Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 19, 1884, Image 4

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    * J
Onmlirx Offlco , No. 910 Fnrnftm St.
Ouncll BlnlT , omco , No. 7 Pearl Si
Street , Nciir llroiul\v y.
New York Onico , Itoom 05 Trlbnn
Building. _
Pabllihed rery ircrnlnir , * eioept 8nnda1 Tl
Oil ) Monday morning dally.
On * Tear. . . { 10.00 I Thn * Monthl . I3.C
BUUonuu . MX ) I On * Month . 1.C
Ter Wwk , Xfi OnU.
Tn wmu.T i i , rc u nia mar
OatTctr . W.OO I Thteo Months . I I
BU Month * . . 1.00 | One Month. . . .
American News Company , Sols Ageatf , Newtdti
ttl la lh United SUUt.
rouurom. * c * . I
! 1 Oammnnle tlon relating to New and Edltorta
m U rsib < roldlH > aJdrawd to the Enrol or TDI
AIlDiulnem I/itwri 'and IVimltUnoM' ihonld'b
aldresmd to Tni D rciUftniTO CoxrjUT , o Ani
DratU , Cheek * and PMtofflra orderi to t .mad pay
able to the order of the corapanr.
B. ROSBWATER , rdltor. IU'M
A. n.Fitch , M ner Dally Circulation , P. 0. D ) i
38 Omaha Kebag
SINCE that scandal his coma out , wo
can undenUnd why Beochor is support
ing Cleveland.
CALIFORNIA his begun shipping bcor to
Chicago. This ia like carrying coals to
TiiBWashingtonmonumenthas reached
a height of182 fcot , and when eighteen
more foot arc added it will bo completed.
It is hoped to finish it this year.
WE have not hoard from Phoebe
zins since the nomination of Cleveland ,
but wo presume she is for him. She is
about his ago , and ho is a Incholor.
Co.v.smF.n.uin : progres has been made
n the paving of Farnam street but the
very first thing that ought to bo done is
to close the gap at Fifteenth street.
THE regulation Qno for selling a glass
of whisky inDej Moincs is $50. The
regulation price asked by the saloon
keepers must bo about $150 a glass. At
this rate the majority of DCS Moincs
topers will bavo to cut down their drinks
to about ono glass a day.
THE Kansas republican state convention
has ro-committod the party to prohibition
by rejecting Col. Anthony's proposition
for a phnk ia the platform favoring a con
stitutional convention. The overwhelm
ing majority by which this proposition
was rejected can only bo interpreted as
an emphatic refusal to 're-submit pro
hibition to the people of Kansas.
JAVES COKKEUY , a prominent Irish
lawyer of Trenton and the head of
several loading Ifbar organizations , has
gene back on Cleveland and declared himself -
i , self in favor of Blaino. This is another
campaign "corker , " which causes con
\ sternation among the democrats. The
Irish democrats and the labor organiza
tions in New York and Now Jersey are
rapidly enlisting under the banner of
Blaine and Logan.
Accounmo to M. Muntr , the French
chemist , who has been analyizing the
various kinds of water , the river , sea ,
rain and snow water all contain more or
loss alcohol. Only pure spring water ia
free from it. Moral Don't drink Miss
ouri river water if you wan * to bo strictly
temperate , but go out to the etock yards
where the water is obtained from pure
On the 20th of August district con
gressional conventions will bo held at
Beatrice , Hastings and Columbus , to
nominati ) republican candidates for con
gress , and ono wuek later the state con
vention will meet in this city to nominate
a state ticket and presidential olectore.
Ity the time the local managing publi
cans have hold their meetings and issued
calls for primary elections and county
conventions l ss than four weeks will re
main for the discussion of the merits of
the respective candidates among the
rank and ftlo of the party. It is oven
questionable : whether any respectable
member of the party will bo able to take
part in primary CIUICUSBB and local con
i , ventions at this season when the farmers
are engaged in the work of harvest. The
choice of the 20lh of August for congres
sional conventions in all the districts
loads the uninitiated observer to suspect
a designing motive. It is not usual in
any other state to call all the congres
sional conventions on the satno day ,
moro especially where , as in the second
district , the call Is issued only six weeks
before the convention. It is not our
purpose , however , to find fault with the
machine , but rather to admonish repub
licans against blundering into defeat by
pursuing methods which have heretofore
brought the party into disrepute nnd
choosing candidates in whom the masses
have no confidence.
While Nebraska is certain to give
IJlamo and Logan from 20,000 to 50.000
majority , thcro is still a very deep-root
ed discontent among the body of the re
publican" which will make itself felt at
the coming election in the choice of
atato ctlicers and representatives in the
tale and national legislature ) * .
f { .The republicans of Nebraska have good
reason to hare distrust in the methods of
their leaders who have for years used the
party machinery for base ends and han
dicapped the .party with , corporation
shackles. The republicans of
Nebraska will no longer submit to bo
ropreicnttd in congress by dummies ,
jobbers and corporation henchmen. They
will no longer allow thu state to be dis
graced by ft man of straw in the execu
tive chair , a Jaadshsrk in the land depart-
went , a nopontity in the lieutenant-
governor' * office , and a vacuum in the
offico. The railroad
ma cor-i
corporation * that long unoug
foisted congressmen and stato-oflicoi
uoon us , and wo believe wo voice the a
mcst unanimous sentiment of the part
when wo s y that Nebraska ha * oul
grown the swaddling clolhci in whic
Jay Gould and Sidney Dillon have kep
her for so many year * . The republican
of Nebraska have among them scores o
men of ability and known integrity , whi
have not worn the brass collar , and unless
loss they chooao from among thosi
the honest producers , who make up thi
majority of the party , will repudiate
their ticket.
