Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 19, 1884, Page 3, Image 3

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OA1AHA DATLY HEE--SATURDAY. , ) ULY 1 < ) . 1 84.
I'ATl ) UP CAPITAL $20.00
SUKPU'S MAY 1 , 1 H | " 0,00
I'rpililcnt. Vlou I'ecfl lent
Kent K. lUjikn , AsiUUnt mil Acting Utsblcr.
The firon Bank ,
TNTKKBST allowed on tlmo deposit ! upon
t tvornblo tonna nud upon nosountd ol bnnkr
nnd bnnkors.
lion da and County and City securities bough
tind sold.
In its treatment of ciHtomorn Uio most lib
rral pulley is punmud conslstont with n.ifot
mill Roniui b.xnkiti , nnd uo iiivito corrospoinl
unco or personal inquiry in connection thciu
NEW YOIIK , .Inly IS , Money Abundant
supply IffiH cjoscd offered-
Primn paper 6Jffis7i I'tf ' cent.
Sterling Bills-Quitt ; 4 fcL'2 ; demand ,
4 86. } .
* * * " 0 ox eminent * Firm.
RailwaysFirm and higher.
Stock" , vhilt1 strong in tone during the carl j
part of the day with moderatn advance in the
quotations in tlio entire list , presontcd nc
specially now feature ? , except that such slight
reactioiiH nt occurred iuviariably brought in
buying orders which promptly restored quo
t \tioii' ) . During the afternoon , however , this
quiet pave place to an active and buoyant mur
kot , The bears became alarmed and made efforts
forts to cover , but were afforded little oppor
tunity as prices advanced rapidly. St. P.uil
and Missouri I'ucific were features throiigl. .
out , both stocks being favorably affected by
report ? of increased earnings , nnd as interest
in them is especially large , they wore upper
most in the advance. In the case of the Mis
souri Pacific , the fact that a largo amount ol
sellers op ions were about maturing ? , ttimulat
ed the rise iu stock which is scarce. Union
Pacific , N. W. , W. U. , N. P. , Pacific Mail
and Vandcibllts all attracted attention , anil
advanced ehartily. Improvement ranged from
J to ! ! per cent. In the final Riles reaction
was J to i per cent from highest point ,
4 Va Coupons , 112
U. S. now , > ,
EsclticbBof ' 95 124
American Express RO
Hurl , , Ocdar Kapidu & Northern CM
Central Pacific SO ;
Chicago & Alton 11:7
do do pfd 140
Ohl. , Burl. &Quucy.- ! 11IJ
do pfd
Fort Wayne & Chicago
Hannibal & St. Joaeph 3SJ
do do do pfd * 88i
Illinois Central 11M
lad. , Bloom. & Western 13
Kansca k Texas 16j
Lake Shore t Michigan So 76j
Michigan Central 6 ! )
MInnoauolia & St. Louis
do do do pfd (
Mlaaourl Pacific 07
Northern Pacific 18.
do do pfd 46 ;
Njrthwestarn 'J2j
do pfd 121
Now York Oentral 10' |
Ohio & Misflissippi. . . . . . . . . . . . -0
do do pfd 66
Poorla. Decatur & KvunavHlo H.f
Bock Inland lO'-H
Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul 7-4
do do do pfd lOiij
Bt. Paul M inu. h Manitoba 87
Bt. PanI ft Omaha
do do pfd 8GJ
Toiaa Pacific Oi
Union Pacific 31-
\Vabaeh , St. L.&PacIfic
do cio do pfd 12 ]
Western Union Telegraph 6 lj
CHICAGO , July 18 Flour Quiet ; better do *
inand ; winter , 5 00@5 (10 ( ; spring , 4 00 © J 50 ;
Jliuuo ) tA bikfr'e , 4 205 OU.
Wheat Kulrly active , opeund uniottlud ;
ndvnnctd ( iiiickly 'i' l , declined § , improved
Ic ; closnd © llc , ubovo liml quotatloiiB of
yoHtorday ; cash 81 ; July , Sljjfasi ; Auguit ,
! Z bid ; September , SliJ bid ; Octobtv , 8G
bidppriii ; r , peed demand , offerings light ;
No. 2 clifiod SSJfo'SI ; winter , moderate ro-
< junat ; fi'olluK tirm ; now No. - rod hold at Mi.
Corn Active , unsottlud ; oponud about
iiudianRpd ; ndvauctxl } a > 1 ; declined 8@f :
reco\eied 14" ; closo.l lj ( ; lij , above the latest
Oati I.em actiuenier ; cifih pold npir-
Hi'ptember 2jJ ; October 2C ; year , 23J ; .May ,
2U.Hyo Virmatf,2.
lUrley Nominal ot e2@CI ,
Timothv Dull , unchangod.
' ' ' . - ] ) , unchanged.
I'orlc Dull ; steady : cash , I000@l7 00 ;
July and August , 23 50 ; September , 22 23 ;
October 21 2.'i ,
l < ard Irrfffiilar ; modoratelyactlvo , reached
fife7.Jcl : < > 3 < ; d tame itt medium liguroi ; ca h ,
July and AiiRust , 7 157 17i : September ,
730 7 : t J ; October 7-I0 ( j7-li } ;
Hulk Munts Shoulders , 0 00 ; short ribn ,
7 70 ; short clear , 8 20.
Whisky Unchanged at 1 00 ,
Uutter - Ste.wly ; choice croamerv , I'i'S
IRi ; fancy ihlrv ; dull , easy ; 14@1 IJ.
Ulieoie Stouly ; full cream Cheddars and
flats 7 @ 8i ; skimmed cheddara 2@OJ ; poor
hard elilluH Jrtl.
Kgga Mojerately active at IS *
Hides 1'nir doinaiul ; unchanged ; groan
Biltwl ( | iiote < l : bull CJj damaged ( JJ ; light B.J ;
heavv 8 ; onlf 12J.
Tallow Lower ; No , 1 country sold nt 5 ? .
CAM- lloAiiuVhoit August , September
nnd October lie lower.
Coin -July io lower ! August nnd Soplonv
per Jo lower ; Ooctobcr Jo luwor ,
( ) . U.Inly "lid AugiiBt Jo lower'
I'ork niiclmnseil.
Ijird-.September and October 2Jo higher
ntked ,
TaVKnrnni , , July 1ft. ISreaditnlfo Steady
and fnir ( It.'iiKUul.
Wlieat--i'iietfirm ; ' ; ; winter 7s CJ@7slld ;
f prliiR 1 * Mi" 7s f > 't
Corn -Strong , fla ' 'i I.
NKW VOUK riionucB.
