Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 19, 1884, Page 8, Image 8

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Saturday Morning , July 19 ,
TJ. Wright rmcl Chas , A. Dodge , of
Sioux City , IOWA , nro nt the Paxton for n few
On AVctlnosilav II , D. WMsh.of Fremont ,
passed a bogus chock upon Tom O'Connor , of
this city. Ho was yesterday arrested find lodged
In j ll by Daputy Sheriff Crowoll.
Mr. A. Mclnnls , of the firm of Mclnnli ft.
Uusscy , look a rnn down to rialtamouth Iwt
, -ononlng , to attend n eoclal gathering In thftt
city , returning to-day.
Mrs. Thomas F. Tuttle returned yesterday
from n five weeks visit to her sisters In Colo-
rndo. The lady lias a largo circle of friends In
this city who have sadly missed her , mid will
rejoice at her return.
Mr. .T. W. Minor , of The Uomblcan | ! force ,
Tins returned from Connecticut , where ho wan
called two weeks elnco by thn death of Ms
mother. Mrs. Minor and the children will
remain In the east 'intiil September.
' member of the fireo-
Dr. Octavo 1'avy , a
cy patty , and who dlod on the Cth of .Tune ,
was a brotlioHn-law of Dr. K. M. Stone , of
this city. Unfortunately his body wai among
thooo weshod out to sea and lost.
For Salo-Cheap , 43 head of No. 1 mules
with or without RroJIng outfit. Apply to H.
D. Kstnbrook , OS South Fifteenth street.
Steve Itmorn
--"Colonel" Doclcar , the mlnatuto man
with the "JCirl" nh'W , ntUctuJ n iront deal
of attention upon the Btroets yesterday. Ho
was followed whorjver ho wont by n crowd
of small boys and wllh what cutloui oycs they
ookod upon him.
Prof. Pryor has recovered his watch and
money tikon from tim last week whllo on n
visit to this city from St. .Too. The St. .Too
Herald says the property wai takou In fun.
Such fun Romotlmo ! allows the funny man to
see what the inside of a penitentiary looks
_ _
Yesterday Stotsoa'a fl" Mouto Chriato'
party pasted through this city east , having
closed Iholr Reason In San Francisco last
wook. During their engagement of two weeks
in that city the management realized 913,000
clear of all expenses. A draft for .510,000 was
sent in advance of the company to Now
A lady yesterday forenoon near the comer
of Seventeenth end Loavonwortb , was over-
comu by the boat and fell in n swoon on the
xidcw.ilk. Several men Rtanding nearby
cither from forgetfulness or Inhumanity g vo
her no aid. After lying on the walk fora
short time Councilman Belini pifi&ed by and
helped her to her homo on South Kightoonth
L. W. Landom , of Fremont , Is at the Met
A. I ) . McXecr , of 1'awnoo City , In at the
Goo. II. Mclntosb , of Ciioyonno , in lit the
.T. T. Sprojhor , of Schuylor , Is roglntorod at
tha Metropolstan ,
A. M. lldrldg ! > , of Grand Inland , is n guuxt
of the Metropolitan.
T. J. Smith , Ainswortli , Is In tlio city stoji
ping at the Metropolitan.
II. L I3oworn and wife , ol Lincoln , are stop
ping at the Metropolitan.
T. W. Tenifor and wife , of Little Hock ,
Ark. are stopping at the Metropolitan.
Both P. Mobly , Grand Island , Frank M.
Dummy , TocuniHeh , H < m K. F. Warren , Ne
braska City , Hon. L. W. Onborno , Blair , .Tno
A. McMurphy , Schuylor , JohnSji'on , Wahoo ,
Hon. (5. M. Lambortion. Lincoln , nndj A.
McLangblin and F. K. White , Plattamouth ,
registered yesterday at the Paxton.
J. F. Milljpaugh and .T. G. Dudley , Lin
coin , Jno. A- Mann and ] J. D. Blgolow , lllalr
Jnmos P. Boll , David City , H. T. Ingallit
3ilb , Hon J. W. Poarman , Nebraska City
M. W. Bruce and wife , Croighton , and H. U
.Tones and Hugh Stevenson , llud Cloud , were
guoata at the Mlliard yesterday.
Army Onlcrn ,
Recruit Elmer Uundy , enlisted a : For
Omaha , Nob. , is asalftnodjto the fourth
Recruit Llowollyn A. Klotz , enlisted
at Fort Douglas , Utah , is assigned to
company K , sixth infantry.
Leave of abjonco for ono ( I ) month , to
take effect on the assignment of an ofli-
cor of the cavalry army of the aorvico to
temporary duty with his troop , is granted -
od First Lieutenant Robert London ,
fifth cavalry.
Sergeant Hugh Hynih , Company 0 ,
aaventh infantry , is relieved from duty
as icoror and marker on the dopartmou
rifle contest , and Corporal John Podor-
Bon , amo company and regiment , detailed
od in his stead.
Harrclt Aatii.
The young ladies in this city , wlu
mourn the loss of their money paid on
E , D. HarreUfor teaching thorn macrom
lace making , will road with interest th
following special dispatch from Blooming
tonII'to ' the St. Louis Globo-Domocral
Koine three weeks ego two n on and tw
ladle * , repruteritlng th mnfllvoa an Duron
Bartlctt and wife and Mr. Plukham and wlf <
cuma to thin city and opined out u Hchool t
tench young girl * to make mocrouio lacoliolt !
infl out to Ilium brllliunt Indiiooinnnti. The
tlurgcil u tuition fee of S3. and ottered to pa
tha girh a salary of 810 to 811 ! n week to m-ik
the lace aft r they had leirnod. About 'JO
gill * learned It , aud last night nclatu of nlnet
more wan orgaiiUai ] , Tim SStultluu vras pjili
j d to-day the I n true torn , liartlolt and wlf
and Pinkham and wlfo are mUslne , and th
Klrla connMor thoin ulvi HwlmlloJ , Th
quartet have taken ItMtViut 31100 ,
KHtato ,
The following trannfors were filed fo
record in the county clerk's ofiice July 17
and reported for the BUB by Ainua' roa
estate agency.