It is not by platform platitudes anc
profuse promises that the republicans o !
Nebraska can alone hope to carry thoii
state , congressional nnd legislative tick'
eta this fall They must nominate can <
didates who are a platform within them
selves men whoso career in private and
public Hfo a ( lords & substantial guarant
iee that the people will bo served with
fidelity and ability.
The anti-monopoly wave that swept
over this state two years ago was merely
an aggressive protest against corporation
misrule through n corruptly manipulated
party. It was an open revolt against
dishonest and disreputable leaders , who
must bo discarded and repudiated before
the party can successfully appeal for an
carries' , support of the dissatisfied ele
The 12,000 republicans that voted the
anti-monopoly ticket two yeara ago and
last year are not to bo driven back into
line by the parly lash , but they must be
n-oocd and won back by the concession of
their demands for better government and
eputablo leadership.
All the rival telegraph companies in
ho United Slates have boon consolidated
nd pooled against the Western Union ,
ndcr the management of David Homer
latos. The consolidated telegraph corn-
any trith iti ercat network of wires
nd cable connections acrons the Atlantic
ill nt once become a very formidable
Dinpotitor to the Western Union monop-
ly , which for the time has ceased to bo
monopoly at competing points for rev-
nuo only. But the old anaconda pro-
IBS will in duo time bo repeated just as
aron's rod , turned into snakes , swal-
iwod all the others. It will
9 remembered that Mr. David
[ omor Batca haa sustained
mfldontial rolationswith General Thomas
, Kckort , the head of the Western
nion for rnoro than twenty ycara. When
eneral Eskort wont into competition
ith the Western Union monopoly , aa
resident of the Atlantic & Pacific tole-
aph company , which was owned and
ntrollcd by Jay Gould , Mr. Bates was
aneral Eckert'a right hand mm. When
o Western Union anaconda swallowed
0 Atlantic & Pacific , Ekcrt became j
10 of the vice-prcaidcnta of the
'estern Union , and Bates became
moral superintendent of the
istorn division. When Jay
ould volunteered to relieve the Arnori-
n people from an oppressive telegraph
Duopoly by organizing the American
: iion novcr-to-ba-connolidatod telegraph
niDany , General Eckert was recalled
d bocatno president of the Western
lion rival , and Mr. Batea promptly
nod him to become the general mana-
r. In duo time the American Union
came the anaconda and swallowed thu
estern Union , leaving Gould as master
the telegraph system of America , and
moral Eckort very properly assumed
3 active management of the "great in-
ted , " with David Homer Bites as his
ief lioatonnnt. Now that Mr. Bates
3 successfully roped-in all tholittlo and
; concerns that pretend to compote
th the Western Union , the country
11 enjoy for a brief time the blessings
cheap telegraphy nt .competing points ,
til the masticating and swallowing
aration cm bo repeated without too
ious embarrassment. Thin haa been
1 history of telegraph competition over
co the telegraph bunincss has become
[ sustaining. And so it will continue
m year to year.
fill : centennial business still keeps up.
last Monday the good people of Midtown -
town , Connecticut , celebrated the con-
inial anniversary of the incorporation
that city. After all Mlddlotown must ,
io boon ono of the youngest towns in [
w England , and the celebration does
t commemorate any wonderful event ,
o revolutionary war was over before
ddlotown had a beginning , and yet
en the Connecticut town was forty-six
\n ofd , in 1830 , Brooklyn had bnt 12-
3 inhabitants ; Chicago , none ; devo
id , 1070 ; Detroit , 2222 ; St. Louis , Ii , .
2 , nnd S&n Francisco , none. When
ddlotown was eighty years old , Omaha
s bom. Now Omuhu has a population
over 50,000 , nnd Mlddlotown has n
Lie lets than 10,000. This simple
itomont shows the iimnonsn prog-
is which the country lias made.
TIIEUK has been an undercurrent among
mo of the councilman In favor of n
ijcial election fur mayor , bnt so far it
s failed to materialize Mr. Murphy
signing all the bonds as "acting.
> yor , " nnd this ia naturally creating
; no inquiry among the purchiviurs of
nds. Wo do not BOB why Mr. Murphy
not as much mayor of Omaha as Mr.
thur is president of the United i „
that Benjimino Franklin Hilton ,
M. nt Blair , ha como out squarely
r James Laird , Mr. Laird's nomination
r Congress is an aiaurod fact ,
Srr.iNoriEii ) , Maes , April 10,1883 ,
"For diseases ( A the Litin ys ; liver ,
idder , and urinary organs , 1 received
tiat benefit from HUNT'S [ kldnoy and
cr ] HKMRDY. I pnmnunco it the boat.