NKW YOHK , July IK.-Wlioat-Spot J@l
liigher ; optioni opeiud heavy , l@g ; lower ;
Corn Spot , .iilvanifil Ifeli and options
H&'i leaving off at hlRhnt points ; ungraded
4& ' < tC3No. ; 2 C2@i3 ( ; September 01.
OiU J ( / liighorj mixed weatern 3Gg38j
wliito Vi'al * .
J'lifK8 Weaten , fruah , very firm , good de-
munili I'Ji.
Pork Quiet ; film ; old mess , 1176jpin.
Lard Wwtern uteam , npot , 7 10@7 60.
Butter-Quiet ; unchanged.
TOLEDO , July 18. Wheat-Higher ; dull )
No.l2 rw.1 , taih , 89J.
Corn Higher ; qtiK't1 ch and July ' ' 7.
Oats Higher ; quiet ; \n. 2 , c.v h , 35.
K.tsiAS CITT , July 18. Wheat Higher
7171 } nnh ; 763 AiupKt ; 72 | September.
Corn-Stronger : H ibid ca h ; U ? tld for
October ; 41J bid for September.
Oats Dull and nominal.
01N01NNAT1 ,
OiNciNNAir. .fuly -Wheat-Strong
highur ; now No. 2 nil , S'.lJ'ii'.lO. '
Corn HroiiR ; No. 2 inned , 6. ,
O.ito Stronger ; Nn. 2 mixrd.31.
llyo rinns N < . S ? , I'D.
Pork-Quiet , lirm ; IU 00310 25.
Iiitnl-Flrin ; 701.
Hulk } shoulders , 6Jj short
ribs yj.
Whikky Finn at 1 07 ,
ST. Iinma. July IS. Flour unchanged.
Wheat Acll\o , higher , cloned below top
figure , . ; No. 3 nil , SfVas ? } caih , 85SO } ,
cloiing 86fj July. 8S1WK33 , eloping 85 ? : Au
gust' SliSuSr , clo-ing Ml ? } September , W \ @
878 , cloMiig S8jjf ( 8SjJ : October No. 3 red 7Ui ( $
Corn Higher , Iniclivo ; 47J(3)IS ( ) } cash ; 47J
bid .Inlys 4sf/M'.li ? Augu t ; l'.l ' ® 6Dl Septom
her , el s'lie ' nulslilo llgiirra.
Oats-Higher , slow ; 30 cash ; 2\ ! ' \ bid July !
2IJ Augtift.
Rye - 57 bid.
B.uley No market.
Huttor Unchanged ,
Kffin Unchangoil.
Flax Sped Dull , 1 10 ca h.
HnyFlrmpr ; prairie , 1000@1200.
Timothy-120 ( a 16 00.
! - > uiet:6Sw5 : ! ) .
Corn mi'al Qufot : 2 70.
CALL llo.\mi Wheat -Quiet ; S5J JulyjSIJ
August ; SiijJ September ; SSJ Oclolu-r.
0 TII-Lower ; 47 July ; 40 Augtut ; 60
September ,
Oats Dull ; 1 > 9J July , 21 } August
NEW OIILEANS , July 18. Corn Quiet
OitH - U'lstorn , scarce ; prime 33.
Corn Meal Quiet ; 2 8"u.28) ( .
Pork St aily ; emndcmnml \ , 1C CO.
Lnnl - Steady ; tierce lelioml , 7 76 ; keg ,
8tlK .
* > J.
Whisky Steady ; western rectified , 1 00 ©
1 20.
MILWAUKEK , July 18. Wheat Strong !
No. 2 MilwaukoiuidJuly | , 81 ; August , hG ;
September , blij.
Corn Firmer ; No. 2 ; 60.
Oats Scarcu and firm ; No. 2 white , T2.
Ityo Scarce , firm ; No. 1 , 01 bid.
Barley -InactUo ; No. 2 spring and Septem
ber , G2.
BALTlsionE , July 18. Wheat estorn
ilghur ; No. 2 winter red spot 05ff95 } ( .
Corn Western , dull ; mixed spot , C'Ji bid
Oats Higher lirm ; western white , 3 ! > @ 41 ;
nKed , Jt' 3' ' .
Kje Higher , C8't70. ?
Whisky Steady at 1 15.
CIIICAQO , July IH. Drovers' Journal report :
Hogs Uece'jits 1 Cr.O ; best light Blow with
icavy and rough fiftjl e lower ; rough packing
4 85r 21 ; packinir and hhipping fi 005 CO ;
Ifht 0 OOiu.5 70 ; skips , 3 2)C" ' 1 SO.
Cattle Receipts 0,400 ; dull with corn-fed
weak , 10 ( 20o lowerexports ; , ( ioOtj liSj ; com-
non to choice shipping , 0 S0@ < > 50 ; butchers'
J 104 2. ; btockers nud feedeis 3 O0'rf4 CO.
Slierj ) Itouf ijits 1 400 ; and slow ; inferior to
air 2 60@3 50 ; medium to extra 4 00@4 75 ;
amba per head , 150(33 ( CO.
KABAB ? CITY , July 18.-Cattle Receipts
000 ; weak and slow ; 10 lower for graeaerj ;
lativo' , 4 GJ@C. 15 ; cow , 2 SOffiO 00.
Hogs Receipts 700U and light ; opened
tronger ; closed steady nt fi 05&5 3ij.
Sheep. Hecei'iits 335 aud etoady ; natives
air to good 2 7o ( 3 50.
Sr. LODIS , July 18. Cittlo Koceipts 1100
and dull tending down , but not quotably low-
r ; exports , 0 4la0 ( ( ; 75 ; commoa to cluico ship-
) iug , 6 25a.i ( 10. (
Sheep. Receipts 300 ; scircoand slow , in-
erior to good , 2 25 a3 75 ; choice to extra , 4 00
5l 50 ; good to choice lumbs , 1 C0@5 UOV
HII H Receipts 3HH ) ; active and higher ;
Yo > leers , 500(3,0 ( 70 ; packing , 5 lS@545hca\y ;
00@5 75.
CHICAGO , July 18. Rccclpta and ship ,
menta of flour and grain for the past 48 bourn
have boon aa follows
Receipt * . Ship'ts ,
Flour , bbls S.OOO C.OOO
Wiioat , bushels 23,000 21,000
Corn , buflhol/i / 13'l,000 327,000
Oata , bushola 114,000 154,000
Ryebtuhols 2,003 1,000
Barley , bushels 3,000 . . . .
