Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 21, 1884, Image 1

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Elaine's ' Lctlcr Giving Satisfaction in
Unexpected Party Qnarters ,
On Account of Its Stands on Pro
tection and Foreign Policy ,
JJogan's ' Letter to bo Launched in
Two Columns Wednesday Next. .
The Probability of Butler's ' Can
didacy Becoming a Settled Fact.
Kelly Will Support Cleveland
Roosevelt Will Support Blaine ,
.Altntlior ImgulirloiiR Katillcntloii 1)V
Ohio Democrats at Columbus ,
Special Dispatch to Tun UKE.
WASHINGTON , July 20. There la general
commendation of Ulalno's letter of acceptance.
The prominence given to the subject as pro
tection Is regarded aa striking the key note of
the campaign. The absence of fireworks over
the discussion of foreign relation is regarded
as adding much to the stronpth of the paper.
Upon this subject it ii known that much ad
vice WHB taken. The particular friend * of
lilaino are ( greatly delighted ovt-r the paper ,
with the exception of a few who felt certain it
was to bo extreme on Iho subject of assorting
American power aud influence , and who have
done much talking along the line of their
beliefs advocating what they called "Inaugur
ating a vigorous foreign policy. " The execu
tive otlkoru iu regard the loiter us
very effective. At the republican committee
looms it is spoken of as certain to bo ono of
their most effective campaign documents. A
largo edition will bo immediately printed.
will be made public Wednesday next. This
letter is about tuo columns iu length. It
touches upon Homo of the same subjects a ? the
letter of Maine , but is mete full upon points
of interest to soldiers. Those friends of Gen
eral Logan who have read his letter are greatly
pleased with it aud pronounce it an excellent
.Special Dispatch to THE BKE.
CHICAGO , July 20. Republicans here ex
press theinEolves as much pleased with Blaino's
Special Dispatch to THE BKE.
WASHINGTON , July 20. General Butler's
late visit here resulted in settling the question
of his running as a presidential candidate in
the affirmative. His speech before the demo
cratic convention , carefully revised , appears in
saveral quarters in the east. Ho will run as
tlio special champion of the laboring interests ,
the pronounced enemy of monopolies and the
representative of the greenback ol-'inent. It
is also expected by some of his adherents that
he will announce himself upou foreign affairs
in such n , manner as to further endear himself
to his Irish friends. Some representative's of
labor organizations here say they have reason
to rxpeet the early announcement of his views
and a full explanation of the exact position he
expects to occupy in the presidential race.
Both democrats and republicans hero have a
curiosity bordering < m anxiety to learn his
plan of campaign. As yet neither party has
suflio ent data from which to estimate the
probable effect of Iiis movement.
Special Dispatch to THE DEE.
Nuw YOIIK , July 20. Since the return of
Tammany from the Chicago convention John
Kelly has continuously said the course of that
body could not bo known until the meeting
oftli8 committee on organization in September.
It is well known that Kelly never waits for
that and it is an open secret that ho will sup
port Cleveland. He wants ns the price of hh
allegiance to bo allowed to name the candi
dates for mayor , comptroller and sheriff
of Now York. Cleveland conceded the first
two and because he denied the sheriff ,
Tammany made its fisht. ; Having been de-
fe.Uod , it will take what it can get , hoping to
get even some other way.
Special Dispatch to THE BEE.
J'OSTON , July 20. Young Theodore Roosevelt
velt , of Now York , Is visiting Henry Cabot
Lodga , having returned fiom his Dakota
ranch. It is generally understood tnat his
jio'itical wounds received at the republican
national convention have about healed in the
brauiiiB air of Dakota , and that ho will sup
port lllaine.
COI.OMHUH , Ohio , July 1'J , About 5,000
jieoplu attended the democratic ratification
meeting at Iho cast front of the capitol this
evening. John G. Thompson presided aud
.read loiters from gentlemen who had boon
invited to be present. Governor Cleveland
vroto : "I thank you for the words of en
couragement and your assurances of hearty
support. Am convinced that the democracy
of Columbus and the statu of Ohio nro deter-
iniiitid to complete Iho organ/.ation ! which is
absolutely essoutial to viclory. "
wrote : " 1 regret tint I will bo unable to at
tend the ratification meeting , I preferied
Tlmnnan to all men for prtuidunt and deeply
regret his defeat. It w.-u dun him and thu
Irmor of Ohio that he should have hud a t-olid
vote , for that T work , Thojo who opposed tin1
jM'jwlar will of thu pirty and weakened and
defeated Thuriiiau by dividing Ihu vote in
favor of a candidate ) who Jiad no following ,
hatovur outside hiabtnli' . That was a blun
der worse , HI Tall j rand says , than ci-imej. IJut
\VH must condonu nil and heartily support
Cleveland , the nominee. With Thurinaii ,
< Miio was nafo to the nominee. Let in work
and hope to make it BO with Cleveland. The
public requires the defeat of ISlaino ,
Oliioinust do her Hlintu , J5urv purdonal mat-
& tern and work for thn cause. ' Lntters wer
v nleo luiiel from Governor Hoadly , Secretary of
State Newman , and others ,
delivered the principal dpecch of the evening
and was warmly gii'ottd. Ho said :
We are at the outnuC of the Important
political campaign which will decide whellicr
the reinii of tha government shall longer con-
tinno in the hands of the republican party , 1
have never In my lifo been HO thoroughly con
vinced of the trnthfiilnesn of what I shall say
V to-night as 1 now am , The spirit of our Int-ti-
/ tutions , the welfare of our country nnd tin-
i tight of tha citi/.ons of this great common-
wt'kltb , all demand that the republican party
bhall go ; [ nppluuboj ; that there hli'ill bo a
thaiigo in the administnition of our national
ott'.ur < i v'Vpplauso [ ] , The central idea of
democratic form eif goNt-rmwnt ii not long
i-Diitinu nco in ofli.o. What is true in lu-
dividunliU line in parties. His not necca-
nary that a party uhail luvo bad motive ? , not
necessary it shall bo tiopatrhtioaiiil oirrujit
in order to bo turned out , You may grant it
honesty pnd patrlutUm , yet tli3 tcndoncy of
lung continuance in jiimer Is to create ilnpa
awl leidera wliu at laiit , from continued sue-
cess , come to think the government belongs to
thorn and belong * to them in perpetuity
comi'thing like divine right therefore any
detestable means i ? justiliablo to keep them
in power. Look at our own history. Only n
few years back-in 1870
president of the United State. ' , ho had a ma
jority of the electoral vote ami n majority of
the popular vole. Governor Hendricks was
tit the same time vice president. [ A. Y ° 'ct' '
"Aud ho will bo electee ! aijain ] I agree with
you. [ Laughter. ] If any two men ever were
elected in this country they wen1. [ A voice ,
"Why didn't they keep It ? " ] Because they
were defrauded out of it by ono of the most
alroclou ? and blackest deeds which blacken
our free form of government. [ Applause. ]
The leaders of the republican party would
never have darcil to Inaugurate , much leai
carry Into effect , such an atrocious crime if it
had not been for their long continuance in
power , lu 1880 the election of president
titred upon Indiana , They inaugurated and
carried through ono of the nwt
that ever disgraced the nnnnls of any country.