, W , Payne , Manufacturer Harnesses ,
uukz , etc. . , 447 Mala itrcct.
0 ' 1 11 KK LA A7 > .f TJfA X 0 UHS.
No event in the annals of parliamor
during the past twenty years has create
moreintenioinlorestatnongAlljclassos tha
the struggle bctwoenjlho commons and th
house tit lords over the franchise bil
The resistance of the house of lords t
this important reform has aroused th
middle and working classes of England t
a pitch of excitement which borders 01
revolution. Two hundred thousand trade
people propose to make a concerted do
monstratlon in Hyde park in favor of th
abolition of the house of lordt , which is i
stumbling block to n popular rule ,
In this struggle with thohousoof lords
Premier Gladstone , if forced to the wall
may resort to the same method that TTOI
successful during the reign of Gcorgo III
when the lords resisted proposed reform
of Premier Pitt. There wore but Ml
persons in the house of lords during tha
crisis , but by raising .338 persons to thi
peerage the house of lords changed its po
litical cwmploxlon and endorsed the re
form by a largo majority.
Eor the last fifty years the house ol
lords has been merely playing with the
acrioui builncss of British law-making ,
During all that time there has not boon
an important measure affecting the righta
and interests of the British people that
the lords have not violently opposed ,
and that they have not adopted when
threatened with public indignation. They
viciously kicked against the abolition of
ilavery until they wore compelled to sur
render. They opposed every bill ex
tending the franchise down to the pres
ent measure , and they ended by passing
them all under the strong menace of the
commons , For long years they fought
friah emancipation and JowLih emanci
pation , but they were compelled to capit-
jlato. They showed their tooth when
.ho corn laws were repealed , but they did
lot dare to resist when the order to BUT-
ender was given by the duke of Wei-
ington. Declaring that they would ncv-
ir consent to the bill to abolish the state
ihurch in Ireland , they consented.
While this resistance to progress and
eform on the part of the house of lords
IBS been extremely irksome and some-
imes very costly , the British people
iavo got used TO it in a sort of way as
nsoparablo from their political system.
Vhon any measure of importance is do-
landed they know that the lords will
eaist , a d also that the lords will sub-
lit , and they await the end with as
luch patience as they can command.
IT is moro than probable that some
ompromiso will ho reached between
iladstpno and tha house of lords on the
ranchiso bill. The lords did not throw
10 bill out. They simply amended it so
iat it should not come into operation
ntil there had been n redistribution of
iats. Mr. Gladstone now promises that
they will pass the franchise bill ho w.ll
itroduce a redistribution bill this year at
i autumn session. The difficulty with
10 lords is that they are by n" means
ire the redistribution bill will bo any
.ore acceptable than the franchise bill ,
id If they lot the franchise bill pass they
ill bo absolutely helpless about securing
ly change in it. They therefore ask to
0 shown where the now voters are Jto
vo bafore they agree to lot them m.
ord Salisbury , it is reported , ia
ir standing firm now , but ho
us lost his leadership as a fighting man.
he majority takes counsel of cooler
> ads. In the meantime the radicals in
ie provinces are straining on the leash ,
their eagerness to open a campaign
; ainat the house of lords , and Mr. Glad-
ano haa indicated not very obscurely ,
at .ho will not bo sorry to BOO it started
the necessity should ariso. Opinion is
vldod as to whether a compromise may
1 efiecU-d imiuodiatoj' or during the au
mn session. The conservative leaders
o anxious for the compromise now , so
to immediately stop the agitation and
0 studious in pointing out that the lords
vo not finally rejected the bill , even
r the present session ; that their vote
tha other night merely postponed the I '
iding of the measure for that particular
{ ht ; that the measure , therefore , is not
ad , but in a state of suspended anima
tion , and that if Gladstone will uvon
t offer a decent compromise the bill can
taicon up and disposed of. Another
ingo in tnu feelings of both sides may
no before Monday , as the news from
ypt ia getting hourly worse , and appari i
ily , the deluge there is close &t baud *
1 incident In the franchise debate in I
i lords commented upon by everybody c
nhowing a remarkable change in the
rit of the timcn is the support , of thn
1 by twelve out of thirteen bishops , actl
i btrong democratic flwor of the arch-
hop of Canterbury. In 1831 the rem -
m bill waa opposed by tvronty-one
Voconm.vo to the latest advices war
; ween Franco and China is almost in-
table. When Franco began her war of
> rcEsoii ! in Anam , sympathy was genor-
f with China. The territories invaded
cd allegiance to the latter , and their
oreign received his investiture from
1 rendered tribute to Pukin. Had the
tor taken a srtong stand at the outset
1 informed Franco that it would not
/nit conquests from Ita feudatory , at
i same time backing up the intimation
th n display of force in Tonquln , It is
sonublo to suppose that its course
uld have received general approval. o
0 only thin ? that would have inter-
od with this is the fear of Chinese up-
ng in the treaty ports against foreign-
in general ; but it may bo taken for
ntod that , had the government of the
irory kingdom gene to war iu an open ,
nly way , nations Interested in those
ts would huvo adopted prompt and of-
out measures to protect their citizens
in mob violence.