NKW Yonit , July 18. Itocolpta and
iblpmonts of flour nnd grain for the paat 24 honru 3
bavo boon 03 follows ;
Eecelpts Shlp'ta. 3
Wheat , bushola 167,000 41.000
Corn , buxhols 21,000 1011,000
Data , bushola 41,000 105 OJO
CHIOAQO , July 18. Kocelpts and ship
ments of llvo stock for the poet 24 hours have
been as follows ;
Receipts ,
Dattlo ( i,400
Kxtms Our , July 18. Receipts and
dpmcnts of live stock for the past 24 hours
iavo boon as follows ; ?
Receipts. 8hip'b > .
Dattlo 4,000 . . . . _
logs 7,000 . . . . ©
Jhoop 385 . . . .
ST. Locis , July 18. Receipts and ehlp- a
onti of live stock for the past 24 hours have I.
oaa as follows :
Receipts. Bhlp'tu.
attlo 1,100 : lo
logs 3,100
hoop 300
Wlioloudlo Prices. lo
Orrioe or TUB OMAHA Bui , )
Friday EveniiiK July 18. f
The follo\ving prices aru charged retailers
f jobbers , wholesalers and coinmiasion mer-
lanta with the exception of grain , which is L
noted at the prices furnished by the elevators
nd other local buyers :
Wheat-Cash No. 2 , ar
Barley Oash No. 2 , 48ai50o.
Rye Cash , No. S.
Oorn-No. 2 ,
Data No. 2. @
Wool. 2
Light fine 11017
Heavy fine 10@13 ,
Medium 14W17. Jl
CoarfO 10@13.
Hurry 2 to Co oil.
Steady ; groan butchers , 5J0 ; green salted ,
4@8cdry ; Hint. 12ffll'o ; dry Halt 10@lllc
iimngod FiidoH. two-thirds price. pfl [
Tallow 5-5 Mo. so
Sheep I'olts. 23c@l 00. ; .
IJITO Stock. Ion
BieKBa 1 25@5 & . sp
VAT Cowa-8 00fe)4 ) 00 , tx :
Hoes I 034 60. Ma
BUKP 3 C0@4 00. iu
OALVM 6 007 00 , lon
Ooneral I'roflnco. pe ,
Al'l'LEH New apples , principally early hir- 3o
est , and Rod Astrachau aru now coining In ; 01fff
oiling at 4 00@j oO per barrel ; red Junes UJo fffe
' box ; California in COlh brls , largo and very > ill >
ne , 3 00. illas
Receipts light and demand good
lju.d picked navy , per bu , 82 60 ; medium 18 I
00@225. Iv
BKKSWAX In Rood demand , Choice blight III
er Ib , 2028c ; common to good dark per Ib , IIIL . ,
IJUTTrit The continued decrease of receipts I5o
invent last caused an advance , and a tinner can
oellng is now notable. Creamery , 18@20a ; COL
holcu table , 12lCc ; fair to good , 8@Ke. No
TEAS ( lunpowdor , peed , 4P@.rCj ; choice &
: giwl Imperial , JOJ4Scj ( choice , CO@G5c
outiff llj-son , pooJ , nXUGOo ; choica
C5c < ill 00 ; Jdpan , tiixtiiral IPA ( , 35c ) Jnp.M
choleo , C0 7f'c : Oolong , , 35(8 ( 40c ; Oolong
clioieo , I0 ® ' > oe ; Sonoliong , good , 35 ® 1O.
choleo , S.Vrf45c. !
WOOIIKNWARS Two hoop palls , 1 a.
three hooii liftiln , 2 10. Tubs , No. 1 , 0 00 : Pli
nour wiwuiiioardu , 1 85 ; UonVlo OiOwn 2 90
WollbuckoU , 3 %
SOArs-KIrk B Savon Imjx rlal , 8 45j Kirk
ntlnot , S CO ; Kirk's standard , 3 76 ; Kirk
whits , 625 ; Kirk a ontocn , 215
Ktrk'a 1'ralrio Qnoon , (100 ( cftkw. ) 40si Kirk
do * .
POTASH Pcnncylvanln cans , 4 CMS , In cv
8 83 ; Babbltt.8 ball 2 dot. in CMC , 1 00 } Audio
ball , 2 doz. In CASO , 1 60.
OAN-DT Mliod , 12@13c ; tlek , llcj twh
ntlck , lOJc ,
VINKOAB New York npplo 10o ; Ohio np
plOj ISc.
SALT Dray loada , per bbl , 170 ; Athton , I
eivckj , 3 60 } bbla dairy CO. C , 8 30.
STAIIOII-Foarl , lie ; Sllvor Olona , So : Oon
Starch , 8cj Kicolslor Glosi. 7c ; Corn , 7Je
SPICKS Popper , 17o ; allspice , Ha ; cloves
2 , > o ; oasnln ISo.
LYE Amorloan , 31 40 } Groonwiob , 8 40
Woalcrn , 8 76 } North Star , 2 00 ; LowV lye
4 Mi Jewell Ira 2 76
OlDKll "Ohio" per bbl , $7.00 ; " York Stale
er bbl.SS 00 ; porj Mil , $1 76 ; condoniod per
nl , R5o. Crab apple , gal. R5o.
OHRESE Full cream , western , S > ® 10 : Wh
ooniln now 111 : young American I2@13c.
OOCOAXVTS Per 100. ? l 756SB 00.
Uoos HuceipU light and market lirm a1
FORFION Fncrrs-California oranco/i , per
box , S1 CO , Mojiiim lemons , per box , * 5 5J
(3003. ( Haimna' , per bunch , § 300
Figft. Ib. . IGc. DaUt , In trails , 7ic ; dato.1
fnrcl , In boxoic. \ .
Furu HUTTKRS Apula butter , In 80 P :
paild , per Ib , 7c. Plum bultrtr , 7Jc.
H , y Bulod , ? S.OO'n)10.X ) ( ) ; loose , ? 10.00C ?
JULLY In 20 and 30 Ib lulls , C@7o ; in 2 It
nrs , pir doz , t-1 60 ; asaoN'o tumbler * ,
dor , ? l 20 ; cchoouars , per dozen , C3 00.
MAVLK SUOAH Puru. In brirla , per Ib , IGc ,
Ohio , 13c ; Riuall rakts , 12fc ,
ONIO.VS New Southern per Ib. 3@3Jc.
POPCOUN- ( rood demand nt 2jAt ( ! o per Hi ,
POULTRY Chrkcm ( , both old and VOUIIR ii
, ; oed demand } old ihlckonx-1 OC@I 2j ; siirinj
J 7 'fc ' 3 00 nccordlne to size.
POTATOES -Now homo grown , plentiful , neil
ng nt 76@lO per bu ; old ones not wantci
inv more.