The vote of that state wan given against Han
cock , who would have received it if the elec
tion hail been fair aud honest and boon elected
president of the United States. The chief
aijont was afterwards given a grand dinner at
Now York , Such would never have taken
nlaco but for their long continuance in power.
They catno to the conclusion that they could
win , no matter if thov violated the constitu
tion and trampled under foot tlio libcitios and
rights of the people.
BOSTON , July 1 ! ) . Tlio dinner of the Bay
state democratic club to-night , complimentary
to the Massachusetts delegates to the national
convention at Chicago , was purely a Massa
chusetts atfalr , no guests from without the
gtato being present. Col. Taylor presided.
His reference to Butler's candidacy at the con
vention was received with a few jeering ex
clamations , but mention of Cleveland and
Hendiieks evoked the warmest applause. Kx-
Counselor Patrick Moguirc , in an address ,
said : " 1 believe this is going to sweep the
country. Ohio is sure , Indiana is sure , ami
unless that man for whom wo have worked EC
many years betrays us , Massachusetts is sure ,
too. "
nEN's NKW nooar.
1'iTT.siiURO , July 1 ! ) . Hon. Thomas A
Armstrong , editor of the Labor Tribune , wai
interviewed to-day and said there was a move
ment on foot by the leaders of the anti-mon
opolyand groonbackcr parties to inaugurate :
now boom for Butler , which they predict wll
result in the organization of a now party , com
posed of anti-monopolists grconbackcrs am
dissatisfied democrats and republican ? . Tin
exact mode of proceeduro is not yet decidec
on. One plan was to have a committee o
representative men organize for the occasioi
aud call a national convention by means of :
circular letter. Another plan was to liavi
General Butler , after Cleveland's letter of nc
ceptance is published , wiito a letter to tin
people of the country which will in itself cal
a convention. The headquarters of the move
ment is in Chicago and the leaders are conli
dent of its success.
"Youns Man of G oort Family'
Brutally Slurdci s Ills Mistrcsu
Another Does tlio Hamo
mid Hnicicles Cow.Boys
Haiti Chicago
Special Dispatch to Tin : BEE.
CHICAGO , July 20. Yesterday a young mar
of good family , in expectation of inheriting :
fortune , who gave the name of G. ] < " . Lenbart
but who is believed to bo G. W. Hazeltino
of Jamestown , N. Y. , arrived here from To
ronto with Mamie Jackson , his mistress ant
another disreputable woman and stopped at i
house of ill-repute. Ho was crazy drunk ant
during the day flourished two revolvers. _ Th (
women in the house drew out the cartridges
but ho reloaded them , and to-night because
his mistress would not give him a diamont
ring , shot and killed her in a most brutal man
ner while she pleaded for lifo , and inflicted at
ugly wound 011 the face of her companion
May White. The young man is under arrest
Regular Press Dispatch.
CHICAGO , July 20. Tn a room in a questionable <
tionablo ( juarter of the city this morning
during a quarrel , Clement Sudkemp , a younf
Germau , shot and instantly killed his mis <
sitrcss , known by the name of Daisy Clifford ,
He then blew out his own brains , dying in i
few minutes. Tlio girl's teal name is Ad ;
Harvey. She came here from Rucino , Wis.
Special Dispatch to THE BIE. :
CHICAGO , July 20. A gang of ton cow boys ,
connected with a show heie , heavily armed ,
raided n disreputable portion of the town
early this morning , firing promiscuously niu ;
terrorizing that section. A platoon of police
was ordered out and put them under arrest.
CHIOAO , July 20. This morning about on (
o'clock twelve cow buys belonging to Hard
wick's "Wild West" show made a raid or
South Clark street in regular western cow boy
stylo. They Miceeeded in frightening people
from the ttreets , Lilt wore finally captured by
the police and locked up. Twelve largo n-iv.y
revolvers and a largo knife were secured. The
entire party was bailed out this morning and
this afternoon gave the usual exhibition to a
crowd of twelvu thousand people.
A Secret Society In Iul > ti < | iio to En
force tlio Iowa Idea ,
Special Dispatch to THE HUE.
DuuuijUE , July 20. It has boon ascertained
that a secret citizens' leagiia hai "been in n'ifl
tence for several weeks , its object being in the
interest of thu enforcement of prohibition.
The president postively refused to divulge the
way of iti proceedings further than stata that
it had been determined to act iwstivoly with
regard to further violations of tlio law ,
TlioIIocklnu Valley Strtlce.
Coiusims , Ohio , July 20. ThU has been a
.julot day among the miners of Hocking Val
ley , with no change in the situation of the
htiiko uxccpt thit : Brooks , the oi > c'rutor. left
hero on a special train to-day for additional
laborers to take charga of the muchimu
lu tha minoa to-marrow. It is said they art
oxperiened in the business. Twenty livn oi
the 1'inkcrton police nre under arruit at IS'ew
StmlUvillo on the charge of usurpation ( .1
power and boimd over to court ,
Inviting Prohibition In Ohio.
CINCINNATI , July 20Over two thousand
saloon keepers have failed to take out their li
cense in tins comity under the Scott law ,
Their time expired July 1'J. ' Suit * will bo in
stituted hefoio all juxtices of the peace hero ,
The license is 8101) ) and 8200 per annum , ac
cording to the kind of intoxicants sold ,
A Newspaper Correspondent In Ofllco.