Jut China has punucd the most ile
us and tortuous path Imaginable , Aid
1 extended to Tonqnia unofll-
Ily in the shapa of men
1 material of war , and , while this
going on , au astute nnd glib-toiiguod
bassador "ma doing all in hi power to
pres the French with the belief thnt
government desired anything but war.
last u treaty waa eigimd by which the
inoue rocognlzad the Kronen conquosiii
1 admitted their right to trrvdo with the
jvinoes of the empire bordering on
iKlitin , Then oimo the affair of Ling-
i , in which n Chinese foroo wayhtld
tl cut to pieces an unsuspecting detach-
> nt of French troopa on its way to a
w station.
The natural rjsult of Ml this is that
a position * of thu two countries are ro-
mod. Now it is Franco , and not
iliiA , that merits and receive sympathy ,
d few will b j found to regnit that the ,
mur has called the httor to a oovoro . " . '
xmnting , Ono week ii given thoj"
jneso to pay n hrgo indemnity , falling of
which war will bo declared and navi
operations at once begun along th
Chinese coast. While this course will
as wo have said , meet with general a [
proval , the old danger of uprising
against foreigners will be revived by it
adoption , as it will inevitably infuriat
the lower classes in Chencco seaports. 1
i to bo hoped that prompt stops will b
Ukcn by our naval authorities on tha
station to guard agntnat attacks upoi
It is all a mistake to suppose that ii
Iluisla there ia no legislative body. Th
council of state considers and passes a resolution
elution upon every now legislative enactment
mont , and the czar , as a rule , sanction
the opinion of the majority. Everj
question , before the council adopts a resolution
elution upon it , is carefully studied by i
special committee. There is a poworfu
lobby composed of the titled , the rich ,
and the rings of male and female politic
ians , -who seek to influence the _ czar' <
Jegislators by various arts. There is nc
out and out plain and stiamtleea bribery ,
but the members of the imperial council
are not forbidden to possess different
stocks and shares , and they have plenty
of them , and draw heavy dividends and
interest. Each legklator , too , has num
erous nephews , cousins , and other rela
tives , over ready to honor the private
companies , corporations , and associations
by joining them in some hiph-salatied
capacity. Occasionally , even marriages
are concluded among the titled paupers
and monied plebeians just on account of
some bills pending before the conceit.
The projected Siberian railway furnishes
a good illustration of the methods of the
council. Twenty years a o the imperial
( rovornment decided to build that road.
Then the questions as to the route came
up. Ono special committee after another
was appointed to study the matter , and
scores of the government engineers have
made fortunes on the job. Especially
the question has been raised in the coun
cil , and always there has been found so too
reason fur delay. Three imperial ukases
were issued at different times , each di
recting a different route for the road , and
yet to-day nobody knows when or where
the Siberian railroad will bo built. Such
Is the power of the lobby.
The halls of the senate are also empty.
That august body , Russia's supreme
: ourt , has to review all the celebrated
: asos that stir the czir's sujb-ects. If the
jenato stenographic reports published in
'ull , the world would have had a large
number of highly interesting Russian
iramas. Unfortunately they are kept in
Presidential elections in Mexico , as In
franco , always take place on Sunday ,
jonoral Porfirio Diaz was elected presi-
lent of the Mexican republic last Sun-
lay. The best evidence that SenorDiaz
iaa _ the confidence of the bulk of the
ilexican people , and ttat ho fairly repre-
enJs that body of public sentiment in
vhich rcats their hopea of the nation's
lappy future , is furnished by this fact.
Chat there has been a good deal of un-
riendly feeling toward Diaz plainly ap-
iears from the severe and persistent ad-
crse criticism of his candidacy by & por-
ion of the Mexican press , and even by
omo journals of liberal and progressive
pinion. Ho was opponed bitterly by the
lerlcal and liberals both. The latter op-
oao him because his accession would bo
resumption of despotic military rule.
'hero ' _ was some warrant for the repeated
portion that the electoral outcome had
een predetermined bv the men in power
in hardly be doubted. It b , in a greater
r less degree , in all the republics that
vor existed
In the lioeration ol slaves , pro-
id ed for long ago by the laws , whose
porntion has been retarded , is going on
i sorao of the provinces and the slave
trncrs in the Empire are not in the hap-
ieat mental atato imaginable. The Eai-
oror , Don Pedro , has governed Brazil
ith commendable wisdom , but as a re-
irmer , ho has not advanced very ra-
idly on account of the conservative in-
aences which intervene. One back-
ard feature of Brazil is that the laws
rohibit the employment of persons not
embers of the Roman Catholic f'hurch
. the public schools , however wel
lalified they may bo as teachers. Thi ; .
edircval arrangement will doubtless
mish Kith slavery. Recently , a Jewess ,
ho had passed a splendid examination
r a teacher's position in one of the
heels , was not aside for this reason and
i inferior teacher won given thn place
10 prime minister stated in the s mate
at the obnoxious hw ia null iu
The retirement of Iglcsals in Peru will
rvo to test the possibility of establish-
g any permanent government in that
untry. Order and security for lifo and
operty have been maintained since the
jso of the war chittly by Chili , and it is
least doubtful whether the country
11 not now relapse into anarchy in
3t , whether Cacoras , of whom wo henr
much now in the despatches , ia not
other name for anarchy. What the
sruvians need moro than anything ia a
iblo government which will prevent
rotation tit oil hazards ; but does the
vernmont furnish the inateslal for such
vornmont ? Caldoron'a fiasco , succeed-
by Jijloslas'H retirement , shows that
i question is not settled. An increase
population through emigration would
a godsend to Peru ; for it would give
r , what nothing oho will , new rcsourc-
and the means to dovolopu thorn.
eai s called attention to this in a "re
in" proclamation which ho issuoo some
10 ago.