A. E Touzilin to the public , H o d , lo
12 , block H , Uilhido udd , No 1.
\V \ , J. Gnnnoll to tha public , plat o
"HicUry 1'Jaco , " in 21,10 , la.
E. II. JJonson and wife to Lewis K.
Loyd , w d. w " i , lot 2 , block 1 , Shinn'
1st. add , $350"
Augustus Kountzo and -v'tfo to Fran
Pychft , w d , lot 4 , block 8 , Kountze'a 3t
add , 9300.
jf esi Dmsoronv to bo iasuocl in July ,
8t > l , p'iiw 81 50 , J. M. WotKB , pub-
. 14th St. Omaha ,
Ceol of North Carolina Tobacco bth
The American Associalion CliainpioDS
Beaten liy ttB Home Nine ,
Rockwell's ' Pitching Too Much for
the Brown Stockingai
7 to O the Score of tlio Ontno.
The lovora of base ball in this city who
iovo boon doubting Uio playing strength
of the homo nine had their minds ot nt
cut by the wonderful work of the Union
'acifics in yesterday's game with the
St. Louis Browns. Even many of the
dmirors nnd friends of the home club
xpoctcd nothing but nn honorable defeat
t the hand * of the visiting team. Great
dds were given on the Union Pacifies in
ols on the result of the game , and the
rionda of the homo nlno who ventured
lioir money on them did so reluctantly
nd with little expectation of over fleeing
; return.
The rain of the lout few days had loft
jo grounds somewhat soft for sharp
laying , but it nevertheless was in fair
ondition. A gathering storm constant-
y threatened the spectators from the
lird innings , but the nines were allowed
o finish the game without the least in-
orruption from rain. Many , however ,
oft the grounds about the seventh in-
inga and thus missed several sharp
lays on both nidea.
It is to bo exceedingly regretted , tint
IcGinnis , Deasly and Comisky , the
ogular pitcher , catcher and
rst baseman of the Browns were
ot present to take part in the
amo as the friends and admirers of the
uiting toatn lay their defeat to their ab-
once. With the terrible slugging , ox-
client bas3 running and strong nnd bra-
ant fielding of the Union Pacifies , yes-
orday , the "etono wall" nnd their
; rongoat battery would scarcely have
eon able to wrest the victory from the
omo team.
The game was called promptly at 4.JO : ,
10 Union Pacifies wiuning the toss.
loason , who stands credited with sixty
ase hits for this season , headed the bat-
nt { list and led otf with a single to loft
old. Ho was followed by Latham who
wont out on n long ( ly to center. Ho was
ollowod by Lewis , whoao difficult foul fly
o right field was taken in by Snood.
I'Noill was caught out by Funkhouaor
yho made a running catch of his liner to
enter field , being the great play of the
amo. For the homo nine Mclvolvoy
cached first on a hot grouudor to third
Yhicli Latham fumbled , Bandlo helped
lim to third by hia single-reaching homo
n Dwyor'a safe hit. Snood next sent
high lly to loft field which Striof mis-
udged , Bandlo and Dwyer scoring ,
inoodcamo homo on Funkhousor's single
jaggor. Funkhousor wan thrown out at
ocond and Whitney was cut off at first.
Valsh was also put out by Krohmoyor
with Quest's assiat.
In the fourth the homo team piled up
, wo more re.ns on O'Neill's fumble and a
msHod ball by Strouvo. In the seventh
lockwoll made first on a single , reached
, hird on passed balls by Streuvo , and
came homo on a wild pitch of Davis , who
nnd boon substituted in the pitcher's box
for O'Neill , who was Inolfcctivo. Ho con
cluded the run-getting for the game , St.
Louis receiving niiio beautiful geese
By the Browns there waa nothing done
n the diamond that provoked applause
nit the utronn and graceful playing ol
jitham on third , llockwoll proved a
luzzlor for the St. Louis , making only
ivo scattering hits in the game , and when
a Brown reached base ho was compelled
o huij it by the careful and errorless
> laying of the homo team. Not ono ol
ho visitors saw third , and but few ol
, hem ever reached second. For the Union
Pacifies Bandlo played his usual game ,
Punkhousor and Snood distinguishing
themselves in the Hold. Dwyer played
an excellent game on first and MoKolvy
tiold down second as only ho can.
In the povonth innings a linger o ;
Streuvo was broken and his place was
filled by Krohmoyor. O'Neill for the
remainder of the game played first
D ivy or , of the homo team , taking hli
place in right Hold.
Below is the ncoro :
Plnvors n mi ro A i
MoKolvy , 2J b 1 1 : i : i <
liamllo , o 1 1 I 0 t
Uwyor , Ib 1 1 ! l 0 0
Sliced , r f
FunisiioiiHor , o f i i ! : t o o
Whitney , 'Id b -
Walsh , HB 0 2 1 ! t f
Hockwell , 11 1 1 1 (1 ( C
Salisbury , If 0 0 0 0
Totals 7 U 17 ! 10
Players ll 1 n ro A
U'JIHOII , H H , 0 JJ 0 I !
Ijftthmu , ab (1 ( 0 1 U
LuwiH. cf
O'Ncil , p 0 0 fi U
Krehmoyer , 1 b 0 0 8 0
Ktrli-f , If 0 0 0 0
Htreuvi ) , o 0 0 fi 1
Qiuwt , 15 b 0 0 -1 4
' '
f 0 U 0 3
Totals M ) 5 tit 10
lly lumtigH 1 a a .J fi 0 7 8 I )
Union Pacified 100200100
tit. I > mls 00000000 0 .
Time < if gniiio Ono hour and forty minuted
Two biHii hitu Viinkhnumir.
Pik'Bod Imllii iStrmivo , ls ! Krehmoyor , 1.
Wild iiitch-Davl , . 1.
Stnick < ut-Uy Hookwoll J , O'Noll 1
U.iviK 2 ,
Kuriml run * Umnu Pacifies II.
Umpire Hrant.
Kd , nnrnmit la VlHltcn Itv AVhnt Ap
poat-cd to ho n Voting Allltjotor.
