
or tbo color will bo of a thin , mllMsh huoagain
chancing lo a dark and torpid appearance. There are
many men who die of this dlfllculy , Ignorant of the
rauM. It la ths ficoond etaco of icmuial weakness
Dr. Tanner will Kunranten a lancet euro In all such
cftMM.and ahcalthy r toratlon of the Oenlto-urluarj
Organs. Cell or addroai as abate , Dr. Tanner ,
Science of Life , Only $1,00
Ksif.KolcJ Vlbttllty.Kervom and Pliyslail Debility ,
I'rciLiture Uocllno In Uoo , KrOra of Yonih , an thi
niitoM inlsorlcfl oaiilllcK from Indlprrotlonn or :
ccoion. A book for ovcry man , yonnij , nWJlo-iRecl ,
tnd old. II contains 1SS prcKrlptlons for all acute
cud chronic diseases each ono of which la Invaluable
Ho found by the Author , nhoeo experience for 23
vcara It sach M probably never before fell to the let
of any phyalc an 800 pages , bound In bcantlfn
French rnnjlln mooeradcovcre , toll Rllt.Rtiarantoed
o bo a Oner work n every sense , mechanical , lit
erary and profeselonil , than any ether work sold I
this country for 01.60 , or the money will bo refantlo
la every laeianoa. FrtM only f 1.00 by mall , pea
paid. llloatr&Uvo B&mpl * 6 cents. Rend DOW. Go
medal awardcdUt itnlbor bv the national llodlo
Araodalloo , lo Ike offloen ol which ho refers.
The Sclonao of Life sionld be read by the yonn i
Inrtrac4lo . and by Iho afflicted for rellof. 1
will bent II til London Lancet.
There la no m mber ol society lo whom The Sol'
enoo of Mis will not b metal , whether youth , par
enl , ruardUn , lutroeloror elerjrnian. Argonaut
AdJrrn Iht Peabody Utdloal laslllnto , or Dr. W.
U. Parker , no. i Bnlflncb Strtat , Boston Uaei. , who
mnr Do consulted on all dlsoiuiBi roqulri-ij nklll and
eitvortenoo. caroalo tnclobMlnnlodlaocu. is thai have
battled Uis eklll of kll ether phya. II r n I dans
n tpodiltV ! noon boalnd aaoocM-rlLRL fall ;
Ithoat aa liiiaire failure. TUVCCI C
< " * 'fe InlotLr
" \VIII euro yprToum ,
Lurntji Tiitltlionnmtl m , 1'ar.
MtM . > furnlirla , Hclntlca
Kldmy , Kptno nn1 Lire
< ll' ( 'c , ItyMiopfla , Cons'l
, miln. - . FrvMpelr , CatnlL ,
I'lle . EpIupST. Iinroleiicj ,
Diimb/rrue. VroUp'tm rtnrl , rtc. Only in-tentinc ! " ( - .
IrioIIcliln ArnTlin lnt pi nfh the Electricity and mtR > >
i oil-in through the body , and can be minuted in an In
[ Unt by the D.alrnt
3I.OOO Would Not Duw It.
DR. noRXH I was afflicted * ! th rhouirmtlroi tnd
cured by using a belt. To any ono aitllctoJ with
that dlsvaac , I would nay , buy Ilorno's Klcclrla Bolt ,
Any ono can confer with rno by writing calling
my sloro , 1420 Douglai struct , Omr.ha. KeK
MAIN OFFlCn Oppoolto pootolfico , room 1 Frcn
c I block.
U"For sale at 0. I1. Qoodmoa'g Druj Store' 1110
arnun SI , Omaha.
Orders tilled C. O D
Chartered by UitStatcof 111 !