WAHIIINOTON , July 20. Win. K. Cm-tin , the
Wellington correspondent of the Chicago
Inter-Ocean , has been appolnte-d by the preu-
dent secretary of the Luihiui- i < m to inquire
into thu commercial relations between tin
L'nitod ' States and the countrlei of Central
und .South America , with a vimv to extending
our commerce in that direction ,
Jo Motnon GotM i lu > Htuto Fair.
Special * Dispatch to Tun BEE.
Df a MOINKH , July 20. The citizens of this
city have Completed the task of laUlng § 30-
000 , the amount necessary to secure the per
manent location of thu state fair at Des
All Excursion Train of Agrlcnllnral
Employes f brown ffoi the Trade ,
First Eoports to the Effect that
200 were Killed and Wounded ,
Later Particulars Show the Dis
aster not to bo so Serious ,
But a Largo Number of Persons
were Seriously Injured ,
Nine Passenger Oars Off the Track
and in Four Feet of Water ,
IIc.artrendliiK Scenes--Fears lor n
Dozen Dead Tlio Bl ht at tlio
I'lrrsimiiail , July 20. 8 I1. M. lutolliBCiico
lias just been received from Canton , O. , sayIng -
Ing tlmt this evening n train on the Connotton
N'alley railroad , of sixteen cars , containing
the employes of Aultman's agricultural works ,
and their families , who had been picnicking ,
was wiecked two miloo east of Canton and
two hundred persons killed and injured. The
wreck was caused by a broken frog. Tlio
whole train left the track and rolled down a
hixty foot embankment. Shuitly before the
accident occurred another train passed over
the frog safely.
IjATkii A Canton , 0. , special says : A
point on the Valley railroad , two miles cast
of hero , to-night , was the tceno of a terrible
wreck , in which ono thousand excursionists
miraculously ctcaped with injuries , so far ae
known , \vhilo it is thought that half a , dozen
or more persons are
The employes of Aultman & Co.'s machine
works had their annual picnic at Cuynhojjn
Falls to-day and over 2000 went on the excur
sion , made up of two trains of fifteen cars
each. The first section itrrivod at Canton at
7:20 : p. m. , and while a hundred fatheis ,
brothels and misters were it the station wait
ing for friends and relatives on the second
Foction , a hatlcss messenger came ruunici ;
down the track , crying that the train hail
been wrecked and many killed and injured.
The fcono that followed was of the wildest
description , and when the wreck was reached ,
men , women aud children ran around wring.
ing their hands and looking for their loved
ones. Nine eais were off the track and in
water four feet deep.
were heartrending. Hundreds of willing
hands ; et to work and soon found that not
more than twenty-five were injured ; but il
was impossible to know how ninny or wht
were killed. About a dozen or moro wen
missing and may bo under the cars , am :
nothing definite can bo known until the
wrecking train arrives , which is now on it ;
way to the scene. Tlio telegraph ollico ha :
boon opened at the scene , and everything i1
being done to alleviate tha sufl'ering injured
The list , as far as can bo learned , is m
follows :
MARY SciiLVSisKcr , ageJ 1 ! ) , feet crushed
eg broken.
ALIIEUT TiiAVKr , , aged 18 , arm-broken , chcs
crushed , back injured.
EI.LA NUMAN , aged 18 , leg broken , iuternn
Mils. A. GnoVEMiLLEii , severe internal in
juries ,
Mns. WALTER MOSEI.V , internal injuries.
AQNES LIITKIIT. foot crushed.
LENA HUI.IIECKEU , internal injuries.
MINNIE GLASS , spine injured.
Jouus HULIIKUKEH , and wife , both interua
IllVIN SlIAMAKiLDT , head cut ,
CllAIlLES HlCKSIAN , head Cut.
Mus. Jod&i'ii UICK , internal injuries.
HARRY TIPFK , lioad cut , badly crushed.
Tlio engineer says the wreck was caused bj
the track spreading. The engine pasaed safe
ly but the first car jumped the track and eighl
others followed and ran alongside tlio track
throwing the occupants from side to eido ant
finally jumped a small embankment and land
ed in three feet of water. The doors were cnl
open and the peoj lo got out.
Three doctors are attending the wounded
several of whom will probably die.
CLEVELAND , July 20. Investigation to-daj
shows that nobody was killed or dangerouslj
injured by the accident lait night to the ex
cursion train near Canton.
July 20. A Cinton , ( ) . , special
snjs : The track at the ncono of last night's
wreck is cleared to-day , but tliroa cars thrown
into tlio mud have not yet been removed.
Twenty-two persons woio injured , but m ;
deaths nro yet reported , and the wounded nn
doing better than expected. No ono wn >
killed and these missing and Kupposed to be
under the wreck have turned up. Tlio los.s to
tlio railroad company is about § 3,000.
15O.STON , July " 0. The excursion steamer ,
Kmpiro State , had n narrow escape to-day
from a torribla disaster. The vessel left lioa.
ton at 10:30 : A. M , for a trip along the north
, having nearly thirteen hundred passen
gers. Tn returning , the Inaido route between
Thatchers and Itockpoit was taken , and when
about half way through the channel the boat
struck a lodge , The passengers were mostly
> u the upper decks and no panio occurred.
The vessel immediately came elf the rocks ,
liaving stove a hole in iho bottom , and was at
once lieaded for Gloucester , reaching that
iort in half nn hour , The passengers landed
ivlthout accident and returned to this city.
The bout Is fust sinking at Gloucester wharf ,
Lo an Kn Kouln to Itliiineapollo ,
I'lTTWiURO , Pn. , July 'JO. lionoral John A.
Logun und n delegation of the ( iriuid Anny
of the Kepublic pjsded through the city on
the L'acilic express this afternoon , en route In
the national encampment at Minneapolis ,
Genorul Logan was met at the depot by the
republican county executive committee anil an
Impromptu reception tqnderud him , Thu
newspaper reproycnt'ittvcH were out in force ,
but tlio general rrfusnd to talk politico ,
They Will Rcuolvo Vo filinvo of tlio
Jtcwiiril :
Opinion ,
Special dlepatch to the Jlnu.