Pho government of the Netherlands
I not probably consult the sentiment
Dutchmen when deciding that the
ant princess Wllholral should take the
, ce of the deceased heir , In default of
n lo successor to the throne. The
itch seem to bo no moro willing to sub-
i to a woman's rule than to the dlcta-
n of Prince Bismarck. They are tin-
l nt and should abandon their projo-
M , If the monarchlal form of govern-
nt is to bo kept up. There are many
Ichinon , however , who would much
ifer a return to the republican govern-
nt , under which Holland prospered in
rs gene by. To Gernnn rule they
uld submit only by the use of force ,
1 they would bo desperately rostleca
JOT the yoke. Yet it is possible that
i Hohenzullorns , through thn activities
Bismarck , may control the Dutch sue-
aton and absorb the country so as to
nro a sea frontage more convenient for
1 purposes than the Balticlittoral. .
[ 'ho Dublin JrMuiuin , ia proposing
t the people of Dublin shall "wina
dishonored name of Grant from thu
lorary bnrgosi roll , * ' draws ooncln-
QB too hastily in giving for a reason
such action that "when the American
si teems with donunniaUona of Gen-
1 Grant as a swindler , it Is time to t
ify our records by the obliteration of ! el
signature. " That is a mUoonatruo- j w
i of American opinion which does not w
lounco Grant as a "swindler , " but' tl
iply deplores his folly and ignorance j
business which led him to the Blatightvi
or yard of Wall street. If no other pr
best is entered agalnnt thin summary pr
cedurc , wo hope that our consul , AI
Ben. Barrows , will say a good word i
behalf of General Grant.
Politic * nt I'll nee vlllo.
Chicago Dally NW * .
PKI.VCEVILLK , III. , July 12. Bill A
tor WPiit into the postollico last nigh
just after supper. Bill is a quiet citizer
who finds more companionship in a plu
of tobacco than in anything else , lie i
ono of our most important personages
being telegraph operator , ticket agent
baggagemastcr , and express agent at th
depot ? As lie walked into the poatoflic
there was a-sly smllo on his face , whic !
extended clear down into his black board
Arch Edwards , the postmaster , was a
that moment selling a slate pencil to i
little girl.
"Arch , " said Bill , "if you'll give mo i
good cigar I'll toll you thn news. "
"I'll go you once if I lose , " said Arch
and ko handed out a fi cent cigar. Bil
lit it , puflnod out a long cloud of smoke
and said :
"CleAoland and Uondricks have beei
nominated. "
" 0 , ho1 ! said Arch ; "they have , eh
well that's about what I expected all th
time , " and ho came from behind ih
counter , walked to the door , and locked
up and down the street. He ww leek/
icg lor some one to whom to tell ih
news. The duik of the evening lud
come , and the street waj almcdt deserted ,
Not a farmer's wagon could be se n any
where. A bare-footed boy drove a cow
past the postofi : * . The boy a ked
Arch for a stick of chewins gua. A
robin s ng in the top of the cottonwood
tree back of the milliner shop. A hog
grunted complacently , and rooted among
the peanut shells 'in front of Uncle
Johnny's restaurant. Tha dog-fennel
waved luxuriantly in the street , where ,
100 years ago , the wild fox burrowed his
hole unmolested , and could do so again ,
if he only knew it. There was no ono in
"I must tell Boss Derrick , " eaid Arch
and he walked up to the harness shop.
The Beta had his specks on and was ait-
tint ; astride of a horao stitching a tug.
"Cleveland and Uondricks have been
nominated boss , " said Arch. The boss
looked over his specks without saying a
word. Ho laid'down hia awl and wax ,
took off his apt on , came to the door ,
looked up and down the s.reot and said :
"Where's John McGinnisJ" Then ho
went vf ith Arch brck to the poatoffice ,
and on their way they called Lawyer
Hopkins , who joined them. On his way
back to the depot Bill Alter had spread
the news aud quite a crowd had gathered
it the post office. Joe Bjirnum , editor
t ( the telephone , sat at his office window
siting an editorial on Baldwin's fourth
) f July oration , but when ho saw the
: rowd gathering ho also joined it. Char-
ey Fust drove into town about this time.
Ele hitched his bay mare to a post , and ,
if tor ho had carried the baby to the hotel
ind given it over to his grandmother
lud cimu bibk to discuss the matter.