PIIOVISIONS Ham , ISJe : b. bacon , _ . „ . .
c. H. bacon , ll c ; d. t. Moa lOJc ; short rib
gldoa , 10\c \ ; Bliouldoin , 8c ; mesa pork , per
bbl. 818.50. Dried boot , 13c. Lard , 'JSHWa.
SMALL FCUIIB Black rajpborrie.i , SI 00.
red raspberrioi per 12-qt case , S2 00. Gooseberries
berries per bushel. 81 60. Wild plums , per
o.'i o S3 60. New npplea per box 60/itliO
Peaches 100 160 ; Blackbonies , ] cr 21-qt
CMO. 53 00@4 00.
KASTKRN CIIKIUIIKS All kinds of packages
are sent to innrUct , Bslliug at tha rnto of about
? 3 00 per Ini h.
CAMKOUNIA Fiifiia 1'eaw , 60-lb. boxes ,
$160 ; Peaches , 20-lb boxes § 300 ; Apricot" ,
L'0-lb boxes , S3 00 ; Appje * , 60-lb boxu ? , SJ5 00.
Dry Goocla.
BROWN SnEtrriNoa Atlantis A , 74c ; Atlau
tic P , Gc ; Atlantic LL ; 6Jc ; Bninawick , 7Jc ;
I5oaor Dam LL. Ole ; Lawrence LL , 6Jc ; Pnci-
Go II , 79o ; Hoyal Standard , 80 : Indian lload
A , 8c ; Waiicliusott A , 7Jc.
FINK DROWN SHKCTINQS Argyle , 71e ; Pep-
perell K , 7c ; Salisbury K. G c.
BLEACIIKP COTTONS Ballon 4-4 , 64o : Bal
on 7-8 , 5Je Cumberland 4-4 , 8c ; Davoll DD ,
! Jc ; 1'airmount , 4JcKniitof ; the Loom 4-1
9c : Glory of the West , 8Jc : Golden Gate , SJc !
Iill 7-8 , Sc ; Hill 4-4 , 9o ; Lonsdalo 8Jc ; "iOVf „
Vsrk'Mi'lld/llicsWnnisuttn , lOJc.
DLTKB ( Colored ) Boston , 8 oz. , llic ; Bos
ton , 10 oz. , 14Jc ; Boston , 9 oz. , 14cFall ;
llivor , SJc.
DOCKH ( Gray ) Wont Point , 8 oz. , lie B
West Point , 10 oz. , lie ; Boston Bear , 8 o/ ,
lie.TICKINGS Amoskeag , 14c ; Continental
Fancy , 9Jc ; Cordis , 10 o ; Pearl River , 14c ;
York , 12lc ; Ilumloton Awnings , 12 0.
DENIMS Amtwkoatr , lie } Beaver Crook
AA. 12c ; Beaver Creole BB , lie ;
Beaver Crook CO. 10 : Haymakers
8c : Jaffrey D & T. 12 c ; Jaffrcy XXX. 12c ;
Pearl Kivcr , 13c ; Wr.rr-m AXA inrown ) ,
12c ; Warren BB ( brown ) , lie } Warren CO
brown ) , ICc.
OAMBUIOS Fifth avenue glove finish , 6c ;
Koyiitono glove finish , 6Jc.
Coiiasr JBAXS Amory , 7io ; Hancock , 8c ;
earnayor , 8ie ; Rockport , 7e. N
PIIINTS Aliens , 5Jc ; American , 5fo ; Arnolds ,
Go ; Cochoco , Gc ; Harmony , 4c ; Indian , 7io ;
Indigo 7-8 , lljc : Indigo 4-4 , 12Jc ; cheap aao
4Jc ; Charter Oak , 4io.
PniNTS SllinTiNGS American , 5c ; Cochoco , 2C
5c ; Gloucostor,5oSouthbridge , 4Ic ; Wnverlys ,
IJc ; Rooodalo , 4Jc.
GINOHAMB Amoskoag staples , 8c : Bates
staples , Sic : Lancaster staples , So ; Plnnkot
nlalds , 9c ; Hudson chocks , SJc ; Amoakoag
Persians , 9ic.
DnE3S Goons Atlantic alpaccn , 9Jo ; Por- be
slana cashmor , 23io ; Hamleton CMhmore ,
I5jc ; Hamleton Fancus , llio ; Hamleton bro
cades , ItJo ; Arlington brocade , 13c.
OAHSBD Goonn Oystore ( atandardpor ) cnsn ,
1)J ) ; strawberries , 2 Ib , per cuao , 2 2J
raspberries , 2 It ) , per ctno , 2 70 ; Bartlett
pears , per cioo , 2 40 ; whortleberries , per case ,
10 ; egg pm Di 2 Ib , per case , 2 90 ; green
gage ? , 2 Ib , per case , 2 9J ; plno apples , 2 ft
per CASO. 4 60(35 ( 50.
ROP.S Sisal inch and larger , 9o , 8 inch , J
DJc ; i Inch , lOc. ;
OANDLZB Boxes , 40 Iba , IGa , 16cj 8s , 15oj
boxes 40 Ibs , 10 oz. , fa , 15o ,
MATCHES I'or caddlo , 35oj round , rasoi ,
255equaro ; caiioa , 17 J.
SOQAIIS I'ov/dorod , Si/c / ; cut oaf , SJc ;
jrauulatod , 7in ; confoctloncra' A , 7 $ i ; Stand
urd extra O , Gjfc ; extra O , Gjc ) ; inbdlnin yol-
low. Gr ; dark yellow , c.
OoypEES Ordinary grado.1) , 1212Jo ; WrlS
@l34c ; good , 14c ; prime , 15@15ic ; choice
lC@17o ; fancy green nndyollowlClfiicold ;
ovornmont Java , 20@26c ; Lovoring'a roaatod.
I7o : Arbucklo'a roabtod , 16ifc ; McLaughlln'p
yXXX- roasted , 15c ; mltatloa Jnvu , 1GJ >
318c ; Clark's Aurora , IGjc.
Rion IxraiBiana pnm'j to choice , 7@ ii ;
Fair fijc ! Patina , Gjfc.
FIBH No. 1 macliorol , half brla. , 7 50 ; Ne.
1 0) ) ; family mftckorel , kitu , GOj ; No. 1
Jhito fish , half brls. , 7 25 ; No. 1 kits , 1 f 0
Srnur Standard Coin. , f-2j , bolsj Standard
, 44 gallon kef a 1 85 ; Standard do , 4 gallon
IIITS 1 45.
SODA In Ib papers , S 89 per CMC ; keg per Ib ,
2oc , ,
PIOSLIM Modlnm. In barrels , 8 01 : do
half barro's ' , 4 CO ; email , In barrels , 9 00 ; do
half b.irrela , 5 00 ; gherkins In barrels , 10 00 ;
In half barrels , C f.0.