Thursday nftornoon a woman was con
fined in ono of thn cells in the city jai
and while there was taken with a fit
Slio was finally placed iu a carriage am
taken to her homo und the cell was lef
In the evening a number of the boy
were Boated in the j.iil corridor awappini
lies and amoking cigars , when all at one
an utmolcomo visitor put in an appear
anco. A largo groan lizard ran out o
the cell iu which the womun had boon
locked up and made n straight shoot fo
old Oharley Miller , win was in his bar
feet. With a whoop like n wild Indian
Charley sprang high in the air , ran intc
anjadjolmng room an ( lammed the door
A general scattering took place , ul
leaving thn fluid in possession of the rcn
tile , with the exception of Dr. Oroweli
who made ruali for
a the intruder am
with n pie if p > it n hit hand , aoizjd
it by the tail and succeeded in placing
iu n pall of water.
Gorinanwos telling JudgeBenokoabou
, ho "aflair yesterday , and insisted that
t was an nllgator and was at least
ilghtoon inches long. When soon yea-
orday it had shrunk considerably and
waa about aix inches in length and was
caged up in fi box. The first supposition
was that the boys had boon Indulging too
rooly and had soon myriads of serpents ,
n their minds , but this could not have
) eon the case , for upon questioning
hem closely it was found that the police
lave not received any pay for two months
and a half , so how could they indulge in
ho flowing bowl.
forth Omaha Sewers Closed Up and
Damage Follows ,
The llonvlcsi Italnfall of the Scaaon
Farnain Street Pavement
Giving AVny.
The storm of last evening and night
urpassod all others of the season not
n its violence , but simply in the depth of
ts rainfall. Between the houra of seven
ud eleven last night I)8 ! ) inches of rain
ad fallen and at midnight the pluvoomo-
or indicated 2.25. The utorm came
rom the west and hero won unaccoinpa-
icd by wind. At three o'clock this
norning the rain was still falling , and
10 wind waa blowing quito furiously.
Men who have lived in Nebraska many
oars say they never saw as much rain
all in an hour ns fell last evening bo-
woon the hours of seven and eight. It
amo down in perfect torrents and
lie paved streets looked like miniatnro
The Farnam street storm water newer
howcd its cllicioncy by carrying oIF all
ho surface water conducted to it , nnd
ithout flooding moro than a siuglo col-
ar , so far as could bo learned.
? ho mouth of the sewer had the appoar-
inco of a boiling cauldron as the wntor
) f this conduit struggled to become a part
if the Big Muddy. Within ono half of
n hour after the heavy rainfall had
eased the water had all boon conducted
rom the surface and the pool in front of
) roxol & Maul's rooms was all that was
oft to toll of the rain.
The scorni , however , did considerable
lamago to Farnam. From Thir-
oonth to Fourteenth Streets the
granite pavement between the street
car tracks and directly ovorEtho ] sewer
; ave way and largo holes from a few
nches to a foot deep were loft in the
troot. This is thought to have boon
.ausod by the incomplete filling up of the
ewer trench. The plug in the sewer
lonnection with the Paxton house collar
was forced out and the water wont
urging over its bottom. The influx
> f water was aoon discovered
and stopped before any damage was
On Twentieth nnd Farnam the water
wont rushed through the low ground
and flooded the dwellings , situate on it ,
several feet deep. In ono instance the
nmatcs of the house were taken out of
the second story windows in order to
make their escape from the imperiled
building. The drowned out families
were cared for by their noighbora and
but few were able to go back to their
homos for the night.
The front of the brick foundation of
Mr. Christiansen's house on Nineteenth
and Harnoy was washed out and the
water poured through under the tottering
building from two to four feet deep.
The greatest damage done , however ,
was in the vicinity of the North Omaha
sower. During Thursday's storm the
water rose above the top of the arch for
some distance and wont through the old
crook bed tearing up the loose dirt re
cently filled in. Yesterday afternoon it
became clysod up and the great volume of
wntcv in soaking an outlet took the old
creek bed and tore it up in places forty
foot wide and as deep as to the top of the
arch. The sidewalk on Twenty-third
street was taken away and much damage
is reported to the grading now being
done in that part of the city. Many
collars also were filled , but the damage
form this source is slight.
Motion Tor A Now Trial In tlio Gutlirlo
Cnno Overruled Klnnoy Con- .
vlctctl Other Matters.
In the district court Yostordaytho
Kinney Jcaso was given to the jury
They retired /to the jury room and in n
few minutes announced that they had
agreed upon a verdict. Upon entering
the court-room the foreman of the jury
statnd that they had found a verdict oi
guilty aa charged in tlio indictment.
All jurors were then dismissed until
! ) : ! iO this morning.
The balance of the forenoon was con
sumed in hearing the arguments upon
the motion for a now trial in the Outhrio
caso. After dinner the judge announond
that ho had over ruled the motion , and
would not grant n now trial. The matter -
tor will now probably bo taken before
thn supreme court.
Tom Cooper WAS brought into court
yesterday , and pleaded guilty of the
charge of burglary.
James Kugan , who was caught in Gen
Lowe's house , pleaded guilty to the
charge of burglary.
Kdrmmd Henry pleaded not guilty to
the charge of murder in the first degree
His case will como up for trial to-morrow
morning at 0:30. :
At tlio Crlckt't GmiimlH
Captain Troloar reports the following
schedule of games to bo played at the
Sherman avenue grounds this month :
.Inly riuttsmouth vx. Athletic * .
.luly'JU ( MuniluR ) I'UtUmuuth v- . Sher
man Avomin
I uly J ) ( Afternoon ) I'luttsmouth va. Atli
lotlcH ,
Iuly 21 lleil Stocking v * . Torments.
July 20 Lincoln \n. Omaha , ( cricket
match ]
July 1.M ( Kvonli'K ) I''O yurih l-ftiulloip.
July 27 ( MornliiK ) Uiilimn v * . Toriuonts.
July'7 ( Atrrniiou ( ) U. 1 . VB. Hv navlllt ) .
July UJ SMooii ko | H'r3 > a. Ticked nine.
lloblied of MU Itiitolmr Knives ,
A grader on the B. it M. whoso name
could not bo learned , came down town on
Thursday night for the purpose of buy
ing a couple of butcher knives. IJaving
completed his purchase ho started for hit
camp. On Twentieth street ho met
tire foot pads and was ordered to give
up hit wealth. Ho compiled with their
wiali in part by holding up his hands.