" \Vhat do thi big newspapers say
ibout the political outlook , Joel" said
mo of the crowd , addressing Mr. Bar
ium."Well , nothing definite , as yet , " said
Too , assuming a wise aspect. "It ia too
varly yet , but they will all get down to
Tork in a week or two. Walt till the
Kitent insidea of next week's Telephones
: omo down from Chicago and I will bo
.bio to tell you abaut how the election
Till result. "
There was a short pause hero while
wo ladies came in to get their
oail."I think Cleveland a strong man , "
aid Vei Slano. ' 'Hewas elected to
ome office in New York three or four
ears ago by 100,000 republican m jori-
y , and I think that ought to fix him for
> ein # pressdont. "
"Who Is this feller Cleveland , any
ray ? " said Charley Fust. "I never
icard of him before this campaign. Ho
nust bo a kind of a mushroom politician.
10 come up quick , and ho'il die juat as
uick , I'm a battin' . He's a pretty de-
ent sort of a fellow , though , I gneu. I
as down to Puoria the other day , and
aw ono of his pictures hanging in a
nloon window. He's fat. and l oks like
) jc Wilson , of Peoria. You all know
> oc to ba aa good a fellow for a politi-
in as there is in the country. "
This waa lis-oncd to with much inter-
it , nnd some speculation followed as to
fr. Cleveland's social character and per-
> nal appearance.
"I wish they had nominated Ben But-
r , " said Dimick French. "He's sraar-
T than the whole of thorn. And then
I ui country democrats know Ben , and
11 bo blamed if muiy : of us know Clove
nd. I liked Bsn'ii platlorm first-rate ,
10 ; specially that part of it where he
anted to tax bil the luxuries brought
'or from the old country , and lot in thu
irnmon thing * free. I don't see but
hat that's square and right. And yet
iO convention set down on Ben and hit
Atform like ho had been an outsider
id had no business thero. Our party is
ways talking abuuh reform and tariff
form , and yet wo never got there , some
> y or another. If they don't call
gn's resolutions reform 1 don't know
! iat they want. " Anil Dimick sighed.
"I was reading in The Daily News
sterijuy about some of the dologa-
> ds passing resolutions about
mLtuary "aws 1 , " said Arch E'lwards.
' '
" .Vhat'tho . t'arnal is a sumptuary law ,
All oyri were turned toward Mr. Bar-
tm , who , as editor of the paper , _ was
pposod to. give a prompt and satisfac-
ry answer to this poser. Joongaln ea
rned a wise look , turned his face up
oughtfully , and said : "A sumptuary
( f Iu a law to regulate the importation
d sale of sumptuary tilings. Sumptu-
f is a Latin word nnd means about the
me na sumptuous high living , rich
r the blood , you know. "
"Oh , yes , " said everybody in chorus.
"Hendrieks in u well known man , "
d Boss Flerrlck , "and I expect ho will
nngthou the ticket inlndlan. Although
km a republican , ! think a great deal of
indrlcke , and I understand "
"Indade , Mlstur Hmdrlcks is n dacont
in , " said Pat Scully , who had justcomo
nnd lit lilt pipe. "There's a frlnd of
ilno vieitin' nio from Jndcana , au' ho
In mo that Mister Hindrlcka is a foino
in , shure. He'll bo n-drivin'along the
iroot In liii } mr o an' bojy ( , in hide-
polii , nn1 ho ll HCO a poor nion , an * ho'll
top nn' give 'im a doirno. An' thin
' 11 drive nloug u little further , an' ho'Jl
i a little by , era Jlttlogalrl , n-cryin' ,
' ahuro , he'll athop an * take 'om ' iu hU
gy on' glv 'uu n rldo. That's the
Ind of a mon wo want for priHodont.
ure , I iilvor wud have voted for MUter
ndrlcks If it hadn't a-beon for me frind
m Indeana. "
During the short rilenco which fo- !
red Pat's remark * a volco was heard
down the Btrtet ahmitlng "No , tirl no
I Thuy'll never get there in thu
rid I" This WAS followed by a laugh
Ich caused a Binile of recognition from
i crowd in thu po totlico , "There
lies John McGitiuii , " said a dozen
cea , "Now we'll got H. " John was
soon in the midst of them , smiling. H
took off his hat , laughed , and scratch
his head. "I've hoard it , I've heard it ,
ho said , "and I never ft3 better satisfiei
in mj lifo. Why , it will be the greates
walk-away for the republican party th (
you ever heard of. Now , if it had beoi
Bayard or Thurman with Slocum I migh
have had some doubt ; but to head thoi
ticktt with Cleveland , who is nothin bu
a political accident , is tcngood ! Why
gentlemen , I have boon playing thi
part of a political physician for twonti
years , and I have studied the physica
condition of the democratic party. I
used to have a healthy body aud sounc
limbs , but year after year its sinews havi
weakened , and it broke a hamstring whet
Tildon dropped out. Let rae iell yoi
that the demccrntic party is almost i
corpie. When the cold winds of iicxi
November strike its emaciated frame , ii
will yield uo its life ; and , gentlemen , b ;
the mustache of John A. Longan , 1 will
assist in givin ; it decent burial' "
When the applause had subsided Arch
ockcd up the postotHce , and the crowd
wont home. The moonlight shone dawn
upon the dog-fennel in the street , and
the Ull liberty-pole pointed heavenward ,
like a long finger , calling the moon's at
tention to the fact that Princevtlle waj
there. P. C. H.