'noia ' for thoxprcsapurpoi *
'of ' clvmcImmediate relltlia
II chronic , urinary and prl-
'atr disctiet. Conorrhce * ,
! GlcitandUyphll > In allthtlr
complicated forms , alio all
diioici f tha Skin and
Blood promptly relieved and
permanentlycurod byrerno-
_ _ _ hpfolalfrattiet. demlnal
Wcnlcnesi , rTBntLcitee by Dreami , Flmplei on
thrF c , Lo t Manhoodpo5l icr/t/nir < i.7 > i
is experimenting * Tha approprlata r ir .
te Atones as d In each case. Conaultatlong , per-
inc&l or by latter , sacredly confidential. Hed-
'cinca sent by Mall nd Ezpreia. Nomarhooa
p&cK ! ce to Indicate content ! or tender. Address
. 204Wa3hnnlon ! St.CtiletBOl
_ - . . _ ' IXIT a
A"r. UM.IIV rj , e Dt on R ) Days' Trial TO
illuN ONJV. ICIJ.G UU OLD , wke are miffpr-
from Nii.'vois DiMim , Lour Vrriijrr ,
, nud ell lie so dr ! <'l of n
. ' ; iiur.r , Ins ri-cm Anrjiu iind
. nlior a fl rninpleto
roU ( < i to H = Aiia , M OH an'l tunnoon
ji-r-jro. Una at once for Illastratc *
VOL.TA I : KIT CO. . JOnhnll. Mich.
\Vldc-A\vaho Agents Wanted Everywhere for
by Jnmo Tarton. tlio t-roatoft MnBrnplli r of tiniuf. .
VlH It ' 'lilt toluilhfl -'iO | > l i-x "I ftlll IIA elllllhtiallUllK.
? } Itr * ii'ti ' fjOclmiuttiM A lionl. forrvery
trulliuli , J. 1C.liuut-lbl riySi A , 30 ) ludlunM.Cl
Wlllnurlfrllin BLOOO.Tepn-
ute trio LivatftuiKi Kipnevs.
ml IJRtroriB ' . '
'riir. iiEaj/i'lt
nnd Viaon of YOUTH. Ure-
jifpsla. U'ant of Appetite , Jn-
k iliprntlnn. f.icli or Htrcnprtli ,
unit Tlrod rcellnKabsuliilely
k cnrrd , llonp , musclriarm
JJnlltcns llio mind nnd
jr"irv a 'iipnllcs Ilratii I'oiM'r.
\caff \ fI V.J8 taa P- SiiTi-rlnKlram pci'iillnrlo llirlr coniplalntu KCT Mill
I nil lnD . '
f l" : 0r cure , ( lit cs a clear , Iic.-Mlhy roniplcxUm.
I'Vcqiiont alteniptn al cniinurfcllliu only adit
In IhupoiiuMrltr cf tlio original , Do not Cincrl-
CU'Ill SctllloOllHI AI. ANDllEST.
> pcn-l jourr.ddrp-atoTlieDr. llnrtrrMnd fok '
- k
f ? J-t JxHils , llo.for our "BKIiATt 1IOOU. " fl ,
viitmDI Dlraatoaod u eIul.l2orui3tloDtit > a > / J
To there ( .uffprinit from tnu
olfocla of youthful errors ,
nominal weaknoM , pnrly do
, lait mniihnod , eta , 1 will "end you imrtloiilarn o (
iimplu and orUiu ui < nun of mil euro , free of clmrfo.
tt i'OWLiUAIoodu , CJonii
Royal Havana Lottery
Drawn nt Jlavnmi , ulia , Every ]
to 14r Days.
TioKirrs. .ro , . .
. CO.
Subject to
no maalpuhtlon , not
controlled liv llio
mitlcaln Intcre-t. It IB the ' - - -
( Alirit
. tllillj III till-
iiaturo nr In tn'stcnci- ,
" ' " " '
Owing to the increase
in our business we've
admitted to the firm
Mr Edwin Baviswha
is well and favorably
known in Oinaha.This
will enable us to han
dle an increased list
of property. We ask
those who' have desi
rable property for place th'e same
. The new firm ,
will be
I ,
813 South 14th St.