Iilqiioru. b.
ALCOHOL 188 wino alcohol , 2 20 per wlno
Sullen oxtrn Callfornlu spirits , 183 proof ,
12 par proof gallon ; triple refined spirits
187 proof , 1 1 1 per proof gallon ; ro-dlstillcd
whiskies 1 00@1 60 ; line blended , 1 W@2 60 ;
Kentucky bourbons , 200@700 ; Kentucky
wul Pcnnnylvunla ryes , 2 00@7 00.
a Imported , G 001000 ; domoatlo
140 ® 100.
GI.NO Imported , 4 60@0 00 ; domoatlo , 1 40
Ruus Imported , 4 BO@G 00 ; Now England ,
001 00 ; domoatlc , I 60@3 60 ,
PKAOII ASH AITLB BnAN r 1 76@4 00.
OHAWPAONEB Imported per CMS , 28 00 ®
002 ; American , per case , 12 OOQ1G 00 ,
Points Olio ana "Vnrninhna.
OILH 110 rsrhon , per gallon , 12 j ; 160 °
wdlight , per gallon , IJiJcj 17fi ° hoadIht ! [ ; ,
ar gallon , 15o ; 150 ° v/ater white , 14c ; lln
nod , raw , ; pr galon.53ci ) linaood , botlod , per (
.illon , l2oLaril ! , winter sti'd , nnr p.allon , 70c : (
Wo. 1 , GOcjNo. 2 , 60o castor , XXX , per ial
, 1 CO : No. 8. 1 40 ; iweet , per nalion 1 00
iporm W.B. , per gallon , ICO ; fish. W , D. ,
txirpnllon , i 5) ) ; neatsfo'it nxtra , per gallon , 90c ;
, 1 , 75o ; Iiabricatln , zero , per gallon , 80i ;
mmmor , 16e ; ftulden machine , No , 1 , per gal
; , 35c ; No. 2 , 28c ; sponn , signal , per gullon
; turpentine , per gallon , 48c ; uaptha V4 e 1
r pallon , lOc ,
PAINTII IH OIL Wldta load Omaha V. P. |
; white lovl , St. LonU , puto,6cMar ! ; eillo4
roon 1 to fi Ib cans , 20o ; French rlno , grcon
eal , 12c , Frouvh line , rod goal , He ; French .
line , In varnish osxt , 20o ; French ilno. In oil ,1 ,
uut , 15c ; raw and burnt timber , 1 Ib cans , lOc ;
raw and burnt Sienna , lOc ; vandyke brown , , .
So ; refined lampblack , 12c ; conch black , and
Ivory black , IGc ; drop black , IGo : I'rwilan I.
blue , d'J ; ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; chrome green
M , & D , , lOc ; blind and nhuttnr preen , L
. & D. , IGc ; Parittiwn \ , 18cj Indian rod ,
; Venetian rod , 9 Tuscan rod. 22c ; Amerl.
Vormllllon , t , it P. , it jjn i > . , . > u
. M. , O , &D. 0. , 18o ; yellow othw , 9cj
joldon ochre , IGc , patent dryer , Bj gnvlnlng
eoloin. light a k , durk o k , walnut
nnd Mh 16a
1'LCO ToHACCO Cllinvx , 48a ; Bolllon .
Hirft hoe , 47o ; Star , 483j Ruddy , I5j ; hur
toy's , 40c ; Ulacl : , 88@40o.
FINK COT Common. COOSOo ; povl , i'i , ' ?
Mo ; Roao Loaf , 70o ; Premium , OBc ; Dlfcmon
Orowri , 6Se ; Sweet Sixteen , 60c.
4S U4t | lS\j kJUitl * 'l * ! " * * * * i ' tf i
Sen ! of North Oaroliiiiv , 4 oz. , 67c ; SoM
North OArollnn , 2 or. . , COo ; O. K Durham ,
o . , 28c ( 0. K Duthmii , 2 or , S0c | Uncl
Nod , i' 25o ; Tom and Jerry , We.
ole , 8Sc@l2o ! hemlock solo 28c@Sf > c
hou.lock Lip , 80o to 1 00 } niunor 05o to 8Uc
hemlock cslf , 86c to 1 00 ; hemlock upper , 22
to 21c ; oak ntmor. 21c ; alligator , 4 00 to 6 50
calf kid , 8' ! < 3 ; > ! CJr ; > t ViJ , S < n 2 75 ; on
kip , 80e to 1 OOi oak c-ilf , 1 liO to 1 30FroneT
kip , 110 to 1 65 : French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; riv
not * . 6 60 to 7 M ; linings. 0 00 to 8 60 ; top
pings , 9 00 to 10 50j B. L. Morocco , ; Ue ) to 3.c
pebble O. D. Mojoeco , 85o ; nlmon. 2 60 to 3 00
JtAitNEsn No. I ttar oak , 3 < c ; V < > 2 do
Sr-o ; No. 1 Ohio oak , T4c ; No. 2 do , 83c | Ne
IMtlwnukro Slo : No 2 do S3o.
No. 1 Pitta oak hnr , 37cj No. B Pitts
har , 36c.
fljDnuos AND CIIBMICALH Add , Carlmic , c
acid , tartarlc. 65c ; balsam capabli , per lib.
t'iT > cl ; > .irkiuw.ifnn < , per Ib , 12c ; calomnl , pnrll )
75c ; clnohonldia , per oz. , fO.G5 ; chlorofoim
per Ib. , ? 1 10 ; Dover * powder , | _ ior Ib. , ? 1.2j
oiwom nails , per Ib. , FJc ; glycerine , pure , per
Hi. , 2Sc ; lend ncctato , per Ib. , 22c ; oil , tnator ,
No 1 licr gal. , $1.65 ; oil , castor , No. 3 per
gnl.$1.40 ; oil , olive , porgnl. , 81.40 ; oil ori
ganum , 60c ; opium , $1.50 ; quinine , P. kV ;
and 1 ! . & . S. . per oz. , S1.40 ; pota < * ium , .
iodine , per Ib , , SI.60 ; eallcin , peroI0c ; su < -
plmtoof tniirphlno , t > er oz. , $3.60 ; sulphur
flour , per Ib. , 4c ; strychnine , per oz. , 81.35.
I7ri 1'nlnta.