They then rillud his pockets but found
nothing , receiving only the two butchsr
knives for their trouble.
Unktnc 1'owclcr top clown on liot ntovo until hunted , then rontovo the cover
nnd uinoll. * AMMONIA.
DIl. PRICE'S OHEAM BAKING POWDER does not contain and does not
contaminate food articles in which It is used with the poisonous * Ammonia which
enters into the composition of the "Royal" and "Poarl/-PllOF. R. W. WITT-
HAUS , A. M. , M. D. , University of Buffalo , N. Y. , University of City of Now
York , and University ol Vermont , Juno 11 , 1881.
"I find that the Royal contains * Ammonia. The use of this drue Is wrong.
DR. PRICE'S CREAM BAKING POWDER does not contain "Ammonia.
CURTIS C HOWARD. M. SO. , Professor of Chemistry Starling Medical College ,
Columbus , Ohio , Juno 0 , 188-1.
DR. PRICE'S ' CREAM BAKING POWDER is pure and wholesome nnd su
perior to the Royal in every respect. "Tlio Royal when heated yields sufficient
"Ammonia to bo plainly discovered in biscuits made therefrom. R. OGDEN
DOREMUS , M. D. , LL. D , Prof , of Chjmistry Toxicology in the "Now York
Bellevue Hospital Medical College , " and Prof , of Chemistry and Phyaica in the Col ,
logo of the City of Now York , May 24 , 1884
"DR. PRICE'S CREAM BAKING POWDER is a pure , clean , and wholesome
preparation. " "I have used it for years in myfamily. " "It is the best. " PROF.
R. 0. KEDZIE , Michigan State College , LinsiiiR , Juno 3 , 1884.
"DR. PRICE'S CREAM BAKING POWDER is scientifically compounded
from pure materials. Yields the largest amount of carbonic acid. " "Tho addition
of "Ammonia would endanger its excollonco. " PROF. II. W. SOHEFFER , St.
Louis , May 22 , 1884.
DR. PRICE'S CREAM BAKING POWDER docs not contain "Ammonia.
"Tho Royal is found to contain "Ammonia. " "Tho addition of * Ammonia to bak
ing powders is useless and may prove injuries. " PROF. JOHN M. ORDWAY ,
Muss. Inst. of Technology , Boston , May , 21. 1884.
DR. PRICE'S CREAM BAKING POWDER does not contain "Ammonia. "
"It is a scinntiliocombination of wholeiomo materials. "Tho 'Royal' ' and 'An
drews' ' Pearl1 Baking powders contain * Ammonia. " "It is a drug. " "Broad bakco
with these powders retain the "Ammonia. " "Tho loss modictod broad wo Invo the
bettor for public health. " OU AS. S. BOYNTON Consulting Chemist , Branton , Vt. ,
Juno 2 , 1884. , ,
DR. PRICE'S CREAM BAKING POWDER is miporior to the "Royal Bak
ing Powder. " Dr. Price's scientifically proportioned , from the purest aud best ma
tcriala known. It in free from Alum , * Ainmonit , or any substance of objcclional
character. The Royal contains "Ammonia , which I regard as a disgusting con
Btituont in a Baking Powder. I AMES F. BABCOOK , ( State Assnyer ; Into Pro
fessor of Chemistry iu Boston University and Massachusetts College of Pharmacy ,
Boston Mass.
DR. PRICE'S CREAM BAKING POWDER is superior to the "Royal. " It
containns no * Aramonia. The Royal contains "Ammonia. The use of * Ammonia
iin articles of food I believe to bo injurious. ELIAS II. BARTLEV , B. S. , M. D.
Chemist of the Department of Health , Brooklyn , ( N. Y. ) May 20 , 188i.
DR. PRICE'S CREAM BAKING POWDER loads the entire list of Baking
Powders or purity nnd strength iutho National Board ef Health Bulletin , Supple
ment No. 0 , page 33 , Washington , D. C.
There is no Government Chemist as advertised by the Royal. Price Jiaking
Powder Co. : "I know nothing about auoh an office as Government Chemist. "
PJfTER COLLIER , Ph. D , Washington , D. C , May 28 , 1881.
"NOTE. ORIGIN OF AMMONIA : "It was probably originally prepared
aom putrid urino. "United States Dispensatory.
Gl )
1515 Donslas Street , Offlaha , c
Tlio Colored American Republican
lilalno and Jjouiui Club.
A public mooting of the lilaino and
Logan club waa hold at Lytlca hall last
evening. The mooting was very enthusi
astic aud the importancu of the present
political campaign fully set forth. Ex
cellent speeches were made by Mcsnrs.
John Simpson , Gabriel Young , Thomas
Hondricka and others. The sentiments
of the mooting were that the democratic
nomination is a strong ono. Blaine and
Logan is hotter , and that vigilant and
unceasing labor , only , will crown with
success , the republican party in Novem
ber. The coming state election received
merited consideration , and the status of
the colored citizens iu the state
to the republican party , of which they are
a branch , was thoroughly ventilated , and
a full recognition of political and official
representation , Id to ba invited to Hid at
tention of the lundors wno ooiuiv ch in
terests of the party in the state. An ex
ecutive committee was elected , ono from
each ward , being John Simpson , Wm.
Uutlor , 0. R. Overall , lliohard Gamble ,
W. W. Porter , Price Saundoro.
A public mooting will bo hold next
Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. Addresses
will bo delivered by W. Woolby , O. O.
Adams aud 0. Duncin.
D. J. WILLIAMS , Pros. ,
W. II. E. STKHIE.VSON , Soc'y.
The Crop Pronpcct Noror Better The
Hush Tor Laud.
Correspondence of The Boo :
STOUCIITON , Hod Willow Co. , July 15.
Crops never looked bettor in any
country than they do hero at the present
timo. Rye , which is mostly in the stack ,
is good aud will yield from 15 to 25
bushels per ncro. Spring and fall wheat
look well. Corn never looked better
especially hero on the Buavor. Wo have
had plenty of rain so far this season
which affords plenty of water. Stock in
this section of the country look well.