The Hero of Many Affairs of the
Heart A Brunette Iiatly AVuoMay
Grace the White House I'arlora.
N. V lloroia ? Journal.
BCFFALO , July 13. Governor Cleve
land has had many love affairs , but not so
much as a bachelor of his weight , politi
cally and socially , would be expected to
have. His love atltirs have all been of
the phtonic kind , and it is said by his
friends that ho has been incapable of
falling deeply enough in love to propose
to any cirl since he became a lawyer in
1859. When he was just able to support
himself ho became enamored of a
pretty and beautiful young woman who
wasa relativeof the late JudgeVerplanck.
The girl was not disposed to look fa
vorably on his suit , aud this made him
love her the more. She was quite a ilirt
and delighted to tantalize him by permit
ting other young men to escort her homo
from the old Esglo Street The
atre which was then the only
place of amusement of any account in
the city. The girl was comparatively
wealthy and looked down on Grover.who
waa a poor lawyer. After awhile aho got
to thinking fondly of him , and it is said
that they were engaged to bu married
when she was bken ill with a fever and
Cleveland did not recover from the
shock for several months , and though ho
has a bachelor's liking for pretty ladies
his friendo say that ho will never marry.
Ono lady became so infatuated with him
hat she proposed to him. Ho rejected
her advances , and it ia said that oho
became crazy and is now confined in an
Governor Cleveland haa always been of
a retiring disposition and moat of his
time has been spent in his law library
or in the company of bachelor friends.
Hia moat frequent plnces of resort
were the City Club and the high-toned
Buffalo Club on Dclswaro avenue ,
rhe-ro ho was accustomed ycats nsjo to
spend most of his evenings playing cards
ind telling or listening to stories told by
t cotcrio composed of the late John
Alien , vice- president of the Central &
Eudson railroad , and other unmarried
A friend of the governor told TOE.Torn-
S'AL correspondent to-day a romantic
itory of how a lady living near Pough-
ieepsie engaged in a correspondence with
.ho governor since ho was elected Mayor ,
> nd that a tender feeling had sprung up
i twoen them. Thpy had met but four
imes , once when Cleveland was Sheriff
\ fnw years later at SaratogaafterClpvo-
, nd was elected mayor and once since
ie has been governor. This friend
aid that it was quite likely that
ho lady would be married by Cleveland
f elected president , and that shn wonld
; race tholwhito jhouso parlors at his re-
eption. The lady ia described as being
charming brunette about thirty-five
ears old , with pleasing manners and
onsiderable propnrty. Inquiry among
ther friends verified the story , but none
no could toll thi ) lady's name or just
hero she lived , except that It waa m a
mall town near Pougbkeepsia.
1 ho proof ) i the pudding "tla not in chewing
10 rtrmg , but iu having an opportunity to
wt the article direct bclirotcr & Bccht , the
, have n free trial bottlp of ] ) r. Bo-
jiko's Cough and l.nnfj Syrup for each ami
rery ono who U afflicted with Couglm , Colds. ,
jithma , Consumption or any Luni ; Affection.
. Positive Citrc for Every Form of
Skin and Illnod fncaaca , from
J'implea to Scrofula.
fclon rcp at thin ctory : I bate been atcr
> lo suircrer for > csr uitn Dlootl and skin Hu-
nri , hue been obliged to ehun public place * by
nun of disflffUMn , , ' humors ; IIMO haA the best
julclaus ; he spent hundreds of ilolhrs arid got neil
il relief until I used the Cutlcura Hcso'icnt , the
w Hood 1'urlfler , Intcrnilly , nd Cutlcura and
itlcum Soap , the Great Skin Cure * and .Skin liuau-
tri , externally , wliich hat a cured me , and left my
In and blood &t pure 03 a child's.
Almost Incredible ,
limes E. Hlchirdson , Custom HOUM , New Orleans ,
out ) , } : In 1870 hcroluloni Ulcers liroko out
my Ixid.v until I uis amans of corruption. Kvcry-
Ing kno n to the medic * ! faculty wfti tried In vain.
Dcame a mcro wreck. At tlmei 1 could not lift in ;
ida to my head , could not turn In bed ; wai In con-
nt pain , and looked upon life ai a car . No relief I
: urolii ten j earn In l&SO 1 heard of the Cutlcura
dlod , used them aud w perfectly
Sttorn to before U , S. Com. J U.CI
Still More So ,
' 111 McDonald , ! M2 Dearborn Street , Chicago. 1C
Ufully acknowledges cura of Eczema , or Kali Ie
urn , on head lace neck , arnu and \ < : ft for reven- IeNc
i j cannot able to men e , except hands and kneus
onoj ear ; not able to halpinjfcelf forUghJ yens ;
d hundreds of remedies ; doctors pronounced his
i hopvltu , permanently cured by the Cutlcura
More Wonderful Yet ,
, K. Carpenter , Henderson , N. V , , cured of Paor-
lor I/ciro | y , ot twenty > ears * standing , by Cutl-
i Ucrntdlei. The moat wonderful curaon recoril.