WASHINGTON , July 20 , "Wo have rccelvot
imiulrleh" sal < l noting secretary Nichols "as t <
how the $2r > , COO reward for the rescue of tin
Greeley party will bo apportioned. It can bi
distinctly stated that no reward will bo made
ut all , for the rescue was effected by the ru
lief expedition entirely , and the money WR <
appropriated for outniilerf ) only , in order thai
the whulcrd inix'ht have an incentive to hunt
for the party. "
.Special DUpatchtoTiiK JlEE ,
LONHON , July " 0. The now * of the ro'iel '
of tlio rurvlvoiH of the Greolt-y nxpeditlon lian
boi-u fully cabled , and uxciU'rf keen ,
the profcH warmly HyinpathUiin ; with the suf-
Terors and enlcgi'/.ing tlin courage and tkill of
both parties , It hardly complains of poor
Lockwood eclipsing the northorniiKwt Tn !
record CapIMn Narrs , of the \Iett M ,
tlon. and Itoujftmln Leigh Smith , celebrated
arctic explorers' l.'xpitm grnat ndmlra-
lion for the coolness'nnd tpli > ndld leadership
of Lieutenant Ureelcy , which alone' could have
saved oven ill ) t of his comiimud under Mich
trials ; and believes England will not alli > w
America to rent "on her laurels In Arttlu dls-
co\ery. .
Bno Itntl.
Coi.muvs , Qhlo , July 10..V | ioclitl mooting -
ing of the AmujeHtr , Association of base ball
clubs WAS hold hero to-day , at which eleven
clubs were represented. Changes wera mndo
of some of tlio ollicinl umpires , several sub-
stttiilca npitolnted and. several ihaintoi made
in Iho paying rules. Stringent action was
taken towards coinpflllliig umpires to nntplro
games accordlcR to established rules , and not
as Interpreted , by thorn. The nile as lo bats
men being hit by the pitcher will bo rigidly
enforced. Antl atnnlo provision will bo made
to provldo for umpires , In Iho event of failure
of uOlclal umpires reporting for duty. The
disputed game of Juno 21st , between the
Louisville and Motiopolilaus , was decided.
The names of Iho umpires dropped and ap-
( ( ointments made are withhold from publica
tion ,
At lialtimoro Unions , Italtltnnro 1 } 13rook
lyn , (5. (
At 1'hiladolphla Keystone Unions , 6 ; Ciiv
cinnati i ) .
At Clovolanrl Cleveland ? , 4 ; Dotrolts , 10.
At Washington Natuual Union , 3 ; Chic.v
indlannpolii Indianapolis , ; Toledo , 8.
At Pi.tsbuigh Alloghonie.i , 7 ; Washing-
At Idonco--Providence , 0 ; 1'hiladul
At Louisville - Louisville , 3 ; Cincinnati , 1 ,
At Milwaukee Mllwaiikeii 7 ; Saginaw , 1.
At iHilTalo Uuffalo. 7 ; Chicago , 5.
At Ualtimors Ballimoro Unions , 13 ; Kan
sns City , 12.
St. Paul , Minn St. Pauls , 8 ; Grand Hap
At Stillwater Stillwatcrs , 7 ; Ft. Wayne , 1
At MinnolK ] > liii Minneapolis ; Terre
Haute , 1.
At IJojtou Doston , 12 ; New York , 1.
At Now \'ork Athlotlc.1 G ; Metropoli
tans 11.
At Boston St. Louis Unions , 1 ; Boston , 0
(1A.MK3 HUN11AV.
At Indianapolis Indianapolis , 5 ; Cincin
nati , 17.
ctuna IN THE WEST.
CINCINNATI , July 'JO. Tins ovcnim * the
Bchedulo committee of the Union 15aso Hal
association mot hero and made changes Ii
cover the stay of western clulu in the west u |
to September 1st , necessitate. ! by the adinls
mon of the IvMiaas City club in plncoof the Al
toouas ,
Xlie Onr.
MOLINK , JulvlO , The second nnd closini
day of the Mississippi Valley Amateur Hewing -
ing association's rogratt * was a siicciss fron
all points of view. The weather was oxcellon
the attendance good nnel the races satisfactory
The senior four-oared shell race , milo am
turn , was between the Minnesota and Galvas
ton crows. The Mipnesotas won in 12:30 :
beating the Galvastons twenty seconds.
In the senior rtoubto sculls , mijo and turn
the Delawarea of Chicngo , won in 12:40,1'ar :
raguts second , Davenporta third , Sylvans , o
Moline , fourtli. i
The Bonier pair-oajOtlrace was between twi
Burlington pnlra aiuljwou by tho" Schravmi
brotherdin ] 5:0a. : , - . .
1. J. Mum rJ , of ( jiu Poffovcranco clubo ,
New Orlean ji < iTMly' r ; ' > . ' niA rintoi ; sins !
RouIlB iu 1&-.02. Iiis oJily omrpcUur "VJB J
1' . Vonohuo of Davenport.
The six oare-1 bargaraee , mile , straightawa ;
was won bj- the \Vesterns of St. Louis , in 0 :
52 , Modoc second , Fai raguts third and 1'nll
mans fourth.
The cauoo r-Kos were confined to member
of the Davenport club.
The paddling race , epiarter milo and return
was won by II. S. Putnam in 5:231Ho : alsi
won the upset race.
Sixtlrtlolmss ancl Sulky.
SAHATOQA , July 11) ) . First race : Uenwicl
firar , Sauntercr second , Athol third. Time
Traverse stakes : Hitaplnn first , Ulaat second
end , Tacoma third. 'J'ime , : t:0tj. : :
Third race : 1'eirl Jennings first , Aavari
Bocond , Gano third. Tim ? , 1 ; 15
Fourth race : . Post Guard first , llomzl HOC
ond. Tinw , 5IC.
IJnioiiTO.v llEACH , July 111 Non-winnerK
Bovon furloiiRs : l''rank 15. firsC , Ganymeilo eec
end , Tenstriko third. Time , 1UJ : : , selling al
lowaucen , three-quarters mile : Monltax % yon
Aiistrasina Hcoond , Inconstant thiid. Time
Soiling allowances , Ihreo-quarterH mile : 1'il
fererwon , Florence ) S. second. Sugar Plnn
third. Time l-.lty.
All ages , one and ono-eightli miles : KIn |
Fun won. King Lion beconil , Wisp Hrowftte
third. Time 1:57 : , ' .