Government land is mostly taken. In
deed , claims sell nt from three to ten
dollars per aero according to the location.
„ , , ancl MALARIA. '
J rom tlii'ho boiirona iu lao Uuuo-fonrtha of
the illsoiiscs of tlio luiiimn raco. 'llirso
jymptomujmlli'iito thulroxutoncu : T.nti ot
Ai > iictlli < , Jlimili coillvc , Nick lloutl-
rlici , fulluckg nrter cutliifT , nvernluu to
rzerdoit nf linily or luliul , l ructntlnii
of fooil , Irrltutillity of tcinprr , J. MV
lilrl < , A frcllnjf of liavlnj ; iiCKlrctcil
iiiiioiluiy , IiU7lnef , rjuttcrliiKnttha
IIcnrtl > ut < bcrurolliecyci.lilclilycnl-
ornl Urliir , fO.\STIl'ATIoS(7 ( mill lio.
innml tlio use of a roinoily tlmt ncta illroctly
( intlio Liver. AsnLlvermcdlcliinT UTT'S
t'lLLH luivo no oaual. Their uctlouou tlio
Jililiicyiiiml Skin U also prompt ; rumoring
all impuiltlcs Uirotigh thusu three ' cav-
ciiurr * of the nyitcm , " proiluclntf nnpo.
tltufcouiuUllgC8tlnrcirul'irNtnolH ' , a clour
HkliimulavlBorousboily. TUTT'N l'irr.H
caiiso no iiiiiiBca or grljiliitj nor iutoriuro
irltli ilully \ > orlc uiul aio a perfect
4Mon rrwhn , o. UlUra.1IUurrnrbt.N.Y.
fcitAT Jliiu on AVni8ictus : clmiiKca lu
tantlv toitUuibBY IIIJLCK uytiHliiKlo np.
lilloutlon of IliU DTK. Hnhl by DrumrltU ,
or sent liy vzrirui * on reoolpt cf 3 1.
oiflco , 4 1 Jturniy Btroot. Ne r York.
Are prepared to do w
in any branch ,
On Short Notice
Prepulrlnjj lor n Priest.
The standing committee of the Epi
scopal diocoao of Nebraska , consisting of
three clergymen , Doan Millapaugh and
Rov. Patterson of Omaha , and Rov.
Burgess of Plattsmouth , and three lay
men Messrs. Mead and Clark of this
city and Guy A. Brown of Lincoln , will
bo in session to-day for the purpose of
fixing the time for the convening of the
council. The duties of the council will
bo to chose a successor to the late Bishop
Clarkson. As the rules of the church
require sixty days notice by the com-
mittoothis ele3tmgbody will not convoine
until the latter part of Soptombor.
Fixinctho Jrrojrttiiimo.
The general committee of the State
Fireman's Tournament association mot
again last evening. It was decided to
give each daily paper in the city five
season tickets and oaoh weekly throo.
A reception will ba given the visiting
firemen on Tuesday evening at Boyd's
opera houso. The address of welcome
will bo delivered by lion. James E.
Boyd. General Cowln , Mr. Thurston , 0.
R. Redick , Esq. . Colonel Smyth and
Jacob Houok , will also address the moot
It was decided to change the time of
making the display test of the water
works and exhibition of the Omaha lire
department from Tuesday evening to
Wednesday at 4 p. m.
Absolutely Pure.
Thliponderncver > arlcii. A nwnol of puroncss ,
trengtn and wholcaomimean. Moie economical than
tliei rdlnary klnda.aml cannot bo H Id In ooimietltlon
with the multitude ot low test , short wolht | alum cr
' cooldu < " "y ln can' ' UOVAL
rpo IjOAN-From 1200 to tl.OOOon KOCK ! wcurity
J. Addfi-n "I ! I' . lU'o olhci ) . fOS-llIji
MOM.\ lotii In mii , , ol } 00 ami iiimnrilion
luiiirouHl DoutslM Co , Jamil. It o Wlcnon
A. Co. , Ki l c UUi uJ IUMI gjt , ( jath ttuj K.rnmiu
A JO 1 . . .
MONKYTpWAN-Thelowwl taUi ol
B ml 'Loan Ay nov , 16Hi * Doiig'
Ag nt . HOC Krnam St BCS-IJ
room Krl | < to rrk In ho.
, N b. Apply Ii7 B. Slit St
AIT'ANTED-AbUcliimlth , one who undttraUndl
If huraoitiorloi ; nd kee | ) ntHr. $1.00 a day ,
AdJie Cv > okr n * Alien , Valentino , Neb. 037-ltfp
, ANTED A ulrI ( or eeneral hoiua work la Urn
llUrn. . N. i. Kdholiu , tilt Chluga Bt.
043 21 I
It , ANTKD A Rood b r Under ont who la no
T afraid to work at t , McCoy , 1'oppleton a o.
bttwecn 20th and 22nd St , near Determent ( ! nrr H.
( U4.I2
\\'ANrEI-F w rtnnrmto Irun booV-lecplnir
> ro ltloui ' ' .Sjpteiuber. " J. II. Smith. 15IB
DouglaiSt. BD7.2I |
\ VA.VTEUAbUiinUnriuanto work In a store
11 or toile work around the home. Waco * no ob
ject. Address " \V. H."thl > oincA. BJflllp
\\7ANrEU-Ajounir tloir.ian to work In erocen
TT store. Apply at A. Granbcck&Co , oth anJ
andritrcoSt. ODO l
\\fANTKD A Rltl for general house work. Applv
it at Patterson's Jowciy store or houjo , Clounrl !
v > A lady who understands Cameo 01
I'Alntlnjr , ono who learned at 1222 Farntm St.
preferred. AiUlroM "O " nee oinco. 008-18p
Al ANTKO-A tCBpcctablo boy for el ar stand In
l the new Cricket I' k. Ai | < lr to Manager.