mtpan lull ol ncileu fell from him dally. I'hj- !
j and hl < friend * thought ha mult dlo. Cure
rn to before n Jmtlco of the pcacu and Itcudor-
inoit ( irumlueut cltlient-
Dent Wait
'rite to us for those testimonials In full or send
ct to thi partltn. All are absolutely true and
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PcaUy , Pimply , Scrofulous , InhcilVxl , Conta u
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Scalp with Low of Ilalr ( Itr. Jin
> ld by all drn gUU. Cutlcura , 10 cents ; sol
j lljHoap , zsccnti1 1'onxa Uspo uo CUBII. Itr.P
tteni lor 'Haw to Can Skin Dlieim P ]
J/1.U ? fl I I'I'V A X. F ° r fiuoburn , Tan , and OilySkln , J
) , and iVtu Ucmlibei /
Rullcara Sgiji. |
United States Depository
Cor. 13th and Farnam Sto. \
The Oldest Banking Establishment
in Omaha ,
organised In 1868.
Organised as a National Bank In
'LUB AND PIIOFITS . 9100,000
ornnss BiiKTOu.
njuux Kornni , rrwldenl.
Joiix A. CinanrOK , Vice PrMldeni.
A srirr * KOL-KTII.JJ Vlo President
A. J. forrkirow. <
. P. H. DAVIS , Caihlw ,
If n. Uwqnt * , Assistant Cashier.
Ttanuct ) a ( tntral banking business. Jjsni
f rUao l ! botlcs Inlf rrst Draws draf. o
rranvtsco anj principal ritles In the Unl"
Al o Iionjan. Dublin , Edinburgh and 1hl'"r
luos tf Ibli continent MI J i HJ * p
03 ? *
Authorized Capitol , - 81,000,000
Paid-up Capital , - - 100,000
Surplus Fund , - - - 70,000
H. W. Cor , Farnam ana 12th Sis
FaiKZ Hmmrt President , I SAM'I E. HMIIUI , V-P
BLV. B. WOOD , Cuhler. I Lcrnu UHA&H , A
Frank Mnrphy , Samuel E. Ilogors , Ben. B. Wood ,
Charles C. House ) , A. D. Jones , Luther Drake.
Trannoct a General Banking Business. AI ] who
hare any Banking buglnca ) t * tnnwct are Invited
call. No matter how largo or small the transaction ,
II will receive our careful attention , and * o promise
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Pays particular attention to btulncM far partlel
residing outside the city. Ex hanxo on all the prn
dpal dtlei of the United States at very low wt rotes.
Aooounto of Bonka and Bankers received on favor
able terms.
Issues Certificate of Deposit bearing i per ceo
Bnyaand sells Foreign Exchang * , County , C1I
uid Government tecnrtltn *
S , W Cor , Farnam and 12th Sts ,
CJapital , § 100,000.00
2. HAMILTON , Proa't
S. 3. CALDWELL , V. Proa't.
M. T. BARLOW. Cashlor.
i. 8. OALDWELL , B. F. SMITH ,
Accounts solicitor * nnd kept nub
oct to sight chocK.
Jortincatoo of Dofjoalt losuod pav
iblo In S , 6 end 12 months , bearing
ntoroot , or on demand without In-
Advancoo rrmdoto customers on
tpprovodsocurltlosat market rate
if Intoroot.
The IntoroBto of Customers are
: 'osoly guarded and ovcry facility
ompatlblo with principles of
ound banking freely extended.
D-BW sight drafts on England , Iro-
and , Scotland , end all parts of Eu-
Soil Ruropoan Paasa o Tickets
" A
Cor. 13th and Douglas Sts.
apital Stock , - - - 8150,000
lability of Stockholders , 300,000
iB Per Cent Merest Paid OH Deposits
eftj 3Dix-ootor < 3
ilES E. BOYD . Prosllenl
II. BENNITTT . Vlco l're i Jen !
A. PAXTO.V . M n ; lug Director
IIXfc.WILUUK . Cibhler
w. QANNirrr , MAX IIEXKH ,
he old tt.vid 1117 1-arnam street. Orders ey
ph eollcited and promptly attested to.
111 North 10th Street Umana
lalic Cases , Cofflns , Castets , Slronfls ,
Etc. , L1C. ,
10 Fnrnam Su , . OMAHA , NEB
riphlo orders promptly attended to. Telephona
> l !
ilr AeanrancM Co. , ol ixmdon , Caah
tl J3JMM .B
MiMtol , N. Y. . Capital ,000.XW.O (
lercliants , ol Ntimt. y. J. , CapltiJ ltft,000.oa
d Fire , PblUdelthis * Pit t. . . . l.WO.OM.Oi
lan'it/oid Oat Ul . . . l.fH.HB.nj
JAS , H. PEAB013X M , JJ ,
Idenoe No. 1407 Jonej Bt. Offlce. No. 0
Ji Street. OffloohouMlSui. to 1 p. m.
to 6 p. in , T lophou lor offloo 91 ,