Tlnoe-year-olda , ono mile : 1'olinnrms won
Lflwla fcocond , Jolm Ledford third. Time
MONMOUTII PAIIK , July I1. ) . Three-year
olds and upwards allowances ono milt
Blackston won , i'lnaforo second , I'hingoi
third. Time , 1:15. :
Free handicap sweflrtlalcess twn-ynnr-oldi
llirce-ejuarl'irs eif a mile CadencoColt won. .
Cricket recond , Politician third. Time , 1:10. : } ,
Harvest handicap -emo and ono-einartoi
miles Kinglike wem , Free Gold , oconiitKict
third. Time , 2:114- :
SaiiEnlviuloi-'H I'rcshloiii.
NEW YOIIK. July 20. President Don Ilofao !
.Ssldivor , of thn republic of San Salvador , or
rived to-day. While their vojsol was passiiiB
Fort William , o president's salute of twenty-
one guns was fired ,
Tlio "Wentliur 1'or Tii-Iuy ,
WASIIINOTOK , July 20. For the upper Mis-
Bissippi Valley : Slightly warmer , falr.Houlhorly
wlniH In the nortlicrn portion and Bhiftlug tu
southerly in tlio Buuthorii portion.
Ji'nr the Minsouri Valley : Slightly warnioi
and fair , Hoiitheily winds.
Care for the Children
Children fet'J ' the debility of lh
seasons , oven liioro than iidiiltH , anil they be-
coum , jicevlbh , and uncontrollable.
Tim Mood Khould ho cleansed and thu system
Invigorated by HID use of llood'8 riarsuparllla.
"I/ist Hirliif | ; my two children were vacci
nated , Boon ufier , they hroknall out with rini-
nlug sores , HO Ireailfiil I thought I should loco
them. Jlooil'K Bu-siiirllla ; | cured them com
pletely ; and ( hey have been lit-ulthy ever
Hlnee. I do feel that Hooil'H Hun.ipirlli ; ) ;
saved my eiilUlrt-n ( o ini > , " Man , 0 , It ,
TnoJii'BON , Vi'ebt Warren , Mass.
Purify the Blood
Hood's Barrapnrllla In charaolerlzcd by
three peviillarltleg : 1st , thu combination o (
lemcillal agcLtx ; 2d , tlio proportion ; 2il , thu
l > roms of Rcciirlni ; tlio nctlvu medicinal
iiialllh" | < . Th. ! result Is n mrillclno of unusual
htrcngtli , effecting cures hitherto unknown.
Kenil for book contiilnlng ndilltlunul ovldencu.
"Hood's HarHaparllla tones tip my Kystcni.
purllles my Mjoil , t'liurimnti ' my aiiputife , and
huemt l makii mo over. " J. ) ' . Tilosii'HONi
JCuglater of Df-ciU , Lowell , Man * .
"Hood'H Hnriajiarllla benU all others , and
IH worth Its weight Infold. " I. JIAUUINUTOK ,
I'M Jlunk atrett , Nuw Yuri ; City ,
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Sold by all OrupRliiia , ? l ; Bit for $5. Itado
only by C. I. II001) & CO. , Lowell , Mass.
! OO7pouos.Ono , Dollar.
A Most Disgraceful Scandal DcYdops by
an EmM Iimncst.
A Loading Judge Dies in an Orgio
in a House of Ill-
5is Prominent Position as Public
Reformer Previous to his Demise ,
The English Papers Continue
their Opposition to
The Oonfliot Between the Country
and the Lords now Unavoidable ,
JCIio Dcniictt-Muokny Onlilo Franco
niul Oliinn OtherPo
Special Dispatch to TIIK BKK.
LONDON , July 20. A scandalous disclosure
was made at the impioU of Judge Walktn
Williams , who died suddenly last Thursday
night nt Nottingham. Judge Williams was
a loading member of the Kngllsh bench nnd
raiiKcdhigh among lawyers on account of
learning and ability. Ho wan the head of n
largo faintly and highly respected. Ho was
especially popular among Knglish reformers ,
ami was n frequent orator at mcetiiiRs in Hie
Interest of ferial reform , and generally looked
upon as a pattern of all virtues. Ho was in
apparent unjoymout of excellent health dur
ing the day , anil dlcel , suddenly during Thurs
day night. It was given out that ho died
from a sudden attack of heart dtreoto. At
the inquest , however , the coroner In pushing
inquiries aa to the circumstances attending
the judge's elreUh , brought out Iho fact
that it occurred in a Nottingham house
of ill-repute ! . It was developed
that after transacting hn ! day's business on
the bunch , Judge Williams repaired to the
brothel , and there dined with ono of its no
torious women. _ After dinner Judge Williams
and his companion spoilt the night together In
an orgio , in course of which ho tuiddanly ox-
pi rod in ilio hoiuo. Tlio coroner made .ovory
attempt to Hush up the disclosiireH , anil tht
fitends of the family vainly attempted to bribt
t.ho iumatos of the brothel and the reporter *
to conceal Iho Hcandal.
There has boon much comment during the
week on Cleveland's nomination. Kuglluli
opinion , on the whole , is against lilaino and
for Cleveland. Jivon Rtronc liberal journal *
and Hincera filends of America , like the Spectator
tater , declato they desire the success of tht
democrats in tha interests of purity , freatradr
and ponce. On the. other hand , Blaino's lettci
of acceptance , of which a synopsis wns tola-
graphoil , lion considerably modified the h"n-
tility to kini , and is considered to supiily but
Hlendorconlirination of his alleged "Jingo-
last clnnco for averting a conlltct between
the lords on one nido aud the com
mons .and the country on the other ,
'vanlohcd ' Thurselay * when the lords > o-
l'fijdfllite ' n niaJorityirtf l Utyj JjordyWu'fnyHfi
KoffprF 8o * resolution pi-oposmg to pass tin
fraucliiso bill at this srailon , upon the condi
lion of a pledge tu consider redistribution ii
the autumn. The liberal and independent pa
pers are daily stiffening in tone , TJIO Times ' ,
heretofore cautious , now supports Gladstone'
without roeervo anil declares that the BOCOIH ;
rejection of the franchise bill by tliu lord.-
would on tail the mobt serious consequence- !
and rod n co the whole business to a naked
struggle forsupremasy between thu two houses ,
The torieH , on their side , aru stirring up asso
ciations to passing resolutions in support of
Lord Salisbury. The tory journals denounce
the present movement of public opinion as an
attempt to substitute mob rule for the exist
ing constitution.