\-\fANTED-Chambernuld at the Occidental dote
> I Immedlattly. 009 tf
T7"ANTKIOno nrst-clafu lirad latindrosa and two
as.lstanU. Alsa two scrub g.rls. Apply a
the Coirons O'o tf
NTED-A nurto girl 1015 llarney street
Oil ISp
WANTED A flrst'dftsi worrim cook forrcBUu
rant , J10 nor week. Address Ioi ! SOI , Omaha ,
Scb. ( HJ.lf
Vl AMKD-lhtco experienced cflmaisera Cltj
il work. Kolcrcnccs , Address "J. H. II. " rare
IJ3 > odleo. % OT4-2Ip
W ANTKD A ( root Rirl to cook at T. 0. Mclmn's
rcfiUurant , 220 North 10th street. OJU-18p
WT'ANTIJD Apnod plrl lor housework.
i 2510 St. Mary's a\vnuo. 076-lDp
\\fANTKD ( lltl ( or Kenornl liotiso wrk lit Soutti-
' T crn 1'rult Market , 13th ht. between Joucg nd
t-cAVermoith. Dick Scnu.irtz Old-lSp
A elrl at $1.00 | > cr week In a family of
two. ISlOKurnamst. 025-tf
WANTED A Rood elrl In email fAmlly for liouro
work at 613 S. Hth strc-t. 017-lOp
\ 7ANTCDOlrl lor general homework , Old south
> ISth street. 010 ! Up
A competent girl for general bouo.
work In email family ol rnlulta. Call at 421
Pleasant fittest- 014-11
WANTKD Immediately , 60 Camassers nt 603 N.
13th St. Ot3-3p !
TT7AXTED A woman to do Roncrnl housework In
IT a family of two. < li > o dwaeeu paid. Apply south
west corner Cth and 1'inoetrooU , South Omaha.
VyANTED A good girl at 2514 Douglas etroot.
CyANTEO-A girl for a family of four , that under-
T stands how to coflk , wa h and Iron. * o other
need apply. Apply at once to 1409 1'ark Wilde a\e.
Mrs. John W. Bell. tootf
WANTED Girl at 15(0 Sherman avenue , llrs.
J. M. Couneman. 048 tf
country , to take nice , light and pleasant \\orknl
their own homos ; S2 to 85 a day caally and quietly
made ; work cent by mall ; no canvassing ; no stamp
for reply. Plcaso addtCBg llellatlo Uan'fV Co. , I'lll-
adclphla , Pa. 149 Imo
T1TANTKD Situation by an ojtporlenced nurse
Tr Inquire at Saundera tit. Drugstore at the end
of Blunders St. car lino. < C03 21
VX7 ANTED Situation by a young druz. clerk ol
VV two jeare experience In a retail drugstore.
Speaks Swedlih nnd English well ItefeiencfH ghcii.
Address "C. W. " Bco oHlce 651-lOp
TX7ANTED Situation hy a young man as coach-
IT manlniirhata ( a < Ily. Can glio good rclcr-
cnre. Address "A. W. " Uco office. 652.22p
"ANTED Situation by a druggist of MX yearn'
oxpcritnco Can keep bookH Good referen
ces Address 1' 0. Box 748 , Omaha , Neb. 6S4-19p
A \oung married man wants mutation as book
keeper , In wholesale establishment in Omaha.
Addrcsi "O. " care Beo. 890-tI
V57"ANTEl > By n ( tenographer and operator on
TT the tvi'ownter , edploymciit m the ctcnlngs.
Adertaa " 11. H. " Bco . -
" 11TANTED IVirtncr with ICCO to Siooo and some
T r knonlcdga of fihoestn join rre iu boot and a/ioe
business , thia city. AdJicss or call ou Tuompson ,
832 DlUion St. , North Ornahi. ' 05a-18p
WE Oder In loU to suit purcha er , eight hundred
choice Iowa steers. Una half tear olds , balance
two and three years old , ami a good smooth bunch.
218-lm 8TKANGE BltO'H , Sioux City , Iowa.
Boarders to know the St. Charles Ho.
tcl on Uaruoy St. , twUeen 12th and.lSth will
st t up the best table board for $4 00 per wcok of any
housu in the city of a oorrcspondir" ' orlce. 2S8-t (
FOR KENT nouoos and Lots.
FOIl KENT-TWO story house , Nic rooms , wll
rent partly furnished H desired , 619 north 19tl
street , bet cen California nnd Webster. 085-11) )
FOR UENT-A handsomely furnished sulto , olc
two large elegantly lurniahcd rooms. B th rocn
1720 Capitol a\e. 09M p
" 17011 HUNT House 653 south 20th St.
093-21 p
FOIl KENT AlUorooni oottago , cor. Sheridan
street and I'oppleton avenue , ? lfl,60 per month.
Barter & .Mayno
FOIl HENf i'urniehcd room , with board , 1812
Dodge etroct. - flC5.23p
I poll ' UK.VT Hoiuu and barn at 2109 Chicago St
'Apply t 2407. 871-lBp
TipU KKNT live room cotla o ul.h nno grounds ,
' hJS S. 17th btrett. 079 jjj'
L1"1' KENT A
" nicely furnished room for onu in
two gontlcmin , at 421 1'lcasvit street. 687-19
I7 < OR UENT-Two unfurnUhe.1 front rooms. In
. ' MUlroatXo. lOlSManon street , bet. 10th and llth.
Foil HCNT ri o rooms , itio Boujlna. J B
* " * " "
F 11)11 IlKNT r'urnlshoa rooms at 1211 Paicnnor
struct , near 13th , Oj3-19
T7IOH lIK.NT-UentliiB houses and collojtlng rents
J. ' made a mwcialty byr Jlnreo 1 : Ilninn.-r 0'0-n
WANTKU-Flfty houses for lent by Jlurno
lliunner. * QllW
. ' "lco'J ' lurnlahedrout fuum7
11 uiia
J1 bio for two KO'illBincn. Uc.vonaUo nut to rli/ht
I'artleii. Inquire 161 ! ) Dodge Href t , B'3 S
flt w'"t I' . Hunruc ' !