Whlto lead , 8c ; Kronen due'lOcj
whiting , 2.Jc ; whiting glldorn , Ijc ; v
com'l lp ; lampblack , C'cnnantown ,
lampblack , ordinary , H'c ' ; PrwMan bhv ) , 55cj
ultMuiirluo , 18c ; vandyke , brown , c ; umber'
burnt , ic ; ninlior. raw. 4c ; slouim , burnt , -So ;
nloiina , n.v , Icj Perm green , grnuino. 25c ]
Paria grcon , comn-.on. 20cchj-omopnon1 ; N.Y" . ,
20c ; chroiUo green , 1C. , 12oormlllion , Kng , ,
70c ; vormlllioii , American , 18c ; Initinn red ,
lOc ; rose pink , 14cj Venetian rod , Oookaon'o ,
7. . ' (
it.- , . , , , . ,
2fc ; ocliro , American , 2cj Wlnlw'u mineral ,
"ic , ; lohigh bronni , 2o ; Spsuibli bro\vn , 2&c :
Princo'a mineral , 3c.
VAUNIBHES Barrels , po gallon : Funil
turo , extra , $110 ; furniture , No. 1 , 91 ; coach ,
extra , 81 40 ; coach , No. 1 , 81 20 ; Dnmar
oitr , , 01 75 ; Japan , 70cnnrlttltura1 ! extra , 85o ;
Eholluc , $3 60 : hard oil finish 8160.
HCS.TT nrl\raro Iilnt.
Iron , rutod , 2 50 ; plow stool special cact , Go
cruclblo , 7c ; upeclalor Gorman , r > c : CAst too ;
do , 16@20 ; wagon sp-jkcs , pot , 2 2D@3 ( X ) ; hubs
per BOt , 1 25 ; fo'Joos sawed dry , 1 40 ; '
each , 70@85c : oxlea occh , 76c ; uqnaro nutu per
Ib , 7@llc ; waehoro or Ib , 8@18o ; rivotn , per
Ib , He ; ooil clialn , per Ib , fi@12cinnlloablo ; , fie
Iron wodgos. Co ; crowbars. Gc ; harrow tooth
Ic ; niirng ! tool , 7&So ; Burden's horRchooa 4 70
Burnou'ii midoshoea 5 70 ,
BAnnci ) WIRE In car lots , 4 per 10J ,
NAILS Raton. 10 to GO , 2 65.
SHOT Shot , 1 85 ; buck nhot , 2 10 ; oriental
powder . , kegs , G 40 ; do. , unit kogj , U 4R ; do. ,
quarter kegs , 1 8H ; blasting , kegs , 8 35 ; fuse ,
per 100 feet r > 0c.
LKAIJ Bar , 1 G5.
COAL Cumberland blachnmlth , 10 00 ; Mor
tls run Blo.isbiutt , 10 00 } Whltob.-east lump !
00 } Wliitebroast nut , 6 00 ; lown lump , 5 00
Iowa nut , 6 00 ; Kocb Spring , 7 00 ; Anthrn
elto \ , 1123@ll 50 ; Ccnon City , 7 00 , par ton
JTjum nor.
Wo qnoto lumber , lath and nlilcg oa on oam
nt Omahn at tlio following prlcei :
JOIST AND SOANTLINQ 1C ft. and ender
22 00 ; 18 ft , 23 60.
TlMBZlis 10 foot and under , 22 00.
TIUBEH AND JOIBT 18 ft , 23 60 ; M ft , 23 60 ;
22ft , 20 50 ; 2 S ft , 2060.
FBHOINQ No. 1 , 4 and G In. , 24 00 ; No. 2.
SHCETINU No. l(2d ( common boards ) , 20 00 ;
No. 2 , 18 00.
STOCK BOARDS A , 45 00 ; B,40 00 ; 0 , 35 00.
FLOOIIINO No. 1,4000 ; No. 2 , 8300 ; No.
SIDIKO , cloar-27 00 ; No. 2 , 25 00 ; No. .1 ,
OKILINOJ , 37 00 ; 9 , 25 00.
SHINGLES , bait 1 60 ; standard , 3 60.
LATH 3 25 per M.
LIUE Per barrel , 1 25 ; hulk per bushel , 85c ;
oomant , bbl , 2 25 ; Iowa ploate/ . bbl , 2 60 ; hdr
per bu. COc ; Tarred felt , 100 Its , 3 50 ; straw 0
board , 3 60. C.
LIVE STOCK Hoof Cattle , 100 Ib. 4 50@5 CO ; K.
sheep , lire , 3 003 25 ; hogs , live , 5 00 ®
" 2" > ; drained 7 00@7 25.
"Hidos. Dry Flint , lli@12c. ; green 4@5c , D.
jroen calf 8@10 : ; sheepskins , dry , 8@10c. II.
Tallow. 6Gc. i )
Wool. Colorado ll@lSc. ; choice No\v
Mexico 1315c.
FLODH Colorado. 100 Ibi , 1 K5@2 25 : pat
ent , 100 Ibs. , a 85@3 25 ; ( Jniham , 100 lbi < ,
00 ; rye , 100 Ibp. , 2 252 ( 45 ; buckwheat , 100
bt , 10 00@10 50 , bran , tou , 12 00@M 00 ; corn
nral. 100 Urn. 1 4601 75.
OIUIN Wheat , 100 llm , 1 40 ; corn , In
lacks 100 Ib3 , 1 01@1 OS : eaU , 100 Ibir , 1 SO
gl 60 ; barlny. 100 Iba , 1 30 © ! T.3.
llAT-Daliiii , upland , 14 Mfflllfi 00 ; hot-
mi 12 CO l I'O : btinw , 10 < )0fol2 ) 00.
J OTTKII I'lnoht , 2&@COc ; Nobraeka dairy
lioice , 14Z15c ( ; common , O'i/8c.
Kaon Fresh , IKgl'J.- ; ranch , doz , froih
CHEESE Full cream , Mrtjlfic ; Limburger ,
Be ; ywim , Imported , 32c ,
PouLTliy l.Ivo , chlcUoimold , doz.O 26 ; CO
ring chiokcnn , 3 50@4 bO ; ( lrortioiUb,18illc. ( !
POTATOCH lOOlbB , now , 1 7fi(52 ( 23.
VtOETAliLKa OnlonH , now , 1UO llm , 2 23 ®
50 ; cabbage , now , 100 lla , 1 7Sfe2 23 ; uuw
coU , 250.