A message ) was received from the steamer
Faraday laying the Irish end of the Dennett-
Mackay cable , that it has arrivoil ut Ilia buoy
in mid-ocean which marks the American end.
Tha news regarding the Franco-Chinese ) im
broglio continues most conlllctlng. The Chi
nese ollicials at IVkin Hay ono thing and
these in Franco at Paris say another. J'hc
general belief is that all lio. At the British
ioiuign ollico war between Iho two powers in
bollovod inevitable.
The Tor'csaro oiganii'.ing counter demonstrations -
strations to Iho movement favoring the fran
chise bill to be hold Iu this city and ut Ltvor-
pool and Manchester. Loiel liodi'sdalo pro-
peiHoa lo xuttlu existing clilliuiilticH by adjourn
ing instead of proroguing parliament. The
gc eminent will bring up thu emoilion of tlio
iccllhtrllmtion of pnrllainuntu'y nuiils at thu
uutiimn session , while tlio house of lords x\ ill
discuss the franchise eiuestlon. ThU thu lib
erals will refuse.
The governments imposed uelvaneo for the
ixtonsloii of the India mil way system , which
will exceed i'iO)00,000 ; ( ) , nn amount equal to
Iho MI in which is expected to tm expended
underptlvato enterprise , IxwidcH tlio extension ,
a movement is alto directed towarels htlinulii-
ting the export of India grain to Knglind to
supplant the Hiipplioj received from Amurica.
PAIIIH , July 20. Two fresh aporadlc ca es
of cholera 010 reported. A noticeable fall in
the temperature to-day IB regarded an tlio bent
safeguard against the diseaao becoming
LONDON , July 20. The jwrto has fcnl a
circular note lo the powers notifying thorn of
: t iiKKiiniptiim of the postal Kervice. Tin-
tote vaysi The existence of foreign pout
olliced in Turkey is an Infringement of the
poverolcn rlghls of thu unltun. The porto in-
elnts upon the prepayment of lottorn with ( H
tomanstamp-i and tlio powers arojnviled to
clew tluir luspoct'vo nllicc'H , It is rmniired
the porto on the 1st nf August will siirrouml
the foreign olllcni in Conntanlinople i ith
k-ond'armes to pievent the potting of letters.
Ytiiloun amb.iHsadors to Turkey Imvo asked
their ii'hpcctivo governments for orders In
vluw of Huch cuiitingcnoy ,
f-'ONHTANTlNOl'i.E , July 20 , Pnblio eecuiity
ill Iho HiiburlH of this city lua imver boon in a
worao ceiuelitiem. Brlganels tday ontorcil
a mosipio four miles from the city , and after
firing several volleys Into the ceiling rilled
every person present , leciirliig money and
valuable H. Jiiigauds also attacked < uiel plun-
dcrwl tlio villaoof Bozkliali , a few miles out-
Bide tlio city.
WAIWAW , July 20.- The circtiuiHtancej
which leel to the dlscovory of the jilot to blow
up the palcco of the c/.ar eltiiing IIH f.Uy hern
have ! jiut been mailo publiu. It uppourx the
nihilltU had onlored n btuilent tu pemonato a
hifdi pollco olliciid whu was n father to the'
BtiiilentH llancee. The student refused to , anil
poiboneel himself. Two luttern which ho left
let his botlnothoil led lei Ihu discovery eif Iho
NKW YUIIK , July " ! ) . - A meeting of the
clgar-mnkeiH' belonging lu thu international
mil the progi't'Hiivo unions were hold to-day
or tlio purpose of effecting n consolidation of
liu two unions which heiii'.ofoiuregarded lach
other with uxtnimo hostility. About l-'tHJO
weio prctunt. iSpcechor wore made in the in-
tenutof harmony , but nu actiut' ' . wua taken.
Adjourned for ; v week.
V His Iiaivd Hpcuiilntldn
KrnnolN AilainwNcnr -
ly $ 'Jr < ,00 ( ) Involved.
Special lo Iho Olobo-lVmocrnl.
T\A. ! > CSAH CITV. Mo. . July l.t. A deputy
lilted States'i \ \ IIOUH' ch o after
hnrlo lirancin Adams in Ihofnrcicalnepoct of
.wo suits , Involving toward a quarter of n
inH'on ' dollar * , which have been Instituted In
ho federal coutt hero. S. C. Shaelfer , nn
jlno capitalist , who , with his tyudlontp , In
IhiMicxt largest holdrr to Mr. Adami of rp l
pstnto in and about Kansas City , brings these
actions. Their basis is tinbraikinir of con-
tracti under which largo imrchasM of laud
were made in the vicinity uf the city for the
. of the belt line
180.1 railroad. The room
aloiiff the river front Is llmitod. The great
ilghbhilfs of clay have boon slu\edaw.y all
Ihnt thc # will stand to lot In the trncks and
with Iho incteasing doumiuU the Unto VIBH
come when a road around the city on the
louth ido has become an imporatUo ncccsity.
Thli Hoston people , In cither words Iho Santa
h'o Inlerwt , ore p.ulictilarly interested In thin
Jtlt line for it gives them ttio route tlmmtth nnd
jpyond Kansas City nu their way as projected
toward Chicago.
Mr. .Sclmolfor , In speaking of thcuuitH hi-
IM brought , said to the Olobe-Democrnt
correspondent : "Jiffy , ' 82 , 1 purchased by
> pliou contract ! W'J acres in what Is known as
Uir llluo bottom , east of JCansai City
ibnlit two miles. Kntcr I sold the
and to the Kansas City lielt Line rail
road , of which Clmrles Francis AilaniK , of ISos-
Ion , is thn leading opirit , ami ( .1. K. Mom tlio
siipoiintondont. Th Holt Line comp.iny were
to select fifty ncres for 1110 as shopD , and
weni to pay $ U,0X ) ( ) in cash for thosame. The
j\li\ncu of thu tract \va.s to bo converted into
oily lots , ami I wn lo have iho manngemout
if the lulu , ami my coinponsatiou was to bo 6
icr cent until thooiiginal jiurchano money for
, ho tract , SU Ilii8 was roa'izod. ' After tliat
wai p tld back , ono-llftli of Ihe proceeds from
Iho RJO of lots , or one-fifth of Iho land ingress
gross , The contract wai that the title to the
property should bo good and valid and satis-
tnclciry to tlio company's attorney
"Un December 1 , 1881' , they declined to
take the propoty , aligned Iho IWMIHI that
the tlllo was not eallslaetory. That this ox-
etiso was not n peed ono may bn jmlpfld from
the fact thai in December , lSSi. : they tried to
condemn sixty acres of nimilur title land
which lay on tno west siilo of the liig llluo.