\ _ 5 ' , 6th and'Douglas. C01-lUj
I 11 i rruT " " ' rooms fu CmiuliiKninl
-i- flock
- - , ttiuet. < Jj3-21
pit UhNT-lO'rooraed home. 8 minutes' gk |
, iiK , , Mutunth ? * ' ' f5 l' ' month. Alw 4 roomed
fumirlnw irvct < : US 60 pe
* -D 1D
- strcit.
1401 lurnam .
'or ' " "
er month. 1310 Farnam ktrect.
I Huiidi " : ; ! " ) . ! ' " " < 0 In'iuiro ' UMK ,
, 2itn bttuceu lia '
i'nportaudChl io | St .
cely furiilthed rooma without
unport bt. IflMlp
l < lSUI.lhN > l' K1J ! f ° om cottoKe , flue location , bv S.
-t 1 , s. K. .
JVUnvii cor. 15th and Douglas. 517-ti
' ' '
to rmt to
J } "ling gentleman , 1707 Cum blrcct. f,0fl.v0ji
? 01l UK.NTWith board largo front room with
bay uloilow , Kai and lath room , at No. 1718
'ojlri > ct. < a .ID , ,
J OIt UFNT-A new utoiennd d cllinK al \e , In a
mat cl Ideation. I iniiiireiiertheatt corner 17th
and MchoUiktrtediiuro ! ork . t7S l
H \r-Twoiirwd nmin houses ,
10 ° , " "i ! > ; 'T A I1'04" ' " ' luriildlnd room at'lSoi )
L Uiitol | .
| a\e.
6M 18n
F ° jollKNTTn ! , ° 'lM ni1 V"S * rn , a'alls for SO
' ' (
' ' " ' * * M"0 < ' ' " '
| > . 'M1h,1'1
UENr-Fumbbod looou
iOH HUNT nirra roouin. 3 rlodets. city
lu.iulr. .t OU3 Kurtli I3lh hi. ' *
OIl HKNT-lu Bblun'ti 3d .
luldltloi. new | , amw.
, ' . " ! ' ' ' ? " " ' | 10UWlut ' ' i P
aontli. AwJy room i < Oui.h * Natloual JJwik Hull. I
> Cfl Ud ol
pott HKNT A back parlor tltfjintv furnUhnl
1 and adjoining bfd room , vlth use ol oath room.
Also bed room up utalr * . mltalilo for one or two gen
tlemen. Host location In thg cltjr , 620 ricuaut Et.
IlKNT-ruriilshcJ roomi at 2z27 Dodge St.
487-lmi )
170UUKNT. A Mml hcd back parlor for wo j r-
1 Horn at 1811 Vxiga euect
July 7 , tf.
1724 Douglaj St.
\ IlKNT Ono Rf nd square piano. Inquire
1 olEdholmandKilckson. _
TT < OH KENT-Now house iultabloor h'tcl or fam-
I1 lly hoardlnit hem ,25 rooms Dcilrablo location
nark < -r A lU > ne , 13th and Farnam. 420 H
Tlon IlKNT Ono ro l six to m house J25. twr mo.
JL'O.lI.llltchoock. > 135-tf
TTHJR KENT 1IOH99 S rooms eood repair. Nice
JL1 > ard , cistern Ater. Kent I'bpef month 1411
rtk Wlldo avo. Apply to Jno. W. Belli Urucglst ,
lOthflt. 18S-tl
HKNT-1'lano. Iniiulro at Kdholm & Ertck.
_ ton's. 6J)3tf )
Iron UKNT-llooms In Nebraska National Bank
1 Bulldlnif. Jlost desirable olHsea In the city
Supplied M Ith hydraulic clot atorand heated by steam.
Apply at Hank. B2B-tt
IpOi ; UK.NT Kurnlfhcd rooms on thu north-wist
cor. 13th and Capitol atonuo , formerly Crol h-
ton House. 139-lf
OR BAM : Oil HKNT.-Blackemlth Mil wigoti
eliop , Hhatood ( patronage , In ft town of
1,20(1 ( population. Address O.W. LAMDINd , Weep-
lnK\Utur , .Veb. juij 13 31
ompany will fell to hlgho t bidder oncfiamo
iluclllnK hotm sltUJlort on the southrBt corner
of llth and Marcy sttcits , Omaha. HODBC to bo
mo\rd from our ground at once by purchvor. SoaUd
) > ropopalfl will bo rrcclvoj at my otlico upto noon Ju
ly 21 t. 18S4. 0. W. HuMregr , Ats't. Qoncral Man-
ttgcr. B A. M. U. II Jlyis 4t
| 7Hlt SAI.K A nnoilrlvlnB horeo , Bound nnd kind.
P Any lady ran drho h'm. Also n Daily .t Mcadini-
bcr top liuifcy and a Oor cord Htrncss. Will "oil to-
Kcther r Bcparatc , at 2 7 8 13th 8t
FOIl SAtll Orncery ImslncpB In peed Irwallty
pa.Utu ; will. Will icqu'rn ' capital of about&MKIJ
Tor pirticulara address ' 'W. W , " toisulllce. UJO-liu
FOHSALIJ A good Joublo buggy batnefK. llorae
& Urunnor. 077-iOp
FOIlS-LK-Tnn full loll , with thrco nrstclam
houvei In good ropilr , on S W. err. ISthand
Canltol MCIIUO. Hcnta for 82i 03 per jear
072-tf Cl. U. DOAN'E.tCO
TTlOllHALK UoardiiiK hoUBu.lurnlturo andllxturvu
L1 all complete. Inquire at 210 a. loth St
I7HKHAL1J \Volm\o fortmloit Jew thousand clol
1 lam worth ol II'st clasj amen uer runt school
house bonds : and aUo some county hnrdi
F OHSAIU Thostab'o on the lot coiner of IStli
and Douglij street ) . Must be to d.
002-10 A. AU.M > Kn8 A , TO.
I poll S1.E Two Iota 100143ono a corner , on
1 Dodge Btrcct , with 8300 iinpru\ement8 , at the 01-
traordinaiy low pilco of ? 3,2CO.
030-19 14U4 Farnam.
I poll SALE A full lot wllh two small haunt.