FIIUITH OranRO _ Mopalna box , 7 00@
50 ; lomonn , choice J\lof lnn. G DO ; applof ,
Jalltnrnln , bbl , 2 OOg.'t 00 ; banana * , bunch ,
505fl I 00 ; poiichi'8 per box 2 25 ; California
lony ilums , 20 Ib box , 2 21 ; npricoti 1 50 ®
OU.MBATH llains. Ib , 13J14c ; bacon , break-
l rd , iu tfns , Ib , 10o ;
TV oalt Bides. ! U@10c.
ji'iuil Mnckorel , No.l , 1 CO , kit. miws ,
7B652 25 ; California galmon , half bbl , 10 50 ;
lollnnil hcrriu , kcw , 1 GUffll 7G ; trout , per
. 17&4l8c
Tn no ol tliu I or in rttiui
Lino" In connoctlnn with thi
coriwrHto rmmo oa wrcatiosO
convcya an Idea of uut ub V
reciulreil by the traveling nab
lie n BUort Line , Quick Tliri
anil tlio bmt of nccomrotxli
tlonn nil ol which tro Intti
hcd by the ( ( routcct railway In America ,
And St. Paul.
It OM-ns toil opcrivtra over 4KX ) inllpa ol
urthcni Illlnolt , WluconDln , MiiinuBoU , low *
aliCto ; and ( LH U main llnr ) , lirancliog anil oonneo
OIIK reach all tha great bualnuMi cuntroii o ( tbi
orUnvout tai.l Kar Wrat , It naturally anHwcri tbi
uBcrlrtlun of h'hoit Mno , ami licit Itouto Utweon
CbloaKO , Illlvtaukco , Ht. 1'aulnnd Mlnnoipolli. l
ChlcaKuiUlluaukco , I. CroH o and Wlnona.
Ohirixo , lllhvaukoo , Abordctn and I3lcnrt lo
! hlc KO , Mllwaukcu , Knu Clalro and Htlllwater'
'hlooKa , llllwaukro , Wanuu and Merrill.
CaIeiK < > > Mlluaukuo , IJuaMr Iam I and OsJikojli.
tMcK ! ° i Mlh.aukco , Want oshn and O < yjnoniowo4
lci'o , Mllwnukco , Miulldon and 1'ralrlodu Oblar
O , MlUaul-co , Ortotonnr. aud Kalilbaitlt.
o , D lolt Jmiomlilo and Mineral I'olnt.
C'hlo.t'0 , Kljfln , llocKford ami Ilubiiuo. |
0oClliitonIlocltl3lainUiidCudir Jttpldl.
Chicago , Council Illu/Iu / anil Oinaht. a ]
Clilctijo , Bloux City , HIoui Knllmnd Yank ton " '
Chlci/o , Ulluaukfo , Mitchell andChambcilMD. (
llock IJjnd , DuLuipiu , Ht. 1'aul ami illmiraiiolll
) ionpoitCalm r , Kt. 1'aul tiul MlnneapolOi
I'ullir&n H ccior | unJ the H'litt Illnlnu C r In
hou rhl aru run nn the iii ln linotol tliulllIIUAUO ,
ilILW AUKKi : AND HT. i'AUI. HAir.WAY.fliidovurf
.ttrntlnnU | ld to jjamungu \ oourtuouiviiiployoii
tliu Com , any ,
S. JIKIWILT , . null anav r.
A. V JI UAItl'lLVrEU , Ocu' 1'aaa , A k
? . CL/iKK.Uiin'Ifldiit.
Ol0. H. 1IKAKKOHD , A 't. ( leal. I'ma.Kt
dc ltiii In Batln and
o iilnu. w.tliiiiinu' . 10cl .
Wo oUYr ltu for a puck of cardu or
& \\y \ nlrcr work , or prittlfr iljlct.
t > a > ni > tet/rte , Cjrl Wetis , iftv HiTtB , Ct.
itailway Tlmo Table ,
n KfTrct Juljr 1 ,
The attention nf thn trarcl'lnit ' jwiMIc Ii pll d to
the f d ( hat thli l tha nuly cotniiloto MII alwolutc
1 } correct tune tililo pulillt.he > l In the nlv
All tiaiMurrho M fttul ilfrpait Irnm Omnh on st.\nilMl : Time , which U 24 minutes futcr
than nn tlmo.
t ixr : | > t Saturday , Kiocpt SumUy , t Kuropt lion
From Union I'AClllu Depot ; Tenth Si
U. P. K. K. , HAW M.NH.
MMUnd F. p..llMO m AtlMitlo K\f 7V : ) > n
1'ftCiQo Kxi | 8:38 : p mDa Mill and Kip..4:00pi :
Da lv.
Lincoln Kip. . . 12:55p : in | Lincoln Kip. . . 12JS : p m
Lento Omaha ; 4.49 , 8:00 : , :00,10.03,11:16 : n m. , ICO :
2-00 , 3:00. : 4CO ; , 6:00 : , 8:00 : , 105 : p. in. OnSnmlus
fl.40,9-00. 11:15 : a , m ; l:00S:00.6l : : < 0. 8:00 : , 10:85ji : m
Arrive at tiannlfrilctMit. 18 mlnutcn later ;
itmiot.UoiincU UlulTj , 20 minutes later.
font a Council llliiCj , llroadnay depot. 7:20 : , H--IJ
9:30 : , 10:10,11-40 : .m ; 1:30 : , SBO : , 3:30 : , 4TO,6uSO(1.8 : , ' .
11:05 : On Sumlajs : 7:30,9:80,11:40 : : : . tn.l-o ;
8:50 : , 4:30 : , 6:35,11C5 : : pm. Arrive t Trail ( er 7 lulu
utea later.
Council llhift * Transit ! depot ! 7:35 : , 8W
0:37,10:37 : : , 11:47 : a in : 1,37 , SS7 : , 3:37 : , 4:40 : , 5:37,0:45 : :
Ililip. m. Artlio linnni 13 mlnutcalAtcc ,
H. So. S RH : nm So. 61. . . . PI5m :
" B R:53mm : . . . .
" 62 10:05 : A in I5..l:7tpn :
" 4 I'M pm 7:3 : * pn
s flia : j. in 1 8:16 : pn
" lo 8.S5 ra
Moll' 10.33 am Omihi Rip.l20 ; an
it. I.oul r.ip..8.SS pm Mall A 8.60 pu
U. C. < i , U. IU
Kali 0:40 : K in I St. I'AU' dp. , p-4. ' , a n
ii. TaulKsp 0 65 | i m I 2UI1. 7.J6 p n
C. , K. I 6 \ \ It It ,
Io Molno9Acol'40Mn ( I KiptoftJ 0:45 : n m
atail" . .S.I5 a rj I Di .Molnn Ac ' . .0 : , ' > Up in
Eiurcri f 1:25 : ptnlMnll * , 7S5 : n in
o. t , a. W. ii. n.
Y ll' . 8U : , nn I n\prcet | .
Eiiuc .t . 4:25 : pm Mill' 7.U5pn
C. , M , & Ht V. U. U.
M1AVK , Annivv.
Kx . SllSani Kipt. . . .