Tjiey tried to condemn and 1 eontcstoJ. Tliny
finally abandoned tlmt intention and went
ovcrand purchased 1CH acres of Iho Woods
property which , on the 1st of December ,
1882 , they had declined to pur
chase. Now 1 sue for the ono-liflh Interest In
the 10'J ' acrus Ihey have purchased , lo which 1
.1111 entitled under Iho oiiglnal contract. The
contract states that this shall bo divided into
town lots , and that it tmull not bo sold for icst
than $1,500 an acre. Then 1 sue fur SlSTi.lOC
damiigCH for Iho lo. s I have sustained in tin
breaking of the contract under Which I won It
luvo a 5 per cent coininisiion , tholO,0'uO bo-
IHH nnd a fifth interest nftnr a certain Rim
was realized , When our contracts were madi
thu Dolt line was represented in all of then
by 0. F. Morse as trustee. Now , to rover uj :
their tracks , they have the titles made direct
to the railroad company. The reason wo hid
a trubtoo wus bocauio wo wuro advised tha
the company couldn't upcculato. ly ! the con
tracts it can boxhown that Morse's nainii due :
not relieve the company of responsibility ,
This property is a fine , level pleco , higli ami
dry , nnd ubout all there Is left in Iho immedi
ate vicinity of Kansas City for the purpose. '
The trouble has been lo got service on Mr ,
.Adams , and for that reason the litigation hai
boorf Twild .ia bnyancp. The "railway magnate
nato hIi ; \ \\ray \ tit drifpYUiig Into Kuiihas Ultj
cm Smj % yanu _ getting ull ° * pighin before Moil
day niadu it legal to give him the legal notice
A few days ago information was received tha
Mr. Adams and a Itoston pirty would roacl
hero on a week day. The deput was watched
bat no special car came In. At lenglh , three
or four hours after the arrival , it was learned
that the olliclal coach had boon side-tracked
in the Biiburl s , and that Iho party , amonp
them F. ] i. Ames , JT. H. Clark and otbon
had gene into the city in oarriafjos. The depu
ty marshal was put into a hack and for six
hours he traveled over thetio hills look
ing for Adams , gutting on the trail
occasionally , but never near enough
to sight the gamo. Tlio ollicor learned that
the vU'ilois were lo lake supper at the Coato'u
and tlioro ho went end waiU'd. Mr. Adaiim
did not come. Along in the evening it wan
ascertained that ho was meeting n select gath
ering of gentlemen at the club house. The
marshal , thoroughly desperate , wont to tht
elub house , passed the swallow-tailed mnjoi
iloino on the plea of a very important mes-ugi :
for Mr. Adams , and at last ho found iiimsoll
in the magnate's preHenci ) . The paporu wen :
flimlly HOI veil and now the suits are to be
pushed , Mr. Schaolfer has engaged Join :
O'rady ( ! , of St. IjDiiis , by tologrnph to C'imt
up hero and prcpaio the caseu for speed }
DycM Will Color
dilute any color , and never fail , The easiest
and be&t way to economize ) . lOc at all drug ,
gintti. Wells , Jllchardson k Co. , BurlliiKton ,
VI. Stimplo card , 112 colois , and book of di
rections lor 12 cent Htamn.
Tlirown front a Kmul Cart to Dentil.
MHAVAUKKIC , July -0. - rro. ( i. ] l , ItootH , of
Tamnroii , Ills. , wife of Mr , Kout , inuinbur jnf
the Illinois state boatd of education , was kill
ed In a nmawavlait mVhl , being thrown from
n roatl cart. Hho and her husband had been
in attendancoon the national coinenllini ut
radison. Mrs. Hoots xvas CO years ojd and
had taught for HO yours in uoiithern Illinois.
T < vvnHHtiif0 Koliliory.
SAN ANTONIO , July -0 Additional partic
ulars from Iliierno to.night nro to the clfoct
Lhat the mud ugonts llanki.'d tlio town after
the first robbery of the Htage , and hailed it
wain uuvcrnl inilc.i beyond , nnd robbud Iho
mails. The olliccra are in clo o pnriuit of the
All'Jiil. $1 , IOO Short , .
ST. LOUIH , July L'O. S. 8. Hulcliinson ,
chief clerk in tlio ollico of Major U. II.
Cruel , of the United Status engineer corps of
his district , disappeared or absconded yes-
onlay , leaving his accounts about $1,100
hort. _
ami Minn ,
Ni'.w YOIIK , July " 0. Dion Uoucicault , tlio
ctor , arrived to-day accoiiiiauicd [ by his
aughlcr Mina _ _
The O. A. It. nl
CIIIOAIIO , .Inly 20 , The 1'oiinnylvania , New
lampbhiio , Marylvnd and Vermont daloga-
Ions tu the national ro-union of the ( irand
\rrny of the republiu at Minneapolis passed
hrough the city tj-ilay ,
rrilliiiniolilsl'H JMiii-iIoroiinJoiiI'iHHlon ,
LONDON , July -Anarchist Kunnor , In
riuon at Vienna , hai ( oufoaucd tu thu iniir-
crs of Itankor Liunhart , Santlnol Adels at
tranburg , and of lianlcur Klsurt at StuUgurt.
Ic declarer Stollmuchor and other anarchists
Hsistoil him ,
A Ooinoily Troupe
LONDON , July 20 , It Is reported that a
' "ranch comedy troupe travelling through
\lgicrs was massacred by Alain near the
Hoi ocean frontier.
mill Illitlnc.
/'mitral City , ( Neb. ) , Courier.