1 Very chcip at .lO. JIUllSE & BHUNNEt.
031-10 1404 Fa'iiaui street
.IA Mate with colt and two thoroughbred
. Jcracvcalvn- . Apply , 2224 1'iorce st 6J2-tl
FOH SAt.E-Tho American House , South Bend ,
Neb. Thokadlnirhoulof tha town Will sell
\\ithor without furniture. Good butineBi. Good
reasons gUcn ( oreellln ) ? . Call ou or mlclrcii.
a835-28p QUO. H. kcC'AIN , 1'rop'r.
Fill SALK Special bargain , corner lot 00x112 St.
car Hoc , 18th and Grace , 2 houses. $3,50011 cold
hi ten days , X , Hunicl. COo-lSp
011 SALE House of snven roorua and lot OOiHO
feet , north 19th. marSpruco street
fi:0. 3p C11AS. JOHNSON .
17'OU ' SALIA choice dairy and stock tarin of SOO I
1 acre ? , 201 acres under cultivation , 2i miles fr om
Silver Creek , Neb. , on U. 1' . lUllaay. ( Jood house ,
c camnud ice houses , baniR , corrals , etc. , or dairy
ing and stock ralsfng Land is \\atcicdandall
choice Rrasa and KrazinR Itnd , with plenty 01 raiijfu
adjoining. Tor sale cheap. Potter & Cobb , 1615
Farnam street. .Vl-tf
FOH SALE Ono Inrdw.iro store and bu Idini ;
worth S2.000. Htockwlllinioice 42.000. Inalivu
town , two rail-nails. ltca on for sel In ; , ' , t'olnto
Callfoinia. Address or call ou Walter Ctitfnrth ,
Louisville , Neb. _ MS-IS
F OH SALE Desirable lots $5. down , ? 5. pr mo.
H C. I'Attctson , 13th and Farnam 675-23
17011 H UElKinc3 : notv anU second hand IU ll p.
1 15 h. p and loll p. portable anl etatl > nar > ; al4i >
bollerd of any size nnd stjlc. Kichtrd & Clarke , U , 1 *
U Y. bet 17th ami 13th Sti. Omaha. C19-U
FOH SAL" ? Api ( "tlnir ufBro suitable lorasmall
newspaper cr joli olllco. Will sell for cash or ex-
chan ofor Omaha City property. Address' X./ . Q"
Bee olllcv. 408 tt
FOR SALK A fo * choice younit buifgy and work
horai-a. Jlajno & Earner , St. Marj'a ; aiPDiio
barn. 458-tf
FOR SALE Largo lot on Parkavcnuo. Also honso
and lot near tt. Mary's acnuo. Inquire 422 Con *
\ent8trett. 437-lmp
SALE Three of the best lots in Hanscom
place at a bargain if sold teen , i'otter & Cobb ,
1616 Farnam. 931-tf
FOK SALE Sheep , a lot of line Colorado gradea
containing of 800 owes , 2,8 and 4 years old ,
about COO ) earllngsatd COO Iambs. The cwea nill
shear about 0 pounds For further Information ad
dress Ulday Co. , llaiglcr , B. ll M. H. H. , Neb.
FOR SALE Cheapest house and lot In Omaha , In
roller's addition , S rooms , well , SOD barrel cis
tern , on two lots , 100 feet front by ISO foil deep , for
? 2OM. 1'ottcr i Cobb , 1615 Farnam etieetr403tI
FOR SAL ? : Cheap lota in Shlnn'e 2d addition ,
KIrkwoixiand 1'lainview. I'otter to Cobb , 1616
r-aruam btreet. 42S-tf
pOIl SALK Two goonnd hand "pUnos , at Ed hoi in
1 & Erlckaon'n tln lo Store on 10th St. 89041
FOH SALE Two open eecond-nand bugglca and
ono delivery wagon , cheap , at 1319 Barney St.
DIAUu.N'LH AND WAlUIIKd. I ha u a lot of
dents and Ladlcf ) watches , also BOIDO dlamondH ,
flnKer and car rliiKv , Two nice seta ol Holltalro I'ri-
\aln IranBon this Jowtlry and wl'l ' sell chow. Call
at 1411) ) Dodge St tun II ( 'htn of stairs. ( Ul 10p
STIlAyrD OH KTOLKX-Krom City Hotel , out
roan cow , thojcjrao'd , ii0'ht hern Im'f ' lirokcn
off A lilivral reward will be plvcn for her return.
Krcd. Wlrth , proprietor City Hotel. 078-23i >
pHltKNOLOOICAL-Mlsa E. N. Hoben , C012
J fierce street. Cdmpetei ) With the btHt talunta
In the Held anil from pait cncaiiiaRcmcnts nill ron -
n aln another week to | , he . ( osamina-
tlons , 74'MBp
Ul'-Last April , red nnd white
heifer , Owner cvi h vo name liy calling at M.
Ui'lhans , cor. 24th and Mason , and | > } lug
HPAKEN Ul'-llay 21th , 1B3I , at my place , 1 horeo ,
X none ! color , and ono pouy lay mare , black tail ,
brand mark on hip. Owner can have eatie byTOT / -
lug | irOjerty and jiajlng cLargos. I'lillllp Casaidy.
T.ilUHKAV liuigood jiaitunnK' . Springuatcr *
TUIVYaiilti , blnka , and cosxpnols cleaned with
i sanitary cloancr. Hatl'factlon guaranteed by F.
0. Abel , ( Bucco.aor to J , M , Smith , ) box 378.
293-1 mu
n lcit
Ulclee ti riding rhlrlr mnln
nlth onci ncr-
unn with two Tint Hnrinitf
- „ ; " * . . " " * " v * * ' * ! ! ' * vi tu ruii } i cuuiitry
'Jl'1..1.1.0. ! ? ? " " : ' . Manura.-mrrd.nu5
CliMlcal , Scientific , Commcrc'al ' nd Art Ueparl
. ] | .tli tvivt aduilttril Tuition low , i i
lotrfhwp , IH IO | io < lctv | \illy cuulmmd faculty
X TAddrex fur iwrtleuUni , Kay. W W. Ilar.iu
) 1) . I'jwi.leut. r.r I'rcl. O U , IXii lfl t , BoereUrj
Uio faculty , teller c , Neb , Jy luo Jm