4tl ntloKit . 4:2Dpm : Ifullfc K p' 7-30 pin
O. , U JtCj \IaCouncllitlulTf. . . )
tall S:1B : a m Kunrww tl:4fi : m
4.26 p m I Mill 7S6 : p ui
Not3. ) Tlio 0:00 : m atul D:00 : p m diiinniy tralni M > o
nnnnctt with ra t-l > o\iiiil Itnlns oil the lloch-lhlailil ,
lluiltuKton , North-Wcstcrii atul tlllnaukco ruaus.
Cannon Ball 1:00 : > m | Cunnon tlnll 3:50 : p m
K. 0. , ST. JOE & 0. II. ( Ua Council IlUiltiv )
LKAVK. I AlllllVB.
lltll 0:00 : R m I Kinross ) 70 : in
Enjirosal 0:55 : p m | Mall 7S5pm :
During July Saturday , Ciirulay and Sloiulay Chicago
trains will rotnto ai fullowH ;
yatiinlayc\enliitralni | loa\c July fith nnd 20th
C. M. fcht. I'July ; I'Jthl the Norlli-Wcstcrn ; July
18th via tha Hock Inland Arrho In the Hunio
order the Monday following ,
Hundny mornhiK trains ik'i > .irt and. Sunday oionln
trr.lntarrlvo July Oth ntulU7tli [ the Itnck Ishml ,
July \lathoNorth-\Vcutcrii , and July 20th via
thoOU&iit l > .
From B. & M I > oitot ; Tenth Stroor ,
Omahn. . . . 0:10pm : 7fO : am 7:00 : pm 10:111 tm
ABhbnd. . . 8:27 : pin 10CS : am 4:62 : pm K:12nm :
Lincoln. . . 10:00 : pm 12Um : 8:5J : pm 7W : am
Crete 11:17 : pin 12MOpm : 2:11 : pm 8:01 : am
llaellnpn. , 6:16 : am 4:15 : pm 11:55 : am 10:50 : pm
K < xl Cloud. 8:00 : am fl Jpm 10:25 am 8:23 : inn
McC'ook. . .10:55 : am 015 ; jun fl:15 : am 4:10 : pm
Aliron . . . . 3:45 : pm 2:10 : nm 12:60 : am 11C5 : am
Domor. . . . 7i)6 : ) pin 0 IS am 0:2& : pm 7:30 : am
Lv. Omaha at 7:60 : , and 8:45 : ft mj 4:60 : , 0:10 : , 7:4' : * p in
Ar. Omaha 10:25,8:40 : : nnd lou& : a m ; 7:00 : , 7:3U p in
C. B. kQ. ) It. UUa ( I'lattimioiith. )
I.KAV . I rAiir-unl
KflRt rn : \ . . . . : a m I OmahaExp R:40n : n :
Clitcago Kxp..4:50 : p m I Wuutcrn Kxp..7:30 : p ir
K. 0. , ST. J. & C. II. ( via riattumouth. )
Mall 8:45 : a m Hniiroeat 0:25 : %
Kxprcsat 7:15 : p m | Mall 7:30 p
From O. St. I . M. &O.Depot , Mtli nnrt
"Webster Str ; M .
0. , Gt. P. U. fc 0.
Ko 2 ra sonfor..fiSO ( : am I N'o 3 Mixed 10:30 : a m
Ho 4Mixed 3:30Din : | No 1 1'nwioiigcr. 6:3U p in
Bunda\n lixcoiitud.
Opening and Cioains of Hollo.
BOUII oriit. ciyooa.
a.m. p.m. a.m. p.m
* W. W.O.n.I.P. ' , & C.
II. &SU1' . 1030 8:00 : 6-SO 8:20 :
. II. & Q. : oo Buo : 6:30 : 3:21 :
. U. k I'.Jt Mall 4:10 :
. C. & P. In Iowa 8:00 : 6:33 :
Wntioah local _ . . . 4:39 : 1216
. C. , St. Joe & O. B. 0:45 : 8:00 : 6:39 :
Srlssourl I'aclflo 7:00 : 8:30 : r. M. &o flee 0.03
Union 1'aclllo , 8:30 : 430 11:19 1M
. & llopubllcan Valley lfll : > 12:16 :
. & M. Ixical 7:00 : 7:2 : ]
. & U. Kx. Mall. 10M : 6:16 :
Oincoopon tiundijn from 12onm. : t1:00 p m.
a K CODTANT rontmasler
mil your worl : is dono'for nil time
to come.
o produce a more durnhlo material
for strcot pnvnmcnt tnsm. o
Sioux Falls Granite.
lied protnplly. Samples sent and
eatiraatea given upon application. 1
W M. Mali A IN & CO. ,
Sioux Falls.Dakota
oo Cows and eifero. oo Quo-year Btoo'n
Tliaabuvv doscrllie4 oittlo are all wiill Lr d , lift- ,
va Nnuriukk ami Io . I
TlieM cattlti will boboll til loti to mlt purchaser , I
turtnur particularn cal on or tdilruu ,
ujw. rr-AN
Albion , Neb.
Growern of Live Stock and Others ,
It In the hen tad ohe ; * it looil lor rtoo * il tny llntl.jr0no ! pound Ii qn l lothreo jwundiol corn
lwk ted with Oiounil Oil CAI In the full nd Wlnttr , InntaJ oltunnlnjf down , lll Incrcnio In wol h
iimll'o in . good iimkotivblo ooiiil.llon In the iprlnir. Dtltytnrn , IM rfoll M others , who uno It can lt tllyl.
Itimorlte. Ttj It nd JII R * Jot yourwlvcf. 1'rlc * 'Arot f ton onplurirn for mctca. Addrciu
and Look
xojno CTtx-oot : .
n. B. LOCKWOOI ) ( formerly of Loclcwood & Draper ) Chicago , M"an-
agor of Uio Tea , Ci iir and Tobacco Departments. A full line of
all grades of above ; alao pipes and smokers' articles carried iu
stock. Prices and samplcR furnished on application. Open
orders intrusted to UH shall receive our careful attention
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Heating and Baking
attained by tiRlup ;
rsSSMftsswEFff * * \ Stoves and Eanges ,
3- © /fts3&LC
Fci aalo by
rS Ei
PointsQHs. .
Milwaukee , Wis.
GTTNTHER & CO , , Sole Bottlers.
1301 AND 1303 FARNAM STfiEEJ COR. 13TH
For Hides , Wool , Pelts , Etc. , and consignments made to us will receive
prompt attention , for which immediate ) returns will be made.
3tli Street. Bet. Dodge and Capitol AVB. , ' OMAHA , NEB > :
Office and Yard.lGth and Douelaslts