The Omaha Uupublicau is aulliotity for
tlio Btiitcinunt that Koscuo Uonicling is
to take the field actively for Ulainu , and
tlmt hia trip to Kuropu is for tlio purpcso
if rociipurntine ; for the work. Wo uro
of thu opinion that the Republican is
nistiikon. Tlioro Una just ooino under
lie Courier's nutioo a luttor from Mr.
joiikliiij , ' lo Jiulgu lloiiuuhl uf ttiia pluco ,
informing him that Mr. Colliding is
"out of politics" this year , and will devote
vote his attention exclusively to business ,
Montreal Denies the Iinnorlalion of
The Whole of F - po Terror
Striokon at tb . lagao ,
Chicago Taking M > > \ uros to be
Prepared in any Event ,
Now York Claims the So-Called
Oaso was Only OholoraMorbua
And that there has been no Asiatic
Cholera There Since 1867 ,
A ruinlly 1'roHtrntcd with tlio Ovcr-
of l 'rult Cruises Some
Special Dispatch to TIIK Unit
MOXTHKAI. , July 20.Tho paper nmnufac-
Lmcr-t hero deny thn truth of the diapatcli
from WashiiiKton that the treasury department -
ment had been informed that pnper rags Biip-
l > oaed tu Imvo bi'cm collected in the cholera.
nffctnd districts nf Kur po nro boini ; Import-
ml to the Un'tod ' State throiiKh Canada ports.
Pho books of the custom house show Ihat nn
ragj from Kuropo Imvo como this way since
lime ,
EUROPE is TKitnon.
Special Dispatch to TJIK UKK.
LONDON , July 10. ! Draplto the nttemiit of
the Kronch authorities to mininib.o us much
is pofiiblo tbo cholera panic on the continent ,
t must bo admitted that Dr. Koch was justi-
ied In thoao torribla predictlnua that nlauned
all liunipo. The whole continent it terror-
Sjiccinl dispatch to TUB UKE.
Tlit > sanitary authorilios here are taking precautions -
cautions nRainst thu possiblenppearanco of
cholera by increasing the scavonser eerviee.
Health Coimnitwiniier DoWolf said : "I do
not tliinlc wo will have any cholera hero thin
Bfawm , although It may roach the Atlanlic
coast lalo in the fall. As the cholera poison
Ihrivos beat on decaying vegetable mntti-r ,
phj-nicians ndviso liouio-wive to turn all ro-
lusn material from the kitchen instead of hav
ing it stand about the homo.
Special Dispatch to Tun BKK.
Kuw YORK , July 20. Itpgardiug tlio dis
patch published in Chicago saying that re
cently tlioro have been several cholera deaths
in this city , tlio facts bein suppressed , Dr. J.
t ) . Taylor , chief of the fourth sanitary divi
sion , says : " 1'osilivoly and most emphatically
tlioro has been no case of Asiatic cholera in
this city eilnco 1SJ7. ( " The cafe referred to was
one of cholera , inorbus. Thuro was another
fcnro yesterday. A report was sent to the
pollco lioadqunrterH tlmt live mombersof a ,
lamily named Kummer , whoso antecedents
aru objcuro , wuro in the agonies of Asiatic
cholera. Anjiibpoclor wan dispatched there
with instmctions to act promptly and ener
getically. JIo reported the ) Mckness in the
Kummer family choVrn inorbus , dun to the
impiudcut sating of f uit. '
Hcjrular 1'rusa JJispatclics.
TOUI.O.V , July 20. For the twenty-four
hours ondingnt ( ! o'clock this ovoning-Ui deaths
weio reportod. During the same time 170
cases were reported at the hospitals. The re
fusal of thu municipal authorities to allow a.
procession of women In tlio ttreets offering
prayers for the conation of the ncourgo has
uroatod a bad impression.
MAHSKII.I.K.S , July 20. For the twonty-four
hours ending at 8 p. in. tlioro were Cl death ? .
The chamber of commerce has voted an np-
imiprialiou of 10,000 francs for the relief of
the pulferora at Itrignolos. Three deaths tlioro
LISIION , July 20. Portupnl has extended
her quarantine to all Kuropeau eh pping.
LONDON , July SA dispatch to Keillor's
Telegram company to-day says the situation
nt Slmnghaia has improved ; there will bo no
. , .
'raliimoraiiyiiijurioiis MibstanecHcaii L.O found
nAmlrowH'r'oarlUakfnBl'ovAlor. Is i > ot-
.Ivcly PURE. JiditKi'iiilorsO'l.andUMlmonlaU
ect'lvt'd iroin auch elicinlstsasK. ] > .ma iinyn , llo-
on ; M. Dulufontaliie , ofClilcaio ; ; anil Uuatavug
llode , Milwaukee. Novcrwilet In bulk.
I'rom tlicsu Honriiuu urlau throo-fourtlis of
HID ilUoutios of tlio ) inmau iiico. Tlieso
iyioiilnnH linllt-ato tholrcxiBtcnt'o : T.oss of
Alipvllto , Jlovx-Ia conllve , Klclc llcuil *
nciin , fullncus niter cntliifj , H version to
uici ( Ion of hod y or iiilnd , Kructatlou
of foinl , IrrltnhlUty of tt-inpi-r , T.oiv
DilrllM , A fi-dlliin oriiiivliif ; nenH'cCfil
iiiiuti tint y , ] > Uzlaial''lHttvrliiKnt thu
Itlriirt , lloH btil'ura ( lie ryc , | ilirUlycol-
orcil Urine , VOXHTlVA'KlOJfi nnd do.
iniiiid the IIHO of iv romoily that acts directly
nn iho Ilver. AsaLlvormoillclnoTDTT'S
I.M I r.S liavo no caual. 'i'helr aotlonon iho
ICIilnciys and Skin la also prompt ; removing-
Alt Impuntioa UiroujiU thusu thrco " * rav-
nicrH | of tlio Bystiin , " prodiich ! nppo.
till ) , BiiuiKlillqostloi n'Bului'stoold , a clear
sWnamUi vigorous body. 'I'UTT'Mi'ir.r.s
causa no nausea or griping nor liiturAira
ivltli dully work nnd are a viirfect
ituM everywhere , Uric. -IIJliirraySt..N.Y. .
" * - " ' - " r-m rwr m-rttnrrtMtirmt
mil H.UU on tt'msKiaia changed in.
Dtimtly to n CJLOSSV JI&AVK I > y tislmilo ai ) .
pllrntloit of tlila i > VK. Sold by im ' " '
or sent . . . . by . oTpros-joiiroBiuptoj , . . . . . 51
.hr.1r.Ii ll\l.p > ii * f trnj.r.Cviv